diff options
authorShankaranarayanan Puzhavakath Narayanan <snarayanan@research.att.com>2018-01-12 04:47:11 +0000
committerGerrit Code Review <gerrit@onap.org>2018-01-12 04:47:11 +0000
commitbb8471cae394aa6ff0af8ba3e5354f3b121c56fc (patch)
parentc44cd62451fa956f69387115565ce28890b62160 (diff)
parent75f82ae8c2c81ad372aaf8cf11454ad46149416a (diff)
Merge "Push policy adapter code (adapted from ECOMP)"
5 files changed, 1707 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/adapters/policy/__init__.py b/adapters/policy/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/adapters/policy/__init__.py
diff --git a/adapters/policy/interface.py b/adapters/policy/interface.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ee45051
--- /dev/null
+++ b/adapters/policy/interface.py
@@ -0,0 +1,203 @@
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Copyright (c) 2015-2017 AT&T Intellectual Property
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+import base64
+import itertools
+import json
+from requests import RequestException
+from osdf.operation.exceptions import BusinessException
+from osdf.adapters.local_data.local_policies import get_local_policies
+from osdf.adapters.policy.utils import _regex_policy_name
+from osdf.config.base import osdf_config
+from osdf.logging.osdf_logging import audit_log, MH, metrics_log, error_log, debug_log
+from osdf.utils.interfaces import RestClient
+from osdf.optimizers.placementopt.conductor.api_builder import retrieve_node
+from osdf.utils import data_mapping
+def get_by_name(rest_client, policy_name_list, wildcards=True):
+ policy_list = []
+ for policy_name in policy_name_list:
+ try:
+ query_name = policy_name
+ if wildcards:
+ query_name = _regex_policy_name(query_name)
+ policy_list.append(rest_client.request(json={"policyName": query_name}))
+ except RequestException as err:
+ audit_log.warn("Error in fetching policy: " + policy_name)
+ raise BusinessException("Cannot fetch policy {}: ".format(policy_name), err)
+ return policy_list
+def get_subscriber_name(req, pmain):
+ subs_name = retrieve_node(req, pmain['subscriber_name'])
+ if subs_name is None:
+ return "DEFAULT"
+ else:
+ subs_name_uc = subs_name.upper()
+ if subs_name_uc in ("DEFAULT", "NULL", ""):
+ subs_name = "DEFAULT"
+ return subs_name
+def get_subscriber_role(rest_client, req, pmain, service_name, scope):
+ """Make a request to policy and return subscriberRole
+ :param rest_client: rest client to make call
+ :param req: request object from MSO
+ :param pmain: main config that will have policy path information
+ :param service_name: the type of service to call: e.g. "vCPE
+ :param scope: the scope of policy to call: e.g. "OOF_HAS_vCPE".
+ :return: subscriberRole and provStatus retrieved from Subscriber policy
+ """
+ subscriber_role = "DEFAULT"
+ prov_status = []
+ subs_name = get_subscriber_name(req, pmain)
+ if subs_name == "DEFAULT":
+ return subscriber_role, prov_status
+ policy_subs = pmain['policy_subscriber']
+ policy_scope = {"policyName": "{}.*".format(scope),
+ "configAttributes": {
+ "serviceType": "{}".format(service_name),
+ "service": "{}".format(policy_subs)}
+ }
+ policy_list = []
+ try:
+ policy_list.append(rest_client.request(json=policy_scope))
+ except RequestException as err:
+ audit_log.warn("Error in fetching policy for {}: ".format(policy_subs))
+ return subscriber_role, prov_status
+ formatted_policies = []
+ for x in itertools.chain(*policy_list):
+ if x['config'] is None:
+ raise BusinessException("Config not found for policy with name %s" % x['policyName'])
+ else:
+ formatted_policies.append(json.loads(x['config']))
+ for policy in formatted_policies:
+ property_list = policy['content']['property']
+ for prop in property_list:
+ if subs_name in prop['subscriberName']:
+ subs_role_list = prop['subscriberRole']
+ prov_status = prop['provStatus']
+ if isinstance(subs_role_list, list): # as list is returned
+ return subs_role_list[0], prov_status
+ return subscriber_role, prov_status
+def get_by_scope(rest_client, req, config_local, type_service):
+ policy_list = []
+ pmain = config_local['policy_info'][type_service]
+ pscope = pmain['policy_scope']
+ model_name = retrieve_node(req, pscope['service_name'])
+ service_name = data_mapping.get_request_service_type(req)
+ if service_name is None:
+ service_name = data_mapping.get_service_type(model_name)
+ scope = pscope['scope_{}'.format(service_name.lower())]
+ subscriber_role, prov_status = get_subscriber_role(rest_client, req, pmain, service_name, scope)
+ policy_type_list = pmain['policy_type_{}'.format(service_name.lower())]
+ for policy_type in policy_type_list:
+ policy_scope = {"policyName": "{}.*".format(scope),
+ "configAttributes": {
+ "serviceType": "{}".format(service_name),
+ "service": "{}".format(policy_type),
+ "subscriberRole": "{}".format(subscriber_role)}
+ }
+ policy_list.append(rest_client.request(json=policy_scope))
+ return policy_list, prov_status
+def remote_api(req_json, osdf_config, service_type="placement"):
+ """Make a request to policy and return response -- it accounts for multiple requests that be needed
+ :param req_json: policy request object (can have multiple policy names)
+ :param osdf_config: main config that will have credential information
+ :param service_type: the type of service to call: "placement", "scheduling"
+ :return: all related policies and provStatus retrieved from Subscriber policy
+ """
+# if not req_json[service_type + "Info"]['policyId']:
+# return []
+ config = osdf_config.deployment
+ uid, passwd = config['policyPlatformUsername'], config['policyPlatformPassword']
+ pcuid, pcpasswd = config['policyClientUsername'], config['policyClientPassword']
+ headers = {"ClientAuth": base64.b64encode(bytes("{}:{}".format(pcuid, pcpasswd), "ascii"))}
+ headers.update({'Environment': config['policyPlatformEnv']})
+ url = config['policyPlatformUrl']
+ rc = RestClient(userid=uid, passwd=passwd, headers=headers, url=url, log_func=debug_log.debug)
+ if osdf_config.core['policy_info'][service_type]['policy_fetch'] == "by_name":
+ policies = get_by_name(rc, req_json[service_type + "Info"]['policyId'], wildcards=True)
+ elif osdf_config.core['policy_info'][service_type]['policy_fetch'] == "by_name_no_wildcards":
+ policies = get_by_name(rc, req_json[service_type + "Info"]['policyId'], wildcards=False)
+ else: # Get policy by scope
+ policies, prov_status = get_by_scope(rc, req_json, osdf_config.core, service_type)
+ # policies in res are list of lists, so flatten them; also only keep config part
+ formatted_policies = []
+ for x in itertools.chain(*policies):
+ if x['config'] is None:
+ raise BusinessException("Config not found for policy with name %s" % x['policyName'])
+ else:
+ formatted_policies.append(json.loads(x['config']))
+ return formatted_policies, prov_status
+def local_policies_location(req_json, osdf_config, service_type):
+ """
+ Get folder and list of policy_files if "local policies" option is enabled
+ :param service_type: placement supported for now, but can be any other service
+ :return: a tuple (folder, file_list) or None
+ """
+ lp = osdf_config.core.get('osdf_hacks', {}).get('local_policies', {})
+ if lp.get('global_disabled'):
+ return None # short-circuit to disable all local policies
+ if lp.get('local_{}_policies_enabled'.format(service_type)):
+ if service_type == "scheduling":
+ return lp.get('{}_policy_dir'.format(service_type)), lp.get('{}_policy_files'.format(service_type))
+ else:
+ model_name = retrieve_node(req_json, osdf_config.core['policy_info'][service_type]['policy_scope']['service_name'])
+ service_name = data_mapping.get_service_type(model_name)
+ return lp.get('{}_policy_dir_{}'.format(service_type, service_name.lower())), lp.get('{}_policy_files_{}'.format(service_type, service_name.lower()))
+ return None
+def get_policies(request_json, service_type):
+ """Validate the request and get relevant policies
+ :param request_json: Request object
+ :param service_type: the type of service to call: "placement", "scheduling"
+ :return: policies associated with this request and provStatus retrieved from Subscriber policy
+ """
+ prov_status = []
+ req_info = request_json['requestInfo']
+ req_id = req_info['requestId']
+ metrics_log.info(MH.requesting("policy", req_id))
+ local_info = local_policies_location(request_json, osdf_config, service_type)
+ if local_info: # tuple containing location and list of files
+ to_filter = None
+ if osdf_config.core['policy_info'][service_type]['policy_fetch'] == "by_name":
+ to_filter = request_json[service_type + "Info"]['policyId']
+ policies = get_local_policies(local_info[0], local_info[1], to_filter)
+ else:
+ policies, prov_status= remote_api(request_json, osdf_config, service_type)
+ return policies, prov_status
diff --git a/adapters/policy/utils.py b/adapters/policy/utils.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a006f12
--- /dev/null
+++ b/adapters/policy/utils.py
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Copyright (c) 2015-2017 AT&T Intellectual Property
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+from collections import defaultdict
+def group_policies(flat_policies):
+ """Filter policies using the following steps:
+ 1. Apply prioritization among the policies that are sharing the same policy type and resource type
+ 2. Remove redundant policies that may applicable across different types of resource
+ 3. Filter policies based on type and return
+ :param flat_policies: list of flat policies
+ :return: Filtered policies
+ """
+ aggregated_policies = {}
+ filter_policies = defaultdict(list)
+ policy_name = []
+ for policy in flat_policies:
+ policy_type = policy['content']['type']
+ if policy_type not in aggregated_policies:
+ aggregated_policies[policy_type] = defaultdict(list)
+ for resource in policy['content']['policyScope']['resourceInstanceType']:
+ aggregated_policies[policy_type][resource].append(policy)
+ for policy_type in aggregated_policies:
+ for resource in aggregated_policies[policy_type]:
+ if len(aggregated_policies[policy_type][resource]) > 0:
+ aggregated_policies[policy_type][resource].sort(key=lambda x: x['priority'], reverse=True)
+ policy = aggregated_policies[policy_type][resource][0]
+ if policy['policyName'] not in policy_name:
+ filter_policies[policy['content']['type']].append(policy)
+ policy_name.append(policy['policyName'])
+ return filter_policies
+def _regex_policy_name(policy_name):
+ """Get the correct policy name as a regex
+ (e.g. OOF_HAS_vCPE.cloudAttributePolicy ends up in policy as OOF_HAS_vCPE.Config_MS_cloudAttributePolicy.1.xml
+ So, for now, we query it as OOF_HAS_vCPE..*aicAttributePolicy.*)
+ :param policy_name: Example: OOF_HAS_vCPE.aicAttributePolicy
+ :return: regexp for policy: Example: OOF_HAS_vCPE..*aicAttributePolicy.*
+ """
+ p = policy_name.partition('.')
+ return p[0] + p[1] + ".*" + p[2] + ".*"
diff --git a/models/policy/cmso/xacml/placementPolicies.xcore b/models/policy/cmso/xacml/placementPolicies.xcore
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3348cb0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/models/policy/cmso/xacml/placementPolicies.xcore
@@ -0,0 +1,718 @@
+ * This XCORE file contains models for the placement optimization policies in SNIRO.
+ * @author Ankitkumar Patel
+ * @version 0.0.1
+ * @since 2017-04-13
+ */
+package com.att.ecomp.sniro.policies.placement
+import java.util.UUID
+annotation "http://ecomp.att.com" as ecomp
+annotation "http://ecomp.att.com/policy" as policy
+type UUID wraps UUID
+ * Comparison operators
+ */
+enum ComparisonOperator{
+ less=1, grater=2, lessEqual=3, greaterEqual=4, equal=5, notEqual=6
+enum TenantType{
+ * Computational operators
+ */
+enum ComputationalOperator{
+ sum=1, product=2
+ * Qualifier types
+ */
+enum Qualifier{
+ same=1, different=2
+ * Zone category
+ */
+enum ZoneCategory{
+ disaster=1, region=2, complex=3, time=4, maintenance=5
+ * Geographical region types
+ */
+enum GeoRegion{
+ * Parameters
+ */
+enum Parameter{
+ distance=0, latency=1, aic_version=2
+ //thoughput=1, geoDistance=1, airDistance=2, latency=3, bandwidth=4
+ * The type of inventory defined in AIC
+ */
+enum InventoryType{
+ service=1, cloud=2
+ * The type of AT&T network
+ */
+ enum NetworkType{
+ ip=1
+ }
+ * Objective functions.
+ */
+enum ObjectiveFunction{
+ minimize=1, maximize=2
+ * This is a model of a condition.
+ * @param parameter This is the parameter of interest.
+ * @param operator This is a comparison operator.
+ * @param value This is a value of a parameter
+ */
+class ConditionalInfo{
+ @ecomp(^type = "configuration")
+ Parameter parameter
+ @ecomp(^type = "configuration")
+ ComparisonOperator operator
+ @ecomp(^type = "configuration")
+ String value
+enum LocationInfo{
+ customer_loc=1, none=2, customer_pref_loc=3
+ * Model for distance to location property.
+ * @param distanceCondition This is a distance condition.
+ * @param locationInfo This is a location with respect to which distance condition is applied.
+ */
+class DistanceToLocationProperty{
+ //distanceCondition.parameter must be distance.
+ @ecomp(^type = "configuration")
+ contains ConditionalInfo distanceCondition
+ @ecomp(^type = "configuration")
+ LocationInfo locationInfo
+enum DistanceToLocationPolicyType{
+ distance_to_location=1
+ * Model for distance to location policy.
+ * @param identity This is an identity created by a user.
+ * @param type This is the type of a policy.
+ * @param resourceInstance This is a list of resource instances over which this policy is applied.
+ * @param distanceToLocationProperty This is the distance properties of the policy.
+ */
+@policy (
+ policyTemplate = "SNIRO-PLACEMENT"
+class DistanceToLocationPolicy extends SniroPolicyMetaInfo{
+ @ecomp(^type = "configuration")
+ @policy (matching = "true")
+ DistanceToLocationPolicyType ^type
+ @ecomp(^type = "configuration")
+ String[] resourceInstanceType
+ @ecomp(^type = "configuration")
+ contains DistanceToLocationProperty distanceToLocationProperty
+ * The property associated with the NetworkBetweenDemandsPolicy.
+ * @param latencyCondition The latency property associated with the policy.
+ * @param locationInfo The customer location information.
+ */
+class NetworkToLocationProperty{
+ //latencyCondition.parameter must be latency.
+ @ecomp(^type = "configuration")
+ contains ConditionalInfo latencyCondition
+ @ecomp(^type = "configuration")
+ LocationInfo locationInfo
+enum NetworkToLocationPolicyType{
+ network_to_location=1
+ * Network between demands policy.
+ * @param type The type of a policy.
+ * @param resourceInstanceType The resources associated with a policy.
+ * @param networkToLocationProperty The property associated with the policy.
+ */
+@policy (
+ policyTemplate = "SNIRO-PLACEMENT"
+class NetworkToLocationPolicy extends SniroPolicyMetaInfo{
+ @policy (matching = "true")
+ @ecomp(^type = "configuration")
+ NetworkToLocationPolicyType ^type
+ @ecomp(^type = "configuration")
+ String[] resourceInstanceType
+ @ecomp(^type = "configuration")
+ contains NetworkToLocationProperty networkToLocationProperty
+ * The property associated with the NetworkBetweenDemandsPolicy.
+ * @param latencyCondition The latency property associated with the policy.
+ */
+class NetworkBetweenDemandsProperty{
+ //latencyCondition.parameter must be latency.
+ @ecomp(^type = "configuration")
+ contains ConditionalInfo latencyCondition
+enum NetworkBetweenDemandsPolicyType{
+ network_between_demands=1
+ * Network between demands policy.
+ * @param type The type of a policy.
+ * @param resourceInstanceType The resources associated with a policy.
+ * @param networkBetweenDemandsProperty The property associated with the policy.
+ */
+@policy (
+ policyTemplate = "SNIRO-PLACEMENT"
+class NetworkBetweenDemandsPolicy extends SniroPolicyMetaInfo{
+ @policy (matching = "true")
+ @ecomp(^type = "configuration")
+ NetworkBetweenDemandsPolicyType ^type
+ @ecomp(^type = "configuration")
+ String[] resourceInstanceType
+ @ecomp(^type = "configuration")
+ contains NetworkBetweenDemandsProperty networkBetweenDemandsProperty
+ * Network roles supported a VNF placement
+ * @param all A list of network roles.
+ */
+class NetworkRoles{
+ @ecomp(^type = "configuration")
+ String[] all
+ * Complex names supported by a VNF placement
+ * @param any A list of complex names.
+ */
+class Complex{
+ @ecomp(^type = "configuration")
+ String[] any
+ * This are the AIC properties.
+ * @param aicVersion This is the version of AIC.
+ * @param aicType This is the type of AIC.
+ * @param dataPlace This is the type of data plane.
+ * @param hypervisor This is the type of hypervisor.
+ * @param networkRoles This is a list of connected networks.
+ * @param exclusivityGroups This is an exclusivity group Id
+ * @param state State in which a VNF should be located.
+ * @param country Country in which a VNF should be located.
+ * @param getRegion Geographical region in which a VNF should be located.
+ */
+class AicAttributeProperty{
+ //aicVersionCondition.parameter must be aicVersion.
+ @ecomp(^type = "configuration")
+ String aicVersion
+ @ecomp(^type = "configuration")
+ String aicType
+ @ecomp(^type = "configuration")
+ String dataPlane
+ @ecomp(^type = "configuration")
+ String hypervisor
+ @ecomp(^type = "configuration")
+ contains NetworkRoles networkRoles
+ @ecomp(^type = "configuration")
+ contains Complex complex
+ @ecomp(^type = "configuration")
+ String exclusivityGroups
+ @ecomp(^type = "configuration")
+ String state
+ @ecomp(^type = "configuration")
+ String country
+ @ecomp(^type = "configuration")
+ GeoRegion geoRegion
+ @ecomp(^type = "configuration")
+ String replicationRole
+enum AicAttributePolicyType{
+ attribute=1
+ * Model for the AIC attribute policy.
+ * @param type This is the type of a policy.
+ * @param resourceInstance This is a list of resources over which the policy is applied.
+ * @param aicAttributeProperty This is the properties associated with the policy.
+ */
+@policy (
+ policyTemplate = "SNIRO-PLACEMENT"
+class AicAttributePolicy extends SniroPolicyMetaInfo{
+ @policy (matching = "true")
+ @ecomp(^type = "configuration")
+ AicAttributePolicyType ^type
+ @ecomp(^type = "configuration")
+ String[] resourceInstanceType
+ @ecomp(^type = "configuration")
+ contains AicAttributeProperty aicAttributeProperty
+ * The property associated with the capacity policy.
+ * @param tenant The tenant whose capacity needs to be checked.
+ * @param description The location of a heat template.
+ */
+class CapacityProperty{
+ @ecomp(^type = "configuration")
+ TenantType tenant
+ @ecomp(^type = "configuration")
+ String description
+enum CapacityPolicyType{
+ cloud_capacity=1
+ * Capacity policy
+ * @param type The type of a policy.
+ * @param resourceInstanceType The type of resources associated with a policy.
+ * @param capacityProperty The property associated with a policy.
+ */
+@policy (
+ policyTemplate = "SNIRO-PLACEMENT"
+class CapacityPolicy extends SniroPolicyMetaInfo{
+ @policy (matching = "true")
+ @ecomp(^type = "configuration")
+ CapacityPolicyType ^type
+ @ecomp(^type = "configuration")
+ String[] resourceInstanceType
+ @ecomp(^type = "configuration")
+ contains CapacityProperty capacityProperty
+enum InventoryGroupPolicyType{
+ inventory_group = 1
+ * Model for the inventory group policy.
+ * @param type This is the type of a policy.
+ * @param resourceInstance This is a list of resources that must be grouped/paired
+ */
+@policy (
+ policyTemplate = "SNIRO-PLACEMENT"
+class InventoryGroupPolicy extends SniroPolicyMetaInfo{
+ @policy (matching = "true")
+ @ecomp(^type = "configuration")
+ InventoryGroupPolicyType ^type
+ @ecomp(^type = "configuration")
+ String[] resourceInstanceType
+ * This is the property associated with this policy.
+ * @param controller ECOMP controller.
+ * @param request This should be key-value pairs to be sent in a request.
+ */
+class ResourceInstanceProperty{
+ @ecomp(^type = "configuration")
+ String controller
+ @ecomp(^type = "configuration")
+ String request
+enum ResourceInstancePolicyType{
+ instance_fit=1
+ * Model for the resource instance policy.
+ * @param type This is the type of a policy.
+ * @param resourceInstance This is a list of resources.
+ * @param resourceInstanceProperty This is a property associated with each resource in the list.
+ */
+@policy (
+ policyTemplate = "SNIRO-PLACEMENT"
+class ResourceInstancePolicy extends SniroPolicyMetaInfo{
+ @policy (matching = "true")
+ @ecomp(^type = "configuration")
+ ResourceInstancePolicyType ^type
+ @ecomp(^type = "configuration")
+ String[] resourceInstanceType
+ @ecomp(^type = "configuration")
+ contains ResourceInstanceProperty resourceInstanceProperty
+ * This is the property associated with this policy.
+ * @param controller ECOMP controller
+ * @param request This should be key-value pairs to be sent in a request.
+ */
+class ResourceRegionProperty{
+ @ecomp(^type = "configuration")
+ String controller
+ @ecomp(^type = "configuration")
+ String request
+enum ResourceRegionPolicyType{
+ region_fit=1
+ * Model for the resource region policy
+ * @param type This is the type of a policy.
+ * @param resourceInstance This is a list of resources.
+ * @param resourceRegionProperty This is a property associated with this policy.
+ */
+@policy (
+ policyTemplate = "SNIRO-PLACEMENT"
+class ResourceRegionPolicy extends SniroPolicyMetaInfo{
+ @policy (matching = "true")
+ @ecomp(^type = "configuration")
+ ResourceRegionPolicyType ^type
+ @ecomp(^type = "configuration")
+ String[] resourceInstanceType
+ @ecomp(^type = "configuration")
+ contains ResourceRegionProperty resourceRegionProperty
+ * This is the property associated with zone policy.
+ * @param qualifier This is the qualifier.
+ * @param category This is the category of a zone.
+ */
+class ZoneProperty{
+ @ecomp(^type = "configuration")
+ Qualifier qualifier
+ @ecomp(^type = "configuration")
+ ZoneCategory category
+enum ZonePolicyType{
+ zone=1
+ * Model of the zone policy.
+ * @param type This is the type of a policy.
+ * @param resourceInstanceType This is a list of resources.
+ * @param zoneProperty This is the property associated with the policy.
+ */
+@policy (
+ policyTemplate = "SNIRO-PLACEMENT"
+class ZonePolicy extends SniroPolicyMetaInfo{
+ @policy (matching = "true")
+ @ecomp(^type = "configuration")
+ ZonePolicyType ^type
+ @ecomp(^type = "configuration")
+ String[] resourceInstanceType
+ @ecomp(^type = "configuration")
+ contains ZoneProperty zoneProperty
+ * The property associated with a VNF type.
+ * @param inventoryProvider The ECOMP entity providing inventory information.
+ * @param inventoryType The type of an inventory.
+ * @param serviceId The id of a service.
+ */
+class VNFPolicyProperty{
+ @ecomp(^type = "configuration")
+ String inventoryProvider
+ @ecomp(^type = "configuration")
+ InventoryType inventoryType
+ @ecomp(^type = "configuration")
+ contains Attributes attributes
+ * The property associated with a Subscriber type.
+ * @param subscriberName The name of a subscriber.
+ * @param subscriberRole The role of a subscriber.
+ * @param provStatus The provisioning status of a subscriber.
+ */
+class SubscriberPolicyProperty{
+ @ecomp(^type = "configuration")
+ String[] subscriberName
+ @ecomp(^type = "configuration")
+ String[] subscriberRole
+ @ecomp(^type = "configuration")
+ String[] provStatus
+enum VNFPolicyType{
+ vnfPolicy=1
+enum SubscriberPolicyType{
+ subscriberPolicy=1
+class Attributes{
+ @ecomp(^type = "configuration")
+ String globalCustomerId
+ @ecomp(^type = "configuration")
+ String operationalStatus
+ @ecomp(^type = "configuration")
+ String[] orchestrationStatus
+ @ecomp(^type = "configuration")
+ String modelInvariantId
+ @ecomp(^type = "configuration")
+ String modelVersionId
+ @ecomp(^type = "configuration")
+ String equipmentRole
+ * Policy associated with a VNF.
+ * @param resourceInstance This parameter identifies a specific VNF.
+ * @param inventoryProvider This is the provider of inventory.
+ * @param inventoryType This is the type of inventory.
+ * @param serviceType The service associated with a VNF.
+ * @param serviceId The Id associated with a service.
+ * @param globalCustomerId The global id of a customer.
+ */
+@policy (
+ policyTemplate = "SNIRO-PLACEMENT"
+class VNFPolicy extends SniroPolicyMetaInfo{
+ @policy (matching = "true")
+ @ecomp(^type = "configuration")
+ VNFPolicyType ^type
+ @ecomp(^type = "configuration")
+ String[] resourceInstanceType
+ @ecomp(^type = "configuration")
+ contains VNFPolicyProperty[] property
+ * Policy associated with a Subscriber.
+ * @param subscriberName The name of a subscriber.
+ * @param subscriberRole The role of a subscriber.
+ * @param provStatus The provisioning status of a subscriber.
+ */
+@policy (
+ policyTemplate = "SNIRO-PLACEMENT"
+class SubscriberPolicy extends SniroPolicyMetaInfo{
+ @policy (matching = "true")
+ @ecomp(^type = "configuration")
+ SubscriberPolicyType ^type
+ @ecomp(^type = "configuration")
+ contains SubscriberPolicyProperty[] property
+ * This is the property associated with this policy.
+ * @param providerUrl This is the url of provider to check the capacity.
+ * @param request This should be key-value pairs to be sent in a request.
+ */
+class InstanceReservationProperty{
+ @ecomp(^type = "configuration")
+ String controller
+ @ecomp(^type = "configuration")
+ String request
+enum InstanceReservationPolicyType{
+ instance_reservation=1
+ * Model for the resource instance policy.
+ * @param identity This is an identity created by a user.
+ * @param type This is the type of a policy.
+ * @param resourceInstance This is a list of resources.
+ * @param resourceInstanceProperty This is a property associated with each resource in the list.
+ */
+@policy (
+ policyTemplate = "SNIRO-PLACEMENT"
+class instanceReservationPolicy extends SniroPolicyMetaInfo{
+ @policy (matching = "true")
+ @ecomp(^type = "configuration")
+ InstanceReservationPolicyType ^type
+ @ecomp(^type = "configuration")
+ String[] resourceInstanceType
+ @ecomp(^type = "configuration")
+ contains InstanceReservationProperty instanceReservationProperty
+ * This is a model of an operand.
+ * @param parameter This is a parameter.
+ * @param associativity This is a list of entities with which a parameter is associated.
+ */
+ /*
+class Operand{
+ @ecomp(^type = "configuration")
+ Parameter parameter
+ @ecomp(^type = "configuration")
+ Entity associativity
+ * This is the optimization function.
+ * @param identity This is an identity of a function.
+ * @param operation This is a computational operator.
+ * @param leftOperand This is a left operand of a function.
+ * @param rightOperand This is a right operand of a function.
+ */
+class OptimizationFunction{
+ @ecomp(^type = "configuration")
+ ExpressionIdentity identity
+ @ecomp(^type = "configuration")
+ ComputationalOperator operation
+ @ecomp(^type = "configuration")
+ contains Operand[] operands
+ * Properties associated with a sub-expression.
+ * @param weight The weight of an expression.
+ * @param parameter The parameter involved in an expression.
+ * @param entity The entities involved in an expression.
+ * @param operator The operator of an expression.
+ * @param customerLocationInfo The location of a customer.
+ */
+class AttributeProperty{
+ @ecomp(^type = "configuration")
+ double weight
+ @ecomp(^type = "configuration")
+ Parameter parameter
+ @ecomp(^type = "configuration")
+ String[] resource
+ @ecomp(^type = "configuration")
+ ComputationalOperator operator
+ @ecomp(^type = "configuration")
+ LocationInfo customerLocationInfo
+enum PlacementOptimizationPolicyType{
+ placementOptimization=1
+ * @param operator An operator in an expression.
+ * @param parameterAttributes Represents sub-expression
+ */
+class ObjectiveParameter{
+ @ecomp(^type = "configuration")
+ ComputationalOperator operator
+ @ecomp(^type = "configuration")
+ contains AttributeProperty[] parameterAttributes
+ * Model of the placement optimization policy.
+ * @param type This is the type of a policy.
+ * @param objective This is an objective function.
+ * @param objectiveParameter The parameter/expression to be optimized.
+ */
+@policy (
+ policyTemplate = "SNIRO-PLACEMENT"
+class PlacementOptimizationPolicy extends SniroPolicyMetaInfo{
+ @policy (matching = "true")
+ @ecomp(^type = "configuration")
+ PlacementOptimizationPolicyType ^type
+ @ecomp(^type = "configuration")
+ ObjectiveFunction objective
+ @ecomp(^type = "configuration")
+ contains ObjectiveParameter objectiveParameter
+ * Meta information required for SNIRO policies.
+ * @param identity This is a user-defined identity.
+ * @param policyScope The scope of a policy
+ */
+@policy (
+ policyTemplate = "SNIRO"
+class SniroPolicyMetaInfo{
+ @ecomp(^type = "configuration")
+ String identity
+ @ecomp(^type = "configuration")
+ @policy (matching = "true")
+ contains Scope policyScope
+ * Scopes in which a policy is applicable.
+ * @param serviceType The type of a service.
+ * @param networkType The type of a network
+ * @param geoRigion The geographical region.
+ * @param resourceInstanceType The resources associated with a policy/
+ * @param subscriberRole
+ */
+class Scope{
+ @ecomp(^type = "configuration")
+ @policy (matching = "true")
+ String[] serviceType
+ @ecomp(^type = "configuration")
+ @policy (matching = "true")
+ String[] networkType
+ @ecomp(^type = "configuration")
+ @policy (matching = "true")
+ String[] geoRegion
+ @ecomp(^type = "configuration")
+ @policy (matching = "true")
+ String[] resourceInstanceType
+ @ecomp(^type = "configuration")
+ @policy (matching = "true")
+ String[] modelInvariantId
+ @ecomp(^type = "configuration")
+ @policy (matching = "true")
+ String[] subscriberRole
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/models/policy/placement/xacml/placementPolicies.xcore b/models/policy/placement/xacml/placementPolicies.xcore
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..866488e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/models/policy/placement/xacml/placementPolicies.xcore
@@ -0,0 +1,728 @@
+ * ================================================================================
+ * Copyright (C) 2018 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+ * ================================================================================
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+package org.onap.oof.osdf.policies.placement
+import java.util.UUID
+annotation "http://org.onap" as onap
+annotation "http://org.onap.policy" as policy
+type UUID wraps UUID
+ * Comparison operators
+ */
+enum ComparisonOperator{
+ less=1, grater=2, lessEqual=3, greaterEqual=4, equal=5, notEqual=6
+enum TenantType{
+ * Computational operators
+ */
+enum ComputationalOperator{
+ sum=1, product=2
+ * Qualifier types
+ */
+enum Qualifier{
+ same=1, different=2
+ * Zone category
+ */
+enum ZoneCategory{
+ disaster=1, region=2, complex=3, time=4, maintenance=5
+ * Geographical region types
+ */
+enum GeoRegion{
+ * Parameters
+ */
+enum Parameter{
+ distance=0, latency=1, cloud_version=2
+ //thoughput=1, geoDistance=1, airDistance=2, latency=3, bandwidth=4
+ * The type of inventory defined in cloud
+ */
+enum InventoryType{
+ service=1, cloud=2
+ * The type of network
+ */
+ enum NetworkType{
+ ip=1
+ }
+ * Objective functions.
+ */
+enum ObjectiveFunction{
+ minimize=1, maximize=2
+ * This is a model of a condition.
+ * @param parameter This is the parameter of interest.
+ * @param operator This is a comparison operator.
+ * @param value This is a value of a parameter
+ */
+class ConditionalInfo{
+ @onap(^type = "configuration")
+ Parameter parameter
+ @onap(^type = "configuration")
+ ComparisonOperator operator
+ @onap(^type = "configuration")
+ String value
+enum LocationInfo{
+ customer_loc=1, none=2, customer_pref_loc=3
+ * Model for distance to location property.
+ * @param distanceCondition This is a distance condition.
+ * @param locationInfo This is a location with respect to which distance condition is applied.
+ */
+class DistanceToLocationProperty{
+ //distanceCondition.parameter must be distance.
+ @onap(^type = "configuration")
+ contains ConditionalInfo distanceCondition
+ @onap(^type = "configuration")
+ LocationInfo locationInfo
+enum DistanceToLocationPolicyType{
+ distance_to_location=1
+ * Model for distance to location policy.
+ * @param identity This is an identity created by a user.
+ * @param type This is the type of a policy.
+ * @param resourceInstance This is a list of resource instances over which this policy is applied.
+ * @param distanceToLocationProperty This is the distance properties of the policy.
+ */
+@policy (
+ policyTemplate = "OOF-PLACEMENT"
+class DistanceToLocationPolicy extends OOFPolicyMetaInfo{
+ @onap(^type = "configuration")
+ @policy (matching = "true")
+ DistanceToLocationPolicyType ^type
+ @onap(^type = "configuration")
+ String[] resourceInstanceType
+ @onap(^type = "configuration")
+ contains DistanceToLocationProperty distanceToLocationProperty
+ * The property associated with the NetworkBetweenDemandsPolicy.
+ * @param latencyCondition The latency property associated with the policy.
+ * @param locationInfo The customer location information.
+ */
+class NetworkToLocationProperty{
+ //latencyCondition.parameter must be latency.
+ @onap(^type = "configuration")
+ contains ConditionalInfo latencyCondition
+ @onap(^type = "configuration")
+ LocationInfo locationInfo
+enum NetworkToLocationPolicyType{
+ network_to_location=1
+ * Network between demands policy.
+ * @param type The type of a policy.
+ * @param resourceInstanceType The resources associated with a policy.
+ * @param networkToLocationProperty The property associated with the policy.
+ */
+@policy (
+ policyTemplate = "OOF-PLACEMENT"
+class NetworkToLocationPolicy extends OOFPolicyMetaInfo{
+ @policy (matching = "true")
+ @onap(^type = "configuration")
+ NetworkToLocationPolicyType ^type
+ @onap(^type = "configuration")
+ String[] resourceInstanceType
+ @onap(^type = "configuration")
+ contains NetworkToLocationProperty networkToLocationProperty
+ * The property associated with the NetworkBetweenDemandsPolicy.
+ * @param latencyCondition The latency property associated with the policy.
+ */
+class NetworkBetweenDemandsProperty{
+ //latencyCondition.parameter must be latency.
+ @onap(^type = "configuration")
+ contains ConditionalInfo latencyCondition
+enum NetworkBetweenDemandsPolicyType{
+ network_between_demands=1
+ * Network between demands policy.
+ * @param type The type of a policy.
+ * @param resourceInstanceType The resources associated with a policy.
+ * @param networkBetweenDemandsProperty The property associated with the policy.
+ */
+@policy (
+ policyTemplate = "OOF-PLACEMENT"
+class NetworkBetweenDemandsPolicy extends OOFPolicyMetaInfo{
+ @policy (matching = "true")
+ @onap(^type = "configuration")
+ NetworkBetweenDemandsPolicyType ^type
+ @onap(^type = "configuration")
+ String[] resourceInstanceType
+ @onap(^type = "configuration")
+ contains NetworkBetweenDemandsProperty networkBetweenDemandsProperty
+ * Network roles supported a VNF placement
+ * @param all A list of network roles.
+ */
+class NetworkRoles{
+ @onap(^type = "configuration")
+ String[] all
+ * Complex names supported by a VNF placement
+ * @param any A list of complex names.
+ */
+class Complex{
+ @onap(^type = "configuration")
+ String[] any
+ * This are the cloud properties.
+ * @param cloudVersion This is the version of cloud.
+ * @param cloudType This is the type of cloud.
+ * @param dataPlace This is the type of data plane.
+ * @param hypervisor This is the type of hypervisor.
+ * @param networkRoles This is a list of connected networks.
+ * @param exclusivityGroups This is an exclusivity group Id
+ * @param state State in which a VNF should be located.
+ * @param country Country in which a VNF should be located.
+ * @param getRegion Geographical region in which a VNF should be located.
+ */
+class cloudAttributeProperty{
+ //cloudVersionCondition.parameter must be cloudVersion.
+ @onap(^type = "configuration")
+ String cloudVersion
+ @onap(^type = "configuration")
+ String cloudType
+ @onap(^type = "configuration")
+ String dataPlane
+ @onap(^type = "configuration")
+ String hypervisor
+ @onap(^type = "configuration")
+ contains NetworkRoles networkRoles
+ @onap(^type = "configuration")
+ contains Complex complex
+ @onap(^type = "configuration")
+ String exclusivityGroups
+ @onap(^type = "configuration")
+ String state
+ @onap(^type = "configuration")
+ String country
+ @onap(^type = "configuration")
+ GeoRegion geoRegion
+ @onap(^type = "configuration")
+ String replicationRole
+enum cloudAttributePolicyType{
+ attribute=1
+ * Model for the cloud attribute policy.
+ * @param type This is the type of a policy.
+ * @param resourceInstance This is a list of resources over which the policy is applied.
+ * @param cloudAttributeProperty This is the properties associated with the policy.
+ */
+@policy (
+ policyTemplate = "OOF-PLACEMENT"
+class cloudAttributePolicy extends OOFPolicyMetaInfo{
+ @policy (matching = "true")
+ @onap(^type = "configuration")
+ cloudAttributePolicyType ^type
+ @onap(^type = "configuration")
+ String[] resourceInstanceType
+ @onap(^type = "configuration")
+ contains cloudAttributeProperty cloudAttributeProperty
+ * The property associated with the capacity policy.
+ * @param tenant The tenant whose capacity needs to be checked.
+ * @param description The location of a heat template.
+ */
+class CapacityProperty{
+ @onap(^type = "configuration")
+ TenantType tenant
+ @onap(^type = "configuration")
+ String description
+enum CapacityPolicyType{
+ cloud_capacity=1
+ * Capacity policy
+ * @param type The type of a policy.
+ * @param resourceInstanceType The type of resources associated with a policy.
+ * @param capacityProperty The property associated with a policy.
+ */
+@policy (
+ policyTemplate = "OOF-PLACEMENT"
+class CapacityPolicy extends OOFPolicyMetaInfo{
+ @policy (matching = "true")
+ @onap(^type = "configuration")
+ CapacityPolicyType ^type
+ @onap(^type = "configuration")
+ String[] resourceInstanceType
+ @onap(^type = "configuration")
+ contains CapacityProperty capacityProperty
+enum InventoryGroupPolicyType{
+ inventory_group = 1
+ * Model for the inventory group policy.
+ * @param type This is the type of a policy.
+ * @param resourceInstance This is a list of resources that must be grouped/paired
+ */
+@policy (
+ policyTemplate = "OOF-PLACEMENT"
+class InventoryGroupPolicy extends OOFPolicyMetaInfo{
+ @policy (matching = "true")
+ @onap(^type = "configuration")
+ InventoryGroupPolicyType ^type
+ @onap(^type = "configuration")
+ String[] resourceInstanceType
+ * This is the property associated with this policy.
+ * @param controller onap controller.
+ * @param request This should be key-value pairs to be sent in a request.
+ */
+class ResourceInstanceProperty{
+ @onap(^type = "configuration")
+ String controller
+ @onap(^type = "configuration")
+ String request
+enum ResourceInstancePolicyType{
+ instance_fit=1
+ * Model for the resource instance policy.
+ * @param type This is the type of a policy.
+ * @param resourceInstance This is a list of resources.
+ * @param resourceInstanceProperty This is a property associated with each resource in the list.
+ */
+@policy (
+ policyTemplate = "OOF-PLACEMENT"
+class ResourceInstancePolicy extends OOFPolicyMetaInfo{
+ @policy (matching = "true")
+ @onap(^type = "configuration")
+ ResourceInstancePolicyType ^type
+ @onap(^type = "configuration")
+ String[] resourceInstanceType
+ @onap(^type = "configuration")
+ contains ResourceInstanceProperty resourceInstanceProperty
+ * This is the property associated with this policy.
+ * @param controller onap controller
+ * @param request This should be key-value pairs to be sent in a request.
+ */
+class ResourceRegionProperty{
+ @onap(^type = "configuration")
+ String controller
+ @onap(^type = "configuration")
+ String request
+enum ResourceRegionPolicyType{
+ region_fit=1
+ * Model for the resource region policy
+ * @param type This is the type of a policy.
+ * @param resourceInstance This is a list of resources.
+ * @param resourceRegionProperty This is a property associated with this policy.
+ */
+@policy (
+ policyTemplate = "OOF-PLACEMENT"
+class ResourceRegionPolicy extends OOFPolicyMetaInfo{
+ @policy (matching = "true")
+ @onap(^type = "configuration")
+ ResourceRegionPolicyType ^type
+ @onap(^type = "configuration")
+ String[] resourceInstanceType
+ @onap(^type = "configuration")
+ contains ResourceRegionProperty resourceRegionProperty
+ * This is the property associated with zone policy.
+ * @param qualifier This is the qualifier.
+ * @param category This is the category of a zone.
+ */
+class ZoneProperty{
+ @onap(^type = "configuration")
+ Qualifier qualifier
+ @onap(^type = "configuration")
+ ZoneCategory category
+enum ZonePolicyType{
+ zone=1
+ * Model of the zone policy.
+ * @param type This is the type of a policy.
+ * @param resourceInstanceType This is a list of resources.
+ * @param zoneProperty This is the property associated with the policy.
+ */
+@policy (
+ policyTemplate = "OOF-PLACEMENT"
+class ZonePolicy extends OOFPolicyMetaInfo{
+ @policy (matching = "true")
+ @onap(^type = "configuration")
+ ZonePolicyType ^type
+ @onap(^type = "configuration")
+ String[] resourceInstanceType
+ @onap(^type = "configuration")
+ contains ZoneProperty zoneProperty
+ * The property associated with a VNF type.
+ * @param inventoryProvider The onap entity providing inventory information.
+ * @param inventoryType The type of an inventory.
+ * @param serviceId The id of a service.
+ */
+class VNFPolicyProperty{
+ @onap(^type = "configuration")
+ String inventoryProvider
+ @onap(^type = "configuration")
+ InventoryType inventoryType
+ @onap(^type = "configuration")
+ contains Attributes attributes
+ * The property associated with a Subscriber type.
+ * @param subscriberName The name of a subscriber.
+ * @param subscriberRole The role of a subscriber.
+ * @param provStatus The provisioning status of a subscriber.
+ */
+class SubscriberPolicyProperty{
+ @onap(^type = "configuration")
+ String[] subscriberName
+ @onap(^type = "configuration")
+ String[] subscriberRole
+ @onap(^type = "configuration")
+ String[] provStatus
+enum VNFPolicyType{
+ vnfPolicy=1
+enum SubscriberPolicyType{
+ subscriberPolicy=1
+class Attributes{
+ @onap(^type = "configuration")
+ String globalCustomerId
+ @onap(^type = "configuration")
+ String operationalStatus
+ @onap(^type = "configuration")
+ String[] orchestrationStatus
+ @onap(^type = "configuration")
+ String modelInvariantId
+ @onap(^type = "configuration")
+ String modelVersionId
+ @onap(^type = "configuration")
+ String equipmentRole
+ * Policy associated with a VNF.
+ * @param resourceInstance This parameter identifies a specific VNF.
+ * @param inventoryProvider This is the provider of inventory.
+ * @param inventoryType This is the type of inventory.
+ * @param serviceType The service associated with a VNF.
+ * @param serviceId The Id associated with a service.
+ * @param globalCustomerId The global id of a customer.
+ */
+@policy (
+ policyTemplate = "OOF-PLACEMENT"
+class VNFPolicy extends OOFPolicyMetaInfo{
+ @policy (matching = "true")
+ @onap(^type = "configuration")
+ VNFPolicyType ^type
+ @onap(^type = "configuration")
+ String[] resourceInstanceType
+ @onap(^type = "configuration")
+ contains VNFPolicyProperty[] property
+ * Policy associated with a Subscriber.
+ * @param subscriberName The name of a subscriber.
+ * @param subscriberRole The role of a subscriber.
+ * @param provStatus The provisioning status of a subscriber.
+ */
+@policy (
+ policyTemplate = "OOF-PLACEMENT"
+class SubscriberPolicy extends OOFPolicyMetaInfo{
+ @policy (matching = "true")
+ @onap(^type = "configuration")
+ SubscriberPolicyType ^type
+ @onap(^type = "configuration")
+ contains SubscriberPolicyProperty[] property
+ * This is the property associated with this policy.
+ * @param providerUrl This is the url of provider to check the capacity.
+ * @param request This should be key-value pairs to be sent in a request.
+ */
+class InstanceReservationProperty{
+ @onap(^type = "configuration")
+ String controller
+ @onap(^type = "configuration")
+ String request
+enum InstanceReservationPolicyType{
+ instance_reservation=1
+ * Model for the resource instance policy.
+ * @param identity This is an identity created by a user.
+ * @param type This is the type of a policy.
+ * @param resourceInstance This is a list of resources.
+ * @param resourceInstanceProperty This is a property associated with each resource in the list.
+ */
+@policy (
+ policyTemplate = "OOF-PLACEMENT"
+class InstanceReservationPolicy extends OOFPolicyMetaInfo{
+ @policy (matching = "true")
+ @onap(^type = "configuration")
+ InstanceReservationPolicyType ^type
+ @onap(^type = "configuration")
+ String[] resourceInstanceType
+ @onap(^type = "configuration")
+ contains InstanceReservationProperty instanceReservationProperty
+ * This is a model of an operand.
+ * @param parameter This is a parameter.
+ * @param associativity This is a list of entities with which a parameter is associated.
+ */
+ /*
+class Operand{
+ @onap(^type = "configuration")
+ Parameter parameter
+ @onap(^type = "configuration")
+ Entity associativity
+ * This is the optimization function.
+ * @param identity This is an identity of a function.
+ * @param operation This is a computational operator.
+ * @param leftOperand This is a left operand of a function.
+ * @param rightOperand This is a right operand of a function.
+ */
+class OptimizationFunction{
+ @onap(^type = "configuration")
+ ExpressionIdentity identity
+ @onap(^type = "configuration")
+ ComputationalOperator operation
+ @onap(^type = "configuration")
+ contains Operand[] operands
+ * Properties associated with a sub-expression.
+ * @param weight The weight of an expression.
+ * @param parameter The parameter involved in an expression.
+ * @param entity The entities involved in an expression.
+ * @param operator The operator of an expression.
+ * @param customerLocationInfo The location of a customer.
+ */
+class AttributeProperty{
+ @onap(^type = "configuration")
+ double weight
+ @onap(^type = "configuration")
+ Parameter parameter
+ @onap(^type = "configuration")
+ String[] resource
+ @onap(^type = "configuration")
+ ComputationalOperator operator
+ @onap(^type = "configuration")
+ LocationInfo customerLocationInfo
+enum PlacementOptimizationPolicyType{
+ placementOptimization=1
+ * @param operator An operator in an expression.
+ * @param parameterAttributes Represents sub-expression
+ */
+class ObjectiveParameter{
+ @onap(^type = "configuration")
+ ComputationalOperator operator
+ @onap(^type = "configuration")
+ contains AttributeProperty[] parameterAttributes
+ * Model of the placement optimization policy.
+ * @param type This is the type of a policy.
+ * @param objective This is an objective function.
+ * @param objectiveParameter The parameter/expression to be optimized.
+ */
+@policy (
+ policyTemplate = "OOF-PLACEMENT"
+class PlacementOptimizationPolicy extends OOFPolicyMetaInfo{
+ @policy (matching = "true")
+ @onap(^type = "configuration")
+ PlacementOptimizationPolicyType ^type
+ @onap(^type = "configuration")
+ ObjectiveFunction objective
+ @onap(^type = "configuration")
+ contains ObjectiveParameter objectiveParameter
+ * Meta information required for oof policies.
+ * @param identity This is a user-defined identity.
+ * @param policyScope The scope of a policy
+ */
+@policy (
+ policyTemplate = "OOF-PLACEMENT"
+class OOFPolicyMetaInfo{
+ @onap(^type = "configuration")
+ String identity
+ @onap(^type = "configuration")
+ @policy (matching = "true")
+ contains Scope policyScope
+ * Scopes in which a policy is applicable.
+ * @param serviceType The type of a service.
+ * @param networkType The type of a network
+ * @param geoRigion The geographical region.
+ * @param resourceInstanceType The resources associated with a policy/
+ * @param subscriberRole
+ */
+class Scope{
+ @onap(^type = "configuration")
+ @policy (matching = "true")
+ String[] serviceType
+ @onap(^type = "configuration")
+ @policy (matching = "true")
+ String[] networkType
+ @onap(^type = "configuration")
+ @policy (matching = "true")
+ String[] geoRegion
+ @onap(^type = "configuration")
+ @policy (matching = "true")
+ String[] resourceInstanceType
+ @onap(^type = "configuration")
+ @policy (matching = "true")
+ String[] modelInvariantId
+ @onap(^type = "configuration")
+ @policy (matching = "true")
+ String[] subscriberRole