path: root/docs/sections/homingspecification.rst
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diff --git a/docs/sections/homingspecification.rst b/docs/sections/homingspecification.rst
index 0edb441..4950a9a 100644
--- a/docs/sections/homingspecification.rst
+++ b/docs/sections/homingspecification.rst
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
.. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
.. Copyright (C) 2017-2018 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+.. Copyright (C) 2020 Wipro Limited. All rights reserved.
Homing Specification Guide
-*Updated: 10 October 2017*
This document describes the Homing Template format, used by the Homing
service. It is a work in progress and subject to frequent revision.
@@ -159,7 +159,8 @@ Placemark
An address expressed in geographic region-agnostic terms (referred to as
a *placemark*).
-*Support for this schema is deferred.*
+*This is an example as of Frankfurt release. Support for this schema is
+ deferred to subsequent release.*
| Key | Value |
@@ -189,10 +190,10 @@ a *placemark*).
| | information for the placemark. |
-- What geocoder can we use to convert placemarks to a
- latitude/longitude?
+- A geocoder could be used to convert placemarks to a
+ latitude/longitude
@@ -237,63 +238,74 @@ Demand criteria is dependent upon the inventory provider in use.
**Provider-agnostic Schema**
-| Key | Value |
-| ``inventory_provider`` | A HAS-supported inventory |
-| | provider. |
-| ``inventory_type`` | The reserved word ``cloud`` (for |
-| | cloud regions) or the reserved |
-| | word ``service`` (for existing |
-| | service instances). Exactly one |
-| | inventory type may be specified. |
-| ``attributes`` (Optional) | A list of key-value pairs, that is |
-| | used to select inventory |
-| | candidates that match *all* the |
-| | specified attributes. The key |
-| | should be a uniquely identifiable |
-| | attribute at the inventory |
-| | provider. |
-| ``service_type`` (Optional) | If ``inventory_type`` is |
-| | ``service``, a list of one or more |
-| | provider-defined service types. If |
-| | only one service type is |
-| | specified, it may appear without |
-| | list markers (``[]``). |
-| ``service_id`` (Optional) | If ``inventory_type`` is |
-| | ``service``, a list of one or more |
-| | provider-defined service ids. If |
-| | only one service id is specified, |
-| | it may appear without list markers |
-| | (``[]``). |
-| ``default_cost`` (Optional) | The default cost of an inventory |
-| | candidate, expressed as currency. |
-| | This must be specified if the |
-| | inventory provider may not always |
-| | return a cost. |
-| ``required_candidates`` | A list of one or more candidates |
-| (Optional) | from which a solution will be |
-| | explored. Must be a valid |
-| | candidate as described in the |
-| | **candidate schema**. |
-| ``excluded_candidates`` | A list of one or more candidates |
-| (Optional) | that should be excluded from the |
-| | search space. Must be a valid |
-| | candidate as described in the |
-| | **candidate schema**. |
-| ``existing_placement`` | The current placement for the |
-| (Optional) | demand. Must be a valid candidate |
-| | as described in the **candidate |
-| | schema**. |
+| Key | Value |
+| ``inventory_provider`` | A HAS-supported inventory |
+| | provider. |
+| ``inventory_type`` | The reserved words ``cloud`` |
+| | (cloud regions), ``service`` (for |
+| | existing service instances), |
+| | ``vfmodule`` (for vf instances), |
+| | ``nssi`` (for slice subnet |
+| | instances). Exactly one inventory |
+| | type may be specified. |
+| ``filtering_attributes`` | A list of key-value pairs, that is |
+| (Optional) | used to select inventory |
+| | candidates that match *all* the |
+| | specified attributes. The key |
+| | should be a uniquely identifiable |
+| | attribute at the inventory |
+| | provider. |
+| ``passthrough_attributes`` | A list of key-value pairs, that |
+| (Optional) | will be added to the candidate's |
+| | attribute directly from template. |
+| ``service_type`` (Optional) | If ``inventory_type`` is |
+| | ``service``, a list of one or more |
+| | provider-defined service types. If |
+| | only one service type is |
+| | specified, it may appear without |
+| | list markers (``[]``). |
+| ``service_id`` (Optional) | If ``inventory_type`` is |
+| | ``service``, a list of one or more |
+| | provider-defined service ids. If |
+| | only one service id is specified, |
+| | it may appear without list markers |
+| | (``[]``). |
+| ``default_cost`` (Optional) | The default cost of an inventory |
+| | candidate, expressed as currency. |
+| | This must be specified if the |
+| | inventory provider may not always |
+| | return a cost. |
+| ``required_candidates`` | A list of one or more candidates |
+| (Optional) | from which a solution will be |
+| | explored. Must be a valid |
+| | candidate as described in the |
+| | **candidate schema**. |
+| ``excluded_candidates`` | A list of one or more candidates |
+| (Optional) | that should be excluded from the |
+| | search space. Must be a valid |
+| | candidate as described in the |
+| | **candidate schema**. |
+| ``existing_placement`` | The current placement for the |
+| (Optional) | demand. Must be a valid candidate |
+| | as described in the **candidate |
+| | schema**. |
+- The demand attributes in the template come from either policy or from
+ a northbound request scope.
.. _examples-1:
@@ -306,73 +318,84 @@ for ONAP.
**Inventory Provider Criteria**
-| Key | Value |
-| ``inventory_provider`` | Examples: ``aai``, ``multicloud``. |
-| ``inventory_type`` | The reserved word ``cloud`` (for |
-| | new inventory) or the reserved |
-| | word ``service`` (for existing |
-| | inventory). Exactly one inventory |
-| | type may be specified. |
-| ``attributes`` (Optional) | A list of key-value pairs to match |
-| | against inventory when drawing |
-| | candidates. |
-| ``service_type`` (Optional) | Examples may include ``vG``, |
-| | ``vG_MuxInfra``, etc. |
-| ``service_id`` (Optional) | Must be a valid service id. |
-| | Examples may include ``vCPE``, |
-| | ``VoLTE``, etc. |
-| ``default_cost`` (Optional) | The default cost of an inventory |
-| | candidate, expressed as a unitless |
-| | number. |
-| ``required_candidates`` | A list of one or more valid |
-| (Optional) | candidates. See **Candidate |
-| | Schema** for details. |
-| ``excluded_candidates`` | A list of one or more valid |
-| (Optional) | candidates. See **Candidate |
-| | Schema** for details. |
-| ``existing_placement`` | A single valid candidate, |
-| (Optional) | representing the current placement |
-| | for the demand. See **candidate |
-| | schema** for details. |
+| Key | Value |
+| ``inventory_provider`` | Examples: ``aai``, ``multicloud``. |
+| ``inventory_type`` | The reserved words ``cloud`` |
+| | (cloud regions), ``service`` (for |
+| | existing service instances), |
+| | ``vfmodule`` (for vf instances), |
+| | ``nssi`` (for slice subnet |
+| | instances). Exactly one inventory |
+| | type may be specified. |
+| ``filtering attributes`` | A list of key-value pairs to match |
+| (Optional) | against inventory when drawing |
+| | candidates. |
+| ``passthrough_attributes`` | A list of key-value pairs, that |
+| (Optional) | will be added to the candidate's |
+| | attribute directly from template. |
+| ``service_type`` (Optional) | Examples may include ``vG``, |
+| | ``vG_MuxInfra``, etc. |
+| ``service_id`` (Optional) | Must be a valid service id. |
+| | Examples may include ``vCPE``, |
+| | ``VoLTE``, etc. |
+| ``default_cost`` (Optional) | The default cost of an inventory |
+| | candidate, expressed as a unitless |
+| | number. |
+| ``required_candidates`` | A list of one or more valid |
+| (Optional) | candidates. See **Candidate |
+| | Schema** for details. |
+| ``excluded_candidates`` | A list of one or more valid |
+| (Optional) | candidates. See **Candidate |
+| | Schema** for details. |
+| ``existing_placement`` | A single valid candidate, |
+| (Optional) | representing the current placement |
+| | for the demand. See **candidate |
+| | schema** for details. |
**Candidate Schema**
-The following is the schema for a valid ``candidate``: \*
-``candidate_id`` uniquely identifies a candidate. Currently, it is
-either a Service Instance ID or Cloud Region ID. \* ``candidate_type``
-identifies the type of the candidate. Currently, it is either ``cloud``
-or ``service``. \* ``inventory_type`` is defined as described in
-**Inventory Provider Criteria** (above). \* ``inventory_provider``
-identifies the inventory from which the candidate was drawn. \*
-``host_id`` is an ID of a specific host (used only when referring to
-service/existing inventory). \* ``cost`` is expressed as a unitless
-number. \* ``location_id`` is always a location ID of the specified
-location type (e.g., for a type of ``cloud`` this will be an Cloud
-Region ID). \* ``location_type`` is an inventory provider supported
-location type. \* ``latitude`` is a valid latitude corresponding to the
-*location_id*. \* ``longitude`` is a valid longitude corresponding to
-the *location_id*. \* ``city`` (Optional) city corresponding to the
-*location_id*. \* ``state`` (Optional) state corresponding to the
-*location_id*. \* ``country`` (Optional) country corresponding to the
-*location_id*. \* ``region`` (Optional) geographic region corresponding
-to the *location_id*. \* ``complex_name`` (Optional) Name of the complex
-corresponding to the *location_id*. \* ``cloud_owner`` (Optional) refers
-to the *cloud owner* (e.g., ``azure``, ``aws``, ``att``, etc.). \*
-``cloud_region_version`` (Optional) is an inventory provider supported
-version of the cloud region. \* ``physical_location_id`` (Optional) is
-an inventory provider supported CLLI code corresponding to the cloud
+The following is the schema for a valid ``candidate``:
+- ``candidate_id`` uniquely identifies a candidate. Currently, it is
+ either a Service Instance ID or Cloud Region ID.
+- ``candidate_type`` identifies the type of the candidate. Currently, it
+ is either ``cloud`` or ``service``. \* ``inventory_type`` is defined
+ as described in **Inventory Provider Criteria** (above).
+- ``inventory_provider`` identifies the inventory from which the
+ candidate was drawn. \*
+- ``host_id`` is an ID of a specific host (used only when referring to
+ service/existing inventory).
+- ``cost`` is expressed as a unitless number.
+- ``location_id`` is always a location ID of the specified location type
+ (e.g., for a type of ``cloud`` this will be an Cloud Region ID).
+- ``location_type`` is an inventory provider supported location type.
+- ``latitude`` is a valid latitude corresponding to the *location_id*.
+- ``longitude`` is a valid longitude corresponding to the *location_id*.
+- ``city`` (Optional) city corresponding to the *location_id*.
+- ``state`` (Optional) state corresponding to the *location_id*.
+- ``country`` (Optional) country corresponding to the *location_id*.
+- ``region`` (Optional) geographic region corresponding to the
+ *location_id*.
+- ``complex_name`` (Optional) Name of the complex corresponding to the
+ *location_id*.
+- ``cloud_owner`` (Optional) refers to the *cloud owner*
+ (e.g., ``azure``, ``aws``, ``att``, etc.).
+- ``cloud_region_version`` (Optional) is an inventory provider supported
+ version of the cloud region.
+- ``physical_location_id`` (Optional) is an inventory provider supported
+ CLLI code corresponding to the cloud region.
@@ -620,9 +643,122 @@ region.
-**Questions** \* Currently, candidates are either service instances or
-cloud regions. As new services are on-boarded, this can be evolved to
-represent different types of resources.
+**vfmodule candidate**
+.. code-block:: json
+ {
+ "candidate_id": "d187d743-5932-4fb9-a42d-db0a5be5ba7e",
+ "city": "example-city-val-27150",
+ "cloud_owner": "CloudOwner",
+ "cloud_region_version": "1",
+ "complex_name": "clli1",
+ "cost": 1.0,
+ "country": "example-country-val-94173",
+ "existing_placement": "false",
+ "host_id": "vFW-PKG-MC",
+ "inventory_provider": "aai",
+ "inventory_type": "vfmodule",
+ "ipv4-oam-address": "oam_network_zb4J",
+ "ipv6-oam-address": "",
+ "latitude": "example-latitude-val-89101",
+ "location_id": "RegionOne",
+ "location_type": "att_aic",
+ "longitude": "32.89948",
+ "nf-id": "fcbff633-47cc-4f38-a98d-4ba8285bd8b6",
+ "nf-name": "vFW-PKG-MC",
+ "nf-type": "vnf",
+ "passthrough_attributes": {
+ "td-role": "anchor"
+ },
+ "physical_location_id": "clli1",
+ "port_key": "vlan_port",
+ "region": "example-region-val-13893",
+ "service_instance_id": "3e8d118c-10ca-4b4b-b3db-089b5e9e6a1c",
+ "service_resource_id": "vPGN-XX",
+ "sriov_automation": "false",
+ "state": "example-state-val-59487",
+ "uniqueness": "false",
+ "vf-module-id": "d187d743-5932-4fb9-a42d-db0a5be5ba7e",
+ "vf-module-name": "vnf-pkg-r1-t2-mc",
+ "vim-id": "CloudOwner_RegionOne",
+ "vlan_key": "vlan_key",
+ "vnf-type": "5G_EVE_Demo/5G_EVE_PKG 0",
+ "vservers": [
+ {
+ "l-interfaces": [
+ {
+ "interface-id": "4b333af1-90d6-42ae-8389-d440e6ff0e93",
+ "interface-name": "vnf-pkg-r1-t2-mc-vpg_private_2_port-mf7lu55usq7i",
+ "ipv4-addresses": [
+ ""
+ ],
+ "ipv6-addresses": [],
+ "macaddr": "fa:16:3e:c4:07:7f",
+ "network-id": "59763a33-3296-4dc8-9ee6-2bdcd63322fc",
+ "network-name": ""
+ },
+ {
+ "interface-id": "85dd57e9-6e3a-48d0-a784-4598d627e798",
+ "interface-name": "vnf-pkg-r1-t2-mc-vpg_private_1_port-734xxixicw6r",
+ "ipv4-addresses": [
+ ""
+ ],
+ "ipv6-addresses": [],
+ "macaddr": "fa:16:3e:b5:86:38",
+ "network-id": "cdb4bc25-2412-4b77-bbd5-791a02f8776d",
+ "network-name": ""
+ },
+ {
+ "interface-id": "edaff25a-878e-4706-ad52-4e3d51cf6a82",
+ "interface-name": "vnf-pkg-r1-t2-mc-vpg_private_0_port-e5qdm3p5ijhe",
+ "ipv4-addresses": [
+ ""
+ ],
+ "ipv6-addresses": [],
+ "macaddr": "fa:16:3e:ff:d8:6f",
+ "network-id": "932ac514-639a-45b2-b1a3-4c5bb708b5c1",
+ "network-name": ""
+ }
+ ],
+ "vserver-id": "00bddefc-126e-4e4f-a18d-99b94d8d9a30",
+ "vserver-name": "zdfw1fwl01pgn01"
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+**nssi candidate**
+.. code-block:: json
+ {
+ "candidate_id": "1a636c4d-5e76-427e-bfd6-241a947224b0",
+ "candidate_type": "nssi",
+ "conn_density": 0,
+ "cost": 1.0,
+ "domain": "cn",
+ "e2e_latency": 0,
+ "exp_data_rate": 0,
+ "exp_data_rate_dl": 100,
+ "exp_data_rate_ul": 100,
+ "instance_name": "nssi_test_0211",
+ "inventory_provider": "aai",
+ "inventory_type": "nssi",
+ "jitter": 0,
+ "latency": 20,
+ "max_number_of_ues": 0,
+ "nsi_id": "4115d3c8-dd59-45d6-b09d-e756dee9b518",
+ "nsi_model_invariant_id": "39b10fe6-efcc-40bc-8184-c38414b80771",
+ "nsi_model_version_id": "8b664b11-6646-4776-9f59-5c3de46da2d6",
+ "nsi_name": "nsi_test_0211",
+ "payload_size": 0,
+ "reliability": 99.99,
+ "resource_sharing_level": "0",
+ "survival_time": 0,
+ "traffic_density": 0,
+ "ue_mobility_level": "stationary",
+ "uniqueness": "true"
+ }
@@ -658,7 +794,11 @@ The following examples illustrate two demands:
- inventory_provider: aai
inventory_type: cloud
-**Questions** \* Do we need to support cost as a function ?
+- Cost could be used to specify the cost of choosing a specific
+ candidate. For example, choosing an existing VNF instance can be less
+ costlier than creating a new instance.
@@ -792,9 +932,13 @@ Constraint Types
| | specific |
| | location/address. |
+| ``threshold`` | Constraint that checks if|
+| | an attribute is within |
+| | the threshold. |
*Note: Constraint names marked “Deferred” **will not** be supported in
-the initial release of HAS.*
+the current release of HAS.*
Threshold Values
@@ -1589,10 +1733,10 @@ settings.
-- For ONAP Beijing release the REQUEST_DICT is of the following format as
+- For the current release the REQUEST_DICT is of the following format as
defined by the policy for vim_fit. The REQUEST_DICT is an opaque request
object defined through policy, so it is not restricted to this format. In
- ONAP Beijing release MultiCloud supports the check_vim_capacity using the
+ the current release MultiCloud supports the check_vim_capacity using the
following grammar.
.. code-block:: json
@@ -1630,15 +1774,15 @@ This constraint has no properties.
type: inventory_group
demands: [demand_1, demand_2]
-*Note: Only pair-wise groups are supported at this time. If three or
-more demands are specified, only the first two will be used.*
+*Note: Only pair-wise groups are supported at this time. The list must
+have only two demands.*
Constrain demands according to license availability.
-*Support for this constraint is deferred.*
+*Support for this constraint is deferred to a later release.*
@@ -1666,7 +1810,7 @@ Network Between Demands
Constrain each pairwise combination of two or more demands by network
-*Support for this constraint is deferred.*
+*Support for this constraint is deferred to a later release.*
@@ -1708,7 +1852,7 @@ Network To Location
Constrain one or more demands by network requirements relative to a
specific location.
-*Support for this constraint is deferred.*
+*Support for this constraint is deferred to a later release.*
@@ -1751,7 +1895,7 @@ Constrain each demand by its cluster capability requirements. For
example, as described by an OpenStack Heat template and operational
-*Support for this constraint is deferred.*
+*Support for this constraint is deferred to a later release.*
@@ -1787,6 +1931,52 @@ environment.
template: http://repository/my/stack_template
environment: http://repository/my/stack_environment
+Constrain each demand by an attribute which is within a certain
+| Property | Value |
+| ``evaluate`` | List of attributes and its threshold |
+| Property for evaluation | Value |
+| ``attribute`` | Attribute of a candidate |
+| ``threshold`` | Threshold Value |
+| ``operator`` | Condition to check. Supported Values are |
+| | ``gte``, ``lte``, ``lt``, ``gt``, ``eq`` |
+| ``unit`` (optional) | Attribute's unit of measurement |
+.. code:: yaml
+ urllc_threshold:
+ type: threshold
+ demands: ['URLLC']
+ properties:
+ evaluate:
+ - attribute: latency
+ operator: lte
+ threshold: 50
+ unit: ms
+ - attribute: reliability
+ operator: gte
+ threshold: 99.99
+- The status of the constraint support is of Frankfurt release.
@@ -1899,8 +2089,6 @@ While the template format supports any number of arrangements of
numbers, operators, and functions, HAS’s solver presently expects a very
specific arrangement.
-Until further notice:
- Optimizations must conform to a single goal of ``minimize`` followed
by a ``sum`` operator.
- The sum can consist of two ``distance_between`` function calls, or
@@ -1939,10 +2127,10 @@ there is a point of diminishing returns in terms of readability!
-- In the first version, we do not support more than one dimension in
- the optimization (e.g., Minimize distance and cost). For supporting
- multiple dimensions we would need a function the normalize the unit
- across dimensions.
+- We do not support more than one dimension in the optimization
+ (e.g., Minimize distance and cost). For supporting multiple
+ dimensions we would need a function the normalize the unit across
+ dimensions.
Intrinsic Functions
@@ -2008,10 +2196,11 @@ would be of that file’s contents.
- ``file:///path/to/stack_template.yaml``
- ``http://hostname/environment.yaml``
- If Homing will only be accessed over DMaaP, files will need to be
- embedded using the Homing API request format.
+ embedded using the Homing API request format. This will be a
+ consideration when DMaaP integration happens.