diff options
1 files changed, 81 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/robot/testsuites/healthcheck/Valet-Test.robot b/robot/testsuites/healthcheck/Valet-Test.robot
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c626cef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/robot/testsuites/healthcheck/Valet-Test.robot
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+*** Settings ***
+Library OperatingSystem
+Library RequestsLibrary
+Library json
+*** Variables ***
+${Endpoint_API}= /api/valet/alive
+${Endpoint_Ping}= /api/valet/ping
+${Endpoint_Health}= /api/valet/healthcheck
+${Valet_Port} = 8080
+${Valet_Url}= /api/valet
+${Create_EP}= /placement/v1/
+${Authorization}= ${BASIC} ${AUTHVALUE}
+${BASIC}= basic
+${AUTHVALUE}= UWLoPObt6Bb837uJ4jbDYRoQ7zu7svyxeJh4NGY6IT/QjIOOsNA+AaHIGP/G0Bp7dWJLiEytrjPC+NjIGfeRrA==
+${Reg_Id}= aic6
+${Vf_Mod_Id}= vf_module_uuid-006
+${Vf_Mod_Name}= test_stack_006
+${Stack_Name}= test_stack_006
+${Vnf_Id}= vnf_id_test-006
+${Create_Group_EP}= /groups/v1/
+${Req_ID}= GPlcp
+${Tenant_ID}= 00000000000000000000000000000000
+${Vnf_Name}= vnf_name_test-006
+${Name}= new_rule_1
+${Prior_req_id}= testrackdiv01
+${Type}= affinity
+${Level}= rack
+*** Test Cases ***
+HealthCheck API
+ [Documentation] GET Call to confirm that Valet API is running
+ Create Session Valet ${Valet_Host}:${Valet_Port}
+ &{headers}= Create Dictionary Content-Type=application/json
+ # ${StepName} Set Variable healthcheck
+ Log to Console ******************
+ Log to Console Sending Get Call to check Valet API status
+ Log to Console ${Valet_Host}:${Valet_Port} is URL
+ #Log to Console ${headers}
+ ${resp}= Get Request Valet ${Endpoint_API} headers=${headers}
+ Sleep 30s
+ Log to Console Response from Server ${resp}
+ Log to Console ${resp.status_code}
+ Should Be Equal As Integers ${resp.status_code} 200
+ Log to Console HealthCheck API Test case is Successful
+HealthCheck Communication
+ [Documentation] GET Call to confirm that the API is running and communicating with Music
+ Create Session Valet ${Valet_Host}:${Valet_Port}
+ &{headers}= Create Dictionary Content-Type=application/json
+ # ${StepName} Set Variable healthcheck
+ Log to Console ******************
+ Log to Console Sending Get Call to confirm that the API is running and communicating with Music
+ Log to Console ${Valet_Host}:${Valet_Port} is URL
+ # Log to Console Header is ${headers}
+ ${resp}= Get Request Valet ${Endpoint_Ping} headers=${headers}
+ Sleep 30s
+ Log to Console Response from Server ${resp}
+ Log to Console ${resp.status_code}
+ Should Be Equal As Integers ${resp.status_code} 200
+ Log to Console HealthCheck Communication Test case is Successful
+HealthCheck API and Engine
+ [Documentation] GET Cal to confirm that API and Engine both are running, and able to communicate with each other through Music
+ Create Session Valet ${Valet_Host}:${Valet_Port}
+ &{headers}= Create Dictionary Content-Type=application/json
+ # ${StepName} Set Variable healthcheck
+ Log to Console ******************
+ Log to Console Sending Get Call to confirm that the API is running and communicating with Music
+ Log to Console ${Valet_Host}:${Valet_Port} is URL
+ #Log to Console Header is ${headers}
+ ${resp}= Get Request Valet ${Endpoint_Health} headers=${headers}
+ Sleep 30s
+ Log to Console Response from Server ${resp}
+ Log to Console ${resp.status_code}
+ Should Be Equal As Integers ${resp.status_code} 200
+ Log to Console HealthCheck API and Engine Test case is Successful