path: root/kube2msb/src/vendor/k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client
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Diffstat (limited to 'kube2msb/src/vendor/k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client')
92 files changed, 0 insertions, 14779 deletions
diff --git a/kube2msb/src/vendor/k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/cache/delta_fifo.go b/kube2msb/src/vendor/k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/cache/delta_fifo.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 5a7f4a9..0000000
--- a/kube2msb/src/vendor/k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/cache/delta_fifo.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,613 +0,0 @@
-Copyright 2014 The Kubernetes Authors.
-Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-You may obtain a copy of the License at
- http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-limitations under the License.
-package cache
-import (
- "errors"
- "fmt"
- "sync"
- "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/util/sets"
- "github.com/golang/glog"
-// NewDeltaFIFO returns a Store which can be used process changes to items.
-// keyFunc is used to figure out what key an object should have. (It's
-// exposed in the returned DeltaFIFO's KeyOf() method, with bonus features.)
-// 'compressor' may compress as many or as few items as it wants
-// (including returning an empty slice), but it should do what it
-// does quickly since it is called while the queue is locked.
-// 'compressor' may be nil if you don't want any delta compression.
-// 'keyLister' is expected to return a list of keys that the consumer of
-// this queue "knows about". It is used to decide which items are missing
-// when Replace() is called; 'Deleted' deltas are produced for these items.
-// It may be nil if you don't need to detect all deletions.
-// TODO: consider merging keyLister with this object, tracking a list of
-// "known" keys when Pop() is called. Have to think about how that
-// affects error retrying.
-// TODO(lavalamp): I believe there is a possible race only when using an
-// external known object source that the above TODO would
-// fix.
-// Also see the comment on DeltaFIFO.
-func NewDeltaFIFO(keyFunc KeyFunc, compressor DeltaCompressor, knownObjects KeyListerGetter) *DeltaFIFO {
- f := &DeltaFIFO{
- items: map[string]Deltas{},
- queue: []string{},
- keyFunc: keyFunc,
- deltaCompressor: compressor,
- knownObjects: knownObjects,
- }
- f.cond.L = &f.lock
- return f
-// DeltaFIFO is like FIFO, but allows you to process deletes.
-// DeltaFIFO is a producer-consumer queue, where a Reflector is
-// intended to be the producer, and the consumer is whatever calls
-// the Pop() method.
-// DeltaFIFO solves this use case:
-// * You want to process every object change (delta) at most once.
-// * When you process an object, you want to see everything
-// that's happened to it since you last processed it.
-// * You want to process the deletion of objects.
-// * You might want to periodically reprocess objects.
-// DeltaFIFO's Pop(), Get(), and GetByKey() methods return
-// interface{} to satisfy the Store/Queue interfaces, but it
-// will always return an object of type Deltas.
-// A note on threading: If you call Pop() in parallel from multiple
-// threads, you could end up with multiple threads processing slightly
-// different versions of the same object.
-// A note on the KeyLister used by the DeltaFIFO: It's main purpose is
-// to list keys that are "known", for the purpose of figuring out which
-// items have been deleted when Replace() or Delete() are called. The deleted
-// object will be included in the DeleteFinalStateUnknown markers. These objects
-// could be stale.
-// You may provide a function to compress deltas (e.g., represent a
-// series of Updates as a single Update).
-type DeltaFIFO struct {
- // lock/cond protects access to 'items' and 'queue'.
- lock sync.RWMutex
- cond sync.Cond
- // We depend on the property that items in the set are in
- // the queue and vice versa, and that all Deltas in this
- // map have at least one Delta.
- items map[string]Deltas
- queue []string
- // populated is true if the first batch of items inserted by Replace() has been populated
- // or Delete/Add/Update was called first.
- populated bool
- // initialPopulationCount is the number of items inserted by the first call of Replace()
- initialPopulationCount int
- // keyFunc is used to make the key used for queued item
- // insertion and retrieval, and should be deterministic.
- keyFunc KeyFunc
- // deltaCompressor tells us how to combine two or more
- // deltas. It may be nil.
- deltaCompressor DeltaCompressor
- // knownObjects list keys that are "known", for the
- // purpose of figuring out which items have been deleted
- // when Replace() or Delete() is called.
- knownObjects KeyListerGetter
-var (
- _ = Queue(&DeltaFIFO{}) // DeltaFIFO is a Queue
-var (
- // ErrZeroLengthDeltasObject is returned in a KeyError if a Deltas
- // object with zero length is encountered (should be impossible,
- // even if such an object is accidentally produced by a DeltaCompressor--
- // but included for completeness).
- ErrZeroLengthDeltasObject = errors.New("0 length Deltas object; can't get key")
-// KeyOf exposes f's keyFunc, but also detects the key of a Deltas object or
-// DeletedFinalStateUnknown objects.
-func (f *DeltaFIFO) KeyOf(obj interface{}) (string, error) {
- if d, ok := obj.(Deltas); ok {
- if len(d) == 0 {
- return "", KeyError{obj, ErrZeroLengthDeltasObject}
- }
- obj = d.Newest().Object
- }
- if d, ok := obj.(DeletedFinalStateUnknown); ok {
- return d.Key, nil
- }
- return f.keyFunc(obj)
-// Return true if an Add/Update/Delete/AddIfNotPresent are called first,
-// or an Update called first but the first batch of items inserted by Replace() has been popped
-func (f *DeltaFIFO) HasSynced() bool {
- f.lock.Lock()
- defer f.lock.Unlock()
- return f.populated && f.initialPopulationCount == 0
-// Add inserts an item, and puts it in the queue. The item is only enqueued
-// if it doesn't already exist in the set.
-func (f *DeltaFIFO) Add(obj interface{}) error {
- f.lock.Lock()
- defer f.lock.Unlock()
- f.populated = true
- return f.queueActionLocked(Added, obj)
-// Update is just like Add, but makes an Updated Delta.
-func (f *DeltaFIFO) Update(obj interface{}) error {
- f.lock.Lock()
- defer f.lock.Unlock()
- f.populated = true
- return f.queueActionLocked(Updated, obj)
-// Delete is just like Add, but makes an Deleted Delta. If the item does not
-// already exist, it will be ignored. (It may have already been deleted by a
-// Replace (re-list), for example.
-func (f *DeltaFIFO) Delete(obj interface{}) error {
- id, err := f.KeyOf(obj)
- if err != nil {
- return KeyError{obj, err}
- }
- f.lock.Lock()
- defer f.lock.Unlock()
- f.populated = true
- if f.knownObjects == nil {
- if _, exists := f.items[id]; !exists {
- // Presumably, this was deleted when a relist happened.
- // Don't provide a second report of the same deletion.
- return nil
- }
- } else {
- // We only want to skip the "deletion" action if the object doesn't
- // exist in knownObjects and it doesn't have corresponding item in items.
- // Note that even if there is a "deletion" action in items, we can ignore it,
- // because it will be deduped automatically in "queueActionLocked"
- _, exists, err := f.knownObjects.GetByKey(id)
- _, itemsExist := f.items[id]
- if err == nil && !exists && !itemsExist {
- // Presumably, this was deleted when a relist happened.
- // Don't provide a second report of the same deletion.
- // TODO(lavalamp): This may be racy-- we aren't properly locked
- // with knownObjects.
- return nil
- }
- }
- return f.queueActionLocked(Deleted, obj)
-// AddIfNotPresent inserts an item, and puts it in the queue. If the item is already
-// present in the set, it is neither enqueued nor added to the set.
-// This is useful in a single producer/consumer scenario so that the consumer can
-// safely retry items without contending with the producer and potentially enqueueing
-// stale items.
-// Important: obj must be a Deltas (the output of the Pop() function). Yes, this is
-// different from the Add/Update/Delete functions.
-func (f *DeltaFIFO) AddIfNotPresent(obj interface{}) error {
- deltas, ok := obj.(Deltas)
- if !ok {
- return fmt.Errorf("object must be of type deltas, but got: %#v", obj)
- }
- id, err := f.KeyOf(deltas.Newest().Object)
- if err != nil {
- return KeyError{obj, err}
- }
- f.lock.Lock()
- defer f.lock.Unlock()
- f.addIfNotPresent(id, deltas)
- return nil
-// addIfNotPresent inserts deltas under id if it does not exist, and assumes the caller
-// already holds the fifo lock.
-func (f *DeltaFIFO) addIfNotPresent(id string, deltas Deltas) {
- f.populated = true
- if _, exists := f.items[id]; exists {
- return
- }
- f.queue = append(f.queue, id)
- f.items[id] = deltas
- f.cond.Broadcast()
-// re-listing and watching can deliver the same update multiple times in any
-// order. This will combine the most recent two deltas if they are the same.
-func dedupDeltas(deltas Deltas) Deltas {
- n := len(deltas)
- if n < 2 {
- return deltas
- }
- a := &deltas[n-1]
- b := &deltas[n-2]
- if out := isDup(a, b); out != nil {
- d := append(Deltas{}, deltas[:n-2]...)
- return append(d, *out)
- }
- return deltas
-// If a & b represent the same event, returns the delta that ought to be kept.
-// Otherwise, returns nil.
-// TODO: is there anything other than deletions that need deduping?
-func isDup(a, b *Delta) *Delta {
- if out := isDeletionDup(a, b); out != nil {
- return out
- }
- // TODO: Detect other duplicate situations? Are there any?
- return nil
-// keep the one with the most information if both are deletions.
-func isDeletionDup(a, b *Delta) *Delta {
- if b.Type != Deleted || a.Type != Deleted {
- return nil
- }
- // Do more sophisticated checks, or is this sufficient?
- if _, ok := b.Object.(DeletedFinalStateUnknown); ok {
- return a
- }
- return b
-// willObjectBeDeletedLocked returns true only if the last delta for the
-// given object is Delete. Caller must lock first.
-func (f *DeltaFIFO) willObjectBeDeletedLocked(id string) bool {
- deltas := f.items[id]
- return len(deltas) > 0 && deltas[len(deltas)-1].Type == Deleted
-// queueActionLocked appends to the delta list for the object, calling
-// f.deltaCompressor if needed. Caller must lock first.
-func (f *DeltaFIFO) queueActionLocked(actionType DeltaType, obj interface{}) error {
- id, err := f.KeyOf(obj)
- if err != nil {
- return KeyError{obj, err}
- }
- // If object is supposed to be deleted (last event is Deleted),
- // then we should ignore Sync events, because it would result in
- // recreation of this object.
- if actionType == Sync && f.willObjectBeDeletedLocked(id) {
- return nil
- }
- newDeltas := append(f.items[id], Delta{actionType, obj})
- newDeltas = dedupDeltas(newDeltas)
- if f.deltaCompressor != nil {
- newDeltas = f.deltaCompressor.Compress(newDeltas)
- }
- _, exists := f.items[id]
- if len(newDeltas) > 0 {
- if !exists {
- f.queue = append(f.queue, id)
- }
- f.items[id] = newDeltas
- f.cond.Broadcast()
- } else if exists {
- // The compression step removed all deltas, so
- // we need to remove this from our map (extra items
- // in the queue are ignored if they are not in the
- // map).
- delete(f.items, id)
- }
- return nil
-// List returns a list of all the items; it returns the object
-// from the most recent Delta.
-// You should treat the items returned inside the deltas as immutable.
-func (f *DeltaFIFO) List() []interface{} {
- f.lock.RLock()
- defer f.lock.RUnlock()
- return f.listLocked()
-func (f *DeltaFIFO) listLocked() []interface{} {
- list := make([]interface{}, 0, len(f.items))
- for _, item := range f.items {
- // Copy item's slice so operations on this slice (delta
- // compression) won't interfere with the object we return.
- item = copyDeltas(item)
- list = append(list, item.Newest().Object)
- }
- return list
-// ListKeys returns a list of all the keys of the objects currently
-// in the FIFO.
-func (f *DeltaFIFO) ListKeys() []string {
- f.lock.RLock()
- defer f.lock.RUnlock()
- list := make([]string, 0, len(f.items))
- for key := range f.items {
- list = append(list, key)
- }
- return list
-// Get returns the complete list of deltas for the requested item,
-// or sets exists=false.
-// You should treat the items returned inside the deltas as immutable.
-func (f *DeltaFIFO) Get(obj interface{}) (item interface{}, exists bool, err error) {
- key, err := f.KeyOf(obj)
- if err != nil {
- return nil, false, KeyError{obj, err}
- }
- return f.GetByKey(key)
-// GetByKey returns the complete list of deltas for the requested item,
-// setting exists=false if that list is empty.
-// You should treat the items returned inside the deltas as immutable.
-func (f *DeltaFIFO) GetByKey(key string) (item interface{}, exists bool, err error) {
- f.lock.RLock()
- defer f.lock.RUnlock()
- d, exists := f.items[key]
- if exists {
- // Copy item's slice so operations on this slice (delta
- // compression) won't interfere with the object we return.
- d = copyDeltas(d)
- }
- return d, exists, nil
-// Pop blocks until an item is added to the queue, and then returns it. If
-// multiple items are ready, they are returned in the order in which they were
-// added/updated. The item is removed from the queue (and the store) before it
-// is returned, so if you don't successfully process it, you need to add it back
-// with AddIfNotPresent().
-// process function is called under lock, so it is safe update data structures
-// in it that need to be in sync with the queue (e.g. knownKeys). The PopProcessFunc
-// may return an instance of ErrRequeue with a nested error to indicate the current
-// item should be requeued (equivalent to calling AddIfNotPresent under the lock).
-// Pop returns a 'Deltas', which has a complete list of all the things
-// that happened to the object (deltas) while it was sitting in the queue.
-func (f *DeltaFIFO) Pop(process PopProcessFunc) (interface{}, error) {
- f.lock.Lock()
- defer f.lock.Unlock()
- for {
- for len(f.queue) == 0 {
- f.cond.Wait()
- }
- id := f.queue[0]
- f.queue = f.queue[1:]
- item, ok := f.items[id]
- if f.initialPopulationCount > 0 {
- f.initialPopulationCount--
- }
- if !ok {
- // Item may have been deleted subsequently.
- continue
- }
- delete(f.items, id)
- err := process(item)
- if e, ok := err.(ErrRequeue); ok {
- f.addIfNotPresent(id, item)
- err = e.Err
- }
- // Don't need to copyDeltas here, because we're transferring
- // ownership to the caller.
- return item, err
- }
-// Replace will delete the contents of 'f', using instead the given map.
-// 'f' takes ownership of the map, you should not reference the map again
-// after calling this function. f's queue is reset, too; upon return, it
-// will contain the items in the map, in no particular order.
-func (f *DeltaFIFO) Replace(list []interface{}, resourceVersion string) error {
- f.lock.Lock()
- defer f.lock.Unlock()
- keys := make(sets.String, len(list))
- if !f.populated {
- f.populated = true
- f.initialPopulationCount = len(list)
- }
- for _, item := range list {
- key, err := f.KeyOf(item)
- if err != nil {
- return KeyError{item, err}
- }
- keys.Insert(key)
- if err := f.queueActionLocked(Sync, item); err != nil {
- return fmt.Errorf("couldn't enqueue object: %v", err)
- }
- }
- if f.knownObjects == nil {
- // Do deletion detection against our own list.
- for k, oldItem := range f.items {
- if keys.Has(k) {
- continue
- }
- var deletedObj interface{}
- if n := oldItem.Newest(); n != nil {
- deletedObj = n.Object
- }
- if err := f.queueActionLocked(Deleted, DeletedFinalStateUnknown{k, deletedObj}); err != nil {
- return err
- }
- }
- return nil
- }
- // Detect deletions not already in the queue.
- // TODO(lavalamp): This may be racy-- we aren't properly locked
- // with knownObjects. Unproven.
- knownKeys := f.knownObjects.ListKeys()
- for _, k := range knownKeys {
- if keys.Has(k) {
- continue
- }
- deletedObj, exists, err := f.knownObjects.GetByKey(k)
- if err != nil {
- deletedObj = nil
- glog.Errorf("Unexpected error %v during lookup of key %v, placing DeleteFinalStateUnknown marker without object", err, k)
- } else if !exists {
- deletedObj = nil
- glog.Infof("Key %v does not exist in known objects store, placing DeleteFinalStateUnknown marker without object", k)
- }
- if err := f.queueActionLocked(Deleted, DeletedFinalStateUnknown{k, deletedObj}); err != nil {
- return err
- }
- }
- return nil
-// Resync will send a sync event for each item
-func (f *DeltaFIFO) Resync() error {
- f.lock.RLock()
- defer f.lock.RUnlock()
- for _, k := range f.knownObjects.ListKeys() {
- obj, exists, err := f.knownObjects.GetByKey(k)
- if err != nil {
- glog.Errorf("Unexpected error %v during lookup of key %v, unable to queue object for sync", err, k)
- continue
- } else if !exists {
- glog.Infof("Key %v does not exist in known objects store, unable to queue object for sync", k)
- continue
- }
- if err := f.queueActionLocked(Sync, obj); err != nil {
- return fmt.Errorf("couldn't queue object: %v", err)
- }
- }
- return nil
-// A KeyListerGetter is anything that knows how to list its keys and look up by key.
-type KeyListerGetter interface {
- KeyLister
- KeyGetter
-// A KeyLister is anything that knows how to list its keys.
-type KeyLister interface {
- ListKeys() []string
-// A KeyGetter is anything that knows how to get the value stored under a given key.
-type KeyGetter interface {
- GetByKey(key string) (interface{}, bool, error)
-// DeltaCompressor is an algorithm that removes redundant changes.
-type DeltaCompressor interface {
- Compress(Deltas) Deltas
-// DeltaCompressorFunc should remove redundant changes; but changes that
-// are redundant depend on one's desired semantics, so this is an
-// injectable function.
-// DeltaCompressorFunc adapts a raw function to be a DeltaCompressor.
-type DeltaCompressorFunc func(Deltas) Deltas
-// Compress just calls dc.
-func (dc DeltaCompressorFunc) Compress(d Deltas) Deltas {
- return dc(d)
-// DeltaType is the type of a change (addition, deletion, etc)
-type DeltaType string
-const (
- Added DeltaType = "Added"
- Updated DeltaType = "Updated"
- Deleted DeltaType = "Deleted"
- // The other types are obvious. You'll get Sync deltas when:
- // * A watch expires/errors out and a new list/watch cycle is started.
- // * You've turned on periodic syncs.
- // (Anything that trigger's DeltaFIFO's Replace() method.)
- Sync DeltaType = "Sync"
-// Delta is the type stored by a DeltaFIFO. It tells you what change
-// happened, and the object's state after* that change.
-// [*] Unless the change is a deletion, and then you'll get the final
-// state of the object before it was deleted.
-type Delta struct {
- Type DeltaType
- Object interface{}
-// Deltas is a list of one or more 'Delta's to an individual object.
-// The oldest delta is at index 0, the newest delta is the last one.
-type Deltas []Delta
-// Oldest is a convenience function that returns the oldest delta, or
-// nil if there are no deltas.
-func (d Deltas) Oldest() *Delta {
- if len(d) > 0 {
- return &d[0]
- }
- return nil
-// Newest is a convenience function that returns the newest delta, or
-// nil if there are no deltas.
-func (d Deltas) Newest() *Delta {
- if n := len(d); n > 0 {
- return &d[n-1]
- }
- return nil
-// copyDeltas returns a shallow copy of d; that is, it copies the slice but not
-// the objects in the slice. This allows Get/List to return an object that we
-// know won't be clobbered by a subsequent call to a delta compressor.
-func copyDeltas(d Deltas) Deltas {
- d2 := make(Deltas, len(d))
- copy(d2, d)
- return d2
-// DeletedFinalStateUnknown is placed into a DeltaFIFO in the case where
-// an object was deleted but the watch deletion event was missed. In this
-// case we don't know the final "resting" state of the object, so there's
-// a chance the included `Obj` is stale.
-type DeletedFinalStateUnknown struct {
- Key string
- Obj interface{}
diff --git a/kube2msb/src/vendor/k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/cache/doc.go b/kube2msb/src/vendor/k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/cache/doc.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 4f593f0..0000000
--- a/kube2msb/src/vendor/k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/cache/doc.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-Copyright 2014 The Kubernetes Authors.
-Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-You may obtain a copy of the License at
- http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-limitations under the License.
-// Package cache is a client-side caching mechanism. It is useful for
-// reducing the number of server calls you'd otherwise need to make.
-// Reflector watches a server and updates a Store. Two stores are provided;
-// one that simply caches objects (for example, to allow a scheduler to
-// list currently available nodes), and one that additionally acts as
-// a FIFO queue (for example, to allow a scheduler to process incoming
-// pods).
-package cache
diff --git a/kube2msb/src/vendor/k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/cache/expiration_cache.go b/kube2msb/src/vendor/k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/cache/expiration_cache.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 8c5c470..0000000
--- a/kube2msb/src/vendor/k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/cache/expiration_cache.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,208 +0,0 @@
-Copyright 2014 The Kubernetes Authors.
-Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-You may obtain a copy of the License at
- http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-limitations under the License.
-package cache
-import (
- "sync"
- "time"
- "github.com/golang/glog"
- "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/util"
-// ExpirationCache implements the store interface
-// 1. All entries are automatically time stamped on insert
-// a. The key is computed based off the original item/keyFunc
-// b. The value inserted under that key is the timestamped item
-// 2. Expiration happens lazily on read based on the expiration policy
-// a. No item can be inserted into the store while we're expiring
-// *any* item in the cache.
-// 3. Time-stamps are stripped off unexpired entries before return
-// Note that the ExpirationCache is inherently slower than a normal
-// threadSafeStore because it takes a write lock every time it checks if
-// an item has expired.
-type ExpirationCache struct {
- cacheStorage ThreadSafeStore
- keyFunc KeyFunc
- clock util.Clock
- expirationPolicy ExpirationPolicy
- // expirationLock is a write lock used to guarantee that we don't clobber
- // newly inserted objects because of a stale expiration timestamp comparison
- expirationLock sync.Mutex
-// ExpirationPolicy dictates when an object expires. Currently only abstracted out
-// so unittests don't rely on the system clock.
-type ExpirationPolicy interface {
- IsExpired(obj *timestampedEntry) bool
-// TTLPolicy implements a ttl based ExpirationPolicy.
-type TTLPolicy struct {
- // >0: Expire entries with an age > ttl
- // <=0: Don't expire any entry
- Ttl time.Duration
- // Clock used to calculate ttl expiration
- Clock util.Clock
-// IsExpired returns true if the given object is older than the ttl, or it can't
-// determine its age.
-func (p *TTLPolicy) IsExpired(obj *timestampedEntry) bool {
- return p.Ttl > 0 && p.Clock.Since(obj.timestamp) > p.Ttl
-// timestampedEntry is the only type allowed in a ExpirationCache.
-type timestampedEntry struct {
- obj interface{}
- timestamp time.Time
-// getTimestampedEntry returnes the timestampedEntry stored under the given key.
-func (c *ExpirationCache) getTimestampedEntry(key string) (*timestampedEntry, bool) {
- item, _ := c.cacheStorage.Get(key)
- if tsEntry, ok := item.(*timestampedEntry); ok {
- return tsEntry, true
- }
- return nil, false
-// getOrExpire retrieves the object from the timestampedEntry if and only if it hasn't
-// already expired. It holds a write lock across deletion.
-func (c *ExpirationCache) getOrExpire(key string) (interface{}, bool) {
- // Prevent all inserts from the time we deem an item as "expired" to when we
- // delete it, so an un-expired item doesn't sneak in under the same key, just
- // before the Delete.
- c.expirationLock.Lock()
- defer c.expirationLock.Unlock()
- timestampedItem, exists := c.getTimestampedEntry(key)
- if !exists {
- return nil, false
- }
- if c.expirationPolicy.IsExpired(timestampedItem) {
- glog.V(4).Infof("Entry %v: %+v has expired", key, timestampedItem.obj)
- c.cacheStorage.Delete(key)
- return nil, false
- }
- return timestampedItem.obj, true
-// GetByKey returns the item stored under the key, or sets exists=false.
-func (c *ExpirationCache) GetByKey(key string) (interface{}, bool, error) {
- obj, exists := c.getOrExpire(key)
- return obj, exists, nil
-// Get returns unexpired items. It purges the cache of expired items in the
-// process.
-func (c *ExpirationCache) Get(obj interface{}) (interface{}, bool, error) {
- key, err := c.keyFunc(obj)
- if err != nil {
- return nil, false, KeyError{obj, err}
- }
- obj, exists := c.getOrExpire(key)
- return obj, exists, nil
-// List retrieves a list of unexpired items. It purges the cache of expired
-// items in the process.
-func (c *ExpirationCache) List() []interface{} {
- items := c.cacheStorage.List()
- list := make([]interface{}, 0, len(items))
- for _, item := range items {
- obj := item.(*timestampedEntry).obj
- if key, err := c.keyFunc(obj); err != nil {
- list = append(list, obj)
- } else if obj, exists := c.getOrExpire(key); exists {
- list = append(list, obj)
- }
- }
- return list
-// ListKeys returns a list of all keys in the expiration cache.
-func (c *ExpirationCache) ListKeys() []string {
- return c.cacheStorage.ListKeys()
-// Add timestamps an item and inserts it into the cache, overwriting entries
-// that might exist under the same key.
-func (c *ExpirationCache) Add(obj interface{}) error {
- c.expirationLock.Lock()
- defer c.expirationLock.Unlock()
- key, err := c.keyFunc(obj)
- if err != nil {
- return KeyError{obj, err}
- }
- c.cacheStorage.Add(key, &timestampedEntry{obj, c.clock.Now()})
- return nil
-// Update has not been implemented yet for lack of a use case, so this method
-// simply calls `Add`. This effectively refreshes the timestamp.
-func (c *ExpirationCache) Update(obj interface{}) error {
- return c.Add(obj)
-// Delete removes an item from the cache.
-func (c *ExpirationCache) Delete(obj interface{}) error {
- c.expirationLock.Lock()
- defer c.expirationLock.Unlock()
- key, err := c.keyFunc(obj)
- if err != nil {
- return KeyError{obj, err}
- }
- c.cacheStorage.Delete(key)
- return nil
-// Replace will convert all items in the given list to TimestampedEntries
-// before attempting the replace operation. The replace operation will
-// delete the contents of the ExpirationCache `c`.
-func (c *ExpirationCache) Replace(list []interface{}, resourceVersion string) error {
- c.expirationLock.Lock()
- defer c.expirationLock.Unlock()
- items := map[string]interface{}{}
- ts := c.clock.Now()
- for _, item := range list {
- key, err := c.keyFunc(item)
- if err != nil {
- return KeyError{item, err}
- }
- items[key] = &timestampedEntry{item, ts}
- }
- c.cacheStorage.Replace(items, resourceVersion)
- return nil
-// Resync will touch all objects to put them into the processing queue
-func (c *ExpirationCache) Resync() error {
- return c.cacheStorage.Resync()
-// NewTTLStore creates and returns a ExpirationCache with a TTLPolicy
-func NewTTLStore(keyFunc KeyFunc, ttl time.Duration) Store {
- return &ExpirationCache{
- cacheStorage: NewThreadSafeStore(Indexers{}, Indices{}),
- keyFunc: keyFunc,
- clock: util.RealClock{},
- expirationPolicy: &TTLPolicy{ttl, util.RealClock{}},
- }
diff --git a/kube2msb/src/vendor/k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/cache/expiration_cache_fakes.go b/kube2msb/src/vendor/k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/cache/expiration_cache_fakes.go
deleted file mode 100644
index eb1d535..0000000
--- a/kube2msb/src/vendor/k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/cache/expiration_cache_fakes.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
-Copyright 2014 The Kubernetes Authors.
-Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-You may obtain a copy of the License at
- http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-limitations under the License.
-package cache
-import (
- "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/util"
- "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/util/sets"
-type fakeThreadSafeMap struct {
- ThreadSafeStore
- deletedKeys chan<- string
-func (c *fakeThreadSafeMap) Delete(key string) {
- if c.deletedKeys != nil {
- c.ThreadSafeStore.Delete(key)
- c.deletedKeys <- key
- }
-type FakeExpirationPolicy struct {
- NeverExpire sets.String
- RetrieveKeyFunc KeyFunc
-func (p *FakeExpirationPolicy) IsExpired(obj *timestampedEntry) bool {
- key, _ := p.RetrieveKeyFunc(obj)
- return !p.NeverExpire.Has(key)
-func NewFakeExpirationStore(keyFunc KeyFunc, deletedKeys chan<- string, expirationPolicy ExpirationPolicy, cacheClock util.Clock) Store {
- cacheStorage := NewThreadSafeStore(Indexers{}, Indices{})
- return &ExpirationCache{
- cacheStorage: &fakeThreadSafeMap{cacheStorage, deletedKeys},
- keyFunc: keyFunc,
- clock: cacheClock,
- expirationPolicy: expirationPolicy,
- }
diff --git a/kube2msb/src/vendor/k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/cache/fake_custom_store.go b/kube2msb/src/vendor/k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/cache/fake_custom_store.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 8d71c24..0000000
--- a/kube2msb/src/vendor/k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/cache/fake_custom_store.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,102 +0,0 @@
-Copyright 2016 The Kubernetes Authors.
-Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-You may obtain a copy of the License at
- http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-limitations under the License.
-package cache
-// FakeStore lets you define custom functions for store operations
-type FakeCustomStore struct {
- AddFunc func(obj interface{}) error
- UpdateFunc func(obj interface{}) error
- DeleteFunc func(obj interface{}) error
- ListFunc func() []interface{}
- ListKeysFunc func() []string
- GetFunc func(obj interface{}) (item interface{}, exists bool, err error)
- GetByKeyFunc func(key string) (item interface{}, exists bool, err error)
- ReplaceFunc func(list []interface{}, resourceVerion string) error
- ResyncFunc func() error
-// Add calls the custom Add function if defined
-func (f *FakeCustomStore) Add(obj interface{}) error {
- if f.AddFunc != nil {
- return f.AddFunc(obj)
- }
- return nil
-// Update calls the custom Update function if defined
-func (f *FakeCustomStore) Update(obj interface{}) error {
- if f.UpdateFunc != nil {
- return f.Update(obj)
- }
- return nil
-// Delete calls the custom Delete function if defined
-func (f *FakeCustomStore) Delete(obj interface{}) error {
- if f.DeleteFunc != nil {
- return f.DeleteFunc(obj)
- }
- return nil
-// List calls the custom List function if defined
-func (f *FakeCustomStore) List() []interface{} {
- if f.ListFunc != nil {
- return f.ListFunc()
- }
- return nil
-// ListKeys calls the custom ListKeys function if defined
-func (f *FakeCustomStore) ListKeys() []string {
- if f.ListKeysFunc != nil {
- return f.ListKeysFunc()
- }
- return nil
-// Get calls the custom Get function if defined
-func (f *FakeCustomStore) Get(obj interface{}) (item interface{}, exists bool, err error) {
- if f.GetFunc != nil {
- return f.GetFunc(obj)
- }
- return nil, false, nil
-// GetByKey calls the custom GetByKey function if defined
-func (f *FakeCustomStore) GetByKey(key string) (item interface{}, exists bool, err error) {
- if f.GetByKeyFunc != nil {
- return f.GetByKeyFunc(key)
- }
- return nil, false, nil
-// Replace calls the custom Replace function if defined
-func (f *FakeCustomStore) Replace(list []interface{}, resourceVersion string) error {
- if f.ReplaceFunc != nil {
- return f.ReplaceFunc(list, resourceVersion)
- }
- return nil
-// Resync calls the custom Resync function if defined
-func (f *FakeCustomStore) Resync() error {
- if f.ResyncFunc != nil {
- return f.ResyncFunc()
- }
- return nil
diff --git a/kube2msb/src/vendor/k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/cache/fifo.go b/kube2msb/src/vendor/k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/cache/fifo.go
deleted file mode 100644
index a6d5e0a..0000000
--- a/kube2msb/src/vendor/k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/cache/fifo.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,321 +0,0 @@
-Copyright 2014 The Kubernetes Authors.
-Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-You may obtain a copy of the License at
- http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-limitations under the License.
-package cache
-import (
- "sync"
- "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/util/sets"
-// PopProcessFunc is passed to Pop() method of Queue interface.
-// It is supposed to process the element popped from the queue.
-type PopProcessFunc func(interface{}) error
-// ErrRequeue may be returned by a PopProcessFunc to safely requeue
-// the current item. The value of Err will be returned from Pop.
-type ErrRequeue struct {
- // Err is returned by the Pop function
- Err error
-func (e ErrRequeue) Error() string {
- if e.Err == nil {
- return "the popped item should be requeued without returning an error"
- }
- return e.Err.Error()
-// Queue is exactly like a Store, but has a Pop() method too.
-type Queue interface {
- Store
- // Pop blocks until it has something to process.
- // It returns the object that was process and the result of processing.
- // The PopProcessFunc may return an ErrRequeue{...} to indicate the item
- // should be requeued before releasing the lock on the queue.
- Pop(PopProcessFunc) (interface{}, error)
- // AddIfNotPresent adds a value previously
- // returned by Pop back into the queue as long
- // as nothing else (presumably more recent)
- // has since been added.
- AddIfNotPresent(interface{}) error
- // Return true if the first batch of items has been popped
- HasSynced() bool
-// Helper function for popping from Queue.
-// WARNING: Do NOT use this function in non-test code to avoid races
-// unless you really really really really know what you are doing.
-func Pop(queue Queue) interface{} {
- var result interface{}
- queue.Pop(func(obj interface{}) error {
- result = obj
- return nil
- })
- return result
-// FIFO receives adds and updates from a Reflector, and puts them in a queue for
-// FIFO order processing. If multiple adds/updates of a single item happen while
-// an item is in the queue before it has been processed, it will only be
-// processed once, and when it is processed, the most recent version will be
-// processed. This can't be done with a channel.
-// FIFO solves this use case:
-// * You want to process every object (exactly) once.
-// * You want to process the most recent version of the object when you process it.
-// * You do not want to process deleted objects, they should be removed from the queue.
-// * You do not want to periodically reprocess objects.
-// Compare with DeltaFIFO for other use cases.
-type FIFO struct {
- lock sync.RWMutex
- cond sync.Cond
- // We depend on the property that items in the set are in the queue and vice versa.
- items map[string]interface{}
- queue []string
- // populated is true if the first batch of items inserted by Replace() has been populated
- // or Delete/Add/Update was called first.
- populated bool
- // initialPopulationCount is the number of items inserted by the first call of Replace()
- initialPopulationCount int
- // keyFunc is used to make the key used for queued item insertion and retrieval, and
- // should be deterministic.
- keyFunc KeyFunc
-var (
- _ = Queue(&FIFO{}) // FIFO is a Queue
-// Return true if an Add/Update/Delete/AddIfNotPresent are called first,
-// or an Update called first but the first batch of items inserted by Replace() has been popped
-func (f *FIFO) HasSynced() bool {
- f.lock.Lock()
- defer f.lock.Unlock()
- return f.populated && f.initialPopulationCount == 0
-// Add inserts an item, and puts it in the queue. The item is only enqueued
-// if it doesn't already exist in the set.
-func (f *FIFO) Add(obj interface{}) error {
- id, err := f.keyFunc(obj)
- if err != nil {
- return KeyError{obj, err}
- }
- f.lock.Lock()
- defer f.lock.Unlock()
- f.populated = true
- if _, exists := f.items[id]; !exists {
- f.queue = append(f.queue, id)
- }
- f.items[id] = obj
- f.cond.Broadcast()
- return nil
-// AddIfNotPresent inserts an item, and puts it in the queue. If the item is already
-// present in the set, it is neither enqueued nor added to the set.
-// This is useful in a single producer/consumer scenario so that the consumer can
-// safely retry items without contending with the producer and potentially enqueueing
-// stale items.
-func (f *FIFO) AddIfNotPresent(obj interface{}) error {
- id, err := f.keyFunc(obj)
- if err != nil {
- return KeyError{obj, err}
- }
- f.lock.Lock()
- defer f.lock.Unlock()
- f.addIfNotPresent(id, obj)
- return nil
-// addIfNotPresent assumes the fifo lock is already held and adds the the provided
-// item to the queue under id if it does not already exist.
-func (f *FIFO) addIfNotPresent(id string, obj interface{}) {
- f.populated = true
- if _, exists := f.items[id]; exists {
- return
- }
- f.queue = append(f.queue, id)
- f.items[id] = obj
- f.cond.Broadcast()
-// Update is the same as Add in this implementation.
-func (f *FIFO) Update(obj interface{}) error {
- return f.Add(obj)
-// Delete removes an item. It doesn't add it to the queue, because
-// this implementation assumes the consumer only cares about the objects,
-// not the order in which they were created/added.
-func (f *FIFO) Delete(obj interface{}) error {
- id, err := f.keyFunc(obj)
- if err != nil {
- return KeyError{obj, err}
- }
- f.lock.Lock()
- defer f.lock.Unlock()
- f.populated = true
- delete(f.items, id)
- return err
-// List returns a list of all the items.
-func (f *FIFO) List() []interface{} {
- f.lock.RLock()
- defer f.lock.RUnlock()
- list := make([]interface{}, 0, len(f.items))
- for _, item := range f.items {
- list = append(list, item)
- }
- return list
-// ListKeys returns a list of all the keys of the objects currently
-// in the FIFO.
-func (f *FIFO) ListKeys() []string {
- f.lock.RLock()
- defer f.lock.RUnlock()
- list := make([]string, 0, len(f.items))
- for key := range f.items {
- list = append(list, key)
- }
- return list
-// Get returns the requested item, or sets exists=false.
-func (f *FIFO) Get(obj interface{}) (item interface{}, exists bool, err error) {
- key, err := f.keyFunc(obj)
- if err != nil {
- return nil, false, KeyError{obj, err}
- }
- return f.GetByKey(key)
-// GetByKey returns the requested item, or sets exists=false.
-func (f *FIFO) GetByKey(key string) (item interface{}, exists bool, err error) {
- f.lock.RLock()
- defer f.lock.RUnlock()
- item, exists = f.items[key]
- return item, exists, nil
-// Pop waits until an item is ready and processes it. If multiple items are
-// ready, they are returned in the order in which they were added/updated.
-// The item is removed from the queue (and the store) before it is processed,
-// so if you don't successfully process it, it should be added back with
-// AddIfNotPresent(). process function is called under lock, so it is safe
-// update data structures in it that need to be in sync with the queue.
-func (f *FIFO) Pop(process PopProcessFunc) (interface{}, error) {
- f.lock.Lock()
- defer f.lock.Unlock()
- for {
- for len(f.queue) == 0 {
- f.cond.Wait()
- }
- id := f.queue[0]
- f.queue = f.queue[1:]
- if f.initialPopulationCount > 0 {
- f.initialPopulationCount--
- }
- item, ok := f.items[id]
- if !ok {
- // Item may have been deleted subsequently.
- continue
- }
- delete(f.items, id)
- err := process(item)
- if e, ok := err.(ErrRequeue); ok {
- f.addIfNotPresent(id, item)
- err = e.Err
- }
- return item, err
- }
-// Replace will delete the contents of 'f', using instead the given map.
-// 'f' takes ownership of the map, you should not reference the map again
-// after calling this function. f's queue is reset, too; upon return, it
-// will contain the items in the map, in no particular order.
-func (f *FIFO) Replace(list []interface{}, resourceVersion string) error {
- items := map[string]interface{}{}
- for _, item := range list {
- key, err := f.keyFunc(item)
- if err != nil {
- return KeyError{item, err}
- }
- items[key] = item
- }
- f.lock.Lock()
- defer f.lock.Unlock()
- if !f.populated {
- f.populated = true
- f.initialPopulationCount = len(items)
- }
- f.items = items
- f.queue = f.queue[:0]
- for id := range items {
- f.queue = append(f.queue, id)
- }
- if len(f.queue) > 0 {
- f.cond.Broadcast()
- }
- return nil
-// Resync will touch all objects to put them into the processing queue
-func (f *FIFO) Resync() error {
- f.lock.Lock()
- defer f.lock.Unlock()
- inQueue := sets.NewString()
- for _, id := range f.queue {
- inQueue.Insert(id)
- }
- for id := range f.items {
- if !inQueue.Has(id) {
- f.queue = append(f.queue, id)
- }
- }
- if len(f.queue) > 0 {
- f.cond.Broadcast()
- }
- return nil
-// NewFIFO returns a Store which can be used to queue up items to
-// process.
-func NewFIFO(keyFunc KeyFunc) *FIFO {
- f := &FIFO{
- items: map[string]interface{}{},
- queue: []string{},
- keyFunc: keyFunc,
- }
- f.cond.L = &f.lock
- return f
diff --git a/kube2msb/src/vendor/k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/cache/index.go b/kube2msb/src/vendor/k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/cache/index.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 4379880..0000000
--- a/kube2msb/src/vendor/k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/cache/index.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,82 +0,0 @@
-Copyright 2014 The Kubernetes Authors.
-Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-You may obtain a copy of the License at
- http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-limitations under the License.
-package cache
-import (
- "fmt"
- "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/api/meta"
- "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/util/sets"
-// Indexer is a storage interface that lets you list objects using multiple indexing functions
-type Indexer interface {
- Store
- // Retrieve list of objects that match on the named indexing function
- Index(indexName string, obj interface{}) ([]interface{}, error)
- // ListIndexFuncValues returns the list of generated values of an Index func
- ListIndexFuncValues(indexName string) []string
- // ByIndex lists object that match on the named indexing function with the exact key
- ByIndex(indexName, indexKey string) ([]interface{}, error)
- // GetIndexer return the indexers
- GetIndexers() Indexers
- // AddIndexers adds more indexers to this store. If you call this after you already have data
- // in the store, the results are undefined.
- AddIndexers(newIndexers Indexers) error
-// IndexFunc knows how to provide an indexed value for an object.
-type IndexFunc func(obj interface{}) ([]string, error)
-// IndexFuncToKeyFuncAdapter adapts an indexFunc to a keyFunc. This is only useful if your index function returns
-// unique values for every object. This is conversion can create errors when more than one key is found. You
-// should prefer to make proper key and index functions.
-func IndexFuncToKeyFuncAdapter(indexFunc IndexFunc) KeyFunc {
- return func(obj interface{}) (string, error) {
- indexKeys, err := indexFunc(obj)
- if err != nil {
- return "", err
- }
- if len(indexKeys) > 1 {
- return "", fmt.Errorf("too many keys: %v", indexKeys)
- }
- return indexKeys[0], nil
- }
-const (
- NamespaceIndex string = "namespace"
-// MetaNamespaceIndexFunc is a default index function that indexes based on an object's namespace
-func MetaNamespaceIndexFunc(obj interface{}) ([]string, error) {
- meta, err := meta.Accessor(obj)
- if err != nil {
- return []string{""}, fmt.Errorf("object has no meta: %v", err)
- }
- return []string{meta.GetNamespace()}, nil
-// Index maps the indexed value to a set of keys in the store that match on that value
-type Index map[string]sets.String
-// Indexers maps a name to a IndexFunc
-type Indexers map[string]IndexFunc
-// Indices maps a name to an Index
-type Indices map[string]Index
diff --git a/kube2msb/src/vendor/k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/cache/listers.go b/kube2msb/src/vendor/k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/cache/listers.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 29e5859..0000000
--- a/kube2msb/src/vendor/k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/cache/listers.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,672 +0,0 @@
-Copyright 2014 The Kubernetes Authors.
-Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-You may obtain a copy of the License at
- http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-limitations under the License.
-package cache
-import (
- "fmt"
- "github.com/golang/glog"
- "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/api"
- "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/api/unversioned"
- "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/apis/apps"
- "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/apis/batch"
- "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/apis/extensions"
- "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/labels"
-// TODO: generate these classes and methods for all resources of interest using
-// a script. Can use "go generate" once 1.4 is supported by all users.
-// StoreToPodLister makes a Store have the List method of the client.PodInterface
-// The Store must contain (only) Pods.
-// Example:
-// s := cache.NewStore()
-// lw := cache.ListWatch{Client: c, FieldSelector: sel, Resource: "pods"}
-// r := cache.NewReflector(lw, &api.Pod{}, s).Run()
-// l := StoreToPodLister{s}
-// l.List()
-type StoreToPodLister struct {
- Indexer
-// Please note that selector is filtering among the pods that have gotten into
-// the store; there may have been some filtering that already happened before
-// that.
-// TODO: converge on the interface in pkg/client.
-func (s *StoreToPodLister) List(selector labels.Selector) (pods []*api.Pod, err error) {
- // TODO: it'd be great to just call
- // s.Pods(api.NamespaceAll).List(selector), however then we'd have to
- // remake the list.Items as a []*api.Pod. So leave this separate for
- // now.
- for _, m := range s.Indexer.List() {
- pod := m.(*api.Pod)
- if selector.Matches(labels.Set(pod.Labels)) {
- pods = append(pods, pod)
- }
- }
- return pods, nil
-// Pods is taking baby steps to be more like the api in pkg/client
-func (s *StoreToPodLister) Pods(namespace string) storePodsNamespacer {
- return storePodsNamespacer{s.Indexer, namespace}
-type storePodsNamespacer struct {
- indexer Indexer
- namespace string
-// Please note that selector is filtering among the pods that have gotten into
-// the store; there may have been some filtering that already happened before
-// that.
-func (s storePodsNamespacer) List(selector labels.Selector) (api.PodList, error) {
- pods := api.PodList{}
- if s.namespace == api.NamespaceAll {
- for _, m := range s.indexer.List() {
- pod := m.(*api.Pod)
- if selector.Matches(labels.Set(pod.Labels)) {
- pods.Items = append(pods.Items, *pod)
- }
- }
- return pods, nil
- }
- key := &api.Pod{ObjectMeta: api.ObjectMeta{Namespace: s.namespace}}
- items, err := s.indexer.Index(NamespaceIndex, key)
- if err != nil {
- // Ignore error; do slow search without index.
- glog.Warningf("can not retrieve list of objects using index : %v", err)
- for _, m := range s.indexer.List() {
- pod := m.(*api.Pod)
- if s.namespace == pod.Namespace && selector.Matches(labels.Set(pod.Labels)) {
- pods.Items = append(pods.Items, *pod)
- }
- }
- return pods, nil
- }
- for _, m := range items {
- pod := m.(*api.Pod)
- if selector.Matches(labels.Set(pod.Labels)) {
- pods.Items = append(pods.Items, *pod)
- }
- }
- return pods, nil
-// Exists returns true if a pod matching the namespace/name of the given pod exists in the store.
-func (s *StoreToPodLister) Exists(pod *api.Pod) (bool, error) {
- _, exists, err := s.Indexer.Get(pod)
- if err != nil {
- return false, err
- }
- return exists, nil
-// NodeConditionPredicate is a function that indicates whether the given node's conditions meet
-// some set of criteria defined by the function.
-type NodeConditionPredicate func(node *api.Node) bool
-// StoreToNodeLister makes a Store have the List method of the client.NodeInterface
-// The Store must contain (only) Nodes.
-type StoreToNodeLister struct {
- Store
-func (s *StoreToNodeLister) List() (machines api.NodeList, err error) {
- for _, m := range s.Store.List() {
- machines.Items = append(machines.Items, *(m.(*api.Node)))
- }
- return machines, nil
-// NodeCondition returns a storeToNodeConditionLister
-func (s *StoreToNodeLister) NodeCondition(predicate NodeConditionPredicate) storeToNodeConditionLister {
- // TODO: Move this filtering server side. Currently our selectors don't facilitate searching through a list so we
- // have the reflector filter out the Unschedulable field and sift through node conditions in the lister.
- return storeToNodeConditionLister{s.Store, predicate}
-// storeToNodeConditionLister filters and returns nodes matching the given type and status from the store.
-type storeToNodeConditionLister struct {
- store Store
- predicate NodeConditionPredicate
-// List returns a list of nodes that match the conditions defined by the predicate functions in the storeToNodeConditionLister.
-func (s storeToNodeConditionLister) List() (nodes api.NodeList, err error) {
- for _, m := range s.store.List() {
- node := m.(*api.Node)
- if s.predicate(node) {
- nodes.Items = append(nodes.Items, *node)
- } else {
- glog.V(5).Infof("Node %s matches none of the conditions", node.Name)
- }
- }
- return
-// StoreToReplicationControllerLister gives a store List and Exists methods. The store must contain only ReplicationControllers.
-type StoreToReplicationControllerLister struct {
- Indexer
-// Exists checks if the given rc exists in the store.
-func (s *StoreToReplicationControllerLister) Exists(controller *api.ReplicationController) (bool, error) {
- _, exists, err := s.Indexer.Get(controller)
- if err != nil {
- return false, err
- }
- return exists, nil
-// StoreToReplicationControllerLister lists all controllers in the store.
-// TODO: converge on the interface in pkg/client
-func (s *StoreToReplicationControllerLister) List() (controllers []api.ReplicationController, err error) {
- for _, c := range s.Indexer.List() {
- controllers = append(controllers, *(c.(*api.ReplicationController)))
- }
- return controllers, nil
-func (s *StoreToReplicationControllerLister) ReplicationControllers(namespace string) storeReplicationControllersNamespacer {
- return storeReplicationControllersNamespacer{s.Indexer, namespace}
-type storeReplicationControllersNamespacer struct {
- indexer Indexer
- namespace string
-func (s storeReplicationControllersNamespacer) List(selector labels.Selector) ([]api.ReplicationController, error) {
- controllers := []api.ReplicationController{}
- if s.namespace == api.NamespaceAll {
- for _, m := range s.indexer.List() {
- rc := *(m.(*api.ReplicationController))
- if selector.Matches(labels.Set(rc.Labels)) {
- controllers = append(controllers, rc)
- }
- }
- return controllers, nil
- }
- key := &api.ReplicationController{ObjectMeta: api.ObjectMeta{Namespace: s.namespace}}
- items, err := s.indexer.Index(NamespaceIndex, key)
- if err != nil {
- // Ignore error; do slow search without index.
- glog.Warningf("can not retrieve list of objects using index : %v", err)
- for _, m := range s.indexer.List() {
- rc := *(m.(*api.ReplicationController))
- if s.namespace == rc.Namespace && selector.Matches(labels.Set(rc.Labels)) {
- controllers = append(controllers, rc)
- }
- }
- return controllers, nil
- }
- for _, m := range items {
- rc := *(m.(*api.ReplicationController))
- if selector.Matches(labels.Set(rc.Labels)) {
- controllers = append(controllers, rc)
- }
- }
- return controllers, nil
-// GetPodControllers returns a list of replication controllers managing a pod. Returns an error only if no matching controllers are found.
-func (s *StoreToReplicationControllerLister) GetPodControllers(pod *api.Pod) (controllers []api.ReplicationController, err error) {
- var selector labels.Selector
- var rc api.ReplicationController
- if len(pod.Labels) == 0 {
- err = fmt.Errorf("no controllers found for pod %v because it has no labels", pod.Name)
- return
- }
- key := &api.ReplicationController{ObjectMeta: api.ObjectMeta{Namespace: pod.Namespace}}
- items, err := s.Indexer.Index(NamespaceIndex, key)
- if err != nil {
- return
- }
- for _, m := range items {
- rc = *m.(*api.ReplicationController)
- labelSet := labels.Set(rc.Spec.Selector)
- selector = labels.Set(rc.Spec.Selector).AsSelector()
- // If an rc with a nil or empty selector creeps in, it should match nothing, not everything.
- if labelSet.AsSelector().Empty() || !selector.Matches(labels.Set(pod.Labels)) {
- continue
- }
- controllers = append(controllers, rc)
- }
- if len(controllers) == 0 {
- err = fmt.Errorf("could not find controller for pod %s in namespace %s with labels: %v", pod.Name, pod.Namespace, pod.Labels)
- }
- return
-// StoreToDeploymentLister gives a store List and Exists methods. The store must contain only Deployments.
-type StoreToDeploymentLister struct {
- Store
-// Exists checks if the given deployment exists in the store.
-func (s *StoreToDeploymentLister) Exists(deployment *extensions.Deployment) (bool, error) {
- _, exists, err := s.Store.Get(deployment)
- if err != nil {
- return false, err
- }
- return exists, nil
-// StoreToDeploymentLister lists all deployments in the store.
-// TODO: converge on the interface in pkg/client
-func (s *StoreToDeploymentLister) List() (deployments []extensions.Deployment, err error) {
- for _, c := range s.Store.List() {
- deployments = append(deployments, *(c.(*extensions.Deployment)))
- }
- return deployments, nil
-// GetDeploymentsForReplicaSet returns a list of deployments managing a replica set. Returns an error only if no matching deployments are found.
-func (s *StoreToDeploymentLister) GetDeploymentsForReplicaSet(rs *extensions.ReplicaSet) (deployments []extensions.Deployment, err error) {
- var d extensions.Deployment
- if len(rs.Labels) == 0 {
- err = fmt.Errorf("no deployments found for ReplicaSet %v because it has no labels", rs.Name)
- return
- }
- // TODO: MODIFY THIS METHOD so that it checks for the podTemplateSpecHash label
- for _, m := range s.Store.List() {
- d = *m.(*extensions.Deployment)
- if d.Namespace != rs.Namespace {
- continue
- }
- selector, err := unversioned.LabelSelectorAsSelector(d.Spec.Selector)
- if err != nil {
- return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid label selector: %v", err)
- }
- // If a deployment with a nil or empty selector creeps in, it should match nothing, not everything.
- if selector.Empty() || !selector.Matches(labels.Set(rs.Labels)) {
- continue
- }
- deployments = append(deployments, d)
- }
- if len(deployments) == 0 {
- err = fmt.Errorf("could not find deployments set for ReplicaSet %s in namespace %s with labels: %v", rs.Name, rs.Namespace, rs.Labels)
- }
- return
-// StoreToReplicaSetLister gives a store List and Exists methods. The store must contain only ReplicaSets.
-type StoreToReplicaSetLister struct {
- Store
-// Exists checks if the given ReplicaSet exists in the store.
-func (s *StoreToReplicaSetLister) Exists(rs *extensions.ReplicaSet) (bool, error) {
- _, exists, err := s.Store.Get(rs)
- if err != nil {
- return false, err
- }
- return exists, nil
-// List lists all ReplicaSets in the store.
-// TODO: converge on the interface in pkg/client
-func (s *StoreToReplicaSetLister) List() (rss []extensions.ReplicaSet, err error) {
- for _, rs := range s.Store.List() {
- rss = append(rss, *(rs.(*extensions.ReplicaSet)))
- }
- return rss, nil
-type storeReplicaSetsNamespacer struct {
- store Store
- namespace string
-func (s storeReplicaSetsNamespacer) List(selector labels.Selector) (rss []extensions.ReplicaSet, err error) {
- for _, c := range s.store.List() {
- rs := *(c.(*extensions.ReplicaSet))
- if s.namespace == api.NamespaceAll || s.namespace == rs.Namespace {
- if selector.Matches(labels.Set(rs.Labels)) {
- rss = append(rss, rs)
- }
- }
- }
- return
-func (s *StoreToReplicaSetLister) ReplicaSets(namespace string) storeReplicaSetsNamespacer {
- return storeReplicaSetsNamespacer{s.Store, namespace}
-// GetPodReplicaSets returns a list of ReplicaSets managing a pod. Returns an error only if no matching ReplicaSets are found.
-func (s *StoreToReplicaSetLister) GetPodReplicaSets(pod *api.Pod) (rss []extensions.ReplicaSet, err error) {
- var selector labels.Selector
- var rs extensions.ReplicaSet
- if len(pod.Labels) == 0 {
- err = fmt.Errorf("no ReplicaSets found for pod %v because it has no labels", pod.Name)
- return
- }
- for _, m := range s.Store.List() {
- rs = *m.(*extensions.ReplicaSet)
- if rs.Namespace != pod.Namespace {
- continue
- }
- selector, err = unversioned.LabelSelectorAsSelector(rs.Spec.Selector)
- if err != nil {
- err = fmt.Errorf("invalid selector: %v", err)
- return
- }
- // If a ReplicaSet with a nil or empty selector creeps in, it should match nothing, not everything.
- if selector.Empty() || !selector.Matches(labels.Set(pod.Labels)) {
- continue
- }
- rss = append(rss, rs)
- }
- if len(rss) == 0 {
- err = fmt.Errorf("could not find ReplicaSet for pod %s in namespace %s with labels: %v", pod.Name, pod.Namespace, pod.Labels)
- }
- return
-// StoreToDaemonSetLister gives a store List and Exists methods. The store must contain only DaemonSets.
-type StoreToDaemonSetLister struct {
- Store
-// Exists checks if the given daemon set exists in the store.
-func (s *StoreToDaemonSetLister) Exists(ds *extensions.DaemonSet) (bool, error) {
- _, exists, err := s.Store.Get(ds)
- if err != nil {
- return false, err
- }
- return exists, nil
-// List lists all daemon sets in the store.
-// TODO: converge on the interface in pkg/client
-func (s *StoreToDaemonSetLister) List() (dss extensions.DaemonSetList, err error) {
- for _, c := range s.Store.List() {
- dss.Items = append(dss.Items, *(c.(*extensions.DaemonSet)))
- }
- return dss, nil
-// GetPodDaemonSets returns a list of daemon sets managing a pod.
-// Returns an error if and only if no matching daemon sets are found.
-func (s *StoreToDaemonSetLister) GetPodDaemonSets(pod *api.Pod) (daemonSets []extensions.DaemonSet, err error) {
- var selector labels.Selector
- var daemonSet extensions.DaemonSet
- if len(pod.Labels) == 0 {
- err = fmt.Errorf("no daemon sets found for pod %v because it has no labels", pod.Name)
- return
- }
- for _, m := range s.Store.List() {
- daemonSet = *m.(*extensions.DaemonSet)
- if daemonSet.Namespace != pod.Namespace {
- continue
- }
- selector, err = unversioned.LabelSelectorAsSelector(daemonSet.Spec.Selector)
- if err != nil {
- // this should not happen if the DaemonSet passed validation
- return nil, err
- }
- // If a daemonSet with a nil or empty selector creeps in, it should match nothing, not everything.
- if selector.Empty() || !selector.Matches(labels.Set(pod.Labels)) {
- continue
- }
- daemonSets = append(daemonSets, daemonSet)
- }
- if len(daemonSets) == 0 {
- err = fmt.Errorf("could not find daemon set for pod %s in namespace %s with labels: %v", pod.Name, pod.Namespace, pod.Labels)
- }
- return
-// StoreToServiceLister makes a Store that has the List method of the client.ServiceInterface
-// The Store must contain (only) Services.
-type StoreToServiceLister struct {
- Store
-func (s *StoreToServiceLister) List() (services api.ServiceList, err error) {
- for _, m := range s.Store.List() {
- services.Items = append(services.Items, *(m.(*api.Service)))
- }
- return services, nil
-// TODO: Move this back to scheduler as a helper function that takes a Store,
-// rather than a method of StoreToServiceLister.
-func (s *StoreToServiceLister) GetPodServices(pod *api.Pod) (services []api.Service, err error) {
- var selector labels.Selector
- var service api.Service
- for _, m := range s.Store.List() {
- service = *m.(*api.Service)
- // consider only services that are in the same namespace as the pod
- if service.Namespace != pod.Namespace {
- continue
- }
- if service.Spec.Selector == nil {
- // services with nil selectors match nothing, not everything.
- continue
- }
- selector = labels.Set(service.Spec.Selector).AsSelector()
- if selector.Matches(labels.Set(pod.Labels)) {
- services = append(services, service)
- }
- }
- if len(services) == 0 {
- err = fmt.Errorf("could not find service for pod %s in namespace %s with labels: %v", pod.Name, pod.Namespace, pod.Labels)
- }
- return
-// StoreToEndpointsLister makes a Store that lists endpoints.
-type StoreToEndpointsLister struct {
- Store
-// List lists all endpoints in the store.
-func (s *StoreToEndpointsLister) List() (services api.EndpointsList, err error) {
- for _, m := range s.Store.List() {
- services.Items = append(services.Items, *(m.(*api.Endpoints)))
- }
- return services, nil
-// GetServiceEndpoints returns the endpoints of a service, matched on service name.
-func (s *StoreToEndpointsLister) GetServiceEndpoints(svc *api.Service) (ep api.Endpoints, err error) {
- for _, m := range s.Store.List() {
- ep = *m.(*api.Endpoints)
- if svc.Name == ep.Name && svc.Namespace == ep.Namespace {
- return ep, nil
- }
- }
- err = fmt.Errorf("could not find endpoints for service: %v", svc.Name)
- return
-// StoreToJobLister gives a store List and Exists methods. The store must contain only Jobs.
-type StoreToJobLister struct {
- Store
-// Exists checks if the given job exists in the store.
-func (s *StoreToJobLister) Exists(job *batch.Job) (bool, error) {
- _, exists, err := s.Store.Get(job)
- if err != nil {
- return false, err
- }
- return exists, nil
-// StoreToJobLister lists all jobs in the store.
-func (s *StoreToJobLister) List() (jobs batch.JobList, err error) {
- for _, c := range s.Store.List() {
- jobs.Items = append(jobs.Items, *(c.(*batch.Job)))
- }
- return jobs, nil
-// GetPodJobs returns a list of jobs managing a pod. Returns an error only if no matching jobs are found.
-func (s *StoreToJobLister) GetPodJobs(pod *api.Pod) (jobs []batch.Job, err error) {
- var selector labels.Selector
- var job batch.Job
- if len(pod.Labels) == 0 {
- err = fmt.Errorf("no jobs found for pod %v because it has no labels", pod.Name)
- return
- }
- for _, m := range s.Store.List() {
- job = *m.(*batch.Job)
- if job.Namespace != pod.Namespace {
- continue
- }
- selector, _ = unversioned.LabelSelectorAsSelector(job.Spec.Selector)
- if !selector.Matches(labels.Set(pod.Labels)) {
- continue
- }
- jobs = append(jobs, job)
- }
- if len(jobs) == 0 {
- err = fmt.Errorf("could not find jobs for pod %s in namespace %s with labels: %v", pod.Name, pod.Namespace, pod.Labels)
- }
- return
-// Typed wrapper around a store of PersistentVolumes
-type StoreToPVFetcher struct {
- Store
-// GetPersistentVolumeInfo returns cached data for the PersistentVolume 'id'.
-func (s *StoreToPVFetcher) GetPersistentVolumeInfo(id string) (*api.PersistentVolume, error) {
- o, exists, err := s.Get(&api.PersistentVolume{ObjectMeta: api.ObjectMeta{Name: id}})
- if err != nil {
- return nil, fmt.Errorf("error retrieving PersistentVolume '%v' from cache: %v", id, err)
- }
- if !exists {
- return nil, fmt.Errorf("PersistentVolume '%v' not found", id)
- }
- return o.(*api.PersistentVolume), nil
-// Typed wrapper around a store of PersistentVolumeClaims
-type StoreToPVCFetcher struct {
- Store
-// GetPersistentVolumeClaimInfo returns cached data for the PersistentVolumeClaim 'id'.
-func (s *StoreToPVCFetcher) GetPersistentVolumeClaimInfo(namespace string, id string) (*api.PersistentVolumeClaim, error) {
- o, exists, err := s.Get(&api.PersistentVolumeClaim{ObjectMeta: api.ObjectMeta{Namespace: namespace, Name: id}})
- if err != nil {
- return nil, fmt.Errorf("error retrieving PersistentVolumeClaim '%s/%s' from cache: %v", namespace, id, err)
- }
- if !exists {
- return nil, fmt.Errorf("PersistentVolumeClaim '%s/%s' not found", namespace, id)
- }
- return o.(*api.PersistentVolumeClaim), nil
-// StoreToPetSetLister gives a store List and Exists methods. The store must contain only PetSets.
-type StoreToPetSetLister struct {
- Store
-// Exists checks if the given PetSet exists in the store.
-func (s *StoreToPetSetLister) Exists(ps *apps.PetSet) (bool, error) {
- _, exists, err := s.Store.Get(ps)
- if err != nil {
- return false, err
- }
- return exists, nil
-// List lists all PetSets in the store.
-func (s *StoreToPetSetLister) List() (psList []apps.PetSet, err error) {
- for _, ps := range s.Store.List() {
- psList = append(psList, *(ps.(*apps.PetSet)))
- }
- return psList, nil
-type storePetSetsNamespacer struct {
- store Store
- namespace string
-func (s *StoreToPetSetLister) PetSets(namespace string) storePetSetsNamespacer {
- return storePetSetsNamespacer{s.Store, namespace}
-// GetPodPetSets returns a list of PetSets managing a pod. Returns an error only if no matching PetSets are found.
-func (s *StoreToPetSetLister) GetPodPetSets(pod *api.Pod) (psList []apps.PetSet, err error) {
- var selector labels.Selector
- var ps apps.PetSet
- if len(pod.Labels) == 0 {
- err = fmt.Errorf("no PetSets found for pod %v because it has no labels", pod.Name)
- return
- }
- for _, m := range s.Store.List() {
- ps = *m.(*apps.PetSet)
- if ps.Namespace != pod.Namespace {
- continue
- }
- selector, err = unversioned.LabelSelectorAsSelector(ps.Spec.Selector)
- if err != nil {
- err = fmt.Errorf("invalid selector: %v", err)
- return
- }
- // If a PetSet with a nil or empty selector creeps in, it should match nothing, not everything.
- if selector.Empty() || !selector.Matches(labels.Set(pod.Labels)) {
- continue
- }
- psList = append(psList, ps)
- }
- if len(psList) == 0 {
- err = fmt.Errorf("could not find PetSet for pod %s in namespace %s with labels: %v", pod.Name, pod.Namespace, pod.Labels)
- }
- return
diff --git a/kube2msb/src/vendor/k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/cache/listwatch.go b/kube2msb/src/vendor/k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/cache/listwatch.go
deleted file mode 100644
index ff56c0b..0000000
--- a/kube2msb/src/vendor/k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/cache/listwatch.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,86 +0,0 @@
-Copyright 2015 The Kubernetes Authors.
-Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-You may obtain a copy of the License at
- http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-limitations under the License.
-package cache
-import (
- "time"
- "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/api"
- "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/restclient"
- "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/fields"
- "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/runtime"
- "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/watch"
-// ListFunc knows how to list resources
-type ListFunc func(options api.ListOptions) (runtime.Object, error)
-// WatchFunc knows how to watch resources
-type WatchFunc func(options api.ListOptions) (watch.Interface, error)
-// ListWatch knows how to list and watch a set of apiserver resources. It satisfies the ListerWatcher interface.
-// It is a convenience function for users of NewReflector, etc.
-// ListFunc and WatchFunc must not be nil
-type ListWatch struct {
- ListFunc ListFunc
- WatchFunc WatchFunc
-// Getter interface knows how to access Get method from RESTClient.
-type Getter interface {
- Get() *restclient.Request
-// NewListWatchFromClient creates a new ListWatch from the specified client, resource, namespace and field selector.
-func NewListWatchFromClient(c Getter, resource string, namespace string, fieldSelector fields.Selector) *ListWatch {
- listFunc := func(options api.ListOptions) (runtime.Object, error) {
- return c.Get().
- Namespace(namespace).
- Resource(resource).
- VersionedParams(&options, api.ParameterCodec).
- FieldsSelectorParam(fieldSelector).
- Do().
- Get()
- }
- watchFunc := func(options api.ListOptions) (watch.Interface, error) {
- return c.Get().
- Prefix("watch").
- Namespace(namespace).
- Resource(resource).
- VersionedParams(&options, api.ParameterCodec).
- FieldsSelectorParam(fieldSelector).
- Watch()
- }
- return &ListWatch{ListFunc: listFunc, WatchFunc: watchFunc}
-func timeoutFromListOptions(options api.ListOptions) time.Duration {
- if options.TimeoutSeconds != nil {
- return time.Duration(*options.TimeoutSeconds) * time.Second
- }
- return 0
-// List a set of apiserver resources
-func (lw *ListWatch) List(options api.ListOptions) (runtime.Object, error) {
- return lw.ListFunc(options)
-// Watch a set of apiserver resources
-func (lw *ListWatch) Watch(options api.ListOptions) (watch.Interface, error) {
- return lw.WatchFunc(options)
diff --git a/kube2msb/src/vendor/k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/cache/reflector.go b/kube2msb/src/vendor/k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/cache/reflector.go
deleted file mode 100644
index e1af63e..0000000
--- a/kube2msb/src/vendor/k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/cache/reflector.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,423 +0,0 @@
-Copyright 2014 The Kubernetes Authors.
-Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-You may obtain a copy of the License at
- http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-limitations under the License.
-package cache
-import (
- "errors"
- "fmt"
- "io"
- "math/rand"
- "net"
- "net/url"
- "reflect"
- "regexp"
- goruntime "runtime"
- "runtime/debug"
- "strconv"
- "strings"
- "sync"
- "syscall"
- "time"
- "github.com/golang/glog"
- "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/api"
- apierrs "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/api/errors"
- "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/api/meta"
- "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/runtime"
- utilruntime "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/util/runtime"
- "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/util/wait"
- "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/watch"
-// ListerWatcher is any object that knows how to perform an initial list and start a watch on a resource.
-type ListerWatcher interface {
- // List should return a list type object; the Items field will be extracted, and the
- // ResourceVersion field will be used to start the watch in the right place.
- List(options api.ListOptions) (runtime.Object, error)
- // Watch should begin a watch at the specified version.
- Watch(options api.ListOptions) (watch.Interface, error)
-// Reflector watches a specified resource and causes all changes to be reflected in the given store.
-type Reflector struct {
- // name identifies this reflector. By default it will be a file:line if possible.
- name string
- // The type of object we expect to place in the store.
- expectedType reflect.Type
- // The destination to sync up with the watch source
- store Store
- // listerWatcher is used to perform lists and watches.
- listerWatcher ListerWatcher
- // period controls timing between one watch ending and
- // the beginning of the next one.
- period time.Duration
- resyncPeriod time.Duration
- // now() returns current time - exposed for testing purposes
- now func() time.Time
- // nextResync is approximate time of next resync (0 if not scheduled)
- nextResync time.Time
- // lastSyncResourceVersion is the resource version token last
- // observed when doing a sync with the underlying store
- // it is thread safe, but not synchronized with the underlying store
- lastSyncResourceVersion string
- // lastSyncResourceVersionMutex guards read/write access to lastSyncResourceVersion
- lastSyncResourceVersionMutex sync.RWMutex
-var (
- // We try to spread the load on apiserver by setting timeouts for
- // watch requests - it is random in [minWatchTimeout, 2*minWatchTimeout].
- // However, it can be modified to avoid periodic resync to break the
- // TCP connection.
- minWatchTimeout = 5 * time.Minute
- // If we are within 'forceResyncThreshold' from the next planned resync
- // and are just before issuing Watch(), resync will be forced now.
- forceResyncThreshold = 3 * time.Second
- // We try to set timeouts for Watch() so that we will finish about
- // than 'timeoutThreshold' from next planned periodic resync.
- timeoutThreshold = 1 * time.Second
-// NewNamespaceKeyedIndexerAndReflector creates an Indexer and a Reflector
-// The indexer is configured to key on namespace
-func NewNamespaceKeyedIndexerAndReflector(lw ListerWatcher, expectedType interface{}, resyncPeriod time.Duration) (indexer Indexer, reflector *Reflector) {
- indexer = NewIndexer(MetaNamespaceKeyFunc, Indexers{"namespace": MetaNamespaceIndexFunc})
- reflector = NewReflector(lw, expectedType, indexer, resyncPeriod)
- return indexer, reflector
-// NewReflector creates a new Reflector object which will keep the given store up to
-// date with the server's contents for the given resource. Reflector promises to
-// only put things in the store that have the type of expectedType, unless expectedType
-// is nil. If resyncPeriod is non-zero, then lists will be executed after every
-// resyncPeriod, so that you can use reflectors to periodically process everything as
-// well as incrementally processing the things that change.
-func NewReflector(lw ListerWatcher, expectedType interface{}, store Store, resyncPeriod time.Duration) *Reflector {
- return NewNamedReflector(getDefaultReflectorName(internalPackages...), lw, expectedType, store, resyncPeriod)
-// NewNamedReflector same as NewReflector, but with a specified name for logging
-func NewNamedReflector(name string, lw ListerWatcher, expectedType interface{}, store Store, resyncPeriod time.Duration) *Reflector {
- r := &Reflector{
- name: name,
- listerWatcher: lw,
- store: store,
- expectedType: reflect.TypeOf(expectedType),
- period: time.Second,
- resyncPeriod: resyncPeriod,
- now: time.Now,
- }
- return r
-// internalPackages are packages that ignored when creating a default reflector name. These packages are in the common
-// call chains to NewReflector, so they'd be low entropy names for reflectors
-var internalPackages = []string{"kubernetes/pkg/client/cache/", "kubernetes/pkg/controller/framework/", "/runtime/asm_"}
-// getDefaultReflectorName walks back through the call stack until we find a caller from outside of the ignoredPackages
-// it returns back a shortpath/filename:line to aid in identification of this reflector when it starts logging
-func getDefaultReflectorName(ignoredPackages ...string) string {
- name := "????"
- const maxStack = 10
- for i := 1; i < maxStack; i++ {
- _, file, line, ok := goruntime.Caller(i)
- if !ok {
- file, line, ok = extractStackCreator()
- if !ok {
- break
- }
- i += maxStack
- }
- if hasPackage(file, ignoredPackages) {
- continue
- }
- file = trimPackagePrefix(file)
- name = fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d", file, line)
- break
- }
- return name
-// hasPackage returns true if the file is in one of the ignored packages.
-func hasPackage(file string, ignoredPackages []string) bool {
- for _, ignoredPackage := range ignoredPackages {
- if strings.Contains(file, ignoredPackage) {
- return true
- }
- }
- return false
-// trimPackagePrefix reduces dulpicate values off the front of a package name.
-func trimPackagePrefix(file string) string {
- if l := strings.LastIndex(file, "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/"); l >= 0 {
- return file[l+len("k8s.io/kubernetes/"):]
- }
- if l := strings.LastIndex(file, "/src/"); l >= 0 {
- return file[l+5:]
- }
- if l := strings.LastIndex(file, "/pkg/"); l >= 0 {
- return file[l+1:]
- }
- return file
-var stackCreator = regexp.MustCompile(`(?m)^created by (.*)\n\s+(.*):(\d+) \+0x[[:xdigit:]]+$`)
-// extractStackCreator retrieves the goroutine file and line that launched this stack. Returns false
-// if the creator cannot be located.
-// TODO: Go does not expose this via runtime https://github.com/golang/go/issues/11440
-func extractStackCreator() (string, int, bool) {
- stack := debug.Stack()
- matches := stackCreator.FindStringSubmatch(string(stack))
- if matches == nil || len(matches) != 4 {
- return "", 0, false
- }
- line, err := strconv.Atoi(matches[3])
- if err != nil {
- return "", 0, false
- }
- return matches[2], line, true
-// Run starts a watch and handles watch events. Will restart the watch if it is closed.
-// Run starts a goroutine and returns immediately.
-func (r *Reflector) Run() {
- glog.V(3).Infof("Starting reflector %v (%s) from %s", r.expectedType, r.resyncPeriod, r.name)
- go wait.Until(func() {
- if err := r.ListAndWatch(wait.NeverStop); err != nil {
- utilruntime.HandleError(err)
- }
- }, r.period, wait.NeverStop)
-// RunUntil starts a watch and handles watch events. Will restart the watch if it is closed.
-// RunUntil starts a goroutine and returns immediately. It will exit when stopCh is closed.
-func (r *Reflector) RunUntil(stopCh <-chan struct{}) {
- glog.V(3).Infof("Starting reflector %v (%s) from %s", r.expectedType, r.resyncPeriod, r.name)
- go wait.Until(func() {
- if err := r.ListAndWatch(stopCh); err != nil {
- utilruntime.HandleError(err)
- }
- }, r.period, stopCh)
-var (
- // nothing will ever be sent down this channel
- neverExitWatch <-chan time.Time = make(chan time.Time)
- // Used to indicate that watching stopped so that a resync could happen.
- errorResyncRequested = errors.New("resync channel fired")
- // Used to indicate that watching stopped because of a signal from the stop
- // channel passed in from a client of the reflector.
- errorStopRequested = errors.New("Stop requested")
-// resyncChan returns a channel which will receive something when a resync is
-// required, and a cleanup function.
-func (r *Reflector) resyncChan() (<-chan time.Time, func() bool) {
- if r.resyncPeriod == 0 {
- r.nextResync = time.Time{}
- return neverExitWatch, func() bool { return false }
- }
- // The cleanup function is required: imagine the scenario where watches
- // always fail so we end up listing frequently. Then, if we don't
- // manually stop the timer, we could end up with many timers active
- // concurrently.
- r.nextResync = r.now().Add(r.resyncPeriod)
- t := time.NewTimer(r.resyncPeriod)
- return t.C, t.Stop
-// ListAndWatch first lists all items and get the resource version at the moment of call,
-// and then use the resource version to watch.
-// It returns error if ListAndWatch didn't even try to initialize watch.
-func (r *Reflector) ListAndWatch(stopCh <-chan struct{}) error {
- glog.V(3).Infof("Listing and watching %v from %s", r.expectedType, r.name)
- var resourceVersion string
- resyncCh, cleanup := r.resyncChan()
- defer cleanup()
- // Explicitly set "0" as resource version - it's fine for the List()
- // to be served from cache and potentially be delayed relative to
- // etcd contents. Reflector framework will catch up via Watch() eventually.
- options := api.ListOptions{ResourceVersion: "0"}
- list, err := r.listerWatcher.List(options)
- if err != nil {
- return fmt.Errorf("%s: Failed to list %v: %v", r.name, r.expectedType, err)
- }
- listMetaInterface, err := meta.ListAccessor(list)
- if err != nil {
- return fmt.Errorf("%s: Unable to understand list result %#v: %v", r.name, list, err)
- }
- resourceVersion = listMetaInterface.GetResourceVersion()
- items, err := meta.ExtractList(list)
- if err != nil {
- return fmt.Errorf("%s: Unable to understand list result %#v (%v)", r.name, list, err)
- }
- if err := r.syncWith(items, resourceVersion); err != nil {
- return fmt.Errorf("%s: Unable to sync list result: %v", r.name, err)
- }
- r.setLastSyncResourceVersion(resourceVersion)
- resyncerrc := make(chan error, 1)
- go func() {
- for {
- select {
- case <-resyncCh:
- case <-stopCh:
- return
- }
- glog.V(4).Infof("%s: next resync planned for %#v, forcing now", r.name, r.nextResync)
- if err := r.store.Resync(); err != nil {
- resyncerrc <- err
- return
- }
- cleanup()
- resyncCh, cleanup = r.resyncChan()
- }
- }()
- for {
- timemoutseconds := int64(minWatchTimeout.Seconds() * (rand.Float64() + 1.0))
- options = api.ListOptions{
- ResourceVersion: resourceVersion,
- // We want to avoid situations of hanging watchers. Stop any wachers that do not
- // receive any events within the timeout window.
- TimeoutSeconds: &timemoutseconds,
- }
- w, err := r.listerWatcher.Watch(options)
- if err != nil {
- switch err {
- case io.EOF:
- // watch closed normally
- case io.ErrUnexpectedEOF:
- glog.V(1).Infof("%s: Watch for %v closed with unexpected EOF: %v", r.name, r.expectedType, err)
- default:
- utilruntime.HandleError(fmt.Errorf("%s: Failed to watch %v: %v", r.name, r.expectedType, err))
- }
- // If this is "connection refused" error, it means that most likely apiserver is not responsive.
- // It doesn't make sense to re-list all objects because most likely we will be able to restart
- // watch where we ended.
- // If that's the case wait and resend watch request.
- if urlError, ok := err.(*url.Error); ok {
- if opError, ok := urlError.Err.(*net.OpError); ok {
- if errno, ok := opError.Err.(syscall.Errno); ok && errno == syscall.ECONNREFUSED {
- time.Sleep(time.Second)
- continue
- }
- }
- }
- return nil
- }
- if err := r.watchHandler(w, &resourceVersion, resyncerrc, stopCh); err != nil {
- if err != errorStopRequested {
- glog.Warningf("%s: watch of %v ended with: %v", r.name, r.expectedType, err)
- }
- return nil
- }
- }
-// syncWith replaces the store's items with the given list.
-func (r *Reflector) syncWith(items []runtime.Object, resourceVersion string) error {
- found := make([]interface{}, 0, len(items))
- for _, item := range items {
- found = append(found, item)
- }
- return r.store.Replace(found, resourceVersion)
-// watchHandler watches w and keeps *resourceVersion up to date.
-func (r *Reflector) watchHandler(w watch.Interface, resourceVersion *string, errc chan error, stopCh <-chan struct{}) error {
- start := time.Now()
- eventCount := 0
- // Stopping the watcher should be idempotent and if we return from this function there's no way
- // we're coming back in with the same watch interface.
- defer w.Stop()
- for {
- select {
- case <-stopCh:
- return errorStopRequested
- case err := <-errc:
- return err
- case event, ok := <-w.ResultChan():
- if !ok {
- break loop
- }
- if event.Type == watch.Error {
- return apierrs.FromObject(event.Object)
- }
- if e, a := r.expectedType, reflect.TypeOf(event.Object); e != nil && e != a {
- utilruntime.HandleError(fmt.Errorf("%s: expected type %v, but watch event object had type %v", r.name, e, a))
- continue
- }
- meta, err := meta.Accessor(event.Object)
- if err != nil {
- utilruntime.HandleError(fmt.Errorf("%s: unable to understand watch event %#v", r.name, event))
- continue
- }
- newResourceVersion := meta.GetResourceVersion()
- switch event.Type {
- case watch.Added:
- r.store.Add(event.Object)
- case watch.Modified:
- r.store.Update(event.Object)
- case watch.Deleted:
- // TODO: Will any consumers need access to the "last known
- // state", which is passed in event.Object? If so, may need
- // to change this.
- r.store.Delete(event.Object)
- default:
- utilruntime.HandleError(fmt.Errorf("%s: unable to understand watch event %#v", r.name, event))
- }
- *resourceVersion = newResourceVersion
- r.setLastSyncResourceVersion(newResourceVersion)
- eventCount++
- }
- }
- watchDuration := time.Now().Sub(start)
- if watchDuration < 1*time.Second && eventCount == 0 {
- glog.V(4).Infof("%s: Unexpected watch close - watch lasted less than a second and no items received", r.name)
- return errors.New("very short watch")
- }
- glog.V(4).Infof("%s: Watch close - %v total %v items received", r.name, r.expectedType, eventCount)
- return nil
-// LastSyncResourceVersion is the resource version observed when last sync with the underlying store
-// The value returned is not synchronized with access to the underlying store and is not thread-safe
-func (r *Reflector) LastSyncResourceVersion() string {
- r.lastSyncResourceVersionMutex.RLock()
- defer r.lastSyncResourceVersionMutex.RUnlock()
- return r.lastSyncResourceVersion
-func (r *Reflector) setLastSyncResourceVersion(v string) {
- r.lastSyncResourceVersionMutex.Lock()
- defer r.lastSyncResourceVersionMutex.Unlock()
- r.lastSyncResourceVersion = v
diff --git a/kube2msb/src/vendor/k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/cache/store.go b/kube2msb/src/vendor/k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/cache/store.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 4cd2479..0000000
--- a/kube2msb/src/vendor/k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/cache/store.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,240 +0,0 @@
-Copyright 2014 The Kubernetes Authors.
-Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-You may obtain a copy of the License at
- http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-limitations under the License.
-package cache
-import (
- "fmt"
- "strings"
- "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/api/meta"
-// Store is a generic object storage interface. Reflector knows how to watch a server
-// and update a store. A generic store is provided, which allows Reflector to be used
-// as a local caching system, and an LRU store, which allows Reflector to work like a
-// queue of items yet to be processed.
-// Store makes no assumptions about stored object identity; it is the responsibility
-// of a Store implementation to provide a mechanism to correctly key objects and to
-// define the contract for obtaining objects by some arbitrary key type.
-type Store interface {
- Add(obj interface{}) error
- Update(obj interface{}) error
- Delete(obj interface{}) error
- List() []interface{}
- ListKeys() []string
- Get(obj interface{}) (item interface{}, exists bool, err error)
- GetByKey(key string) (item interface{}, exists bool, err error)
- // Replace will delete the contents of the store, using instead the
- // given list. Store takes ownership of the list, you should not reference
- // it after calling this function.
- Replace([]interface{}, string) error
- Resync() error
-// KeyFunc knows how to make a key from an object. Implementations should be deterministic.
-type KeyFunc func(obj interface{}) (string, error)
-// KeyError will be returned any time a KeyFunc gives an error; it includes the object
-// at fault.
-type KeyError struct {
- Obj interface{}
- Err error
-// Error gives a human-readable description of the error.
-func (k KeyError) Error() string {
- return fmt.Sprintf("couldn't create key for object %+v: %v", k.Obj, k.Err)
-// ExplicitKey can be passed to MetaNamespaceKeyFunc if you have the key for
-// the object but not the object itself.
-type ExplicitKey string
-// MetaNamespaceKeyFunc is a convenient default KeyFunc which knows how to make
-// keys for API objects which implement meta.Interface.
-// The key uses the format <namespace>/<name> unless <namespace> is empty, then
-// it's just <name>.
-// TODO: replace key-as-string with a key-as-struct so that this
-// packing/unpacking won't be necessary.
-func MetaNamespaceKeyFunc(obj interface{}) (string, error) {
- if key, ok := obj.(ExplicitKey); ok {
- return string(key), nil
- }
- meta, err := meta.Accessor(obj)
- if err != nil {
- return "", fmt.Errorf("object has no meta: %v", err)
- }
- if len(meta.GetNamespace()) > 0 {
- return meta.GetNamespace() + "/" + meta.GetName(), nil
- }
- return meta.GetName(), nil
-// SplitMetaNamespaceKey returns the namespace and name that
-// MetaNamespaceKeyFunc encoded into key.
-// TODO: replace key-as-string with a key-as-struct so that this
-// packing/unpacking won't be necessary.
-func SplitMetaNamespaceKey(key string) (namespace, name string, err error) {
- parts := strings.Split(key, "/")
- switch len(parts) {
- case 1:
- // name only, no namespace
- return "", parts[0], nil
- case 2:
- // namespace and name
- return parts[0], parts[1], nil
- }
- return "", "", fmt.Errorf("unexpected key format: %q", key)
-// cache responsibilities are limited to:
-// 1. Computing keys for objects via keyFunc
-// 2. Invoking methods of a ThreadSafeStorage interface
-type cache struct {
- // cacheStorage bears the burden of thread safety for the cache
- cacheStorage ThreadSafeStore
- // keyFunc is used to make the key for objects stored in and retrieved from items, and
- // should be deterministic.
- keyFunc KeyFunc
-var _ Store = &cache{}
-// Add inserts an item into the cache.
-func (c *cache) Add(obj interface{}) error {
- key, err := c.keyFunc(obj)
- if err != nil {
- return KeyError{obj, err}
- }
- c.cacheStorage.Add(key, obj)
- return nil
-// Update sets an item in the cache to its updated state.
-func (c *cache) Update(obj interface{}) error {
- key, err := c.keyFunc(obj)
- if err != nil {
- return KeyError{obj, err}
- }
- c.cacheStorage.Update(key, obj)
- return nil
-// Delete removes an item from the cache.
-func (c *cache) Delete(obj interface{}) error {
- key, err := c.keyFunc(obj)
- if err != nil {
- return KeyError{obj, err}
- }
- c.cacheStorage.Delete(key)
- return nil
-// List returns a list of all the items.
-// List is completely threadsafe as long as you treat all items as immutable.
-func (c *cache) List() []interface{} {
- return c.cacheStorage.List()
-// ListKeys returns a list of all the keys of the objects currently
-// in the cache.
-func (c *cache) ListKeys() []string {
- return c.cacheStorage.ListKeys()
-// GetIndexers returns the indexers of cache
-func (c *cache) GetIndexers() Indexers {
- return c.cacheStorage.GetIndexers()
-// Index returns a list of items that match on the index function
-// Index is thread-safe so long as you treat all items as immutable
-func (c *cache) Index(indexName string, obj interface{}) ([]interface{}, error) {
- return c.cacheStorage.Index(indexName, obj)
-// ListIndexFuncValues returns the list of generated values of an Index func
-func (c *cache) ListIndexFuncValues(indexName string) []string {
- return c.cacheStorage.ListIndexFuncValues(indexName)
-func (c *cache) ByIndex(indexName, indexKey string) ([]interface{}, error) {
- return c.cacheStorage.ByIndex(indexName, indexKey)
-func (c *cache) AddIndexers(newIndexers Indexers) error {
- return c.cacheStorage.AddIndexers(newIndexers)
-// Get returns the requested item, or sets exists=false.
-// Get is completely threadsafe as long as you treat all items as immutable.
-func (c *cache) Get(obj interface{}) (item interface{}, exists bool, err error) {
- key, err := c.keyFunc(obj)
- if err != nil {
- return nil, false, KeyError{obj, err}
- }
- return c.GetByKey(key)
-// GetByKey returns the request item, or exists=false.
-// GetByKey is completely threadsafe as long as you treat all items as immutable.
-func (c *cache) GetByKey(key string) (item interface{}, exists bool, err error) {
- item, exists = c.cacheStorage.Get(key)
- return item, exists, nil
-// Replace will delete the contents of 'c', using instead the given list.
-// 'c' takes ownership of the list, you should not reference the list again
-// after calling this function.
-func (c *cache) Replace(list []interface{}, resourceVersion string) error {
- items := map[string]interface{}{}
- for _, item := range list {
- key, err := c.keyFunc(item)
- if err != nil {
- return KeyError{item, err}
- }
- items[key] = item
- }
- c.cacheStorage.Replace(items, resourceVersion)
- return nil
-// Resync touches all items in the store to force processing
-func (c *cache) Resync() error {
- return c.cacheStorage.Resync()
-// NewStore returns a Store implemented simply with a map and a lock.
-func NewStore(keyFunc KeyFunc) Store {
- return &cache{
- cacheStorage: NewThreadSafeStore(Indexers{}, Indices{}),
- keyFunc: keyFunc,
- }
-// NewIndexer returns an Indexer implemented simply with a map and a lock.
-func NewIndexer(keyFunc KeyFunc, indexers Indexers) Indexer {
- return &cache{
- cacheStorage: NewThreadSafeStore(indexers, Indices{}),
- keyFunc: keyFunc,
- }
diff --git a/kube2msb/src/vendor/k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/cache/thread_safe_store.go b/kube2msb/src/vendor/k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/cache/thread_safe_store.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 9d88ce3..0000000
--- a/kube2msb/src/vendor/k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/cache/thread_safe_store.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,288 +0,0 @@
-Copyright 2014 The Kubernetes Authors.
-Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-You may obtain a copy of the License at
- http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-limitations under the License.
-package cache
-import (
- "fmt"
- "sync"
- "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/util/sets"
-// ThreadSafeStore is an interface that allows concurrent access to a storage backend.
-// TL;DR caveats: you must not modify anything returned by Get or List as it will break
-// the indexing feature in addition to not being thread safe.
-// The guarantees of thread safety provided by List/Get are only valid if the caller
-// treats returned items as read-only. For example, a pointer inserted in the store
-// through `Add` will be returned as is by `Get`. Multiple clients might invoke `Get`
-// on the same key and modify the pointer in a non-thread-safe way. Also note that
-// modifying objects stored by the indexers (if any) will *not* automatically lead
-// to a re-index. So it's not a good idea to directly modify the objects returned by
-// Get/List, in general.
-type ThreadSafeStore interface {
- Add(key string, obj interface{})
- Update(key string, obj interface{})
- Delete(key string)
- Get(key string) (item interface{}, exists bool)
- List() []interface{}
- ListKeys() []string
- Replace(map[string]interface{}, string)
- Index(indexName string, obj interface{}) ([]interface{}, error)
- ListIndexFuncValues(name string) []string
- ByIndex(indexName, indexKey string) ([]interface{}, error)
- GetIndexers() Indexers
- // AddIndexers adds more indexers to this store. If you call this after you already have data
- // in the store, the results are undefined.
- AddIndexers(newIndexers Indexers) error
- Resync() error
-// threadSafeMap implements ThreadSafeStore
-type threadSafeMap struct {
- lock sync.RWMutex
- items map[string]interface{}
- // indexers maps a name to an IndexFunc
- indexers Indexers
- // indices maps a name to an Index
- indices Indices
-func (c *threadSafeMap) Add(key string, obj interface{}) {
- c.lock.Lock()
- defer c.lock.Unlock()
- oldObject := c.items[key]
- c.items[key] = obj
- c.updateIndices(oldObject, obj, key)
-func (c *threadSafeMap) Update(key string, obj interface{}) {
- c.lock.Lock()
- defer c.lock.Unlock()
- oldObject := c.items[key]
- c.items[key] = obj
- c.updateIndices(oldObject, obj, key)
-func (c *threadSafeMap) Delete(key string) {
- c.lock.Lock()
- defer c.lock.Unlock()
- if obj, exists := c.items[key]; exists {
- c.deleteFromIndices(obj, key)
- delete(c.items, key)
- }
-func (c *threadSafeMap) Get(key string) (item interface{}, exists bool) {
- c.lock.RLock()
- defer c.lock.RUnlock()
- item, exists = c.items[key]
- return item, exists
-func (c *threadSafeMap) List() []interface{} {
- c.lock.RLock()
- defer c.lock.RUnlock()
- list := make([]interface{}, 0, len(c.items))
- for _, item := range c.items {
- list = append(list, item)
- }
- return list
-// ListKeys returns a list of all the keys of the objects currently
-// in the threadSafeMap.
-func (c *threadSafeMap) ListKeys() []string {
- c.lock.RLock()
- defer c.lock.RUnlock()
- list := make([]string, 0, len(c.items))
- for key := range c.items {
- list = append(list, key)
- }
- return list
-func (c *threadSafeMap) Replace(items map[string]interface{}, resourceVersion string) {
- c.lock.Lock()
- defer c.lock.Unlock()
- c.items = items
- // rebuild any index
- c.indices = Indices{}
- for key, item := range c.items {
- c.updateIndices(nil, item, key)
- }
-// Index returns a list of items that match on the index function
-// Index is thread-safe so long as you treat all items as immutable
-func (c *threadSafeMap) Index(indexName string, obj interface{}) ([]interface{}, error) {
- c.lock.RLock()
- defer c.lock.RUnlock()
- indexFunc := c.indexers[indexName]
- if indexFunc == nil {
- return nil, fmt.Errorf("Index with name %s does not exist", indexName)
- }
- indexKeys, err := indexFunc(obj)
- if err != nil {
- return nil, err
- }
- index := c.indices[indexName]
- // need to de-dupe the return list. Since multiple keys are allowed, this can happen.
- returnKeySet := sets.String{}
- for _, indexKey := range indexKeys {
- set := index[indexKey]
- for _, key := range set.List() {
- returnKeySet.Insert(key)
- }
- }
- list := make([]interface{}, 0, returnKeySet.Len())
- for absoluteKey := range returnKeySet {
- list = append(list, c.items[absoluteKey])
- }
- return list, nil
-// ByIndex returns a list of items that match an exact value on the index function
-func (c *threadSafeMap) ByIndex(indexName, indexKey string) ([]interface{}, error) {
- c.lock.RLock()
- defer c.lock.RUnlock()
- indexFunc := c.indexers[indexName]
- if indexFunc == nil {
- return nil, fmt.Errorf("Index with name %s does not exist", indexName)
- }
- index := c.indices[indexName]
- set := index[indexKey]
- list := make([]interface{}, 0, set.Len())
- for _, key := range set.List() {
- list = append(list, c.items[key])
- }
- return list, nil
-func (c *threadSafeMap) ListIndexFuncValues(indexName string) []string {
- c.lock.RLock()
- defer c.lock.RUnlock()
- index := c.indices[indexName]
- names := make([]string, 0, len(index))
- for key := range index {
- names = append(names, key)
- }
- return names
-func (c *threadSafeMap) GetIndexers() Indexers {
- return c.indexers
-func (c *threadSafeMap) AddIndexers(newIndexers Indexers) error {
- c.lock.Lock()
- defer c.lock.Unlock()
- if len(c.items) > 0 {
- return fmt.Errorf("cannot add indexers to running index")
- }
- oldKeys := sets.StringKeySet(c.indexers)
- newKeys := sets.StringKeySet(newIndexers)
- if oldKeys.HasAny(newKeys.List()...) {
- return fmt.Errorf("indexer conflict: %v", oldKeys.Intersection(newKeys))
- }
- for k, v := range newIndexers {
- c.indexers[k] = v
- }
- return nil
-// updateIndices modifies the objects location in the managed indexes, if this is an update, you must provide an oldObj
-// updateIndices must be called from a function that already has a lock on the cache
-func (c *threadSafeMap) updateIndices(oldObj interface{}, newObj interface{}, key string) error {
- // if we got an old object, we need to remove it before we add it again
- if oldObj != nil {
- c.deleteFromIndices(oldObj, key)
- }
- for name, indexFunc := range c.indexers {
- indexValues, err := indexFunc(newObj)
- if err != nil {
- return err
- }
- index := c.indices[name]
- if index == nil {
- index = Index{}
- c.indices[name] = index
- }
- for _, indexValue := range indexValues {
- set := index[indexValue]
- if set == nil {
- set = sets.String{}
- index[indexValue] = set
- }
- set.Insert(key)
- }
- }
- return nil
-// deleteFromIndices removes the object from each of the managed indexes
-// it is intended to be called from a function that already has a lock on the cache
-func (c *threadSafeMap) deleteFromIndices(obj interface{}, key string) error {
- for name, indexFunc := range c.indexers {
- indexValues, err := indexFunc(obj)
- if err != nil {
- return err
- }
- index := c.indices[name]
- if index == nil {
- continue
- }
- for _, indexValue := range indexValues {
- set := index[indexValue]
- if set != nil {
- set.Delete(key)
- }
- }
- }
- return nil
-func (c *threadSafeMap) Resync() error {
- // Nothing to do
- return nil
-func NewThreadSafeStore(indexers Indexers, indices Indices) ThreadSafeStore {
- return &threadSafeMap{
- items: map[string]interface{}{},
- indexers: indexers,
- indices: indices,
- }
diff --git a/kube2msb/src/vendor/k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/cache/undelta_store.go b/kube2msb/src/vendor/k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/cache/undelta_store.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 117df46..0000000
--- a/kube2msb/src/vendor/k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/cache/undelta_store.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,83 +0,0 @@
-Copyright 2015 The Kubernetes Authors.
-Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-You may obtain a copy of the License at
- http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-limitations under the License.
-package cache
-// UndeltaStore listens to incremental updates and sends complete state on every change.
-// It implements the Store interface so that it can receive a stream of mirrored objects
-// from Reflector. Whenever it receives any complete (Store.Replace) or incremental change
-// (Store.Add, Store.Update, Store.Delete), it sends the complete state by calling PushFunc.
-// It is thread-safe. It guarantees that every change (Add, Update, Replace, Delete) results
-// in one call to PushFunc, but sometimes PushFunc may be called twice with the same values.
-// PushFunc should be thread safe.
-type UndeltaStore struct {
- Store
- PushFunc func([]interface{})
-// Assert that it implements the Store interface.
-var _ Store = &UndeltaStore{}
-// Note about thread safety. The Store implementation (cache.cache) uses a lock for all methods.
-// In the functions below, the lock gets released and reacquired betweend the {Add,Delete,etc}
-// and the List. So, the following can happen, resulting in two identical calls to PushFunc.
-// time thread 1 thread 2
-// 0 UndeltaStore.Add(a)
-// 1 UndeltaStore.Add(b)
-// 2 Store.Add(a)
-// 3 Store.Add(b)
-// 4 Store.List() -> [a,b]
-// 5 Store.List() -> [a,b]
-func (u *UndeltaStore) Add(obj interface{}) error {
- if err := u.Store.Add(obj); err != nil {
- return err
- }
- u.PushFunc(u.Store.List())
- return nil
-func (u *UndeltaStore) Update(obj interface{}) error {
- if err := u.Store.Update(obj); err != nil {
- return err
- }
- u.PushFunc(u.Store.List())
- return nil
-func (u *UndeltaStore) Delete(obj interface{}) error {
- if err := u.Store.Delete(obj); err != nil {
- return err
- }
- u.PushFunc(u.Store.List())
- return nil
-func (u *UndeltaStore) Replace(list []interface{}, resourceVersion string) error {
- if err := u.Store.Replace(list, resourceVersion); err != nil {
- return err
- }
- u.PushFunc(u.Store.List())
- return nil
-// NewUndeltaStore returns an UndeltaStore implemented with a Store.
-func NewUndeltaStore(pushFunc func([]interface{}), keyFunc KeyFunc) *UndeltaStore {
- return &UndeltaStore{
- Store: NewStore(keyFunc),
- PushFunc: pushFunc,
- }
diff --git a/kube2msb/src/vendor/k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/metrics/metrics.go b/kube2msb/src/vendor/k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/metrics/metrics.go
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index 53029b5..0000000
--- a/kube2msb/src/vendor/k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/metrics/metrics.go
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@@ -1,67 +0,0 @@
-Copyright 2015 The Kubernetes Authors.
-Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-You may obtain a copy of the License at
- http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-limitations under the License.
-// Package metrics provides utilities for registering client metrics to Prometheus.
-package metrics
-import (
- "sync"
- "time"
- "github.com/prometheus/client_golang/prometheus"
-const restClientSubsystem = "rest_client"
-var (
- // RequestLatency is a Prometheus Summary metric type partitioned by
- // "verb" and "url" labels. It is used for the rest client latency metrics.
- RequestLatency = prometheus.NewSummaryVec(
- prometheus.SummaryOpts{
- Subsystem: restClientSubsystem,
- Name: "request_latency_microseconds",
- Help: "Request latency in microseconds. Broken down by verb and URL",
- MaxAge: time.Hour,
- },
- []string{"verb", "url"},
- )
- RequestResult = prometheus.NewCounterVec(
- prometheus.CounterOpts{
- Subsystem: restClientSubsystem,
- Name: "request_status_codes",
- Help: "Number of http requests, partitioned by metadata",
- },
- []string{"code", "method", "host"},
- )
-var registerMetrics sync.Once
-// Register registers all metrics to Prometheus with
-// respect to the RequestLatency.
-func Register() {
- // Register the metrics.
- registerMetrics.Do(func() {
- prometheus.MustRegister(RequestLatency)
- prometheus.MustRegister(RequestResult)
- })
-// Calculates the time since the specified start in microseconds.
-func SinceInMicroseconds(start time.Time) float64 {
- return float64(time.Since(start).Nanoseconds() / time.Microsecond.Nanoseconds())
diff --git a/kube2msb/src/vendor/k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/restclient/client.go b/kube2msb/src/vendor/k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/restclient/client.go
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index 24ad191..0000000
--- a/kube2msb/src/vendor/k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/restclient/client.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,224 +0,0 @@
-Copyright 2014 The Kubernetes Authors.
-Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-You may obtain a copy of the License at
- http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-limitations under the License.
-package restclient
-import (
- "fmt"
- "net/http"
- "net/url"
- "os"
- "strconv"
- "strings"
- "time"
- "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/api"
- "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/api/unversioned"
- "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/runtime"
- "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/util/flowcontrol"
-const (
- // Environment variables: Note that the duration should be long enough that the backoff
- // persists for some reasonable time (i.e. 120 seconds). The typical base might be "1".
-// RESTClient imposes common Kubernetes API conventions on a set of resource paths.
-// The baseURL is expected to point to an HTTP or HTTPS path that is the parent
-// of one or more resources. The server should return a decodable API resource
-// object, or an api.Status object which contains information about the reason for
-// any failure.
-// Most consumers should use client.New() to get a Kubernetes API client.
-type RESTClient struct {
- // base is the root URL for all invocations of the client
- base *url.URL
- // versionedAPIPath is a path segment connecting the base URL to the resource root
- versionedAPIPath string
- // contentConfig is the information used to communicate with the server.
- contentConfig ContentConfig
- // serializers contain all serializers for undelying content type.
- serializers Serializers
- // creates BackoffManager that is passed to requests.
- createBackoffMgr func() BackoffManager
- // TODO extract this into a wrapper interface via the RESTClient interface in kubectl.
- Throttle flowcontrol.RateLimiter
- // Set specific behavior of the client. If not set http.DefaultClient will be used.
- Client *http.Client
-type Serializers struct {
- Encoder runtime.Encoder
- Decoder runtime.Decoder
- StreamingSerializer runtime.Serializer
- Framer runtime.Framer
- RenegotiatedDecoder func(contentType string, params map[string]string) (runtime.Decoder, error)
-// NewRESTClient creates a new RESTClient. This client performs generic REST functions
-// such as Get, Put, Post, and Delete on specified paths. Codec controls encoding and
-// decoding of responses from the server.
-func NewRESTClient(baseURL *url.URL, versionedAPIPath string, config ContentConfig, maxQPS float32, maxBurst int, rateLimiter flowcontrol.RateLimiter, client *http.Client) (*RESTClient, error) {
- base := *baseURL
- if !strings.HasSuffix(base.Path, "/") {
- base.Path += "/"
- }
- base.RawQuery = ""
- base.Fragment = ""
- if config.GroupVersion == nil {
- config.GroupVersion = &unversioned.GroupVersion{}
- }
- if len(config.ContentType) == 0 {
- config.ContentType = "application/json"
- }
- serializers, err := createSerializers(config)
- if err != nil {
- return nil, err
- }
- var throttle flowcontrol.RateLimiter
- if maxQPS > 0 && rateLimiter == nil {
- throttle = flowcontrol.NewTokenBucketRateLimiter(maxQPS, maxBurst)
- } else if rateLimiter != nil {
- throttle = rateLimiter
- }
- return &RESTClient{
- base: &base,
- versionedAPIPath: versionedAPIPath,
- contentConfig: config,
- serializers: *serializers,
- createBackoffMgr: readExpBackoffConfig,
- Throttle: throttle,
- Client: client,
- }, nil
-// GetRateLimiter returns rate limier for a given client, or nil if it's called on a nil client
-func (c *RESTClient) GetRateLimiter() flowcontrol.RateLimiter {
- if c == nil {
- return nil
- }
- return c.Throttle
-// readExpBackoffConfig handles the internal logic of determining what the
-// backoff policy is. By default if no information is available, NoBackoff.
-// TODO Generalize this see #17727 .
-func readExpBackoffConfig() BackoffManager {
- backoffBase := os.Getenv(envBackoffBase)
- backoffDuration := os.Getenv(envBackoffDuration)
- backoffBaseInt, errBase := strconv.ParseInt(backoffBase, 10, 64)
- backoffDurationInt, errDuration := strconv.ParseInt(backoffDuration, 10, 64)
- if errBase != nil || errDuration != nil {
- return &NoBackoff{}
- }
- return &URLBackoff{
- Backoff: flowcontrol.NewBackOff(
- time.Duration(backoffBaseInt)*time.Second,
- time.Duration(backoffDurationInt)*time.Second)}
-// createSerializers creates all necessary serializers for given contentType.
-func createSerializers(config ContentConfig) (*Serializers, error) {
- negotiated := config.NegotiatedSerializer
- contentType := config.ContentType
- info, ok := negotiated.SerializerForMediaType(contentType, nil)
- if !ok {
- return nil, fmt.Errorf("serializer for %s not registered", contentType)
- }
- streamInfo, ok := negotiated.StreamingSerializerForMediaType(contentType, nil)
- if !ok {
- return nil, fmt.Errorf("streaming serializer for %s not registered", contentType)
- }
- internalGV := unversioned.GroupVersion{
- Group: config.GroupVersion.Group,
- Version: runtime.APIVersionInternal,
- }
- return &Serializers{
- Encoder: negotiated.EncoderForVersion(info.Serializer, *config.GroupVersion),
- Decoder: negotiated.DecoderToVersion(info.Serializer, internalGV),
- StreamingSerializer: streamInfo.Serializer,
- Framer: streamInfo.Framer,
- RenegotiatedDecoder: func(contentType string, params map[string]string) (runtime.Decoder, error) {
- renegotiated, ok := negotiated.SerializerForMediaType(contentType, params)
- if !ok {
- return nil, fmt.Errorf("serializer for %s not registered", contentType)
- }
- return negotiated.DecoderToVersion(renegotiated.Serializer, internalGV), nil
- },
- }, nil
-// Verb begins a request with a verb (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE).
-// Example usage of RESTClient's request building interface:
-// c, err := NewRESTClient(...)
-// if err != nil { ... }
-// resp, err := c.Verb("GET").
-// Path("pods").
-// SelectorParam("labels", "area=staging").
-// Timeout(10*time.Second).
-// Do()
-// if err != nil { ... }
-// list, ok := resp.(*api.PodList)
-func (c *RESTClient) Verb(verb string) *Request {
- backoff := c.createBackoffMgr()
- if c.Client == nil {
- return NewRequest(nil, verb, c.base, c.versionedAPIPath, c.contentConfig, c.serializers, backoff, c.Throttle)
- }
- return NewRequest(c.Client, verb, c.base, c.versionedAPIPath, c.contentConfig, c.serializers, backoff, c.Throttle)
-// Post begins a POST request. Short for c.Verb("POST").
-func (c *RESTClient) Post() *Request {
- return c.Verb("POST")
-// Put begins a PUT request. Short for c.Verb("PUT").
-func (c *RESTClient) Put() *Request {
- return c.Verb("PUT")
-// Patch begins a PATCH request. Short for c.Verb("Patch").
-func (c *RESTClient) Patch(pt api.PatchType) *Request {
- return c.Verb("PATCH").SetHeader("Content-Type", string(pt))
-// Get begins a GET request. Short for c.Verb("GET").
-func (c *RESTClient) Get() *Request {
- return c.Verb("GET")
-// Delete begins a DELETE request. Short for c.Verb("DELETE").
-func (c *RESTClient) Delete() *Request {
- return c.Verb("DELETE")
-// APIVersion returns the APIVersion this RESTClient is expected to use.
-func (c *RESTClient) APIVersion() unversioned.GroupVersion {
- return *c.contentConfig.GroupVersion
diff --git a/kube2msb/src/vendor/k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/restclient/config.go b/kube2msb/src/vendor/k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/restclient/config.go
deleted file mode 100644
index fec5f49..0000000
--- a/kube2msb/src/vendor/k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/restclient/config.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,328 +0,0 @@
-Copyright 2016 The Kubernetes Authors.
-Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-You may obtain a copy of the License at
- http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-limitations under the License.
-package restclient
-import (
- "fmt"
- "io/ioutil"
- "net"
- "net/http"
- "os"
- "path"
- gruntime "runtime"
- "strings"
- "github.com/golang/glog"
- "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/api"
- "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/api/unversioned"
- clientcmdapi "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/unversioned/clientcmd/api"
- "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/runtime"
- "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/util/crypto"
- "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/util/flowcontrol"
- "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/version"
-const (
- DefaultQPS float32 = 5.0
- DefaultBurst int = 10
-// Config holds the common attributes that can be passed to a Kubernetes client on
-// initialization.
-type Config struct {
- // Host must be a host string, a host:port pair, or a URL to the base of the apiserver.
- // If a URL is given then the (optional) Path of that URL represents a prefix that must
- // be appended to all request URIs used to access the apiserver. This allows a frontend
- // proxy to easily relocate all of the apiserver endpoints.
- Host string
- // APIPath is a sub-path that points to an API root.
- APIPath string
- // Prefix is the sub path of the server. If not specified, the client will set
- // a default value. Use "/" to indicate the server root should be used
- Prefix string
- // ContentConfig contains settings that affect how objects are transformed when
- // sent to the server.
- ContentConfig
- // Server requires Basic authentication
- Username string
- Password string
- // Server requires Bearer authentication. This client will not attempt to use
- // refresh tokens for an OAuth2 flow.
- // TODO: demonstrate an OAuth2 compatible client.
- BearerToken string
- // Impersonate is the username that this RESTClient will impersonate
- Impersonate string
- // Server requires plugin-specified authentication.
- AuthProvider *clientcmdapi.AuthProviderConfig
- // Callback to persist config for AuthProvider.
- AuthConfigPersister AuthProviderConfigPersister
- // TLSClientConfig contains settings to enable transport layer security
- TLSClientConfig
- // Server should be accessed without verifying the TLS
- // certificate. For testing only.
- Insecure bool
- // UserAgent is an optional field that specifies the caller of this request.
- UserAgent string
- // Transport may be used for custom HTTP behavior. This attribute may not
- // be specified with the TLS client certificate options. Use WrapTransport
- // for most client level operations.
- Transport http.RoundTripper
- // WrapTransport will be invoked for custom HTTP behavior after the underlying
- // transport is initialized (either the transport created from TLSClientConfig,
- // Transport, or http.DefaultTransport). The config may layer other RoundTrippers
- // on top of the returned RoundTripper.
- WrapTransport func(rt http.RoundTripper) http.RoundTripper
- // QPS indicates the maximum QPS to the master from this client.
- // If it's zero, the created RESTClient will use DefaultQPS: 5
- QPS float32
- // Maximum burst for throttle.
- // If it's zero, the created RESTClient will use DefaultBurst: 10.
- Burst int
- // Rate limiter for limiting connections to the master from this client. If present overwrites QPS/Burst
- RateLimiter flowcontrol.RateLimiter
-// TLSClientConfig contains settings to enable transport layer security
-type TLSClientConfig struct {
- // Server requires TLS client certificate authentication
- CertFile string
- // Server requires TLS client certificate authentication
- KeyFile string
- // Trusted root certificates for server
- CAFile string
- // CertData holds PEM-encoded bytes (typically read from a client certificate file).
- // CertData takes precedence over CertFile
- CertData []byte
- // KeyData holds PEM-encoded bytes (typically read from a client certificate key file).
- // KeyData takes precedence over KeyFile
- KeyData []byte
- // CAData holds PEM-encoded bytes (typically read from a root certificates bundle).
- // CAData takes precedence over CAFile
- CAData []byte
-type ContentConfig struct {
- // ContentType specifies the wire format used to communicate with the server.
- // This value will be set as the Accept header on requests made to the server, and
- // as the default content type on any object sent to the server. If not set,
- // "application/json" is used.
- ContentType string
- // GroupVersion is the API version to talk to. Must be provided when initializing
- // a RESTClient directly. When initializing a Client, will be set with the default
- // code version.
- GroupVersion *unversioned.GroupVersion
- // NegotiatedSerializer is used for obtaining encoders and decoders for multiple
- // supported media types.
- NegotiatedSerializer runtime.NegotiatedSerializer
-// RESTClientFor returns a RESTClient that satisfies the requested attributes on a client Config
-// object. Note that a RESTClient may require fields that are optional when initializing a Client.
-// A RESTClient created by this method is generic - it expects to operate on an API that follows
-// the Kubernetes conventions, but may not be the Kubernetes API.
-func RESTClientFor(config *Config) (*RESTClient, error) {
- if config.GroupVersion == nil {
- return nil, fmt.Errorf("GroupVersion is required when initializing a RESTClient")
- }
- if config.NegotiatedSerializer == nil {
- return nil, fmt.Errorf("NegotiatedSerializer is required when initializing a RESTClient")
- }
- qps := config.QPS
- if config.QPS == 0.0 {
- qps = DefaultQPS
- }
- burst := config.Burst
- if config.Burst == 0 {
- burst = DefaultBurst
- }
- baseURL, versionedAPIPath, err := defaultServerUrlFor(config)
- if err != nil {
- return nil, err
- }
- transport, err := TransportFor(config)
- if err != nil {
- return nil, err
- }
- var httpClient *http.Client
- if transport != http.DefaultTransport {
- httpClient = &http.Client{Transport: transport}
- }
- return NewRESTClient(baseURL, versionedAPIPath, config.ContentConfig, qps, burst, config.RateLimiter, httpClient)
-// UnversionedRESTClientFor is the same as RESTClientFor, except that it allows
-// the config.Version to be empty.
-func UnversionedRESTClientFor(config *Config) (*RESTClient, error) {
- if config.NegotiatedSerializer == nil {
- return nil, fmt.Errorf("NeogitatedSerializer is required when initializing a RESTClient")
- }
- baseURL, versionedAPIPath, err := defaultServerUrlFor(config)
- if err != nil {
- return nil, err
- }
- transport, err := TransportFor(config)
- if err != nil {
- return nil, err
- }
- var httpClient *http.Client
- if transport != http.DefaultTransport {
- httpClient = &http.Client{Transport: transport}
- }
- versionConfig := config.ContentConfig
- if versionConfig.GroupVersion == nil {
- v := unversioned.SchemeGroupVersion
- versionConfig.GroupVersion = &v
- }
- return NewRESTClient(baseURL, versionedAPIPath, versionConfig, config.QPS, config.Burst, config.RateLimiter, httpClient)
-// SetKubernetesDefaults sets default values on the provided client config for accessing the
-// Kubernetes API or returns an error if any of the defaults are impossible or invalid.
-func SetKubernetesDefaults(config *Config) error {
- if len(config.UserAgent) == 0 {
- config.UserAgent = DefaultKubernetesUserAgent()
- }
- return nil
-// DefaultKubernetesUserAgent returns the default user agent that clients can use.
-func DefaultKubernetesUserAgent() string {
- commit := version.Get().GitCommit
- if len(commit) > 7 {
- commit = commit[:7]
- }
- if len(commit) == 0 {
- commit = "unknown"
- }
- version := version.Get().GitVersion
- seg := strings.SplitN(version, "-", 2)
- version = seg[0]
- return fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s (%s/%s) kubernetes/%s", path.Base(os.Args[0]), version, gruntime.GOOS, gruntime.GOARCH, commit)
-// InClusterConfig returns a config object which uses the service account
-// kubernetes gives to pods. It's intended for clients that expect to be
-// running inside a pod running on kuberenetes. It will return an error if
-// called from a process not running in a kubernetes environment.
-func InClusterConfig() (*Config, error) {
- host, port := os.Getenv("KUBERNETES_SERVICE_HOST"), os.Getenv("KUBERNETES_SERVICE_PORT")
- if len(host) == 0 || len(port) == 0 {
- return nil, fmt.Errorf("unable to load in-cluster configuration, KUBERNETES_SERVICE_HOST and KUBERNETES_SERVICE_PORT must be defined")
- }
- token, err := ioutil.ReadFile("/var/run/secrets/kubernetes.io/serviceaccount/" + api.ServiceAccountTokenKey)
- if err != nil {
- return nil, err
- }
- tlsClientConfig := TLSClientConfig{}
- rootCAFile := "/var/run/secrets/kubernetes.io/serviceaccount/" + api.ServiceAccountRootCAKey
- if _, err := crypto.CertPoolFromFile(rootCAFile); err != nil {
- glog.Errorf("Expected to load root CA config from %s, but got err: %v", rootCAFile, err)
- } else {
- tlsClientConfig.CAFile = rootCAFile
- }
- return &Config{
- // TODO: switch to using cluster DNS.
- Host: "https://" + net.JoinHostPort(host, port),
- BearerToken: string(token),
- TLSClientConfig: tlsClientConfig,
- }, nil
-// IsConfigTransportTLS returns true if and only if the provided
-// config will result in a protected connection to the server when it
-// is passed to restclient.RESTClientFor(). Use to determine when to
-// send credentials over the wire.
-// Note: the Insecure flag is ignored when testing for this value, so MITM attacks are
-// still possible.
-func IsConfigTransportTLS(config Config) bool {
- baseURL, _, err := defaultServerUrlFor(&config)
- if err != nil {
- return false
- }
- return baseURL.Scheme == "https"
-// LoadTLSFiles copies the data from the CertFile, KeyFile, and CAFile fields into the CertData,
-// KeyData, and CAFile fields, or returns an error. If no error is returned, all three fields are
-// either populated or were empty to start.
-func LoadTLSFiles(c *Config) error {
- var err error
- c.CAData, err = dataFromSliceOrFile(c.CAData, c.CAFile)
- if err != nil {
- return err
- }
- c.CertData, err = dataFromSliceOrFile(c.CertData, c.CertFile)
- if err != nil {
- return err
- }
- c.KeyData, err = dataFromSliceOrFile(c.KeyData, c.KeyFile)
- if err != nil {
- return err
- }
- return nil
-// dataFromSliceOrFile returns data from the slice (if non-empty), or from the file,
-// or an error if an error occurred reading the file
-func dataFromSliceOrFile(data []byte, file string) ([]byte, error) {
- if len(data) > 0 {
- return data, nil
- }
- if len(file) > 0 {
- fileData, err := ioutil.ReadFile(file)
- if err != nil {
- return []byte{}, err
- }
- return fileData, nil
- }
- return nil, nil
-func AddUserAgent(config *Config, userAgent string) *Config {
- fullUserAgent := DefaultKubernetesUserAgent() + "/" + userAgent
- config.UserAgent = fullUserAgent
- return config
diff --git a/kube2msb/src/vendor/k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/restclient/plugin.go b/kube2msb/src/vendor/k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/restclient/plugin.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 06ac3cc..0000000
--- a/kube2msb/src/vendor/k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/restclient/plugin.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,73 +0,0 @@
-Copyright 2016 The Kubernetes Authors.
-Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-You may obtain a copy of the License at
- http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-limitations under the License.
-package restclient
-import (
- "fmt"
- "net/http"
- "sync"
- "github.com/golang/glog"
- clientcmdapi "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/unversioned/clientcmd/api"
-type AuthProvider interface {
- // WrapTransport allows the plugin to create a modified RoundTripper that
- // attaches authorization headers (or other info) to requests.
- WrapTransport(http.RoundTripper) http.RoundTripper
- // Login allows the plugin to initialize its configuration. It must not
- // require direct user interaction.
- Login() error
-// Factory generates an AuthProvider plugin.
-// clusterAddress is the address of the current cluster.
-// config is the initial configuration for this plugin.
-// persister allows the plugin to save updated configuration.
-type Factory func(clusterAddress string, config map[string]string, persister AuthProviderConfigPersister) (AuthProvider, error)
-// AuthProviderConfigPersister allows a plugin to persist configuration info
-// for just itself.
-type AuthProviderConfigPersister interface {
- Persist(map[string]string) error
-// All registered auth provider plugins.
-var pluginsLock sync.Mutex
-var plugins = make(map[string]Factory)
-func RegisterAuthProviderPlugin(name string, plugin Factory) error {
- pluginsLock.Lock()
- defer pluginsLock.Unlock()
- if _, found := plugins[name]; found {
- return fmt.Errorf("Auth Provider Plugin %q was registered twice", name)
- }
- glog.V(4).Infof("Registered Auth Provider Plugin %q", name)
- plugins[name] = plugin
- return nil
-func GetAuthProvider(clusterAddress string, apc *clientcmdapi.AuthProviderConfig, persister AuthProviderConfigPersister) (AuthProvider, error) {
- pluginsLock.Lock()
- defer pluginsLock.Unlock()
- p, ok := plugins[apc.Name]
- if !ok {
- return nil, fmt.Errorf("No Auth Provider found for name %q", apc.Name)
- }
- return p(clusterAddress, apc.Config, persister)
diff --git a/kube2msb/src/vendor/k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/restclient/request.go b/kube2msb/src/vendor/k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/restclient/request.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 51fac6b..0000000
--- a/kube2msb/src/vendor/k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/restclient/request.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1086 +0,0 @@
-Copyright 2014 The Kubernetes Authors.
-Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-You may obtain a copy of the License at
- http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-limitations under the License.
-package restclient
-import (
- "bytes"
- "fmt"
- "io"
- "io/ioutil"
- "mime"
- "net/http"
- "net/url"
- "path"
- "reflect"
- "strconv"
- "strings"
- "time"
- "github.com/golang/glog"
- "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/api/errors"
- "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/api/unversioned"
- "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/api/v1"
- "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/api/validation"
- "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/metrics"
- "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/fields"
- "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/labels"
- "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/runtime"
- "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/runtime/serializer/streaming"
- "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/util/flowcontrol"
- "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/util/net"
- "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/util/sets"
- "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/watch"
- "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/watch/versioned"
-var (
- // specialParams lists parameters that are handled specially and which users of Request
- // are therefore not allowed to set manually.
- specialParams = sets.NewString("timeout")
- // longThrottleLatency defines threshold for logging requests. All requests being
- // throttle for more than longThrottleLatency will be logged.
- longThrottleLatency = 50 * time.Millisecond
-func init() {
- metrics.Register()
-// HTTPClient is an interface for testing a request object.
-type HTTPClient interface {
- Do(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error)
-// ResponseWrapper is an interface for getting a response.
-// The response may be either accessed as a raw data (the whole output is put into memory) or as a stream.
-type ResponseWrapper interface {
- DoRaw() ([]byte, error)
- Stream() (io.ReadCloser, error)
-// RequestConstructionError is returned when there's an error assembling a request.
-type RequestConstructionError struct {
- Err error
-// Error returns a textual description of 'r'.
-func (r *RequestConstructionError) Error() string {
- return fmt.Sprintf("request construction error: '%v'", r.Err)
-// Request allows for building up a request to a server in a chained fashion.
-// Any errors are stored until the end of your call, so you only have to
-// check once.
-type Request struct {
- // required
- client HTTPClient
- verb string
- baseURL *url.URL
- content ContentConfig
- serializers Serializers
- // generic components accessible via method setters
- pathPrefix string
- subpath string
- params url.Values
- headers http.Header
- // structural elements of the request that are part of the Kubernetes API conventions
- namespace string
- namespaceSet bool
- resource string
- resourceName string
- subresource string
- selector labels.Selector
- timeout time.Duration
- // output
- err error
- body io.Reader
- // The constructed request and the response
- req *http.Request
- resp *http.Response
- backoffMgr BackoffManager
- throttle flowcontrol.RateLimiter
-// NewRequest creates a new request helper object for accessing runtime.Objects on a server.
-func NewRequest(client HTTPClient, verb string, baseURL *url.URL, versionedAPIPath string, content ContentConfig, serializers Serializers, backoff BackoffManager, throttle flowcontrol.RateLimiter) *Request {
- if backoff == nil {
- glog.V(2).Infof("Not implementing request backoff strategy.")
- backoff = &NoBackoff{}
- }
- pathPrefix := "/"
- if baseURL != nil {
- pathPrefix = path.Join(pathPrefix, baseURL.Path)
- }
- r := &Request{
- client: client,
- verb: verb,
- baseURL: baseURL,
- pathPrefix: path.Join(pathPrefix, versionedAPIPath),
- content: content,
- serializers: serializers,
- backoffMgr: backoff,
- throttle: throttle,
- }
- if len(content.ContentType) > 0 {
- r.SetHeader("Accept", content.ContentType+", */*")
- }
- return r
-// Prefix adds segments to the relative beginning to the request path. These
-// items will be placed before the optional Namespace, Resource, or Name sections.
-// Setting AbsPath will clear any previously set Prefix segments
-func (r *Request) Prefix(segments ...string) *Request {
- if r.err != nil {
- return r
- }
- r.pathPrefix = path.Join(r.pathPrefix, path.Join(segments...))
- return r
-// Suffix appends segments to the end of the path. These items will be placed after the prefix and optional
-// Namespace, Resource, or Name sections.
-func (r *Request) Suffix(segments ...string) *Request {
- if r.err != nil {
- return r
- }
- r.subpath = path.Join(r.subpath, path.Join(segments...))
- return r
-// Resource sets the resource to access (<resource>/[ns/<namespace>/]<name>)
-func (r *Request) Resource(resource string) *Request {
- if r.err != nil {
- return r
- }
- if len(r.resource) != 0 {
- r.err = fmt.Errorf("resource already set to %q, cannot change to %q", r.resource, resource)
- return r
- }
- if msgs := validation.IsValidPathSegmentName(resource); len(msgs) != 0 {
- r.err = fmt.Errorf("invalid resource %q: %v", resource, msgs)
- return r
- }
- r.resource = resource
- return r
-// SubResource sets a sub-resource path which can be multiple segments segment after the resource
-// name but before the suffix.
-func (r *Request) SubResource(subresources ...string) *Request {
- if r.err != nil {
- return r
- }
- subresource := path.Join(subresources...)
- if len(r.subresource) != 0 {
- r.err = fmt.Errorf("subresource already set to %q, cannot change to %q", r.resource, subresource)
- return r
- }
- for _, s := range subresources {
- if msgs := validation.IsValidPathSegmentName(s); len(msgs) != 0 {
- r.err = fmt.Errorf("invalid subresource %q: %v", s, msgs)
- return r
- }
- }
- r.subresource = subresource
- return r
-// Name sets the name of a resource to access (<resource>/[ns/<namespace>/]<name>)
-func (r *Request) Name(resourceName string) *Request {
- if r.err != nil {
- return r
- }
- if len(resourceName) == 0 {
- r.err = fmt.Errorf("resource name may not be empty")
- return r
- }
- if len(r.resourceName) != 0 {
- r.err = fmt.Errorf("resource name already set to %q, cannot change to %q", r.resourceName, resourceName)
- return r
- }
- if msgs := validation.IsValidPathSegmentName(resourceName); len(msgs) != 0 {
- r.err = fmt.Errorf("invalid resource name %q: %v", resourceName, msgs)
- return r
- }
- r.resourceName = resourceName
- return r
-// Namespace applies the namespace scope to a request (<resource>/[ns/<namespace>/]<name>)
-func (r *Request) Namespace(namespace string) *Request {
- if r.err != nil {
- return r
- }
- if r.namespaceSet {
- r.err = fmt.Errorf("namespace already set to %q, cannot change to %q", r.namespace, namespace)
- return r
- }
- if msgs := validation.IsValidPathSegmentName(namespace); len(msgs) != 0 {
- r.err = fmt.Errorf("invalid namespace %q: %v", namespace, msgs)
- return r
- }
- r.namespaceSet = true
- r.namespace = namespace
- return r
-// NamespaceIfScoped is a convenience function to set a namespace if scoped is true
-func (r *Request) NamespaceIfScoped(namespace string, scoped bool) *Request {
- if scoped {
- return r.Namespace(namespace)
- }
- return r
-// AbsPath overwrites an existing path with the segments provided. Trailing slashes are preserved
-// when a single segment is passed.
-func (r *Request) AbsPath(segments ...string) *Request {
- if r.err != nil {
- return r
- }
- r.pathPrefix = path.Join(r.baseURL.Path, path.Join(segments...))
- if len(segments) == 1 && (len(r.baseURL.Path) > 1 || len(segments[0]) > 1) && strings.HasSuffix(segments[0], "/") {
- // preserve any trailing slashes for legacy behavior
- r.pathPrefix += "/"
- }
- return r
-// RequestURI overwrites existing path and parameters with the value of the provided server relative
-// URI. Some parameters (those in specialParameters) cannot be overwritten.
-func (r *Request) RequestURI(uri string) *Request {
- if r.err != nil {
- return r
- }
- locator, err := url.Parse(uri)
- if err != nil {
- r.err = err
- return r
- }
- r.pathPrefix = locator.Path
- if len(locator.Query()) > 0 {
- if r.params == nil {
- r.params = make(url.Values)
- }
- for k, v := range locator.Query() {
- r.params[k] = v
- }
- }
- return r
-const (
- // A constant that clients can use to refer in a field selector to the object name field.
- // Will be automatically emitted as the correct name for the API version.
- nodeUnschedulable = "spec.unschedulable"
- objectNameField = "metadata.name"
- podHost = "spec.nodeName"
- podStatus = "status.phase"
- secretType = "type"
- eventReason = "reason"
- eventSource = "source"
- eventType = "type"
- eventInvolvedKind = "involvedObject.kind"
- eventInvolvedNamespace = "involvedObject.namespace"
- eventInvolvedName = "involvedObject.name"
- eventInvolvedUID = "involvedObject.uid"
- eventInvolvedAPIVersion = "involvedObject.apiVersion"
- eventInvolvedResourceVersion = "involvedObject.resourceVersion"
- eventInvolvedFieldPath = "involvedObject.fieldPath"
-type clientFieldNameToAPIVersionFieldName map[string]string
-func (c clientFieldNameToAPIVersionFieldName) filterField(field, value string) (newField, newValue string, err error) {
- newFieldName, ok := c[field]
- if !ok {
- return "", "", fmt.Errorf("%v - %v - no field mapping defined", field, value)
- }
- return newFieldName, value, nil
-type resourceTypeToFieldMapping map[string]clientFieldNameToAPIVersionFieldName
-func (r resourceTypeToFieldMapping) filterField(resourceType, field, value string) (newField, newValue string, err error) {
- fMapping, ok := r[resourceType]
- if !ok {
- return "", "", fmt.Errorf("%v - %v - %v - no field mapping defined", resourceType, field, value)
- }
- return fMapping.filterField(field, value)
-type versionToResourceToFieldMapping map[unversioned.GroupVersion]resourceTypeToFieldMapping
-func (v versionToResourceToFieldMapping) filterField(groupVersion *unversioned.GroupVersion, resourceType, field, value string) (newField, newValue string, err error) {
- rMapping, ok := v[*groupVersion]
- if !ok {
- glog.Warningf("Field selector: %v - %v - %v - %v: need to check if this is versioned correctly.", groupVersion, resourceType, field, value)
- return field, value, nil
- }
- newField, newValue, err = rMapping.filterField(resourceType, field, value)
- if err != nil {
- // This is only a warning until we find and fix all of the client's usages.
- glog.Warningf("Field selector: %v - %v - %v - %v: need to check if this is versioned correctly.", groupVersion, resourceType, field, value)
- return field, value, nil
- }
- return newField, newValue, nil
-var fieldMappings = versionToResourceToFieldMapping{
- v1.SchemeGroupVersion: resourceTypeToFieldMapping{
- "nodes": clientFieldNameToAPIVersionFieldName{
- objectNameField: objectNameField,
- nodeUnschedulable: nodeUnschedulable,
- },
- "pods": clientFieldNameToAPIVersionFieldName{
- podHost: podHost,
- podStatus: podStatus,
- },
- "secrets": clientFieldNameToAPIVersionFieldName{
- secretType: secretType,
- },
- "serviceAccounts": clientFieldNameToAPIVersionFieldName{
- objectNameField: objectNameField,
- },
- "endpoints": clientFieldNameToAPIVersionFieldName{
- objectNameField: objectNameField,
- },
- "events": clientFieldNameToAPIVersionFieldName{
- objectNameField: objectNameField,
- eventReason: eventReason,
- eventSource: eventSource,
- eventType: eventType,
- eventInvolvedKind: eventInvolvedKind,
- eventInvolvedNamespace: eventInvolvedNamespace,
- eventInvolvedName: eventInvolvedName,
- eventInvolvedUID: eventInvolvedUID,
- eventInvolvedAPIVersion: eventInvolvedAPIVersion,
- eventInvolvedResourceVersion: eventInvolvedResourceVersion,
- eventInvolvedFieldPath: eventInvolvedFieldPath,
- },
- },
-// FieldsSelectorParam adds the given selector as a query parameter with the name paramName.
-func (r *Request) FieldsSelectorParam(s fields.Selector) *Request {
- if r.err != nil {
- return r
- }
- if s == nil {
- return r
- }
- if s.Empty() {
- return r
- }
- s2, err := s.Transform(func(field, value string) (newField, newValue string, err error) {
- return fieldMappings.filterField(r.content.GroupVersion, r.resource, field, value)
- })
- if err != nil {
- r.err = err
- return r
- }
- return r.setParam(unversioned.FieldSelectorQueryParam(r.content.GroupVersion.String()), s2.String())
-// LabelsSelectorParam adds the given selector as a query parameter
-func (r *Request) LabelsSelectorParam(s labels.Selector) *Request {
- if r.err != nil {
- return r
- }
- if s == nil {
- return r
- }
- if s.Empty() {
- return r
- }
- return r.setParam(unversioned.LabelSelectorQueryParam(r.content.GroupVersion.String()), s.String())
-// UintParam creates a query parameter with the given value.
-func (r *Request) UintParam(paramName string, u uint64) *Request {
- if r.err != nil {
- return r
- }
- return r.setParam(paramName, strconv.FormatUint(u, 10))
-// Param creates a query parameter with the given string value.
-func (r *Request) Param(paramName, s string) *Request {
- if r.err != nil {
- return r
- }
- return r.setParam(paramName, s)
-// VersionedParams will take the provided object, serialize it to a map[string][]string using the
-// implicit RESTClient API version and the default parameter codec, and then add those as parameters
-// to the request. Use this to provide versioned query parameters from client libraries.
-func (r *Request) VersionedParams(obj runtime.Object, codec runtime.ParameterCodec) *Request {
- if r.err != nil {
- return r
- }
- params, err := codec.EncodeParameters(obj, *r.content.GroupVersion)
- if err != nil {
- r.err = err
- return r
- }
- for k, v := range params {
- for _, value := range v {
- // TODO: Move it to setParam method, once we get rid of
- // FieldSelectorParam & LabelSelectorParam methods.
- if k == unversioned.LabelSelectorQueryParam(r.content.GroupVersion.String()) && value == "" {
- // Don't set an empty selector for backward compatibility.
- // Since there is no way to get the difference between empty
- // and unspecified string, we don't set it to avoid having
- // labelSelector= param in every request.
- continue
- }
- if k == unversioned.FieldSelectorQueryParam(r.content.GroupVersion.String()) {
- if len(value) == 0 {
- // Don't set an empty selector for backward compatibility.
- // Since there is no way to get the difference between empty
- // and unspecified string, we don't set it to avoid having
- // fieldSelector= param in every request.
- continue
- }
- // TODO: Filtering should be handled somewhere else.
- selector, err := fields.ParseSelector(value)
- if err != nil {
- r.err = fmt.Errorf("unparsable field selector: %v", err)
- return r
- }
- filteredSelector, err := selector.Transform(
- func(field, value string) (newField, newValue string, err error) {
- return fieldMappings.filterField(r.content.GroupVersion, r.resource, field, value)
- })
- if err != nil {
- r.err = fmt.Errorf("untransformable field selector: %v", err)
- return r
- }
- value = filteredSelector.String()
- }
- r.setParam(k, value)
- }
- }
- return r
-func (r *Request) setParam(paramName, value string) *Request {
- if specialParams.Has(paramName) {
- r.err = fmt.Errorf("must set %v through the corresponding function, not directly.", paramName)
- return r
- }
- if r.params == nil {
- r.params = make(url.Values)
- }
- r.params[paramName] = append(r.params[paramName], value)
- return r
-func (r *Request) SetHeader(key, value string) *Request {
- if r.headers == nil {
- r.headers = http.Header{}
- }
- r.headers.Set(key, value)
- return r
-// Timeout makes the request use the given duration as a timeout. Sets the "timeout"
-// parameter.
-func (r *Request) Timeout(d time.Duration) *Request {
- if r.err != nil {
- return r
- }
- r.timeout = d
- return r
-// Body makes the request use obj as the body. Optional.
-// If obj is a string, try to read a file of that name.
-// If obj is a []byte, send it directly.
-// If obj is an io.Reader, use it directly.
-// If obj is a runtime.Object, marshal it correctly, and set Content-Type header.
-// If obj is a runtime.Object and nil, do nothing.
-// Otherwise, set an error.
-func (r *Request) Body(obj interface{}) *Request {
- if r.err != nil {
- return r
- }
- switch t := obj.(type) {
- case string:
- data, err := ioutil.ReadFile(t)
- if err != nil {
- r.err = err
- return r
- }
- glog.V(8).Infof("Request Body: %s", string(data))
- r.body = bytes.NewReader(data)
- case []byte:
- glog.V(8).Infof("Request Body: %s", string(t))
- r.body = bytes.NewReader(t)
- case io.Reader:
- r.body = t
- case runtime.Object:
- // callers may pass typed interface pointers, therefore we must check nil with reflection
- if reflect.ValueOf(t).IsNil() {
- return r
- }
- data, err := runtime.Encode(r.serializers.Encoder, t)
- if err != nil {
- r.err = err
- return r
- }
- glog.V(8).Infof("Request Body: %s", string(data))
- r.body = bytes.NewReader(data)
- r.SetHeader("Content-Type", r.content.ContentType)
- default:
- r.err = fmt.Errorf("unknown type used for body: %+v", obj)
- }
- return r
-// URL returns the current working URL.
-func (r *Request) URL() *url.URL {
- p := r.pathPrefix
- if r.namespaceSet && len(r.namespace) > 0 {
- p = path.Join(p, "namespaces", r.namespace)
- }
- if len(r.resource) != 0 {
- p = path.Join(p, strings.ToLower(r.resource))
- }
- // Join trims trailing slashes, so preserve r.pathPrefix's trailing slash for backwards compatibility if nothing was changed
- if len(r.resourceName) != 0 || len(r.subpath) != 0 || len(r.subresource) != 0 {
- p = path.Join(p, r.resourceName, r.subresource, r.subpath)
- }
- finalURL := &url.URL{}
- if r.baseURL != nil {
- *finalURL = *r.baseURL
- }
- finalURL.Path = p
- query := url.Values{}
- for key, values := range r.params {
- for _, value := range values {
- query.Add(key, value)
- }
- }
- // timeout is handled specially here.
- if r.timeout != 0 {
- query.Set("timeout", r.timeout.String())
- }
- finalURL.RawQuery = query.Encode()
- return finalURL
-// finalURLTemplate is similar to URL(), but will make all specific parameter values equal
-// - instead of name or namespace, "{name}" and "{namespace}" will be used, and all query
-// parameters will be reset. This creates a copy of the request so as not to change the
-// underyling object. This means some useful request info (like the types of field
-// selectors in use) will be lost.
-// TODO: preserve field selector keys
-func (r Request) finalURLTemplate() string {
- if len(r.resourceName) != 0 {
- r.resourceName = "{name}"
- }
- if r.namespaceSet && len(r.namespace) != 0 {
- r.namespace = "{namespace}"
- }
- newParams := url.Values{}
- v := []string{"{value}"}
- for k := range r.params {
- newParams[k] = v
- }
- r.params = newParams
- return r.URL().String()
-func (r *Request) tryThrottle() {
- now := time.Now()
- if r.throttle != nil {
- r.throttle.Accept()
- }
- if latency := time.Since(now); latency > longThrottleLatency {
- glog.V(4).Infof("Throttling request took %v, request: %s:%s", latency, r.verb, r.URL().String())
- }
-// Watch attempts to begin watching the requested location.
-// Returns a watch.Interface, or an error.
-func (r *Request) Watch() (watch.Interface, error) {
- // We specifically don't want to rate limit watches, so we
- // don't use r.throttle here.
- if r.err != nil {
- return nil, r.err
- }
- if r.serializers.Framer == nil {
- return nil, fmt.Errorf("watching resources is not possible with this client (content-type: %s)", r.content.ContentType)
- }
- url := r.URL().String()
- req, err := http.NewRequest(r.verb, url, r.body)
- if err != nil {
- return nil, err
- }
- req.Header = r.headers
- client := r.client
- if client == nil {
- client = http.DefaultClient
- }
- r.backoffMgr.Sleep(r.backoffMgr.CalculateBackoff(r.URL()))
- resp, err := client.Do(req)
- updateURLMetrics(r, resp, err)
- if r.baseURL != nil {
- if err != nil {
- r.backoffMgr.UpdateBackoff(r.baseURL, err, 0)
- } else {
- r.backoffMgr.UpdateBackoff(r.baseURL, err, resp.StatusCode)
- }
- }
- if err != nil {
- // The watch stream mechanism handles many common partial data errors, so closed
- // connections can be retried in many cases.
- if net.IsProbableEOF(err) {
- return watch.NewEmptyWatch(), nil
- }
- return nil, err
- }
- if resp.StatusCode != http.StatusOK {
- defer resp.Body.Close()
- if result := r.transformResponse(resp, req); result.err != nil {
- return nil, result.err
- }
- return nil, fmt.Errorf("for request '%+v', got status: %v", url, resp.StatusCode)
- }
- framer := r.serializers.Framer.NewFrameReader(resp.Body)
- decoder := streaming.NewDecoder(framer, r.serializers.StreamingSerializer)
- return watch.NewStreamWatcher(versioned.NewDecoder(decoder, r.serializers.Decoder)), nil
-// updateURLMetrics is a convenience function for pushing metrics.
-// It also handles corner cases for incomplete/invalid request data.
-func updateURLMetrics(req *Request, resp *http.Response, err error) {
- url := "none"
- if req.baseURL != nil {
- url = req.baseURL.Host
- }
- // If we have an error (i.e. apiserver down) we report that as a metric label.
- if err != nil {
- metrics.RequestResult.WithLabelValues(err.Error(), req.verb, url).Inc()
- } else {
- //Metrics for failure codes
- metrics.RequestResult.WithLabelValues(strconv.Itoa(resp.StatusCode), req.verb, url).Inc()
- }
-// Stream formats and executes the request, and offers streaming of the response.
-// Returns io.ReadCloser which could be used for streaming of the response, or an error
-// Any non-2xx http status code causes an error. If we get a non-2xx code, we try to convert the body into an APIStatus object.
-// If we can, we return that as an error. Otherwise, we create an error that lists the http status and the content of the response.
-func (r *Request) Stream() (io.ReadCloser, error) {
- if r.err != nil {
- return nil, r.err
- }
- r.tryThrottle()
- url := r.URL().String()
- req, err := http.NewRequest(r.verb, url, nil)
- if err != nil {
- return nil, err
- }
- req.Header = r.headers
- client := r.client
- if client == nil {
- client = http.DefaultClient
- }
- r.backoffMgr.Sleep(r.backoffMgr.CalculateBackoff(r.URL()))
- resp, err := client.Do(req)
- updateURLMetrics(r, resp, err)
- if r.baseURL != nil {
- if err != nil {
- r.backoffMgr.UpdateBackoff(r.URL(), err, 0)
- } else {
- r.backoffMgr.UpdateBackoff(r.URL(), err, resp.StatusCode)
- }
- }
- if err != nil {
- return nil, err
- }
- switch {
- case (resp.StatusCode >= 200) && (resp.StatusCode < 300):
- return resp.Body, nil
- default:
- // ensure we close the body before returning the error
- defer resp.Body.Close()
- // we have a decent shot at taking the object returned, parsing it as a status object and returning a more normal error
- bodyBytes, err := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body)
- if err != nil {
- return nil, fmt.Errorf("%v while accessing %v", resp.Status, url)
- }
- // TODO: Check ContentType.
- if runtimeObject, err := runtime.Decode(r.serializers.Decoder, bodyBytes); err == nil {
- statusError := errors.FromObject(runtimeObject)
- if _, ok := statusError.(errors.APIStatus); ok {
- return nil, statusError
- }
- }
- bodyText := string(bodyBytes)
- return nil, fmt.Errorf("%s while accessing %v: %s", resp.Status, url, bodyText)
- }
-// request connects to the server and invokes the provided function when a server response is
-// received. It handles retry behavior and up front validation of requests. It will invoke
-// fn at most once. It will return an error if a problem occurred prior to connecting to the
-// server - the provided function is responsible for handling server errors.
-func (r *Request) request(fn func(*http.Request, *http.Response)) error {
- //Metrics for total request latency
- start := time.Now()
- defer func() {
- metrics.RequestLatency.WithLabelValues(r.verb, r.finalURLTemplate()).Observe(metrics.SinceInMicroseconds(start))
- }()
- if r.err != nil {
- glog.V(4).Infof("Error in request: %v", r.err)
- return r.err
- }
- // TODO: added to catch programmer errors (invoking operations with an object with an empty namespace)
- if (r.verb == "GET" || r.verb == "PUT" || r.verb == "DELETE") && r.namespaceSet && len(r.resourceName) > 0 && len(r.namespace) == 0 {
- return fmt.Errorf("an empty namespace may not be set when a resource name is provided")
- }
- if (r.verb == "POST") && r.namespaceSet && len(r.namespace) == 0 {
- return fmt.Errorf("an empty namespace may not be set during creation")
- }
- client := r.client
- if client == nil {
- client = http.DefaultClient
- }
- // Right now we make about ten retry attempts if we get a Retry-After response.
- // TODO: Change to a timeout based approach.
- maxRetries := 10
- retries := 0
- for {
- url := r.URL().String()
- req, err := http.NewRequest(r.verb, url, r.body)
- if err != nil {
- return err
- }
- req.Header = r.headers
- r.backoffMgr.Sleep(r.backoffMgr.CalculateBackoff(r.URL()))
- resp, err := client.Do(req)
- updateURLMetrics(r, resp, err)
- if err != nil {
- r.backoffMgr.UpdateBackoff(r.URL(), err, 0)
- } else {
- r.backoffMgr.UpdateBackoff(r.URL(), err, resp.StatusCode)
- }
- if err != nil {
- return err
- }
- done := func() bool {
- // ensure the response body is closed before we reconnect, so that we reuse the same
- // TCP connection
- defer resp.Body.Close()
- retries++
- if seconds, wait := checkWait(resp); wait && retries < maxRetries {
- if seeker, ok := r.body.(io.Seeker); ok && r.body != nil {
- _, err := seeker.Seek(0, 0)
- if err != nil {
- glog.V(4).Infof("Could not retry request, can't Seek() back to beginning of body for %T", r.body)
- fn(req, resp)
- return true
- }
- }
- glog.V(4).Infof("Got a Retry-After %s response for attempt %d to %v", seconds, retries, url)
- r.backoffMgr.Sleep(time.Duration(seconds) * time.Second)
- return false
- }
- fn(req, resp)
- return true
- }()
- if done {
- return nil
- }
- }
-// Do formats and executes the request. Returns a Result object for easy response
-// processing.
-// Error type:
-// * If the request can't be constructed, or an error happened earlier while building its
-// arguments: *RequestConstructionError
-// * If the server responds with a status: *errors.StatusError or *errors.UnexpectedObjectError
-// * http.Client.Do errors are returned directly.
-func (r *Request) Do() Result {
- r.tryThrottle()
- var result Result
- err := r.request(func(req *http.Request, resp *http.Response) {
- result = r.transformResponse(resp, req)
- })
- if err != nil {
- return Result{err: err}
- }
- return result
-// DoRaw executes the request but does not process the response body.
-func (r *Request) DoRaw() ([]byte, error) {
- r.tryThrottle()
- var result Result
- err := r.request(func(req *http.Request, resp *http.Response) {
- result.body, result.err = ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body)
- })
- if err != nil {
- return nil, err
- }
- return result.body, result.err
-// transformResponse converts an API response into a structured API object
-func (r *Request) transformResponse(resp *http.Response, req *http.Request) Result {
- var body []byte
- if resp.Body != nil {
- if data, err := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body); err == nil {
- body = data
- }
- }
- glog.V(8).Infof("Response Body: %s", string(body))
- // Did the server give us a status response?
- isStatusResponse := false
- // Because release-1.1 server returns Status with empty APIVersion at paths
- // to the Extensions resources, we need to use DecodeInto here to provide
- // default groupVersion, otherwise a status response won't be correctly
- // decoded.
- status := &unversioned.Status{}
- err := runtime.DecodeInto(r.serializers.Decoder, body, status)
- if err == nil && len(status.Status) > 0 {
- isStatusResponse = true
- }
- switch {
- case resp.StatusCode == http.StatusSwitchingProtocols:
- // no-op, we've been upgraded
- case resp.StatusCode < http.StatusOK || resp.StatusCode > http.StatusPartialContent:
- if !isStatusResponse {
- return Result{err: r.transformUnstructuredResponseError(resp, req, body)}
- }
- return Result{err: errors.FromObject(status)}
- }
- // If the server gave us a status back, look at what it was.
- success := resp.StatusCode >= http.StatusOK && resp.StatusCode <= http.StatusPartialContent
- if isStatusResponse && (status.Status != unversioned.StatusSuccess && !success) {
- // "Failed" requests are clearly just an error and it makes sense to return them as such.
- return Result{err: errors.FromObject(status)}
- }
- contentType := resp.Header.Get("Content-Type")
- var decoder runtime.Decoder
- if contentType == r.content.ContentType {
- decoder = r.serializers.Decoder
- } else {
- mediaType, params, err := mime.ParseMediaType(contentType)
- if err != nil {
- return Result{err: errors.NewInternalError(err)}
- }
- decoder, err = r.serializers.RenegotiatedDecoder(mediaType, params)
- if err != nil {
- return Result{
- body: body,
- contentType: contentType,
- statusCode: resp.StatusCode,
- }
- }
- }
- return Result{
- body: body,
- contentType: contentType,
- statusCode: resp.StatusCode,
- decoder: decoder,
- }
-// transformUnstructuredResponseError handles an error from the server that is not in a structured form.
-// It is expected to transform any response that is not recognizable as a clear server sent error from the
-// K8S API using the information provided with the request. In practice, HTTP proxies and client libraries
-// introduce a level of uncertainty to the responses returned by servers that in common use result in
-// unexpected responses. The rough structure is:
-// 1. Assume the server sends you something sane - JSON + well defined error objects + proper codes
-// - this is the happy path
-// - when you get this output, trust what the server sends
-// 2. Guard against empty fields / bodies in received JSON and attempt to cull sufficient info from them to
-// generate a reasonable facsimile of the original failure.
-// - Be sure to use a distinct error type or flag that allows a client to distinguish between this and error 1 above
-// 3. Handle true disconnect failures / completely malformed data by moving up to a more generic client error
-// 4. Distinguish between various connection failures like SSL certificates, timeouts, proxy errors, unexpected
-// initial contact, the presence of mismatched body contents from posted content types
-// - Give these a separate distinct error type and capture as much as possible of the original message
-// TODO: introduce transformation of generic http.Client.Do() errors that separates 4.
-func (r *Request) transformUnstructuredResponseError(resp *http.Response, req *http.Request, body []byte) error {
- if body == nil && resp.Body != nil {
- if data, err := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body); err == nil {
- body = data
- }
- }
- glog.V(8).Infof("Response Body: %s", string(body))
- message := "unknown"
- if isTextResponse(resp) {
- message = strings.TrimSpace(string(body))
- }
- retryAfter, _ := retryAfterSeconds(resp)
- return errors.NewGenericServerResponse(
- resp.StatusCode,
- req.Method,
- unversioned.GroupResource{
- Group: r.content.GroupVersion.Group,
- Resource: r.resource,
- },
- r.resourceName,
- message,
- retryAfter,
- true,
- )
-// isTextResponse returns true if the response appears to be a textual media type.
-func isTextResponse(resp *http.Response) bool {
- contentType := resp.Header.Get("Content-Type")
- if len(contentType) == 0 {
- return true
- }
- media, _, err := mime.ParseMediaType(contentType)
- if err != nil {
- return false
- }
- return strings.HasPrefix(media, "text/")
-// checkWait returns true along with a number of seconds if the server instructed us to wait
-// before retrying.
-func checkWait(resp *http.Response) (int, bool) {
- switch r := resp.StatusCode; {
- // any 500 error code and 429 can trigger a wait
- case r == errors.StatusTooManyRequests, r >= 500:
- default:
- return 0, false
- }
- i, ok := retryAfterSeconds(resp)
- return i, ok
-// retryAfterSeconds returns the value of the Retry-After header and true, or 0 and false if
-// the header was missing or not a valid number.
-func retryAfterSeconds(resp *http.Response) (int, bool) {
- if h := resp.Header.Get("Retry-After"); len(h) > 0 {
- if i, err := strconv.Atoi(h); err == nil {
- return i, true
- }
- }
- return 0, false
-// Result contains the result of calling Request.Do().
-type Result struct {
- body []byte
- contentType string
- err error
- statusCode int
- decoder runtime.Decoder
-// Raw returns the raw result.
-func (r Result) Raw() ([]byte, error) {
- return r.body, r.err
-// Get returns the result as an object.
-func (r Result) Get() (runtime.Object, error) {
- if r.err != nil {
- return nil, r.err
- }
- if r.decoder == nil {
- return nil, fmt.Errorf("serializer for %s doesn't exist", r.contentType)
- }
- return runtime.Decode(r.decoder, r.body)
-// StatusCode returns the HTTP status code of the request. (Only valid if no
-// error was returned.)
-func (r Result) StatusCode(statusCode *int) Result {
- *statusCode = r.statusCode
- return r
-// Into stores the result into obj, if possible. If obj is nil it is ignored.
-func (r Result) Into(obj runtime.Object) error {
- if r.err != nil {
- return r.err
- }
- if r.decoder == nil {
- return fmt.Errorf("serializer for %s doesn't exist", r.contentType)
- }
- return runtime.DecodeInto(r.decoder, r.body, obj)
-// WasCreated updates the provided bool pointer to whether the server returned
-// 201 created or a different response.
-func (r Result) WasCreated(wasCreated *bool) Result {
- *wasCreated = r.statusCode == http.StatusCreated
- return r
-// Error returns the error executing the request, nil if no error occurred.
-// See the Request.Do() comment for what errors you might get.
-func (r Result) Error() error {
- return r.err
diff --git a/kube2msb/src/vendor/k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/restclient/transport.go b/kube2msb/src/vendor/k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/restclient/transport.go
deleted file mode 100644
index c385914..0000000
--- a/kube2msb/src/vendor/k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/restclient/transport.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,94 +0,0 @@
-Copyright 2014 The Kubernetes Authors.
-Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-You may obtain a copy of the License at
- http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-limitations under the License.
-package restclient
-import (
- "crypto/tls"
- "net/http"
- "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/transport"
-// TLSConfigFor returns a tls.Config that will provide the transport level security defined
-// by the provided Config. Will return nil if no transport level security is requested.
-func TLSConfigFor(config *Config) (*tls.Config, error) {
- cfg, err := config.transportConfig()
- if err != nil {
- return nil, err
- }
- return transport.TLSConfigFor(cfg)
-// TransportFor returns an http.RoundTripper that will provide the authentication
-// or transport level security defined by the provided Config. Will return the
-// default http.DefaultTransport if no special case behavior is needed.
-func TransportFor(config *Config) (http.RoundTripper, error) {
- cfg, err := config.transportConfig()
- if err != nil {
- return nil, err
- }
- return transport.New(cfg)
-// HTTPWrappersForConfig wraps a round tripper with any relevant layered behavior from the
-// config. Exposed to allow more clients that need HTTP-like behavior but then must hijack
-// the underlying connection (like WebSocket or HTTP2 clients). Pure HTTP clients should use
-// the higher level TransportFor or RESTClientFor methods.
-func HTTPWrappersForConfig(config *Config, rt http.RoundTripper) (http.RoundTripper, error) {
- cfg, err := config.transportConfig()
- if err != nil {
- return nil, err
- }
- return transport.HTTPWrappersForConfig(cfg, rt)
-// transportConfig converts a client config to an appropriate transport config.
-func (c *Config) transportConfig() (*transport.Config, error) {
- wt := c.WrapTransport
- if c.AuthProvider != nil {
- provider, err := GetAuthProvider(c.Host, c.AuthProvider, c.AuthConfigPersister)
- if err != nil {
- return nil, err
- }
- if wt != nil {
- previousWT := wt
- wt = func(rt http.RoundTripper) http.RoundTripper {
- return provider.WrapTransport(previousWT(rt))
- }
- } else {
- wt = provider.WrapTransport
- }
- }
- return &transport.Config{
- UserAgent: c.UserAgent,
- Transport: c.Transport,
- WrapTransport: wt,
- TLS: transport.TLSConfig{
- CAFile: c.CAFile,
- CAData: c.CAData,
- CertFile: c.CertFile,
- CertData: c.CertData,
- KeyFile: c.KeyFile,
- KeyData: c.KeyData,
- Insecure: c.Insecure,
- },
- Username: c.Username,
- Password: c.Password,
- BearerToken: c.BearerToken,
- Impersonate: c.Impersonate,
- }, nil
diff --git a/kube2msb/src/vendor/k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/restclient/url_utils.go b/kube2msb/src/vendor/k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/restclient/url_utils.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 81f16d6..0000000
--- a/kube2msb/src/vendor/k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/restclient/url_utils.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,93 +0,0 @@
-Copyright 2016 The Kubernetes Authors.
-Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-You may obtain a copy of the License at
- http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-limitations under the License.
-package restclient
-import (
- "fmt"
- "net/url"
- "path"
- "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/api/unversioned"
-// DefaultServerURL converts a host, host:port, or URL string to the default base server API path
-// to use with a Client at a given API version following the standard conventions for a
-// Kubernetes API.
-func DefaultServerURL(host, apiPath string, groupVersion unversioned.GroupVersion, defaultTLS bool) (*url.URL, string, error) {
- if host == "" {
- return nil, "", fmt.Errorf("host must be a URL or a host:port pair")
- }
- base := host
- hostURL, err := url.Parse(base)
- if err != nil {
- return nil, "", err
- }
- if hostURL.Scheme == "" || hostURL.Host == "" {
- scheme := "http://"
- if defaultTLS {
- scheme = "https://"
- }
- hostURL, err = url.Parse(scheme + base)
- if err != nil {
- return nil, "", err
- }
- if hostURL.Path != "" && hostURL.Path != "/" {
- return nil, "", fmt.Errorf("host must be a URL or a host:port pair: %q", base)
- }
- }
- // hostURL.Path is optional; a non-empty Path is treated as a prefix that is to be applied to
- // all URIs used to access the host. this is useful when there's a proxy in front of the
- // apiserver that has relocated the apiserver endpoints, forwarding all requests from, for
- // example, /a/b/c to the apiserver. in this case the Path should be /a/b/c.
- //
- // if running without a frontend proxy (that changes the location of the apiserver), then
- // hostURL.Path should be blank.
- //
- // versionedAPIPath, a path relative to baseURL.Path, points to a versioned API base
- versionedAPIPath := path.Join("/", apiPath)
- // Add the version to the end of the path
- if len(groupVersion.Group) > 0 {
- versionedAPIPath = path.Join(versionedAPIPath, groupVersion.Group, groupVersion.Version)
- } else {
- versionedAPIPath = path.Join(versionedAPIPath, groupVersion.Version)
- }
- return hostURL, versionedAPIPath, nil
-// defaultServerUrlFor is shared between IsConfigTransportTLS and RESTClientFor. It
-// requires Host and Version to be set prior to being called.
-func defaultServerUrlFor(config *Config) (*url.URL, string, error) {
- // TODO: move the default to secure when the apiserver supports TLS by default
- // config.Insecure is taken to mean "I want HTTPS but don't bother checking the certs against a CA."
- hasCA := len(config.CAFile) != 0 || len(config.CAData) != 0
- hasCert := len(config.CertFile) != 0 || len(config.CertData) != 0
- defaultTLS := hasCA || hasCert || config.Insecure
- host := config.Host
- if host == "" {
- host = "localhost"
- }
- if config.GroupVersion != nil {
- return DefaultServerURL(host, config.APIPath, *config.GroupVersion, defaultTLS)
- }
- return DefaultServerURL(host, config.APIPath, unversioned.GroupVersion{}, defaultTLS)
diff --git a/kube2msb/src/vendor/k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/restclient/urlbackoff.go b/kube2msb/src/vendor/k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/restclient/urlbackoff.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 24a89ed..0000000
--- a/kube2msb/src/vendor/k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/restclient/urlbackoff.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,107 +0,0 @@
-Copyright 2015 The Kubernetes Authors.
-Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-You may obtain a copy of the License at
- http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-limitations under the License.
-package restclient
-import (
- "net/url"
- "time"
- "github.com/golang/glog"
- "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/util/flowcontrol"
- "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/util/sets"
-// Set of resp. Codes that we backoff for.
-// In general these should be errors that indicate a server is overloaded.
-// These shouldn't be configured by any user, we set them based on conventions
-// described in
-var serverIsOverloadedSet = sets.NewInt(429)
-var maxResponseCode = 499
-type BackoffManager interface {
- UpdateBackoff(actualUrl *url.URL, err error, responseCode int)
- CalculateBackoff(actualUrl *url.URL) time.Duration
- Sleep(d time.Duration)
-// URLBackoff struct implements the semantics on top of Backoff which
-// we need for URL specific exponential backoff.
-type URLBackoff struct {
- // Uses backoff as underlying implementation.
- Backoff *flowcontrol.Backoff
-// NoBackoff is a stub implementation, can be used for mocking or else as a default.
-type NoBackoff struct {
-func (n *NoBackoff) UpdateBackoff(actualUrl *url.URL, err error, responseCode int) {
- // do nothing.
-func (n *NoBackoff) CalculateBackoff(actualUrl *url.URL) time.Duration {
- return 0 * time.Second
-func (n *NoBackoff) Sleep(d time.Duration) {
- time.Sleep(d)
-// Disable makes the backoff trivial, i.e., sets it to zero. This might be used
-// by tests which want to run 1000s of mock requests without slowing down.
-func (b *URLBackoff) Disable() {
- glog.V(4).Infof("Disabling backoff strategy")
- b.Backoff = flowcontrol.NewBackOff(0*time.Second, 0*time.Second)
-// baseUrlKey returns the key which urls will be mapped to.
-// For example, ->
-func (b *URLBackoff) baseUrlKey(rawurl *url.URL) string {
- // Simple implementation for now, just the host.
- // We may backoff specific paths (i.e. "pods") differentially
- // in the future.
- host, err := url.Parse(rawurl.String())
- if err != nil {
- glog.V(4).Infof("Error extracting url: %v", rawurl)
- panic("bad url!")
- }
- return host.Host
-// UpdateBackoff updates backoff metadata
-func (b *URLBackoff) UpdateBackoff(actualUrl *url.URL, err error, responseCode int) {
- // range for retry counts that we store is [0,13]
- if responseCode > maxResponseCode || serverIsOverloadedSet.Has(responseCode) {
- b.Backoff.Next(b.baseUrlKey(actualUrl), b.Backoff.Clock.Now())
- return
- } else if responseCode >= 300 || err != nil {
- glog.V(4).Infof("Client is returning errors: code %v, error %v", responseCode, err)
- }
- //If we got this far, there is no backoff required for this URL anymore.
- b.Backoff.Reset(b.baseUrlKey(actualUrl))
-// CalculateBackoff takes a url and back's off exponentially,
-// based on its knowledge of existing failures.
-func (b *URLBackoff) CalculateBackoff(actualUrl *url.URL) time.Duration {
- return b.Backoff.Get(b.baseUrlKey(actualUrl))
-func (b *URLBackoff) Sleep(d time.Duration) {
- b.Backoff.Clock.Sleep(d)
diff --git a/kube2msb/src/vendor/k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/restclient/versions.go b/kube2msb/src/vendor/k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/restclient/versions.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 3376434..0000000
--- a/kube2msb/src/vendor/k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/restclient/versions.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,88 +0,0 @@
-Copyright 2014 The Kubernetes Authors.
-Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-You may obtain a copy of the License at
- http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-limitations under the License.
-package restclient
-import (
- "encoding/json"
- "fmt"
- "net/http"
- "path"
- "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/api/unversioned"
-const (
- legacyAPIPath = "/api"
- defaultAPIPath = "/apis"
-// TODO: Is this obsoleted by the discovery client?
-// ServerAPIVersions returns the GroupVersions supported by the API server.
-// It creates a RESTClient based on the passed in config, but it doesn't rely
-// on the Version and Codec of the config, because it uses AbsPath and
-// takes the raw response.
-func ServerAPIVersions(c *Config) (groupVersions []string, err error) {
- transport, err := TransportFor(c)
- if err != nil {
- return nil, err
- }
- client := http.Client{Transport: transport}
- configCopy := *c
- configCopy.GroupVersion = nil
- configCopy.APIPath = ""
- baseURL, _, err := defaultServerUrlFor(&configCopy)
- if err != nil {
- return nil, err
- }
- // Get the groupVersions exposed at /api
- originalPath := baseURL.Path
- baseURL.Path = path.Join(originalPath, legacyAPIPath)
- resp, err := client.Get(baseURL.String())
- if err != nil {
- return nil, err
- }
- var v unversioned.APIVersions
- defer resp.Body.Close()
- err = json.NewDecoder(resp.Body).Decode(&v)
- if err != nil {
- return nil, fmt.Errorf("unexpected error: %v", err)
- }
- groupVersions = append(groupVersions, v.Versions...)
- // Get the groupVersions exposed at /apis
- baseURL.Path = path.Join(originalPath, defaultAPIPath)
- resp2, err := client.Get(baseURL.String())
- if err != nil {
- return nil, err
- }
- var apiGroupList unversioned.APIGroupList
- defer resp2.Body.Close()
- err = json.NewDecoder(resp2.Body).Decode(&apiGroupList)
- if err != nil {
- return nil, fmt.Errorf("unexpected error: %v", err)
- }
- for _, g := range apiGroupList.Groups {
- for _, gv := range g.Versions {
- groupVersions = append(groupVersions, gv.GroupVersion)
- }
- }
- return groupVersions, nil
diff --git a/kube2msb/src/vendor/k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/transport/cache.go b/kube2msb/src/vendor/k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/transport/cache.go
deleted file mode 100644
index eedfd3d..0000000
--- a/kube2msb/src/vendor/k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/transport/cache.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,88 +0,0 @@
-Copyright 2015 The Kubernetes Authors.
-Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-You may obtain a copy of the License at
- http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-limitations under the License.
-package transport
-import (
- "fmt"
- "net"
- "net/http"
- "sync"
- "time"
- utilnet "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/util/net"
-// TlsTransportCache caches TLS http.RoundTrippers different configurations. The
-// same RoundTripper will be returned for configs with identical TLS options If
-// the config has no custom TLS options, http.DefaultTransport is returned.
-type tlsTransportCache struct {
- mu sync.Mutex
- transports map[string]*http.Transport
-const idleConnsPerHost = 25
-var tlsCache = &tlsTransportCache{transports: make(map[string]*http.Transport)}
-func (c *tlsTransportCache) get(config *Config) (http.RoundTripper, error) {
- key, err := tlsConfigKey(config)
- if err != nil {
- return nil, err
- }
- // Ensure we only create a single transport for the given TLS options
- c.mu.Lock()
- defer c.mu.Unlock()
- // See if we already have a custom transport for this config
- if t, ok := c.transports[key]; ok {
- return t, nil
- }
- // Get the TLS options for this client config
- tlsConfig, err := TLSConfigFor(config)
- if err != nil {
- return nil, err
- }
- // The options didn't require a custom TLS config
- if tlsConfig == nil {
- return http.DefaultTransport, nil
- }
- // Cache a single transport for these options
- c.transports[key] = utilnet.SetTransportDefaults(&http.Transport{
- Proxy: http.ProxyFromEnvironment,
- TLSHandshakeTimeout: 10 * time.Second,
- TLSClientConfig: tlsConfig,
- MaxIdleConnsPerHost: idleConnsPerHost,
- Dial: (&net.Dialer{
- Timeout: 30 * time.Second,
- KeepAlive: 30 * time.Second,
- }).Dial,
- })
- return c.transports[key], nil
-// tlsConfigKey returns a unique key for tls.Config objects returned from TLSConfigFor
-func tlsConfigKey(c *Config) (string, error) {
- // Make sure ca/key/cert content is loaded
- if err := loadTLSFiles(c); err != nil {
- return "", err
- }
- // Only include the things that actually affect the tls.Config
- return fmt.Sprintf("%v/%x/%x/%x", c.TLS.Insecure, c.TLS.CAData, c.TLS.CertData, c.TLS.KeyData), nil
diff --git a/kube2msb/src/vendor/k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/transport/config.go b/kube2msb/src/vendor/k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/transport/config.go
deleted file mode 100644
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--- a/kube2msb/src/vendor/k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/transport/config.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,84 +0,0 @@
-Copyright 2015 The Kubernetes Authors.
-Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-You may obtain a copy of the License at
- http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-limitations under the License.
-package transport
-import "net/http"
-// Config holds various options for establishing a transport.
-type Config struct {
- // UserAgent is an optional field that specifies the caller of this
- // request.
- UserAgent string
- // The base TLS configuration for this transport.
- TLS TLSConfig
- // Username and password for basic authentication
- Username string
- Password string
- // Bearer token for authentication
- BearerToken string
- // Impersonate is the username that this Config will impersonate
- Impersonate string
- // Transport may be used for custom HTTP behavior. This attribute may
- // not be specified with the TLS client certificate options. Use
- // WrapTransport for most client level operations.
- Transport http.RoundTripper
- // WrapTransport will be invoked for custom HTTP behavior after the
- // underlying transport is initialized (either the transport created
- // from TLSClientConfig, Transport, or http.DefaultTransport). The
- // config may layer other RoundTrippers on top of the returned
- // RoundTripper.
- WrapTransport func(rt http.RoundTripper) http.RoundTripper
-// HasCA returns whether the configuration has a certificate authority or not.
-func (c *Config) HasCA() bool {
- return len(c.TLS.CAData) > 0 || len(c.TLS.CAFile) > 0
-// HasBasicAuth returns whether the configuration has basic authentication or not.
-func (c *Config) HasBasicAuth() bool {
- return len(c.Username) != 0
-// HasTokenAuth returns whether the configuration has token authentication or not.
-func (c *Config) HasTokenAuth() bool {
- return len(c.BearerToken) != 0
-// HasCertAuth returns whether the configuration has certificate authentication or not.
-func (c *Config) HasCertAuth() bool {
- return len(c.TLS.CertData) != 0 || len(c.TLS.CertFile) != 0
-// TLSConfig holds the information needed to set up a TLS transport.
-type TLSConfig struct {
- CAFile string // Path of the PEM-encoded server trusted root certificates.
- CertFile string // Path of the PEM-encoded client certificate.
- KeyFile string // Path of the PEM-encoded client key.
- Insecure bool // Server should be accessed without verifying the certificate. For testing only.
- CAData []byte // Bytes of the PEM-encoded server trusted root certificates. Supercedes CAFile.
- CertData []byte // Bytes of the PEM-encoded client certificate. Supercedes CertFile.
- KeyData []byte // Bytes of the PEM-encoded client key. Supercedes KeyFile.
diff --git a/kube2msb/src/vendor/k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/transport/round_trippers.go b/kube2msb/src/vendor/k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/transport/round_trippers.go
deleted file mode 100644
index aadf0cb..0000000
--- a/kube2msb/src/vendor/k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/transport/round_trippers.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,337 +0,0 @@
-Copyright 2015 The Kubernetes Authors.
-Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-You may obtain a copy of the License at
- http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-limitations under the License.
-package transport
-import (
- "fmt"
- "net/http"
- "time"
- "github.com/golang/glog"
-// HTTPWrappersForConfig wraps a round tripper with any relevant layered
-// behavior from the config. Exposed to allow more clients that need HTTP-like
-// behavior but then must hijack the underlying connection (like WebSocket or
-// HTTP2 clients). Pure HTTP clients should use the RoundTripper returned from
-// New.
-func HTTPWrappersForConfig(config *Config, rt http.RoundTripper) (http.RoundTripper, error) {
- if config.WrapTransport != nil {
- rt = config.WrapTransport(rt)
- }
- rt = DebugWrappers(rt)
- // Set authentication wrappers
- switch {
- case config.HasBasicAuth() && config.HasTokenAuth():
- return nil, fmt.Errorf("username/password or bearer token may be set, but not both")
- case config.HasTokenAuth():
- rt = NewBearerAuthRoundTripper(config.BearerToken, rt)
- case config.HasBasicAuth():
- rt = NewBasicAuthRoundTripper(config.Username, config.Password, rt)
- }
- if len(config.UserAgent) > 0 {
- rt = NewUserAgentRoundTripper(config.UserAgent, rt)
- }
- if len(config.Impersonate) > 0 {
- rt = NewImpersonatingRoundTripper(config.Impersonate, rt)
- }
- return rt, nil
-// DebugWrappers wraps a round tripper and logs based on the current log level.
-func DebugWrappers(rt http.RoundTripper) http.RoundTripper {
- switch {
- case bool(glog.V(9)):
- rt = newDebuggingRoundTripper(rt, debugCurlCommand, debugURLTiming, debugResponseHeaders)
- case bool(glog.V(8)):
- rt = newDebuggingRoundTripper(rt, debugJustURL, debugRequestHeaders, debugResponseStatus, debugResponseHeaders)
- case bool(glog.V(7)):
- rt = newDebuggingRoundTripper(rt, debugJustURL, debugRequestHeaders, debugResponseStatus)
- case bool(glog.V(6)):
- rt = newDebuggingRoundTripper(rt, debugURLTiming)
- }
- return rt
-type requestCanceler interface {
- CancelRequest(*http.Request)
-type userAgentRoundTripper struct {
- agent string
- rt http.RoundTripper
-func NewUserAgentRoundTripper(agent string, rt http.RoundTripper) http.RoundTripper {
- return &userAgentRoundTripper{agent, rt}
-func (rt *userAgentRoundTripper) RoundTrip(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) {
- if len(req.Header.Get("User-Agent")) != 0 {
- return rt.rt.RoundTrip(req)
- }
- req = cloneRequest(req)
- req.Header.Set("User-Agent", rt.agent)
- return rt.rt.RoundTrip(req)
-func (rt *userAgentRoundTripper) CancelRequest(req *http.Request) {
- if canceler, ok := rt.rt.(requestCanceler); ok {
- canceler.CancelRequest(req)
- } else {
- glog.Errorf("CancelRequest not implemented")
- }
-func (rt *userAgentRoundTripper) WrappedRoundTripper() http.RoundTripper { return rt.rt }
-type basicAuthRoundTripper struct {
- username string
- password string
- rt http.RoundTripper
-// NewBasicAuthRoundTripper will apply a BASIC auth authorization header to a
-// request unless it has already been set.
-func NewBasicAuthRoundTripper(username, password string, rt http.RoundTripper) http.RoundTripper {
- return &basicAuthRoundTripper{username, password, rt}
-func (rt *basicAuthRoundTripper) RoundTrip(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) {
- if len(req.Header.Get("Authorization")) != 0 {
- return rt.rt.RoundTrip(req)
- }
- req = cloneRequest(req)
- req.SetBasicAuth(rt.username, rt.password)
- return rt.rt.RoundTrip(req)
-func (rt *basicAuthRoundTripper) CancelRequest(req *http.Request) {
- if canceler, ok := rt.rt.(requestCanceler); ok {
- canceler.CancelRequest(req)
- } else {
- glog.Errorf("CancelRequest not implemented")
- }
-func (rt *basicAuthRoundTripper) WrappedRoundTripper() http.RoundTripper { return rt.rt }
-type impersonatingRoundTripper struct {
- impersonate string
- delegate http.RoundTripper
-// NewImpersonatingRoundTripper will add an Act-As header to a request unless it has already been set.
-func NewImpersonatingRoundTripper(impersonate string, delegate http.RoundTripper) http.RoundTripper {
- return &impersonatingRoundTripper{impersonate, delegate}
-func (rt *impersonatingRoundTripper) RoundTrip(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) {
- if len(req.Header.Get("Impersonate-User")) != 0 {
- return rt.delegate.RoundTrip(req)
- }
- req = cloneRequest(req)
- req.Header.Set("Impersonate-User", rt.impersonate)
- return rt.delegate.RoundTrip(req)
-func (rt *impersonatingRoundTripper) CancelRequest(req *http.Request) {
- if canceler, ok := rt.delegate.(requestCanceler); ok {
- canceler.CancelRequest(req)
- } else {
- glog.Errorf("CancelRequest not implemented")
- }
-func (rt *impersonatingRoundTripper) WrappedRoundTripper() http.RoundTripper { return rt.delegate }
-type bearerAuthRoundTripper struct {
- bearer string
- rt http.RoundTripper
-// NewBearerAuthRoundTripper adds the provided bearer token to a request
-// unless the authorization header has already been set.
-func NewBearerAuthRoundTripper(bearer string, rt http.RoundTripper) http.RoundTripper {
- return &bearerAuthRoundTripper{bearer, rt}
-func (rt *bearerAuthRoundTripper) RoundTrip(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) {
- if len(req.Header.Get("Authorization")) != 0 {
- return rt.rt.RoundTrip(req)
- }
- req = cloneRequest(req)
- req.Header.Set("Authorization", fmt.Sprintf("Bearer %s", rt.bearer))
- return rt.rt.RoundTrip(req)
-func (rt *bearerAuthRoundTripper) CancelRequest(req *http.Request) {
- if canceler, ok := rt.rt.(requestCanceler); ok {
- canceler.CancelRequest(req)
- } else {
- glog.Errorf("CancelRequest not implemented")
- }
-func (rt *bearerAuthRoundTripper) WrappedRoundTripper() http.RoundTripper { return rt.rt }
-// cloneRequest returns a clone of the provided *http.Request.
-// The clone is a shallow copy of the struct and its Header map.
-func cloneRequest(r *http.Request) *http.Request {
- // shallow copy of the struct
- r2 := new(http.Request)
- *r2 = *r
- // deep copy of the Header
- r2.Header = make(http.Header)
- for k, s := range r.Header {
- r2.Header[k] = s
- }
- return r2
-// requestInfo keeps track of information about a request/response combination
-type requestInfo struct {
- RequestHeaders http.Header
- RequestVerb string
- RequestURL string
- ResponseStatus string
- ResponseHeaders http.Header
- ResponseErr error
- Duration time.Duration
-// newRequestInfo creates a new RequestInfo based on an http request
-func newRequestInfo(req *http.Request) *requestInfo {
- return &requestInfo{
- RequestURL: req.URL.String(),
- RequestVerb: req.Method,
- RequestHeaders: req.Header,
- }
-// complete adds information about the response to the requestInfo
-func (r *requestInfo) complete(response *http.Response, err error) {
- if err != nil {
- r.ResponseErr = err
- return
- }
- r.ResponseStatus = response.Status
- r.ResponseHeaders = response.Header
-// toCurl returns a string that can be run as a command in a terminal (minus the body)
-func (r *requestInfo) toCurl() string {
- headers := ""
- for key, values := range r.RequestHeaders {
- for _, value := range values {
- headers += fmt.Sprintf(` -H %q`, fmt.Sprintf("%s: %s", key, value))
- }
- }
- return fmt.Sprintf("curl -k -v -X%s %s %s", r.RequestVerb, headers, r.RequestURL)
-// debuggingRoundTripper will display information about the requests passing
-// through it based on what is configured
-type debuggingRoundTripper struct {
- delegatedRoundTripper http.RoundTripper
- levels map[debugLevel]bool
-type debugLevel int
-const (
- debugJustURL debugLevel = iota
- debugURLTiming
- debugCurlCommand
- debugRequestHeaders
- debugResponseStatus
- debugResponseHeaders
-func newDebuggingRoundTripper(rt http.RoundTripper, levels ...debugLevel) *debuggingRoundTripper {
- drt := &debuggingRoundTripper{
- delegatedRoundTripper: rt,
- levels: make(map[debugLevel]bool, len(levels)),
- }
- for _, v := range levels {
- drt.levels[v] = true
- }
- return drt
-func (rt *debuggingRoundTripper) CancelRequest(req *http.Request) {
- if canceler, ok := rt.delegatedRoundTripper.(requestCanceler); ok {
- canceler.CancelRequest(req)
- } else {
- glog.Errorf("CancelRequest not implemented")
- }
-func (rt *debuggingRoundTripper) RoundTrip(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) {
- reqInfo := newRequestInfo(req)
- if rt.levels[debugJustURL] {
- glog.Infof("%s %s", reqInfo.RequestVerb, reqInfo.RequestURL)
- }
- if rt.levels[debugCurlCommand] {
- glog.Infof("%s", reqInfo.toCurl())
- }
- if rt.levels[debugRequestHeaders] {
- glog.Infof("Request Headers:")
- for key, values := range reqInfo.RequestHeaders {
- for _, value := range values {
- glog.Infof(" %s: %s", key, value)
- }
- }
- }
- startTime := time.Now()
- response, err := rt.delegatedRoundTripper.RoundTrip(req)
- reqInfo.Duration = time.Since(startTime)
- reqInfo.complete(response, err)
- if rt.levels[debugURLTiming] {
- glog.Infof("%s %s %s in %d milliseconds", reqInfo.RequestVerb, reqInfo.RequestURL, reqInfo.ResponseStatus, reqInfo.Duration.Nanoseconds()/int64(time.Millisecond))
- }
- if rt.levels[debugResponseStatus] {
- glog.Infof("Response Status: %s in %d milliseconds", reqInfo.ResponseStatus, reqInfo.Duration.Nanoseconds()/int64(time.Millisecond))
- }
- if rt.levels[debugResponseHeaders] {
- glog.Infof("Response Headers:")
- for key, values := range reqInfo.ResponseHeaders {
- for _, value := range values {
- glog.Infof(" %s: %s", key, value)
- }
- }
- }
- return response, err
-func (rt *debuggingRoundTripper) WrappedRoundTripper() http.RoundTripper {
- return rt.delegatedRoundTripper
diff --git a/kube2msb/src/vendor/k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/transport/transport.go b/kube2msb/src/vendor/k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/transport/transport.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 9c5b9ef..0000000
--- a/kube2msb/src/vendor/k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/transport/transport.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,140 +0,0 @@
-Copyright 2015 The Kubernetes Authors.
-Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-You may obtain a copy of the License at
- http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-limitations under the License.
-package transport
-import (
- "crypto/tls"
- "crypto/x509"
- "fmt"
- "io/ioutil"
- "net/http"
-// New returns an http.RoundTripper that will provide the authentication
-// or transport level security defined by the provided Config.
-func New(config *Config) (http.RoundTripper, error) {
- // Set transport level security
- if config.Transport != nil && (config.HasCA() || config.HasCertAuth() || config.TLS.Insecure) {
- return nil, fmt.Errorf("using a custom transport with TLS certificate options or the insecure flag is not allowed")
- }
- var (
- rt http.RoundTripper
- err error
- )
- if config.Transport != nil {
- rt = config.Transport
- } else {
- rt, err = tlsCache.get(config)
- if err != nil {
- return nil, err
- }
- }
- return HTTPWrappersForConfig(config, rt)
-// TLSConfigFor returns a tls.Config that will provide the transport level security defined
-// by the provided Config. Will return nil if no transport level security is requested.
-func TLSConfigFor(c *Config) (*tls.Config, error) {
- if !(c.HasCA() || c.HasCertAuth() || c.TLS.Insecure) {
- return nil, nil
- }
- if c.HasCA() && c.TLS.Insecure {
- return nil, fmt.Errorf("specifying a root certificates file with the insecure flag is not allowed")
- }
- if err := loadTLSFiles(c); err != nil {
- return nil, err
- }
- tlsConfig := &tls.Config{
- // Can't use SSLv3 because of POODLE and BEAST
- // Can't use TLSv1.0 because of POODLE and BEAST using CBC cipher
- // Can't use TLSv1.1 because of RC4 cipher usage
- MinVersion: tls.VersionTLS12,
- InsecureSkipVerify: c.TLS.Insecure,
- }
- if c.HasCA() {
- tlsConfig.RootCAs = rootCertPool(c.TLS.CAData)
- }
- if c.HasCertAuth() {
- cert, err := tls.X509KeyPair(c.TLS.CertData, c.TLS.KeyData)
- if err != nil {
- return nil, err
- }
- tlsConfig.Certificates = []tls.Certificate{cert}
- }
- return tlsConfig, nil
-// loadTLSFiles copies the data from the CertFile, KeyFile, and CAFile fields into the CertData,
-// KeyData, and CAFile fields, or returns an error. If no error is returned, all three fields are
-// either populated or were empty to start.
-func loadTLSFiles(c *Config) error {
- var err error
- c.TLS.CAData, err = dataFromSliceOrFile(c.TLS.CAData, c.TLS.CAFile)
- if err != nil {
- return err
- }
- c.TLS.CertData, err = dataFromSliceOrFile(c.TLS.CertData, c.TLS.CertFile)
- if err != nil {
- return err
- }
- c.TLS.KeyData, err = dataFromSliceOrFile(c.TLS.KeyData, c.TLS.KeyFile)
- if err != nil {
- return err
- }
- return nil
-// dataFromSliceOrFile returns data from the slice (if non-empty), or from the file,
-// or an error if an error occurred reading the file
-func dataFromSliceOrFile(data []byte, file string) ([]byte, error) {
- if len(data) > 0 {
- return data, nil
- }
- if len(file) > 0 {
- fileData, err := ioutil.ReadFile(file)
- if err != nil {
- return []byte{}, err
- }
- return fileData, nil
- }
- return nil, nil
-// rootCertPool returns nil if caData is empty. When passed along, this will mean "use system CAs".
-// When caData is not empty, it will be the ONLY information used in the CertPool.
-func rootCertPool(caData []byte) *x509.CertPool {
- // What we really want is a copy of x509.systemRootsPool, but that isn't exposed. It's difficult to build (see the go
- // code for a look at the platform specific insanity), so we'll use the fact that RootCAs == nil gives us the system values
- // It doesn't allow trusting either/or, but hopefully that won't be an issue
- if len(caData) == 0 {
- return nil
- }
- // if we have caData, use it
- certPool := x509.NewCertPool()
- certPool.AppendCertsFromPEM(caData)
- return certPool
diff --git a/kube2msb/src/vendor/k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/typed/discovery/discovery_client.go b/kube2msb/src/vendor/k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/typed/discovery/discovery_client.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 1bd18b9..0000000
--- a/kube2msb/src/vendor/k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/typed/discovery/discovery_client.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,317 +0,0 @@
-Copyright 2015 The Kubernetes Authors.
-Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-You may obtain a copy of the License at
- http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-limitations under the License.
-package discovery
-import (
- "encoding/json"
- "fmt"
- "net/url"
- "strings"
- "github.com/emicklei/go-restful/swagger"
- "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/api"
- "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/api/errors"
- "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/api/unversioned"
- "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/api/v1"
- "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/restclient"
- "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/runtime"
- "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/runtime/serializer"
- utilerrors "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/util/errors"
- "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/version"
-// DiscoveryInterface holds the methods that discover server-supported API groups,
-// versions and resources.
-type DiscoveryInterface interface {
- ServerGroupsInterface
- ServerResourcesInterface
- ServerVersionInterface
- SwaggerSchemaInterface
-// ServerGroupsInterface has methods for obtaining supported groups on the API server
-type ServerGroupsInterface interface {
- // ServerGroups returns the supported groups, with information like supported versions and the
- // preferred version.
- ServerGroups() (*unversioned.APIGroupList, error)
-// ServerResourcesInterface has methods for obtaining supported resources on the API server
-type ServerResourcesInterface interface {
- // ServerResourcesForGroupVersion returns the supported resources for a group and version.
- ServerResourcesForGroupVersion(groupVersion string) (*unversioned.APIResourceList, error)
- // ServerResources returns the supported resources for all groups and versions.
- ServerResources() (map[string]*unversioned.APIResourceList, error)
- // ServerPreferredResources returns the supported resources with the version preferred by the
- // server.
- ServerPreferredResources() ([]unversioned.GroupVersionResource, error)
- // ServerPreferredNamespacedResources returns the supported namespaced resources with the
- // version preferred by the server.
- ServerPreferredNamespacedResources() ([]unversioned.GroupVersionResource, error)
-// ServerVersionInterface has a method for retrieving the server's version.
-type ServerVersionInterface interface {
- // ServerVersion retrieves and parses the server's version (git version).
- ServerVersion() (*version.Info, error)
-// SwaggerSchemaInterface has a method to retrieve the swagger schema.
-type SwaggerSchemaInterface interface {
- // SwaggerSchema retrieves and parses the swagger API schema the server supports.
- SwaggerSchema(version unversioned.GroupVersion) (*swagger.ApiDeclaration, error)
-// DiscoveryClient implements the functions that discover server-supported API groups,
-// versions and resources.
-type DiscoveryClient struct {
- *restclient.RESTClient
- LegacyPrefix string
-// Convert unversioned.APIVersions to unversioned.APIGroup. APIVersions is used by legacy v1, so
-// group would be "".
-func apiVersionsToAPIGroup(apiVersions *unversioned.APIVersions) (apiGroup unversioned.APIGroup) {
- groupVersions := []unversioned.GroupVersionForDiscovery{}
- for _, version := range apiVersions.Versions {
- groupVersion := unversioned.GroupVersionForDiscovery{
- GroupVersion: version,
- Version: version,
- }
- groupVersions = append(groupVersions, groupVersion)
- }
- apiGroup.Versions = groupVersions
- // There should be only one groupVersion returned at /api
- apiGroup.PreferredVersion = groupVersions[0]
- return
-// ServerGroups returns the supported groups, with information like supported versions and the
-// preferred version.
-func (d *DiscoveryClient) ServerGroups() (apiGroupList *unversioned.APIGroupList, err error) {
- // Get the groupVersions exposed at /api
- v := &unversioned.APIVersions{}
- err = d.Get().AbsPath(d.LegacyPrefix).Do().Into(v)
- apiGroup := unversioned.APIGroup{}
- if err == nil {
- apiGroup = apiVersionsToAPIGroup(v)
- }
- if err != nil && !errors.IsNotFound(err) && !errors.IsForbidden(err) {
- return nil, err
- }
- // Get the groupVersions exposed at /apis
- apiGroupList = &unversioned.APIGroupList{}
- err = d.Get().AbsPath("/apis").Do().Into(apiGroupList)
- if err != nil && !errors.IsNotFound(err) && !errors.IsForbidden(err) {
- return nil, err
- }
- // to be compatible with a v1.0 server, if it's a 403 or 404, ignore and return whatever we got from /api
- if err != nil && (errors.IsNotFound(err) || errors.IsForbidden(err)) {
- apiGroupList = &unversioned.APIGroupList{}
- }
- // append the group retrieved from /api to the list
- apiGroupList.Groups = append(apiGroupList.Groups, apiGroup)
- return apiGroupList, nil
-// ServerResourcesForGroupVersion returns the supported resources for a group and version.
-func (d *DiscoveryClient) ServerResourcesForGroupVersion(groupVersion string) (resources *unversioned.APIResourceList, err error) {
- url := url.URL{}
- if len(groupVersion) == 0 {
- return nil, fmt.Errorf("groupVersion shouldn't be empty")
- }
- if len(d.LegacyPrefix) > 0 && groupVersion == "v1" {
- url.Path = d.LegacyPrefix + "/" + groupVersion
- } else {
- url.Path = "/apis/" + groupVersion
- }
- resources = &unversioned.APIResourceList{}
- err = d.Get().AbsPath(url.String()).Do().Into(resources)
- if err != nil {
- // ignore 403 or 404 error to be compatible with an v1.0 server.
- if groupVersion == "v1" && (errors.IsNotFound(err) || errors.IsForbidden(err)) {
- return resources, nil
- } else {
- return nil, err
- }
- }
- return resources, nil
-// ServerResources returns the supported resources for all groups and versions.
-func (d *DiscoveryClient) ServerResources() (map[string]*unversioned.APIResourceList, error) {
- apiGroups, err := d.ServerGroups()
- if err != nil {
- return nil, err
- }
- groupVersions := unversioned.ExtractGroupVersions(apiGroups)
- result := map[string]*unversioned.APIResourceList{}
- for _, groupVersion := range groupVersions {
- resources, err := d.ServerResourcesForGroupVersion(groupVersion)
- if err != nil {
- return nil, err
- }
- result[groupVersion] = resources
- }
- return result, nil
-// serverPreferredResources returns the supported resources with the version preferred by the
-// server. If namespaced is true, only namespaced resources will be returned.
-func (d *DiscoveryClient) serverPreferredResources(namespaced bool) ([]unversioned.GroupVersionResource, error) {
- results := []unversioned.GroupVersionResource{}
- serverGroupList, err := d.ServerGroups()
- if err != nil {
- return results, err
- }
- allErrs := []error{}
- for _, apiGroup := range serverGroupList.Groups {
- preferredVersion := apiGroup.PreferredVersion
- apiResourceList, err := d.ServerResourcesForGroupVersion(preferredVersion.GroupVersion)
- if err != nil {
- allErrs = append(allErrs, err)
- continue
- }
- groupVersion := unversioned.GroupVersion{Group: apiGroup.Name, Version: preferredVersion.Version}
- for _, apiResource := range apiResourceList.APIResources {
- // ignore the root scoped resources if "namespaced" is true.
- if namespaced && !apiResource.Namespaced {
- continue
- }
- if strings.Contains(apiResource.Name, "/") {
- continue
- }
- results = append(results, groupVersion.WithResource(apiResource.Name))
- }
- }
- return results, utilerrors.NewAggregate(allErrs)
-// ServerPreferredResources returns the supported resources with the version preferred by the
-// server.
-func (d *DiscoveryClient) ServerPreferredResources() ([]unversioned.GroupVersionResource, error) {
- return d.serverPreferredResources(false)
-// ServerPreferredNamespacedResources returns the supported namespaced resources with the
-// version preferred by the server.
-func (d *DiscoveryClient) ServerPreferredNamespacedResources() ([]unversioned.GroupVersionResource, error) {
- return d.serverPreferredResources(true)
-// ServerVersion retrieves and parses the server's version (git version).
-func (d *DiscoveryClient) ServerVersion() (*version.Info, error) {
- body, err := d.Get().AbsPath("/version").Do().Raw()
- if err != nil {
- return nil, err
- }
- var info version.Info
- err = json.Unmarshal(body, &info)
- if err != nil {
- return nil, fmt.Errorf("got '%s': %v", string(body), err)
- }
- return &info, nil
-// SwaggerSchema retrieves and parses the swagger API schema the server supports.
-func (d *DiscoveryClient) SwaggerSchema(version unversioned.GroupVersion) (*swagger.ApiDeclaration, error) {
- if version.IsEmpty() {
- return nil, fmt.Errorf("groupVersion cannot be empty")
- }
- groupList, err := d.ServerGroups()
- if err != nil {
- return nil, err
- }
- groupVersions := unversioned.ExtractGroupVersions(groupList)
- // This check also takes care the case that kubectl is newer than the running endpoint
- if stringDoesntExistIn(version.String(), groupVersions) {
- return nil, fmt.Errorf("API version: %v is not supported by the server. Use one of: %v", version, groupVersions)
- }
- var path string
- if len(d.LegacyPrefix) > 0 && version == v1.SchemeGroupVersion {
- path = "/swaggerapi" + d.LegacyPrefix + "/" + version.Version
- } else {
- path = "/swaggerapi/apis/" + version.Group + "/" + version.Version
- }
- body, err := d.Get().AbsPath(path).Do().Raw()
- if err != nil {
- return nil, err
- }
- var schema swagger.ApiDeclaration
- err = json.Unmarshal(body, &schema)
- if err != nil {
- return nil, fmt.Errorf("got '%s': %v", string(body), err)
- }
- return &schema, nil
-func setDiscoveryDefaults(config *restclient.Config) error {
- config.APIPath = ""
- config.GroupVersion = nil
- codec := runtime.NoopEncoder{Decoder: api.Codecs.UniversalDecoder()}
- config.NegotiatedSerializer = serializer.NegotiatedSerializerWrapper(
- runtime.SerializerInfo{Serializer: codec},
- runtime.StreamSerializerInfo{},
- )
- if len(config.UserAgent) == 0 {
- config.UserAgent = restclient.DefaultKubernetesUserAgent()
- }
- return nil
-// NewDiscoveryClientForConfig creates a new DiscoveryClient for the given config. This client
-// can be used to discover supported resources in the API server.
-func NewDiscoveryClientForConfig(c *restclient.Config) (*DiscoveryClient, error) {
- config := *c
- if err := setDiscoveryDefaults(&config); err != nil {
- return nil, err
- }
- client, err := restclient.UnversionedRESTClientFor(&config)
- return &DiscoveryClient{RESTClient: client, LegacyPrefix: "/api"}, err
-// NewDiscoveryClientForConfig creates a new DiscoveryClient for the given config. If
-// there is an error, it panics.
-func NewDiscoveryClientForConfigOrDie(c *restclient.Config) *DiscoveryClient {
- client, err := NewDiscoveryClientForConfig(c)
- if err != nil {
- panic(err)
- }
- return client
-// New creates a new DiscoveryClient for the given RESTClient.
-func NewDiscoveryClient(c *restclient.RESTClient) *DiscoveryClient {
- return &DiscoveryClient{RESTClient: c, LegacyPrefix: "/api"}
-func stringDoesntExistIn(str string, slice []string) bool {
- for _, s := range slice {
- if s == str {
- return false
- }
- }
- return true
diff --git a/kube2msb/src/vendor/k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/unversioned/apps.go b/kube2msb/src/vendor/k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/unversioned/apps.go
deleted file mode 100644
index f2498cb..0000000
--- a/kube2msb/src/vendor/k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/unversioned/apps.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,76 +0,0 @@
-Copyright 2015 The Kubernetes Authors.
-Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-You may obtain a copy of the License at
- http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-limitations under the License.
-package unversioned
-import (
- "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/api"
- "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/apimachinery/registered"
- "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/apis/apps"
- "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/restclient"
-type AppsInterface interface {
- PetSetNamespacer
-// AppsClient is used to interact with Kubernetes batch features.
-type AppsClient struct {
- *restclient.RESTClient
-func (c *AppsClient) PetSets(namespace string) PetSetInterface {
- return newPetSet(c, namespace)
-func NewApps(c *restclient.Config) (*AppsClient, error) {
- config := *c
- if err := setAppsDefaults(&config); err != nil {
- return nil, err
- }
- client, err := restclient.RESTClientFor(&config)
- if err != nil {
- return nil, err
- }
- return &AppsClient{client}, nil
-func NewAppsOrDie(c *restclient.Config) *AppsClient {
- client, err := NewApps(c)
- if err != nil {
- panic(err)
- }
- return client
-func setAppsDefaults(config *restclient.Config) error {
- g, err := registered.Group(apps.GroupName)
- if err != nil {
- return err
- }
- config.APIPath = defaultAPIPath
- if config.UserAgent == "" {
- config.UserAgent = restclient.DefaultKubernetesUserAgent()
- }
- // TODO: Unconditionally set the config.Version, until we fix the config.
- //if config.Version == "" {
- copyGroupVersion := g.GroupVersion
- config.GroupVersion = &copyGroupVersion
- //}
- config.NegotiatedSerializer = api.Codecs
- return nil
diff --git a/kube2msb/src/vendor/k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/unversioned/auth/clientauth.go b/kube2msb/src/vendor/k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/unversioned/auth/clientauth.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 128597f..0000000
--- a/kube2msb/src/vendor/k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/unversioned/auth/clientauth.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,125 +0,0 @@
-Copyright 2014 The Kubernetes Authors.
-Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-You may obtain a copy of the License at
- http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-limitations under the License.
-Package auth defines a file format for holding authentication
-information needed by clients of Kubernetes. Typically,
-a Kubernetes cluster will put auth info for the admin in a known
-location when it is created, and will (soon) put it in a known
-location within a Container's file tree for Containers that
-need access to the Kubernetes API.
-Having a defined format allows:
- - clients to be implmented in multiple languages
- - applications which link clients to be portable across
- clusters with different authentication styles (e.g.
- some may use SSL Client certs, others may not, etc)
- - when the format changes, applications only
- need to update this code.
-The file format is json, marshalled from a struct authcfg.Info.
-Clinet libraries in other languages should use the same format.
-It is not intended to store general preferences, such as default
-namespace, output options, etc. CLIs (such as kubectl) and UIs should
-develop their own format and may wish to inline the authcfg.Info type.
-The authcfg.Info is just a file format. It is distinct from
-client.Config which holds options for creating a client.Client.
-Helper functions are provided in this package to fill in a
-client.Client from an authcfg.Info.
- import (
- "pkg/client"
- "pkg/client/auth"
- )
- info, err := auth.LoadFromFile(filename)
- if err != nil {
- // handle error
- }
- clientConfig = client.Config{}
- clientConfig.Host = "example.com:4901"
- clientConfig = info.MergeWithConfig()
- client := client.New(clientConfig)
- client.Pods(ns).List()
-package auth
-// TODO: need a way to rotate Tokens. Therefore, need a way for client object to be reset when the authcfg is updated.
-import (
- "encoding/json"
- "io/ioutil"
- "os"
- "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/restclient"
-// Info holds Kubernetes API authorization config. It is intended
-// to be read/written from a file as a JSON object.
-type Info struct {
- User string
- Password string
- CAFile string
- CertFile string
- KeyFile string
- BearerToken string
- Insecure *bool
-// LoadFromFile parses an Info object from a file path.
-// If the file does not exist, then os.IsNotExist(err) == true
-func LoadFromFile(path string) (*Info, error) {
- var info Info
- if _, err := os.Stat(path); os.IsNotExist(err) {
- return nil, err
- }
- data, err := ioutil.ReadFile(path)
- if err != nil {
- return nil, err
- }
- err = json.Unmarshal(data, &info)
- if err != nil {
- return nil, err
- }
- return &info, err
-// MergeWithConfig returns a copy of a client.Config with values from the Info.
-// The fields of client.Config with a corresponding field in the Info are set
-// with the value from the Info.
-func (info Info) MergeWithConfig(c restclient.Config) (restclient.Config, error) {
- var config restclient.Config = c
- config.Username = info.User
- config.Password = info.Password
- config.CAFile = info.CAFile
- config.CertFile = info.CertFile
- config.KeyFile = info.KeyFile
- config.BearerToken = info.BearerToken
- if info.Insecure != nil {
- config.Insecure = *info.Insecure
- }
- return config, nil
-func (info Info) Complete() bool {
- return len(info.User) > 0 ||
- len(info.CertFile) > 0 ||
- len(info.BearerToken) > 0
diff --git a/kube2msb/src/vendor/k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/unversioned/autoscaling.go b/kube2msb/src/vendor/k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/unversioned/autoscaling.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 188a5ea..0000000
--- a/kube2msb/src/vendor/k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/unversioned/autoscaling.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,77 +0,0 @@
-Copyright 2016 The Kubernetes Authors.
-Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-You may obtain a copy of the License at
- http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-limitations under the License.
-package unversioned
-import (
- "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/api"
- "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/apimachinery/registered"
- "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/apis/autoscaling"
- "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/restclient"
-type AutoscalingInterface interface {
- HorizontalPodAutoscalersNamespacer
-// AutoscalingClient is used to interact with Kubernetes autoscaling features.
-type AutoscalingClient struct {
- *restclient.RESTClient
-func (c *AutoscalingClient) HorizontalPodAutoscalers(namespace string) HorizontalPodAutoscalerInterface {
- return newHorizontalPodAutoscalers(c, namespace)
-func NewAutoscaling(c *restclient.Config) (*AutoscalingClient, error) {
- config := *c
- if err := setAutoscalingDefaults(&config); err != nil {
- return nil, err
- }
- client, err := restclient.RESTClientFor(&config)
- if err != nil {
- return nil, err
- }
- return &AutoscalingClient{client}, nil
-func NewAutoscalingOrDie(c *restclient.Config) *AutoscalingClient {
- client, err := NewAutoscaling(c)
- if err != nil {
- panic(err)
- }
- return client
-func setAutoscalingDefaults(config *restclient.Config) error {
- // if autoscaling group is not registered, return an error
- g, err := registered.Group(autoscaling.GroupName)
- if err != nil {
- return err
- }
- config.APIPath = defaultAPIPath
- if config.UserAgent == "" {
- config.UserAgent = restclient.DefaultKubernetesUserAgent()
- }
- // TODO: Unconditionally set the config.Version, until we fix the config.
- //if config.Version == "" {
- copyGroupVersion := g.GroupVersion
- config.GroupVersion = &copyGroupVersion
- //}
- config.NegotiatedSerializer = api.Codecs
- return nil
diff --git a/kube2msb/src/vendor/k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/unversioned/batch.go b/kube2msb/src/vendor/k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/unversioned/batch.go
deleted file mode 100644
index c31652f..0000000
--- a/kube2msb/src/vendor/k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/unversioned/batch.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,107 +0,0 @@
-Copyright 2016 The Kubernetes Authors.
-Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-You may obtain a copy of the License at
- http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-limitations under the License.
-package unversioned
-import (
- "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/api"
- "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/api/unversioned"
- "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/apimachinery/registered"
- "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/apis/batch"
- "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/apis/batch/v2alpha1"
- "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/restclient"
-type BatchInterface interface {
- JobsNamespacer
- ScheduledJobsNamespacer
-// BatchClient is used to interact with Kubernetes batch features.
-type BatchClient struct {
- *restclient.RESTClient
-func (c *BatchClient) Jobs(namespace string) JobInterface {
- return newJobsV1(c, namespace)
-func (c *BatchClient) ScheduledJobs(namespace string) ScheduledJobInterface {
- return newScheduledJobs(c, namespace)
-func NewBatch(c *restclient.Config) (*BatchClient, error) {
- config := *c
- if err := setBatchDefaults(&config, nil); err != nil {
- return nil, err
- }
- client, err := restclient.RESTClientFor(&config)
- if err != nil {
- return nil, err
- }
- return &BatchClient{client}, nil
-func NewBatchV2Alpha1(c *restclient.Config) (*BatchClient, error) {
- config := *c
- if err := setBatchDefaults(&config, &v2alpha1.SchemeGroupVersion); err != nil {
- return nil, err
- }
- client, err := restclient.RESTClientFor(&config)
- if err != nil {
- return nil, err
- }
- return &BatchClient{client}, nil
-func NewBatchOrDie(c *restclient.Config) *BatchClient {
- var (
- client *BatchClient
- err error
- )
- if c.ContentConfig.GroupVersion != nil && *c.ContentConfig.GroupVersion == v2alpha1.SchemeGroupVersion {
- client, err = NewBatchV2Alpha1(c)
- } else {
- client, err = NewBatch(c)
- }
- if err != nil {
- panic(err)
- }
- return client
-func setBatchDefaults(config *restclient.Config, gv *unversioned.GroupVersion) error {
- // if batch group is not registered, return an error
- g, err := registered.Group(batch.GroupName)
- if err != nil {
- return err
- }
- config.APIPath = defaultAPIPath
- if config.UserAgent == "" {
- config.UserAgent = restclient.DefaultKubernetesUserAgent()
- }
- // TODO: Unconditionally set the config.Version, until we fix the config.
- //if config.Version == "" {
- copyGroupVersion := g.GroupVersion
- if gv != nil {
- copyGroupVersion = *gv
- }
- config.GroupVersion = &copyGroupVersion
- //}
- config.NegotiatedSerializer = api.Codecs
- return nil
diff --git a/kube2msb/src/vendor/k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/unversioned/certificates.go b/kube2msb/src/vendor/k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/unversioned/certificates.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 29b15c4..0000000
--- a/kube2msb/src/vendor/k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/unversioned/certificates.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,86 +0,0 @@
-Copyright 2016 The Kubernetes Authors.
-Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-You may obtain a copy of the License at
- http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-limitations under the License.
-package unversioned
-import (
- "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/api"
- "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/apimachinery/registered"
- "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/apis/certificates"
- "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/restclient"
-// Interface holds the methods for clients of Kubernetes to allow mock testing.
-type CertificatesInterface interface {
- CertificateSigningRequests() CertificateSigningRequestInterface
-type CertificatesClient struct {
- *restclient.RESTClient
-func (c *CertificatesClient) CertificateSigningRequests() CertificateSigningRequestInterface {
- return newCertificateSigningRequests(c)
-// NewCertificates creates a new CertificatesClient for the given config.
-func NewCertificates(c *restclient.Config) (*CertificatesClient, error) {
- config := *c
- if err := setCertificatesDefaults(&config); err != nil {
- return nil, err
- }
- client, err := restclient.RESTClientFor(&config)
- if err != nil {
- return nil, err
- }
- return &CertificatesClient{client}, nil
-// NewCertificatesOrDie creates a new CertificatesClient for the given config and
-// panics if there is an error in the config.
-func NewCertificatesOrDie(c *restclient.Config) *CertificatesClient {
- client, err := NewCertificates(c)
- if err != nil {
- panic(err)
- }
- return client
-func setCertificatesDefaults(config *restclient.Config) error {
- // if certificates group is not registered, return an error
- g, err := registered.Group(certificates.GroupName)
- if err != nil {
- return err
- }
- config.APIPath = defaultAPIPath
- if config.UserAgent == "" {
- config.UserAgent = restclient.DefaultKubernetesUserAgent()
- }
- // TODO: Unconditionally set the config.Version, until we fix the config.
- //if config.Version == "" {
- copyGroupVersion := g.GroupVersion
- config.GroupVersion = &copyGroupVersion
- //}
- config.NegotiatedSerializer = api.Codecs
- if config.QPS == 0 {
- config.QPS = 5
- }
- if config.Burst == 0 {
- config.Burst = 10
- }
- return nil
diff --git a/kube2msb/src/vendor/k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/unversioned/certificatesigningrequests.go b/kube2msb/src/vendor/k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/unversioned/certificatesigningrequests.go
deleted file mode 100644
index f3ce09f..0000000
--- a/kube2msb/src/vendor/k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/unversioned/certificatesigningrequests.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,104 +0,0 @@
-Copyright 2016 The Kubernetes Authors.
-Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-You may obtain a copy of the License at
- http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-limitations under the License.
-package unversioned
-import (
- "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/api"
- "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/apis/certificates"
- "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/watch"
-// CertificateSigningRequestInterface has methods to work with CertificateSigningRequest resources.
-type CertificateSigningRequestInterface interface {
- List(opts api.ListOptions) (*certificates.CertificateSigningRequestList, error)
- Get(name string) (*certificates.CertificateSigningRequest, error)
- Delete(name string, options *api.DeleteOptions) error
- Create(certificateSigningRequest *certificates.CertificateSigningRequest) (*certificates.CertificateSigningRequest, error)
- Update(certificateSigningRequest *certificates.CertificateSigningRequest) (*certificates.CertificateSigningRequest, error)
- UpdateStatus(certificateSigningRequest *certificates.CertificateSigningRequest) (*certificates.CertificateSigningRequest, error)
- UpdateApproval(certificateSigningRequest *certificates.CertificateSigningRequest) (*certificates.CertificateSigningRequest, error)
- Watch(opts api.ListOptions) (watch.Interface, error)
-// certificateSigningRequests implements CertificateSigningRequestsNamespacer interface
-type certificateSigningRequests struct {
- client *CertificatesClient
-// newCertificateSigningRequests returns a certificateSigningRequests
-func newCertificateSigningRequests(c *CertificatesClient) *certificateSigningRequests {
- return &certificateSigningRequests{
- client: c,
- }
-// List takes label and field selectors, and returns the list of certificateSigningRequests that match those selectors.
-func (c *certificateSigningRequests) List(opts api.ListOptions) (result *certificates.CertificateSigningRequestList, err error) {
- result = &certificates.CertificateSigningRequestList{}
- err = c.client.Get().Resource("certificatesigningrequests").VersionedParams(&opts, api.ParameterCodec).Do().Into(result)
- return
-// Get takes the name of the certificateSigningRequest, and returns the corresponding CertificateSigningRequest object, and an error if it occurs
-func (c *certificateSigningRequests) Get(name string) (result *certificates.CertificateSigningRequest, err error) {
- result = &certificates.CertificateSigningRequest{}
- err = c.client.Get().Resource("certificatesigningrequests").Name(name).Do().Into(result)
- return
-// Delete takes the name of the certificateSigningRequest and deletes it. Returns an error if one occurs.
-func (c *certificateSigningRequests) Delete(name string, options *api.DeleteOptions) error {
- return c.client.Delete().Resource("certificatesigningrequests").Name(name).Body(options).Do().Error()
-// Create takes the representation of a certificateSigningRequest and creates it. Returns the server's representation of the certificateSigningRequest, and an error, if it occurs.
-func (c *certificateSigningRequests) Create(certificateSigningRequest *certificates.CertificateSigningRequest) (result *certificates.CertificateSigningRequest, err error) {
- result = &certificates.CertificateSigningRequest{}
- err = c.client.Post().Resource("certificatesigningrequests").Body(certificateSigningRequest).Do().Into(result)
- return
-// Update takes the representation of a certificateSigningRequest and updates it. Returns the server's representation of the certificateSigningRequest, and an error, if it occurs.
-func (c *certificateSigningRequests) Update(certificateSigningRequest *certificates.CertificateSigningRequest) (result *certificates.CertificateSigningRequest, err error) {
- result = &certificates.CertificateSigningRequest{}
- err = c.client.Put().Resource("certificatesigningrequests").Name(certificateSigningRequest.Name).Body(certificateSigningRequest).Do().Into(result)
- return
-// UpdateStatus takes the representation of a certificateSigningRequest and updates it. Returns the server's representation of the certificateSigningRequest, and an error, if it occurs.
-func (c *certificateSigningRequests) UpdateStatus(certificateSigningRequest *certificates.CertificateSigningRequest) (result *certificates.CertificateSigningRequest, err error) {
- result = &certificates.CertificateSigningRequest{}
- err = c.client.Put().Resource("certificatesigningrequests").Name(certificateSigningRequest.Name).SubResource("status").Body(certificateSigningRequest).Do().Into(result)
- return
-// UpdateApproval takes the representation of a certificateSigningRequest and updates it. Returns the server's representation of the certificateSigningRequest, and an error, if it occurs.
-func (c *certificateSigningRequests) UpdateApproval(certificateSigningRequest *certificates.CertificateSigningRequest) (result *certificates.CertificateSigningRequest, err error) {
- result = &certificates.CertificateSigningRequest{}
- err = c.client.Put().Resource("certificatesigningrequests").Name(certificateSigningRequest.Name).SubResource("approval").Body(certificateSigningRequest).Do().Into(result)
- return
-// Watch returns a watch.Interface that watches the requested certificateSigningRequests.
-func (c *certificateSigningRequests) Watch(opts api.ListOptions) (watch.Interface, error) {
- return c.client.Get().
- Prefix("watch").
- Namespace(api.NamespaceAll).
- Resource("certificatesigningrequests").
- VersionedParams(&opts, api.ParameterCodec).
- Watch()
diff --git a/kube2msb/src/vendor/k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/unversioned/client.go b/kube2msb/src/vendor/k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/unversioned/client.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 5474e96..0000000
--- a/kube2msb/src/vendor/k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/unversioned/client.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,179 +0,0 @@
-Copyright 2014 The Kubernetes Authors.
-Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-You may obtain a copy of the License at
- http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-limitations under the License.
-package unversioned
-import (
- "net"
- "net/url"
- "strings"
- "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/restclient"
- "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/typed/discovery"
-// Interface holds the methods for clients of Kubernetes,
-// an interface to allow mock testing.
-type Interface interface {
- PodsNamespacer
- PodTemplatesNamespacer
- ReplicationControllersNamespacer
- ServicesNamespacer
- EndpointsNamespacer
- NodesInterface
- EventNamespacer
- LimitRangesNamespacer
- ResourceQuotasNamespacer
- ServiceAccountsNamespacer
- SecretsNamespacer
- NamespacesInterface
- PersistentVolumesInterface
- PersistentVolumeClaimsNamespacer
- ComponentStatusesInterface
- ConfigMapsNamespacer
- Autoscaling() AutoscalingInterface
- Batch() BatchInterface
- Extensions() ExtensionsInterface
- Rbac() RbacInterface
- Discovery() discovery.DiscoveryInterface
- Certificates() CertificatesInterface
-func (c *Client) ReplicationControllers(namespace string) ReplicationControllerInterface {
- return newReplicationControllers(c, namespace)
-func (c *Client) Nodes() NodeInterface {
- return newNodes(c)
-func (c *Client) Events(namespace string) EventInterface {
- return newEvents(c, namespace)
-func (c *Client) Endpoints(namespace string) EndpointsInterface {
- return newEndpoints(c, namespace)
-func (c *Client) Pods(namespace string) PodInterface {
- return newPods(c, namespace)
-func (c *Client) PodTemplates(namespace string) PodTemplateInterface {
- return newPodTemplates(c, namespace)
-func (c *Client) Services(namespace string) ServiceInterface {
- return newServices(c, namespace)
-func (c *Client) LimitRanges(namespace string) LimitRangeInterface {
- return newLimitRanges(c, namespace)
-func (c *Client) ResourceQuotas(namespace string) ResourceQuotaInterface {
- return newResourceQuotas(c, namespace)
-func (c *Client) ServiceAccounts(namespace string) ServiceAccountsInterface {
- return newServiceAccounts(c, namespace)
-func (c *Client) Secrets(namespace string) SecretsInterface {
- return newSecrets(c, namespace)
-func (c *Client) Namespaces() NamespaceInterface {
- return newNamespaces(c)
-func (c *Client) PersistentVolumes() PersistentVolumeInterface {
- return newPersistentVolumes(c)
-func (c *Client) PersistentVolumeClaims(namespace string) PersistentVolumeClaimInterface {
- return newPersistentVolumeClaims(c, namespace)
-func (c *Client) ComponentStatuses() ComponentStatusInterface {
- return newComponentStatuses(c)
-func (c *Client) ConfigMaps(namespace string) ConfigMapsInterface {
- return newConfigMaps(c, namespace)
-// Client is the implementation of a Kubernetes client.
-type Client struct {
- *restclient.RESTClient
- *AutoscalingClient
- *BatchClient
- *ExtensionsClient
- *AppsClient
- *PolicyClient
- *RbacClient
- *discovery.DiscoveryClient
- *CertificatesClient
-// IsTimeout tests if this is a timeout error in the underlying transport.
-// This is unbelievably ugly.
-// See: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/23494950/specifically-check-for-timeout-error for details
-func IsTimeout(err error) bool {
- if err == nil {
- return false
- }
- switch err := err.(type) {
- case *url.Error:
- if err, ok := err.Err.(net.Error); ok {
- return err.Timeout()
- }
- case net.Error:
- return err.Timeout()
- }
- if strings.Contains(err.Error(), "use of closed network connection") {
- return true
- }
- return false
-func (c *Client) Autoscaling() AutoscalingInterface {
- return c.AutoscalingClient
-func (c *Client) Batch() BatchInterface {
- return c.BatchClient
-func (c *Client) Extensions() ExtensionsInterface {
- return c.ExtensionsClient
-func (c *Client) Apps() AppsInterface {
- return c.AppsClient
-func (c *Client) Rbac() RbacInterface {
- return c.RbacClient
-func (c *Client) Discovery() discovery.DiscoveryInterface {
- return c.DiscoveryClient
-func (c *Client) Certificates() CertificatesInterface {
- return c.CertificatesClient
diff --git a/kube2msb/src/vendor/k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/unversioned/clientcmd/api/helpers.go b/kube2msb/src/vendor/k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/unversioned/clientcmd/api/helpers.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 43e2648..0000000
--- a/kube2msb/src/vendor/k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/unversioned/clientcmd/api/helpers.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,183 +0,0 @@
-Copyright 2015 The Kubernetes Authors.
-Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-You may obtain a copy of the License at
- http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-limitations under the License.
-package api
-import (
- "encoding/base64"
- "errors"
- "fmt"
- "io/ioutil"
- "os"
- "path"
- "path/filepath"
-func init() {
- sDec, _ := base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString("REDACTED+")
- redactedBytes = []byte(string(sDec))
-// IsConfigEmpty returns true if the config is empty.
-func IsConfigEmpty(config *Config) bool {
- return len(config.AuthInfos) == 0 && len(config.Clusters) == 0 && len(config.Contexts) == 0 &&
- len(config.CurrentContext) == 0 &&
- len(config.Preferences.Extensions) == 0 && !config.Preferences.Colors &&
- len(config.Extensions) == 0
-// MinifyConfig read the current context and uses that to keep only the relevant pieces of config
-// This is useful for making secrets based on kubeconfig files
-func MinifyConfig(config *Config) error {
- if len(config.CurrentContext) == 0 {
- return errors.New("current-context must exist in order to minify")
- }
- currContext, exists := config.Contexts[config.CurrentContext]
- if !exists {
- return fmt.Errorf("cannot locate context %v", config.CurrentContext)
- }
- newContexts := map[string]*Context{}
- newContexts[config.CurrentContext] = currContext
- newClusters := map[string]*Cluster{}
- if len(currContext.Cluster) > 0 {
- if _, exists := config.Clusters[currContext.Cluster]; !exists {
- return fmt.Errorf("cannot locate cluster %v", currContext.Cluster)
- }
- newClusters[currContext.Cluster] = config.Clusters[currContext.Cluster]
- }
- newAuthInfos := map[string]*AuthInfo{}
- if len(currContext.AuthInfo) > 0 {
- if _, exists := config.AuthInfos[currContext.AuthInfo]; !exists {
- return fmt.Errorf("cannot locate user %v", currContext.AuthInfo)
- }
- newAuthInfos[currContext.AuthInfo] = config.AuthInfos[currContext.AuthInfo]
- }
- config.AuthInfos = newAuthInfos
- config.Clusters = newClusters
- config.Contexts = newContexts
- return nil
-var redactedBytes []byte
-// Flatten redacts raw data entries from the config object for a human-readable view.
-func ShortenConfig(config *Config) {
- // trick json encoder into printing a human readable string in the raw data
- // by base64 decoding what we want to print. Relies on implementation of
- // http://golang.org/pkg/encoding/json/#Marshal using base64 to encode []byte
- for key, authInfo := range config.AuthInfos {
- if len(authInfo.ClientKeyData) > 0 {
- authInfo.ClientKeyData = redactedBytes
- }
- if len(authInfo.ClientCertificateData) > 0 {
- authInfo.ClientCertificateData = redactedBytes
- }
- config.AuthInfos[key] = authInfo
- }
- for key, cluster := range config.Clusters {
- if len(cluster.CertificateAuthorityData) > 0 {
- cluster.CertificateAuthorityData = redactedBytes
- }
- config.Clusters[key] = cluster
- }
-// Flatten changes the config object into a self contained config (useful for making secrets)
-func FlattenConfig(config *Config) error {
- for key, authInfo := range config.AuthInfos {
- baseDir, err := MakeAbs(path.Dir(authInfo.LocationOfOrigin), "")
- if err != nil {
- return err
- }
- if err := FlattenContent(&authInfo.ClientCertificate, &authInfo.ClientCertificateData, baseDir); err != nil {
- return err
- }
- if err := FlattenContent(&authInfo.ClientKey, &authInfo.ClientKeyData, baseDir); err != nil {
- return err
- }
- config.AuthInfos[key] = authInfo
- }
- for key, cluster := range config.Clusters {
- baseDir, err := MakeAbs(path.Dir(cluster.LocationOfOrigin), "")
- if err != nil {
- return err
- }
- if err := FlattenContent(&cluster.CertificateAuthority, &cluster.CertificateAuthorityData, baseDir); err != nil {
- return err
- }
- config.Clusters[key] = cluster
- }
- return nil
-func FlattenContent(path *string, contents *[]byte, baseDir string) error {
- if len(*path) != 0 {
- if len(*contents) > 0 {
- return errors.New("cannot have values for both path and contents")
- }
- var err error
- absPath := ResolvePath(*path, baseDir)
- *contents, err = ioutil.ReadFile(absPath)
- if err != nil {
- return err
- }
- *path = ""
- }
- return nil
-// ResolvePath returns the path as an absolute paths, relative to the given base directory
-func ResolvePath(path string, base string) string {
- // Don't resolve empty paths
- if len(path) > 0 {
- // Don't resolve absolute paths
- if !filepath.IsAbs(path) {
- return filepath.Join(base, path)
- }
- }
- return path
-func MakeAbs(path, base string) (string, error) {
- if filepath.IsAbs(path) {
- return path, nil
- }
- if len(base) == 0 {
- cwd, err := os.Getwd()
- if err != nil {
- return "", err
- }
- base = cwd
- }
- return filepath.Join(base, path), nil
diff --git a/kube2msb/src/vendor/k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/unversioned/clientcmd/api/latest/latest.go b/kube2msb/src/vendor/k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/unversioned/clientcmd/api/latest/latest.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 0b9a427..0000000
--- a/kube2msb/src/vendor/k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/unversioned/clientcmd/api/latest/latest.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
-Copyright 2014 The Kubernetes Authors.
-Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-You may obtain a copy of the License at
- http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-limitations under the License.
-package latest
-import (
- "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/api/unversioned"
- "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/unversioned/clientcmd/api"
- _ "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/unversioned/clientcmd/api/v1"
- "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/runtime"
- "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/runtime/serializer/json"
- "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/runtime/serializer/versioning"
-// Version is the string that represents the current external default version.
-const Version = "v1"
-var ExternalVersion = unversioned.GroupVersion{Group: "", Version: "v1"}
-// OldestVersion is the string that represents the oldest server version supported,
-// for client code that wants to hardcode the lowest common denominator.
-const OldestVersion = "v1"
-// Versions is the list of versions that are recognized in code. The order provided
-// may be assumed to be least feature rich to most feature rich, and clients may
-// choose to prefer the latter items in the list over the former items when presented
-// with a set of versions to choose.
-var Versions = []string{"v1"}
-var Codec runtime.Codec
-func init() {
- yamlSerializer := json.NewYAMLSerializer(json.DefaultMetaFactory, api.Scheme, api.Scheme)
- Codec = versioning.NewCodecForScheme(
- api.Scheme,
- yamlSerializer,
- yamlSerializer,
- []unversioned.GroupVersion{{Version: Version}},
- []unversioned.GroupVersion{{Version: runtime.APIVersionInternal}},
- )
diff --git a/kube2msb/src/vendor/k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/unversioned/clientcmd/api/register.go b/kube2msb/src/vendor/k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/unversioned/clientcmd/api/register.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 5426e7f..0000000
--- a/kube2msb/src/vendor/k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/unversioned/clientcmd/api/register.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
-Copyright 2014 The Kubernetes Authors.
-Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-You may obtain a copy of the License at
- http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-limitations under the License.
-package api
-import (
- "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/api/unversioned"
- "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/runtime"
-// Scheme is the default instance of runtime.Scheme to which types in the Kubernetes API are already registered.
-var Scheme = runtime.NewScheme()
-// SchemeGroupVersion is group version used to register these objects
-// TODO this should be in the "kubeconfig" group
-var SchemeGroupVersion = unversioned.GroupVersion{Group: "", Version: runtime.APIVersionInternal}
-func init() {
- Scheme.AddKnownTypes(SchemeGroupVersion,
- &Config{},
- )
-func (obj *Config) GetObjectKind() unversioned.ObjectKind { return obj }
-func (obj *Config) SetGroupVersionKind(gvk unversioned.GroupVersionKind) {
- obj.APIVersion, obj.Kind = gvk.ToAPIVersionAndKind()
-func (obj *Config) GroupVersionKind() unversioned.GroupVersionKind {
- return unversioned.FromAPIVersionAndKind(obj.APIVersion, obj.Kind)
diff --git a/kube2msb/src/vendor/k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/unversioned/clientcmd/api/types.go b/kube2msb/src/vendor/k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/unversioned/clientcmd/api/types.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 95b5289..0000000
--- a/kube2msb/src/vendor/k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/unversioned/clientcmd/api/types.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,152 +0,0 @@
-Copyright 2014 The Kubernetes Authors.
-Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-You may obtain a copy of the License at
- http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-limitations under the License.
-package api
-import (
- "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/runtime"
-// Where possible, json tags match the cli argument names.
-// Top level config objects and all values required for proper functioning are not "omitempty". Any truly optional piece of config is allowed to be omitted.
-// Config holds the information needed to build connect to remote kubernetes clusters as a given user
-// IMPORTANT if you add fields to this struct, please update IsConfigEmpty()
-type Config struct {
- // Legacy field from pkg/api/types.go TypeMeta.
- // TODO(jlowdermilk): remove this after eliminating downstream dependencies.
- Kind string `json:"kind,omitempty"`
- // DEPRECATED: APIVersion is the preferred api version for communicating with the kubernetes cluster (v1, v2, etc).
- // Because a cluster can run multiple API groups and potentially multiple versions of each, it no longer makes sense to specify
- // a single value for the cluster version.
- // This field isn't really needed anyway, so we are deprecating it without replacement.
- // It will be ignored if it is present.
- APIVersion string `json:"apiVersion,omitempty"`
- // Preferences holds general information to be use for cli interactions
- Preferences Preferences `json:"preferences"`
- // Clusters is a map of referencable names to cluster configs
- Clusters map[string]*Cluster `json:"clusters"`
- // AuthInfos is a map of referencable names to user configs
- AuthInfos map[string]*AuthInfo `json:"users"`
- // Contexts is a map of referencable names to context configs
- Contexts map[string]*Context `json:"contexts"`
- // CurrentContext is the name of the context that you would like to use by default
- CurrentContext string `json:"current-context"`
- // Extensions holds additional information. This is useful for extenders so that reads and writes don't clobber unknown fields
- Extensions map[string]runtime.Object `json:"extensions,omitempty"`
-// IMPORTANT if you add fields to this struct, please update IsConfigEmpty()
-type Preferences struct {
- Colors bool `json:"colors,omitempty"`
- // Extensions holds additional information. This is useful for extenders so that reads and writes don't clobber unknown fields
- Extensions map[string]runtime.Object `json:"extensions,omitempty"`
-// Cluster contains information about how to communicate with a kubernetes cluster
-type Cluster struct {
- // LocationOfOrigin indicates where this object came from. It is used for round tripping config post-merge, but never serialized.
- LocationOfOrigin string
- // Server is the address of the kubernetes cluster (https://hostname:port).
- Server string `json:"server"`
- // APIVersion is the preferred api version for communicating with the kubernetes cluster (v1, v2, etc).
- APIVersion string `json:"api-version,omitempty"`
- // InsecureSkipTLSVerify skips the validity check for the server's certificate. This will make your HTTPS connections insecure.
- InsecureSkipTLSVerify bool `json:"insecure-skip-tls-verify,omitempty"`
- // CertificateAuthority is the path to a cert file for the certificate authority.
- CertificateAuthority string `json:"certificate-authority,omitempty"`
- // CertificateAuthorityData contains PEM-encoded certificate authority certificates. Overrides CertificateAuthority
- CertificateAuthorityData []byte `json:"certificate-authority-data,omitempty"`
- // Extensions holds additional information. This is useful for extenders so that reads and writes don't clobber unknown fields
- Extensions map[string]runtime.Object `json:"extensions,omitempty"`
-// AuthInfo contains information that describes identity information. This is use to tell the kubernetes cluster who you are.
-type AuthInfo struct {
- // LocationOfOrigin indicates where this object came from. It is used for round tripping config post-merge, but never serialized.
- LocationOfOrigin string
- // ClientCertificate is the path to a client cert file for TLS.
- ClientCertificate string `json:"client-certificate,omitempty"`
- // ClientCertificateData contains PEM-encoded data from a client cert file for TLS. Overrides ClientCertificate
- ClientCertificateData []byte `json:"client-certificate-data,omitempty"`
- // ClientKey is the path to a client key file for TLS.
- ClientKey string `json:"client-key,omitempty"`
- // ClientKeyData contains PEM-encoded data from a client key file for TLS. Overrides ClientKey
- ClientKeyData []byte `json:"client-key-data,omitempty"`
- // Token is the bearer token for authentication to the kubernetes cluster.
- Token string `json:"token,omitempty"`
- // Impersonate is the username to act-as.
- Impersonate string `json:"act-as,omitempty"`
- // Username is the username for basic authentication to the kubernetes cluster.
- Username string `json:"username,omitempty"`
- // Password is the password for basic authentication to the kubernetes cluster.
- Password string `json:"password,omitempty"`
- // AuthProvider specifies a custom authentication plugin for the kubernetes cluster.
- AuthProvider *AuthProviderConfig `json:"auth-provider,omitempty"`
- // Extensions holds additional information. This is useful for extenders so that reads and writes don't clobber unknown fields
- Extensions map[string]runtime.Object `json:"extensions,omitempty"`
-// Context is a tuple of references to a cluster (how do I communicate with a kubernetes cluster), a user (how do I identify myself), and a namespace (what subset of resources do I want to work with)
-type Context struct {
- // LocationOfOrigin indicates where this object came from. It is used for round tripping config post-merge, but never serialized.
- LocationOfOrigin string
- // Cluster is the name of the cluster for this context
- Cluster string `json:"cluster"`
- // AuthInfo is the name of the authInfo for this context
- AuthInfo string `json:"user"`
- // Namespace is the default namespace to use on unspecified requests
- Namespace string `json:"namespace,omitempty"`
- // Extensions holds additional information. This is useful for extenders so that reads and writes don't clobber unknown fields
- Extensions map[string]runtime.Object `json:"extensions,omitempty"`
-// AuthProviderConfig holds the configuration for a specified auth provider.
-type AuthProviderConfig struct {
- Name string `json:"name"`
- Config map[string]string `json:"config,omitempty"`
-// NewConfig is a convenience function that returns a new Config object with non-nil maps
-func NewConfig() *Config {
- return &Config{
- Preferences: *NewPreferences(),
- Clusters: make(map[string]*Cluster),
- AuthInfos: make(map[string]*AuthInfo),
- Contexts: make(map[string]*Context),
- Extensions: make(map[string]runtime.Object),
- }
-// NewConfig is a convenience function that returns a new Config object with non-nil maps
-func NewContext() *Context {
- return &Context{Extensions: make(map[string]runtime.Object)}
-// NewConfig is a convenience function that returns a new Config object with non-nil maps
-func NewCluster() *Cluster {
- return &Cluster{Extensions: make(map[string]runtime.Object)}
-// NewConfig is a convenience function that returns a new Config object with non-nil maps
-func NewAuthInfo() *AuthInfo {
- return &AuthInfo{Extensions: make(map[string]runtime.Object)}
-// NewConfig is a convenience function that returns a new Config object with non-nil maps
-func NewPreferences() *Preferences {
- return &Preferences{Extensions: make(map[string]runtime.Object)}
diff --git a/kube2msb/src/vendor/k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/unversioned/clientcmd/api/v1/conversion.go b/kube2msb/src/vendor/k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/unversioned/clientcmd/api/v1/conversion.go
deleted file mode 100644
index e22e5f8..0000000
--- a/kube2msb/src/vendor/k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/unversioned/clientcmd/api/v1/conversion.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,231 +0,0 @@
-Copyright 2014 The Kubernetes Authors.
-Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-You may obtain a copy of the License at
- http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-limitations under the License.
-package v1
-import (
- "sort"
- "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/unversioned/clientcmd/api"
- "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/conversion"
- "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/runtime"
-func init() {
- err := api.Scheme.AddConversionFuncs(
- func(in *Cluster, out *api.Cluster, s conversion.Scope) error {
- return s.DefaultConvert(in, out, conversion.IgnoreMissingFields)
- },
- func(in *api.Cluster, out *Cluster, s conversion.Scope) error {
- return s.DefaultConvert(in, out, conversion.IgnoreMissingFields)
- },
- func(in *Preferences, out *api.Preferences, s conversion.Scope) error {
- return s.DefaultConvert(in, out, conversion.IgnoreMissingFields)
- },
- func(in *api.Preferences, out *Preferences, s conversion.Scope) error {
- return s.DefaultConvert(in, out, conversion.IgnoreMissingFields)
- },
- func(in *AuthInfo, out *api.AuthInfo, s conversion.Scope) error {
- return s.DefaultConvert(in, out, conversion.IgnoreMissingFields)
- },
- func(in *api.AuthInfo, out *AuthInfo, s conversion.Scope) error {
- return s.DefaultConvert(in, out, conversion.IgnoreMissingFields)
- },
- func(in *Context, out *api.Context, s conversion.Scope) error {
- return s.DefaultConvert(in, out, conversion.IgnoreMissingFields)
- },
- func(in *api.Context, out *Context, s conversion.Scope) error {
- return s.DefaultConvert(in, out, conversion.IgnoreMissingFields)
- },
- func(in *Config, out *api.Config, s conversion.Scope) error {
- out.CurrentContext = in.CurrentContext
- if err := s.Convert(&in.Preferences, &out.Preferences, 0); err != nil {
- return err
- }
- out.Clusters = make(map[string]*api.Cluster)
- if err := s.Convert(&in.Clusters, &out.Clusters, 0); err != nil {
- return err
- }
- out.AuthInfos = make(map[string]*api.AuthInfo)
- if err := s.Convert(&in.AuthInfos, &out.AuthInfos, 0); err != nil {
- return err
- }
- out.Contexts = make(map[string]*api.Context)
- if err := s.Convert(&in.Contexts, &out.Contexts, 0); err != nil {
- return err
- }
- out.Extensions = make(map[string]runtime.Object)
- if err := s.Convert(&in.Extensions, &out.Extensions, 0); err != nil {
- return err
- }
- return nil
- },
- func(in *api.Config, out *Config, s conversion.Scope) error {
- out.CurrentContext = in.CurrentContext
- if err := s.Convert(&in.Preferences, &out.Preferences, 0); err != nil {
- return err
- }
- out.Clusters = make([]NamedCluster, 0, 0)
- if err := s.Convert(&in.Clusters, &out.Clusters, 0); err != nil {
- return err
- }
- out.AuthInfos = make([]NamedAuthInfo, 0, 0)
- if err := s.Convert(&in.AuthInfos, &out.AuthInfos, 0); err != nil {
- return err
- }
- out.Contexts = make([]NamedContext, 0, 0)
- if err := s.Convert(&in.Contexts, &out.Contexts, 0); err != nil {
- return err
- }
- out.Extensions = make([]NamedExtension, 0, 0)
- if err := s.Convert(&in.Extensions, &out.Extensions, 0); err != nil {
- return err
- }
- return nil
- },
- func(in *[]NamedCluster, out *map[string]*api.Cluster, s conversion.Scope) error {
- for _, curr := range *in {
- newCluster := api.NewCluster()
- if err := s.Convert(&curr.Cluster, newCluster, 0); err != nil {
- return err
- }
- (*out)[curr.Name] = newCluster
- }
- return nil
- },
- func(in *map[string]*api.Cluster, out *[]NamedCluster, s conversion.Scope) error {
- allKeys := make([]string, 0, len(*in))
- for key := range *in {
- allKeys = append(allKeys, key)
- }
- sort.Strings(allKeys)
- for _, key := range allKeys {
- newCluster := (*in)[key]
- oldCluster := &Cluster{}
- if err := s.Convert(newCluster, oldCluster, 0); err != nil {
- return err
- }
- namedCluster := NamedCluster{key, *oldCluster}
- *out = append(*out, namedCluster)
- }
- return nil
- },
- func(in *[]NamedAuthInfo, out *map[string]*api.AuthInfo, s conversion.Scope) error {
- for _, curr := range *in {
- newAuthInfo := api.NewAuthInfo()
- if err := s.Convert(&curr.AuthInfo, newAuthInfo, 0); err != nil {
- return err
- }
- (*out)[curr.Name] = newAuthInfo
- }
- return nil
- },
- func(in *map[string]*api.AuthInfo, out *[]NamedAuthInfo, s conversion.Scope) error {
- allKeys := make([]string, 0, len(*in))
- for key := range *in {
- allKeys = append(allKeys, key)
- }
- sort.Strings(allKeys)
- for _, key := range allKeys {
- newAuthInfo := (*in)[key]
- oldAuthInfo := &AuthInfo{}
- if err := s.Convert(newAuthInfo, oldAuthInfo, 0); err != nil {
- return err
- }
- namedAuthInfo := NamedAuthInfo{key, *oldAuthInfo}
- *out = append(*out, namedAuthInfo)
- }
- return nil
- },
- func(in *[]NamedContext, out *map[string]*api.Context, s conversion.Scope) error {
- for _, curr := range *in {
- newContext := api.NewContext()
- if err := s.Convert(&curr.Context, newContext, 0); err != nil {
- return err
- }
- (*out)[curr.Name] = newContext
- }
- return nil
- },
- func(in *map[string]*api.Context, out *[]NamedContext, s conversion.Scope) error {
- allKeys := make([]string, 0, len(*in))
- for key := range *in {
- allKeys = append(allKeys, key)
- }
- sort.Strings(allKeys)
- for _, key := range allKeys {
- newContext := (*in)[key]
- oldContext := &Context{}
- if err := s.Convert(newContext, oldContext, 0); err != nil {
- return err
- }
- namedContext := NamedContext{key, *oldContext}
- *out = append(*out, namedContext)
- }
- return nil
- },
- func(in *[]NamedExtension, out *map[string]runtime.Object, s conversion.Scope) error {
- for _, curr := range *in {
- var newExtension runtime.Object
- if err := s.Convert(&curr.Extension, &newExtension, 0); err != nil {
- return err
- }
- (*out)[curr.Name] = newExtension
- }
- return nil
- },
- func(in *map[string]runtime.Object, out *[]NamedExtension, s conversion.Scope) error {
- allKeys := make([]string, 0, len(*in))
- for key := range *in {
- allKeys = append(allKeys, key)
- }
- sort.Strings(allKeys)
- for _, key := range allKeys {
- newExtension := (*in)[key]
- oldExtension := &runtime.RawExtension{}
- if err := s.Convert(newExtension, oldExtension, 0); err != nil {
- return err
- }
- namedExtension := NamedExtension{key, *oldExtension}
- *out = append(*out, namedExtension)
- }
- return nil
- },
- )
- if err != nil {
- // If one of the conversion functions is malformed, detect it immediately.
- panic(err)
- }
diff --git a/kube2msb/src/vendor/k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/unversioned/clientcmd/api/v1/register.go b/kube2msb/src/vendor/k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/unversioned/clientcmd/api/v1/register.go
deleted file mode 100644
index dcdb533..0000000
--- a/kube2msb/src/vendor/k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/unversioned/clientcmd/api/v1/register.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
-Copyright 2014 The Kubernetes Authors.
-Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-You may obtain a copy of the License at
- http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-limitations under the License.
-package v1
-import (
- "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/api/unversioned"
- "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/unversioned/clientcmd/api"
-// SchemeGroupVersion is group version used to register these objects
-// TODO this should be in the "kubeconfig" group
-var SchemeGroupVersion = unversioned.GroupVersion{Group: "", Version: "v1"}
-func init() {
- api.Scheme.AddKnownTypes(SchemeGroupVersion,
- &Config{},
- )
-func (obj *Config) GetObjectKind() unversioned.ObjectKind { return obj }
-func (obj *Config) SetGroupVersionKind(gvk unversioned.GroupVersionKind) {
- obj.APIVersion, obj.Kind = gvk.ToAPIVersionAndKind()
-func (obj *Config) GroupVersionKind() unversioned.GroupVersionKind {
- return unversioned.FromAPIVersionAndKind(obj.APIVersion, obj.Kind)
diff --git a/kube2msb/src/vendor/k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/unversioned/clientcmd/api/v1/types.go b/kube2msb/src/vendor/k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/unversioned/clientcmd/api/v1/types.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 77bce80..0000000
--- a/kube2msb/src/vendor/k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/unversioned/clientcmd/api/v1/types.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,145 +0,0 @@
-Copyright 2014 The Kubernetes Authors.
-Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-You may obtain a copy of the License at
- http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-limitations under the License.
-package v1
-import (
- "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/runtime"
-// Where possible, json tags match the cli argument names.
-// Top level config objects and all values required for proper functioning are not "omitempty". Any truly optional piece of config is allowed to be omitted.
-// Config holds the information needed to build connect to remote kubernetes clusters as a given user
-type Config struct {
- // Legacy field from pkg/api/types.go TypeMeta.
- // TODO(jlowdermilk): remove this after eliminating downstream dependencies.
- Kind string `json:"kind,omitempty"`
- // DEPRECATED: APIVersion is the preferred api version for communicating with the kubernetes cluster (v1, v2, etc).
- // Because a cluster can run multiple API groups and potentially multiple versions of each, it no longer makes sense to specify
- // a single value for the cluster version.
- // This field isn't really needed anyway, so we are deprecating it without replacement.
- // It will be ignored if it is present.
- APIVersion string `json:"apiVersion,omitempty"`
- // Preferences holds general information to be use for cli interactions
- Preferences Preferences `json:"preferences"`
- // Clusters is a map of referencable names to cluster configs
- Clusters []NamedCluster `json:"clusters"`
- // AuthInfos is a map of referencable names to user configs
- AuthInfos []NamedAuthInfo `json:"users"`
- // Contexts is a map of referencable names to context configs
- Contexts []NamedContext `json:"contexts"`
- // CurrentContext is the name of the context that you would like to use by default
- CurrentContext string `json:"current-context"`
- // Extensions holds additional information. This is useful for extenders so that reads and writes don't clobber unknown fields
- Extensions []NamedExtension `json:"extensions,omitempty"`
-type Preferences struct {
- Colors bool `json:"colors,omitempty"`
- // Extensions holds additional information. This is useful for extenders so that reads and writes don't clobber unknown fields
- Extensions []NamedExtension `json:"extensions,omitempty"`
-// Cluster contains information about how to communicate with a kubernetes cluster
-type Cluster struct {
- // Server is the address of the kubernetes cluster (https://hostname:port).
- Server string `json:"server"`
- // APIVersion is the preferred api version for communicating with the kubernetes cluster (v1, v2, etc).
- APIVersion string `json:"api-version,omitempty"`
- // InsecureSkipTLSVerify skips the validity check for the server's certificate. This will make your HTTPS connections insecure.
- InsecureSkipTLSVerify bool `json:"insecure-skip-tls-verify,omitempty"`
- // CertificateAuthority is the path to a cert file for the certificate authority.
- CertificateAuthority string `json:"certificate-authority,omitempty"`
- // CertificateAuthorityData contains PEM-encoded certificate authority certificates. Overrides CertificateAuthority
- CertificateAuthorityData []byte `json:"certificate-authority-data,omitempty"`
- // Extensions holds additional information. This is useful for extenders so that reads and writes don't clobber unknown fields
- Extensions []NamedExtension `json:"extensions,omitempty"`
-// AuthInfo contains information that describes identity information. This is use to tell the kubernetes cluster who you are.
-type AuthInfo struct {
- // ClientCertificate is the path to a client cert file for TLS.
- ClientCertificate string `json:"client-certificate,omitempty"`
- // ClientCertificateData contains PEM-encoded data from a client cert file for TLS. Overrides ClientCertificate
- ClientCertificateData []byte `json:"client-certificate-data,omitempty"`
- // ClientKey is the path to a client key file for TLS.
- ClientKey string `json:"client-key,omitempty"`
- // ClientKeyData contains PEM-encoded data from a client key file for TLS. Overrides ClientKey
- ClientKeyData []byte `json:"client-key-data,omitempty"`
- // Token is the bearer token for authentication to the kubernetes cluster.
- Token string `json:"token,omitempty"`
- // Impersonate is the username to imperonate. The name matches the flag.
- Impersonate string `json:"as,omitempty"`
- // Username is the username for basic authentication to the kubernetes cluster.
- Username string `json:"username,omitempty"`
- // Password is the password for basic authentication to the kubernetes cluster.
- Password string `json:"password,omitempty"`
- // AuthProvider specifies a custom authentication plugin for the kubernetes cluster.
- AuthProvider *AuthProviderConfig `json:"auth-provider,omitempty"`
- // Extensions holds additional information. This is useful for extenders so that reads and writes don't clobber unknown fields
- Extensions []NamedExtension `json:"extensions,omitempty"`
-// Context is a tuple of references to a cluster (how do I communicate with a kubernetes cluster), a user (how do I identify myself), and a namespace (what subset of resources do I want to work with)
-type Context struct {
- // Cluster is the name of the cluster for this context
- Cluster string `json:"cluster"`
- // AuthInfo is the name of the authInfo for this context
- AuthInfo string `json:"user"`
- // Namespace is the default namespace to use on unspecified requests
- Namespace string `json:"namespace,omitempty"`
- // Extensions holds additional information. This is useful for extenders so that reads and writes don't clobber unknown fields
- Extensions []NamedExtension `json:"extensions,omitempty"`
-// NamedCluster relates nicknames to cluster information
-type NamedCluster struct {
- // Name is the nickname for this Cluster
- Name string `json:"name"`
- // Cluster holds the cluster information
- Cluster Cluster `json:"cluster"`
-// NamedContext relates nicknames to context information
-type NamedContext struct {
- // Name is the nickname for this Context
- Name string `json:"name"`
- // Context holds the context information
- Context Context `json:"context"`
-// NamedAuthInfo relates nicknames to auth information
-type NamedAuthInfo struct {
- // Name is the nickname for this AuthInfo
- Name string `json:"name"`
- // AuthInfo holds the auth information
- AuthInfo AuthInfo `json:"user"`
-// NamedExtension relates nicknames to extension information
-type NamedExtension struct {
- // Name is the nickname for this Extension
- Name string `json:"name"`
- // Extension holds the extension information
- Extension runtime.RawExtension `json:"extension"`
-// AuthProviderConfig holds the configuration for a specified auth provider.
-type AuthProviderConfig struct {
- Name string `json:"name"`
- Config map[string]string `json:"config"`
diff --git a/kube2msb/src/vendor/k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/unversioned/clientcmd/auth_loaders.go b/kube2msb/src/vendor/k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/unversioned/clientcmd/auth_loaders.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 0abc425..0000000
--- a/kube2msb/src/vendor/k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/unversioned/clientcmd/auth_loaders.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,91 +0,0 @@
-Copyright 2014 The Kubernetes Authors.
-Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-You may obtain a copy of the License at
- http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-limitations under the License.
-package clientcmd
-import (
- "encoding/json"
- "fmt"
- "io"
- "io/ioutil"
- "os"
- clientauth "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/unversioned/auth"
-// AuthLoaders are used to build clientauth.Info objects.
-type AuthLoader interface {
- // LoadAuth takes a path to a config file and can then do anything it needs in order to return a valid clientauth.Info
- LoadAuth(path string) (*clientauth.Info, error)
-// default implementation of an AuthLoader
-type defaultAuthLoader struct{}
-// LoadAuth for defaultAuthLoader simply delegates to clientauth.LoadFromFile
-func (*defaultAuthLoader) LoadAuth(path string) (*clientauth.Info, error) {
- return clientauth.LoadFromFile(path)
-type PromptingAuthLoader struct {
- reader io.Reader
-// LoadAuth parses an AuthInfo object from a file path. It prompts user and creates file if it doesn't exist.
-func (a *PromptingAuthLoader) LoadAuth(path string) (*clientauth.Info, error) {
- var auth clientauth.Info
- // Prompt for user/pass and write a file if none exists.
- if _, err := os.Stat(path); os.IsNotExist(err) {
- auth = *a.Prompt()
- data, err := json.Marshal(auth)
- if err != nil {
- return &auth, err
- }
- err = ioutil.WriteFile(path, data, 0600)
- return &auth, err
- }
- authPtr, err := clientauth.LoadFromFile(path)
- if err != nil {
- return nil, err
- }
- return authPtr, nil
-// Prompt pulls the user and password from a reader
-func (a *PromptingAuthLoader) Prompt() *clientauth.Info {
- auth := &clientauth.Info{}
- auth.User = promptForString("Username", a.reader)
- auth.Password = promptForString("Password", a.reader)
- return auth
-func promptForString(field string, r io.Reader) string {
- fmt.Printf("Please enter %s: ", field)
- var result string
- fmt.Fscan(r, &result)
- return result
-// NewPromptingAuthLoader is an AuthLoader that parses an AuthInfo object from a file path. It prompts user and creates file if it doesn't exist.
-func NewPromptingAuthLoader(reader io.Reader) *PromptingAuthLoader {
- return &PromptingAuthLoader{reader}
-// NewDefaultAuthLoader returns a default implementation of an AuthLoader that only reads from a config file
-func NewDefaultAuthLoader() AuthLoader {
- return &defaultAuthLoader{}
diff --git a/kube2msb/src/vendor/k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/unversioned/clientcmd/client_config.go b/kube2msb/src/vendor/k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/unversioned/clientcmd/client_config.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 47b14e2..0000000
--- a/kube2msb/src/vendor/k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/unversioned/clientcmd/client_config.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,411 +0,0 @@
-Copyright 2014 The Kubernetes Authors.
-Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-You may obtain a copy of the License at
- http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-limitations under the License.
-package clientcmd
-import (
- "fmt"
- "io"
- "io/ioutil"
- "net/url"
- "os"
- "strings"
- "github.com/golang/glog"
- "github.com/imdario/mergo"
- "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/api"
- "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/restclient"
- clientauth "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/unversioned/auth"
- clientcmdapi "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/unversioned/clientcmd/api"
-var (
- // DefaultCluster is the cluster config used when no other config is specified
- // TODO: eventually apiserver should start on 443 and be secure by default
- DefaultCluster = clientcmdapi.Cluster{Server: "http://localhost:8080"}
- // EnvVarCluster allows overriding the DefaultCluster using an envvar for the server name
- EnvVarCluster = clientcmdapi.Cluster{Server: os.Getenv("KUBERNETES_MASTER")}
- DefaultClientConfig = DirectClientConfig{*clientcmdapi.NewConfig(), "", &ConfigOverrides{}, nil, NewDefaultClientConfigLoadingRules()}
-// ClientConfig is used to make it easy to get an api server client
-type ClientConfig interface {
- // RawConfig returns the merged result of all overrides
- RawConfig() (clientcmdapi.Config, error)
- // ClientConfig returns a complete client config
- ClientConfig() (*restclient.Config, error)
- // Namespace returns the namespace resulting from the merged
- // result of all overrides and a boolean indicating if it was
- // overridden
- Namespace() (string, bool, error)
- // ConfigAccess returns the rules for loading/persisting the config.
- ConfigAccess() ConfigAccess
-type PersistAuthProviderConfigForUser func(user string) restclient.AuthProviderConfigPersister
-// DirectClientConfig is a ClientConfig interface that is backed by a clientcmdapi.Config, options overrides, and an optional fallbackReader for auth information
-type DirectClientConfig struct {
- config clientcmdapi.Config
- contextName string
- overrides *ConfigOverrides
- fallbackReader io.Reader
- configAccess ConfigAccess
-// NewDefaultClientConfig creates a DirectClientConfig using the config.CurrentContext as the context name
-func NewDefaultClientConfig(config clientcmdapi.Config, overrides *ConfigOverrides) ClientConfig {
- return &DirectClientConfig{config, config.CurrentContext, overrides, nil, NewDefaultClientConfigLoadingRules()}
-// NewNonInteractiveClientConfig creates a DirectClientConfig using the passed context name and does not have a fallback reader for auth information
-func NewNonInteractiveClientConfig(config clientcmdapi.Config, contextName string, overrides *ConfigOverrides, configAccess ConfigAccess) ClientConfig {
- return &DirectClientConfig{config, contextName, overrides, nil, configAccess}
-// NewInteractiveClientConfig creates a DirectClientConfig using the passed context name and a reader in case auth information is not provided via files or flags
-func NewInteractiveClientConfig(config clientcmdapi.Config, contextName string, overrides *ConfigOverrides, fallbackReader io.Reader, configAccess ConfigAccess) ClientConfig {
- return &DirectClientConfig{config, contextName, overrides, fallbackReader, configAccess}
-func (config *DirectClientConfig) RawConfig() (clientcmdapi.Config, error) {
- return config.config, nil
-// ClientConfig implements ClientConfig
-func (config *DirectClientConfig) ClientConfig() (*restclient.Config, error) {
- if err := config.ConfirmUsable(); err != nil {
- return nil, err
- }
- configAuthInfo := config.getAuthInfo()
- configClusterInfo := config.getCluster()
- clientConfig := &restclient.Config{}
- clientConfig.Host = configClusterInfo.Server
- if u, err := url.ParseRequestURI(clientConfig.Host); err == nil && u.Opaque == "" && len(u.Path) > 1 {
- u.RawQuery = ""
- u.Fragment = ""
- clientConfig.Host = u.String()
- }
- if len(configAuthInfo.Impersonate) > 0 {
- clientConfig.Impersonate = configAuthInfo.Impersonate
- }
- // only try to read the auth information if we are secure
- if restclient.IsConfigTransportTLS(*clientConfig) {
- var err error
- // mergo is a first write wins for map value and a last writing wins for interface values
- // NOTE: This behavior changed with https://github.com/imdario/mergo/commit/d304790b2ed594794496464fadd89d2bb266600a.
- // Our mergo.Merge version is older than this change.
- var persister restclient.AuthProviderConfigPersister
- if config.configAccess != nil {
- persister = PersisterForUser(config.configAccess, config.getAuthInfoName())
- }
- userAuthPartialConfig, err := getUserIdentificationPartialConfig(configAuthInfo, config.fallbackReader, persister)
- if err != nil {
- return nil, err
- }
- mergo.Merge(clientConfig, userAuthPartialConfig)
- serverAuthPartialConfig, err := getServerIdentificationPartialConfig(configAuthInfo, configClusterInfo)
- if err != nil {
- return nil, err
- }
- mergo.Merge(clientConfig, serverAuthPartialConfig)
- }
- return clientConfig, nil
-// clientauth.Info object contain both user identification and server identification. We want different precedence orders for
-// both, so we have to split the objects and merge them separately
-// we want this order of precedence for the server identification
-// 1. configClusterInfo (the final result of command line flags and merged .kubeconfig files)
-// 2. configAuthInfo.auth-path (this file can contain information that conflicts with #1, and we want #1 to win the priority)
-// 3. load the ~/.kubernetes_auth file as a default
-func getServerIdentificationPartialConfig(configAuthInfo clientcmdapi.AuthInfo, configClusterInfo clientcmdapi.Cluster) (*restclient.Config, error) {
- mergedConfig := &restclient.Config{}
- // configClusterInfo holds the information identify the server provided by .kubeconfig
- configClientConfig := &restclient.Config{}
- configClientConfig.CAFile = configClusterInfo.CertificateAuthority
- configClientConfig.CAData = configClusterInfo.CertificateAuthorityData
- configClientConfig.Insecure = configClusterInfo.InsecureSkipTLSVerify
- mergo.Merge(mergedConfig, configClientConfig)
- return mergedConfig, nil
-// clientauth.Info object contain both user identification and server identification. We want different precedence orders for
-// both, so we have to split the objects and merge them separately
-// we want this order of precedence for user identifcation
-// 1. configAuthInfo minus auth-path (the final result of command line flags and merged .kubeconfig files)
-// 2. configAuthInfo.auth-path (this file can contain information that conflicts with #1, and we want #1 to win the priority)
-// 3. if there is not enough information to idenfity the user, load try the ~/.kubernetes_auth file
-// 4. if there is not enough information to identify the user, prompt if possible
-func getUserIdentificationPartialConfig(configAuthInfo clientcmdapi.AuthInfo, fallbackReader io.Reader, persistAuthConfig restclient.AuthProviderConfigPersister) (*restclient.Config, error) {
- mergedConfig := &restclient.Config{}
- // blindly overwrite existing values based on precedence
- if len(configAuthInfo.Token) > 0 {
- mergedConfig.BearerToken = configAuthInfo.Token
- }
- if len(configAuthInfo.Impersonate) > 0 {
- mergedConfig.Impersonate = configAuthInfo.Impersonate
- }
- if len(configAuthInfo.ClientCertificate) > 0 || len(configAuthInfo.ClientCertificateData) > 0 {
- mergedConfig.CertFile = configAuthInfo.ClientCertificate
- mergedConfig.CertData = configAuthInfo.ClientCertificateData
- mergedConfig.KeyFile = configAuthInfo.ClientKey
- mergedConfig.KeyData = configAuthInfo.ClientKeyData
- }
- if len(configAuthInfo.Username) > 0 || len(configAuthInfo.Password) > 0 {
- mergedConfig.Username = configAuthInfo.Username
- mergedConfig.Password = configAuthInfo.Password
- }
- if configAuthInfo.AuthProvider != nil {
- mergedConfig.AuthProvider = configAuthInfo.AuthProvider
- mergedConfig.AuthConfigPersister = persistAuthConfig
- }
- // if there still isn't enough information to authenticate the user, try prompting
- if !canIdentifyUser(*mergedConfig) && (fallbackReader != nil) {
- prompter := NewPromptingAuthLoader(fallbackReader)
- promptedAuthInfo := prompter.Prompt()
- promptedConfig := makeUserIdentificationConfig(*promptedAuthInfo)
- previouslyMergedConfig := mergedConfig
- mergedConfig = &restclient.Config{}
- mergo.Merge(mergedConfig, promptedConfig)
- mergo.Merge(mergedConfig, previouslyMergedConfig)
- }
- return mergedConfig, nil
-// makeUserIdentificationFieldsConfig returns a client.Config capable of being merged using mergo for only user identification information
-func makeUserIdentificationConfig(info clientauth.Info) *restclient.Config {
- config := &restclient.Config{}
- config.Username = info.User
- config.Password = info.Password
- config.CertFile = info.CertFile
- config.KeyFile = info.KeyFile
- config.BearerToken = info.BearerToken
- return config
-// makeUserIdentificationFieldsConfig returns a client.Config capable of being merged using mergo for only server identification information
-func makeServerIdentificationConfig(info clientauth.Info) restclient.Config {
- config := restclient.Config{}
- config.CAFile = info.CAFile
- if info.Insecure != nil {
- config.Insecure = *info.Insecure
- }
- return config
-func canIdentifyUser(config restclient.Config) bool {
- return len(config.Username) > 0 ||
- (len(config.CertFile) > 0 || len(config.CertData) > 0) ||
- len(config.BearerToken) > 0 ||
- config.AuthProvider != nil
-// Namespace implements ClientConfig
-func (config *DirectClientConfig) Namespace() (string, bool, error) {
- if err := config.ConfirmUsable(); err != nil {
- return "", false, err
- }
- configContext := config.getContext()
- if len(configContext.Namespace) == 0 {
- return api.NamespaceDefault, false, nil
- }
- overridden := false
- if config.overrides != nil && config.overrides.Context.Namespace != "" {
- overridden = true
- }
- return configContext.Namespace, overridden, nil
-// ConfigAccess implements ClientConfig
-func (config *DirectClientConfig) ConfigAccess() ConfigAccess {
- return config.configAccess
-// ConfirmUsable looks a particular context and determines if that particular part of the config is useable. There might still be errors in the config,
-// but no errors in the sections requested or referenced. It does not return early so that it can find as many errors as possible.
-func (config *DirectClientConfig) ConfirmUsable() error {
- validationErrors := make([]error, 0)
- validationErrors = append(validationErrors, validateAuthInfo(config.getAuthInfoName(), config.getAuthInfo())...)
- validationErrors = append(validationErrors, validateClusterInfo(config.getClusterName(), config.getCluster())...)
- // when direct client config is specified, and our only error is that no server is defined, we should
- // return a standard "no config" error
- if len(validationErrors) == 1 && validationErrors[0] == ErrEmptyCluster {
- return newErrConfigurationInvalid([]error{ErrEmptyConfig})
- }
- return newErrConfigurationInvalid(validationErrors)
-func (config *DirectClientConfig) getContextName() string {
- if len(config.overrides.CurrentContext) != 0 {
- return config.overrides.CurrentContext
- }
- if len(config.contextName) != 0 {
- return config.contextName
- }
- return config.config.CurrentContext
-func (config *DirectClientConfig) getAuthInfoName() string {
- if len(config.overrides.Context.AuthInfo) != 0 {
- return config.overrides.Context.AuthInfo
- }
- return config.getContext().AuthInfo
-func (config *DirectClientConfig) getClusterName() string {
- if len(config.overrides.Context.Cluster) != 0 {
- return config.overrides.Context.Cluster
- }
- return config.getContext().Cluster
-func (config *DirectClientConfig) getContext() clientcmdapi.Context {
- contexts := config.config.Contexts
- contextName := config.getContextName()
- var mergedContext clientcmdapi.Context
- if configContext, exists := contexts[contextName]; exists {
- mergo.Merge(&mergedContext, configContext)
- }
- mergo.Merge(&mergedContext, config.overrides.Context)
- return mergedContext
-func (config *DirectClientConfig) getAuthInfo() clientcmdapi.AuthInfo {
- authInfos := config.config.AuthInfos
- authInfoName := config.getAuthInfoName()
- var mergedAuthInfo clientcmdapi.AuthInfo
- if configAuthInfo, exists := authInfos[authInfoName]; exists {
- mergo.Merge(&mergedAuthInfo, configAuthInfo)
- }
- mergo.Merge(&mergedAuthInfo, config.overrides.AuthInfo)
- return mergedAuthInfo
-func (config *DirectClientConfig) getCluster() clientcmdapi.Cluster {
- clusterInfos := config.config.Clusters
- clusterInfoName := config.getClusterName()
- var mergedClusterInfo clientcmdapi.Cluster
- mergo.Merge(&mergedClusterInfo, DefaultCluster)
- mergo.Merge(&mergedClusterInfo, EnvVarCluster)
- if configClusterInfo, exists := clusterInfos[clusterInfoName]; exists {
- mergo.Merge(&mergedClusterInfo, configClusterInfo)
- }
- mergo.Merge(&mergedClusterInfo, config.overrides.ClusterInfo)
- // An override of --insecure-skip-tls-verify=true and no accompanying CA/CA data should clear already-set CA/CA data
- // otherwise, a kubeconfig containing a CA reference would return an error that "CA and insecure-skip-tls-verify couldn't both be set"
- caLen := len(config.overrides.ClusterInfo.CertificateAuthority)
- caDataLen := len(config.overrides.ClusterInfo.CertificateAuthorityData)
- if config.overrides.ClusterInfo.InsecureSkipTLSVerify && caLen == 0 && caDataLen == 0 {
- mergedClusterInfo.CertificateAuthority = ""
- mergedClusterInfo.CertificateAuthorityData = nil
- }
- return mergedClusterInfo
-// inClusterClientConfig makes a config that will work from within a kubernetes cluster container environment.
-type inClusterClientConfig struct{}
-func (inClusterClientConfig) RawConfig() (clientcmdapi.Config, error) {
- return clientcmdapi.Config{}, fmt.Errorf("inCluster environment config doesn't support multiple clusters")
-func (inClusterClientConfig) ClientConfig() (*restclient.Config, error) {
- return restclient.InClusterConfig()
-func (inClusterClientConfig) Namespace() (string, error) {
- // This way assumes you've set the POD_NAMESPACE environment variable using the downward API.
- // This check has to be done first for backwards compatibility with the way InClusterConfig was originally set up
- if ns := os.Getenv("POD_NAMESPACE"); ns != "" {
- return ns, nil
- }
- // Fall back to the namespace associated with the service account token, if available
- if data, err := ioutil.ReadFile("/var/run/secrets/kubernetes.io/serviceaccount/namespace"); err == nil {
- if ns := strings.TrimSpace(string(data)); len(ns) > 0 {
- return ns, nil
- }
- }
- return "default", nil
-func (inClusterClientConfig) ConfigAccess() ConfigAccess {
- return NewDefaultClientConfigLoadingRules()
-// Possible returns true if loading an inside-kubernetes-cluster is possible.
-func (inClusterClientConfig) Possible() bool {
- fi, err := os.Stat("/var/run/secrets/kubernetes.io/serviceaccount/token")
- return os.Getenv("KUBERNETES_SERVICE_HOST") != "" &&
- os.Getenv("KUBERNETES_SERVICE_PORT") != "" &&
- err == nil && !fi.IsDir()
-// BuildConfigFromFlags is a helper function that builds configs from a master
-// url or a kubeconfig filepath. These are passed in as command line flags for cluster
-// components. Warnings should reflect this usage. If neither masterUrl or kubeconfigPath
-// are passed in we fallback to inClusterConfig. If inClusterConfig fails, we fallback
-// to the default config.
-func BuildConfigFromFlags(masterUrl, kubeconfigPath string) (*restclient.Config, error) {
- if kubeconfigPath == "" && masterUrl == "" {
- glog.Warningf("Neither --kubeconfig nor --master was specified. Using the inClusterConfig. This might not work.")
- kubeconfig, err := restclient.InClusterConfig()
- if err == nil {
- return kubeconfig, nil
- }
- glog.Warning("error creating inClusterConfig, falling back to default config: ", err)
- }
- return NewNonInteractiveDeferredLoadingClientConfig(
- &ClientConfigLoadingRules{ExplicitPath: kubeconfigPath},
- &ConfigOverrides{ClusterInfo: clientcmdapi.Cluster{Server: masterUrl}}).ClientConfig()
-// BuildConfigFromKubeconfigGetter is a helper function that builds configs from a master
-// url and a kubeconfigGetter.
-func BuildConfigFromKubeconfigGetter(masterUrl string, kubeconfigGetter KubeconfigGetter) (*restclient.Config, error) {
- // TODO: We do not need a DeferredLoader here. Refactor code and see if we can use DirectClientConfig here.
- cc := NewNonInteractiveDeferredLoadingClientConfig(
- &ClientConfigGetter{kubeconfigGetter: kubeconfigGetter},
- &ConfigOverrides{ClusterInfo: clientcmdapi.Cluster{Server: masterUrl}})
- return cc.ClientConfig()
diff --git a/kube2msb/src/vendor/k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/unversioned/clientcmd/config.go b/kube2msb/src/vendor/k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/unversioned/clientcmd/config.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 9df69a7..0000000
--- a/kube2msb/src/vendor/k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/unversioned/clientcmd/config.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,472 +0,0 @@
-Copyright 2014 The Kubernetes Authors.
-Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-You may obtain a copy of the License at
- http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-limitations under the License.
-package clientcmd
-import (
- "errors"
- "os"
- "path"
- "path/filepath"
- "reflect"
- "sort"
- "github.com/golang/glog"
- "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/restclient"
- clientcmdapi "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/unversioned/clientcmd/api"
-// ConfigAccess is used by subcommands and methods in this package to load and modify the appropriate config files
-type ConfigAccess interface {
- // GetLoadingPrecedence returns the slice of files that should be used for loading and inspecting the config
- GetLoadingPrecedence() []string
- // GetStartingConfig returns the config that subcommands should being operating against. It may or may not be merged depending on loading rules
- GetStartingConfig() (*clientcmdapi.Config, error)
- // GetDefaultFilename returns the name of the file you should write into (create if necessary), if you're trying to create a new stanza as opposed to updating an existing one.
- GetDefaultFilename() string
- // IsExplicitFile indicates whether or not this command is interested in exactly one file. This implementation only ever does that via a flag, but implementations that handle local, global, and flags may have more
- IsExplicitFile() bool
- // GetExplicitFile returns the particular file this command is operating against. This implementation only ever has one, but implementations that handle local, global, and flags may have more
- GetExplicitFile() string
-type PathOptions struct {
- // GlobalFile is the full path to the file to load as the global (final) option
- GlobalFile string
- // EnvVar is the env var name that points to the list of kubeconfig files to load
- EnvVar string
- // ExplicitFileFlag is the name of the flag to use for prompting for the kubeconfig file
- ExplicitFileFlag string
- // GlobalFileSubpath is an optional value used for displaying help
- GlobalFileSubpath string
- LoadingRules *ClientConfigLoadingRules
-func (o *PathOptions) GetEnvVarFiles() []string {
- if len(o.EnvVar) == 0 {
- return []string{}
- }
- envVarValue := os.Getenv(o.EnvVar)
- if len(envVarValue) == 0 {
- return []string{}
- }
- return filepath.SplitList(envVarValue)
-func (o *PathOptions) GetLoadingPrecedence() []string {
- if envVarFiles := o.GetEnvVarFiles(); len(envVarFiles) > 0 {
- return envVarFiles
- }
- return []string{o.GlobalFile}
-func (o *PathOptions) GetStartingConfig() (*clientcmdapi.Config, error) {
- // don't mutate the original
- loadingRules := *o.LoadingRules
- loadingRules.Precedence = o.GetLoadingPrecedence()
- clientConfig := NewNonInteractiveDeferredLoadingClientConfig(&loadingRules, &ConfigOverrides{})
- rawConfig, err := clientConfig.RawConfig()
- if os.IsNotExist(err) {
- return clientcmdapi.NewConfig(), nil
- }
- if err != nil {
- return nil, err
- }
- return &rawConfig, nil
-func (o *PathOptions) GetDefaultFilename() string {
- if o.IsExplicitFile() {
- return o.GetExplicitFile()
- }
- if envVarFiles := o.GetEnvVarFiles(); len(envVarFiles) > 0 {
- if len(envVarFiles) == 1 {
- return envVarFiles[0]
- }
- // if any of the envvar files already exists, return it
- for _, envVarFile := range envVarFiles {
- if _, err := os.Stat(envVarFile); err == nil {
- return envVarFile
- }
- }
- // otherwise, return the last one in the list
- return envVarFiles[len(envVarFiles)-1]
- }
- return o.GlobalFile
-func (o *PathOptions) IsExplicitFile() bool {
- if len(o.LoadingRules.ExplicitPath) > 0 {
- return true
- }
- return false
-func (o *PathOptions) GetExplicitFile() string {
- return o.LoadingRules.ExplicitPath
-func NewDefaultPathOptions() *PathOptions {
- ret := &PathOptions{
- GlobalFile: RecommendedHomeFile,
- EnvVar: RecommendedConfigPathEnvVar,
- ExplicitFileFlag: RecommendedConfigPathFlag,
- GlobalFileSubpath: path.Join(RecommendedHomeDir, RecommendedFileName),
- LoadingRules: NewDefaultClientConfigLoadingRules(),
- }
- ret.LoadingRules.DoNotResolvePaths = true
- return ret
-// ModifyConfig takes a Config object, iterates through Clusters, AuthInfos, and Contexts, uses the LocationOfOrigin if specified or
-// uses the default destination file to write the results into. This results in multiple file reads, but it's very easy to follow.
-// Preferences and CurrentContext should always be set in the default destination file. Since we can't distinguish between empty and missing values
-// (no nil strings), we're forced have separate handling for them. In the kubeconfig cases, newConfig should have at most one difference,
-// that means that this code will only write into a single file. If you want to relativizePaths, you must provide a fully qualified path in any
-// modified element.
-func ModifyConfig(configAccess ConfigAccess, newConfig clientcmdapi.Config, relativizePaths bool) error {
- possibleSources := configAccess.GetLoadingPrecedence()
- // sort the possible kubeconfig files so we always "lock" in the same order
- // to avoid deadlock (note: this can fail w/ symlinks, but... come on).
- sort.Strings(possibleSources)
- for _, filename := range possibleSources {
- if err := lockFile(filename); err != nil {
- return err
- }
- defer unlockFile(filename)
- }
- startingConfig, err := configAccess.GetStartingConfig()
- if err != nil {
- return err
- }
- // We need to find all differences, locate their original files, read a partial config to modify only that stanza and write out the file.
- // Special case the test for current context and preferences since those always write to the default file.
- if reflect.DeepEqual(*startingConfig, newConfig) {
- // nothing to do
- return nil
- }
- if startingConfig.CurrentContext != newConfig.CurrentContext {
- if err := writeCurrentContext(configAccess, newConfig.CurrentContext); err != nil {
- return err
- }
- }
- if !reflect.DeepEqual(startingConfig.Preferences, newConfig.Preferences) {
- if err := writePreferences(configAccess, newConfig.Preferences); err != nil {
- return err
- }
- }
- // Search every cluster, authInfo, and context. First from new to old for differences, then from old to new for deletions
- for key, cluster := range newConfig.Clusters {
- startingCluster, exists := startingConfig.Clusters[key]
- if !reflect.DeepEqual(cluster, startingCluster) || !exists {
- destinationFile := cluster.LocationOfOrigin
- if len(destinationFile) == 0 {
- destinationFile = configAccess.GetDefaultFilename()
- }
- configToWrite, err := getConfigFromFile(destinationFile)
- if err != nil {
- return err
- }
- t := *cluster
- configToWrite.Clusters[key] = &t
- configToWrite.Clusters[key].LocationOfOrigin = destinationFile
- if relativizePaths {
- if err := RelativizeClusterLocalPaths(configToWrite.Clusters[key]); err != nil {
- return err
- }
- }
- if err := WriteToFile(*configToWrite, destinationFile); err != nil {
- return err
- }
- }
- }
- for key, context := range newConfig.Contexts {
- startingContext, exists := startingConfig.Contexts[key]
- if !reflect.DeepEqual(context, startingContext) || !exists {
- destinationFile := context.LocationOfOrigin
- if len(destinationFile) == 0 {
- destinationFile = configAccess.GetDefaultFilename()
- }
- configToWrite, err := getConfigFromFile(destinationFile)
- if err != nil {
- return err
- }
- configToWrite.Contexts[key] = context
- if err := WriteToFile(*configToWrite, destinationFile); err != nil {
- return err
- }
- }
- }
- for key, authInfo := range newConfig.AuthInfos {
- startingAuthInfo, exists := startingConfig.AuthInfos[key]
- if !reflect.DeepEqual(authInfo, startingAuthInfo) || !exists {
- destinationFile := authInfo.LocationOfOrigin
- if len(destinationFile) == 0 {
- destinationFile = configAccess.GetDefaultFilename()
- }
- configToWrite, err := getConfigFromFile(destinationFile)
- if err != nil {
- return err
- }
- t := *authInfo
- configToWrite.AuthInfos[key] = &t
- configToWrite.AuthInfos[key].LocationOfOrigin = destinationFile
- if relativizePaths {
- if err := RelativizeAuthInfoLocalPaths(configToWrite.AuthInfos[key]); err != nil {
- return err
- }
- }
- if err := WriteToFile(*configToWrite, destinationFile); err != nil {
- return err
- }
- }
- }
- for key, cluster := range startingConfig.Clusters {
- if _, exists := newConfig.Clusters[key]; !exists {
- destinationFile := cluster.LocationOfOrigin
- if len(destinationFile) == 0 {
- destinationFile = configAccess.GetDefaultFilename()
- }
- configToWrite, err := getConfigFromFile(destinationFile)
- if err != nil {
- return err
- }
- delete(configToWrite.Clusters, key)
- if err := WriteToFile(*configToWrite, destinationFile); err != nil {
- return err
- }
- }
- }
- for key, context := range startingConfig.Contexts {
- if _, exists := newConfig.Contexts[key]; !exists {
- destinationFile := context.LocationOfOrigin
- if len(destinationFile) == 0 {
- destinationFile = configAccess.GetDefaultFilename()
- }
- configToWrite, err := getConfigFromFile(destinationFile)
- if err != nil {
- return err
- }
- delete(configToWrite.Contexts, key)
- if err := WriteToFile(*configToWrite, destinationFile); err != nil {
- return err
- }
- }
- }
- for key, authInfo := range startingConfig.AuthInfos {
- if _, exists := newConfig.AuthInfos[key]; !exists {
- destinationFile := authInfo.LocationOfOrigin
- if len(destinationFile) == 0 {
- destinationFile = configAccess.GetDefaultFilename()
- }
- configToWrite, err := getConfigFromFile(destinationFile)
- if err != nil {
- return err
- }
- delete(configToWrite.AuthInfos, key)
- if err := WriteToFile(*configToWrite, destinationFile); err != nil {
- return err
- }
- }
- }
- return nil
-func PersisterForUser(configAccess ConfigAccess, user string) restclient.AuthProviderConfigPersister {
- return &persister{configAccess, user}
-type persister struct {
- configAccess ConfigAccess
- user string
-func (p *persister) Persist(config map[string]string) error {
- newConfig, err := p.configAccess.GetStartingConfig()
- if err != nil {
- return err
- }
- authInfo, ok := newConfig.AuthInfos[p.user]
- if ok && authInfo.AuthProvider != nil {
- authInfo.AuthProvider.Config = config
- ModifyConfig(p.configAccess, *newConfig, false)
- }
- return nil
-// writeCurrentContext takes three possible paths.
-// If newCurrentContext is the same as the startingConfig's current context, then we exit.
-// If newCurrentContext has a value, then that value is written into the default destination file.
-// If newCurrentContext is empty, then we find the config file that is setting the CurrentContext and clear the value from that file
-func writeCurrentContext(configAccess ConfigAccess, newCurrentContext string) error {
- if startingConfig, err := configAccess.GetStartingConfig(); err != nil {
- return err
- } else if startingConfig.CurrentContext == newCurrentContext {
- return nil
- }
- if configAccess.IsExplicitFile() {
- file := configAccess.GetExplicitFile()
- currConfig, err := getConfigFromFile(file)
- if err != nil {
- return err
- }
- currConfig.CurrentContext = newCurrentContext
- if err := WriteToFile(*currConfig, file); err != nil {
- return err
- }
- return nil
- }
- if len(newCurrentContext) > 0 {
- destinationFile := configAccess.GetDefaultFilename()
- config, err := getConfigFromFile(destinationFile)
- if err != nil {
- return err
- }
- config.CurrentContext = newCurrentContext
- if err := WriteToFile(*config, destinationFile); err != nil {
- return err
- }
- return nil
- }
- // we're supposed to be clearing the current context. We need to find the first spot in the chain that is setting it and clear it
- for _, file := range configAccess.GetLoadingPrecedence() {
- if _, err := os.Stat(file); err == nil {
- currConfig, err := getConfigFromFile(file)
- if err != nil {
- return err
- }
- if len(currConfig.CurrentContext) > 0 {
- currConfig.CurrentContext = newCurrentContext
- if err := WriteToFile(*currConfig, file); err != nil {
- return err
- }
- return nil
- }
- }
- }
- return errors.New("no config found to write context")
-func writePreferences(configAccess ConfigAccess, newPrefs clientcmdapi.Preferences) error {
- if startingConfig, err := configAccess.GetStartingConfig(); err != nil {
- return err
- } else if reflect.DeepEqual(startingConfig.Preferences, newPrefs) {
- return nil
- }
- if configAccess.IsExplicitFile() {
- file := configAccess.GetExplicitFile()
- currConfig, err := getConfigFromFile(file)
- if err != nil {
- return err
- }
- currConfig.Preferences = newPrefs
- if err := WriteToFile(*currConfig, file); err != nil {
- return err
- }
- return nil
- }
- for _, file := range configAccess.GetLoadingPrecedence() {
- currConfig, err := getConfigFromFile(file)
- if err != nil {
- return err
- }
- if !reflect.DeepEqual(currConfig.Preferences, newPrefs) {
- currConfig.Preferences = newPrefs
- if err := WriteToFile(*currConfig, file); err != nil {
- return err
- }
- return nil
- }
- }
- return errors.New("no config found to write preferences")
-// getConfigFromFile tries to read a kubeconfig file and if it can't, returns an error. One exception, missing files result in empty configs, not an error.
-func getConfigFromFile(filename string) (*clientcmdapi.Config, error) {
- config, err := LoadFromFile(filename)
- if err != nil && !os.IsNotExist(err) {
- return nil, err
- }
- if config == nil {
- config = clientcmdapi.NewConfig()
- }
- return config, nil
-// GetConfigFromFileOrDie tries to read a kubeconfig file and if it can't, it calls exit. One exception, missing files result in empty configs, not an exit
-func GetConfigFromFileOrDie(filename string) *clientcmdapi.Config {
- config, err := getConfigFromFile(filename)
- if err != nil {
- glog.FatalDepth(1, err)
- }
- return config
diff --git a/kube2msb/src/vendor/k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/unversioned/clientcmd/doc.go b/kube2msb/src/vendor/k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/unversioned/clientcmd/doc.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 30ef6f3..0000000
--- a/kube2msb/src/vendor/k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/unversioned/clientcmd/doc.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
-Copyright 2014 The Kubernetes Authors.
-Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-You may obtain a copy of the License at
- http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-limitations under the License.
-Package clientcmd provides one stop shopping for building a working client from a fixed config,
-from a .kubeconfig file, from command line flags, or from any merged combination.
-Sample usage from merged .kubeconfig files (local directory, home directory)
- loadingRules := clientcmd.NewDefaultClientConfigLoadingRules()
- // if you want to change the loading rules (which files in which order), you can do so here
- configOverrides := &clientcmd.ConfigOverrides{}
- // if you want to change override values or bind them to flags, there are methods to help you
- kubeConfig := clientcmd.NewNonInteractiveDeferredLoadingClientConfig(loadingRules, configOverrides)
- config, err := kubeConfig.ClientConfig()
- if err != nil {
- // Do something
- }
- client, err := unversioned.New(config)
- // ...
-package clientcmd
diff --git a/kube2msb/src/vendor/k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/unversioned/clientcmd/loader.go b/kube2msb/src/vendor/k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/unversioned/clientcmd/loader.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 1009406..0000000
--- a/kube2msb/src/vendor/k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/unversioned/clientcmd/loader.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,585 +0,0 @@
-Copyright 2014 The Kubernetes Authors.
-Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-You may obtain a copy of the License at
- http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-limitations under the License.
-package clientcmd
-import (
- "fmt"
- "io"
- "io/ioutil"
- "os"
- "path"
- "path/filepath"
- goruntime "runtime"
- "strings"
- "github.com/golang/glog"
- "github.com/imdario/mergo"
- "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/api/unversioned"
- clientcmdapi "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/unversioned/clientcmd/api"
- clientcmdlatest "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/unversioned/clientcmd/api/latest"
- "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/runtime"
- utilerrors "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/util/errors"
- "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/util/homedir"
-const (
- RecommendedConfigPathFlag = "kubeconfig"
- RecommendedConfigPathEnvVar = "KUBECONFIG"
- RecommendedHomeDir = ".kube"
- RecommendedFileName = "config"
- RecommendedSchemaName = "schema"
-var RecommendedHomeFile = path.Join(homedir.HomeDir(), RecommendedHomeDir, RecommendedFileName)
-var RecommendedSchemaFile = path.Join(homedir.HomeDir(), RecommendedHomeDir, RecommendedSchemaName)
-// currentMigrationRules returns a map that holds the history of recommended home directories used in previous versions.
-// Any future changes to RecommendedHomeFile and related are expected to add a migration rule here, in order to make
-// sure existing config files are migrated to their new locations properly.
-func currentMigrationRules() map[string]string {
- oldRecommendedHomeFile := path.Join(os.Getenv("HOME"), "/.kube/.kubeconfig")
- oldRecommendedWindowsHomeFile := path.Join(os.Getenv("HOME"), RecommendedHomeDir, RecommendedFileName)
- migrationRules := map[string]string{}
- migrationRules[RecommendedHomeFile] = oldRecommendedHomeFile
- if goruntime.GOOS == "windows" {
- migrationRules[RecommendedHomeFile] = oldRecommendedWindowsHomeFile
- }
- return migrationRules
-type ClientConfigLoader interface {
- ConfigAccess
- Load() (*clientcmdapi.Config, error)
-type KubeconfigGetter func() (*clientcmdapi.Config, error)
-type ClientConfigGetter struct {
- kubeconfigGetter KubeconfigGetter
-// ClientConfigGetter implements the ClientConfigLoader interface.
-var _ ClientConfigLoader = &ClientConfigGetter{}
-func (g *ClientConfigGetter) Load() (*clientcmdapi.Config, error) {
- return g.kubeconfigGetter()
-func (g *ClientConfigGetter) GetLoadingPrecedence() []string {
- return nil
-func (g *ClientConfigGetter) GetStartingConfig() (*clientcmdapi.Config, error) {
- return nil, nil
-func (g *ClientConfigGetter) GetDefaultFilename() string {
- return ""
-func (g *ClientConfigGetter) IsExplicitFile() bool {
- return false
-func (g *ClientConfigGetter) GetExplicitFile() string {
- return ""
-// ClientConfigLoadingRules is an ExplicitPath and string slice of specific locations that are used for merging together a Config
-// Callers can put the chain together however they want, but we'd recommend:
-// EnvVarPathFiles if set (a list of files if set) OR the HomeDirectoryPath
-// ExplicitPath is special, because if a user specifically requests a certain file be used and error is reported if thie file is not present
-type ClientConfigLoadingRules struct {
- ExplicitPath string
- Precedence []string
- // MigrationRules is a map of destination files to source files. If a destination file is not present, then the source file is checked.
- // If the source file is present, then it is copied to the destination file BEFORE any further loading happens.
- MigrationRules map[string]string
- // DoNotResolvePaths indicates whether or not to resolve paths with respect to the originating files. This is phrased as a negative so
- // that a default object that doesn't set this will usually get the behavior it wants.
- DoNotResolvePaths bool
-// ClientConfigLoadingRules implements the ClientConfigLoader interface.
-var _ ClientConfigLoader = &ClientConfigLoadingRules{}
-// NewDefaultClientConfigLoadingRules returns a ClientConfigLoadingRules object with default fields filled in. You are not required to
-// use this constructor
-func NewDefaultClientConfigLoadingRules() *ClientConfigLoadingRules {
- chain := []string{}
- envVarFiles := os.Getenv(RecommendedConfigPathEnvVar)
- if len(envVarFiles) != 0 {
- chain = append(chain, filepath.SplitList(envVarFiles)...)
- } else {
- chain = append(chain, RecommendedHomeFile)
- }
- return &ClientConfigLoadingRules{
- Precedence: chain,
- MigrationRules: currentMigrationRules(),
- }
-// Load starts by running the MigrationRules and then
-// takes the loading rules and returns a Config object based on following rules.
-// if the ExplicitPath, return the unmerged explicit file
-// Otherwise, return a merged config based on the Precedence slice
-// A missing ExplicitPath file produces an error. Empty filenames or other missing files are ignored.
-// Read errors or files with non-deserializable content produce errors.
-// The first file to set a particular map key wins and map key's value is never changed.
-// BUT, if you set a struct value that is NOT contained inside of map, the value WILL be changed.
-// This results in some odd looking logic to merge in one direction, merge in the other, and then merge the two.
-// It also means that if two files specify a "red-user", only values from the first file's red-user are used. Even
-// non-conflicting entries from the second file's "red-user" are discarded.
-// Relative paths inside of the .kubeconfig files are resolved against the .kubeconfig file's parent folder
-// and only absolute file paths are returned.
-func (rules *ClientConfigLoadingRules) Load() (*clientcmdapi.Config, error) {
- if err := rules.Migrate(); err != nil {
- return nil, err
- }
- errlist := []error{}
- kubeConfigFiles := []string{}
- // Make sure a file we were explicitly told to use exists
- if len(rules.ExplicitPath) > 0 {
- if _, err := os.Stat(rules.ExplicitPath); os.IsNotExist(err) {
- return nil, err
- }
- kubeConfigFiles = append(kubeConfigFiles, rules.ExplicitPath)
- } else {
- kubeConfigFiles = append(kubeConfigFiles, rules.Precedence...)
- }
- kubeconfigs := []*clientcmdapi.Config{}
- // read and cache the config files so that we only look at them once
- for _, filename := range kubeConfigFiles {
- if len(filename) == 0 {
- // no work to do
- continue
- }
- config, err := LoadFromFile(filename)
- if os.IsNotExist(err) {
- // skip missing files
- continue
- }
- if err != nil {
- errlist = append(errlist, fmt.Errorf("Error loading config file \"%s\": %v", filename, err))
- continue
- }
- kubeconfigs = append(kubeconfigs, config)
- }
- // first merge all of our maps
- mapConfig := clientcmdapi.NewConfig()
- for _, kubeconfig := range kubeconfigs {
- mergo.Merge(mapConfig, kubeconfig)
- }
- // merge all of the struct values in the reverse order so that priority is given correctly
- // errors are not added to the list the second time
- nonMapConfig := clientcmdapi.NewConfig()
- for i := len(kubeconfigs) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
- kubeconfig := kubeconfigs[i]
- mergo.Merge(nonMapConfig, kubeconfig)
- }
- // since values are overwritten, but maps values are not, we can merge the non-map config on top of the map config and
- // get the values we expect.
- config := clientcmdapi.NewConfig()
- mergo.Merge(config, mapConfig)
- mergo.Merge(config, nonMapConfig)
- if rules.ResolvePaths() {
- if err := ResolveLocalPaths(config); err != nil {
- errlist = append(errlist, err)
- }
- }
- return config, utilerrors.NewAggregate(errlist)
-// Migrate uses the MigrationRules map. If a destination file is not present, then the source file is checked.
-// If the source file is present, then it is copied to the destination file BEFORE any further loading happens.
-func (rules *ClientConfigLoadingRules) Migrate() error {
- if rules.MigrationRules == nil {
- return nil
- }
- for destination, source := range rules.MigrationRules {
- if _, err := os.Stat(destination); err == nil {
- // if the destination already exists, do nothing
- continue
- } else if os.IsPermission(err) {
- // if we can't access the file, skip it
- continue
- } else if !os.IsNotExist(err) {
- // if we had an error other than non-existence, fail
- return err
- }
- if sourceInfo, err := os.Stat(source); err != nil {
- if os.IsNotExist(err) || os.IsPermission(err) {
- // if the source file doesn't exist or we can't access it, there's no work to do.
- continue
- }
- // if we had an error other than non-existence, fail
- return err
- } else if sourceInfo.IsDir() {
- return fmt.Errorf("cannot migrate %v to %v because it is a directory", source, destination)
- }
- in, err := os.Open(source)
- if err != nil {
- return err
- }
- defer in.Close()
- out, err := os.Create(destination)
- if err != nil {
- return err
- }
- defer out.Close()
- if _, err = io.Copy(out, in); err != nil {
- return err
- }
- }
- return nil
-// GetLoadingPrecedence implements ConfigAccess
-func (rules *ClientConfigLoadingRules) GetLoadingPrecedence() []string {
- return rules.Precedence
-// GetStartingConfig implements ConfigAccess
-func (rules *ClientConfigLoadingRules) GetStartingConfig() (*clientcmdapi.Config, error) {
- clientConfig := NewNonInteractiveDeferredLoadingClientConfig(rules, &ConfigOverrides{})
- rawConfig, err := clientConfig.RawConfig()
- if os.IsNotExist(err) {
- return clientcmdapi.NewConfig(), nil
- }
- if err != nil {
- return nil, err
- }
- return &rawConfig, nil
-// GetDefaultFilename implements ConfigAccess
-func (rules *ClientConfigLoadingRules) GetDefaultFilename() string {
- // Explicit file if we have one.
- if rules.IsExplicitFile() {
- return rules.GetExplicitFile()
- }
- // Otherwise, first existing file from precedence.
- for _, filename := range rules.GetLoadingPrecedence() {
- if _, err := os.Stat(filename); err == nil {
- return filename
- }
- }
- // If none exists, use the first from precedence.
- if len(rules.Precedence) > 0 {
- return rules.Precedence[0]
- }
- return ""
-// IsExplicitFile implements ConfigAccess
-func (rules *ClientConfigLoadingRules) IsExplicitFile() bool {
- return len(rules.ExplicitPath) > 0
-// GetExplicitFile implements ConfigAccess
-func (rules *ClientConfigLoadingRules) GetExplicitFile() string {
- return rules.ExplicitPath
-// LoadFromFile takes a filename and deserializes the contents into Config object
-func LoadFromFile(filename string) (*clientcmdapi.Config, error) {
- kubeconfigBytes, err := ioutil.ReadFile(filename)
- if err != nil {
- return nil, err
- }
- config, err := Load(kubeconfigBytes)
- if err != nil {
- return nil, err
- }
- glog.V(6).Infoln("Config loaded from file", filename)
- // set LocationOfOrigin on every Cluster, User, and Context
- for key, obj := range config.AuthInfos {
- obj.LocationOfOrigin = filename
- config.AuthInfos[key] = obj
- }
- for key, obj := range config.Clusters {
- obj.LocationOfOrigin = filename
- config.Clusters[key] = obj
- }
- for key, obj := range config.Contexts {
- obj.LocationOfOrigin = filename
- config.Contexts[key] = obj
- }
- if config.AuthInfos == nil {
- config.AuthInfos = map[string]*clientcmdapi.AuthInfo{}
- }
- if config.Clusters == nil {
- config.Clusters = map[string]*clientcmdapi.Cluster{}
- }
- if config.Contexts == nil {
- config.Contexts = map[string]*clientcmdapi.Context{}
- }
- return config, nil
-// Load takes a byte slice and deserializes the contents into Config object.
-// Encapsulates deserialization without assuming the source is a file.
-func Load(data []byte) (*clientcmdapi.Config, error) {
- config := clientcmdapi.NewConfig()
- // if there's no data in a file, return the default object instead of failing (DecodeInto reject empty input)
- if len(data) == 0 {
- return config, nil
- }
- decoded, _, err := clientcmdlatest.Codec.Decode(data, &unversioned.GroupVersionKind{Version: clientcmdlatest.Version, Kind: "Config"}, config)
- if err != nil {
- return nil, err
- }
- return decoded.(*clientcmdapi.Config), nil
-// WriteToFile serializes the config to yaml and writes it out to a file. If not present, it creates the file with the mode 0600. If it is present
-// it stomps the contents
-func WriteToFile(config clientcmdapi.Config, filename string) error {
- content, err := Write(config)
- if err != nil {
- return err
- }
- dir := filepath.Dir(filename)
- if _, err := os.Stat(dir); os.IsNotExist(err) {
- if err = os.MkdirAll(dir, 0755); err != nil {
- return err
- }
- }
- if err := ioutil.WriteFile(filename, content, 0600); err != nil {
- return err
- }
- return nil
-func lockFile(filename string) error {
- // TODO: find a way to do this with actual file locks. Will
- // probably need seperate solution for windows and linux.
- // Make sure the dir exists before we try to create a lock file.
- dir := filepath.Dir(filename)
- if _, err := os.Stat(dir); os.IsNotExist(err) {
- if err = os.MkdirAll(dir, 0755); err != nil {
- return err
- }
- }
- f, err := os.OpenFile(lockName(filename), os.O_CREATE|os.O_EXCL, 0)
- if err != nil {
- return err
- }
- f.Close()
- return nil
-func unlockFile(filename string) error {
- return os.Remove(lockName(filename))
-func lockName(filename string) string {
- return filename + ".lock"
-// Write serializes the config to yaml.
-// Encapsulates serialization without assuming the destination is a file.
-func Write(config clientcmdapi.Config) ([]byte, error) {
- return runtime.Encode(clientcmdlatest.Codec, &config)
-func (rules ClientConfigLoadingRules) ResolvePaths() bool {
- return !rules.DoNotResolvePaths
-// ResolveLocalPaths resolves all relative paths in the config object with respect to the stanza's LocationOfOrigin
-// this cannot be done directly inside of LoadFromFile because doing so there would make it impossible to load a file without
-// modification of its contents.
-func ResolveLocalPaths(config *clientcmdapi.Config) error {
- for _, cluster := range config.Clusters {
- if len(cluster.LocationOfOrigin) == 0 {
- continue
- }
- base, err := filepath.Abs(filepath.Dir(cluster.LocationOfOrigin))
- if err != nil {
- return fmt.Errorf("Could not determine the absolute path of config file %s: %v", cluster.LocationOfOrigin, err)
- }
- if err := ResolvePaths(GetClusterFileReferences(cluster), base); err != nil {
- return err
- }
- }
- for _, authInfo := range config.AuthInfos {
- if len(authInfo.LocationOfOrigin) == 0 {
- continue
- }
- base, err := filepath.Abs(filepath.Dir(authInfo.LocationOfOrigin))
- if err != nil {
- return fmt.Errorf("Could not determine the absolute path of config file %s: %v", authInfo.LocationOfOrigin, err)
- }
- if err := ResolvePaths(GetAuthInfoFileReferences(authInfo), base); err != nil {
- return err
- }
- }
- return nil
-// RelativizeClusterLocalPaths first absolutizes the paths by calling ResolveLocalPaths. This assumes that any NEW path is already
-// absolute, but any existing path will be resolved relative to LocationOfOrigin
-func RelativizeClusterLocalPaths(cluster *clientcmdapi.Cluster) error {
- if len(cluster.LocationOfOrigin) == 0 {
- return fmt.Errorf("no location of origin for %s", cluster.Server)
- }
- base, err := filepath.Abs(filepath.Dir(cluster.LocationOfOrigin))
- if err != nil {
- return fmt.Errorf("could not determine the absolute path of config file %s: %v", cluster.LocationOfOrigin, err)
- }
- if err := ResolvePaths(GetClusterFileReferences(cluster), base); err != nil {
- return err
- }
- if err := RelativizePathWithNoBacksteps(GetClusterFileReferences(cluster), base); err != nil {
- return err
- }
- return nil
-// RelativizeAuthInfoLocalPaths first absolutizes the paths by calling ResolveLocalPaths. This assumes that any NEW path is already
-// absolute, but any existing path will be resolved relative to LocationOfOrigin
-func RelativizeAuthInfoLocalPaths(authInfo *clientcmdapi.AuthInfo) error {
- if len(authInfo.LocationOfOrigin) == 0 {
- return fmt.Errorf("no location of origin for %v", authInfo)
- }
- base, err := filepath.Abs(filepath.Dir(authInfo.LocationOfOrigin))
- if err != nil {
- return fmt.Errorf("could not determine the absolute path of config file %s: %v", authInfo.LocationOfOrigin, err)
- }
- if err := ResolvePaths(GetAuthInfoFileReferences(authInfo), base); err != nil {
- return err
- }
- if err := RelativizePathWithNoBacksteps(GetAuthInfoFileReferences(authInfo), base); err != nil {
- return err
- }
- return nil
-func RelativizeConfigPaths(config *clientcmdapi.Config, base string) error {
- return RelativizePathWithNoBacksteps(GetConfigFileReferences(config), base)
-func ResolveConfigPaths(config *clientcmdapi.Config, base string) error {
- return ResolvePaths(GetConfigFileReferences(config), base)
-func GetConfigFileReferences(config *clientcmdapi.Config) []*string {
- refs := []*string{}
- for _, cluster := range config.Clusters {
- refs = append(refs, GetClusterFileReferences(cluster)...)
- }
- for _, authInfo := range config.AuthInfos {
- refs = append(refs, GetAuthInfoFileReferences(authInfo)...)
- }
- return refs
-func GetClusterFileReferences(cluster *clientcmdapi.Cluster) []*string {
- return []*string{&cluster.CertificateAuthority}
-func GetAuthInfoFileReferences(authInfo *clientcmdapi.AuthInfo) []*string {
- return []*string{&authInfo.ClientCertificate, &authInfo.ClientKey}
-// ResolvePaths updates the given refs to be absolute paths, relative to the given base directory
-func ResolvePaths(refs []*string, base string) error {
- for _, ref := range refs {
- // Don't resolve empty paths
- if len(*ref) > 0 {
- // Don't resolve absolute paths
- if !filepath.IsAbs(*ref) {
- *ref = filepath.Join(base, *ref)
- }
- }
- }
- return nil
-// RelativizePathWithNoBacksteps updates the given refs to be relative paths, relative to the given base directory as long as they do not require backsteps.
-// Any path requiring a backstep is left as-is as long it is absolute. Any non-absolute path that can't be relativized produces an error
-func RelativizePathWithNoBacksteps(refs []*string, base string) error {
- for _, ref := range refs {
- // Don't relativize empty paths
- if len(*ref) > 0 {
- rel, err := MakeRelative(*ref, base)
- if err != nil {
- return err
- }
- // if we have a backstep, don't mess with the path
- if strings.HasPrefix(rel, "../") {
- if filepath.IsAbs(*ref) {
- continue
- }
- return fmt.Errorf("%v requires backsteps and is not absolute", *ref)
- }
- *ref = rel
- }
- }
- return nil
-func MakeRelative(path, base string) (string, error) {
- if len(path) > 0 {
- rel, err := filepath.Rel(base, path)
- if err != nil {
- return path, err
- }
- return rel, nil
- }
- return path, nil
diff --git a/kube2msb/src/vendor/k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/unversioned/clientcmd/merged_client_builder.go b/kube2msb/src/vendor/k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/unversioned/clientcmd/merged_client_builder.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 0180469..0000000
--- a/kube2msb/src/vendor/k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/unversioned/clientcmd/merged_client_builder.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,122 +0,0 @@
-Copyright 2014 The Kubernetes Authors.
-Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-You may obtain a copy of the License at
- http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-limitations under the License.
-package clientcmd
-import (
- "io"
- "reflect"
- "sync"
- "github.com/golang/glog"
- "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/restclient"
- clientcmdapi "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/unversioned/clientcmd/api"
-// DeferredLoadingClientConfig is a ClientConfig interface that is backed by a client config loader.
-// It is used in cases where the loading rules may change after you've instantiated them and you want to be sure that
-// the most recent rules are used. This is useful in cases where you bind flags to loading rule parameters before
-// the parse happens and you want your calling code to be ignorant of how the values are being mutated to avoid
-// passing extraneous information down a call stack
-type DeferredLoadingClientConfig struct {
- loader ClientConfigLoader
- overrides *ConfigOverrides
- fallbackReader io.Reader
- clientConfig ClientConfig
- loadingLock sync.Mutex
-// NewNonInteractiveDeferredLoadingClientConfig creates a ConfigClientClientConfig using the passed context name
-func NewNonInteractiveDeferredLoadingClientConfig(loader ClientConfigLoader, overrides *ConfigOverrides) ClientConfig {
- return &DeferredLoadingClientConfig{loader: loader, overrides: overrides}
-// NewInteractiveDeferredLoadingClientConfig creates a ConfigClientClientConfig using the passed context name and the fallback auth reader
-func NewInteractiveDeferredLoadingClientConfig(loader ClientConfigLoader, overrides *ConfigOverrides, fallbackReader io.Reader) ClientConfig {
- return &DeferredLoadingClientConfig{loader: loader, overrides: overrides, fallbackReader: fallbackReader}
-func (config *DeferredLoadingClientConfig) createClientConfig() (ClientConfig, error) {
- if config.clientConfig == nil {
- config.loadingLock.Lock()
- defer config.loadingLock.Unlock()
- if config.clientConfig == nil {
- mergedConfig, err := config.loader.Load()
- if err != nil {
- return nil, err
- }
- var mergedClientConfig ClientConfig
- if config.fallbackReader != nil {
- mergedClientConfig = NewInteractiveClientConfig(*mergedConfig, config.overrides.CurrentContext, config.overrides, config.fallbackReader, config.loader)
- } else {
- mergedClientConfig = NewNonInteractiveClientConfig(*mergedConfig, config.overrides.CurrentContext, config.overrides, config.loader)
- }
- config.clientConfig = mergedClientConfig
- }
- }
- return config.clientConfig, nil
-func (config *DeferredLoadingClientConfig) RawConfig() (clientcmdapi.Config, error) {
- mergedConfig, err := config.createClientConfig()
- if err != nil {
- return clientcmdapi.Config{}, err
- }
- return mergedConfig.RawConfig()
-// ClientConfig implements ClientConfig
-func (config *DeferredLoadingClientConfig) ClientConfig() (*restclient.Config, error) {
- mergedClientConfig, err := config.createClientConfig()
- if err != nil {
- return nil, err
- }
- mergedConfig, err := mergedClientConfig.ClientConfig()
- if err != nil {
- return nil, err
- }
- // Are we running in a cluster and were no other configs found? If so, use the in-cluster-config.
- icc := inClusterClientConfig{}
- defaultConfig, err := DefaultClientConfig.ClientConfig()
- if icc.Possible() && err == nil && reflect.DeepEqual(mergedConfig, defaultConfig) {
- glog.V(2).Info("No kubeconfig could be created, falling back to service account.")
- return icc.ClientConfig()
- }
- return mergedConfig, nil
-// Namespace implements KubeConfig
-func (config *DeferredLoadingClientConfig) Namespace() (string, bool, error) {
- mergedKubeConfig, err := config.createClientConfig()
- if err != nil {
- return "", false, err
- }
- return mergedKubeConfig.Namespace()
-// ConfigAccess implements ClientConfig
-func (config *DeferredLoadingClientConfig) ConfigAccess() ConfigAccess {
- return config.loader
diff --git a/kube2msb/src/vendor/k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/unversioned/clientcmd/overrides.go b/kube2msb/src/vendor/k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/unversioned/clientcmd/overrides.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 40a35e6..0000000
--- a/kube2msb/src/vendor/k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/unversioned/clientcmd/overrides.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,198 +0,0 @@
-Copyright 2014 The Kubernetes Authors.
-Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-You may obtain a copy of the License at
- http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-limitations under the License.
-package clientcmd
-import (
- "strconv"
- "github.com/spf13/pflag"
- clientcmdapi "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/unversioned/clientcmd/api"
-// ConfigOverrides holds values that should override whatever information is pulled from the actual Config object. You can't
-// simply use an actual Config object, because Configs hold maps, but overrides are restricted to "at most one"
-type ConfigOverrides struct {
- AuthInfo clientcmdapi.AuthInfo
- ClusterInfo clientcmdapi.Cluster
- Context clientcmdapi.Context
- CurrentContext string
-// ConfigOverrideFlags holds the flag names to be used for binding command line flags. Notice that this structure tightly
-// corresponds to ConfigOverrides
-type ConfigOverrideFlags struct {
- AuthOverrideFlags AuthOverrideFlags
- ClusterOverrideFlags ClusterOverrideFlags
- ContextOverrideFlags ContextOverrideFlags
- CurrentContext FlagInfo
-// AuthOverrideFlags holds the flag names to be used for binding command line flags for AuthInfo objects
-type AuthOverrideFlags struct {
- ClientCertificate FlagInfo
- ClientKey FlagInfo
- Token FlagInfo
- Impersonate FlagInfo
- Username FlagInfo
- Password FlagInfo
-// ContextOverrideFlags holds the flag names to be used for binding command line flags for Cluster objects
-type ContextOverrideFlags struct {
- ClusterName FlagInfo
- AuthInfoName FlagInfo
- Namespace FlagInfo
-// ClusterOverride holds the flag names to be used for binding command line flags for Cluster objects
-type ClusterOverrideFlags struct {
- APIServer FlagInfo
- APIVersion FlagInfo
- CertificateAuthority FlagInfo
- InsecureSkipTLSVerify FlagInfo
-// FlagInfo contains information about how to register a flag. This struct is useful if you want to provide a way for an extender to
-// get back a set of recommended flag names, descriptions, and defaults, but allow for customization by an extender. This makes for
-// coherent extension, without full prescription
-type FlagInfo struct {
- // LongName is the long string for a flag. If this is empty, then the flag will not be bound
- LongName string
- // ShortName is the single character for a flag. If this is empty, then there will be no short flag
- ShortName string
- // Default is the default value for the flag
- Default string
- // Description is the description for the flag
- Description string
-// BindStringFlag binds the flag based on the provided info. If LongName == "", nothing is registered
-func (f FlagInfo) BindStringFlag(flags *pflag.FlagSet, target *string) {
- // you can't register a flag without a long name
- if len(f.LongName) > 0 {
- flags.StringVarP(target, f.LongName, f.ShortName, f.Default, f.Description)
- }
-// BindBoolFlag binds the flag based on the provided info. If LongName == "", nothing is registered
-func (f FlagInfo) BindBoolFlag(flags *pflag.FlagSet, target *bool) {
- // you can't register a flag without a long name
- if len(f.LongName) > 0 {
- // try to parse Default as a bool. If it fails, assume false
- boolVal, err := strconv.ParseBool(f.Default)
- if err != nil {
- boolVal = false
- }
- flags.BoolVarP(target, f.LongName, f.ShortName, boolVal, f.Description)
- }
-const (
- FlagClusterName = "cluster"
- FlagAuthInfoName = "user"
- FlagContext = "context"
- FlagNamespace = "namespace"
- FlagAPIServer = "server"
- FlagAPIVersion = "api-version"
- FlagInsecure = "insecure-skip-tls-verify"
- FlagCertFile = "client-certificate"
- FlagKeyFile = "client-key"
- FlagCAFile = "certificate-authority"
- FlagEmbedCerts = "embed-certs"
- FlagBearerToken = "token"
- FlagImpersonate = "as"
- FlagUsername = "username"
- FlagPassword = "password"
-// RecommendedAuthOverrideFlags is a convenience method to return recommended flag names prefixed with a string of your choosing
-func RecommendedAuthOverrideFlags(prefix string) AuthOverrideFlags {
- return AuthOverrideFlags{
- ClientCertificate: FlagInfo{prefix + FlagCertFile, "", "", "Path to a client certificate file for TLS"},
- ClientKey: FlagInfo{prefix + FlagKeyFile, "", "", "Path to a client key file for TLS"},
- Token: FlagInfo{prefix + FlagBearerToken, "", "", "Bearer token for authentication to the API server"},
- Impersonate: FlagInfo{prefix + FlagImpersonate, "", "", "Username to impersonate for the operation"},
- Username: FlagInfo{prefix + FlagUsername, "", "", "Username for basic authentication to the API server"},
- Password: FlagInfo{prefix + FlagPassword, "", "", "Password for basic authentication to the API server"},
- }
-// RecommendedClusterOverrideFlags is a convenience method to return recommended flag names prefixed with a string of your choosing
-func RecommendedClusterOverrideFlags(prefix string) ClusterOverrideFlags {
- return ClusterOverrideFlags{
- APIServer: FlagInfo{prefix + FlagAPIServer, "", "", "The address and port of the Kubernetes API server"},
- APIVersion: FlagInfo{prefix + FlagAPIVersion, "", "", "DEPRECATED: The API version to use when talking to the server"},
- CertificateAuthority: FlagInfo{prefix + FlagCAFile, "", "", "Path to a cert. file for the certificate authority"},
- InsecureSkipTLSVerify: FlagInfo{prefix + FlagInsecure, "", "false", "If true, the server's certificate will not be checked for validity. This will make your HTTPS connections insecure"},
- }
-// RecommendedConfigOverrideFlags is a convenience method to return recommended flag names prefixed with a string of your choosing
-func RecommendedConfigOverrideFlags(prefix string) ConfigOverrideFlags {
- return ConfigOverrideFlags{
- AuthOverrideFlags: RecommendedAuthOverrideFlags(prefix),
- ClusterOverrideFlags: RecommendedClusterOverrideFlags(prefix),
- ContextOverrideFlags: RecommendedContextOverrideFlags(prefix),
- CurrentContext: FlagInfo{prefix + FlagContext, "", "", "The name of the kubeconfig context to use"},
- }
-// RecommendedContextOverrideFlags is a convenience method to return recommended flag names prefixed with a string of your choosing
-func RecommendedContextOverrideFlags(prefix string) ContextOverrideFlags {
- return ContextOverrideFlags{
- ClusterName: FlagInfo{prefix + FlagClusterName, "", "", "The name of the kubeconfig cluster to use"},
- AuthInfoName: FlagInfo{prefix + FlagAuthInfoName, "", "", "The name of the kubeconfig user to use"},
- Namespace: FlagInfo{prefix + FlagNamespace, "", "", "If present, the namespace scope for this CLI request"},
- }
-// BindAuthInfoFlags is a convenience method to bind the specified flags to their associated variables
-func BindAuthInfoFlags(authInfo *clientcmdapi.AuthInfo, flags *pflag.FlagSet, flagNames AuthOverrideFlags) {
- flagNames.ClientCertificate.BindStringFlag(flags, &authInfo.ClientCertificate)
- flagNames.ClientKey.BindStringFlag(flags, &authInfo.ClientKey)
- flagNames.Token.BindStringFlag(flags, &authInfo.Token)
- flagNames.Impersonate.BindStringFlag(flags, &authInfo.Impersonate)
- flagNames.Username.BindStringFlag(flags, &authInfo.Username)
- flagNames.Password.BindStringFlag(flags, &authInfo.Password)
-// BindClusterFlags is a convenience method to bind the specified flags to their associated variables
-func BindClusterFlags(clusterInfo *clientcmdapi.Cluster, flags *pflag.FlagSet, flagNames ClusterOverrideFlags) {
- flagNames.APIServer.BindStringFlag(flags, &clusterInfo.Server)
- // TODO: remove --api-version flag in 1.3.
- flagNames.APIVersion.BindStringFlag(flags, &clusterInfo.APIVersion)
- flags.MarkDeprecated(FlagAPIVersion, "flag is no longer respected and will be deleted in the next release")
- flagNames.CertificateAuthority.BindStringFlag(flags, &clusterInfo.CertificateAuthority)
- flagNames.InsecureSkipTLSVerify.BindBoolFlag(flags, &clusterInfo.InsecureSkipTLSVerify)
-// BindOverrideFlags is a convenience method to bind the specified flags to their associated variables
-func BindOverrideFlags(overrides *ConfigOverrides, flags *pflag.FlagSet, flagNames ConfigOverrideFlags) {
- BindAuthInfoFlags(&overrides.AuthInfo, flags, flagNames.AuthOverrideFlags)
- BindClusterFlags(&overrides.ClusterInfo, flags, flagNames.ClusterOverrideFlags)
- BindContextFlags(&overrides.Context, flags, flagNames.ContextOverrideFlags)
- flagNames.CurrentContext.BindStringFlag(flags, &overrides.CurrentContext)
-// BindFlags is a convenience method to bind the specified flags to their associated variables
-func BindContextFlags(contextInfo *clientcmdapi.Context, flags *pflag.FlagSet, flagNames ContextOverrideFlags) {
- flagNames.ClusterName.BindStringFlag(flags, &contextInfo.Cluster)
- flagNames.AuthInfoName.BindStringFlag(flags, &contextInfo.AuthInfo)
- flagNames.Namespace.BindStringFlag(flags, &contextInfo.Namespace)
diff --git a/kube2msb/src/vendor/k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/unversioned/clientcmd/validation.go b/kube2msb/src/vendor/k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/unversioned/clientcmd/validation.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 63f8ade..0000000
--- a/kube2msb/src/vendor/k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/unversioned/clientcmd/validation.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,270 +0,0 @@
-Copyright 2014 The Kubernetes Authors.
-Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-You may obtain a copy of the License at
- http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-limitations under the License.
-package clientcmd
-import (
- "errors"
- "fmt"
- "os"
- "reflect"
- "strings"
- clientcmdapi "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/unversioned/clientcmd/api"
- utilerrors "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/util/errors"
- "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/util/validation"
-var (
- ErrNoContext = errors.New("no context chosen")
- ErrEmptyConfig = errors.New("no configuration has been provided")
- // message is for consistency with old behavior
- ErrEmptyCluster = errors.New("cluster has no server defined")
-type errContextNotFound struct {
- ContextName string
-func (e *errContextNotFound) Error() string {
- return fmt.Sprintf("context was not found for specified context: %v", e.ContextName)
-// IsContextNotFound returns a boolean indicating whether the error is known to
-// report that a context was not found
-func IsContextNotFound(err error) bool {
- if err == nil {
- return false
- }
- if _, ok := err.(*errContextNotFound); ok || err == ErrNoContext {
- return true
- }
- return strings.Contains(err.Error(), "context was not found for specified context")
-// IsEmptyConfig returns true if the provided error indicates the provided configuration
-// is empty.
-func IsEmptyConfig(err error) bool {
- switch t := err.(type) {
- case errConfigurationInvalid:
- return len(t) == 1 && t[0] == ErrEmptyConfig
- }
- return err == ErrEmptyConfig
-// errConfigurationInvalid is a set of errors indicating the configuration is invalid.
-type errConfigurationInvalid []error
-// errConfigurationInvalid implements error and Aggregate
-var _ error = errConfigurationInvalid{}
-var _ utilerrors.Aggregate = errConfigurationInvalid{}
-func newErrConfigurationInvalid(errs []error) error {
- switch len(errs) {
- case 0:
- return nil
- default:
- return errConfigurationInvalid(errs)
- }
-// Error implements the error interface
-func (e errConfigurationInvalid) Error() string {
- return fmt.Sprintf("invalid configuration: %v", utilerrors.NewAggregate(e).Error())
-// Errors implements the AggregateError interface
-func (e errConfigurationInvalid) Errors() []error {
- return e
-// IsConfigurationInvalid returns true if the provided error indicates the configuration is invalid.
-func IsConfigurationInvalid(err error) bool {
- switch err.(type) {
- case *errContextNotFound, errConfigurationInvalid:
- return true
- }
- return IsContextNotFound(err)
-// Validate checks for errors in the Config. It does not return early so that it can find as many errors as possible.
-func Validate(config clientcmdapi.Config) error {
- validationErrors := make([]error, 0)
- if clientcmdapi.IsConfigEmpty(&config) {
- return newErrConfigurationInvalid([]error{ErrEmptyConfig})
- }
- if len(config.CurrentContext) != 0 {
- if _, exists := config.Contexts[config.CurrentContext]; !exists {
- validationErrors = append(validationErrors, &errContextNotFound{config.CurrentContext})
- }
- }
- for contextName, context := range config.Contexts {
- validationErrors = append(validationErrors, validateContext(contextName, *context, config)...)
- }
- for authInfoName, authInfo := range config.AuthInfos {
- validationErrors = append(validationErrors, validateAuthInfo(authInfoName, *authInfo)...)
- }
- for clusterName, clusterInfo := range config.Clusters {
- validationErrors = append(validationErrors, validateClusterInfo(clusterName, *clusterInfo)...)
- }
- return newErrConfigurationInvalid(validationErrors)
-// ConfirmUsable looks a particular context and determines if that particular part of the config is useable. There might still be errors in the config,
-// but no errors in the sections requested or referenced. It does not return early so that it can find as many errors as possible.
-func ConfirmUsable(config clientcmdapi.Config, passedContextName string) error {
- validationErrors := make([]error, 0)
- if clientcmdapi.IsConfigEmpty(&config) {
- return newErrConfigurationInvalid([]error{ErrEmptyConfig})
- }
- var contextName string
- if len(passedContextName) != 0 {
- contextName = passedContextName
- } else {
- contextName = config.CurrentContext
- }
- if len(contextName) == 0 {
- return ErrNoContext
- }
- context, exists := config.Contexts[contextName]
- if !exists {
- validationErrors = append(validationErrors, &errContextNotFound{contextName})
- }
- if exists {
- validationErrors = append(validationErrors, validateContext(contextName, *context, config)...)
- validationErrors = append(validationErrors, validateAuthInfo(context.AuthInfo, *config.AuthInfos[context.AuthInfo])...)
- validationErrors = append(validationErrors, validateClusterInfo(context.Cluster, *config.Clusters[context.Cluster])...)
- }
- return newErrConfigurationInvalid(validationErrors)
-// validateClusterInfo looks for conflicts and errors in the cluster info
-func validateClusterInfo(clusterName string, clusterInfo clientcmdapi.Cluster) []error {
- validationErrors := make([]error, 0)
- if reflect.DeepEqual(clientcmdapi.Cluster{}, clusterInfo) {
- return []error{ErrEmptyCluster}
- }
- if len(clusterInfo.Server) == 0 {
- if len(clusterName) == 0 {
- validationErrors = append(validationErrors, fmt.Errorf("default cluster has no server defined"))
- } else {
- validationErrors = append(validationErrors, fmt.Errorf("no server found for cluster %q", clusterName))
- }
- }
- // Make sure CA data and CA file aren't both specified
- if len(clusterInfo.CertificateAuthority) != 0 && len(clusterInfo.CertificateAuthorityData) != 0 {
- validationErrors = append(validationErrors, fmt.Errorf("certificate-authority-data and certificate-authority are both specified for %v. certificate-authority-data will override.", clusterName))
- }
- if len(clusterInfo.CertificateAuthority) != 0 {
- clientCertCA, err := os.Open(clusterInfo.CertificateAuthority)
- defer clientCertCA.Close()
- if err != nil {
- validationErrors = append(validationErrors, fmt.Errorf("unable to read certificate-authority %v for %v due to %v", clusterInfo.CertificateAuthority, clusterName, err))
- }
- }
- return validationErrors
-// validateAuthInfo looks for conflicts and errors in the auth info
-func validateAuthInfo(authInfoName string, authInfo clientcmdapi.AuthInfo) []error {
- validationErrors := make([]error, 0)
- usingAuthPath := false
- methods := make([]string, 0, 3)
- if len(authInfo.Token) != 0 {
- methods = append(methods, "token")
- }
- if len(authInfo.Username) != 0 || len(authInfo.Password) != 0 {
- methods = append(methods, "basicAuth")
- }
- if len(authInfo.ClientCertificate) != 0 || len(authInfo.ClientCertificateData) != 0 {
- // Make sure cert data and file aren't both specified
- if len(authInfo.ClientCertificate) != 0 && len(authInfo.ClientCertificateData) != 0 {
- validationErrors = append(validationErrors, fmt.Errorf("client-cert-data and client-cert are both specified for %v. client-cert-data will override.", authInfoName))
- }
- // Make sure key data and file aren't both specified
- if len(authInfo.ClientKey) != 0 && len(authInfo.ClientKeyData) != 0 {
- validationErrors = append(validationErrors, fmt.Errorf("client-key-data and client-key are both specified for %v; client-key-data will override", authInfoName))
- }
- // Make sure a key is specified
- if len(authInfo.ClientKey) == 0 && len(authInfo.ClientKeyData) == 0 {
- validationErrors = append(validationErrors, fmt.Errorf("client-key-data or client-key must be specified for %v to use the clientCert authentication method.", authInfoName))
- }
- if len(authInfo.ClientCertificate) != 0 {
- clientCertFile, err := os.Open(authInfo.ClientCertificate)
- defer clientCertFile.Close()
- if err != nil {
- validationErrors = append(validationErrors, fmt.Errorf("unable to read client-cert %v for %v due to %v", authInfo.ClientCertificate, authInfoName, err))
- }
- }
- if len(authInfo.ClientKey) != 0 {
- clientKeyFile, err := os.Open(authInfo.ClientKey)
- defer clientKeyFile.Close()
- if err != nil {
- validationErrors = append(validationErrors, fmt.Errorf("unable to read client-key %v for %v due to %v", authInfo.ClientKey, authInfoName, err))
- }
- }
- }
- // authPath also provides information for the client to identify the server, so allow multiple auth methods in that case
- if (len(methods) > 1) && (!usingAuthPath) {
- validationErrors = append(validationErrors, fmt.Errorf("more than one authentication method found for %v; found %v, only one is allowed", authInfoName, methods))
- }
- return validationErrors
-// validateContext looks for errors in the context. It is not transitive, so errors in the reference authInfo or cluster configs are not included in this return
-func validateContext(contextName string, context clientcmdapi.Context, config clientcmdapi.Config) []error {
- validationErrors := make([]error, 0)
- if len(context.AuthInfo) == 0 {
- validationErrors = append(validationErrors, fmt.Errorf("user was not specified for context %q", contextName))
- } else if _, exists := config.AuthInfos[context.AuthInfo]; !exists {
- validationErrors = append(validationErrors, fmt.Errorf("user %q was not found for context %q", context.AuthInfo, contextName))
- }
- if len(context.Cluster) == 0 {
- validationErrors = append(validationErrors, fmt.Errorf("cluster was not specified for context %q", contextName))
- } else if _, exists := config.Clusters[context.Cluster]; !exists {
- validationErrors = append(validationErrors, fmt.Errorf("cluster %q was not found for context %q", context.Cluster, contextName))
- }
- if len(context.Namespace) != 0 {
- if len(validation.IsDNS1123Label(context.Namespace)) != 0 {
- validationErrors = append(validationErrors, fmt.Errorf("namespace %q for context %q does not conform to the kubernetes DNS_LABEL rules", context.Namespace, contextName))
- }
- }
- return validationErrors
diff --git a/kube2msb/src/vendor/k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/unversioned/clusterrolebindings.go b/kube2msb/src/vendor/k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/unversioned/clusterrolebindings.go
deleted file mode 100644
index fa9cad9..0000000
--- a/kube2msb/src/vendor/k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/unversioned/clusterrolebindings.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,92 +0,0 @@
-Copyright 2016 The Kubernetes Authors.
-Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-You may obtain a copy of the License at
- http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-limitations under the License.
-package unversioned
-import (
- "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/api"
- "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/apis/rbac"
- "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/watch"
-// ClusterRoleBindings has methods to work with ClusterRoleBinding resources in a namespace
-type ClusterRoleBindings interface {
- ClusterRoleBindings() ClusterRoleBindingInterface
-// ClusterRoleBindingInterface has methods to work with ClusterRoleBinding resources.
-type ClusterRoleBindingInterface interface {
- List(opts api.ListOptions) (*rbac.ClusterRoleBindingList, error)
- Get(name string) (*rbac.ClusterRoleBinding, error)
- Delete(name string, options *api.DeleteOptions) error
- Create(clusterRoleBinding *rbac.ClusterRoleBinding) (*rbac.ClusterRoleBinding, error)
- Update(clusterRoleBinding *rbac.ClusterRoleBinding) (*rbac.ClusterRoleBinding, error)
- Watch(opts api.ListOptions) (watch.Interface, error)
-// clusterRoleBindings implements ClusterRoleBindingsNamespacer interface
-type clusterRoleBindings struct {
- client *RbacClient
-// newClusterRoleBindings returns a clusterRoleBindings
-func newClusterRoleBindings(c *RbacClient) *clusterRoleBindings {
- return &clusterRoleBindings{
- client: c,
- }
-// List takes label and field selectors, and returns the list of clusterRoleBindings that match those selectors.
-func (c *clusterRoleBindings) List(opts api.ListOptions) (result *rbac.ClusterRoleBindingList, err error) {
- result = &rbac.ClusterRoleBindingList{}
- err = c.client.Get().Resource("clusterrolebindings").VersionedParams(&opts, api.ParameterCodec).Do().Into(result)
- return
-// Get takes the name of the clusterRoleBinding, and returns the corresponding ClusterRoleBinding object, and an error if it occurs
-func (c *clusterRoleBindings) Get(name string) (result *rbac.ClusterRoleBinding, err error) {
- result = &rbac.ClusterRoleBinding{}
- err = c.client.Get().Resource("clusterrolebindings").Name(name).Do().Into(result)
- return
-// Delete takes the name of the clusterRoleBinding and deletes it. Returns an error if one occurs.
-func (c *clusterRoleBindings) Delete(name string, options *api.DeleteOptions) error {
- return c.client.Delete().Resource("clusterrolebindings").Name(name).Body(options).Do().Error()
-// Create takes the representation of a clusterRoleBinding and creates it. Returns the server's representation of the clusterRoleBinding, and an error, if it occurs.
-func (c *clusterRoleBindings) Create(clusterRoleBinding *rbac.ClusterRoleBinding) (result *rbac.ClusterRoleBinding, err error) {
- result = &rbac.ClusterRoleBinding{}
- err = c.client.Post().Resource("clusterrolebindings").Body(clusterRoleBinding).Do().Into(result)
- return
-// Update takes the representation of a clusterRoleBinding and updates it. Returns the server's representation of the clusterRoleBinding, and an error, if it occurs.
-func (c *clusterRoleBindings) Update(clusterRoleBinding *rbac.ClusterRoleBinding) (result *rbac.ClusterRoleBinding, err error) {
- result = &rbac.ClusterRoleBinding{}
- err = c.client.Put().Resource("clusterrolebindings").Name(clusterRoleBinding.Name).Body(clusterRoleBinding).Do().Into(result)
- return
-// Watch returns a watch.Interface that watches the requested clusterRoleBindings.
-func (c *clusterRoleBindings) Watch(opts api.ListOptions) (watch.Interface, error) {
- return c.client.Get().
- Prefix("watch").
- Resource("clusterrolebindings").
- VersionedParams(&opts, api.ParameterCodec).
- Watch()
diff --git a/kube2msb/src/vendor/k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/unversioned/clusterroles.go b/kube2msb/src/vendor/k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/unversioned/clusterroles.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 165271a..0000000
--- a/kube2msb/src/vendor/k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/unversioned/clusterroles.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,92 +0,0 @@
-Copyright 2016 The Kubernetes Authors.
-Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-You may obtain a copy of the License at
- http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-limitations under the License.
-package unversioned
-import (
- "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/api"
- "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/apis/rbac"
- "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/watch"
-// ClusterRoles has methods to work with ClusterRole resources in a namespace
-type ClusterRoles interface {
- ClusterRoles() ClusterRoleInterface
-// ClusterRoleInterface has methods to work with ClusterRole resources.
-type ClusterRoleInterface interface {
- List(opts api.ListOptions) (*rbac.ClusterRoleList, error)
- Get(name string) (*rbac.ClusterRole, error)
- Delete(name string, options *api.DeleteOptions) error
- Create(clusterRole *rbac.ClusterRole) (*rbac.ClusterRole, error)
- Update(clusterRole *rbac.ClusterRole) (*rbac.ClusterRole, error)
- Watch(opts api.ListOptions) (watch.Interface, error)
-// clusterRoles implements ClusterRolesNamespacer interface
-type clusterRoles struct {
- client *RbacClient
-// newClusterRoles returns a clusterRoles
-func newClusterRoles(c *RbacClient) *clusterRoles {
- return &clusterRoles{
- client: c,
- }
-// List takes label and field selectors, and returns the list of clusterRoles that match those selectors.
-func (c *clusterRoles) List(opts api.ListOptions) (result *rbac.ClusterRoleList, err error) {
- result = &rbac.ClusterRoleList{}
- err = c.client.Get().Resource("clusterroles").VersionedParams(&opts, api.ParameterCodec).Do().Into(result)
- return
-// Get takes the name of the clusterRole, and returns the corresponding ClusterRole object, and an error if it occurs
-func (c *clusterRoles) Get(name string) (result *rbac.ClusterRole, err error) {
- result = &rbac.ClusterRole{}
- err = c.client.Get().Resource("clusterroles").Name(name).Do().Into(result)
- return
-// Delete takes the name of the clusterRole and deletes it. Returns an error if one occurs.
-func (c *clusterRoles) Delete(name string, options *api.DeleteOptions) error {
- return c.client.Delete().Resource("clusterroles").Name(name).Body(options).Do().Error()
-// Create takes the representation of a clusterRole and creates it. Returns the server's representation of the clusterRole, and an error, if it occurs.
-func (c *clusterRoles) Create(clusterRole *rbac.ClusterRole) (result *rbac.ClusterRole, err error) {
- result = &rbac.ClusterRole{}
- err = c.client.Post().Resource("clusterroles").Body(clusterRole).Do().Into(result)
- return
-// Update takes the representation of a clusterRole and updates it. Returns the server's representation of the clusterRole, and an error, if it occurs.
-func (c *clusterRoles) Update(clusterRole *rbac.ClusterRole) (result *rbac.ClusterRole, err error) {
- result = &rbac.ClusterRole{}
- err = c.client.Put().Resource("clusterroles").Name(clusterRole.Name).Body(clusterRole).Do().Into(result)
- return
-// Watch returns a watch.Interface that watches the requested clusterRoles.
-func (c *clusterRoles) Watch(opts api.ListOptions) (watch.Interface, error) {
- return c.client.Get().
- Prefix("watch").
- Resource("clusterroles").
- VersionedParams(&opts, api.ParameterCodec).
- Watch()
diff --git a/kube2msb/src/vendor/k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/unversioned/componentstatuses.go b/kube2msb/src/vendor/k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/unversioned/componentstatuses.go
deleted file mode 100644
index aca996b..0000000
--- a/kube2msb/src/vendor/k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/unversioned/componentstatuses.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,60 +0,0 @@
-Copyright 2015 The Kubernetes Authors.
-Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-You may obtain a copy of the License at
- http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-limitations under the License.
-package unversioned
-import (
- "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/api"
-type ComponentStatusesInterface interface {
- ComponentStatuses() ComponentStatusInterface
-// ComponentStatusInterface contains methods to retrieve ComponentStatus
-type ComponentStatusInterface interface {
- List(opts api.ListOptions) (*api.ComponentStatusList, error)
- Get(name string) (*api.ComponentStatus, error)
- // TODO: It'd be nice to have watch support at some point
- //Watch(opts api.ListOptions) (watch.Interface, error)
-// componentStatuses implements ComponentStatusesInterface
-type componentStatuses struct {
- client *Client
-func newComponentStatuses(c *Client) *componentStatuses {
- return &componentStatuses{c}
-func (c *componentStatuses) List(opts api.ListOptions) (result *api.ComponentStatusList, err error) {
- result = &api.ComponentStatusList{}
- err = c.client.Get().
- Resource("componentStatuses").
- VersionedParams(&opts, api.ParameterCodec).
- Do().
- Into(result)
- return result, err
-func (c *componentStatuses) Get(name string) (result *api.ComponentStatus, err error) {
- result = &api.ComponentStatus{}
- err = c.client.Get().Resource("componentStatuses").Name(name).Do().Into(result)
- return
diff --git a/kube2msb/src/vendor/k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/unversioned/conditions.go b/kube2msb/src/vendor/k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/unversioned/conditions.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 5c28429..0000000
--- a/kube2msb/src/vendor/k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/unversioned/conditions.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,240 +0,0 @@
-Copyright 2014 The Kubernetes Authors.
-Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-You may obtain a copy of the License at
- http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-limitations under the License.
-package unversioned
-import (
- "fmt"
- "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/api"
- "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/api/errors"
- "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/api/unversioned"
- "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/apis/batch"
- "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/apis/extensions"
- "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/util/wait"
- "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/watch"
-// ControllerHasDesiredReplicas returns a condition that will be true if and only if
-// the desired replica count for a controller's ReplicaSelector equals the Replicas count.
-func ControllerHasDesiredReplicas(c Interface, controller *api.ReplicationController) wait.ConditionFunc {
- // If we're given a controller where the status lags the spec, it either means that the controller is stale,
- // or that the rc manager hasn't noticed the update yet. Polling status.Replicas is not safe in the latter case.
- desiredGeneration := controller.Generation
- return func() (bool, error) {
- ctrl, err := c.ReplicationControllers(controller.Namespace).Get(controller.Name)
- if err != nil {
- return false, err
- }
- // There's a chance a concurrent update modifies the Spec.Replicas causing this check to pass,
- // or, after this check has passed, a modification causes the rc manager to create more pods.
- // This will not be an issue once we've implemented graceful delete for rcs, but till then
- // concurrent stop operations on the same rc might have unintended side effects.
- return ctrl.Status.ObservedGeneration >= desiredGeneration && ctrl.Status.Replicas == ctrl.Spec.Replicas, nil
- }
-// ReplicaSetHasDesiredReplicas returns a condition that will be true if and only if
-// the desired replica count for a ReplicaSet's ReplicaSelector equals the Replicas count.
-func ReplicaSetHasDesiredReplicas(c ExtensionsInterface, replicaSet *extensions.ReplicaSet) wait.ConditionFunc {
- // If we're given a ReplicaSet where the status lags the spec, it either means that the
- // ReplicaSet is stale, or that the ReplicaSet manager hasn't noticed the update yet.
- // Polling status.Replicas is not safe in the latter case.
- desiredGeneration := replicaSet.Generation
- return func() (bool, error) {
- rs, err := c.ReplicaSets(replicaSet.Namespace).Get(replicaSet.Name)
- if err != nil {
- return false, err
- }
- // There's a chance a concurrent update modifies the Spec.Replicas causing this check to
- // pass, or, after this check has passed, a modification causes the ReplicaSet manager to
- // create more pods. This will not be an issue once we've implemented graceful delete for
- // ReplicaSets, but till then concurrent stop operations on the same ReplicaSet might have
- // unintended side effects.
- return rs.Status.ObservedGeneration >= desiredGeneration && rs.Status.Replicas == rs.Spec.Replicas, nil
- }
-// JobHasDesiredParallelism returns a condition that will be true if the desired parallelism count
-// for a job equals the current active counts or is less by an appropriate successful/unsuccessful count.
-func JobHasDesiredParallelism(c BatchInterface, job *batch.Job) wait.ConditionFunc {
- return func() (bool, error) {
- job, err := c.Jobs(job.Namespace).Get(job.Name)
- if err != nil {
- return false, err
- }
- // desired parallelism can be either the exact number, in which case return immediately
- if job.Status.Active == *job.Spec.Parallelism {
- return true, nil
- }
- if job.Spec.Completions == nil {
- // A job without specified completions needs to wait for Active to reach Parallelism.
- return false, nil
- } else {
- // otherwise count successful
- progress := *job.Spec.Completions - job.Status.Active - job.Status.Succeeded
- return progress == 0, nil
- }
- }
-// DeploymentHasDesiredReplicas returns a condition that will be true if and only if
-// the desired replica count for a deployment equals its updated replicas count.
-// (non-terminated pods that have the desired template spec).
-func DeploymentHasDesiredReplicas(c ExtensionsInterface, deployment *extensions.Deployment) wait.ConditionFunc {
- // If we're given a deployment where the status lags the spec, it either
- // means that the deployment is stale, or that the deployment manager hasn't
- // noticed the update yet. Polling status.Replicas is not safe in the latter
- // case.
- desiredGeneration := deployment.Generation
- return func() (bool, error) {
- deployment, err := c.Deployments(deployment.Namespace).Get(deployment.Name)
- if err != nil {
- return false, err
- }
- return deployment.Status.ObservedGeneration >= desiredGeneration &&
- deployment.Status.UpdatedReplicas == deployment.Spec.Replicas, nil
- }
-// ErrPodCompleted is returned by PodRunning or PodContainerRunning to indicate that
-// the pod has already reached completed state.
-var ErrPodCompleted = fmt.Errorf("pod ran to completion")
-// PodRunning returns true if the pod is running, false if the pod has not yet reached running state,
-// returns ErrPodCompleted if the pod has run to completion, or an error in any other case.
-func PodRunning(event watch.Event) (bool, error) {
- switch event.Type {
- case watch.Deleted:
- return false, errors.NewNotFound(unversioned.GroupResource{Resource: "pods"}, "")
- }
- switch t := event.Object.(type) {
- case *api.Pod:
- switch t.Status.Phase {
- case api.PodRunning:
- return true, nil
- case api.PodFailed, api.PodSucceeded:
- return false, ErrPodCompleted
- }
- }
- return false, nil
-// PodCompleted returns true if the pod has run to completion, false if the pod has not yet
-// reached running state, or an error in any other case.
-func PodCompleted(event watch.Event) (bool, error) {
- switch event.Type {
- case watch.Deleted:
- return false, errors.NewNotFound(unversioned.GroupResource{Resource: "pods"}, "")
- }
- switch t := event.Object.(type) {
- case *api.Pod:
- switch t.Status.Phase {
- case api.PodFailed, api.PodSucceeded:
- return true, nil
- }
- }
- return false, nil
-// PodRunningAndReady returns true if the pod is running and ready, false if the pod has not
-// yet reached those states, returns ErrPodCompleted if the pod has run to completion, or
-// an error in any other case.
-func PodRunningAndReady(event watch.Event) (bool, error) {
- switch event.Type {
- case watch.Deleted:
- return false, errors.NewNotFound(unversioned.GroupResource{Resource: "pods"}, "")
- }
- switch t := event.Object.(type) {
- case *api.Pod:
- switch t.Status.Phase {
- case api.PodFailed, api.PodSucceeded:
- return false, ErrPodCompleted
- case api.PodRunning:
- return api.IsPodReady(t), nil
- }
- }
- return false, nil
-// PodNotPending returns true if the pod has left the pending state, false if it has not,
-// or an error in any other case (such as if the pod was deleted).
-func PodNotPending(event watch.Event) (bool, error) {
- switch event.Type {
- case watch.Deleted:
- return false, errors.NewNotFound(unversioned.GroupResource{Resource: "pods"}, "")
- }
- switch t := event.Object.(type) {
- case *api.Pod:
- switch t.Status.Phase {
- case api.PodPending:
- return false, nil
- default:
- return true, nil
- }
- }
- return false, nil
-// PodContainerRunning returns false until the named container has ContainerStatus running (at least once),
-// and will return an error if the pod is deleted, runs to completion, or the container pod is not available.
-func PodContainerRunning(containerName string) watch.ConditionFunc {
- return func(event watch.Event) (bool, error) {
- switch event.Type {
- case watch.Deleted:
- return false, errors.NewNotFound(unversioned.GroupResource{Resource: "pods"}, "")
- }
- switch t := event.Object.(type) {
- case *api.Pod:
- switch t.Status.Phase {
- case api.PodRunning, api.PodPending:
- case api.PodFailed, api.PodSucceeded:
- return false, ErrPodCompleted
- default:
- return false, nil
- }
- for _, s := range t.Status.ContainerStatuses {
- if s.Name != containerName {
- continue
- }
- return s.State.Running != nil, nil
- }
- return false, nil
- }
- return false, nil
- }
-// ServiceAccountHasSecrets returns true if the service account has at least one secret,
-// false if it does not, or an error.
-func ServiceAccountHasSecrets(event watch.Event) (bool, error) {
- switch event.Type {
- case watch.Deleted:
- return false, errors.NewNotFound(unversioned.GroupResource{Resource: "serviceaccounts"}, "")
- }
- switch t := event.Object.(type) {
- case *api.ServiceAccount:
- return len(t.Secrets) > 0, nil
- }
- return false, nil
diff --git a/kube2msb/src/vendor/k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/unversioned/configmap.go b/kube2msb/src/vendor/k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/unversioned/configmap.go
deleted file mode 100644
index c2f2035..0000000
--- a/kube2msb/src/vendor/k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/unversioned/configmap.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,122 +0,0 @@
-Copyright 2015 The Kubernetes Authors.
-Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-You may obtain a copy of the License at
- http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-limitations under the License.
-package unversioned
-import (
- "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/api"
- "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/watch"
-const (
- ConfigMapResourceName string = "configmaps"
-type ConfigMapsNamespacer interface {
- ConfigMaps(namespace string) ConfigMapsInterface
-type ConfigMapsInterface interface {
- Get(string) (*api.ConfigMap, error)
- List(opts api.ListOptions) (*api.ConfigMapList, error)
- Create(*api.ConfigMap) (*api.ConfigMap, error)
- Delete(string) error
- Update(*api.ConfigMap) (*api.ConfigMap, error)
- Watch(api.ListOptions) (watch.Interface, error)
-type ConfigMaps struct {
- client *Client
- namespace string
-// ConfigMaps should implement ConfigMapsInterface
-var _ ConfigMapsInterface = &ConfigMaps{}
-func newConfigMaps(c *Client, ns string) *ConfigMaps {
- return &ConfigMaps{
- client: c,
- namespace: ns,
- }
-func (c *ConfigMaps) Get(name string) (*api.ConfigMap, error) {
- result := &api.ConfigMap{}
- err := c.client.Get().
- Namespace(c.namespace).
- Resource(ConfigMapResourceName).
- Name(name).
- Do().
- Into(result)
- return result, err
-func (c *ConfigMaps) List(opts api.ListOptions) (*api.ConfigMapList, error) {
- result := &api.ConfigMapList{}
- err := c.client.Get().
- Namespace(c.namespace).
- Resource(ConfigMapResourceName).
- VersionedParams(&opts, api.ParameterCodec).
- Do().
- Into(result)
- return result, err
-func (c *ConfigMaps) Create(cfg *api.ConfigMap) (*api.ConfigMap, error) {
- result := &api.ConfigMap{}
- err := c.client.Post().
- Namespace(c.namespace).
- Resource(ConfigMapResourceName).
- Body(cfg).
- Do().
- Into(result)
- return result, err
-func (c *ConfigMaps) Delete(name string) error {
- return c.client.Delete().
- Namespace(c.namespace).
- Resource(ConfigMapResourceName).
- Name(name).
- Do().
- Error()
-func (c *ConfigMaps) Update(cfg *api.ConfigMap) (*api.ConfigMap, error) {
- result := &api.ConfigMap{}
- err := c.client.Put().
- Namespace(c.namespace).
- Resource(ConfigMapResourceName).
- Name(cfg.Name).
- Body(cfg).
- Do().
- Into(result)
- return result, err
-func (c *ConfigMaps) Watch(opts api.ListOptions) (watch.Interface, error) {
- return c.client.Get().
- Prefix("watch").
- Namespace(c.namespace).
- Resource(ConfigMapResourceName).
- VersionedParams(&opts, api.ParameterCodec).
- Watch()
diff --git a/kube2msb/src/vendor/k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/unversioned/containerinfo.go b/kube2msb/src/vendor/k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/unversioned/containerinfo.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 2f9aae8..0000000
--- a/kube2msb/src/vendor/k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/unversioned/containerinfo.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,123 +0,0 @@
-Copyright 2014 The Kubernetes Authors.
-Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-You may obtain a copy of the License at
- http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-limitations under the License.
-package unversioned
-import (
- "bytes"
- "encoding/json"
- "fmt"
- "io"
- "net"
- "net/http"
- "strconv"
- cadvisorapi "github.com/google/cadvisor/info/v1"
-type ContainerInfoGetter interface {
- // GetContainerInfo returns information about a container.
- GetContainerInfo(host, podID, containerID string, req *cadvisorapi.ContainerInfoRequest) (*cadvisorapi.ContainerInfo, error)
- // GetRootInfo returns information about the root container on a machine.
- GetRootInfo(host string, req *cadvisorapi.ContainerInfoRequest) (*cadvisorapi.ContainerInfo, error)
- // GetMachineInfo returns the machine's information like number of cores, memory capacity.
- GetMachineInfo(host string) (*cadvisorapi.MachineInfo, error)
-type HTTPContainerInfoGetter struct {
- Client *http.Client
- Port int
-func (self *HTTPContainerInfoGetter) GetMachineInfo(host string) (*cadvisorapi.MachineInfo, error) {
- request, err := http.NewRequest(
- "GET",
- fmt.Sprintf("http://%v/spec",
- net.JoinHostPort(host, strconv.Itoa(self.Port)),
- ),
- nil,
- )
- if err != nil {
- return nil, err
- }
- response, err := self.Client.Do(request)
- if err != nil {
- return nil, err
- }
- defer response.Body.Close()
- if response.StatusCode != http.StatusOK {
- return nil, fmt.Errorf("trying to get machine spec from %v; received status %v",
- host, response.Status)
- }
- var minfo cadvisorapi.MachineInfo
- err = json.NewDecoder(response.Body).Decode(&minfo)
- if err != nil {
- return nil, err
- }
- return &minfo, nil
-func (self *HTTPContainerInfoGetter) getContainerInfo(host, path string, req *cadvisorapi.ContainerInfoRequest) (*cadvisorapi.ContainerInfo, error) {
- var body io.Reader
- if req != nil {
- content, err := json.Marshal(req)
- if err != nil {
- return nil, err
- }
- body = bytes.NewBuffer(content)
- }
- request, err := http.NewRequest(
- "GET",
- fmt.Sprintf("http://%v/stats/%v",
- net.JoinHostPort(host, strconv.Itoa(self.Port)),
- path,
- ),
- body,
- )
- if err != nil {
- return nil, err
- }
- response, err := self.Client.Do(request)
- if err != nil {
- return nil, err
- }
- defer response.Body.Close()
- if response.StatusCode != http.StatusOK {
- return nil, fmt.Errorf("trying to get info for %v from %v; received status %v",
- path, host, response.Status)
- }
- var cinfo cadvisorapi.ContainerInfo
- err = json.NewDecoder(response.Body).Decode(&cinfo)
- if err != nil {
- return nil, err
- }
- return &cinfo, nil
-func (self *HTTPContainerInfoGetter) GetContainerInfo(host, podID, containerID string, req *cadvisorapi.ContainerInfoRequest) (*cadvisorapi.ContainerInfo, error) {
- return self.getContainerInfo(
- host,
- fmt.Sprintf("%v/%v", podID, containerID),
- req,
- )
-func (self *HTTPContainerInfoGetter) GetRootInfo(host string, req *cadvisorapi.ContainerInfoRequest) (*cadvisorapi.ContainerInfo, error) {
- return self.getContainerInfo(host, "", req)
diff --git a/kube2msb/src/vendor/k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/unversioned/daemon_sets.go b/kube2msb/src/vendor/k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/unversioned/daemon_sets.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 7ec9182..0000000
--- a/kube2msb/src/vendor/k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/unversioned/daemon_sets.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,100 +0,0 @@
-Copyright 2015 The Kubernetes Authors.
-Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-You may obtain a copy of the License at
- http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-limitations under the License.
-package unversioned
-import (
- "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/api"
- "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/apis/extensions"
- "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/watch"
-// DaemonsSetsNamespacer has methods to work with DaemonSet resources in a namespace
-type DaemonSetsNamespacer interface {
- DaemonSets(namespace string) DaemonSetInterface
-type DaemonSetInterface interface {
- List(opts api.ListOptions) (*extensions.DaemonSetList, error)
- Get(name string) (*extensions.DaemonSet, error)
- Create(ctrl *extensions.DaemonSet) (*extensions.DaemonSet, error)
- Update(ctrl *extensions.DaemonSet) (*extensions.DaemonSet, error)
- UpdateStatus(ctrl *extensions.DaemonSet) (*extensions.DaemonSet, error)
- Delete(name string) error
- Watch(opts api.ListOptions) (watch.Interface, error)
-// daemonSets implements DaemonsSetsNamespacer interface
-type daemonSets struct {
- r *ExtensionsClient
- ns string
-func newDaemonSets(c *ExtensionsClient, namespace string) *daemonSets {
- return &daemonSets{c, namespace}
-// Ensure statically that daemonSets implements DaemonSetsInterface.
-var _ DaemonSetInterface = &daemonSets{}
-func (c *daemonSets) List(opts api.ListOptions) (result *extensions.DaemonSetList, err error) {
- result = &extensions.DaemonSetList{}
- err = c.r.Get().Namespace(c.ns).Resource("daemonsets").VersionedParams(&opts, api.ParameterCodec).Do().Into(result)
- return
-// Get returns information about a particular daemon set.
-func (c *daemonSets) Get(name string) (result *extensions.DaemonSet, err error) {
- result = &extensions.DaemonSet{}
- err = c.r.Get().Namespace(c.ns).Resource("daemonsets").Name(name).Do().Into(result)
- return
-// Create creates a new daemon set.
-func (c *daemonSets) Create(daemon *extensions.DaemonSet) (result *extensions.DaemonSet, err error) {
- result = &extensions.DaemonSet{}
- err = c.r.Post().Namespace(c.ns).Resource("daemonsets").Body(daemon).Do().Into(result)
- return
-// Update updates an existing daemon set.
-func (c *daemonSets) Update(daemon *extensions.DaemonSet) (result *extensions.DaemonSet, err error) {
- result = &extensions.DaemonSet{}
- err = c.r.Put().Namespace(c.ns).Resource("daemonsets").Name(daemon.Name).Body(daemon).Do().Into(result)
- return
-// UpdateStatus updates an existing daemon set status
-func (c *daemonSets) UpdateStatus(daemon *extensions.DaemonSet) (result *extensions.DaemonSet, err error) {
- result = &extensions.DaemonSet{}
- err = c.r.Put().Namespace(c.ns).Resource("daemonsets").Name(daemon.Name).SubResource("status").Body(daemon).Do().Into(result)
- return
-// Delete deletes an existing daemon set.
-func (c *daemonSets) Delete(name string) error {
- return c.r.Delete().Namespace(c.ns).Resource("daemonsets").Name(name).Do().Error()
-// Watch returns a watch.Interface that watches the requested daemon sets.
-func (c *daemonSets) Watch(opts api.ListOptions) (watch.Interface, error) {
- return c.r.Get().
- Prefix("watch").
- Namespace(c.ns).
- Resource("daemonsets").
- VersionedParams(&opts, api.ParameterCodec).
- Watch()
diff --git a/kube2msb/src/vendor/k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/unversioned/deployment.go b/kube2msb/src/vendor/k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/unversioned/deployment.go
deleted file mode 100644
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--- a/kube2msb/src/vendor/k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/unversioned/deployment.go
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@@ -1,111 +0,0 @@
-Copyright 2015 The Kubernetes Authors.
-Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-You may obtain a copy of the License at
- http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-limitations under the License.
-package unversioned
-import (
- "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/api"
- "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/apis/extensions"
- "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/watch"
-// DeploymentsNamespacer has methods to work with Deployment resources in a namespace
-type DeploymentsNamespacer interface {
- Deployments(namespace string) DeploymentInterface
-// DeploymentInterface has methods to work with Deployment resources.
-type DeploymentInterface interface {
- List(opts api.ListOptions) (*extensions.DeploymentList, error)
- Get(name string) (*extensions.Deployment, error)
- Delete(name string, options *api.DeleteOptions) error
- Create(*extensions.Deployment) (*extensions.Deployment, error)
- Update(*extensions.Deployment) (*extensions.Deployment, error)
- UpdateStatus(*extensions.Deployment) (*extensions.Deployment, error)
- Watch(opts api.ListOptions) (watch.Interface, error)
- Rollback(*extensions.DeploymentRollback) error
-// deployments implements DeploymentInterface
-type deployments struct {
- client *ExtensionsClient
- ns string
-// Ensure statically that deployments implements DeploymentInterface.
-var _ DeploymentInterface = &deployments{}
-// newDeployments returns a Deployments
-func newDeployments(c *ExtensionsClient, namespace string) *deployments {
- return &deployments{
- client: c,
- ns: namespace,
- }
-// List takes label and field selectors, and returns the list of Deployments that match those selectors.
-func (c *deployments) List(opts api.ListOptions) (result *extensions.DeploymentList, err error) {
- result = &extensions.DeploymentList{}
- err = c.client.Get().Namespace(c.ns).Resource("deployments").VersionedParams(&opts, api.ParameterCodec).Do().Into(result)
- return
-// Get takes name of the deployment, and returns the corresponding deployment object, and an error if there is any.
-func (c *deployments) Get(name string) (result *extensions.Deployment, err error) {
- result = &extensions.Deployment{}
- err = c.client.Get().Namespace(c.ns).Resource("deployments").Name(name).Do().Into(result)
- return
-// Delete takes name of the deployment and deletes it. Returns an error if one occurs.
-func (c *deployments) Delete(name string, options *api.DeleteOptions) error {
- return c.client.Delete().Namespace(c.ns).Resource("deployments").Name(name).Body(options).Do().Error()
-// Create takes the representation of a deployment and creates it. Returns the server's representation of the deployment, and an error, if there is any.
-func (c *deployments) Create(deployment *extensions.Deployment) (result *extensions.Deployment, err error) {
- result = &extensions.Deployment{}
- err = c.client.Post().Namespace(c.ns).Resource("deployments").Body(deployment).Do().Into(result)
- return
-// Update takes the representation of a deployment and updates it. Returns the server's representation of the deployment, and an error, if there is any.
-func (c *deployments) Update(deployment *extensions.Deployment) (result *extensions.Deployment, err error) {
- result = &extensions.Deployment{}
- err = c.client.Put().Namespace(c.ns).Resource("deployments").Name(deployment.Name).Body(deployment).Do().Into(result)
- return
-func (c *deployments) UpdateStatus(deployment *extensions.Deployment) (result *extensions.Deployment, err error) {
- result = &extensions.Deployment{}
- err = c.client.Put().Namespace(c.ns).Resource("deployments").Name(deployment.Name).SubResource("status").Body(deployment).Do().Into(result)
- return
-// Watch returns a watch.Interface that watches the requested deployments.
-func (c *deployments) Watch(opts api.ListOptions) (watch.Interface, error) {
- return c.client.Get().
- Prefix("watch").
- Namespace(c.ns).
- Resource("deployments").
- VersionedParams(&opts, api.ParameterCodec).
- Watch()
-// Rollback applied the provided DeploymentRollback to the named deployment in the current namespace.
-func (c *deployments) Rollback(deploymentRollback *extensions.DeploymentRollback) error {
- return c.client.Post().Namespace(c.ns).Resource("deployments").Name(deploymentRollback.Name).SubResource("rollback").Body(deploymentRollback).Do().Error()
diff --git a/kube2msb/src/vendor/k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/unversioned/doc.go b/kube2msb/src/vendor/k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/unversioned/doc.go
deleted file mode 100644
index dac3925..0000000
--- a/kube2msb/src/vendor/k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/unversioned/doc.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
-Copyright 2014 The Kubernetes Authors.
-Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-You may obtain a copy of the License at
- http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-limitations under the License.
-Package unversioned contains the implementation of the client side communication with the
-Kubernetes master. The Client class provides methods for reading, creating, updating,
-and deleting pods, replication controllers, daemons, services, and nodes.
-Most consumers should use the Config object to create a Client:
- import (
- client "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/unversioned"
- "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/api"
- )
- [...]
- config := &client.Config{
- Host: "http://localhost:8080",
- Username: "test",
- Password: "password",
- }
- client, err := client.New(config)
- if err != nil {
- // handle error
- }
- pods, err := client.Pods(api.NamespaceDefault).List(api.ListOptions{})
- if err != nil {
- // handle error
- }
-More advanced consumers may wish to provide their own transport via a http.RoundTripper:
- config := &client.Config{
- Host: "https://localhost:8080",
- Transport: oauthclient.Transport(),
- }
- client, err := client.New(config)
-The RESTClient type implements the Kubernetes API conventions (see `docs/devel/api-conventions.md`)
-for a given API path and is intended for use by consumers implementing their own Kubernetes
-compatible APIs.
-package unversioned
diff --git a/kube2msb/src/vendor/k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/unversioned/endpoints.go b/kube2msb/src/vendor/k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/unversioned/endpoints.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 6e20a34..0000000
--- a/kube2msb/src/vendor/k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/unversioned/endpoints.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,101 +0,0 @@
-Copyright 2014 The Kubernetes Authors.
-Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-You may obtain a copy of the License at
- http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-limitations under the License.
-package unversioned
-import (
- "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/api"
- "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/watch"
-// EndpointsNamespacer has methods to work with Endpoints resources in a namespace
-type EndpointsNamespacer interface {
- Endpoints(namespace string) EndpointsInterface
-// EndpointsInterface has methods to work with Endpoints resources
-type EndpointsInterface interface {
- Create(endpoints *api.Endpoints) (*api.Endpoints, error)
- List(opts api.ListOptions) (*api.EndpointsList, error)
- Get(name string) (*api.Endpoints, error)
- Delete(name string) error
- Update(endpoints *api.Endpoints) (*api.Endpoints, error)
- Watch(opts api.ListOptions) (watch.Interface, error)
-// endpoints implements EndpointsInterface
-type endpoints struct {
- r *Client
- ns string
-// newEndpoints returns a endpoints
-func newEndpoints(c *Client, namespace string) *endpoints {
- return &endpoints{c, namespace}
-// Create creates a new endpoint.
-func (c *endpoints) Create(endpoints *api.Endpoints) (*api.Endpoints, error) {
- result := &api.Endpoints{}
- err := c.r.Post().Namespace(c.ns).Resource("endpoints").Body(endpoints).Do().Into(result)
- return result, err
-// List takes a selector, and returns the list of endpoints that match that selector
-func (c *endpoints) List(opts api.ListOptions) (result *api.EndpointsList, err error) {
- result = &api.EndpointsList{}
- err = c.r.Get().
- Namespace(c.ns).
- Resource("endpoints").
- VersionedParams(&opts, api.ParameterCodec).
- Do().
- Into(result)
- return
-// Get returns information about the endpoints for a particular service.
-func (c *endpoints) Get(name string) (result *api.Endpoints, err error) {
- result = &api.Endpoints{}
- err = c.r.Get().Namespace(c.ns).Resource("endpoints").Name(name).Do().Into(result)
- return
-// Delete takes the name of the endpoint, and returns an error if one occurs
-func (c *endpoints) Delete(name string) error {
- return c.r.Delete().Namespace(c.ns).Resource("endpoints").Name(name).Do().Error()
-// Watch returns a watch.Interface that watches the requested endpoints for a service.
-func (c *endpoints) Watch(opts api.ListOptions) (watch.Interface, error) {
- return c.r.Get().
- Prefix("watch").
- Namespace(c.ns).
- Resource("endpoints").
- VersionedParams(&opts, api.ParameterCodec).
- Watch()
-func (c *endpoints) Update(endpoints *api.Endpoints) (*api.Endpoints, error) {
- result := &api.Endpoints{}
- err := c.r.Put().
- Namespace(c.ns).
- Resource("endpoints").
- Name(endpoints.Name).
- Body(endpoints).
- Do().
- Into(result)
- return result, err
diff --git a/kube2msb/src/vendor/k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/unversioned/events.go b/kube2msb/src/vendor/k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/unversioned/events.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 3421bd8..0000000
--- a/kube2msb/src/vendor/k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/unversioned/events.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,219 +0,0 @@
-Copyright 2014 The Kubernetes Authors.
-Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-You may obtain a copy of the License at
- http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-limitations under the License.
-package unversioned
-import (
- "fmt"
- "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/api"
- "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/fields"
- "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/runtime"
- "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/watch"
-// EventNamespacer can return an EventInterface for the given namespace.
-type EventNamespacer interface {
- Events(namespace string) EventInterface
-// EventInterface has methods to work with Event resources
-type EventInterface interface {
- Create(event *api.Event) (*api.Event, error)
- Update(event *api.Event) (*api.Event, error)
- Patch(event *api.Event, data []byte) (*api.Event, error)
- List(opts api.ListOptions) (*api.EventList, error)
- Get(name string) (*api.Event, error)
- Watch(opts api.ListOptions) (watch.Interface, error)
- // Search finds events about the specified object
- Search(objOrRef runtime.Object) (*api.EventList, error)
- Delete(name string) error
- // DeleteCollection deletes a collection of events.
- DeleteCollection(options *api.DeleteOptions, listOptions api.ListOptions) error
- // Returns the appropriate field selector based on the API version being used to communicate with the server.
- // The returned field selector can be used with List and Watch to filter desired events.
- GetFieldSelector(involvedObjectName, involvedObjectNamespace, involvedObjectKind, involvedObjectUID *string) fields.Selector
-// events implements Events interface
-type events struct {
- client *Client
- namespace string
-// newEvents returns a new events object.
-func newEvents(c *Client, ns string) *events {
- return &events{
- client: c,
- namespace: ns,
- }
-// Create makes a new event. Returns the copy of the event the server returns,
-// or an error. The namespace to create the event within is deduced from the
-// event; it must either match this event client's namespace, or this event
-// client must have been created with the "" namespace.
-func (e *events) Create(event *api.Event) (*api.Event, error) {
- if e.namespace != "" && event.Namespace != e.namespace {
- return nil, fmt.Errorf("can't create an event with namespace '%v' in namespace '%v'", event.Namespace, e.namespace)
- }
- result := &api.Event{}
- err := e.client.Post().
- Namespace(event.Namespace).
- Resource("events").
- Body(event).
- Do().
- Into(result)
- return result, err
-// Update modifies an existing event. It returns the copy of the event that the server returns,
-// or an error. The namespace and key to update the event within is deduced from the event. The
-// namespace must either match this event client's namespace, or this event client must have been
-// created with the "" namespace. Update also requires the ResourceVersion to be set in the event
-// object.
-func (e *events) Update(event *api.Event) (*api.Event, error) {
- result := &api.Event{}
- err := e.client.Put().
- Namespace(event.Namespace).
- Resource("events").
- Name(event.Name).
- Body(event).
- Do().
- Into(result)
- return result, err
-// Patch modifies an existing event. It returns the copy of the event that the server returns, or an
-// error. The namespace and name of the target event is deduced from the incompleteEvent. The
-// namespace must either match this event client's namespace, or this event client must have been
-// created with the "" namespace.
-func (e *events) Patch(incompleteEvent *api.Event, data []byte) (*api.Event, error) {
- result := &api.Event{}
- err := e.client.Patch(api.StrategicMergePatchType).
- Namespace(incompleteEvent.Namespace).
- Resource("events").
- Name(incompleteEvent.Name).
- Body(data).
- Do().
- Into(result)
- return result, err
-// List returns a list of events matching the selectors.
-func (e *events) List(opts api.ListOptions) (*api.EventList, error) {
- result := &api.EventList{}
- err := e.client.Get().
- Namespace(e.namespace).
- Resource("events").
- VersionedParams(&opts, api.ParameterCodec).
- Do().
- Into(result)
- return result, err
-// Get returns the given event, or an error.
-func (e *events) Get(name string) (*api.Event, error) {
- result := &api.Event{}
- err := e.client.Get().
- Namespace(e.namespace).
- Resource("events").
- Name(name).
- Do().
- Into(result)
- return result, err
-// Watch starts watching for events matching the given selectors.
-func (e *events) Watch(opts api.ListOptions) (watch.Interface, error) {
- return e.client.Get().
- Prefix("watch").
- Namespace(e.namespace).
- Resource("events").
- VersionedParams(&opts, api.ParameterCodec).
- Watch()
-// Search finds events about the specified object. The namespace of the
-// object must match this event's client namespace unless the event client
-// was made with the "" namespace.
-func (e *events) Search(objOrRef runtime.Object) (*api.EventList, error) {
- ref, err := api.GetReference(objOrRef)
- if err != nil {
- return nil, err
- }
- if e.namespace != "" && ref.Namespace != e.namespace {
- return nil, fmt.Errorf("won't be able to find any events of namespace '%v' in namespace '%v'", ref.Namespace, e.namespace)
- }
- stringRefKind := string(ref.Kind)
- var refKind *string
- if stringRefKind != "" {
- refKind = &stringRefKind
- }
- stringRefUID := string(ref.UID)
- var refUID *string
- if stringRefUID != "" {
- refUID = &stringRefUID
- }
- fieldSelector := e.GetFieldSelector(&ref.Name, &ref.Namespace, refKind, refUID)
- return e.List(api.ListOptions{FieldSelector: fieldSelector})
-// Delete deletes an existing event.
-func (e *events) Delete(name string) error {
- return e.client.Delete().
- Namespace(e.namespace).
- Resource("events").
- Name(name).
- Do().
- Error()
-// DeleteCollection deletes a collection of objects.
-func (e *events) DeleteCollection(options *api.DeleteOptions, listOptions api.ListOptions) error {
- return e.client.Delete().
- Namespace(e.namespace).
- Resource("events").
- VersionedParams(&listOptions, api.ParameterCodec).
- Body(options).
- Do().
- Error()
-// Returns the appropriate field selector based on the API version being used to communicate with the server.
-// The returned field selector can be used with List and Watch to filter desired events.
-func (e *events) GetFieldSelector(involvedObjectName, involvedObjectNamespace, involvedObjectKind, involvedObjectUID *string) fields.Selector {
- apiVersion := e.client.APIVersion().String()
- field := fields.Set{}
- if involvedObjectName != nil {
- field[GetInvolvedObjectNameFieldLabel(apiVersion)] = *involvedObjectName
- }
- if involvedObjectNamespace != nil {
- field["involvedObject.namespace"] = *involvedObjectNamespace
- }
- if involvedObjectKind != nil {
- field["involvedObject.kind"] = *involvedObjectKind
- }
- if involvedObjectUID != nil {
- field["involvedObject.uid"] = *involvedObjectUID
- }
- return field.AsSelector()
-// Returns the appropriate field label to use for name of the involved object as per the given API version.
-func GetInvolvedObjectNameFieldLabel(version string) string {
- return "involvedObject.name"
diff --git a/kube2msb/src/vendor/k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/unversioned/extensions.go b/kube2msb/src/vendor/k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/unversioned/extensions.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 39b3408..0000000
--- a/kube2msb/src/vendor/k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/unversioned/extensions.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,131 +0,0 @@
-Copyright 2015 The Kubernetes Authors.
-Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-You may obtain a copy of the License at
- http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-limitations under the License.
-package unversioned
-import (
- "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/api"
- "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/apimachinery/registered"
- "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/apis/extensions"
- "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/restclient"
-// Interface holds the experimental methods for clients of Kubernetes
-// to allow mock testing.
-// Features of Extensions group are not supported and may be changed or removed in
-// incompatible ways at any time.
-type ExtensionsInterface interface {
- ScaleNamespacer
- DaemonSetsNamespacer
- DeploymentsNamespacer
- JobsNamespacer
- IngressNamespacer
- NetworkPolicyNamespacer
- ThirdPartyResourceNamespacer
- ReplicaSetsNamespacer
- PodSecurityPoliciesInterface
-// ExtensionsClient is used to interact with experimental Kubernetes features.
-// Features of Extensions group are not supported and may be changed or removed in
-// incompatible ways at any time.
-type ExtensionsClient struct {
- *restclient.RESTClient
-func (c *ExtensionsClient) PodSecurityPolicies() PodSecurityPolicyInterface {
- return newPodSecurityPolicy(c)
-func (c *ExtensionsClient) Scales(namespace string) ScaleInterface {
- return newScales(c, namespace)
-func (c *ExtensionsClient) DaemonSets(namespace string) DaemonSetInterface {
- return newDaemonSets(c, namespace)
-func (c *ExtensionsClient) Deployments(namespace string) DeploymentInterface {
- return newDeployments(c, namespace)
-func (c *ExtensionsClient) Jobs(namespace string) JobInterface {
- return newJobs(c, namespace)
-func (c *ExtensionsClient) Ingress(namespace string) IngressInterface {
- return newIngress(c, namespace)
-func (c *ExtensionsClient) NetworkPolicies(namespace string) NetworkPolicyInterface {
- return newNetworkPolicies(c, namespace)
-func (c *ExtensionsClient) ThirdPartyResources() ThirdPartyResourceInterface {
- return newThirdPartyResources(c)
-func (c *ExtensionsClient) ReplicaSets(namespace string) ReplicaSetInterface {
- return newReplicaSets(c, namespace)
-// NewExtensions creates a new ExtensionsClient for the given config. This client
-// provides access to experimental Kubernetes features.
-// Features of Extensions group are not supported and may be changed or removed in
-// incompatible ways at any time.
-func NewExtensions(c *restclient.Config) (*ExtensionsClient, error) {
- config := *c
- if err := setExtensionsDefaults(&config); err != nil {
- return nil, err
- }
- client, err := restclient.RESTClientFor(&config)
- if err != nil {
- return nil, err
- }
- return &ExtensionsClient{client}, nil
-// NewExtensionsOrDie creates a new ExtensionsClient for the given config and
-// panics if there is an error in the config.
-// Features of Extensions group are not supported and may be changed or removed in
-// incompatible ways at any time.
-func NewExtensionsOrDie(c *restclient.Config) *ExtensionsClient {
- client, err := NewExtensions(c)
- if err != nil {
- panic(err)
- }
- return client
-func setExtensionsDefaults(config *restclient.Config) error {
- // if experimental group is not registered, return an error
- g, err := registered.Group(extensions.GroupName)
- if err != nil {
- return err
- }
- config.APIPath = defaultAPIPath
- if config.UserAgent == "" {
- config.UserAgent = restclient.DefaultKubernetesUserAgent()
- }
- // TODO: Unconditionally set the config.Version, until we fix the config.
- //if config.Version == "" {
- copyGroupVersion := g.GroupVersion
- config.GroupVersion = &copyGroupVersion
- //}
- config.NegotiatedSerializer = api.Codecs
- return nil
diff --git a/kube2msb/src/vendor/k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/unversioned/flags.go b/kube2msb/src/vendor/k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/unversioned/flags.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 7d32a25..0000000
--- a/kube2msb/src/vendor/k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/unversioned/flags.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-Copyright 2014 The Kubernetes Authors.
-Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-You may obtain a copy of the License at
- http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-limitations under the License.
-package unversioned
-import (
- "time"
-// FlagSet abstracts the flag interface for compatibility with both Golang "flag"
-// and cobra pflags (Posix style).
-type FlagSet interface {
- StringVar(p *string, name, value, usage string)
- BoolVar(p *bool, name string, value bool, usage string)
- UintVar(p *uint, name string, value uint, usage string)
- DurationVar(p *time.Duration, name string, value time.Duration, usage string)
- IntVar(p *int, name string, value int, usage string)
diff --git a/kube2msb/src/vendor/k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/unversioned/helper.go b/kube2msb/src/vendor/k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/unversioned/helper.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 8475769..0000000
--- a/kube2msb/src/vendor/k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/unversioned/helper.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,273 +0,0 @@
-Copyright 2014 The Kubernetes Authors.
-Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-You may obtain a copy of the License at
- http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-limitations under the License.
-package unversioned
-import (
- "fmt"
- "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/api"
- "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/api/unversioned"
- "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/apimachinery/registered"
- "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/apis/apps"
- "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/apis/autoscaling"
- "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/apis/batch"
- "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/apis/certificates"
- "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/apis/extensions"
- "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/apis/policy"
- "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/apis/rbac"
- "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/restclient"
- "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/typed/discovery"
- "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/util/sets"
- "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/version"
- // Import solely to initialize client auth plugins.
- _ "k8s.io/kubernetes/plugin/pkg/client/auth"
-const (
- legacyAPIPath = "/api"
- defaultAPIPath = "/apis"
-// New creates a Kubernetes client for the given config. This client works with pods,
-// replication controllers, daemons, and services. It allows operations such as list, get, update
-// and delete on these objects. An error is returned if the provided configuration
-// is not valid.
-func New(c *restclient.Config) (*Client, error) {
- config := *c
- if err := SetKubernetesDefaults(&config); err != nil {
- return nil, err
- }
- client, err := restclient.RESTClientFor(&config)
- if err != nil {
- return nil, err
- }
- discoveryConfig := *c
- discoveryClient, err := discovery.NewDiscoveryClientForConfig(&discoveryConfig)
- if err != nil {
- return nil, err
- }
- var autoscalingClient *AutoscalingClient
- if registered.IsRegistered(autoscaling.GroupName) {
- autoscalingConfig := *c
- autoscalingClient, err = NewAutoscaling(&autoscalingConfig)
- if err != nil {
- return nil, err
- }
- }
- var batchClient *BatchClient
- if registered.IsRegistered(batch.GroupName) {
- batchConfig := *c
- batchClient, err = NewBatch(&batchConfig)
- if err != nil {
- return nil, err
- }
- }
- var extensionsClient *ExtensionsClient
- if registered.IsRegistered(extensions.GroupName) {
- extensionsConfig := *c
- extensionsClient, err = NewExtensions(&extensionsConfig)
- if err != nil {
- return nil, err
- }
- }
- var policyClient *PolicyClient
- if registered.IsRegistered(policy.GroupName) {
- policyConfig := *c
- policyClient, err = NewPolicy(&policyConfig)
- if err != nil {
- return nil, err
- }
- }
- var certsClient *CertificatesClient
- if registered.IsRegistered(certificates.GroupName) {
- certsConfig := *c
- certsClient, err = NewCertificates(&certsConfig)
- if err != nil {
- return nil, err
- }
- }
- var appsClient *AppsClient
- if registered.IsRegistered(apps.GroupName) {
- appsConfig := *c
- appsClient, err = NewApps(&appsConfig)
- if err != nil {
- return nil, err
- }
- }
- var rbacClient *RbacClient
- if registered.IsRegistered(rbac.GroupName) {
- rbacConfig := *c
- rbacClient, err = NewRbac(&rbacConfig)
- if err != nil {
- return nil, err
- }
- }
- return &Client{RESTClient: client, AutoscalingClient: autoscalingClient, BatchClient: batchClient, CertificatesClient: certsClient, ExtensionsClient: extensionsClient, DiscoveryClient: discoveryClient, AppsClient: appsClient, PolicyClient: policyClient, RbacClient: rbacClient}, nil
-// MatchesServerVersion queries the server to compares the build version
-// (git hash) of the client with the server's build version. It returns an error
-// if it failed to contact the server or if the versions are not an exact match.
-func MatchesServerVersion(client *Client, c *restclient.Config) error {
- var err error
- if client == nil {
- client, err = New(c)
- if err != nil {
- return err
- }
- }
- cVer := version.Get()
- sVer, err := client.Discovery().ServerVersion()
- if err != nil {
- return fmt.Errorf("couldn't read version from server: %v\n", err)
- }
- // GitVersion includes GitCommit and GitTreeState, but best to be safe?
- if cVer.GitVersion != sVer.GitVersion || cVer.GitCommit != sVer.GitCommit || cVer.GitTreeState != sVer.GitTreeState {
- return fmt.Errorf("server version (%#v) differs from client version (%#v)!\n", sVer, cVer)
- }
- return nil
-// NegotiateVersion queries the server's supported api versions to find
-// a version that both client and server support.
-// - If no version is provided, try registered client versions in order of
-// preference.
-// - If version is provided, but not default config (explicitly requested via
-// commandline flag), and is unsupported by the server, print a warning to
-// stderr and try client's registered versions in order of preference.
-// - If version is config default, and the server does not support it,
-// return an error.
-func NegotiateVersion(client *Client, c *restclient.Config, requestedGV *unversioned.GroupVersion, clientRegisteredGVs []unversioned.GroupVersion) (*unversioned.GroupVersion, error) {
- var err error
- if client == nil {
- client, err = New(c)
- if err != nil {
- return nil, err
- }
- }
- clientVersions := sets.String{}
- for _, gv := range clientRegisteredGVs {
- clientVersions.Insert(gv.String())
- }
- groups, err := client.ServerGroups()
- if err != nil {
- // This is almost always a connection error, and higher level code should treat this as a generic error,
- // not a negotiation specific error.
- return nil, err
- }
- versions := unversioned.ExtractGroupVersions(groups)
- serverVersions := sets.String{}
- for _, v := range versions {
- serverVersions.Insert(v)
- }
- // If no version requested, use config version (may also be empty).
- // make a copy of the original so we don't risk mutating input here or in the returned value
- var preferredGV *unversioned.GroupVersion
- switch {
- case requestedGV != nil:
- t := *requestedGV
- preferredGV = &t
- case c.GroupVersion != nil:
- t := *c.GroupVersion
- preferredGV = &t
- }
- // If version explicitly requested verify that both client and server support it.
- // If server does not support warn, but try to negotiate a lower version.
- if preferredGV != nil {
- if !clientVersions.Has(preferredGV.String()) {
- return nil, fmt.Errorf("client does not support API version %q; client supported API versions: %v", preferredGV, clientVersions)
- }
- // If the server supports no versions, then we should just use the preferredGV
- // This can happen because discovery fails due to 403 Forbidden errors
- if len(serverVersions) == 0 {
- return preferredGV, nil
- }
- if serverVersions.Has(preferredGV.String()) {
- return preferredGV, nil
- }
- // If we are using an explicit config version the server does not support, fail.
- if (c.GroupVersion != nil) && (*preferredGV == *c.GroupVersion) {
- return nil, fmt.Errorf("server does not support API version %q", preferredGV)
- }
- }
- for _, clientGV := range clientRegisteredGVs {
- if serverVersions.Has(clientGV.String()) {
- // Version was not explicitly requested in command config (--api-version).
- // Ok to fall back to a supported version with a warning.
- // TODO: caesarxuchao: enable the warning message when we have
- // proper fix. Please refer to issue #14895.
- // if len(version) != 0 {
- // glog.Warningf("Server does not support API version '%s'. Falling back to '%s'.", version, clientVersion)
- // }
- t := clientGV
- return &t, nil
- }
- }
- return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to negotiate an api version; server supports: %v, client supports: %v",
- serverVersions, clientVersions)
-// NewOrDie creates a Kubernetes client and panics if the provided API version is not recognized.
-func NewOrDie(c *restclient.Config) *Client {
- client, err := New(c)
- if err != nil {
- panic(err)
- }
- return client
-// NewInCluster is a shortcut for calling InClusterConfig() and then New().
-func NewInCluster() (*Client, error) {
- cc, err := restclient.InClusterConfig()
- if err != nil {
- return nil, err
- }
- return New(cc)
-// SetKubernetesDefaults sets default values on the provided client config for accessing the
-// Kubernetes API or returns an error if any of the defaults are impossible or invalid.
-// TODO: this method needs to be split into one that sets defaults per group, expected to be fix in PR "Refactoring clientcache.go and helper.go #14592"
-func SetKubernetesDefaults(config *restclient.Config) error {
- if config.APIPath == "" {
- config.APIPath = legacyAPIPath
- }
- g, err := registered.Group(api.GroupName)
- if err != nil {
- return err
- }
- // TODO: Unconditionally set the config.Version, until we fix the config.
- copyGroupVersion := g.GroupVersion
- config.GroupVersion = &copyGroupVersion
- if config.NegotiatedSerializer == nil {
- config.NegotiatedSerializer = api.Codecs
- }
- return restclient.SetKubernetesDefaults(config)
diff --git a/kube2msb/src/vendor/k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/unversioned/horizontalpodautoscaler.go b/kube2msb/src/vendor/k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/unversioned/horizontalpodautoscaler.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 76c6a9c..0000000
--- a/kube2msb/src/vendor/k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/unversioned/horizontalpodautoscaler.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,103 +0,0 @@
-Copyright 2015 The Kubernetes Authors.
-Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-You may obtain a copy of the License at
- http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-limitations under the License.
-package unversioned
-import (
- "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/api"
- "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/apis/autoscaling"
- "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/watch"
-// HorizontalPodAutoscalersNamespacer has methods to work with HorizontalPodAutoscaler resources in a namespace
-type HorizontalPodAutoscalersNamespacer interface {
- HorizontalPodAutoscalers(namespace string) HorizontalPodAutoscalerInterface
-// HorizontalPodAutoscalerInterface has methods to work with HorizontalPodAutoscaler resources.
-type HorizontalPodAutoscalerInterface interface {
- List(opts api.ListOptions) (*autoscaling.HorizontalPodAutoscalerList, error)
- Get(name string) (*autoscaling.HorizontalPodAutoscaler, error)
- Delete(name string, options *api.DeleteOptions) error
- Create(horizontalPodAutoscaler *autoscaling.HorizontalPodAutoscaler) (*autoscaling.HorizontalPodAutoscaler, error)
- Update(horizontalPodAutoscaler *autoscaling.HorizontalPodAutoscaler) (*autoscaling.HorizontalPodAutoscaler, error)
- UpdateStatus(horizontalPodAutoscaler *autoscaling.HorizontalPodAutoscaler) (*autoscaling.HorizontalPodAutoscaler, error)
- Watch(opts api.ListOptions) (watch.Interface, error)
-// horizontalPodAutoscalers implements HorizontalPodAutoscalersNamespacer interface using AutoscalingClient internally
-type horizontalPodAutoscalers struct {
- client *AutoscalingClient
- ns string
-// newHorizontalPodAutoscalers returns a horizontalPodAutoscalers
-func newHorizontalPodAutoscalers(c *AutoscalingClient, namespace string) *horizontalPodAutoscalers {
- return &horizontalPodAutoscalers{
- client: c,
- ns: namespace,
- }
-// List takes label and field selectors, and returns the list of horizontalPodAutoscalers that match those selectors.
-func (c *horizontalPodAutoscalers) List(opts api.ListOptions) (result *autoscaling.HorizontalPodAutoscalerList, err error) {
- result = &autoscaling.HorizontalPodAutoscalerList{}
- err = c.client.Get().Namespace(c.ns).Resource("horizontalPodAutoscalers").VersionedParams(&opts, api.ParameterCodec).Do().Into(result)
- return
-// Get takes the name of the horizontalPodAutoscaler, and returns the corresponding HorizontalPodAutoscaler object, and an error if it occurs
-func (c *horizontalPodAutoscalers) Get(name string) (result *autoscaling.HorizontalPodAutoscaler, err error) {
- result = &autoscaling.HorizontalPodAutoscaler{}
- err = c.client.Get().Namespace(c.ns).Resource("horizontalPodAutoscalers").Name(name).Do().Into(result)
- return
-// Delete takes the name of the horizontalPodAutoscaler and deletes it. Returns an error if one occurs.
-func (c *horizontalPodAutoscalers) Delete(name string, options *api.DeleteOptions) error {
- return c.client.Delete().Namespace(c.ns).Resource("horizontalPodAutoscalers").Name(name).Body(options).Do().Error()
-// Create takes the representation of a horizontalPodAutoscaler and creates it. Returns the server's representation of the horizontalPodAutoscaler, and an error, if it occurs.
-func (c *horizontalPodAutoscalers) Create(horizontalPodAutoscaler *autoscaling.HorizontalPodAutoscaler) (result *autoscaling.HorizontalPodAutoscaler, err error) {
- result = &autoscaling.HorizontalPodAutoscaler{}
- err = c.client.Post().Namespace(c.ns).Resource("horizontalPodAutoscalers").Body(horizontalPodAutoscaler).Do().Into(result)
- return
-// Update takes the representation of a horizontalPodAutoscaler and updates it. Returns the server's representation of the horizontalPodAutoscaler, and an error, if it occurs.
-func (c *horizontalPodAutoscalers) Update(horizontalPodAutoscaler *autoscaling.HorizontalPodAutoscaler) (result *autoscaling.HorizontalPodAutoscaler, err error) {
- result = &autoscaling.HorizontalPodAutoscaler{}
- err = c.client.Put().Namespace(c.ns).Resource("horizontalPodAutoscalers").Name(horizontalPodAutoscaler.Name).Body(horizontalPodAutoscaler).Do().Into(result)
- return
-// UpdateStatus takes the representation of a horizontalPodAutoscaler and updates it. Returns the server's representation of the horizontalPodAutoscaler, and an error, if it occurs.
-func (c *horizontalPodAutoscalers) UpdateStatus(horizontalPodAutoscaler *autoscaling.HorizontalPodAutoscaler) (result *autoscaling.HorizontalPodAutoscaler, err error) {
- result = &autoscaling.HorizontalPodAutoscaler{}
- err = c.client.Put().Namespace(c.ns).Resource("horizontalPodAutoscalers").Name(horizontalPodAutoscaler.Name).SubResource("status").Body(horizontalPodAutoscaler).Do().Into(result)
- return
-// Watch returns a watch.Interface that watches the requested horizontalPodAutoscalers.
-func (c *horizontalPodAutoscalers) Watch(opts api.ListOptions) (watch.Interface, error) {
- return c.client.Get().
- Prefix("watch").
- Namespace(c.ns).
- Resource("horizontalPodAutoscalers").
- VersionedParams(&opts, api.ParameterCodec).
- Watch()
diff --git a/kube2msb/src/vendor/k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/unversioned/import_known_versions.go b/kube2msb/src/vendor/k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/unversioned/import_known_versions.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 8508573..0000000
--- a/kube2msb/src/vendor/k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/unversioned/import_known_versions.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
-Copyright 2015 The Kubernetes Authors.
-Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-You may obtain a copy of the License at
- http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-limitations under the License.
-package unversioned
-// These imports are the API groups the client will support.
-import (
- "fmt"
- _ "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/api/install"
- "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/apimachinery/registered"
- _ "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/apis/apps/install"
- _ "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/apis/authentication.k8s.io/install"
- _ "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/apis/authorization/install"
- _ "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/apis/autoscaling/install"
- _ "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/apis/batch/install"
- _ "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/apis/certificates/install"
- _ "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/apis/componentconfig/install"
- _ "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/apis/extensions/install"
- _ "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/apis/policy/install"
- _ "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/apis/rbac/install"
-func init() {
- if missingVersions := registered.ValidateEnvRequestedVersions(); len(missingVersions) != 0 {
- panic(fmt.Sprintf("KUBE_API_VERSIONS contains versions that are not installed: %q.", missingVersions))
- }
diff --git a/kube2msb/src/vendor/k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/unversioned/ingress.go b/kube2msb/src/vendor/k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/unversioned/ingress.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 59c6a6d..0000000
--- a/kube2msb/src/vendor/k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/unversioned/ingress.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,100 +0,0 @@
-Copyright 2015 The Kubernetes Authors.
-Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-You may obtain a copy of the License at
- http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-limitations under the License.
-package unversioned
-import (
- "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/api"
- "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/apis/extensions"
- "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/watch"
-// IngressNamespacer has methods to work with Ingress resources in a namespace
-type IngressNamespacer interface {
- Ingress(namespace string) IngressInterface
-// IngressInterface exposes methods to work on Ingress resources.
-type IngressInterface interface {
- List(opts api.ListOptions) (*extensions.IngressList, error)
- Get(name string) (*extensions.Ingress, error)
- Create(ingress *extensions.Ingress) (*extensions.Ingress, error)
- Update(ingress *extensions.Ingress) (*extensions.Ingress, error)
- Delete(name string, options *api.DeleteOptions) error
- Watch(opts api.ListOptions) (watch.Interface, error)
- UpdateStatus(ingress *extensions.Ingress) (*extensions.Ingress, error)
-// ingress implements IngressNamespacer interface
-type ingress struct {
- r *ExtensionsClient
- ns string
-// newIngress returns a ingress
-func newIngress(c *ExtensionsClient, namespace string) *ingress {
- return &ingress{c, namespace}
-// List returns a list of ingress that match the label and field selectors.
-func (c *ingress) List(opts api.ListOptions) (result *extensions.IngressList, err error) {
- result = &extensions.IngressList{}
- err = c.r.Get().Namespace(c.ns).Resource("ingresses").VersionedParams(&opts, api.ParameterCodec).Do().Into(result)
- return
-// Get returns information about a particular ingress.
-func (c *ingress) Get(name string) (result *extensions.Ingress, err error) {
- result = &extensions.Ingress{}
- err = c.r.Get().Namespace(c.ns).Resource("ingresses").Name(name).Do().Into(result)
- return
-// Create creates a new ingress.
-func (c *ingress) Create(ingress *extensions.Ingress) (result *extensions.Ingress, err error) {
- result = &extensions.Ingress{}
- err = c.r.Post().Namespace(c.ns).Resource("ingresses").Body(ingress).Do().Into(result)
- return
-// Update updates an existing ingress.
-func (c *ingress) Update(ingress *extensions.Ingress) (result *extensions.Ingress, err error) {
- result = &extensions.Ingress{}
- err = c.r.Put().Namespace(c.ns).Resource("ingresses").Name(ingress.Name).Body(ingress).Do().Into(result)
- return
-// Delete deletes a ingress, returns error if one occurs.
-func (c *ingress) Delete(name string, options *api.DeleteOptions) (err error) {
- return c.r.Delete().Namespace(c.ns).Resource("ingresses").Name(name).Body(options).Do().Error()
-// Watch returns a watch.Interface that watches the requested ingress.
-func (c *ingress) Watch(opts api.ListOptions) (watch.Interface, error) {
- return c.r.Get().
- Prefix("watch").
- Namespace(c.ns).
- Resource("ingresses").
- VersionedParams(&opts, api.ParameterCodec).
- Watch()
-// UpdateStatus takes the name of the ingress and the new status. Returns the server's representation of the ingress, and an error, if it occurs.
-func (c *ingress) UpdateStatus(ingress *extensions.Ingress) (result *extensions.Ingress, err error) {
- result = &extensions.Ingress{}
- err = c.r.Put().Namespace(c.ns).Resource("ingresses").Name(ingress.Name).SubResource("status").Body(ingress).Do().Into(result)
- return
diff --git a/kube2msb/src/vendor/k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/unversioned/jobs.go b/kube2msb/src/vendor/k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/unversioned/jobs.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 14cfa3a..0000000
--- a/kube2msb/src/vendor/k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/unversioned/jobs.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,167 +0,0 @@
-Copyright 2015 The Kubernetes Authors.
-Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-You may obtain a copy of the License at
- http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-limitations under the License.
-package unversioned
-import (
- "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/api"
- "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/apis/batch"
- "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/watch"
-// JobsNamespacer has methods to work with Job resources in a namespace
-type JobsNamespacer interface {
- Jobs(namespace string) JobInterface
-// JobInterface exposes methods to work on Job resources.
-type JobInterface interface {
- List(opts api.ListOptions) (*batch.JobList, error)
- Get(name string) (*batch.Job, error)
- Create(job *batch.Job) (*batch.Job, error)
- Update(job *batch.Job) (*batch.Job, error)
- Delete(name string, options *api.DeleteOptions) error
- Watch(opts api.ListOptions) (watch.Interface, error)
- UpdateStatus(job *batch.Job) (*batch.Job, error)
-// jobs implements JobsNamespacer interface
-type jobs struct {
- r *ExtensionsClient
- ns string
-// newJobs returns a jobs
-func newJobs(c *ExtensionsClient, namespace string) *jobs {
- return &jobs{c, namespace}
-// Ensure statically that jobs implements JobInterface.
-var _ JobInterface = &jobs{}
-// List returns a list of jobs that match the label and field selectors.
-func (c *jobs) List(opts api.ListOptions) (result *batch.JobList, err error) {
- result = &batch.JobList{}
- err = c.r.Get().Namespace(c.ns).Resource("jobs").VersionedParams(&opts, api.ParameterCodec).Do().Into(result)
- return
-// Get returns information about a particular job.
-func (c *jobs) Get(name string) (result *batch.Job, err error) {
- result = &batch.Job{}
- err = c.r.Get().Namespace(c.ns).Resource("jobs").Name(name).Do().Into(result)
- return
-// Create creates a new job.
-func (c *jobs) Create(job *batch.Job) (result *batch.Job, err error) {
- result = &batch.Job{}
- err = c.r.Post().Namespace(c.ns).Resource("jobs").Body(job).Do().Into(result)
- return
-// Update updates an existing job.
-func (c *jobs) Update(job *batch.Job) (result *batch.Job, err error) {
- result = &batch.Job{}
- err = c.r.Put().Namespace(c.ns).Resource("jobs").Name(job.Name).Body(job).Do().Into(result)
- return
-// Delete deletes a job, returns error if one occurs.
-func (c *jobs) Delete(name string, options *api.DeleteOptions) (err error) {
- return c.r.Delete().Namespace(c.ns).Resource("jobs").Name(name).Body(options).Do().Error()
-// Watch returns a watch.Interface that watches the requested jobs.
-func (c *jobs) Watch(opts api.ListOptions) (watch.Interface, error) {
- return c.r.Get().
- Prefix("watch").
- Namespace(c.ns).
- Resource("jobs").
- VersionedParams(&opts, api.ParameterCodec).
- Watch()
-// UpdateStatus takes the name of the job and the new status. Returns the server's representation of the job, and an error, if it occurs.
-func (c *jobs) UpdateStatus(job *batch.Job) (result *batch.Job, err error) {
- result = &batch.Job{}
- err = c.r.Put().Namespace(c.ns).Resource("jobs").Name(job.Name).SubResource("status").Body(job).Do().Into(result)
- return
-// jobsV1 implements JobsNamespacer interface using BatchClient internally
-type jobsV1 struct {
- r *BatchClient
- ns string
-// newJobsV1 returns a jobsV1
-func newJobsV1(c *BatchClient, namespace string) *jobsV1 {
- return &jobsV1{c, namespace}
-// Ensure statically that jobsV1 implements JobInterface.
-var _ JobInterface = &jobsV1{}
-// List returns a list of jobs that match the label and field selectors.
-func (c *jobsV1) List(opts api.ListOptions) (result *batch.JobList, err error) {
- result = &batch.JobList{}
- err = c.r.Get().Namespace(c.ns).Resource("jobs").VersionedParams(&opts, api.ParameterCodec).Do().Into(result)
- return
-// Get returns information about a particular job.
-func (c *jobsV1) Get(name string) (result *batch.Job, err error) {
- result = &batch.Job{}
- err = c.r.Get().Namespace(c.ns).Resource("jobs").Name(name).Do().Into(result)
- return
-// Create creates a new job.
-func (c *jobsV1) Create(job *batch.Job) (result *batch.Job, err error) {
- result = &batch.Job{}
- err = c.r.Post().Namespace(c.ns).Resource("jobs").Body(job).Do().Into(result)
- return
-// Update updates an existing job.
-func (c *jobsV1) Update(job *batch.Job) (result *batch.Job, err error) {
- result = &batch.Job{}
- err = c.r.Put().Namespace(c.ns).Resource("jobs").Name(job.Name).Body(job).Do().Into(result)
- return
-// Delete deletes a job, returns error if one occurs.
-func (c *jobsV1) Delete(name string, options *api.DeleteOptions) (err error) {
- return c.r.Delete().Namespace(c.ns).Resource("jobs").Name(name).Body(options).Do().Error()
-// Watch returns a watch.Interface that watches the requested jobs.
-func (c *jobsV1) Watch(opts api.ListOptions) (watch.Interface, error) {
- return c.r.Get().
- Prefix("watch").
- Namespace(c.ns).
- Resource("jobs").
- VersionedParams(&opts, api.ParameterCodec).
- Watch()
-// UpdateStatus takes the name of the job and the new status. Returns the server's representation of the job, and an error, if it occurs.
-func (c *jobsV1) UpdateStatus(job *batch.Job) (result *batch.Job, err error) {
- result = &batch.Job{}
- err = c.r.Put().Namespace(c.ns).Resource("jobs").Name(job.Name).SubResource("status").Body(job).Do().Into(result)
- return
diff --git a/kube2msb/src/vendor/k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/unversioned/limit_ranges.go b/kube2msb/src/vendor/k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/unversioned/limit_ranges.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 914a049..0000000
--- a/kube2msb/src/vendor/k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/unversioned/limit_ranges.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,94 +0,0 @@
-Copyright 2014 The Kubernetes Authors.
-Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-You may obtain a copy of the License at
- http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-limitations under the License.
-package unversioned
-import (
- "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/api"
- "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/watch"
-// LimitRangesNamespacer has methods to work with LimitRange resources in a namespace
-type LimitRangesNamespacer interface {
- LimitRanges(namespace string) LimitRangeInterface
-// LimitRangeInterface has methods to work with LimitRange resources.
-type LimitRangeInterface interface {
- List(opts api.ListOptions) (*api.LimitRangeList, error)
- Get(name string) (*api.LimitRange, error)
- Delete(name string) error
- Create(limitRange *api.LimitRange) (*api.LimitRange, error)
- Update(limitRange *api.LimitRange) (*api.LimitRange, error)
- Watch(opts api.ListOptions) (watch.Interface, error)
-// limitRanges implements LimitRangesNamespacer interface
-type limitRanges struct {
- r *Client
- ns string
-// newLimitRanges returns a limitRanges
-func newLimitRanges(c *Client, namespace string) *limitRanges {
- return &limitRanges{
- r: c,
- ns: namespace,
- }
-// List takes a selector, and returns the list of limitRanges that match that selector.
-func (c *limitRanges) List(opts api.ListOptions) (result *api.LimitRangeList, err error) {
- result = &api.LimitRangeList{}
- err = c.r.Get().Namespace(c.ns).Resource("limitRanges").VersionedParams(&opts, api.ParameterCodec).Do().Into(result)
- return
-// Get takes the name of the limitRange, and returns the corresponding Pod object, and an error if it occurs
-func (c *limitRanges) Get(name string) (result *api.LimitRange, err error) {
- result = &api.LimitRange{}
- err = c.r.Get().Namespace(c.ns).Resource("limitRanges").Name(name).Do().Into(result)
- return
-// Delete takes the name of the limitRange, and returns an error if one occurs
-func (c *limitRanges) Delete(name string) error {
- return c.r.Delete().Namespace(c.ns).Resource("limitRanges").Name(name).Do().Error()
-// Create takes the representation of a limitRange. Returns the server's representation of the limitRange, and an error, if it occurs.
-func (c *limitRanges) Create(limitRange *api.LimitRange) (result *api.LimitRange, err error) {
- result = &api.LimitRange{}
- err = c.r.Post().Namespace(c.ns).Resource("limitRanges").Body(limitRange).Do().Into(result)
- return
-// Update takes the representation of a limitRange to update. Returns the server's representation of the limitRange, and an error, if it occurs.
-func (c *limitRanges) Update(limitRange *api.LimitRange) (result *api.LimitRange, err error) {
- result = &api.LimitRange{}
- err = c.r.Put().Namespace(c.ns).Resource("limitRanges").Name(limitRange.Name).Body(limitRange).Do().Into(result)
- return
-// Watch returns a watch.Interface that watches the requested resource
-func (c *limitRanges) Watch(opts api.ListOptions) (watch.Interface, error) {
- return c.r.Get().
- Prefix("watch").
- Namespace(c.ns).
- Resource("limitRanges").
- VersionedParams(&opts, api.ParameterCodec).
- Watch()
diff --git a/kube2msb/src/vendor/k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/unversioned/namespaces.go b/kube2msb/src/vendor/k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/unversioned/namespaces.go
deleted file mode 100644
index b4a3836..0000000
--- a/kube2msb/src/vendor/k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/unversioned/namespaces.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,116 +0,0 @@
-Copyright 2014 The Kubernetes Authors.
-Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-You may obtain a copy of the License at
- http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-limitations under the License.
-package unversioned
-import (
- "fmt"
- "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/api"
- "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/watch"
-type NamespacesInterface interface {
- Namespaces() NamespaceInterface
-type NamespaceInterface interface {
- Create(item *api.Namespace) (*api.Namespace, error)
- Get(name string) (result *api.Namespace, err error)
- List(opts api.ListOptions) (*api.NamespaceList, error)
- Delete(name string) error
- Update(item *api.Namespace) (*api.Namespace, error)
- Watch(opts api.ListOptions) (watch.Interface, error)
- Finalize(item *api.Namespace) (*api.Namespace, error)
- Status(item *api.Namespace) (*api.Namespace, error)
-// namespaces implements NamespacesInterface
-type namespaces struct {
- r *Client
-// newNamespaces returns a namespaces object.
-func newNamespaces(c *Client) *namespaces {
- return &namespaces{r: c}
-// Create creates a new namespace.
-func (c *namespaces) Create(namespace *api.Namespace) (*api.Namespace, error) {
- result := &api.Namespace{}
- err := c.r.Post().Resource("namespaces").Body(namespace).Do().Into(result)
- return result, err
-// List lists all the namespaces in the cluster.
-func (c *namespaces) List(opts api.ListOptions) (*api.NamespaceList, error) {
- result := &api.NamespaceList{}
- err := c.r.Get().
- Resource("namespaces").
- VersionedParams(&opts, api.ParameterCodec).
- Do().Into(result)
- return result, err
-// Update takes the representation of a namespace to update. Returns the server's representation of the namespace, and an error, if it occurs.
-func (c *namespaces) Update(namespace *api.Namespace) (result *api.Namespace, err error) {
- result = &api.Namespace{}
- err = c.r.Put().Resource("namespaces").Name(namespace.Name).Body(namespace).Do().Into(result)
- return
-// Finalize takes the representation of a namespace to update. Returns the server's representation of the namespace, and an error, if it occurs.
-func (c *namespaces) Finalize(namespace *api.Namespace) (result *api.Namespace, err error) {
- result = &api.Namespace{}
- if len(namespace.ResourceVersion) == 0 {
- err = fmt.Errorf("invalid update object, missing resource version: %v", namespace)
- return
- }
- err = c.r.Put().Resource("namespaces").Name(namespace.Name).SubResource("finalize").Body(namespace).Do().Into(result)
- return
-// Status takes the representation of a namespace to update. Returns the server's representation of the namespace, and an error, if it occurs.
-func (c *namespaces) Status(namespace *api.Namespace) (result *api.Namespace, err error) {
- result = &api.Namespace{}
- if len(namespace.ResourceVersion) == 0 {
- err = fmt.Errorf("invalid update object, missing resource version: %v", namespace)
- return
- }
- err = c.r.Put().Resource("namespaces").Name(namespace.Name).SubResource("status").Body(namespace).Do().Into(result)
- return
-// Get gets an existing namespace
-func (c *namespaces) Get(name string) (*api.Namespace, error) {
- result := &api.Namespace{}
- err := c.r.Get().Resource("namespaces").Name(name).Do().Into(result)
- return result, err
-// Delete deletes an existing namespace.
-func (c *namespaces) Delete(name string) error {
- return c.r.Delete().Resource("namespaces").Name(name).Do().Error()
-// Watch returns a watch.Interface that watches the requested namespaces.
-func (c *namespaces) Watch(opts api.ListOptions) (watch.Interface, error) {
- return c.r.Get().
- Prefix("watch").
- Resource("namespaces").
- VersionedParams(&opts, api.ParameterCodec).
- Watch()
diff --git a/kube2msb/src/vendor/k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/unversioned/network_policys.go b/kube2msb/src/vendor/k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/unversioned/network_policys.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 3e3f610..0000000
--- a/kube2msb/src/vendor/k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/unversioned/network_policys.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,92 +0,0 @@
-Copyright 2015 The Kubernetes Authors.
-Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-You may obtain a copy of the License at
- http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-limitations under the License.
-package unversioned
-import (
- "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/api"
- "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/apis/extensions"
- "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/watch"
-// NetworkPolicyNamespacer has methods to work with NetworkPolicy resources in a namespace
-type NetworkPolicyNamespacer interface {
- NetworkPolicies(namespace string) NetworkPolicyInterface
-// NetworkPolicyInterface exposes methods to work on NetworkPolicy resources.
-type NetworkPolicyInterface interface {
- List(opts api.ListOptions) (*extensions.NetworkPolicyList, error)
- Get(name string) (*extensions.NetworkPolicy, error)
- Create(networkPolicy *extensions.NetworkPolicy) (*extensions.NetworkPolicy, error)
- Update(networkPolicy *extensions.NetworkPolicy) (*extensions.NetworkPolicy, error)
- Delete(name string, options *api.DeleteOptions) error
- Watch(opts api.ListOptions) (watch.Interface, error)
-// NetworkPolicies implements NetworkPolicyNamespacer interface
-type NetworkPolicies struct {
- r *ExtensionsClient
- ns string
-// newNetworkPolicies returns a NetworkPolicies
-func newNetworkPolicies(c *ExtensionsClient, namespace string) *NetworkPolicies {
- return &NetworkPolicies{c, namespace}
-// List returns a list of networkPolicy that match the label and field selectors.
-func (c *NetworkPolicies) List(opts api.ListOptions) (result *extensions.NetworkPolicyList, err error) {
- result = &extensions.NetworkPolicyList{}
- err = c.r.Get().Namespace(c.ns).Resource("networkpolicies").VersionedParams(&opts, api.ParameterCodec).Do().Into(result)
- return
-// Get returns information about a particular networkPolicy.
-func (c *NetworkPolicies) Get(name string) (result *extensions.NetworkPolicy, err error) {
- result = &extensions.NetworkPolicy{}
- err = c.r.Get().Namespace(c.ns).Resource("networkpolicies").Name(name).Do().Into(result)
- return
-// Create creates a new networkPolicy.
-func (c *NetworkPolicies) Create(networkPolicy *extensions.NetworkPolicy) (result *extensions.NetworkPolicy, err error) {
- result = &extensions.NetworkPolicy{}
- err = c.r.Post().Namespace(c.ns).Resource("networkpolicies").Body(networkPolicy).Do().Into(result)
- return
-// Update updates an existing networkPolicy.
-func (c *NetworkPolicies) Update(networkPolicy *extensions.NetworkPolicy) (result *extensions.NetworkPolicy, err error) {
- result = &extensions.NetworkPolicy{}
- err = c.r.Put().Namespace(c.ns).Resource("networkpolicies").Name(networkPolicy.Name).Body(networkPolicy).Do().Into(result)
- return
-// Delete deletes a networkPolicy, returns error if one occurs.
-func (c *NetworkPolicies) Delete(name string, options *api.DeleteOptions) (err error) {
- return c.r.Delete().Namespace(c.ns).Resource("networkpolicies").Name(name).Body(options).Do().Error()
-// Watch returns a watch.Interface that watches the requested networkPolicy.
-func (c *NetworkPolicies) Watch(opts api.ListOptions) (watch.Interface, error) {
- return c.r.Get().
- Prefix("watch").
- Namespace(c.ns).
- Resource("networkpolicies").
- VersionedParams(&opts, api.ParameterCodec).
- Watch()
diff --git a/kube2msb/src/vendor/k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/unversioned/nodes.go b/kube2msb/src/vendor/k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/unversioned/nodes.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 15a7db2..0000000
--- a/kube2msb/src/vendor/k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/unversioned/nodes.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,111 +0,0 @@
-Copyright 2014 The Kubernetes Authors.
-Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-You may obtain a copy of the License at
- http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-limitations under the License.
-package unversioned
-import (
- "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/api"
- "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/watch"
-type NodesInterface interface {
- Nodes() NodeInterface
-type NodeInterface interface {
- Get(name string) (result *api.Node, err error)
- Create(node *api.Node) (*api.Node, error)
- List(opts api.ListOptions) (*api.NodeList, error)
- Delete(name string) error
- DeleteCollection(options *api.DeleteOptions, listOptions api.ListOptions) error
- Update(*api.Node) (*api.Node, error)
- UpdateStatus(*api.Node) (*api.Node, error)
- Watch(opts api.ListOptions) (watch.Interface, error)
-// nodes implements NodesInterface
-type nodes struct {
- r *Client
-// newNodes returns a nodes object.
-func newNodes(c *Client) *nodes {
- return &nodes{c}
-// resourceName returns node's URL resource name.
-func (c *nodes) resourceName() string {
- return "nodes"
-// Create creates a new node.
-func (c *nodes) Create(node *api.Node) (*api.Node, error) {
- result := &api.Node{}
- err := c.r.Post().Resource(c.resourceName()).Body(node).Do().Into(result)
- return result, err
-// List takes a selector, and returns the list of nodes that match that selector in the cluster.
-func (c *nodes) List(opts api.ListOptions) (*api.NodeList, error) {
- result := &api.NodeList{}
- err := c.r.Get().Resource(c.resourceName()).VersionedParams(&opts, api.ParameterCodec).Do().Into(result)
- return result, err
-// Get gets an existing node.
-func (c *nodes) Get(name string) (*api.Node, error) {
- result := &api.Node{}
- err := c.r.Get().Resource(c.resourceName()).Name(name).Do().Into(result)
- return result, err
-// Delete deletes an existing node.
-func (c *nodes) Delete(name string) error {
- return c.r.Delete().Resource(c.resourceName()).Name(name).Do().Error()
-// DeleteCollection deletes a collection of nodes.
-func (c *nodes) DeleteCollection(options *api.DeleteOptions, listOptions api.ListOptions) error {
- return c.r.Delete().
- Resource(c.resourceName()).
- VersionedParams(&listOptions, api.ParameterCodec).
- Body(options).
- Do().
- Error()
-// Update updates an existing node.
-func (c *nodes) Update(node *api.Node) (*api.Node, error) {
- result := &api.Node{}
- err := c.r.Put().Resource(c.resourceName()).Name(node.Name).Body(node).Do().Into(result)
- return result, err
-func (c *nodes) UpdateStatus(node *api.Node) (*api.Node, error) {
- result := &api.Node{}
- err := c.r.Put().Resource(c.resourceName()).Name(node.Name).SubResource("status").Body(node).Do().Into(result)
- return result, err
-// Watch returns a watch.Interface that watches the requested nodes.
-func (c *nodes) Watch(opts api.ListOptions) (watch.Interface, error) {
- return c.r.Get().
- Prefix("watch").
- Namespace(api.NamespaceAll).
- Resource(c.resourceName()).
- VersionedParams(&opts, api.ParameterCodec).
- Watch()
diff --git a/kube2msb/src/vendor/k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/unversioned/persistentvolumeclaim.go b/kube2msb/src/vendor/k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/unversioned/persistentvolumeclaim.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 4ea3a95..0000000
--- a/kube2msb/src/vendor/k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/unversioned/persistentvolumeclaim.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,99 +0,0 @@
-Copyright 2014 The Kubernetes Authors.
-Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-You may obtain a copy of the License at
- http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-limitations under the License.
-package unversioned
-import (
- "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/api"
- "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/watch"
-// PersistentVolumeClaimsNamespacer has methods to work with PersistentVolumeClaim resources in a namespace
-type PersistentVolumeClaimsNamespacer interface {
- PersistentVolumeClaims(namespace string) PersistentVolumeClaimInterface
-// PersistentVolumeClaimInterface has methods to work with PersistentVolumeClaim resources.
-type PersistentVolumeClaimInterface interface {
- List(opts api.ListOptions) (*api.PersistentVolumeClaimList, error)
- Get(name string) (*api.PersistentVolumeClaim, error)
- Create(claim *api.PersistentVolumeClaim) (*api.PersistentVolumeClaim, error)
- Update(claim *api.PersistentVolumeClaim) (*api.PersistentVolumeClaim, error)
- UpdateStatus(claim *api.PersistentVolumeClaim) (*api.PersistentVolumeClaim, error)
- Delete(name string) error
- Watch(opts api.ListOptions) (watch.Interface, error)
-// persistentVolumeClaims implements PersistentVolumeClaimsNamespacer interface
-type persistentVolumeClaims struct {
- client *Client
- namespace string
-// newPersistentVolumeClaims returns a PodsClient
-func newPersistentVolumeClaims(c *Client, namespace string) *persistentVolumeClaims {
- return &persistentVolumeClaims{c, namespace}
-func (c *persistentVolumeClaims) List(opts api.ListOptions) (result *api.PersistentVolumeClaimList, err error) {
- result = &api.PersistentVolumeClaimList{}
- err = c.client.Get().
- Namespace(c.namespace).
- Resource("persistentVolumeClaims").
- VersionedParams(&opts, api.ParameterCodec).
- Do().
- Into(result)
- return result, err
-func (c *persistentVolumeClaims) Get(name string) (result *api.PersistentVolumeClaim, err error) {
- result = &api.PersistentVolumeClaim{}
- err = c.client.Get().Namespace(c.namespace).Resource("persistentVolumeClaims").Name(name).Do().Into(result)
- return
-func (c *persistentVolumeClaims) Create(claim *api.PersistentVolumeClaim) (result *api.PersistentVolumeClaim, err error) {
- result = &api.PersistentVolumeClaim{}
- err = c.client.Post().Namespace(c.namespace).Resource("persistentVolumeClaims").Body(claim).Do().Into(result)
- return
-func (c *persistentVolumeClaims) Update(claim *api.PersistentVolumeClaim) (result *api.PersistentVolumeClaim, err error) {
- result = &api.PersistentVolumeClaim{}
- err = c.client.Put().Namespace(c.namespace).Resource("persistentVolumeClaims").Name(claim.Name).Body(claim).Do().Into(result)
- return
-func (c *persistentVolumeClaims) UpdateStatus(claim *api.PersistentVolumeClaim) (result *api.PersistentVolumeClaim, err error) {
- result = &api.PersistentVolumeClaim{}
- err = c.client.Put().Namespace(c.namespace).Resource("persistentVolumeClaims").Name(claim.Name).SubResource("status").Body(claim).Do().Into(result)
- return
-func (c *persistentVolumeClaims) Delete(name string) error {
- return c.client.Delete().Namespace(c.namespace).Resource("persistentVolumeClaims").Name(name).Do().Error()
-func (c *persistentVolumeClaims) Watch(opts api.ListOptions) (watch.Interface, error) {
- return c.client.Get().
- Prefix("watch").
- Namespace(c.namespace).
- Resource("persistentVolumeClaims").
- VersionedParams(&opts, api.ParameterCodec).
- Watch()
diff --git a/kube2msb/src/vendor/k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/unversioned/persistentvolumes.go b/kube2msb/src/vendor/k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/unversioned/persistentvolumes.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 5fce1f0..0000000
--- a/kube2msb/src/vendor/k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/unversioned/persistentvolumes.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,93 +0,0 @@
-Copyright 2014 The Kubernetes Authors.
-Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-You may obtain a copy of the License at
- http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-limitations under the License.
-package unversioned
-import (
- "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/api"
- "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/watch"
-type PersistentVolumesInterface interface {
- PersistentVolumes() PersistentVolumeInterface
-// PersistentVolumeInterface has methods to work with PersistentVolume resources.
-type PersistentVolumeInterface interface {
- List(opts api.ListOptions) (*api.PersistentVolumeList, error)
- Get(name string) (*api.PersistentVolume, error)
- Create(volume *api.PersistentVolume) (*api.PersistentVolume, error)
- Update(volume *api.PersistentVolume) (*api.PersistentVolume, error)
- UpdateStatus(persistentVolume *api.PersistentVolume) (*api.PersistentVolume, error)
- Delete(name string) error
- Watch(opts api.ListOptions) (watch.Interface, error)
-// persistentVolumes implements PersistentVolumesInterface
-type persistentVolumes struct {
- client *Client
-func newPersistentVolumes(c *Client) *persistentVolumes {
- return &persistentVolumes{c}
-func (c *persistentVolumes) List(opts api.ListOptions) (result *api.PersistentVolumeList, err error) {
- result = &api.PersistentVolumeList{}
- err = c.client.Get().
- Resource("persistentVolumes").
- VersionedParams(&opts, api.ParameterCodec).
- Do().
- Into(result)
- return result, err
-func (c *persistentVolumes) Get(name string) (result *api.PersistentVolume, err error) {
- result = &api.PersistentVolume{}
- err = c.client.Get().Resource("persistentVolumes").Name(name).Do().Into(result)
- return
-func (c *persistentVolumes) Create(volume *api.PersistentVolume) (result *api.PersistentVolume, err error) {
- result = &api.PersistentVolume{}
- err = c.client.Post().Resource("persistentVolumes").Body(volume).Do().Into(result)
- return
-func (c *persistentVolumes) Update(volume *api.PersistentVolume) (result *api.PersistentVolume, err error) {
- result = &api.PersistentVolume{}
- err = c.client.Put().Resource("persistentVolumes").Name(volume.Name).Body(volume).Do().Into(result)
- return
-func (c *persistentVolumes) UpdateStatus(volume *api.PersistentVolume) (result *api.PersistentVolume, err error) {
- result = &api.PersistentVolume{}
- err = c.client.Put().Resource("persistentVolumes").Name(volume.Name).SubResource("status").Body(volume).Do().Into(result)
- return
-func (c *persistentVolumes) Delete(name string) error {
- return c.client.Delete().Resource("persistentVolumes").Name(name).Do().Error()
-func (c *persistentVolumes) Watch(opts api.ListOptions) (watch.Interface, error) {
- return c.client.Get().
- Prefix("watch").
- Resource("persistentVolumes").
- VersionedParams(&opts, api.ParameterCodec).
- Watch()
diff --git a/kube2msb/src/vendor/k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/unversioned/pet_sets.go b/kube2msb/src/vendor/k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/unversioned/pet_sets.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 954efcd..0000000
--- a/kube2msb/src/vendor/k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/unversioned/pet_sets.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,100 +0,0 @@
-Copyright 2015 The Kubernetes Authors.
-Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-You may obtain a copy of the License at
- http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-limitations under the License.
-package unversioned
-import (
- "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/api"
- "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/apis/apps"
- "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/watch"
-// PetSetNamespacer has methods to work with PetSet resources in a namespace
-type PetSetNamespacer interface {
- PetSets(namespace string) PetSetInterface
-// PetSetInterface exposes methods to work on PetSet resources.
-type PetSetInterface interface {
- List(opts api.ListOptions) (*apps.PetSetList, error)
- Get(name string) (*apps.PetSet, error)
- Create(petSet *apps.PetSet) (*apps.PetSet, error)
- Update(petSet *apps.PetSet) (*apps.PetSet, error)
- Delete(name string, options *api.DeleteOptions) error
- Watch(opts api.ListOptions) (watch.Interface, error)
- UpdateStatus(petSet *apps.PetSet) (*apps.PetSet, error)
-// petSet implements PetSetNamespacer interface
-type petSet struct {
- r *AppsClient
- ns string
-// newPetSet returns a petSet
-func newPetSet(c *AppsClient, namespace string) *petSet {
- return &petSet{c, namespace}
-// List returns a list of petSet that match the label and field selectors.
-func (c *petSet) List(opts api.ListOptions) (result *apps.PetSetList, err error) {
- result = &apps.PetSetList{}
- err = c.r.Get().Namespace(c.ns).Resource("petsets").VersionedParams(&opts, api.ParameterCodec).Do().Into(result)
- return
-// Get returns information about a particular petSet.
-func (c *petSet) Get(name string) (result *apps.PetSet, err error) {
- result = &apps.PetSet{}
- err = c.r.Get().Namespace(c.ns).Resource("petsets").Name(name).Do().Into(result)
- return
-// Create creates a new petSet.
-func (c *petSet) Create(petSet *apps.PetSet) (result *apps.PetSet, err error) {
- result = &apps.PetSet{}
- err = c.r.Post().Namespace(c.ns).Resource("petsets").Body(petSet).Do().Into(result)
- return
-// Update updates an existing petSet.
-func (c *petSet) Update(petSet *apps.PetSet) (result *apps.PetSet, err error) {
- result = &apps.PetSet{}
- err = c.r.Put().Namespace(c.ns).Resource("petsets").Name(petSet.Name).Body(petSet).Do().Into(result)
- return
-// Delete deletes a petSet, returns error if one occurs.
-func (c *petSet) Delete(name string, options *api.DeleteOptions) (err error) {
- return c.r.Delete().Namespace(c.ns).Resource("petsets").Name(name).Body(options).Do().Error()
-// Watch returns a watch.Interface that watches the requested petSet.
-func (c *petSet) Watch(opts api.ListOptions) (watch.Interface, error) {
- return c.r.Get().
- Prefix("watch").
- Namespace(c.ns).
- Resource("petsets").
- VersionedParams(&opts, api.ParameterCodec).
- Watch()
-// UpdateStatus takes the name of the petSet and the new status. Returns the server's representation of the petSet, and an error, if it occurs.
-func (c *petSet) UpdateStatus(petSet *apps.PetSet) (result *apps.PetSet, err error) {
- result = &apps.PetSet{}
- err = c.r.Put().Namespace(c.ns).Resource("petsets").Name(petSet.Name).SubResource("status").Body(petSet).Do().Into(result)
- return
diff --git a/kube2msb/src/vendor/k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/unversioned/pod_disruption_budgets.go b/kube2msb/src/vendor/k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/unversioned/pod_disruption_budgets.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 0239623..0000000
--- a/kube2msb/src/vendor/k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/unversioned/pod_disruption_budgets.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,100 +0,0 @@
-Copyright 2015 The Kubernetes Authors.
-Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-You may obtain a copy of the License at
- http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-limitations under the License.
-package unversioned
-import (
- "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/api"
- "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/apis/policy"
- "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/watch"
-// PodDisruptionBudgetNamespacer has methods to work with PodDisruptionBudget resources in a namespace
-type PodDisruptionBudgetNamespacer interface {
- PodDisruptionBudgets(namespace string) PodDisruptionBudgetInterface
-// PodDisruptionBudgetInterface exposes methods to work on PodDisruptionBudget resources.
-type PodDisruptionBudgetInterface interface {
- List(opts api.ListOptions) (*policy.PodDisruptionBudgetList, error)
- Get(name string) (*policy.PodDisruptionBudget, error)
- Create(podDisruptionBudget *policy.PodDisruptionBudget) (*policy.PodDisruptionBudget, error)
- Update(podDisruptionBudget *policy.PodDisruptionBudget) (*policy.PodDisruptionBudget, error)
- Delete(name string, options *api.DeleteOptions) error
- Watch(opts api.ListOptions) (watch.Interface, error)
- UpdateStatus(podDisruptionBudget *policy.PodDisruptionBudget) (*policy.PodDisruptionBudget, error)
-// podDisruptionBudget implements PodDisruptionBudgetNamespacer interface
-type podDisruptionBudget struct {
- r *PolicyClient
- ns string
-// newPodDisruptionBudget returns a podDisruptionBudget
-func newPodDisruptionBudget(c *PolicyClient, namespace string) *podDisruptionBudget {
- return &podDisruptionBudget{c, namespace}
-// List returns a list of podDisruptionBudget that match the label and field selectors.
-func (c *podDisruptionBudget) List(opts api.ListOptions) (result *policy.PodDisruptionBudgetList, err error) {
- result = &policy.PodDisruptionBudgetList{}
- err = c.r.Get().Namespace(c.ns).Resource("poddisruptionbudgets").VersionedParams(&opts, api.ParameterCodec).Do().Into(result)
- return
-// Get returns information about a particular podDisruptionBudget.
-func (c *podDisruptionBudget) Get(name string) (result *policy.PodDisruptionBudget, err error) {
- result = &policy.PodDisruptionBudget{}
- err = c.r.Get().Namespace(c.ns).Resource("poddisruptionbudgets").Name(name).Do().Into(result)
- return
-// Create creates a new podDisruptionBudget.
-func (c *podDisruptionBudget) Create(podDisruptionBudget *policy.PodDisruptionBudget) (result *policy.PodDisruptionBudget, err error) {
- result = &policy.PodDisruptionBudget{}
- err = c.r.Post().Namespace(c.ns).Resource("poddisruptionbudgets").Body(podDisruptionBudget).Do().Into(result)
- return
-// Update updates an existing podDisruptionBudget.
-func (c *podDisruptionBudget) Update(podDisruptionBudget *policy.PodDisruptionBudget) (result *policy.PodDisruptionBudget, err error) {
- result = &policy.PodDisruptionBudget{}
- err = c.r.Put().Namespace(c.ns).Resource("poddisruptionbudgets").Name(podDisruptionBudget.Name).Body(podDisruptionBudget).Do().Into(result)
- return
-// Delete deletes a podDisruptionBudget, returns error if one occurs.
-func (c *podDisruptionBudget) Delete(name string, options *api.DeleteOptions) (err error) {
- return c.r.Delete().Namespace(c.ns).Resource("poddisruptionbudgets").Name(name).Body(options).Do().Error()
-// Watch returns a watch.Interface that watches the requested podDisruptionBudget.
-func (c *podDisruptionBudget) Watch(opts api.ListOptions) (watch.Interface, error) {
- return c.r.Get().
- Prefix("watch").
- Namespace(c.ns).
- Resource("poddisruptionbudgets").
- VersionedParams(&opts, api.ParameterCodec).
- Watch()
-// UpdateStatus takes the name of the podDisruptionBudget and the new status. Returns the server's representation of the podDisruptionBudget, and an error, if it occurs.
-func (c *podDisruptionBudget) UpdateStatus(podDisruptionBudget *policy.PodDisruptionBudget) (result *policy.PodDisruptionBudget, err error) {
- result = &policy.PodDisruptionBudget{}
- err = c.r.Put().Namespace(c.ns).Resource("poddisruptionbudgets").Name(podDisruptionBudget.Name).SubResource("status").Body(podDisruptionBudget).Do().Into(result)
- return
diff --git a/kube2msb/src/vendor/k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/unversioned/pod_templates.go b/kube2msb/src/vendor/k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/unversioned/pod_templates.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 7627d73..0000000
--- a/kube2msb/src/vendor/k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/unversioned/pod_templates.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,94 +0,0 @@
-Copyright 2015 The Kubernetes Authors.
-Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-You may obtain a copy of the License at
- http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-limitations under the License.
-package unversioned
-import (
- "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/api"
- "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/watch"
-// PodTemplatesNamespacer has methods to work with PodTemplate resources in a namespace
-type PodTemplatesNamespacer interface {
- PodTemplates(namespace string) PodTemplateInterface
-// PodTemplateInterface has methods to work with PodTemplate resources.
-type PodTemplateInterface interface {
- List(opts api.ListOptions) (*api.PodTemplateList, error)
- Get(name string) (*api.PodTemplate, error)
- Delete(name string, options *api.DeleteOptions) error
- Create(podTemplate *api.PodTemplate) (*api.PodTemplate, error)
- Update(podTemplate *api.PodTemplate) (*api.PodTemplate, error)
- Watch(opts api.ListOptions) (watch.Interface, error)
-// podTemplates implements PodTemplatesNamespacer interface
-type podTemplates struct {
- r *Client
- ns string
-// newPodTemplates returns a podTemplates
-func newPodTemplates(c *Client, namespace string) *podTemplates {
- return &podTemplates{
- r: c,
- ns: namespace,
- }
-// List takes label and field selectors, and returns the list of podTemplates that match those selectors.
-func (c *podTemplates) List(opts api.ListOptions) (result *api.PodTemplateList, err error) {
- result = &api.PodTemplateList{}
- err = c.r.Get().Namespace(c.ns).Resource("podTemplates").VersionedParams(&opts, api.ParameterCodec).Do().Into(result)
- return
-// Get takes the name of the podTemplate, and returns the corresponding PodTemplate object, and an error if it occurs
-func (c *podTemplates) Get(name string) (result *api.PodTemplate, err error) {
- result = &api.PodTemplate{}
- err = c.r.Get().Namespace(c.ns).Resource("podTemplates").Name(name).Do().Into(result)
- return
-// Delete takes the name of the podTemplate, and returns an error if one occurs
-func (c *podTemplates) Delete(name string, options *api.DeleteOptions) error {
- return c.r.Delete().Namespace(c.ns).Resource("podTemplates").Name(name).Body(options).Do().Error()
-// Create takes the representation of a podTemplate. Returns the server's representation of the podTemplate, and an error, if it occurs.
-func (c *podTemplates) Create(podTemplate *api.PodTemplate) (result *api.PodTemplate, err error) {
- result = &api.PodTemplate{}
- err = c.r.Post().Namespace(c.ns).Resource("podTemplates").Body(podTemplate).Do().Into(result)
- return
-// Update takes the representation of a podTemplate to update. Returns the server's representation of the podTemplate, and an error, if it occurs.
-func (c *podTemplates) Update(podTemplate *api.PodTemplate) (result *api.PodTemplate, err error) {
- result = &api.PodTemplate{}
- err = c.r.Put().Namespace(c.ns).Resource("podTemplates").Name(podTemplate.Name).Body(podTemplate).Do().Into(result)
- return
-// Watch returns a watch.Interface that watches the requested podTemplates.
-func (c *podTemplates) Watch(opts api.ListOptions) (watch.Interface, error) {
- return c.r.Get().
- Prefix("watch").
- Namespace(c.ns).
- Resource("podTemplates").
- VersionedParams(&opts, api.ParameterCodec).
- Watch()
diff --git a/kube2msb/src/vendor/k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/unversioned/pods.go b/kube2msb/src/vendor/k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/unversioned/pods.go
deleted file mode 100644
index ea16fb8..0000000
--- a/kube2msb/src/vendor/k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/unversioned/pods.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,115 +0,0 @@
-Copyright 2014 The Kubernetes Authors.
-Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-You may obtain a copy of the License at
- http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-limitations under the License.
-package unversioned
-import (
- "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/api"
- "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/restclient"
- "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/watch"
-// PodsNamespacer has methods to work with Pod resources in a namespace
-type PodsNamespacer interface {
- Pods(namespace string) PodInterface
-// PodInterface has methods to work with Pod resources.
-type PodInterface interface {
- List(opts api.ListOptions) (*api.PodList, error)
- Get(name string) (*api.Pod, error)
- Delete(name string, options *api.DeleteOptions) error
- Create(pod *api.Pod) (*api.Pod, error)
- Update(pod *api.Pod) (*api.Pod, error)
- Watch(opts api.ListOptions) (watch.Interface, error)
- Bind(binding *api.Binding) error
- UpdateStatus(pod *api.Pod) (*api.Pod, error)
- GetLogs(name string, opts *api.PodLogOptions) *restclient.Request
-// pods implements PodsNamespacer interface
-type pods struct {
- r *Client
- ns string
-// newPods returns a pods
-func newPods(c *Client, namespace string) *pods {
- return &pods{
- r: c,
- ns: namespace,
- }
-// List takes label and field selectors, and returns the list of pods that match those selectors.
-func (c *pods) List(opts api.ListOptions) (result *api.PodList, err error) {
- result = &api.PodList{}
- err = c.r.Get().Namespace(c.ns).Resource("pods").VersionedParams(&opts, api.ParameterCodec).Do().Into(result)
- return
-// Get takes the name of the pod, and returns the corresponding Pod object, and an error if it occurs
-func (c *pods) Get(name string) (result *api.Pod, err error) {
- result = &api.Pod{}
- err = c.r.Get().Namespace(c.ns).Resource("pods").Name(name).Do().Into(result)
- return
-// Delete takes the name of the pod, and returns an error if one occurs
-func (c *pods) Delete(name string, options *api.DeleteOptions) error {
- return c.r.Delete().Namespace(c.ns).Resource("pods").Name(name).Body(options).Do().Error()
-// Create takes the representation of a pod. Returns the server's representation of the pod, and an error, if it occurs.
-func (c *pods) Create(pod *api.Pod) (result *api.Pod, err error) {
- result = &api.Pod{}
- err = c.r.Post().Namespace(c.ns).Resource("pods").Body(pod).Do().Into(result)
- return
-// Update takes the representation of a pod to update. Returns the server's representation of the pod, and an error, if it occurs.
-func (c *pods) Update(pod *api.Pod) (result *api.Pod, err error) {
- result = &api.Pod{}
- err = c.r.Put().Namespace(c.ns).Resource("pods").Name(pod.Name).Body(pod).Do().Into(result)
- return
-// Watch returns a watch.Interface that watches the requested pods.
-func (c *pods) Watch(opts api.ListOptions) (watch.Interface, error) {
- return c.r.Get().
- Prefix("watch").
- Namespace(c.ns).
- Resource("pods").
- VersionedParams(&opts, api.ParameterCodec).
- Watch()
-// Bind applies the provided binding to the named pod in the current namespace (binding.Namespace is ignored).
-func (c *pods) Bind(binding *api.Binding) error {
- return c.r.Post().Namespace(c.ns).Resource("pods").Name(binding.Name).SubResource("binding").Body(binding).Do().Error()
-// UpdateStatus takes the name of the pod and the new status. Returns the server's representation of the pod, and an error, if it occurs.
-func (c *pods) UpdateStatus(pod *api.Pod) (result *api.Pod, err error) {
- result = &api.Pod{}
- err = c.r.Put().Namespace(c.ns).Resource("pods").Name(pod.Name).SubResource("status").Body(pod).Do().Into(result)
- return
-// Get constructs a request for getting the logs for a pod
-func (c *pods) GetLogs(name string, opts *api.PodLogOptions) *restclient.Request {
- return c.r.Get().Namespace(c.ns).Name(name).Resource("pods").SubResource("log").VersionedParams(opts, api.ParameterCodec)
diff --git a/kube2msb/src/vendor/k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/unversioned/podsecuritypolicy.go b/kube2msb/src/vendor/k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/unversioned/podsecuritypolicy.go
deleted file mode 100644
index f03e643..0000000
--- a/kube2msb/src/vendor/k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/unversioned/podsecuritypolicy.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,111 +0,0 @@
-Copyright 2014 The Kubernetes Authors.
-Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-You may obtain a copy of the License at
- http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-limitations under the License.
-package unversioned
-import (
- "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/api"
- "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/apis/extensions"
- "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/watch"
-type PodSecurityPoliciesInterface interface {
- PodSecurityPolicies() PodSecurityPolicyInterface
-type PodSecurityPolicyInterface interface {
- Get(name string) (result *extensions.PodSecurityPolicy, err error)
- Create(psp *extensions.PodSecurityPolicy) (*extensions.PodSecurityPolicy, error)
- List(opts api.ListOptions) (*extensions.PodSecurityPolicyList, error)
- Delete(name string) error
- Update(*extensions.PodSecurityPolicy) (*extensions.PodSecurityPolicy, error)
- Watch(opts api.ListOptions) (watch.Interface, error)
-// podSecurityPolicy implements PodSecurityPolicyInterface
-type podSecurityPolicy struct {
- client *ExtensionsClient
-// newPodSecurityPolicy returns a podSecurityPolicy object.
-func newPodSecurityPolicy(c *ExtensionsClient) *podSecurityPolicy {
- return &podSecurityPolicy{c}
-func (s *podSecurityPolicy) Create(psp *extensions.PodSecurityPolicy) (*extensions.PodSecurityPolicy, error) {
- result := &extensions.PodSecurityPolicy{}
- err := s.client.Post().
- Resource("podsecuritypolicies").
- Body(psp).
- Do().
- Into(result)
- return result, err
-// List returns a list of PodSecurityPolicies matching the selectors.
-func (s *podSecurityPolicy) List(opts api.ListOptions) (*extensions.PodSecurityPolicyList, error) {
- result := &extensions.PodSecurityPolicyList{}
- err := s.client.Get().
- Resource("podsecuritypolicies").
- VersionedParams(&opts, api.ParameterCodec).
- Do().
- Into(result)
- return result, err
-// Get returns the given PodSecurityPolicy, or an error.
-func (s *podSecurityPolicy) Get(name string) (*extensions.PodSecurityPolicy, error) {
- result := &extensions.PodSecurityPolicy{}
- err := s.client.Get().
- Resource("podsecuritypolicies").
- Name(name).
- Do().
- Into(result)
- return result, err
-// Watch starts watching for PodSecurityPolicies matching the given selectors.
-func (s *podSecurityPolicy) Watch(opts api.ListOptions) (watch.Interface, error) {
- return s.client.Get().
- Prefix("watch").
- Resource("podsecuritypolicies").
- VersionedParams(&opts, api.ParameterCodec).
- Watch()
-func (s *podSecurityPolicy) Delete(name string) error {
- return s.client.Delete().
- Resource("podsecuritypolicies").
- Name(name).
- Do().
- Error()
-func (s *podSecurityPolicy) Update(psp *extensions.PodSecurityPolicy) (result *extensions.PodSecurityPolicy, err error) {
- result = &extensions.PodSecurityPolicy{}
- err = s.client.Put().
- Resource("podsecuritypolicies").
- Name(psp.Name).
- Body(psp).
- Do().
- Into(result)
- return
diff --git a/kube2msb/src/vendor/k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/unversioned/policy.go b/kube2msb/src/vendor/k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/unversioned/policy.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 9a47d79..0000000
--- a/kube2msb/src/vendor/k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/unversioned/policy.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,76 +0,0 @@
-Copyright 2015 The Kubernetes Authors.
-Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-You may obtain a copy of the License at
- http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-limitations under the License.
-package unversioned
-import (
- "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/api"
- "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/apimachinery/registered"
- "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/apis/policy"
- "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/restclient"
-type PolicyInterface interface {
- PodDisruptionBudgetNamespacer
-// PolicyClient is used to interact with Kubernetes batch features.
-type PolicyClient struct {
- *restclient.RESTClient
-func (c *PolicyClient) PodDisruptionBudgets(namespace string) PodDisruptionBudgetInterface {
- return newPodDisruptionBudget(c, namespace)
-func NewPolicy(c *restclient.Config) (*PolicyClient, error) {
- config := *c
- if err := setPolicyDefaults(&config); err != nil {
- return nil, err
- }
- client, err := restclient.RESTClientFor(&config)
- if err != nil {
- return nil, err
- }
- return &PolicyClient{client}, nil
-func NewPolicyOrDie(c *restclient.Config) *PolicyClient {
- client, err := NewPolicy(c)
- if err != nil {
- panic(err)
- }
- return client
-func setPolicyDefaults(config *restclient.Config) error {
- g, err := registered.Group(policy.GroupName)
- if err != nil {
- return err
- }
- config.APIPath = defaultAPIPath
- if config.UserAgent == "" {
- config.UserAgent = restclient.DefaultKubernetesUserAgent()
- }
- // TODO: Unconditionally set the config.Version, until we fix the config.
- //if config.Version == "" {
- copyGroupVersion := g.GroupVersion
- config.GroupVersion = &copyGroupVersion
- //}
- config.NegotiatedSerializer = api.Codecs
- return nil
diff --git a/kube2msb/src/vendor/k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/unversioned/rbac.go b/kube2msb/src/vendor/k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/unversioned/rbac.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 09b2b40..0000000
--- a/kube2msb/src/vendor/k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/unversioned/rbac.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,96 +0,0 @@
-Copyright 2016 The Kubernetes Authors.
-Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-You may obtain a copy of the License at
- http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-limitations under the License.
-package unversioned
-import (
- "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/api"
- "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/apimachinery/registered"
- "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/apis/rbac"
- "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/restclient"
-// Interface holds the methods for clients of Kubernetes to allow mock testing.
-type RbacInterface interface {
- RoleBindingsNamespacer
- RolesNamespacer
- ClusterRoleBindings
- ClusterRoles
-type RbacClient struct {
- *restclient.RESTClient
-func (c *RbacClient) RoleBindings(namespace string) RoleBindingInterface {
- return newRoleBindings(c, namespace)
-func (c *RbacClient) Roles(namespace string) RoleInterface {
- return newRoles(c, namespace)
-func (c *RbacClient) ClusterRoleBindings() ClusterRoleBindingInterface {
- return newClusterRoleBindings(c)
-func (c *RbacClient) ClusterRoles() ClusterRoleInterface {
- return newClusterRoles(c)
-// NewRbac creates a new RbacClient for the given config.
-func NewRbac(c *restclient.Config) (*RbacClient, error) {
- config := *c
- if err := setRbacDefaults(&config); err != nil {
- return nil, err
- }
- client, err := restclient.RESTClientFor(&config)
- if err != nil {
- return nil, err
- }
- return &RbacClient{client}, nil
-// NewRbacOrDie creates a new RbacClient for the given config and
-// panics if there is an error in the config.
-func NewRbacOrDie(c *restclient.Config) *RbacClient {
- client, err := NewRbac(c)
- if err != nil {
- panic(err)
- }
- return client
-func setRbacDefaults(config *restclient.Config) error {
- // if rbac group is not registered, return an error
- g, err := registered.Group(rbac.GroupName)
- if err != nil {
- return err
- }
- config.APIPath = defaultAPIPath
- if config.UserAgent == "" {
- config.UserAgent = restclient.DefaultKubernetesUserAgent()
- }
- // TODO: Unconditionally set the config.Version, until we fix the config.
- //if config.Version == "" {
- copyGroupVersion := g.GroupVersion
- config.GroupVersion = &copyGroupVersion
- //}
- config.NegotiatedSerializer = api.Codecs
- return nil
diff --git a/kube2msb/src/vendor/k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/unversioned/replica_sets.go b/kube2msb/src/vendor/k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/unversioned/replica_sets.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 191a006..0000000
--- a/kube2msb/src/vendor/k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/unversioned/replica_sets.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,100 +0,0 @@
-Copyright 2016 The Kubernetes Authors.
-Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-You may obtain a copy of the License at
- http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-limitations under the License.
-package unversioned
-import (
- "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/api"
- "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/apis/extensions"
- "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/watch"
-// ReplicaSetsNamespacer has methods to work with ReplicaSet resources in a namespace
-type ReplicaSetsNamespacer interface {
- ReplicaSets(namespace string) ReplicaSetInterface
-// ReplicaSetInterface has methods to work with ReplicaSet resources.
-type ReplicaSetInterface interface {
- List(opts api.ListOptions) (*extensions.ReplicaSetList, error)
- Get(name string) (*extensions.ReplicaSet, error)
- Create(ctrl *extensions.ReplicaSet) (*extensions.ReplicaSet, error)
- Update(ctrl *extensions.ReplicaSet) (*extensions.ReplicaSet, error)
- UpdateStatus(ctrl *extensions.ReplicaSet) (*extensions.ReplicaSet, error)
- Delete(name string, options *api.DeleteOptions) error
- Watch(opts api.ListOptions) (watch.Interface, error)
-// replicaSets implements ReplicaSetsNamespacer interface
-type replicaSets struct {
- client *ExtensionsClient
- ns string
-// newReplicaSets returns a ReplicaSetClient
-func newReplicaSets(c *ExtensionsClient, namespace string) *replicaSets {
- return &replicaSets{c, namespace}
-// List takes a selector, and returns the list of ReplicaSets that match that selector.
-func (c *replicaSets) List(opts api.ListOptions) (result *extensions.ReplicaSetList, err error) {
- result = &extensions.ReplicaSetList{}
- err = c.client.Get().Namespace(c.ns).Resource("replicasets").VersionedParams(&opts, api.ParameterCodec).Do().Into(result)
- return
-// Get returns information about a particular ReplicaSet.
-func (c *replicaSets) Get(name string) (result *extensions.ReplicaSet, err error) {
- result = &extensions.ReplicaSet{}
- err = c.client.Get().Namespace(c.ns).Resource("replicasets").Name(name).Do().Into(result)
- return
-// Create creates a new ReplicaSet.
-func (c *replicaSets) Create(rs *extensions.ReplicaSet) (result *extensions.ReplicaSet, err error) {
- result = &extensions.ReplicaSet{}
- err = c.client.Post().Namespace(c.ns).Resource("replicasets").Body(rs).Do().Into(result)
- return
-// Update updates an existing ReplicaSet.
-func (c *replicaSets) Update(rs *extensions.ReplicaSet) (result *extensions.ReplicaSet, err error) {
- result = &extensions.ReplicaSet{}
- err = c.client.Put().Namespace(c.ns).Resource("replicasets").Name(rs.Name).Body(rs).Do().Into(result)
- return
-// UpdateStatus updates an existing ReplicaSet status
-func (c *replicaSets) UpdateStatus(rs *extensions.ReplicaSet) (result *extensions.ReplicaSet, err error) {
- result = &extensions.ReplicaSet{}
- err = c.client.Put().Namespace(c.ns).Resource("replicasets").Name(rs.Name).SubResource("status").Body(rs).Do().Into(result)
- return
-// Delete deletes an existing ReplicaSet.
-func (c *replicaSets) Delete(name string, options *api.DeleteOptions) (err error) {
- return c.client.Delete().Namespace(c.ns).Resource("replicasets").Name(name).Body(options).Do().Error()
-// Watch returns a watch.Interface that watches the requested ReplicaSets.
-func (c *replicaSets) Watch(opts api.ListOptions) (watch.Interface, error) {
- return c.client.Get().
- Prefix("watch").
- Namespace(c.ns).
- Resource("replicasets").
- VersionedParams(&opts, api.ParameterCodec).
- Watch()
diff --git a/kube2msb/src/vendor/k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/unversioned/replication_controllers.go b/kube2msb/src/vendor/k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/unversioned/replication_controllers.go
deleted file mode 100644
index e4b9e2d..0000000
--- a/kube2msb/src/vendor/k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/unversioned/replication_controllers.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,99 +0,0 @@
-Copyright 2014 The Kubernetes Authors.
-Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-You may obtain a copy of the License at
- http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-limitations under the License.
-package unversioned
-import (
- "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/api"
- "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/watch"
-// ReplicationControllersNamespacer has methods to work with ReplicationController resources in a namespace
-type ReplicationControllersNamespacer interface {
- ReplicationControllers(namespace string) ReplicationControllerInterface
-// ReplicationControllerInterface has methods to work with ReplicationController resources.
-type ReplicationControllerInterface interface {
- List(opts api.ListOptions) (*api.ReplicationControllerList, error)
- Get(name string) (*api.ReplicationController, error)
- Create(ctrl *api.ReplicationController) (*api.ReplicationController, error)
- Update(ctrl *api.ReplicationController) (*api.ReplicationController, error)
- UpdateStatus(ctrl *api.ReplicationController) (*api.ReplicationController, error)
- Delete(name string) error
- Watch(opts api.ListOptions) (watch.Interface, error)
-// replicationControllers implements ReplicationControllersNamespacer interface
-type replicationControllers struct {
- r *Client
- ns string
-// newReplicationControllers returns a PodsClient
-func newReplicationControllers(c *Client, namespace string) *replicationControllers {
- return &replicationControllers{c, namespace}
-// List takes a selector, and returns the list of replication controllers that match that selector.
-func (c *replicationControllers) List(opts api.ListOptions) (result *api.ReplicationControllerList, err error) {
- result = &api.ReplicationControllerList{}
- err = c.r.Get().Namespace(c.ns).Resource("replicationControllers").VersionedParams(&opts, api.ParameterCodec).Do().Into(result)
- return
-// Get returns information about a particular replication controller.
-func (c *replicationControllers) Get(name string) (result *api.ReplicationController, err error) {
- result = &api.ReplicationController{}
- err = c.r.Get().Namespace(c.ns).Resource("replicationControllers").Name(name).Do().Into(result)
- return
-// Create creates a new replication controller.
-func (c *replicationControllers) Create(controller *api.ReplicationController) (result *api.ReplicationController, err error) {
- result = &api.ReplicationController{}
- err = c.r.Post().Namespace(c.ns).Resource("replicationControllers").Body(controller).Do().Into(result)
- return
-// Update updates an existing replication controller.
-func (c *replicationControllers) Update(controller *api.ReplicationController) (result *api.ReplicationController, err error) {
- result = &api.ReplicationController{}
- err = c.r.Put().Namespace(c.ns).Resource("replicationControllers").Name(controller.Name).Body(controller).Do().Into(result)
- return
-// UpdateStatus updates an existing replication controller status
-func (c *replicationControllers) UpdateStatus(controller *api.ReplicationController) (result *api.ReplicationController, err error) {
- result = &api.ReplicationController{}
- err = c.r.Put().Namespace(c.ns).Resource("replicationControllers").Name(controller.Name).SubResource("status").Body(controller).Do().Into(result)
- return
-// Delete deletes an existing replication controller.
-func (c *replicationControllers) Delete(name string) error {
- return c.r.Delete().Namespace(c.ns).Resource("replicationControllers").Name(name).Do().Error()
-// Watch returns a watch.Interface that watches the requested controllers.
-func (c *replicationControllers) Watch(opts api.ListOptions) (watch.Interface, error) {
- return c.r.Get().
- Prefix("watch").
- Namespace(c.ns).
- Resource("replicationControllers").
- VersionedParams(&opts, api.ParameterCodec).
- Watch()
diff --git a/kube2msb/src/vendor/k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/unversioned/resource_quotas.go b/kube2msb/src/vendor/k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/unversioned/resource_quotas.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 9944cef..0000000
--- a/kube2msb/src/vendor/k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/unversioned/resource_quotas.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,102 +0,0 @@
-Copyright 2014 The Kubernetes Authors.
-Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-You may obtain a copy of the License at
- http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-limitations under the License.
-package unversioned
-import (
- "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/api"
- "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/watch"
-// ResourceQuotasNamespacer has methods to work with ResourceQuota resources in a namespace
-type ResourceQuotasNamespacer interface {
- ResourceQuotas(namespace string) ResourceQuotaInterface
-// ResourceQuotaInterface has methods to work with ResourceQuota resources.
-type ResourceQuotaInterface interface {
- List(opts api.ListOptions) (*api.ResourceQuotaList, error)
- Get(name string) (*api.ResourceQuota, error)
- Delete(name string) error
- Create(resourceQuota *api.ResourceQuota) (*api.ResourceQuota, error)
- Update(resourceQuota *api.ResourceQuota) (*api.ResourceQuota, error)
- UpdateStatus(resourceQuota *api.ResourceQuota) (*api.ResourceQuota, error)
- Watch(opts api.ListOptions) (watch.Interface, error)
-// resourceQuotas implements ResourceQuotasNamespacer interface
-type resourceQuotas struct {
- r *Client
- ns string
-// newResourceQuotas returns a resourceQuotas
-func newResourceQuotas(c *Client, namespace string) *resourceQuotas {
- return &resourceQuotas{
- r: c,
- ns: namespace,
- }
-// List takes a selector, and returns the list of resourceQuotas that match that selector.
-func (c *resourceQuotas) List(opts api.ListOptions) (result *api.ResourceQuotaList, err error) {
- result = &api.ResourceQuotaList{}
- err = c.r.Get().Namespace(c.ns).Resource("resourceQuotas").VersionedParams(&opts, api.ParameterCodec).Do().Into(result)
- return
-// Get takes the name of the resourceQuota, and returns the corresponding ResourceQuota object, and an error if it occurs
-func (c *resourceQuotas) Get(name string) (result *api.ResourceQuota, err error) {
- result = &api.ResourceQuota{}
- err = c.r.Get().Namespace(c.ns).Resource("resourceQuotas").Name(name).Do().Into(result)
- return
-// Delete takes the name of the resourceQuota, and returns an error if one occurs
-func (c *resourceQuotas) Delete(name string) error {
- return c.r.Delete().Namespace(c.ns).Resource("resourceQuotas").Name(name).Do().Error()
-// Create takes the representation of a resourceQuota. Returns the server's representation of the resourceQuota, and an error, if it occurs.
-func (c *resourceQuotas) Create(resourceQuota *api.ResourceQuota) (result *api.ResourceQuota, err error) {
- result = &api.ResourceQuota{}
- err = c.r.Post().Namespace(c.ns).Resource("resourceQuotas").Body(resourceQuota).Do().Into(result)
- return
-// Update takes the representation of a resourceQuota to update spec. Returns the server's representation of the resourceQuota, and an error, if it occurs.
-func (c *resourceQuotas) Update(resourceQuota *api.ResourceQuota) (result *api.ResourceQuota, err error) {
- result = &api.ResourceQuota{}
- err = c.r.Put().Namespace(c.ns).Resource("resourceQuotas").Name(resourceQuota.Name).Body(resourceQuota).Do().Into(result)
- return
-// Status takes the representation of a resourceQuota to update status. Returns the server's representation of the resourceQuota, and an error, if it occurs.
-func (c *resourceQuotas) UpdateStatus(resourceQuota *api.ResourceQuota) (result *api.ResourceQuota, err error) {
- result = &api.ResourceQuota{}
- err = c.r.Put().Namespace(c.ns).Resource("resourceQuotas").Name(resourceQuota.Name).SubResource("status").Body(resourceQuota).Do().Into(result)
- return
-// Watch returns a watch.Interface that watches the requested resource
-func (c *resourceQuotas) Watch(opts api.ListOptions) (watch.Interface, error) {
- return c.r.Get().
- Prefix("watch").
- Namespace(c.ns).
- Resource("resourceQuotas").
- VersionedParams(&opts, api.ParameterCodec).
- Watch()
diff --git a/kube2msb/src/vendor/k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/unversioned/rolebindings.go b/kube2msb/src/vendor/k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/unversioned/rolebindings.go
deleted file mode 100644
index b798380..0000000
--- a/kube2msb/src/vendor/k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/unversioned/rolebindings.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,95 +0,0 @@
-Copyright 2016 The Kubernetes Authors.
-Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-You may obtain a copy of the License at
- http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-limitations under the License.
-package unversioned
-import (
- "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/api"
- "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/apis/rbac"
- "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/watch"
-// RoleBindingsNamespacer has methods to work with RoleBinding resources in a namespace
-type RoleBindingsNamespacer interface {
- RoleBindings(namespace string) RoleBindingInterface
-// RoleBindingInterface has methods to work with RoleBinding resources.
-type RoleBindingInterface interface {
- List(opts api.ListOptions) (*rbac.RoleBindingList, error)
- Get(name string) (*rbac.RoleBinding, error)
- Delete(name string, options *api.DeleteOptions) error
- Create(roleBinding *rbac.RoleBinding) (*rbac.RoleBinding, error)
- Update(roleBinding *rbac.RoleBinding) (*rbac.RoleBinding, error)
- Watch(opts api.ListOptions) (watch.Interface, error)
-// roleBindings implements RoleBindingsNamespacer interface
-type roleBindings struct {
- client *RbacClient
- ns string
-// newRoleBindings returns a roleBindings
-func newRoleBindings(c *RbacClient, namespace string) *roleBindings {
- return &roleBindings{
- client: c,
- ns: namespace,
- }
-// List takes label and field selectors, and returns the list of roleBindings that match those selectors.
-func (c *roleBindings) List(opts api.ListOptions) (result *rbac.RoleBindingList, err error) {
- result = &rbac.RoleBindingList{}
- err = c.client.Get().Namespace(c.ns).Resource("rolebindings").VersionedParams(&opts, api.ParameterCodec).Do().Into(result)
- return
-// Get takes the name of the roleBinding, and returns the corresponding RoleBinding object, and an error if it occurs
-func (c *roleBindings) Get(name string) (result *rbac.RoleBinding, err error) {
- result = &rbac.RoleBinding{}
- err = c.client.Get().Namespace(c.ns).Resource("rolebindings").Name(name).Do().Into(result)
- return
-// Delete takes the name of the roleBinding and deletes it. Returns an error if one occurs.
-func (c *roleBindings) Delete(name string, options *api.DeleteOptions) error {
- return c.client.Delete().Namespace(c.ns).Resource("rolebindings").Name(name).Body(options).Do().Error()
-// Create takes the representation of a roleBinding and creates it. Returns the server's representation of the roleBinding, and an error, if it occurs.
-func (c *roleBindings) Create(roleBinding *rbac.RoleBinding) (result *rbac.RoleBinding, err error) {
- result = &rbac.RoleBinding{}
- err = c.client.Post().Namespace(c.ns).Resource("rolebindings").Body(roleBinding).Do().Into(result)
- return
-// Update takes the representation of a roleBinding and updates it. Returns the server's representation of the roleBinding, and an error, if it occurs.
-func (c *roleBindings) Update(roleBinding *rbac.RoleBinding) (result *rbac.RoleBinding, err error) {
- result = &rbac.RoleBinding{}
- err = c.client.Put().Namespace(c.ns).Resource("rolebindings").Name(roleBinding.Name).Body(roleBinding).Do().Into(result)
- return
-// Watch returns a watch.Interface that watches the requested roleBindings.
-func (c *roleBindings) Watch(opts api.ListOptions) (watch.Interface, error) {
- return c.client.Get().
- Prefix("watch").
- Namespace(c.ns).
- Resource("rolebindings").
- VersionedParams(&opts, api.ParameterCodec).
- Watch()
diff --git a/kube2msb/src/vendor/k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/unversioned/roles.go b/kube2msb/src/vendor/k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/unversioned/roles.go
deleted file mode 100644
index b265e78..0000000
--- a/kube2msb/src/vendor/k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/unversioned/roles.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,95 +0,0 @@
-Copyright 2016 The Kubernetes Authors.
-Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-You may obtain a copy of the License at
- http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-limitations under the License.
-package unversioned
-import (
- "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/api"
- "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/apis/rbac"
- "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/watch"
-// RolesNamespacer has methods to work with Role resources in a namespace
-type RolesNamespacer interface {
- Roles(namespace string) RoleInterface
-// RoleInterface has methods to work with Role resources.
-type RoleInterface interface {
- List(opts api.ListOptions) (*rbac.RoleList, error)
- Get(name string) (*rbac.Role, error)
- Delete(name string, options *api.DeleteOptions) error
- Create(role *rbac.Role) (*rbac.Role, error)
- Update(role *rbac.Role) (*rbac.Role, error)
- Watch(opts api.ListOptions) (watch.Interface, error)
-// roles implements RolesNamespacer interface
-type roles struct {
- client *RbacClient
- ns string
-// newRoles returns a roles
-func newRoles(c *RbacClient, namespace string) *roles {
- return &roles{
- client: c,
- ns: namespace,
- }
-// List takes label and field selectors, and returns the list of roles that match those selectors.
-func (c *roles) List(opts api.ListOptions) (result *rbac.RoleList, err error) {
- result = &rbac.RoleList{}
- err = c.client.Get().Namespace(c.ns).Resource("roles").VersionedParams(&opts, api.ParameterCodec).Do().Into(result)
- return
-// Get takes the name of the role, and returns the corresponding Role object, and an error if it occurs
-func (c *roles) Get(name string) (result *rbac.Role, err error) {
- result = &rbac.Role{}
- err = c.client.Get().Namespace(c.ns).Resource("roles").Name(name).Do().Into(result)
- return
-// Delete takes the name of the role and deletes it. Returns an error if one occurs.
-func (c *roles) Delete(name string, options *api.DeleteOptions) error {
- return c.client.Delete().Namespace(c.ns).Resource("roles").Name(name).Body(options).Do().Error()
-// Create takes the representation of a role and creates it. Returns the server's representation of the role, and an error, if it occurs.
-func (c *roles) Create(role *rbac.Role) (result *rbac.Role, err error) {
- result = &rbac.Role{}
- err = c.client.Post().Namespace(c.ns).Resource("roles").Body(role).Do().Into(result)
- return
-// Update takes the representation of a role and updates it. Returns the server's representation of the role, and an error, if it occurs.
-func (c *roles) Update(role *rbac.Role) (result *rbac.Role, err error) {
- result = &rbac.Role{}
- err = c.client.Put().Namespace(c.ns).Resource("roles").Name(role.Name).Body(role).Do().Into(result)
- return
-// Watch returns a watch.Interface that watches the requested roles.
-func (c *roles) Watch(opts api.ListOptions) (watch.Interface, error) {
- return c.client.Get().
- Prefix("watch").
- Namespace(c.ns).
- Resource("roles").
- VersionedParams(&opts, api.ParameterCodec).
- Watch()
diff --git a/kube2msb/src/vendor/k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/unversioned/scale.go b/kube2msb/src/vendor/k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/unversioned/scale.go
deleted file mode 100644
index a55b077..0000000
--- a/kube2msb/src/vendor/k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/unversioned/scale.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,77 +0,0 @@
-Copyright 2015 The Kubernetes Authors.
-Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-You may obtain a copy of the License at
- http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-limitations under the License.
-package unversioned
-import (
- "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/api/meta"
- "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/api/unversioned"
- "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/apis/extensions"
-type ScaleNamespacer interface {
- Scales(namespace string) ScaleInterface
-// ScaleInterface has methods to work with Scale (sub)resources.
-type ScaleInterface interface {
- Get(string, string) (*extensions.Scale, error)
- Update(string, *extensions.Scale) (*extensions.Scale, error)
-// horizontalPodAutoscalers implements HorizontalPodAutoscalersNamespacer interface
-type scales struct {
- client *ExtensionsClient
- ns string
-// newHorizontalPodAutoscalers returns a horizontalPodAutoscalers
-func newScales(c *ExtensionsClient, namespace string) *scales {
- return &scales{
- client: c,
- ns: namespace,
- }
-// Get takes the reference to scale subresource and returns the subresource or error, if one occurs.
-func (c *scales) Get(kind string, name string) (result *extensions.Scale, err error) {
- result = &extensions.Scale{}
- // TODO this method needs to take a proper unambiguous kind
- fullyQualifiedKind := unversioned.GroupVersionKind{Kind: kind}
- resource, _ := meta.KindToResource(fullyQualifiedKind)
- err = c.client.Get().Namespace(c.ns).Resource(resource.Resource).Name(name).SubResource("scale").Do().Into(result)
- return
-func (c *scales) Update(kind string, scale *extensions.Scale) (result *extensions.Scale, err error) {
- result = &extensions.Scale{}
- // TODO this method needs to take a proper unambiguous kind
- fullyQualifiedKind := unversioned.GroupVersionKind{Kind: kind}
- resource, _ := meta.KindToResource(fullyQualifiedKind)
- err = c.client.Put().
- Namespace(scale.Namespace).
- Resource(resource.Resource).
- Name(scale.Name).
- SubResource("scale").
- Body(scale).
- Do().
- Into(result)
- return
diff --git a/kube2msb/src/vendor/k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/unversioned/scheduledjobs.go b/kube2msb/src/vendor/k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/unversioned/scheduledjobs.go
deleted file mode 100644
index de07a7e..0000000
--- a/kube2msb/src/vendor/k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/unversioned/scheduledjobs.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,103 +0,0 @@
-Copyright 2016 The Kubernetes Authors.
-Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-You may obtain a copy of the License at
- http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-limitations under the License.
-package unversioned
-import (
- "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/api"
- "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/apis/batch"
- "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/watch"
-// ScheduledJobsNamespacer has methods to work with ScheduledJob resources in a namespace
-type ScheduledJobsNamespacer interface {
- ScheduledJobs(namespace string) ScheduledJobInterface
-// ScheduledJobInterface exposes methods to work on ScheduledJob resources.
-type ScheduledJobInterface interface {
- List(opts api.ListOptions) (*batch.ScheduledJobList, error)
- Get(name string) (*batch.ScheduledJob, error)
- Create(scheduledJob *batch.ScheduledJob) (*batch.ScheduledJob, error)
- Update(scheduledJob *batch.ScheduledJob) (*batch.ScheduledJob, error)
- Delete(name string, options *api.DeleteOptions) error
- Watch(opts api.ListOptions) (watch.Interface, error)
- UpdateStatus(scheduledJob *batch.ScheduledJob) (*batch.ScheduledJob, error)
-// scheduledJobs implements ScheduledJobsNamespacer interface
-type scheduledJobs struct {
- r *BatchClient
- ns string
-// newScheduledJobs returns a scheduledJobs
-func newScheduledJobs(c *BatchClient, namespace string) *scheduledJobs {
- return &scheduledJobs{c, namespace}
-// Ensure statically that scheduledJobs implements ScheduledJobInterface.
-var _ ScheduledJobInterface = &scheduledJobs{}
-// List returns a list of scheduled jobs that match the label and field selectors.
-func (c *scheduledJobs) List(opts api.ListOptions) (result *batch.ScheduledJobList, err error) {
- result = &batch.ScheduledJobList{}
- err = c.r.Get().Namespace(c.ns).Resource("scheduledJobs").VersionedParams(&opts, api.ParameterCodec).Do().Into(result)
- return
-// Get returns information about a particular scheduled job.
-func (c *scheduledJobs) Get(name string) (result *batch.ScheduledJob, err error) {
- result = &batch.ScheduledJob{}
- err = c.r.Get().Namespace(c.ns).Resource("scheduledJobs").Name(name).Do().Into(result)
- return
-// Create creates a new scheduled job.
-func (c *scheduledJobs) Create(job *batch.ScheduledJob) (result *batch.ScheduledJob, err error) {
- result = &batch.ScheduledJob{}
- err = c.r.Post().Namespace(c.ns).Resource("scheduledJobs").Body(job).Do().Into(result)
- return
-// Update updates an existing scheduled job.
-func (c *scheduledJobs) Update(job *batch.ScheduledJob) (result *batch.ScheduledJob, err error) {
- result = &batch.ScheduledJob{}
- err = c.r.Put().Namespace(c.ns).Resource("scheduledJobs").Name(job.Name).Body(job).Do().Into(result)
- return
-// Delete deletes a scheduled job, returns error if one occurs.
-func (c *scheduledJobs) Delete(name string, options *api.DeleteOptions) (err error) {
- return c.r.Delete().Namespace(c.ns).Resource("scheduledJobs").Name(name).Body(options).Do().Error()
-// Watch returns a watch.Interface that watches the requested scheduled jobs.
-func (c *scheduledJobs) Watch(opts api.ListOptions) (watch.Interface, error) {
- return c.r.Get().
- Prefix("watch").
- Namespace(c.ns).
- Resource("scheduledJobs").
- VersionedParams(&opts, api.ParameterCodec).
- Watch()
-// UpdateStatus takes the name of the scheduled job and the new status. Returns the server's representation of the scheduled job, and an error, if it occurs.
-func (c *scheduledJobs) UpdateStatus(job *batch.ScheduledJob) (result *batch.ScheduledJob, err error) {
- result = &batch.ScheduledJob{}
- err = c.r.Put().Namespace(c.ns).Resource("scheduledJobs").Name(job.Name).SubResource("status").Body(job).Do().Into(result)
- return
diff --git a/kube2msb/src/vendor/k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/unversioned/secrets.go b/kube2msb/src/vendor/k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/unversioned/secrets.go
deleted file mode 100644
index bba3fd9..0000000
--- a/kube2msb/src/vendor/k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/unversioned/secrets.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,120 +0,0 @@
-Copyright 2015 The Kubernetes Authors.
-Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-You may obtain a copy of the License at
- http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-limitations under the License.
-package unversioned
-import (
- "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/api"
- "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/watch"
-type SecretsNamespacer interface {
- Secrets(namespace string) SecretsInterface
-type SecretsInterface interface {
- Create(secret *api.Secret) (*api.Secret, error)
- Update(secret *api.Secret) (*api.Secret, error)
- Delete(name string) error
- List(opts api.ListOptions) (*api.SecretList, error)
- Get(name string) (*api.Secret, error)
- Watch(opts api.ListOptions) (watch.Interface, error)
-// events implements Secrets interface
-type secrets struct {
- client *Client
- namespace string
-// newSecrets returns a new secrets object.
-func newSecrets(c *Client, ns string) *secrets {
- return &secrets{
- client: c,
- namespace: ns,
- }
-func (s *secrets) Create(secret *api.Secret) (*api.Secret, error) {
- result := &api.Secret{}
- err := s.client.Post().
- Namespace(s.namespace).
- Resource("secrets").
- Body(secret).
- Do().
- Into(result)
- return result, err
-// List returns a list of secrets matching the selectors.
-func (s *secrets) List(opts api.ListOptions) (*api.SecretList, error) {
- result := &api.SecretList{}
- err := s.client.Get().
- Namespace(s.namespace).
- Resource("secrets").
- VersionedParams(&opts, api.ParameterCodec).
- Do().
- Into(result)
- return result, err
-// Get returns the given secret, or an error.
-func (s *secrets) Get(name string) (*api.Secret, error) {
- result := &api.Secret{}
- err := s.client.Get().
- Namespace(s.namespace).
- Resource("secrets").
- Name(name).
- Do().
- Into(result)
- return result, err
-// Watch starts watching for secrets matching the given selectors.
-func (s *secrets) Watch(opts api.ListOptions) (watch.Interface, error) {
- return s.client.Get().
- Prefix("watch").
- Namespace(s.namespace).
- Resource("secrets").
- VersionedParams(&opts, api.ParameterCodec).
- Watch()
-func (s *secrets) Delete(name string) error {
- return s.client.Delete().
- Namespace(s.namespace).
- Resource("secrets").
- Name(name).
- Do().
- Error()
-func (s *secrets) Update(secret *api.Secret) (result *api.Secret, err error) {
- result = &api.Secret{}
- err = s.client.Put().
- Namespace(s.namespace).
- Resource("secrets").
- Name(secret.Name).
- Body(secret).
- Do().
- Into(result)
- return
diff --git a/kube2msb/src/vendor/k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/unversioned/service_accounts.go b/kube2msb/src/vendor/k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/unversioned/service_accounts.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 68d1b21..0000000
--- a/kube2msb/src/vendor/k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/unversioned/service_accounts.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,120 +0,0 @@
-Copyright 2014 The Kubernetes Authors.
-Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-You may obtain a copy of the License at
- http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-limitations under the License.
-package unversioned
-import (
- "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/api"
- "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/watch"
-type ServiceAccountsNamespacer interface {
- ServiceAccounts(namespace string) ServiceAccountsInterface
-type ServiceAccountsInterface interface {
- Create(serviceAccount *api.ServiceAccount) (*api.ServiceAccount, error)
- Update(serviceAccount *api.ServiceAccount) (*api.ServiceAccount, error)
- Delete(name string) error
- List(opts api.ListOptions) (*api.ServiceAccountList, error)
- Get(name string) (*api.ServiceAccount, error)
- Watch(opts api.ListOptions) (watch.Interface, error)
-// serviceAccounts implements ServiceAccounts interface
-type serviceAccounts struct {
- client *Client
- namespace string
-// newServiceAccounts returns a new serviceAccounts object.
-func newServiceAccounts(c *Client, ns string) ServiceAccountsInterface {
- return &serviceAccounts{
- client: c,
- namespace: ns,
- }
-func (s *serviceAccounts) Create(serviceAccount *api.ServiceAccount) (*api.ServiceAccount, error) {
- result := &api.ServiceAccount{}
- err := s.client.Post().
- Namespace(s.namespace).
- Resource("serviceAccounts").
- Body(serviceAccount).
- Do().
- Into(result)
- return result, err
-// List returns a list of serviceAccounts matching the selectors.
-func (s *serviceAccounts) List(opts api.ListOptions) (*api.ServiceAccountList, error) {
- result := &api.ServiceAccountList{}
- err := s.client.Get().
- Namespace(s.namespace).
- Resource("serviceAccounts").
- VersionedParams(&opts, api.ParameterCodec).
- Do().
- Into(result)
- return result, err
-// Get returns the given serviceAccount, or an error.
-func (s *serviceAccounts) Get(name string) (*api.ServiceAccount, error) {
- result := &api.ServiceAccount{}
- err := s.client.Get().
- Namespace(s.namespace).
- Resource("serviceAccounts").
- Name(name).
- Do().
- Into(result)
- return result, err
-// Watch starts watching for serviceAccounts matching the given selectors.
-func (s *serviceAccounts) Watch(opts api.ListOptions) (watch.Interface, error) {
- return s.client.Get().
- Prefix("watch").
- Namespace(s.namespace).
- Resource("serviceAccounts").
- VersionedParams(&opts, api.ParameterCodec).
- Watch()
-func (s *serviceAccounts) Delete(name string) error {
- return s.client.Delete().
- Namespace(s.namespace).
- Resource("serviceAccounts").
- Name(name).
- Do().
- Error()
-func (s *serviceAccounts) Update(serviceAccount *api.ServiceAccount) (result *api.ServiceAccount, err error) {
- result = &api.ServiceAccount{}
- err = s.client.Put().
- Namespace(s.namespace).
- Resource("serviceAccounts").
- Name(serviceAccount.Name).
- Body(serviceAccount).
- Do().
- Into(result)
- return
diff --git a/kube2msb/src/vendor/k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/unversioned/services.go b/kube2msb/src/vendor/k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/unversioned/services.go
deleted file mode 100644
index aada5c1..0000000
--- a/kube2msb/src/vendor/k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/unversioned/services.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,121 +0,0 @@
-Copyright 2014 The Kubernetes Authors.
-Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-You may obtain a copy of the License at
- http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-limitations under the License.
-package unversioned
-import (
- "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/api"
- "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/restclient"
- "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/util/net"
- "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/watch"
-// ServicesNamespacer has methods to work with Service resources in a namespace
-type ServicesNamespacer interface {
- Services(namespace string) ServiceInterface
-// ServiceInterface has methods to work with Service resources.
-type ServiceInterface interface {
- List(opts api.ListOptions) (*api.ServiceList, error)
- Get(name string) (*api.Service, error)
- Create(srv *api.Service) (*api.Service, error)
- Update(srv *api.Service) (*api.Service, error)
- UpdateStatus(srv *api.Service) (*api.Service, error)
- Delete(name string) error
- Watch(opts api.ListOptions) (watch.Interface, error)
- ProxyGet(scheme, name, port, path string, params map[string]string) restclient.ResponseWrapper
-// services implements ServicesNamespacer interface
-type services struct {
- r *Client
- ns string
-// newServices returns a services
-func newServices(c *Client, namespace string) *services {
- return &services{c, namespace}
-// List takes a selector, and returns the list of services that match that selector
-func (c *services) List(opts api.ListOptions) (result *api.ServiceList, err error) {
- result = &api.ServiceList{}
- err = c.r.Get().
- Namespace(c.ns).
- Resource("services").
- VersionedParams(&opts, api.ParameterCodec).
- Do().
- Into(result)
- return
-// Get returns information about a particular service.
-func (c *services) Get(name string) (result *api.Service, err error) {
- result = &api.Service{}
- err = c.r.Get().Namespace(c.ns).Resource("services").Name(name).Do().Into(result)
- return
-// Create creates a new service.
-func (c *services) Create(svc *api.Service) (result *api.Service, err error) {
- result = &api.Service{}
- err = c.r.Post().Namespace(c.ns).Resource("services").Body(svc).Do().Into(result)
- return
-// Update updates an existing service.
-func (c *services) Update(svc *api.Service) (result *api.Service, err error) {
- result = &api.Service{}
- err = c.r.Put().Namespace(c.ns).Resource("services").Name(svc.Name).Body(svc).Do().Into(result)
- return
-// UpdateStatus takes a Service object with the new status and applies it as an update to the existing Service.
-func (c *services) UpdateStatus(service *api.Service) (result *api.Service, err error) {
- result = &api.Service{}
- err = c.r.Put().Namespace(c.ns).Resource("services").Name(service.Name).SubResource("status").Body(service).Do().Into(result)
- return
-// Delete deletes an existing service.
-func (c *services) Delete(name string) error {
- return c.r.Delete().Namespace(c.ns).Resource("services").Name(name).Do().Error()
-// Watch returns a watch.Interface that watches the requested services.
-func (c *services) Watch(opts api.ListOptions) (watch.Interface, error) {
- return c.r.Get().
- Prefix("watch").
- Namespace(c.ns).
- Resource("services").
- VersionedParams(&opts, api.ParameterCodec).
- Watch()
-// ProxyGet returns a response of the service by calling it through the proxy.
-func (c *services) ProxyGet(scheme, name, port, path string, params map[string]string) restclient.ResponseWrapper {
- request := c.r.Get().
- Namespace(c.ns).
- Resource("services").
- SubResource("proxy").
- Name(net.JoinSchemeNamePort(scheme, name, port)).
- Suffix(path)
- for k, v := range params {
- request = request.Param(k, v)
- }
- return request
diff --git a/kube2msb/src/vendor/k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/unversioned/thirdpartyresources.go b/kube2msb/src/vendor/k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/unversioned/thirdpartyresources.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 68adddb..0000000
--- a/kube2msb/src/vendor/k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/unversioned/thirdpartyresources.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,98 +0,0 @@
-Copyright 2015 The Kubernetes Authors.
-Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-You may obtain a copy of the License at
- http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-limitations under the License.
-package unversioned
-import (
- "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/api"
- "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/apis/extensions"
- "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/watch"
-// ThirdPartyResourceNamespacer has methods to work with ThirdPartyResource resources in a namespace
-type ThirdPartyResourceNamespacer interface {
- ThirdPartyResources() ThirdPartyResourceInterface
-type ThirdPartyResourceInterface interface {
- List(opts api.ListOptions) (*extensions.ThirdPartyResourceList, error)
- Get(name string) (*extensions.ThirdPartyResource, error)
- Create(ctrl *extensions.ThirdPartyResource) (*extensions.ThirdPartyResource, error)
- Update(ctrl *extensions.ThirdPartyResource) (*extensions.ThirdPartyResource, error)
- UpdateStatus(ctrl *extensions.ThirdPartyResource) (*extensions.ThirdPartyResource, error)
- Delete(name string) error
- Watch(opts api.ListOptions) (watch.Interface, error)
-// thirdPartyResources implements DaemonsSetsNamespacer interface
-type thirdPartyResources struct {
- r *ExtensionsClient
-func newThirdPartyResources(c *ExtensionsClient) *thirdPartyResources {
- return &thirdPartyResources{c}
-// Ensure statically that thirdPartyResources implements ThirdPartyResourcesInterface.
-var _ ThirdPartyResourceInterface = &thirdPartyResources{}
-func (c *thirdPartyResources) List(opts api.ListOptions) (result *extensions.ThirdPartyResourceList, err error) {
- result = &extensions.ThirdPartyResourceList{}
- err = c.r.Get().Resource("thirdpartyresources").VersionedParams(&opts, api.ParameterCodec).Do().Into(result)
- return
-// Get returns information about a particular third party resource.
-func (c *thirdPartyResources) Get(name string) (result *extensions.ThirdPartyResource, err error) {
- result = &extensions.ThirdPartyResource{}
- err = c.r.Get().Resource("thirdpartyresources").Name(name).Do().Into(result)
- return
-// Create creates a new third party resource.
-func (c *thirdPartyResources) Create(resource *extensions.ThirdPartyResource) (result *extensions.ThirdPartyResource, err error) {
- result = &extensions.ThirdPartyResource{}
- err = c.r.Post().Resource("thirdpartyresources").Body(resource).Do().Into(result)
- return
-// Update updates an existing third party resource.
-func (c *thirdPartyResources) Update(resource *extensions.ThirdPartyResource) (result *extensions.ThirdPartyResource, err error) {
- result = &extensions.ThirdPartyResource{}
- err = c.r.Put().Resource("thirdpartyresources").Name(resource.Name).Body(resource).Do().Into(result)
- return
-// UpdateStatus updates an existing third party resource status
-func (c *thirdPartyResources) UpdateStatus(resource *extensions.ThirdPartyResource) (result *extensions.ThirdPartyResource, err error) {
- result = &extensions.ThirdPartyResource{}
- err = c.r.Put().Resource("thirdpartyresources").Name(resource.Name).SubResource("status").Body(resource).Do().Into(result)
- return
-// Delete deletes an existing third party resource.
-func (c *thirdPartyResources) Delete(name string) error {
- return c.r.Delete().Resource("thirdpartyresources").Name(name).Do().Error()
-// Watch returns a watch.Interface that watches the requested third party resources.
-func (c *thirdPartyResources) Watch(opts api.ListOptions) (watch.Interface, error) {
- return c.r.Get().
- Prefix("watch").
- Resource("thirdpartyresources").
- VersionedParams(&opts, api.ParameterCodec).
- Watch()
diff --git a/kube2msb/src/vendor/k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/unversioned/util.go b/kube2msb/src/vendor/k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/unversioned/util.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 9657ff2..0000000
--- a/kube2msb/src/vendor/k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/unversioned/util.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,79 +0,0 @@
-Copyright 2016 The Kubernetes Authors.
-Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-You may obtain a copy of the License at
- http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-limitations under the License.
-package unversioned
-import (
- "time"
- "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/api/errors"
- "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/util/wait"
-// DefaultRetry is the recommended retry for a conflict where multiple clients
-// are making changes to the same resource.
-var DefaultRetry = wait.Backoff{
- Steps: 5,
- Duration: 10 * time.Millisecond,
- Factor: 1.0,
- Jitter: 0.1,
-// DefaultBackoff is the recommended backoff for a conflict where a client
-// may be attempting to make an unrelated modification to a resource under
-// active management by one or more controllers.
-var DefaultBackoff = wait.Backoff{
- Steps: 4,
- Duration: 10 * time.Millisecond,
- Factor: 5.0,
- Jitter: 0.1,
-// RetryConflict executes the provided function repeatedly, retrying if the server returns a conflicting
-// write. Callers should preserve previous executions if they wish to retry changes. It performs an
-// exponential backoff.
-// var pod *api.Pod
-// err := RetryOnConflict(DefaultBackoff, func() (err error) {
-// pod, err = c.Pods("mynamespace").UpdateStatus(podStatus)
-// return
-// })
-// if err != nil {
-// // may be conflict if max retries were hit
-// return err
-// }
-// ...
-// TODO: Make Backoff an interface?
-func RetryOnConflict(backoff wait.Backoff, fn func() error) error {
- var lastConflictErr error
- err := wait.ExponentialBackoff(backoff, func() (bool, error) {
- err := fn()
- switch {
- case err == nil:
- return true, nil
- case errors.IsConflict(err):
- lastConflictErr = err
- return false, nil
- default:
- return false, err
- }
- })
- if err == wait.ErrWaitTimeout {
- err = lastConflictErr
- }
- return err