path: root/kube2msb/src/vendor/gopkg.in/inf.v0/dec.go
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Diffstat (limited to 'kube2msb/src/vendor/gopkg.in/inf.v0/dec.go')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 615 deletions
diff --git a/kube2msb/src/vendor/gopkg.in/inf.v0/dec.go b/kube2msb/src/vendor/gopkg.in/inf.v0/dec.go
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index d17ad94..0000000
--- a/kube2msb/src/vendor/gopkg.in/inf.v0/dec.go
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-// Package inf (type inf.Dec) implements "infinite-precision" decimal
-// arithmetic.
-// "Infinite precision" describes two characteristics: practically unlimited
-// precision for decimal number representation and no support for calculating
-// with any specific fixed precision.
-// (Although there is no practical limit on precision, inf.Dec can only
-// represent finite decimals.)
-// This package is currently in experimental stage and the API may change.
-// This package does NOT support:
-// - rounding to specific precisions (as opposed to specific decimal positions)
-// - the notion of context (each rounding must be explicit)
-// - NaN and Inf values, and distinguishing between positive and negative zero
-// - conversions to and from float32/64 types
-// Features considered for possible addition:
-// + formatting options
-// + Exp method
-// + combined operations such as AddRound/MulAdd etc
-// + exchanging data in decimal32/64/128 formats
-package inf
-// TODO:
-// - avoid excessive deep copying (quo and rounders)
-import (
- "fmt"
- "io"
- "math/big"
- "strings"
-// A Dec represents a signed arbitrary-precision decimal.
-// It is a combination of a sign, an arbitrary-precision integer coefficient
-// value, and a signed fixed-precision exponent value.
-// The sign and the coefficient value are handled together as a signed value
-// and referred to as the unscaled value.
-// (Positive and negative zero values are not distinguished.)
-// Since the exponent is most commonly non-positive, it is handled in negated
-// form and referred to as scale.
-// The mathematical value of a Dec equals:
-// unscaled * 10**(-scale)
-// Note that different Dec representations may have equal mathematical values.
-// unscaled scale String()
-// -------------------------
-// 0 0 "0"
-// 0 2 "0.00"
-// 0 -2 "0"
-// 1 0 "1"
-// 100 2 "1.00"
-// 10 0 "10"
-// 1 -1 "10"
-// The zero value for a Dec represents the value 0 with scale 0.
-// Operations are typically performed through the *Dec type.
-// The semantics of the assignment operation "=" for "bare" Dec values is
-// undefined and should not be relied on.
-// Methods are typically of the form:
-// func (z *Dec) Op(x, y *Dec) *Dec
-// and implement operations z = x Op y with the result as receiver; if it
-// is one of the operands it may be overwritten (and its memory reused).
-// To enable chaining of operations, the result is also returned. Methods
-// returning a result other than *Dec take one of the operands as the receiver.
-// A "bare" Quo method (quotient / division operation) is not provided, as the
-// result is not always a finite decimal and thus in general cannot be
-// represented as a Dec.
-// Instead, in the common case when rounding is (potentially) necessary,
-// QuoRound should be used with a Scale and a Rounder.
-// QuoExact or QuoRound with RoundExact can be used in the special cases when it
-// is known that the result is always a finite decimal.
-type Dec struct {
- unscaled big.Int
- scale Scale
-// Scale represents the type used for the scale of a Dec.
-type Scale int32
-const scaleSize = 4 // bytes in a Scale value
-// Scaler represents a method for obtaining the scale to use for the result of
-// an operation on x and y.
-type scaler interface {
- Scale(x *Dec, y *Dec) Scale
-var bigInt = [...]*big.Int{
- big.NewInt(0), big.NewInt(1), big.NewInt(2), big.NewInt(3), big.NewInt(4),
- big.NewInt(5), big.NewInt(6), big.NewInt(7), big.NewInt(8), big.NewInt(9),
- big.NewInt(10),
-var exp10cache [64]big.Int = func() [64]big.Int {
- e10, e10i := [64]big.Int{}, bigInt[1]
- for i, _ := range e10 {
- e10[i].Set(e10i)
- e10i = new(big.Int).Mul(e10i, bigInt[10])
- }
- return e10
-// NewDec allocates and returns a new Dec set to the given int64 unscaled value
-// and scale.
-func NewDec(unscaled int64, scale Scale) *Dec {
- return new(Dec).SetUnscaled(unscaled).SetScale(scale)
-// NewDecBig allocates and returns a new Dec set to the given *big.Int unscaled
-// value and scale.
-func NewDecBig(unscaled *big.Int, scale Scale) *Dec {
- return new(Dec).SetUnscaledBig(unscaled).SetScale(scale)
-// Scale returns the scale of x.
-func (x *Dec) Scale() Scale {
- return x.scale
-// Unscaled returns the unscaled value of x for u and true for ok when the
-// unscaled value can be represented as int64; otherwise it returns an undefined
-// int64 value for u and false for ok. Use x.UnscaledBig().Int64() to avoid
-// checking the validity of the value when the check is known to be redundant.
-func (x *Dec) Unscaled() (u int64, ok bool) {
- u = x.unscaled.Int64()
- var i big.Int
- ok = i.SetInt64(u).Cmp(&x.unscaled) == 0
- return
-// UnscaledBig returns the unscaled value of x as *big.Int.
-func (x *Dec) UnscaledBig() *big.Int {
- return &x.unscaled
-// SetScale sets the scale of z, with the unscaled value unchanged, and returns
-// z.
-// The mathematical value of the Dec changes as if it was multiplied by
-// 10**(oldscale-scale).
-func (z *Dec) SetScale(scale Scale) *Dec {
- z.scale = scale
- return z
-// SetUnscaled sets the unscaled value of z, with the scale unchanged, and
-// returns z.
-func (z *Dec) SetUnscaled(unscaled int64) *Dec {
- z.unscaled.SetInt64(unscaled)
- return z
-// SetUnscaledBig sets the unscaled value of z, with the scale unchanged, and
-// returns z.
-func (z *Dec) SetUnscaledBig(unscaled *big.Int) *Dec {
- z.unscaled.Set(unscaled)
- return z
-// Set sets z to the value of x and returns z.
-// It does nothing if z == x.
-func (z *Dec) Set(x *Dec) *Dec {
- if z != x {
- z.SetUnscaledBig(x.UnscaledBig())
- z.SetScale(x.Scale())
- }
- return z
-// Sign returns:
-// -1 if x < 0
-// 0 if x == 0
-// +1 if x > 0
-func (x *Dec) Sign() int {
- return x.UnscaledBig().Sign()
-// Neg sets z to -x and returns z.
-func (z *Dec) Neg(x *Dec) *Dec {
- z.SetScale(x.Scale())
- z.UnscaledBig().Neg(x.UnscaledBig())
- return z
-// Cmp compares x and y and returns:
-// -1 if x < y
-// 0 if x == y
-// +1 if x > y
-func (x *Dec) Cmp(y *Dec) int {
- xx, yy := upscale(x, y)
- return xx.UnscaledBig().Cmp(yy.UnscaledBig())
-// Abs sets z to |x| (the absolute value of x) and returns z.
-func (z *Dec) Abs(x *Dec) *Dec {
- z.SetScale(x.Scale())
- z.UnscaledBig().Abs(x.UnscaledBig())
- return z
-// Add sets z to the sum x+y and returns z.
-// The scale of z is the greater of the scales of x and y.
-func (z *Dec) Add(x, y *Dec) *Dec {
- xx, yy := upscale(x, y)
- z.SetScale(xx.Scale())
- z.UnscaledBig().Add(xx.UnscaledBig(), yy.UnscaledBig())
- return z
-// Sub sets z to the difference x-y and returns z.
-// The scale of z is the greater of the scales of x and y.
-func (z *Dec) Sub(x, y *Dec) *Dec {
- xx, yy := upscale(x, y)
- z.SetScale(xx.Scale())
- z.UnscaledBig().Sub(xx.UnscaledBig(), yy.UnscaledBig())
- return z
-// Mul sets z to the product x*y and returns z.
-// The scale of z is the sum of the scales of x and y.
-func (z *Dec) Mul(x, y *Dec) *Dec {
- z.SetScale(x.Scale() + y.Scale())
- z.UnscaledBig().Mul(x.UnscaledBig(), y.UnscaledBig())
- return z
-// Round sets z to the value of x rounded to Scale s using Rounder r, and
-// returns z.
-func (z *Dec) Round(x *Dec, s Scale, r Rounder) *Dec {
- return z.QuoRound(x, NewDec(1, 0), s, r)
-// QuoRound sets z to the quotient x/y, rounded using the given Rounder to the
-// specified scale.
-// If the rounder is RoundExact but the result can not be expressed exactly at
-// the specified scale, QuoRound returns nil, and the value of z is undefined.
-// There is no corresponding Div method; the equivalent can be achieved through
-// the choice of Rounder used.
-func (z *Dec) QuoRound(x, y *Dec, s Scale, r Rounder) *Dec {
- return z.quo(x, y, sclr{s}, r)
-func (z *Dec) quo(x, y *Dec, s scaler, r Rounder) *Dec {
- scl := s.Scale(x, y)
- var zzz *Dec
- if r.UseRemainder() {
- zz, rA, rB := new(Dec).quoRem(x, y, scl, true, new(big.Int), new(big.Int))
- zzz = r.Round(new(Dec), zz, rA, rB)
- } else {
- zz, _, _ := new(Dec).quoRem(x, y, scl, false, nil, nil)
- zzz = r.Round(new(Dec), zz, nil, nil)
- }
- if zzz == nil {
- return nil
- }
- return z.Set(zzz)
-// QuoExact sets z to the quotient x/y and returns z when x/y is a finite
-// decimal. Otherwise it returns nil and the value of z is undefined.
-// The scale of a non-nil result is "x.Scale() - y.Scale()" or greater; it is
-// calculated so that the remainder will be zero whenever x/y is a finite
-// decimal.
-func (z *Dec) QuoExact(x, y *Dec) *Dec {
- return z.quo(x, y, scaleQuoExact{}, RoundExact)
-// quoRem sets z to the quotient x/y with the scale s, and if useRem is true,
-// it sets remNum and remDen to the numerator and denominator of the remainder.
-// It returns z, remNum and remDen.
-// The remainder is normalized to the range -1 < r < 1 to simplify rounding;
-// that is, the results satisfy the following equation:
-// x / y = z + (remNum/remDen) * 10**(-z.Scale())
-// See Rounder for more details about rounding.
-func (z *Dec) quoRem(x, y *Dec, s Scale, useRem bool,
- remNum, remDen *big.Int) (*Dec, *big.Int, *big.Int) {
- // difference (required adjustment) compared to "canonical" result scale
- shift := s - (x.Scale() - y.Scale())
- // pointers to adjusted unscaled dividend and divisor
- var ix, iy *big.Int
- switch {
- case shift > 0:
- // increased scale: decimal-shift dividend left
- ix = new(big.Int).Mul(x.UnscaledBig(), exp10(shift))
- iy = y.UnscaledBig()
- case shift < 0:
- // decreased scale: decimal-shift divisor left
- ix = x.UnscaledBig()
- iy = new(big.Int).Mul(y.UnscaledBig(), exp10(-shift))
- default:
- ix = x.UnscaledBig()
- iy = y.UnscaledBig()
- }
- // save a copy of iy in case it to be overwritten with the result
- iy2 := iy
- if iy == z.UnscaledBig() {
- iy2 = new(big.Int).Set(iy)
- }
- // set scale
- z.SetScale(s)
- // set unscaled
- if useRem {
- // Int division
- _, intr := z.UnscaledBig().QuoRem(ix, iy, new(big.Int))
- // set remainder
- remNum.Set(intr)
- remDen.Set(iy2)
- } else {
- z.UnscaledBig().Quo(ix, iy)
- }
- return z, remNum, remDen
-type sclr struct{ s Scale }
-func (s sclr) Scale(x, y *Dec) Scale {
- return s.s
-type scaleQuoExact struct{}
-func (sqe scaleQuoExact) Scale(x, y *Dec) Scale {
- rem := new(big.Rat).SetFrac(x.UnscaledBig(), y.UnscaledBig())
- f2, f5 := factor2(rem.Denom()), factor(rem.Denom(), bigInt[5])
- var f10 Scale
- if f2 > f5 {
- f10 = Scale(f2)
- } else {
- f10 = Scale(f5)
- }
- return x.Scale() - y.Scale() + f10
-func factor(n *big.Int, p *big.Int) int {
- // could be improved for large factors
- d, f := n, 0
- for {
- dd, dm := new(big.Int).DivMod(d, p, new(big.Int))
- if dm.Sign() == 0 {
- f++
- d = dd
- } else {
- break
- }
- }
- return f
-func factor2(n *big.Int) int {
- // could be improved for large factors
- f := 0
- for ; n.Bit(f) == 0; f++ {
- }
- return f
-func upscale(a, b *Dec) (*Dec, *Dec) {
- if a.Scale() == b.Scale() {
- return a, b
- }
- if a.Scale() > b.Scale() {
- bb := b.rescale(a.Scale())
- return a, bb
- }
- aa := a.rescale(b.Scale())
- return aa, b
-func exp10(x Scale) *big.Int {
- if int(x) < len(exp10cache) {
- return &exp10cache[int(x)]
- }
- return new(big.Int).Exp(bigInt[10], big.NewInt(int64(x)), nil)
-func (x *Dec) rescale(newScale Scale) *Dec {
- shift := newScale - x.Scale()
- switch {
- case shift < 0:
- e := exp10(-shift)
- return NewDecBig(new(big.Int).Quo(x.UnscaledBig(), e), newScale)
- case shift > 0:
- e := exp10(shift)
- return NewDecBig(new(big.Int).Mul(x.UnscaledBig(), e), newScale)
- }
- return x
-var zeros = []byte("00000000000000000000000000000000" +
- "00000000000000000000000000000000")
-var lzeros = Scale(len(zeros))
-func appendZeros(s []byte, n Scale) []byte {
- for i := Scale(0); i < n; i += lzeros {
- if n > i+lzeros {
- s = append(s, zeros...)
- } else {
- s = append(s, zeros[0:n-i]...)
- }
- }
- return s
-func (x *Dec) String() string {
- if x == nil {
- return "<nil>"
- }
- scale := x.Scale()
- s := []byte(x.UnscaledBig().String())
- if scale <= 0 {
- if scale != 0 && x.unscaled.Sign() != 0 {
- s = appendZeros(s, -scale)
- }
- return string(s)
- }
- negbit := Scale(-((x.Sign() - 1) / 2))
- // scale > 0
- lens := Scale(len(s))
- if lens-negbit <= scale {
- ss := make([]byte, 0, scale+2)
- if negbit == 1 {
- ss = append(ss, '-')
- }
- ss = append(ss, '0', '.')
- ss = appendZeros(ss, scale-lens+negbit)
- ss = append(ss, s[negbit:]...)
- return string(ss)
- }
- // lens > scale
- ss := make([]byte, 0, lens+1)
- ss = append(ss, s[:lens-scale]...)
- ss = append(ss, '.')
- ss = append(ss, s[lens-scale:]...)
- return string(ss)
-// Format is a support routine for fmt.Formatter. It accepts the decimal
-// formats 'd' and 'f', and handles both equivalently.
-// Width, precision, flags and bases 2, 8, 16 are not supported.
-func (x *Dec) Format(s fmt.State, ch rune) {
- if ch != 'd' && ch != 'f' && ch != 'v' && ch != 's' {
- fmt.Fprintf(s, "%%!%c(dec.Dec=%s)", ch, x.String())
- return
- }
- fmt.Fprintf(s, x.String())
-func (z *Dec) scan(r io.RuneScanner) (*Dec, error) {
- unscaled := make([]byte, 0, 256) // collects chars of unscaled as bytes
- dp, dg := -1, -1 // indexes of decimal point, first digit
- for {
- ch, _, err := r.ReadRune()
- if err == io.EOF {
- break loop
- }
- if err != nil {
- return nil, err
- }
- switch {
- case ch == '+' || ch == '-':
- if len(unscaled) > 0 || dp >= 0 { // must be first character
- r.UnreadRune()
- break loop
- }
- case ch == '.':
- if dp >= 0 {
- r.UnreadRune()
- break loop
- }
- dp = len(unscaled)
- continue // don't add to unscaled
- case ch >= '0' && ch <= '9':
- if dg == -1 {
- dg = len(unscaled)
- }
- default:
- r.UnreadRune()
- break loop
- }
- unscaled = append(unscaled, byte(ch))
- }
- if dg == -1 {
- return nil, fmt.Errorf("no digits read")
- }
- if dp >= 0 {
- z.SetScale(Scale(len(unscaled) - dp))
- } else {
- z.SetScale(0)
- }
- _, ok := z.UnscaledBig().SetString(string(unscaled), 10)
- if !ok {
- return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid decimal: %s", string(unscaled))
- }
- return z, nil
-// SetString sets z to the value of s, interpreted as a decimal (base 10),
-// and returns z and a boolean indicating success. The scale of z is the
-// number of digits after the decimal point (including any trailing 0s),
-// or 0 if there is no decimal point. If SetString fails, the value of z
-// is undefined but the returned value is nil.
-func (z *Dec) SetString(s string) (*Dec, bool) {
- r := strings.NewReader(s)
- _, err := z.scan(r)
- if err != nil {
- return nil, false
- }
- _, _, err = r.ReadRune()
- if err != io.EOF {
- return nil, false
- }
- // err == io.EOF => scan consumed all of s
- return z, true
-// Scan is a support routine for fmt.Scanner; it sets z to the value of
-// the scanned number. It accepts the decimal formats 'd' and 'f', and
-// handles both equivalently. Bases 2, 8, 16 are not supported.
-// The scale of z is the number of digits after the decimal point
-// (including any trailing 0s), or 0 if there is no decimal point.
-func (z *Dec) Scan(s fmt.ScanState, ch rune) error {
- if ch != 'd' && ch != 'f' && ch != 's' && ch != 'v' {
- return fmt.Errorf("Dec.Scan: invalid verb '%c'", ch)
- }
- s.SkipSpace()
- _, err := z.scan(s)
- return err
-// Gob encoding version
-const decGobVersion byte = 1
-func scaleBytes(s Scale) []byte {
- buf := make([]byte, scaleSize)
- i := scaleSize
- for j := 0; j < scaleSize; j++ {
- i--
- buf[i] = byte(s)
- s >>= 8
- }
- return buf
-func scale(b []byte) (s Scale) {
- for j := 0; j < scaleSize; j++ {
- s <<= 8
- s |= Scale(b[j])
- }
- return
-// GobEncode implements the gob.GobEncoder interface.
-func (x *Dec) GobEncode() ([]byte, error) {
- buf, err := x.UnscaledBig().GobEncode()
- if err != nil {
- return nil, err
- }
- buf = append(append(buf, scaleBytes(x.Scale())...), decGobVersion)
- return buf, nil
-// GobDecode implements the gob.GobDecoder interface.
-func (z *Dec) GobDecode(buf []byte) error {
- if len(buf) == 0 {
- return fmt.Errorf("Dec.GobDecode: no data")
- }
- b := buf[len(buf)-1]
- if b != decGobVersion {
- return fmt.Errorf("Dec.GobDecode: encoding version %d not supported", b)
- }
- l := len(buf) - scaleSize - 1
- err := z.UnscaledBig().GobDecode(buf[:l])
- if err != nil {
- return err
- }
- z.SetScale(scale(buf[l : l+scaleSize]))
- return nil
-// MarshalText implements the encoding.TextMarshaler interface.
-func (x *Dec) MarshalText() ([]byte, error) {
- return []byte(x.String()), nil
-// UnmarshalText implements the encoding.TextUnmarshaler interface.
-func (z *Dec) UnmarshalText(data []byte) error {
- _, ok := z.SetString(string(data))
- if !ok {
- return fmt.Errorf("invalid inf.Dec")
- }
- return nil