path: root/kube2msb/src/vendor/github.com/ugorji/go/codec/fast-path.go.tmpl
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'kube2msb/src/vendor/github.com/ugorji/go/codec/fast-path.go.tmpl')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 540 deletions
diff --git a/kube2msb/src/vendor/github.com/ugorji/go/codec/fast-path.go.tmpl b/kube2msb/src/vendor/github.com/ugorji/go/codec/fast-path.go.tmpl
deleted file mode 100644
index 04c173f..0000000
--- a/kube2msb/src/vendor/github.com/ugorji/go/codec/fast-path.go.tmpl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,540 +0,0 @@
-// +build !notfastpath
-// Copyright (c) 2012-2015 Ugorji Nwoke. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a MIT license found in the LICENSE file.
-// ************************************************************
-// THIS FILE IS AUTO-GENERATED from fast-path.go.tmpl
-// ************************************************************
-package codec
-// Fast path functions try to create a fast path encode or decode implementation
-// for common maps and slices.
-// We define the functions and register then in this single file
-// so as not to pollute the encode.go and decode.go, and create a dependency in there.
-// This file can be omitted without causing a build failure.
-// The advantage of fast paths is:
-// - Many calls bypass reflection altogether
-// Currently support
-// - slice of all builtin types,
-// - map of all builtin types to string or interface value
-// - symetrical maps of all builtin types (e.g. str-str, uint8-uint8)
-// This should provide adequate "typical" implementations.
-// Note that fast track decode functions must handle values for which an address cannot be obtained.
-// For example:
-// m2 := map[string]int{}
-// p2 := []interface{}{m2}
-// // decoding into p2 will bomb if fast track functions do not treat like unaddressable.
-import (
- "reflect"
- "sort"
-const fastpathCheckNilFalse = false // for reflect
-const fastpathCheckNilTrue = true // for type switch
-type fastpathT struct {}
-var fastpathTV fastpathT
-type fastpathE struct {
- rtid uintptr
- rt reflect.Type
- encfn func(*encFnInfo, reflect.Value)
- decfn func(*decFnInfo, reflect.Value)
-type fastpathA [{{ .FastpathLen }}]fastpathE
-func (x *fastpathA) index(rtid uintptr) int {
- // use binary search to grab the index (adapted from sort/search.go)
- h, i, j := 0, 0, {{ .FastpathLen }} // len(x)
- for i < j {
- h = i + (j-i)/2
- if x[h].rtid < rtid {
- i = h + 1
- } else {
- j = h
- }
- }
- if i < {{ .FastpathLen }} && x[i].rtid == rtid {
- return i
- }
- return -1
-type fastpathAslice []fastpathE
-func (x fastpathAslice) Len() int { return len(x) }
-func (x fastpathAslice) Less(i, j int) bool { return x[i].rtid < x[j].rtid }
-func (x fastpathAslice) Swap(i, j int) { x[i], x[j] = x[j], x[i] }
-var fastpathAV fastpathA
-// due to possible initialization loop error, make fastpath in an init()
-func init() {
- if !fastpathEnabled {
- return
- }
- i := 0
- fn := func(v interface{}, fe func(*encFnInfo, reflect.Value), fd func(*decFnInfo, reflect.Value)) (f fastpathE) {
- xrt := reflect.TypeOf(v)
- xptr := reflect.ValueOf(xrt).Pointer()
- fastpathAV[i] = fastpathE{xptr, xrt, fe, fd}
- i++
- return
- }
- {{range .Values}}{{if not .Primitive}}{{if not .MapKey }}
- fn([]{{ .Elem }}(nil), (*encFnInfo).{{ .MethodNamePfx "fastpathEnc" false }}R, (*decFnInfo).{{ .MethodNamePfx "fastpathDec" false }}R){{end}}{{end}}{{end}}
- {{range .Values}}{{if not .Primitive}}{{if .MapKey }}
- fn(map[{{ .MapKey }}]{{ .Elem }}(nil), (*encFnInfo).{{ .MethodNamePfx "fastpathEnc" false }}R, (*decFnInfo).{{ .MethodNamePfx "fastpathDec" false }}R){{end}}{{end}}{{end}}
- sort.Sort(fastpathAslice(fastpathAV[:]))
-// -- encode
-// -- -- fast path type switch
-func fastpathEncodeTypeSwitch(iv interface{}, e *Encoder) bool {
- if !fastpathEnabled {
- return false
- }
- switch v := iv.(type) {
-{{range .Values}}{{if not .Primitive}}{{if not .MapKey }}
- case []{{ .Elem }}:{{else}}
- case map[{{ .MapKey }}]{{ .Elem }}:{{end}}
- fastpathTV.{{ .MethodNamePfx "Enc" false }}V(v, fastpathCheckNilTrue, e){{if not .MapKey }}
- case *[]{{ .Elem }}:{{else}}
- case *map[{{ .MapKey }}]{{ .Elem }}:{{end}}
- fastpathTV.{{ .MethodNamePfx "Enc" false }}V(*v, fastpathCheckNilTrue, e)
- default:
- _ = v // TODO: workaround https://github.com/golang/go/issues/12927 (remove after go 1.6 release)
- return false
- }
- return true
-func fastpathEncodeTypeSwitchSlice(iv interface{}, e *Encoder) bool {
- if !fastpathEnabled {
- return false
- }
- switch v := iv.(type) {
-{{range .Values}}{{if not .Primitive}}{{if not .MapKey }}
- case []{{ .Elem }}:
- fastpathTV.{{ .MethodNamePfx "Enc" false }}V(v, fastpathCheckNilTrue, e)
- case *[]{{ .Elem }}:
- fastpathTV.{{ .MethodNamePfx "Enc" false }}V(*v, fastpathCheckNilTrue, e)
- default:
- _ = v // TODO: workaround https://github.com/golang/go/issues/12927 (remove after go 1.6 release)
- return false
- }
- return true
-func fastpathEncodeTypeSwitchMap(iv interface{}, e *Encoder) bool {
- if !fastpathEnabled {
- return false
- }
- switch v := iv.(type) {
-{{range .Values}}{{if not .Primitive}}{{if .MapKey }}
- case map[{{ .MapKey }}]{{ .Elem }}:
- fastpathTV.{{ .MethodNamePfx "Enc" false }}V(v, fastpathCheckNilTrue, e)
- case *map[{{ .MapKey }}]{{ .Elem }}:
- fastpathTV.{{ .MethodNamePfx "Enc" false }}V(*v, fastpathCheckNilTrue, e)
- default:
- _ = v // TODO: workaround https://github.com/golang/go/issues/12927 (remove after go 1.6 release)
- return false
- }
- return true
-// -- -- fast path functions
-{{range .Values}}{{if not .Primitive}}{{if not .MapKey }}
-func (f *encFnInfo) {{ .MethodNamePfx "fastpathEnc" false }}R(rv reflect.Value) {
- if f.ti.mbs {
- fastpathTV.{{ .MethodNamePfx "EncAsMap" false }}V(rv.Interface().([]{{ .Elem }}), fastpathCheckNilFalse, f.e)
- } else {
- fastpathTV.{{ .MethodNamePfx "Enc" false }}V(rv.Interface().([]{{ .Elem }}), fastpathCheckNilFalse, f.e)
- }
-func (_ fastpathT) {{ .MethodNamePfx "Enc" false }}V(v []{{ .Elem }}, checkNil bool, e *Encoder) {
- ee := e.e
- cr := e.cr
- if checkNil && v == nil {
- ee.EncodeNil()
- return
- }
- ee.EncodeArrayStart(len(v))
- for _, v2 := range v {
- if cr != nil { cr.sendContainerState(containerArrayElem) }
- {{ encmd .Elem "v2"}}
- }
- if cr != nil { cr.sendContainerState(containerArrayEnd) }{{/* ee.EncodeEnd() */}}
-func (_ fastpathT) {{ .MethodNamePfx "EncAsMap" false }}V(v []{{ .Elem }}, checkNil bool, e *Encoder) {
- ee := e.e
- cr := e.cr
- if checkNil && v == nil {
- ee.EncodeNil()
- return
- }
- if len(v)%2 == 1 {
- e.errorf("mapBySlice requires even slice length, but got %v", len(v))
- return
- }
- ee.EncodeMapStart(len(v) / 2)
- for j, v2 := range v {
- if cr != nil {
- if j%2 == 0 {
- cr.sendContainerState(containerMapKey)
- } else {
- cr.sendContainerState(containerMapValue)
- }
- }
- {{ encmd .Elem "v2"}}
- }
- if cr != nil { cr.sendContainerState(containerMapEnd) }
-{{range .Values}}{{if not .Primitive}}{{if .MapKey }}
-func (f *encFnInfo) {{ .MethodNamePfx "fastpathEnc" false }}R(rv reflect.Value) {
- fastpathTV.{{ .MethodNamePfx "Enc" false }}V(rv.Interface().(map[{{ .MapKey }}]{{ .Elem }}), fastpathCheckNilFalse, f.e)
-func (_ fastpathT) {{ .MethodNamePfx "Enc" false }}V(v map[{{ .MapKey }}]{{ .Elem }}, checkNil bool, e *Encoder) {
- ee := e.e
- cr := e.cr
- if checkNil && v == nil {
- ee.EncodeNil()
- return
- }
- ee.EncodeMapStart(len(v))
- {{if eq .MapKey "string"}}asSymbols := e.h.AsSymbols&AsSymbolMapStringKeysFlag != 0
- {{end}}if e.h.Canonical {
- {{if eq .MapKey "interface{}"}}{{/* out of band
- */}}var mksv []byte = make([]byte, 0, len(v)*16) // temporary byte slice for the encoding
- e2 := NewEncoderBytes(&mksv, e.hh)
- v2 := make([]bytesI, len(v))
- var i, l int
- var vp *bytesI {{/* put loop variables outside. seems currently needed for better perf */}}
- for k2, _ := range v {
- l = len(mksv)
- e2.MustEncode(k2)
- vp = &v2[i]
- vp.v = mksv[l:]
- vp.i = k2
- i++
- }
- sort.Sort(bytesISlice(v2))
- for j := range v2 {
- if cr != nil { cr.sendContainerState(containerMapKey) }
- e.asis(v2[j].v)
- if cr != nil { cr.sendContainerState(containerMapValue) }
- e.encode(v[v2[j].i])
- } {{else}}{{ $x := sorttype .MapKey true}}v2 := make([]{{ $x }}, len(v))
- var i int
- for k, _ := range v {
- v2[i] = {{ $x }}(k)
- i++
- }
- sort.Sort({{ sorttype .MapKey false}}(v2))
- for _, k2 := range v2 {
- if cr != nil { cr.sendContainerState(containerMapKey) }
- {{if eq .MapKey "string"}}if asSymbols {
- ee.EncodeSymbol(k2)
- } else {
- ee.EncodeString(c_UTF8, k2)
- }{{else}}{{ $y := printf "%s(k2)" .MapKey }}{{ encmd .MapKey $y }}{{end}}
- if cr != nil { cr.sendContainerState(containerMapValue) }
- {{ $y := printf "v[%s(k2)]" .MapKey }}{{ encmd .Elem $y }}
- } {{end}}
- } else {
- for k2, v2 := range v {
- if cr != nil { cr.sendContainerState(containerMapKey) }
- {{if eq .MapKey "string"}}if asSymbols {
- ee.EncodeSymbol(k2)
- } else {
- ee.EncodeString(c_UTF8, k2)
- }{{else}}{{ encmd .MapKey "k2"}}{{end}}
- if cr != nil { cr.sendContainerState(containerMapValue) }
- {{ encmd .Elem "v2"}}
- }
- }
- if cr != nil { cr.sendContainerState(containerMapEnd) }{{/* ee.EncodeEnd() */}}
-// -- decode
-// -- -- fast path type switch
-func fastpathDecodeTypeSwitch(iv interface{}, d *Decoder) bool {
- if !fastpathEnabled {
- return false
- }
- switch v := iv.(type) {
-{{range .Values}}{{if not .Primitive}}{{if not .MapKey }}
- case []{{ .Elem }}:{{else}}
- case map[{{ .MapKey }}]{{ .Elem }}:{{end}}
- fastpathTV.{{ .MethodNamePfx "Dec" false }}V(v, fastpathCheckNilFalse, false, d){{if not .MapKey }}
- case *[]{{ .Elem }}:{{else}}
- case *map[{{ .MapKey }}]{{ .Elem }}:{{end}}
- v2, changed2 := fastpathTV.{{ .MethodNamePfx "Dec" false }}V(*v, fastpathCheckNilFalse, true, d)
- if changed2 {
- *v = v2
- }
- default:
- _ = v // TODO: workaround https://github.com/golang/go/issues/12927 (remove after go 1.6 release)
- return false
- }
- return true
-// -- -- fast path functions
-{{range .Values}}{{if not .Primitive}}{{if not .MapKey }}
-Slices can change if they
-- did not come from an array
-- are addressable (from a ptr)
-- are settable (e.g. contained in an interface{})
-func (f *decFnInfo) {{ .MethodNamePfx "fastpathDec" false }}R(rv reflect.Value) {
- array := f.seq == seqTypeArray
- if !array && rv.CanAddr() { {{/* // CanSet => CanAddr + Exported */}}
- vp := rv.Addr().Interface().(*[]{{ .Elem }})
- v, changed := fastpathTV.{{ .MethodNamePfx "Dec" false }}V(*vp, fastpathCheckNilFalse, !array, f.d)
- if changed {
- *vp = v
- }
- } else {
- v := rv.Interface().([]{{ .Elem }})
- fastpathTV.{{ .MethodNamePfx "Dec" false }}V(v, fastpathCheckNilFalse, false, f.d)
- }
-func (f fastpathT) {{ .MethodNamePfx "Dec" false }}X(vp *[]{{ .Elem }}, checkNil bool, d *Decoder) {
- v, changed := f.{{ .MethodNamePfx "Dec" false }}V(*vp, checkNil, true, d)
- if changed {
- *vp = v
- }
-func (_ fastpathT) {{ .MethodNamePfx "Dec" false }}V(v []{{ .Elem }}, checkNil bool, canChange bool, d *Decoder) (_ []{{ .Elem }}, changed bool) {
- dd := d.d
- {{/* // if dd.isContainerType(valueTypeNil) { dd.TryDecodeAsNil() */}}
- if checkNil && dd.TryDecodeAsNil() {
- if v != nil {
- changed = true
- }
- return nil, changed
- }
- slh, containerLenS := d.decSliceHelperStart()
- if containerLenS == 0 {
- if canChange {
- if v == nil {
- v = []{{ .Elem }}{}
- } else if len(v) != 0 {
- v = v[:0]
- }
- changed = true
- }
- slh.End()
- return v, changed
- }
- if containerLenS > 0 {
- x2read := containerLenS
- var xtrunc bool
- if containerLenS > cap(v) {
- if canChange { {{/*
- // fast-path is for "basic" immutable types, so no need to copy them over
- // s := make([]{{ .Elem }}, decInferLen(containerLenS, d.h.MaxInitLen))
- // copy(s, v[:cap(v)])
- // v = s */}}
- var xlen int
- xlen, xtrunc = decInferLen(containerLenS, d.h.MaxInitLen, {{ .Size }})
- if xtrunc {
- if xlen <= cap(v) {
- v = v[:xlen]
- } else {
- v = make([]{{ .Elem }}, xlen)
- }
- } else {
- v = make([]{{ .Elem }}, xlen)
- }
- changed = true
- } else {
- d.arrayCannotExpand(len(v), containerLenS)
- }
- x2read = len(v)
- } else if containerLenS != len(v) {
- if canChange {
- v = v[:containerLenS]
- changed = true
- }
- } {{/* // all checks done. cannot go past len. */}}
- j := 0
- for ; j < x2read; j++ {
- slh.ElemContainerState(j)
- {{ if eq .Elem "interface{}" }}d.decode(&v[j]){{ else }}v[j] = {{ decmd .Elem }}{{ end }}
- }
- if xtrunc { {{/* // means canChange=true, changed=true already. */}}
- for ; j < containerLenS; j++ {
- v = append(v, {{ zerocmd .Elem }})
- slh.ElemContainerState(j)
- {{ if eq .Elem "interface{}" }}d.decode(&v[j]){{ else }}v[j] = {{ decmd .Elem }}{{ end }}
- }
- } else if !canChange {
- for ; j < containerLenS; j++ {
- slh.ElemContainerState(j)
- d.swallow()
- }
- }
- } else {
- breakFound := dd.CheckBreak() {{/* check break first, so we can initialize v with a capacity of 4 if necessary */}}
- if breakFound {
- if canChange {
- if v == nil {
- v = []{{ .Elem }}{}
- } else if len(v) != 0 {
- v = v[:0]
- }
- changed = true
- }
- slh.End()
- return v, changed
- }
- if cap(v) == 0 {
- v = make([]{{ .Elem }}, 1, 4)
- changed = true
- }
- j := 0
- for ; !breakFound; j++ {
- if j >= len(v) {
- if canChange {
- v = append(v, {{ zerocmd .Elem }})
- changed = true
- } else {
- d.arrayCannotExpand(len(v), j+1)
- }
- }
- slh.ElemContainerState(j)
- if j < len(v) { {{/* // all checks done. cannot go past len. */}}
- {{ if eq .Elem "interface{}" }}d.decode(&v[j])
- {{ else }}v[j] = {{ decmd .Elem }}{{ end }}
- } else {
- d.swallow()
- }
- breakFound = dd.CheckBreak()
- }
- if canChange && j < len(v) {
- v = v[:j]
- changed = true
- }
- }
- slh.End()
- return v, changed
-{{range .Values}}{{if not .Primitive}}{{if .MapKey }}
-Maps can change if they are
-- addressable (from a ptr)
-- settable (e.g. contained in an interface{})
-func (f *decFnInfo) {{ .MethodNamePfx "fastpathDec" false }}R(rv reflect.Value) {
- if rv.CanAddr() {
- vp := rv.Addr().Interface().(*map[{{ .MapKey }}]{{ .Elem }})
- v, changed := fastpathTV.{{ .MethodNamePfx "Dec" false }}V(*vp, fastpathCheckNilFalse, true, f.d)
- if changed {
- *vp = v
- }
- } else {
- v := rv.Interface().(map[{{ .MapKey }}]{{ .Elem }})
- fastpathTV.{{ .MethodNamePfx "Dec" false }}V(v, fastpathCheckNilFalse, false, f.d)
- }
-func (f fastpathT) {{ .MethodNamePfx "Dec" false }}X(vp *map[{{ .MapKey }}]{{ .Elem }}, checkNil bool, d *Decoder) {
- v, changed := f.{{ .MethodNamePfx "Dec" false }}V(*vp, checkNil, true, d)
- if changed {
- *vp = v
- }
-func (_ fastpathT) {{ .MethodNamePfx "Dec" false }}V(v map[{{ .MapKey }}]{{ .Elem }}, checkNil bool, canChange bool,
- d *Decoder) (_ map[{{ .MapKey }}]{{ .Elem }}, changed bool) {
- dd := d.d
- cr := d.cr
- {{/* // if dd.isContainerType(valueTypeNil) {dd.TryDecodeAsNil() */}}
- if checkNil && dd.TryDecodeAsNil() {
- if v != nil {
- changed = true
- }
- return nil, changed
- }
- containerLen := dd.ReadMapStart()
- if canChange && v == nil {
- xlen, _ := decInferLen(containerLen, d.h.MaxInitLen, {{ .Size }})
- v = make(map[{{ .MapKey }}]{{ .Elem }}, xlen)
- changed = true
- }
- {{ if eq .Elem "interface{}" }}mapGet := !d.h.MapValueReset && !d.h.InterfaceReset{{end}}
- var mk {{ .MapKey }}
- var mv {{ .Elem }}
- if containerLen > 0 {
- for j := 0; j < containerLen; j++ {
- if cr != nil { cr.sendContainerState(containerMapKey) }
- {{ if eq .MapKey "interface{}" }}mk = nil
- d.decode(&mk)
- if bv, bok := mk.([]byte); bok {
- mk = d.string(bv) {{/* // maps cannot have []byte as key. switch to string. */}}
- }{{ else }}mk = {{ decmd .MapKey }}{{ end }}
- if cr != nil { cr.sendContainerState(containerMapValue) }
- {{ if eq .Elem "interface{}" }}if mapGet { mv = v[mk] } else { mv = nil }
- d.decode(&mv){{ else }}mv = {{ decmd .Elem }}{{ end }}
- if v != nil {
- v[mk] = mv
- }
- }
- } else if containerLen < 0 {
- for j := 0; !dd.CheckBreak(); j++ {
- if cr != nil { cr.sendContainerState(containerMapKey) }
- {{ if eq .MapKey "interface{}" }}mk = nil
- d.decode(&mk)
- if bv, bok := mk.([]byte); bok {
- mk = d.string(bv) {{/* // maps cannot have []byte as key. switch to string. */}}
- }{{ else }}mk = {{ decmd .MapKey }}{{ end }}
- if cr != nil { cr.sendContainerState(containerMapValue) }
- {{ if eq .Elem "interface{}" }}if mapGet { mv = v[mk] } else { mv = nil }
- d.decode(&mv){{ else }}mv = {{ decmd .Elem }}{{ end }}
- if v != nil {
- v[mk] = mv
- }
- }
- }
- if cr != nil { cr.sendContainerState(containerMapEnd) }
- return v, changed