path: root/build
diff options
authorMichal Ptacek <>2019-08-16 12:50:01 +0000
committerGerrit Code Review <>2019-08-16 12:50:01 +0000
commite4edbe1fc17b5be2c3d6f7eb7be72b5289c3a7aa (patch)
tree298578305e4e3b69f86e4bab3a15f5b85182af6a /build
parent55b436677e4991b5de509cf5d5d8da0f857964bb (diff)
parent073d91ad889646488c316908648c2bcf34fb2ae6 (diff)
Merge "Removing deprecated packaging script"
Diffstat (limited to 'build')
2 files changed, 0 insertions, 347 deletions
diff --git a/build/package.conf b/build/package.conf
deleted file mode 100644
index d74eac0a..00000000
--- a/build/package.conf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,80 +0,0 @@
-# For the packaging script it is expected that all artifacts are present on local file system.
-# Artifacts include:
-# - installer source code (this git repository content)
-# - all binary artifacts pre-downloaded from internet (docker images, rpm packages, npm packages, Maven artifacts etc.)
-# Script will create 3 packages:
-# offline-${PROJECT_NAME}-${PROJECT_VERSION}-sw.tar
-# - installer code (ansible dir in this git repo)
-# - Files/dirs defined by APP_CONFIGURATION if any.
-# - Directory content of HELM_CHARTS_DIR if defined.
-# offline-${PROJECT_NAME}-${PROJECT_VERSION}-resources.tar
-# - Directory content of APP_BINARY_RESOURCES_DIR if defined.
-# offline-${PROJECT_NAME}-${PROJECT_VERSION}-aux-resources.tar
-# - Files defined by APP_AUX_BINARIES if any.
-# Application Helm charts #
-# Provide application installed to Kubernetes cluster. Helm chart is the supported format
-# Directory provided here must contain all the Chart directories of the application ( and Makefile.
-# E.g. in case of ONAP oom repo it will be the content of kubernetes directory.
-# NOTE: Leaving this variable commented out will mean that no Helm application will be installed to
-# offline Kubernetes cluster. This may be sometimes wanted.
-# Application install configuration #
-# APP_CONFIGURATION array variable can be used to provide files/directories
-# into sw package available for the Ansible process to consume.
-# The main configuration file for your application is
-# "application_configuration.yml" (name of file can be anything) where user
-# shall provide values to control ansible installer process. Yml file is given
-# as command line parameter to ansible run.
-# See more from UserGuide documentation (LINK HERE) how to use installer.
-# Available configuration parameters user can configure are seen from group_vars files:
-# ansible/group_vars/all.yml
-# ansible/group_vars/infrastucture.yml
-# ansible/group_vars/kubernetes.yml
-# Additionally user can optionally provide own ansible roles code to customize install process.
-# At the moment 2 custom ansible roles are supported pre and post install roles, which are
-# run by installer prior Helm install and after Kubernetes app has been installed.
-# In application_configuration.yml those role names are configured with variables:
-# application_pre_install_role: my-pre-install-role
-# application_post_install_role: my-post-install-role
-# And according to Ansible functionality, roles' code must be placed to directories
-# with the same name:
-# <offline-installer-clone>/config/application_configuration.yml
-# <offline-installer-clone>/patches/my-pre-install-role
-# ~/myappfiles/my-post-install-role
- /tmp/offline-installer/config/application_configuration.yml
- /tmp/offline-installer/patches/onap-patch-role
-# APP_BINARY_RESOURCES_DIR is variable to directory containing directories and files for offline
-# installer infra and the the application run in that infra.
-# Currently mixed with infra and app binaries to same, maybe to be separated in the future.
-# Following directories and files are expected:
-# downloads ... directory with exacutable binaries for offline infra usage (e.g. rancher, kubectl, jq, helm)
-# git-repo ... directory with git repos for application needs to be simulated
-# http ... directory with http simulation files (e.g. Maven artifacts are simulated here)
-# offline_data ... directory with offline infra specific docker images
-# pkg ... directory with rpm/deb packages mainly for offline infra
-# nexus_data.tar ... tar file with pre-generated nexus blobs containing e.g. docker images for the application.
-# APP_AUX_BINARIES is array variable for additional application files.
-# Docker images supported currently in tar format.
-# ~/myappfiles/docker_images_populated_runtime/aaa-component-0.0.1.tar
-# ~/myappfiles/docker_images_populated_runtime/xyz-component-0.0.1.tar
diff --git a/build/ b/build/
deleted file mode 100755
index a3c1ded2..00000000
--- a/build/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,267 +0,0 @@
-#! /usr/bin/env bash
-# Copyright 2018-2019 © Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-# Scope of this packaging script is to generate tarfiles for offline installation
-# Build of any additional artifacts is out of scope for this script
-set -e
-crash () {
- local exit_code="$1"
- local cause="$2"
- echo "Packaging script finished prematurely"
- echo "Cause: $2"
- exit "${exit_code}"
-crash_arguments () {
- echo "Missing some mandatory arguments!"
- usage
- exit 1
-usage () {
- echo "Usage:"
- echo " ./$(basename $0) <project_name> <version> <packaging_target_dir> [--conf <file>] [--force]"
- echo ""
- echo "Options:"
- echo " --force Remove packaging_target_dir if exists prior to script execution"
- echo " --conf Custom configuration file path for script"
- echo ""
- echo "Example:"
- echo " ./$(basename $0) myproject 1.0.1 /tmp/package --conf ~/myproject.conf"
- echo ""
- echo "packaging_target_dir will be created if does not exist. All tars will be produced into it."
-function create_tar {
- local tar_dir="$1"
- local tar_name="$2"
- cd ${tar_dir}
- touch ${tar_name} # Trick to avoid sporadic "tar: .: file changed as we read it" warning message
- tar --exclude=${tar_name} -cf ../${tar_name} .
- cd - &> /dev/null # Trick to avoid printing new dir on stdout
- # Remove packaged folders
- find ${tar_dir}/* -maxdepth 0 -type d -exec rm -rf '{}' \;
- # Remove packaged files
- find ${tar_dir}/* ! -name ${tar_name} -exec rm '{}' \;
- echo "Tar file created to $(dirname ${tar_dir})/${tar_name}"
-function create_pkg {
- local pkg_type="$1"
- echo "[Creating ${pkg_type} package]"
- create_tar "${PKG_ROOT}" offline-${PROJECT_NAME}-${PROJECT_VERSION}-${pkg_type}.tar
- rm -rf "${PKG_ROOT}"
-function add_metadata {
- local metafile="$1"
- echo "Project name: ${PROJECT_NAME}" >> "${metafile}"
- echo "Project version: ${PROJECT_VERSION}" >> "${metafile}"
- echo "Package date: ${TIMESTAMP}" >> "${metafile}"
-function add_additions {
- local source="$1"
- local target="$2"
- if [ -d "${source}" ]; then
- mkdir -p "${target}/$(basename $source)"
- cp -r "${source}" "${target}"
- echo "Adding directory ... $(basename $source)"
- else
- if [ -f "${source}" ]; then
- cp "${source}" "${target}"
- echo "Adding file ... $(basename $source)"
- else
- crash 4 "Invalid source specified for packaging: $1"
- fi
- fi
-function build_sw_artifacts {
- cd ${LOCAL_PATH}/../ansible/docker
- ./
- if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
- crash 5 "Building of ansible runner image failed."
- fi
- cd -
-function create_sw_package {
- # Create directory structure of the sw package
- mkdir -p "${PKG_ROOT}"
- cp -r ${LOCAL_PATH}/../ansible "${PKG_ROOT}"
- # Add application additional files/dirs into package based on package.conf
- for item in "${APP_CONFIGURATION[@]}";do
- # all SW package addons are expected within ./ansible/application folder
- add_additions "${item}" "${PKG_ROOT}/${APPLICATION_FILES_IN_PACKAGE}"
- done
- # Application Helm charts
- # To be consistent with resources and aux dir, create charts dir even if no charts provided.
- if [ ! -z "${HELM_CHARTS_DIR}" ];
- then
- echo "Add application Helm charts"
- # Copy charts available for ansible playbook to use/move them to target server/dir
- else
- echo "No Helm charts defined, no application will be automatically installed by this package!"
- fi
- # Add metadata to the package
- add_metadata "${PKG_ROOT}"/
- # Create sw tar package
- create_pkg sw
-function create_resource_package {
- # Create directory structure of the resource package
- mkdir -p "${PKG_ROOT}"
- # Add artifacts into resource package based on package.conf config
- if [ ! -z ${APP_BINARY_RESOURCES_DIR} ]; then
- fi
- # tar file with nexus_data is expected, we should find and untar it
- # before resource.tar is created
- for i in `ls -1 ${PKG_ROOT} | grep tar`; do
- tar tvf "${PKG_ROOT}/${i}" | grep nexus_data &> /dev/null
- if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
- echo "Debug: tar file with nexus blobs detected ${PKG_ROOT}/${i}. Start unarchive ..."
- tar xf "${PKG_ROOT}/${i}" -C "${PKG_ROOT}" &> /dev/null
- echo "Debug: unarchive finished. Removing original file"
- rm -f "${PKG_ROOT}/${i}"
- fi
- done
- create_pkg resources
-function create_aux_package {
- # Create directory structure of the aux resource package
- mkdir -p "${PKG_ROOT}"
- # Add artifacts into resource packagee based on package.conf config
- for item in "${APP_AUX_BINARIES[@]}";do
- add_additions "${item}" "${PKG_ROOT}"
- done
- create_pkg aux-resources
-# =================== Main ===================
-TIMESTAMP=$(date -u +%Y%m%dT%H%M%S)
-SCRIPT_DIR=$(dirname "${0}")
-LOCAL_PATH=$(readlink -f "$SCRIPT_DIR")
-# Relative location inside the package for application related files.
-# Application means Kubernetes application installed by Helm charts on ready cluster (e.g. onap).
-# Relative location inside the package to place Helm charts to be available for
-# Ansible process to transfer them into machine (infra node) running Helm repository.
-# NOTE: This is quite hardcoded place to put them and agreement with Ansible code
-# is done in ansible/group_vars/all.yml with variable "app_helm_charts_install_directory"
-# whihc value must match to value of this variable (with exception of slash '/'
-# prepended so that ansible docker/chroot process can see the dir).
-# This variable can be of course changed in package.conf if really needed if
-# corresponding ansible variable "app_helm_charts_install_directory" value
-# adjusted accordingly.
-if [ $# -eq 0 ]; then
- crash_arguments
-for arg in "$@"; do
- shift
- ((arg_ind+=1))
- if [[ ${arg} =~ ^[-]{1,2}[a-zA-Z-]+$ && ${arg_ind} -lt 4 ]]; then
- echo "Non-positional parameters should follow mandatory arguments!"
- usage
- exit 1
- fi
- case "$arg" in
- -c|--conf)
- CONF_FILE="$1" ;;
- --force)
- *)
- set -- "$@" "$arg"
- if [ "$#" -lt 3 ]; then
- crash_arguments
- fi ;;
- esac
-if [ -z ${CONF_FILE} ]; then
- CONF_FILE=${LOCAL_PATH}/package.conf # Fall to default conf file
-if [ ! -f ${CONF_FILE} ]; then
- crash 2 "Mandatory config file missing! Provide it with --conf option or ${LOCAL_PATH}/package.conf"
-source ${CONF_FILE}
-pushd ${LOCAL_PATH}
-# checking bash capability of parsing arrays
-whotest[0]='test' || (crash 3 "Arrays not supported in this version of bash.")
-# Prepare output directory for our packaging
-# Check target dir exists and is not empty
-if [ -d ${PACKAGING_TARGET_DIR} ] && [ "$(ls -A ${PACKAGING_TARGET_DIR})" ]; then
- if [ ${FORCE_REMOVE} -eq 0 ]; then
- crash 1 "Target directory not empty. Use --force to overwrite it."
- else
- fi
-# Create all tars