path: root/kubernetes
AgeCommit message (Expand)AuthorFilesLines
2017-08-15[OOM-117] Multiple ONAP instances same K8s clusterMike Elliott5-29/+133
2017-08-14Merge "adding missing volumeMounts for aai hbase"Jerome Doucerain1-1/+4
2017-08-14multiple ONAP instances in the same k8s envMunir Ahmad1-3/+26
2017-08-08adding missing volumeMounts for aai hbaseMunir Ahmad1-1/+4
2017-08-03[OOM-3] Docker credentials secret missingBorislav Glozman36-9/+107
2017-08-01remove aai hbase data add fully qualified domainMunir Ahmad87-237/+23
2017-08-01externalize /opt/data/ for AAI hbaseMunir Ahmad87-0/+218
2017-06-27[OOM-2] Replaced static proxy with envbarak3-6/+6
2017-06-24onap on kubernetes source filesMandeep Khinda482-1/+33108
2017-06-23initial commit of kubernetes port of onapMandeep Khinda1-0/+1