path: root/kubernetes
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'kubernetes')
-rw-r--r--kubernetes/common/certInitializer/templates/configmap.yaml (renamed from kubernetes/nbi/templates/configmap-aaf-add-config.yaml)13
98 files changed, 1376 insertions, 1997 deletions
diff --git a/kubernetes/aaf/charts/aaf-cass/templates/deployment.yaml b/kubernetes/aaf/charts/aaf-cass/templates/deployment.yaml
index eb785e2d9b..309a9f38c6 100644
--- a/kubernetes/aaf/charts/aaf-cass/templates/deployment.yaml
+++ b/kubernetes/aaf/charts/aaf-cass/templates/deployment.yaml
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
# Copyright © 2017 Amdocs, Bell Canada
+# Modifications © 2020 Orange
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
@@ -12,23 +13,14 @@
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
-apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1
+apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
- name: {{ include "common.fullname" . }}
- namespace: {{ include "common.namespace" . }}
- labels:
- app: {{ include "common.name" . }}
- chart: {{ .Chart.Name }}-{{ .Chart.Version | replace "+" "_" }}
- release: {{ include "common.release" . }}
- heritage: {{ .Release.Service }}
+metadata: {{- include "common.resourceMetadata" . | nindent 2 }}
- replicas: {{ .Values.global.aaf.cass.replicas }}
+ selector: {{- include "common.selectors" . | nindent 4 }}
+ replicas: {{ .Values.replicaCount }}
- metadata:
- labels:
- app: {{ include "common.name" . }}
- release: {{ include "common.release" . }}
+ metadata: {{- include "common.templateMetadata" . | nindent 6 }}
- name: fix-permission
@@ -37,47 +29,38 @@ spec:
- -c
- |
- chmod -R 775 /opt/app/aaf/status
chown -R 1000:1000 /opt/app/aaf/status
- chmod -R 775 /var/lib/cassandra
chown -R 1000:1000 /var/lib/cassandra
image: "{{ .Values.global.busyboxRepository }}/{{ .Values.global.busyboxImage }}"
imagePullPolicy: {{ .Values.global.pullPolicy | default .Values.pullPolicy }}
- - mountPath: /opt/app/aaf/status
- name: aaf-status-vol
- mountPath: /var/lib/cassandra
name: aaf-cass-vol
+ resources:
+ limits:
+ cpu: 100m
+ memory: 100Mi
+ requests:
+ cpu: 30m
+ memory: 100Mi
- name: {{ include "common.name" . }}
- image: {{ .Values.global.repository }}/{{.Values.global.aaf.cass.image}}
+ image: {{ include "common.repository" . }}/{{ .Values.image }}
imagePullPolicy: {{ .Values.global.pullPolicy | default .Values.pullPolicy }}
# installing with cmd "onap" will not only initialize the DB, but add ONAP bootstrap data as well
command: ["/bin/bash","/opt/app/aaf/cass_init/cmd.sh","onap"]
- lifecycle:
- preStop:
- exec:
- command: ["/bin/sh","-c","rm /opt/app/aaf/status/aaf-cass"]
- ports:
- - name: storage
- containerPort: {{.Values.global.aaf.cass.storage_port}}
- - name: ssl-storage
- containerPort: {{.Values.global.aaf.cass.ssl_storage_port}}
- - name: native-trans
- containerPort: {{.Values.global.aaf.cass.native_trans_port}}
- - name: rpc
- containerPort: {{.Values.global.aaf.cass.rpc_port}}
+ ports: {{ include "common.containerPorts" . | nindent 10 }}
- value: {{.Values.global.aaf.cass.cluster_name}}
+ value: {{ .Values.config.cluster_name }}
- value: {{.Values.global.aaf.cass.dc}}
+ value: {{ .Values.config.dc }}
- name: CQLSH
value: "/opt/cassandra/bin/cqlsh"
- value: {{.Values.global.aaf.cass.heap_new_size}}
+ value: {{ .Values.config.heap_new_size }}
- value: {{.Values.global.aaf.cass.max_heap_size}}
+ value: {{ .Values.config.max_heap_size }}
- name: MY_POD_NAME
@@ -93,44 +76,36 @@ spec:
- mountPath: /var/lib/cassandra
name: aaf-cass-vol
- - mountPath: /opt/app/aaf/status
- name: aaf-status-vol
- mountPath: /etc/localtime
name: localtime
readOnly: true
{{- if eq .Values.liveness.enabled true }}
- port: {{.Values.global.aaf.cass.native_trans_port}}
+ port: tcp-cql
initialDelaySeconds: {{ .Values.liveness.initialDelaySeconds }}
periodSeconds: {{ .Values.liveness.periodSeconds }}
{{ end -}}
- port: {{.Values.global.aaf.cass.native_trans_port}}
+ port: tcp-cql
initialDelaySeconds: {{ .Values.readiness.initialDelaySeconds }}
periodSeconds: {{ .Values.readiness.periodSeconds }}
- resources:
-{{ include "common.resources" . | indent 10 }}
+ resources: {{ include "common.resources" . | nindent 10 }}
{{- if .Values.nodeSelector }}
- nodeSelector:
-{{ toYaml .Values.nodeSelector | indent 10 }}
+ nodeSelector: {{ toYaml .Values.nodeSelector | nindent 10 }}
{{- end -}}
{{- if .Values.affinity }}
- affinity:
-{{ toYaml .Values.affinity | indent 10 }}
+ affinity: {{ toYaml .Values.affinity | nindent 10 }}
{{- end }}
- name: localtime
path: /etc/localtime
- - name: aaf-status-vol
- persistentVolumeClaim:
- claimName: {{ include "common.release" . }}-aaf-status
- name: aaf-cass-vol
{{- if .Values.persistence.enabled }}
- claimName: {{ include "common.fullname" . }}-data
+ claimName: {{ include "common.fullname" . }}
{{- else }}
emptyDir: {}
{{- end }}
diff --git a/kubernetes/aaf/charts/aaf-cass/templates/pv.yaml b/kubernetes/aaf/charts/aaf-cass/templates/pv.yaml
index 0f0a30585b..187e9b75de 100644
--- a/kubernetes/aaf/charts/aaf-cass/templates/pv.yaml
+++ b/kubernetes/aaf/charts/aaf-cass/templates/pv.yaml
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
# Copyright © 2017 Amdocs, Bell Canada
+# Modifications © 2020 Orange
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
@@ -14,27 +15,4 @@
# limitations under the License.
-{{- if and .Values.global.persistence.enabled (not .Values.persistence.existingClaim) }}
-{{- if eq "True" (include "common.needPV" .) }}
-kind: PersistentVolume
-apiVersion: v1
- name: {{ include "common.fullname" . }}-data
- namespace: {{ include "common.namespace" . }}
- labels:
- app: {{ include "common.name" . }}
- chart: "{{ .Chart.Name }}-{{ .Chart.Version | replace "+" "_" }}"
- release: {{ include "common.release" . }}
- heritage: "{{ .Release.Service }}"
- name: {{ include "common.fullname" . }}
- capacity:
- storage: {{ .Values.persistence.size}}
- accessModes:
- - {{ .Values.persistence.accessMode }}
- persistentVolumeReclaimPolicy: {{ .Values.persistence.volumeReclaimPolicy }}
- hostPath:
- path: {{ .Values.global.persistence.mountPath | default .Values.persistence.mountPath }}/{{ include "common.release" . }}/{{ .Values.persistence.mountSubPath }}
- storageClassName: "{{ include "common.fullname" . }}-data"
-{{- end -}}
-{{- end -}}
+{{ include "common.PV" . }}
diff --git a/kubernetes/aaf/charts/aaf-cass/templates/pvc.yaml b/kubernetes/aaf/charts/aaf-cass/templates/pvc.yaml
index 3cc43560e4..e56c98751c 100644
--- a/kubernetes/aaf/charts/aaf-cass/templates/pvc.yaml
+++ b/kubernetes/aaf/charts/aaf-cass/templates/pvc.yaml
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
# Copyright © 2017 Amdocs, Bell Canada
+# Modifications © 2020 Orange
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
@@ -14,26 +15,4 @@
# limitations under the License.
-{{- if and .Values.global.persistence.enabled (not .Values.persistence.existingClaim) -}}
-kind: PersistentVolumeClaim
-apiVersion: v1
- name: {{ include "common.fullname" .}}-data
- namespace: {{ include "common.namespace" . }}
- labels:
- app: {{ include "common.name" . }}
- chart: "{{ .Chart.Name }}-{{ .Chart.Version }}"
- release: "{{ include "common.release" . }}"
- heritage: "{{ .Release.Service }}"
-{{- if .Values.persistence.annotations }}
- annotations:
-{{ toYaml .Values.persistence.annotations | indent 4 }}
-{{- end }}
- accessModes:
- - {{ .Values.persistence.accessMode }}
- resources:
- requests:
- storage: {{ .Values.persistence.size }}
- storageClassName: {{ include "common.storageClass" . }}
-{{- end -}}
+{{ include "common.PVC" . }}
diff --git a/kubernetes/aaf/charts/aaf-cass/templates/service.yaml b/kubernetes/aaf/charts/aaf-cass/templates/service.yaml
index d5c615f55d..8f80ee12a2 100644
--- a/kubernetes/aaf/charts/aaf-cass/templates/service.yaml
+++ b/kubernetes/aaf/charts/aaf-cass/templates/service.yaml
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
# Copyright © 2017 Amdocs, Bell Canada
+# Modifications © 2020 Orange
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
@@ -12,38 +13,4 @@
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
-apiVersion: v1
-kind: Service
- name: {{ include "common.servicename" . }}
- namespace: {{ include "common.namespace" . }}
- labels:
- app: {{ include "common.name" . }}
- chart: {{ .Chart.Name }}-{{ .Chart.Version | replace "+" "_" }}
- release: {{ include "common.release" . }}
- heritage: {{ .Release.Service }}
-# annotations:
-# service.alpha.kubernetes.io/tolerate-unready-endpoints: "true"
- type: {{ .Values.service.type }}
- ports:
- - name: storage
- protocol: TCP
- port: {{.Values.global.aaf.cass.storage_port}}
- containerPort: {{.Values.global.aaf.cass.storage_port}}
- - name: ssl-storage
- protocol: TCP
- port: {{.Values.global.aaf.cass.ssl_storage_port}}
- containerPort: {{.Values.global.aaf.cass.ssl_storage_port}}
- - name: native-trans
- protocol: TCP
- port: {{.Values.global.aaf.cass.native_trans_port}}
- containerPort: {{.Values.global.aaf.cass.native_trans_port}}
- - name: rpc
- protocol: TCP
- port: {{.Values.global.aaf.cass.rpc_port}}
- containerPort: {{.Values.global.aaf.cass.rpc_port}}
- selector:
- app: {{ include "common.name" . }}
- release: {{ include "common.release" . }}
- clusterIP: None
+{{ include "common.service" . }}
diff --git a/kubernetes/aaf/charts/aaf-cass/values.yaml b/kubernetes/aaf/charts/aaf-cass/values.yaml
index 9f6ec565f4..3d9f21e297 100644
--- a/kubernetes/aaf/charts/aaf-cass/values.yaml
+++ b/kubernetes/aaf/charts/aaf-cass/values.yaml
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
# Copyright © 2017 Amdocs, Bell Canada
-# Modifications © 2020 AT&T
+# Modifications © 2020 AT&T, Orange
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ flavor: small
# Application configuration defaults.
# application configuration
-config: {}
+replicaCount: 1
nodeSelector: {}
@@ -32,6 +32,15 @@ liveness:
# necessary to disable liveness probe when setting breakpoints
# in debugger so K8s doesn't restart unresponsive container
enabled: true
+ port: tcp-cql
+image: onap/aaf/aaf_cass:2.1.20
+ cluster_name: osaaf
+ heap_new_size: 512M
+ max_heap_size: 1024M
+ dc: dc1
initialDelaySeconds: 5
@@ -40,39 +49,36 @@ readiness:
name: aaf-cass
type: ClusterIP
- portName: aaf-cass
- #targetPort
- internalPort: 7000
- #port
- externalPort: 7000
- internalPort2: 7001
- externalPort2: 7001
- internalPort3: 9042
- externalPort3: 9042
- internalPort4: 9160
- externalPort4: 9160
+ ports:
+ - name: tcp-intra
+ port: 7000
+ - name: tls
+ port: 7001
+ - name: tcp-cql
+ port: 9042
+ - name: tcp-thrift
+ port: 9160
enabled: false
# Configure resource requests and limits
- small:
- limits:
- cpu: 2100m
- memory: 1792Mi
- requests:
- cpu: 30m
- memory: 1280Mi
- large:
- limits:
- cpu: 4
- memory: 12000Mi
- requests:
- cpu: 40m
- memory: 9000Mi
- unlimited: {}
+ small:
+ limits:
+ cpu: 2100m
+ memory: 1792Mi
+ requests:
+ cpu: 30m
+ memory: 1280Mi
+ large:
+ limits:
+ cpu: 4
+ memory: 12000Mi
+ requests:
+ cpu: 40m
+ memory: 9000Mi
+ unlimited: {}
enabled: true
diff --git a/kubernetes/aaf/charts/aaf-cm/templates/deployment.yaml b/kubernetes/aaf/charts/aaf-cm/templates/deployment.yaml
index b823acd3d5..5074c8bc08 100644
--- a/kubernetes/aaf/charts/aaf-cm/templates/deployment.yaml
+++ b/kubernetes/aaf/charts/aaf-cm/templates/deployment.yaml
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
-# Copyright © 2017 Amdocs, Bell Canada
+# Copyright © 2017 Amdocs
+# Modifications © 2020 Orange
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
@@ -12,128 +13,4 @@
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
-apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1
-kind: Deployment
- labels:
- app: {{ include "common.name" . }}
- chart: {{ .Chart.Name }}-{{ .Chart.Version | replace "+" "_" }}
- release: {{ include "common.release" . }}
- heritage: {{ .Release.Service }}
- name: {{ include "common.fullname" . }}
- namespace: {{ include "common.namespace" . }}
- replicas: {{ .Values.global.aaf.cm.replicas }}
- template:
- metadata:
- labels:
- app: {{ include "common.name" . }}
- release: {{ include "common.release" . }}
- spec:
- initContainers:
- - name: fix-permission
- command:
- - /bin/sh
- args:
- - -c
- - |
- chmod -R 775 /opt/app/aaf/status
- chown -R 1000:1000 /opt/app/aaf/status
- chmod -R 775 /opt/app/osaaf
- chown -R 1000:1000 /opt/app/osaaf
- image: "{{ .Values.global.busyboxRepository }}/{{ .Values.global.busyboxImage }}"
- imagePullPolicy: {{ .Values.global.pullPolicy | default .Values.pullPolicy }}
- volumeMounts:
- - mountPath: /opt/app/aaf/status
- name: aaf-status-vol
- - mountPath: /opt/app/osaaf
- name: aaf-config-vol
- - name: {{ include "common.name" . }}-config-container
- image: {{ .Values.global.repository }}/{{.Values.global.aaf.config.image}}
- imagePullPolicy: {{ .Values.global.pullPolicy | default .Values.pullPolicy }}
- command: ["bash","-c","cd /opt/app/aaf_config && bin/pod_wait.sh config aaf-service aaf-locate remove && bin/agent.sh"]
- volumeMounts:
- - mountPath: "/opt/app/osaaf"
- name: aaf-config-vol
- - mountPath: "/opt/app/aaf/status"
- name: aaf-status-vol
- env:
- - name: aaf_env
- value: "{{ .Values.global.aaf.aaf_env }}"
- - name: cadi_latitude
- value: "{{ .Values.global.aaf.cadi_latitude }}"
- - name: cadi_longitude
- value: "{{ .Values.global.aaf.cadi_longitude }}"
- - name: cadi_x509_issuers
- value: "{{ .Values.global.aaf.cadi_x509_issuers }}"
- - name: aaf_locate_url
- value: "https://aaf-locate.{{ .Release.Namespace}}:{{.Values.global.aaf.locate.internal_port}}"
- - name: aaf_locator_container
- value: "oom"
- - name: aaf_release
- value: "{{ .Values.global.aaf.aaf_release }}"
- - name: aaf_locator_container_ns
- value: "{{ .Release.Namespace }}"
- - name: aaf_locator_public_fqdn
- value: "{{.Values.global.aaf.public_fqdn}}"
- - name: aaf_locator_name
- value: "{{.Values.global.aaf.aaf_locator_name}}"
- - name: aaf_locator_name_oom
- value: "{{.Values.global.aaf.aaf_locator_name_oom}}"
- - name: cm_always_ignore_ips
- value: "true"
- value: "{{.Values.global.aaf.cass.fqdn}}.{{ .Release.Namespace }}"
-# value: ""
-# value: ""
-# value: ""
- containers:
- - name: {{ include "common.name" . }}
- command: ["/bin/bash","-c","cd /opt/app/aaf && /bin/bash bin/pod_wait.sh aaf-cm aaf-locate && exec bin/cm"]
- image: {{ .Values.global.repository }}/{{.Values.global.aaf.image}}
- imagePullPolicy: {{ .Values.global.pullPolicy | default .Values.pullPolicy }}
- volumeMounts:
- - mountPath: "/opt/app/osaaf"
- name: aaf-config-vol
- - mountPath: "/opt/app/aaf/status"
- name: aaf-status-vol
- - mountPath: /etc/localtime
- name: localtime
- readOnly: true
- {{- if eq .Values.liveness.enabled true }}
- livenessProbe:
- tcpSocket:
- port: {{ .Values.global.aaf.cm.internal_port }}
- initialDelaySeconds: {{ .Values.liveness.initialDelaySeconds }}
- periodSeconds: {{ .Values.liveness.periodSeconds }}
- {{ end -}}
- readinessProbe:
- tcpSocket:
- port: {{ .Values.global.aaf.cm.internal_port }}
- initialDelaySeconds: {{ .Values.readiness.initialDelaySeconds }}
- periodSeconds: {{ .Values.readiness.periodSeconds }}
- resources:
-{{ include "common.resources" . | indent 12 }}
- {{- if .Values.nodeSelector }}
- nodeSelector:
-{{ toYaml .Values.nodeSelector | indent 10 }}
- {{- end -}}
- {{- if .Values.affinity }}
- affinity:
-{{ toYaml .Values.affinity | indent 10 }}
- {{- end }}
- volumes:
- - name: localtime
- hostPath:
- path: /etc/localtime
- - name: aaf-status-vol
- persistentVolumeClaim:
- claimName: {{ include "common.release" . }}-aaf-status
- - name: aaf-config-vol
- persistentVolumeClaim:
- claimName: {{ include "common.release" . }}-aaf-config
- imagePullSecrets:
- - name: "{{ include "common.namespace" . }}-docker-registry-key"
+{{ include "aaf.deployment" . }}
diff --git a/kubernetes/aaf/charts/aaf-cm/templates/service.yaml b/kubernetes/aaf/charts/aaf-cm/templates/service.yaml
index 28462f2edf..e54c4f3057 100644
--- a/kubernetes/aaf/charts/aaf-cm/templates/service.yaml
+++ b/kubernetes/aaf/charts/aaf-cm/templates/service.yaml
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
-# Copyright © 2017 Amdocs, Bell Canada
+# Copyright © 2017 Amdocs, Orange
+# Modifications © 2020 Orange
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
@@ -12,22 +13,4 @@
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
-apiVersion: v1
-kind: Service
- name: {{ include "common.servicename" . }}
- namespace: {{ include "common.namespace" . }}
- labels:
- app: {{ include "common.name" . }}
- chart: {{ .Chart.Name }}-{{ .Chart.Version | replace "+" "_" }}
- release: {{ include "common.release" . }}
- heritage: {{ .Release.Service }}
- ports:
- - port: {{ .Values.global.aaf.cm.internal_port }}
- nodePort: {{ .Values.global.aaf.cm.public_port }}
- name: aaf-cm
- selector:
- app: {{ include "common.name" . }}
- release: {{ include "common.release" . }}
- type: "NodePort"
+{{ include "common.service" . }}
diff --git a/kubernetes/aaf/charts/aaf-cm/values.yaml b/kubernetes/aaf/charts/aaf-cm/values.yaml
index 37d6c5e2c5..c391369db6 100644
--- a/kubernetes/aaf/charts/aaf-cm/values.yaml
+++ b/kubernetes/aaf/charts/aaf-cm/values.yaml
@@ -19,6 +19,13 @@ flavor: small
# Application configuration defaults.
# application image
+replicaCount: 1
+binary: cm
+ - service
+ - locate
nodeSelector: {}
@@ -26,24 +33,25 @@ affinity: {}
# probe configuration parameters
- initialDelaySeconds: 120
+ initialDelaySeconds: 30
periodSeconds: 10
# necessary to disable liveness probe when setting breakpoints
# in debugger so K8s doesn't restart unresponsive container
enabled: true
+ port: api
initialDelaySeconds: 5
periodSeconds: 10
+ port: api
name: aaf-cm
type: ClusterIP
- portName: aaf-cm
- #targetPort
- internalPort: 8150
- #port
- externalPort: 8150
+ ports:
+ - name: api
+ protocol: http
+ port: 8150
enabled: false
@@ -56,18 +64,18 @@ ingress:
# Configure resource requests and limits
- small:
- limits:
- cpu: 400m
- memory: 300Mi
- requests:
- cpu: 1m
- memory: 200Mi
- large:
- limits:
- cpu: 400m
- memory: 1Gi
- requests:
- cpu: 40m
- memory: 600Mi
- unlimited: {}
+ small:
+ limits:
+ cpu: 400m
+ memory: 300Mi
+ requests:
+ cpu: 1m
+ memory: 200Mi
+ large:
+ limits:
+ cpu: 400m
+ memory: 1Gi
+ requests:
+ cpu: 40m
+ memory: 600Mi
+ unlimited: {}
diff --git a/kubernetes/aaf/charts/aaf-fs/templates/deployment.yaml b/kubernetes/aaf/charts/aaf-fs/templates/deployment.yaml
index 2e8e41e637..c36750809c 100644
--- a/kubernetes/aaf/charts/aaf-fs/templates/deployment.yaml
+++ b/kubernetes/aaf/charts/aaf-fs/templates/deployment.yaml
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
-# Copyright © 2017 Amdocs, Bell Canada
+# Copyright © 2017 Amdocs, Orange
+# Modifications © 2020 Orange
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
@@ -12,128 +13,4 @@
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
-apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1
-kind: Deployment
- labels:
- app: {{ include "common.name" . }}
- chart: {{ .Chart.Name }}-{{ .Chart.Version | replace "+" "_" }}
- release: {{ include "common.release" . }}
- heritage: {{ .Release.Service }}
- name: {{ include "common.fullname" . }}
- namespace: {{ include "common.namespace" . }}
- replicas: {{ .Values.global.aaf.fs.replicas }}
- template:
- metadata:
- labels:
- app: {{ include "common.name" . }}
- release: {{ include "common.release" . }}
- spec:
- initContainers:
- - name: fix-permission
- command:
- - /bin/sh
- args:
- - -c
- - |
- chmod -R 775 /opt/app/aaf/status
- chown -R 1000:1000 /opt/app/aaf/status
- chmod -R 775 /opt/app/osaaf
- chown -R 1000:1000 /opt/app/osaaf
- image: "{{ .Values.global.busyboxRepository }}/{{ .Values.global.busyboxImage }}"
- imagePullPolicy: {{ .Values.global.pullPolicy | default .Values.pullPolicy }}
- volumeMounts:
- - mountPath: /opt/app/osaaf
- name: aaf-config-vol
- - mountPath: /opt/app/aaf/status
- name: aaf-status-vol
- - name: {{ include "common.name" . }}-config-container
- image: {{ .Values.global.repository }}/{{.Values.global.aaf.config.image}}
- imagePullPolicy: {{ .Values.global.pullPolicy | default .Values.pullPolicy }}
- command: ["bash","-c","cd /opt/app/aaf_config && bin/pod_wait.sh config aaf-service aaf-locate remove && bin/agent.sh"]
- volumeMounts:
- - mountPath: "/opt/app/osaaf"
- name: aaf-config-vol
- - mountPath: "/opt/app/aaf/status"
- name: aaf-status-vol
- env:
- - name: aaf_env
- value: "{{ .Values.global.aaf.aaf_env }}"
- - name: cadi_latitude
- value: "{{ .Values.global.aaf.cadi_latitude }}"
- - name: cadi_longitude
- value: "{{ .Values.global.aaf.cadi_longitude }}"
- - name: cadi_x509_issuers
- value: "{{ .Values.global.aaf.cadi_x509_issuers }}"
- - name: aaf_locate_url
- value: "https://aaf-locate.{{ .Release.Namespace}}:{{.Values.global.aaf.locate.internal_port}}"
- - name: aaf_locator_container
- value: "oom"
- - name: aaf_release
- value: "{{ .Values.global.aaf.aaf_release }}"
- - name: aaf_locator_container_ns
- value: "{{ .Release.Namespace }}"
- - name: aaf_locator_public_fqdn
- value: "{{.Values.global.aaf.public_fqdn}}"
- - name: aaf_locator_name
- value: "{{.Values.global.aaf.aaf_locator_name}}"
- - name: aaf_locator_name_oom
- value: "{{.Values.global.aaf.aaf_locator_name_oom}}"
- - name: cm_always_ignore_ips
- value: "true"
- value: "{{.Values.global.aaf.cass.fqdn}}.{{ .Release.Namespace }}"
-# value: ""
-# value: ""
-# value: ""
- containers:
- - name: {{ include "common.name" . }}
- command: ["/bin/bash","-c","cd /opt/app/aaf && /bin/bash bin/pod_wait.sh aaf-fs aaf-locate && exec bin/fs"]
- image: {{ .Values.global.repository }}/{{.Values.global.aaf.image}}
- imagePullPolicy: {{ .Values.global.pullPolicy | default .Values.pullPolicy }}
- volumeMounts:
- - mountPath: "/opt/app/osaaf"
- name: aaf-config-vol
- - mountPath: "/opt/app/aaf/status"
- name: aaf-status-vol
- - mountPath: /etc/localtime
- name: localtime
- readOnly: true
- {{- if eq .Values.liveness.enabled true }}
- livenessProbe:
- tcpSocket:
- port: {{ .Values.service.internalPort }}
- initialDelaySeconds: {{ .Values.liveness.initialDelaySeconds }}
- periodSeconds: {{ .Values.liveness.periodSeconds }}
- {{ end -}}
- readinessProbe:
- tcpSocket:
- port: {{ .Values.service.internalPort }}
- initialDelaySeconds: {{ .Values.readiness.initialDelaySeconds }}
- periodSeconds: {{ .Values.readiness.periodSeconds }}
- resources:
-{{ include "common.resources" . | indent 12 }}
- {{- if .Values.nodeSelector }}
- nodeSelector:
-{{ toYaml .Values.nodeSelector | indent 10 }}
- {{- end -}}
- {{- if .Values.affinity }}
- affinity:
-{{ toYaml .Values.affinity | indent 10 }}
- {{- end }}
- volumes:
- - name: localtime
- hostPath:
- path: /etc/localtime
- - name: aaf-status-vol
- persistentVolumeClaim:
- claimName: {{ include "common.release" . }}-aaf-status
- - name: aaf-config-vol
- persistentVolumeClaim:
- claimName: {{ include "common.release" . }}-aaf-config
- imagePullSecrets:
- - name: "{{ include "common.namespace" . }}-docker-registry-key"
+{{ include "aaf.deployment" . }}
diff --git a/kubernetes/aaf/charts/aaf-fs/templates/service.yaml b/kubernetes/aaf/charts/aaf-fs/templates/service.yaml
index b81635f74d..e54c4f3057 100644
--- a/kubernetes/aaf/charts/aaf-fs/templates/service.yaml
+++ b/kubernetes/aaf/charts/aaf-fs/templates/service.yaml
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
-# Copyright © 2017 Amdocs, Bell Canada
+# Copyright © 2017 Amdocs, Orange
+# Modifications © 2020 Orange
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
@@ -12,22 +13,4 @@
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
-apiVersion: v1
-kind: Service
- name: {{ include "common.servicename" . }}
- namespace: {{ include "common.namespace" . }}
- labels:
- app: {{ include "common.name" . }}
- chart: {{ .Chart.Name }}-{{ .Chart.Version | replace "+" "_" }}
- release: {{ include "common.release" . }}
- heritage: {{ .Release.Service }}
- ports:
- - port: {{ .Values.global.aaf.fs.internal_port }}
- nodePort: {{ .Values.global.aaf.fs.public_port }}
- name: aaf-hello
- selector:
- app: {{ include "common.name" . }}
- release: {{ include "common.release" . }}
- type: "NodePort"
+{{ include "common.service" . }}
diff --git a/kubernetes/aaf/charts/aaf-fs/values.yaml b/kubernetes/aaf/charts/aaf-fs/values.yaml
index 4b12bd0deb..6ddc07278b 100644
--- a/kubernetes/aaf/charts/aaf-fs/values.yaml
+++ b/kubernetes/aaf/charts/aaf-fs/values.yaml
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
# Copyright © 2017 Amdocs, Bell Canada
-# Modifications © 2020 AT&T
+# Modifications © 2020 AT&T, Orange
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
@@ -21,6 +21,13 @@ flavor: small
# application image
pullPolicy: Always
+replicaCount: 1
+binary: fs
+ - service
+ - locate
nodeSelector: {}
@@ -33,19 +40,20 @@ liveness:
# necessary to disable liveness probe when setting breakpoints
# in debugger so K8s doesn't restart unresponsive container
enabled: true
+ port: api
initialDelaySeconds: 5
periodSeconds: 10
+ port: api
name: aaf-fs
type: ClusterIP
- portName: aaf-fs
- #targetPort
- internalPort: 8096
- #port
- externalPort: 8096
+ ports:
+ - name: api
+ port: 8096
+ protocol: http
enabled: false
@@ -58,18 +66,18 @@ ingress:
# Configure resource requests and limits
- small:
- limits:
- cpu: 200m
- memory: 110Mi
- requests:
- cpu: 1m
- memory: 80Mi
- large:
- limits:
- cpu: 500m
- memory: 700Mi
- requests:
- cpu: 100m
- memory: 400Mi
- unlimited: {}
+ small:
+ limits:
+ cpu: 200m
+ memory: 110Mi
+ requests:
+ cpu: 1m
+ memory: 80Mi
+ large:
+ limits:
+ cpu: 500m
+ memory: 700Mi
+ requests:
+ cpu: 100m
+ memory: 400Mi
+ unlimited: {}
diff --git a/kubernetes/aaf/charts/aaf-gui/templates/deployment.yaml b/kubernetes/aaf/charts/aaf-gui/templates/deployment.yaml
index cbf68aad37..c36750809c 100644
--- a/kubernetes/aaf/charts/aaf-gui/templates/deployment.yaml
+++ b/kubernetes/aaf/charts/aaf-gui/templates/deployment.yaml
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
-# Copyright © 2017 Amdocs, Bell Canada
+# Copyright © 2017 Amdocs, Orange
+# Modifications © 2020 Orange
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
@@ -12,128 +13,4 @@
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
-apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1
-kind: Deployment
- labels:
- app: {{ include "common.name" . }}
- chart: {{ .Chart.Name }}-{{ .Chart.Version | replace "+" "_" }}
- release: {{ include "common.release" . }}
- heritage: {{ .Release.Service }}
- name: {{ include "common.fullname" . }}
- namespace: {{ include "common.namespace" . }}
- replicas: {{ .Values.global.aaf.gui.replicas }}
- template:
- metadata:
- labels:
- app: {{ include "common.name" . }}
- release: {{ include "common.release" . }}
- spec:
- initContainers:
- - name: fix-permission
- command:
- - /bin/sh
- args:
- - -c
- - |
- chmod -R 775 /opt/app/aaf/status
- chown -R 1000:1000 /opt/app/aaf/status
- chmod -R 775 /opt/app/osaaf
- chown -R 1000:1000 /opt/app/osaaf
- image: "{{ .Values.global.busyboxRepository }}/{{ .Values.global.busyboxImage }}"
- imagePullPolicy: {{ .Values.global.pullPolicy | default .Values.pullPolicy }}
- volumeMounts:
- - mountPath: /opt/app/osaaf
- name: aaf-config-vol
- - mountPath: /opt/app/aaf/status
- name: aaf-status-vol
- - name: {{ include "common.name" . }}-config-container
- image: {{ .Values.global.repository }}/{{.Values.global.aaf.config.image}}
- imagePullPolicy: {{ .Values.global.pullPolicy | default .Values.pullPolicy }}
- command: ["bash","-c","cd /opt/app/aaf_config && bin/pod_wait.sh config aaf-service aaf-locate remove && bin/agent.sh"]
- volumeMounts:
- - mountPath: "/opt/app/osaaf"
- name: aaf-config-vol
- - mountPath: "/opt/app/aaf/status"
- name: aaf-status-vol
- env:
- - name: aaf_env
- value: "{{ .Values.global.aaf.aaf_env }}"
- - name: cadi_latitude
- value: "{{ .Values.global.aaf.cadi_latitude }}"
- - name: cadi_longitude
- value: "{{ .Values.global.aaf.cadi_longitude }}"
- - name: cadi_x509_issuers
- value: "{{ .Values.global.aaf.cadi_x509_issuers }}"
- - name: aaf_locate_url
- value: "https://aaf-locate.{{ .Release.Namespace}}:{{.Values.global.aaf.locate.internal_port}}"
- - name: aaf_locator_container
- value: "oom"
- - name: aaf_release
- value: "{{ .Values.global.aaf.aaf_release }}"
- - name: aaf_locator_container_ns
- value: "{{ .Release.Namespace }}"
- - name: aaf_locator_public_fqdn
- value: "{{.Values.global.aaf.public_fqdn}}"
- - name: aaf_locator_name
- value: "{{.Values.global.aaf.aaf_locator_name}}"
- - name: aaf_locator_name_oom
- value: "{{.Values.global.aaf.aaf_locator_name_oom}}"
- - name: cm_always_ignore_ips
- value: "true"
- value: "{{.Values.global.aaf.cass.fqdn}}.{{ .Release.Namespace }}"
-# value: ""
-# value: ""
-# value: ""
- containers:
- - name: {{ include "common.name" . }}
- command: ["/bin/bash","-c","cd /opt/app/aaf && /bin/bash bin/pod_wait.sh aaf-gui aaf-locate && exec bin/gui"]
- image: {{ .Values.global.repository }}/{{.Values.global.aaf.image}}
- imagePullPolicy: {{ .Values.global.pullPolicy | default .Values.pullPolicy }}
- volumeMounts:
- - mountPath: "/opt/app/osaaf"
- name: aaf-config-vol
- - mountPath: "/opt/app/aaf/status"
- name: aaf-status-vol
- - mountPath: /etc/localtime
- name: localtime
- readOnly: true
- {{- if eq .Values.liveness.enabled true }}
- livenessProbe:
- tcpSocket:
- port: {{ .Values.global.aaf.gui.internal_port }}
- initialDelaySeconds: {{ .Values.liveness.initialDelaySeconds }}
- periodSeconds: {{ .Values.liveness.periodSeconds }}
- {{ end -}}
- readinessProbe:
- tcpSocket:
- port: {{ .Values.global.aaf.gui.internal_port }}
- initialDelaySeconds: {{ .Values.readiness.initialDelaySeconds }}
- periodSeconds: {{ .Values.readiness.periodSeconds }}
- resources:
-{{ include "common.resources" . | indent 12 }}
- {{- if .Values.nodeSelector }}
- nodeSelector:
-{{ toYaml .Values.nodeSelector | indent 10 }}
- {{- end -}}
- {{- if .Values.affinity }}
- affinity:
-{{ toYaml .Values.affinity | indent 10 }}
- {{- end }}
- volumes:
- - name: localtime
- hostPath:
- path: /etc/localtime
- - name: aaf-status-vol
- persistentVolumeClaim:
- claimName: {{ include "common.release" . }}-aaf-status
- - name: aaf-config-vol
- persistentVolumeClaim:
- claimName: {{ include "common.release" . }}-aaf-config
- imagePullSecrets:
- - name: "{{ include "common.namespace" . }}-docker-registry-key"
+{{ include "aaf.deployment" . }}
diff --git a/kubernetes/aaf/charts/aaf-gui/templates/service.yaml b/kubernetes/aaf/charts/aaf-gui/templates/service.yaml
index 7dc4468598..e54c4f3057 100644
--- a/kubernetes/aaf/charts/aaf-gui/templates/service.yaml
+++ b/kubernetes/aaf/charts/aaf-gui/templates/service.yaml
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
-# Copyright © 2017 Amdocs, Bell Canada
+# Copyright © 2017 Amdocs, Orange
+# Modifications © 2020 Orange
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
@@ -12,22 +13,4 @@
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
-apiVersion: v1
-kind: Service
- name: {{ include "common.servicename" . }}
- namespace: {{ include "common.namespace" . }}
- labels:
- app: {{ include "common.name" . }}
- chart: {{ .Chart.Name }}-{{ .Chart.Version | replace "+" "_" }}
- release: {{ include "common.release" . }}
- heritage: {{ .Release.Service }}
- ports:
- - port: {{ .Values.global.aaf.gui.internal_port }}
- nodePort: {{ .Values.global.aaf.gui.public_port }}
- name: aaf-gui
- selector:
- app: {{ include "common.name" . }}
- release: {{ include "common.release" . }}
- type: "NodePort"
+{{ include "common.service" . }}
diff --git a/kubernetes/aaf/charts/aaf-gui/values.yaml b/kubernetes/aaf/charts/aaf-gui/values.yaml
index 8811b3300a..f418fd5b41 100644
--- a/kubernetes/aaf/charts/aaf-gui/values.yaml
+++ b/kubernetes/aaf/charts/aaf-gui/values.yaml
@@ -20,6 +20,13 @@ flavor: small
# application image
pullPolicy: Always
+replicaCount: 1
+binary: gui
+ - service
+ - locate
nodeSelector: {}
@@ -27,25 +34,26 @@ affinity: {}
# probe configuration parameters
- initialDelaySeconds: 120
+ initialDelaySeconds: 30
periodSeconds: 10
# necessary to disable liveness probe when setting breakpoints
# in debugger so K8s doesn't restart unresponsive container
enabled: true
+ port: gui
initialDelaySeconds: 5
periodSeconds: 10
+ port: gui
name: aaf-gui
type: NodePort
- portName: aaf-gui
- #targetPort
- internalPort: 8200
- #port
- externalPort: 8200
- nodePort: 51
+ ports:
+ - name: gui
+ protocol: http
+ port: 8200
+ nodePort: 51
enabled: false
@@ -58,18 +66,18 @@ ingress:
# Configure resource requests and limits
- small:
- limits:
- cpu: 200m
- memory: 280Mi
- requests:
- cpu: 1m
- memory: 170Mi
- large:
- limits:
- cpu: 200m
- memory: 1Gi
- requests:
- cpu: 100m
- memory: 500Mi
- unlimited: {}
+ small:
+ limits:
+ cpu: 200m
+ memory: 280Mi
+ requests:
+ cpu: 1m
+ memory: 170Mi
+ large:
+ limits:
+ cpu: 200m
+ memory: 1Gi
+ requests:
+ cpu: 100m
+ memory: 500Mi
+ unlimited: {}
diff --git a/kubernetes/aaf/charts/aaf-hello/templates/aaf-hello-pv.yaml b/kubernetes/aaf/charts/aaf-hello/templates/aaf-hello-pv.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index d2b4f0c76f..0000000000
--- a/kubernetes/aaf/charts/aaf-hello/templates/aaf-hello-pv.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
-{{- if ne 0 (int .Values.global.aaf.hello.replicas) }}
-{{- if and .Values.global.persistence.enabled (not .Values.persistence.existingClaim) -}}
-{{- if eq "True" (include "common.needPV" .) -}}
-## ============LICENSE_START====================================================
-## org.onap.aaf
-## ===========================================================================
-## Copyright (c) 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
-## ===========================================================================
-## Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-## you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-## You may obtain a copy of the License at
-## http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-## Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-## distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-## WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
-## See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-## limitations under the License.
-## ============LICENSE_END====================================================
-kind: PersistentVolume
-apiVersion: v1
- name: {{ include "common.release" . }}-aaf-hello-pv
- namespace: {{ include "common.namespace" . }}
- labels:
- app: {{ .Chart.Name }}-hello
- chart: "{{ .Chart.Name }}-{{ .Chart.Version | replace "+" "_" }}"
- release: {{ include "common.release" . }}
- heritage: "{{ .Release.Service }}"
- name: {{ include "common.fullname" . }}
- capacity:
- storage: {{ .Values.persistence.size}}
- accessModes:
- - {{ .Values.persistence.accessMode }}
- persistentVolumeReclaimPolicy: {{ .Values.persistence.volumeReclaimPolicy }}
- hostPath:
- path: {{ .Values.global.persistence.mountPath | default .Values.persistence.mountPath }}/{{ include "common.release" . }}/{{ .Values.persistence.mountSubPath }}
- storageClassName: "{{ include "common.fullname" . }}-data"
-{{- end -}}
-{{- end -}}
-{{- end -}}
diff --git a/kubernetes/aaf/charts/aaf-hello/templates/aaf-hello-pvc.yaml b/kubernetes/aaf/charts/aaf-hello/templates/aaf-hello-pvc.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index fc148f63d6..0000000000
--- a/kubernetes/aaf/charts/aaf-hello/templates/aaf-hello-pvc.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
-{{- if ne 0 (int .Values.global.aaf.hello.replicas) }}
-{{- if and .Values.persistence.enabled (not .Values.persistence.existingClaim) -}}
-## ============LICENSE_START====================================================
-## org.onap.aaf
-## ===========================================================================
-## Copyright (c) 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
-## ===========================================================================
-## Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-## you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-## You may obtain a copy of the License at
-## http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-## Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-## distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-## WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
-## See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-## limitations under the License.
-## ============LICENSE_END====================================================
-kind: PersistentVolumeClaim
-apiVersion: v1
- name: {{ include "common.release" . }}-aaf-hello-pvc
- namespace: {{ include "common.namespace" . }}
- labels:
- app: {{ include "common.name" . }}
- chart: "{{ .Chart.Name }}-{{ .Chart.Version }}"
- release: "{{ include "common.release" . }}"
- heritage: "{{ .Release.Service }}"
-{{- if .Values.persistence.annotations }}
- annotations:
-{{ toYaml .Values.persistence.annotations | indent 4 }}
-{{- end }}
- accessModes:
- - {{ .Values.persistence.config.accessMode }}
- resources:
- requests:
- storage: {{ .Values.persistence.config.size }}
- storageClassName: {{ include "common.storageClass" . }}
-{{- end -}}
-{{- end -}}
diff --git a/kubernetes/aaf/charts/aaf-hello/templates/deployment.yaml b/kubernetes/aaf/charts/aaf-hello/templates/deployment.yaml
index 1e120bd0ad..891b829f43 100644
--- a/kubernetes/aaf/charts/aaf-hello/templates/deployment.yaml
+++ b/kubernetes/aaf/charts/aaf-hello/templates/deployment.yaml
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
# Copyright © 2017 Amdocs, Bell Canada
+# Modifications © 2020 Orange
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
@@ -11,112 +12,49 @@
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
-apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1
+apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
- labels:
- app: {{ include "common.name" . }}
- chart: {{ .Chart.Name }}-{{ .Chart.Version | replace "+" "_" }}
- release: {{ include "common.release" . }}
- heritage: {{ .Release.Service }}
- name: {{ include "common.fullname" . }}
- namespace: {{ include "common.namespace" . }}
+metadata: {{- include "common.resourceMetadata" . | nindent 2 }}
- replicas: {{ .Values.global.aaf.hello.replicas }}
+ selector: {{- include "common.selectors" . | nindent 4 }}
+ replicas: {{ .Values.replicaCount }}
- metadata:
- labels:
- app: {{ include "common.name" . }}
- release: {{ include "common.release" . }}
+ metadata: {{- include "common.templateMetadata" . | nindent 6 }}
- volumes:
- - name: localtime
- hostPath:
- path: /etc/localtime
- - name: aaf-hello-vol
- {{- if and .Values.persistence.enabled }}
- persistentVolumeClaim:
- claimName: {{ include "common.release" . }}-aaf-hello-pvc
- {{- else }}
- emptyDir: {}
- {{- end }}
- imagePullSecrets:
- - name: "{{ include "common.namespace" . }}-docker-registry-key"
- initContainers:
- - name: fix-permission
- command: ["/bin/sh","-c","chmod -R 775 /opt/app/osaaf/local && chown -R 1000:1000 /opt/app/osaaf"]
- image: "{{ .Values.global.busyboxRepository }}/{{ .Values.global.busyboxImage }}"
- imagePullPolicy: {{ .Values.global.pullPolicy | default .Values.pullPolicy }}
- volumeMounts:
- - mountPath: "/opt/app/osaaf/local"
- name: aaf-hello-vol
- - name: {{ include "common.name" . }}-config-container
- image: {{ .Values.global.repository }}/{{.Values.aaf_init.image}}
- imagePullPolicy: {{ .Values.global.pullPolicy | default .Values.pullPolicy }}
- command: ["bash","-c","cd /opt/app/aaf_config && bin/agent.sh"]
-# command: ["bash","-c","cd /opt/app/aaf_config && echo Sleeping && sleep 480"]
-# command: ["bash","-c","chown 1000:1000 /opt/app/osaaf && cd /opt/app/aaf_config && sleep 480"]
- volumeMounts:
- - mountPath: "/opt/app/osaaf/local"
- name: aaf-hello-vol
- env:
- - name: APP_FQI
- value: "{{ .Values.aaf_init.fqi }}"
- - name: aaf_locate_url
- value: "https://aaf-locate.{{ .Release.Namespace}}:{{.Values.global.aaf.locate.internal_port}}"
- - name: aaf_locator_container
- value: "oom"
- - name: aaf_locator_container_ns
- value: "{{ .Release.Namespace }}"
-# This should the APP's FQDN to be put in Locator
-# This MUST match what is entered for AAF Certificate Artifacts
- - name: aaf_locator_fqdn
- value: "{{.Values.aaf_init.fqdn}}"
-# Hello specific. Clients don't don't need this, unless Registering with AAF Locator
-# This should be the APP's PUBLIC FQDN, if applicable
- - name: aaf_locator_public_fqdn
- value: "{{.Values.aaf_init.locator_public_fqdn}}"
- - name: LATITUDE
- value: "{{ .Values.aaf_init.cadi_latitude }}"
- - name: LONGITUDE
- value: "{{ .Values.aaf_init.cadi_longitude }}"
-# Note: We want to put this in Secrets or at LEAST ConfigMaps
- - name: "DEPLOY_FQI"
- value: "deployer@people.osaaf.org"
-# Note: want to put this on Nodes, evenutally
- value: "demo123456!"
+ initContainers: {{ include "common.aaf-config" (dict "aafRoot" .Values.aaf_init "dot" .) | nindent 6 }}
# CONTAINER Definition
- name: {{ include "common.name" . }}
command: ["bash","-c","cd /opt/app/aaf && if [ ! -d /opt/app/osaaf/etc ]; then cp -Rf etc logs /opt/app/osaaf; fi && exec bin/hello"]
- image: {{ .Values.global.repository }}/{{.Values.service.image }}
+ image: {{ .Values.global.repository }}/{{.Values.image }}
imagePullPolicy: {{ .Values.global.pullPolicy | default .Values.pullPolicy }}
- volumeMounts:
- - mountPath: "/opt/app/osaaf/local"
- name: aaf-hello-vol
+ ports: {{ include "common.containerPorts" . | nindent 10 }}
+ volumeMounts: {{ include "common.aaf-config-volume-mountpath" . | nindent 8 }}
- mountPath: /etc/localtime
name: localtime
readOnly: true
{{- if eq .Values.liveness.enabled true }}
- port: {{ .Values.service.port }}
+ port: {{ .Values.liveness.port }}
initialDelaySeconds: {{ .Values.liveness.initialDelaySeconds }}
periodSeconds: {{ .Values.liveness.periodSeconds }}
- {{ end -}}
+ {{- end }}
- port: {{ .Values.service.port }}
+ port: {{ .Values.readiness.port }}
initialDelaySeconds: {{ .Values.readiness.initialDelaySeconds }}
periodSeconds: {{ .Values.readiness.periodSeconds }}
- resources:
-{{ include "common.resources" . | indent 12 }}
+ resources: {{ include "common.resources" . | nindent 12 }}
{{- if .Values.nodeSelector }}
- nodeSelector:
-{{ toYaml .Values.nodeSelector | indent 10 }}
+ nodeSelector: {{ toYaml .Values.nodeSelector | nindent 10 }}
{{- end -}}
{{- if .Values.affinity }}
- affinity:
-{{ toYaml .Values.affinity | indent 10 }}
+ affinity: {{ toYaml .Values.affinity | nindent 10 }}
{{- end }}
+ volumes: {{ include "common.aaf-config-volumes" (dict "aafRoot" .Values.aaf_init "dot" .) | nindent 6 }}
+ - name: localtime
+ hostPath:
+ path: /etc/localtime
+ imagePullSecrets:
+ - name: "{{ include "common.namespace" . }}-docker-registry-key"
diff --git a/kubernetes/aaf/charts/aaf-hello/templates/secret.yaml b/kubernetes/aaf/charts/aaf-hello/templates/secret.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f8c32e0670
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kubernetes/aaf/charts/aaf-hello/templates/secret.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+# Copyright © 2020 Orange
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+{{ include "common.secretFast" . }}
diff --git a/kubernetes/aaf/charts/aaf-hello/templates/service.yaml b/kubernetes/aaf/charts/aaf-hello/templates/service.yaml
index 5ba4f68be9..8f80ee12a2 100644
--- a/kubernetes/aaf/charts/aaf-hello/templates/service.yaml
+++ b/kubernetes/aaf/charts/aaf-hello/templates/service.yaml
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
# Copyright © 2017 Amdocs, Bell Canada
+# Modifications © 2020 Orange
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
@@ -12,22 +13,4 @@
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
-apiVersion: v1
-kind: Service
- name: {{ include "common.servicename" . }}
- namespace: {{ include "common.namespace" . }}
- labels:
- app: {{ include "common.name" . }}
- chart: {{ .Chart.Name }}-{{ .Chart.Version | replace "+" "_" }}
- release: {{ include "common.release" . }}
- heritage: {{ .Release.Service }}
- ports:
- - port: {{ .Values.service.port }}
- nodePort: {{ .Values.service.public_port }}
- name: aaf-hello
- selector:
- app: {{ include "common.name" . }}
- release: {{ include "common.release" . }}
- type: "NodePort"
+{{ include "common.service" . }}
diff --git a/kubernetes/aaf/charts/aaf-hello/values.yaml b/kubernetes/aaf/charts/aaf-hello/values.yaml
index 0400dcc1fd..aeb659082d 100644
--- a/kubernetes/aaf/charts/aaf-hello/values.yaml
+++ b/kubernetes/aaf/charts/aaf-hello/values.yaml
@@ -12,6 +12,8 @@
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
+ aafEnabled: true
flavor: small
@@ -22,47 +24,58 @@ flavor: small
# You might want this in your own app. For AAF, we store in global
# replicas: 1
- image: onap/aaf/aaf_agent:2.1.20
- fqi: "aaf@aaf.osaaf.org"
+ fqi: aaf@aaf.osaaf.org
# This MUST match what is put in AAF's "Artifact" for Certificates
- fqdn: "aaf-hello"
+ fqdn: aaf-hello
# What is put in Locator for External Access
- locator_public_fqdn: "aaf.osaaf.org"
- app_ns: "org.osaaf.aaf"
- deploy_fqi: "deployer@people.osaaf.org"
+ public_fqdn: aaf.osaaf.org
cadi_latitude: "38.0"
cadi_longitude: "-72.0"
+ credsPath: /opt/app/osaaf/local
+ aafDeployFqi: deployer@people.osaaf.org
+ aafDeployPass: demo123456!
+ # aafDeployCredsExternalSecret: some secret
+ secret_uid: &aaf_secret_uid nbi-aaf-deploy-creds
+ permission_user: 1000
+ permission_group: 999
- image: onap/aaf/aaf_hello:2.1.20
- port: "8130"
- public_port: "31119"
+replicaCount: 0
- enabled: false
- #existingClaim:
- # You will want "Reatan" in non-Hello Example.
- volumeReclaimPolicy: Delete
- accessMode: ReadWriteMany
- size: 40M
- mountPath: /dockerdata-nfs
- mountSubPath: aaf/hello
+image: onap/aaf/aaf_hello:2.1.20
+ name: aaf-hello
+ type: ClusterIP
+ ports:
+ - name: api
+ protocol: http
+ port: 8130
nodeSelector: {}
affinity: {}
+ - uid: *aaf_secret_uid
+ type: basicAuth
+ externalSecret: '{{ ternary (tpl (default "" .Values.aaf_init.aafDeployCredsExternalSecret) .) "aafIsDisabled" .Values.global.aafEnabled }}'
+ login: '{{ .Values.aaf_init.aafDeployFqi }}'
+ password: '{{ .Values.aaf_init.aafDeployPass }}'
+ passwordPolicy: required
# probe configuration parameters
- initialDelaySeconds: 120
+ initialDelaySeconds: 30
periodSeconds: 10
# necessary to disable liveness probe when setting breakpoints
# in debugger so K8s doesn't restart unresponsive container
enabled: true
+ port: api
initialDelaySeconds: 5
periodSeconds: 10
+ port: api
enabled: false
@@ -75,18 +88,18 @@ ingress:
# Configure resource requests and limits
- small:
- limits:
- cpu: 200m
- memory: 500Mi
- requests:
- cpu: 10m
- memory: 200Mi
- large:
- limits:
- cpu: 400m
- memory: 1Gi
- requests:
- cpu: 20m
- memory: 500Mi
- unlimited: {}
+ small:
+ limits:
+ cpu: 200m
+ memory: 500Mi
+ requests:
+ cpu: 10m
+ memory: 200Mi
+ large:
+ limits:
+ cpu: 400m
+ memory: 1Gi
+ requests:
+ cpu: 20m
+ memory: 500Mi
+ unlimited: {}
diff --git a/kubernetes/aaf/charts/aaf-locate/templates/deployment.yaml b/kubernetes/aaf/charts/aaf-locate/templates/deployment.yaml
index cc7f19176f..5074c8bc08 100644
--- a/kubernetes/aaf/charts/aaf-locate/templates/deployment.yaml
+++ b/kubernetes/aaf/charts/aaf-locate/templates/deployment.yaml
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
-# Copyright © 2017 Amdocs, Bell Canada
+# Copyright © 2017 Amdocs
+# Modifications © 2020 Orange
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
@@ -12,128 +13,4 @@
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
-apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1
-kind: Deployment
- labels:
- app: {{ include "common.name" . }}
- chart: {{ .Chart.Name }}-{{ .Chart.Version | replace "+" "_" }}
- release: {{ include "common.release" . }}
- heritage: {{ .Release.Service }}
- name: {{ include "common.fullname" . }}
- namespace: {{ include "common.namespace" . }}
- replicas: {{ .Values.global.aaf.locate.replicas }}
- template:
- metadata:
- labels:
- app: {{ include "common.name" . }}
- release: {{ include "common.release" . }}
- spec:
- initContainers:
- - name: fix-permission
- command:
- - /bin/sh
- args:
- - -c
- - |
- chmod -R 775 /opt/app/aaf/status
- chown -R 1000:1000 /opt/app/aaf/status
- chmod -R 775 /opt/app/osaaf
- chown -R 1000:1000 /opt/app/osaaf
- image: "{{ .Values.global.busyboxRepository }}/{{ .Values.global.busyboxImage }}"
- imagePullPolicy: {{ .Values.global.pullPolicy | default .Values.pullPolicy }}
- volumeMounts:
- - mountPath: /opt/app/aaf/status
- name: aaf-status-vol
- - mountPath: /opt/app/osaaf
- name: aaf-config-vol
- - name: {{ include "common.name" . }}-config-container
- image: {{ .Values.global.repository }}/{{.Values.global.aaf.config.image}}
- imagePullPolicy: {{ .Values.global.pullPolicy | default .Values.pullPolicy }}
- command: ["bash","-c","cd /opt/app/aaf_config && bin/pod_wait.sh config aaf-service remove && bin/agent.sh"]
- volumeMounts:
- - mountPath: "/opt/app/osaaf"
- name: aaf-config-vol
- - mountPath: "/opt/app/aaf/status"
- name: aaf-status-vol
- env:
- - name: aaf_env
- value: "{{ .Values.global.aaf.aaf_env }}"
- - name: cadi_latitude
- value: "{{ .Values.global.aaf.cadi_latitude }}"
- - name: cadi_longitude
- value: "{{ .Values.global.aaf.cadi_longitude }}"
- - name: cadi_x509_issuers
- value: "{{ .Values.global.aaf.cadi_x509_issuers }}"
- - name: aaf_locate_url
- value: "https://aaf-locate.{{ .Release.Namespace}}:{{.Values.global.aaf.locate.internal_port}}"
- - name: aaf_locator_container
- value: "oom"
- - name: aaf_release
- value: "{{ .Values.global.aaf.aaf_release }}"
- - name: aaf_locator_container_ns
- value: "{{ .Release.Namespace }}"
- - name: aaf_locator_public_fqdn
- value: "{{.Values.global.aaf.public_fqdn}}"
- - name: aaf_locator_name
- value: "{{.Values.global.aaf.aaf_locator_name}}"
- - name: aaf_locator_name_oom
- value: "{{.Values.global.aaf.aaf_locator_name_oom}}"
- - name: cm_always_ignore_ips
- value: "true"
- value: "{{.Values.global.aaf.cass.fqdn}}.{{ .Release.Namespace }}"
-# value: ""
-# value: ""
-# value: ""
- containers:
- - name: {{ include "common.name" . }}
- command: ["/bin/bash","-c","cd /opt/app/aaf && /bin/bash bin/pod_wait.sh aaf-locate aaf-service && exec bin/locate"]
- image: {{ .Values.global.repository }}/{{.Values.global.aaf.image}}
- imagePullPolicy: {{ .Values.global.pullPolicy | default .Values.pullPolicy }}
- volumeMounts:
- - mountPath: "/opt/app/osaaf"
- name: aaf-config-vol
- - mountPath: "/opt/app/aaf/status"
- name: aaf-status-vol
- - mountPath: /etc/localtime
- name: localtime
- readOnly: true
- {{- if eq .Values.liveness.enabled true }}
- livenessProbe:
- tcpSocket:
- port: {{ .Values.global.aaf.locate.internal_port }}
- initialDelaySeconds: {{ .Values.liveness.initialDelaySeconds }}
- periodSeconds: {{ .Values.liveness.periodSeconds }}
- {{ end -}}
- readinessProbe:
- tcpSocket:
- port: {{ .Values.global.aaf.locate.internal_port }}
- initialDelaySeconds: {{ .Values.readiness.initialDelaySeconds }}
- periodSeconds: {{ .Values.readiness.periodSeconds }}
- resources:
-{{ include "common.resources" . | indent 12 }}
- {{- if .Values.nodeSelector }}
- nodeSelector:
-{{ toYaml .Values.nodeSelector | indent 10 }}
- {{- end -}}
- {{- if .Values.affinity }}
- affinity:
-{{ toYaml .Values.affinity | indent 10 }}
- {{- end }}
- volumes:
- - name: localtime
- hostPath:
- path: /etc/localtime
- - name: aaf-status-vol
- persistentVolumeClaim:
- claimName: {{ include "common.release" . }}-aaf-status
- - name: aaf-config-vol
- persistentVolumeClaim:
- claimName: {{ include "common.release" . }}-aaf-config
- imagePullSecrets:
- - name: "{{ include "common.namespace" . }}-docker-registry-key"
+{{ include "aaf.deployment" . }}
diff --git a/kubernetes/aaf/charts/aaf-locate/templates/service.yaml b/kubernetes/aaf/charts/aaf-locate/templates/service.yaml
index 8aead90d29..e54c4f3057 100644
--- a/kubernetes/aaf/charts/aaf-locate/templates/service.yaml
+++ b/kubernetes/aaf/charts/aaf-locate/templates/service.yaml
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
-# Copyright © 2017 Amdocs, Bell Canada
+# Copyright © 2017 Amdocs, Orange
+# Modifications © 2020 Orange
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
@@ -12,22 +13,4 @@
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
-apiVersion: v1
-kind: Service
- name: {{ include "common.servicename" . }}
- namespace: {{ include "common.namespace" . }}
- labels:
- app: {{ include "common.name" . }}
- chart: {{ .Chart.Name }}-{{ .Chart.Version | replace "+" "_" }}
- release: {{ include "common.release" . }}
- heritage: {{ .Release.Service }}
- ports:
- - port: {{ .Values.global.aaf.locate.internal_port }}
- nodePort: {{ .Values.global.aaf.locate.public_port }}
- name: aaf-locate
- selector:
- app: {{ include "common.name" . }}
- release: {{ include "common.release" . }}
- type: "NodePort"
+{{ include "common.service" . }}
diff --git a/kubernetes/aaf/charts/aaf-locate/values.yaml b/kubernetes/aaf/charts/aaf-locate/values.yaml
index 9209b9d027..47b2f205e5 100644
--- a/kubernetes/aaf/charts/aaf-locate/values.yaml
+++ b/kubernetes/aaf/charts/aaf-locate/values.yaml
@@ -18,6 +18,12 @@ flavor: small
# Application configuration defaults.
# application image
+replicaCount: 1
+binary: locate
+ - service
nodeSelector: {}
@@ -25,24 +31,25 @@ affinity: {}
# probe configuration parameters
- initialDelaySeconds: 120
+ initialDelaySeconds: 30
periodSeconds: 10
# necessary to disable liveness probe when setting breakpoints
# in debugger so K8s doesn't restart unresponsive container
enabled: true
+ port: api
initialDelaySeconds: 5
periodSeconds: 10
+ port: api
name: aaf-locate
type: ClusterIP
- portName: aaf-locate
- #targetPort
- internalPort: 8095
- #port
- externalPort: 31111
+ ports:
+ - name: api
+ protocol: http
+ port: 8095
enabled: false
@@ -55,18 +62,18 @@ ingress:
# Configure resource requests and limits
- small:
- limits:
- cpu: 100m
- memory: 320Mi
- requests:
- cpu: 1m
- memory: 210Mi
- large:
- limits:
- cpu: 400m
- memory: 1Gi
- requests:
- cpu: 40m
- memory: 500Mi
- unlimited: {}
+ small:
+ limits:
+ cpu: 100m
+ memory: 320Mi
+ requests:
+ cpu: 1m
+ memory: 210Mi
+ large:
+ limits:
+ cpu: 400m
+ memory: 1Gi
+ requests:
+ cpu: 40m
+ memory: 500Mi
+ unlimited: {}
diff --git a/kubernetes/aaf/charts/aaf-oauth/templates/deployment.yaml b/kubernetes/aaf/charts/aaf-oauth/templates/deployment.yaml
index 6ce3abd241..5074c8bc08 100644
--- a/kubernetes/aaf/charts/aaf-oauth/templates/deployment.yaml
+++ b/kubernetes/aaf/charts/aaf-oauth/templates/deployment.yaml
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
-# Copyright © 2017 Amdocs, Bell Canada
+# Copyright © 2017 Amdocs
+# Modifications © 2020 Orange
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
@@ -12,128 +13,4 @@
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
-apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1
-kind: Deployment
- labels:
- app: {{ include "common.name" . }}
- chart: {{ .Chart.Name }}-{{ .Chart.Version | replace "+" "_" }}
- release: {{ include "common.release" . }}
- heritage: {{ .Release.Service }}
- name: {{ include "common.fullname" . }}
- namespace: {{ include "common.namespace" . }}
- replicas: {{ .Values.global.aaf.oauth.replicas }}
- template:
- metadata:
- labels:
- app: {{ include "common.name" . }}
- release: {{ include "common.release" . }}
- spec:
- initContainers:
- - name: fix-permission
- command:
- - /bin/sh
- args:
- - -c
- - |
- chmod -R 775 /opt/app/aaf/status
- chown -R 1000:1000 /opt/app/aaf/status
- chmod -R 775 /opt/app/osaaf
- chown -R 1000:1000 /opt/app/osaaf
- image: "{{ .Values.global.busyboxRepository }}/{{ .Values.global.busyboxImage }}"
- imagePullPolicy: {{ .Values.global.pullPolicy | default .Values.pullPolicy }}
- volumeMounts:
- - mountPath: /opt/app/aaf/status
- name: aaf-status-vol
- - mountPath: /opt/app/osaaf
- name: aaf-config-vol
- - name: {{ include "common.name" . }}-config-container
- image: {{ .Values.global.repository }}/{{.Values.global.aaf.config.image}}
- imagePullPolicy: {{ .Values.global.pullPolicy | default .Values.pullPolicy }}
- command: ["bash","-c","cd /opt/app/aaf_config && bin/pod_wait.sh config aaf-service remove && bin/agent.sh"]
- volumeMounts:
- - mountPath: "/opt/app/osaaf"
- name: aaf-config-vol
- - mountPath: "/opt/app/aaf/status"
- name: aaf-status-vol
- env:
- - name: aaf_env
- value: "{{ .Values.global.aaf.aaf_env }}"
- - name: cadi_latitude
- value: "{{ .Values.global.aaf.cadi_latitude }}"
- - name: cadi_longitude
- value: "{{ .Values.global.aaf.cadi_longitude }}"
- - name: cadi_x509_issuers
- value: "{{ .Values.global.aaf.cadi_x509_issuers }}"
- - name: aaf_locate_url
- value: "https://aaf-locate.{{ .Release.Namespace}}:{{.Values.global.aaf.locate.internal_port}}"
- - name: aaf_locator_container
- value: "oom"
- - name: aaf_release
- value: "{{ .Values.global.aaf.aaf_release }}"
- - name: aaf_locator_container_ns
- value: "{{ .Release.Namespace }}"
- - name: aaf_locator_public_fqdn
- value: "{{.Values.global.aaf.public_fqdn}}"
- - name: aaf_locator_name
- value: "{{.Values.global.aaf.aaf_locator_name}}"
- - name: aaf_locator_name_oom
- value: "{{.Values.global.aaf.aaf_locator_name_oom}}"
- - name: cm_always_ignore_ips
- value: "true"
- value: "{{.Values.global.aaf.cass.fqdn}}.{{ .Release.Namespace }}"
-# value: ""
-# value: ""
-# value: ""
- containers:
- - name: {{ include "common.name" . }}
- command: ["/bin/bash","-c","cd /opt/app/aaf && /bin/bash bin/pod_wait.sh aaf-oauth aaf-service && exec bin/oauth"]
- image: {{ .Values.global.repository }}/{{.Values.global.aaf.image}}
- imagePullPolicy: {{ .Values.global.pullPolicy | default .Values.pullPolicy }}
- volumeMounts:
- - mountPath: "/opt/app/osaaf"
- name: aaf-config-vol
- - mountPath: "/opt/app/aaf/status"
- name: aaf-status-vol
- - mountPath: /etc/localtime
- name: localtime
- readOnly: true
- {{- if eq .Values.liveness.enabled true }}
- livenessProbe:
- tcpSocket:
- port: {{ .Values.global.aaf.oauth.internal_port }}
- initialDelaySeconds: {{ .Values.liveness.initialDelaySeconds }}
- periodSeconds: {{ .Values.liveness.periodSeconds }}
- {{ end -}}
- readinessProbe:
- tcpSocket:
- port: {{ .Values.global.aaf.oauth.internal_port }}
- initialDelaySeconds: {{ .Values.readiness.initialDelaySeconds }}
- periodSeconds: {{ .Values.readiness.periodSeconds }}
- resources:
-{{ include "common.resources" . | indent 12 }}
- {{- if .Values.nodeSelector }}
- nodeSelector:
-{{ toYaml .Values.nodeSelector | indent 10 }}
- {{- end -}}
- {{- if .Values.affinity }}
- affinity:
-{{ toYaml .Values.affinity | indent 10 }}
- {{- end }}
- volumes:
- - name: localtime
- hostPath:
- path: /etc/localtime
- - name: aaf-status-vol
- persistentVolumeClaim:
- claimName: {{ include "common.release" . }}-aaf-status
- - name: aaf-config-vol
- persistentVolumeClaim:
- claimName: {{ include "common.release" . }}-aaf-config
- imagePullSecrets:
- - name: "{{ include "common.namespace" . }}-docker-registry-key"
+{{ include "aaf.deployment" . }}
diff --git a/kubernetes/aaf/charts/aaf-oauth/templates/service.yaml b/kubernetes/aaf/charts/aaf-oauth/templates/service.yaml
index 52c2d10568..e54c4f3057 100644
--- a/kubernetes/aaf/charts/aaf-oauth/templates/service.yaml
+++ b/kubernetes/aaf/charts/aaf-oauth/templates/service.yaml
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
-# Copyright © 2017 Amdocs, Bell Canada
+# Copyright © 2017 Amdocs, Orange
+# Modifications © 2020 Orange
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
@@ -12,22 +13,4 @@
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
-apiVersion: v1
-kind: Service
- name: {{ include "common.servicename" . }}
- namespace: {{ include "common.namespace" . }}
- labels:
- app: {{ include "common.name" . }}
- chart: {{ .Chart.Name }}-{{ .Chart.Version | replace "+" "_" }}
- release: {{ include "common.release" . }}
- heritage: {{ .Release.Service }}
- ports:
- - port: {{ .Values.global.aaf.oauth.internal_port }}
- nodePort: {{ .Values.global.aaf.oauth.public_port }}
- name: aaf-oauth
- selector:
- app: {{ include "common.name" . }}
- release: {{ include "common.release" . }}
- type: "NodePort"
+{{ include "common.service" . }}
diff --git a/kubernetes/aaf/charts/aaf-oauth/values.yaml b/kubernetes/aaf/charts/aaf-oauth/values.yaml
index c25327ce03..7604b86393 100644
--- a/kubernetes/aaf/charts/aaf-oauth/values.yaml
+++ b/kubernetes/aaf/charts/aaf-oauth/values.yaml
@@ -19,30 +19,40 @@ flavor: small
# Application configuration defaults.
# application image
+replicaCount: 1
+binary: oauth
+ - service
+ - locate
nodeSelector: {}
affinity: {}
# probe configuration parameters
- initialDelaySeconds: 120
+ initialDelaySeconds: 30
periodSeconds: 10
# necessary to disable liveness probe when setting breakpoints
# in debugger so K8s doesn't restart unresponsive container
enabled: true
+ port: api
initialDelaySeconds: 5
periodSeconds: 10
+ port: api
name: aaf-oauth
type: ClusterIP
- portName: aaf-oauth
- #targetPort
- internalPort: 8140
- #port
- externalPort: 8140
+ ports:
+ - name: api
+ protocol: http
+ port: 8140
enabled: false
@@ -55,18 +65,18 @@ ingress:
# Configure resource requests and limits
- small:
- limits:
- cpu: 40m
- memory: 320Mi
- requests:
- cpu: 1m
- memory: 210Mi
- large:
- limits:
- cpu: 400m
- memory: 600Mi
- requests:
- cpu: 40m
- memory: 200Mi
- unlimited: {}
+ small:
+ limits:
+ cpu: 40m
+ memory: 320Mi
+ requests:
+ cpu: 1m
+ memory: 210Mi
+ large:
+ limits:
+ cpu: 400m
+ memory: 600Mi
+ requests:
+ cpu: 40m
+ memory: 200Mi
+ unlimited: {}
diff --git a/kubernetes/aaf/charts/aaf-service/templates/deployment.yaml b/kubernetes/aaf/charts/aaf-service/templates/deployment.yaml
index 555f4ac815..5074c8bc08 100644
--- a/kubernetes/aaf/charts/aaf-service/templates/deployment.yaml
+++ b/kubernetes/aaf/charts/aaf-service/templates/deployment.yaml
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
-# Copyright © 2017 Amdocs, Bell Canada
+# Copyright © 2017 Amdocs
+# Modifications © 2020 Orange
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
@@ -12,135 +13,4 @@
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
-apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1
-kind: Deployment
- labels:
- app: {{ include "common.name" . }}
- chart: {{ .Chart.Name }}-{{ .Chart.Version | replace "+" "_" }}
- release: {{ include "common.release" . }}
- heritage: {{ .Release.Service }}
- name: {{ include "common.fullname" . }}
- namespace: {{ include "common.namespace" . }}
- replicas: {{ .Values.global.aaf.service.replicas }}
- template:
- metadata:
- labels:
- app: {{ include "common.name" . }}
- release: {{ include "common.release" . }}
- spec:
- initContainers:
- - name: fix-permission
- command:
- - /bin/sh
- args:
- - -c
- - |
- chmod -R 775 /opt/app/aaf/status
- chown -R 1000:1000 /opt/app/aaf/status
- chmod -R 775 /opt/app/osaaf
- chown -R 1000:1000 /opt/app/osaaf
- image: "{{ .Values.global.busyboxRepository }}/{{ .Values.global.busyboxImage }}"
- imagePullPolicy: {{ .Values.global.pullPolicy | default .Values.pullPolicy }}
- volumeMounts:
- - mountPath: /opt/app/aaf/status
- name: aaf-status-vol
- - mountPath: /opt/app/osaaf
- name: aaf-config-vol
- - name: {{ include "common.name" . }}-config-container
- image: {{ .Values.global.repository }}/{{.Values.global.aaf.config.image}}
- imagePullPolicy: {{ .Values.global.pullPolicy | default .Values.pullPolicy }}
- command: ["bash","-c","cd /opt/app/aaf_config && bin/pod_wait.sh config nc aaf-cass.{{ .Release.Namespace }} 9042 sleep 15 remove && bin/agent.sh"]
- volumeMounts:
- - mountPath: "/opt/app/osaaf"
- name: aaf-config-vol
- - mountPath: "/opt/app/aaf/status"
- name: aaf-status-vol
- env:
- - name: aaf_env
- value: "{{ .Values.global.aaf.aaf_env }}"
- - name: cadi_latitude
- value: "{{ .Values.global.aaf.cadi_latitude }}"
- - name: cadi_longitude
- value: "{{ .Values.global.aaf.cadi_longitude }}"
- - name: cadi_x509_issuers
- value: "{{ .Values.global.aaf.cadi_x509_issuers }}"
- - name: aaf_locate_url
- value: "https://aaf-locate.{{ .Release.Namespace}}:{{.Values.global.aaf.locate.internal_port}}"
- - name: aaf_locator_container
- value: "oom"
- - name: aaf_release
- value: "{{ .Values.global.aaf.aaf_release }}"
- - name: aaf_locator_container_ns
- value: "{{ .Release.Namespace }}"
- - name: aaf_locator_public_fqdn
- value: "{{.Values.global.aaf.public_fqdn}}"
- - name: aaf_locator_name
- value: "{{.Values.global.aaf.aaf_locator_name}}"
- - name: aaf_locator_name_oom
- value: "{{.Values.global.aaf.aaf_locator_name_oom}}"
- - name: cm_always_ignore_ips
- value: "true"
- value: "{{.Values.global.aaf.cass.fqdn}}.{{ .Release.Namespace }}"
-# value: ""
-# value: ""
-# value: ""
- containers:
- - name: {{ include "common.name" . }}
- command: ["/bin/bash","-c","cd /opt/app/aaf && bin/pod_wait.sh aaf-service aaf-cass && exec bin/service"]
- image: {{.Values.global.repository}}/{{.Values.global.aaf.image}}
- imagePullPolicy: {{ .Values.global.pullPolicy | default .Values.pullPolicy }}
- env:
- - name: cm_always_ignore_ips
- value: "true"
- lifecycle:
- preStop:
- exec:
- command: ["/bin/sh","-c","rm /opt/app/aaf/status/aaf-service* && echo $HOSTNAME >> aaf-service.hosts"]
- volumeMounts:
- - mountPath: "/opt/app/osaaf"
- name: aaf-config-vol
- - mountPath: "/opt/app/aaf/status"
- name: aaf-status-vol
- - mountPath: /etc/localtime
- name: localtime
- readOnly: true
- {{- if eq .Values.liveness.enabled true }}
- livenessProbe:
- tcpSocket:
- port: {{ .Values.global.aaf.service.internal_port }}
- initialDelaySeconds: {{ .Values.liveness.initialDelaySeconds }}
- periodSeconds: {{ .Values.liveness.periodSeconds }}
- {{ end -}}
- readinessProbe:
- tcpSocket:
- port: {{ .Values.global.aaf.service.internal_port }}
- initialDelaySeconds: {{ .Values.readiness.initialDelaySeconds }}
- periodSeconds: {{ .Values.readiness.periodSeconds }}
- resources:
-{{ include "common.resources" . | indent 12 }}
- {{- if .Values.nodeSelector }}
- nodeSelector:
-{{ toYaml .Values.nodeSelector | indent 10 }}
- {{- end -}}
- {{- if .Values.affinity }}
- affinity:
-{{ toYaml .Values.affinity | indent 10 }}
- {{- end }}
- volumes:
- - name: localtime
- hostPath:
- path: /etc/localtime
- - name: aaf-status-vol
- persistentVolumeClaim:
- claimName: {{ include "common.release" . }}-aaf-status
- - name: aaf-config-vol
- persistentVolumeClaim:
- claimName: {{ include "common.release" . }}-aaf-config
- imagePullSecrets:
- - name: "{{ include "common.namespace" . }}-docker-registry-key"
+{{ include "aaf.deployment" . }}
diff --git a/kubernetes/aaf/charts/aaf-service/templates/service.yaml b/kubernetes/aaf/charts/aaf-service/templates/service.yaml
index e02c685549..e54c4f3057 100644
--- a/kubernetes/aaf/charts/aaf-service/templates/service.yaml
+++ b/kubernetes/aaf/charts/aaf-service/templates/service.yaml
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
-# Copyright © 2017 Amdocs, Bell Canada
+# Copyright © 2017 Amdocs, Orange
+# Modifications © 2020 Orange
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
@@ -12,22 +13,4 @@
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
-apiVersion: v1
-kind: Service
- name: {{ include "common.servicename" . }}
- namespace: {{ include "common.namespace" . }}
- labels:
- app: {{ include "common.name" . }}
- chart: {{ .Chart.Name }}-{{ .Chart.Version | replace "+" "_" }}
- release: {{ include "common.release" . }}
- heritage: {{ .Release.Service }}
- ports:
- - port: {{ .Values.global.aaf.service.internal_port }}
- nodePort: {{ .Values.global.aaf.service.public_port }}
- name: aaf-service
- selector:
- app: {{ include "common.name" . }}
- release: {{ include "common.release" . }}
- type: "NodePort"
+{{ include "common.service" . }}
diff --git a/kubernetes/aaf/charts/aaf-service/values.yaml b/kubernetes/aaf/charts/aaf-service/values.yaml
index 1eb5bb2523..c2d96032cc 100644
--- a/kubernetes/aaf/charts/aaf-service/values.yaml
+++ b/kubernetes/aaf/charts/aaf-service/values.yaml
@@ -20,30 +20,38 @@ flavor: small
# application image
+replicaCount: 1
+binary: service
+ - cass
nodeSelector: {}
affinity: {}
# probe configuration parameters
- initialDelaySeconds: 120
+ initialDelaySeconds: 30
periodSeconds: 10
# necessary to disable liveness probe when setting breakpoints
# in debugger so K8s doesn't restart unresponsive container
enabled: true
+ port: api
initialDelaySeconds: 5
periodSeconds: 10
+ port: api
name: aaf-service
- type: NodePort
- portName: aaf-service
- #targetPort
- internalPort: 8100
- #port
- externalPort: 31110
+ type: ClusterIP
+ ports:
+ - name: api
+ port: 8100
+ protocol: http
enabled: false
@@ -56,18 +64,18 @@ ingress:
# Configure resource requests and limits
- small:
- limits:
- cpu: 250m
- memory: 360Mi
- requests:
- cpu: 10m
- memory: 250Mi
- large:
- limits:
- cpu: 400m
- memory: 1Gi
- requests:
- cpu: 40m
- memory: 300Mi
- unlimited: {}
+ small:
+ limits:
+ cpu: 250m
+ memory: 360Mi
+ requests:
+ cpu: 10m
+ memory: 250Mi
+ large:
+ limits:
+ cpu: 400m
+ memory: 1Gi
+ requests:
+ cpu: 40m
+ memory: 300Mi
+ unlimited: {}
diff --git a/kubernetes/aaf/charts/aaf-sshsm/charts/aaf-sshsm-abrmd/templates/configmap.yaml b/kubernetes/aaf/charts/aaf-sshsm/charts/aaf-sshsm-abrmd/templates/configmap.yaml
index 5ade9a81d6..8d1faf7e32 100644
--- a/kubernetes/aaf/charts/aaf-sshsm/charts/aaf-sshsm-abrmd/templates/configmap.yaml
+++ b/kubernetes/aaf/charts/aaf-sshsm/charts/aaf-sshsm-abrmd/templates/configmap.yaml
@@ -18,15 +18,8 @@
apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
- name: {{ include "common.fullname" . }}
- namespace: {{ include "common.namespace" . }}
- labels:
- app: {{ include "common.name" . }}
- chart: {{ .Chart.Name }}-{{ .Chart.Version | replace "+" "_" }}
- release: {{ include "common.release" . }}
- heritage: {{ .Release.Service }}
+metadata: {{- include "common.resourceMetadata" . | nindent 2 }}
{{ tpl (.Files.Glob "resources/config/*").AsConfig . | indent 2 }}
-{{- end -}} \ No newline at end of file
+{{- end -}}
diff --git a/kubernetes/aaf/charts/aaf-sshsm/charts/aaf-sshsm-abrmd/templates/job.yaml b/kubernetes/aaf/charts/aaf-sshsm/charts/aaf-sshsm-abrmd/templates/job.yaml
index c816b16914..23fe79d716 100644
--- a/kubernetes/aaf/charts/aaf-sshsm/charts/aaf-sshsm-abrmd/templates/job.yaml
+++ b/kubernetes/aaf/charts/aaf-sshsm/charts/aaf-sshsm-abrmd/templates/job.yaml
@@ -18,21 +18,11 @@
apiVersion: batch/v1
kind: Job
- name: {{ include "common.fullname" . }}-init
- namespace: {{ include "common.namespace" . }}
- labels:
- app: {{ include "common.name" . }}-job
- chart: {{ .Chart.Name }}-{{ .Chart.Version | replace "+" "_" }}
- release: {{ include "common.release" . }}
- heritage: {{ .Release.Service }}
+metadata: {{- include "common.resourceMetadata" . | nindent 2 }}
backoffLimit: 2
- metadata:
- labels:
- app: {{ include "common.name" . }}-job
- release: {{ include "common.release" . }}
+ metadata: {{- include "common.templateMetadata" . | nindent 6 }}
restartPolicy: Never
@@ -58,19 +48,17 @@ spec:
- name: {{ include "common.fullname" . }}-tpmconfig
mountPath: "/abrmd/cred/"
readOnly: true
- resources:
-{{ toYaml .Values.resources | indent 10 }}
- nodeSelector:
- {{- if .Values.nodeSelector }}
-{{ toYaml .Values.nodeSelector | indent 8 }}
+ resources: {{ toYaml .Values.resources | nindent 10 }}
+ {{- if .Values.nodeSelector }}
+ nodeSelector: {{ toYaml .Values.nodeSelector | nindent 8 }}
{{- end -}}
{{- if .Values.global.tpm.enabled }}
{{ (printf "%s: \"%s\"" .Values.global.tpm.nodeLabel .Values.global.tpm.nodeLabelValue) }}
{{- end -}}
{{- if .Values.affinity }}
- affinity:
-{{ toYaml .Values.affinity | indent 8 }}
+ affinity: {{ toYaml .Values.affinity | nindent 8 }}
{{- end }}
+ resources: {{ include "common.resources" . | nindent 10 }}
- name: {{ include "common.fullname" . }}-data
diff --git a/kubernetes/aaf/charts/aaf-sshsm/charts/aaf-sshsm-abrmd/templates/statefulset.yaml b/kubernetes/aaf/charts/aaf-sshsm/charts/aaf-sshsm-abrmd/templates/statefulset.yaml
index 0beda0fefc..c624ccfc4d 100644
--- a/kubernetes/aaf/charts/aaf-sshsm/charts/aaf-sshsm-abrmd/templates/statefulset.yaml
+++ b/kubernetes/aaf/charts/aaf-sshsm/charts/aaf-sshsm-abrmd/templates/statefulset.yaml
@@ -16,24 +16,15 @@
{{- if and .Values.global.tpm.enabled .Values.global.abrmd.enabled -}}
-apiVersion: apps/v1beta1
+apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: StatefulSet
- name: {{ include "common.fullname" . }}
- namespace: {{ include "common.namespace" . }}
- labels:
- app: {{ include "common.name" . }}
- chart: {{ .Chart.Name }}-{{ .Chart.Version | replace "+" "_" }}
- release: {{ include "common.release" . }}
- heritage: {{ .Release.Service }}
+metadata: {{- include "common.resourceMetadata" . | nindent 2 }}
+ selector: {{- include "common.selectors" . | nindent 4 }}
replicas: {{ .Values.replicaCount }}
- metadata:
- labels:
- app: {{ include "common.name" . }}
- release: {{ include "common.release" . }}
+ metadata: {{- include "common.templateMetadata" . | nindent 6 }}
- image: "{{ .Values.global.readinessRepository }}/{{ .Values.global.readinessImage }}"
@@ -50,6 +41,13 @@ spec:
apiVersion: v1
fieldPath: metadata.namespace
+ resources:
+ limits:
+ cpu: 100m
+ memory: 100Mi
+ requests:
+ cpu: 3m
+ memory: 20Mi
- image: "{{ include "common.repository" . }}/{{ .Values.image }}"
name: {{ include "common.name" . }}
@@ -66,8 +64,7 @@ spec:
- mountPath: /etc/localtime
name: localtime
readOnly: true
- resources:
-{{ toYaml .Values.resources | indent 10 }}
+ resources: {{ include "common.resources" . | nindent 10 }}
{{- if .Values.nodeSelector }}
{{ toYaml .Values.nodeSelector | indent 8 }}
@@ -76,8 +73,7 @@ spec:
{{ (printf "%s: \"%s\"" .Values.global.tpm.nodeLabel .Values.global.tpm.nodeLabelValue) }}
{{- end -}}
{{- if .Values.affinity }}
- affinity:
-{{ toYaml .Values.affinity | indent 8 }}
+ affinity: {{ toYaml .Values.affinity | nindent 8 }}
{{- end }}
- name: localtime
diff --git a/kubernetes/aaf/charts/aaf-sshsm/charts/aaf-sshsm-distcenter/templates/configmap.yaml b/kubernetes/aaf/charts/aaf-sshsm/charts/aaf-sshsm-distcenter/templates/configmap.yaml
index dc5176127a..99176fcdf6 100644
--- a/kubernetes/aaf/charts/aaf-sshsm/charts/aaf-sshsm-distcenter/templates/configmap.yaml
+++ b/kubernetes/aaf/charts/aaf-sshsm/charts/aaf-sshsm-distcenter/templates/configmap.yaml
@@ -18,15 +18,8 @@
apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
- name: {{ include "common.fullname" . }}
- namespace: {{ include "common.namespace" . }}
- labels:
- app: {{ include "common.name" . }}
- chart: {{ .Chart.Name }}-{{ .Chart.Version | replace "+" "_" }}
- release: {{ include "common.release" . }}
- heritage: {{ .Release.Service }}
+metadata: {{- include "common.resourceMetadata" . | nindent 2 }}
{{ tpl (.Files.Glob "resources/config/*").AsConfig . | indent 2 }}
-{{- end -}} \ No newline at end of file
+{{- end -}}
diff --git a/kubernetes/aaf/charts/aaf-sshsm/charts/aaf-sshsm-distcenter/templates/job.yaml b/kubernetes/aaf/charts/aaf-sshsm/charts/aaf-sshsm-distcenter/templates/job.yaml
index 3d248eef51..fb48c7df4a 100644
--- a/kubernetes/aaf/charts/aaf-sshsm/charts/aaf-sshsm-distcenter/templates/job.yaml
+++ b/kubernetes/aaf/charts/aaf-sshsm/charts/aaf-sshsm-distcenter/templates/job.yaml
@@ -18,22 +18,12 @@
apiVersion: batch/v1
kind: Job
- name: {{ include "common.fullname" . }}
- namespace: {{ include "common.namespace" . }}
- labels:
- app: {{ include "common.name" . }}
- chart: {{ .Chart.Name }}-{{ .Chart.Version | replace "+" "_" }}
- release: {{ include "common.release" . }}
- heritage: {{ .Release.Service }}
+metadata: {{- include "common.resourceMetadata" . | nindent 2 }}
replicas: {{ .Values.replicaCount }}
- metadata:
- labels:
- app: {{ include "common.name" . }}
- release: {{ include "common.release" . }}
+ metadata: {{- include "common.templateMetadata" . | nindent 6 }}
restartPolicy: Never
@@ -52,6 +42,13 @@ spec:
apiVersion: v1
fieldPath: metadata.namespace
+ resources:
+ limits:
+ cpu: 100m
+ memory: 100Mi
+ requests:
+ cpu: 3m
+ memory: 20Mi
{{ else }}
- image: "{{ include "common.repository" . }}/{{ .Values.image }}"
imagePullPolicy: {{ .Values.global.pullPolicy | default .Values.pullPolicy }}
@@ -69,6 +66,13 @@ spec:
readOnly: true
- name: {{ include "common.fullname" . }}-data
mountPath: /distcenter/data
+ resources:
+ limits:
+ cpu: 1
+ memory: 100Mi
+ requests:
+ cpu: 3m
+ memory: 20Mi
{{- end }}
- image: "{{ include "common.repository" . }}/{{ .Values.image }}"
@@ -82,15 +86,12 @@ spec:
readOnly: true
- name: {{ include "common.fullname" . }}-data
mountPath: /distcenter/data
- resources:
-{{ toYaml .Values.resources | indent 10 }}
+ resources: {{ include "common.resources" . | nindent 10 }}
{{- if .Values.nodeSelector }}
- nodeSelector:
-{{ toYaml .Values.nodeSelector | indent 8 }}
+ nodeSelector: {{ toYaml .Values.nodeSelector | nindent 8 }}
{{- end -}}
{{- if .Values.affinity }}
- affinity:
-{{ toYaml .Values.affinity | indent 8 }}
+ affinity: {{ toYaml .Values.affinity | nindent 8 }}
{{- end }}
- name: localtime
@@ -98,7 +99,7 @@ spec:
path: /etc/localtime
- name: {{ include "common.fullname" . }}-data
- claimName: {{ include "common.release" . }}-aaf-sshsm-data
+ claimName: {{ include "common.release" . }}-aaf-sshsm
- name: "{{ include "common.namespace" . }}-docker-registry-key"
diff --git a/kubernetes/aaf/charts/aaf-sshsm/charts/aaf-sshsm-distcenter/templates/pv.yaml b/kubernetes/aaf/charts/aaf-sshsm/charts/aaf-sshsm-distcenter/templates/pv.yaml
index 00005a58b1..bf0ef74be2 100644
--- a/kubernetes/aaf/charts/aaf-sshsm/charts/aaf-sshsm-distcenter/templates/pv.yaml
+++ b/kubernetes/aaf/charts/aaf-sshsm/charts/aaf-sshsm-distcenter/templates/pv.yaml
@@ -15,28 +15,5 @@
{{- if .Values.global.distcenter.enabled -}}
-{{- if and .Values.persistence.enabled (not .Values.persistence.existingClaim) -}}
-{{- if eq "True" (include "common.needPV" .) }}
-kind: PersistentVolume
-apiVersion: v1
- name: {{ include "common.fullname" . }}-data
- namespace: {{ include "common.namespace" . }}
- labels:
- app: {{ include "common.name" . }}
- chart: "{{ .Chart.Name }}-{{ .Chart.Version | replace "+" "_" }}"
- release: "{{ include "common.release" . }}"
- heritage: "{{ .Release.Service }}"
- name: {{ include "common.fullname" . }}
- capacity:
- storage: {{ .Values.persistence.size}}
- accessModes:
- - {{ .Values.persistence.accessMode }}
- persistentVolumeReclaimPolicy: {{ .Values.persistence.volumeReclaimPolicy }}
- storageClassName: "{{ include "common.fullname" . }}-data"
- hostPath:
- path: {{ .Values.global.persistence.mountPath | default .Values.persistence.mountPath }}/{{ include "common.release" . }}/{{ .Values.persistence.mountSubPath }}
-{{- end -}}
-{{- end -}}
+{{ include "common.PV" . }}
{{- end -}}
diff --git a/kubernetes/aaf/charts/aaf-sshsm/charts/aaf-sshsm-distcenter/templates/pvc.yaml b/kubernetes/aaf/charts/aaf-sshsm/charts/aaf-sshsm-distcenter/templates/pvc.yaml
index ede08205b5..a13b7f353b 100644
--- a/kubernetes/aaf/charts/aaf-sshsm/charts/aaf-sshsm-distcenter/templates/pvc.yaml
+++ b/kubernetes/aaf/charts/aaf-sshsm/charts/aaf-sshsm-distcenter/templates/pvc.yaml
@@ -15,27 +15,5 @@
{{- if .Values.global.distcenter.enabled -}}
-{{- if and .Values.persistence.enabled (not .Values.persistence.existingClaim) -}}
-kind: PersistentVolumeClaim
-apiVersion: v1
- name: {{ include "common.fullname" . }}
- namespace: {{ include "common.namespace" . }}
- labels:
- app: {{ include "common.name" . }}
- chart: "{{ .Chart.Name }}-{{ .Chart.Version }}"
- release: "{{ include "common.release" . }}"
- heritage: "{{ .Release.Service }}"
-{{- if .Values.persistence.annotations }}
- annotations:
-{{ toYaml .Values.persistence.annotations | indent 4 }}
-{{- end }}
- accessModes:
- - {{ .Values.persistence.accessMode }}
- resources:
- requests:
- storage: {{ .Values.persistence.size }}
- storageClassName: {{ include "common.storageClass" . }}
-{{- end -}}
+{{ include "common.PVC" . }}
{{- end -}}
diff --git a/kubernetes/aaf/charts/aaf-sshsm/charts/aaf-sshsm-testca/templates/job.yaml b/kubernetes/aaf/charts/aaf-sshsm/charts/aaf-sshsm-testca/templates/job.yaml
index a67760c368..a64f483d74 100644
--- a/kubernetes/aaf/charts/aaf-sshsm/charts/aaf-sshsm-testca/templates/job.yaml
+++ b/kubernetes/aaf/charts/aaf-sshsm/charts/aaf-sshsm-testca/templates/job.yaml
@@ -18,22 +18,11 @@
apiVersion: batch/v1
kind: Job
- name: {{ include "common.fullname" . }}
- namespace: {{ include "common.namespace" . }}
- labels:
- app: {{ include "common.name" . }}
- chart: {{ .Chart.Name }}-{{ .Chart.Version | replace "+" "_" }}
- release: {{ include "common.release" . }}
- heritage: {{ .Release.Service }}
+metadata: {{- include "common.resourceMetadata" . | nindent 2 }}
replicas: {{ .Values.replicaCount }}
- serviceName:
- metadata:
- labels:
- app: {{ include "common.name" . }}
- release: {{ include "common.release" . }}
+ metadata: {{- include "common.templateMetadata" . | nindent 6 }}
restartPolicy: Never
@@ -51,6 +40,13 @@ spec:
apiVersion: v1
fieldPath: metadata.namespace
+ resources:
+ limits:
+ cpu: 100m
+ memory: 100Mi
+ requests:
+ cpu: 3m
+ memory: 20Mi
{{- if .Values.global.tpm.enabled }}
- image: "{{ include "common.repository" . }}/{{ .Values.image }}"
imagePullPolicy: {{ .Values.global.pullPolicy | default .Values.pullPolicy }}
@@ -66,6 +62,13 @@ spec:
- name: {{ include "common.fullname" . }}-dbus
mountPath: /var/run/dbus
+ resources:
+ limits:
+ cpu: 100m
+ memory: 100Mi
+ requests:
+ cpu: 3m
+ memory: 20Mi
{{- end }}
- image: "{{ include "common.repository" . }}/{{ .Values.image }}"
@@ -98,8 +101,7 @@ spec:
- name: {{ include "common.fullname" . }}-secrets
mountPath: /testca/secrets
readOnly: true
- resources:
-{{ toYaml .Values.resources | indent 10 }}
+ resources: {{ include "common.resources" . | nindent 10 }}
{{- if .Values.nodeSelector }}
{{ toYaml .Values.nodeSelector | indent 8 }}
@@ -108,8 +110,7 @@ spec:
{{ (printf "%s: \"%s\"" .Values.global.tpm.nodeLabel .Values.global.tpm.nodeLabelValue) }}
{{- end -}}
{{- if .Values.affinity }}
- affinity:
-{{ toYaml .Values.affinity | indent 8 }}
+ affinity: {{ toYaml .Values.affinity | nindent 8 }}
{{- end }}
- name: localtime
@@ -117,7 +118,7 @@ spec:
path: /etc/localtime
- name: {{ include "common.fullname" . }}-data
- claimName: {{ include "common.release" . }}-aaf-sshsm-data
+ claimName: {{ include "common.release" . }}-aaf-sshsm
- name: {{ include "common.fullname" . }}-dbus
claimName: {{ include "common.release" . }}-aaf-sshsm-dbus
diff --git a/kubernetes/aaf/charts/aaf-sshsm/templates/pv-data.yaml b/kubernetes/aaf/charts/aaf-sshsm/templates/pv-data.yaml
index 3b50792473..b566b11458 100644
--- a/kubernetes/aaf/charts/aaf-sshsm/templates/pv-data.yaml
+++ b/kubernetes/aaf/charts/aaf-sshsm/templates/pv-data.yaml
@@ -14,27 +14,4 @@
# limitations under the License.
-{{- if and .Values.persistence.enabled (not .Values.persistence.existingClaim) -}}
-{{- if eq "True" (include "common.needPV" .) }}
-kind: PersistentVolume
-apiVersion: v1
- name: {{ include "common.fullname" . }}-data
- namespace: {{ include "common.namespace" . }}
- labels:
- app: {{ include "common.name" . }}
- chart: "{{ .Chart.Name }}-{{ .Chart.Version | replace "+" "_" }}"
- release: "{{ include "common.release" . }}"
- heritage: "{{ .Release.Service }}"
- name: {{ include "common.fullname" . }}-data
- capacity:
- storage: {{ .Values.persistence.size}}
- accessModes:
- - {{ .Values.persistence.accessMode }}
- persistentVolumeReclaimPolicy: {{ .Values.persistence.volumeReclaimPolicy }}
- storageClassName: "{{ include "common.fullname" . }}-data"
- hostPath:
- path: {{ .Values.global.persistence.mountPath | default .Values.persistence.mountPath }}/{{ include "common.release" . }}/{{ .Values.persistence.dataMountSubPath }}
-{{- end -}}
-{{- end -}}
+{{ include "common.PV" (dict "dot" . "persistenceInfos" .Values.persistence.data) }}
diff --git a/kubernetes/aaf/charts/aaf-sshsm/templates/pv-dbus.yaml b/kubernetes/aaf/charts/aaf-sshsm/templates/pv-dbus.yaml
index e76baa2d36..b3e7f9fabd 100644
--- a/kubernetes/aaf/charts/aaf-sshsm/templates/pv-dbus.yaml
+++ b/kubernetes/aaf/charts/aaf-sshsm/templates/pv-dbus.yaml
@@ -14,27 +14,4 @@
# limitations under the License.
-{{- if and .Values.persistence.enabled (not .Values.persistence.existingClaim) -}}
-{{- if eq "True" (include "common.needPV" .) }}
-kind: PersistentVolume
-apiVersion: v1
- name: {{ include "common.fullname" . }}-dbus
- namespace: {{ include "common.namespace" . }}
- labels:
- app: {{ include "common.name" . }}
- chart: "{{ .Chart.Name }}-{{ .Chart.Version | replace "+" "_" }}"
- release: "{{ include "common.release" . }}"
- heritage: "{{ .Release.Service }}"
- name: {{ include "common.fullname" . }}-dbus
- capacity:
- storage: {{ .Values.persistence.size}}
- accessModes:
- - {{ .Values.persistence.accessMode }}
- persistentVolumeReclaimPolicy: {{ .Values.persistence.volumeReclaimPolicy }}
- storageClassName: "{{ include "common.fullname" . }}-dbus"
- hostPath:
- path: {{ .Values.global.persistence.mountPath | default .Values.persistence.mountPath }}/{{ include "common.release" . }}/{{ .Values.persistence.dbusMountSubPath }}
-{{- end -}}
-{{- end -}}
+{{ include "common.PV" (dict "dot" . "suffix" "dbus" "persistenceInfos" .Values.persistence.dbus) }}
diff --git a/kubernetes/aaf/charts/aaf-sshsm/templates/pvc-data.yaml b/kubernetes/aaf/charts/aaf-sshsm/templates/pvc-data.yaml
index 2a5fc98bfa..b8971cc03c 100644
--- a/kubernetes/aaf/charts/aaf-sshsm/templates/pvc-data.yaml
+++ b/kubernetes/aaf/charts/aaf-sshsm/templates/pvc-data.yaml
@@ -14,26 +14,4 @@
# limitations under the License.
-{{- if and .Values.persistence.enabled (not .Values.persistence.existingClaim) -}}
-kind: PersistentVolumeClaim
-apiVersion: v1
- name: {{ include "common.fullname" . }}-data
- namespace: {{ include "common.namespace" . }}
- labels:
- app: {{ include "common.name" . }}
- chart: "{{ .Chart.Name }}-{{ .Chart.Version }}"
- release: "{{ include "common.release" . }}"
- heritage: "{{ .Release.Service }}"
-{{- if .Values.persistence.annotations }}
- annotations:
-{{ toYaml .Values.persistence.annotations | indent 4 }}
-{{- end }}
- accessModes:
- - {{ .Values.persistence.accessMode }}
- resources:
- requests:
- storage: {{ .Values.persistence.size }}
- storageClassName: {{ include "common.storageClass" . }}
-{{- end -}}
+{{ include "common.PVC" (dict "dot" . "persistenceInfos" .Values.persistence.data) }}
diff --git a/kubernetes/aaf/charts/aaf-sshsm/templates/pvc-dbus.yaml b/kubernetes/aaf/charts/aaf-sshsm/templates/pvc-dbus.yaml
index cf223670b5..7297d6f81d 100644
--- a/kubernetes/aaf/charts/aaf-sshsm/templates/pvc-dbus.yaml
+++ b/kubernetes/aaf/charts/aaf-sshsm/templates/pvc-dbus.yaml
@@ -14,30 +14,4 @@
# limitations under the License.
-{{- if and .Values.persistence.enabled (not .Values.persistence.existingClaim) -}}
-kind: PersistentVolumeClaim
-apiVersion: v1
- name: {{ include "common.fullname" . }}-dbus
- namespace: {{ include "common.namespace" . }}
- labels:
- app: {{ include "common.name" . }}
- chart: "{{ .Chart.Name }}-{{ .Chart.Version }}"
- release: "{{ include "common.release" . }}"
- heritage: "{{ .Release.Service }}"
-{{- if .Values.persistence.annotations }}
- annotations:
-{{ toYaml .Values.persistence.annotations | indent 4 }}
-{{- end }}
- accessModes:
- - {{ .Values.persistence.accessMode }}
- resources:
- requests:
- storage: {{ .Values.persistence.size }}
-{{- if eq "True" (include "common.needPV" .) }}
- storageClassName: "{{ include "common.fullname" . }}-dbus"
-{{- else }}
- storageClassName: {{ include "common.storageClass" . }}
-{{- end }}
-{{- end -}}
+{{ include "common.PVC" (dict "dot" . "suffix" "dbus" "persistenceInfos" .Values.persistence.dbus) }}
diff --git a/kubernetes/aaf/charts/aaf-sshsm/values.yaml b/kubernetes/aaf/charts/aaf-sshsm/values.yaml
index 55d38a094c..5600213e11 100644
--- a/kubernetes/aaf/charts/aaf-sshsm/values.yaml
+++ b/kubernetes/aaf/charts/aaf-sshsm/values.yaml
@@ -32,12 +32,20 @@ global:
enabled: true
- volumeReclaimPolicy: Retain
- accessMode: ReadWriteOnce
- size: 10Mi
- mountPath: /dockerdata-nfs
- dataMountSubPath: sshsm/data
- dbusMountSubPath: sshsm/dbus
+ data:
+ enabled: true
+ size: 10Mi
+ volumeReclaimPolicy: Retain
+ accessMode: ReadWriteOnce
+ mountSubPath: sshsm/data
+ dbus:
+ enabled: true
+ size: 10Mi
+ volumeReclaimPolicy: Retain
+ accessMode: ReadWriteOnce
+ mountSubPath: sshsm/dbus
# Configure resource requests and limits
diff --git a/kubernetes/aaf/templates/_deployment.tpl b/kubernetes/aaf/templates/_deployment.tpl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..bf6931a8e3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kubernetes/aaf/templates/_deployment.tpl
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+# Copyright © 2020 AT&T, Orange
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+{{- define "aaf.deployment" -}}
+apiVersion: apps/v1
+kind: Deployment
+metadata: {{- include "common.resourceMetadata" . | nindent 2 }}
+ selector: {{- include "common.selectors" . | nindent 4 }}
+ replicas: {{ .Values.replicaCount }}
+ template:
+ metadata: {{- include "common.templateMetadata" . | nindent 6 }}
+ spec: {{ include "aaf.initContainers" . | nindent 6 }}
+ containers:
+ - name: {{ include "common.name" . }}
+ workingDir: /opt/app/aaf
+ command: ["bin/{{ .Values.binary }}"]
+ image: {{ include "common.repository" . }}/{{.Values.global.aaf.image}}
+ imagePullPolicy: {{ .Values.global.pullPolicy | default .Values.pullPolicy }}
+ ports: {{ include "common.containerPorts" . | nindent 10 }}
+ volumeMounts:
+ - mountPath: "/opt/app/osaaf"
+ name: aaf-config-vol
+ - mountPath: /etc/localtime
+ name: localtime
+ readOnly: true
+ {{- if eq .Values.liveness.enabled true }}
+ livenessProbe:
+ tcpSocket:
+ port: {{.Values.liveness.port }}
+ initialDelaySeconds: {{ .Values.liveness.initialDelaySeconds }}
+ periodSeconds: {{ .Values.liveness.periodSeconds }}
+ {{ end -}}
+ readinessProbe:
+ tcpSocket:
+ port: {{ .Values.readiness.port }}
+ initialDelaySeconds: {{ .Values.readiness.initialDelaySeconds }}
+ periodSeconds: {{ .Values.readiness.periodSeconds }}
+ resources: {{ include "common.resources" . | nindent 12 }}
+ {{- if .Values.nodeSelector }}
+ nodeSelector: {{ toYaml .Values.nodeSelector | nindent 10 }}
+ {{- end -}}
+ {{- if .Values.affinity }}
+ affinity: {{ toYaml .Values.affinity | nindent 10 }}
+ {{- end }}
+ volumes:
+ - name: localtime
+ hostPath:
+ path: /etc/localtime
+ - name: aaf-config-vol
+ emptyDir: {}
+ imagePullSecrets:
+ - name: "{{ include "common.namespace" . }}-docker-registry-key"
+{{- end -}}
diff --git a/kubernetes/aaf/templates/_initContainers.tpl b/kubernetes/aaf/templates/_initContainers.tpl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..43c511fd6d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kubernetes/aaf/templates/_initContainers.tpl
@@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
+# Copyright © 2020 AT&T, Orange
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+{{- define "aaf.permissionFixer" -}}
+- name: fix-permission
+ command:
+ - /bin/sh
+ args:
+ - -c
+ - |
+ chown -R 1000:1000 /opt/app/aaf
+ chown -R 1000:1000 /opt/app/osaaf
+ image: "{{ .Values.global.busyboxRepository }}/{{ .Values.global.busyboxImage }}"
+ imagePullPolicy: {{ .Values.global.pullPolicy | default .Values.pullPolicy }}
+ volumeMounts:
+ - mountPath: /opt/app/osaaf
+ name: aaf-config-vol
+ resources:
+ limits:
+ cpu: 100m
+ memory: 100Mi
+ requests:
+ cpu: 3m
+ memory: 20Mi
+{{- end -}}
+{{- define "aaf.podConfiguration" }}
+- name: {{ include "common.name" . }}-config-container
+ image: {{ .Values.global.repository }}/{{.Values.global.aaf.config.image}}
+ imagePullPolicy: {{ .Values.global.pullPolicy | default .Values.pullPolicy }}
+ command:
+ - /bin/bash
+ args:
+ - -c
+ - |
+ cd /opt/app/aaf_config
+ bin/agent.sh
+ volumeMounts:
+ - mountPath: "/opt/app/osaaf"
+ name: aaf-config-vol
+ env:
+ - name: aaf_env
+ value: "{{ .Values.global.aaf.aaf_env }}"
+ - name: cadi_latitude
+ value: "{{ .Values.global.aaf.cadi_latitude }}"
+ - name: cadi_longitude
+ value: "{{ .Values.global.aaf.cadi_longitude }}"
+ - name: cadi_x509_issuers
+ value: "{{ .Values.global.aaf.cadi_x509_issuers }}"
+ - name: aaf_locate_url
+ value: "https://aaf-locate.{{ .Release.Namespace}}:8095"
+ - name: aaf_locator_container
+ value: "oom"
+ - name: aaf_release
+ value: "{{ .Values.global.aaf.aaf_release }}"
+ - name: aaf_locator_container_ns
+ valueFrom:
+ fieldRef:
+ apiVersion: v1
+ fieldPath: metadata.namespace
+ - name: aaf_locator_public_fqdn
+ value: "{{.Values.global.aaf.public_fqdn}}"
+ - name: aaf_locator_name
+ value: "{{.Values.global.aaf.aaf_locator_name}}"
+ - name: aaf_locator_name_oom
+ value: "{{.Values.global.aaf.aaf_locator_name_oom}}"
+ - name: cm_always_ignore_ips
+ value: "true"
+ value: "aaf-cass.{{ .Release.Namespace }}"
+ resources:
+ limits:
+ cpu: 100m
+ memory: 100Mi
+ requests:
+ cpu: 3m
+ memory: 20Mi
+{{- end -}}
+{{- define "aaf.initContainers" -}}
+{{ include "aaf.permissionFixer" . }}
+{{- if .Values.sequence_order }}
+- name: {{ include "common.name" . }}-aaf-readiness
+ command:
+ - /root/ready.py
+ args:
+ {{- range $container := .Values.sequence_order }}
+ - --container-name
+ - aaf-{{ $container}}
+ {{- end }}
+ env:
+ - name: NAMESPACE
+ valueFrom:
+ fieldRef:
+ apiVersion: v1
+ fieldPath: metadata.namespace
+ image: "{{ .Values.global.readinessRepository }}/{{ .Values.global.readinessImage }}"
+ imagePullPolicy: {{ .Values.global.pullPolicy | default .Values.pullPolicy }}
+ resources:
+ limits:
+ cpu: 100m
+ memory: 100Mi
+ requests:
+ cpu: 3m
+ memory: 20Mi
+{{- end }}
+{{ include "aaf.podConfiguration" . }}
+{{- end }}
diff --git a/kubernetes/aaf/templates/pv-config.yaml b/kubernetes/aaf/templates/pv-config.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index 5ed3e62aeb..0000000000
--- a/kubernetes/aaf/templates/pv-config.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-{{- if and .Values.global.persistence.enabled (not .Values.persistence.existingClaim) -}}
-{{- if eq "True" (include "common.needPV" .) }}
-kind: PersistentVolume
-apiVersion: v1
- name: {{ include "common.fullname" . }}-config
- namespace: {{ include "common.namespace" . }}
- labels:
- app: {{ include "common.fullname" . }}-config
- chart: "{{ .Chart.Name }}-{{ .Chart.Version | replace "+" "_" }}"
- release: "{{ include "common.release" . }}"
- heritage: "{{ .Release.Service }}"
- name: {{ include "common.fullname" . }}
- capacity:
- storage: {{ .Values.persistence.config.size}}
- accessModes:
- - {{ .Values.persistence.config.accessMode }}
- persistentVolumeReclaimPolicy: {{ .Values.persistence.config.volumeReclaimPolicy }}
- hostPath:
- path: {{ .Values.persistence.config.mountPath | default .Values.persistence.mountPath }}/{{ include "common.release" . }}/{{ .Values.persistence.config.mountSubPath }}
- storageClassName: "{{ include "common.fullname" . }}-config"
-{{- end -}}
-{{- end -}}
diff --git a/kubernetes/aaf/templates/pv-status.yaml b/kubernetes/aaf/templates/pv-status.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index d8f5980b9b..0000000000
--- a/kubernetes/aaf/templates/pv-status.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-{{- if and .Values.global.persistence.enabled (not .Values.persistence.existingClaim) -}}
-{{- if eq "True" (include "common.needPV" .) }}
-kind: PersistentVolume
-apiVersion: v1
- name: {{ include "common.fullname" . }}-status
- namespace: {{ include "common.namespace" . }}
- labels:
- app: {{ include "common.fullname" . }}-status
- chart: "{{ .Chart.Name }}-{{ .Chart.Version | replace "+" "_" }}"
- release: "{{ include "common.release" . }}"
- heritage: "{{ .Release.Service }}"
- name: {{ include "common.fullname" . }}
- capacity:
- storage: {{ .Values.persistence.status.size}}
- accessModes:
- - {{ .Values.persistence.status.accessMode }}
- persistentVolumeReclaimPolicy: {{ .Values.persistence.status.volumeReclaimPolicy }}
- hostPath:
- path: {{ .Values.persistence.status.mountPath | default .Values.persistence.mountPath }}/{{ include "common.release" . }}/{{ .Values.persistence.status.mountSubPath }}
- storageClassName: "{{ include "common.fullname" . }}-status"
-{{- end -}}
-{{- end -}}
diff --git a/kubernetes/aaf/templates/pvc-config.yaml b/kubernetes/aaf/templates/pvc-config.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index dc71dceff1..0000000000
--- a/kubernetes/aaf/templates/pvc-config.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-{{- if and .Values.global.persistence.enabled (not .Values.persistence.existingClaim) -}}
-kind: PersistentVolumeClaim
-apiVersion: v1
- name: {{ include "common.release" . }}-aaf-config
- namespace: {{ include "common.namespace" . }}
- labels:
- app: {{ include "common.name" . }}
- chart: "{{ .Chart.Name }}-{{ .Chart.Version }}"
- release: "{{ include "common.release" . }}"
- heritage: "{{ .Release.Service }}"
-{{- if .Values.persistence.annotations }}
- annotations:
-{{ toYaml .Values.persistence.annotations | indent 4 }}
-{{- end }}
- accessModes:
- - {{ .Values.persistence.config.accessMode }}
- resources:
- requests:
- storage: {{ .Values.persistence.config.size }}
-{{- if eq "True" (include "common.needPV" .) }}
- storageClassName: "{{ include "common.fullname" . }}-config"
-{{- else }}
- storageClassName: {{ include "common.storageClass" . }}
-{{- end }}
-{{- end -}}
diff --git a/kubernetes/aaf/templates/pvc-status.yaml b/kubernetes/aaf/templates/pvc-status.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index 3cda088fba..0000000000
--- a/kubernetes/aaf/templates/pvc-status.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-{{- if and .Values.global.persistence.enabled (not .Values.persistence.existingClaim) -}}
-kind: PersistentVolumeClaim
-apiVersion: v1
- name: {{ include "common.release" . }}-aaf-status
- namespace: {{ include "common.namespace" . }}
- labels:
- app: {{ include "common.name" . }}
- chart: "{{ .Chart.Name }}-{{ .Chart.Version }}"
- release: "{{ include "common.release" . }}"
- heritage: "{{ .Release.Service }}"
-{{- if .Values.persistence.annotations }}
- annotations:
-{{ toYaml .Values.persistence.annotations | indent 4 }}
-{{- end }}
- accessModes:
- - {{ .Values.persistence.status.accessMode }}
- resources:
- requests:
- storage: {{ .Values.persistence.status.size }}
-{{- if eq "True" (include "common.needPV" .) }}
- storageClassName: "{{ include "common.fullname" . }}-status"
-{{- else }}
- storageClassName: {{ include "common.storageClass" . }}
-{{- end }}
-{{- end -}}
diff --git a/kubernetes/aaf/values.yaml b/kubernetes/aaf/values.yaml
index 5a1c5f2709..bedf243639 100644
--- a/kubernetes/aaf/values.yaml
+++ b/kubernetes/aaf/values.yaml
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ global:
loggingImage: beats/filebeat:5.5.0
# BusyBox image
busyboxRepository: registry.hub.docker.com
- busyboxImage: library/busybox:latest
+ busyboxImage: library/busybox:1.31
enabled: true
# Standard OOM
@@ -58,50 +58,19 @@ global:
image: onap/aaf/aaf_config:2.1.20
- cass:
- replicas: 1
- image: onap/aaf/aaf_cass:2.1.20
- fqdn: "aaf-cass"
- cluster_name: "osaaf"
- heap_new_size: "512M"
- max_heap_size: "1024M"
- storage_port: 7000
- ssl_storage_port: 7001
- native_trans_port: 9042
- rpc_port: 9160
- dc: "dc1"
- replicas: 1
fqdn: "aaf-service"
internal_port: 8100
public_port: 31110
- replicas: 1
fqdn: "aaf-locate"
internal_port: 8095
public_port: 31111
- replicas: 1
- fqdn: "aaf0oauth"
+ fqdn: "aaf-oauth"
internal_port: 8140
public_port: 31112
- gui:
- replicas: 1
- fqdn: "aaf-gui"
- internal_port: 8200
- public_port: 31113
- cm:
- replicas: 1
- fqdn: "aaf-cm"
- internal_port: 8150
- public_port: 31114
- fs:
- replicas: 1
- fqdn: "aaf-fs"
- internal_port: 8096
- public_port: 31115
- hello:
- replicas: 0
# Note: as hello is a sample app, find values in charts/aaf-hello/values.yaml
@@ -138,35 +107,6 @@ ingress:
ssl: "none"
-## Persist data to a persitent volume
- enabled: true
- config:
- #existingClaim:
- volumeReclaimPolicy: Delete
- accessMode: ReadWriteMany
- size: 2Gi
- mountPath: /dockerdata-nfs
- mountSubPath: "config"
- logs:
- #existingClaim:
- volumeReclaimPolicy: Retain
- accessMode: ReadWriteMany
- size: 2Gi
- mountPath: "/mnt/data/aaf/logs"
- status:
- volumeReclaimPolicy: Delete
- accessMode: ReadWriteMany
- size: 2M
- mountPath: /dockerdata-nfs
- mountSubPath: "status"
- cass:
- #existingClaim:
- volumeReclaimPolicy: Retain
- accessMode: ReadWriteOnce
- size: 10Gi
- mountPath: /dockerdata-nfs
- mountSubPath: "cass"
+persistence: {}
resources: {}
diff --git a/kubernetes/aai b/kubernetes/aai
-Subproject 2d6141ab8bd7bfe58f5da0483e578032226e7eb
+Subproject d687fd0c9efe31e93287da11e3e390984a5fb6c
diff --git a/kubernetes/cds/charts/cds-blueprints-processor/values.yaml b/kubernetes/cds/charts/cds-blueprints-processor/values.yaml
index 6cd3c2b554..f120f12072 100755
--- a/kubernetes/cds/charts/cds-blueprints-processor/values.yaml
+++ b/kubernetes/cds/charts/cds-blueprints-processor/values.yaml
@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ secrets:
# application image
repository: nexus3.onap.org:10001
-image: onap/ccsdk-blueprintsprocessor:0.7.1
+image: onap/ccsdk-blueprintsprocessor:0.7.2
pullPolicy: Always
# flag to enable debugging - application support required
diff --git a/kubernetes/cds/charts/cds-command-executor/values.yaml b/kubernetes/cds/charts/cds-command-executor/values.yaml
index 3f9fb87e13..2bc84bd299 100755
--- a/kubernetes/cds/charts/cds-command-executor/values.yaml
+++ b/kubernetes/cds/charts/cds-command-executor/values.yaml
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ global:
# application image
repository: nexus3.onap.org:10001
-image: onap/ccsdk-commandexecutor:0.7.1
+image: onap/ccsdk-commandexecutor:0.7.2
pullPolicy: Always
# application configuration
diff --git a/kubernetes/cds/charts/cds-py-executor/Chart.yaml b/kubernetes/cds/charts/cds-py-executor/Chart.yaml
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..41b43c34a3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kubernetes/cds/charts/cds-py-executor/Chart.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2020 Bell Canada, Deutsche Telekom
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+apiVersion: v1
+description: ONAP CDS Py Executor
+name: cds-py-executor
+version: 6.0.0 \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/kubernetes/cds/charts/cds-py-executor/requirements.yaml b/kubernetes/cds/charts/cds-py-executor/requirements.yaml
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..676fe8f6b2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kubernetes/cds/charts/cds-py-executor/requirements.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2020 Bell Canada, Deutsche Telekom
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+ - name: common
+ version: ~6.x-0
+ repository: '@local' \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/kubernetes/cds/charts/cds-py-executor/templates/deployment.yaml b/kubernetes/cds/charts/cds-py-executor/templates/deployment.yaml
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..f9c3377dd8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kubernetes/cds/charts/cds-py-executor/templates/deployment.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2020 Bell Canada, Deutsche Telekom
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+apiVersion: apps/v1
+kind: Deployment
+metadata: {{- include "common.resourceMetadata" . | nindent 2 }}
+ replicas: {{ .Values.replicaCount }}
+ selector: {{- include "common.selectors" . | nindent 4 }}
+ template:
+ metadata: {{- include "common.templateMetadata" . | nindent 6 }}
+ spec:
+ containers:
+ - name: {{ include "common.name" . }}
+ image: "{{ include "common.repository" . }}/{{ .Values.image }}"
+ command:
+ - bash
+ args:
+ - '-c'
+ - 'AUTH_TOKEN=`echo -n $API_USERNAME:$API_PASSWORD | base64` /opt/app/onap/python/start.sh'
+ imagePullPolicy: {{ .Values.global.pullPolicy | default .Values.pullPolicy }}
+ ports: {{- include "common.containerPorts" . | nindent 12 }}
+ {{ if .Values.liveness.enabled }}
+ livenessProbe:
+ tcpSocket:
+ port: {{ .Values.liveness.port }}
+ initialDelaySeconds: {{ .Values.liveness.initialDelaySeconds }}
+ periodSeconds: {{ .Values.liveness.periodSeconds }}
+ timeoutSeconds: {{ .Values.liveness.timeoutSeconds }}
+ {{ end }}
+ readinessProbe:
+ tcpSocket:
+ port: {{ .Values.liveness.port }}
+ initialDelaySeconds: {{ .Values.readiness.initialDelaySeconds }}
+ periodSeconds: {{ .Values.readiness.periodSeconds }}
+ timeoutSeconds: {{ .Values.readiness.timeoutSeconds }}
+ env:
+ - name: APP_PORT
+ value: {{ .Values.config.appPort }}
+ - name: AUTH_TYPE
+ value: {{ .Values.config.authType }}
+ - name: API_USERNAME
+ {{- include "common.secret.envFromSecret" (dict "global" . "uid" "api-credentials" "key" "login") | nindent 12 }}
+ - name: API_PASSWORD
+ {{- include "common.secret.envFromSecret" (dict "global" . "uid" "api-credentials" "key" "password") | nindent 12 }}
+ - name: LOG_FILE
+ value: {{ .Values.config.logFile }}
+ value: {{ .Values.config.artifactManagerPort }}
+ value: {{ .Values.config.artifactManagerLogFile }}
+ volumeMounts:
+ - mountPath: /etc/localtime
+ name: localtime
+ readOnly: true
+ - mountPath: {{ .Values.persistence.deployedBlueprint }}
+ name: {{ include "common.fullname" . }}-blueprints
+ resources:
+{{ include "common.resources" . | nindent 12 }}
+ {{- if .Values.nodeSelector }}
+ nodeSelector:
+{{ toYaml .Values.nodeSelector | nindent 10 }}
+ {{- end -}}
+ {{- if .Values.affinity }}
+ affinity:
+{{ toYaml .Values.affinity | nindent 10 }}
+ {{- end }}
+ volumes:
+ - name: localtime
+ hostPath:
+ path: /etc/localtime
+ # Py executor shares the blueprintsprocessor storage (for now) to
+ # share uploaded CBA files. In the future it will be deprecated
+ # when all parts of the CDS will make use of Artifact Manager
+ - name: {{ include "common.fullname" . }}-blueprints
+ persistentVolumeClaim:
+ claimName: {{ include "common.release" . }}-cds-blueprints
+ imagePullSecrets:
+ - name: "{{ include "common.namespace" . }}-docker-registry-key"
diff --git a/kubernetes/cds/charts/cds-py-executor/templates/secret.yaml b/kubernetes/cds/charts/cds-py-executor/templates/secret.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c36607b172
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kubernetes/cds/charts/cds-py-executor/templates/secret.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2020 Deutsche Telekom
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+{{ include "common.secretFast" . }} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/kubernetes/cds/charts/cds-py-executor/templates/service.yaml b/kubernetes/cds/charts/cds-py-executor/templates/service.yaml
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..1267791b6c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kubernetes/cds/charts/cds-py-executor/templates/service.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2020 Bell Canada, Deutsche Telekom
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+{{ include "common.service" . }} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/kubernetes/cds/charts/cds-py-executor/values.yaml b/kubernetes/cds/charts/cds-py-executor/values.yaml
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..206ae10a75
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kubernetes/cds/charts/cds-py-executor/values.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2020 Bell Canada, Deutsche Telekom
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific lan`guage governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Global configuration defaults.
+ # Change to an unused port prefix range to prevent port conflicts
+ # with other instances running within the same k8s cluster
+ nodePortPrefix: 302
+ # image repositories
+ repository: nexus3.onap.org:10001
+ # readiness check
+ readinessRepository: oomk8s
+ readinessImage: readiness-check:2.0.0
+ # image pull policy
+ pullPolicy: Always
+ persistence:
+ mountPath: /dockerdata-nfs
+# Application configuration defaults.
+# application image
+repository: nexus3.onap.org:10001
+image: onap/ccsdk-py-executor:0.7.2
+pullPolicy: Always
+# default number of instances
+replicaCount: 1
+nodeSelector: {}
+affinity: {}
+# probe configuration parameters
+ port: 50052
+ initialDelaySeconds: 20
+ periodSeconds: 20
+ timeoutSeconds: 20
+ # necessary to disable liveness probe when setting breakpoints
+ # in debugger so K8s doesn't restart unresponsive container
+ enabled: true
+ port: 50052
+ initialDelaySeconds: 10
+ periodSeconds: 10
+ timeoutSeconds: 20
+ type: ClusterIP
+ ports:
+ - port: 50052
+ name: executor-grpc
+ - port: 50053
+ name: manager-grpc
+ - uid: api-credentials
+ externalSecret: '{{ tpl (default "" .Values.config.authCredentialsExternalSecret) . }}'
+ type: basicAuth
+ login: '{{ .Values.config.apiUsername }}'
+ password: '{{ .Values.config.apiPassword }}'
+ passwordPolicy: required
+ # the api credentials below are used to authenticate communication with blueprint
+ # processor API. Py executor in this context is a client of the blueprint processor
+ apiUsername: ccsdkapps
+ apiPassword: ccsdkapps
+ env:
+ appPort: 50052
+ authType: tls-auth
+ logFile: /dev/stdout
+ artifactManagerPort: 50053
+ artifactManagerLogFile: /dev/stdout
+ enabled: true
+ mountSubPath: cds/blueprints/deploy
+ deployedBlueprint: /opt/app/onap/blueprints/deploy
+ enabled: false
+flavor: small
+ small:
+ limits:
+ cpu: 2
+ memory: 4Gi
+ requests:
+ cpu: 1
+ memory: 1Gi
+ large:
+ limits:
+ cpu: 4
+ memory: 8Gi
+ requests:
+ cpu: 2
+ memory: 4Gi
+ unlimited: {}
diff --git a/kubernetes/cds/charts/cds-sdc-listener/values.yaml b/kubernetes/cds/charts/cds-sdc-listener/values.yaml
index b9c329a124..c784a82ba1 100644
--- a/kubernetes/cds/charts/cds-sdc-listener/values.yaml
+++ b/kubernetes/cds/charts/cds-sdc-listener/values.yaml
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ global:
# application image
repository: nexus3.onap.org:10001
-image: onap/ccsdk-sdclistener:0.7.1
+image: onap/ccsdk-sdclistener:0.7.2
name: sdc-listener
pullPolicy: Always
diff --git a/kubernetes/cds/charts/cds-ui/values.yaml b/kubernetes/cds/charts/cds-ui/values.yaml
index 0dcf7feefd..d084307bbb 100644
--- a/kubernetes/cds/charts/cds-ui/values.yaml
+++ b/kubernetes/cds/charts/cds-ui/values.yaml
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ subChartsOnly:
# application image
repository: nexus3.onap.org:10001
-image: onap/ccsdk-cds-ui-server:0.7.1
+image: onap/ccsdk-cds-ui-server:0.7.2
pullPolicy: Always
# application configuration
diff --git a/kubernetes/common/certInitializer/Chart.yaml b/kubernetes/common/certInitializer/Chart.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3b20045b1f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kubernetes/common/certInitializer/Chart.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+# Copyright © 2017 Amdocs, Bell Canada
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+apiVersion: v1
+description: Template used to obtain certificates in onap
+name: certInitializer
+version: 6.0.0
diff --git a/kubernetes/common/certInitializer/requirements.yaml b/kubernetes/common/certInitializer/requirements.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..237f1d1354
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kubernetes/common/certInitializer/requirements.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+# Copyright © 2018 Amdocs, Bell Canada
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+ - name: common
+ version: ~6.x-0
+ repository: 'file://../common'
diff --git a/kubernetes/common/certInitializer/templates/_certInitializer.yaml b/kubernetes/common/certInitializer/templates/_certInitializer.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e4a878b420
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kubernetes/common/certInitializer/templates/_certInitializer.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,152 @@
+# Copyright © 2020 Samsung Electronics
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+{{- define "common.certInitializer._aafConfigVolumeName" -}}
+ {{ include "common.fullname" . }}-aaf-config
+{{- end -}}
+{{- define "common.certInitializer._aafAddConfigVolumeName" -}}
+ {{ print "aaf-add-config" }}
+{{- end -}}
+ common templates to enable cert initialization for applictaions
+ In deployments/jobs/stateful include:
+ initContainers:
+ {{ include "common.certInitializer.initContainer" . | nindent XX }}
+ containers:
+ volumeMounts:
+ {{- include "common.certInitializer.volumeMount" . | nindent XX }}
+ volumes:
+ {{- include "common.certInitializer.volume" . | nindent XX}}
+{{- define "common.certInitializer._initContainer" -}}
+{{- $dot := default . .dot -}}
+{{- $initRoot := default $dot.Values.certInitializer .initRoot -}}
+{{- $initName := default "certInitializer" -}}
+{{/* Our version of helm doesn't support deepCopy so we need this nasty trick */}}
+{{- $subchartDot := mergeOverwrite (fromJson (toJson $dot)) (dict "Chart" (set (fromJson (toJson .Chart)) "Name" $initRoot.nameOverride) "Values" $initRoot) }}
+- name: {{ include "common.name" $dot }}-aaf-readiness
+ image: "{{ $dot.Values.global.readinessRepository }}/{{ $dot.Values.global.readinessImage }}"
+ imagePullPolicy: {{ $dot.Values.global.pullPolicy | default $dot.Values.pullPolicy }}
+ command:
+ - /root/ready.py
+ args:
+ - --container-name
+ - aaf-locate
+ - --container-name
+ - aaf-cm
+ - --container-name
+ - aaf-service
+ env:
+ - name: NAMESPACE
+ valueFrom:
+ fieldRef:
+ apiVersion: v1
+ fieldPath: metadata.namespace
+- name: {{ include "common.name" $dot }}-aaf-config
+ image: {{ (default $dot.Values.repository $dot.Values.global.repository) }}/{{ $dot.Values.global.aafAgentImage }}
+ imagePullPolicy: {{ $dot.Values.global.pullPolicy | default $dot.Values.pullPolicy }}
+ volumeMounts:
+ - mountPath: {{ $initRoot.mountPath }}
+ name: {{ include "common.certInitializer._aafConfigVolumeName" $dot }}
+{{- if $initRoot.aaf_add_config }}
+ - name: {{ include "common.certInitializer._aafAddConfigVolumeName" $dot }}
+ mountPath: /opt/app/aaf_config/bin/aaf-add-config.sh
+ subPath: aaf-add-config.sh
+{{- end }}
+ command:
+ - sh
+ - -c
+ - |
+ #!/usr/bin/env bash
+ /opt/app/aaf_config/bin/agent.sh
+{{- if $initRoot.aaf_add_config }}
+ /opt/app/aaf_config/bin/aaf-add-config.sh
+{{- end }}
+ env:
+ - name: APP_FQI
+ value: "{{ $initRoot.fqi }}"
+ - name: aaf_locate_url
+ value: "https://aaf-locate.{{ $dot.Release.Namespace}}:8095"
+ - name: aaf_locator_container
+ value: "oom"
+ - name: aaf_locator_container_ns
+ value: "{{ $dot.Release.Namespace }}"
+ - name: aaf_locator_fqdn
+ value: "{{ $initRoot.fqdn }}"
+ - name: aaf_locator_app_ns
+ value: "{{ $initRoot.app_ns }}"
+ - name: DEPLOY_FQI
+ {{- include "common.secret.envFromSecretFast" (dict "global" $subchartDot "uid" "deployer-creds" "key" "login") | indent 6 }}
+ {{- include "common.secret.envFromSecretFast" (dict "global" $subchartDot "uid" "deployer-creds" "key" "password") | indent 6 }}
+ #Note: want to put this on Nodes, eventually
+ - name: cadi_longitude
+ value: "{{ default "52.3" $initRoot.cadi_longitude }}"
+ - name: cadi_latitude
+ value: "{{ default "13.2" $initRoot.cadi_latitude }}"
+ #Hello specific. Clients don't don't need this, unless Registering with AAF Locator
+ - name: aaf_locator_public_fqdn
+ value: "{{ $initRoot.public_fqdn | default "" }}"
+{{- end -}}
+{{- define "common.certInitializer._volumeMount" -}}
+{{- $dot := default . .dot -}}
+{{- $initRoot := default $dot.Values.certInitializer .initRoot -}}
+- mountPath: {{ $initRoot.mountPath }}
+ name: {{ include "common.certInitializer._aafConfigVolumeName" $dot }}
+{{- end -}}
+{{- define "common.certInitializer._volumes" -}}
+{{- $dot := default . .dot -}}
+{{- $initRoot := default $dot.Values.certInitializer .initRoot -}}
+{{- $subchartDot := mergeOverwrite (fromJson (toJson $dot)) (dict "Chart" (set (fromJson (toJson .Chart)) "Name" $initRoot.nameOverride) "Values" $initRoot) }}
+- name: {{ include "common.certInitializer._aafConfigVolumeName" $dot }}
+ emptyDir:
+ medium: Memory
+{{- if $initRoot.aaf_add_config }}
+- name: {{ include "common.certInitializer._aafAddConfigVolumeName" $dot }}
+ configMap:
+ name: {{ include "common.fullname" $subchartDot }}-add-config
+ defaultMode: 0700
+{{- end -}}
+{{- end -}}
+{{- define "common.certInitializer.initContainer" -}}
+{{- $dot := default . .dot -}}
+ {{- if $dot.Values.global.aafEnabled }}
+ {{ include "common.certInitializer._initContainer" . }}
+ {{- end -}}
+{{- end -}}
+{{- define "common.certInitializer.volumeMount" -}}
+{{- $dot := default . .dot -}}
+ {{- if $dot.Values.global.aafEnabled }}
+ {{- include "common.certInitializer._volumeMount" . }}
+ {{- end -}}
+{{- end -}}
+{{- define "common.certInitializer.volumes" -}}
+{{- $dot := default . .dot -}}
+ {{- if $dot.Values.global.aafEnabled }}
+ {{- include "common.certInitializer._volumes" . }}
+ {{- end -}}
+{{- end -}}
diff --git a/kubernetes/nbi/templates/configmap-aaf-add-config.yaml b/kubernetes/common/certInitializer/templates/configmap.yaml
index fe099b140d..640dafd67e 100644
--- a/kubernetes/nbi/templates/configmap-aaf-add-config.yaml
+++ b/kubernetes/common/certInitializer/templates/configmap.yaml
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
-{{ if .Values.global.aafEnabled }}
-# Copyright © 2020 Bitnami, AT&T, Amdocs, Bell Canada, highstreet technologies, Orange
+# Copyright © 2020 Samsung Electronics
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
@@ -15,14 +14,12 @@
# limitations under the License.
-{{- if .Values.aafConfig.addconfig -}}
+{{ if .Values.aaf_add_config }}
apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
-{{- $suffix := "aaf-add-config" }}
+{{- $suffix := "add-config" }}
metadata: {{- include "common.resourceMetadata" (dict "suffix" $suffix "dot" . )| nindent 2 }}
- aaf-add-config.sh: |-
- /opt/app/aaf_config/bin/agent.sh;/opt/app/aaf_config/bin/agent.sh local showpass \
- {{.Values.aafConfig.fqi}} {{ .Values.aafConfig.fqdn }} > {{ .Values.aafConfig.credsPath }}/mycreds.prop
-{{- end -}}
+ aaf-add-config.sh: |
+ {{ tpl .Values.aaf_add_config . | indent 4 }}
{{- end -}}
diff --git a/kubernetes/common/certInitializer/templates/secret.yaml b/kubernetes/common/certInitializer/templates/secret.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..34932b713d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kubernetes/common/certInitializer/templates/secret.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+# Copyright © 2020 Samsung Electronics
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+{{ include "common.secretFast" . }}
diff --git a/kubernetes/common/certInitializer/values.yaml b/kubernetes/common/certInitializer/values.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b55ba5e2f3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kubernetes/common/certInitializer/values.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+# Copyright © 2020 Samsung Electronics
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+ readinessRepository: oomk8s
+ readinessImage: readiness-check:2.0.2
+ aafAgentImage: onap/aaf/aaf_agent:2.1.20
+ aafEnabled: true
+pullPolicy: Always
+ - uid: deployer-creds
+ type: basicAuth
+ externalSecret: '{{ ternary (tpl (default "" .Values.aafDeployCredsExternalSecret) .) "aafIsDisabled" .Values.global.aafEnabled }}'
+ login: '{{ .Values.aafDeployFqi }}'
+ password: '{{ .Values.aafDeployPass }}'
+ passwordPolicy: required
+aafDeployFqi: "changeme"
+fqdn: ""
+app_ns: "org.osaaf.aaf"
+fqi: ""
+fqi_namespace: ""
+public_fqdn: "aaf.osaaf.org"
+aafDeployFqi: "deployer@people.osaaf.org"
+aafDeployPass: demo123456!
+cadi_latitude: "38.0"
+cadi_longitude: "-72.0"
+aaf_add_config: ""
+mountPath: "/opt/app/osaaf"
diff --git a/kubernetes/common/common/templates/_aafconfig.tpl b/kubernetes/common/common/templates/_aafconfig.tpl
index 0c78cc11b9..e90f8aea5d 100644
--- a/kubernetes/common/common/templates/_aafconfig.tpl
+++ b/kubernetes/common/common/templates/_aafconfig.tpl
@@ -76,6 +76,13 @@
apiVersion: v1
fieldPath: metadata.namespace
+ resources:
+ limits:
+ cpu: 100m
+ memory: 100Mi
+ requests:
+ cpu: 3m
+ memory: 20Mi
- name: {{ include "common.name" $dot }}-aaf-config
image: {{ (default $dot.Values.repository $dot.Values.global.repository) }}/{{ $dot.Values.global.aafAgentImage }}
imagePullPolicy: {{ $dot.Values.global.pullPolicy | default $dot.Values.pullPolicy }}
@@ -121,6 +128,13 @@
#Hello specific. Clients don't don't need this, unless Registering with AAF Locator
- name: aaf_locator_public_fqdn
value: "{{ $aafRoot.public_fqdn | default "" }}"
+ resources:
+ limits:
+ cpu: 100m
+ memory: 100Mi
+ requests:
+ cpu: 3m
+ memory: 20Mi
{{- end -}}
{{- end -}}
diff --git a/kubernetes/common/network-name-gen/values.yaml b/kubernetes/common/network-name-gen/values.yaml
index 0defa97c26..a9f2a5bbd4 100644
--- a/kubernetes/common/network-name-gen/values.yaml
+++ b/kubernetes/common/network-name-gen/values.yaml
@@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ mariadb-init:
# application image
repository: nexus3.onap.org:10001
-image: onap/ccsdk-apps-ms-neng:0.6.3
+image: onap/ccsdk-apps-ms-neng:0.7.1
pullPolicy: IfNotPresent
# application configuration
diff --git a/kubernetes/dmaap/components/dmaap-dr-node/values.yaml b/kubernetes/dmaap/components/dmaap-dr-node/values.yaml
index 5c32d9950d..8b44e160ba 100644
--- a/kubernetes/dmaap/components/dmaap-dr-node/values.yaml
+++ b/kubernetes/dmaap/components/dmaap-dr-node/values.yaml
@@ -144,6 +144,7 @@ service:
type: NodePort
name: dmaap-dr-node
useNodePortExt: true
+ both_tls_and_plain: true
service.alpha.kubernetes.io/tolerate-unready-endpoints: "true"
diff --git a/kubernetes/multicloud/charts/multicloud-k8s/values.yaml b/kubernetes/multicloud/charts/multicloud-k8s/values.yaml
index 3c7b1d3a65..f0bfedb43a 100644
--- a/kubernetes/multicloud/charts/multicloud-k8s/values.yaml
+++ b/kubernetes/multicloud/charts/multicloud-k8s/values.yaml
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ global:
# application image
repository: nexus3.onap.org:10001
-image: onap/multicloud/k8s:0.5.0
+image: onap/multicloud/k8s:0.6.0
pullPolicy: Always
# flag to enable debugging - application support required
diff --git a/kubernetes/nbi/requirements.yaml b/kubernetes/nbi/requirements.yaml
index 4bd4fd863e..7ce343627a 100644
--- a/kubernetes/nbi/requirements.yaml
+++ b/kubernetes/nbi/requirements.yaml
@@ -20,6 +20,9 @@ dependencies:
# a part of this chart's package and will not
# be published independently to a repo (at this point)
repository: '@local'
+ - name: certInitializer
+ version: ~6.x-0
+ repository: '@local'
- name: mongo
version: ~6.x-0
repository: '@local'
diff --git a/kubernetes/nbi/templates/deployment.yaml b/kubernetes/nbi/templates/deployment.yaml
index 1b4195c733..22dd4a1ded 100644
--- a/kubernetes/nbi/templates/deployment.yaml
+++ b/kubernetes/nbi/templates/deployment.yaml
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ spec:
name: {{ include "common.fullname" . }}
{{- if .Values.global.aafEnabled }}
- initContainers: {{ include "common.aaf-config" . | nindent 6 }}
+ initContainers: {{ include "common.certInitializer.initContainer" . | nindent 6 }}
{{- end }}
- name: {{ include "common.name" . }}
@@ -49,11 +49,11 @@ spec:
- -c
- |
- export $(grep '^c' {{ .Values.aafConfig.credsPath }}/mycreds.prop | xargs -0)
+ export $(grep '^c' {{ .Values.certInitializer.credsPath }}/mycreds.prop | xargs -0)
export JAVA_OPTS="-Djavax.net.ssl.trustStorePassword=$cadi_truststore_password \
- -Dserver.ssl.key-store={{ .Values.aafConfig.credsPath }}/org.onap.nbi.p12 \
+ -Dserver.ssl.key-store={{ .Values.certInitializer.credsPath }}/org.onap.nbi.p12 \
-Dserver.ssl.key-store-type=PKCS12 \
- -Djavax.net.ssl.trustStore={{ .Values.aafConfig.credsPath }}/org.onap.nbi.trust.jks \
+ -Djavax.net.ssl.trustStore={{ .Values.certInitializer.credsPath }}/org.onap.nbi.trust.jks \
-Dserver.ssl.key-store-password=$cadi_keystore_password_p12 \
-Djava.security.egd=file:/dev/./urandom -Dserver.port=8443"
@@ -122,7 +122,7 @@ spec:
value: "msb-discovery.{{ include "common.namespace" . }}"
value: "10081"
- volumeMounts: {{ include "common.aaf-config-volume-mountpath" . | nindent 12 }}
+ volumeMounts: {{ include "common.certInitializer.volumeMount" . | nindent 12 }}
- mountPath: /etc/localtime
name: localtime
readOnly: true
@@ -148,7 +148,7 @@ spec:
# name: esr-server-logs
# - mountPath: /usr/share/filebeat/data
# name: esr-server-filebeat
- volumes: {{ include "common.aaf-config-volumes" . | nindent 8 }}
+ volumes: {{ include "common.certInitializer.volumes" . | nindent 8 }}
- name: localtime
path: /etc/localtime
diff --git a/kubernetes/nbi/values.yaml b/kubernetes/nbi/values.yaml
index 6381d83e27..4fe092e603 100644
--- a/kubernetes/nbi/values.yaml
+++ b/kubernetes/nbi/values.yaml
@@ -36,7 +36,8 @@ global:
# AAF part
+ nameOverride: nbi-cert-initializer
aafDeployFqi: deployer@people.osaaf.org
aafDeployPass: demo123456!
# aafDeployCredsExternalSecret: some secret
@@ -45,13 +46,16 @@ aafConfig:
public_fqdn: nbi.onap.org
cadi_longitude: "0.0"
cadi_latitude: "0.0"
- credsPath: /opt/app/osaaf/local
app_ns: org.osaaf.aaf
+ credsPath: /opt/app/osaaf/local
+ aaf_add_config: >
+ /opt/app/aaf_config/bin/agent.sh;
+ /opt/app/aaf_config/bin/agent.sh local showpass
+ {{.Values.fqi}} {{ .Values.fqdn }} > {{ .Values.credsPath }}/mycreds.prop
permission_user: 1000
permission_group: 999
- addconfig: true
- secret_uid: &aaf_secret_uid nbi-aaf-deploy-creds
# Secrets metaconfig
@@ -63,12 +67,6 @@ secrets:
externalSecret: '{{ tpl (default "" .Values.config.db.userCredentialsExternalSecret) . }}'
login: '{{ .Values.config.db.userName }}'
password: '{{ .Values.config.db.userPassword }}'
- - uid: *aaf_secret_uid
- type: basicAuth
- externalSecret: '{{ ternary (tpl (default "" .Values.aafConfig.aafDeployCredsExternalSecret) .) "aafIsDisabled" .Values.global.aafEnabled }}'
- login: '{{ .Values.aafConfig.aafDeployFqi }}'
- password: '{{ .Values.aafConfig.aafDeployPass }}'
- passwordPolicy: required
enabled: true
diff --git a/kubernetes/policy/charts/drools/values.yaml b/kubernetes/policy/charts/drools/values.yaml
index 0126c6e06b..3552b2e2f6 100644
--- a/kubernetes/policy/charts/drools/values.yaml
+++ b/kubernetes/policy/charts/drools/values.yaml
@@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ ingress:
# Default installation values to be overridden
- jvmOpts: -server -Xms1024m -Xmx2048m
+ jvmOpts: -server -XshowSettings:vm
enabled: "false"
diff --git a/kubernetes/policy/charts/policy-xacml-pdp/resources/config/xacml.properties b/kubernetes/policy/charts/policy-xacml-pdp/resources/config/xacml.properties
index f2c2cd7765..c7e4ad197e 100644
--- a/kubernetes/policy/charts/policy-xacml-pdp/resources/config/xacml.properties
+++ b/kubernetes/policy/charts/policy-xacml-pdp/resources/config/xacml.properties
@@ -50,4 +50,4 @@ xacml.pip.engines=count-recent-operations,get-operation-outcome
javax.persistence.jdbc.url=jdbc:mariadb://{{ .Values.global.mariadb.service.name }}:{{ .Values.global.mariadb.service.internalPort }}/operationshistory
diff --git a/kubernetes/policy/charts/policy-xacml-pdp/templates/deployment.yaml b/kubernetes/policy/charts/policy-xacml-pdp/templates/deployment.yaml
index 9ac5d68a89..bd126b810b 100644
--- a/kubernetes/policy/charts/policy-xacml-pdp/templates/deployment.yaml
+++ b/kubernetes/policy/charts/policy-xacml-pdp/templates/deployment.yaml
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ spec:
- sh
- -c
- - "cd /config-input && for PFILE in `ls -1 .`; do envsubst <${PFILE} >/config/${PFILE}; done"
+ - "export SQL_PASSWORD_BASE64=`echo -n ${SQL_PASSWORD} | base64`; cd /config-input && for PFILE in `ls -1 .`; do envsubst <${PFILE} >/config/${PFILE}; done"
{{- include "common.secret.envFromSecretFast" (dict "global" . "uid" "restserver-creds" "key" "login") | indent 10 }}
@@ -45,6 +45,10 @@ spec:
{{- include "common.secret.envFromSecretFast" (dict "global" . "uid" "api-creds" "key" "login") | indent 10 }}
{{- include "common.secret.envFromSecretFast" (dict "global" . "uid" "api-creds" "key" "password") | indent 10 }}
+ - name: SQL_USER
+ {{- include "common.secret.envFromSecretFast" (dict "global" . "uid" "db-secret" "key" "login") | indent 10 }}
+ - name: SQL_PASSWORD
+ {{- include "common.secret.envFromSecretFast" (dict "global" . "uid" "db-secret" "key" "password") | indent 10 }}
- mountPath: /config-input
name: pdpxconfig
@@ -59,11 +63,6 @@ spec:
imagePullPolicy: {{ .Values.global.pullPolicy | default .Values.pullPolicy }}
command: ["/opt/app/policy/pdpx/bin/policy-pdpx.sh"]
args: ["/opt/app/policy/pdpx/etc/mounted/config.json"]
- env:
- - name: SQL_USER
- {{- include "common.secret.envFromSecretFast" (dict "global" . "uid" "db-secret" "key" "login") | indent 12 }}
- - name: SQL_PASSWORD
- {{- include "common.secret.envFromSecretFast" (dict "global" . "uid" "db-secret" "key" "password") | indent 12 }}
- containerPort: {{ .Values.service.internalPort }}
# disable liveness probe when breakpoints set in debugger
diff --git a/kubernetes/portal/charts/portal-app/values.yaml b/kubernetes/portal/charts/portal-app/values.yaml
index 8d18fd0dbd..01bc0dab93 100644
--- a/kubernetes/portal/charts/portal-app/values.yaml
+++ b/kubernetes/portal/charts/portal-app/values.yaml
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ global:
# application image
repository: nexus3.onap.org:10001
-image: onap/portal-app:3.2.0
+image: onap/portal-app:3.2.1
pullPolicy: Always
#AAF local config
diff --git a/kubernetes/portal/charts/portal-mariadb/resources/config/mariadb/oom_updates.sql b/kubernetes/portal/charts/portal-mariadb/resources/config/mariadb/oom_updates.sql
index 13b319c76a..7502e9322a 100644
--- a/kubernetes/portal/charts/portal-mariadb/resources/config/mariadb/oom_updates.sql
+++ b/kubernetes/portal/charts/portal-mariadb/resources/config/mariadb/oom_updates.sql
@@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ update fn_app set app_username='aaiui', app_password='4LK69amiIFtuzcl6Gsv97Tt7ML
Replace spaces with underscores for role names to match AAF role names
-UPDATE fn_role SET role_name= REPLACE(role_name, ' ', '_') WHERE active_yn= 'Y';
+UPDATE fn_role SET role_name= REPLACE(role_name, ' ', '_') WHERE active_yn= 'Y' AND role_id NOT IN (999);
diff --git a/kubernetes/robot b/kubernetes/robot
-Subproject c81062626b69160145baac5e6a5d670cb67211f
+Subproject 1bc31c7d76408bdf2267bf72bf3b1b1e18e2367
diff --git a/kubernetes/sdc/charts/sdc-be/values.yaml b/kubernetes/sdc/charts/sdc-be/values.yaml
index e0af28fd86..a0e9b539e6 100644
--- a/kubernetes/sdc/charts/sdc-be/values.yaml
+++ b/kubernetes/sdc/charts/sdc-be/values.yaml
@@ -28,8 +28,8 @@ global:
# application image
repository: nexus3.onap.org:10001
-image: onap/sdc-backend:1.6.4
-backendInitImage: onap/sdc-backend-init:1.6.4
+image: onap/sdc-backend:1.6.5
+backendInitImage: onap/sdc-backend-init:1.6.5
pullPolicy: Always
# flag to enable debugging - application support required
diff --git a/kubernetes/sdc/charts/sdc-cs/values.yaml b/kubernetes/sdc/charts/sdc-cs/values.yaml
index 6c63927cf5..3cef2cf49e 100644
--- a/kubernetes/sdc/charts/sdc-cs/values.yaml
+++ b/kubernetes/sdc/charts/sdc-cs/values.yaml
@@ -28,8 +28,8 @@ global:
# application image
repository: nexus3.onap.org:10001
-image: onap/sdc-cassandra:1.6.4
-cassandraInitImage: onap/sdc-cassandra-init:1.6.4
+image: onap/sdc-cassandra:1.6.5
+cassandraInitImage: onap/sdc-cassandra-init:1.6.5
pullPolicy: Always
diff --git a/kubernetes/sdc/charts/sdc-fe/values.yaml b/kubernetes/sdc/charts/sdc-fe/values.yaml
index e5d41eb897..8754d0fc87 100644
--- a/kubernetes/sdc/charts/sdc-fe/values.yaml
+++ b/kubernetes/sdc/charts/sdc-fe/values.yaml
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ global:
# application image
repository: nexus3.onap.org:10001
-image: onap/sdc-frontend:1.6.4
+image: onap/sdc-frontend:1.6.5
pullPolicy: Always
diff --git a/kubernetes/sdc/charts/sdc-onboarding-be/values.yaml b/kubernetes/sdc/charts/sdc-onboarding-be/values.yaml
index 4cfebbf72f..0471c031a6 100644
--- a/kubernetes/sdc/charts/sdc-onboarding-be/values.yaml
+++ b/kubernetes/sdc/charts/sdc-onboarding-be/values.yaml
@@ -28,8 +28,8 @@ global:
# application image
repository: nexus3.onap.org:10001
-image: onap/sdc-onboard-backend:1.6.4
-onboardingInitImage: onap/sdc-onboard-cassandra-init:1.6.4
+image: onap/sdc-onboard-backend:1.6.5
+onboardingInitImage: onap/sdc-onboard-cassandra-init:1.6.5
pullPolicy: Always
# flag to enable debugging - application support required
diff --git a/kubernetes/sdc/charts/sdc-wfd-be/values.yaml b/kubernetes/sdc/charts/sdc-wfd-be/values.yaml
index 8bab2c84ea..05793d4f5b 100644
--- a/kubernetes/sdc/charts/sdc-wfd-be/values.yaml
+++ b/kubernetes/sdc/charts/sdc-wfd-be/values.yaml
@@ -28,8 +28,8 @@ global:
# application image
repository: nexus3.onap.org:10001
-image: onap/workflow-backend:1.6.4
-configInitImage: onap/workflow-init:1.6.4
+image: onap/sdc-workflow-backend:1.7.0
+configInitImage: onap/sdc-workflow-init:1.7.0
pullPolicy: Always
diff --git a/kubernetes/sdc/charts/sdc-wfd-fe/values.yaml b/kubernetes/sdc/charts/sdc-wfd-fe/values.yaml
index 359c33ab61..aaa7795709 100644
--- a/kubernetes/sdc/charts/sdc-wfd-fe/values.yaml
+++ b/kubernetes/sdc/charts/sdc-wfd-fe/values.yaml
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ global:
# application image
repository: nexus3.onap.org:10001
-image: onap/workflow-frontend:1.6.4
+image: onap/sdc-workflow-frontend:1.7.0
pullPolicy: Always
# flag to enable debugging - application support required
diff --git a/kubernetes/sdnc/charts/dmaap-listener/values.yaml b/kubernetes/sdnc/charts/dmaap-listener/values.yaml
index 51f7afeeb5..bcbad0d68e 100644
--- a/kubernetes/sdnc/charts/dmaap-listener/values.yaml
+++ b/kubernetes/sdnc/charts/dmaap-listener/values.yaml
@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ secrets:
# application image
repository: nexus3.onap.org:10001
-image: onap/sdnc-dmaap-listener-image:1.8.1
+image: onap/sdnc-dmaap-listener-image:1.8.2
pullPolicy: Always
# flag to enable debugging - application support required
diff --git a/kubernetes/sdnc/charts/sdnc-ansible-server/values.yaml b/kubernetes/sdnc/charts/sdnc-ansible-server/values.yaml
index c08e53a84a..d0455d5647 100644
--- a/kubernetes/sdnc/charts/sdnc-ansible-server/values.yaml
+++ b/kubernetes/sdnc/charts/sdnc-ansible-server/values.yaml
@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ secrets:
# application image
repository: nexus3.onap.org:10001
-image: onap/sdnc-ansible-server-image:1.8.1
+image: onap/sdnc-ansible-server-image:1.8.2
pullPolicy: Always
# flag to enable debugging - application support required
diff --git a/kubernetes/sdnc/charts/sdnc-portal/values.yaml b/kubernetes/sdnc/charts/sdnc-portal/values.yaml
index 2fa7071827..71ebb69819 100644
--- a/kubernetes/sdnc/charts/sdnc-portal/values.yaml
+++ b/kubernetes/sdnc/charts/sdnc-portal/values.yaml
@@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ secrets:
# application image
repository: nexus3.onap.org:10001
-image: onap/admportal-sdnc-image:1.8.1
+image: onap/admportal-sdnc-image:1.8.2
dbFabricDB: mysql
dbFabricUser: admin
diff --git a/kubernetes/sdnc/charts/ueb-listener/values.yaml b/kubernetes/sdnc/charts/ueb-listener/values.yaml
index a02a38531c..7a19b12865 100644
--- a/kubernetes/sdnc/charts/ueb-listener/values.yaml
+++ b/kubernetes/sdnc/charts/ueb-listener/values.yaml
@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ secrets:
# application image
repository: nexus3.onap.org:10001
-image: onap/sdnc-ueb-listener-image:1.8.1
+image: onap/sdnc-ueb-listener-image:1.8.2
pullPolicy: Always
# flag to enable debugging - application support required
diff --git a/kubernetes/sdnc/templates/configmap.yaml b/kubernetes/sdnc/templates/configmap.yaml
index 087ed30055..cd39425073 100644
--- a/kubernetes/sdnc/templates/configmap.yaml
+++ b/kubernetes/sdnc/templates/configmap.yaml
@@ -78,3 +78,16 @@ metadata:
heritage: {{ .Release.Service }}
{{ tpl (.Files.Get "resources/env.yaml") . | indent 2 }}
+{{ if .Values.global.aafEnabled }}
+{{- if .Values.aafConfig.addconfig -}}
+apiVersion: v1
+kind: ConfigMap
+{{- $suffix := "aaf-add-config" }}
+metadata: {{- include "common.resourceMetadata" (dict "suffix" $suffix "dot" . )| nindent 2 }}
+ aaf-add-config.sh: |-
+ cd /opt/app/osaaf/local && /opt/app/aaf_config/bin/agent.sh local showpass {{.Values.aafConfig.fqi}} {{ .Values.aafConfig.fqdn }} | grep cadi_keystore_password= | cut -d= -f 2 > {{ .Values.aafConfig.credsPath }}/.pass 2>&1
+{{- end -}}
+{{- end -}}
diff --git a/kubernetes/sdnc/templates/statefulset.yaml b/kubernetes/sdnc/templates/statefulset.yaml
index 4511ca9125..58ca866fca 100644
--- a/kubernetes/sdnc/templates/statefulset.yaml
+++ b/kubernetes/sdnc/templates/statefulset.yaml
@@ -92,54 +92,7 @@ spec:
imagePullPolicy: {{ .Values.global.pullPolicy | default .Values.pullPolicy }}
name: {{ include "common.name" . }}-readiness
{{ if .Values.global.aafEnabled }}
- - name: {{ include "common.name" . }}-aaf-readiness
- image: "{{ .Values.global.readinessRepository }}/{{ .Values.global.readinessImage }}"
- imagePullPolicy: {{ .Values.global.pullPolicy | default .Values.pullPolicy }}
- command:
- - /root/ready.py
- args:
- - --container-name
- - aaf-locate
- env:
- - name: NAMESPACE
- valueFrom:
- fieldRef:
- apiVersion: v1
- fieldPath: metadata.namespace
- - name: {{ include "common.name" . }}-aaf
- image: {{ .Values.global.repository }}/{{ .Values.aaf_init.agentImage }}
- imagePullPolicy: {{ .Values.global.pullPolicy | default .Values.pullPolicy }}
- volumeMounts:
- - mountPath: {{ .Values.certpersistence.certPath }}
- name: {{ include "common.fullname" . }}-certs
- command:
- - bash
- - -c
- - |
- /opt/app/aaf_config/bin/agent.sh &&
- cd /opt/app/osaaf/local &&
- /opt/app/aaf_config/bin/agent.sh local showpass | grep cadi_keystore_password= | cut -d= -f 2 > /opt/app/osaaf/local/.pass 2>&1
- env:
- - name: APP_FQI
- value: "{{ .Values.aaf_init.fqi }}"
- - name: aaf_locate_url
- value: "https://aaf-locate.{{ .Release.Namespace}}:8095"
- - name: aaf_locator_container
- value: "oom"
- - name: aaf_locator_container_ns
- value: "{{ .Release.Namespace }}"
- - name: aaf_locator_fqdn
- value: "{{ .Values.aaf_init.fqdn }}"
- - name: aaf_locator_app_ns
- value: "{{ .Values.aaf_init.app_ns }}"
- - name: DEPLOY_FQI
- {{- include "common.secret.envFromSecretFast" (dict "global" . "uid" "aaf-creds" "key" "login") | indent 12 }}
- {{- include "common.secret.envFromSecretFast" (dict "global" . "uid" "aaf-creds" "key" "password") | indent 12 }}
- - name: cadi_longitude
- value: "{{ .Values.aaf_init.cadi_longitude }}"
- - name: cadi_latitude
- value: "{{ .Values.aaf_init.cadi_latitude }}"
+{{ include "common.aaf-config" . | indent 6 }}
{{ end }}
- name: {{ include "common.name" . }}-chown
image: "busybox"
@@ -147,8 +100,9 @@ spec:
- mountPath: {{ .Values.persistence.mdsalPath }}
name: {{ include "common.fullname" . }}-data
- - mountPath: {{ .Values.certpersistence.certPath }}
- name: {{ include "common.fullname" . }}-certs
+{{- if .Values.global.aafEnabled }}
+{{ include "common.aaf-config-volume-mountpath" . | indent 10 }}
+{{- end }}
- name: {{ include "common.name" . }}
image: "{{ include "common.repository" . }}/{{ .Values.image }}"
@@ -197,6 +151,9 @@ spec:
- name: JAVA_HOME
value: "{{ .Values.config.javaHome}}"
+ {{- if .Values.global.aafEnabled }}
+{{ include "common.aaf-config-volume-mountpath" . | indent 10 }}
+ {{- end }}
- mountPath: /etc/localtime
name: localtime
readOnly: true
@@ -237,8 +194,6 @@ spec:
name: {{ include "common.fullname" . }}-data
- mountPath: /var/log/onap
name: logs
- - mountPath: {{ .Values.certpersistence.certPath }}
- name: {{ include "common.fullname" . }}-certs
- mountPath: {{ .Values.config.odl.salConfigDir }}/{{ .Values.config.odl.salConfigVersion}}/sal-clustering-config-{{ .Values.config.odl.salConfigVersion}}-akkaconf.xml
name: properties
subPath: akka.conf
@@ -298,17 +253,13 @@ spec:
- name: properties
medium: Memory
- - name: {{ include "common.fullname" . }}-certs
- {{ if .Values.certpersistence.enabled }}
- persistentVolumeClaim:
- claimName: {{ include "common.fullname" . }}-certs
- {{ else }}
- emptyDir: {}
- {{ end }}
{{ if not .Values.persistence.enabled }}
- name: {{ include "common.fullname" . }}-data
emptyDir: {}
{{ else }}
+ {{- if .Values.global.aafEnabled }}
+{{ include "common.aaf-config-volumes" . | indent 8 }}
+ {{- end }}
- metadata:
name: {{ include "common.fullname" . }}-data
diff --git a/kubernetes/sdnc/values.yaml b/kubernetes/sdnc/values.yaml
index f0d70e2c33..96ea6e33fd 100644
--- a/kubernetes/sdnc/values.yaml
+++ b/kubernetes/sdnc/values.yaml
@@ -24,6 +24,7 @@ global:
readinessImage: readiness-check:2.0.2
loggingRepository: docker.elastic.co
loggingImage: beats/filebeat:5.5.0
+ aafAgentImage: onap/aaf/aaf_agent:2.1.15
mountPath: /dockerdata-nfs
aafEnabled: true
@@ -69,7 +70,7 @@ secrets:
password: '{{ .Values.config.odlPassword }}'
# For now this is left hardcoded but should be revisited in a future
passwordPolicy: required
- - uid: aaf-creds
+ - uid: &aaf_secret_uid aaf-creds
type: basicAuth
externalSecret: '{{ ternary (tpl (default "" .Values.aaf_init.aafDeployCredsExternalSecret) .) "aafIsDiabled" .Values.global.aafEnabled }}'
login: '{{ .Values.aaf_init.deploy_fqi }}'
@@ -118,7 +119,7 @@ secrets:
# application images
repository: nexus3.onap.org:10001
pullPolicy: Always
-image: onap/sdnc-image:1.8.1
+image: onap/sdnc-image:1.8.2
# flag to enable debugging - application support required
@@ -194,6 +195,20 @@ config:
numberGGLogFiles: 10
# dependency / sub-chart configuration
+ addconfig: true
+ fqdn: "sdnc"
+ app_ns: "org.osaaf.aaf"
+ fqi: "sdnc@sdnc.onap.org"
+ fqi_namespace: org.onap.sdnc
+ public_fqdn: "sdnc.onap.org"
+ aafDeployFqi: "deployer@people.osaaf.org"
+ aafDeployPass: demo123456!
+ cadi_latitude: "38.0"
+ cadi_longitude: "-72.0"
+ secret_uid: *aaf_secret_uid
+ credsPath: /opt/app/osaaf/local
agentImage: onap/aaf/aaf_agent:2.1.15
app_ns: "org.osaaf.aaf"
diff --git a/kubernetes/vnfsdk/resources/config/configuration.xml b/kubernetes/vnfsdk/resources/config/configuration.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6bd4e1c8eb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kubernetes/vnfsdk/resources/config/configuration.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+ Copyright 2017 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
+ Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ limitations under the License.
+<!DOCTYPE configuration
+PUBLIC "//mybatis.org//DTD Config 3.0//EN"
+ <environments default="development">
+ <environment id="development">
+ <transactionManager type="JDBC" />
+ <dataSource type="UNPOOLED">
+ <property name="driver" value="org.postgresql.Driver" />
+ <property name="url" value="jdbc:postgresql://{{ .Values.postgres.service.name }}:{{ .Values.postgres.service.externalPort }}/marketplaceDB" />
+ <property name="username" value="${PG_USER}" />
+ <property name="password" value="${PG_PASSWORD}" />
+ </dataSource>
+ </environment>
+ </environments>
+ <mappers>
+ <mapper resource="mybatis/sql/MarketplaceMapper.xml" />
+ </mappers>
diff --git a/kubernetes/vnfsdk/templates/configmap.yaml b/kubernetes/vnfsdk/templates/configmap.yaml
index 44d5f41f15..0c39e6e685 100644
--- a/kubernetes/vnfsdk/templates/configmap.yaml
+++ b/kubernetes/vnfsdk/templates/configmap.yaml
@@ -23,4 +23,4 @@ metadata:
release: {{ include "common.release" . }}
heritage: {{ .Release.Service }}
-{{ tpl (.Files.Glob "resources/config/marketplace_tables_postgres.sql").AsConfig . | indent 2 }}
+{{ tpl (.Files.Glob "resources/config/*").AsConfig . | indent 2 }}
diff --git a/kubernetes/vnfsdk/templates/deployment.yaml b/kubernetes/vnfsdk/templates/deployment.yaml
index bd187db286..3f4d6c43eb 100644
--- a/kubernetes/vnfsdk/templates/deployment.yaml
+++ b/kubernetes/vnfsdk/templates/deployment.yaml
@@ -35,6 +35,25 @@ spec:
- command:
+ - sh
+ args:
+ - -c
+ - "cd /config-input && for PFILE in `find . -not -type d | grep -v -F ..`; do envsubst <${PFILE} >/config/${PFILE}; done"
+ env:
+ - name: PG_USER
+ {{- include "common.secret.envFromSecretFast" (dict "global" . "uid" "pg-user-creds" "key" "login") | indent 10 }}
+ - name: PG_PASSWORD
+ {{- include "common.secret.envFromSecretFast" (dict "global" . "uid" "pg-user-creds" "key" "password") | indent 10 }}
+ volumeMounts:
+ - mountPath: /config-input
+ name: init-data-input
+ - mountPath: /config
+ name: init-data
+ image: "{{ .Values.global.envsubstImage }}"
+ imagePullPolicy: {{ .Values.global.pullPolicy | default .Values.pullPolicy }}
+ name: {{ include "common.name" . }}-update-config
+ - command:
- /root/ready.py
- --container-name
@@ -54,9 +73,10 @@ spec:
name: {{ include "common.name" . }}
{{ include "common.resources" . | indent 12 }}
- env:
+ volumes:
+ - mountPath: /service/webapps/ROOT/WEB-INF/classes/mybatis/configuration/configuration.xml
+ name: init-data
+ subPath: configuration.xml
port: {{ .Values.service.internalPort }}
@@ -64,3 +84,10 @@ spec:
periodSeconds: {{ .Values.readiness.periodSeconds }}
- name: "{{ include "common.namespace" . }}-docker-registry-key"
+ volumes:
+ - name: init-data-input
+ configMap:
+ name: {{ include "common.fullname" . }}
+ - name: init-data
+ emptyDir:
+ medium: Memory
diff --git a/kubernetes/vnfsdk/templates/job.yaml b/kubernetes/vnfsdk/templates/job.yaml
index 2ec7b95772..1d0dd29f59 100644
--- a/kubernetes/vnfsdk/templates/job.yaml
+++ b/kubernetes/vnfsdk/templates/job.yaml
@@ -51,13 +51,15 @@ spec:
image: "{{ .Values.postgresRepository }}/{{ .Values.postgresImage }}"
imagePullPolicy: {{ .Values.global.pullPolicy | default .Values.pullPolicy }}
+ - name: PGUSER
+ {{- include "common.secret.envFromSecretFast" (dict "global" . "uid" "pg-user-creds" "key" "login") | indent 10 }}
- value: "{{ .Values.postgres.config.pgUserPassword }}"
+ {{- include "common.secret.envFromSecretFast" (dict "global" . "uid" "pg-user-creds" "key" "password") | indent 10 }}
- /bin/sh
- -c
- |
- psql -U {{ .Values.postgres.config.pgUserName }} -h $(VNFSDK_DBPRI_SERVICE_HOST) -f /aaa/init/marketplace_tables_postgres.sql
+ psql -h $(VNFSDK_DBPRI_SERVICE_HOST) -f /aaa/init/marketplace_tables_postgres.sql
- name: init-data
mountPath: /aaa/init/marketplace_tables_postgres.sql
diff --git a/kubernetes/vnfsdk/templates/secrets.yaml b/kubernetes/vnfsdk/templates/secrets.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b143034d8f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kubernetes/vnfsdk/templates/secrets.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+# Copyright © 2020 Samsung Electronics
+# #
+# # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# # You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# #
+# # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# #
+# # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+# # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# # limitations under the License.
+{{ include "common.secretFast" . }}
diff --git a/kubernetes/vnfsdk/values.yaml b/kubernetes/vnfsdk/values.yaml
index 28dea47cfc..82bef2d4eb 100644
--- a/kubernetes/vnfsdk/values.yaml
+++ b/kubernetes/vnfsdk/values.yaml
@@ -22,6 +22,22 @@ global:
readinessImage: readiness-check:2.0.0
loggingRepository: docker.elastic.co
loggingImage: beats/filebeat:5.5.0
+ envsubstImage: dibi/envsubst
+ - uid: pg-root-pass
+ name: &pgRootPassSecretName '{{ include "common.release" . }}-vnfsdk-pg-root-pass'
+ type: password
+ externalSecret: '{{ ternary "" (tpl (default "" .Values.postgres.config.pgRootPasswordExternalSecret) .) (hasSuffix "vnfsdk-pg-root-pass" .Values.postgres.config.pgRootPasswordExternalSecret) }}'
+ password: '{{ .Values.postgres.config.pgRootpassword }}'
+ policy: generate
+ - uid: pg-user-creds
+ name: &pgUserCredsSecretName '{{ include "common.release" . }}-vnfsdk-pg-user-creds'
+ type: basicAuth
+ externalSecret: '{{ ternary "" (tpl (default "" .Values.postgres.config.pgUserExternalSecret) .) (hasSuffix "vnfsdk-pg-user-creds" .Values.postgres.config.pgUserExternalSecret) }}'
+ login: '{{ .Values.postgres.config.pgUserName }}'
+ password: '{{ .Values.postgres.config.pgUserPassword }}'
+ passwordPolicy: generate
# Application configuration defaults.
@@ -50,9 +66,8 @@ postgres:
pgUserName: postgres
pgDatabase: postgres
- pgPrimaryPassword: postgres
- pgUserPassword: postgres
- pgRootPassword: postgres
+ pgUserExternalSecret: *pgUserCredsSecretName
+ pgRootPasswordExternalSecret: *pgRootPassSecretName
# flag to enable debugging - application support required
debugEnabled: false