path: root/kubernetes/robot
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Diffstat (limited to 'kubernetes/robot')
4 files changed, 49 insertions, 38 deletions
diff --git a/kubernetes/robot/ete-k8s.sh b/kubernetes/robot/ete-k8s.sh
index a59e3b6a33..5d42f048cd 100755
--- a/kubernetes/robot/ete-k8s.sh
+++ b/kubernetes/robot/ete-k8s.sh
@@ -15,44 +15,43 @@
-# Run the testsuite for the passed tag. Valid tags are ete, health, closedloop, instantiate
+# Run the testsuite for the passed tag. Valid tags are listed in usage help
# Please clean up logs when you are done...
-# Note: Do not run multiple concurrent ete.sh as the --display is not parameterized and tests will collide
if [ "$1" == "" ] || [ "$2" == "" ]; then
- echo "Usage: ete-k8s.sh [namespace] [ health | healthdist | distribute | instantiate | instantiateVFWCL | instantiateDemoVFWCL | | portal ]"
+ echo "Usage: ete-k8s.sh [namespace] [tag]"
+ echo ""
+ echo " List of test case tags (filename for intent: tag)"
+ echo ""
+ echo " cds.robot: cds"
+ echo ""
+ echo " clamp.robot: clamp"
+ echo ""
+ echo " demo.robot: InitDemo, InitCustomer, APPCCDTPreloadDemo, APPCMountPointDemo, DistributeDemoVFWDT, DistributeVFWNG,"
+ echo " InitDistribution, PreloadDemo, deleteVNF, heatbridge, instantiateDemoVFWCL, instantiateVFW, instantiateVFWCL, instantiateVFWDT"
+ echo ""
+ echo " health-check.robot: health, core, small, medium, 3rdparty, api, datarouter, externalapi, health-aaf, health-aai, health-appc,"
+ echo " health-clamp, health-cli, health-dcae, health-dmaap, health-log, health-modeling, health-msb,"
+ echo " health-multicloud, health-oof, health-policy, health-pomba, health-portal, health-sdc, health-sdnc,"
+ echo " health-so, health-uui, health-vfc, health-vid, health-vnfsdk, healthdist, healthlogin, healthmr,"
+ echo " healthportalapp, multicloud, oom"
+ echo ""
+ echo " hvves.robot: HVVES, ete"
+ echo ""
+ echo " model-distribution-vcpe.robot: distributevCPEResCust"
+ echo ""
+ echo " model-distribution.robot: distribute, distributeVFWDT, distributeVLB"
+ echo ""
+ echo " oof-*.robot: cmso, has, homing"
+ echo ""
+ echo " pnf-registration.robot: ete, pnf_registrate"
echo ""
- echo " List of test case tags (filename for intent: tag) "
- echo " "
- echo " cds.robot: cds "
- echo " "
- echo " clamp.robot: clamp "
- echo " "
- echo " demo.robot: InitDemo, InitCustomer , APPCCDTPreloadDemo, APPCMountPointDemo, DistributeDemoVFWDT, DistributeVFWNG, "
- echo " InitDistribution, PreloadDemo, deleteVNF, heatbridge, instantiateDemoVFWCL, instantiateVFW, instantiateVFWCL, instantiateVFWDT "
- echo " "
- echo " health-check.robot: health , core, small, medium, 3rdparty, api, datarouter, externalapi, health-aaf, health-aai, health-appc, "
- echo " health-clamp, health-cli, health-dcae, health-dmaap, health-log, health-modeling, health-msb, "
- echo " health-multicloud, health-oof, health-policy, health-pomba, health-portal, health-sdc, health-sdnc, "
- echo " health-so, health-uui, health-vfc, health-vid, health-vnfsdk, healthdist, healthlogin, healthmr, "
- echo " healthportalapp, multicloud, oom "
- echo " "
- echo " hvves.robot: :HVVES, ete "
- echo " "
- echo " model-distribution-vcpe.robot: distributevCPEResCust "
- echo " "
- echo " model-distribution.robot: distribute, distributeVFWDT, distributeVLB "
- echo " "
- echo " oof-*.robot: cmso , has, homing "
- echo " "
- echo " pnf-registration.robot: ete, pnf_registrate "
- echo " "
echo " post-install-tests.robot dmaapacl, postinstall"
- echo " "
- echo " update_onap_page.robot: UpdateWebPage "
- echo " "
- echo " vnf-orchestration-direct-so.robot: instantiateVFWdirectso "
- echo " "
+ echo ""
+ echo " update_onap_page.robot: UpdateWebPage"
+ echo ""
+ echo " vnf-orchestration-direct-so.robot: instantiateVFWdirectso"
+ echo ""
echo " vnf-orchestration.robot: instantiate, instantiateNoDelete, stability72hr"
@@ -63,7 +62,6 @@ export NAMESPACE="$1"
POD=$(kubectl --namespace $NAMESPACE get pods | sed 's/ .*//'| grep robot)
TAGS="-i $2"
diff --git a/kubernetes/robot/eteHelm-k8s.sh b/kubernetes/robot/eteHelm-k8s.sh
index 02b79f35d6..c58d8a8775 100755
--- a/kubernetes/robot/eteHelm-k8s.sh
+++ b/kubernetes/robot/eteHelm-k8s.sh
@@ -15,13 +15,12 @@
-# Run the testsuite for the passed tag. Valid tags are ete, health, closedloop, instantiate
+# Run the health-check testsuites for the tags discovered by helm list
# Please clean up logs when you are done...
-# Note: Do not run multiple concurrent ete.sh as the --display is not parameterized and tests will collide
if [ "$1" == "" ] ; then
- echo "Usage: eteHelm-k8s.sh namespace "
- echo " list projects via helm list and runs health-check with those tags except dev and dev-consul "
+ echo "Usage: eteHelm-k8s.sh [namespace]"
+ echo " list projects via helm list and runs health-check with those tags except dev and dev-consul"
diff --git a/kubernetes/robot/resources/config/eteshare/config/integration_robot_properties.py b/kubernetes/robot/resources/config/eteshare/config/integration_robot_properties.py
index c109892329..f2f2161e38 100644
--- a/kubernetes/robot/resources/config/eteshare/config/integration_robot_properties.py
+++ b/kubernetes/robot/resources/config/eteshare/config/integration_robot_properties.py
@@ -50,11 +50,22 @@ GLOBAL_DCAE_SERVER_PROTOCOL = "http"
GLOBAL_DCAE_USERNAME = '{{ .Values.dcaeUsername }}'
GLOBAL_DCAE_PASSWORD = '{{ .Values.dcaePassword}}'
+# dcae hv-ves info
+GLOBAL_DCAE_HVVES_SERVER_NAME = 'dcae-hv-ves-collector.{{include "common.namespace" .}}'
# data router info - everything is from the private oam network (also called onap private network)
+# dmaap message router info
+GLOBAL_DMAAP_MESSAGE_ROUTER_SERVER_NAME = 'message-router.{{include "common.namespace" .}}'
+# dmaap kafka info
+GLOBAL_DMAAP_KAFKA_SERVER_NAME = 'message-router-kafka.{{include "common.namespace" .}}'
+GLOBAL_DMAAP_KAFKA_JAAS_USERNAME = '{{ .Values.kafkaJaasUsername }}'
+GLOBAL_DMAAP_KAFKA_JAAS_PASSWORD = '{{ .Values.kafkaJaasPassword }}'
# DROOL server port and credentials
GLOBAL_DROOLS_USERNAME = '{{ .Values.droolsUsername }}'
diff --git a/kubernetes/robot/values.yaml b/kubernetes/robot/values.yaml
index 4e2a1ed464..af6c26ba29 100755
--- a/kubernetes/robot/values.yaml
+++ b/kubernetes/robot/values.yaml
@@ -144,6 +144,9 @@ vidHealthPassword: "AppPassword!1"
bcUsername: "dmaap-bc@dmaap-bc.onap.org"
bcPassword: "demo123456!"
+kafkaJaasUsername: "admin"
+kafkaJaasPassword: "admin_secret"
# default number of instances
replicaCount: 1