path: root/kubernetes/config/docker/init/src/config/robot/robot/resources/asdc_interface.robot
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'kubernetes/config/docker/init/src/config/robot/robot/resources/asdc_interface.robot')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 495 deletions
diff --git a/kubernetes/config/docker/init/src/config/robot/robot/resources/asdc_interface.robot b/kubernetes/config/docker/init/src/config/robot/robot/resources/asdc_interface.robot
deleted file mode 100644
index 5b69a66c7c..0000000000
--- a/kubernetes/config/docker/init/src/config/robot/robot/resources/asdc_interface.robot
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,495 +0,0 @@
-*** Settings ***
-Documentation The main interface for interacting with ASDC. It handles low level stuff like managing the http request library and DCAE required fields
-Library RequestsLibrary
-Library UUID
-Library JSONUtils
-Library OperatingSystem
-Library Collections
-Library ExtendedSelenium2Library
-Resource global_properties.robot
-Resource browser_setup.robot
-Resource json_templater.robot
-*** Variables ***
-${ASDC_OPS_USER_ID} op0001
-${ASDC_HEALTH_CHECK_PATH} /sdc1/rest/healthCheck
-${ASDC_VENDOR_LICENSE_MODEL_PATH} /onboarding-api/v1.0/vendor-license-models
-${ASDC_VENDOR_SOFTWARE_PRODUCT_PATH} /onboarding-api/v1.0/vendor-software-products
-${ASDC_VENDOR_KEY_GROUP_PATH} /license-key-groups
-${ASDC_VENDOR_SOFTWARE_UPLOAD_PATH} /orchestration-template-candidate
-${ASDC_CATALOG_RESOURCES_PATH} /sdc2/rest/v1/catalog/resources
-${ASDC_CATALOG_SERVICES_PATH} /sdc2/rest/v1/catalog/services
-${ASDC_CATALOG_INACTIVE_RESOURCES_PATH} /sdc2/rest/v1/inactiveComponents/resource
-${ASDC_CATALOG_INACTIVE_SERVICES_PATH} /sdc2/rest/v1/inactiveComponents/service
-${ASDC_LICENSE_MODEL_TEMPLATE} robot/assets/templates/asdc/license_model.template
-${ASDC_KEY_GROUP_TEMPLATE} robot/assets/templates/asdc/key_group.template
-${ASDC_ENTITLEMENT_POOL_TEMPLATE} robot/assets/templates/asdc/entitlement_pool.template
-${ASDC_FEATURE_GROUP_TEMPLATE} robot/assets/templates/asdc/feature_group.template
-${ASDC_LICENSE_AGREEMENT_TEMPLATE} robot/assets/templates/asdc/license_agreement.template
-${ASDC_ACTION_TEMPLATE} robot/assets/templates/asdc/action.template
-${ASDC_SOFTWARE_PRODUCT_TEMPLATE} robot/assets/templates/asdc/software_product.template
-${ASDC_CATALOG_RESOURCE_TEMPLATE} robot/assets/templates/asdc/catalog_resource.template
-${ASDC_USER_REMARKS_TEMPLATE} robot/assets/templates/asdc/user_remarks.template
-${ASDC_CATALOG_SERVICE_TEMPLATE} robot/assets/templates/asdc/catalog_service.template
-${ASDC_RESOURCE_INSTANCE_TEMPLATE} robot/assets/templates/asdc/resource_instance.template
-*** Keywords ***
-Distribute Model From ASDC
- [Documentation] goes end to end creating all the asdc objects based ona model and distributing it to the systems. it then returns the service name, vf name and vf module name
- [Arguments] ${model_zip_path} ${catalog_service_name}=
- ${catalog_service_id}= Add ASDC Catalog Service ${catalog_service_name}
- ${catalog_resource_ids}= Create List
- ${catalog_resources}= Create Dictionary
- : FOR ${zip} IN @{model_zip_path}
- \ ${loop_catalog_resource_id}= Setup ASDC Catalog Resource ${zip}
- \ Append To List ${catalog_resource_ids} ${loop_catalog_resource_id}
- \ ${loop_catalog_resource_resp}= Get ASDC Catalog Resource ${loop_catalog_resource_id}
- \ Add ASDC Resource Instance ${catalog_service_id} ${loop_catalog_resource_id} ${loop_catalog_resource_resp['name']}
- \ Set To Dictionary ${catalog_resources} ${loop_catalog_resource_id}=${loop_catalog_resource_resp}
- ${catalog_service_resp}= Get ASDC Catalog Service ${catalog_service_id}
- Checkin ASDC Catalog Service ${catalog_service_id}
- Request Certify ASDC Catalog Service ${catalog_service_id}
- Start Certify ASDC Catalog Service ${catalog_service_id}
- # on certify it gets a new id
- ${catalog_service_id}= Certify ASDC Catalog Service ${catalog_service_id}
- Approve ASDC Catalog Service ${catalog_service_id}
- Distribute ASDC Catalog Service ${catalog_service_id}
- ${catalog_service_resp}= Get ASDC Catalog Service ${catalog_service_id}
- ${vf_module}= Find Element In Array ${loop_catalog_resource_resp['groups']} type org.openecomp.groups.VfModule
- Check Catalog Service Distributed ${catalog_service_resp['uuid']}
- [Return] ${catalog_service_resp['name']} ${loop_catalog_resource_resp['name']} ${vf_module} ${catalog_resource_ids} ${catalog_service_id} ${catalog_resources}
-Setup ASDC Catalog Resource
- [Documentation] Creates all the steps a vf needs for an asdc catalog resource and returns the id
- [Arguments] ${model_zip_path}
- ${license_model_id}= Add ASDC License Model
- ${key_group_id}= Add ASDC License Group ${license_model_id}
- ${pool_id}= Add ASDC Entitlement Pool ${license_model_id}
- ${feature_group_id}= Add ASDC Feature Group ${license_model_id} ${key_group_id} ${pool_id}
- ${license_agreement_id}= Add ASDC License Agreement ${license_model_id} ${feature_group_id}
- Checkin ASDC License Model ${license_model_id}
- Submit ASDC License Model ${license_model_id}
- ${license_model_resp}= Get ASDC License Model ${license_model_id} 1.0
- ${software_product_id}= Add ASDC Software Product ${license_agreement_id} ${feature_group_id} ${license_model_resp['vendorName']} ${license_model_id}
- Upload ASDC Heat Package ${software_product_id} ${model_zip_path}
- Validate ASDC Software Product ${software_product_id}
- Checkin ASDC Software Product ${software_product_id}
- Submit ASDC Software Product ${software_product_id}
- Package ASDC Software Product ${software_product_id}
- ${software_product_resp}= Get ASDC Software Product ${software_product_id} 1.0
- ${catalog_resource_id}= Add ASDC Catalog Resource ${license_agreement_id} ${software_product_resp['name']} ${license_model_resp['vendorName']} ${software_product_id}
- Checkin ASDC Catalog Resource ${catalog_resource_id}
- Request Certify ASDC Catalog Resource ${catalog_resource_id}
- Start Certify ASDC Catalog Resource ${catalog_resource_id}
- # on certify it gets a new id
- [Return] ${catalog_resource_id}
- ${catalog_resource_id}= Certify ASDC Catalog Resource ${catalog_resource_id}
-Add ASDC License Model
- [Documentation] Creates an asdc license model and returns its id
- ${uuid}= Generate UUID
- ${shortened_uuid}= Evaluate str("${uuid}")[:23]
- ${map}= Create Dictionary vendor_name=${shortened_uuid}
- ${data}= Fill JSON Template File ${ASDC_LICENSE_MODEL_TEMPLATE} ${map}
- ${resp}= Run ASDC Post Request ${ASDC_VENDOR_LICENSE_MODEL_PATH} ${data}
- Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.status_code} 200
- [Return] ${resp.json()['value']}
-Get ASDC License Model
- [Documentation] gets an asdc license model by its id
- [Arguments] ${id} ${version_id}=0.1
- ${resp}= Run ASDC Get Request ${ASDC_VENDOR_LICENSE_MODEL_PATH}/${id}/versions/${version_id}
- [Return] ${resp.json()}
-Get ASDC License Models
- [Documentation] gets an asdc license model by its id
- [Return] ${resp.json()}
-Checkin ASDC License Model
- [Documentation] checksin an asdc license model by its id
- [Arguments] ${id} ${version_id}=0.1
- ${map}= Create Dictionary action=Checkin
- ${data}= Fill JSON Template File ${ASDC_ACTION_TEMPLATE} ${map}
- ${resp}= Run ASDC Put Request ${ASDC_VENDOR_LICENSE_MODEL_PATH}/${id}/versions/${version_id}${ASDC_VENDOR_ACTIONS_PATH} ${data}
- Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.status_code} 200
- [Return] ${resp.json()}
-Submit ASDC License Model
- [Documentation] submits an asdc license model by its id
- [Arguments] ${id} ${version_id}=0.1
- ${map}= Create Dictionary action=Submit
- ${data}= Fill JSON Template File ${ASDC_ACTION_TEMPLATE} ${map}
- ${resp}= Run ASDC Put Request ${ASDC_VENDOR_LICENSE_MODEL_PATH}/${id}/versions/${version_id}${ASDC_VENDOR_ACTIONS_PATH} ${data}
- Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.status_code} 200
- [Return] ${resp.json()}
-Checkin ASDC Software Product
- [Documentation] checksin an asdc Software Product by its id
- [Arguments] ${id} ${version_id}=0.1
- ${map}= Create Dictionary action=Checkin
- ${data}= Fill JSON Template File ${ASDC_ACTION_TEMPLATE} ${map}
- ${resp}= Run ASDC Put Request ${ASDC_VENDOR_SOFTWARE_PRODUCT_PATH}/${id}/versions/${version_id}${ASDC_VENDOR_ACTIONS_PATH} ${data}
- Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.status_code} 200
- [Return] ${resp.json()}
-Validate ASDC Software Product
- [Documentation] checksin an asdc Software Product by its id
- [Arguments] ${id} ${version_id}=0.1
- ${data}= Catenate
- ${resp}= Run ASDC Put Request ${ASDC_VENDOR_SOFTWARE_PRODUCT_PATH}/${id}/versions/${version_id}/orchestration-template-candidate/process ${data}
- Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.status_code} 200
- [Return] ${resp.json()}
-Submit ASDC Software Product
- [Documentation] submits an asdc Software Product by its id
- [Arguments] ${id} ${version_id}=0.1
- ${map}= Create Dictionary action=Submit
- ${data}= Fill JSON Template File ${ASDC_ACTION_TEMPLATE} ${map}
- ${resp}= Run ASDC Put Request ${ASDC_VENDOR_SOFTWARE_PRODUCT_PATH}/${id}/versions/${version_id}${ASDC_VENDOR_ACTIONS_PATH} ${data}
- Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.status_code} 200
- [Return] ${resp.json()}
-Package ASDC Software Product
- [Documentation] creates_package on an asdc Software Product by its id
- [Arguments] ${id} ${version_id}=0.1
- ${map}= Create Dictionary action=Create_Package
- ${data}= Fill JSON Template File ${ASDC_ACTION_TEMPLATE} ${map}
- ${resp}= Run ASDC Put Request ${ASDC_VENDOR_SOFTWARE_PRODUCT_PATH}/${id}/versions/${version_id}${ASDC_VENDOR_ACTIONS_PATH} ${data}
- Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.status_code} 200
- [Return] ${resp.json()}
-Add ASDC Entitlement Pool
- [Documentation] Creates an asdc Entitlement Pool and returns its id
- [Arguments] ${license_model_id} ${version_id}=0.1
- ${uuid}= Generate UUID
- ${shortened_uuid}= Evaluate str("${uuid}")[:23]
- ${map}= Create Dictionary entitlement_pool_name=${shortened_uuid}
- ${data}= Fill JSON Template File ${ASDC_ENTITLEMENT_POOL_TEMPLATE} ${map}
- ${resp}= Run ASDC Post Request ${ASDC_VENDOR_LICENSE_MODEL_PATH}/${license_model_id}/versions/${version_id}${ASDC_VENDOR_ENTITLEMENT_POOL_PATH} ${data}
- Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.status_code} 200
- [Return] ${resp.json()['value']}
-Get ASDC Entitlement Pool
- [Documentation] gets an asdc Entitlement Pool by its id
- [Arguments] ${license_model_id} ${pool_id}
- ${resp}= Run ASDC Get Request ${ASDC_VENDOR_LICENSE_MODEL_PATH}/${license_model_id}${ASDC_VENDOR_ENTITLEMENT_POOL_PATH}/${pool_id}
- [Return] ${resp.json()}
-Add ASDC License Group
- [Documentation] Creates an asdc license group and returns its id
- [Arguments] ${license_model_id} ${version_id}=0.1
- ${uuid}= Generate UUID
- ${shortened_uuid}= Evaluate str("${uuid}")[:23]
- ${map}= Create Dictionary key_group_name=${shortened_uuid}
- ${data}= Fill JSON Template File ${ASDC_KEY_GROUP_TEMPLATE} ${map}
- ${resp}= Run ASDC Post Request ${ASDC_VENDOR_LICENSE_MODEL_PATH}/${license_model_id}/versions/${version_id}${ASDC_VENDOR_KEY_GROUP_PATH} ${data}
- Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.status_code} 200
- [Return] ${resp.json()['value']}
-Get ASDC License Group
- [Documentation] gets an asdc license group by its id
- [Arguments] ${license_model_id} ${group_id} ${version_id}
- ${resp}= Run ASDC Get Request ${ASDC_VENDOR_LICENSE_MODEL_PATH}/${license_model_id}/versions/${version_id}${ASDC_VENDOR_KEY_GROUP_PATH}/${group_id}
- [Return] ${resp.json()}
-Add ASDC Feature Group
- [Documentation] Creates an asdc Feature Group and returns its id
- [Arguments] ${license_model_id} ${key_group_id} ${entitlement_pool_id} ${version_id}=0.1
- ${uuid}= Generate UUID
- ${shortened_uuid}= Evaluate str("${uuid}")[:23]
- ${map}= Create Dictionary feature_group_name=${shortened_uuid} key_group_id=${key_group_id} entitlement_pool_id=${entitlement_pool_id} manufacturer_reference_number=mrn${shortened_uuid}
- ${data}= Fill JSON Template File ${ASDC_FEATURE_GROUP_TEMPLATE} ${map}
- ${resp}= Run ASDC Post Request ${ASDC_VENDOR_LICENSE_MODEL_PATH}/${license_model_id}/versions/${version_id}${ASDC_VENDOR_FEATURE_GROUP_PATH} ${data}
- Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.status_code} 200
- [Return] ${resp.json()['value']}
-Get ASDC Feature Group
- [Documentation] gets an asdc Feature Group by its id
- [Arguments] ${license_model_id} ${group_id}
- ${resp}= Run ASDC Get Request ${ASDC_VENDOR_LICENSE_MODEL_PATH}/${license_model_id}${ASDC_VENDOR_FEATURE_GROUP_PATH}/${group_id}
- [Return] ${resp.json()}
-Add ASDC License Agreement
- [Documentation] Creates an asdc License Agreement and returns its id
- [Arguments] ${license_model_id} ${feature_group_id} ${version_id}=0.1
- ${uuid}= Generate UUID
- ${shortened_uuid}= Evaluate str("${uuid}")[:23]
- ${map}= Create Dictionary license_agreement_name=${shortened_uuid} feature_group_id=${feature_group_id}
- ${data}= Fill JSON Template File ${ASDC_LICENSE_AGREEMENT_TEMPLATE} ${map}
- ${resp}= Run ASDC Post Request ${ASDC_VENDOR_LICENSE_MODEL_PATH}/${license_model_id}/versions/${version_id}${ASDC_VENDOR_LICENSE_AGREEMENT_PATH} ${data}
- Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.status_code} 200
- [Return] ${resp.json()['value']}
-Get ASDC License Agreement
- [Documentation] gets an asdc License Agreement by its id
- [Arguments] ${license_model_id} ${agreement_id}
- ${resp}= Run ASDC Get Request ${ASDC_VENDOR_LICENSE_MODEL_PATH}/${license_model_id}${ASDC_VENDOR_LICENSE_AGREEMENT_PATH}/${agreement_id}
- [Return] ${resp.json()}
-Add ASDC Software Product
- [Documentation] Creates an asdc Software Product and returns its id
- [Arguments] ${license_agreement_id} ${feature_group_id} ${license_model_name} ${license_model_id}
- ${uuid}= Generate UUID
- ${shortened_uuid}= Evaluate str("${uuid}")[:23]
- ${map}= Create Dictionary software_product_name=${shortened_uuid} feature_group_id=${feature_group_id} license_agreement_id=${license_agreement_id} vendor_name=${license_model_name} vendor_id=${license_model_id}
- ${data}= Fill JSON Template File ${ASDC_SOFTWARE_PRODUCT_TEMPLATE} ${map}
- ${resp}= Run ASDC Post Request ${ASDC_VENDOR_SOFTWARE_PRODUCT_PATH} ${data}
- Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.status_code} 200
- [Return] ${resp.json()['vspId']}
-Get ASDC Software Product
- [Documentation] gets an asdc Software Product by its id
- [Arguments] ${software_product_id} ${version_id}=0.1
- ${resp}= Run ASDC Get Request ${ASDC_VENDOR_SOFTWARE_PRODUCT_PATH}/${software_product_id}/versions/${version_id}
- [Return] ${resp.json()}
-Add ASDC Catalog Resource
- [Documentation] Creates an asdc Catalog Resource and returns its id
- [Arguments] ${license_agreement_id} ${software_product_name} ${license_model_name} ${software_product_id}
- ${map}= Create Dictionary software_product_id=${software_product_id} software_product_name=${software_product_name} license_agreement_id=${license_agreement_id} vendor_name=${license_model_name}
- ${data}= Fill JSON Template File ${ASDC_CATALOG_RESOURCE_TEMPLATE} ${map}
- Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.status_code} 201
- [Return] ${resp.json()['uniqueId']}
-Mark ASDC Catalog Resource Inactive
- [Documentation] deletes an asdc Catalog Resource
- [Arguments] ${catalog_resource_id}
- ${resp}= Run ASDC Delete Request ${ASDC_CATALOG_RESOURCES_PATH}/${catalog_resource_id} ${ASDC_DESIGNER_USER_ID}
- Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.status_code} 204
- [Return] ${resp}
-Delete Inactive ASDC Catalog Resources
- [Documentation] delete all asdc Catalog Resources that are inactive
- Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.status_code} 200
- [Return] ${resp.json()}
-Get ASDC Catalog Resource
- [Documentation] gets an asdc Catalog Resource by its id
- [Arguments] ${catalog_resource_id}
- ${resp}= Run ASDC Get Request ${ASDC_CATALOG_RESOURCES_PATH}/${catalog_resource_id} ${ASDC_DESIGNER_USER_ID}
- [Return] ${resp.json()}
-Checkin ASDC Catalog Resource
- [Documentation] checksin an asdc Catalog Resource by its id
- [Arguments] ${catalog_resource_id}
- ${map}= Create Dictionary user_remarks=Robot remarks
- ${data}= Fill JSON Template File ${ASDC_USER_REMARKS_TEMPLATE} ${map}
- ${resp}= Run ASDC Post Request ${ASDC_CATALOG_RESOURCES_PATH}/${catalog_resource_id}${ASDC_CATALOG_LIFECYCLE_PATH}/checkin ${data} ${ASDC_DESIGNER_USER_ID}
- Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.status_code} 200
- [Return] ${resp.json()}
-Request Certify ASDC Catalog Resource
- [Documentation] requests certify on an asdc Catalog Resource by its id
- [Arguments] ${catalog_resource_id}
- ${map}= Create Dictionary user_remarks=Robot remarks
- ${data}= Fill JSON Template File ${ASDC_USER_REMARKS_TEMPLATE} ${map}
- ${resp}= Run ASDC Post Request ${ASDC_CATALOG_RESOURCES_PATH}/${catalog_resource_id}${ASDC_CATALOG_LIFECYCLE_PATH}/certificationRequest ${data} ${ASDC_DESIGNER_USER_ID}
- Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.status_code} 200
- [Return] ${resp.json()}
-Start Certify ASDC Catalog Resource
- [Documentation] start certify an asdc Catalog Resource by its id
- [Arguments] ${catalog_resource_id}
- ${resp}= Run ASDC Post Request ${ASDC_CATALOG_RESOURCES_PATH}/${catalog_resource_id}${ASDC_CATALOG_LIFECYCLE_PATH}/startCertification ${None} ${ASDC_TESTER_USER_ID}
- Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.status_code} 200
- [Return] ${resp.json()}
-Certify ASDC Catalog Resource
- [Documentation] start certify an asdc Catalog Resource by its id and returns the new id
- [Arguments] ${catalog_resource_id}
- ${map}= Create Dictionary user_remarks=Robot remarks
- ${data}= Fill JSON Template File ${ASDC_USER_REMARKS_TEMPLATE} ${map}
- ${resp}= Run ASDC Post Request ${ASDC_CATALOG_RESOURCES_PATH}/${catalog_resource_id}${ASDC_CATALOG_LIFECYCLE_PATH}/certify ${data} ${ASDC_TESTER_USER_ID}
- Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.status_code} 200
- [Return] ${resp.json()['uniqueId']}
-Upload ASDC Heat Package
- [Documentation] Creates an asdc Software Product and returns its id
- [Arguments] ${software_product_id} ${file_path} ${version_id}=0.1
- ${files}= Create Dictionary
- Create Multi Part ${files} upload ${file_path} contentType=application/zip
- ${resp}= Run ASDC Post Files Request ${ASDC_VENDOR_SOFTWARE_PRODUCT_PATH}/${software_product_id}/versions/${version_id}${ASDC_VENDOR_SOFTWARE_UPLOAD_PATH} ${files} ${ASDC_DESIGNER_USER_ID}
- Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.status_code} 200
-Add ASDC Catalog Service
- [Documentation] Creates an asdc Catalog Service and returns its id
- [Arguments] ${catalog_service_name}
- ${uuid}= Generate UUID
- ${shortened_uuid}= Evaluate str("${uuid}")[:23]
- ${catalog_service_name}= Set Variable If '${catalog_service_name}' =='' ${shortened_uuid} ${catalog_service_name}
- ${map}= Create Dictionary service_name=${catalog_service_name}
- ${data}= Fill JSON Template File ${ASDC_CATALOG_SERVICE_TEMPLATE} ${map}
- Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.status_code} 201
- [Return] ${resp.json()['uniqueId']}
-Mark ASDC Catalog Service Inactive
- [Documentation] Deletes an asdc Catalog Service
- [Arguments] ${catalog_service_id}
- ${resp}= Run ASDC Delete Request ${ASDC_CATALOG_SERVICES_PATH}/${catalog_service_id} ${ASDC_DESIGNER_USER_ID}
- Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.status_code} 204
- [Return] ${resp}
-Delete Inactive ASDC Catalog Services
- [Documentation] delete all asdc Catalog Serivces that are inactive
- Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.status_code} 200
- [Return] ${resp.json()}
-Get ASDC Catalog Service
- [Documentation] gets an asdc Catalog Service by its id
- [Arguments] ${catalog_service_id}
- ${resp}= Run ASDC Get Request ${ASDC_CATALOG_SERVICES_PATH}/${catalog_service_id} ${ASDC_DESIGNER_USER_ID}
- [Return] ${resp.json()}
-Checkin ASDC Catalog Service
- [Documentation] checksin an asdc Catalog Service by its id
- [Arguments] ${catalog_service_id}
- ${map}= Create Dictionary user_remarks=Robot remarks
- ${data}= Fill JSON Template File ${ASDC_USER_REMARKS_TEMPLATE} ${map}
- ${resp}= Run ASDC Post Request ${ASDC_CATALOG_SERVICES_PATH}/${catalog_service_id}${ASDC_CATALOG_LIFECYCLE_PATH}/checkin ${data} ${ASDC_DESIGNER_USER_ID}
- Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.status_code} 200
- [Return] ${resp.json()}
-Request Certify ASDC Catalog Service
- [Documentation] requests certify on an asdc Catalog Service by its id
- [Arguments] ${catalog_service_id}
- ${map}= Create Dictionary user_remarks=Robot remarks
- ${data}= Fill JSON Template File ${ASDC_USER_REMARKS_TEMPLATE} ${map}
- ${resp}= Run ASDC Post Request ${ASDC_CATALOG_SERVICES_PATH}/${catalog_service_id}${ASDC_CATALOG_LIFECYCLE_PATH}/certificationRequest ${data} ${ASDC_DESIGNER_USER_ID}
- Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.status_code} 200
- [Return] ${resp.json()}
-Start Certify ASDC Catalog Service
- [Documentation] start certify an asdc Catalog Service by its id
- [Arguments] ${catalog_service_id}
- ${resp}= Run ASDC Post Request ${ASDC_CATALOG_SERVICES_PATH}/${catalog_service_id}${ASDC_CATALOG_LIFECYCLE_PATH}/startCertification ${None} ${ASDC_TESTER_USER_ID}
- Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.status_code} 200
- [Return] ${resp.json()}
-Certify ASDC Catalog Service
- [Documentation] start certify an asdc Catalog Service by its id and returns the new id
- [Arguments] ${catalog_service_id}
- ${map}= Create Dictionary user_remarks=Robot remarks
- ${data}= Fill JSON Template File ${ASDC_USER_REMARKS_TEMPLATE} ${map}
- ${resp}= Run ASDC Post Request ${ASDC_CATALOG_SERVICES_PATH}/${catalog_service_id}${ASDC_CATALOG_LIFECYCLE_PATH}/certify ${data} ${ASDC_TESTER_USER_ID}
- Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.status_code} 200
- [Return] ${resp.json()['uniqueId']}
-Approve ASDC Catalog Service
- [Documentation] approve an asdc Catalog Service by its id
- [Arguments] ${catalog_service_id}
- ${map}= Create Dictionary user_remarks=Robot remarks
- ${data}= Fill JSON Template File ${ASDC_USER_REMARKS_TEMPLATE} ${map}
- Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.status_code} 200
- [Return] ${resp.json()}
-Distribute ASDC Catalog Service
- [Documentation] distribute an asdc Catalog Service by its id
- [Arguments] ${catalog_service_id}
- Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.status_code} 200
- [Return] ${resp.json()}
-Add ASDC Resource Instance
- [Documentation] Creates an asdc Resource Instance and returns its id
- [Arguments] ${catalog_service_id} ${catalog_resource_id} ${catalog_resource_name}
- ${milli_timestamp}= Generate MilliTimestamp UUID
- ${map}= Create Dictionary catalog_resource_id=${catalog_resource_id} catalog_resource_name=${catalog_resource_name} milli_timestamp=${milli_timestamp}
- ${data}= Fill JSON Template File ${ASDC_RESOURCE_INSTANCE_TEMPLATE} ${map}
- Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.status_code} 201
- [Return] ${resp.json()['uniqueId']}
-Get Catalog Service Distribution
- [Documentation] gets an asdc catalog Service distrbution
- [Arguments] ${catalog_service_uuid}
- Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.status_code} 200
- [Return] ${resp.json()}
-Check Catalog Service Distributed
- [Documentation] gets an asdc catalog Service distrbution
- [Arguments] ${catalog_service_uuid}
- ${dist_resp}= Get Catalog Service Distribution ${catalog_service_uuid}
- Should Be Equal As Strings ${dist_resp['distributionStatusOfServiceList'][0]['deployementStatus']} Distributed
- Sleep 3 minutes
- ${det_resp}= Get Catalog Service Distribution Details ${dist_resp['distributionStatusOfServiceList'][0]['distributionID']}
- @{ITEMS}= Copy List ${det_resp['distributionStatusList']}
- \ Log ${ELEMENT['status']}
-Get Catalog Service Distribution Details
- [Documentation] gets an asdc catalog Service distrbution details
- [Arguments] ${catalog_service_distribution_id}
- ${resp}= Run ASDC Get Request ${ASDC_CATALOG_SERVICES_PATH}${ASDC_CATALOG_SERVICE_DISTRIBUTION_PATH}/${catalog_service_distribution_id} ${ASDC_OPS_USER_ID}
- Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.status_code} 200
- [Return] ${resp.json()}
-Run ASDC Health Check
- [Documentation] Runs a ASDC health check
- ${session}= Create Session asdc ${ASDC_FE_ENDPOINT}
- ${uuid}= Generate UUID
- ${headers}= Create Dictionary Accept=application/json Content-Type=application/json X-TransactionId=${GLOBAL_APPLICATION_ID}-${uuid} X-FromAppId=${GLOBAL_APPLICATION_ID}
- ${resp}= Get Request asdc ${ASDC_HEALTH_CHECK_PATH} headers=${headers}
- Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.status_code} 200
- @{ITEMS}= Copy List ${resp.json()['componentsInfo']}
- \ Log ${ELEMENT['healthCheckStatus']}
- \ Should Be Equal As Strings ${ELEMENT['healthCheckStatus']} UP
-Run ASDC Get Request
- [Documentation] Runs an ASDC get request
- [Arguments] ${data_path} ${user}=${ASDC_DESIGNER_USER_ID}
- Log Creating session ${ASDC_BE_ENDPOINT}
- ${session}= Create Session asdc ${ASDC_BE_ENDPOINT} auth=${auth}
- ${uuid}= Generate UUID
- ${headers}= Create Dictionary Accept=application/json Content-Type=application/json USER_ID=${user} X-TransactionId=${GLOBAL_APPLICATION_ID}-${uuid} X-FromAppId=${GLOBAL_APPLICATION_ID}
- ${resp}= Get Request asdc ${data_path} headers=${headers}
- Log Received response from asdc ${resp.text}
- [Return] ${resp}
-Run ASDC Put Request
- [Documentation] Runs an ASDC put request
- [Arguments] ${data_path} ${data} ${user}=${ASDC_DESIGNER_USER_ID}
- Log Creating session ${ASDC_BE_ENDPOINT}
- ${session}= Create Session asdc ${ASDC_BE_ENDPOINT} auth=${auth}
- ${uuid}= Generate UUID
- ${headers}= Create Dictionary Accept=application/json Content-Type=application/json USER_ID=${user} X-TransactionId=${GLOBAL_APPLICATION_ID}-${uuid} X-FromAppId=${GLOBAL_APPLICATION_ID}
- ${resp}= Put Request asdc ${data_path} data=${data} headers=${headers}
- Log Received response from asdc ${resp.text}
- [Return] ${resp}
-Run ASDC Post Files Request
- [Documentation] Runs an ASDC post request
- [Arguments] ${data_path} ${files} ${user}=${ASDC_DESIGNER_USER_ID}
- Log Creating session ${ASDC_BE_ENDPOINT}
- ${session}= Create Session asdc ${ASDC_BE_ENDPOINT} auth=${auth}
- ${uuid}= Generate UUID
- ${headers}= Create Dictionary Accept=application/json Content-Type=multipart/form-data USER_ID=${user} X-TransactionId=${GLOBAL_APPLICATION_ID}-${uuid} X-FromAppId=${GLOBAL_APPLICATION_ID}
- ${resp}= Post Request asdc ${data_path} files=${files} headers=${headers}
- Log Received response from asdc ${resp.text}
- [Return] ${resp}
-Run ASDC Post Request
- [Documentation] Runs an ASDC post request
- [Arguments] ${data_path} ${data} ${user}=${ASDC_DESIGNER_USER_ID}
- Log Creating session ${ASDC_BE_ENDPOINT}
- ${session}= Create Session asdc ${ASDC_BE_ENDPOINT} auth=${auth}
- ${uuid}= Generate UUID
- ${headers}= Create Dictionary Accept=application/json Content-Type=application/json USER_ID=${user} X-TransactionId=${GLOBAL_APPLICATION_ID}-${uuid} X-FromAppId=${GLOBAL_APPLICATION_ID}
- ${resp}= Post Request asdc ${data_path} data=${data} headers=${headers}
- Log Received response from asdc ${resp.text}
- [Return] ${resp}
-Run ASDC Delete Request
- [Documentation] Runs an ASDC delete request
- [Arguments] ${data_path} ${user}=${ASDC_DESIGNER_USER_ID}
- Log Creating session ${ASDC_BE_ENDPOINT}
- ${session}= Create Session asdc ${ASDC_BE_ENDPOINT} auth=${auth}
- ${uuid}= Generate UUID
- ${headers}= Create Dictionary Accept=application/json Content-Type=application/json USER_ID=${user} X-TransactionId=${GLOBAL_APPLICATION_ID}-${uuid} X-FromAppId=${GLOBAL_APPLICATION_ID}
- ${resp}= Delete Request asdc ${data_path} headers=${headers}
- Log Received response from asdc ${resp.text}
- [Return] ${resp}
- [Documentation] Logs in to ASDC GUI
- [Arguments] ${PATH}
- ## Setup Browever now being managed by the test case
- ##Setup Browser
- Maximize Browser Window
- Log Logging in to ${ASDC_FE_ENDPOINT}${PATH}
- Title Should Be ASDC
- Wait Until Page Contains Element xpath=//div/a[text()='SDC'] ${GLOBAL_SELENIUM_BROWSER_WAIT_TIMEOUT}
- Log Logged in to ${ASDC_FE_ENDPOINT}${PATH}
-Create Multi Part
- [Arguments] ${addTo} ${partName} ${filePath} ${contentType}=${None}
- ${fileData}= Get Binary File ${filePath}
- ${fileDir} ${fileName}= Split Path ${filePath}
- ${partData}= Create List ${fileName} ${fileData} ${contentType}
- Set To Dictionary ${addTo} ${partName}=${partData}