path: root/kubernetes/common/common/templates/_secret.tpl
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Diffstat (limited to 'kubernetes/common/common/templates/_secret.tpl')
1 files changed, 509 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/kubernetes/common/common/templates/_secret.tpl b/kubernetes/common/common/templates/_secret.tpl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..064b0c16af
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kubernetes/common/common/templates/_secret.tpl
@@ -0,0 +1,509 @@
+# Copyright © 2019 AT&T, Samsung Electronics
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+ For internal use only!
+ Generates a secret header with given name and desired labels.
+ The template takes two arguments:
+ - .global: environment (.)
+ - .name: name of the secret
+ - .annotations: annotations which should be used
+ Example call:
+ {{ include "common.secret._header" (dict "global" . "name" "myFancyName") }}
+{{- define "common.secret._header" -}}
+{{- $global := .global }}
+{{- $name := .name }}
+apiVersion: v1
+kind: Secret
+ name: {{ $name }}
+ namespace: {{ include "common.namespace" $global }}
+ labels:
+ app: {{ include "common.name" $global }}
+ chart: {{ $global.Chart.Name }}-{{ $global.Chart.Version | replace "+" "_" }}
+ release: {{ include "common.release" $global }}
+ heritage: {{ $global.Release.Service }}
+{{- if .annotations }}
+ annotations: {{- include "common.tplValue" (dict "value" .annotations "context" $global) | nindent 4 }}
+{{- end }}
+type: Opaque
+{{- end -}}
+ For internal use only!
+ Pick a value based on "user input" and generation policy.
+ The template takes below arguments:
+ - .global: environment (.)
+ - .secretName: name of the secret where the value will be placed
+ - .secretEnv: map of values which configures this secret. This can contain below keys:
+ - value: Value of secret key provided by user (can be a template inside a string)
+ - policy: What to do if value is missing or empty. Possible options are:
+ - generate: Generate a new password deriving it from master password
+ - required: Fail the deployment if value has not been provided
+ Defaults to generate.
+ - name: Name of the key to which this value should be assigned
+{{- define "common.secret._value" -}}
+ {{- $global := .global }}
+ {{- $name := .secretName }}
+ {{- $secretEnv := .secretEnv }}
+ {{- $value := tpl $secretEnv.value $global }}
+ {{- $policy := default "generate" $secretEnv.policy }}
+ {{- if $value }}
+ {{- $value | quote }}
+ {{- else if eq $policy "generate" }}
+ {{- include "common.createPassword" (dict "dot" $global "uid" $name) | quote }}
+ {{- else }}
+ {{- fail (printf "Value for %s secret %s key not provided" $name $secretEnv.name) }}
+ {{- end }}
+{{- end -}}
+ For internal use only!
+ Pick a value based on "user input" and generation policy.
+ The template takes below arguments:
+ - .global: environment (.)
+ - .secretName: name of the secret where the value will be placed
+ - .secretEnv: map of values which configures this secret. This can contain below keys:
+ - value: Value of secret key provided by user (can be a template inside a string)
+ - policy: What to do if value is missing or empty. Possible options are:
+ - generate: Generate a new password deriving it from master password
+ - required: Fail the deployment if value has not been provided
+ Defaults to generate.
+ - name: Name of the key to which this value should be assigned
+{{- define "common.secret._valueFast" -}}
+ {{- $global := .global }}
+ {{- $name := .secretName }}
+ {{- $secretEnv := .secretEnv }}
+ {{- $value := $secretEnv.value }}
+ {{- $policy := default "generate" $secretEnv.policy }}
+ {{- if $value }}
+ {{- $value | quote }}
+ {{- else if eq $policy "generate" }}
+ {{- include "common.createPassword" (dict "dot" $global "uid" $name) | quote }}
+ {{- else }}
+ {{- fail (printf "Value for %s secret %s key not provided" $name $secretEnv.name) }}
+ {{- end }}
+{{- end -}}
+ Generate a secret name based on provided name or UID.
+ If UID is provided then the name is generated by appending this UID right after
+ the chart name. If name is provided, it overrides the name generation algorith
+ and is used right away. Both name and uid strings may contain a template to be
+ resolved.
+ The template takes below arguments:
+ - .global: environment (.)
+ - .uid: string that uniquely identifies this secret within a helm chart
+ - .name: string that can be used to override default name generation algorithm
+ and provide a custom name for the secret
+{{- define "common.secret.genName" -}}
+ {{- $global := .global }}
+ {{- $uid := tpl (default "" .uid) $global }}
+ {{- $name := tpl (default "" .name) $global }}
+ {{- $fullname := ne (default "" .chartName) "" | ternary (include "common.fullnameExplicit" (dict "dot" $global "chartName" .chartName)) (include "common.fullname" $global) }}
+ {{- default (printf "%s-%s" $fullname $uid) $name }}
+{{- end -}}
+{{- define "common.secret.genNameFast" -}}
+ {{- $global := .global }}
+ {{- $uid := (default "" .uid) }}
+ {{- $name := (default "" .name) }}
+ {{- $fullname := ne (default "" .chartName) "" | ternary (include "common.fullnameExplicit" (dict "dot" $global "chartName" .chartName)) (include "common.fullname" $global) }}
+ {{- default (printf "%s-%s" $fullname $uid) $name }}
+{{- end -}}
+ Get the real secret name by UID or name, based on the configuration provided by user.
+ User may decide to not create a new secret but reuse existing one for this deployment
+ (aka externalSecret). In this case the real name of secret to be used is different
+ than the one declared in secret definition. This easily retrieve current secret real
+ name based on declared name or UID even if it has been overrided by the user using
+ externalSecret option. You should use this template always when you need to reference
+ a secret created using common.secret template by name.
+ The template takes below arguments:
+ - .global: environment (.)
+ - .uid: string that uniquely identifies this secret within a helm chart
+ (can be omitted if name has been provided)
+ - .name: name which was used to declare a secret
+ (can be omitted if uid has been provided)
+{{- define "common.secret.getSecretName" -}}
+ {{- $global := .global }}
+ {{- $name := tpl (default "" .name) $global }}
+ {{- $uid := tpl (default "" .uid) $global }}
+ {{- $targetName := default (include "common.secret.genName" (dict "global" $global "uid" $uid "name" .name)) $name}}
+ {{- range $secret := $global.Values.secrets }}
+ {{- $currUID := tpl (default "" $secret.uid) $global }}
+ {{- $givenName := tpl (default "" $secret.name) $global }}
+ {{- $currName := default (include "common.secret.genName" (dict "global" $global "uid" $currUID "name" $secret.name)) $givenName }}
+ {{- if or (eq $uid $currUID) (eq $currName $targetName) }}
+ {{- $externalSecret := tpl (default "" $secret.externalSecret) $global }}
+ {{- default $currName $externalSecret }}
+ {{- end }}
+ {{- end }}
+{{- end -}}
+{{- define "common.secret.getSecretNameFast" -}}
+ {{- $global := .global }}
+ {{- include "common.secret.buildCache" $global }}
+ {{- $secretsCache := $global.Values._secretsCache }}
+ {{- $uid := tpl .uid $global }}
+ {{- $secret := index $secretsCache $uid }}
+ {{- $secret.realName }}
+{{- end -}}
+{{- define "common.secret.buildCache" -}}
+ {{- $global := . }}
+ {{- if not $global.Values._secretsCache }}
+ {{- $secretCache := dict }}
+ {{- range $secret := .Values.secrets }}
+ {{- $entry := dict }}
+ {{- $uid := tpl (default "" $secret.uid) $global }}
+ {{- $keys := keys $secret }}
+ {{- range $key := (without $keys "annotations" "filePaths" )}}
+ {{- $_ := set $entry $key (tpl (index $secret $key) $global) }}
+ {{- end }}
+ {{- if $secret.annotations }}
+ {{- $_ := set $entry "annotations" $secret.annotations }}
+ {{- end }}
+ {{- if $secret.filePaths }}
+ {{- if kindIs "string" $secret.filePaths }}
+ {{- $evaluated := tpl (default "" $secret.filePaths) $global }}
+ {{- if and $evaluated (ne $evaluated "\"\"") }}
+ {{- $fstr := printf "val:\n%s" ($evaluated | indent 2) }}
+ {{- $flist := (index (tpl $fstr $global | fromYaml) "val") }}
+ {{- $_ := set $entry "filePaths" $flist }}
+ {{- else }}
+ {{- $_ := set $entry "filePaths" (list) }}
+ {{- end }}
+ {{- else }}
+ {{- $_ := set $entry "filePaths" $secret.filePaths }}
+ {{- end }}
+ {{- end }}
+ {{- $realName := default (include "common.secret.genNameFast" (dict "global" $global "uid" $uid "name" $entry.name) ) $entry.externalSecret }}
+ {{- $_ := set $entry "realName" $realName }}
+ {{- $_ := set $secretCache $uid $entry }}
+ {{- end }}
+ {{- $_ := set $global.Values "_secretsCache" $secretCache }}
+ {{- end }}
+{{- end -}}
+ Convenience template which can be used to easily set the value of environment variable
+ to the value of a key in a secret.
+ It takes care of all name mangling, usage of external secrets etc.
+ The template takes below arguments:
+ - .global: environment (.)
+ - .uid: string that uniquely identifies this secret within a helm chart
+ (can be omitted if name has been provided)
+ - .name: name which was used to declare a secret
+ (can be omitted if uid has been provided)
+ - .key: Key within this secret which value should be assigned to this variable
+ Example usage:
+ env:
+ {{- include "common.secret.envFromSecret" (dict "global" . "uid" "secret" "key" "password") | indent 8}}
+{{- define "common.secret.envFromSecret" -}}
+ {{- $key := .key }}
+ secretKeyRef:
+ name: {{ include "common.secret.getSecretName" . }}
+ key: {{ $key }}
+{{- end -}}
+{{- define "common.secret.envFromSecretFast" -}}
+ {{- $key := .key }}
+ secretKeyRef:
+ name: {{ include "common.secret.getSecretNameFast" . }}
+ key: {{ $key }}
+{{- end -}}
+ Define secrets to be used by chart.
+ Every secret has a type which is one of:
+ - generic:
+ Generic secret template that allows to input some raw data (from files).
+ File Input can be passed as list of files (filePaths) or as a single string
+ (filePath)
+ - genericKV:
+ Type of secret which allows you to define a list of key value pairs.
+ The list is assiged to envs value. Every item may define below items:
+ - name:
+ Identifier of this value within secret
+ - value:
+ String that defines a value associated with given key.
+ This can be a simple string or a template.
+ - policy:
+ Defines what to do if value is not provided by the user.
+ Available options are:
+ - generate:
+ Generate a value by derriving it from master password
+ - required:
+ Fail the deployment
+ - password:
+ Type of secret that holds only the password.
+ Only two items can be defined for this type:
+ - password:
+ Equivalent of value field from genericKV
+ - policy:
+ The same meaning as for genericKV policy field
+ - basicAuth:
+ Type of secret that holds both username and password.
+ Below fields are available:
+ - login:
+ The value for login key.
+ This can be a simple string or a template.
+ Providing a value for login is always required.
+ - password:
+ The value for password key.
+ This can be a simple string or a template.
+ - passwordPolicy:
+ The same meaning as the policy field in genericKV.
+ Only the policy for password can be set.
+ Every secret can be identified using:
+ - uid:
+ A string to be appended to the chart fullname to generate a secret name.
+ - name:
+ Overrides default secret name generation and allows to set immutable
+ and globaly unique name
+ - annotations:
+ List of annotations to be used while defining a secret
+ To allow sharing a secret between the components and allow to pre-deploy secrets
+ before ONAP deployment it is possible to use already existing secret instead of
+ creating a new one. For this purpose externalSecret field can be used. If value of
+ this field is evaluated to true no new secret is created, only the name of the
+ secret is aliased to the external one.
+ Example usage:
+ secrets.yaml:
+ {{ include "common.secret" . }}
+ values.yaml:
+ mysqlLogin: "root"
+ mysqlExternalSecret: "some-other-secret-name"
+ secrets:
+ - uid: "mysql"
+ externalSecret: '{{ tpl .Values.passExternalSecret . }}'
+ type: basicAuth
+ login: '{{ .Values.mysqlLogin }}'
+ mysqlPassword: '{{ .Values.mysqlPassword }}'
+ passwordPolicy: generate
+ In the above example new secret is not going to be created.
+ Already existing one (some-other-secret-name) is going to be used.
+ To force creating a new one, just make sure that mysqlExternalSecret
+ is not set.
+{{- define "common.secret" -}}
+ {{- $global := . }}
+ {{- range $secret := .Values.secrets }}
+ {{- $uid := tpl (default "" $secret.uid) $global }}
+ {{- $name := include "common.secret.genName" (dict "global" $global "uid" $uid "name" $secret.name) }}
+ {{- $annotations := default "" $secret.annotations }}
+ {{- $type := default "generic" $secret.type }}
+ {{- $externalSecret := tpl (default "" $secret.externalSecret) $global }}
+ {{- if not $externalSecret }}
+ {{ include "common.secret._header" (dict "global" $global "name" $name "annotations" $annotations) }}
+ {{- if eq $type "generic" }}
+ {{- range $curFilePath := $secret.filePaths }}
+ {{ tpl ($global.Files.Glob $curFilePath).AsSecrets $global | indent 2 }}
+ {{- end }}
+ {{- if $secret.filePath }}
+ {{ tpl ($global.Files.Glob $secret.filePath).AsSecrets $global | indent 2 }}
+ {{- end }}
+ {{- else if eq $type "genericKV" }}
+ {{- if $secret.envs }}
+ {{- range $secretEnv := $secret.envs }}
+ {{- $valueDesc := (dict "global" $global "secretName" $name "secretEnv" $secretEnv) }}
+ {{ $secretEnv.name }}: {{ include "common.secret._value" $valueDesc }}
+ {{- end }}
+ {{- end }}
+ {{- else if eq $type "password" }}
+ {{- $secretEnv := (dict "policy" (default "generate" $secret.policy) "name" "password" "value" $secret.password) }}
+ {{- $valueDesc := (dict "global" $global "secretName" $name "secretEnv" $secretEnv) }}
+ password: {{ include "common.secret._value" $valueDesc }}
+ {{- else if eq $type "basicAuth" }}
+ {{- $secretEnv := (dict "policy" "required" "name" "login" "value" $secret.login) }}
+ {{- $valueDesc := (dict "global" $global "secretName" $name "secretEnv" $secretEnv) }}
+ login: {{ include "common.secret._value" $valueDesc }}
+ {{- $secretEnv := (dict "policy" (default "generate" $secret.passwordPolicy) "name" "password" "value" $secret.password) }}
+ {{- $valueDesc := (dict "global" $global "secretName" $name "secretEnv" $secretEnv) }}
+ password: {{ include "common.secret._value" $valueDesc }}
+ {{- end }}
+ {{- end }}
+ {{- end }}
+{{- end -}}
+ Define secrets to be used by chart.
+ Every secret has a type which is one of:
+ - generic:
+ Generic secret template that allows to input some raw data (from files).
+ File Input can be passed as list of files (filePaths) or as a single string
+ (filePath)
+ - genericKV:
+ Type of secret which allows you to define a list of key value pairs.
+ The list is assiged to envs value. Every item may define below items:
+ - name:
+ Identifier of this value within secret
+ - value:
+ String that defines a value associated with given key.
+ This can be a simple string or a template.
+ - policy:
+ Defines what to do if value is not provided by the user.
+ Available options are:
+ - generate:
+ Generate a value by derriving it from master password
+ - required:
+ Fail the deployment
+ - password:
+ Type of secret that holds only the password.
+ Only two items can be defined for this type:
+ - password:
+ Equivalent of value field from genericKV
+ - policy:
+ The same meaning as for genericKV policy field
+ - basicAuth:
+ Type of secret that holds both username and password.
+ Below fields are available:
+ - login:
+ The value for login key.
+ This can be a simple string or a template.
+ Providing a value for login is always required.
+ - password:
+ The value for password key.
+ This can be a simple string or a template.
+ - passwordPolicy:
+ The same meaning as the policy field in genericKV.
+ Only the policy for password can be set.
+ Every secret can be identified using:
+ - uid:
+ A string to be appended to the chart fullname to generate a secret name.
+ - name:
+ Overrides default secret name generation and allows to set immutable
+ and globaly unique name
+ - annotations:
+ List of annotations to be used while defining a secret
+ To allow sharing a secret between the components and allow to pre-deploy secrets
+ before ONAP deployment it is possible to use already existing secret instead of
+ creating a new one. For this purpose externalSecret field can be used. If value of
+ this field is evaluated to true no new secret is created, only the name of the
+ secret is aliased to the external one.
+ Example usage:
+ secrets.yaml:
+ {{ include "common.secretFast" . }}
+ values.yaml:
+ mysqlLogin: "root"
+ mysqlExternalSecret: "some-other-secret-name"
+ secrets:
+ - uid: "mysql"
+ externalSecret: '{{ tpl .Values.passExternalSecret . }}'
+ type: basicAuth
+ login: '{{ .Values.mysqlLogin }}'
+ mysqlPassword: '{{ .Values.mysqlPassword }}'
+ passwordPolicy: generate
+ In the above example new secret is not going to be created.
+ Already existing one (some-other-secret-name) is going to be used.
+ To force creating a new one, just make sure that mysqlExternalSecret
+ is not set.
+{{- define "common.secretFast" -}}
+ {{- $global := . }}
+ {{- include "common.secret.buildCache" $global }}
+ {{- range $secret := .Values._secretsCache }}
+ {{- $uid := $secret.uid }}
+ {{- $externalSecret := $secret.externalSecret }}
+ {{- if not $externalSecret }}
+ {{- $name := $secret.realName }}
+ {{- $annotations := default "" $secret.annotations }}
+ {{- $type := default "generic" $secret.type }}
+ {{ include "common.secret._header" (dict "global" $global "name" $name "annotations" $annotations) }}
+ {{- if eq $type "generic" }}
+ {{- range $curFilePath := $secret.filePaths }}
+ {{- fail (printf "%s" $curFilePath) }}
+ {{ tpl ($global.Files.Glob $curFilePath).AsSecrets $global | indent 2 }}
+ {{- end }}
+ {{- if $secret.filePath }}
+ {{ tpl ($global.Files.Glob $secret.filePath).AsSecrets $global | indent 2 }}
+ {{- end }}
+ {{- else if eq $type "genericKV" }}
+ {{- if $secret.envs }}
+ {{- range $secretEnv := $secret.envs }}
+ {{- $valueDesc := (dict "global" $global "secretName" $name "secretEnv" $secretEnv) }}
+ {{ $secretEnv.name }}: {{ include "common.secret._valueFast" $valueDesc }}
+ {{- end }}
+ {{- end }}
+ {{- else if eq $type "password" }}
+ {{- $secretEnv := (dict "policy" (default "generate" $secret.policy) "name" "password" "value" $secret.password) }}
+ {{- $valueDesc := (dict "global" $global "secretName" $name "secretEnv" $secretEnv) }}
+ password: {{ include "common.secret._valueFast" $valueDesc }}
+ {{- else if eq $type "basicAuth" }}
+ {{- $secretEnv := (dict "policy" "required" "name" "login" "value" $secret.login) }}
+ {{- $valueDesc := (dict "global" $global "secretName" $name "secretEnv" $secretEnv) }}
+ login: {{ include "common.secret._valueFast" $valueDesc }}
+ {{- $secretEnv := (dict "policy" (default "generate" $secret.passwordPolicy) "name" "password" "value" $secret.password) }}
+ {{- $valueDesc := (dict "global" $global "secretName" $name "secretEnv" $secretEnv) }}
+ password: {{ include "common.secret._valueFast" $valueDesc }}
+ {{- end }}
+ {{- end }}
+ {{- end }}
+{{- end -}}