path: root/kubernetes/clamp/components/clamp-mariadb/resources/config/mariadb
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'kubernetes/clamp/components/clamp-mariadb/resources/config/mariadb')
2 files changed, 0 insertions, 466 deletions
diff --git a/kubernetes/clamp/components/clamp-mariadb/resources/config/mariadb/conf.d/conf1/my.cnf b/kubernetes/clamp/components/clamp-mariadb/resources/config/mariadb/conf.d/conf1/my.cnf
deleted file mode 100644
index 8b5dc2a021..0000000000
--- a/kubernetes/clamp/components/clamp-mariadb/resources/config/mariadb/conf.d/conf1/my.cnf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,209 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright © 2018 AT&T, Amdocs, Bell Canada Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-# Example MySQL config file for medium systems.
-# This is for a system with memory 8G where MySQL plays
-# an important part, or systems up to 128M where MySQL is used together with
-# other programs (such as a web server)
-# In this file, you can use all long options that a program supports.
-# If you want to know which options a program supports, run the program
-# with the "--help" option.
-# The following options will be passed to all MySQL clients
-##user = root
-##port = 3306
-##socket = //opt/app/mysql/mysql.sock
-# Here follows entries for some specific programs
-# The MySQL server
-slow_query_log =ON
-long_query_time =2
-slow_query_log_file =//var/lib/mysql/slow_query.log
-##basedir = //opt/app/mysql/product/mariadb-10.1.11-linux-x86_64
-##datadir = //opt/app/mysql/data
-##port = 3306
-##socket = //opt/app/mysql/mysql.sock
-explicit_defaults_for_timestamp = true
-local-infile = 0
-key_buffer_size = 16M
-max_allowed_packet = 4M
-table_open_cache = 100
-sort_buffer_size = 512K
-net_buffer_length = 8K
-read_buffer_size = 256K
-read_rnd_buffer_size = 512K
-myisam_sort_buffer_size = 8M
-max_connections = 500
-lower_case_table_names = 1
-thread_stack = 256K
-thread_cache_size = 25
-query_cache_size = 8M
-query_cache_type = 0
-query_prealloc_size = 512K
-query_cache_limit = 1M
-# Password validation
-# Audit Log settings
-# Don't listen on a TCP/IP port at all. This can be a security enhancement,
-# if all processes that need to connect to mysqld run on the same host.
-# All interaction with mysqld must be made via Unix sockets or named pipes.
-# Note that using this option without enabling named pipes on Windows
-# (via the "enable-named-pipe" option) will render mysqld useless!
-# Replication Master Server (default)
-# binary logging is required for replication
-# binary logging format - mixed recommended
-# required unique id between 1 and 2^32 - 1
-# defaults to 1 if master-host is not set
-# but will not function as a master if omitted
-# Replication Slave (comment out master section to use this)
-# To configure this host as a replication slave, you can choose between
-# two methods :
-# 1) Use the CHANGE MASTER TO command (fully described in our manual) -
-# the syntax is:
-# MASTER_USER=<user>, MASTER_PASSWORD=<password> ;
-# where you replace <host>, <user>, <password> by quoted strings and
-# <port> by the master's port number (3306 by default).
-# Example:
-# OR
-# 2) Set the variables below. However, in case you choose this method, then
-# start replication for the first time (even unsuccessfully, for example
-# if you mistyped the password in master-password and the slave fails to
-# connect), the slave will create a master.info file, and any later
-# change in this file to the variables' values below will be ignored and
-# overridden by the content of the master.info file, unless you shutdown
-# the slave server, delete master.info and restart the slaver server.
-# For that reason, you may want to leave the lines below untouched
-# (commented) and instead use CHANGE MASTER TO (see above)
-# required unique id between 2 and 2^32 - 1
-# (and different from the master)
-# defaults to 2 if master-host is set
-# but will not function as a slave if omitted
-#server-id = 2
-# The replication master for this slave - required
-#master-host = <hostname>
-# The username the slave will use for authentication when connecting
-# to the master - required
-#master-user = <username>
-# The password the slave will authenticate with when connecting to
-# the master - required
-#master-password = <password>
-# The port the master is listening on.
-# optional - defaults to 3306
-#master-port = <port>
-# binary logging - not required for slaves, but recommended
-# Uncomment the following if you are using InnoDB tables
-##innodb_data_home_dir = //opt/app/mysql/data
-##innodb_data_file_path = ibdata1:20M:autoextend:max:32G
-##innodb_log_group_home_dir = //opt/app/mysql/iblogs
-# You can set .._buffer_pool_size up to 50 - 80 %
-# of RAM but beware of setting memory usage too high
-innodb_buffer_pool_size = 128M
-#innodb_additional_mem_pool_size = 2M
-# Set .._log_file_size to 25 % of buffer pool size
-innodb_log_file_size = 10M
-innodb_log_files_in_group = 3
-innodb_log_buffer_size = 8M
-#innodb_flush_log_at_trx_commit = 1
-innodb_lock_wait_timeout = 50
-innodb_autoextend_increment = 100
-expire_logs_days = 8
-open_files_limit = 2000
-####### Galera parameters #######
-## Galera Provider configuration
-wsrep_provider_options="gcache.size=128M; gcache.page_size=10M"
-## Galera Cluster configuration
-## Galera Synchronization configuration
-## Galera Node configuration
-## Status notification
-max_allowed_packet = 16M
-# Remove the next comment character if you are not familiar with SQL
-key_buffer_size = 20971520
diff --git a/kubernetes/clamp/components/clamp-mariadb/resources/config/mariadb/docker-entrypoint-initdb.d/create-tables.sql b/kubernetes/clamp/components/clamp-mariadb/resources/config/mariadb/docker-entrypoint-initdb.d/create-tables.sql
deleted file mode 100644
index 1f153bce04..0000000000
--- a/kubernetes/clamp/components/clamp-mariadb/resources/config/mariadb/docker-entrypoint-initdb.d/create-tables.sql
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,257 +0,0 @@
- create table dictionary (
- name varchar(255) not null,
- created_by varchar(255),
- created_timestamp datetime(6) not null,
- updated_by varchar(255),
- updated_timestamp datetime(6) not null,
- dictionary_second_level integer,
- dictionary_type varchar(255),
- primary key (name)
- ) engine=InnoDB;
- create table dictionary_elements (
- short_name varchar(255) not null,
- created_by varchar(255),
- created_timestamp datetime(6) not null,
- updated_by varchar(255),
- updated_timestamp datetime(6) not null,
- description varchar(255) not null,
- name varchar(255) not null,
- subdictionary_name varchar(255),
- type varchar(255) not null,
- primary key (short_name)
- ) engine=InnoDB;
- create table dictionary_to_dictionaryelements (
- dictionary_name varchar(255) not null,
- dictionary_element_short_name varchar(255) not null,
- primary key (dictionary_name, dictionary_element_short_name)
- ) engine=InnoDB;
- create table hibernate_sequence (
- next_val bigint
- ) engine=InnoDB;
- insert into hibernate_sequence values ( 1 );
- create table loop_element_models (
- name varchar(255) not null,
- created_by varchar(255),
- created_timestamp datetime(6) not null,
- updated_by varchar(255),
- updated_timestamp datetime(6) not null,
- blueprint_yaml MEDIUMTEXT,
- dcae_blueprint_id varchar(255),
- loop_element_type varchar(255) not null,
- short_name varchar(255),
- primary key (name)
- ) engine=InnoDB;
- create table loop_logs (
- id bigint not null,
- log_component varchar(255) not null,
- log_instant datetime(6) not null,
- log_type varchar(255) not null,
- message MEDIUMTEXT not null,
- loop_id varchar(255) not null,
- primary key (id)
- ) engine=InnoDB;
- create table loop_templates (
- name varchar(255) not null,
- created_by varchar(255),
- created_timestamp datetime(6) not null,
- updated_by varchar(255),
- updated_timestamp datetime(6) not null,
- allowed_loop_type varchar(255),
- blueprint_yaml MEDIUMTEXT,
- dcae_blueprint_id varchar(255),
- maximum_instances_allowed integer,
- svg_representation MEDIUMTEXT,
- unique_blueprint boolean default false,
- service_uuid varchar(255),
- primary key (name)
- ) engine=InnoDB;
- create table loopelementmodels_to_policymodels (
- loop_element_name varchar(255) not null,
- policy_model_type varchar(255) not null,
- policy_model_version varchar(255) not null,
- primary key (loop_element_name, policy_model_type, policy_model_version)
- ) engine=InnoDB;
- create table loops (
- name varchar(255) not null,
- created_by varchar(255),
- created_timestamp datetime(6) not null,
- updated_by varchar(255),
- updated_timestamp datetime(6) not null,
- dcae_deployment_id varchar(255),
- dcae_deployment_status_url varchar(255),
- global_properties_json json,
- last_computed_state varchar(255) not null,
- svg_representation MEDIUMTEXT,
- loop_template_name varchar(255) not null,
- service_uuid varchar(255),
- primary key (name)
- ) engine=InnoDB;
- create table loops_to_microservicepolicies (
- loop_name varchar(255) not null,
- microservicepolicy_name varchar(255) not null,
- primary key (loop_name, microservicepolicy_name)
- ) engine=InnoDB;
- create table looptemplates_to_loopelementmodels (
- loop_element_model_name varchar(255) not null,
- loop_template_name varchar(255) not null,
- flow_order integer not null,
- primary key (loop_element_model_name, loop_template_name)
- ) engine=InnoDB;
- create table micro_service_policies (
- name varchar(255) not null,
- created_by varchar(255),
- created_timestamp datetime(6) not null,
- updated_by varchar(255),
- updated_timestamp datetime(6) not null,
- configurations_json json,
- json_representation json not null,
- pdp_group varchar(255),
- pdp_sub_group varchar(255),
- context varchar(255),
- dcae_blueprint_id varchar(255),
- dcae_deployment_id varchar(255),
- dcae_deployment_status_url varchar(255),
- device_type_scope varchar(255),
- shared bit not null,
- loop_element_model_id varchar(255),
- policy_model_type varchar(255),
- policy_model_version varchar(255),
- primary key (name)
- ) engine=InnoDB;
- create table operational_policies (
- name varchar(255) not null,
- created_by varchar(255),
- created_timestamp datetime(6) not null,
- updated_by varchar(255),
- updated_timestamp datetime(6) not null,
- configurations_json json,
- json_representation json not null,
- pdp_group varchar(255),
- pdp_sub_group varchar(255),
- loop_element_model_id varchar(255),
- policy_model_type varchar(255),
- policy_model_version varchar(255),
- loop_id varchar(255) not null,
- primary key (name)
- ) engine=InnoDB;
- create table policy_models (
- policy_model_type varchar(255) not null,
- version varchar(255) not null,
- created_by varchar(255),
- created_timestamp datetime(6) not null,
- updated_by varchar(255),
- updated_timestamp datetime(6) not null,
- policy_acronym varchar(255),
- policy_tosca MEDIUMTEXT,
- policy_pdp_group json,
- primary key (policy_model_type, version)
- ) engine=InnoDB;
- create table services (
- service_uuid varchar(255) not null,
- name varchar(255) not null,
- resource_details json,
- service_details json,
- version varchar(255),
- primary key (service_uuid)
- ) engine=InnoDB;
- alter table dictionary_to_dictionaryelements
- add constraint FK68hjjinnm8nte2owstd0xwp23
- foreign key (dictionary_element_short_name)
- references dictionary_elements (short_name);
- alter table dictionary_to_dictionaryelements
- add constraint FKtqfxg46gsxwlm2gkl6ne3cxfe
- foreign key (dictionary_name)
- references dictionary (name);
- alter table loop_logs
- add constraint FK1j0cda46aickcaoxqoo34khg2
- foreign key (loop_id)
- references loops (name);
- alter table loop_templates
- add constraint FKn692dk6281wvp1o95074uacn6
- foreign key (service_uuid)
- references services (service_uuid);
- alter table loopelementmodels_to_policymodels
- add constraint FK23j2q74v6kaexefy0tdabsnda
- foreign key (policy_model_type, policy_model_version)
- references policy_models (policy_model_type, version);
- alter table loopelementmodels_to_policymodels
- add constraint FKjag1iu0olojfwryfkvb5o0rk5
- foreign key (loop_element_name)
- references loop_element_models (name);
- alter table loops
- add constraint FK844uwy82wt0l66jljkjqembpj
- foreign key (loop_template_name)
- references loop_templates (name);
- alter table loops
- add constraint FK4b9wnqopxogwek014i1shqw7w
- foreign key (service_uuid)
- references services (service_uuid);
- alter table loops_to_microservicepolicies
- add constraint FKle255jmi7b065fwbvmwbiehtb
- foreign key (microservicepolicy_name)
- references micro_service_policies (name);
- alter table loops_to_microservicepolicies
- add constraint FK8avfqaf7xl71l7sn7a5eri68d
- foreign key (loop_name)
- references loops (name);
- alter table looptemplates_to_loopelementmodels
- add constraint FK1k7nbrbugvqa0xfxkq3cj1yn9
- foreign key (loop_element_model_name)
- references loop_element_models (name);
- alter table looptemplates_to_loopelementmodels
- add constraint FKj29yxyw0x7ue6mwgi6d3qg748
- foreign key (loop_template_name)
- references loop_templates (name);
- alter table micro_service_policies
- add constraint FKqvvdypacbww07fuv8xvlvdjgl
- foreign key (loop_element_model_id)
- references loop_element_models (name);
- alter table micro_service_policies
- add constraint FKn17j9ufmyhqicb6cvr1dbjvkt
- foreign key (policy_model_type, policy_model_version)
- references policy_models (policy_model_type, version);
- alter table operational_policies
- add constraint FKi9kh7my40737xeuaye9xwbnko
- foreign key (loop_element_model_id)
- references loop_element_models (name);
- alter table operational_policies
- add constraint FKlsyhfkoqvkwj78ofepxhoctip
- foreign key (policy_model_type, policy_model_version)
- references policy_models (policy_model_type, version);
- alter table operational_policies
- add constraint FK1ddoggk9ni2bnqighv6ecmuwu
- foreign key (loop_id)
- references loops (name);