path: root/docs/oom_project_description.rst
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-.. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
-.. International License.
-.. http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0
-.. Copyright 2018-2020 Amdocs, Bell Canada, Orange, Samsung
-.. _oom_project_description:
-ONAP Operations Manager Project
-The ONAP Operations Manager (OOM) is responsible for life-cycle management of
-the ONAP platform itself; components such as SO, SDNC, etc. It is not
-responsible for the management of services, VNFs or infrastructure instantiated
-by ONAP or used by ONAP to host such services or VNFs. OOM uses the open-source
-Kubernetes container management system as a means to manage the Docker
-containers that compose ONAP where the containers are hosted either directly on
-bare-metal servers or on VMs hosted by a 3rd party management system. OOM
-ensures that ONAP is easily deployable and maintainable throughout its life
-cycle while using hardware resources efficiently.
-.. figure:: images/oom_logo/oomLogoV2-medium.png
- :align: right
-In summary OOM provides the following capabilities:
-- **Deploy** - with built-in component dependency management
-- **Configure** - unified configuration across all ONAP components
-- **Monitor** - real-time health monitoring feeding to a Consul UI and
- Kubernetes
-- **Heal**- failed ONAP containers are recreated automatically
-- **Scale** - cluster ONAP services to enable seamless scaling
-- **Upgrade** - change-out containers or configuration with little or no
- service impact
-- **Delete** - cleanup individual containers or entire deployments
-OOM supports a wide variety of Kubernetes private clouds - built with Rancher,
-Kubeadm or Cloudify - and public cloud infrastructures such as: Microsoft
-Azure, Amazon AWS, Google GCD, VMware VIO, and OpenStack.
-The OOM documentation is broken into four different areas each targeted at a
-different user:
-- :ref:`quick-start-label` - deploy ONAP on an existing cloud
-- :ref:`user-guide-label` - a guide for operators of an ONAP instance
-- :ref:`developer-guide-label` - a guide for developers of OOM and ONAP
-- :ref:`cloud-setup-guide-label` - a guide for those setting up cloud
- environments that ONAP will use
-- :ref:`hardcoded-certificates-label` - the list of all hardcoded certificates
- set in ONAP installation
-The :ref:`release_notes` for OOM describe the incremental features per release.
-Component Orchestration Overview
-Multiple technologies, templates, and extensible plug-in frameworks are used in
-ONAP to orchestrate platform instances of software component artifacts. A few
-standard configurations are provide that may be suitable for test, development,
-and some production deployments by substitution of local or platform wide
-parameters. Larger and more automated deployments may require integration the
-component technologies, templates, and frameworks with a higher level of
-automated orchestration and control software. Design guidelines are provided to
-insure the component level templates and frameworks can be easily integrated
-and maintained. The following diagram provides an overview of these with links
-to examples and templates for describing new ones.
-.. graphviz::
- digraph COO {
- rankdir="LR";
- {
- node [shape=folder]
- oValues [label="values"]
- cValues [label="values"]
- comValues [label="values"]
- sValues [label="values"]
- oCharts [label="charts"]
- cCharts [label="charts"]
- comCharts [label="charts"]
- sCharts [label="charts"]
- blueprint [label="TOSCA blueprint"]
- }
- {oom [label="ONAP Operations Manager"]}
- {hlo [label="High Level Orchestrator"]}
- hlo -> blueprint
- hlo -> oom
- oom -> oValues
- oom -> oCharts
- oom -> component
- oom -> common
- common -> comValues
- common -> comCharts
- component -> cValues
- component -> cCharts
- component -> subcomponent
- subcomponent -> sValues
- subcomponent -> sCharts
- blueprint -> component
- }