path: root/kubernetes/vfc/charts/vfc-nslcm/resources/config/logging
diff options
authormrichomme <morgan.richomme@orange.com>2020-10-02 08:41:40 +0200
committerGerrit Code Review <gerrit@onap.org>2020-10-02 06:41:40 +0000
commitc578340778d32440a376e0d10a5087908fb24af5 (patch)
tree4c05193efedceab992ce54af2ec464ec5ef2d2d7 /kubernetes/vfc/charts/vfc-nslcm/resources/config/logging
parentc5fa56da9a576f2dff75f720a590439fe8ce5097 (diff)
Update git submodules
* Update kubernetes/robot from branch 'master' to d4d20fe81e2fb4ee98e16c2b350b0981202f57d6 - Bump testsuite 1.7.0 for Guilin It consists mainly in simple robot changes It is far from our target for the moment - chart not brought back to OOM repo - baseline image too big - pod launched as root - pod still dealing with python 2.7 A refactoring of the pod was planned for Guilin but it is not ready. Note: The changes are already taken into account in CI through the xtesting dockers Issue-ID: INT-1690 Signed-off-by: mrichomme <morgan.richomme@orange.com> Change-Id: I169f65638bb01fb5ef417344119f9526ef5daa08
Diffstat (limited to 'kubernetes/vfc/charts/vfc-nslcm/resources/config/logging')
0 files changed, 0 insertions, 0 deletions
f='#n201'>201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 450 451 452 453 454 455 456 457 458 459 460 461 462 463 464 465 466 467 468 469 470 471 472 473 474 475 476 477 478 479 480 481 482 483 484 485 486 487 488 489 490 491 492 493 494 495 496 497 498 499 500 501 502 503 504 505 506 507 508 509 510 511 512 513 514 515 516 517 518 519 520 521 522 523 524 525 526 527 528 529 530 531 532 533 534 535 536 537 538 539 540 541 542 543 544 545 546 547 548 549 550 551 552 553 554 555 556 557 558 559 560 561 562 563 564 565 566 567 568 569 570 571 572 573 574 575 576 577 578 579 580 581 582 583 584 585 586 587 588 589 590 591 592 593 594 595 596 597 598 599 600 601 602 603 604 605 606 607 608 609 610 611 612 613 614 615 616 617 618 619 620 621 622 623 624 625 626 627 628 629 630 631 632 633 634 635 636 637 638 639 640 641 642 643 644 645 646 647 648 649 650 651 652 653 654 655 656 657 658 659 660 661 662 663 664 665 666 667 668 669 670 671 672 673 674 675 676 677 678 679 680 681 682 683 684 685 686 687 688 689 690 691 692 693 694 695 696 697 698 699 700 701 702 703 704 705 706 707 708 709 710 711 712 713 714 715 716 717 718 719 720 721 722 723 724 725 726 727 728 729 730 731 732 733 734 735 736 737 738 739 740 741 742 743 744 745 746 747 748 749 750 751 752 753 754 755 756 757 758 759 760 761 762 763 764 765 766 767 768 769 770 771 772 773 774 775 776 777 778 779 780 781 782 783 784 785 786 787 788 789 790 791 792 793 794 795 796 797 798 799 800 801 802 803 804 805 806 807 808 809 810 811 812 813 814 815 816 817 818 819 820 821 822 823 824 825 826 827 828 829 830 831 832 833 834 835 836 837 838 839 840 841 842 843 844 845 846 847 848 849 850 851 852 853 854 855 856 857 858 859 860 861 862 863 864 865 866 867 868 869 870 871 872 873 874 875 876 877 878 879 880 881 882 883 884 885 886 887 888 889 890 891 892 893 894 895 896 897 898 899 900 901 902 903 904 905 906 907 908 909 910 911 912 913 914 915 916 917 918 919 920 921 922 923 924 925 926 927 928 929 930 931 932 933 934 935 936 937 938 939
.. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
.. http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0

Policy on OOM

.. contents::
    :depth: 3

The new Beijing release capabilities for OOM are described here.

Follow the OOM installation instructions at http://onap.readthedocs.io/en/latest/submodules/oom.git/docs/index.html

Overview of the running system

Upon initialization, you should see the following pods, one instance for each Policy component: PAP, PDP-X, BRMSGW, PDP-D, policydb, and nexus.

Note the "-0" suffix for PDP-X and PDP-D components, which will be increased as they are scaled out to improve runtime performance and reliability.

.. code-block:: bash
   :caption: verify pods

    kubectl get pods --all-namespaces -o=wid
    onap    dev-brmsgw-5dbc4c8dc4-llk5s        1/1       Running   0     18m    k8sx
    onap    dev-drools-0                       1/1       Running   0     18m     k8sx
    onap    dev-nexus-7d96568f5f-qp5td         1/1       Running   0     18m     k8sx
    onap    dev-pap-8587696769-vwj6k           2/2       Running   0     18m    k8sx
    onap    dev-pdp-0                          2/2       Running   0     18m   k8sx
    onap    dev-policydb-587d55bdff-4f5dz      1/1       Running   0     18m    k8sx

You will also see a service for every component:

.. code-block:: bash
   :caption: verify services

    kubectl get services --all-namespaces
    onap    brmsgw         NodePort   <none>     9989:30216/TCP                  24m
    onap    drools         NodePort     <none>     6969:30217/TCP,9696:30221/TCP   24m
    onap    nexus          NodePort    <none>     8081:30236/TCP                  24m
    onap    pap            NodePort     <none>     8443:30219/TCP,9091:30218/TCP   24m
    onap    pdp            ClusterIP   None            <none>     8081/TCP                        24m
    onap    policydb       ClusterIP   None            <none>     3306/TCP                        24m

Config and Decision policy requests will be distributed across PDP-Xs through the *pdp* service.    PDP-X clients (such as DCAE) should configure their URLs to go through the *pdp* service.   Their requests will be distributed across the available PDP-X replicas.    
The PDP-Xs can be also accessed individually (dev-pdp-0, or dev-pdp-x if scaled out), but is preferable for PDP-X external clients to interface through the service.

PDP-Ds are also accessible on a group fashion by using the service IP, but DMaaP is the main means of communication with other ONAP components.


Verify that the policy healthcheck passes by the robot framework:

.. code-block:: bash
   :caption: robot healthcheck

    ~/oom/kubernetes/robot/ete-k8s.sh onap health 2> /dev/null | grep PASS
    Basic Policy Health Check                                             | PASS |

A policy healthcheck (with more detailed output) can be done directly by invoking the drools service in the policy VM.

.. code-block:: none
   :caption: PDP-D service (more detailed) healthcheck

    # Using default credentials for the healtcheck service.
    # To change the default username and passwords for this service,
    # please modify configuration pre-installation at:
    # oom/kubernetes/policy/charts/drools/resources/config/opt/policy/config/drools/keys/feature-healthcheck.conf
    curl --silent --user 'healthcheck:zb!XztG34' -X GET http://localhost:30217/healthcheck | python -m json.tool
        "details": [
                "code": 200,
                "healthy": true,
                "message": "alive",
                "name": "PDP-D",
                "url": "self"
                "code": 200,
                "healthy": true,
                "message": "",
                "name": "PAP",
                "url": "http://pap:9091/pap/test"
                "code": 200,
                "healthy": true,
                "message": "",
                "name": "PDP",
                "url": "http://pdp:8081/pdp/test"
        "healthy": true

PDP-X Active/Active Pool

The policy engine UI (console container in the pap pod) can be used to check that the PAP and the PDP-Xs are synchronized.
The console URL is accessible at  ``http://<oom-vm>:30219/onap/login.htm``.   Select the *PDP* menu entry on the left side panel under *Policy*.

    .. image:: srmPdpxPdpMgmt.png

After initialization, there will be no policies loaded into the policy subsystem.    This can be verified by accessing the Editor tab in the UI.

PDP-D Active/Active Pool

The PDP-Ds replicas will come up with the amsterdam controller installed in brainless mode (no maven coordinates) since the controller has not been associated with a set of drools rules to run (control loop rules).

The following command can be issued on each of the PDP-D replicas IPs:

.. code-block:: bash
   :caption: Querying the rules association for a PDP-D replica 

    # Using default credentials for the drools telemetry service.
    # To change the default username and passwords for this service,
    # please modify configuration pre-installation at:
    # oom/kubernetes/policy/charts/drools/resources/config/opt/policy/config/drools/base.conf
    curl --silent --user '@1b3rt:31nst31n' -X GET http://<drools-replica-ip>:9696/policy/pdp/engine/controllers/amsterdam/drools | python -m json.tool
        "alive": false,
        "artifactId": "NO-ARTIFACT-ID",
        "brained": false,
        "canonicalSessionNames": [],
        "container": null,
        "groupId": "NO-GROUP-ID",
        "locked": false,
        "recentSinkEvents": [],
        "recentSourceEvents": [],
        "sessionNames": [],
        "version": "NO-VERSION"

Before Installing Policies

It has been experienced in large OOM k8s multi-node full ONAP installations that components DNS and connectivity problems across pods through services.   Eventually, the system becomes stable and ready to be used.   Single node, smaller installations, do not seem to have these issues.   Give the system enough time to make sure it has been initialized properly before pushing policies.

Make sure the policy subsystem is initialized by:

    1. Verify that the "PDP Management" screen shows the 1 pooled PDP-X  "UP_TO_DATE".   If the PDP-X does not show the correct state, restart the faulty one to force re-synchronization with the pap.

    .. code-block:: bash
       :caption: Force re-synchronization of a PDP-X
        kubectl exec -it dev-pdp-0 --container pdp -n onap -- bash -c "source /opt/app/policy/etc/profile.d/env.sh; policy.sh stop; policy.sh start"
        # bounce the BRMSGW as well since it synchronizes with PDP-Xs via websockets:
        kubectl exec -it dev-brmsgw-b877bc567-wbnbz -n onap -- bash -c "source /opt/app/policy/etc/profile.d/env.sh; policy.sh stop; policy.sh start"

    2. Verify service name resolution is OK across policy components

    .. code-block:: bash
       :caption: Verify policy services connectivity

        # pick any policy pod to run these tests from:
        # kubectl get pods --all-namespaces -o=wide
        kubectl exec -it dev-brmsgw-b877bc567-wbnbz -n onap -- bash -c "ping policydb"
        kubectl exec -it dev-brmsgw-b877bc567-wbnbz -n onap -- bash -c "ping pdp"
        kubectl exec -it dev-brmsgw-b877bc567-wbnbz -n onap -- bash -c "ping drools"
        kubectl exec -it dev-brmsgw-b877bc567-wbnbz -n onap -- bash -c "ping nexus"
        kubectl exec -it dev-brmsgw-b877bc567-wbnbz -n onap -- bash -c "ping message-router"

Installing Policies

The OOM default installation will come with no policies pre-configured.  There is a sample script used by integration teams to load policies to support all four use cases at:   */tmp/policy-install/config/push-policies.sh* in the pap container within the pap pod.   This script can be modified for your own particular installation, for example if only interested in vCPE use cases, remove those vCPE related API REST calls.   For the vFW use case, you may want to edit the encoded operational policy to point to the proper resourceID in your installation.

The above mentioned *push-policies.sh* script can be executed as follows:

.. code-block:: bash
   :caption: Installing the default policies

    # NOTE: If modifications are required to the /tmp/policy-install/config/push-policies.sh, it should be copied 
    # to a different location, for example /tmp as /tmp/policy-install/config directory is read-only.
    kubectl exec -it dev-pap-8587696769-vwj6k -c pap -n onap -- bash -c "export PRELOAD_POLICIES=true; /tmp/policy-install/config/push-policies.sh"
    Create BRMSParam Operational Policies
    Create BRMSParamvFirewall Policy
    Transaction ID: ef08cc65-9950-4478-a4ab-0f3bc2519f60 --Policy with the name com.Config_BRMS_Param_BRMSParamvFirewall.1.xml was successfully created.Create BRMSParamvDNS Policy
    Transaction ID: 52e33efe-ba66-47de-b404-8d441107d8a9 --Policy with the name com.Config_BRMS_Param_BRMSParamvDNS.1.xml was successfully created.Create BRMSParamVOLTE Policy
    Transaction ID: f13072b7-6258-4c16-99da-f908d29363ec --Policy with the name com.Config_BRMS_Param_BRMSParamVOLTE.1.xml was successfully created.Create BRMSParamvCPE Policy
    Transaction ID: 616f970a-b45e-40f7-88cd-d63000d22cca --Policy with the name com.Config_BRMS_Param_BRMSParamvCPE.1.xml was successfully created.Create MicroService Config Policies
    Create MicroServicevFirewall Policy
    Transaction ID: 4c143a15-20af-408a-9285-bc7940261829 --Policy with the name com.Config_MS_MicroServicevFirewall.1.xml was successfully created.Create MicroServicevDNS Policy
    Transaction ID: 1e54ae73-509b-490e-bf62-1fea7989fd5f --Policy with the name com.Config_MS_MicroServicevDNS.1.xml was successfully created.Create MicroServicevCPE Policy
    Transaction ID: 32239868-bab2-4e12-9fd9-81a0ed4a6b1c --Policy with the name com.Config_MS_MicroServicevCPE.1.xml was successfully created.Creating Decision Guard policy
    Transaction ID: b43cb9d5-42c7-4654-aacf-d4898c4d13bb --Policy with the name com.Decision_AllPermitGuard.1.xml was successfully created.Push Decision policy
    Transaction ID: 3c1e4ae6-6991-415b-9f2d-c665a8c5a026 --Policy 'com.Decision_AllPermitGuard.1.xml' was successfully pushed to the PDP group 'default'.Pushing BRMSParam Operational policies
    Transaction ID: 58d26d03-b5b8-4fd3-b2df-1411a1c36420 --Policy 'com.Config_BRMS_Param_BRMSParamvFirewall.1.xml' was successfully pushed to the PDP group 'default'.pushPolicy : PUT : com.BRMSParamvDNS
    Transaction ID: 0854e54a-504b-4f06-bc2f-30f491cb9f5a --Policy 'com.Config_BRMS_Param_BRMSParamvDNS.1.xml' was successfully pushed to the PDP group 'default'.pushPolicy : PUT : com.BRMSParamVOLTE
    Transaction ID: d33c7dde-5c99-4dab-b4ff-9988473cd88d --Policy 'com.Config_BRMS_Param_BRMSParamVOLTE.1.xml' was successfully pushed to the PDP group 'default'.pushPolicy : PUT : com.BRMSParamvCPE
    Transaction ID: e8c8a73e-127c-4318-9e59-3cae9dcbe011 --Policy 'com.Config_BRMS_Param_BRMSParamvCPE.1.xml' was successfully pushed to the PDP group 'default'.Pushing MicroService Config policies
    Transaction ID: ec0429d7-e35f-4978-8a6c-40d2b5b3be61 --Policy 'com.Config_MS_MicroServicevFirewall.1.xml' was successfully pushed to the PDP group 'default'.pushPolicy : PUT : com.MicroServicevDNS
    Transaction ID: f7072f05-7b74-45b5-9bd3-99b7f8023e3e --Policy 'com.Config_MS_MicroServicevDNS.1.xml' was successfully pushed to the PDP group 'default'.pushPolicy : PUT : com.MicroServicevCPE
    Transaction ID: 6d47db63-7956-4f5f-ab34-aeb5a124a90d --Policy 'com.Config_MS_MicroServicevCPE.1.xml' was successfully pushed to the PDP group 'default'.

The policies pushed could be viewed eventually through the Policy UI:

    .. image:: srmEditor.png

As part of the process pushing of policies through the policy, the brmsgw component will compose drools rules artifacts and publish them to the nexus respository at ``http://<oom-vm>:30236/nexus/``.

    .. image:: srmNexus.png

At the same time each replica of the PDP-Ds will receive notifications for each new version of the policies to run for the Amsterdam controller.   The following command can be run to see how the amsterdam controller is associated with the latest rules version. 

The following command can be used for verifying each replica:

.. code-block:: none
   :caption: Querying the rules association of a PDP-D replica

    # Using default credentials for the drools telemetry service.
    # To change the default username and passwords for this service,
    # please modify configuration pre-installation at:
    # oom/kubernetes/policy/charts/drools/resources/config/opt/policy/config/drools/base.conf
    curl --silent --user '@1b3rt:31nst31n' -X GET http://<replica-ip>:9696/policy/pdp/engine/controllers/amsterdam/drools | python -m json.tool

        "alive": true,
        "artifactId": "policy-amsterdam-rules",
        "brained": true,
        "groupId": "org.onap.policy-engine.drools.amsterdam",
        "locked": false,
        "modelClassLoaderHash": 1223551265,
        "recentSinkEvents": [],
        "recentSourceEvents": [],
        "sessionCoordinates": [
        "sessions": [
        "version": "0.4.0"

Likewise, for verification purposes, each PDP-X replica can be queried directly to retrieve policy information.   

The following commands can be used to query a policy through the pdp service:

.. code-block:: bash
   :caption: Querying the "pdp" service for the vFirewal policy

    # Open a shell into the pap pod

    ubuntu@k8sx:~$ kubectl exec -it dev-pap-8587696769-vwj6k -c pap -n onap bash

    # In this example the vFirewall policy is queried.

    policy@dev-pap-8587696769-vwj6k:/tmp/policy-install$ curl --silent -X POST --header 'Content-Type: application/json' --header 'Accept: application/json' --header 'ClientAuth: cHl0aG9uOnRlc3Q=' --header 'Authorization: Basic dGVzdHBkcDphbHBoYTEyMw==' --header 'Environment: TEST' -d '{"policyName": ".*vFirewall.*"}' http://pdp:8081/pdp/api/getConfig | python -m json.tool
            "config": "{\"service\":\"tca_policy\",\"location\":\"SampleServiceLocation\",\"uuid\":\"test\",\"policyName\":\"MicroServicevFirewall\",\"description\":\"MicroService vFirewall Policy\",\"configName\":\"SampleConfigName\",\"templateVersion\":\"OpenSource.version.1\",\"version\":\"1.1.0\",\"priority\":\"1\",\"policyScope\":\"resource=SampleResource,service=SampleService,type=SampleType,closedLoopControlName=ControlLoop-vFirewall-d0a1dfc6-94f5-4fd4-a5b5-4630b438850a\",\"riskType\":\"SampleRiskType\",\"riskLevel\":\"1\",\"guard\":\"False\",\"content\":{\"tca_policy\":{\"domain\":\"measurementsForVfScaling\",\"metricsPerEventName\":[{\"eventName\":\"vFirewallBroadcastPackets\",\"controlLoopSchemaType\":\"VNF\",\"policyScope\":\"DCAE\",\"policyName\":\"DCAE.Config_tca-hi-lo\",\"policyVersion\":\"v0.0.1\",\"thresholds\":[{\"closedLoopControlName\":\"ControlLoop-vFirewall-d0a1dfc6-94f5-4fd4-a5b5-4630b438850a\",\"version\":\"1.0.2\",\"fieldPath\":\"$.event.measurementsForVfScalingFields.vNicUsageArray[*].receivedTotalPacketsDelta\",\"thresholdValue\":300,\"direction\":\"LESS_OR_EQUAL\",\"severity\":\"MAJOR\",\"closedLoopEventStatus\":\"ONSET\"},{\"closedLoopControlName\":\"ControlLoop-vFirewall-d0a1dfc6-94f5-4fd4-a5b5-4630b438850a\",\"version\":\"1.0.2\",\"fieldPath\":\"$.event.measurementsForVfScalingFields.vNicUsageArray[*].receivedTotalPacketsDelta\",\"thresholdValue\":700,\"direction\":\"GREATER_OR_EQUAL\",\"severity\":\"CRITICAL\",\"closedLoopEventStatus\":\"ONSET\"}]}]}}}",
            "matchingConditions": {
                "ConfigName": "SampleConfigName",
                "Location": "SampleServiceLocation",
                "ONAPName": "DCAE",
                "service": "tca_policy",
                "uuid": "test"
            "policyConfigMessage": "Config Retrieved! ",
            "policyConfigStatus": "CONFIG_RETRIEVED",
            "policyName": "com.Config_MS_MicroServicevFirewall.1.xml",
            "policyType": "MicroService",
            "policyVersion": "1",
            "property": null,
            "responseAttributes": {},
            "type": "JSON"
            "config":  ..... 
            "matchingConditions": {
                "ConfigName": "BRMS_PARAM_RULE",
                "ONAPName": "DROOLS"
            "policyConfigMessage": "Config Retrieved! ",
            "policyConfigStatus": "CONFIG_RETRIEVED",
            "policyName": "com.Config_BRMS_Param_BRMSParamvFirewall.1.xml",
            "policyType": "BRMS_PARAM",
            "policyVersion": "1",
            "property": null,
            "responseAttributes": {
                "controller": "amsterdam"
            "type": "OTHER"

While the following commands could be used to query an specific PDP-X replica:

.. code-block:: bash
   :caption: Querying PDP-X 0 for the vCPE policy

    # open a shell into the pap pod
    ubuntu@k8sx:~$ kubectl exec -it dev-pap-8587696769-vwj6k -c pap -n onap bash
    # in this example the vCPE policy is queried.

    curl --silent -X POST --header 'Content-Type: application/json' --header 'Accept: application/json' --header 'ClientAuth: cHl0aG9uOnRlc3Q=' --header 'Authorization: Basic dGVzdHBkcDphbHBoYTEyMw==' --header 'Environment: TEST' -d '{"policyName": ".*vCPE.*"}' | python -m json.tool
            "config": ...,
            "matchingConditions": {
                "ConfigName": "BRMS_PARAM_RULE",
                "ONAPName": "DROOLS"
            "policyConfigMessage": "Config Retrieved! ",
            "policyConfigStatus": "CONFIG_RETRIEVED",
            "policyName": "com.Config_BRMS_Param_BRMSParamvCPE.1.xml",
            "policyType": "BRMS_PARAM",
            "policyVersion": "1",
            "property": null,
            "responseAttributes": {
                "controller": "amsterdam"
            "type": "OTHER"
            "config": "{\"service\":\"tca_policy\",\"location\":\"SampleServiceLocation\",\"uuid\":\"test\",\"policyName\":\"MicroServicevCPE\",\"description\":\"MicroService vCPE Policy\",\"configName\":\"SampleConfigName\",\"templateVersion\":\"OpenSource.version.1\",\"version\":\"1.1.0\",\"priority\":\"1\",\"policyScope\":\"resource=SampleResource,service=SampleService,type=SampleType,closedLoopControlName=ControlLoop-vCPE-48f0c2c3-a172-4192-9ae3-052274181b6e\",\"riskType\":\"SampleRiskType\",\"riskLevel\":\"1\",\"guard\":\"False\",\"content\":{\"tca_policy\":{\"domain\":\"measurementsForVfScaling\",\"metricsPerEventName\":[{\"eventName\":\"Measurement_vGMUX\",\"controlLoopSchemaType\":\"VNF\",\"policyScope\":\"DCAE\",\"policyName\":\"DCAE.Config_tca-hi-lo\",\"policyVersion\":\"v0.0.1\",\"thresholds\":[{\"closedLoopControlName\":\"ControlLoop-vCPE-48f0c2c3-a172-4192-9ae3-052274181b6e\",\"version\":\"1.0.2\",\"fieldPath\":\"$.event.measurementsForVfScalingFields.additionalMeasurements[*].arrayOfFields[0].value\",\"thresholdValue\":0,\"direction\":\"EQUAL\",\"severity\":\"MAJOR\",\"closedLoopEventStatus\":\"ABATED\"},{\"closedLoopControlName\":\"ControlLoop-vCPE-48f0c2c3-a172-4192-9ae3-052274181b6e\",\"version\":\"1.0.2\",\"fieldPath\":\"$.event.measurementsForVfScalingFields.additionalMeasurements[*].arrayOfFields[0].value\",\"thresholdValue\":0,\"direction\":\"GREATER\",\"severity\":\"CRITICAL\",\"closedLoopEventStatus\":\"ONSET\"}]}]}}}",
            "matchingConditions": {
                "ConfigName": "SampleConfigName",
                "Location": "SampleServiceLocation",
                "ONAPName": "DCAE",
                "service": "tca_policy",
                "uuid": "test"
            "policyConfigMessage": "Config Retrieved! ",
            "policyConfigStatus": "CONFIG_RETRIEVED",
            "policyName": "com.Config_MS_MicroServicevCPE.1.xml",
            "policyType": "MicroService",
            "policyVersion": "1",
            "property": null,
            "responseAttributes": {},
            "type": "JSON"
PDP-X Resiliency

A PDP-X container failure can be simulated by either:
   a) performing a"policy.sh stop" operation within the PDP-X container, which in fact will shutdown the PDP-X service, and eventually will be detected by the liveness checks, or 
   b) by plainly deleting the corresponding pod.    

In the following example, the PDP-X 0 is forced to fail.

.. code-block:: bash
   :caption: Causing PDP-X 0 service to fail

    # In these scenarios the liveness check will fail and recovery actions will take place.
    # Alternative 1: In this scenario we shutdown the PDP-X 0 service, so the liveness monitored ports will be down 
    # (but the pod is up) and corrective measures will be applied
    ubuntu@k8sx:~$ kubectl exec -it dev-pdp-0 --container pdp -n onap -- bash -c "source /opt/app/policy/etc/profile.d/env.sh; policy.sh stop;"
        pdplp: STOPPING ..
        pdp: STOPPING ..
    # Alternative 2: Brute force delete of the PDP-X 0 pod.
    ubuntu@k8sx:~$ kubectl delete pod dev-pdp-0 -n onap
        pod "dev-pdp-0" deleted

Upon detection of the service being down through the liveness check, the container will be restarted.   Note the **restart count** when querying the status of the pods:

.. code-block:: bash
   :caption: Checking PDP-X 0 restart count

    ubuntu@k8sx:~$ kubectl get pods --all-namespaces -o=wide
    NAMESPACE  NAME                             READY     STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE     IP              NODE

    onap       dev-brmsgw-5dbc4c8dc4-llk5s      1/1       Running   0          3d    k8sx
    onap       dev-drools-0                     1/1       Running   0          3d     k8sx
    onap       dev-nexus-7d96568f5f-qp5td       1/1       Running   0          3d     k8sx
    onap       dev-pap-8587696769-vwj6k         2/2       Running   0          3d    k8sx
    onap       dev-pdp-0                        2/2       Running   0          3d   k8sx
    onap       dev-policydb-587d55bdff-4f5dz    1/1       Running   0          3d    k8sx

During the restart process, the PAP component, will detect that PDP-X 0 is down and therefore its state being reflected in the PDP-X screen:

    .. image:: srmPdpxResiliencyPdpMgmt1.png

This screen will be updated to reflect PDP-X 0 is back alive, after PDP-X 0 synchronizes itself with the PAP. 

    .. image:: srmPdpxResiliencyPdpMgmt2.png

At that point, the PDP-X is usable either directly or through the service to query for policies.

.. code-block:: bash
   :caption: Query PDP-X 1 for vCPE policy

    # in this example we perform the vCPE query from the OOM VM
    # the default installation credentials are used for querying the vCPE policy

    ubuntu@k8sx:~$ curl --silent -X POST --header 'Content-Type: application/json' --header 'Accept: application/json' --header 'ClientAuth: cHl0aG9uOnRlc3Q=' --header 'Authorization: Basic dGVzdHBkcDphbHBoYTEyMw==' --header 'Environment: TEST' -d '{"policyName": ".*vCPE.*"}' | python -m json.tool
            "config": "..",
            "matchingConditions": {
                "ConfigName": "BRMS_PARAM_RULE",
                "ONAPName": "DROOLS"
            "policyConfigMessage": "Config Retrieved! ",
            "policyConfigStatus": "CONFIG_RETRIEVED",
            "policyName": "com.Config_BRMS_Param_BRMSParamvCPE.1.xml",
            "policyType": "BRMS_PARAM",
            "policyVersion": "1",
            "property": null,
            "responseAttributes": {
                "controller": "amsterdam"
            "type": "OTHER"
            "config": "{\"service\":\"tca_policy\",\"location\":\"SampleServiceLocation\",\"uuid\":\"test\",\"policyName\":\"MicroServicevCPE\",\"description\":\"MicroService vCPE Policy\",\"configName\":\"SampleConfigName\",\"templateVersion\":\"OpenSource.version.1\",\"version\":\"1.1.0\",\"priority\":\"1\",\"policyScope\":\"resource=SampleResource,service=SampleService,type=SampleType,closedLoopControlName=ControlLoop-vCPE-48f0c2c3-a172-4192-9ae3-052274181b6e\",\"riskType\":\"SampleRiskType\",\"riskLevel\":\"1\",\"guard\":\"False\",\"content\":{\"tca_policy\":{\"domain\":\"measurementsForVfScaling\",\"metricsPerEventName\":[{\"eventName\":\"Measurement_vGMUX\",\"controlLoopSchemaType\":\"VNF\",\"policyScope\":\"DCAE\",\"policyName\":\"DCAE.Config_tca-hi-lo\",\"policyVersion\":\"v0.0.1\",\"thresholds\":[{\"closedLoopControlName\":\"ControlLoop-vCPE-48f0c2c3-a172-4192-9ae3-052274181b6e\",\"version\":\"1.0.2\",\"fieldPath\":\"$.event.measurementsForVfScalingFields.additionalMeasurements[*].arrayOfFields[0].value\",\"thresholdValue\":0,\"direction\":\"EQUAL\",\"severity\":\"MAJOR\",\"closedLoopEventStatus\":\"ABATED\"},{\"closedLoopControlName\":\"ControlLoop-vCPE-48f0c2c3-a172-4192-9ae3-052274181b6e\",\"version\":\"1.0.2\",\"fieldPath\":\"$.event.measurementsForVfScalingFields.additionalMeasurements[*].arrayOfFields[0].value\",\"thresholdValue\":0,\"direction\":\"GREATER\",\"severity\":\"CRITICAL\",\"closedLoopEventStatus\":\"ONSET\"}]}]}}}",
            "matchingConditions": {
                "ConfigName": "SampleConfigName",
                "Location": "SampleServiceLocation",
                "ONAPName": "DCAE",
                "service": "tca_policy",
                "uuid": "test"
            "policyConfigMessage": "Config Retrieved! ",
            "policyConfigStatus": "CONFIG_RETRIEVED",
            "policyName": "com.Config_MS_MicroServicevCPE.1.xml",
            "policyType": "MicroService",
            "policyVersion": "1",
            "property": null,
            "responseAttributes": {},
            "type": "JSON"

PDP-D Resiliency

A PDP-D container failure can be simulated by either:
   a) performing a"policy stop" operation within the PDP-D pod, which in fact will shutdown the PDP-D service, and eventually will be detected by the liveness checks, or 
   b) by plainly deleting the corresponding pod.    

In the following example, the PDP-D 0 is forced to fail.

.. code-block:: bash
   :caption: Causing PDP-D 0 to fail

    # In these scenarios the liveness check will fail and recovery actions will take place.

    # Alternative 1: in this scenario we shutdown the PDP-D 0 policy process, so the liveness monitored ports 
    # will be down (but the pod is up) and corrective measures will be applied

    ubuntu@k8sx:~/oom/kubernetes$ kubectl exec -it dev-drools-0 --container drools -n onap -- bash -c "source /opt/app/policy/etc/profile.d/env.sh; policy stop"
    L []: Stopping Policy Management... Policy Management (pid=3284) is stopping... Policy Management has stopped.

Upon detection of the service being down through the liveness check, the container will be restarted.   Note the restart count when querying the status of the pods:

.. code-block:: bash
   :caption: Checking PDP-D 0 restart count

    ubuntu@k8sx:~$ kubectl get pods --all-namespaces -o=wide | grep drool
    onap    dev-drools-0     0/1    Running   0    1d     k8sx
    ubuntu@k8sx:~$ kubectl get pods --all-namespaces -o=wide | grep drools
    onap    dev-drools-0     1/1    Running   1    1d     k8sx  <-- note restart count

Verification that the restarted PDP-D 0 comes up with the appropriate policy loaded can be verified by checking its maven coordinates:

.. code-block:: bash
   :caption: Verifying restarted PDP-D points to policies pre-failure.

    ubuntu@k8sx:~$ curl --silent --user '@1b3rt:31nst31n' -X GET | python -m json.tool
        "alive": true,
        "artifactId": "policy-amsterdam-rules",
        "brained": true,
        "groupId": "org.onap.policy-engine.drools.amsterdam",
        "locked": false,
        "modelClassLoaderHash": 189820624,
        "recentSinkEvents": [],
        "recentSourceEvents": [],
        "sessionCoordinates": [
        "sessions": [
        "version": "0.4.0"

PDP-X Scaling

To scale a new PDP-X, set the replica count appropriately.   

In our tests below, we are going to work with the OOM policy component in isolation.   In this exercise, we scale the PDP-X with 1 additional replica, PDP-X 1.  

.. code-block:: bash
   :caption: Scaling a PDP-X

    ubuntu@k8sx:~$ helm upgrade -i dev local/onap --namespace onap --set global.pullPolicy=IfNotPresent --set policy.pdp.replicaCount=2
    Release "dev" has been upgraded. Happy Helming!
    LAST DEPLOYED: Mon Jun  4 15:19:05 2018
    NAMESPACE: onap
    ==> v1/Service
    NAME                      TYPE       CLUSTER-IP     EXTERNAL-IP  PORT(S)                        AGE
    dbc-pg-primary            ClusterIP   <none>       5432/TCP                       2d
    dbc-pg-replica            ClusterIP  <none>       5432/TCP                       2d
    dbc-postgres              ClusterIP  <none>       5432/TCP                       2d
    dmaap-bc                  NodePort  <none>       8080:30241/TCP,8443:30242/TCP  2d
    message-router-kafka      ClusterIP   <none>       9092/TCP                       2d
    message-router-zookeeper  ClusterIP  None           <none>       2181/TCP                       2d
    message-router            NodePort  <none>       3904:30227/TCP,3905:30226/TCP  2d
    msb-consul                NodePort    <none>       8500:30285/TCP                 2d
    msb-discovery             NodePort   <none>       10081:30281/TCP                2d
    msb-eag                   NodePort   <none>       80:30282/TCP,443:30284/TCP     2d
    msb-iag                   NodePort  <none>       80:30280/TCP,443:30283/TCP     2d
    brmsgw                    NodePort   <none>       9989:30216/TCP                 2d
    nexus                     NodePort   <none>       8081:30236/TCP                 2d
    drools                    NodePort   <none>       6969:30217/TCP,9696:30221/TCP  2d
    policydb                  ClusterIP  None           <none>       3306/TCP                       2d
    pdp                       ClusterIP  None           <none>       8081/TCP                       2d
    pap                       NodePort   <none>       8443:30219/TCP,9091:30218/TCP  2d
    robot                     NodePort  <none>       88:30209/TCP                   2d
    ==> v1beta1/Deployment
    NAME                          DESIRED  CURRENT  UP-TO-DATE  AVAILABLE  AGE
    dev-dmaap-bus-controller      1        1        1           1          2d
    dev-message-router-kafka      1        1        1           1          2d
    dev-message-router-zookeeper  1        1        1           1          2d
    dev-message-router            1        1        1           1          2d
    dev-kube2msb                  1        1        1           1          2d
    dev-msb-consul                1        1        1           1          2d
    dev-msb-discovery             1        1        1           1          2d
    dev-msb-eag                   1        1        1           1          2d
    dev-msb-iag                   1        1        1           1          2d
    dev-brmsgw                    1        1        1           1          2d
    dev-nexus                     1        1        1           1          2d
    dev-policydb                  1        1        1           1          2d
    dev-pap                       1        1        1           1          2d
    dev-robot                     1        1        1           1          2d
    ==> v1beta1/StatefulSet
    dev-dbc-pg  2        2        2d
    dev-drools  1        1        2d
    dev-pdp     2        2        2d
    ==> v1/PersistentVolumeClaim
    NAME                          STATUS  VOLUME                        CAPACITY  ACCESS MODES  STORAGECLASS  AGE
    dev-message-router-kafka      Bound   dev-message-router-kafka      2Gi       RWX           2d
    dev-message-router-zookeeper  Bound   dev-message-router-zookeeper  2Gi       RWX           2d
    dev-nexus                     Bound   dev-nexus                     2Gi       RWX           2d
    dev-policydb                  Bound   dev-policydb                  2Gi       RWX           2d
    ==> v1/ConfigMap
    NAME                                         DATA  AGE
    dev-dmaap-bus-controller-config              1     2d
    dev-message-router-cadi-prop-configmap       1     2d
    dev-message-router-msgrtrapi-prop-configmap  1     2d
    dev-msb-discovery                            1     2d
    dev-msb-eag                                  1     2d
    dev-msb-iag                                  1     2d
    dev-brmsgw-pe-configmap                      2     2d
    dev-drools-configmap                         6     2d
    dev-drools-log-configmap                     1     2d
    dev-drools-settings-configmap                1     2d
    dev-policydb-configmap                       1     2d
    dev-pdp-log-configmap                        1     2d
    dev-pdp-pe-configmap                         3     2d
    dev-pe-scripts-configmap                     1     2d
    dev-filebeat-configmap                       1     2d
    dev-pe-configmap                             1     2d
    dev-pap-pe-configmap                         7     2d
    dev-pap-sdk-log-configmap                    1     2d
    dev-pap-log-configmap                        1     2d
    dev-robot-resources-configmap                3     2d
    dev-robot-lighttpd-authorization-configmap   1     2d
    dev-robot-eteshare-configmap                 4     2d
    ==> v1/PersistentVolume
    NAME                          CAPACITY  ACCESS MODES  RECLAIM POLICY  STATUS  CLAIM                              STORAGECLASS     REASON  AGE
    dev-dbc-pg-data0              1Gi       RWO           Retain          Bound   onap/dev-dbc-pg-data-dev-dbc-pg-0  dev-dbc-pg-data  2d
    dev-dbc-pg-data1              1Gi       RWO           Retain          Bound   onap/dev-dbc-pg-data-dev-dbc-pg-1  dev-dbc-pg-data  2d
    dev-message-router-kafka      2Gi       RWX           Retain          Bound   onap/dev-message-router-kafka      2d
    dev-message-router-zookeeper  2Gi       RWX           Retain          Bound   onap/dev-message-router-zookeeper  2d
    dev-nexus                     2Gi       RWX           Retain          Bound   onap/dev-nexus                     2d
    dev-policydb                  2Gi       RWX           Retain          Bound   onap/dev-policydb                  2d
    ==> v1beta1/ClusterRoleBinding
    NAME          AGE
    onap-binding  2d
    ==> v1/Pod(related)
    NAME                                          READY  STATUS    RESTARTS  AGE
    dev-dmaap-bus-controller-5bd859c7dc-blzdc     1/1    Running   0         2d
    dev-message-router-kafka-748cdf7b9c-srv7l     1/1    Running   0         2d
    dev-message-router-zookeeper-5b5969f6f-8rk9w  1/1    Running   0         2d
    dev-message-router-b5bdc599c-5h56k            1/1    Running   0         2d
    dev-kube2msb-579fc77c54-m84qx                 1/1    Running   0         2d
    dev-msb-consul-7bc4fcc8-94gsc                 1/1    Running   0         2d
    dev-msb-discovery-768547bcb-2hr7j             2/2    Running   0         2d
    dev-msb-eag-5d95686c67-9lkzs                  2/2    Running   0         2d
    dev-msb-iag-675b649848-pv2gh                  2/2    Running   0         2d
    dev-brmsgw-5675f5877b-wv68s                   1/1    Running   0         2d
    dev-nexus-7d96568f5f-m8c4l                    1/1    Running   0         2d
    dev-policydb-587d55bdff-9gdjv                 1/1    Running   0         2d
    dev-pap-678b44cd87-wxbww                      2/2    Running   0         2d
    dev-robot-589c76bb6b-hrrdn                    1/1    Running   0         2d
    dev-dbc-pg-0                                  1/1    Running   0         2d
    dev-dbc-pg-1                                  1/1    Running   0         2d
    dev-drools-0                                  1/1    Running   1         2d
    dev-pdp-0                                     2/2    Running   1         2d
    dev-pdp-1                                     0/2    Init:0/1  0         0s
    ==> v1/Secret
    NAME                       TYPE                     DATA  AGE
    dev-dbc-pg                 Opaque                   3     2d
    dev-message-router-secret  Opaque                   1     2d
    dev-drools-secret          Opaque                   2     2d
    dev-policydb-secret        Opaque                   2     2d
    onap-docker-registry-key   kubernetes.io/dockercfg  1     2d

Check Policy Engine UI how the PDP-Xs are coming up and request policies to the PAP.

Eventually the new PDP-X will be connected and serving policies:

    .. image:: srmPdpxScalingPdpMgmt1.png

The new PDP-X should be now ready to serve policies:

.. code-block:: bash
   :caption: Check that the new PDP-X 3 and 4 can serve policies

    ubuntu@k8sx:~/oom/kubernetes$ curl --silent -X POST --header 'Content-Type: application/json' --header 'Accept: application/json' --header 'ClientAuth: cHl0aG9uOnRlc3Q=' --header 'Authorization: Basic dGVzdHBkcDphbHBoYTEyMw==' --header 'Environment: TEST' -d '{"policyName": ".*vCPE.*"}' | python -m json.tool
            "config": ..
            "matchingConditions": {
                "ConfigName": "BRMS_PARAM_RULE",
                "ONAPName": "DROOLS"
            "policyConfigMessage": "Config Retrieved! ",
            "policyConfigStatus": "CONFIG_RETRIEVED",
            "policyName": "com.Config_BRMS_Param_BRMSParamvCPE.1.xml",
            "policyType": "BRMS_PARAM",
            "policyVersion": "1",
            "property": null,
            "responseAttributes": {
                "controller": "amsterdam"
            "type": "OTHER"
            "config": "{\"service\":\"tca_policy\",\"location\":\"SampleServiceLocation\",\"uuid\":\"test\",\"policyName\":\"MicroServicevCPE\",\"description\":\"MicroService vCPE Policy\",\"configName\":\"SampleConfigName\",\"templateVersion\":\"OpenSource.version.1\",\"version\":\"1.1.0\",\"priority\":\"1\",\"policyScope\":\"resource=SampleResource,service=SampleService,type=SampleType,closedLoopControlName=ControlLoop-vCPE-48f0c2c3-a172-4192-9ae3-052274181b6e\",\"riskType\":\"SampleRiskType\",\"riskLevel\":\"1\",\"guard\":\"False\",\"content\":{\"tca_policy\":{\"domain\":\"measurementsForVfScaling\",\"metricsPerEventName\":[{\"eventName\":\"Measurement_vGMUX\",\"controlLoopSchemaType\":\"VNF\",\"policyScope\":\"DCAE\",\"policyName\":\"DCAE.Config_tca-hi-lo\",\"policyVersion\":\"v0.0.1\",\"thresholds\":[{\"closedLoopControlName\":\"ControlLoop-vCPE-48f0c2c3-a172-4192-9ae3-052274181b6e\",\"version\":\"1.0.2\",\"fieldPath\":\"$.event.measurementsForVfScalingFields.additionalMeasurements[*].arrayOfFields[0].value\",\"thresholdValue\":0,\"direction\":\"EQUAL\",\"severity\":\"MAJOR\",\"closedLoopEventStatus\":\"ABATED\"},{\"closedLoopControlName\":\"ControlLoop-vCPE-48f0c2c3-a172-4192-9ae3-052274181b6e\",\"version\":\"1.0.2\",\"fieldPath\":\"$.event.measurementsForVfScalingFields.additionalMeasurements[*].arrayOfFields[0].value\",\"thresholdValue\":0,\"direction\":\"GREATER\",\"severity\":\"CRITICAL\",\"closedLoopEventStatus\":\"ONSET\"}]}]}}}",
            "matchingConditions": {
                "ConfigName": "SampleConfigName",
                "Location": "SampleServiceLocation",
                "ONAPName": "DCAE",
                "service": "tca_policy",
                "uuid": "test"
            "policyConfigMessage": "Config Retrieved! ",
            "policyConfigStatus": "CONFIG_RETRIEVED",
            "policyName": "com.Config_MS_MicroServicevCPE.1.xml",
            "policyType": "MicroService",
            "policyVersion": "1",
            "property": null,
            "responseAttributes": {},
            "type": "JSON"
    ubuntu@k8sx:~/oom/kubernetes$ curl --silent -X POST --header 'Content-Type: application/json' --header 'Accept: application/json' --header 'ClientAuth: cHl0aG9uOnRlc3Q=' --header 'Authorization: Basic dGVzdHBkcDphbHBoYTEyMw==' --header 'Environment: TEST' -d '{"policyName": ".*vCPE.*"}' | python -m json.tool
            "config": "{\"service\":\"tca_policy\",\"location\":\"SampleServiceLocation\",\"uuid\":\"test\",\"policyName\":\"MicroServicevCPE\",\"description\":\"MicroService vCPE Policy\",\"configName\":\"SampleConfigName\",\"templateVersion\":\"OpenSource.version.1\",\"version\":\"1.1.0\",\"priority\":\"1\",\"policyScope\":\"resource=SampleResource,service=SampleService,type=SampleType,closedLoopControlName=ControlLoop-vCPE-48f0c2c3-a172-4192-9ae3-052274181b6e\",\"riskType\":\"SampleRiskType\",\"riskLevel\":\"1\",\"guard\":\"False\",\"content\":{\"tca_policy\":{\"domain\":\"measurementsForVfScaling\",\"metricsPerEventName\":[{\"eventName\":\"Measurement_vGMUX\",\"controlLoopSchemaType\":\"VNF\",\"policyScope\":\"DCAE\",\"policyName\":\"DCAE.Config_tca-hi-lo\",\"policyVersion\":\"v0.0.1\",\"thresholds\":[{\"closedLoopControlName\":\"ControlLoop-vCPE-48f0c2c3-a172-4192-9ae3-052274181b6e\",\"version\":\"1.0.2\",\"fieldPath\":\"$.event.measurementsForVfScalingFields.additionalMeasurements[*].arrayOfFields[0].value\",\"thresholdValue\":0,\"direction\":\"EQUAL\",\"severity\":\"MAJOR\",\"closedLoopEventStatus\":\"ABATED\"},{\"closedLoopControlName\":\"ControlLoop-vCPE-48f0c2c3-a172-4192-9ae3-052274181b6e\",\"version\":\"1.0.2\",\"fieldPath\":\"$.event.measurementsForVfScalingFields.additionalMeasurements[*].arrayOfFields[0].value\",\"thresholdValue\":0,\"direction\":\"GREATER\",\"severity\":\"CRITICAL\",\"closedLoopEventStatus\":\"ONSET\"}]}]}}}",
            "matchingConditions": {
                "ConfigName": "SampleConfigName",
                "Location": "SampleServiceLocation",
                "ONAPName": "DCAE",
                "service": "tca_policy",
                "uuid": "test"
            "policyConfigMessage": "Config Retrieved! ",
            "policyConfigStatus": "CONFIG_RETRIEVED",
            "policyName": "com.Config_MS_MicroServicevCPE.1.xml",
            "policyType": "MicroService",
            "policyVersion": "1",
            "property": null,
            "responseAttributes": {},
            "type": "JSON"
            "config": ...
                "ConfigName": "BRMS_PARAM_RULE",
                "ONAPName": "DROOLS"
            "policyConfigMessage": "Config Retrieved! ",
            "policyConfigStatus": "CONFIG_RETRIEVED",
            "policyName": "com.Config_BRMS_Param_BRMSParamvCPE.1.xml",
            "policyType": "BRMS_PARAM",
            "policyVersion": "1",
            "property": null,
            "responseAttributes": {
                "controller": "amsterdam"
            "type": "OTHER"

PDP-D Scaling

To scale a new PDP-D, set the replica count appropriately.   In our scenario below, we are going to scale the PDP-D service to add a new pod (2 active PDP-Ds).

.. code-block:: bash
   :caption: Scaling a PDP-D

    #   Note: we also set the PDP-X pool to 2 instances (matching the previous section)
    ubuntu@k8sx:~$ helm upgrade -i dev local/onap --namespace onap --set global.pullPolicy=IfNotPresent --set policy.pdp.replicaCount=2 --set policy.drools.replicaCount=2
    Release "dev" has been upgraded. Happy Helming!
    LAST DEPLOYED: Mon Jun  4 15:52:46 2018
    NAMESPACE: onap
    ==> v1/ConfigMap
    NAME                                         DATA  AGE
    dev-dmaap-bus-controller-config              1     2d
    dev-message-router-cadi-prop-configmap       1     2d
    dev-message-router-msgrtrapi-prop-configmap  1     2d
    dev-msb-discovery                            1     2d
    dev-msb-eag                                  1     2d
    dev-msb-iag                                  1     2d
    dev-brmsgw-pe-configmap                      2     2d
    dev-drools-configmap                         6     2d
    dev-drools-log-configmap                     1     2d
    dev-drools-settings-configmap                1     2d
    dev-policydb-configmap                       1     2d
    dev-pdp-pe-configmap                         3     2d
    dev-pdp-log-configmap                        1     2d
    dev-pe-scripts-configmap                     1     2d
    dev-filebeat-configmap                       1     2d
    dev-pe-configmap                             1     2d
    dev-pap-pe-configmap                         7     2d
    dev-pap-log-configmap                        1     2d
    dev-pap-sdk-log-configmap                    1     2d
    dev-robot-resources-configmap                3     2d
    dev-robot-lighttpd-authorization-configmap   1     2d
    dev-robot-eteshare-configmap                 4     2d
    ==> v1/PersistentVolume
    NAME                          CAPACITY  ACCESS MODES  RECLAIM POLICY  STATUS  CLAIM                              STORAGECLASS     REASON  AGE
    dev-dbc-pg-data0              1Gi       RWO           Retain          Bound   onap/dev-dbc-pg-data-dev-dbc-pg-0  dev-dbc-pg-data  2d
    dev-dbc-pg-data1              1Gi       RWO           Retain          Bound   onap/dev-dbc-pg-data-dev-dbc-pg-1  dev-dbc-pg-data  2d
    dev-message-router-kafka      2Gi       RWX           Retain          Bound   onap/dev-message-router-kafka      2d
    dev-message-router-zookeeper  2Gi       RWX           Retain          Bound   onap/dev-message-router-zookeeper  2d
    dev-nexus                     2Gi       RWX           Retain          Bound   onap/dev-nexus                     2d
    dev-policydb                  2Gi       RWX           Retain          Bound   onap/dev-policydb                  2d
    ==> v1/PersistentVolumeClaim
    NAME                          STATUS  VOLUME                        CAPACITY  ACCESS MODES  STORAGECLASS  AGE
    dev-message-router-kafka      Bound   dev-message-router-kafka      2Gi       RWX           2d
    dev-message-router-zookeeper  Bound   dev-message-router-zookeeper  2Gi       RWX           2d
    dev-nexus                     Bound   dev-nexus                     2Gi       RWX           2d
    dev-policydb                  Bound   dev-policydb                  2Gi       RWX           2d
    ==> v1beta1/ClusterRoleBinding
    NAME          AGE
    onap-binding  2d
    ==> v1beta1/Deployment
    NAME                          DESIRED  CURRENT  UP-TO-DATE  AVAILABLE  AGE
    dev-dmaap-bus-controller      1        1        1           1          2d
    dev-message-router-kafka      1        1        1           1          2d
    dev-message-router-zookeeper  1        1        1           1          2d
    dev-message-router            1        1        1           1          2d
    dev-kube2msb                  1        1        1           1          2d
    dev-msb-consul                1        1        1           1          2d
    dev-msb-discovery             1        1        1           1          2d
    dev-msb-eag                   1        1        1           1          2d
    dev-msb-iag                   1        1        1           1          2d
    dev-brmsgw                    1        1        1           1          2d
    dev-nexus                     1        1        1           1          2d
    dev-policydb                  1        1        1           1          2d
    dev-pap                       1        1        1           1          2d
    dev-robot                     1        1        1           1          2d
    ==> v1/Pod(related)
    NAME                                          READY  STATUS    RESTARTS  AGE
    dev-dmaap-bus-controller-5bd859c7dc-blzdc     1/1    Running   0         2d
    dev-message-router-kafka-748cdf7b9c-srv7l     1/1    Running   0         2d
    dev-message-router-zookeeper-5b5969f6f-8rk9w  1/1    Running   0         2d
    dev-message-router-b5bdc599c-5h56k            1/1    Running   0         2d
    dev-kube2msb-579fc77c54-m84qx                 1/1    Running   0         2d
    dev-msb-consul-7bc4fcc8-94gsc                 1/1    Running   0         2d
    dev-msb-discovery-768547bcb-2hr7j             2/2    Running   0         2d
    dev-msb-eag-5d95686c67-9lkzs                  2/2    Running   0         2d
    dev-msb-iag-675b649848-pv2gh                  2/2    Running   0         2d
    dev-brmsgw-5675f5877b-wv68s                   1/1    Running   0         2d
    dev-nexus-7d96568f5f-m8c4l                    1/1    Running   0         2d
    dev-policydb-587d55bdff-9gdjv                 1/1    Running   0         2d
    dev-pap-678b44cd87-wxbww                      2/2    Running   0         2d
    dev-robot-589c76bb6b-hrrdn                    1/1    Running   0         2d
    dev-dbc-pg-0                                  1/1    Running   0         2d
    dev-dbc-pg-1                                  1/1    Running   0         2d
    dev-drools-0                                  1/1    Running   1         2d
    dev-drools-1                                  0/1    Init:0/1  0         1s
    dev-pdp-0                                     2/2    Running   1         2d
    dev-pdp-1                                     2/2    Running   0         33m
    ==> v1/Secret
    NAME                       TYPE                     DATA  AGE
    dev-dbc-pg                 Opaque                   3     2d
    dev-message-router-secret  Opaque                   1     2d
    dev-drools-secret          Opaque                   2     2d
    dev-policydb-secret        Opaque                   2     2d
    onap-docker-registry-key   kubernetes.io/dockercfg  1     2d
    ==> v1beta1/StatefulSet
    dev-dbc-pg  2        2        2d
    dev-drools  2        2        2d
    dev-pdp     2        2        2d
    ==> v1/Service
    NAME                      TYPE       CLUSTER-IP     EXTERNAL-IP  PORT(S)                        AGE
    dbc-postgres              ClusterIP  <none>       5432/TCP                       2d
    dbc-pg-replica            ClusterIP  <none>       5432/TCP                       2d
    dbc-pg-primary            ClusterIP   <none>       5432/TCP                       2d
    dmaap-bc                  NodePort  <none>       8080:30241/TCP,8443:30242/TCP  2d
    message-router-kafka      ClusterIP   <none>       9092/TCP                       2d
    message-router-zookeeper  ClusterIP  None           <none>       2181/TCP                       2d
    message-router            NodePort  <none>       3904:30227/TCP,3905:30226/TCP  2d
    msb-consul                NodePort    <none>       8500:30285/TCP                 2d
    msb-discovery             NodePort   <none>       10081:30281/TCP                2d
    msb-eag                   NodePort   <none>       80:30282/TCP,443:30284/TCP     2d
    msb-iag                   NodePort  <none>       80:30280/TCP,443:30283/TCP     2d
    brmsgw                    NodePort   <none>       9989:30216/TCP                 2d
    nexus                     NodePort   <none>       8081:30236/TCP                 2d
    drools                    NodePort   <none>       6969:30217/TCP,9696:30221/TCP  2d
    policydb                  ClusterIP  None           <none>       3306/TCP                       2d
    pdp                       ClusterIP  None           <none>       8081/TCP                       2d
    pap                       NodePort   <none>       8443:30219/TCP,9091:30218/TCP  2d
    robot                     NodePort  <none>       88:30209/TCP                   2d
Verify that the new PDP-D comes up with the latest policy coordinates:

.. code-block:: bash
   :caption: Verify new PDP-D 2 comes up with policies loaded

    ubuntu@k8sx:~$ curl --silent --user '@1b3rt:31nst31n' -X GET | python -m json.tool
        "alive": true,
        "artifactId": "policy-amsterdam-rules",
        "brained": true,
        "groupId": "org.onap.policy-engine.drools.amsterdam",
        "locked": false,
        "modelClassLoaderHash": 1657760388,
        "recentSinkEvents": [],
        "recentSourceEvents": [],
        "sessionCoordinates": [
        "sessions": [
        "version": "0.5.0"

End of Document

.. SSNote: Wiki page ref. https://wiki.onap.org/display/DW/Policy+on+OOM
.. SSNote: Old Wiki page ref. https://wiki.onap.org/display/DW/Scalability%2C+Resiliency+and+Manageability