path: root/kubernetes/so/charts/mariadb/templates/service.yaml
diff options
authorMandeep Khinda <>2018-03-09 14:29:37 +0000
committerMandeep Khinda <>2018-03-09 14:54:49 +0000
commita57d8dd090a3d3d747ba40ef58e14215e88adfa2 (patch)
treebc2dcdc8b45cb0d663cb0bd40668737c84b7f1c8 /kubernetes/so/charts/mariadb/templates/service.yaml
parent41c491482386f37ac876717e0f565ba0781e2d8a (diff)
iterating on new helm structure for SO
with this change we can now do the following: can deploy umbrella chart with currently working components: helm install local/onap --name onap --namespace onap-all helm install local/onap --name onap-2 --namespace onap-all-2 \ --set global.nodePortPrefix=303 - umbrella includes setup chart can deploy a-la-carte component by component into a single namespace - Need to deploy a setup chart first. cannot be made a helm dependency as there will be conflicts if each app chart has the same setup dependency. helm install local/setup --name onap-setup --namespace onap-apps helm install local/so --name so1 --namespace onap-apps \ --set global.nodePortPrefix=304 helm list NAME REVISION STATUS CHART NAMESPACE onap 1 DEPLOYED onap-2.0.0 onap-all onap-2 1 DEPLOYED onap-2.0.0 onap-all-2 onap-setup 1 DEPLOYED setup-2.0.0 onap-apps so1 1 DEPLOYED so-2.0.0 onap-apps Unfortunately, the config maps all have fixed names, so installing the same app in the a-la-carte fashion will fail due to a collision. Not worrying about this as I'm not sure we want to support this. -made the common and setup charts standalone to remove relative file paths from requirements.yaml This will help when there are different levels of subcharts that need to include common Issue-ID: OOM-786 Issue-ID: OOM-789 Issue-ID: OOM-788 Change-Id: I20bacae6f0f20e8f3bb1527af1e7e53f187341d5 Signed-off-by: Mandeep Khinda <>
Diffstat (limited to 'kubernetes/so/charts/mariadb/templates/service.yaml')
1 files changed, 1 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/kubernetes/so/charts/mariadb/templates/service.yaml b/kubernetes/so/charts/mariadb/templates/service.yaml
index 5c133b77d1..0a040bcab5 100644
--- a/kubernetes/so/charts/mariadb/templates/service.yaml
+++ b/kubernetes/so/charts/mariadb/templates/service.yaml
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
- name: {{ include "" . }}
+ name: {{ include "common.fullname" . }}
namespace: {{ include "common.namespace" . }}
app: {{ include "" . }}
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