path: root/docs/sections
diff options
authorAndreas Geissler <andreas-geissler@telekom.de>2024-11-04 11:55:08 +0100
committerAndreas Geissler <andreas-geissler@telekom.de>2025-01-02 18:21:19 +0100
commit30ef8932eb85c665e3db41e8819eda3260b80f6d (patch)
tree376d0e4a6be104e679ad347acdd29812ed837b1a /docs/sections
parentee26c89abe7be30f49e922564e2e012bead25060 (diff)
[DOC] Update versions of Operators
Add new versions of infrastructure SW Add release notes for Oslo Correct linting issues in documents Issue-ID: OOM-3322 Change-Id: I5ff844a0c6ad5dadc225232d5ef3fd1c149f6fa4 Signed-off-by: Andreas Geissler <andreas-geissler@telekom.de>
Diffstat (limited to 'docs/sections')
23 files changed, 459 insertions, 188 deletions
diff --git a/docs/sections/guides/access_guides/oom_access_info.rst b/docs/sections/guides/access_guides/oom_access_info.rst
index ebc2f65104..44491cce17 100644
--- a/docs/sections/guides/access_guides/oom_access_info.rst
+++ b/docs/sections/guides/access_guides/oom_access_info.rst
@@ -30,14 +30,15 @@ In the ServiceMesh deployment the Istio IngressGateway is the only access point
for ONAP component interfaces.
Usually the Ingress is accessed via a LoadBalancer IP (<ingress-IP>),
which is used as central address.
-All APIs/UIs are provided via separate URLs which are routed to the component service.
+All APIs/UIs are provided via separate URLs which are routed to the component
To use these URLs they need to be resolvable via DNS or via /etc/hosts.
-The domain name is usually defined in the `global` section of the ONAP helm-charts,
-`virtualhost.baseurl` (here "simpledemo.onap.org") whereas the hostname of
-the service (e.g. "sdc-fe-ui") is defined in the component's chart.
+The domain name is usually defined in the `global` section of the ONAP
+helm-charts, `virtualhost.baseurl` (here "simpledemo.onap.org") whereas the
+hostname of the service (e.g. "sdc-fe-ui") is defined in the component's chart.
-.. code-block:: none
+.. code-block:: bash
<ingress-IP> kiali.simpledemo.onap.org
<ingress-IP> cds-ui.simpledemo.onap.org
@@ -54,9 +55,9 @@ Access via NodePort/Loadbalancer (development)
In the development setop OOM operates in a private IP network that isn't
publicly accessible (i.e. OpenStack VMs with private internal network) which
blocks access to the ONAP User Interfaces.
-To enable direct access to a service from a user's own environment (a laptop etc.)
-the application's internal port is exposed through a `Kubernetes NodePort`_ or
-`Kubernetes LoadBalancer`_ object.
+To enable direct access to a service from a user's own environment (a laptop
+etc.) the application's internal port is exposed through a
+`Kubernetes NodePort`_ or `Kubernetes LoadBalancer`_ object.
Typically, to be able to access the Kubernetes nodes publicly a public address
is assigned. In OpenStack this is a floating IP address.
@@ -64,24 +65,24 @@ is assigned. In OpenStack this is a floating IP address.
Most ONAP applications use the `NodePort` as predefined `service:type`,
which opens allows access to the service through the the IP address of each
Kubernetes node.
-When using the `Loadbalancer` as `service:type` `Kubernetes LoadBalancer`_ object
-which gets a separate IP address.
+When using the `Loadbalancer` as `service:type` `Kubernetes LoadBalancer`_
+object which gets a separate IP address.
When e.g. the `sdc-fe` chart is deployed a Kubernetes service is created that
instantiates a load balancer. The LB chooses the private interface of one of
-the nodes as in the example below ( is private to the K8s cluster only).
+the nodes as in the example below ( is private to the K8s cluster
Then to be able to access the portal on port 8989 from outside the K8s &
-OpenStack environment, the user needs to assign/get the floating IP address that
-corresponds to the private IP as follows::
+OpenStack environment, the user needs to assign/get the floating IP address
+that corresponds to the private IP as follows::
> kubectl -n onap get services|grep "sdc-fe"
sdc-fe LoadBalancer 8181:30207/TCP
In this example, use the private address as a key find the
corresponding public address which in this example is If you're
using OpenStack you'll do the lookup with the horizon GUI or the OpenStack CLI
-for your tenant (openstack server list). That IP is then used in your
+for your tenant (openstack server list). That IP is then used in your
`/etc/hosts` to map the fixed DNS aliases required by the ONAP Portal as shown
@@ -100,8 +101,8 @@ the portal and then simply access now the new ssl-encrypted URL:
| Alternatives Considered:
- Kubernetes port forwarding was considered but discarded as it would
- require the end user to run a script that opens up port forwarding tunnels
- to each of the pods that provides a portal application widget.
+ require the end user to run a script that opens up port forwarding
+ tunnels to each of the pods that provides a portal application widget.
- Reverting to a VNC server similar to what was deployed in the Amsterdam
release was also considered but there were many issues with resolution,
@@ -111,9 +112,9 @@ the portal and then simply access now the new ssl-encrypted URL:
- If you are not using floating IPs in your Kubernetes deployment and
- directly attaching a public IP address (i.e. by using your public provider
- network) to your K8S Node VMs' network interface, then the output of
- 'kubectl -n onap get services | grep "portal-app"'
+ directly attaching a public IP address (i.e. by using your public
+ provider network) to your K8S Node VMs' network interface, then the
+ output of 'kubectl -n onap get services | grep "portal-app"'
will show your public IP instead of the private network's IP. Therefore,
you can grab this public IP directly (as compared to trying to find the
floating IP first) and map this IP in /etc/hosts.
@@ -142,11 +143,9 @@ The following table lists all the NodePorts used by ONAP.
:widths: 20,20,20,20,20
:header-rows: 1
This table retrieves information from the ONAP deployment using the following
Kubernetes command:
.. code-block:: bash
kubectl get svc -n onap -o go-template='{{range .items}}{{range.spec.ports}}{{if .nodePort}}{{.nodePort}}{{.}}{{"\n"}}{{end}}{{end}}{{end}}'
diff --git a/docs/sections/guides/deployment_guides/oom_customize_overrides.rst b/docs/sections/guides/deployment_guides/oom_customize_overrides.rst
index a5458f8562..52fb7e5d5b 100644
--- a/docs/sections/guides/deployment_guides/oom_customize_overrides.rst
+++ b/docs/sections/guides/deployment_guides/oom_customize_overrides.rst
@@ -11,12 +11,15 @@
OOM Custom Overrides
-The OOM `helm deploy`_ plugin requires deployment configuration as input, usually in the form of override yaml files.
-These input files determine what ONAP components get deployed, and the configuration of the OOM deployment.
+The OOM `helm deploy`_ plugin requires deployment configuration as input,
+usually in the form of override yaml files.
+These input files determine what ONAP components get deployed, and the
+configuration of the OOM deployment.
Other helm config options like `--set log.enabled=true|false` are available.
-See the `helm deploy`_ plugin usage section for more detail, or it the plugin has already been installed, execute the following::
+See the `helm deploy`_ plugin usage section for more detail, or it the plugin
+has already been installed, execute the following::
> helm deploy --help
@@ -121,31 +124,46 @@ Global settings relevant for ServiceMesh and Ingress:
ServiceMesh settings:
-- enabled: true → enables ServiceMesh functionality in the ONAP Namespace (Istio: enables Sidecar deployment)
+- enabled: true → enables ServiceMesh functionality in the ONAP Namespace
+ (Istio: enables Sidecar deployment)
- tls: true → enables mTLS encryption in Sidecar communication
- engine: istio → sets the SM engine (currently only Istio is supported)
- aafEnabled: false → disables AAF usage for TLS interfaces
- tlsEnabled: false → disables creation of TLS in component services
- cmpv2Enabled: false → disable cmpv2 feature
-- msbEnabled: false → MSB is not used in Istio setup (Open, if all components are MSB independend)
+- msbEnabled: false → MSB is not used in Istio setup (Open, if all components
+ are MSB independend)
Ingress settings:
-- enabled: true → enables Ingress using: Nginx (when SM disabled), Istio IngressGateway (when SM enabled)
+- enabled: true → enables Ingress using: Nginx (when SM disabled), Istio
+ IngressGateway (when SM enabled)
- enable_all: true → enables Ingress configuration in each component
- provider: "..." → sets the Ingress provider (ingress, istio, gw-api)
-- ingressClass: "" → Ingress class (only for provider "ingress"): e.g. nginx, traefik
-- ingressSelector: "" → Selector (only for provider "istio") to match with the ingress pod label "istio=ingress"
-- commonGateway: "" → optional: common used Gateway (for Istio, GW-API) and http(s) listener names
-- virtualhost.baseurl: "simpledemo.onap.org" → sets globally the URL for all Interfaces set by the components,
- resulting in e.g. "aai-api.simpledemo.onap.org", can be overwritten in the component via: ingress.baseurlOverride
-- virtualhost.preaddr: "pre-" → sets globally a prefix for the Application name for all Interfaces set by the components,
- resulting in e.g. "pre-aai-api.simpledemo.onap.org", can be overwritten in the component via: ingress.preaddrOverride
-- virtualhost.postaddr: "-post" → sets globally a postfix for the Application name for all Interfaces set by the components,
- resulting in e.g. "aai-api-post.simpledemo.onap.org", can be overwritten in the component via: ingress.postaddrOverride
-- config.ssl: redirect → sets in the Ingress globally the redirection of all Interfaces from http (port 80) to https (port 443)
-- config.tls.secret: "..." → (optional) overrides the default selfsigned SSL certificate with a certificate stored in the specified secret
-- namespace: istio-ingress → (optional) overrides the namespace of the ingress gateway which is used for the created SSL certificate
+- ingressClass: "" → Ingress class (only for provider "ingress"): e.g. nginx,
+ traefik
+- ingressSelector: "" → Selector (only for provider "istio") to match with the
+ ingress pod label "istio=ingress"
+- commonGateway: "" → optional: common used Gateway (for Istio, GW-API) and
+ http(s) listener names
+- virtualhost.baseurl: "simpledemo.onap.org" → sets globally the URL for all
+ Interfaces set by the components, resulting in e.g.
+ "aai-api.simpledemo.onap.org", can be overwritten in the component via:
+ ingress.baseurlOverride
+- virtualhost.preaddr: "pre-" → sets globally a prefix for the Application name
+ for all Interfaces set by the components, resulting in e.g.
+ "pre-aai-api.simpledemo.onap.org", can be overwritten in the component via:
+ ingress.preaddrOverride
+- virtualhost.postaddr: "-post" → sets globally a postfix for the Application
+ name for all Interfaces set by the components, resulting in e.g.
+ "aai-api-post.simpledemo.onap.org", can be overwritten in the component via:
+ ingress.postaddrOverride
+- config.ssl: redirect → sets in the Ingress globally the redirection of all
+ Interfaces from http (port 80) to https (port 443)
+- config.tls.secret: "..." → (optional) overrides the default selfsigned SSL
+ certificate with a certificate stored in the specified secret
+- namespace: istio-ingress → (optional) overrides the namespace of the ingress
+ gateway which is used for the created SSL certificate
.. note::
For the Ingress setup example override files (`onap-all-ingress-istio.yaml`, `onap-all-ingress-gatewayapi.yaml`)
diff --git a/docs/sections/guides/deployment_guides/oom_deployment.rst b/docs/sections/guides/deployment_guides/oom_deployment.rst
index ba4f4e22eb..21e988da5b 100644
--- a/docs/sections/guides/deployment_guides/oom_deployment.rst
+++ b/docs/sections/guides/deployment_guides/oom_deployment.rst
@@ -14,7 +14,8 @@ OOM Deployment Guide
.. figure:: ../../resources/images/oom_logo/oomLogoV2-medium.png
:align: right
-ONAP OOM supports several options for the deployment of ONAP using it's helm charts.
+ONAP OOM supports several options for the deployment of ONAP using it's helm
* :ref:`oom_helm_release_repo_deploy`
* :ref:`oom_helm_testing_repo_deploy`
@@ -27,7 +28,8 @@ ONAP OOM supports several options for the deployment of ONAP using it's helm cha
| :ref:`Set up your base platform<oom_base_setup_guide>`
-Each deployment method can be customized to deploy a subset of ONAP component applications.
+Each deployment method can be customized to deploy a subset of ONAP component
See the :ref:`oom_customize_overrides` section for more details.
diff --git a/docs/sections/guides/deployment_guides/oom_dev_testing_local_deploy.rst b/docs/sections/guides/deployment_guides/oom_dev_testing_local_deploy.rst
index b0deff0e2b..debca31918 100644
--- a/docs/sections/guides/deployment_guides/oom_dev_testing_local_deploy.rst
+++ b/docs/sections/guides/deployment_guides/oom_dev_testing_local_deploy.rst
@@ -10,8 +10,8 @@
OOM Developer Testing Deployment
-Developing and testing changes to the existing OOM project can be done locally by setting up some additional
-tools to host the updated helm charts.
+Developing and testing changes to the existing OOM project can be done locally
+by setting up some additional tools to host the updated helm charts.
**Step 1.** Clone the OOM repository from ONAP gerrit::
@@ -31,7 +31,8 @@ tools to host the updated helm charts.
**Step 3.** Install Chartmuseum
-Chart museum is required to host the helm charts locally when deploying in a development environment::
+Chart museum is required to host the helm charts locally when deploying in a
+development environment::
> curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/helm/chartmuseum/main/scripts/get-chartmuseum | bash
@@ -41,7 +42,8 @@ Chart museum is required to host the helm charts locally when deploying in a dev
> chartmuseum --storage local --storage-local-rootdir ~/helm3-storage -port 8879 &
-Note the port number that is listed and use it in the Helm repo add as follows::
+Note the port number that is listed and use it in the Helm repo add as
> helm repo add local
diff --git a/docs/sections/guides/deployment_guides/oom_helm_release_repo_deploy.rst b/docs/sections/guides/deployment_guides/oom_helm_release_repo_deploy.rst
index df2ede39dc..5e3115da6b 100644
--- a/docs/sections/guides/deployment_guides/oom_helm_release_repo_deploy.rst
+++ b/docs/sections/guides/deployment_guides/oom_helm_release_repo_deploy.rst
@@ -32,7 +32,8 @@ Add the repository:
To customize what applications are deployed, see the :ref:`oom_customize_overrides` section for more details, to provide your own custom overrides yaml file.
-- To deploy a release, execute the following, substituting the <version> tag with your preferred release (ie. 13.0.0)::
+- To deploy a release, execute the following, substituting the <version> tag with
+ your preferred release (ie. 13.0.0)::
> helm deploy dev onap-release/onap --namespace onap --create-namespace --set global.masterPassword=myAwesomePasswordThatINeedToChange --version <version> -f oom/kubernetes/onap/resources/overrides/onap-all.yaml
diff --git a/docs/sections/guides/deployment_guides/oom_helm_testing_repo_deploy.rst b/docs/sections/guides/deployment_guides/oom_helm_testing_repo_deploy.rst
index e9312382b3..92c0e68dff 100644
--- a/docs/sections/guides/deployment_guides/oom_helm_testing_repo_deploy.rst
+++ b/docs/sections/guides/deployment_guides/oom_helm_testing_repo_deploy.rst
@@ -12,12 +12,14 @@
OOM Helm Testing Deployment
-ONAP hosts the OOM `testing` helm charts in it's `ONAP helm testing repository`_.
+ONAP hosts the OOM `testing` helm charts in it's
+`ONAP helm testing repository`_.
This is helm repo contains:
* The `latest` charts built from the head of the `OOM`_ project's master
- branch, tagged with the version number of the current development cycle (ie. 12.0.0).
+ branch, tagged with the version number of the current development cycle
+ (ie. 15.0.0).
Add the OOM testing repo & Deploy
diff --git a/docs/sections/guides/development_guides/oom_dev_config_management.rst b/docs/sections/guides/development_guides/oom_dev_config_management.rst
index 36a02dc85d..c6f1c4735d 100644
--- a/docs/sections/guides/development_guides/oom_dev_config_management.rst
+++ b/docs/sections/guides/development_guides/oom_dev_config_management.rst
@@ -441,4 +441,4 @@ SO deployment specification excerpt:
- --container-name
- so-mariadb
- ... \ No newline at end of file
+ ...
diff --git a/docs/sections/guides/development_guides/oom_dev_container_orchestration.rst b/docs/sections/guides/development_guides/oom_dev_container_orchestration.rst
index b137bff8b6..ecbaabd7be 100644
--- a/docs/sections/guides/development_guides/oom_dev_container_orchestration.rst
+++ b/docs/sections/guides/development_guides/oom_dev_container_orchestration.rst
@@ -363,4 +363,4 @@ containers and any state information within it. To avoid a loss of state, a
persistent volume should be used to store all data that needs to be persisted
over the re-creation of a container. Persistent volumes have been created for
the database components of each of the projects and the same technique can be
-used for all persistent state information. \ No newline at end of file
+used for all persistent state information.
diff --git a/docs/sections/guides/development_guides/oom_dev_helm_chart_info.rst b/docs/sections/guides/development_guides/oom_dev_helm_chart_info.rst
index 533f60e29b..0299c9579f 100644
--- a/docs/sections/guides/development_guides/oom_dev_helm_chart_info.rst
+++ b/docs/sections/guides/development_guides/oom_dev_helm_chart_info.rst
@@ -22,9 +22,9 @@ in a hierarchy as found in the `aai`_ ONAP component.
Charts are created as files laid out in a particular directory tree, then they
can be packaged into versioned archives to be deployed. There is a public
-archive of `Helm Charts`_ on ArtifactHUB that includes many technologies applicable
-to ONAP. Some of these charts have been used in ONAP and all of the ONAP charts
-have been created following the guidelines provided.
+archive of `Helm Charts`_ on ArtifactHUB that includes many technologies
+applicable to ONAP. Some of these charts have been used in ONAP and all of the
+ONAP charts have been created following the guidelines provided.
An example structure of the OOM common helm charts is shown below:
diff --git a/docs/sections/guides/infra_guides/oom_infra_base_config_setup.rst b/docs/sections/guides/infra_guides/oom_infra_base_config_setup.rst
index e5ca289aff..6638eb71b6 100644
--- a/docs/sections/guides/infra_guides/oom_infra_base_config_setup.rst
+++ b/docs/sections/guides/infra_guides/oom_infra_base_config_setup.rst
@@ -31,18 +31,21 @@ the following mandatory installation and configuration steps must be completed.
-For additional platform add-ons, see the :ref:`oom_base_optional_addons` section.
+For additional platform add-ons, see the :ref:`oom_base_optional_addons`
Install & configure kubectl
-The Kubernetes command line interface used to manage a Kubernetes cluster needs to be installed
-and configured to run as non root.
+The Kubernetes command line interface used to manage a Kubernetes cluster needs
+to be installed and configured to run as non root.
-For additional information regarding kubectl installation and configuration see the `kubectl installation guide`_
+For additional information regarding kubectl installation and configuration see
+the `kubectl installation guide`_
-To install kubectl, execute the following, replacing the <recommended-kubectl-version> with the version defined
-in the :ref:`versions_table` table::
+To install kubectl, execute the following, replacing the
+<recommended-kubectl-version> with the version defined in the
+:ref:`versions_table` table::
> curl -LO https://dl.k8s.io/release/v<recommended-kubectl-version>/bin/linux/amd64/kubectl
@@ -78,11 +81,12 @@ Validate the installation::
Install & configure helm
-Helm is used for package and configuration management of the relevant helm charts.
-For additional information, see the `helm installation guide`_
+Helm is used for package and configuration management of the relevant helm
+charts. For additional information, see the `helm installation guide`_
-To install helm, execute the following, replacing the <recommended-helm-version> with the version defined
-in the :ref:`versions_table` table::
+To install helm, execute the following, replacing the
+<recommended-helm-version> with the version defined in the
+:ref:`versions_table` table::
> wget https://get.helm.sh/helm-v<recommended-helm-version>-linux-amd64.tar.gz
@@ -94,8 +98,8 @@ Verify the helm version with::
> helm version
-Helm's default CNCF provided `Curated applications for Kubernetes`_ repository called
-*stable* can be removed to avoid confusion::
+Helm's default CNCF provided `Curated applications for Kubernetes`_ repository
+called *stable* can be removed to avoid confusion::
> helm repo remove stable
@@ -120,10 +124,12 @@ Verify the plugins are installed::
Set the default StorageClass
-In some ONAP components it is important to have a default storageClass defined (e.g. cassandra),
-if you don't want to explicitly set it during the deployment via helm overrides.
+In some ONAP components it is important to have a default storageClass defined
+(e.g. cassandra), if you don't want to explicitly set it during the deployment
+via helm overrides.
-Therefor you should set the default storageClass (if not done during the K8S cluster setup) via the command::
+Therefor you should set the default storageClass (if not done during the K8S
+cluster setup) via the command::
> kubectl patch storageclass <storageclass> -p '{"metadata": {"annotations":{"storageclass.kubernetes.io/is-default-class":"true"}}}'
@@ -132,9 +138,10 @@ see `DefaultStorageClass`_
Install the Strimzi Kafka Operator
-Strimzi Apache Kafka provides a way to run an Apache Kafka cluster on Kubernetes
-in various deployment configurations by using kubernetes operators.
-Operators are a method of packaging, deploying, and managing Kubernetes applications.
+Strimzi Apache Kafka provides a way to run an Apache Kafka cluster on
+Kubernetes in various deployment configurations by using kubernetes operators.
+Operators are a method of packaging, deploying, and managing Kubernetes
Strimzi Operators extend the Kubernetes functionality, automating common
and complex tasks related to a Kafka deployment. By implementing
@@ -153,8 +160,9 @@ To add the required helm repository, execute the following::
> helm repo add strimzi https://strimzi.io/charts/
-To install the strimzi kafka operator, execute the following, replacing the <recommended-strimzi-version> with the version defined
-in the :ref:`versions_table` table::
+To install the strimzi kafka operator, execute the following, replacing the
+<recommended-strimzi-version> with the version defined in the
+:ref:`versions_table` table::
> helm install strimzi-kafka-operator strimzi/strimzi-kafka-operator --namespace strimzi-system --version <recommended-strimzi-version> --set watchAnyNamespace=true --create-namespace
@@ -192,8 +200,9 @@ to manage cert-manager resources inside your cluster. For installation
steps, please refer to `Cert-Manager kubectl plugin documentation`_.
-To install cert-manager, execute the following, replacing the <recommended-cm-version> with the version defined
-in the :ref:`versions_table` table::
+To install cert-manager, execute the following, replacing the
+<recommended-cm-version> with the version defined in the
+:ref:`versions_table` table::
> kubectl apply -f https://github.com/jetstack/cert-manager/releases/download/v<recommended-cm-version>/cert-manager.yaml
@@ -216,8 +225,8 @@ Istio Service Mesh
`ONAP Next Generation Security & Logging Architecture`_
ONAP is currenty supporting Istio as default ServiceMesh platform.
-Therefor the following instructions describe the setup of Istio and required tools.
-Used `Istio setup guide`_
+Therefor the following instructions describe the setup of Istio and required
+tools. Used `Istio setup guide`_
.. _oom_base_optional_addons_istio_installation:
@@ -247,11 +256,11 @@ Install Istio Basic Platform
> helm upgrade -i istio-base istio/base -n istio-system --version <recommended-istio-version>
-- Create an override for istiod (e.g. istiod.yaml) to add the oauth2-proxy as external
- authentication provider and apply some specific config settings
- Be aware, that from Istio version 1.21.0 the format of the values.yaml changes.
- Additionally a new feature (Native Sidecars) can be enabled, if it is enabled in
- Kubernetes (version > 1.28)
+- Create an override for istiod (e.g. istiod.yaml) to add the oauth2-proxy as
+ external authentication provider and apply some specific config settings
+ Be aware, that from Istio version 1.21.0 the format of the values.yaml
+ changes. Additionally a new feature (Native Sidecars) can be enabled, if it
+ is enabled in Kubernetes (version > 1.28)
.. collapse:: istiod.yaml (version => 1.21)
@@ -263,8 +272,9 @@ Install Istio Basic Platform
.. include:: ../../resources/yaml/istiod.yaml
:code: yaml
-- Install the Istio Base Istio Discovery chart which deploys the istiod service, replacing the
- <recommended-istio-version> with the version defined in the :ref:`versions_table` table::
+- Install the Istio Base Istio Discovery chart which deploys the istiod
+ service, replacing the <recommended-istio-version> with the version
+ defined in the :ref:`versions_table` table::
> helm upgrade -i istiod istio/istiod -n istio-system --version <recommended-istio-version>
--wait -f ./istiod.yaml
@@ -303,7 +313,8 @@ In the production setup 2 different Ingress setups are supported.
- Istio Gateway `Istio-Gateway`_ (alternative, but in the future deprecated)
Depending on the solution, the ONAP helm values.yaml has to be configured.
-See the :ref:`OOM customized deployment<oom_customize_overrides>` section for more details.
+See the :ref:`OOM customized deployment<oom_customize_overrides>` section for
+more details.
Gateway-API (recommended)
@@ -336,8 +347,8 @@ Istio Gateway (alternative)
> kubectl label namespace istio-ingress istio-injection=enabled
-- To expose additional ports besides HTTP/S (e.g. for external Kafka access, SDNC-callhome)
- create an override file (e.g. istio-ingress.yaml)
+- To expose additional ports besides HTTP/S (e.g. for external Kafka access,
+ SDNC-callhome) create an override file (e.g. istio-ingress.yaml)
.. collapse:: istio-ingress.yaml
@@ -387,7 +398,8 @@ Configure Keycloak
- To configure the Keycloak instance
- create an override file (e.g. keycloak-server-values.yaml)
+ create an override file (e.g. keycloak-server-values.yaml) and use
+ the "image.tag" of the keycloak version (here 26.0.6)
.. collapse:: keycloak-server-values.yaml
diff --git a/docs/sections/guides/infra_guides/oom_infra_deployment_requirements.rst b/docs/sections/guides/infra_guides/oom_infra_deployment_requirements.rst
index 5020e22563..535ee10d64 100644
--- a/docs/sections/guides/infra_guides/oom_infra_deployment_requirements.rst
+++ b/docs/sections/guides/infra_guides/oom_infra_deployment_requirements.rst
@@ -15,8 +15,8 @@ ONAP Deployment Requirements
.. rubric:: Minimum Hardware Configuration
-Some recommended hardware requirements are provided below. Note that this is for a
-full ONAP deployment (all components).
+Some recommended hardware requirements are provided below. Note that this is
+for a full ONAP deployment (all components).
.. table:: OOM Hardware Requirements
@@ -26,8 +26,10 @@ full ONAP deployment (all components).
224GB 160GB 112 (all open)
===== ===== ====== ====================
-Customizing ONAP to deploy only components that are needed will drastically reduce these requirements.
-See the :ref:`OOM customized deployment<oom_customize_overrides>` section for more details.
+Customizing ONAP to deploy only components that are needed will drastically
+reduce these requirements.
+See the :ref:`OOM customized deployment<oom_customize_overrides>` section for
+more details.
.. note::
| Kubernetes supports a maximum of 110 pods per node - this can be overcome by modifying your kubelet config.
@@ -50,7 +52,7 @@ The versions of software that are supported and tested by OOM are as follows:
============== =========== ======= ======== ======== ============= ========
Montreal 1.27.5 3.12.3 1.27.x 20.10.x 1.13.2 0.36.1
New Delhi 1.28.6 3.13.1 1.28.x 20.10.x 1.14.4 0.41.0
- Oslo 1.28.6 3.13.1 1.28.x 20.10.x 1.14.4 0.43.0
+ Oslo 1.28.6 3.13.1 1.30.x 23.0.x 1.16.2 0.44.0
============== =========== ======= ======== ======== ============= ========
.. table:: OOM Software Requirements (production)
@@ -60,15 +62,15 @@ The versions of software that are supported and tested by OOM are as follows:
============== ====== ============ ==============
Montreal 1.19.3 v1.0.0 19.0.3-legacy
New Delhi 1.21.0 v1.0.0 22.0.4
- Oslo 1.23.0 v1.0.0 22.0.4
+ Oslo 1.24.1 v1.2.1 26.0.6
============== ====== ============ ==============
.. table:: OOM Software Requirements (optional)
- ============== ================= ========== =================
- Release Prometheus Stack K8ssandra MariaDB-Operator
- ============== ================= ========== =================
- Montreal 45.x 1.10.2 0.23.1
- New Delhi 45.x 1.16.0 0.28.1
- Oslo 45.x 1.19.0 0.30.0
- ============== ================= ========== =================
+ ============== =========== ========== =========== ============ ===========
+ Release Prometheus K8ssandra MariaDB-Op Postgres-Op MongoDB-Op
+ ============== =========== ========== =========== ============ ===========
+ Montreal 45.x 1.10.2 0.23.1 - -
+ New Delhi 45.x 1.16.0 0.28.1 - -
+ Oslo 45.x 1.20.2 0.36.0 5.7.2 1.18.0
+ ============== =========== ========== =========== ============ ===========
diff --git a/docs/sections/guides/infra_guides/oom_infra_optional_addons.rst b/docs/sections/guides/infra_guides/oom_infra_optional_addons.rst
index 7723a231f4..ce623f3d14 100644
--- a/docs/sections/guides/infra_guides/oom_infra_optional_addons.rst
+++ b/docs/sections/guides/infra_guides/oom_infra_optional_addons.rst
@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@
.. _K8ssandra setup guide: https://docs.k8ssandra.io/install/
.. _Mariadb-Operator setup guide: https://github.com/mariadb-operator/mariadb-operator
.. _Postgres-Operator setup guide: https://github.com/CrunchyData/postgres-operator
+.. _MongoDB-Operator setup guide: https://docs.percona.com/percona-operator-for-mongodb/helm.html
.. _oom_base_optional_addons:
@@ -44,7 +45,9 @@ To install the prometheus stack, execute the following:
> helm repo update
-- To install prometheus, execute the following, replacing the <recommended-pm-version> with the version defined in the :ref:`versions_table` table::
+- To install prometheus, execute the following, replacing the
+ <recommended-pm-version> with the version defined in the
+ :ref:`versions_table` table::
> helm install prometheus prometheus-community/kube-prometheus-stack --namespace=prometheus --create-namespace --version=<recommended-pm-version>
@@ -93,7 +96,6 @@ For setup the kiali operator is used, see `Kiali setup guide`_
> kubectl -n istio-system apply -f kiali-ingress.yaml
Jaeger Installation
@@ -113,7 +115,8 @@ For setup the K8ssandra operator is used, see `K8ssandra setup guide`_
> kubectl label namespace k8ssandra-operator istio-injection=enabled
-- Install the k8ssandra-operator replacing the <recommended-version> with the version defined in the :ref:`versions_table` table::
+- Install the k8ssandra-operator replacing the <recommended-version> with the
+ version defined in the :ref:`versions_table` table::
> helm repo add k8ssandra https://helm.k8ssandra.io/stable
@@ -137,12 +140,15 @@ For setup the Mariadb-Operator is used, see `Mariadb-Operator setup guide`_
> kubectl label namespace mariadb-operator istio-injection=enabled
-- Install the mariadb-operator replacing the <recommended-version> with the version defined in the :ref:`versions_table` table::::
+- Install the mariadb-operator replacing the <recommended-version> with the
+ version defined in the :ref:`versions_table` table::::
- > helm repo add mariadb-operator https://mariadb-operator.github.io/mariadb-operator
+ > helm repo add mariadb-operator https://helm.mariadb.com/mariadb-operator
> helm repo update mariadb-operator
+ > helm install mariadb-operator-crds --namespace mariadb-operator --version=<recommended-version>
> helm install mariadb-operator --namespace mariadb-operator
mariadb-operator/mariadb-operator --set ha.enabled=true
--set metrics.enabled=true --set webhook.certificate.certManager=true
@@ -156,6 +162,30 @@ Postgres DB clusters, including monitoring and backup
For setup the Postgres-Operator is used, see `Postgres-Operator setup guide`_
+MongoDB-Operator Installation
+MongoDB-Operator is used to ease the installation and lifecycle management of
+MongoDB DB instances, including monitoring and backup
+For setup the MongoDB-Operator is used, see `MongoDB-Operator setup guide`_
+- Install mongodb-operator namespace::
+ > kubectl create namespace mongodb-operator
+ > kubectl label namespace mongodb-operator istio-injection=enabled
+- Install the mongodb-operator replacing the <recommended-version> with the
+ version defined in the :ref:`versions_table` table::
+ > helm repo add percona https://percona.github.io/percona-helm-charts
+ > helm repo update percona
+ > helm install mongodb-operator --namespace mongodb-operator
+ percona/psmdb-operator --version=<recommended-version>
Kserve Installation
@@ -169,16 +199,19 @@ This installation is necessary for the ML models to be deployed as inference
service. Once deployed, the inference services can be queried for the
-**Kserve participant component in Policy ACM requires this installation. Kserve participant deploy/undeploy inference services in Kserve.**
+**Kserve participant component in Policy ACM requires this installation.**
+**Kserve participant deploy/undeploy inference services in Kserve.**
Dependent component version compatibility details and installation instructions
can be found at `Kserve setup guide`_
Kserve installation requires the following components:
-- Istio. Its installation instructions can be found at :ref:`oom_base_optional_addons_istio_installation`
+- Istio. Its installation instructions can be found at
+ :ref:`oom_base_optional_addons_istio_installation`
-- Cert-Manager. Its installation instructions can be found at :ref:`oom_base_setup_cert_manager`
+- Cert-Manager. Its installation instructions can be found at
+ :ref:`oom_base_setup_cert_manager`
Installation instructions as follows,
diff --git a/docs/sections/guides/user_guides/oom_user_guide.rst b/docs/sections/guides/user_guides/oom_user_guide.rst
index d31c818d44..85e4eefc9f 100644
--- a/docs/sections/guides/user_guides/oom_user_guide.rst
+++ b/docs/sections/guides/user_guides/oom_user_guide.rst
@@ -44,7 +44,8 @@ The following sections describe the life-cycle operations:
- Monitor_ - real-time health monitoring feeding to a Consul UI and Kubernetes
- Heal_- failed ONAP containers are recreated automatically
- Scale_ - cluster ONAP services to enable seamless scaling
-- Upgrade_ - change-out containers or configuration with little or no service impact
+- Upgrade_ - change-out containers or configuration with little or no service
+ impact
- Delete_ - cleanup individual containers or entire deployments
.. figure:: ../../resources/images/oom_logo/oomLogoV2-Deploy.png
@@ -59,7 +60,8 @@ describe the composition of each of the ONAP components and the relationship
within and between components. Using this model Helm is able to deploy all of
ONAP with a few simple commands.
-Please refer to the :ref:`oom_deploy_guide` for deployment pre-requisites and options
+Please refer to the :ref:`oom_deploy_guide` for deployment pre-requisites and
.. note::
Refer to the :ref:`oom_customize_overrides` section on how to update overrides.yaml and values.yaml
diff --git a/docs/sections/oom_project_description.rst b/docs/sections/oom_project_description.rst
index 774237946d..402c64aa31 100644
--- a/docs/sections/oom_project_description.rst
+++ b/docs/sections/oom_project_description.rst
@@ -38,18 +38,21 @@ In summary OOM provides the following capabilities:
service impact
- **Delete** - cleanup individual containers or entire deployments
-OOM supports a wide variety of Kubernetes private clouds - built with ClusterAPI,
-Kubespray - and public cloud infrastructures such as: Microsoft
+OOM supports a wide variety of Kubernetes private clouds - built with
+ClusterAPI, Kubespray - and public cloud infrastructures such as: Microsoft
Azure, Amazon AWS, Google GCD, VMware VIO, and OpenStack.
The OOM documentation is broken into four different areas each targeted at a
different user:
- :ref:`oom_dev_guide` - a guide for developers of OOM
-- :ref:`oom_infra_guide` - a guide for those setting up the environments that OOM will use
-- :ref:`oom_deploy_guide` - a guide for those deploying OOM on an existing cloud
+- :ref:`oom_infra_guide` - a guide for those setting up the environments that
+ OOM will use
+- :ref:`oom_deploy_guide` - a guide for those deploying OOM on an existing
+ cloud
- :ref:`oom_user_guide` - a guide for operators of an OOM instance
-- :ref:`oom_access_info_guide` - a guide for operators who require access to OOM applications
+- :ref:`oom_access_info_guide` - a guide for operators who require access to
+ OOM applications
The :ref:`release_notes` for OOM describe the incremental features per release.
diff --git a/docs/sections/release_notes/release-notes-kohn.rst b/docs/sections/release_notes/release-notes-kohn.rst
index 4b3dae71dd..cdd1889440 100644
--- a/docs/sections/release_notes/release-notes-kohn.rst
+++ b/docs/sections/release_notes/release-notes-kohn.rst
@@ -56,7 +56,8 @@ New features
* Kubernetes support for version up to 1.23.8
* Helm support for version up to Helm: 3.8.2
-* Kubespray version used for automated deployment 2.19 (used for automated deployment)
+* Kubespray version used for automated deployment 2.19 (used for automated
+ deployment)
* Initial Setup for "ONAP on ServiceMesh" deployment
* using Istio 1.14.1 as SM platform
@@ -83,12 +84,16 @@ OOM provides `Helm charts <https://nexus3.onap.org/service/rest/repository/brows
Documentation Deliverables
-- :ref:`Project Description <oom_project_description>` - a guide for developers of OOM
+- :ref:`Project Description <oom_project_description>` - a guide for developers
+ of OOM
- :ref:`oom_dev_guide` - a guide for developers of OOM
-- :ref:`oom_infra_guide` - a guide for those setting up the environments that OOM will use
-- :ref:`oom_deploy_guide` - a guide for those deploying OOM on an existing cloud
+- :ref:`oom_infra_guide` - a guide for those setting up the environments that
+ OOM will use
+- :ref:`oom_deploy_guide` - a guide for those deploying OOM on an existing
+ cloud
- :ref:`oom_user_guide` - a guide for operators of an OOM instance
-- :ref:`oom_access_info_guide` - a guide for operators who require access to OOM applications
+- :ref:`oom_access_info_guide` - a guide for operators who require access to
+ OOM applications
Known Limitations, Issues and Workarounds
diff --git a/docs/sections/release_notes/release-notes-london.rst b/docs/sections/release_notes/release-notes-london.rst
index 68c91dc84e..6ccbac0a27 100644
--- a/docs/sections/release_notes/release-notes-london.rst
+++ b/docs/sections/release_notes/release-notes-london.rst
@@ -58,9 +58,12 @@ New features
* Introduction of "Production" ONAP setup, including:
* Istio Service Mesh based deployment
- * Ingress (Istio-Gateway) deployment and usage as standard external access method
- * Internal Security provided by ServiceMesh and Component2Component AuthorizationPolicies
- * External Security by introducing AuthN/Z using Keycloak and OAuth2Proxy for Ingress Access
+ * Ingress (Istio-Gateway) deployment and usage as standard external access
+ method
+ * Internal Security provided by ServiceMesh and Component2Component
+ AuthorizationPolicies
+ * External Security by introducing AuthN/Z using Keycloak and OAuth2Proxy for
+ Ingress Access
* Removal of unsupported components (AAF, Portal, Contrib,...)
* Update of Helmcharts to use common templates and practices
@@ -102,12 +105,16 @@ OOM provides `Helm charts <https://nexus3.onap.org/service/rest/repository/brows
Documentation Deliverables
-- :ref:`Project Description <oom_project_description>` - a guide for developers of OOM
+- :ref:`Project Description <oom_project_description>` - a guide for developers
+ of OOM
- :ref:`oom_dev_guide` - a guide for developers of OOM
-- :ref:`oom_infra_guide` - a guide for those setting up the environments that OOM will use
-- :ref:`oom_deploy_guide` - a guide for those deploying OOM on an existing cloud
+- :ref:`oom_infra_guide` - a guide for those setting up the environments that
+ OOM will use
+- :ref:`oom_deploy_guide` - a guide for those deploying OOM on an existing
+ cloud
- :ref:`oom_user_guide` - a guide for operators of an OOM instance
-- :ref:`oom_access_info_guide` - a guide for operators who require access to OOM applications
+- :ref:`oom_access_info_guide` - a guide for operators who require access to
+ OOM applications
Known Limitations, Issues and Workarounds
diff --git a/docs/sections/release_notes/release-notes-montreal.rst b/docs/sections/release_notes/release-notes-montreal.rst
index 1a592f1fcd..ab12d1e4f6 100644
--- a/docs/sections/release_notes/release-notes-montreal.rst
+++ b/docs/sections/release_notes/release-notes-montreal.rst
@@ -91,12 +91,16 @@ OOM provides `Helm charts <https://nexus3.onap.org/service/rest/repository/brows
Documentation Deliverables
-- :ref:`Project Description <oom_project_description>` - a guide for developers of OOM
+- :ref:`Project Description <oom_project_description>` - a guide for developers
+ of OOM
- :ref:`oom_dev_guide` - a guide for developers of OOM
-- :ref:`oom_infra_guide` - a guide for those setting up the environments that OOM will use
-- :ref:`oom_deploy_guide` - a guide for those deploying OOM on an existing cloud
+- :ref:`oom_infra_guide` - a guide for those setting up the environments that
+ OOM will use
+- :ref:`oom_deploy_guide` - a guide for those deploying OOM on an existing
+ cloud
- :ref:`oom_user_guide` - a guide for operators of an OOM instance
-- :ref:`oom_access_info_guide` - a guide for operators who require access to OOM applications
+- :ref:`oom_access_info_guide` - a guide for operators who require access to
+ OOM applications
Known Limitations, Issues and Workarounds
diff --git a/docs/sections/release_notes/release-notes-newdelhi.rst b/docs/sections/release_notes/release-notes-newdelhi.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..cf7cee510b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/sections/release_notes/release-notes-newdelhi.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,138 @@
+.. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
+ International License.
+.. http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0
+.. (c) ONAP Project and its contributors
+.. _release_notes_newdelhi:
+ONAP Operations Manager Release Notes
+Previous Release Notes
+- :ref:`Montreal <release_notes_montreal>`
+- :ref:`London <release_notes_london>`
+- :ref:`Kohn <release_notes_kohn>`
+- :ref:`Jakarta <release_notes_jakarta>`
+- :ref:`Istanbul <release_notes_istanbul>`
+- :ref:`Honolulu <release_notes_honolulu>`
+- :ref:`Guilin <release_notes_guilin>`
+- :ref:`Frankfurt <release_notes_frankfurt>`
+- :ref:`El Alto <release_notes_elalto>`
+- :ref:`Dublin <release_notes_dublin>`
+- :ref:`Casablanca <release_notes_casablanca>`
+- :ref:`Beijing <release_notes_beijing>`
+- :ref:`Amsterdam <release_notes_amsterdam>`
+This document provides the release notes for the New Delhi release.
+Release Data
+| **Project** | OOM |
+| | |
+| **Docker images** | N/A |
+| | |
+| **Release designation** | New Delhi |
+| | |
+| **Release date** | 2024/06/13 |
+| | |
+New features
+* authentication (14.0.0) - add configurable Keycloak Realm and enable Ingress
+ Interface Authentication and Authorization
+* Update the helm common templates (13.2.0) to:
+ * Support the latest Database Operators:
+ * MariaDB-Operator (0.28.1)
+ * K8ssandra-Operator (v0.16.0)
+ * Postgres-Operator (CrunchyData) (5.5.0)
+* cassandra (13.1.0) - support for new K8ssandra-Operator
+* mariadb-galera (13.1.0) - support for new MariaDB-Operator
+* mongodb (14.12.3) - update to latest bitnami chart version
+* postgres (13.1.0) - support for new Postgres-Operator
+* postgres-init (13.0.1) - support for new Postgres-Operator
+* readinessCheck (13.1.0) - added check for "Service" readiness
+* serviceAccount (13.0.1) - add default role creation
+**Bug fixes**
+A list of issues resolved in this release can be found here:
+**Known Issues**
+Software Deliverables
+OOM provides `Helm charts <https://nexus3.onap.org/service/rest/repository/browse/onap-helm-release/>`_
+Documentation Deliverables
+- :ref:`Project Description <oom_project_description>` - a guide for developers
+ of OOM
+- :ref:`oom_dev_guide` - a guide for developers of OOM
+- :ref:`oom_infra_guide` - a guide for those setting up the environments that
+ OOM will use
+- :ref:`oom_deploy_guide` - a guide for those deploying OOM on an existing
+ cloud
+- :ref:`oom_user_guide` - a guide for operators of an OOM instance
+- :ref:`oom_access_info_guide` - a guide for operators who require access to
+ OOM applications
+Known Limitations, Issues and Workarounds
+Known Vulnerabilities
+Security Notes
+**Fixed Security Issues**
+For more information on the ONAP Istanbul release, please see:
+#. `ONAP Home Page`_
+#. `ONAP Documentation`_
+#. `ONAP Release Downloads`_
+#. `ONAP Wiki Page`_
+.. _`ONAP Home Page`: https://www.onap.org
+.. _`ONAP Wiki Page`: https://lf-onap.atlassian.net/wiki
+.. _`ONAP Documentation`: https://docs.onap.org
+.. _`ONAP Release Downloads`: https://git.onap.org
+.. _`Gateway-API`: https://istio.io/latest/docs/tasks/traffic-management/ingress/gateway-api/
diff --git a/docs/sections/release_notes/release-notes.rst b/docs/sections/release_notes/release-notes.rst
index 2ede1b8939..161f251a45 100644
--- a/docs/sections/release_notes/release-notes.rst
+++ b/docs/sections/release_notes/release-notes.rst
@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ ONAP Operations Manager Release Notes
Previous Release Notes
+- :ref:`New Delhi <release_notes_newdelhi>`
- :ref:`Montreal <release_notes_montreal>`
- :ref:`London <release_notes_london>`
- :ref:`Kohn <release_notes_kohn>`
@@ -28,7 +29,7 @@ Previous Release Notes
-This document provides the release notes for the New Delhi release.
+This document provides the release notes for the Oslo release.
@@ -45,38 +46,74 @@ Release Data
| **Docker images** | N/A |
| | |
-| **Release designation** | New Delhi |
+| **Release designation** | Oslo |
| | |
-| **Release date** | 2024/06/13 |
+| **Release date** | 2025/01/09 |
| | |
New features
-* authentication (14.0.0) - add configurable Keycloak Realm and enable Ingress
- Interface Authentication and Authorization
-* Update the helm common templates (13.2.0) to:
+* Support the latest Database Operators:
- * Support the latest Database Operators:
+ * MariaDB-Operator (0.36.0)
+ * K8ssandra-Operator (v0.20.2)
+ * Postgres-Operator (CrunchyData) (5.7.2)
+ * MongoDB-Operator (Percona) (1.18.0)
- * MariaDB-Operator (0.28.1)
- * K8ssandra-Operator (v0.16.0)
- * Postgres-Operator (CrunchyData) (5.5.0)
+* authentication (15.0.0)
-* cassandra (13.1.0) - support for new K8ssandra-Operator
-* mariadb-galera (13.1.0) - support for new MariaDB-Operator
-* mongodb (14.12.3) - update to latest bitnami chart version
-* postgres (13.1.0) - support for new Postgres-Operator
-* postgres-init (13.0.1) - support for new Postgres-Operator
-* readinessCheck (13.1.0) - added check for "Service" readiness
-* serviceAccount (13.0.1) - add default role creation
+ * support for REALM Client AuthorizationSettings
+ * update oauth2-proxy and keycloak-config-cli versions
+ * add support for latest keycloak version 26.x
+* Update the helm common templates (13.2.10) to:
+ * add SecurityContext settings for Production readiness
+* cassandra (13.1.1)
+ * support for new cassandra version (4.1.6)
+ * add SecurityContext settings for Production readiness
+* mariadb-galera (13.2.3)
+ * add SecurityContext settings for Production readiness
+* mariadb-init (13.0.2)
+ * add SecurityContext settings for Production readiness
+* mongodb (14.12.4)
+ * add SecurityContext settings for Production readiness
+* mongodb-init (13.0.2)
+ * new chart to support external mongodb initialization
+* postgres (13.1.0)
+ * add SecurityContext settings for Production readiness
+* postgres-init (13.0.3)
+ * add SecurityContext settings for Production readiness
+* readinessCheck (13.1.1)
+ * add SecurityContext settings for Production readiness
+* serviceAccount (13.0.2)
+ * adjust default role mapping
**Bug fixes**
A list of issues resolved in this release can be found here:
**Known Issues**
@@ -92,12 +129,16 @@ OOM provides `Helm charts <https://nexus3.onap.org/service/rest/repository/brows
Documentation Deliverables
-- :ref:`Project Description <oom_project_description>` - a guide for developers of OOM
+- :ref:`Project Description <oom_project_description>` - a guide for developers
+ of OOM
- :ref:`oom_dev_guide` - a guide for developers of OOM
-- :ref:`oom_infra_guide` - a guide for those setting up the environments that OOM will use
-- :ref:`oom_deploy_guide` - a guide for those deploying OOM on an existing cloud
+- :ref:`oom_infra_guide` - a guide for those setting up the environments that
+ OOM will use
+- :ref:`oom_deploy_guide` - a guide for those deploying OOM on an existing
+ cloud
- :ref:`oom_user_guide` - a guide for operators of an OOM instance
-- :ref:`oom_access_info_guide` - a guide for operators who require access to OOM applications
+- :ref:`oom_access_info_guide` - a guide for operators who require access to
+ OOM applications
Known Limitations, Issues and Workarounds
diff --git a/docs/sections/resources/helm/helm-search.txt b/docs/sections/resources/helm/helm-search.txt
index fbca944bf9..b854c7adce 100644
--- a/docs/sections/resources/helm/helm-search.txt
+++ b/docs/sections/resources/helm/helm-search.txt
@@ -1,29 +1,24 @@
-local/onap 12.0.0 London Open Network Automation Platform (ONAP)
-local/a1policymanagement 12.0.0 ONAP A1 Policy Management
-local/aai 12.0.0 ONAP Active and Available Inventory
-local/cassandra 12.0.0 ONAP cassandra
-local/cds 12.0.0 ONAP Controller Design Studio (CDS)
-local/cli 12.0.0 ONAP Command Line Interface
-local/common 12.0.0 Common templates for inclusion in other charts
-local/cps 12.0.0 ONAP Configuration Persistene Service (CPS)
-local/dcaegen2 12.0.0 ONAP DCAE Gen2
-local/dmaap 12.0.0 ONAP DMaaP components
-local/mariadb-galera 12.0.0 Chart for MariaDB Galera cluster
-local/msb 12.0.0 ONAP MicroServices Bus
-local/multicloud 12.0.0 ONAP multicloud broker
-local/nbi 12.0.0 ONAP Northbound Interface
-local/nfs-provisioner 12.0.0 NFS provisioner
-local/oof 12.0.0 ONAP Optimization Framework
-local/policy 12.0.0 ONAP Policy Administration Point
-local/postgres 12.0.0 ONAP Postgres Server
-local/robot 12.0.0 A helm Chart for kubernetes-ONAP Robot
-local/sdc 12.0.0 Service Design and Creation Umbrella Helm charts
-local/sdnc 12.0.0 SDN Controller
-local/sdnc-prom 12.0.0 ONAP SDNC Policy Driven Ownership Management
-local/sniro-emulator 12.0.0 ONAP Mock Sniro Emulator
-local/so 12.0.0 ONAP Service Orchestrator
-local/strimzi 12.0.0 ONAP Strimzi Apache Kafka
-local/uui 12.0.0 ONAP uui
-local/vfc 12.0.0 ONAP Virtual Function Controller (VF-C)
-local/vnfsdk 12.0.0 ONAP VNF SDK
+local/onap 15.0.0 Oslo Open Network Automation Platform (ONAP)
+local/a1policymanagement 13.0.0 ONAP A1 Policy Management
+local/aai 15.0.1 ONAP Active and Available Inventory
+local/authentication 15.0.0 ONAP Realm creation, Oauth2Proxy installation and configuration
+local/cassandra 13.1.1 ONAP cassandra
+local/cds 13.0.2 ONAP Controller Design Studio (CDS)
+local/common 13.2.10 Common templates for inclusion in other charts
+local/cps 13.0.1 ONAP Configuration Persistene Service (CPS)
+local/dcaegen2 15.0.1 ONAP DCAE Gen2
+local/mariadb-galera 13.2.3 Chart for MariaDB Galera cluster
+local/multicloud 15.0.2 ONAP multicloud broker
+local/platform 13.0.1 ONAP platform components
+local/policy 15.0.1 ONAP Policy Administration Point
+local/portal-ng 13.0.1 ONAP Next Generation Portal
+local/postgres 13.1.0 ONAP Postgres Server
+local/repository-wrapper 13.0.0 Wrapper chart to allow docker secret to be shared all instances
+local/robot 13.0.0 A helm Chart for kubernetes-ONAP Robot
+local/roles-wrapper 13.0.0 Wrapper chart to allow default roles to be shared among onap instances
+local/sdc 13.0.1 Service Design and Creation Umbrella Helm charts
+local/sdnc 15.1.0 SDN Controller
+local/so 13.0.1 ONAP Service Orchestrator
+local/strimzi 13.0.2 ONAP Strimzi Apache Kafka
+local/uui 13.1.0 ONAP uui
diff --git a/docs/sections/resources/yaml/common-gateway.yaml b/docs/sections/resources/yaml/common-gateway.yaml
index 3cc1cc55bc..cc6ed61a6d 100644
--- a/docs/sections/resources/yaml/common-gateway.yaml
+++ b/docs/sections/resources/yaml/common-gateway.yaml
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-apiVersion: gateway.networking.k8s.io/v1beta1
+apiVersion: gateway.networking.k8s.io/v1
kind: Gateway
name: common-gateway
diff --git a/docs/sections/resources/yaml/keycloak-ingress.yaml b/docs/sections/resources/yaml/keycloak-ingress.yaml
index 91fc34f381..9318b374e2 100644
--- a/docs/sections/resources/yaml/keycloak-ingress.yaml
+++ b/docs/sections/resources/yaml/keycloak-ingress.yaml
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ spec:
Type: PathPrefix
- Value: /auth
+ Value: /
apiVersion: gateway.networking.k8s.io/v1
kind: HTTPRoute
@@ -46,10 +46,10 @@ spec:
- backendRefs:
- group: ""
kind: Service
- name: keycloak-keycloakx-http
+ name: keycloak-http
port: 80
weight: 1
- path:
type: PathPrefix
- value: /auth
+ value: /
diff --git a/docs/sections/resources/yaml/keycloak-server-values.yaml b/docs/sections/resources/yaml/keycloak-server-values.yaml
index 516a26a76b..52bf5a9809 100644
--- a/docs/sections/resources/yaml/keycloak-server-values.yaml
+++ b/docs/sections/resources/yaml/keycloak-server-values.yaml
@@ -1,12 +1,17 @@
+fullnameOverride: keycloak
+ tag: "26.0.6"
- "/opt/keycloak/bin/kc.sh"
- "--verbose"
- "start"
+ - "--proxy-headers=forwarded"
- "--http-enabled=true"
- "--http-port=8080"
- "--hostname-strict=false"
- - "--hostname-strict-https=false"
- "--spi-events-listener-jboss-logging-success-level=info"
- "--spi-events-listener-jboss-logging-error-level=warn"