path: root/docs/sections/guides/infra_guides/oom_infra_base_config_setup.rst
diff options
authorAndreas Geissler <andreas-geissler@telekom.de>2023-04-21 14:21:37 +0200
committerAndreas Geissler <andreas-geissler@telekom.de>2023-06-01 15:44:40 +0200
commite08eee030fd379fa7253e99626c314d021b1eacd (patch)
treee5cf7bd85d6ea82d3de72e9f6fd802e3b7faa409 /docs/sections/guides/infra_guides/oom_infra_base_config_setup.rst
parent1a76edf1159156d832e62c268b54fd727f82057f (diff)
[DOC] Update London OOM documentation
Add information: - new Deployment options (Production, Development) - move Istio deployment to base installation - add Gateway-API and Keycloak Installation instructions - split and rename of a few files for updated structure - changed rst section formatting as suggested in sphinx rtd theme - add London Release Notes Issue-ID: OOM-3159 Signed-off-by: Andreas Geissler <andreas-geissler@telekom.de> Change-Id: I98b8541d51daba982fd6c8be0c85fae676d53c13
Diffstat (limited to 'docs/sections/guides/infra_guides/oom_infra_base_config_setup.rst')
1 files changed, 373 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/docs/sections/guides/infra_guides/oom_infra_base_config_setup.rst b/docs/sections/guides/infra_guides/oom_infra_base_config_setup.rst
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+.. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
+.. International License.
+.. http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0
+.. Copyright (C) 2022 Nordix Foundation
+.. Links
+.. _HELM Best Practices Guide: https://docs.helm.sh/chart_best_practices/#requirements
+.. _helm installation guide: https://helm.sh/docs/intro/install/
+.. _kubectl installation guide: https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/tools/install-kubectl-linux/
+.. _Curated applications for Kubernetes: https://github.com/kubernetes/charts
+.. _Cert-Manager Installation documentation: https://cert-manager.io/docs/installation/kubernetes/
+.. _Cert-Manager kubectl plugin documentation: https://cert-manager.io/docs/usage/kubectl-plugin/
+.. _Strimzi Apache Kafka Operator helm Installation documentation: https://strimzi.io/docs/operators/in-development/deploying.html#deploying-cluster-operator-helm-chart-str
+.. _ONAP Next Generation Security & Logging Structure: https://wiki.onap.org/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=103417456
+.. _Istio setup guide: https://istio.io/latest/docs/setup/install/helm/
+.. _Gateway-API: https://gateway-api.sigs.k8s.io/
+.. _Istio-Gateway: https://istio.io/latest/docs/reference/config/networking/gateway/
+.. _oom_base_setup_guide:
+OOM Base Platform
+As part of the initial base setup of the host Kubernetes cluster,
+the following mandatory installation and configuration steps must be completed.
+.. contents::
+ :backlinks: top
+ :depth: 1
+ :local:
+For additional platform add-ons, see the :ref:`oom_base_optional_addons` section.
+Install & configure kubectl
+The Kubernetes command line interface used to manage a Kubernetes cluster needs to be installed
+and configured to run as non root.
+For additional information regarding kubectl installation and configuration see the `kubectl installation guide`_
+To install kubectl, execute the following, replacing the <recommended-kubectl-version> with the version defined
+in the :ref:`versions_table` table::
+ > curl -LO https://dl.k8s.io/release/v<recommended-kubectl-version>/bin/linux/amd64/kubectl
+ > chmod +x ./kubectl
+ > sudo mv ./kubectl /usr/local/bin/kubectl
+ > mkdir ~/.kube
+ > cp kube_config_cluster.yml ~/.kube/config.onap
+ > export KUBECONFIG=~/.kube/config.onap
+ > kubectl config use-context onap
+Validate the installation::
+ > kubectl get nodes
+ onap-control-1 Ready controlplane,etcd 3h53m v1.23.8
+ onap-control-2 Ready controlplane,etcd 3h53m v1.23.8
+ onap-k8s-1 Ready worker 3h53m v1.23.8
+ onap-k8s-2 Ready worker 3h53m v1.23.8
+ onap-k8s-3 Ready worker 3h53m v1.23.8
+ onap-k8s-4 Ready worker 3h53m v1.23.8
+ onap-k8s-5 Ready worker 3h53m v1.23.8
+ onap-k8s-6 Ready worker 3h53m v1.23.8
+Install & configure helm
+Helm is used for package and configuration management of the relevant helm charts.
+For additional information, see the `helm installation guide`_
+To install helm, execute the following, replacing the <recommended-helm-version> with the version defined
+in the :ref:`versions_table` table::
+ > wget https://get.helm.sh/helm-v<recommended-helm-version>-linux-amd64.tar.gz
+ > tar -zxvf helm-v<recommended-helm-version>-linux-amd64.tar.gz
+ > sudo mv linux-amd64/helm /usr/local/bin/helm
+Verify the helm version with::
+ > helm version
+Helm's default CNCF provided `Curated applications for Kubernetes`_ repository called
+*stable* can be removed to avoid confusion::
+ > helm repo remove stable
+Install the additional OOM plugins required to un/deploy the OOM helm charts::
+ > git clone http://gerrit.onap.org/r/oom
+ > helm plugin install ~/oom/kubernetes/helm/plugins/deploy
+ > helm plugin install ~/oom/kubernetes/helm/plugins/undeploy
+Verify the plugins are installed::
+ > helm plugin ls
+ deploy 1.0.0 install (upgrade if release exists) parent chart and all subcharts as separate but related releases
+ undeploy 1.0.0 delete parent chart and subcharts that were deployed as separate releases
+Install the Strimzi Kafka Operator
+Strimzi Apache Kafka provides a way to run an Apache Kafka cluster on Kubernetes
+in various deployment configurations by using kubernetes operators.
+Operators are a method of packaging, deploying, and managing Kubernetes applications.
+Strimzi Operators extend the Kubernetes functionality, automating common
+and complex tasks related to a Kafka deployment. By implementing
+knowledge of Kafka operations in code, the Kafka administration
+tasks are simplified and require less manual intervention.
+The Strimzi cluster operator is deployed using helm to install the parent chart
+containing all of the required custom resource definitions. This should be done
+by a kubernetes administrator to allow for deployment of custom resources in to
+any kubernetes namespace within the cluster.
+Full installation instructions can be found in the
+`Strimzi Apache Kafka Operator helm Installation documentation`_.
+To add the required helm repository, execute the following::
+ > helm repo add strimzi https://strimzi.io/charts/
+To install the strimzi kafka operator, execute the following, replacing the <recommended-strimzi-version> with the version defined
+in the :ref:`versions_table` table::
+ > helm install strimzi-kafka-operator strimzi/strimzi-kafka-operator --namespace strimzi-system --version <recommended-strimzi-version> --set watchAnyNamespace=true --create-namespace
+Verify the installation::
+ > kubectl get po -n strimzi-system
+ strimzi-cluster-operator-7f7d6b46cf-mnpjr 1/1 Running 0 2m
+.. _oom_base_setup_cert_manager:
+Install Cert-Manager
+Cert-Manager is a native Kubernetes certificate management controller.
+It can help with issuing certificates from a variety of sources, such as
+Let’s Encrypt, HashiCorp Vault, Venafi, a simple signing key pair, self
+signed or external issuers. It ensures certificates are valid and up to
+date, and attempt to renew certificates at a configured time before expiry.
+Cert-Manager is deployed using regular YAML manifests which include all
+the needed resources (the CustomResourceDefinitions, cert-manager,
+namespace, and the webhook component).
+Full installation instructions, including details on how to configure extra
+functionality in Cert-Manager can be found in the
+`Cert-Manager Installation documentation`_.
+There is also a kubectl plugin (kubectl cert-manager) that can help you
+to manage cert-manager resources inside your cluster. For installation
+steps, please refer to `Cert-Manager kubectl plugin documentation`_.
+To install cert-manager, execute the following, replacing the <recommended-cm-version> with the version defined
+in the :ref:`versions_table` table::
+ > kubectl apply -f https://github.com/jetstack/cert-manager/releases/download/v<recommended-cm-version>/cert-manager.yaml
+Verify the installation::
+ > kubectl get po -n cert-manager
+ cert-manager-776c4cfcb6-vgnpw 1/1 Running 0 2m
+ cert-manager-cainjector-7d9668978d-hdxf7 1/1 Running 0 2m
+ cert-manager-webhook-66c8f6c75-dxmtz 1/1 Running 0 2m
+Istio Service Mesh
+.. note::
+ In London ONAP deployment supports the
+ `ONAP Next Generation Security & Logging Structure`_
+ONAP is currenty supporting Istio as default ServiceMesh platform.
+Therefor the following instructions describe the setup of Istio and required tools.
+Used `Istio setup guide`_
+.. _oom_base_optional_addons_istio_installation:
+Istio Platform Installation
+Install Istio Basic Platform
+- Configure the Helm repository::
+ > helm repo add istio https://istio-release.storage.googleapis.com/charts
+ > helm repo update
+- Create a namespace for "mesh-level" configurations::
+ > kubectl create namespace istio-config
+- Create a namespace istio-system for Istio components::
+ > kubectl create namespace istio-system
+- Install the Istio Base chart which contains cluster-wide resources used by the
+ Istio control plane, replacing the <recommended-istio-version> with the version
+ defined in the :ref:`versions_table` table::
+ > helm upgrade -i istio-base istio/base -n istio-system --version <recommended-istio-version>
+- Create an override for istiod (e.g. istiod.yaml) to add the oauth2-proxy as external
+ authentication provider and apply some specific config settings
+ .. collapse:: istiod.yaml
+ .. include:: ../../resources/yaml/istiod.yaml
+ :code: yaml
+- Install the Istio Base Istio Discovery chart which deploys the istiod service, replacing the
+ <recommended-istio-version> with the version defined in the :ref:`versions_table` table::
+ > helm upgrade -i istiod istio/istiod -n istio-system --version <recommended-istio-version>
+ --wait -f ./istiod.yaml
+Add an EnvoyFilter for HTTP header case
+When handling HTTP/1.1, Envoy will normalize the header keys to be all
+lowercase. While this is compliant with the HTTP/1.1 spec, in practice this
+can result in issues when migrating existing systems that might rely on
+specific header casing. In our case a problem was detected in the SDC client
+implementation, which relies on uppercase header values. To solve this problem
+in general we add a EnvoyFilter to keep the uppercase header in the
+istio-config namespace to apply for all namespaces, but set the context to
+SIDECAR_INBOUND to avoid problems in the connection between Istio-Gateway and
+- Create a EnvoyFilter file (e.g. envoyfilter-case.yaml)
+ .. collapse:: envoyfilter-case.yaml
+ .. include:: ../../resources/yaml/envoyfilter-case.yaml
+ :code: yaml
+- Apply the change to Istio::
+ > kubectl apply -f envoyfilter-case.yaml
+Ingress Controller Installation
+In the production setup 2 different Ingress setups are supported.
+- Istio Gateway `Istio-Gateway`_ (currently tested, but in the future deprecated)
+- Gateway API `Gateway-API`_ (in Alpha status, but will be standard in the future)
+Depending on the solution, the ONAP helm values.yaml has to be configured.
+See the :ref:`OOM customized deployment<oom_customize_overrides>` section for more details.
+Istio Gateway
+- Create a namespace istio-ingress for the Istio Ingress gateway
+ and enable istio-injection::
+ > kubectl create namespace istio-ingress
+ > kubectl label namespace istio-ingress istio-injection=enabled
+- To expose additional ports besides HTTP/S (e.g. for external Kafka access, SDNC-callhome)
+ create an override file (e.g. istio-ingress.yaml)
+ .. collapse:: istio-ingress.yaml
+ .. include:: ../../resources/yaml/istio-ingress.yaml
+ :code: yaml
+- Install the Istio Gateway chart using the override file, replacing the
+ <recommended-istio-version> with the version defined in
+ the :ref:`versions_table` table::
+ > helm upgrade -i istio-ingress istio/gateway -n istio-ingress
+ --version <recommended-istio-version> -f ingress-istio.yaml --wait
+- Install the Gateway-API CRDs replacing the
+ <recommended-gwapi-version> with the version defined in
+ the :ref:`versions_table` table::
+ > kubectl apply -f https://github.com/kubernetes-sigs/gateway-api/releases/download/<recommended-gwapi-version>/experimental-install.yaml
+- Create a common Gateway instance
+Keycloak Installation
+- Add helm repositories
+ > helm repo add bitnami https://charts.bitnami.com/bitnami
+ > helm repo add codecentric https://codecentric.github.io/helm-charts
+ > helm repo update
+- create keycloak namespace
+ > kubectl create namespace keycloak
+ > kubectl label namespace keycloak istio-injection=enabled
+Install Keycloak-Database
+- To configure the Postgres DB
+ create an override file (e.g. keycloak-db-values.yaml)
+ .. collapse:: keycloak-db-values.yaml
+ .. include:: ../../resources/yaml/keycloak-db-values.yaml
+ :code: yaml
+- Install the Postgres DB
+ > helm -n keycloak upgrade -i keycloak-db bitnami/postgresql --values ./keycloak-db-values.yaml
+Configure Keycloak
+- To configure the Keycloak instance
+ create an override file (e.g. keycloak-server-values.yaml)
+ .. collapse:: keycloak-server-values.yaml
+ .. include:: ../../resources/yaml/keycloak-server-values.yaml
+ :code: yaml
+- Install keycloak
+ > helm -n keycloak upgrade -i keycloak codecentric/keycloak --values ./keycloak-server-values.yaml
+The required Ingress entry and REALM will be provided by the ONAP "Platform"