path: root/docs/archived
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authorAndreas Geissler <andreas-geissler@telekom.de>2024-10-17 15:24:46 +0200
committerAndreas Geissler <andreas-geissler@telekom.de>2024-10-17 15:24:46 +0200
commit1e2a197128b2d4faf9b2938aaeed50a5b3d164ad (patch)
tree3d9738c45712ca8e2dbaba69aba893d4dc4f89bb /docs/archived
parentcf70098d182c07c4091fd83b3a704a249a4eac7e (diff)
[DOC] Update OOM Documentation
Replace wiki.onap.org links with altassian ones. Issue-ID: OOM-3317 Change-Id: I09227ca0ac1d536b7e0507b60d15df6f0ff00480 Signed-off-by: Andreas Geissler <andreas-geissler@telekom.de>
Diffstat (limited to 'docs/archived')
3 files changed, 2 insertions, 156 deletions
diff --git a/docs/archived/oom_developer_guide.rst b/docs/archived/oom_developer_guide.rst
index f6513bdf83..59286375d6 100644
--- a/docs/archived/oom_developer_guide.rst
+++ b/docs/archived/oom_developer_guide.rst
@@ -994,156 +994,3 @@ persistent volume should be used to store all data that needs to be persisted
over the re-creation of a container. Persistent volumes have been created for
the database components of each of the projects and the same technique can be
used for all persistent state information.
-Environment Files
-MSB Integration
-The \ `Microservices Bus
-Project <https://wiki.onap.org/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=3246982>`__ provides
-facilities to integrate micro-services into ONAP and therefore needs to
-integrate into OOM - primarily through Consul which is the backend of
-MSB service discovery. The following is a brief description of how this
-integration will be done:
-A registrator to push the service endpoint info to MSB service
-- The needed service endpoint info is put into the kubernetes yaml file
- as annotation, including service name, Protocol,version, visual
- range,LB method, IP, Port,etc.
-- OOM deploy/start/restart/scale in/scale out/upgrade ONAP components
-- Registrator watch the kubernetes event
-- When an ONAP component instance has been started/destroyed by OOM,
- Registrator get the notification from kubernetes
-- Registrator parse the service endpoint info from annotation and
- register/update/unregister it to MSB service discovery
-- MSB API Gateway uses the service endpoint info for service routing
- and load balancing.
-Details of the registration service API can be found at \ `Microservice
-Bus API
-Documentation <https://wiki.onap.org/display/DW/Microservice+Bus+API+Documentation>`__.
-ONAP Component Registration to MSB
-The charts of all ONAP components intending to register against MSB must have
-an annotation in their service(s) template. A `sdc` example follows:
-.. code-block:: yaml
- apiVersion: v1
- kind: Service
- metadata:
- labels:
- app: sdc-be
- name: sdc-be
- namespace: "{{ .Values.nsPrefix }}"
- annotations:
- msb.onap.org/service-info: '[
- {
- "serviceName": "sdc",
- "version": "v1",
- "url": "/sdc/v1",
- "protocol": "REST",
- "port": "8080",
- "visualRange":"1"
- },
- {
- "serviceName": "sdc-deprecated",
- "version": "v1",
- "url": "/sdc/v1",
- "protocol": "REST",
- "port": "8080",
- "visualRange":"1",
- "path":"/sdc/v1"
- }
- ]'
- ...
-MSB Integration with OOM
-A preliminary view of the OOM-MSB integration is as follows:
-.. figure:: ../../resources/images/msb/MSB-OOM-Diagram.png
-A message sequence chart of the registration process:
-.. uml::
- participant "OOM" as oom
- participant "ONAP Component" as onap
- participant "Service Discovery" as sd
- participant "External API Gateway" as eagw
- participant "Router (Internal API Gateway)" as iagw
- box "MSB" #LightBlue
- participant sd
- participant eagw
- participant iagw
- end box
- == Deploy Servcie ==
- oom -> onap: Deploy
- oom -> sd: Register service endpoints
- sd -> eagw: Services exposed to external system
- sd -> iagw: Services for internal use
- == Component Life-cycle Management ==
- oom -> onap: Start/Stop/Scale/Migrate/Upgrade
- oom -> sd: Update service info
- sd -> eagw: Update service info
- sd -> iagw: Update service info
- == Service Health Check ==
- sd -> onap: Check the health of service
- sd -> eagw: Update service status
- sd -> iagw: Update service status
-MSB Deployment Instructions
-MSB is helm installable ONAP component which is often automatically deployed.
-To install it individually enter::
- > helm install <repo-name>/msb
-.. note::
- TBD: Vaidate if the following procedure is still required.
-Please note that Kubernetes authentication token must be set at
-*kubernetes/kube2msb/values.yaml* so the kube2msb registrator can get the
-access to watch the kubernetes events and get service annotation by
-Kubernetes APIs. The token can be found in the kubectl configuration file
-More details can be found here `MSB installation <https://docs.onap.org/projects/onap-msb-apigateway/en/latest/platform/installation.html>`_.
-.. MISC
-.. ====
-.. Note that although OOM uses Kubernetes facilities to minimize the effort
-.. required of the ONAP component owners to implement a successful rolling
-.. upgrade strategy there are other considerations that must be taken into
-.. consideration.
-.. For example, external APIs - both internal and external to ONAP - should be
-.. designed to gracefully accept transactions from a peer at a different
-.. software version to avoid deadlock situations. Embedded version codes in
-.. messages may facilitate such capabilities.
-.. Within each of the projects a new configuration repository contains all of
-.. the project specific configuration artifacts. As changes are made within
-.. the project, it's the responsibility of the project team to make appropriate
-.. changes to the configuration data.
diff --git a/docs/archived/oom_quickstart_guide.rst b/docs/archived/oom_quickstart_guide.rst
index 4727a3e13d..99c7a5e7df 100644
--- a/docs/archived/oom_quickstart_guide.rst
+++ b/docs/archived/oom_quickstart_guide.rst
@@ -282,4 +282,4 @@ for use::
> helm undeploy dev
More examples of using the deploy and undeploy plugins can be found here:
diff --git a/docs/archived/oom_setup_kubernetes_rancher.rst b/docs/archived/oom_setup_kubernetes_rancher.rst
index 767b93925e..f81bd91cd8 100644
--- a/docs/archived/oom_setup_kubernetes_rancher.rst
+++ b/docs/archived/oom_setup_kubernetes_rancher.rst
@@ -7,9 +7,8 @@
.. _HELM Best Practices Guide: https://docs.helm.sh/chart_best_practices/#requirements
.. _kubectl Cheat Sheet: https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/kubectl/cheatsheet/
.. _Kubernetes documentation for emptyDir: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/storage/volumes/#emptydir
-.. _Docker DevOps: https://wiki.onap.org/display/DW/Docker+DevOps#DockerDevOps-DockerBuild
+.. _Docker DevOps: https://lf-onap.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/DW/pages/16239251/Docker+DevOps#Docker-Build
.. _http://cd.onap.info:30223/mso/logging/debug: http://cd.onap.info:30223/mso/logging/debug
-.. _Onboarding and Distributing a Vendor Software Product: https://wiki.onap.org/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=1018474
.. _README.md: https://gerrit.onap.org/r/gitweb?p=oom.git;a=blob;f=kubernetes/README.md
.. figure:: images/oom_logo/oomLogoV2-medium.png