path: root/ncomp-openstack-controller/src/main/java/org/openecomp/ncomp/openstack/controller/tools
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Diffstat (limited to 'ncomp-openstack-controller/src/main/java/org/openecomp/ncomp/openstack/controller/tools')
2 files changed, 1104 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ncomp-openstack-controller/src/main/java/org/openecomp/ncomp/openstack/controller/tools/Generator.java b/ncomp-openstack-controller/src/main/java/org/openecomp/ncomp/openstack/controller/tools/Generator.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..397b827
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ncomp-openstack-controller/src/main/java/org/openecomp/ncomp/openstack/controller/tools/Generator.java
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+ * ============LICENSE_START==========================================
+ * ===================================================================
+ * Copyright (c) 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+ * ===================================================================
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ * ============LICENSE_END============================================
+ */
+package org.openecomp.ncomp.openstack.controller.tools;
+import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject;
+import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EPackage;
+import org.openecomp.utils.YamlToJava;
+import org.openecomp.ncomp.openstack.OpenstackFactory;
+import org.openecomp.ncomp.openstack.location.LocationFactory;
+import org.openecomp.ncomp.sirius.manager.controllermodel.ControllerModel;
+import org.openecomp.ncomp.sirius.manager.controllermodel.ControllermodelFactory;
+import org.openecomp.ncomp.sirius.manager.generator.ControllerGenerator;
+//import org.openecomp.ncomp.sirius.manager.gui.GuiFactory;
+import org.openecomp.ncomp.sirius.manager.server.ServerPackage;
+public class Generator {
+ /**
+ * @param args
+ */
+ public static void main(String[] args) {
+ @SuppressWarnings("unused")
+ ServerPackage f = ServerPackage.eINSTANCE;
+ EObject o = OpenstackFactory.eINSTANCE.createOpenStackController();
+ EPackage p = o.eClass().getEPackage();
+ String dir = p.getNsURI().replace(p.getNsPrefix(),"") + "servers." + p.getNsPrefix();
+ dir= "src/main/sirius-gen/" + dir.replace('.', '/');
+ ControllerModel m = ControllermodelFactory.eINSTANCE.createControllerModel();
+ m.setTemplateDirectory("../../dcae-org.openecomp.ncomp.sirius.manager/ncomp-sirius-manager-generator/src/main/templates");
+ m.setPrefix("Os");
+ m.setPluginName(p.getNsURI());
+ m.setName("OpenStackController");
+ m.setTitle("OpenStack Controller");
+ ControllerGenerator g = new ControllerGenerator(o,m);
+ EObject loc =LocationFactory.eINSTANCE.createOpenStackLocation();
+ g.addObject("loc",loc,m);
+ g.setEnableIRequestHandler(false);
+ //EObject gui = GuiFactory.eINSTANCE.createGuiClientApi();
+ //g.addObject("gui",gui,m);
+ //EObject e = OpenstackFactory.eINSTANCE.createVpnEnterprise();
+ //g.addApi("e",e,m);
+ //g.addFactory("org.openecomp.ncomp.sirius.servers.openstack.OsOpenstackFactory");
+ g.generate(dir);
+ g.generateAnt("./ant.xml",true,true);
+ g.generateScripts("src/main/server-gen/bin","openstack-controller");
+ String pName = p.getNsURI().replaceAll(p.getNsPrefix()+'$',"") + "servers." + p.getNsPrefix() +".logging";
+ YamlToJava.convert("src/main/resources/OpenStackAdaptor.yaml", dir + "/logging", pName);
+ YamlToJava.convert("src/main/sirius-gen/OpenStackController.yaml", dir + "/logging", pName);
+ String pName1 = p.getNsURI().replaceAll(p.getNsPrefix()+'$',"") + "servers." + p.getNsPrefix() +".loc.logging";
+ YamlToJava.convert("src/main/sirius-gen/OpenStackLocation.yaml", dir + "/loc/logging", pName1);
+ }
diff --git a/ncomp-openstack-controller/src/main/java/org/openecomp/ncomp/openstack/controller/tools/OpenStackUtil.groovy b/ncomp-openstack-controller/src/main/java/org/openecomp/ncomp/openstack/controller/tools/OpenStackUtil.groovy
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..55155fc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ncomp-openstack-controller/src/main/java/org/openecomp/ncomp/openstack/controller/tools/OpenStackUtil.groovy
@@ -0,0 +1,1028 @@
+ * ============LICENSE_START==========================================
+ * ===================================================================
+ * Copyright (c) 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+ * ===================================================================
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ * ============LICENSE_END============================================
+ */
+package org.openecomp.ncomp.openstack.controller.tools
+import org.openecomp.ncomp.sirius.manager.JavaHttpClient;
+import org.openecomp.ncomp.sirius.manager.Jetty8Client;
+import org.openecomp.ncomp.sirius.manager.ManagementServer;
+import org.openecomp.ncomp.sirius.manager.Subject;
+import org.openecomp.ncomp.sirius.manager.server.Response
+import org.openecomp.ncomp.core.NamedEntity
+import org.openecomp.ncomp.core.User
+import org.openecomp.ncomp.openstack.*
+import org.openecomp.ncomp.openstack.core.*
+import org.openecomp.ncomp.openstack.location.*
+import org.openecomp.ncomp.openstack.compute.*
+import org.openecomp.ncomp.openstack.location.OpenStackLocation
+import org.openecomp.ncomp.openstack.location.OpenStackProject
+import org.openecomp.ncomp.openstack.neutron.CreateNetworkRequest;
+import org.openecomp.ncomp.openstack.neutron.NeutronFactory;
+import org.openecomp.ncomp.openstack.neutron.NeutronObject;
+import org.openecomp.ncomp.openstack.neutron.NeutronPackage;
+import org.openecomp.ncomp.openstack.neutron.NeutronRequest
+import org.openecomp.ncomp.webservice.utils.FileUtils;
+import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
+import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EAnnotation;
+import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EAttribute
+import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject;
+import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EPackage
+import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EReference
+import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.util.EcoreUtil
+import org.eclipse.jetty.client.HttpClient;
+import org.eclipse.jetty.client.HttpExchange;
+import org.eclipse.jetty.http.HttpHeaders;
+import org.eclipse.jetty.io.Buffer;
+import org.eclipse.jetty.io.BufferUtil;
+import org.eclipse.jetty.io.ByteArrayBuffer
+import org.json.JSONObject
+import org.json.JSONArray
+import static org.openecomp.ncomp.utils.PropertyUtil.getPropertiesFromClasspath
+class OpenStackUtil {
+ public static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(OpenStackUtil.class);
+ public static final Logger plogger = Logger.getLogger("org.openecomp.ncomp.openstack.OpenStackUtil.polling");
+ Properties props
+ List<OpenStackControllerProject> projects = []
+ ManagementServer server
+ OpenStackLocation loc // used for polling
+ OpenStackLocation realLocation // location in controller state.
+ boolean debug = false
+ int serverCreationTimeout
+ public long pollingFrequency = 300000
+ public OpenStackUtil(OpenStackLocation loc1, ManagementServer server1, String file = "openstack.properties") {
+ props = getPropertiesFromClasspath(file);
+ EPackage p1 = LocationPackage.eINSTANCE;
+ debug = Boolean.parseBoolean(props.getProperty("server.debug","false"));
+ serverCreationTimeout = Integer.parseInt(props.get("serverCreationTimeout","120"))
+ pollingFrequency = Integer.parseInt(props.get("pollingFrequency","300000"))
+ server = server1
+ realLocation = loc1
+ loc = EcoreUtil.copy(loc1)
+ loc.projects.each { p ->
+ projects += new OpenStackControllerProject(p)
+ }
+ System.err.println "OPENSTACK: debug=$debug pollingFrequency=$pollingFrequency"
+ logger.info("Found ${projects.size()} projects".toString())
+ if (!projects.find { it.tenantName == "admin"}) {
+ logger.warn("Missing Admin Openstack project")
+ }
+ }
+ static main(args) {
+ // BROKEN WITH THE NEW SETUP. Need to create Location object
+ TimeZone.setDefault(TimeZone.getTimeZone("GMT"));
+ OpenStackUtil openstack = new OpenStackUtil()
+ switch ("T") {
+ case "T":
+ CreateNetworkRequest r = NeutronFactory.eINSTANCE.createCreateNetworkRequest()
+ r.name = "someone-test"
+ r.tenant_id = openstack.projects[0].tenantId
+ openstack.projects[0].create(r)
+ break
+ case "P":
+ openstack.poll()
+ println openstack.server.ecore2json(openstack.loc, 100, null, false).toString(2)
+ break
+ case "S": openstack.projects[0].createServer(); break
+ }
+ }
+ public OpenStackLocation poll() {
+ if (loc.keystoneUrl == null) {
+ logger.warn("No keystoneUrl for $loc.name")
+ return
+ }
+ plogger.info "Starting Logging"
+ if (props.get("noPoll","no") == "yes") return null
+ loc.images.clear()
+ def oldFlavors = []
+ loc.flavors.each { f -> oldFlavors += f }
+ loc.flavors.clear()
+ if (projects.size() == 0) {
+ logger.warn("No project to poll")
+ return
+ }
+ projects[0].updateGeneric(loc,"image")
+ try {
+ projects[0].updateGeneric(loc,"flavor")
+ }
+ catch (e) {
+ }
+ if (loc.flavors.size() == 0) {
+ logger.warn("Empty Flavor list, using old")
+ System.err.println("Empty Flavor list, using old")
+ oldFlavors.each { f -> loc.flavors.add(f) }
+ }
+ projects.each {OpenStackControllerProject p ->
+ p.poll()
+ }
+ realLocation.mergeLocation(loc)
+ server.save()
+// plogger.debug("${server.ecore2json(loc, 100, null, false).toString(2)}".toString())
+ plogger.info "Done Logging"
+ return loc
+ }
+ static def object2json(o,boolean fix = false) {
+ switch (o) {
+ case JSONObject: return o
+ case EObject: return ManagementServer.ecore2json(o, 100, null, false)
+ case List:
+ def j = [] as JSONArray
+ o.each { j.put(object2json(it,fix)) }
+ return j
+ case Map:
+ def j = [:] as JSONObject
+ o.each { String k,v ->
+ if (v == null) return
+ if (!fix) {j.put(k,object2json(v)); return}
+ switch (k) {
+ case "addresses":
+ def a = [] as JSONArray
+ j.put(k,a)
+ v.each { k1, v1 ->
+ a.put(object2json([ name : k1, ips : v1],fix))
+ }
+ break
+ case "metadata":
+ def a = [] as JSONArray
+ j.put(k,a)
+ v.each { k1, v1 ->
+ a.put(object2json([ key : k1, value :v1],fix))
+ }
+ break
+ case ~/.*:.*/:
+ // eg OS-EXT-STS:vm_state
+ j.put(k.replace("-", "_").replace(":", "_"),object2json(v,fix))
+// String[] a = k.split(":")
+// String nn = a[1]
+// def j1 = [:] as JSONObject
+// j1.put(nn,object2json(v,fix))
+// j.put(a[0].replace("-", "_").toLowerCase(),j1)
+ break
+ default: j.put(k,object2json(v,fix))
+ }
+ }
+ return j
+ case boolean: case Boolean:
+ case int: case Integer:
+ case long: case Long:
+ case double: case Double:
+ case JSONObject.Null:
+ case null:
+ case String: return o; break
+ case GString: return o.toString(); break
+ default: logger.warn "Unable to convert: $o".toString()
+ }
+ }
+ def json2object (o) {
+ switch (o) {
+ case JSONObject:
+ def m = [:]
+ o.map.each { n,v -> m[n] = json2object(v) }
+ return m
+ case JSONArray:
+ def a = []
+ o.myArrayList.each { a += json2object(it) }
+ return a
+ case boolean: case Boolean:
+ case int: case Integer:
+ case long: case Long:
+ case double: case Double:
+ case null:
+ case JSONObject.NULL:
+ case String: return o; break
+ case GString: return o.toString(); break
+ default: logger.warn "Unable to convert to object: $o ${o.getClass().name}".toString()
+ }
+ }
+ //{"flavor": {"vcpus": 1, "disk": 10, "name": "someone.test", "os-flavor-access:is_public": true, "rxtx_factor": 1, "OS-FLV-EXT-DATA:ephemeral": 33, "ram": 200, "id": 10001, "swap": 0}}
+ def x = [:]
+ def createFlavor(String projectName, VirtualMachineType vmType) {
+ OpenStackControllerProject p
+ p = projects.find {OpenStackControllerProject p1 -> p1.tenantName == projectName}
+ if (p == null) return "No project with name $projectName"
+ def fName = vmType.name
+ def i = null
+ switch (loc.version) {
+ case OpenStackVersion.FOLSOM: // old BSA version
+ def flavors = p.httpJsonTransaction([url : "${p.urls['nova']}/flavors"],false)
+ x.flavors = flavors
+ def existingId = null
+ synchronized (loc) {
+ i = loc.flavorId + 1
+ flavors.flavors.each { ff ->
+ def j = Integer.parseInt(ff.id)
+ // if (debug) System.err.println "Existing Flavors: id=$ff.id name=$ff.name"
+ if (i <= j) i = j + 1
+ if (fName == ff.name) existingId = ff.id
+ }
+ loc.flavorId = i
+ server.save()
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ def req = [
+ url : "${p.urls['nova']}/flavors",
+ method : "POST",
+ body : [ flavor : [
+ vcpus: vmType.numberOfCores,
+ disk: vmType.rootDiskSizeGB,
+ name: fName,
+ "os-flavor-access:is_public": true,
+ rxtx_factor: 1,
+ "OS-FLV-EXT-DATA:ephemeral": vmType.diskSizeGB,
+ ram: vmType.memorySizeMB,
+ swap: 0]
+ ]
+ ]
+ if (i != null) req.body.flavor.identity = i
+ x.req = req
+ def res = p.httpJsonTransaction(req,false)
+ x.res = res
+ }
+ def createSecurityGroup(String projectName, VirtualMachineType vmType) {
+ OpenStackControllerProject p
+ p = projects.find {OpenStackControllerProject p1 -> p1.tenantName == projectName}
+ if (p == null) return "No project with name $projectName"
+ def gName = vmType.name
+ def req = [
+ url : "${p.urls['nova']}/os-security-groups",
+ method : "POST",
+ body : [ security_group : [ name: gName, description : "Automatically created" ] ]
+ ]
+ x.req = req
+ def res = p.httpJsonTransaction(req,false)
+ // {"security_group_rule": {"from_port": 22, "ip_protocol": "tcp", "to_port": 22, "parent_group_id": 12, "cidr": "", "group_id": null}}
+ vmType.incomingSecurityRules.each { SecurityRule r ->
+ def id = res.security_group.id
+ def req2 = [
+ url : "${p.urls['nova']}/os-security-group-rules",
+ method : "POST",
+ body : [ security_group_rule : [
+ from_port: r.portRangeStart,
+ to_port: r.portRangeEnd,
+ ip_protocol: r.ipProtocol.toString(),
+ cidr: r.prefix,
+ parent_group_id: id,
+ ] ]
+ ]
+ def res2 = p.httpJsonTransaction(req2,false)
+ }
+ x.res = res
+ }
+ def delete(String projectName, String type, String name) {
+ if (debug) System.err.println "DELETING $projectName $type $name"
+ OpenStackControllerProject p
+ p = projects.find {OpenStackControllerProject p1 -> p1.tenantName == projectName}
+ if (p == null) return "No project with name $projectName"
+ def types = "${type}s"
+ def idName = "id"
+ def oName = "name"
+ def api = "nova"
+ def dtypes = types
+ def nameAttr = loc.version == OpenStackVersion.FOLSOM ? "display_name" : "name"
+ switch (type) {
+ case "volume": oName = nameAttr; api = "cinder"; break
+ case "flavor": types = "$types/detail"; break
+ case "security_group": types = "os-security-groups"; dtypes = types; break
+ case "keypair":
+ p.httpJsonTransaction([url : "${p.urls[api]}/os-$types/$name", method:"DELETE"],false,true,true,false)
+ if (debug) System.err.println "$type name=$name deleted"
+ return
+ }
+ def l = p.httpJsonTransaction([url : "${p.urls[api]}/$types"],false)
+ if (debug) System.err.println "l=$l"
+ if (debug) System.err.println "DELETE LIST:"
+ l["${type}s"].each { if (debug) System.err.println it }
+ if (debug) System.err.println "type=$type types=$types oName=$oName name=$name idName=$idName"
+ def fl = l["${type}s"].findAll { it[oName] == name }
+ if (debug) System.err.println "DELETEING LIST: $fl"
+ if (fl.size() == null) return "No $type with name $name"
+ fl.each { f ->
+ p.httpJsonTransaction([url : "${p.urls[api]}/$dtypes/${f[idName]}", method:"DELETE"],false,true,true,false)
+ if (debug) System.err.println "$type name=$name id=${f[idName]} deleted"
+ }
+ }
+ // {"volume": {"status": "creating", "availability_zone": "nova:lab2-bsa-02-bay04",
+ // "display_description": null, "snapshot_id": null, "user_id": null, "size": 2,
+ // "display_name": "someone.test", "imageRef": null, "attach_status": "detached",
+ // "volume_type": null, "project_id": null, "metadata": {}}}
+ def createVolume (OpenstackRequestNewServer req) {
+ OpenStackControllerProject p
+ p = projects.find {OpenStackControllerProject p1 -> p1.tenantName == req.projectName}
+ if (p == null) return "No project with name $projectName"
+ def reqV = [url : "${p.urls['cinder']}/volumes/detail"]
+ def resV = p.httpJsonTransaction(reqV,false)
+// System.out.println("VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV: ${reqV}")
+// System.out.println("VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV: ${resV}")
+ def nameAttr = loc.version == OpenStackVersion.FOLSOM ? "display_name" : "name"
+ def existingVol = resV.volumes.find { vol ->
+ ( vol["display_name"] ?: vol["name"] ) == req.name
+ }
+ if (existingVol != null) {
+ if (debug) System.err.println "EXISTING VOLUME: ${existingVol}"
+ switch (loc.version) {
+ case OpenStackVersion.FOLSOM:
+ if (existingVol.availability_zone != "nova:$req.hypervisor")
+ return [status:"error",message:"existing volume on wrong hypervisor: $existingVol.availability_zone"]
+ }
+ if ("$existingVol.size" != "$req.vmType.volumeSizeGB")
+ return [status:"error",message:"existing volume has wrong size: $existingVol.size"]
+ if (existingVol.status != "available")
+ return [status:"error",message:"existing volume is not available: $existingVol.status"]
+ return [status: "ok", volume: existingVol]
+ }
+ def req1 = [
+ url : "${p.urls['cinder']}/volumes",
+ method : "POST",
+ body : [ volume : [
+ display_name: req.name,
+ size: req.vmType.volumeSizeGB]
+ ]
+ ]
+ if (req.hypervisor != null) {
+ req1.body.volume.availability_zone = "nova:$req.hypervisor"
+ }
+ def res1 = p.httpJsonTransaction(req1,false,false)
+// System.out.println("VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV req1: ${req1}")
+// System.out.println("VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV res1: ${res1}")
+ def volume = res1.volume ?: null
+ // wait for the new volume to be available. Wait at most 10 seconds.
+ (1..10).each {
+ if (volume == null || volume.status == "available") return
+ sleep 1000
+ res1 = p.httpJsonTransaction([url : "${p.urls['cinder']}/volumes/$volume.id"],false,false)
+// System.out.println("VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV res1 LOOP: ${res1}")
+ volume = res1.volume ?: null
+ }
+ if (volume == null) return [status:"error",message:res1]
+ if (volume.status != "available") return [status:"error",message:"new volume did not become available"]
+ return [status: "ok", volume: volume]
+ }
+ // {"server": {"name": "someone.test", "imageRef": "9a460998-6501-4008-9eed-a510cf9a13bc",
+ // "availability_zone": "nova:lab3-bsa-03-bay03", "key_name": "someone", "flavorRef": "2",
+ // "max_count": 1, "min_count": 1, "networks": [],
+ // "security_groups": [{"name": "default"}, {"name": "ssh"}]}}
+ def createServer (OpenstackRequestNewServer req) {
+ OpenStackControllerProject p
+ def loc = realLocation
+ p = projects.find {OpenStackControllerProject p1 -> p1.tenantName == req.projectName}
+ if (p == null) throw new RuntimeException( "No project with name $req.projectName" )
+ if (req.vmType == null) throw new RuntimeException("Null VmType")
+ String flavorName = req.vmType.flavorName ?: req.vmType.name
+ def flavor = loc.flavors.find { it.name == flavorName }
+ if (flavor == null) {
+ System.err.println "flavors $loc.name: ${loc.flavors.collect {it.name}}"
+ throw new RuntimeException("No flavor with name '$flavorName'")
+ }
+ if (req.vmType.imageName == null) req.vmType.imageName = req.vmType.name
+ def image = loc.images.find { it.name == req.vmType.imageName }
+ if (image == null) throw new RuntimeException( "No image with name $req.vmType.imageName")
+ def keypair = p.project.keypairs.find { it.name == req.user }
+ if (req.user != null && keypair == null) throw new RuntimeException( "No key pair with name $req.user")
+ def req1 = [
+ url : "${p.urls['nova']}/servers",
+ method : "POST",
+ body : [ server : [
+ name: req.name,
+ imageRef: image.id,
+ key_name: req.user,
+ flavorRef: flavor.id,
+ max_count: 1, min_count: 1, networks: [],
+ security_groups: [[name: "default"]],
+ config_drive: true,
+ ],
+ ]
+ ]
+ if (! loc.supportsSecurityGroups) req1.body.server.remove('security_groups')
+ req.networks.each {network -> req1.body.server.networks += [uuid:network]}
+ req.ports.each {port -> req1.body.server.networks += [port:port]}
+ if (req.hypervisor != null) {
+ req1.body.server.availability_zone = "nova:$req.hypervisor"
+ }
+ if (req.user_data != null) {
+ req1.body.server.user_data = req.user_data
+ }
+ x["req"] = req1
+ logger.info "create server request: ${object2json(req1).toString(2)}"
+ def server = p.httpJsonTransaction(req1,false)
+ logger.info "create server return: ${object2json(server).toString(2)}"
+ if (! server.server) {
+ throw new RuntimeException("create server failed: ${object2json(server).toString(2)}")
+ }
+ def vol
+ if (req.vmType.volumeSizeGB > 0) {
+ vol = createVolume(req)
+// System.err.println "VOLUME= $req $vol "
+ if (vol.status != "ok") {
+ throw new RuntimeException("create volume failed: $vol.message")
+ }
+ }
+ String sid = server.server.id
+ // wait upto 2 minutes for status to become ACTIVE
+ def status = "??"
+ (1..serverCreationTimeout/5).each {
+ if (status == "ACTIVE") return
+ sleep 5000
+ def x = p.httpJsonTransaction([url : "${p.urls['nova']}/servers/$sid"])
+// if (debug) System.err.println "Waiting status=$x.server.status"
+ status = x.server.status
+ }
+ logger.info "Done waiting status=$status"
+ if (status != "ACTIVE") {
+ throw new RuntimeException("create server failed to get ACTIVE: ${object2json(server).toString(2)}")
+ }
+// if (debug) System.err.println object2json(server).toString(2)
+ if (req.vmType.volumeSizeGB > 0) {
+// if (debug) System.err.println object2json(vol.volume).toString(2)
+ def attach = [
+ url : "${p.urls['nova']}/servers/$sid/os-volume_attachments",
+ method : "POST",
+ body : [ volumeAttachment: [volumeId: vol.volume.id, device: "/dev/vdc"]]
+ ]
+ server["volume"] = vol
+// if (debug) System.err.println "attach request: ${object2json(attach).toString(2)}"
+ def a = p.httpJsonTransaction(attach,false)
+// if (debug) System.err.println object2json(a).toString(2)
+ server["volume_attach"] = a
+ }
+ if (req.vmType.incomingSecurityRules.size() > 0 && loc.supportsSecurityGroups) {
+ def addSecurityGroup = [
+ url : "${p.urls['nova']}/servers/$sid/action",
+ method : "POST",
+ body : [ addSecurityGroup: [name: "$req.vmType.name"]]
+ ]
+ def res4 = p.httpJsonTransaction(addSecurityGroup,false,true,true,false)
+ }
+ if (req.vmType.needPublicIp) {
+ sleep 10000
+ server["ip"] = addFloatingIp(req.projectName, sid, req.floatingIp)
+ }
+ x["res"] = server
+// if (debug) System.err.println object2json(server).toString(2)
+ return server
+ }
+ def createKeypair (String projectName, User user) {
+ OpenStackControllerProject p
+ p = projects.find {OpenStackControllerProject p1 -> p1.tenantName == projectName}
+ if (p == null) return "No project with name $projectName"
+ def req1 = [
+ url : "${p.urls['nova']}/os-keypairs",
+ method : "POST",
+ body : [ keypair : [
+ name: user.name,
+ public_key: user.publicKey]
+ ]
+ ]
+ def k = p.httpJsonTransaction(req1,false)
+// if (debug) System.err.println k
+ return k
+ }
+ def addFloatingIp(String projectName,sid,requestIp) {
+ OpenStackControllerProject p
+ p = projects.find {OpenStackControllerProject p1 -> p1.tenantName == projectName}
+ if (p == null) return "No project with name $projectName"
+ def res = p.httpJsonTransaction([url : "${p.urls['nova']}/os-floating-ips"],false)
+ def ip = null
+// if (debug) System.err.println object2json(res).toString(2)
+ res.floating_ips.each { x ->
+ if (debug) System.err.println "AAAAAAAAAA ${object2json(x).toString(2)} ${x['instance_id']}"
+ if (requestIp != null && requestIp != "$x.ip") return
+ if ("${x['instance_id']}" == "null") ip = x.ip
+ }
+ if (requestIp != null && ip == null) {
+ throw new RuntimeException("Unable to find requested floating IP: $requestIp")
+ }
+ if (ip == null) {
+ res = p.httpJsonTransaction([method:"POST", url : "${p.urls['nova']}/os-floating-ips"],false)
+// if (debug) System.err.println object2json(res).toString(2)
+ ip = res.floating_ip.ip
+ if (debug) System.err.println "Using new ip: $ip"
+ } else {
+ if (debug) System.err.println "Using old ip: $ip"
+ }
+ def req = [
+ url : "${p.urls['nova']}/servers/$sid/action",
+ method : "POST",
+ body : [ addFloatingIp: [address: ip]]
+ ]
+// if (debug) System.err.println object2json(req).toString(2)
+ p.httpJsonTransaction(req,false,true,true,false)
+ return ip
+ }
+ def action(req) {
+ switch (req) {
+ case OpenstackRequestDelete: delete(req.projectName,req.objectType, req.objectName); break
+ case OpenstackRequestKeyPair: createKeypair(req.projectName,req.user); break
+ case OpenstackRequestFlavor: createFlavor(req.projectName,req.vmType); break
+ case OpenstackRequestSecurityGroup: createSecurityGroup(req.projectName,req.vmType); break
+ case OpenstackRequestNewServer:
+ def r = createServer(req)
+ logger.info "createServer returns: $r"
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ Response serverAction(OpenstackRequestServerAction req) {
+ OpenStackControllerProject p
+ p = projects.find {OpenStackControllerProject p1 -> p1.tenantName == req.projectName}
+ if (p == null) {
+ logger.warn "serverAction with null $req.projectName"
+ throw new RuntimeException("no Openstack project $req.projectName")
+ }
+ Server s = p.project.servers.find { it.name == req.name }
+ if (s == null) {
+ logger.warn "serverAction unable to find VM with name $req.name in $req.projectName"
+ throw new RuntimeException("unable to find VM with name $req.name in $req.projectName")
+ }
+ def url = "${p.urls['nova']}/servers/$s.ID/action"
+ def res
+ switch (req.action) {
+ case "stop":
+ case "start":
+ res = p.httpJsonTransaction([url:url,method:"POST",body:["os-$req.action":"null"]],false,true,true,false)
+ break;
+ case "pause":
+ case "unpause":
+ case "suspend":
+ case "resume":
+ case "lock":
+ case "unlock":
+ res = p.httpJsonTransaction([url:url,method:"POST",body:["$req.action":"null"]],false,true,true,false)
+ break;
+ case "reboot":
+ res = p.httpJsonTransaction([url:url,method:"POST",body:[reboot:[type:"SOFT"]]],false,true,true,false)
+ break;
+ case "hardReboot":
+ res = p.httpJsonTransaction([url:url,method:"POST",body:[reboot:[type:"HARD"]]],false,true,true,false)
+ break;
+ case "reset-state":
+ res = p.httpJsonTransaction([url:url,method:"POST",body:['os-resetState':[state:"error"]]],false,true,true,false)
+ break;
+ case "reset-state-active":
+ res = p.httpJsonTransaction([url:url,method:"POST",body:['os-resetState':[state:"active"]]],false,true,true,false)
+ break;
+ default:
+ logger.error "unknown nova command $req.action";
+ return
+ }
+ if (res == null) {
+ logger.warn "ran nova command $req.action on $req.name succesfully"
+ return
+ }
+ logger.error "ran nova command $req.action on $req.name: $res"
+ }
+ OpenStackControllerProject findProject(String name) {
+ return projects.find {OpenStackControllerProject p1 -> p1.tenantName == name}
+ }
+class OpenStackControllerProject {
+ HttpClient httpClient
+ def tokens = null
+ String password
+ String username
+ String tenantName
+ String tenantId
+ String keystoneUrl
+ OpenStackProject project
+ def urls = [:]
+ public OpenStackControllerProject(OpenStackProject project1) {
+ project = project1
+ tenantName = project.name
+ username = project.adminUser
+ password = props.get("${loc.name}.password.$username".toString())
+ if (password == null) {
+ // BSA setup
+ password = props.get("project.${project.name}.password".toString())
+ }
+ if (password == null) {
+ logger.warn("No password for $loc.name $project.name")
+ System.err.println "No password for $loc.name $project.name $username"
+ }
+ password = JavaHttpClient.decryptPassword(password)
+ tenantId = project.tenantId
+ keystoneUrl = loc.keystoneUrl
+// if (debug) System.err.println "u=$username pw=$password tenantId=$tenantId"
+ // Remove the refs are supported.
+// logger.info "${server.ecore2json(loc, 100, null, false).toString(2)}".toString()
+// if (debug) System.err.println "${server.ecore2json(project, 100, null, false).toString(2)}"
+ httpClient = new HttpClient()
+ httpClient.start();
+ updateTokens()
+ }
+ public void poll() {
+// updateImages()
+// updateGeneric(loc,"image")
+// updateGeneric(loc,"flavor")
+ updateServers()
+ updateHypervisor()
+ try { updateSecurityGroups() } catch (e) { println "updateSecurityGroups failed: $e" }
+ updateVolumes()
+ updateKeypairs()
+ if (urls['neutron'] != null) {
+ updateGenericNeutron(project, "network")
+ updateGenericNeutron(project, "subnet")
+ updateGenericNeutron(project, "router")
+ updateGenericNeutron(project, "port")
+ updateGenericNeutron(project, "security_group")
+ updateGenericNeutron(project, "floatingip")
+ }
+ server.save()
+ }
+ /**
+ * Polls the Openstack Nova API for all the nova state (e.g, servers, images,..)
+ * for a project.
+ */
+ def synchronized void updateTokens() {
+ if (keystoneUrl == null) {
+ logger.warn("No keystoneUrl for $loc.name")
+ return
+ }
+ if (password == null) {
+ logger.warn("No password for $loc.name")
+ return
+ }
+ def req = [ url : "$keystoneUrl/tokens", method : "POST",
+ body :[ auth : [passwordCredentials : [username: username, password: password], tenantId: tenantId]]
+ ]
+ if (project.apiKey != null) {
+ req.body.auth = ["RAX-KSKEY:apiKeyCredentials" : [username: username, apiKey: JavaHttpClient.decryptPassword(project.apiKey)]]
+ }
+ // {"auth": {"RAX-KSKEY:apiKeyCredentials": {"username": "ft123456", "apiKey": "dae41ba7484d4f8482"}}}
+ tokens = httpJsonTransaction(req,,false,false,false)
+ if (debug) System.err.println object2json(tokens).toString(2)
+ if (! tokens.access) {
+ if (debug) System.err.println "Unabled to access tenant: $tenantName : ${object2json(tokens).toString(2)}"
+ logger.fatal "Unabled to access tenant: $tenantName : ${object2json(tokens).toString(2)}"
+ return;
+ }
+ tokens.access.serviceCatalog.each { it ->
+ def u = it.endpoints.get(0).publicURL
+ it.endpoints.each { x ->
+ if (x['region'] == project.region)
+ u = x.publicURL
+ }
+ urls[it.name] = u
+ if (debug) System.err.println "serviceCatalog $it.name -> ${urls[it.name]}"
+ }
+ [ images :"cloudImages",
+ nova:"cloudServersOpenStack",
+ neutron: "cloudNetworks",
+ cinder: "cloudBlockStorage"]. each { n, v ->
+ if (urls[n] == null && urls[v] != null) {
+ System.err.println "Using $v service for $n"
+ if (n == "neutron" && urls[v].endsWith("/v2.0"))
+ urls[v] = urls[v].replace("/v2.0","")
+ urls[n] = urls[v]
+ }
+ if (urls[n] != null) {
+ System.err.println "No $n service"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ def void updateImages() {
+ def req1 = [url : "${urls['nova']}/images"]
+ def res1 = httpJsonTransaction(req1)
+// if (debug) System.err.println object2json(res1).toString(2)
+ loc.images.clear()
+ res1.images.each { s ->
+ def req2 = [url : s.links[0].href]
+ def res2 = httpJsonTransaction(req2)
+ logger.debug(object2json(res2).toString(2))
+ createFromJson(server, new Subject(loc, "images"),object2json(res2.image,true)) ;
+ }
+ }
+ def void updateKeypairs() {
+ def req1 = [url : "${urls['nova']}/os-keypairs"]
+ def res1 = httpJsonTransaction(req1)
+ project.keypairs.clear()
+ res1.keypairs.each { s ->
+ createFromJson(server, new Subject(project, "keypairs"),object2json(s.keypair,true)) ;
+ }
+ }
+ def void updateGeneric(o,name) {
+ def req1 = [url : "${urls['nova']}/${name}s"]
+ def res1 = httpJsonTransaction(req1)
+// if (debug) System.err.println object2json(res1).toString(2)
+ o["${name}s"].clear()
+ res1["${name}s"].each { s ->
+// logger.info("getting ${s.links[0].href}")
+ def req2 = [url : s.links[0].href]
+ def res2 = httpJsonTransaction(req2)
+// logger.debug( object2json(res2).toString(2))
+// if (debug) System.err.println "o=$o name=$name"
+ createFromJson(server, new Subject(o, "${name}s"),object2json(res2[name],true)) ;
+ }
+ }
+ def void updateGenericNeutron(o,name) {
+ def req1 = [url : "${urls['neutron']}/v2.0/${name.replace('_','-')}s"]
+ def res1 = httpJsonTransaction(req1)
+// if (debug) System.err.println object2json(res1).toString(2)
+ o["${name}s"].clear()
+ res1["${name}s"].each { s ->
+ if (s.tenant_id != null && s.tenant_id != tenantId) return
+ JSONObject json = OpenStackUtil.object2json(s,true)
+// if (debug) System.err.println json.toString(2)
+// if (debug) System.err.println "o=$o id=$s.id"
+ if (s.name == null || s.name == "" || name == "security_group") json.put("name", s.id)
+ createFromJson(server, new Subject(o, "${name}s"),json) ;
+ }
+ }
+ def createFromJson(ManagementServer server,subject,JSONObject json) {
+ server.create(subject,json,false)
+ }
+ def void updateHypervisor() {
+ if (tenantName != "admin") return
+ def req1 = [url : "${urls['nova']}/os-hypervisors/detail"]
+ def res1 = null;
+ try { res1 = httpJsonTransaction(req1) } catch (e) {
+ logger.error "Unable to get Hypervisor information: $e"
+ return
+ }
+// if (debug) System.err.println object2json(res1).toString(2)
+ loc.hypervisors.clear()
+ res1.hypervisors.each { s ->
+ def json = new JSONObject(s.cpu_info)
+ s.cpu_info = json2object(json)
+// if (debug) System.err.println s
+// if (debug) System.err.println object2json(s,true)
+// logger.info(object2json(s).toString(2))
+ createFromJson(server, new Subject(loc, "hypervisors"),object2json(s,true))
+ }
+ loc.hypervisors.each { it.name = it.service.host }
+ }
+ def void updateSecurityGroups() {
+ def req1 = [url : "${urls['nova']}/os-security-groups"]
+ def res1 = httpJsonTransaction(req1)
+// if (debug) System.err.println object2json(res1).toString(2)
+ project.groups.clear()
+ res1.security_groups.each { s ->
+// logger.info(object2json(s).toString(2))
+ createFromJson(server, new Subject(project, "groups"),object2json(s,true))
+ }
+ }
+ def void updateVolumes() {
+ if (urls['cinder'] == null) return
+ def req1 = [url : "${urls['cinder']}/volumes/detail"]
+ def res1 = httpJsonTransaction(req1)
+// if (debug) System.err.println object2json(res1).toString(2)
+// System.out.println("VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV poll res1: ${res1}")
+ project.volumes.clear()
+ res1.volumes.each { s ->
+// logger.info(object2json(s).toString(2))
+ createFromJson(server, new Subject(project, "volumes"),object2json(s,true))
+ }
+ if (loc.version == OpenStackVersion.FOLSOM )
+ project.volumes.each { it.name = it.display_name }
+ project.volumes.each {
+ if (it.name == null) it.name = it.display_name
+ }
+ }
+ def void updateFloatingIps() {
+ def req1 = [url : "${urls['nova']}/os-floating-ips"]
+ def res1 = httpJsonTransaction(req1)
+// if (debug) System.err.println object2json(res1).toString(2)
+ project.ips.clear()
+ res1.floating_ips.each { s ->
+// logger.info(object2json(s).toString(2))
+ createFromJson(server, new Subject(project, "ips"),object2json(s,true))
+ }
+ }
+ def void updateServers() {
+ def req1 = [url : "${urls['nova']}/servers" ]
+ def res1 = httpJsonTransaction(req1)
+ project.servers.clear()
+// if (debug) System.err.println OpenStackUtil.object2json(res1).toString(2)
+ res1.servers.each { s ->
+ def req2 = [url : s.links[0].href ]
+ def res2 = httpJsonTransaction(req2)
+// if (debug) System.err.println OpenStackUtil.object2json(res2).toString(2)
+// return
+// logger.debug(object2json(res2).toString(2))
+ if (res2.server.image == "") res2.server.image = null
+ createFromJson(server, new Subject(project, "servers"),object2json(res2.server,true))
+// def req3 = [url : res2.server.image.links[0].href]
+// def res3 = httpJsonTransaction(req3)
+// logger.debug( object2json(res3).toString(2))
+// def req4 = [url : res3.choices[0].links[0].href]
+// def res4 = httpJsonTransaction(req4)
+// logger.debug( object2json(res4).toString(2))
+ }
+ }
+ def NeutronObject create(NeutronRequest req) {
+ def ename = req.eClass().name
+ def cname = ename.substring(6,ename.length()-7)
+ def name = cname.toLowerCase()
+ switch (req) {
+ case CreateNetworkRequest: name = "network"; cname = "Network"; break
+ }
+ JSONObject j = new JSONObject()
+ // TODO look at annotations in ecore2json
+ JSONObject jj = ManagementServer.ecore2json(req, 100, null, false)
+ jj.remove('$class')
+ jj.remove('projectName')
+ req.eClass().EAllAttributes.each { EAttribute attr ->
+ EAnnotation anno = attr.getEAnnotation("http://openecomp.org/sirius/openstack");
+ if (anno == null) return
+ String name1 = anno.details.get("name")
+ if (name1 != null && jj.has(attr.name)) {
+ def v = jj.get(attr.name)
+ jj.remove(attr.name)
+ jj.put(name1, v)
+ }
+ name1 = anno.details.get("removeEmptyList")
+ if (name1 == "true" && jj.has(attr.name)) {
+ def v = jj.get(attr.name)
+ switch (v) {
+ case JSONArray:
+ if (v.length() == 0) jj.remove(attr.name)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ req.eClass().EAllReferences.each { EReference ref ->
+ EAnnotation anno = ref.getEAnnotation("http://openecomp.org/sirius/openstack");
+ if (anno == null) return
+ String name1 = anno.details.get("name")
+ if (name1 != null && jj.has(ref.name)) {
+ def v = jj.get(ref.name)
+ jj.remove(ref.name)
+ jj.put(name1, v)
+ }
+ name1 = anno.details.get("removeEmptyList")
+ if (name1 == "true" && jj.has(ref.name)) {
+ def v = jj.get(ref.name)
+ switch (v) {
+ case JSONArray:
+ if (v.length() == 0) jj.remove(ref.name)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ j.put(name, jj)
+ if (debug) System.err.println jj.toString(2)
+ def req1 = [url : "${urls['neutron']}/v2.0/${name.replace('_','-')}s", method:"POST", body:j]
+ if (debug) System.err.println req1
+ def res1 = httpJsonTransaction(req1)
+ if (debug) System.err.println res1
+ j = OpenStackUtil.object2json(res1[name],true)
+ if (debug) System.err.println j == null ? "NULL" : j.toString(2)
+ return server.json2ecore(NeutronPackage.eINSTANCE.getEClassifier(cname),j, false)
+ }
+ def void deleteNeutron(String type, String name) {
+ project["${type}s"].each { o ->
+ if (o.name != name) return
+ logger.warn "deleting $type $name $o.id"
+ def req1 = [url : "${urls['neutron']}/v2.0/${type.replace('_','-')}s/$o.id", method:"DELETE"]
+ if (debug) System.err.println req1
+ def res1 = httpJsonTransaction(req1,false,true,true,false)
+ if (debug) System.err.println res1
+ }
+ }
+ def httpJsonTransaction(m, boolean polling = true, boolean throwError = true, boolean addAuth = true, boolean expectResponse = true) {
+ def exchange = new Exchange()
+ if (debug) System.err.println "m=$m"
+ def url = m.url ?: "${urls[m.api]}/$m.uri"
+ if (loc.bypassIp) {
+ url = url.replaceFirst("http://.*:", "http://$loc.bypassIp:")
+ }
+ exchange.setURL(url);
+ if (debug) System.err.println "URL=$url"
+ exchange.setMethod(m.method ?: "GET");
+ def headers = m.headers ?: [:]
+ headers['Content-type'] = 'application/json'
+ if (addAuth) {
+ headers['X-Auth-Token'] = tokens.access.token.id
+ headers['X-Auth-Project-Id'] = project.tenantId
+ }
+ headers.each { n,v ->
+ exchange.addRequestHeader(n, v);
+ if (debug) System.err.println "Header: $n: $v"
+ }
+ if (m.body) {
+ String json = object2json(m.body).toString()
+// logger.info("REQUEST: ${object2json(m.body).toString(2)}")
+ if (debug) System.err.println "REQUEST BODY: $json"
+// exchange.setRequestContentSource(new ByteArrayInputStream(json.bytes))
+ exchange.setRequestContent(new ByteArrayBuffer(json.bytes));
+ }
+// if (debug) System.err.println "Sending request"
+ Date start = new Date()
+ httpClient.send(exchange)
+// if (debug) System.err.println "Exchange sent"
+ int exchangeState = exchange.waitForDone();
+ if (debug) System.err.println "Exchange done: $exchangeState"
+ if (debug) System.err.println "code=$exchange.code content=$exchange.content"
+ if (polling) plogger.info "content=$exchange.content"
+ else logger.info "content=$exchange.content"
+ def res = exchange.content.toString()
+ if (res == "" && ! expectResponse) return null
+ if (res == "") {
+ def duration = new Date().time - start.time
+ throw new RuntimeException("Openstack API returned NULL: $url duration=$duration")
+ }
+ if (res.startsWith("401 Unauthorize") || res.startsWith("Authentication required")) {
+ // keystone auth expired
+ logger.info("keystone auth expired, updating tokens and resending request")
+ updateTokens();
+ return httpJsonTransaction(m, polling, throwError, addAuth)
+ }
+ if (res.startsWith("404 Not Found")) {
+ if (throwError)
+ throw new RuntimeException("Openstack API: 404 Not Found")
+ return null
+ }
+ JSONObject json = new JSONObject(res)
+ if (exchange.code < 200 || exchange.code >= 300) {
+ if (throwError && json.has("expection")) {
+ throw new RuntimeException("Openstack API: expection $json")
+ }
+ if (throwError && json.has("badRequest")) {
+ throw new RuntimeException("Openstack API: badRequest $json")
+ }
+ if (throwError && json.has("itemNotFound")) {
+ throw new RuntimeException("Openstack API: itemNotFound $json")
+ }
+ if (throwError && json.has("NeutronError")) {
+ throw new RuntimeException("Openstack API: NeutronError $json")
+ }
+ if (throwError) {
+ throw new RuntimeException("Openstack API: Error $json")
+ }
+ }
+ if (debug) System.err.println json.toString(2)
+// logger.info("RETURNED: ${json.toString(2)}")
+ return json2object(json)
+ }
+ public void associateFloatingIp(String ipId, String portId) {
+ def req1 = [url : "${urls['neutron']}/v2.0/floatingips/$ipId", method:"PUT", body:[floatingip:[port_id:portId]]]
+ if (debug) System.err.println req1
+ def res1 = httpJsonTransaction(req1,false,true,true,false)
+ if (debug) System.err.println res1
+// return server.json2ecore(NeutronPackage.eINSTANCE.getEClassifier(cname),j, false)
+ }
+private class Exchange extends HttpExchange {
+ String version2;
+ int code;
+ String message;
+ String location;
+ StringBuffer content = new StringBuffer();
+ protected void onResponseHeader(Buffer name, Buffer value) {
+// System.out.println("HEADER: " + name + " " + value);
+ if (name.toString().equals("Location"))
+ location = value.toString();
+ }
+ protected void onResponseStatus(Buffer httpVersion, int statusCode, Buffer statusMessage) {
+// if (debug) System.err.println "v=$httpVersion code=$statusCode m=$statusMessage"
+ version2 = httpVersion.toString();
+ code = statusCode;
+ message = statusMessage.toString();
+ }
+ protected void onResponseContent(Buffer content) {
+ this.content.append(content.toString());
+ }