path: root/music-rest/distribution
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'music-rest/distribution')
11 files changed, 1380 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/music-rest/distribution/README.md b/music-rest/distribution/README.md
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8b137891
--- /dev/null
+++ b/music-rest/distribution/README.md
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/music-rest/distribution/cassandra/Dockerfile b/music-rest/distribution/cassandra/Dockerfile
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..fe13322c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/music-rest/distribution/cassandra/Dockerfile
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+FROM library/cassandra:3.11
+COPY cassandra.yaml /etc/cassandra/
+ENTRYPOINT ["docker-entrypoint.sh"]
diff --git a/music-rest/distribution/cassandra/cassandra.yaml b/music-rest/distribution/cassandra/cassandra.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..fa7c74a6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/music-rest/distribution/cassandra/cassandra.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,1002 @@
+# Cassandra storage config YAML
+# NOTE:
+# See http://wiki.apache.org/cassandra/StorageConfiguration for
+# full explanations of configuration directives
+# /NOTE
+# The name of the cluster. This is mainly used to prevent machines in
+# one logical cluster from joining another.
+cluster_name: 'Test Cluster'
+# This defines the number of tokens randomly assigned to this node on the ring
+# The more tokens, relative to other nodes, the larger the proportion of data
+# that this node will store. You probably want all nodes to have the same number
+# of tokens assuming they have equal hardware capability.
+# If you leave this unspecified, Cassandra will use the default of 1 token for legacy compatibility,
+# and will use the initial_token as described below.
+# Specifying initial_token will override this setting on the node's initial start,
+# on subsequent starts, this setting will apply even if initial token is set.
+# If you already have a cluster with 1 token per node, and wish to migrate to
+# multiple tokens per node, see http://wiki.apache.org/cassandra/Operations
+num_tokens: 256
+# Triggers automatic allocation of num_tokens tokens for this node. The allocation
+# algorithm attempts to choose tokens in a way that optimizes replicated load over
+# the nodes in the datacenter for the replication strategy used by the specified
+# keyspace.
+# The load assigned to each node will be close to proportional to its number of
+# vnodes.
+# Only supported with the Murmur3Partitioner.
+# allocate_tokens_for_keyspace: KEYSPACE
+# initial_token allows you to specify tokens manually. While you can use # it with
+# vnodes (num_tokens > 1, above) -- in which case you should provide a
+# comma-separated list -- it's primarily used when adding nodes # to legacy clusters
+# that do not have vnodes enabled.
+# initial_token:
+# See http://wiki.apache.org/cassandra/HintedHandoff
+# May either be "true" or "false" to enable globally
+hinted_handoff_enabled: true
+# When hinted_handoff_enabled is true, a black list of data centers that will not
+# perform hinted handoff
+# - DC1
+# - DC2
+# this defines the maximum amount of time a dead host will have hints
+# generated. After it has been dead this long, new hints for it will not be
+# created until it has been seen alive and gone down again.
+max_hint_window_in_ms: 10800000 # 3 hours
+# Maximum throttle in KBs per second, per delivery thread. This will be
+# reduced proportionally to the number of nodes in the cluster. (If there
+# are two nodes in the cluster, each delivery thread will use the maximum
+# rate; if there are three, each will throttle to half of the maximum,
+# since we expect two nodes to be delivering hints simultaneously.)
+hinted_handoff_throttle_in_kb: 1024
+# Number of threads with which to deliver hints;
+# Consider increasing this number when you have multi-dc deployments, since
+# cross-dc handoff tends to be slower
+max_hints_delivery_threads: 2
+# Directory where Cassandra should store hints.
+# If not set, the default directory is $CASSANDRA_HOME/data/hints.
+# hints_directory: /var/lib/cassandra/hints
+# How often hints should be flushed from the internal buffers to disk.
+# Will *not* trigger fsync.
+hints_flush_period_in_ms: 10000
+# Maximum size for a single hints file, in megabytes.
+max_hints_file_size_in_mb: 128
+# Compression to apply to the hint files. If omitted, hints files
+# will be written uncompressed. LZ4, Snappy, and Deflate compressors
+# are supported.
+# - class_name: LZ4Compressor
+# parameters:
+# -
+# Maximum throttle in KBs per second, total. This will be
+# reduced proportionally to the number of nodes in the cluster.
+batchlog_replay_throttle_in_kb: 1024
+# Authentication backend, implementing IAuthenticator; used to identify users
+# Out of the box, Cassandra provides org.apache.cassandra.auth.{AllowAllAuthenticator,
+# PasswordAuthenticator}.
+# - AllowAllAuthenticator performs no checks - set it to disable authentication.
+# - PasswordAuthenticator relies on username/password pairs to authenticate
+# users. It keeps usernames and hashed passwords in system_auth.roles table.
+# Please increase system_auth keyspace replication factor if you use this authenticator.
+# If using PasswordAuthenticator, CassandraRoleManager must also be used (see below)
+authenticator: PasswordAuthenticator
+# Authorization backend, implementing IAuthorizer; used to limit access/provide permissions
+# Out of the box, Cassandra provides org.apache.cassandra.auth.{AllowAllAuthorizer,
+# CassandraAuthorizer}.
+# - AllowAllAuthorizer allows any action to any user - set it to disable authorization.
+# - CassandraAuthorizer stores permissions in system_auth.role_permissions table. Please
+# increase system_auth keyspace replication factor if you use this authorizer.
+authorizer: CassandraAuthorizer
+# Part of the Authentication & Authorization backend, implementing IRoleManager; used
+# to maintain grants and memberships between roles.
+# Out of the box, Cassandra provides org.apache.cassandra.auth.CassandraRoleManager,
+# which stores role information in the system_auth keyspace. Most functions of the
+# IRoleManager require an authenticated login, so unless the configured IAuthenticator
+# actually implements authentication, most of this functionality will be unavailable.
+# - CassandraRoleManager stores role data in the system_auth keyspace. Please
+# increase system_auth keyspace replication factor if you use this role manager.
+role_manager: CassandraRoleManager
+# Validity period for roles cache (fetching permissions can be an
+# expensive operation depending on the authorizer). Granted roles are cached for
+# authenticated sessions in AuthenticatedUser and after the period specified
+# here, become eligible for (async) reload.
+# Defaults to 2000, set to 0 to disable.
+# Will be disabled automatically for AllowAllAuthenticator.
+roles_validity_in_ms: 2000
+# Refresh interval for roles cache (if enabled).
+# After this interval, cache entries become eligible for refresh. Upon next
+# access, an async reload is scheduled and the old value returned until it
+# completes. If roles_validity_in_ms is non-zero, then this must be
+# also.
+# Defaults to the same value as roles_validity_in_ms.
+# roles_update_interval_in_ms: 1000
+# Validity period for permissions cache (fetching permissions can be an
+# expensive operation depending on the authorizer, CassandraAuthorizer is
+# one example). Defaults to 2000, set to 0 to disable.
+# Will be disabled automatically for AllowAllAuthorizer.
+permissions_validity_in_ms: 2000
+# Refresh interval for permissions cache (if enabled).
+# After this interval, cache entries become eligible for refresh. Upon next
+# access, an async reload is scheduled and the old value returned until it
+# completes. If permissions_validity_in_ms is non-zero, then this must be
+# also.
+# Defaults to the same value as permissions_validity_in_ms.
+# permissions_update_interval_in_ms: 1000
+# The partitioner is responsible for distributing groups of rows (by
+# partition key) across nodes in the cluster. You should leave this
+# alone for new clusters. The partitioner can NOT be changed without
+# reloading all data, so when upgrading you should set this to the
+# same partitioner you were already using.
+# Besides Murmur3Partitioner, partitioners included for backwards
+# compatibility include RandomPartitioner, ByteOrderedPartitioner, and
+# OrderPreservingPartitioner.
+partitioner: org.apache.cassandra.dht.Murmur3Partitioner
+# Directories where Cassandra should store data on disk. Cassandra
+# will spread data evenly across them, subject to the granularity of
+# the configured compaction strategy.
+# If not set, the default directory is $CASSANDRA_HOME/data/data.
+ - /var/lib/cassandra/data
+# commit log. when running on magnetic HDD, this should be a
+# separate spindle than the data directories.
+# If not set, the default directory is $CASSANDRA_HOME/data/commitlog.
+commitlog_directory: /var/lib/cassandra/commitlog
+# policy for data disk failures:
+# die: shut down gossip and client transports and kill the JVM for any fs errors or
+# single-sstable errors, so the node can be replaced.
+# stop_paranoid: shut down gossip and client transports even for single-sstable errors,
+# kill the JVM for errors during startup.
+# stop: shut down gossip and client transports, leaving the node effectively dead, but
+# can still be inspected via JMX, kill the JVM for errors during startup.
+# best_effort: stop using the failed disk and respond to requests based on
+# remaining available sstables. This means you WILL see obsolete
+# data at CL.ONE!
+# ignore: ignore fatal errors and let requests fail, as in pre-1.2 Cassandra
+disk_failure_policy: stop
+# policy for commit disk failures:
+# die: shut down gossip and Thrift and kill the JVM, so the node can be replaced.
+# stop: shut down gossip and Thrift, leaving the node effectively dead, but
+# can still be inspected via JMX.
+# stop_commit: shutdown the commit log, letting writes collect but
+# continuing to service reads, as in pre-2.0.5 Cassandra
+# ignore: ignore fatal errors and let the batches fail
+commit_failure_policy: stop
+# Maximum size of the key cache in memory.
+# Each key cache hit saves 1 seek and each row cache hit saves 2 seeks at the
+# minimum, sometimes more. The key cache is fairly tiny for the amount of
+# time it saves, so it's worthwhile to use it at large numbers.
+# The row cache saves even more time, but must contain the entire row,
+# so it is extremely space-intensive. It's best to only use the
+# row cache if you have hot rows or static rows.
+# NOTE: if you reduce the size, you may not get you hottest keys loaded on startup.
+# Default value is empty to make it "auto" (min(5% of Heap (in MB), 100MB)). Set to 0 to disable key cache.
+# Duration in seconds after which Cassandra should
+# save the key cache. Caches are saved to saved_caches_directory as
+# specified in this configuration file.
+# Saved caches greatly improve cold-start speeds, and is relatively cheap in
+# terms of I/O for the key cache. Row cache saving is much more expensive and
+# has limited use.
+# Default is 14400 or 4 hours.
+key_cache_save_period: 14400
+# Number of keys from the key cache to save
+# Disabled by default, meaning all keys are going to be saved
+# key_cache_keys_to_save: 100
+# Row cache implementation class name.
+# Available implementations:
+# org.apache.cassandra.cache.OHCProvider Fully off-heap row cache implementation (default).
+# org.apache.cassandra.cache.SerializingCacheProvider This is the row cache implementation availabile
+# in previous releases of Cassandra.
+# row_cache_class_name: org.apache.cassandra.cache.OHCProvider
+# Maximum size of the row cache in memory.
+# Please note that OHC cache implementation requires some additional off-heap memory to manage
+# the map structures and some in-flight memory during operations before/after cache entries can be
+# accounted against the cache capacity. This overhead is usually small compared to the whole capacity.
+# Do not specify more memory that the system can afford in the worst usual situation and leave some
+# headroom for OS block level cache. Do never allow your system to swap.
+# Default value is 0, to disable row caching.
+row_cache_size_in_mb: 0
+# Duration in seconds after which Cassandra should save the row cache.
+# Caches are saved to saved_caches_directory as specified in this configuration file.
+# Saved caches greatly improve cold-start speeds, and is relatively cheap in
+# terms of I/O for the key cache. Row cache saving is much more expensive and
+# has limited use.
+# Default is 0 to disable saving the row cache.
+row_cache_save_period: 0
+# Number of keys from the row cache to save.
+# Specify 0 (which is the default), meaning all keys are going to be saved
+# row_cache_keys_to_save: 100
+# Maximum size of the counter cache in memory.
+# Counter cache helps to reduce counter locks' contention for hot counter cells.
+# In case of RF = 1 a counter cache hit will cause Cassandra to skip the read before
+# write entirely. With RF > 1 a counter cache hit will still help to reduce the duration
+# of the lock hold, helping with hot counter cell updates, but will not allow skipping
+# the read entirely. Only the local (clock, count) tuple of a counter cell is kept
+# in memory, not the whole counter, so it's relatively cheap.
+# NOTE: if you reduce the size, you may not get you hottest keys loaded on startup.
+# Default value is empty to make it "auto" (min(2.5% of Heap (in MB), 50MB)). Set to 0 to disable counter cache.
+# NOTE: if you perform counter deletes and rely on low gcgs, you should disable the counter cache.
+# Duration in seconds after which Cassandra should
+# save the counter cache (keys only). Caches are saved to saved_caches_directory as
+# specified in this configuration file.
+# Default is 7200 or 2 hours.
+counter_cache_save_period: 7200
+# Number of keys from the counter cache to save
+# Disabled by default, meaning all keys are going to be saved
+# counter_cache_keys_to_save: 100
+# saved caches
+# If not set, the default directory is $CASSANDRA_HOME/data/saved_caches.
+saved_caches_directory: /var/lib/cassandra/saved_caches
+# commitlog_sync may be either "periodic" or "batch."
+# When in batch mode, Cassandra won't ack writes until the commit log
+# has been fsynced to disk. It will wait
+# commitlog_sync_batch_window_in_ms milliseconds between fsyncs.
+# This window should be kept short because the writer threads will
+# be unable to do extra work while waiting. (You may need to increase
+# concurrent_writes for the same reason.)
+# commitlog_sync: batch
+# commitlog_sync_batch_window_in_ms: 2
+# the other option is "periodic" where writes may be acked immediately
+# and the CommitLog is simply synced every commitlog_sync_period_in_ms
+# milliseconds.
+commitlog_sync: periodic
+commitlog_sync_period_in_ms: 10000
+# The size of the individual commitlog file segments. A commitlog
+# segment may be archived, deleted, or recycled once all the data
+# in it (potentially from each columnfamily in the system) has been
+# flushed to sstables.
+# The default size is 32, which is almost always fine, but if you are
+# archiving commitlog segments (see commitlog_archiving.properties),
+# then you probably want a finer granularity of archiving; 8 or 16 MB
+# is reasonable.
+# Max mutation size is also configurable via max_mutation_size_in_kb setting in
+# cassandra.yaml. The default is half the size commitlog_segment_size_in_mb * 1024.
+# This should be positive and less than 2048.
+# NOTE: If max_mutation_size_in_kb is set explicitly then commitlog_segment_size_in_mb must
+# be set to at least twice the size of max_mutation_size_in_kb / 1024
+commitlog_segment_size_in_mb: 32
+# Compression to apply to the commit log. If omitted, the commit log
+# will be written uncompressed. LZ4, Snappy, and Deflate compressors
+# are supported.
+# - class_name: LZ4Compressor
+# parameters:
+# -
+# any class that implements the SeedProvider interface and has a
+# constructor that takes a Map<String, String> of parameters will do.
+ # Addresses of hosts that are deemed contact points.
+ # Cassandra nodes use this list of hosts to find each other and learn
+ # the topology of the ring. You must change this if you are running
+ # multiple nodes!
+ - class_name: org.apache.cassandra.locator.SimpleSeedProvider
+ parameters:
+ # seeds is actually a comma-delimited list of addresses.
+ # Ex: "<ip1>,<ip2>,<ip3>"
+ - seeds: ""
+# For workloads with more data than can fit in memory, Cassandra's
+# bottleneck will be reads that need to fetch data from
+# disk. "concurrent_reads" should be set to (16 * number_of_drives) in
+# order to allow the operations to enqueue low enough in the stack
+# that the OS and drives can reorder them. Same applies to
+# "concurrent_counter_writes", since counter writes read the current
+# values before incrementing and writing them back.
+# On the other hand, since writes are almost never IO bound, the ideal
+# number of "concurrent_writes" is dependent on the number of cores in
+# your system; (8 * number_of_cores) is a good rule of thumb.
+concurrent_reads: 32
+concurrent_writes: 32
+concurrent_counter_writes: 32
+# For materialized view writes, as there is a read involved, so this should
+# be limited by the less of concurrent reads or concurrent writes.
+concurrent_materialized_view_writes: 32
+# Maximum memory to use for pooling sstable buffers. Defaults to the smaller
+# of 1/4 of heap or 512MB. This pool is allocated off-heap, so is in addition
+# to the memory allocated for heap. Memory is only allocated as needed.
+# file_cache_size_in_mb: 512
+# Flag indicating whether to allocate on or off heap when the sstable buffer
+# pool is exhausted, that is when it has exceeded the maximum memory
+# file_cache_size_in_mb, beyond which it will not cache buffers but allocate on request.
+# buffer_pool_use_heap_if_exhausted: true
+# The strategy for optimizing disk read
+# Possible values are:
+# ssd (for solid state disks, the default)
+# spinning (for spinning disks)
+# disk_optimization_strategy: ssd
+# Total permitted memory to use for memtables. Cassandra will stop
+# accepting writes when the limit is exceeded until a flush completes,
+# and will trigger a flush based on memtable_cleanup_threshold
+# If omitted, Cassandra will set both to 1/4 the size of the heap.
+# memtable_heap_space_in_mb: 2048
+# memtable_offheap_space_in_mb: 2048
+# Ratio of occupied non-flushing memtable size to total permitted size
+# that will trigger a flush of the largest memtable. Larger mct will
+# mean larger flushes and hence less compaction, but also less concurrent
+# flush activity which can make it difficult to keep your disks fed
+# under heavy write load.
+# memtable_cleanup_threshold defaults to 1 / (memtable_flush_writers + 1)
+# memtable_cleanup_threshold: 0.11
+# Specify the way Cassandra allocates and manages memtable memory.
+# Options are:
+# heap_buffers: on heap nio buffers
+# Note: offheap_buffers are not supported in Cassandra 3.0 - 3.3.
+# They have been re-introduced in Cassandra 3.4. For details see
+# https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/CASSANDRA-9472 and
+# https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/CASSANDRA-11039
+memtable_allocation_type: heap_buffers
+# Total space to use for commit logs on disk.
+# If space gets above this value, Cassandra will flush every dirty CF
+# in the oldest segment and remove it. So a small total commitlog space
+# will tend to cause more flush activity on less-active columnfamilies.
+# The default value is the smaller of 8192, and 1/4 of the total space
+# of the commitlog volume.
+# commitlog_total_space_in_mb: 8192
+# This sets the amount of memtable flush writer threads. These will
+# be blocked by disk io, and each one will hold a memtable in memory
+# while blocked.
+# memtable_flush_writers defaults to the smaller of (number of disks,
+# number of cores), with a minimum of 2 and a maximum of 8.
+# If your data directories are backed by SSD, you should increase this
+# to the number of cores.
+#memtable_flush_writers: 8
+# A fixed memory pool size in MB for for SSTable index summaries. If left
+# empty, this will default to 5% of the heap size. If the memory usage of
+# all index summaries exceeds this limit, SSTables with low read rates will
+# shrink their index summaries in order to meet this limit. However, this
+# is a best-effort process. In extreme conditions Cassandra may need to use
+# more than this amount of memory.
+# How frequently index summaries should be resampled. This is done
+# periodically to redistribute memory from the fixed-size pool to sstables
+# proportional their recent read rates. Setting to -1 will disable this
+# process, leaving existing index summaries at their current sampling level.
+index_summary_resize_interval_in_minutes: 60
+# Whether to, when doing sequential writing, fsync() at intervals in
+# order to force the operating system to flush the dirty
+# buffers. Enable this to avoid sudden dirty buffer flushing from
+# impacting read latencies. Almost always a good idea on SSDs; not
+# necessarily on platters.
+trickle_fsync: false
+trickle_fsync_interval_in_kb: 10240
+# TCP port, for commands and data
+# For security reasons, you should not expose this port to the internet. Firewall it if needed.
+storage_port: 7000
+# SSL port, for encrypted communication. Unused unless enabled in
+# encryption_options
+# For security reasons, you should not expose this port to the internet. Firewall it if needed.
+ssl_storage_port: 7001
+# Address or interface to bind to and tell other Cassandra nodes to connect to.
+# You _must_ change this if you want multiple nodes to be able to communicate!
+# Set listen_address OR listen_interface, not both. Interfaces must correspond
+# to a single address, IP aliasing is not supported.
+# Leaving it blank leaves it up to InetAddress.getLocalHost(). This
+# will always do the Right Thing _if_ the node is properly configured
+# (hostname, name resolution, etc), and the Right Thing is to use the
+# address associated with the hostname (it might not be).
+# Setting listen_address to is always wrong.
+# If you choose to specify the interface by name and the interface has an ipv4 and an ipv6 address
+# you can specify which should be chosen using listen_interface_prefer_ipv6. If false the first ipv4
+# address will be used. If true the first ipv6 address will be used. Defaults to false preferring
+# ipv4. If there is only one address it will be selected regardless of ipv4/ipv6.
+listen_address: localhost
+# listen_interface: eth0
+# listen_interface_prefer_ipv6: false
+# Address to broadcast to other Cassandra nodes
+# Leaving this blank will set it to the same value as listen_address
+# broadcast_address:
+# When using multiple physical network interfaces, set this
+# to true to listen on broadcast_address in addition to
+# the listen_address, allowing nodes to communicate in both
+# interfaces.
+# Ignore this property if the network configuration automatically
+# routes between the public and private networks such as EC2.
+# listen_on_broadcast_address: false
+# Internode authentication backend, implementing IInternodeAuthenticator;
+# used to allow/disallow connections from peer nodes.
+# internode_authenticator: org.apache.cassandra.auth.AllowAllInternodeAuthenticator
+# Whether to start the native transport server.
+# Please note that the address on which the native transport is bound is the
+# same as the rpc_address. The port however is different and specified below.
+start_native_transport: true
+# port for the CQL native transport to listen for clients on
+# For security reasons, you should not expose this port to the internet. Firewall it if needed.
+native_transport_port: 9042
+# Enabling native transport encryption in client_encryption_options allows you to either use
+# encryption for the standard port or to use a dedicated, additional port along with the unencrypted
+# standard native_transport_port.
+# Enabling client encryption and keeping native_transport_port_ssl disabled will use encryption
+# for native_transport_port. Setting native_transport_port_ssl to a different value
+# from native_transport_port will use encryption for native_transport_port_ssl while
+# keeping native_transport_port unencrypted.
+# native_transport_port_ssl: 9142
+# The maximum threads for handling requests when the native transport is used.
+# This is similar to rpc_max_threads though the default differs slightly (and
+# there is no native_transport_min_threads, idle threads will always be stopped
+# after 30 seconds).
+# native_transport_max_threads: 128
+# The maximum size of allowed frame. Frame (requests) larger than this will
+# be rejected as invalid. The default is 256MB. If you're changing this parameter,
+# you may want to adjust max_value_size_in_mb accordingly. This should be positive and less than 2048.
+# native_transport_max_frame_size_in_mb: 256
+# The maximum number of concurrent client connections.
+# The default is -1, which means unlimited.
+# native_transport_max_concurrent_connections: -1
+# The maximum number of concurrent client connections per source ip.
+# The default is -1, which means unlimited.
+# native_transport_max_concurrent_connections_per_ip: -1
+# Whether to start the thrift rpc server.
+#start_rpc: false
+start_rpc: true
+# The address or interface to bind the Thrift RPC service and native transport
+# server to.
+# Set rpc_address OR rpc_interface, not both. Interfaces must correspond
+# to a single address, IP aliasing is not supported.
+# Leaving rpc_address blank has the same effect as on listen_address
+# (i.e. it will be based on the configured hostname of the node).
+# Note that unlike listen_address, you can specify, but you must also
+# set broadcast_rpc_address to a value other than
+# For security reasons, you should not expose this port to the internet. Firewall it if needed.
+# If you choose to specify the interface by name and the interface has an ipv4 and an ipv6 address
+# you can specify which should be chosen using rpc_interface_prefer_ipv6. If false the first ipv4
+# address will be used. If true the first ipv6 address will be used. Defaults to false preferring
+# ipv4. If there is only one address it will be selected regardless of ipv4/ipv6.
+rpc_address: localhost
+# rpc_interface: eth1
+# rpc_interface_prefer_ipv6: false
+# port for Thrift to listen for clients on
+rpc_port: 9160
+# RPC address to broadcast to drivers and other Cassandra nodes. This cannot
+# be set to If left blank, this will be set to the value of
+# rpc_address. If rpc_address is set to, broadcast_rpc_address must
+# be set.
+# broadcast_rpc_address:
+# enable or disable keepalive on rpc/native connections
+rpc_keepalive: true
+# Cassandra provides two out-of-the-box options for the RPC Server:
+# sync -> One thread per thrift connection. For a very large number of clients, memory
+# will be your limiting factor. On a 64 bit JVM, 180KB is the minimum stack size
+# per thread, and that will correspond to your use of virtual memory (but physical memory
+# may be limited depending on use of stack space).
+# hsha -> Stands for "half synchronous, half asynchronous." All thrift clients are handled
+# asynchronously using a small number of threads that does not vary with the amount
+# of thrift clients (and thus scales well to many clients). The rpc requests are still
+# synchronous (one thread per active request). If hsha is selected then it is essential
+# that rpc_max_threads is changed from the default value of unlimited.
+# The default is sync because on Windows hsha is about 30% slower. On Linux,
+# sync/hsha performance is about the same, with hsha of course using less memory.
+# Alternatively, can provide your own RPC server by providing the fully-qualified class name
+# of an o.a.c.t.TServerFactory that can create an instance of it.
+rpc_server_type: sync
+# Uncomment rpc_min|max_thread to set request pool size limits.
+# Regardless of your choice of RPC server (see above), the number of maximum requests in the
+# RPC thread pool dictates how many concurrent requests are possible (but if you are using the sync
+# RPC server, it also dictates the number of clients that can be connected at all).
+# The default is unlimited and thus provides no protection against clients overwhelming the server. You are
+# encouraged to set a maximum that makes sense for you in production, but do keep in mind that
+# rpc_max_threads represents the maximum number of client requests this server may execute concurrently.
+# rpc_min_threads: 16
+# rpc_max_threads: 2048
+# uncomment to set socket buffer sizes on rpc connections
+# rpc_send_buff_size_in_bytes:
+# rpc_recv_buff_size_in_bytes:
+# Uncomment to set socket buffer size for internode communication
+# Note that when setting this, the buffer size is limited by net.core.wmem_max
+# and when not setting it it is defined by net.ipv4.tcp_wmem
+# See:
+# /proc/sys/net/core/wmem_max
+# /proc/sys/net/core/rmem_max
+# /proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_wmem
+# /proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_wmem
+# and: man tcp
+# internode_send_buff_size_in_bytes:
+# internode_recv_buff_size_in_bytes:
+# Frame size for thrift (maximum message length).
+thrift_framed_transport_size_in_mb: 15
+# Set to true to have Cassandra create a hard link to each sstable
+# flushed or streamed locally in a backups/ subdirectory of the
+# keyspace data. Removing these links is the operator's
+# responsibility.
+incremental_backups: false
+# Whether or not to take a snapshot before each compaction. Be
+# careful using this option, since Cassandra won't clean up the
+# snapshots for you. Mostly useful if you're paranoid when there
+# is a data format change.
+snapshot_before_compaction: false
+# Whether or not a snapshot is taken of the data before keyspace truncation
+# or dropping of column families. The STRONGLY advised default of true
+# should be used to provide data safety. If you set this flag to false, you will
+# lose data on truncation or drop.
+auto_snapshot: true
+# When executing a scan, within or across a partition, we need to keep the
+# tombstones seen in memory so we can return them to the coordinator, which
+# will use them to make sure other replicas also know about the deleted rows.
+# With workloads that generate a lot of tombstones, this can cause performance
+# problems and even exaust the server heap.
+# (http://www.datastax.com/dev/blog/cassandra-anti-patterns-queues-and-queue-like-datasets)
+# Adjust the thresholds here if you understand the dangers and want to
+# scan more tombstones anyway. These thresholds may also be adjusted at runtime
+# using the StorageService mbean.
+tombstone_warn_threshold: 1000
+tombstone_failure_threshold: 100000
+# Granularity of the collation index of rows within a partition.
+# Increase if your rows are large, or if you have a very large
+# number of rows per partition. The competing goals are these:
+# 1) a smaller granularity means more index entries are generated
+# and looking up rows withing the partition by collation column
+# is faster
+# 2) but, Cassandra will keep the collation index in memory for hot
+# rows (as part of the key cache), so a larger granularity means
+# you can cache more hot rows
+column_index_size_in_kb: 64
+# Log WARN on any batch size exceeding this value. 5kb per batch by default.
+# Caution should be taken on increasing the size of this threshold as it can lead to node instability.
+batch_size_warn_threshold_in_kb: 5
+# Fail any batch exceeding this value. 50kb (10x warn threshold) by default.
+batch_size_fail_threshold_in_kb: 50
+# Log WARN on any batches not of type LOGGED than span across more partitions than this limit
+unlogged_batch_across_partitions_warn_threshold: 10
+# Number of simultaneous compactions to allow, NOT including
+# validation "compactions" for anti-entropy repair. Simultaneous
+# compactions can help preserve read performance in a mixed read/write
+# workload, by mitigating the tendency of small sstables to accumulate
+# during a single long running compactions. The default is usually
+# fine and if you experience problems with compaction running too
+# slowly or too fast, you should look at
+# compaction_throughput_mb_per_sec first.
+# concurrent_compactors defaults to the smaller of (number of disks,
+# number of cores), with a minimum of 2 and a maximum of 8.
+# If your data directories are backed by SSD, you should increase this
+# to the number of cores.
+#concurrent_compactors: 1
+# Throttles compaction to the given total throughput across the entire
+# system. The faster you insert data, the faster you need to compact in
+# order to keep the sstable count down, but in general, setting this to
+# 16 to 32 times the rate you are inserting data is more than sufficient.
+# Setting this to 0 disables throttling. Note that this account for all types
+# of compaction, including validation compaction.
+compaction_throughput_mb_per_sec: 16
+# Log a warning when compacting partitions larger than this value
+compaction_large_partition_warning_threshold_mb: 100
+# When compacting, the replacement sstable(s) can be opened before they
+# are completely written, and used in place of the prior sstables for
+# any range that has been written. This helps to smoothly transfer reads
+# between the sstables, reducing page cache churn and keeping hot rows hot
+sstable_preemptive_open_interval_in_mb: 50
+# Throttles all outbound streaming file transfers on this node to the
+# given total throughput in Mbps. This is necessary because Cassandra does
+# mostly sequential IO when streaming data during bootstrap or repair, which
+# can lead to saturating the network connection and degrading rpc performance.
+# When unset, the default is 200 Mbps or 25 MB/s.
+# stream_throughput_outbound_megabits_per_sec: 200
+# Throttles all streaming file transfer between the datacenters,
+# this setting allows users to throttle inter dc stream throughput in addition
+# to throttling all network stream traffic as configured with
+# stream_throughput_outbound_megabits_per_sec
+# When unset, the default is 200 Mbps or 25 MB/s
+# inter_dc_stream_throughput_outbound_megabits_per_sec: 200
+# How long the coordinator should wait for read operations to complete
+read_request_timeout_in_ms: 5000
+# How long the coordinator should wait for seq or index scans to complete
+range_request_timeout_in_ms: 15000
+# How long the coordinator should wait for writes to complete
+write_request_timeout_in_ms: 2000
+# How long the coordinator should wait for counter writes to complete
+counter_write_request_timeout_in_ms: 5000
+# How long a coordinator should continue to retry a CAS operation
+# that contends with other proposals for the same row
+cas_contention_timeout_in_ms: 1000
+# How long the coordinator should wait for truncates to complete
+# (This can be much longer, because unless auto_snapshot is disabled
+# we need to flush first so we can snapshot before removing the data.)
+truncate_request_timeout_in_ms: 60000
+# The default timeout for other, miscellaneous operations
+request_timeout_in_ms: 10000
+# Enable operation timeout information exchange between nodes to accurately
+# measure request timeouts. If disabled, replicas will assume that requests
+# were forwarded to them instantly by the coordinator, which means that
+# under overload conditions we will waste that much extra time processing
+# already-timed-out requests.
+# Warning: before enabling this property make sure to ntp is installed
+# and the times are synchronized between the nodes.
+cross_node_timeout: false
+# Set socket timeout for streaming operation.
+# The stream session is failed if no data/ack is received by any of the participants
+# within that period, which means this should also be sufficient to stream a large
+# sstable or rebuild table indexes.
+# Default value is 86400000ms, which means stale streams timeout after 24 hours.
+# A value of zero means stream sockets should never time out.
+# streaming_socket_timeout_in_ms: 86400000
+# phi value that must be reached for a host to be marked down.
+# most users should never need to adjust this.
+# phi_convict_threshold: 8
+# endpoint_snitch -- Set this to a class that implements
+# IEndpointSnitch. The snitch has two functions:
+# - it teaches Cassandra enough about your network topology to route
+# requests efficiently
+# - it allows Cassandra to spread replicas around your cluster to avoid
+# correlated failures. It does this by grouping machines into
+# "datacenters" and "racks." Cassandra will do its best not to have
+# more than one replica on the same "rack" (which may not actually
+# be a physical location)
+# ONCE DATA IS INSERTED INTO THE CLUSTER. This would cause data loss.
+# This means that if you start with the default SimpleSnitch, which
+# locates every node on "rack1" in "datacenter1", your only options
+# if you need to add another datacenter are GossipingPropertyFileSnitch
+# (and the older PFS). From there, if you want to migrate to an
+# incompatible snitch like Ec2Snitch you can do it by adding new nodes
+# under Ec2Snitch (which will locate them in a new "datacenter") and
+# decommissioning the old ones.
+# Out of the box, Cassandra provides
+# - SimpleSnitch:
+# Treats Strategy order as proximity. This can improve cache
+# locality when disabling read repair. Only appropriate for
+# single-datacenter deployments.
+# - GossipingPropertyFileSnitch
+# This should be your go-to snitch for production use. The rack
+# and datacenter for the local node are defined in
+# cassandra-rackdc.properties and propagated to other nodes via
+# gossip. If cassandra-topology.properties exists, it is used as a
+# fallback, allowing migration from the PropertyFileSnitch.
+# - PropertyFileSnitch:
+# Proximity is determined by rack and data center, which are
+# explicitly configured in cassandra-topology.properties.
+# - Ec2Snitch:
+# Appropriate for EC2 deployments in a single Region. Loads Region
+# and Availability Zone information from the EC2 API. The Region is
+# treated as the datacenter, and the Availability Zone as the rack.
+# Only private IPs are used, so this will not work across multiple
+# Regions.
+# - Ec2MultiRegionSnitch:
+# Uses public IPs as broadcast_address to allow cross-region
+# connectivity. (Thus, you should set seed addresses to the public
+# IP as well.) You will need to open the storage_port or
+# ssl_storage_port on the public IP firewall. (For intra-Region
+# traffic, Cassandra will switch to the private IP after
+# establishing a connection.)
+# - RackInferringSnitch:
+# Proximity is determined by rack and data center, which are
+# assumed to correspond to the 3rd and 2nd octet of each node's IP
+# address, respectively. Unless this happens to match your
+# deployment conventions, this is best used as an example of
+# writing a custom Snitch class and is provided in that spirit.
+# You can use a custom Snitch by setting this to the full class name
+# of the snitch, which will be assumed to be on your classpath.
+endpoint_snitch: SimpleSnitch
+# controls how often to perform the more expensive part of host score
+# calculation
+dynamic_snitch_update_interval_in_ms: 100
+# controls how often to reset all host scores, allowing a bad host to
+# possibly recover
+dynamic_snitch_reset_interval_in_ms: 600000
+# if set greater than zero and read_repair_chance is < 1.0, this will allow
+# 'pinning' of replicas to hosts in order to increase cache capacity.
+# The badness threshold will control how much worse the pinned host has to be
+# before the dynamic snitch will prefer other replicas over it. This is
+# expressed as a double which represents a percentage. Thus, a value of
+# 0.2 means Cassandra would continue to prefer the static snitch values
+# until the pinned host was 20% worse than the fastest.
+dynamic_snitch_badness_threshold: 0.1
+# request_scheduler -- Set this to a class that implements
+# RequestScheduler, which will schedule incoming client requests
+# according to the specific policy. This is useful for multi-tenancy
+# with a single Cassandra cluster.
+# NOTE: This is specifically for requests from the client and does
+# not affect inter node communication.
+# org.apache.cassandra.scheduler.NoScheduler - No scheduling takes place
+# org.apache.cassandra.scheduler.RoundRobinScheduler - Round robin of
+# client requests to a node with a separate queue for each
+# request_scheduler_id. The scheduler is further customized by
+# request_scheduler_options as described below.
+request_scheduler: org.apache.cassandra.scheduler.NoScheduler
+# Scheduler Options vary based on the type of scheduler
+# NoScheduler - Has no options
+# RoundRobin
+# - throttle_limit -- The throttle_limit is the number of in-flight
+# requests per client. Requests beyond
+# that limit are queued up until
+# running requests can complete.
+# The value of 80 here is twice the number of
+# concurrent_reads + concurrent_writes.
+# - default_weight -- default_weight is optional and allows for
+# overriding the default which is 1.
+# - weights -- Weights are optional and will default to 1 or the
+# overridden default_weight. The weight translates into how
+# many requests are handled during each turn of the
+# RoundRobin, based on the scheduler id.
+# request_scheduler_options:
+# throttle_limit: 80
+# default_weight: 5
+# weights:
+# Keyspace1: 1
+# Keyspace2: 5
+# request_scheduler_id -- An identifier based on which to perform
+# the request scheduling. Currently the only valid option is keyspace.
+# request_scheduler_id: keyspace
+# Enable or disable inter-node encryption
+# Default settings are TLS v1, RSA 1024-bit keys (it is imperative that
+# users generate their own keys) TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA as the cipher
+# suite for authentication, key exchange and encryption of the actual data transfers.
+# Use the DHE/ECDHE ciphers if running in FIPS 140 compliant mode.
+# NOTE: No custom encryption options are enabled at the moment
+# The available internode options are : all, none, dc, rack
+# If set to dc cassandra will encrypt the traffic between the DCs
+# If set to rack cassandra will encrypt the traffic between the racks
+# The passwords used in these options must match the passwords used when generating
+# the keystore and truststore. For instructions on generating these files, see:
+# http://download.oracle.com/javase/6/docs/technotes/guides/security/jsse/JSSERefGuide.html#CreateKeystore
+ internode_encryption: none
+ keystore: conf/.keystore
+ keystore_password: cassandra
+ truststore: conf/.truststore
+ truststore_password: cassandra
+ # More advanced defaults below:
+ # protocol: TLS
+ # algorithm: SunX509
+ # store_type: JKS
+ # require_client_auth: false
+# enable or disable client/server encryption.
+ enabled: false
+ # If enabled and optional is set to true encrypted and unencrypted connections are handled.
+ optional: false
+ keystore: conf/.keystore
+ keystore_password: cassandra
+ # require_client_auth: false
+ # Set trustore and truststore_password if require_client_auth is true
+ # truststore: conf/.truststore
+ # truststore_password: cassandra
+ # More advanced defaults below:
+ # protocol: TLS
+ # algorithm: SunX509
+ # store_type: JKS
+# internode_compression controls whether traffic between nodes is
+# compressed.
+# can be: all - all traffic is compressed
+# dc - traffic between different datacenters is compressed
+# none - nothing is compressed.
+internode_compression: all
+# Enable or disable tcp_nodelay for inter-dc communication.
+# Disabling it will result in larger (but fewer) network packets being sent,
+# reducing overhead from the TCP protocol itself, at the cost of increasing
+# latency if you block for cross-datacenter responses.
+inter_dc_tcp_nodelay: false
+# TTL for different trace types used during logging of the repair process.
+tracetype_query_ttl: 86400
+tracetype_repair_ttl: 604800
+# By default, Cassandra logs GC Pauses greater than 200 ms at INFO level
+# This threshold can be adjusted to minimize logging if necessary
+# gc_log_threshold_in_ms: 200
+# GC Pauses greater than gc_warn_threshold_in_ms will be logged at WARN level
+# If unset, all GC Pauses greater than gc_log_threshold_in_ms will log at
+# INFO level
+# Adjust the threshold based on your application throughput requirement
+gc_warn_threshold_in_ms: 1000
+# UDFs (user defined functions) are disabled by default.
+# As of Cassandra 3.0 there is a sandbox in place that should prevent execution of evil code.
+enable_user_defined_functions: false
+# Enables scripted UDFs (JavaScript UDFs).
+# Java UDFs are always enabled, if enable_user_defined_functions is true.
+# Enable this option to be able to use UDFs with "language javascript" or any custom JSR-223 provider.
+# This option has no effect, if enable_user_defined_functions is false.
+enable_scripted_user_defined_functions: false
+# The default Windows kernel timer and scheduling resolution is 15.6ms for power conservation.
+# Lowering this value on Windows can provide much tighter latency and better throughput, however
+# some virtualized environments may see a negative performance impact from changing this setting
+# below their system default. The sysinternals 'clockres' tool can confirm your system's default
+# setting.
+windows_timer_interval: 1
+# Maximum size of any value in SSTables. Safety measure to detect SSTable corruption
+# early. Any value size larger than this threshold will result into marking an SSTable
+# as corrupted. This should be positive and less than 2048.
+# max_value_size_in_mb: 256
+# Coalescing Strategies #
+# Coalescing multiples messages turns out to significantly boost message processing throughput (think doubling or more).
+# On bare metal, the floor for packet processing throughput is high enough that many applications won't notice, but in
+# virtualized environments, the point at which an application can be bound by network packet processing can be
+# surprisingly low compared to the throughput of task processing that is possible inside a VM. It's not that bare metal
+# doesn't benefit from coalescing messages, it's that the number of packets a bare metal network interface can process
+# is sufficient for many applications such that no load starvation is experienced even without coalescing.
+# There are other benefits to coalescing network messages that are harder to isolate with a simple metric like messages
+# per second. By coalescing multiple tasks together, a network thread can process multiple messages for the cost of one
+# trip to read from a socket, and all the task submission work can be done at the same time reducing context switching
+# and increasing cache friendliness of network message processing.
+# See CASSANDRA-8692 for details.
+# Strategy to use for coalescing messages in OutboundTcpConnection.
+# Can be fixed, movingaverage, timehorizon (default), disabled.
+# You can also specify a subclass of CoalescingStrategies.CoalescingStrategy by name.
+# otc_coalescing_strategy: TIMEHORIZON
+# How many microseconds to wait for coalescing. For fixed strategy this is the amount of time after the first
+# message is received before it will be sent with any accompanying messages. For moving average this is the
+# maximum amount of time that will be waited as well as the interval at which messages must arrive on average
+# for coalescing to be enabled.
+# otc_coalescing_window_us: 200
+# Do not try to coalesce messages if we already got that many messages. This should be more than 2 and less than 128.
+# otc_coalescing_enough_coalesced_messages: 8
+# How many milliseconds to wait between two expiration runs on the backlog (queue) of the OutboundTcpConnection.
+# Expiration is done if messages are piling up in the backlog. Droppable messages are expired to free the memory
+# taken by expired messages. The interval should be between 0 and 1000, and in most installations the default value
+# will be appropriate. A smaller value could potentially expire messages slightly sooner at the expense of more CPU
+# time and queue contention while iterating the backlog of messages.
+# An interval of 0 disables any wait time, which is the behavior of former Cassandra versions.
+# otc_backlog_expiration_interval_ms: 200
diff --git a/music-rest/distribution/cassandra/docker-entrypoint.sh b/music-rest/distribution/cassandra/docker-entrypoint.sh
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..34825bd2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/music-rest/distribution/cassandra/docker-entrypoint.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
+set -e
+# first arg is `-f` or `--some-option`
+# or there are no args
+if [ "$#" -eq 0 ] || [ "${1#-}" != "$1" ]; then
+ set -- cassandra -f "$@"
+# allow the container to be started with `--user`
+if [ "$1" = 'cassandra' -a "$(id -u)" = '0' ]; then
+ chown -R cassandra /var/lib/cassandra /var/log/cassandra "$CASSANDRA_CONFIG"
+ exec gosu cassandra "$BASH_SOURCE" "$@"
+_ip_address() {
+ # scrape the first non-localhost IP address of the container
+ # in Swarm Mode, we often get two IPs -- the container IP, and the (shared) VIP, and the container IP should always be first
+ ip address | awk '
+ $1 == "inet" && $NF != "lo" {
+ gsub(/\/.+$/, "", $2)
+ print $2
+ exit
+ }
+ '
+if [ "$1" = 'cassandra' ]; then
+ if [ "$CASSANDRA_LISTEN_ADDRESS" = 'auto' ]; then
+ fi
+echo "#############################################"
+echo "############## Update music.cql #############"
+echo "#############################################"
+ if [ "$CASSANDRA_BROADCAST_ADDRESS" = 'auto' ]; then
+ fi
+ if [ "${MUSIC_REPLICATION_FACTOR}" ]; then
+ fi
+echo "#############################################"
+echo "############## Update music.cql #############"
+echo "#############################################"
+for f in /docker-entrypoint-initdb.d/a_music.cql; do
+ if [ "${MUSIC_REPLICATION_CLASS}" ]; then
+ fi
+ if [ "${MUSIC_REPLICATION_FACTOR}" ]; then
+ fi
+echo "#############################################"
+echo "######Updating username and password #######"
+echo "#############################################"
+for f in /docker-entrypoint-initdb.d/b_pw.cql; do
+ if [ "${CASSUSER}" ]; then
+ sed -ri 's/CASSUSER/'${CASSUSER}'/' "$f"
+ fi
+ if [ "${CASSPASS}" ]; then
+ sed -ri 's/CASSPASS/'${CASSPASS}'/' "$f"
+ fi
+echo "#############################################"
+echo "############## Let run cql's ################"
+echo "#############################################"
+for f in /docker-entrypoint-initdb.d/*; do
+ case "$f" in
+ *zzz*.cql)
+ echo "$0: running $f" && until $AM && cqlsh -u ${CASSUSER} -p ${CASSPASS} -f "$f";
+ do >&2 echo "Cassandra is unavailable - sleeping [${f}] $C";let C=C+1; sleep 5; done & ;;
+ *a_music.cql)
+ echo "$0: running $f" && until $PW && cqlsh -u ${CASSUSER} -p ${CASSPASS} -f "$f" && AM=true;
+ do >&2 echo "Cassandra is unavailable - sleeping [${f}] $D";let D=D+1; sleep 5; done & ;;
+ *b_pw.cql)
+ echo "$0: running $f" && until cqlsh -u cassandra -p cassandra -f "$f" && PW=true;
+ do >&2 echo "Cassandra is unavailable - sleeping [${f}] $E";let E=E+1; sleep 5; done & ;;
+ *) echo "$0: ignoring $f" ;;
+ esac
+ echo
+echo "#############################################"
+echo "########### Running Password CQL ############"
+echo "#############################################"
+#echo "$0: running $f" &&
+#until cqlsh -u cassandra -p cassandra -f /pw.cql;
+#do >&2 echo "Cassandra is unavailable - sleeping"; sleep 10; done
+echo "#############################################"
+echo "########### Cassandra Running ###############"
+echo "#############################################"
+exec "$@" \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/music-rest/distribution/cassandra_job/Dockerfile b/music-rest/distribution/cassandra_job/Dockerfile
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..937afdee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/music-rest/distribution/cassandra_job/Dockerfile
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+# ============LICENSE_START==========================================
+# org.onap.music
+# ===================================================================
+# Copyright (c) 2019 AT&T Intellectual Property
+# ===================================================================
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# ============LICENSE_END=============================================
+# ====================================================================
+FROM library/cassandra:3.11
+ENV DEF_USER=cassandra
+ENV DEF_PASS=cassandra
+COPY runcql.sh /
+RUN mkdir -p cql/extra && \
+ chmod 755 runcql.sh && \
+ chown cassandra runcql.sh
+CMD ["/runcql.sh"]
diff --git a/music-rest/distribution/cassandra_job/admin.cql b/music-rest/distribution/cassandra_job/admin.cql
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..904a2bab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/music-rest/distribution/cassandra_job/admin.cql
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+ 'class' : 'SimpleStrategy',
+ 'replication_factor': 1
+ }
+CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS admin.keyspace_master (
+ uuid uuid,
+ keyspace_name text,
+ application_name text,
+ is_api boolean,
+ password text,
+ username text,
+ is_aaf boolean,
+ PRIMARY KEY (uuid)
diff --git a/music-rest/distribution/cassandra_job/admin_pw.cql b/music-rest/distribution/cassandra_job/admin_pw.cql
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..bbad8d1d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/music-rest/distribution/cassandra_job/admin_pw.cql
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+ALTER ROLE cassandra WITH PASSWORD = 'SomeLongRandomStringNoonewillthinkof';
diff --git a/music-rest/distribution/cassandra_job/runcql.sh b/music-rest/distribution/cassandra_job/runcql.sh
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..89396bfc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/music-rest/distribution/cassandra_job/runcql.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+#! /bin/bash
+# ============LICENSE_START==========================================
+# org.onap.music
+# ===================================================================
+# Copyright (c) 2019 AT&T Intellectual Property
+# ===================================================================
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# ============LICENSE_END=============================================
+# ====================================================================
+if [ -z "$TIMEOUT" ]; then
+if [ -z "$DELAY" ]; then
+ DELAY=60;
+if [ $CASS_HOSTNAME ]; then
+ echo "Sleeping for $DELAY seconds before running cql";
+ sleep $DELAY;
+ >&2 echo "#############################################"
+ >&2 echo "############## Let run cql's ################"
+ >&2 echo "#############################################"
+ >&2 echo "Current Variables in play"
+ >&2 echo "Default User"
+ >&2 echo "DEF_USER="$DEF_USER
+ >&2 echo "DEF_PASS=***********"
+ >&2 echo "New User"
+ >&2 echo "PASSWORD=***********"
+ >&2 echo "TIMEOUT="$TIMEOUT
+ >&2 echo "Running cqlsh $TO -u cassandra -p cassandra -e \"describe keyspaces;\" ${CASS_HOSTNAME} ${PORT};"
+ if cqlsh $TO -u cassandra -p cassandra -e "describe keyspaces;" ${CASS_HOSTNAME} ${PORT};
+ then
+ >&2 echo "Cassandra user still avalable, will continue as usual";
+ else
+ >&2 echo "$DEF_USER failed, trying with $USERNAME"
+ if cqlsh $TO -u $USERNAME -p $PASSWORD -e "describe keyspaces;" ${CASS_HOSTNAME} ${PORT};
+ then
+ >&2 echo "Password $USERNAME in play, update Variables"
+ >&2 echo "DEF_USER="$DEF_USER
+ >&2 echo "DEF_PASS=***********"
+ if cqlsh $TO -u $USERNAME -p $PASSWORD -e "describe keyspaces;" ${CASS_HOSTNAME} ${PORT} | grep admin;
+ then
+ >&2 echo "Admin table exists, everything looks good"
+ exit 0;
+ else
+ >&2 echo "Admin does not exists but password has changed. Continue as usual with proper username set"
+ >&2 echo "DEF_USER=" $DEF_USER
+ fi
+ else
+ if [ $CASSFAIL ]; then
+ >&2 echo "$DEF_USER and $USERNAME fail. DB might need to be initialized again. This shouldn't have happend."
+ exit 1;
+ else
+ >&2 echo "Continue and as usual"
+ fi
+ fi
+ fi
+ >&2 echo "Running admin.cql file:"
+ >&2 echo "Running cqlsh -u $DEF_USER -p $DEF_PASS -f /cql/admin.cql ${CASS_HOSTNAME} ${PORT}"
+ sleep 1;
+ if cqlsh $TO -u $DEF_USER -p $DEF_PASS -f /cql/admin.cql ${CASS_HOSTNAME} ${PORT};
+ then
+ >&2 echo "Success - admin.cql - Admin keyspace created";
+ else
+ >&2 echo "Failure - admin.cql";
+ exit 0;
+ fi
+ >&2 echo "Running admin_pw.cql file:"
+ >&2 echo "Running cqlsh -u $DEF_USER -p $DEF_PASS -f /cql/admin_pw.cql ${CASS_HOSTNAME} ${PORT}"
+ sleep 1;
+ if cqlsh $TO -u $DEF_USER -p $DEF_PASS -f /cql/admin_pw.cql ${CASS_HOSTNAME} ${PORT};
+ then
+ >&2 echo "Success - admin_pw.cql - Password Changed";
+ else
+ >&2 echo "Failure - admin_pw.cql";
+ exit 0;
+ fi
+ >&2 echo "Running Test - look for admin keyspace:"
+ >&2 echo "Running cqlsh -u $USERNAME -p $PASSWORD -e "select * from system_auth.roles;" ${CASS_HOSTNAME} ${PORT}"
+ sleep 1;
+ if cqlsh $TO -u $USERNAME -p $PASSWORD -e "select * from system_auth.roles;" ${CASS_HOSTNAME} ${PORT}
+ then
+ >&2 echo "Success - running test";
+ else
+ >&2 echo "Failure - running test";
+ exit 0;
+ fi
+ >&2 echo "Missing CASS_HOSTNAME";
+ exit 0;
diff --git a/music-rest/distribution/cassandra_job/test.cql b/music-rest/distribution/cassandra_job/test.cql
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..196fea22
--- /dev/null
+++ b/music-rest/distribution/cassandra_job/test.cql
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+DESCRIBE keyspaces;
diff --git a/music-rest/distribution/music/Dockerfile b/music-rest/distribution/music/Dockerfile
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9868ceee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/music-rest/distribution/music/Dockerfile
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+# ============LICENSE_START==========================================
+# org.onap.music
+# ===================================================================
+# Copyright (c) 2019 AT&T Intellectual Property
+# ===================================================================
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# ============LICENSE_END=============================================
+# ====================================================================
+FROM openjdk:8
+LABEL purpose="Springboot for MUSIC"
+RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y netcat telnet vim vim-common curl
+RUN groupadd --gid 1000 music && useradd --gid 1000 --uid 1000 music
+RUN mkdir -p /opt/app/music/logs/MUSIC
+COPY MUSIC-SB.jar /opt/app/music
+COPY startup.sh /opt/app/music
+RUN mkdir -p /opt/app/music/logs && \
+ mkdir -p /opt/app/music/etc && \
+ chown -R music:music /opt/app/music/ && \
+ chmod 755 /opt/app/music/startup.sh
+USER music:music
+WORKDIR /opt/app/music
+CMD ["/opt/app/music/startup.sh"]
diff --git a/music-rest/distribution/music/startup.sh b/music-rest/distribution/music/startup.sh
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2e1165d1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/music-rest/distribution/music/startup.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+# ============LICENSE_START==========================================
+# org.onap.music
+# ===================================================================
+# Copyright (c) 2019 AT&T Intellectual Property
+# ===================================================================
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# ============LICENSE_END=============================================
+# ====================================================================
+echo "Running startup script to get password from certman"
+# Debug Setup. Uses env variables
+# DEBUG=true/false | DEBUG_PORT=<Port valie must be integer>
+if [ "${DEBUG}" == "true" ]; then
+ if [ "${DEBUG_PORT}" == "" ]; then
+ fi
+ echo "Debug mode on"
+ DEBUG_PROP="-Xdebug -Xrunjdwp:server=y,transport=dt_socket,address=${DEBUG_PORT},suspend=n"
+# LOGBACK file: if /opt/app/music/etc/logback.xml exists thenuse that.
+if [ -f $LOGBACK ]; then
+ LOGGING="--logging.config=file:${LOGBACK}"
+# Get Passwords from /opt/app/aafcertman
+if [ -f $PWFILE ]; then
+ echo "Found ${PWFILE}" >> $LOGFILE
+ echo "#### Using Password from ${PWFILE} for Certs" >> ${LOGFILE}
+ PASSWORD=changeit
+ echo "#### Using Default Password for Certs" >> ${LOGFILE}
+# If music-sb.properties exists in /opt/app/music/etc then use that to override the application.properties
+if [ -f $PROPS ]; then
+ # Run with different Property file
+ #echo "java ${DEBUG_PROP} -jar MUSIC.jar --spring.config.location=file:${PROPS} ${LOGGING} 2>&1 | tee ${LOGFILE}"
+ java ${DEBUG_PROP} -jar MUSIC-SB.jar --spring.config.location=file:${PROPS} ${LOGGING} 2>&1 | tee ${LOGFILE}
+ #echo "java ${DEBUG_PROP} -jar MUSIC.jar --server.ssl.key-store-password=${PASSWORD} ${LOGGING} 2>&1 | tee ${LOGFILE}"
+ java ${DEBUG_PROP} -jar MUSIC-SB.jar --server.ssl.key-store-password="${PASSWORD}" ${LOGGING} 2>&1 | tee ${LOGFILE}