path: root/vagrant/playbooks
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'vagrant/playbooks')
12 files changed, 0 insertions, 964 deletions
diff --git a/vagrant/playbooks/Debian.yml b/vagrant/playbooks/Debian.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 96357fe2..00000000
--- a/vagrant/playbooks/Debian.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-# SPDX-license-identifier: Apache-2.0
-# Copyright (c) 2018
-# All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
-# are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0
-# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
-openvswitch_service: openvswitch-switch
- - openvswitch-common
- - openvswitch-switch
- - libopenvswitch
- - openvswitch-datapath-dkms
-ovn_central_service: ovn-central
- - ovn-central # <= 2.8.1-1
-ovn_controller_service: ovn-host
- - ovn-common # <= 2.8.1-1
- - ovn-host
diff --git a/vagrant/playbooks/RedHat.yml b/vagrant/playbooks/RedHat.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index fe839bbd..00000000
--- a/vagrant/playbooks/RedHat.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-# SPDX-license-identifier: Apache-2.0
-# Copyright (c) 2018
-# All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
-# are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0
-# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
- - openvswitch
-ovn_central_service: ovn-central
- - ovn-central # <= 2.8.1-1
-ovn_controller_service: ovn-host
- - ovn-common # <= 2.8.1-1
- - ovn-host
diff --git a/vagrant/playbooks/Suse.yml b/vagrant/playbooks/Suse.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 17d1147c..00000000
--- a/vagrant/playbooks/Suse.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-# SPDX-license-identifier: Apache-2.0
-# Copyright (c) 2018
-# All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
-# are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0
-# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
- - openvswitch
- - openvswitch-switch
-ovn_central_service: ovn-central
- - ovn-central # <= 2.8.1-1
-ovn_controller_service: ovn-host
- - ovn-common # <= 2.8.1-1
- - ovn-host
diff --git a/vagrant/playbooks/configure-istio.yml b/vagrant/playbooks/configure-istio.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 2bd4e853..00000000
--- a/vagrant/playbooks/configure-istio.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
-# SPDX-license-identifier: Apache-2.0
-# Copyright (c) 2018
-# All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
-# are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0
-# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
-- hosts: localhost
- pre_tasks:
- - name: Load krd variables
- include_vars:
- file: krd-vars.yml
- roles:
- - role: andrewrothstein.kubectl
- kubectl_ver: "v{{ kubectl_version }}"
- - role: andrewrothstein.kubernetes-helm
- kubernetes_helm_ver: "v{{ helm_client_version }}"
- tasks:
- - name: create istio folder
- file:
- state: directory
- path: "{{ istio_dest }}"
- - name: getting istio CRDs
- block:
- - name: download istio tarball
- get_url:
- url: "{{ istio_url }}"
- dest: "/tmp/istio.tar.gz"
- - name: extract istio source code
- unarchive:
- src: "/tmp/istio.tar.gz"
- dest: "{{ istio_dest }}"
- remote_src: yes
- - name: copy istioctl binary to usr/local/bin folder
- become: yes
- command: "mv {{ istio_dest }}/istio-{{ istio_version }}/bin/istioctl /usr/local/bin/"
- when: istio_source_type == "tarball"
- - name: create network objects
- shell: "/usr/local/bin/kubectl apply -f {{ istio_dest }}/istio-{{ istio_version }}/install/kubernetes/helm/istio/templates/crds.yaml"
- - name: render istio's core components
- shell: "/usr/local/bin/helm template {{ istio_dest }}/istio-{{ istio_version }}/install/kubernetes/helm/istio --name istio --namespace istio-system > /tmp/istio.yaml"
- - name: create istio manifest
- shell: "/usr/local/bin/kubectl create namespace istio-system"
- ignore_errors: True
- - name: install the components via the manifest
- shell: "/usr/local/bin/kubectl apply -f /tmp/istio.yaml"
- ignore_errors: True
diff --git a/vagrant/playbooks/configure-krd.yml b/vagrant/playbooks/configure-krd.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 22e6419f..00000000
--- a/vagrant/playbooks/configure-krd.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-# SPDX-license-identifier: Apache-2.0
-# Copyright (c) 2018
-# All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
-# are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0
-# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
-- hosts: kube-node
- become: yes
- tasks:
- - name: copy admin.conf file to kube-nodes
- copy:
- src: "{{ lookup('env','krd_inventory_folder') }}/artifacts/admin.conf"
- dest: "/etc/kubernetes/admin.conf"
diff --git a/vagrant/playbooks/configure-multus.yml b/vagrant/playbooks/configure-multus.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 23fe546a..00000000
--- a/vagrant/playbooks/configure-multus.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,120 +0,0 @@
-# SPDX-license-identifier: Apache-2.0
-# Copyright (c) 2018
-# All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
-# are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0
-# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
-- hosts: kube-node
- become: yes
- pre_tasks:
- - name: Load krd variables
- include_vars:
- file: krd-vars.yml
- roles:
- - role: andrewrothstein.go
- go_ver: "{{ go_version }}"
- when: multus_source_type == "source"
- environment:
- PATH: "{{ ansible_env.PATH }}:/usr/local/go/bin/"
- tasks:
- - name: create multus binary folder
- file:
- state: directory
- path: "{{ item }}"
- with_items:
- - /opt/cni/bin
- - "{{ multus_dest }}"
- - name: getting source code
- block:
- - name: clone Multus repo
- git:
- repo: "{{ multus_url }}"
- dest: "{{ multus_dest }}"
- version: "{{ multus_version }}"
- force: yes
- - name: build multus source code
- command: ./build
- args:
- chdir: "{{ multus_dest }}"
- - name: copy multus binary to opt folder
- command: "mv {{ multus_dest }}/bin/multus /opt/cni/bin/multus"
- when: multus_source_type == "source"
- - name: getting binary
- block:
- - name: download Multus tarball
- get_url:
- url: "{{ multus_url }}"
- dest: "/tmp/multus.tar.gz"
- - name: extract multus source code
- unarchive:
- src: "/tmp/multus.tar.gz"
- dest: "{{ multus_dest }}"
- remote_src: yes
- - name: copy multus binary to opt folder
- command: "mv {{ multus_dest }}/multus-cni_v{{ multus_version }}_linux_amd64/multus-cni /opt/cni/bin/multus"
- when: multus_source_type == "tarball"
- - name: create multus configuration file
- blockinfile:
- marker: ""
- path: /etc/cni/net.d/00-multus.conf
- create: yes
- block: |
- {
- "type": "multus",
- "name": "multus-cni",
- "cniVersion": "0.3.1",
- "kubeconfig": "/etc/kubernetes/admin.conf",
- "delegates": [
- {
- "type": "flannel",
- "cniVersion": "0.3.1",
- "masterplugin": true,
- "delegate": {
- "isDefaultGateway": true
- }
- }
- ]
- }
-- hosts: localhost
- pre_tasks:
- - name: Load krd variables
- include_vars:
- file: krd-vars.yml
- roles:
- - role: andrewrothstein.kubectl
- kubectl_ver: "v{{ kubectl_version }}"
- tasks:
- - name: define a CRD network object specification
- blockinfile:
- path: /tmp/crdnetwork.yml
- create: yes
- block: |
- apiVersion:
- kind: CustomResourceDefinition
- metadata:
- name:
- spec:
- group:
- version: v1
- scope: Namespaced
- names:
- plural: network-attachment-definitions
- singular: network-attachment-definition
- kind: NetworkAttachmentDefinition
- shortNames:
- - net-attach-def
- validation:
- openAPIV3Schema:
- properties:
- spec:
- properties:
- config:
- type: string
- - name: create network objects
- shell: "/usr/local/bin/kubectl apply -f /tmp/crdnetwork.yml"
- ignore_errors: True
diff --git a/vagrant/playbooks/configure-nfd.yml b/vagrant/playbooks/configure-nfd.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index d47a7bcc..00000000
--- a/vagrant/playbooks/configure-nfd.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
-# SPDX-license-identifier: Apache-2.0
-# Copyright (c) 2018
-# All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
-# are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0
-# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
-- hosts: kube-node
- tasks:
- - name: Load krd variables
- include_vars:
- file: krd-vars.yml
- - name: clone NFD repo
- git:
- repo: "{{ nfd_url }}"
- dest: "{{ nfd_dest }}"
- version: "{{ nfd_version }}"
- force: yes
- when: nfd_source_type == "source"
- - name: build NFD image
- become: yes
- make:
- chdir: "{{ nfd_dest }}"
- - name: get NDF image name
- become: yes
- shell: "docker images | grep kubernetes_incubator | awk '{printf(\"%s:%s\\n\", $1,$2)}'"
- register: nfd_image
- - name: replace NFD image name
- lineinfile:
- path: "{{ nfd_dest }}/node-feature-discovery-{{ item }}.json.template"
- regexp: "\"image\": \"*i"
- line: "\"image\": \"{{ nfd_image.stdout }}\","
- with_items:
- - daemonset
- - job
- - name: copying rbac and daemonset files
- fetch:
- src: "{{ nfd_dest }}/{{ item }}"
- dest: "/tmp/"
- flat: yes
- with_items:
- - rbac.yaml
- - node-feature-discovery-daemonset.json.template
-- hosts: localhost
- pre_tasks:
- - name: Load krd variables
- include_vars:
- file: krd-vars.yml
- roles:
- - role: andrewrothstein.kubectl
- kubectl_ver: "v{{ kubectl_version }}"
- tasks:
- - name: create service accounts
- command: "/usr/local/bin/kubectl apply -f /tmp/{{ item }}"
- with_items:
- - rbac.yaml
- - node-feature-discovery-daemonset.json.template
diff --git a/vagrant/playbooks/configure-ovn-kubernetes.yml b/vagrant/playbooks/configure-ovn-kubernetes.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index e3042ff4..00000000
--- a/vagrant/playbooks/configure-ovn-kubernetes.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,136 +0,0 @@
-# SPDX-license-identifier: Apache-2.0
-# Copyright (c) 2018
-# All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
-# are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0
-# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
-- import_playbook: configure-ovn.yml
-- hosts: ovn-central:ovn-controller
- vars:
- central_node_ip: "{{ hostvars[groups['ovn-central'][0]]['ansible_ssh_host'] }}"
- environment:
- PATH: "{{ ansible_env.PATH }}:/usr/local/go/bin/"
- pre_tasks:
- - name: Load krd variables
- include_vars:
- file: krd-vars.yml
- roles:
- - role: andrewrothstein.go
- go_ver: "{{ go_version }}"
- tasks:
- - name: Load krd variables
- include_vars:
- file: krd-vars.yml
- - name: clone ovn-kubernetes repo
- git:
- repo: "{{ ovn_kubernetes_url }}"
- dest: "{{ ovn_kubernetes_dest }}"
- version: "{{ ovn_kubernetes_version }}"
- force: yes
- when: ovn_kubernetes_source_type == "source"
- - name: getting binaries
- block:
- - name: download ovn-kubernetes tarball
- get_url:
- url: "{{ ovn_kubernetes_url }}"
- dest: /tmp/ovn-kubernetes.tar.gz
- - name: extract ovn-kubernetes source code
- unarchive:
- src: /tmp/ovn-kubernetes.tar.gz
- dest: /tmp/
- remote_src: yes
- - name: rename extracted folder
- command: "mv /tmp/ovn-kubernetes-{{ ovn_kubernetes_version }}/ {{ ovn_kubernetes_dest }}/"
- when: ovn_kubernetes_source_type == "tarball"
- - name: make ovnkube files
- make:
- chdir: "{{ ovn_kubernetes_dest }}/go-controller"
- - name: install ovnkube files
- make:
- chdir: "{{ ovn_kubernetes_dest }}/go-controller"
- target: install
- become: yes
- - name: create OVN Kubernetes config file
- become: yes
- blockinfile:
- path: /etc/openvswitch/ovn_k8s.conf
- create: yes
- block: |
- [logging]
- loglevel=5
- logfile=/var/log/openvswitch/ovnkube.log
- [cni]
- conf-dir=/etc/cni/net.d
- plugin=ovn-k8s-cni-overlay
- - name: create ovnkube logging directory
- file:
- path: /var/log/openvswitch
- state: directory
-- hosts: ovn-central
- become: yes
- vars:
- central_node_ip: "{{ hostvars[groups['ovn-central'][0]]['ansible_ssh_host'] }}"
- tasks:
- - name: create ovnkube central systemd service
- blockinfile:
- path: /etc/systemd/system/ovn-k8s-central.service
- create: yes
- block: |
- [Unit]
- Description=OVN Central Daemon
- [Service]
- ExecStart=/usr/bin/ovnkube \
- -net-controller \
- -init-master="{{ ansible_hostname }}" \
- -init-node="{{ ansible_hostname }}" \
- -nodeport \
- -k8s-kubeconfig=/etc/kubernetes/admin.conf \
- -k8s-token="test" \
- -nb-address="tcp://{{ central_node_ip }}:6641" \
- -sb-address="tcp://{{ central_node_ip }}:6642"
- [Install]
- - name: start ovnkube central systemd service
- service:
- name: ovn-k8s-central
- state: started
- enabled: yes
-- hosts: ovn-controller
- become: yes
- vars:
- central_node_ip: "{{ hostvars[groups['ovn-central'][0]]['ansible_ssh_host'] }}"
- tasks:
- - name: create ovnkube controller systemd service
- blockinfile:
- path: /etc/systemd/system/ovn-k8s-host.service
- create: yes
- block: |
- [Unit]
- Description=OVN Controller Daemon
- [Service]
- ExecStart=/usr/bin/ovnkube \
- -init-gateways \
- -init-node="{{ ansible_hostname }}" \
- -nodeport \
- -k8s-kubeconfig=/etc/kubernetes/admin.conf \
- -k8s-token="test" \
- -nb-address="tcp://{{ central_node_ip }}:6641" \
- -sb-address="tcp://{{ central_node_ip }}:6642"
- [Install]
- - name: start ovnkube controller systemd service
- service:
- name: ovn-k8s-host
- state: started
- enabled: yes
diff --git a/vagrant/playbooks/configure-ovn.yml b/vagrant/playbooks/configure-ovn.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 3fd2c765..00000000
--- a/vagrant/playbooks/configure-ovn.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,109 +0,0 @@
-# SPDX-license-identifier: Apache-2.0
-# Copyright (c) 2018
-# All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
-# are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0
-# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
-- hosts: ovn-central:ovn-controller
- become: yes
- tasks:
- - name: Load distribution variables
- include_vars:
- file: "{{ item }}"
- with_items:
- - "{{ ansible_os_family }}.yml"
- - name: get Wand GPI files
- get_url:
- url:
- dest: /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/wand.gpg
- - name: add WAND Debian Repo
- apt_repository:
- repo: "deb {{ ansible_lsb.codename }} main"
- state: present
- - name: install OpenVSwitch packages
- package:
- name: "{{ item }}"
- state: present
- with_items: "{{ openvswitch_pkgs }}"
- - name: install Open Virtual Network components
- package:
- name: "{{ item }}"
- state: present
- with_items: "{{ ovn_pkgs }}"
- - name: start OpenVSwitch services
- service:
- name: "{{ openvswitch_service }}"
- state: started
-- hosts: ovn-central
- become: yes
- tasks:
- - name: Load distribution variables
- include_vars:
- file: "{{ item }}"
- with_items:
- - "{{ ansible_os_family }}.yml"
- - name: install Open Virtual Network central components
- package:
- name: "{{ item }}"
- state: present
- with_items: "{{ ovn_central_pkgs }}"
- - name: enable remote connections to southbound and northbound dbs
- lineinfile:
- path: /etc/default/ovn-central
- line: "OVN_CTL_OPTS=\" --db-sb-create-insecure-remote=yes --db-nb-create-insecure-remote=yes\""
- state: present
- when: ansible_os_family == "Debian"
- - name: start OVN northbound database services
- service:
- name: "{{ ovn_central_service }}"
- state: restarted
-- hosts: ovn-controller
- become: yes
- vars:
- ovn_central_ips: "{{ groups['ovn-central'] | map('extract', hostvars, ['ansible_ssh_host']) | join(',') }}"
- tasks:
- - name: Load distribution variables
- include_vars:
- file: "{{ item }}"
- with_items:
- - "{{ ansible_os_family }}.yml"
- - name: stop the ovn-controller service
- service:
- name: "{{ ovn_controller_service }}"
- state: stopped
- - name: configure OpenVSwitch databases
- openvswitch_db:
- table: Open_vSwitch
- record: .
- col: external_ids
- key: ovn-remote
- value: \""tcp:{{ item }}:6642"\"
- with_items: "{{ ovn_central_ips }}"
- - name: enable overlay network protocols
- openvswitch_db:
- table: Open_vSwitch
- record: .
- col: external_ids
- key: ovn-encap-type
- value: geneve
- - name: configure the overlay network local endpoint IP address.
- openvswitch_db:
- table: Open_vSwitch
- record: .
- col: external_ids
- key: ovn-encap-ip
- value: "{{ ansible_default_ipv4.address }}"
- - name: start the ovn-controller service
- service:
- name: "{{ ovn_controller_service }}"
- state: started
- - name: ensuring that br-int bridge exists
- openvswitch_bridge:
- bridge: br-int
- state: present
- fail_mode: secure
diff --git a/vagrant/playbooks/configure-ovn4nfv.yml b/vagrant/playbooks/configure-ovn4nfv.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index c864b8c3..00000000
--- a/vagrant/playbooks/configure-ovn4nfv.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,98 +0,0 @@
-# SPDX-license-identifier: Apache-2.0
-# Copyright (c) 2018
-# All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
-# are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0
-# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
-- import_playbook: configure-ovn.yml
-- import_playbook: configure-multus.yml
-- hosts: kube-master:kube-node
- environment:
- PATH: "{{ ansible_env.PATH }}:/usr/local/go/bin/"
- roles:
- - role: andrewrothstein.go
- tasks:
- - name: Load krd variables
- include_vars:
- file: krd-vars.yml
- - name: clone ovn4nfv-k8s-plugin repo
- git:
- repo: "{{ ovn4nfv_url }}"
- dest: "{{ ovn4nfv_dest }}"
- version: "{{ ovn4nfv_version }}"
- force: yes
- when: ovn4nfv_source_type == "source"
- - name: clean ovn4nfvk8s left over files
- make:
- chdir: "{{ ovn4nfv_dest }}"
- target: clean
- - name: build ovn4nfvk8s-cni
- make:
- chdir: "{{ ovn4nfv_dest }}"
- target: ovn4nfvk8s-cni
- become: yes
- environment:
- GOPATH: "{{ go_path }}"
- - name: copy ovn4nfvk8s-cni to cni folder
- command: "mv {{ ovn4nfv_dest }}/ovn4nfvk8s-cni /opt/cni/bin/ovn4nfvk8s-cni"
- become: yes
- - name: create ovn4k8s config file
- become: yes
- blockinfile:
- path: /etc/openvswitch/ovn4nfv_k8s.conf
- create: yes
- block: |
- [logging]
- loglevel=5
- logfile=/var/log/openvswitch/ovn4k8s.log
- [cni]
- conf-dir=/etc/cni/net.d
- plugin=ovn4nfvk8s-cni
- [kubernetes]
- kubeconfig=/etc/kubernetes/admin.conf
- - name: create ovnkube logging directory
- file:
- path: /var/log/openvswitch
- state: directory
-- hosts: kube-master
- environment:
- PATH: "{{ ansible_env.PATH }}:/usr/local/go/bin/"
- become: yes
- tasks:
- - name: Load krd variables
- include_vars:
- file: krd-vars.yml
- - name: build ovn4nfvk8s
- make:
- chdir: "{{ ovn4nfv_dest }}"
- target: ovn4nfvk8s
- environment:
- GOPATH: "{{ go_path }}"
- - name: copy ovn4nfvk8s to /usr/bin folder
- command: "mv {{ ovn4nfv_dest }}/ovn4nfvk8s /usr/bin/ovn4nfvk8s"
- - name: create ovn4nfvk8s systemd service
- blockinfile:
- path: /etc/systemd/system/ovn4nfvk8s.service
- create: yes
- block: |
- [Unit]
- Description=OVN4NFV Kubernetes Daemon
- [Service]
- ExecStart=/usr/bin/ovn4nfvk8s \
- -k8s-kubeconfig=/etc/kubernetes/admin.conf
- [Install]
- - name: start ovn4nfvk8s systemd service
- service:
- name: ovn4nfvk8s
- state: started
- enabled: yes
diff --git a/vagrant/playbooks/configure-virtlet.yml b/vagrant/playbooks/configure-virtlet.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 44c87a48..00000000
--- a/vagrant/playbooks/configure-virtlet.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,250 +0,0 @@
-# SPDX-license-identifier: Apache-2.0
-# Copyright (c) 2018
-# All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
-# are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0
-# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
-- hosts: localhost
- vars:
- images_file: /tmp/images.yaml
- pre_tasks:
- - name: Load krd variables
- include_vars:
- file: krd-vars.yml
- roles:
- - role: andrewrothstein.kubectl
- kubectl_ver: "v{{ kubectl_version }}"
- - role: geerlingguy.docker
- when: virtlet_source_type == "source"
- tasks:
- - name: create Virtlet binary folder
- file:
- state: directory
- path: "{{ virtlet_dest }}"
- - name: apply virtlet extraRuntime label
- command: "/usr/local/bin/kubectl label node {{ item }} extraRuntime=virtlet --overwrite"
- with_inventory_hostnames: virtlet
- - name: create image translations confimap file
- blockinfile:
- path: "{{ images_file }}"
- create: yes
- block: |
- translations:
- - name: ubuntu/14.04
- url:
- - name: ubuntu/16.04
- url:
- - name: ubuntu/18.04
- url:
- - regexp: 'centos/(\d+)-(\d+)'
- url: '$1/images/CentOS-$1-x86_64-GenericCloud-$2.qcow2'
- - name: fedora
- url:
- {% if lookup('env','http_proxy') != "" %}
- transports:
- "":
- proxy: "{{ lookup('env','http_proxy') }}"
- {% endif %}
- - name: install image translations configmap
- shell: "/usr/local/bin/kubectl create configmap -n kube-system virtlet-image-translations --from-file {{ images_file }} --dry-run -o yaml | /usr/local/bin/kubectl apply -f -"
- ignore_errors: True
- - name: create Virtlet folder
- file:
- state: directory
- path: "{{ virtlet_dest }}"
- - name: getting source code
- block:
- - name: clone Virtlet repo
- git:
- repo: "{{ virtlet_url }}"
- dest: "{{ virtlet_dest }}"
- version: "{{ virtlet_version }}"
- force: yes
- - name: configure proxy values for docker service
- block:
- - name: create docker config folder
- become: yes
- file:
- state: directory
- path: "/etc/systemd/system/docker.service.d"
- - name: Configure docker service to use http_proxy env value
- become: yes
- blockinfile:
- dest: "/etc/systemd/system/docker.service.d/http-proxy.conf"
- create: yes
- block: |
- [Service]
- Environment="HTTP_PROXY={{ lookup('env','http_proxy') }}"
- when:
- - lookup('env','http_proxy') != "fooproxy"
- - name: Configure docker service to use https_proxy env value
- become: yes
- blockinfile:
- dest: "/etc/systemd/system/docker.service.d/https-proxy.conf"
- create: yes
- block: |
- [Service]
- Environment="HTTPS_PROXY={{ lookup('env','https_proxy') }}"
- when:
- - lookup('env','https_proxy') != "fooproxy"
- - name: Configure docker service to use no_proxy env value
- become: yes
- blockinfile:
- dest: "/etc/systemd/system/docker.service.d/no-proxy.conf"
- create: yes
- block: |
- [Service]
- Environment="NO_PROXY={{ lookup('env','no_proxy') }}"
- when:
- - lookup('env','no_proxy') != "fooproxy"
- - name: reload systemd
- become: yes
- command: systemctl daemon-reload
- - name: restart docker service
- become: yes
- service:
- name: docker
- state: restarted
- when: lookup('env','http_proxy') != "fooproxy" or lookup('env','https_proxy') != "fooproxy" or lookup('env','no_proxy') != "fooproxy"
- - name: build virtlet source code
- command: ./ build
- args:
- chdir: "{{ virtlet_dest }}/build"
- environment:
- http_proxy: "{{ lookup('env','http_proxy') }}"
- https_proxy: "{{ lookup('env','https_proxy') }}"
- no_proxy: "{{ lookup('env','no_proxy') }}"
- when: virtlet_source_type == "source"
- - name: download virtletctl
- get_url:
- url: "{{ virtlet_url }}"
- dest: "{{ virtlet_dest }}/virtletctl"
- when: virtlet_source_type == "binary"
- - name: set virtletctl execution permissions
- file:
- path: "{{ virtlet_dest }}/virtletctl"
- mode: "+x"
- - name: install virtletctl as kubectl plugin
- become: yes
- command: "mv {{ virtlet_dest }}/virtletctl /usr/local/bin/kubectl-virt"
- - name: create Virtlet k8s objects
- shell: "/usr/local/bin/kubectl virt gen | /usr/local/bin/kubectl apply -f -"
- ignore_errors: True
- - name: wait for Virtlet daemonset
- shell: "/usr/local/bin/kubectl get ds virtlet -n=kube-system -o=jsonpath --template={.status.numberReady}"
- register: daemonset
- until:
- - '1'
- retries: 6
- delay: 10
-- hosts: virtlet
- tasks:
- - name: Load krd variables
- include_vars:
- file: krd-vars.yml
- - name: create CRIProxy binary folder
- file:
- state: directory
- path: "{{ criproxy_dest }}"
- - name: disable AppArmor in all nodes
- become: yes
- service:
- name: apparmor
- state: stopped
- enabled: no
- when: ansible_os_family == "Debian"
- - name: modify args for kubelet service
- become: yes
- lineinfile:
- dest: /etc/systemd/system/kubelet.service
- line: " --container-runtime=remote --container-runtime-endpoint=unix:///run/criproxy.sock --image-service-endpoint=unix:///run/criproxy.sock --enable-controller-attach-detach=false \\"
- insertafter: '^ExecStart=/usr/local/bin/kubelet *'
- state: present
- - name: create dockershim service
- become: yes
- blockinfile:
- path: /etc/systemd/system/dockershim.service
- create: yes
- block: |
- [Unit]
- Description=dockershim for criproxy
- [Service]
- EnvironmentFile=-/etc/kubernetes/kubelet.env
- ExecStartPre=-/bin/mkdir -p /var/lib/kubelet/volume-plugins
- ExecStart=/usr/local/bin/kubelet --experimental-dockershim --port 11250 \
- Restart=always
- StartLimitInterval=0
- RestartSec=10
- [Install]
- RequiredBy=criproxy.service
- - name: getting source code
- block:
- - name: clone CRIProxy repo
- git:
- repo: "{{ criproxy_url }}"
- dest: "{{ criproxy_dest }}"
- version: "{{ criproxy_version }}"
- force: yes
- - name: build criproxy source code
- command: ./
- args:
- chdir: "{{ criproxy_dest }}"
- when: criproxy_source_type == "source"
- - name: download CRIproxy package
- get_url:
- url: "{{ criproxy_url }}"
- dest: "{{ criproxy_dest }}/criproxy"
- when: criproxy_source_type == "binary"
- - name: set criproxy execution permissions
- file:
- path: "{{ criproxy_dest }}/criproxy"
- mode: "+x"
- - name: create criproxy service
- become: yes
- blockinfile:
- path: /etc/systemd/system/criproxy.service
- create: yes
- block: |
- [Unit]
- Description=CRI Proxy
- [Service]
- ExecStart={{ criproxy_dest }}/criproxy -v 3 -logtostderr -connect /var/run/dockershim.sock, -listen /run/criproxy.sock
- Restart=always
- StartLimitInterval=0
- RestartSec=10
- [Install]
- WantedBy=kubelet.service
- - name: start criproxy and dockershim services
- become: yes
- service:
- name: "{{ item }}"
- state: started
- enabled: yes
- with_items:
- - dockershim
- - criproxy
- - name: restart kubelet services
- become: yes
- service:
- name: kubelet
- state: restarted
diff --git a/vagrant/playbooks/krd-vars.yml b/vagrant/playbooks/krd-vars.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index d6bd0ee6..00000000
--- a/vagrant/playbooks/krd-vars.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,63 +0,0 @@
-# SPDX-license-identifier: Apache-2.0
-# Copyright (c) 2018
-# All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
-# are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0
-# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
-base_dest: /tmp
-multus_dest: "{{ base_dest }}/multus-cni"
-#multus_source_type: "tarball"
-#multus_version: 3.1
-#multus_url: "{{ multus_version }}/multus-cni_v{{ multus_version }}_linux_amd64.tar.gz"
-multus_source_type: "source"
-multus_version: 366f2120cb88c85deab6343b7062fd38fdb0ece9
-multus_url: ""
-ovn_kubernetes_dest: "{{ base_dest }}/ovn-kubernetes"
-ovn_kubernetes_source_type: "tarball"
-ovn_kubernetes_version: 0.3.0
-ovn_kubernetes_url: "{{ ovn_kubernetes_version }}.tar.gz"
-#ovn_kubernetes_source_type: "source"
-#ovn_kubernetes_version: 456a0857956988f968bb08644c650ba826592ec1
-#ovn_kubernetes_url: ""
-criproxy_dest: "{{ base_dest }}/criproxy"
-criproxy_source_type: "binary"
-criproxy_version: 0.14.0
-criproxy_url: "{{ criproxy_version }}/criproxy"
-#criproxy_source_type: "source"
-#criproxy_version: b5ca5a6cec278e2054dface4f7a3e111fb9ab84b
-#criproxy_url: ""
-virtlet_dest: "{{ base_dest }}/virtlet"
-virtlet_source_type: "binary"
-virtlet_version: 1.4.4
-virtlet_url: "{{ virtlet_version }}/virtletctl"
-#virtlet_source_type: "source"
-#virtlet_version: 68e11b8f1db2c78b063126899f0e60910700975d
-#virtlet_url: ""
-nfd_dest: "{{ base_dest }}/nfd"
-nfd_source_type: "source"
-nfd_version: 175305b1ad73be7301ac94add475cec6fef797a9
-nfd_url: ""
-istio_dest: "{{ base_dest }}/istio"
-istio_source_type: "tarball"
-istio_version: 1.0.3
-istio_url: "{{ istio_version }}/istio-{{ istio_version }}-linux.tar.gz"
-go_path: "{{ base_dest }}/go"
-ovn4nfv_dest: "{{ go_path }}/src/ovn4nfv-k8s-plugin"
-ovn4nfv_source_type: "source"
-ovn4nfv_version: 5026d1d89b05eac5e004279b742df6745a73d93a
-ovn4nfv_url: ""
-go_version: '1.11'
-kubespray_version: 2.8.2
-kubectl_version: 1.12.2
-helm_client_version: 2.9.1