path: root/src/ovnaction
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/ovnaction')
21 files changed, 3386 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/ovnaction/Makefile b/src/ovnaction/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4ab6246b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/ovnaction/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+# SPDX-license-identifier: Apache-2.0
+# Copyright (c) 2020 Intel Corporation
+# All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
+# are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0
+# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
+export GO111MODULE=on
+all: clean
+ @go build -tags netgo -o ./ovnaction ./cmd/main.go
+# The following is done this way as each patch on CI runs build and each merge runs deploy. So for build we don't need to build binary and hence
+# no need to create a static binary with additional flags. However, for generating binary, additional build flags are necessary. This if used with
+# mock plugin errors out for unit tests. So the seperation avoids the error.
+build: clean test cover
+deploy: build
+.PHONY: test
+test: clean
+ @go test -race ./...
+ @go fmt ./...
+ @rm -f ovnaction coverage.html coverage.out
+.PHONY: cover
+ @go test -race ./... -coverprofile=coverage.out
+ @go tool cover -html=coverage.out -o coverage.html
diff --git a/src/ovnaction/api/api.go b/src/ovnaction/api/api.go
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..bffab0a4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/ovnaction/api/api.go
@@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
+ * Copyright 2020 Intel Corporation, Inc
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+package api
+import (
+ "fmt"
+ "reflect"
+ ""
+ moduleLib ""
+var moduleClient *moduleLib.Client
+// For the given client and testClient, if the testClient is not null and
+// implements the client manager interface corresponding to client, then
+// return the testClient, otherwise return the client.
+func setClient(client, testClient interface{}) interface{} {
+ switch cl := client.(type) {
+ case *moduleLib.NetControlIntentClient:
+ if testClient != nil && reflect.TypeOf(testClient).Implements(reflect.TypeOf((*moduleLib.NetControlIntentManager)(nil)).Elem()) {
+ c, ok := testClient.(moduleLib.NetControlIntentManager)
+ if ok {
+ return c
+ }
+ }
+ case *moduleLib.WorkloadIntentClient:
+ if testClient != nil && reflect.TypeOf(testClient).Implements(reflect.TypeOf((*moduleLib.WorkloadIntentManager)(nil)).Elem()) {
+ c, ok := testClient.(moduleLib.WorkloadIntentManager)
+ if ok {
+ return c
+ }
+ }
+ case *moduleLib.WorkloadIfIntentClient:
+ if testClient != nil && reflect.TypeOf(testClient).Implements(reflect.TypeOf((*moduleLib.WorkloadIfIntentManager)(nil)).Elem()) {
+ c, ok := testClient.(moduleLib.WorkloadIfIntentManager)
+ if ok {
+ return c
+ }
+ }
+ case *moduleLib.ChainClient:
+ if testClient != nil && reflect.TypeOf(testClient).Implements(reflect.TypeOf((*moduleLib.ChainManager)(nil)).Elem()) {
+ c, ok := testClient.(moduleLib.ChainManager)
+ if ok {
+ return c
+ }
+ }
+ default:
+ fmt.Printf("unknown type %T\n", cl)
+ }
+ return client
+// NewRouter creates a router that registers the various urls that are supported
+// testClient parameter allows unit testing for a given client
+func NewRouter(testClient interface{}) *mux.Router {
+ moduleClient = moduleLib.NewClient()
+ router := mux.NewRouter().PathPrefix("/v2").Subrouter()
+ netcontrolintentHandler := netcontrolintentHandler{
+ client: setClient(moduleClient.NetControlIntent, testClient).(moduleLib.NetControlIntentManager),
+ }
+ router.HandleFunc("/projects/{project}/composite-apps/{composite-app-name}/{version}/network-controller-intent", netcontrolintentHandler.createHandler).Methods("POST")
+ router.HandleFunc("/projects/{project}/composite-apps/{composite-app-name}/{version}/network-controller-intent", netcontrolintentHandler.getHandler).Methods("GET")
+ router.HandleFunc("/projects/{project}/composite-apps/{composite-app-name}/{version}/network-controller-intent/{name}", netcontrolintentHandler.putHandler).Methods("PUT")
+ router.HandleFunc("/projects/{project}/composite-apps/{composite-app-name}/{version}/network-controller-intent/{name}", netcontrolintentHandler.getHandler).Methods("GET")
+ router.HandleFunc("/projects/{project}/composite-apps/{composite-app-name}/{version}/network-controller-intent/{name}", netcontrolintentHandler.deleteHandler).Methods("DELETE")
+ router.HandleFunc("/projects/{project}/composite-apps/{composite-app-name}/{version}/network-controller-intent/{name}/apply", netcontrolintentHandler.applyHandler).Methods("POST")
+ workloadintentHandler := workloadintentHandler{
+ client: setClient(moduleClient.WorkloadIntent, testClient).(moduleLib.WorkloadIntentManager),
+ }
+ router.HandleFunc("/projects/{project}/composite-apps/{composite-app-name}/{version}/network-controller-intent/{net-control-intent}/workload-intents", workloadintentHandler.createHandler).Methods("POST")
+ router.HandleFunc("/projects/{project}/composite-apps/{composite-app-name}/{version}/network-controller-intent/{net-control-intent}/workload-intents", workloadintentHandler.getHandler).Methods("GET")
+ router.HandleFunc("/projects/{project}/composite-apps/{composite-app-name}/{version}/network-controller-intent/{net-control-intent}/workload-intents/{name}", workloadintentHandler.putHandler).Methods("PUT")
+ router.HandleFunc("/projects/{project}/composite-apps/{composite-app-name}/{version}/network-controller-intent/{net-control-intent}/workload-intents/{name}", workloadintentHandler.getHandler).Methods("GET")
+ router.HandleFunc("/projects/{project}/composite-apps/{composite-app-name}/{version}/network-controller-intent/{net-control-intent}/workload-intents/{name}", workloadintentHandler.deleteHandler).Methods("DELETE")
+ workloadifintentHandler := workloadifintentHandler{
+ client: setClient(moduleClient.WorkloadIfIntent, testClient).(moduleLib.WorkloadIfIntentManager),
+ }
+ router.HandleFunc("/projects/{project}/composite-apps/{composite-app-name}/{version}/network-controller-intent/{net-control-intent}/workload-intents/{workload-intent}/interfaces", workloadifintentHandler.createHandler).Methods("POST")
+ router.HandleFunc("/projects/{project}/composite-apps/{composite-app-name}/{version}/network-controller-intent/{net-control-intent}/workload-intents/{workload-intent}/interfaces", workloadifintentHandler.getHandler).Methods("GET")
+ router.HandleFunc("/projects/{project}/composite-apps/{composite-app-name}/{version}/network-controller-intent/{net-control-intent}/workload-intents/{workload-intent}/interfaces/{name}", workloadifintentHandler.putHandler).Methods("PUT")
+ router.HandleFunc("/projects/{project}/composite-apps/{composite-app-name}/{version}/network-controller-intent/{net-control-intent}/workload-intents/{workload-intent}/interfaces/{name}", workloadifintentHandler.getHandler).Methods("GET")
+ router.HandleFunc("/projects/{project}/composite-apps/{composite-app-name}/{version}/network-controller-intent/{net-control-intent}/workload-intents/{workload-intent}/interfaces/{name}", workloadifintentHandler.deleteHandler).Methods("DELETE")
+ chainHandler := chainHandler{
+ client: setClient(moduleClient.Chain, testClient).(moduleLib.ChainManager),
+ }
+ router.HandleFunc("/projects/{project}/composite-apps/{composite-app-name}/{version}/network-controller-intent/{net-control-intent}/network-chains", chainHandler.createHandler).Methods("POST")
+ router.HandleFunc("/projects/{project}/composite-apps/{composite-app-name}/{version}/network-controller-intent/{net-control-intent}/network-chains", chainHandler.getHandler).Methods("GET")
+ router.HandleFunc("/projects/{project}/composite-apps/{composite-app-name}/{version}/network-controller-intent/{net-control-intent}/network-chains/{name}", chainHandler.putHandler).Methods("PUT")
+ router.HandleFunc("/projects/{project}/composite-apps/{composite-app-name}/{version}/network-controller-intent/{net-control-intent}/network-chains/{name}", chainHandler.getHandler).Methods("GET")
+ router.HandleFunc("/projects/{project}/composite-apps/{composite-app-name}/{version}/network-controller-intent/{net-control-intent}/network-chains/{name}", chainHandler.deleteHandler).Methods("DELETE")
+ return router
diff --git a/src/ovnaction/api/chainhandler.go b/src/ovnaction/api/chainhandler.go
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..52ed18e5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/ovnaction/api/chainhandler.go
@@ -0,0 +1,290 @@
+ * Copyright 2020 Intel Corporation, Inc
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+package api
+import (
+ "encoding/json"
+ "fmt"
+ "io"
+ "net/http"
+ "strings"
+ moduleLib ""
+ ""
+ pkgerrors ""
+ ""
+// Used to store backend implementations objects
+// Also simplifies mocking for unit testing purposes
+type chainHandler struct {
+ // Interface that implements workload intent operations
+ // We will set this variable with a mock interface for testing
+ client moduleLib.ChainManager
+func validateRoutingNetwork(r moduleLib.RoutingNetwork) error {
+ errs := validation.IsValidName(r.NetworkName)
+ if len(errs) > 0 {
+ return pkgerrors.Errorf("Invalid routing network name: %v", errs)
+ }
+ err := validation.IsIpv4Cidr(r.Subnet)
+ if err != nil {
+ return pkgerrors.Wrap(err, "Invalid routing network subnet")
+ }
+ err = validation.IsIpv4(r.GatewayIP)
+ if err != nil {
+ return pkgerrors.Wrap(err, "Invalid routing network gateway IP")
+ }
+ return nil
+// validateNetworkChain checks that the network chain string input follows the
+// generic format: "app=app1,net1,app=app2,net2, ..... ,netN-1,app=appN"
+// assume "app=app1" can conform to validation.IsValidLabel() with an "="
+func validateNetworkChain(chain string) error {
+ elems := strings.Split(chain, ",")
+ // chain needs at least two apps and a network
+ if len(elems) < 3 {
+ return pkgerrors.Errorf("Network chain is too short")
+ }
+ // chain needs to have an odd number of elements
+ if len(elems)%2 == 0 {
+ return pkgerrors.Errorf("Invalid network chain - even number of elements")
+ }
+ for i, s := range elems {
+ // allows whitespace in comma separated elements
+ t := strings.TrimSpace(s)
+ // if even element, verify a=b format
+ if i%2 == 0 {
+ if strings.Index(t, "=") < 1 {
+ return pkgerrors.Errorf("Invalid deployment label element of network chain")
+ }
+ errs := validation.IsValidLabel(t)
+ if len(errs) > 0 {
+ return pkgerrors.Errorf("Invalid deployment label element: %v", errs)
+ }
+ } else {
+ errs := validation.IsValidName(t)
+ if len(errs) > 0 {
+ return pkgerrors.Errorf("Invalid network element of network chain: %v", errs)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return nil
+// Check for valid format of input parameters
+func validateChainInputs(ch moduleLib.Chain) error {
+ // validate metadata
+ err := moduleLib.IsValidMetadata(ch.Metadata)
+ if err != nil {
+ return pkgerrors.Wrap(err, "Invalid network chain metadata")
+ }
+ if strings.ToLower(ch.Spec.ChainType) != moduleLib.RoutingChainType {
+ return pkgerrors.Wrap(err, "Invalid network chain type")
+ }
+ for _, r := range ch.Spec.RoutingSpec.LeftNetwork {
+ err = validateRoutingNetwork(r)
+ if err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ }
+ for _, r := range ch.Spec.RoutingSpec.RightNetwork {
+ err = validateRoutingNetwork(r)
+ if err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ }
+ err = validateNetworkChain(ch.Spec.RoutingSpec.NetworkChain)
+ if err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ errs := validation.IsValidName(ch.Spec.RoutingSpec.Namespace)
+ if len(errs) > 0 {
+ return pkgerrors.Errorf("Invalid network chain route spec namespace: %v", errs)
+ }
+ return nil
+// Create handles creation of the Chain entry in the database
+func (h chainHandler) createHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
+ var ch moduleLib.Chain
+ vars := mux.Vars(r)
+ project := vars["project"]
+ compositeApp := vars["composite-app-name"]
+ compositeAppVersion := vars["version"]
+ netControlIntent := vars["net-control-intent"]
+ err := json.NewDecoder(r.Body).Decode(&ch)
+ switch {
+ case err == io.EOF:
+ http.Error(w, "Empty body", http.StatusBadRequest)
+ return
+ case err != nil:
+ http.Error(w, err.Error(), http.StatusUnprocessableEntity)
+ return
+ }
+ // Name is required.
+ if ch.Metadata.Name == "" {
+ http.Error(w, "Missing name in POST request", http.StatusBadRequest)
+ return
+ }
+ err = validateChainInputs(ch)
+ if err != nil {
+ http.Error(w, err.Error(), http.StatusBadRequest)
+ return
+ }
+ ret, err := h.client.CreateChain(ch, project, compositeApp, compositeAppVersion, netControlIntent, false)
+ if err != nil {
+ http.Error(w, err.Error(), http.StatusInternalServerError)
+ return
+ }
+ w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/json")
+ w.WriteHeader(http.StatusCreated)
+ err = json.NewEncoder(w).Encode(ret)
+ if err != nil {
+ http.Error(w, err.Error(), http.StatusInternalServerError)
+ return
+ }
+// Put handles creation/update of the Chain entry in the database
+func (h chainHandler) putHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
+ var ch moduleLib.Chain
+ vars := mux.Vars(r)
+ name := vars["name"]
+ project := vars["project"]
+ compositeApp := vars["composite-app-name"]
+ compositeAppVersion := vars["version"]
+ netControlIntent := vars["net-control-intent"]
+ err := json.NewDecoder(r.Body).Decode(&ch)
+ switch {
+ case err == io.EOF:
+ http.Error(w, "Empty body", http.StatusBadRequest)
+ return
+ case err != nil:
+ http.Error(w, err.Error(), http.StatusUnprocessableEntity)
+ return
+ }
+ // Name is required.
+ if ch.Metadata.Name == "" {
+ http.Error(w, "Missing name in PUT request", http.StatusBadRequest)
+ return
+ }
+ // Name in URL should match name in body
+ if ch.Metadata.Name != name {
+ fmt.Printf("bodyname = %v, name= %v\n", ch.Metadata.Name, name)
+ http.Error(w, "Mismatched name in PUT request", http.StatusBadRequest)
+ return
+ }
+ err = validateChainInputs(ch)
+ if err != nil {
+ http.Error(w, err.Error(), http.StatusBadRequest)
+ return
+ }
+ ret, err := h.client.CreateChain(ch, project, compositeApp, compositeAppVersion, netControlIntent, true)
+ if err != nil {
+ http.Error(w, err.Error(), http.StatusInternalServerError)
+ return
+ }
+ w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/json")
+ w.WriteHeader(http.StatusCreated)
+ err = json.NewEncoder(w).Encode(ret)
+ if err != nil {
+ http.Error(w, err.Error(), http.StatusInternalServerError)
+ return
+ }
+// Get handles GET operations on a particular Chain Name
+// Returns a Chain
+func (h chainHandler) getHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
+ vars := mux.Vars(r)
+ name := vars["name"]
+ project := vars["project"]
+ compositeApp := vars["composite-app-name"]
+ compositeAppVersion := vars["version"]
+ netControlIntent := vars["net-control-intent"]
+ var ret interface{}
+ var err error
+ if len(name) == 0 {
+ ret, err = h.client.GetChains(project, compositeApp, compositeAppVersion, netControlIntent)
+ if err != nil {
+ http.Error(w, err.Error(), http.StatusInternalServerError)
+ return
+ }
+ } else {
+ ret, err = h.client.GetChain(name, project, compositeApp, compositeAppVersion, netControlIntent)
+ if err != nil {
+ http.Error(w, err.Error(), http.StatusInternalServerError)
+ return
+ }
+ }
+ w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/json")
+ w.WriteHeader(http.StatusOK)
+ err = json.NewEncoder(w).Encode(ret)
+ if err != nil {
+ http.Error(w, err.Error(), http.StatusInternalServerError)
+ return
+ }
+// Delete handles DELETE operations on a particular Chain
+func (h chainHandler) deleteHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
+ vars := mux.Vars(r)
+ name := vars["name"]
+ project := vars["project"]
+ compositeApp := vars["composite-app-name"]
+ compositeAppVersion := vars["version"]
+ netControlIntent := vars["net-control-intent"]
+ err := h.client.DeleteChain(name, project, compositeApp, compositeAppVersion, netControlIntent)
+ if err != nil {
+ http.Error(w, err.Error(), http.StatusInternalServerError)
+ return
+ }
+ w.WriteHeader(http.StatusNoContent)
diff --git a/src/ovnaction/api/chainhandler_test.go b/src/ovnaction/api/chainhandler_test.go
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f13a90c4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/ovnaction/api/chainhandler_test.go
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+ * Copyright 2020 Intel Corporation, Inc
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+package api
+import (
+ "testing"
+func TestIsValidNetworkChain(t *testing.T) {
+ t.Run("Valid Chains", func(t *testing.T) {
+ validchains := []string{
+ "app=abc,net1,app=xyz",
+ "app=abc, net1, app=xyz",
+ " app=abc , net1 , app=xyz ",
+ ",net1,",
+ ",net1,, net2, anotherlabel=wex",
+ }
+ for _, chain := range validchains {
+ err := validateNetworkChain(chain)
+ if err != nil {
+ t.Errorf("Valid network chain failed to pass: %v %v", chain, err)
+ }
+ }
+ })
+ t.Run("Invalid Chains", func(t *testing.T) {
+ invalidchains := []string{
+ "",
+ "app=abc,net1,app= xyz",
+ "app=abc,net1,xyz",
+ "app=abc,net1",
+ ",net1,=xyz",
+ "abcdefg",
+ }
+ for _, chain := range invalidchains {
+ err := validateNetworkChain(chain)
+ if err == nil {
+ t.Errorf("Invalid network chain passed: %v", chain)
+ }
+ }
+ })
diff --git a/src/ovnaction/api/netcontrolintenthandler.go b/src/ovnaction/api/netcontrolintenthandler.go
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..fe2109b6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/ovnaction/api/netcontrolintenthandler.go
@@ -0,0 +1,232 @@
+ * Copyright 2020 Intel Corporation, Inc
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+package api
+import (
+ "encoding/json"
+ "fmt"
+ "io"
+ "net/http"
+ moduleLib ""
+ pkgerrors ""
+ ""
+// Used to store backend implementations objects
+// Also simplifies mocking for unit testing purposes
+type netcontrolintentHandler struct {
+ // Interface that implements Cluster operations
+ // We will set this variable with a mock interface for testing
+ client moduleLib.NetControlIntentManager
+// Check for valid format of input parameters
+func validateNetControlIntentInputs(nci moduleLib.NetControlIntent) error {
+ // validate metadata
+ err := moduleLib.IsValidMetadata(nci.Metadata)
+ if err != nil {
+ return pkgerrors.Wrap(err, "Invalid network controller intent metadata")
+ }
+ return nil
+// Create handles creation of the NetControlIntent entry in the database
+func (h netcontrolintentHandler) createHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
+ var nci moduleLib.NetControlIntent
+ vars := mux.Vars(r)
+ project := vars["project"]
+ compositeApp := vars["composite-app-name"]
+ compositeAppVersion := vars["version"]
+ err := json.NewDecoder(r.Body).Decode(&nci)
+ switch {
+ case err == io.EOF:
+ http.Error(w, "Empty body", http.StatusBadRequest)
+ return
+ case err != nil:
+ http.Error(w, err.Error(), http.StatusUnprocessableEntity)
+ return
+ }
+ // Name is required.
+ if nci.Metadata.Name == "" {
+ http.Error(w, "Missing name in POST request", http.StatusBadRequest)
+ return
+ }
+ err = validateNetControlIntentInputs(nci)
+ if err != nil {
+ http.Error(w, err.Error(), http.StatusBadRequest)
+ return
+ }
+ ret, err := h.client.CreateNetControlIntent(nci, project, compositeApp, compositeAppVersion, false)
+ if err != nil {
+ http.Error(w, err.Error(), http.StatusInternalServerError)
+ return
+ }
+ w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/json")
+ w.WriteHeader(http.StatusCreated)
+ err = json.NewEncoder(w).Encode(ret)
+ if err != nil {
+ http.Error(w, err.Error(), http.StatusInternalServerError)
+ return
+ }
+// Put handles creation/update of the NetControlIntent entry in the database
+func (h netcontrolintentHandler) putHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
+ var nci moduleLib.NetControlIntent
+ vars := mux.Vars(r)
+ name := vars["name"]
+ project := vars["project"]
+ compositeApp := vars["composite-app-name"]
+ compositeAppVersion := vars["version"]
+ err := json.NewDecoder(r.Body).Decode(&nci)
+ switch {
+ case err == io.EOF:
+ http.Error(w, "Empty body", http.StatusBadRequest)
+ return
+ case err != nil:
+ http.Error(w, err.Error(), http.StatusUnprocessableEntity)
+ return
+ }
+ // Name is required.
+ if nci.Metadata.Name == "" {
+ http.Error(w, "Missing name in PUT request", http.StatusBadRequest)
+ return
+ }
+ // Name in URL should match name in body
+ if nci.Metadata.Name != name {
+ fmt.Printf("bodyname = %v, name= %v\n", nci.Metadata.Name, name)
+ http.Error(w, "Mismatched name in PUT request", http.StatusBadRequest)
+ return
+ }
+ err = validateNetControlIntentInputs(nci)
+ if err != nil {
+ http.Error(w, err.Error(), http.StatusBadRequest)
+ return
+ }
+ ret, err := h.client.CreateNetControlIntent(nci, project, compositeApp, compositeAppVersion, true)
+ if err != nil {
+ http.Error(w, err.Error(), http.StatusInternalServerError)
+ return
+ }
+ w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/json")
+ w.WriteHeader(http.StatusCreated)
+ err = json.NewEncoder(w).Encode(ret)
+ if err != nil {
+ http.Error(w, err.Error(), http.StatusInternalServerError)
+ return
+ }
+// Get handles GET operations on a particular NetControlIntent Name
+// Returns a NetControlIntent
+func (h netcontrolintentHandler) getHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
+ vars := mux.Vars(r)
+ name := vars["name"]
+ project := vars["project"]
+ compositeApp := vars["composite-app-name"]
+ compositeAppVersion := vars["version"]
+ var ret interface{}
+ var err error
+ if len(name) == 0 {
+ ret, err = h.client.GetNetControlIntents(project, compositeApp, compositeAppVersion)
+ if err != nil {
+ http.Error(w, err.Error(), http.StatusInternalServerError)
+ return
+ }
+ } else {
+ ret, err = h.client.GetNetControlIntent(name, project, compositeApp, compositeAppVersion)
+ if err != nil {
+ http.Error(w, err.Error(), http.StatusInternalServerError)
+ return
+ }
+ }
+ w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/json")
+ w.WriteHeader(http.StatusOK)
+ err = json.NewEncoder(w).Encode(ret)
+ if err != nil {
+ http.Error(w, err.Error(), http.StatusInternalServerError)
+ return
+ }
+// Delete handles DELETE operations on a particular NetControlIntent Name
+func (h netcontrolintentHandler) deleteHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
+ vars := mux.Vars(r)
+ name := vars["name"]
+ project := vars["project"]
+ compositeApp := vars["composite-app-name"]
+ compositeAppVersion := vars["version"]
+ err := h.client.DeleteNetControlIntent(name, project, compositeApp, compositeAppVersion)
+ if err != nil {
+ http.Error(w, err.Error(), http.StatusInternalServerError)
+ return
+ }
+ w.WriteHeader(http.StatusNoContent)
+// Apply handles POST operations to Apply a particular NetControlIntent to the App Context
+// TODO: This is a test API - it can be removed once the orchestrator has been implemented to
+// invoke the appcontext update via grpc.
+func (h netcontrolintentHandler) applyHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
+ vars := mux.Vars(r)
+ name := vars["name"]
+ project := vars["project"]
+ compositeApp := vars["composite-app-name"]
+ compositeAppVersion := vars["version"]
+ var aci struct {
+ AppContextId string `json:"appContextId"`
+ }
+ err := json.NewDecoder(r.Body).Decode(&aci)
+ switch {
+ case err == io.EOF:
+ http.Error(w, "Empty body", http.StatusBadRequest)
+ return
+ case err != nil:
+ http.Error(w, err.Error(), http.StatusUnprocessableEntity)
+ return
+ }
+ err = h.client.ApplyNetControlIntent(name, project, compositeApp, compositeAppVersion, aci.AppContextId)
+ if err != nil {
+ http.Error(w, err.Error(), http.StatusInternalServerError)
+ return
+ }
+ w.WriteHeader(http.StatusNoContent)
diff --git a/src/ovnaction/api/workloadifintenthandler.go b/src/ovnaction/api/workloadifintenthandler.go
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..cf8f45bf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/ovnaction/api/workloadifintenthandler.go
@@ -0,0 +1,251 @@
+ * Copyright 2020 Intel Corporation, Inc
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+package api
+import (
+ "encoding/json"
+ "fmt"
+ "io"
+ "net/http"
+ moduleLib ""
+ ""
+ pkgerrors ""
+ ""
+// Used to store backend implementations objects
+// Also simplifies mocking for unit testing purposes
+type workloadifintentHandler struct {
+ // Interface that implements workload intent operations
+ // We will set this variable with a mock interface for testing
+ client moduleLib.WorkloadIfIntentManager
+// Check for valid format of input parameters
+func validateWorkloadIfIntentInputs(wif moduleLib.WorkloadIfIntent) error {
+ // validate metadata
+ err := moduleLib.IsValidMetadata(wif.Metadata)
+ if err != nil {
+ return pkgerrors.Wrap(err, "Invalid network controller intent metadata")
+ }
+ errs := validation.IsValidName(wif.Spec.IfName)
+ if len(errs) > 0 {
+ return pkgerrors.Errorf("Invalid interface name = [%v], errors: %v", wif.Spec.IfName, errs)
+ }
+ errs = validation.IsValidName(wif.Spec.NetworkName)
+ if len(errs) > 0 {
+ return pkgerrors.Errorf("Invalid network name = [%v], errors: %v", wif.Spec.NetworkName, errs)
+ }
+ // optional - only validate if supplied
+ if len(wif.Spec.DefaultGateway) > 0 {
+ errs = validation.IsValidName(wif.Spec.DefaultGateway)
+ if len(errs) > 0 {
+ return pkgerrors.Errorf("Invalid default interface = [%v], errors: %v", wif.Spec.DefaultGateway, errs)
+ }
+ }
+ // optional - only validate if supplied
+ if len(wif.Spec.IpAddr) > 0 {
+ err = validation.IsIp(wif.Spec.IpAddr)
+ if err != nil {
+ return pkgerrors.Errorf("Invalid IP address = [%v], errors: %v", wif.Spec.IpAddr, err)
+ }
+ }
+ // optional - only validate if supplied
+ if len(wif.Spec.MacAddr) > 0 {
+ err = validation.IsMac(wif.Spec.MacAddr)
+ if err != nil {
+ return pkgerrors.Errorf("Invalid MAC address = [%v], errors: %v", wif.Spec.MacAddr, err)
+ }
+ }
+ return nil
+// Create handles creation of the Network entry in the database
+func (h workloadifintentHandler) createHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
+ var wif moduleLib.WorkloadIfIntent
+ vars := mux.Vars(r)
+ project := vars["project"]
+ compositeApp := vars["composite-app-name"]
+ compositeAppVersion := vars["version"]
+ netControlIntent := vars["net-control-intent"]
+ workloadIntent := vars["workload-intent"]
+ err := json.NewDecoder(r.Body).Decode(&wif)
+ switch {
+ case err == io.EOF:
+ http.Error(w, "Empty body", http.StatusBadRequest)
+ return
+ case err != nil:
+ http.Error(w, err.Error(), http.StatusUnprocessableEntity)
+ return
+ }
+ // Name is required.
+ if wif.Metadata.Name == "" {
+ http.Error(w, "Missing name in POST request", http.StatusBadRequest)
+ return
+ }
+ // set default value
+ if len(wif.Spec.DefaultGateway) == 0 {
+ wif.Spec.DefaultGateway = "false" // set default value
+ }
+ err = validateWorkloadIfIntentInputs(wif)
+ if err != nil {
+ http.Error(w, err.Error(), http.StatusBadRequest)
+ return
+ }
+ ret, err := h.client.CreateWorkloadIfIntent(wif, project, compositeApp, compositeAppVersion, netControlIntent, workloadIntent, false)
+ if err != nil {
+ http.Error(w, err.Error(), http.StatusInternalServerError)
+ return
+ }
+ w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/json")
+ w.WriteHeader(http.StatusCreated)
+ err = json.NewEncoder(w).Encode(ret)
+ if err != nil {
+ http.Error(w, err.Error(), http.StatusInternalServerError)
+ return
+ }
+// Put handles creation/update of the Network entry in the database
+func (h workloadifintentHandler) putHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
+ var wif moduleLib.WorkloadIfIntent
+ vars := mux.Vars(r)
+ name := vars["name"]
+ project := vars["project"]
+ compositeApp := vars["composite-app-name"]
+ compositeAppVersion := vars["version"]
+ netControlIntent := vars["net-control-intent"]
+ workloadIntent := vars["workload-intent"]
+ err := json.NewDecoder(r.Body).Decode(&wif)
+ switch {
+ case err == io.EOF:
+ http.Error(w, "Empty body", http.StatusBadRequest)
+ return
+ case err != nil:
+ http.Error(w, err.Error(), http.StatusUnprocessableEntity)
+ return
+ }
+ // Name is required.
+ if wif.Metadata.Name == "" {
+ http.Error(w, "Missing name in PUT request", http.StatusBadRequest)
+ return
+ }
+ // Name in URL should match name in body
+ if wif.Metadata.Name != name {
+ fmt.Printf("bodyname = %v, name= %v\n", wif.Metadata.Name, name)
+ http.Error(w, "Mismatched name in PUT request", http.StatusBadRequest)
+ return
+ }
+ // set default value
+ if len(wif.Spec.DefaultGateway) == 0 {
+ wif.Spec.DefaultGateway = "false" // set default value
+ }
+ err = validateWorkloadIfIntentInputs(wif)
+ if err != nil {
+ http.Error(w, err.Error(), http.StatusBadRequest)
+ return
+ }
+ ret, err := h.client.CreateWorkloadIfIntent(wif, project, compositeApp, compositeAppVersion, netControlIntent, workloadIntent, true)
+ if err != nil {
+ http.Error(w, err.Error(), http.StatusInternalServerError)
+ return
+ }
+ w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/json")
+ w.WriteHeader(http.StatusCreated)
+ err = json.NewEncoder(w).Encode(ret)
+ if err != nil {
+ http.Error(w, err.Error(), http.StatusInternalServerError)
+ return
+ }
+// Get handles GET operations on a particular Network Name
+// Returns a Network
+func (h workloadifintentHandler) getHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
+ vars := mux.Vars(r)
+ name := vars["name"]
+ project := vars["project"]
+ compositeApp := vars["composite-app-name"]
+ compositeAppVersion := vars["version"]
+ netControlIntent := vars["net-control-intent"]
+ workloadIntent := vars["workload-intent"]
+ var ret interface{}
+ var err error
+ if len(name) == 0 {
+ ret, err = h.client.GetWorkloadIfIntents(project, compositeApp, compositeAppVersion, netControlIntent, workloadIntent)
+ if err != nil {
+ http.Error(w, err.Error(), http.StatusInternalServerError)
+ return
+ }
+ } else {
+ ret, err = h.client.GetWorkloadIfIntent(name, project, compositeApp, compositeAppVersion, netControlIntent, workloadIntent)
+ if err != nil {
+ http.Error(w, err.Error(), http.StatusInternalServerError)
+ return
+ }
+ }
+ w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/json")
+ w.WriteHeader(http.StatusOK)
+ err = json.NewEncoder(w).Encode(ret)
+ if err != nil {
+ http.Error(w, err.Error(), http.StatusInternalServerError)
+ return
+ }
+// Delete handles DELETE operations on a particular Network Name
+func (h workloadifintentHandler) deleteHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
+ vars := mux.Vars(r)
+ name := vars["name"]
+ project := vars["project"]
+ compositeApp := vars["composite-app-name"]
+ compositeAppVersion := vars["version"]
+ netControlIntent := vars["net-control-intent"]
+ workloadIntent := vars["workload-intent"]
+ err := h.client.DeleteWorkloadIfIntent(name, project, compositeApp, compositeAppVersion, netControlIntent, workloadIntent)
+ if err != nil {
+ http.Error(w, err.Error(), http.StatusInternalServerError)
+ return
+ }
+ w.WriteHeader(http.StatusNoContent)
diff --git a/src/ovnaction/api/workloadintenthandler.go b/src/ovnaction/api/workloadintenthandler.go
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..cf7ecebc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/ovnaction/api/workloadintenthandler.go
@@ -0,0 +1,218 @@
+ * Copyright 2020 Intel Corporation, Inc
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+package api
+import (
+ "encoding/json"
+ "fmt"
+ "io"
+ "net/http"
+ moduleLib ""
+ ""
+ pkgerrors ""
+ ""
+// Used to store backend implementations objects
+// Also simplifies mocking for unit testing purposes
+type workloadintentHandler struct {
+ // Interface that implements workload intent operations
+ // We will set this variable with a mock interface for testing
+ client moduleLib.WorkloadIntentManager
+// Check for valid format of input parameters
+func validateWorkloadIntentInputs(wi moduleLib.WorkloadIntent) error {
+ // validate metadata
+ err := moduleLib.IsValidMetadata(wi.Metadata)
+ if err != nil {
+ return pkgerrors.Wrap(err, "Invalid network controller intent metadata")
+ }
+ errs := validation.IsValidName(wi.Spec.AppName)
+ if len(errs) > 0 {
+ return pkgerrors.Errorf("Invalid application name = [%v], errors: %v", wi.Spec.AppName, errs)
+ }
+ errs = validation.IsValidName(wi.Spec.WorkloadResource)
+ if len(errs) > 0 {
+ return pkgerrors.Errorf("Invalid workload resource = [%v], errors: %v", wi.Spec.WorkloadResource, errs)
+ }
+ errs = validation.IsValidName(wi.Spec.Type)
+ if len(errs) > 0 {
+ return pkgerrors.Errorf("Invalid workload type = [%v], errors: %v", wi.Spec.Type, errs)
+ }
+ return nil
+// Create handles creation of the Network entry in the database
+func (h workloadintentHandler) createHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
+ var wi moduleLib.WorkloadIntent
+ vars := mux.Vars(r)
+ project := vars["project"]
+ compositeApp := vars["composite-app-name"]
+ compositeAppVersion := vars["version"]
+ netControlIntent := vars["net-control-intent"]
+ err := json.NewDecoder(r.Body).Decode(&wi)
+ switch {
+ case err == io.EOF:
+ http.Error(w, "Empty body", http.StatusBadRequest)
+ return
+ case err != nil:
+ http.Error(w, err.Error(), http.StatusUnprocessableEntity)
+ return
+ }
+ // Name is required.
+ if wi.Metadata.Name == "" {
+ http.Error(w, "Missing name in POST request", http.StatusBadRequest)
+ return
+ }
+ err = validateWorkloadIntentInputs(wi)
+ if err != nil {
+ http.Error(w, err.Error(), http.StatusBadRequest)
+ return
+ }
+ ret, err := h.client.CreateWorkloadIntent(wi, project, compositeApp, compositeAppVersion, netControlIntent, false)
+ if err != nil {
+ http.Error(w, err.Error(), http.StatusInternalServerError)
+ return
+ }
+ w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/json")
+ w.WriteHeader(http.StatusCreated)
+ err = json.NewEncoder(w).Encode(ret)
+ if err != nil {
+ http.Error(w, err.Error(), http.StatusInternalServerError)
+ return
+ }
+// Put handles creation/update of the Network entry in the database
+func (h workloadintentHandler) putHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
+ var wi moduleLib.WorkloadIntent
+ vars := mux.Vars(r)
+ name := vars["name"]
+ project := vars["project"]
+ compositeApp := vars["composite-app-name"]
+ compositeAppVersion := vars["version"]
+ netControlIntent := vars["net-control-intent"]
+ err := json.NewDecoder(r.Body).Decode(&wi)
+ switch {
+ case err == io.EOF:
+ http.Error(w, "Empty body", http.StatusBadRequest)
+ return
+ case err != nil:
+ http.Error(w, err.Error(), http.StatusUnprocessableEntity)
+ return
+ }
+ // Name is required.
+ if wi.Metadata.Name == "" {
+ http.Error(w, "Missing name in PUT request", http.StatusBadRequest)
+ return
+ }
+ // Name in URL should match name in body
+ if wi.Metadata.Name != name {
+ fmt.Printf("bodyname = %v, name= %v\n", wi.Metadata.Name, name)
+ http.Error(w, "Mismatched name in PUT request", http.StatusBadRequest)
+ return
+ }
+ err = validateWorkloadIntentInputs(wi)
+ if err != nil {
+ http.Error(w, err.Error(), http.StatusBadRequest)
+ return
+ }
+ ret, err := h.client.CreateWorkloadIntent(wi, project, compositeApp, compositeAppVersion, netControlIntent, true)
+ if err != nil {
+ http.Error(w, err.Error(), http.StatusInternalServerError)
+ return
+ }
+ w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/json")
+ w.WriteHeader(http.StatusCreated)
+ err = json.NewEncoder(w).Encode(ret)
+ if err != nil {
+ http.Error(w, err.Error(), http.StatusInternalServerError)
+ return
+ }
+// Get handles GET operations on a particular Network Name
+// Returns a Network
+func (h workloadintentHandler) getHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
+ vars := mux.Vars(r)
+ name := vars["name"]
+ project := vars["project"]
+ compositeApp := vars["composite-app-name"]
+ compositeAppVersion := vars["version"]
+ netControlIntent := vars["net-control-intent"]
+ var ret interface{}
+ var err error
+ if len(name) == 0 {
+ ret, err = h.client.GetWorkloadIntents(project, compositeApp, compositeAppVersion, netControlIntent)
+ if err != nil {
+ http.Error(w, err.Error(), http.StatusInternalServerError)
+ return
+ }
+ } else {
+ ret, err = h.client.GetWorkloadIntent(name, project, compositeApp, compositeAppVersion, netControlIntent)
+ if err != nil {
+ http.Error(w, err.Error(), http.StatusInternalServerError)
+ return
+ }
+ }
+ w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/json")
+ w.WriteHeader(http.StatusOK)
+ err = json.NewEncoder(w).Encode(ret)
+ if err != nil {
+ http.Error(w, err.Error(), http.StatusInternalServerError)
+ return
+ }
+// Delete handles DELETE operations on a particular Network Name
+func (h workloadintentHandler) deleteHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
+ vars := mux.Vars(r)
+ name := vars["name"]
+ project := vars["project"]
+ compositeApp := vars["composite-app-name"]
+ compositeAppVersion := vars["version"]
+ netControlIntent := vars["net-control-intent"]
+ err := h.client.DeleteWorkloadIntent(name, project, compositeApp, compositeAppVersion, netControlIntent)
+ if err != nil {
+ http.Error(w, err.Error(), http.StatusInternalServerError)
+ return
+ }
+ w.WriteHeader(http.StatusNoContent)
diff --git a/src/ovnaction/cmd/main.go b/src/ovnaction/cmd/main.go
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1f33af25
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/ovnaction/cmd/main.go
@@ -0,0 +1,134 @@
+Copyright 2020 Intel Corporation.
+Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+You may obtain a copy of the License at
+Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+limitations under the License.
+package main
+import (
+ "context"
+ "fmt"
+ "log"
+ "math/rand"
+ "net"
+ "net/http"
+ "os"
+ "os/signal"
+ "strings"
+ "time"
+ ""
+ ""
+ updatepb ""
+ ""
+ ""
+ contextDb ""
+ ""
+ ""
+ register ""
+ ""
+ ""
+ ""
+func startGrpcServer() error {
+ var tls bool
+ if strings.Contains(config.GetConfiguration().GrpcEnableTLS, "enable") {
+ tls = true
+ } else {
+ tls = false
+ }
+ certFile := config.GetConfiguration().GrpcServerCert
+ keyFile := config.GetConfiguration().GrpcServerKey
+ host, port := register.GetServerHostPort()
+ lis, err := net.Listen("tcp", fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d", host, port))
+ if err != nil {
+ log.Fatalf("Could not listen to port: %v", err)
+ }
+ var opts []grpc.ServerOption
+ if tls {
+ if certFile == "" {
+ certFile = testdata.Path("server.pem")
+ }
+ if keyFile == "" {
+ keyFile = testdata.Path("server.key")
+ }
+ creds, err := credentials.NewServerTLSFromFile(certFile, keyFile)
+ if err != nil {
+ log.Fatalf("Could not generate credentials %v", err)
+ }
+ opts = []grpc.ServerOption{grpc.Creds(creds)}
+ }
+ grpcServer := grpc.NewServer(opts...)
+ updatepb.RegisterContextupdateServer(grpcServer, contextupdateserver.NewContextupdateServer())
+ log.Println("Starting Network Configuration Manager gRPC Server")
+ err = grpcServer.Serve(lis)
+ if err != nil {
+ log.Fatalf("ncm grpc server is not serving %v", err)
+ }
+ return err
+func main() {
+ rand.Seed(time.Now().UnixNano())
+ err := db.InitializeDatabaseConnection("mco")
+ if err != nil {
+ log.Println("Unable to initialize database connection...")
+ log.Println(err)
+ log.Fatalln("Exiting...")
+ }
+ err = contextDb.InitializeContextDatabase()
+ if err != nil {
+ log.Println("Unable to initialize database connection...")
+ log.Println(err)
+ log.Fatalln("Exiting...")
+ }
+ httpRouter := api.NewRouter(nil)
+ loggedRouter := handlers.LoggingHandler(os.Stdout, httpRouter)
+ log.Println("Starting Network Customization Manager")
+ httpServer := &http.Server{
+ Handler: loggedRouter,
+ Addr: ":" + config.GetConfiguration().ServicePort,
+ }
+ go func() {
+ err := startGrpcServer()
+ if err != nil {
+ log.Fatalf("GRPC server failed to start")
+ }
+ }()
+ connectionsClose := make(chan struct{})
+ go func() {
+ c := make(chan os.Signal, 1)
+ signal.Notify(c, os.Interrupt)
+ <-c
+ httpServer.Shutdown(context.Background())
+ close(connectionsClose)
+ }()
+ tlsConfig, err := auth.GetTLSConfig("ca.cert", "server.cert", "server.key")
+ if err != nil {
+ log.Println("Error Getting TLS Configuration. Starting without TLS...")
+ log.Fatal(httpServer.ListenAndServe())
+ } else {
+ httpServer.TLSConfig = tlsConfig
+ // empty strings because tlsconfig already has this information
+ err = httpServer.ListenAndServeTLS("", "")
+ }
diff --git a/src/ovnaction/config.json b/src/ovnaction/config.json
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4751ebe2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/ovnaction/config.json
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+ "database-ip": "",
+ "database-type": "mongo",
+ "plugin-dir": "plugins",
+ "service-port": "9018",
+ "grpc-server-cert": "/home/ewmulta/onap/frankfort/orchestrator/ca/ncm.crt",
+ "grpc-server-key": "/home/ewmulta/onap/frankfort/orchestrator/ca/ncm.key",
+ "grpc-enable-tls": "disable",
+ "grpc-server-name-override": ""
diff --git a/src/ovnaction/go.mod b/src/ovnaction/go.mod
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5f0ed5dd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/ovnaction/go.mod
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+require (
+ v1.0.0
+ v1.8.0 // indirect
+ v0.0.1 // indirect
+ v1.3.0
+ v1.6.2
+ v0.0.0-20200127152046-0ee521d56061
+ v0.0.0-20200515060444-c77850a75eee
+ v0.0.0-00010101000000-000000000000
+ v1.0.0 // indirect
+ v0.8.1
+ v0.0.0-20180814205039-7eeb5667e42c // indirect
+ v1.0.0 // indirect
+ v1.27.1
+ v2.2.8
+ v0.0.0-20190831074750-7364b6bdad65
+ v0.0.0-20190831074630-461753078381
+ v11.0.1-0.20190409021438-1a26190bd76a+incompatible
+ v1.14.1
+replace (
+ => ../orchestrator
+ => v0.0.0-20190409021203-6e4e0e4f393b
+ => v0.0.0-20190409022649-727a075fdec8
+ => v0.0.0-20190404173353-6a84e37a896d
+ => v0.0.0-20190409021813-1ec86e4da56c
+ => v0.0.0-20190409023024-d644b00f3b79
+ => v11.0.1-0.20190409021438-1a26190bd76a+incompatible
+ => v0.0.0-20190409023720-1bc0c81fa51d
+go 1.13
diff --git a/src/ovnaction/go.sum b/src/ovnaction/go.sum
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ef936018
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/ovnaction/go.sum
@@ -0,0 +1,626 @@ v0.26.0/go.mod h1:aQUYkXzVsufM+DwF1aE+0xfcU+56JwCaLick0ClmMTw= v0.34.0/go.mod h1:aQUYkXzVsufM+DwF1aE+0xfcU+56JwCaLick0ClmMTw= v0.38.0/go.mod h1:990N+gfupTy94rShfmMCWGDn0LpTmnzTp2qbd1dvSRU= v0.0.0-20170929234023-d6e3b3328b78/go.mod h1:LmzpDX56iTiv29bbRTIsUNlaFfuhWRQBWjQdVyAevI8= v0.3.1 h1:WXkYYl6Yr3qBf1K79EBnL4mak0OimBfB0XUf9Vl28OQ= v0.3.1/go.mod h1:xHWCNGjB5oqiDr8zfno3MHue2Ht5sIBksp03qcyfWMU= v0.0.0-20160522181843-27f122750802/go.mod h1:IVnqGOEym/WlBOVXweHU+Q+/VP0lqqI8lqeDx9IjBqo= v1.3.3/go.mod h1:f/Ixk793poVmq4qj/V1dPUg2JEAKC73Q5eFN3EC/SaM= v2.2.0+incompatible/go.mod h1:LButxg5PwREeZtORoXG3tL4fMGNddJ+vMq1mwgfaqoQ= v0.0.0-20171113091838-e9091a26100e h1:eb0Pzkt15Bm7f2FFYv7sjY7NPFi3cPkS3tv1CcrFBWA= v0.0.0-20171113091838-e9091a26100e/go.mod h1:64YHyfSL2R96J44Nlwm39UHepQbyR5q10x7iYa1ks2E= v1.4.2 h1:WBLTQ37jOCzSLtXNdoo8bNM8876KhNqOKvrlGITgsTc= v1.4.2/go.mod h1:MB6lktGJrhw8PrUyiEoblNEGEQ+RzHPF078ddwwvV3Y= v2.17.1+incompatible h1:PChbxFGKTWsg9IWh+pSZRCSj3zQkVpL6Hd9uWsFwxtc= 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h1:eMM0sTvh3KBVGwJfuNcU86P38TJhlVMAICbFPDG3t0M= v0.0.0-20190907131718-3d4f5b7dea0b/go.mod h1:sZAwmy6armz5eXlNoLmJcl4F1QuKu7sr+mFQ0byX7Ew= v0.0.0-20200327001022-6496210b90e8 h1:6JFbaLjRyBz8K2Jvt+pcT+N3vvwMZfg8MfVENwe9aag= v0.0.0-20200327001022-6496210b90e8/go.mod h1:sZAwmy6armz5eXlNoLmJcl4F1QuKu7sr+mFQ0byX7Ew= v0.0.0-20200411171748-3d5a2fe318e4 h1:vEYeh6f+jz98bCG4BHRQ733tuZpjzsJ+C/xv8awA0qM= v0.0.0-20200411171748-3d5a2fe318e4/go.mod h1:jPW/WVKK9YHAvNhRxK0md/EJ228hCsBRufyofKtW8HA= v0.0.0-20200414100711-2df71ebbae66 h1:Ly1Oxdu5p5ZFmiVT71LFgeZETvMfZ1iBIGeOenT2JeM= v0.0.0-20200414100711-2df71ebbae66/go.mod h1:jPW/WVKK9YHAvNhRxK0md/EJ228hCsBRufyofKtW8HA= v0.0.0-20200520001619-278ece378a50 h1:ZtTUW5+ZWaoqjR3zOpRa7oFJ5d4aA22l4me/xArfOIc= v0.0.0-20200520001619-278ece378a50/go.mod h1:jPW/WVKK9YHAvNhRxK0md/EJ228hCsBRufyofKtW8HA= v1.0.0/go.mod h1:1Sk4//wdnYJiUIxnW8ddKpaOJCF37yAdqYnkxUpaYxw= v1.0.0/go.mod h1:b/QX9oBD/LhixY6NDh+IdGv17hgB+51fET1i2kPSmvk= v1.0.0/go.mod h1:wU0vUrJsVWBZ4P6e7xtFJEhFSNsfRLJ8H458uRjg03k= v1.0.0/go.mod h1:lstksw84oURvj9y3tn8lGvRxyRC1S2+g5uuIzNfIOBs= v1.0.0/go.mod h1:mRNCo0bvLjGhHO9WsyuKVU4q0ceiDDDoEeWDJHrNx8I= v2.0.3+incompatible h1:JUufWFNlI44MdtnjUqVnvh29rR37PQFzPbLXqhyOyX0= v2.0.3+incompatible/go.mod h1:MkjgH3RdOWrievjo6c9T245dYlB5QeXV4WCbnt/PEpU= v0.0.0-20190525122527-15d366b2352e/go.mod h1:wWxsB5ozmmv/SG7nM11ayaAW51xMvak/t1r0CSlcokI= v1.1.0 h1:4A07+ZFc2wgJwo8YNlQpr1rVlgUDlxXHhPJciaPY5gs= v1.1.0/go.mod h1:UJmg0vDUVViEyp3mgSv9WPwZCDxu4rQW1olrI1uml+o= v1.2.0 h1:kr/MCeFWJWTwyaHoR9c8EjH9OumOmoF9YGiZd7lFm/Q= v1.2.0/go.mod h1:yfXDCHCao9+ENCvLSE62v9VSji2MKu5jeNfTrofGhJc= v0.0.0-20180919145318-efcd4e0f9787 h1:O69FD9pJA4WUZlEwYatBEEkRWKQ5cKodWpdKTrCS/iQ= v0.0.0-20180919145318-efcd4e0f9787/go.mod h1:so/NYdZXCz+E3ZpW0uAoCj6uzU2+8OWDFv/HxUSs7kI=
diff --git a/src/ovnaction/pkg/grpc/contextupdateserver/contextupdateserver.go b/src/ovnaction/pkg/grpc/contextupdateserver/contextupdateserver.go
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..fc548ccc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/ovnaction/pkg/grpc/contextupdateserver/contextupdateserver.go
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+Copyright 2020 Intel Corporation.
+Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+You may obtain a copy of the License at
+Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+limitations under the License.
+package contextupdateserver
+import (
+ "context"
+ "encoding/json"
+ "log"
+ contextpb ""
+ //""
+ //""
+type contextupdateServer struct {
+ contextpb.UnimplementedContextupdateServer
+func (cs *contextupdateServer) UpdateAppContext(ctx context.Context, req *contextpb.ContextUpdateRequest) (*contextpb.ContextUpdateResponse, error) {
+ contextUpdateReq, _ := json.Marshal(req)
+ log.Println("GRPC Server received contextupdateRequest: ", string(contextUpdateReq))
+ // Insert call to Server Functionality here
+ //
+ //
+ return &contextpb.ContextUpdateResponse{AppContextUpdated: true}, nil
+// NewContextUpdateServer exported
+func NewContextupdateServer() *contextupdateServer {
+ s := &contextupdateServer{}
+ return s
diff --git a/src/ovnaction/pkg/grpc/register.go b/src/ovnaction/pkg/grpc/register.go
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4a31cf9d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/ovnaction/pkg/grpc/register.go
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+Copyright 2020 Intel Corporation.
+Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+You may obtain a copy of the License at
+Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+limitations under the License.
+package grpc
+import (
+ "os"
+ "strconv"
+ "strings"
+ log ""
+const default_host = "localhost"
+const default_port = 9032
+const default_ovnaction_name = "ovnaction"
+func GetServerHostPort() (string, int) {
+ // expect name of this ncm program to be in env variable "OVNACTION_NAME" - e.g. OVNACTION_NAME="ncm"
+ serviceName := os.Getenv(ENV_OVNACTION_NAME)
+ if serviceName == "" {
+ serviceName = default_ovnaction_name
+ log.Info("Using default name for OVNACTION service name", log.Fields{
+ "Name": serviceName,
+ })
+ }
+ // expect service name to be in env variable - e.g. OVNACTION_SERVICE_HOST
+ host := os.Getenv(strings.ToUpper(serviceName) + "_SERVICE_HOST")
+ if host == "" {
+ host = default_host
+ log.Info("Using default host for ovnaction gRPC controller", log.Fields{
+ "Host": host,
+ })
+ }
+ // expect service port to be in env variable - e.g. OVNACTION_SERVICE_PORT
+ port, err := strconv.Atoi(os.Getenv(strings.ToUpper(serviceName) + "_SERVICE_PORT"))
+ if err != nil || port < 0 {
+ port = default_port
+ log.Info("Using default port for ovnaction gRPC controller", log.Fields{
+ "Port": port,
+ })
+ }
+ return host, port
diff --git a/src/ovnaction/pkg/module/chaining.go b/src/ovnaction/pkg/module/chaining.go
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..45f061fa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/ovnaction/pkg/module/chaining.go
@@ -0,0 +1,209 @@
+ * Copyright 2020 Intel Corporation, Inc
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+package module
+import (
+ ""
+ pkgerrors ""
+// Chain defines the high level structure of a network chain document
+type Chain struct {
+ Metadata Metadata `json:"metadata" yaml:"metadata"`
+ Spec NetworkChainingSpec `json:"spec" yaml:"spec"`
+// NetworkChainingSpec contains the specification of a network chain
+type NetworkChainingSpec struct {
+ ChainType string `json:"type"`
+ RoutingSpec RouteSpec `json:"routingSpec"`
+// RouteSpec contains the routing specificaiton of a network chain
+type RouteSpec struct {
+ LeftNetwork []RoutingNetwork `json:"leftNetwork"`
+ RightNetwork []RoutingNetwork `json:"rightNetwork"`
+ NetworkChain string `json:"networkChain"`
+ Namespace string `json:"namespace"`
+// RoutingNetwork contains the route networkroute network details for en element of a network chain
+type RoutingNetwork struct {
+ NetworkName string `json:"networkName"`
+ GatewayIP string `json:"gatewayIp"`
+ Subnet string `json:"subnet"`
+// ChainKey is the key structure that is used in the database
+type ChainKey struct {
+ Project string `json:"project"`
+ CompositeApp string `json:"compositeapp"`
+ CompositeAppVersion string `json:"compositeappversion"`
+ NetControlIntent string `json:"netcontrolintent"`
+ NetworkChain string `json:"networkchain"`
+// CrChain is the structure for the Network Chain Custom Resource
+type CrChain struct {
+ APIVersion string `yaml:"apiVersion"`
+ Kind string `yaml:"kind"`
+ Chain Chain
+// RoutingChainType is currently only defined chaining type
+const RoutingChainType = "routing"
+// ChainingAPIVersion is the kubernetes version of a network chain custom resource
+const ChainingAPIVersion = ""
+// ChainingKind is the Kind string for a network chain
+const ChainingKind = "NetworkChaining"
+// ChainManager is an interface exposing the Chain functionality
+type ChainManager interface {
+ CreateChain(ch Chain, pr, ca, caver, netctrlint string, exists bool) (Chain, error)
+ GetChain(name, pr, ca, caver, netctrlint string) (Chain, error)
+ GetChains(pr, ca, caver, netctrlint string) ([]Chain, error)
+ DeleteChain(name, pr, ca, caver, netctrlint string) error
+// ChainClient implements the Manager
+// It will also be used to maintain some localized state
+type ChainClient struct {
+ db ClientDbInfo
+// NewChainClient returns an instance of the ChainClient
+// which implements the Manager
+func NewChainClient() *ChainClient {
+ return &ChainClient{
+ db: ClientDbInfo{
+ storeName: "orchestrator",
+ tagMeta: "chainmetadata",
+ },
+ }
+// CreateChain - create a new Chain
+func (v *ChainClient) CreateChain(ch Chain, pr, ca, caver, netctrlint string, exists bool) (Chain, error) {
+ //Construct key and tag to select the entry
+ key := ChainKey{
+ Project: pr,
+ CompositeApp: ca,
+ CompositeAppVersion: caver,
+ NetControlIntent: netctrlint,
+ NetworkChain: ch.Metadata.Name,
+ }
+ //Check if the Network Control Intent exists
+ _, err := NewNetControlIntentClient().GetNetControlIntent(netctrlint, pr, ca, caver)
+ if err != nil {
+ return Chain{}, pkgerrors.Errorf("Network Control Intent %v does not exist", netctrlint)
+ }
+ //Check if this Chain already exists
+ _, err = v.GetChain(ch.Metadata.Name, pr, ca, caver, netctrlint)
+ if err == nil && !exists {
+ return Chain{}, pkgerrors.New("Chain already exists")
+ }
+ err = db.DBconn.Insert(v.db.storeName, key, nil, v.db.tagMeta, ch)
+ if err != nil {
+ return Chain{}, pkgerrors.Wrap(err, "Creating DB Entry")
+ }
+ return ch, nil
+// GetChain returns the Chain for corresponding name
+func (v *ChainClient) GetChain(name, pr, ca, caver, netctrlint string) (Chain, error) {
+ //Construct key and tag to select the entry
+ key := ChainKey{
+ Project: pr,
+ CompositeApp: ca,
+ CompositeAppVersion: caver,
+ NetControlIntent: netctrlint,
+ NetworkChain: name,
+ }
+ value, err := db.DBconn.Find(v.db.storeName, key, v.db.tagMeta)
+ if err != nil {
+ return Chain{}, pkgerrors.Wrap(err, "Get Chain")
+ }
+ //value is a byte array
+ if value != nil {
+ ch := Chain{}
+ err = db.DBconn.Unmarshal(value[0], &ch)
+ if err != nil {
+ return Chain{}, pkgerrors.Wrap(err, "Unmarshalling Value")
+ }
+ return ch, nil
+ }
+ return Chain{}, pkgerrors.New("Error getting Chain")
+// GetChains returns all of the Chains for for the given network control intent
+func (v *ChainClient) GetChains(pr, ca, caver, netctrlint string) ([]Chain, error) {
+ //Construct key and tag to select the entry
+ key := ChainKey{
+ Project: pr,
+ CompositeApp: ca,
+ CompositeAppVersion: caver,
+ NetControlIntent: netctrlint,
+ NetworkChain: "",
+ }
+ var resp []Chain
+ values, err := db.DBconn.Find(v.db.storeName, key, v.db.tagMeta)
+ if err != nil {
+ return []Chain{}, pkgerrors.Wrap(err, "Get Chains")
+ }
+ for _, value := range values {
+ cp := Chain{}
+ err = db.DBconn.Unmarshal(value, &cp)
+ if err != nil {
+ return []Chain{}, pkgerrors.Wrap(err, "Unmarshalling Value")
+ }
+ resp = append(resp, cp)
+ }
+ return resp, nil
+// DeleteChain deletes the Chain from the database
+func (v *ChainClient) DeleteChain(name, pr, ca, caver, netctrlint string) error {
+ //Construct key and tag to select the entry
+ key := ChainKey{
+ Project: pr,
+ CompositeApp: ca,
+ CompositeAppVersion: caver,
+ NetControlIntent: netctrlint,
+ NetworkChain: name,
+ }
+ err := db.DBconn.Remove(v.db.storeName, key)
+ if err != nil {
+ return pkgerrors.Wrap(err, "Delete Chain Entry;")
+ }
+ return nil
diff --git a/src/ovnaction/pkg/module/module.go b/src/ovnaction/pkg/module/module.go
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2b4b9358
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/ovnaction/pkg/module/module.go
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+ * Copyright 2020 Intel Corporation, Inc
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+package module
+// Client for using the services in the ncm
+type Client struct {
+ NetControlIntent *NetControlIntentClient
+ WorkloadIntent *WorkloadIntentClient
+ WorkloadIfIntent *WorkloadIfIntentClient
+ Chain *ChainClient
+ // Add Clients for API's here
+// NewClient creates a new client for using the services
+func NewClient() *Client {
+ c := &Client{}
+ c.NetControlIntent = NewNetControlIntentClient()
+ c.WorkloadIntent = NewWorkloadIntentClient()
+ c.WorkloadIfIntent = NewWorkloadIfIntentClient()
+ c.Chain = NewChainClient()
+ // Add Client API handlers here
+ return c
diff --git a/src/ovnaction/pkg/module/module_definitions.go b/src/ovnaction/pkg/module/module_definitions.go
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a868fdaf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/ovnaction/pkg/module/module_definitions.go
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+ * Copyright 2020 Intel Corporation, Inc
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+package module
+import (
+ ""
+ pkgerrors ""
+const CNI_TYPE_OVN4NFV string = "ovn4nfv"
+var CNI_TYPES = [...]string{CNI_TYPE_OVN4NFV}
+// It implements the interface for managing the ClusterProviders
+const MAX_DESCRIPTION_LEN int = 1024
+const MAX_USERDATA_LEN int = 4096
+type Metadata struct {
+ Name string `json:"name" yaml:"name"`
+ Description string `json:"description" yaml:"-"`
+ UserData1 string `json:"userData1" yaml:"-"`
+ UserData2 string `json:"userData2" yaml:"-"`
+type ClientDbInfo struct {
+ storeName string // name of the mongodb collection to use for client documents
+ tagMeta string // attribute key name for the json data of a client document
+ tagContent string // attribute key name for the file data of a client document
+ tagContext string // attribute key name for context object in App Context
+// Check for valid format Metadata
+func IsValidMetadata(metadata Metadata) error {
+ errs := validation.IsValidName(metadata.Name)
+ if len(errs) > 0 {
+ return pkgerrors.Errorf("Invalid Metadata name=[%v], errors: %v", metadata.Name, errs)
+ }
+ errs = validation.IsValidString(metadata.Description, 0, MAX_DESCRIPTION_LEN, validation.VALID_ANY_STR)
+ if len(errs) > 0 {
+ return pkgerrors.Errorf("Invalid Metadata description=[%v], errors: %v", metadata.Description, errs)
+ }
+ errs = validation.IsValidString(metadata.UserData1, 0, MAX_DESCRIPTION_LEN, validation.VALID_ANY_STR)
+ if len(errs) > 0 {
+ return pkgerrors.Errorf("Invalid Metadata description=[%v], errors: %v", metadata.UserData1, errs)
+ }
+ errs = validation.IsValidString(metadata.UserData2, 0, MAX_DESCRIPTION_LEN, validation.VALID_ANY_STR)
+ if len(errs) > 0 {
+ return pkgerrors.Errorf("Invalid Metadata description=[%v], errors: %v", metadata.UserData2, errs)
+ }
+ return nil
diff --git a/src/ovnaction/pkg/module/netcontrolintent.go b/src/ovnaction/pkg/module/netcontrolintent.go
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c005a935
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/ovnaction/pkg/module/netcontrolintent.go
@@ -0,0 +1,295 @@
+ * Copyright 2020 Intel Corporation, Inc
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+package module
+import (
+ "encoding/json"
+ "strings"
+ jyaml ""
+ nettypes ""
+ ""
+ ""
+ log ""
+ ""
+ ""
+ pkgerrors ""
+// NetControlIntent contains the parameters needed for dynamic networks
+type NetControlIntent struct {
+ Metadata Metadata `json:"metadata"`
+// NetControlIntentKey is the key structure that is used in the database
+type NetControlIntentKey struct {
+ NetControlIntent string `json:"netcontrolintent"`
+ Project string `json:"project"`
+ CompositeApp string `json:"compositeapp"`
+ CompositeAppVersion string `json:"compositeappversion"`
+// Manager is an interface exposing the NetControlIntent functionality
+type NetControlIntentManager interface {
+ CreateNetControlIntent(nci NetControlIntent, project, compositeapp, compositeappversion string, exists bool) (NetControlIntent, error)
+ GetNetControlIntent(name, project, compositeapp, compositeappversion string) (NetControlIntent, error)
+ GetNetControlIntents(project, compositeapp, compositeappversion string) ([]NetControlIntent, error)
+ DeleteNetControlIntent(name, project, compositeapp, compositeappversion string) error
+ ApplyNetControlIntent(name, project, compositeapp, compositeappversion, appContextId string) error
+// NetControlIntentClient implements the Manager
+// It will also be used to maintain some localized state
+type NetControlIntentClient struct {
+ db ClientDbInfo
+// NewNetControlIntentClient returns an instance of the NetControlIntentClient
+// which implements the Manager
+func NewNetControlIntentClient() *NetControlIntentClient {
+ return &NetControlIntentClient{
+ db: ClientDbInfo{
+ storeName: "orchestrator",
+ tagMeta: "netcontrolintentmetadata",
+ },
+ }
+// CreateNetControlIntent - create a new NetControlIntent
+func (v *NetControlIntentClient) CreateNetControlIntent(nci NetControlIntent, project, compositeapp, compositeappversion string, exists bool) (NetControlIntent, error) {
+ //Construct key and tag to select the entry
+ key := NetControlIntentKey{
+ NetControlIntent: nci.Metadata.Name,
+ Project: project,
+ CompositeApp: compositeapp,
+ CompositeAppVersion: compositeappversion,
+ }
+ //Check if this NetControlIntent already exists
+ _, err := v.GetNetControlIntent(nci.Metadata.Name, project, compositeapp, compositeappversion)
+ if err == nil && !exists {
+ return NetControlIntent{}, pkgerrors.New("NetControlIntent already exists")
+ }
+ err = db.DBconn.Insert(v.db.storeName, key, nil, v.db.tagMeta, nci)
+ if err != nil {
+ return NetControlIntent{}, pkgerrors.Wrap(err, "Creating DB Entry")
+ }
+ return nci, nil
+// GetNetControlIntent returns the NetControlIntent for corresponding name
+func (v *NetControlIntentClient) GetNetControlIntent(name, project, compositeapp, compositeappversion string) (NetControlIntent, error) {
+ //Construct key and tag to select the entry
+ key := NetControlIntentKey{
+ NetControlIntent: name,
+ Project: project,
+ CompositeApp: compositeapp,
+ CompositeAppVersion: compositeappversion,
+ }
+ value, err := db.DBconn.Find(v.db.storeName, key, v.db.tagMeta)
+ if err != nil {
+ return NetControlIntent{}, pkgerrors.Wrap(err, "Get NetControlIntent")
+ }
+ //value is a byte array
+ if value != nil {
+ nci := NetControlIntent{}
+ err = db.DBconn.Unmarshal(value[0], &nci)
+ if err != nil {
+ return NetControlIntent{}, pkgerrors.Wrap(err, "Unmarshalling Value")
+ }
+ return nci, nil
+ }
+ return NetControlIntent{}, pkgerrors.New("Error getting NetControlIntent")
+// GetNetControlIntentList returns all of the NetControlIntent for corresponding name
+func (v *NetControlIntentClient) GetNetControlIntents(project, compositeapp, compositeappversion string) ([]NetControlIntent, error) {
+ //Construct key and tag to select the entry
+ key := NetControlIntentKey{
+ NetControlIntent: "",
+ Project: project,
+ CompositeApp: compositeapp,
+ CompositeAppVersion: compositeappversion,
+ }
+ var resp []NetControlIntent
+ values, err := db.DBconn.Find(v.db.storeName, key, v.db.tagMeta)
+ if err != nil {
+ return []NetControlIntent{}, pkgerrors.Wrap(err, "Get NetControlIntents")
+ }
+ for _, value := range values {
+ nci := NetControlIntent{}
+ err = db.DBconn.Unmarshal(value, &nci)
+ if err != nil {
+ return []NetControlIntent{}, pkgerrors.Wrap(err, "Unmarshalling Value")
+ }
+ resp = append(resp, nci)
+ }
+ return resp, nil
+// Delete the NetControlIntent from database
+func (v *NetControlIntentClient) DeleteNetControlIntent(name, project, compositeapp, compositeappversion string) error {
+ //Construct key and tag to select the entry
+ key := NetControlIntentKey{
+ NetControlIntent: name,
+ Project: project,
+ CompositeApp: compositeapp,
+ CompositeAppVersion: compositeappversion,
+ }
+ err := db.DBconn.Remove(v.db.storeName, key)
+ if err != nil {
+ return pkgerrors.Wrap(err, "Delete NetControlIntent Entry;")
+ }
+ return nil
+// (Test Routine) - Apply network-control-intent
+func (v *NetControlIntentClient) ApplyNetControlIntent(name, project, compositeapp, compositeappversion, appContextId string) error {
+ // TODO: Handle all Network Chain Intents for the Network Control Intent
+ // Handle all Workload Intents for the Network Control Intent
+ wis, err := NewWorkloadIntentClient().GetWorkloadIntents(project, compositeapp, compositeappversion, name)
+ if err != nil {
+ return pkgerrors.Wrapf(err, "Error getting Workload Intents for Network Control Intent %v for %v/%v%v not found", name, project, compositeapp, compositeappversion)
+ }
+ // Setup the AppContext
+ var context appcontext.AppContext
+ _, err = context.LoadAppContext(appContextId)
+ if err != nil {
+ return pkgerrors.Wrapf(err, "Error getting AppContext with Id: %v for %v/%v%v",
+ appContextId, project, compositeapp, compositeappversion)
+ }
+ // Handle all intents (currently just Interface intents) for each Workload Intent
+ for _, wi := range wis {
+ // The app/resource identified in the workload intent needs to be updated with two annotations.
+ // 1 - The "" annotation will have {"name": "ovn-networkobj", "namespace": "default"} added
+ // to it (preserving any existing values for this annotation.
+ // 2 - The "" annotation will add any network interfaces that are provided by the
+ // workload/interfaces intents.
+ // Prepare the list of interfaces from the workload intent
+ wifs, err := NewWorkloadIfIntentClient().GetWorkloadIfIntents(project,
+ compositeapp,
+ compositeappversion,
+ name,
+ wi.Metadata.Name)
+ if err != nil {
+ return pkgerrors.Wrapf(err,
+ "Error getting Workload Interface Intents for Workload Intent %v under Network Control Intent %v for %v/%v%v not found",
+ wi.Metadata.Name, name, project, compositeapp, compositeappversion)
+ }
+ if len(wifs) == 0 {
+ log.Warn("No interface intents provided for workload intent", log.Fields{
+ "project": project,
+ "composite app": compositeapp,
+ "composite app version": compositeappversion,
+ "network control intent": name,
+ "workload intent": wi.Metadata.Name,
+ })
+ continue
+ }
+ // Get all clusters for the current App from the AppContext
+ clusters, err := context.GetClusterNames(wi.Spec.AppName)
+ for _, c := range clusters {
+ rh, err := context.GetResourceHandle(wi.Spec.AppName, c,
+ strings.Join([]string{wi.Spec.WorkloadResource, wi.Spec.Type}, "+"))
+ if err != nil {
+ log.Warn("App Context resource handle not found", log.Fields{
+ "project": project,
+ "composite app": compositeapp,
+ "composite app version": compositeappversion,
+ "network control intent": name,
+ "workload name": wi.Metadata.Name,
+ "app": wi.Spec.AppName,
+ "resource": wi.Spec.WorkloadResource,
+ "resource type": wi.Spec.Type,
+ })
+ continue
+ }
+ r, err := context.GetValue(rh)
+ if err != nil {
+ log.Error("Error retrieving resource from App Context", log.Fields{
+ "error": err,
+ "resource handle": rh,
+ })
+ }
+ // Unmarshal resource to K8S object
+ robj, err := runtime.Decode(scheme.Codecs.UniversalDeserializer(), []byte(r.(string)))
+ // Add network annotation to object
+ netAnnot := nettypes.NetworkSelectionElement{
+ Name: "ovn-networkobj",
+ Namespace: "default",
+ }
+ AddNetworkAnnotation(robj, netAnnot)
+ // Add nfn interface annotations to object
+ var newNfnIfs []WorkloadIfIntentSpec
+ for _, i := range wifs {
+ newNfnIfs = append(newNfnIfs, i.Spec)
+ }
+ AddNfnAnnotation(robj, newNfnIfs)
+ // Marshal object back to yaml format (via json - seems to eliminate most clutter)
+ j, err := json.Marshal(robj)
+ if err != nil {
+ log.Error("Error marshalling resource to JSON", log.Fields{
+ "error": err,
+ })
+ continue
+ }
+ y, err := jyaml.JSONToYAML(j)
+ if err != nil {
+ log.Error("Error marshalling resource to YAML", log.Fields{
+ "error": err,
+ })
+ continue
+ }
+ // Update resource in AppContext
+ err = context.UpdateResourceValue(rh, string(y))
+ if err != nil {
+ log.Error("Network updating app context resource handle", log.Fields{
+ "error": err,
+ "resource handle": rh,
+ })
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return nil
diff --git a/src/ovnaction/pkg/module/resources.go b/src/ovnaction/pkg/module/resources.go
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..24c9833e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/ovnaction/pkg/module/resources.go
@@ -0,0 +1,273 @@
+ * Copyright 2020 Intel Corporation, Inc
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+package module
+import (
+ "encoding/json"
+ "fmt"
+ nettypes ""
+ netutils ""
+ log ""
+ v1 ""
+ batch ""
+ batchv1beta1 ""
+ v1core ""
+ _ ""
+ _ ""
+ _ ""
+ _ ""
+ pkgerrors ""
+type NfnAnnotation struct {
+ CniType string
+ Interface []WorkloadIfIntentSpec
+const NfnAnnotationKey = ""
+// ParsePodTemplateNetworkAnnotation parses Pod annotation in PodTemplate
+func ParsePodTemplateNetworkAnnotation(pt *v1core.PodTemplateSpec) ([]*nettypes.NetworkSelectionElement, error) {
+ netAnnot := pt.Annotations[nettypes.NetworkAttachmentAnnot]
+ defaultNamespace := pt.Namespace
+ if len(netAnnot) == 0 {
+ return nil, pkgerrors.Errorf("No kubernetes network annotation found")
+ }
+ networks, err := netutils.ParseNetworkAnnotation(netAnnot, defaultNamespace)
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ return networks, nil
+// GetPodTemplateNetworkAnnotation gets Pod Nfn annotation in PodTemplate
+func GetPodTemplateNfnAnnotation(pt *v1core.PodTemplateSpec) NfnAnnotation {
+ var nfn NfnAnnotation
+ nfnAnnot := pt.Annotations[NfnAnnotationKey]
+ if len(nfnAnnot) == 0 {
+ return nfn
+ }
+ err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(nfnAnnot), &nfn)
+ if err != nil {
+ log.Warn("Error unmarshalling nfn annotation", log.Fields{
+ "annotation": nfnAnnot,
+ })
+ }
+ return nfn
+// GetPodNetworkAnnotation gets Pod Nfn annotation in PodTemplate
+func GetPodNfnAnnotation(p *v1core.Pod) NfnAnnotation {
+ var nfn NfnAnnotation
+ nfnAnnot := p.Annotations[NfnAnnotationKey]
+ if len(nfnAnnot) == 0 {
+ return nfn
+ }
+ err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(nfnAnnot), &nfn)
+ if err != nil {
+ log.Warn("Error unmarshalling nfn annotation", log.Fields{
+ "annotation": nfnAnnot,
+ })
+ }
+ return nfn
+func addNetworkAnnotation(a nettypes.NetworkSelectionElement, as []*nettypes.NetworkSelectionElement) []*nettypes.NetworkSelectionElement {
+ var netElements []*nettypes.NetworkSelectionElement
+ found := false
+ for _, e := range as {
+ if e.Name == a.Name {
+ found = true
+ }
+ netElements = append(netElements, e)
+ }
+ if !found {
+ netElements = append(netElements, &a)
+ }
+ return netElements
+// Add the interfaces in the 'new' parameter to the nfn annotation
+func newNfnIfs(nfn NfnAnnotation, new []WorkloadIfIntentSpec) NfnAnnotation {
+ // Prepare a new interface list - combining the original plus new ones
+ var newNfn NfnAnnotation
+ if nfn.CniType != CNI_TYPE_OVN4NFV {
+ if len(nfn.CniType) > 0 {
+ log.Warn("Error existing nfn cnitype is invalid", log.Fields{
+ "existing cnitype": nfn.CniType,
+ "using cnitype": CNI_TYPE_OVN4NFV,
+ })
+ }
+ }
+ newNfn.CniType = CNI_TYPE_OVN4NFV
+ // update any interfaces already in the list with the updated interface
+ for _, i := range nfn.Interface {
+ for _, j := range new {
+ if i.NetworkName == j.NetworkName && i.IfName == j.IfName {
+ i.DefaultGateway = j.DefaultGateway
+ i.IpAddr = j.IpAddr
+ i.MacAddr = j.MacAddr
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ newNfn.Interface = append(newNfn.Interface, i)
+ }
+ // add new interfaces not present in original list
+ for _, j := range new {
+ found := false
+ for _, i := range nfn.Interface {
+ if i.NetworkName == j.NetworkName && i.IfName == j.IfName {
+ found = true
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ if !found {
+ newNfn.Interface = append(newNfn.Interface, j)
+ }
+ }
+ return newNfn
+func updatePodTemplateNetworkAnnotation(pt *v1core.PodTemplateSpec, a nettypes.NetworkSelectionElement) {
+ netAnnotation, _ := ParsePodTemplateNetworkAnnotation(pt)
+ elements := addNetworkAnnotation(a, netAnnotation)
+ j, err := json.Marshal(elements)
+ if err != nil {
+ log.Error("Existing network annotation has invalid format", log.Fields{
+ "error": err,
+ })
+ return
+ }
+ if pt.Annotations == nil {
+ pt.Annotations = make(map[string]string)
+ }
+ pt.Annotations[nettypes.NetworkAttachmentAnnot] = string(j)
+// Add a network annotation to the resource
+func AddNetworkAnnotation(r interface{}, a nettypes.NetworkSelectionElement) {
+ switch o := r.(type) {
+ case *batch.Job:
+ updatePodTemplateNetworkAnnotation(&o.Spec.Template, a)
+ case *batchv1beta1.CronJob:
+ updatePodTemplateNetworkAnnotation(&o.Spec.JobTemplate.Spec.Template, a)
+ case *v1.DaemonSet:
+ updatePodTemplateNetworkAnnotation(&o.Spec.Template, a)
+ case *v1.Deployment:
+ updatePodTemplateNetworkAnnotation(&o.Spec.Template, a)
+ case *v1.ReplicaSet:
+ updatePodTemplateNetworkAnnotation(&o.Spec.Template, a)
+ case *v1.StatefulSet:
+ updatePodTemplateNetworkAnnotation(&o.Spec.Template, a)
+ case *v1core.Pod:
+ netAnnotation, _ := netutils.ParsePodNetworkAnnotation(o)
+ elements := addNetworkAnnotation(a, netAnnotation)
+ j, err := json.Marshal(elements)
+ if err != nil {
+ log.Error("Existing network annotation has invalid format", log.Fields{
+ "error": err,
+ })
+ break
+ }
+ if o.Annotations == nil {
+ o.Annotations = make(map[string]string)
+ }
+ o.Annotations[nettypes.NetworkAttachmentAnnot] = string(j)
+ return
+ case *v1core.ReplicationController:
+ updatePodTemplateNetworkAnnotation(o.Spec.Template, a)
+ default:
+ typeStr := fmt.Sprintf("%T", o)
+ log.Warn("Network annotations not supported for resource type", log.Fields{
+ "resource type": typeStr,
+ })
+ }
+func updatePodTemplateNfnAnnotation(pt *v1core.PodTemplateSpec, new []WorkloadIfIntentSpec) {
+ nfnAnnotation := GetPodTemplateNfnAnnotation(pt)
+ newNfnAnnotation := newNfnIfs(nfnAnnotation, new)
+ j, err := json.Marshal(newNfnAnnotation)
+ if err != nil {
+ log.Error("Network nfn annotation has invalid format", log.Fields{
+ "error": err,
+ })
+ return
+ }
+ if pt.Annotations == nil {
+ pt.Annotations = make(map[string]string)
+ }
+ pt.Annotations[NfnAnnotationKey] = string(j)
+// Add an nfn annotation to the resource
+func AddNfnAnnotation(r interface{}, new []WorkloadIfIntentSpec) {
+ switch o := r.(type) {
+ case *batch.Job:
+ updatePodTemplateNfnAnnotation(&o.Spec.Template, new)
+ case *batchv1beta1.CronJob:
+ updatePodTemplateNfnAnnotation(&o.Spec.JobTemplate.Spec.Template, new)
+ case *v1.DaemonSet:
+ updatePodTemplateNfnAnnotation(&o.Spec.Template, new)
+ return
+ case *v1.Deployment:
+ updatePodTemplateNfnAnnotation(&o.Spec.Template, new)
+ return
+ case *v1.ReplicaSet:
+ updatePodTemplateNfnAnnotation(&o.Spec.Template, new)
+ case *v1.StatefulSet:
+ updatePodTemplateNfnAnnotation(&o.Spec.Template, new)
+ case *v1core.Pod:
+ nfnAnnotation := GetPodNfnAnnotation(o)
+ newNfnAnnotation := newNfnIfs(nfnAnnotation, new)
+ j, err := json.Marshal(newNfnAnnotation)
+ if err != nil {
+ log.Error("Network nfn annotation has invalid format", log.Fields{
+ "error": err,
+ })
+ break
+ }
+ if o.Annotations == nil {
+ o.Annotations = make(map[string]string)
+ }
+ o.Annotations[NfnAnnotationKey] = string(j)
+ return
+ case *v1core.ReplicationController:
+ updatePodTemplateNfnAnnotation(o.Spec.Template, new)
+ return
+ default:
+ typeStr := fmt.Sprintf("%T", o)
+ log.Warn("Network nfn annotations not supported for resource type", log.Fields{
+ "resource type": typeStr,
+ })
+ }
diff --git a/src/ovnaction/pkg/module/workloadifintent.go b/src/ovnaction/pkg/module/workloadifintent.go
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..55062564
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/ovnaction/pkg/module/workloadifintent.go
@@ -0,0 +1,188 @@
+ * Copyright 2020 Intel Corporation, Inc
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+package module
+import (
+ ""
+ pkgerrors ""
+// WorkloadIfIntent contains the parameters needed for dynamic networks
+type WorkloadIfIntent struct {
+ Metadata Metadata `json:"metadata"`
+ Spec WorkloadIfIntentSpec `json:"spec"`
+type WorkloadIfIntentSpec struct {
+ IfName string `json:"interface"`
+ NetworkName string `json:"name"`
+ DefaultGateway string `json:"defaultGateway"` // optional, default value is "false"
+ IpAddr string `json:"ipAddress,omitempty"` // optional, if not provided then will be dynamically allocated
+ MacAddr string `json:"macAddress,omitempty"` // optional, if not provided then will be dynamically allocated
+// WorkloadIfIntentKey is the key structure that is used in the database
+type WorkloadIfIntentKey struct {
+ Project string `json:"provider"`
+ CompositeApp string `json:"compositeapp"`
+ CompositeAppVersion string `json:"compositeappversion"`
+ NetControlIntent string `json:"netcontrolintent"`
+ WorkloadIntent string `json:"workloadintent"`
+ WorkloadIfIntent string `json:"workloadifintent"`
+// Manager is an interface exposing the WorkloadIfIntent functionality
+type WorkloadIfIntentManager interface {
+ CreateWorkloadIfIntent(wi WorkloadIfIntent, project, compositeapp, compositeappversion, netcontrolintent, workloadintent string, exists bool) (WorkloadIfIntent, error)
+ GetWorkloadIfIntent(name, project, compositeapp, compositeappversion, netcontrolintent, workloadintent string) (WorkloadIfIntent, error)
+ GetWorkloadIfIntents(project, compositeapp, compositeappversion, netcontrolintent, workloadintent string) ([]WorkloadIfIntent, error)
+ DeleteWorkloadIfIntent(name, project, compositeapp, compositeappversion, netcontrolintent, workloadintent string) error
+// WorkloadIfIntentClient implements the Manager
+// It will also be used to maintain some localized state
+type WorkloadIfIntentClient struct {
+ db ClientDbInfo
+// NewWorkloadIfIntentClient returns an instance of the WorkloadIfIntentClient
+// which implements the Manager
+func NewWorkloadIfIntentClient() *WorkloadIfIntentClient {
+ return &WorkloadIfIntentClient{
+ db: ClientDbInfo{
+ storeName: "orchestrator",
+ tagMeta: "workloadifintentmetadata",
+ },
+ }
+// CreateWorkloadIfIntent - create a new WorkloadIfIntent
+func (v *WorkloadIfIntentClient) CreateWorkloadIfIntent(wif WorkloadIfIntent, project, compositeapp, compositeappversion, netcontrolintent, workloadintent string, exists bool) (WorkloadIfIntent, error) {
+ //Construct key and tag to select the entry
+ key := WorkloadIfIntentKey{
+ Project: project,
+ CompositeApp: compositeapp,
+ CompositeAppVersion: compositeappversion,
+ NetControlIntent: netcontrolintent,
+ WorkloadIntent: workloadintent,
+ WorkloadIfIntent: wif.Metadata.Name,
+ }
+ //Check if the Workload Intent exists
+ _, err := NewWorkloadIntentClient().GetWorkloadIntent(workloadintent, project, compositeapp, compositeappversion, netcontrolintent)
+ if err != nil {
+ return WorkloadIfIntent{}, pkgerrors.Errorf("Workload Intent %v does not exist", workloadintent)
+ }
+ //Check if this WorkloadIfIntent already exists
+ _, err = v.GetWorkloadIfIntent(wif.Metadata.Name, project, compositeapp, compositeappversion, netcontrolintent, workloadintent)
+ if err == nil && !exists {
+ return WorkloadIfIntent{}, pkgerrors.New("WorkloadIfIntent already exists")
+ }
+ err = db.DBconn.Insert(v.db.storeName, key, nil, v.db.tagMeta, wif)
+ if err != nil {
+ return WorkloadIfIntent{}, pkgerrors.Wrap(err, "Creating DB Entry")
+ }
+ return wif, nil
+// GetWorkloadIfIntent returns the WorkloadIfIntent for corresponding name
+func (v *WorkloadIfIntentClient) GetWorkloadIfIntent(name, project, compositeapp, compositeappversion, netcontrolintent, workloadintent string) (WorkloadIfIntent, error) {
+ //Construct key and tag to select the entry
+ key := WorkloadIfIntentKey{
+ Project: project,
+ CompositeApp: compositeapp,
+ CompositeAppVersion: compositeappversion,
+ NetControlIntent: netcontrolintent,
+ WorkloadIntent: workloadintent,
+ WorkloadIfIntent: name,
+ }
+ value, err := db.DBconn.Find(v.db.storeName, key, v.db.tagMeta)
+ if err != nil {
+ return WorkloadIfIntent{}, pkgerrors.Wrap(err, "Get WorkloadIfIntent")
+ }
+ //value is a byte array
+ if value != nil {
+ wif := WorkloadIfIntent{}
+ err = db.DBconn.Unmarshal(value[0], &wif)
+ if err != nil {
+ return WorkloadIfIntent{}, pkgerrors.Wrap(err, "Unmarshalling Value")
+ }
+ return wif, nil
+ }
+ return WorkloadIfIntent{}, pkgerrors.New("Error getting WorkloadIfIntent")
+// GetWorkloadIfIntentList returns all of the WorkloadIfIntent for corresponding name
+func (v *WorkloadIfIntentClient) GetWorkloadIfIntents(project, compositeapp, compositeappversion, netcontrolintent, workloadintent string) ([]WorkloadIfIntent, error) {
+ //Construct key and tag to select the entry
+ key := WorkloadIfIntentKey{
+ Project: project,
+ CompositeApp: compositeapp,
+ CompositeAppVersion: compositeappversion,
+ NetControlIntent: netcontrolintent,
+ WorkloadIntent: workloadintent,
+ WorkloadIfIntent: "",
+ }
+ var resp []WorkloadIfIntent
+ values, err := db.DBconn.Find(v.db.storeName, key, v.db.tagMeta)
+ if err != nil {
+ return []WorkloadIfIntent{}, pkgerrors.Wrap(err, "Get WorkloadIfIntents")
+ }
+ for _, value := range values {
+ wif := WorkloadIfIntent{}
+ err = db.DBconn.Unmarshal(value, &wif)
+ if err != nil {
+ return []WorkloadIfIntent{}, pkgerrors.Wrap(err, "Unmarshalling Value")
+ }
+ resp = append(resp, wif)
+ }
+ return resp, nil
+// Delete the WorkloadIfIntent from database
+func (v *WorkloadIfIntentClient) DeleteWorkloadIfIntent(name, project, compositeapp, compositeappversion, netcontrolintent, workloadintent string) error {
+ //Construct key and tag to select the entry
+ key := WorkloadIfIntentKey{
+ Project: project,
+ CompositeApp: compositeapp,
+ CompositeAppVersion: compositeappversion,
+ NetControlIntent: netcontrolintent,
+ WorkloadIntent: workloadintent,
+ WorkloadIfIntent: name,
+ }
+ err := db.DBconn.Remove(v.db.storeName, key)
+ if err != nil {
+ return pkgerrors.Wrap(err, "Delete WorkloadIfIntent Entry;")
+ }
+ return nil
diff --git a/src/ovnaction/pkg/module/workloadintent.go b/src/ovnaction/pkg/module/workloadintent.go
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e6916954
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/ovnaction/pkg/module/workloadintent.go
@@ -0,0 +1,181 @@
+ * Copyright 2020 Intel Corporation, Inc
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+package module
+import (
+ ""
+ pkgerrors ""
+// WorkloadIntent contains the parameters needed for dynamic networks
+type WorkloadIntent struct {
+ Metadata Metadata `json:"metadata"`
+ Spec WorkloadIntentSpec `json:"spec"`
+type WorkloadIntentSpec struct {
+ AppName string `json:"application-name"`
+ WorkloadResource string `json:"workload-resource"`
+ Type string `json:"type"`
+// WorkloadIntentKey is the key structure that is used in the database
+type WorkloadIntentKey struct {
+ Project string `json:"provider"`
+ CompositeApp string `json:"compositeapp"`
+ CompositeAppVersion string `json:"compositeappversion"`
+ NetControlIntent string `json:"netcontrolintent"`
+ WorkloadIntent string `json:"workloadintent"`
+// Manager is an interface exposing the WorkloadIntent functionality
+type WorkloadIntentManager interface {
+ CreateWorkloadIntent(wi WorkloadIntent, project, compositeapp, compositeappversion, netcontrolintent string, exists bool) (WorkloadIntent, error)
+ GetWorkloadIntent(name, project, compositeapp, compositeappversion, netcontrolintent string) (WorkloadIntent, error)
+ GetWorkloadIntents(project, compositeapp, compositeappversion, netcontrolintent string) ([]WorkloadIntent, error)
+ DeleteWorkloadIntent(name, project, compositeapp, compositeappversion, netcontrolintent string) error
+// WorkloadIntentClient implements the Manager
+// It will also be used to maintain some localized state
+type WorkloadIntentClient struct {
+ db ClientDbInfo
+// NewWorkloadIntentClient returns an instance of the WorkloadIntentClient
+// which implements the Manager
+func NewWorkloadIntentClient() *WorkloadIntentClient {
+ return &WorkloadIntentClient{
+ db: ClientDbInfo{
+ storeName: "orchestrator",
+ tagMeta: "workloadintentmetadata",
+ },
+ }
+// CreateWorkloadIntent - create a new WorkloadIntent
+func (v *WorkloadIntentClient) CreateWorkloadIntent(wi WorkloadIntent, project, compositeapp, compositeappversion, netcontrolintent string, exists bool) (WorkloadIntent, error) {
+ //Construct key and tag to select the entry
+ key := WorkloadIntentKey{
+ Project: project,
+ CompositeApp: compositeapp,
+ CompositeAppVersion: compositeappversion,
+ NetControlIntent: netcontrolintent,
+ WorkloadIntent: wi.Metadata.Name,
+ }
+ //Check if the Network Control Intent exists
+ _, err := NewNetControlIntentClient().GetNetControlIntent(netcontrolintent, project, compositeapp, compositeappversion)
+ if err != nil {
+ return WorkloadIntent{}, pkgerrors.Errorf("Network Control Intent %v does not exist", netcontrolintent)
+ }
+ //Check if this WorkloadIntent already exists
+ _, err = v.GetWorkloadIntent(wi.Metadata.Name, project, compositeapp, compositeappversion, netcontrolintent)
+ if err == nil && !exists {
+ return WorkloadIntent{}, pkgerrors.New("WorkloadIntent already exists")
+ }
+ err = db.DBconn.Insert(v.db.storeName, key, nil, v.db.tagMeta, wi)
+ if err != nil {
+ return WorkloadIntent{}, pkgerrors.Wrap(err, "Creating DB Entry")
+ }
+ return wi, nil
+// GetWorkloadIntent returns the WorkloadIntent for corresponding name
+func (v *WorkloadIntentClient) GetWorkloadIntent(name, project, compositeapp, compositeappversion, netcontrolintent string) (WorkloadIntent, error) {
+ //Construct key and tag to select the entry
+ key := WorkloadIntentKey{
+ Project: project,
+ CompositeApp: compositeapp,
+ CompositeAppVersion: compositeappversion,
+ NetControlIntent: netcontrolintent,
+ WorkloadIntent: name,
+ }
+ value, err := db.DBconn.Find(v.db.storeName, key, v.db.tagMeta)
+ if err != nil {
+ return WorkloadIntent{}, pkgerrors.Wrap(err, "Get WorkloadIntent")
+ }
+ //value is a byte array
+ if value != nil {
+ wi := WorkloadIntent{}
+ err = db.DBconn.Unmarshal(value[0], &wi)
+ if err != nil {
+ return WorkloadIntent{}, pkgerrors.Wrap(err, "Unmarshalling Value")
+ }
+ return wi, nil
+ }
+ return WorkloadIntent{}, pkgerrors.New("Error getting WorkloadIntent")
+// GetWorkloadIntentList returns all of the WorkloadIntent for corresponding name
+func (v *WorkloadIntentClient) GetWorkloadIntents(project, compositeapp, compositeappversion, netcontrolintent string) ([]WorkloadIntent, error) {
+ //Construct key and tag to select the entry
+ key := WorkloadIntentKey{
+ Project: project,
+ CompositeApp: compositeapp,
+ CompositeAppVersion: compositeappversion,
+ NetControlIntent: netcontrolintent,
+ WorkloadIntent: "",
+ }
+ var resp []WorkloadIntent
+ values, err := db.DBconn.Find(v.db.storeName, key, v.db.tagMeta)
+ if err != nil {
+ return []WorkloadIntent{}, pkgerrors.Wrap(err, "Get WorkloadIntents")
+ }
+ for _, value := range values {
+ wi := WorkloadIntent{}
+ err = db.DBconn.Unmarshal(value, &wi)
+ if err != nil {
+ return []WorkloadIntent{}, pkgerrors.Wrap(err, "Unmarshalling Value")
+ }
+ resp = append(resp, wi)
+ }
+ return resp, nil
+// Delete the WorkloadIntent from database
+func (v *WorkloadIntentClient) DeleteWorkloadIntent(name, project, compositeapp, compositeappversion, netcontrolintent string) error {
+ //Construct key and tag to select the entry
+ key := WorkloadIntentKey{
+ Project: project,
+ CompositeApp: compositeapp,
+ CompositeAppVersion: compositeappversion,
+ NetControlIntent: netcontrolintent,
+ WorkloadIntent: name,
+ }
+ err := db.DBconn.Remove(v.db.storeName, key)
+ if err != nil {
+ return pkgerrors.Wrap(err, "Delete WorkloadIntent Entry;")
+ }
+ return nil
diff --git a/src/ovnaction/scripts/Dockerfile b/src/ovnaction/scripts/Dockerfile
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a9d4d467
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/ovnaction/scripts/Dockerfile
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+# SPDX-license-identifier: Apache-2.0
+# Copyright (c) 2020
+# All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
+# are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0
+# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
+FROM ubuntu:18.04
+ENV http_proxy $HTTP_PROXY
+ENV https_proxy $HTTPS_PROXY
+ENV no_proxy $NO_PROXY
+EXPOSE 9016
+RUN groupadd -r onap && useradd -r -g onap onap
+WORKDIR /opt/multicloud/k8s/ovnaction
+RUN chown onap:onap /opt/multicloud/k8s/ovnaction -R
+ADD --chown=onap ./ovnaction ./
+USER onap
+CMD ["./ovnaction"]