path: root/kud/tests
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'kud/tests')
7 files changed, 326 insertions, 100 deletions
diff --git a/kud/tests/_common.sh b/kud/tests/_common.sh
index 3120dad7..044891dd 100755
--- a/kud/tests/_common.sh
+++ b/kud/tests/_common.sh
@@ -27,10 +27,8 @@ unprotected_private_net=unprotected-private-net
# vFirewall vars
@@ -1119,16 +1117,38 @@ DEPLOYMENT
# populate_CSAR_rbdefinition() - Function that populates CSAR folder
# for testing resource bundle definition
function populate_CSAR_rbdefinition {
- local csar_id=$1
+ _checks_args "$1"
+ pushd "${CSAR_DIR}/$1"
+ print_msg "Create Helm Chart Archives"
+ rm -f *.tar.gz
+ tar -czf rb_profile.tar.gz -C $test_folder/vnfs/testrb/helm/profile .
+ #Creates vault-consul-dev-0.0.0.tgz
+ helm package $test_folder/vnfs/testrb/helm/vault-consul-dev --version 0.0.0
+ popd
- _checks_args $csar_id
- pushd ${CSAR_DIR}/${csar_id}
+# populate_CSAR_edgex_rbdefinition() - Function that populates CSAR folder
+# for testing resource bundle definition of edgex scenario
+function populate_CSAR_edgex_rbdefinition {
+ _checks_args "$1"
+ pushd "${CSAR_DIR}/$1"
print_msg "Create Helm Chart Archives"
- rm -f ${rbd_content_tarball}.gz
- rm -f ${rbp_content_tarball}.gz
- tar -cf $rbd_content_tarball -C $test_folder/vnfs/testrb/helm vault-consul-dev
- tar -cf $rbp_content_tarball -C $test_folder/vnfs/testrb/helm/profile .
- gzip $rbp_content_tarball
- gzip $rbd_content_tarball
+ rm -f *.tar.gz
+ tar -czf rb_profile.tar.gz -C $test_folder/vnfs/edgex/profile .
+ tar -czf rb_definition.tar.gz -C $test_folder/vnfs/edgex/helm edgex
+# populate_CSAR_fw_rbdefinition() - Function that populates CSAR folder
+# for testing resource bundle definition of firewall scenario
+function populate_CSAR_fw_rbdefinition {
+ _checks_args "$1"
+ pushd "${CSAR_DIR}/$1"
+ print_msg "Create Helm Chart Archives for vFirewall"
+ rm -f *.tar.gz
+ # Reuse profile from the edgeX case as it is an empty profile
+ tar -czf rb_profile.tar.gz -C $test_folder/vnfs/edgex/profile .
+ tar -czf rb_definition.tar.gz -C $test_folder/../demo firewall
+ popd
diff --git a/kud/tests/_functions.sh b/kud/tests/_functions.sh
index 483aed5c..d585086b 100755
--- a/kud/tests/_functions.sh
+++ b/kud/tests/_functions.sh
@@ -25,12 +25,36 @@ function print_msg {
function get_ovn_central_address {
- ansible_ifconfig=$(ansible ovn-central[0] -i ${FUNCTIONS_DIR}/../hosting_providers/vagrant/inventory/hosts.ini -m shell -a "ifconfig ${OVN_CENTRAL_INTERFACE} |grep \"inet addr\" |awk '{print \$2}' |awk -F: '{print \$2}'")
- if [[ $ansible_ifconfig != *CHANGED* ]]; then
- echo "Fail to get the OVN central IP address from ${OVN_CENTRAL_INTERFACE} nic"
- exit
+ #Reuse OVN_CENTRAL_ADDRESS if available (bypassable by --force flag)
+ if [[ "${1:-}" != "--force" ]] && [[ -n "${OVN_CENTRAL_ADDRESS:-}" ]]; then
+ return 0
+ fi
+ local remote_command="ip address show dev $OVN_CENTRAL_INTERFACE primary"
+ declare -a ansible_command=(ansible ovn-central[0] -i \
+ "${FUNCTIONS_DIR}/../hosting_providers/vagrant/inventory/hosts.ini")
+ declare -a filter=(awk -F '[ \t/]+' \
+ 'BEGIN {r=1} {for (i=1; i<=NF; i++) if ($i == "inet") {print $(i+1); r=0}} END {exit r}')
+ local result
+ #Determine OVN_CENTRAL_INTERFACE address
+ if ! result="$("${ansible_command[@]}" -a "${remote_command}")"; then
+ echo "Ansible error for remote host ovn-central[0]" >&2
+ return 1
+ else
+ if [[ "${result}" != *CHANGED* ]]; then
+ echo "Failed to execute command on remote host ovn-central[0]" >&2
+ return 2
+ else
+ if ! result="$("${filter[@]}" <<< "${result}")"; then
+ echo "Failed to retrieve interface address from command output" >&2
+ return 3
+ else
+ echo "${result}:6641"
+ fi
+ fi
- echo "$(echo ${ansible_ifconfig#*>>} | tr '\n' ':')6641"
function call_api {
@@ -149,6 +173,26 @@ function wait_deployment {
+# wait_for_pod() - Wait until first pod matched by kubectl filters is in running status
+function wait_for_pod {
+ #Example usage:
+ # wait_for_pods example_pod
+ # wait_for_pods --namespace test different_pod
+ # wait_for_pods -n test -l app=plugin_test
+ status_phase=""
+ while [[ "$status_phase" != "Running" ]]; do
+ new_phase="$(kubectl get pods -o 'go-template={{ index .items 0 "status" "phase" }}' "$@" )"
+ if [[ "$new_phase" != "$status_phase" ]]; then
+ echo "$(date +%H:%M:%S) - Filter=[$*] : $new_phase"
+ status_phase="$new_phase"
+ fi
+ if [[ "$new_phase" == "Err"* ]]; then
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ done
# setup() - Base testing setup shared among functional tests
function setup {
if ! $(kubectl version &>/dev/null); then
diff --git a/kud/tests/plugin.sh b/kud/tests/plugin.sh
index af74af5f..aff04128 100755
--- a/kud/tests/plugin.sh
+++ b/kud/tests/plugin.sh
@@ -17,9 +17,11 @@ source _common.sh
source _common_test.sh
source _functions.sh
#Will resolve to file $KUBE_CONFIG_DIR/kud
@@ -34,10 +36,10 @@ function _build_generic_sim {
- if [ $HTTP_PROXY ]; then
+ if [ ${HTTP_PROXY:-} ]; then
- if [ $HTTPS_PROXY ]; then
+ if [ ${HTTPS_PROXY:-} ]; then
@@ -67,7 +69,7 @@ populate_CSAR_rbdefinition $csar_id
# Test
print_msg "Create Resource Bundle Definition Metadata"
\"rb-name\": \"${rb_name}\",
\"rb-version\": \"${rb_version}\",
@@ -78,14 +80,13 @@ payload_raw="
-payload=$(echo $payload_raw | tr '\n' ' ')
-rb_ret_name=$(curl -s -d "$payload" -X POST "${base_url}/v1/rb/definition" | jq -r '."rb-name"')
+call_api -d "$payload" "${base_url}/rb/definition"
print_msg "Upload Resource Bundle Definition Content"
-curl -s --data-binary @${CSAR_DIR}/${csar_id}/${rbd_content_tarball}.gz -X POST "${base_url}/v1/rb/definition/$rb_name/$rb_version/content"
+call_api --data-binary "@${CSAR_DIR}/${csar_id}/vault-consul-dev-0.0.0.tgz" "${base_url}/rb/definition/$rb_name/$rb_version/content"
print_msg "Listing Resource Bundle Definitions"
-rb_list=$(curl -s -X GET "${base_url}/v1/rb/definition/$rb_name")
+rb_list=$(call_api "${base_url}/rb/definition/$rb_name")
if [[ "$rb_list" != *"${rb_name}"* ]]; then
echo $rb_list
echo "Resource Bundle Definition not stored"
@@ -94,7 +95,7 @@ fi
print_msg "Create Resource Bundle Profile Metadata"
kubeversion=$(kubectl version | grep 'Server Version' | awk -F '"' '{print $6}')
\"profile-name\": \"${profile_name}\",
\"rb-name\": \"${rb_name}\",
@@ -107,22 +108,33 @@ payload_raw="
-payload=$(echo $payload_raw | tr '\n' ' ')
-rbp_ret_name=$(curl -s -d "$payload" -X POST "${base_url}/v1/rb/definition/$rb_name/$rb_version/profile" | jq -r '."profile-name"')
+call_api -d "$payload" "${base_url}/rb/definition/$rb_name/$rb_version/profile"
print_msg "Upload Resource Bundle Profile Content"
-curl -s --data-binary @${CSAR_DIR}/${csar_id}/${rbp_content_tarball}.gz -X POST "${base_url}/v1/rb/definition/$rb_name/$rb_version/profile/$profile_name/content"
+call_api --data-binary "@${CSAR_DIR}/${csar_id}/rb_profile.tar.gz" "${base_url}/rb/definition/$rb_name/$rb_version/profile/$profile_name/content"
print_msg "Getting Resource Bundle Profile"
-rbp_ret=$(curl -s -X GET "${base_url}/v1/rb/definition/$rb_name/$rb_version/profile/$profile_name")
+rbp_ret=$(call_api "${base_url}/rb/definition/$rb_name/$rb_version/profile/$profile_name")
if [[ "$rbp_ret" != *"${profile_name}"* ]]; then
echo $rbp_ret
echo "Resource Bundle Profile not stored"
exit 1
+print_msg "Setup cloud data"
+payload="$(cat <<EOF
+ "cloud-region": "$cloud_region_id",
+ "cloud-owner": "$cloud_region_owner"
+call_api -F "metadata=$payload" \
+ -F "file=@$kubeconfig_path" \
+ "${base_url}/connectivity-info" >/dev/null
print_msg "Instantiate Profile"
\"cloud-region\": \"$cloud_region_id\",
@@ -130,8 +142,9 @@ payload_raw="
-payload=$(echo $payload_raw | tr '\n' ' ')
-inst_id=$(curl -s -d "$payload" "${base_url}/v1/instance" | jq -r '.id')
+inst_id=$(call_api -d "$payload" "${base_url}/instance")
+echo "$inst_id"
+inst_id=$(jq -r '.id' <<< "$inst_id")
print_msg "Validating Kubernetes"
kubectl get --no-headers=true --namespace=${namespace} deployment ${release_name}-vault-consul-dev
@@ -139,35 +152,21 @@ kubectl get --no-headers=true --namespace=${namespace} service override-vault-co
echo "VNF Instance created succesfully with id: $inst_id"
print_msg "Getting $inst_id VNF Instance information"
-vnf_details=$(curl -s -X GET "${base_url}/v1/instance/${inst_id}")
-if [[ -z "$vnf_details" ]]; then
- echo "Cannot retrieved VNF Instance details"
- exit 1
-echo "VNF details $vnf_details"
+call_api "${base_url}/instance/${inst_id}"
+# Teardown
print_msg "Deleting $rb_name/$rb_version Resource Bundle Definition"
-curl -X DELETE "${base_url}/v1/rb/definition/$rb_name/$rb_version"
-if [[ 500 -ne $(curl -o /dev/null -w %{http_code} -s -X GET "${base_url}/v1/rb/definition/$rb_name/$rb_version") ]]; then
- echo "Resource Bundle Definition not deleted"
# TODO: Change the HTTP code for 404 when the resource is not found in the API
- exit 1
+delete_resource "${base_url}/rb/definition/$rb_name/$rb_version"
print_msg "Deleting $profile_name Resource Bundle Profile"
-curl -X DELETE "${base_url}/v1/rb/definition/$rb_name/$rb_version/profile/$profile_name"
-if [[ 500 -ne $(curl -o /dev/null -w %{http_code} -s -X GET "${base_url}/v1/rb/definition/$rb_name/$rb_version/profile/$profile_name") ]]; then
- echo "Resource Bundle Profile not deleted"
# TODO: Change the HTTP code for 404 when the resource is not found in the API
- exit 1
+delete_resource "${base_url}/rb/definition/$rb_name/$rb_version/profile/$profile_name"
print_msg "Deleting $inst_id VNF Instance"
-curl -X DELETE "${base_url}/v1/instance/${inst_id}"
-if [[ 404 -ne $(curl -o /dev/null -w %{http_code} -s -X GET "${base_url}/${inst_id}") ]]; then
- echo "VNF Instance not deleted"
- exit 1
+delete_resource "${base_url}/instance/${inst_id}"
+print_msg "Deleting ${cloud_region_id} cloud region connection"
+delete_resource "${base_url}/connectivity-info/${cloud_region_id}"
-# Teardown
teardown $plugin_deployment_name
diff --git a/kud/tests/plugin_edgex.sh b/kud/tests/plugin_edgex.sh
index 4e806e6f..8eae5692 100755
--- a/kud/tests/plugin_edgex.sh
+++ b/kud/tests/plugin_edgex.sh
@@ -15,57 +15,99 @@ set -o pipefail
source _common_test.sh
source _functions.sh
+source _common.sh
# Setup
-_checks_args ${csar_id}
-cp -R ./edgex/* ${CSAR_DIR}/${csar_id}/
+populate_CSAR_edgex_rbdefinition "$csar_id"
+print_msg "Registering resource bundle"
+payload="$(cat <<EOF
+ "rb-name": "${rb_name}",
+ "rb-version": "${rb_version}",
+ "chart-name": "${chart_name}"
+call_api -d "${payload}" "${base_url}/rb/definition"
+print_msg "Uploading resource bundle content"
+call_api --data-binary "@${CSAR_DIR}/${csar_id}/rb_definition.tar.gz" \
+ "${base_url}/rb/definition/${rb_name}/${rb_version}/content"
+print_msg "Registering rb's profile"
+payload="$(cat <<EOF
+ "rb-name": "${rb_name}",
+ "rb-version": "${rb_version}",
+ "profile-name": "${profile_name}",
+ "release-name": "${release_name}",
+ "namespace": "${namespace}"
+call_api -d "${payload}" "${base_url}/rb/definition/${rb_name}/${rb_version}/profile"
+print_msg "Uploading profile data"
+call_api --data-binary "@${CSAR_DIR}/${csar_id}/rb_profile.tar.gz" \
+ "${base_url}/rb/definition/${rb_name}/${rb_version}/profile/${profile_name}/content"
-# Test
+print_msg "Setup cloud data"
+payload="$(cat <<EOF
- \"cloud_region_id\": \"$cloud_region_id\",
- \"namespace\": \"$namespace\",
- \"csar_id\": \"$csar_id\"
+ "cloud-region": "$cloud_region_id",
+ "cloud-owner": "$cloud_region_owner"
-payload=$(echo $payload_raw | tr '\n' ' ')
-echo "Creating EdgeX VNF Instance"
-vnf_id=$(curl -s -d "$payload" "${base_url}" | jq -r '.vnf_id')
-echo "=== Validating Kubernetes ==="
-kubectl get --no-headers=true --namespace=${namespace} deployment ${cloud_region_id}-${namespace}-${vnf_id}-edgex-core-command
-kubectl get --no-headers=true --namespace=${namespace} service ${cloud_region_id}-${namespace}-${vnf_id}-edgex-core-command
-echo "VNF Instance created succesfully with id: $vnf_id"
-# TODO: Add heath checks to verify EdgeX services
-vnf_id_list=$(curl -s -X GET "${base_url}${cloud_region_id}/${namespace}" | jq -r '.vnf_id_list')
-if [[ "$vnf_id_list" != *"${vnf_id}"* ]]; then
- echo $vnf_id_list
- echo "VNF Instance not stored"
- exit 1
-vnf_details=$(curl -s -X GET "${base_url}${cloud_region_id}/${namespace}/${vnf_id}")
-if [[ -z "$vnf_details" ]]; then
- echo "Cannot retrieved VNF Instance details"
- exit 1
-echo "VNF details $vnf_details"
-echo "Deleting $vnf_id VNF Instance"
-curl -X DELETE "${base_url}${cloud_region_id}/${namespace}/${vnf_id}"
-if [[ -n $(curl -s -X GET "${base_url}${cloud_region_id}/${namespace}/${vnf_id}") ]]; then
- echo "VNF Instance not deleted"
- exit 1
-# Teardown
+call_api -F "metadata=$payload" \
+ -F "file=@$kubeconfig_path" \
+ "${base_url}/connectivity-info" >/dev/null #massive output
+print_msg "Creating EdgeX VNF Instance"
+payload="$(cat <<EOF
+ "rb-name": "${rb_name}",
+ "rb-version": "${rb_version}",
+ "profile-name": "${profile_name}",
+ "cloud-region": "${cloud_region_id}"
+response="$(call_api -d "${payload}" "${base_url}/instance")"
+echo "$response"
+vnf_id="$(jq -r '.id' <<< "${response}")"
+print_msg "Validating Kubernetes"
+kubectl get --no-headers=true --namespace=${namespace} deployment edgex-core-command
+kubectl get --no-headers=true --namespace=${namespace} service edgex-core-command
+# TODO: Add health checks to verify EdgeX services
+print_msg "Retrieving VNF details"
+call_api "${base_url}/instance/${vnf_id}"
+print_msg "Deleting VNF Instance"
+delete_resource "${base_url}/instance/${vnf_id}"
+print_msg "Deleting Profile"
+delete_resource "${base_url}/rb/definition/${rb_name}/${rb_version}/profile/${profile_name}"
+print_msg "Deleting Resource Bundle"
+delete_resource "${base_url}/rb/definition/${rb_name}/${rb_version}"
+print_msg "Deleting ${cloud_region_id} cloud region connection"
+delete_resource "${base_url}/connectivity-info/${cloud_region_id}"
diff --git a/kud/tests/plugin_fw.sh b/kud/tests/plugin_fw.sh
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..d7bed4fd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kud/tests/plugin_fw.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
+# SPDX-license-identifier: Apache-2.0
+# Copyright (c) 2018
+# All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
+# are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0
+# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+set -o errexit
+set -o nounset
+set -o pipefail
+#set -o xtrace
+source _common_test.sh
+source _functions.sh
+source _common.sh
+# Setup
+populate_CSAR_fw_rbdefinition "$csar_id"
+print_msg "Registering resource bundle"
+payload="$(cat <<EOF
+ "rb-name": "${rb_name}",
+ "rb-version": "${rb_version}",
+ "chart-name": "${chart_name}"
+call_api -d "${payload}" "${base_url}/rb/definition"
+print_msg "Uploading resource bundle content"
+call_api --data-binary "@${CSAR_DIR}/${csar_id}/rb_definition.tar.gz" \
+ "${base_url}/rb/definition/${rb_name}/${rb_version}/content"
+print_msg "Registering rb's profile"
+payload="$(cat <<EOF
+ "rb-name": "${rb_name}",
+ "rb-version": "${rb_version}",
+ "profile-name": "${profile_name}",
+ "release-name": "${release_name}",
+ "namespace": "${namespace}"
+call_api -d "${payload}" "${base_url}/rb/definition/${rb_name}/${rb_version}/profile"
+print_msg "Uploading profile data"
+call_api --data-binary "@${CSAR_DIR}/${csar_id}/rb_profile.tar.gz" \
+ "${base_url}/rb/definition/${rb_name}/${rb_version}/profile/${profile_name}/content"
+print_msg "Setup cloud data"
+payload="$(cat <<EOF
+ "cloud-region": "$cloud_region_id",
+ "cloud-owner": "$cloud_region_owner"
+call_api -F "metadata=$payload" \
+ -F "file=@$kubeconfig_path" \
+ "${base_url}/connectivity-info" >/dev/null #massive output
+print_msg "Creating vFW VNF Instance"
+payload="$(cat <<EOF
+ "rb-name": "${rb_name}",
+ "rb-version": "${rb_version}",
+ "profile-name": "${profile_name}",
+ "cloud-region": "${cloud_region_id}"
+response="$(call_api -d "${payload}" "${base_url}/instance")"
+echo "$response"
+vnf_id="$(jq -r '.id' <<< "${response}")"
+print_msg "Validating VNF instance"
+# Check if all pods are up
+wait_for_pod -n "${namespace}" -l app=sink
+wait_for_pod -n "${namespace}" -l app=firewall
+wait_for_pod -n "${namespace}" -l app=packetgen
+# TODO: Provide some health check to verify vFW work
+print_msg "Retrieving VNF details"
+call_api "${base_url}/instance/${vnf_id}"
+print_msg "Deleting VNF Instance"
+delete_resource "${base_url}/instance/${vnf_id}"
+print_msg "Deleting Profile"
+delete_resource "${base_url}/rb/definition/${rb_name}/${rb_version}/profile/${profile_name}"
+print_msg "Deleting Resource Bundle"
+delete_resource "${base_url}/rb/definition/${rb_name}/${rb_version}"
+print_msg "Deleting ${cloud_region_id} cloud region connection"
+delete_resource "${base_url}/connectivity-info/${cloud_region_id}"
diff --git a/kud/tests/vnfs/edgex/profile/manifest.yaml b/kud/tests/vnfs/edgex/profile/manifest.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4d381d02
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kud/tests/vnfs/edgex/profile/manifest.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+version: v1
+ values: "override_values.yaml"
diff --git a/kud/tests/vnfs/edgex/profile/override_values.yaml b/kud/tests/vnfs/edgex/profile/override_values.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..60232e14
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kud/tests/vnfs/edgex/profile/override_values.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+test_value: 7