path: root/azure/multicloud_azure/pub/utils/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'azure/multicloud_azure/pub/utils/')
1 files changed, 530 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/azure/multicloud_azure/pub/utils/ b/azure/multicloud_azure/pub/utils/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..984c425
--- /dev/null
+++ b/azure/multicloud_azure/pub/utils/
@@ -0,0 +1,530 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2018 Amdocs
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at:
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+import sys
+import traceback
+import logging
+import urllib2
+import uuid
+import httplib2
+import json
+from import AAI_SERVICE_URL
+from import AAI_USERNAME
+from import AAI_PASSWORD
+from import VimDriverAzureException
+rest_no_auth, rest_oneway_auth, rest_bothway_auth = 0, 1, 2
+HTTP_200_OK, HTTP_201_CREATED = '200', '201'
+HTTP_204_NO_CONTENT, HTTP_202_ACCEPTED = '204', '202'
+status_ok_list = [HTTP_200_OK, HTTP_201_CREATED,
+HTTP_404_NOTFOUND, HTTP_403_FORBIDDEN = '404', '403'
+logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+def call_req(base_url, user, passwd, auth_type, resource, method, content='',
+ headers=None):
+ callid = str(uuid.uuid1())
+# logger.debug("[%s]call_req('%s','%s','%s',%s,'%s','%s','%s')" % (
+# callid, base_url, user, passwd, auth_type, resource, method, content))
+ ret = None
+ resp_status = ''
+ resp = ""
+ full_url = ""
+ try:
+ full_url = combine_url(base_url, resource)
+ if headers is None:
+ headers = {}
+ headers['content-type'] = 'application/json'
+ if user:
+ headers['Authorization'] = 'Basic ' + \
+ ('%s:%s' % (user, passwd)).encode("base64")
+ ca_certs = None
+ for retry_times in range(3):
+ http = httplib2.Http(
+ ca_certs=ca_certs,
+ disable_ssl_certificate_validation=(
+ auth_type == rest_no_auth))
+ http.follow_all_redirects = True
+ try:
+ logger.debug("request=%s" % full_url)
+ resp, resp_content = http.request(
+ full_url, method=method.upper(), body=content,
+ headers=headers)
+ resp_status = resp['status']
+ resp_body = resp_content.decode('UTF-8')
+ if resp_status in status_ok_list:
+ ret = [0, resp_body, resp_status, resp]
+ else:
+ ret = [1, resp_body, resp_status, resp]
+ break
+ except Exception as ex:
+ if 'httplib.ResponseNotReady' in str(sys.exc_info()):
+ logger.error(traceback.format_exc())
+ ret = [1, "Unable to connect to %s" % full_url,
+ resp_status, resp]
+ continue
+ raise ex
+ except urllib2.URLError as err:
+ ret = [2, str(err), resp_status, resp]
+ except Exception as ex:
+ logger.error(traceback.format_exc())
+ logger.error("[%s]ret=%s" % (callid, str(sys.exc_info())))
+ res_info = str(sys.exc_info())
+ if 'httplib.ResponseNotReady' in res_info:
+ res_info = ("The URL[%s] request failed or is not responding." %
+ full_url)
+ ret = [3, res_info, resp_status, resp]
+# logger.debug("[%s]ret=%s" % (callid, str(ret)))
+ return ret
+def req_by_msb(resource, method, content=''):
+ base_url = "http://%s:%s/" % (MSB_SERVICE_IP, MSB_SERVICE_PORT)
+ return call_req(base_url, "", "", rest_no_auth, resource, method, content)
+def combine_url(base_url, resource):
+ full_url = None
+ if base_url.endswith('/') and resource.startswith('/'):
+ full_url = base_url[:-1] + resource
+ elif base_url.endswith('/') and not resource.startswith('/'):
+ full_url = base_url + resource
+ elif not base_url.endswith('/') and resource.startswith('/'):
+ full_url = base_url + resource
+ else:
+ full_url = base_url + '/' + resource
+ return full_url
+def get_res_from_aai(resource, content=''):
+ headers = {
+ 'X-FromAppId': 'MultiCloud',
+ 'X-TransactionId': '9001',
+ 'content-type': 'application/json',
+ 'accept': 'application/json'
+ }
+ base_url = "%s/%s" % (AAI_SERVICE_URL, AAI_SCHEMA_VERSION)
+ return call_req(base_url, AAI_USERNAME, AAI_PASSWORD, rest_no_auth,
+ resource, "GET", content, headers)
+class AAIClient(object):
+ def __init__(self, cloud_owner, cloud_region):
+ self.base_url = "%s/%s" % (AAI_SERVICE_URL, AAI_SCHEMA_VERSION)
+ self.username = AAI_USERNAME
+ self.password = AAI_PASSWORD
+ self.default_headers = {
+ 'X-FromAppId': 'multicloud-azure',
+ 'X-TransactionId': '9004',
+ 'content-type': 'application/json',
+ 'accept': 'application/json'
+ }
+ self.cloud_owner = cloud_owner
+ self.cloud_region = cloud_region
+ self._vim_info = None
+ def get_vim(self, get_all=False):
+ resource = ("/cloud-infrastructure/cloud-regions/cloud-region"
+ "/%s/%s" % (self.cloud_owner, self.cloud_region))
+ if get_all:
+ resource = "%s?depth=all" % resource
+ resp = call_req(self.base_url, self.username, self.password,
+ rest_no_auth, resource, "GET",
+ headers=self.default_headers)
+ if resp[0] != 0:
+ raise VimDriverAzureException(
+ status_code=404,
+ content="Failed to query VIM with id (%s_%s) from extsys." % (
+ self.cloud_owner, self.cloud_region))
+ return json.loads(resp[1])
+ def delete_vim(self):
+ resp = self.get_vim(get_all=True)
+ logger.debug('Delete cloud region')
+ resource = ("/cloud-infrastructure/cloud-regions/cloud-region"
+ "/%s/%s?resource-version=%s" %
+ (self.cloud_owner, self.cloud_region,
+ resp['resource-version']))
+ resp = call_req(self.base_url, self.username, self.password,
+ rest_no_auth, resource, "DELETE",
+ headers=self.default_headers)
+ if resp[0] != 0:
+ raise VimDriverAzureException(
+ status_code=400,
+ content="Failed to delete cloud %s_%s: %s." % (
+ self.cloud_owner, self.cloud_region, resp[1]))
+ def update_vim(self, content):
+ self.add_flavors(content)
+ def update_identity_url(self):
+ vim = self.get_vim()
+ vim['identity-url'] = ("http://%s/api/multicloud/v0/%s_%s/identity/"
+ "v3" % (MSB_SERVICE_IP, self.cloud_owner,
+ self.cloud_region))
+ resource = ("/cloud-infrastructure/cloud-regions/cloud-region"
+ "/%s/%s" % (self.cloud_owner, self.cloud_region))
+ logger.debug("Updating identity url %s" % vim)
+ call_req(self.base_url, self.username, self.password,
+ rest_no_auth, resource, "PUT",
+ content=json.dumps(vim),
+ headers=self.default_headers)
+ def add_flavors(self, content):
+ for flavor in content['flavors']:
+ resource = ("/cloud-infrastructure/cloud-regions/cloud-region/"
+ "%s/%s/flavors/flavor/%s" % (
+ self.cloud_owner, self.cloud_region,
+ flavor['name']))
+ body = {
+ 'flavor-name': flavor['name'],
+ 'flavor-vcpus': flavor['vcpus'],
+ 'flavor-ram': flavor['ram'],
+ 'flavor-disk': flavor['disk'],
+ 'flavor-selflink': ""
+ }
+ # Handle extra specs
+ if flavor['name'].startswith("onap."):
+ hpa_capabilities = self._get_hpa_capabilities(
+ flavor)
+ body['hpa-capabilities'] = {
+ 'hpa-capability': hpa_capabilities}
+ logger.debug("Adding flavors to cloud region")
+ call_req(self.base_url, self.username, self.password,
+ rest_no_auth, resource, "PUT",
+ content=json.dumps(body),
+ headers=self.default_headers)
+ def _get_hpa_capabilities(self, flavor):
+ hpa_caps = []
+ # Basic capabilties
+ caps_dict = self._get_hpa_basic_capabilities(flavor)
+ if len(caps_dict) > 0:
+ logger.debug("basic_capabilities_info: %s" % caps_dict)
+ hpa_caps.append(caps_dict)
+ # cpupining capabilities
+ caps_dict = self._get_cpupinning_capabilities(flavor['extra_specs'])
+ if len(caps_dict) > 0:
+ logger.debug("cpupining_capabilities_info: %s" % caps_dict)
+ hpa_caps.append(caps_dict)
+ # cputopology capabilities
+ caps_dict = self._get_cputopology_capabilities(flavor['extra_specs'])
+ if len(caps_dict) > 0:
+ logger.debug("cputopology_capabilities_info: %s" % caps_dict)
+ hpa_caps.append(caps_dict)
+ # hugepages capabilities
+ caps_dict = self._get_hugepages_capabilities(flavor['extra_specs'])
+ if len(caps_dict) > 0:
+ logger.debug("hugepages_capabilities_info: %s" % caps_dict)
+ hpa_caps.append(caps_dict)
+ # numa capabilities
+ caps_dict = self._get_numa_capabilities(flavor['extra_specs'])
+ if len(caps_dict) > 0:
+ logger.debug("numa_capabilities_info: %s" % caps_dict)
+ hpa_caps.append(caps_dict)
+ # storage capabilities
+ caps_dict = self._get_storage_capabilities(flavor)
+ if len(caps_dict) > 0:
+ logger.debug("storage_capabilities_info: %s" % caps_dict)
+ hpa_caps.append(caps_dict)
+ # CPU instruction set extension capabilities
+ caps_dict = self._get_instruction_set_capabilities(
+ flavor['extra_specs'])
+ if len(caps_dict) > 0:
+ logger.debug("instruction_set_capabilities_info: %s" % caps_dict)
+ hpa_caps.append(caps_dict)
+ # PCI passthrough capabilities
+ caps_dict = self._get_pci_passthrough_capabilities(
+ flavor['extra_specs'])
+ if len(caps_dict) > 0:
+ logger.debug("pci_passthrough_capabilities_info: %s" % caps_dict)
+ hpa_caps.append(caps_dict)
+ # ovsdpdk capabilities
+ caps_dict = self._get_ovsdpdk_capabilities()
+ if len(caps_dict) > 0:
+ logger.debug("ovsdpdk_capabilities_info: %s" % caps_dict)
+ hpa_caps.append(caps_dict)
+ return hpa_caps
+ def _get_hpa_basic_capabilities(self, flavor):
+ basic_capability = {}
+ feature_uuid = uuid.uuid4()
+ basic_capability['hpa-capability-id'] = str(feature_uuid)
+ basic_capability['hpa-feature'] = 'basicCapabilities'
+ basic_capability['architecture'] = 'generic'
+ basic_capability['hpa-version'] = 'v1'
+ basic_capability['hpa-feature-attributes'] = []
+ basic_capability['hpa-feature-attributes'].append({
+ 'hpa-attribute-key': 'numVirtualCpu',
+ 'hpa-attribute-value': json.dumps(
+ {'value': str(flavor['vcpus'])})})
+ basic_capability['hpa-feature-attributes'].append({
+ 'hpa-attribute-key': 'virtualMemSize',
+ 'hpa-attribute-value': json.dumps({'value': str(
+ flavor['ram']), 'unit': 'GB'})})
+ return basic_capability
+ def _get_cpupinning_capabilities(self, extra_specs):
+ cpupining_capability = {}
+ feature_uuid = uuid.uuid4()
+ if (extra_specs.get('hw:cpu_policy') or
+ extra_specs.get('hw:cpu_thread_policy')):
+ cpupining_capability['hpa-capability-id'] = str(feature_uuid)
+ cpupining_capability['hpa-feature'] = 'cpuPinning'
+ cpupining_capability['architecture'] = 'generic'
+ cpupining_capability['hpa-version'] = 'v1'
+ cpupining_capability['hpa-feature-attributes'] = []
+ if extra_specs.get('hw:cpu_thread_policy'):
+ cpupining_capability['hpa-feature-attributes'].append({
+ 'hpa-attribute-key': 'logicalCpuThreadPinningPolicy',
+ 'hpa-attribute-value': json.dumps({'value': str(
+ extra_specs['hw:cpu_thread_policy'])})})
+ if extra_specs.get('hw:cpu_policy'):
+ cpupining_capability['hpa-feature-attributes'].append({
+ 'hpa-attribute-key': 'logicalCpuPinningPolicy',
+ 'hpa-attribute-value': json.dumps({'value': str(
+ extra_specs['hw:cpu_policy'])})})
+ return cpupining_capability
+ def _get_cputopology_capabilities(self, extra_specs):
+ cputopology_capability = {}
+ feature_uuid = uuid.uuid4()
+ if (extra_specs.get('hw:cpu_sockets') or
+ extra_specs.get('hw:cpu_cores') or
+ extra_specs.get('hw:cpu_threads')):
+ cputopology_capability['hpa-capability-id'] = str(feature_uuid)
+ cputopology_capability['hpa-feature'] = 'cpuTopology'
+ cputopology_capability['architecture'] = 'generic'
+ cputopology_capability['hpa-version'] = 'v1'
+ cputopology_capability['hpa-feature-attributes'] = []
+ if extra_specs.get('hw:cpu_sockets'):
+ cputopology_capability['hpa-feature-attributes'].append({
+ 'hpa-attribute-key': 'numCpuSockets',
+ 'hpa-attribute-value': json.dumps({'value': str(
+ extra_specs['hw:cpu_sockets'])})})
+ if extra_specs.get('hw:cpu_cores'):
+ cputopology_capability['hpa-feature-attributes'].append({
+ 'hpa-attribute-key': 'numCpuCores',
+ 'hpa-attribute-value': json.dumps({'value': str(
+ extra_specs['hw:cpu_cores'])})})
+ if extra_specs.get('hw:cpu_threads'):
+ cputopology_capability['hpa-feature-attributes'].append({
+ 'hpa-attribute-key': 'numCpuThreads',
+ 'hpa-attribute-value': json.dumps({'value': str(
+ extra_specs['hw:cpu_threads'])})})
+ return cputopology_capability
+ def _get_hugepages_capabilities(self, extra_specs):
+ hugepages_capability = {}
+ feature_uuid = uuid.uuid4()
+ if extra_specs.get('hw:mem_page_size'):
+ hugepages_capability['hpa-capability-id'] = str(feature_uuid)
+ hugepages_capability['hpa-feature'] = 'hugePages'
+ hugepages_capability['architecture'] = 'generic'
+ hugepages_capability['hpa-version'] = 'v1'
+ hugepages_capability['hpa-feature-attributes'] = []
+ if extra_specs['hw:mem_page_size'] == 'large':
+ hugepages_capability['hpa-feature-attributes'].append({
+ 'hpa-attribute-key': 'memoryPageSize',
+ 'hpa-attribute-value': json.dumps(
+ {'value': '2', 'unit': 'MB'})})
+ elif extra_specs['hw:mem_page_size'] == 'small':
+ hugepages_capability['hpa-feature-attributes'].append({
+ 'hpa-attribute-key': 'memoryPageSize',
+ 'hpa-attribute-value': json.dumps(
+ {'value': '4', 'unit': 'KB'})})
+ elif extra_specs['hw:mem_page_size'] == 'any':
+"Currently HPA feature memoryPageSize "
+ "did not support 'any' page!!")
+ else:
+ hugepages_capability['hpa-feature-attributes'].append({
+ 'hpa-attribute-key': 'memoryPageSize',
+ 'hpa-attribute-value': json.dumps({'value': str(
+ extra_specs['hw:mem_page_size']), 'unit': 'KB'})
+ })
+ return hugepages_capability
+ def _get_numa_capabilities(self, extra_specs):
+ numa_capability = {}
+ feature_uuid = uuid.uuid4()
+ if extra_specs.get('hw:numa_nodes'):
+ numa_capability['hpa-capability-id'] = str(feature_uuid)
+ numa_capability['hpa-feature'] = 'numa'
+ numa_capability['architecture'] = 'generic'
+ numa_capability['hpa-version'] = 'v1'
+ numa_capability['hpa-feature-attributes'] = []
+ numa_capability['hpa-feature-attributes'].append({
+ 'hpa-attribute-key': 'numaNodes',
+ 'hpa-attribute-value': json.dumps({'value': str(
+ extra_specs['hw:numa_nodes'])})
+ })
+ for num in range(0, int(extra_specs['hw:numa_nodes'])):
+ numa_cpu_node = "hw:numa_cpus.%s" % num
+ numa_mem_node = "hw:numa_mem.%s" % num
+ numacpu_key = "numaCpu-%s" % num
+ numamem_key = "numaMem-%s" % num
+ if (extra_specs.get(numa_cpu_node) and
+ extra_specs.get(numa_mem_node)):
+ numa_capability['hpa-feature-attributes'].append({
+ 'hpa-attribute-key': numacpu_key,
+ 'hpa-attribute-value': json.dumps({'value': str(
+ extra_specs[numa_cpu_node])})
+ })
+ numa_capability['hpa-feature-attributes'].append({
+ 'hpa-attribute-key': numamem_key,
+ 'hpa-attribute-value': json.dumps({'value': str(
+ extra_specs[numa_mem_node]), 'unit': 'MB'})
+ })
+ return numa_capability
+ def _get_storage_capabilities(self, flavor):
+ storage_capability = {}
+ feature_uuid = uuid.uuid4()
+ storage_capability['hpa-capability-id'] = str(feature_uuid)
+ storage_capability['hpa-feature'] = 'localStorage'
+ storage_capability['architecture'] = 'generic'
+ storage_capability['hpa-version'] = 'v1'
+ storage_capability['hpa-feature-attributes'] = []
+ storage_capability['hpa-feature-attributes'].append({
+ 'hpa-attribute-key': 'diskSize',
+ 'hpa-attribute-value': json.dumps({'value': str(
+ flavor['disk']), 'unit': 'MB'})
+ })
+ storage_capability['hpa-feature-attributes'].append({
+ 'hpa-attribute-key': 'swapMemSize',
+ 'hpa-attribute-value': json.dumps({'value': str(
+ flavor.get('swap', 0)), 'unit': 'MB'})
+ })
+ storage_capability['hpa-feature-attributes'].append({
+ 'hpa-attribute-key': 'ephemeralDiskSize',
+ 'hpa-attribute-value': json.dumps({'value': str(
+ flavor.get('OS-FLV-EXT-DATA:ephemeral', 0)), 'unit': 'GB'})
+ })
+ return storage_capability
+ def _get_instruction_set_capabilities(self, extra_specs):
+ instruction_capability = {}
+ feature_uuid = uuid.uuid4()
+ if extra_specs.get('hw:capabilities:cpu_info:features'):
+ instruction_capability['hpa-capability-id'] = str(feature_uuid)
+ instruction_capability['hpa-feature'] = 'instructionSetExtensions'
+ instruction_capability['architecture'] = 'Intel64'
+ instruction_capability['hpa-version'] = 'v1'
+ instruction_capability['hpa-feature-attributes'] = []
+ instruction_capability['hpa-feature-attributes'].append({
+ 'hpa-attribute-key': 'instructionSetExtensions',
+ 'hpa-attribute-value': json.dumps(
+ {'value': extra_specs[
+ 'hw:capabilities:cpu_info:features']})
+ })
+ return instruction_capability
+ def _get_pci_passthrough_capabilities(self, extra_specs):
+ instruction_capability = {}
+ feature_uuid = uuid.uuid4()
+ if extra_specs.get('pci_passthrough:alias'):
+ value1 = extra_specs['pci_passthrough:alias'].split(':')
+ value2 = value1[0].split('-')
+ instruction_capability['hpa-capability-id'] = str(feature_uuid)
+ instruction_capability['hpa-feature'] = 'pciePassthrough'
+ instruction_capability['architecture'] = str(value2[2])
+ instruction_capability['hpa-version'] = 'v1'
+ instruction_capability['hpa-feature-attributes'] = []
+ instruction_capability['hpa-feature-attributes'].append({
+ 'hpa-attribute-key': 'pciCount',
+ 'hpa-attribute-value': json.dumps({'value': value1[1]})
+ })
+ instruction_capability['hpa-feature-attributes'].append({
+ 'hpa-attribute-key': 'pciVendorId',
+ 'hpa-attribute-value': json.dumps({'value': value2[3]})
+ })
+ instruction_capability['hpa-feature-attributes'].append({
+ 'hpa-attribute-key': 'pciDeviceId',
+ 'hpa-attribute-value': json.dumps({'value': value2[4]})
+ })
+ return instruction_capability
+ def _get_ovsdpdk_capabilities(self):
+ ovsdpdk_capability = {}
+ feature_uuid = uuid.uuid4()
+ if not self._vim_info:
+ self._vim_info = self.get_vim(get_all=True)
+ cloud_extra_info_str = self._vim_info.get('cloud-extra-info')
+ if not isinstance(cloud_extra_info_str, dict):
+ try:
+ cloud_extra_info_str = json.loads(cloud_extra_info_str)
+ except Exception as ex:
+ logger.error("Can not convert cloud extra info %s %s" % (
+ str(ex), cloud_extra_info_str))
+ return {}
+ if cloud_extra_info_str:
+ cloud_dpdk_info = cloud_extra_info_str.get("ovsDpdk")
+ if cloud_dpdk_info:
+ ovsdpdk_capability['hpa-capability-id'] = str(feature_uuid)
+ ovsdpdk_capability['hpa-feature'] = 'ovsDpdk'
+ ovsdpdk_capability['architecture'] = 'Intel64'
+ ovsdpdk_capability['hpa-version'] = 'v1'
+ ovsdpdk_capability['hpa-feature-attributes'] = []
+ ovsdpdk_capability['hpa-feature-attributes'].append({
+ 'hpa-attribute-key': str(cloud_dpdk_info.get("libname")),
+ 'hpa-attribute-value': json.dumps(
+ {'value': cloud_dpdk_info.get("libversion")})
+ })
+ return ovsdpdk_capability