path: root/azure/aria/aria-extension-cloudify/src/aria/aria/orchestrator/execution_plugin/ssh/
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Diffstat (limited to 'azure/aria/aria-extension-cloudify/src/aria/aria/orchestrator/execution_plugin/ssh/')
1 files changed, 195 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/azure/aria/aria-extension-cloudify/src/aria/aria/orchestrator/execution_plugin/ssh/ b/azure/aria/aria-extension-cloudify/src/aria/aria/orchestrator/execution_plugin/ssh/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c40e783
--- /dev/null
+++ b/azure/aria/aria-extension-cloudify/src/aria/aria/orchestrator/execution_plugin/ssh/
@@ -0,0 +1,195 @@
+# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
+# contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
+# this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
+# The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
+# (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
+# the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+Utilities for running commands remotely over SSH.
+import os
+import random
+import string
+import tempfile
+import StringIO
+import fabric.api
+import fabric.context_managers
+import fabric.contrib.files
+from .. import constants
+from .. import exceptions
+from .. import common
+from .. import ctx_proxy
+from . import tunnel
+_PROXY_CLIENT_PATH = ctx_proxy.client.__file__
+if _PROXY_CLIENT_PATH.endswith('.pyc'):
+def run_commands(ctx, commands, fabric_env, use_sudo, hide_output, **_):
+ """Runs the provider 'commands' in sequence
+ :param commands: a list of commands to run
+ :param fabric_env: fabric configuration
+ """
+ with fabric.api.settings(_hide_output(ctx, groups=hide_output),
+ **_fabric_env(ctx, fabric_env, warn_only=True)):
+ for command in commands:
+'Running command: {0}'.format(command))
+ run = fabric.api.sudo if use_sudo else
+ result = run(command)
+ if result.failed:
+ raise exceptions.ProcessException(
+ command=result.command,
+ exit_code=result.return_code,
+ stdout=result.stdout,
+ stderr=result.stderr)
+def run_script(ctx, script_path, fabric_env, process, use_sudo, hide_output, **kwargs):
+ process = process or {}
+ paths = _Paths(base_dir=process.get('base_dir', constants.DEFAULT_BASE_DIR),
+ local_script_path=common.download_script(ctx, script_path))
+ with fabric.api.settings(_hide_output(ctx, groups=hide_output),
+ **_fabric_env(ctx, fabric_env, warn_only=False)):
+ # the remote host must have the ctx before running any fabric scripts
+ if not fabric.contrib.files.exists(paths.remote_ctx_path):
+ # there may be race conditions with other operations that
+ # may be running in parallel, so we pass -p to make sure
+ # we get 0 exit code if the directory already exists
+'mkdir -p {0} && mkdir -p {1}'.format(paths.remote_scripts_dir,
+ paths.remote_work_dir))
+ # this file has to be present before using ctx
+ fabric.api.put(_PROXY_CLIENT_PATH, paths.remote_ctx_path)
+ process = common.create_process_config(
+ script_path=paths.remote_script_path,
+ process=process,
+ operation_kwargs=kwargs,
+ quote_json_env_vars=True)
+ fabric.api.put(paths.local_script_path, paths.remote_script_path)
+ with ctx_proxy.server.CtxProxy(ctx, _patch_ctx) as proxy:
+ local_port = proxy.port
+ with'cwd', paths.remote_work_dir)): # pylint: disable=not-context-manager
+ with tunnel.remote(ctx, local_port=local_port) as remote_port:
+ local_socket_url = proxy.socket_url
+ remote_socket_url = local_socket_url.replace(str(local_port), str(remote_port))
+ env_script = _write_environment_script_file(
+ process=process,
+ paths=paths,
+ local_socket_url=local_socket_url,
+ remote_socket_url=remote_socket_url)
+ fabric.api.put(env_script, paths.remote_env_script_path)
+ try:
+ command = 'source {0} && {1}'.format(paths.remote_env_script_path,
+ process['command'])
+ run = fabric.api.sudo if use_sudo else
+ run(command)
+ except exceptions.TaskException:
+ return common.check_error(ctx, reraise=True)
+ return common.check_error(ctx)
+def _patch_ctx(ctx):
+ common.patch_ctx(ctx)
+ original_download_resource = ctx.download_resource
+ original_download_resource_and_render = ctx.download_resource_and_render
+ def _download_resource(func, destination, **kwargs):
+ handle, temp_local_path = tempfile.mkstemp()
+ os.close(handle)
+ try:
+ func(destination=temp_local_path, **kwargs)
+ return fabric.api.put(temp_local_path, destination)
+ finally:
+ os.remove(temp_local_path)
+ def download_resource(destination, path=None):
+ _download_resource(
+ func=original_download_resource,
+ destination=destination,
+ path=path)
+ ctx.download_resource = download_resource
+ def download_resource_and_render(destination, path=None, variables=None):
+ _download_resource(
+ func=original_download_resource_and_render,
+ destination=destination,
+ path=path,
+ variables=variables)
+ ctx.download_resource_and_render = download_resource_and_render
+def _hide_output(ctx, groups):
+ """ Hides Fabric's output for every 'entity' in `groups` """
+ groups = set(groups or [])
+ if not groups.issubset(constants.VALID_FABRIC_GROUPS):
+ ctx.task.abort('`hide_output` must be a subset of {0} (Provided: {1})'
+ .format(', '.join(constants.VALID_FABRIC_GROUPS), ', '.join(groups)))
+ return fabric.api.hide(*groups)
+def _fabric_env(ctx, fabric_env, warn_only):
+ """Prepares fabric environment variables configuration"""
+ ctx.logger.debug('Preparing fabric environment...')
+ env = constants.FABRIC_ENV_DEFAULTS.copy()
+ env.update(fabric_env or {})
+ env.setdefault('warn_only', warn_only)
+ # validations
+ if (not env.get('host_string')) and (ctx.task) and ( and (
+ env['host_string'] =
+ if not env.get('host_string'):
+ ctx.task.abort('`host_string` not supplied and ip cannot be deduced automatically')
+ if not (env.get('password') or env.get('key_filename') or env.get('key')):
+ ctx.task.abort(
+ 'Access credentials not supplied '
+ '(you must supply at least one of `key_filename`, `key` or `password`)')
+ if not env.get('user'):
+ ctx.task.abort('`user` not supplied')
+ ctx.logger.debug('Environment prepared successfully')
+ return env
+def _write_environment_script_file(process, paths, local_socket_url, remote_socket_url):
+ env_script = StringIO.StringIO()
+ env = process['env']
+ env['PATH'] = '{0}:$PATH'.format(paths.remote_ctx_dir)
+ env['PYTHONPATH'] = '{0}:$PYTHONPATH'.format(paths.remote_ctx_dir)
+ env_script.write('chmod +x {0}\n'.format(paths.remote_script_path))
+ env_script.write('chmod +x {0}\n'.format(paths.remote_ctx_path))
+ env.update({
+ ctx_proxy.client.CTX_SOCKET_URL: remote_socket_url,
+ 'LOCAL_{0}'.format(ctx_proxy.client.CTX_SOCKET_URL): local_socket_url
+ })
+ for key, value in env.iteritems():
+ env_script.write('export {0}={1}\n'.format(key, value))
+ return env_script
+class _Paths(object):
+ def __init__(self, base_dir, local_script_path):
+ self.local_script_path = local_script_path
+ self.remote_ctx_dir = base_dir
+ self.base_script_path = os.path.basename(self.local_script_path)
+ self.remote_ctx_path = '{0}/ctx'.format(self.remote_ctx_dir)
+ self.remote_scripts_dir = '{0}/scripts'.format(self.remote_ctx_dir)
+ self.remote_work_dir = '{0}/work'.format(self.remote_ctx_dir)
+ random_suffix = ''.join(random.choice(string.ascii_lowercase + string.digits)
+ for _ in range(8))
+ remote_path_suffix = '{0}-{1}'.format(self.base_script_path, random_suffix)
+ self.remote_env_script_path = '{0}/env-{1}'.format(self.remote_scripts_dir,
+ remote_path_suffix)
+ self.remote_script_path = '{0}/{1}'.format(self.remote_scripts_dir, remote_path_suffix)