path: root/common/src/main/resources
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'common/src/main/resources')
5 files changed, 1187 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/common/src/main/resources/ASDC.properties b/common/src/main/resources/ASDC.properties
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..015ca35
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/src/main/resources/ASDC.properties
@@ -0,0 +1,210 @@
+# ============LICENSE_START=======================================================
+# ================================================================================
+# Copyright (C) 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+# ================================================================================
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# ============LICENSE_END=========================================================
+#Resource key=Error Code|Message text|Resolution text |Description text
+# {component}-{subcomponent}-{4-digit code}{classification}
+#Newlines can be utilized to add some clarity ensuring continuing line
+#has atleast one leading space
+# ERR0000E\
+# Sample error msg txt\
+# Sample resolution msg\
+# Sample description txt
+#Error code classification category for other components
+#1300-1399 Security/Permission Related
+#2300-2399 Availability/Timeout Related
+#3300-3399 Data Access/Integrity Related
+#4300-4399 Schema Interface Type/Validation
+#5300-5399 Business/Flow Processing Related
+#6300-6399 Reserved \u2013 do not use
+#9300-9399 Unknown Errors
+#{classification} description
+# I = Information
+# W = Warning
+# E = Error
+# F = Fatal
+ MSO-ASDC-5301W|\
+ WARNING: {0}|\
+ Please check other logs for more detailed info|\
+ General warning
+ MSO-ASDC-5302I|\
+ Executing method: {0}. {1}|\
+ No resolution needed|\
+ Executing method
+ MSO-ASDC-5305I|\
+ Executed method: {0}. {1}|\
+ No resolution needed|\
+ Generate information for Metric events
+ MSO-ASDC-5306I|\
+ Creating new VNF Resource for service {0} with id {1} and version {2}|\
+ No resolution needed|\
+ Method triggered to create new VNF Resource
+ MSO-ASDC-5307I|\
+ Installing new {0} for service {1} with id {2} and version {3}|\
+ No resolution needed|\
+ Method triggered to create new VNF Resource
+ MSO-ASDC-5308W|\
+ Constraint violation caught, artifact is already deployed {0} and version {1}|\
+ No resolution needed|\
+ Artifact is already deployed
+ MSO-ASDC-5309E|\
+ Exception caught during installation of the {0}. Transaction rollback.|\
+ Please check other logs for more detailed info|\
+ Exception caught during installation of the artifact
+ MSO-ASDC-5310I|\
+ Start to verify whether {0} with name {1} and version {2} is already deployed|\
+ No resolution needed|\
+ Check artifact
+ MSO-ASDC-5311I|\
+ ResourceInstanceName:{0} (ResourceUUID:{1}) is already deployed for this Service:{2}/{3}(ServiceUUID:{4}) (ResourceName: {5})|\
+ No resolution needed|\
+ Resource is already deployed
+ MSO-ASDC-5312I|\
+ ResourceInstanceName:{0} (ResourceUUID:{1}) is not yet deployed for this Service:{2}/{3}(ServiceUUID:{4}) (ResourceName: {5})|\
+ No resolution needed|\
+ Resource is not yet deployed
+ MSO-ASDC-5314W|\
+ ASDControllerException caught during the Init/closing of ASDC Client with address {0} and environment {1}|\
+ Please check other logs for more detailed info|\
+ ASDControllerException caught during the Init/closing of ASDC Client
+ MSO-ASDC-5315W|\
+ ASDCParametersException caught during loading/reloading of the ASDC Client with address {0} and environment {1}|\
+ Please check other logs for more detailed info|\
+ ASDCParametersException caught during loading/reloading of the ASDC Client
+ MSO-ASDC-5317W|\
+ {0} caught during the ASDC Controller with address {1} and environment {2} shutdown|\
+ Please check other logs for more detailed info|\
+ Exception caught during the ASDC Controller shutdown
+ MSO-ASDC-5318I|\
+ Trying to install the artifact:{0}|\
+ No resolution needed|\
+ Trying to install the artifact
+ MSO-ASDC-5319W|\
+ This artifact type is not supported:{0}|\
+ No resolution needed|\
+ Artifact type is not supported
+ MSO-ASDC-5320I|\
+ No need to download the artifact as it exists already in MSO:{0} (UUID:{1}) associated to ResourceName {2}|\
+ No resolution needed|\
+ Artifact already exists
+ MSO-ASDC-5321I|\
+ Artifact successfully downloaded:{0} (UUID:{1}) (SIZE in Bytes:{2})|\
+ No resolution needed|\
+ Artifact successfully downloaded
+ MSO-ASDC-5322E|\
+ Artifact :{0} could not be downloaded correctly from ASDC URL {1} (UUID:{2}) Error message is {3})|\
+ Please check other logs for more detailed info|\
+ Artifact download failed
+ MSO-ASDC-5323I|\
+ Trying to deploy the artifact:{0} (UUID:{1})|\
+ No resolution needed|\
+ Trying to deploy the artifact
+ MSO-ASDC-5324I|\
+ Resource successfully installed:{0} (UUID:{1}) (Nb of Modules:{2})|\
+ No resolution needed|\
+ Resource successfully installed
+ MSO-ASDC-5325I|\
+ Sending {0} ({1}) notification to ASDC for artifact:{2}|\
+ No resolution needed|\
+ Sending notif to ASDC
+ MSO-ASDC-5326W|\
+ Exception caught when trying to notify ASDC|\
+ Please check other logs for more detailed info|\
+ Exception caught when trying to notify ASDC
+ MSO-ASDC-5327I|\
+ Receive a callback notification in ASDC, nb of artifacts: {0} (ServiceUUID:{1})|\
+ No resolution needed|\
+ Receive a callback notification in ASDC
+ MSO-ASDC-5328I|\
+ Notification is ServiceVNF, (ServiceUUID:{0})|\
+ No resolution needed|\
+ Receive a callback notification for ServiceVNF
+ MSO-ASDC-5329I|\
+ Nothing to deploy artifact is NULL, (ServiceUUID:{0})|\
+ No resolution needed|\
+ Nothing to deploy artifact is NULL
+ MSO-ASDC-5330W|\
+ Notification received, (ServiceUUID:{0}) is not a ServiceVNF and is therefore skipped|\
+ No resolution needed|\
+ Service not support
+ MSO-ASDC-5331I|\
+ ASDC Controller successfully initialized|\
+ No resolution needed|\
+ ASDC client initialized
+ MSO-ASDC-9300E|\
+ Exception: {0}|\
+ Please check other logs for more detailed info|\
+ General exception with reason
+ MSO-ASDC-9301E|\
+ Exception encountered|\
+ Please check other logs for more detailed info|\
+ Exception encountered
+ MSO-ASDC-9302E|\
+ Exception caught during checking existence of the artifact|\
+ Please check other logs for more detailed info|\
+ Exception caught during checking existence of the artifact
+ MSO-ASDC-9303E|\
+ Exception caught during the singleton check for ASDC with address {0} and environment {1}|\
+ Please check other logs for more detailed info|\
+ Exception caught during the singleton check
+ MSO-ASDC-9304E|\
+ Properties file: {0} not found|\
+ Please verify whether properties file exist or readable|\
+ Please verify whether properties file exist or readable|\
+ Properties file not found
diff --git a/common/src/main/resources/ApiHandler.properties b/common/src/main/resources/ApiHandler.properties
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..82d452a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/src/main/resources/ApiHandler.properties
@@ -0,0 +1,255 @@
+# ============LICENSE_START=======================================================
+# ================================================================================
+# Copyright (C) 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+# ================================================================================
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# ============LICENSE_END=========================================================
+#Resource key=Error Code|Message text|Resolution text |Description text
+# {component}-{subcomponent}-{4-digit code}{classification}
+#Newlines can be utilized to add some clarity ensuring continuing line
+#has atleast one leading space
+# ERR0000E\
+# Sample error msg txt\
+# Sample resolution msg\
+# Sample description txt
+#Error code classification category
+#1000-1099 Security/Permission Related
+#2000-2099 Availability/Timeout Related
+#3000-3099 Data Access/Integrity Related
+#4000-4099 Schema Interface Type/Validation
+#5000-5099 Business/Flow Processing Related
+#6000-8099 Reserved \u2013 do not use
+#9000-9099 Unknown Errors
+#{classification} description
+# I = Information
+# W = Warning
+# E = Error
+# F = Fatal
+ MSO-APIH-3000I|\
+ Requests found when query DB with parameters {0}={1}|\
+ No resolution needed|\
+ Requests found when API Handler query DB
+ MSO-APIH-3001I|\
+ Request not found when query DB with parameters {0}={1}|\
+ No resolution needed|\
+ Request not found when API Handler query DB
+ MSO-APIH-3003E|\
+ Unable to access DB|\
+ Please check other logs for more detailed info|\
+ Unable to access DB
+ MSO-APIH-3005E|\
+ Unable to access DB: {0}|\
+ Please check other logs for more detailed info|\
+ Unable to access DB
+ MSO-APIH-3006E|\
+ Attribute {0} not found in DB|\
+ Please check other logs for more detailed info|\
+ Attribute not found in DB
+ MSO-APIH-3007E|\
+ Unable to insert record to DB|\
+ Please check other logs for more detailed info|\
+ Unable to insert record to DB
+ MSO-APIH-3008E|\
+ Unable to update record to DB: {0}|\
+ Please check other logs for more detailed info|\
+ Unable to insert record to DB
+ MSO-APIH-4000E|\
+ Validation failed|\
+ Please check other logs for more detailed info|\
+ Validation failed
+ MSO-APIH-4001E|\
+ Validation of the input request failed, for incoming request:{0}|\
+ Please check other logs for more detailed info|\
+ Validation of the input request failed
+ MSO-APIH-4002E|\
+ Service params failed schema validation|\
+ Please check other logs for more detailed info|\
+ Service params failed schema validation
+ MSO-APIH-4003E|\
+ Validation of the input request failed:{0}|\
+ Please verify the input request|\
+ Validation of the input request failed
+ MSO-APIH-4004E|\
+ Validation of the VNF Request failed|\
+ Please verify the VNF Request|\
+ Validation of the VNF Request failed
+ MSO-APIH-5003W|\
+ Bad Request: {0}|\
+ Please verify the request|\
+ Bad Request
+ MSO-APIH-5004W|\
+ WARNING: {0}|\
+ Please check other logs for more detailed info|\
+ General warning
+ MSO-APIH-5005I|\
+ Executing request: {0}. {1}|\
+ No resolution needed|\
+ Executing method
+ MSO-APIH-5008I|\
+ Executed method: {0}. {1}|\
+ No resolution needed|\
+ Generate information for Metric events
+ MSO-APIH-5009W|\
+ The request received by MSO is null|\
+ Please check other logs for more detailed info|\
+ The request received by MSO is null
+ MSO-APIH-5011W|\
+ Duplicated request found: {0}|\
+ Please check other logs for more detailed info|\
+ Duplicated request found
+ MSO-APIH-5012W|\
+ Request received with wrong order: {0}|\
+ Please check other logs for more detailed info|\
+ Request received with wrong order
+ MSO-APIH-5014E|\
+ Abnormal response received from BPEL server: {0}|\
+ Please check other logs for more detailed info|\
+ Abnormal response received from BPEL server
+ MSO-APIH-5015E|\
+ Error wrapping request|\
+ Please check other logs for more detailed info|\
+ Error wrapping request to be sent to BPEL server
+ MSO-APIH-5016E|\
+ Error from {0} with status:{1} and responseBody:{2}|\
+ Please check other logs for more detailed info|\
+ Error from BPEL Server
+ MSO-APIH-5017E|\
+ MSO Configuration Error - Unable to read the schema file|\
+ Please check other logs for more detailed info|\
+ MSO Configuration Error - Unable to read the schema file
+ MSO-APIH-5018I|\
+ Properties file loaded successfully|\
+ No resolution needed|\
+ Properties file loaded successfully
+ MSO-APIH-5019E|\
+ Missing or invalid properties file: {0}|\
+ Please verify whether properties file exist or redable|\
+ Missing or invalid properties file
+ MSO-APIH-5020E|\
+ Unable to load properties file: {0}|\
+ Please verify whether properties file exist or redable|\
+ Unable to load properties file
+ MSO-APIH-5021I|\
+ Missing requestID. Assigned {0}|\
+ No resolution needed|\
+ Request ID is not available
+ MSO-APIH-5022I|\
+ Replaced invalid requestID of {0}|\
+ No resolution needed|\
+ Request ID received is not compliant with ECOMP Standards
+ MSO-APIH-5023I|\
+ Missing serviceInstanceID. Assigned {0}|\
+ No resolution needed|\
+ Service Instance ID is not available
+ MSO-APIH-9000E|\
+ Exception: {0}|\
+ Please check other logs for more detailed info|\
+ General exception with reason
+ MSO-APIH-9001E|\
+ Exception encountered|\
+ Please check other logs for more detailed info|\
+ Exception encountered
+ MSO-APIH-9002E|\
+ Exception during health check|\
+ Please check other logs for more detailed info|\
+ Exception during health check
+ MSO-APIH-9003E|\
+ Exception reading vnfOutputs Clob|\
+ Please check other logs for more detailed info|\
+ Exception reading vnfOutputs Clob
+ MSO-APIH-9004E|\
+ Exception during the duplication check for post services|\
+ Please check other logs for more detailed info|\
+ Exception during the duplicate check for post services
+ MSO-APIH-9005E|\
+ Exception during BPEL POST|\
+ Please check other logs for more detailed info|\
+ Exception during BPEL POST
+ MSO-APIH-9006E|\
+ Exception when sending HTTP POST request to SDNC Adapter|\
+ Please check other logs for more detailed info|\
+ Exception when sending HTTP POST request to SDNC Adapter
+ MSO-APIH-9007E|\
+ IOException getting SDNC Adapter response body|\
+ Please check other logs for more detailed info|\
+ IOException getting SDNC Adapter response body
+ MSO-APIH-9008E|\
+ Exception when translating query results into string with Jaxb|\
+ Please check other logs for more detailed info|\
+ Exception when translating query results into string with Jaxb
+ MSO-APIH-9009E|\
+ Exception when formatting for VNF outputs with Jaxb|\
+ Please check other logs for more detailed info|\
+ Exception when formatting for VNF outputs
+ MSO-APIH-9010E|\
+ Error converting xml Document to String|\
+ Please check other logs for more detailed info|\
+ Error converting xml Document to String
+ MSO-APIH-9011E|\
+ Exception during the duplication check for post services with the same attribute: {0}|\
+ Please check other logs for more detailed info|\
+ Exception during the duplicate check for post services
diff --git a/common/src/main/resources/BPMN.properties b/common/src/main/resources/BPMN.properties
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..298268b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/src/main/resources/BPMN.properties
@@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
+# ============LICENSE_START=======================================================
+# ================================================================================
+# Copyright (C) 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+# ================================================================================
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# ============LICENSE_END=========================================================
+#Resource key=Error Code|Message text|Resolution text |Description text
+# {component}-{subcomponent}-{4-digit code}{classification}
+#Newlines can be utilized to add some clarity ensuring continuing line
+#has atleast one leading space
+# ERR0000E\
+# Sample error msg txt\
+# Sample resolution msg\
+# Sample description txt
+#Error code classification category
+#1100-1199 Security/Permission Related
+#2100-2199 Availability/Timeout Related
+#3100-3199 Data Access/Integrity Related
+#4100-4199 Schema Interface Type/Validation
+#5100-5199 Business/Flow Processing Related
+#6100-6199 Reserved \u2013 do not use
+#9100-9199 Unknown Errors
+#{classification} description
+# I = Information
+# W = Warning
+# E = Error
+# F = Fatal
+ MSO-BPEL-5100I|\
+ INFO: {0}|\
+ No resolution needed|\
+ General info
+ MSO-BPEL-5101W|\
+ WARNING: {0}|\
+ Please check other logs for more information|\
+ General warning
+ MSO-BPEL-5102I|\
+ Executing method: {0}. {1}|\
+ No resolution needed|\
+ Executing method
+ MSO-BPEL-5105I|\
+ Executed method: {0}. {1}|\
+ No resolution needed|\
+ Generate information for Metric events
+ MSO-BPEL-5106E|\
+ URN Mapping Task Failed to execute|\
+ Please check other logs for more information|\
+ URN Mapping Task Failed to execute
+ MSO-BPEL-5107W|\
+ Variable {0} is null; skipped|\
+ No resolution needed|\
+ Variable is null
+ MSO-BPEL-9100E|\
+ Exception: {0}|\
+ Please check other logs for more information|\
+ General exception with reason
+ MSO-BPEL-9101E|\
+ Exception encountered|\
+ Please check other logs for more information|\
+ Exception encountered
+ MSO-BPEL-9102E|\
+ {0} Exception occurred during processing of MSO sdncAdapterCallbackService {1}|\
+ Please check other logs for more information|\
+ Exception occurred during processing of MSO sdncAdapterCallbackService
diff --git a/common/src/main/resources/GenericMessages.properties b/common/src/main/resources/GenericMessages.properties
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2640323
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/src/main/resources/GenericMessages.properties
@@ -0,0 +1,139 @@
+# ============LICENSE_START=======================================================
+# ================================================================================
+# Copyright (C) 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+# ================================================================================
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# ============LICENSE_END=========================================================
+#Resource key=Error Code|Message text|Resolution text |Description text
+# {component}-{subcomponent}-{4-digit code}{classification}
+#Newlines can be utilized to add some clarity ensuring continuing line
+#has atleast one leading space
+# ERR0000E\
+# Sample error msg txt\
+# Sample resolution msg\
+# Sample description txt
+#Error code classification category for other components
+#1400-1499 Security/Permission Related
+#2400-2499 Availability/Timeout Related
+#3400-3499 Data Access/Integrity Related
+#4400-4499 Schema Interface Type/Validation
+#5400-5499 Business/Flow Processing Related
+#6400-6499 Reserved \u2013 do not use
+#9400-9499 Unknown Errors
+#{classification} description
+# I = Information
+# W = Warning
+# E = Error
+# F = Fatal
+ WARNING: {0}|\
+ Please check other logs for more detailed info|\
+ General warning
+ Executing method: {0}. {1}|\
+ No resolution needed|\
+ Executing method
+ Executed method: {0}. {1}|\
+ No resolution needed|\
+ Generate information for Metric events
+ Request received to update logger level|\
+ No resolution needed|\
+ Request received to update logger level
+ Logger Servlet: Logger not found: : {0}|\
+ No resolution needed|\
+ Logger not found
+ Successfully update Logger: {0} from level {1} to level {2}|\
+ No resolution needed|\
+ Generate information for Metric events
+ Request received to update debug mode|\
+ No resolution needed|\
+ Request received to update debug mode
+ Successfully {0} debug mode|\
+ No resolution needed|\
+ Successfully updated debug mode
+ Properties file loaded successfully from file {0}|\
+ No resolution needed|\
+ Properties file loaded successfully
+ Missing or invalid properties file: {0}|\
+ Please verify whether properties file exist or readable|\
+ Missing or invalid properties file
+ Failed loading properties file: {0}|\
+ Please verify whether properties file exist or readable|\
+ Failed loading properties file
+ Prepare to initialize loggers from {0}|\
+ No resolution needed|\
+ Prepare to initialize loggers
+ Not able to get mandatory parameter: {0} from file {1}|\
+ No resolution needed|\
+ Mandatory parameter missing
+ Identity service not found: region={0} ,cloud={1}|\
+ Please check other logs for more detailed info|\
+ Identity service not found
+ Exception: {0}|\
+ Please check other logs for more detailed info|\
+ General exception with reason
+ Exception encountered|\
+ Please check other logs for more detailed info|\
+ Exception encountered
+ Failed to initialize loggers|\
+ No resolution|\
+ Failed to initialize loggers
+ JAXB Initialization Error|\
+ Please check other logs for more detailed info|\
+ JAXB Initialization Error
diff --git a/common/src/main/resources/ResourceAdapter.properties b/common/src/main/resources/ResourceAdapter.properties
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f1c8b26
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/src/main/resources/ResourceAdapter.properties
@@ -0,0 +1,489 @@
+# ============LICENSE_START=======================================================
+# ================================================================================
+# Copyright (C) 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+# ================================================================================
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# ============LICENSE_END=========================================================
+#Resource key=Error Code|Message text|Resolution text |Description text
+# {component}-{subcomponent}-{4-digit code}{classification}
+#Newlines can be utilized to add some clarity ensuring continuing line
+#has atleast one leading space
+# ERR0000E\
+# Sample error msg txt\
+# Sample resolution msg\
+# Sample description txt
+#Error code classification category
+#1200-1299 Security/Permission Related
+#2200-2299 Availability/Timeout Related
+#3200-3299 Data Access/Integrity Related
+#4200-4299 Schema Interface Type/Validation
+#5200-5299 Business/Flow Processing Related
+#6200-6299 Reserved \u2013 do not use
+#9200-9299 Unknown Errors
+#{classification} description
+# I = Information
+# W = Warning
+# E = Error
+# F = Fatal
+ MSO-RA-2200E|\
+ Create Stack - Polling timeout exceeded. cloud={0}, tenant={1}, stack={2}, status={3}|\
+ Please check other logs for more detailed info|\
+ Create Stack timeout
+ MSO-RA-2201E|\
+ Delete Stack - Polling timeout exceeded. cloud={0}, tenant={1}, stack={2}, status={3}|\
+ Please check other logs for more detailed info|\
+ Delete Stack timeout
+ MSO-RA-2202E|\
+ Update Stack - Polling timeout exceeded. cloud={0}, tenant={1}, stack={2}, status={3}|\
+ Please check other logs for more detailed info|\
+ Delete Stack timeout
+ MSO-RA-4200I|\
+ Missing Required parameter: {0}|\
+ No resolution needed|\
+ Mandatory Parameter Missing
+ MSO-RA-4201E|\
+ Error parsing file {0}|\
+ No resolution needed|\
+ Error parsing file
+ MSO-RA-4202E|\
+ Error marshalling callback request with JaxB|\
+ Please check other logs for more detailed info|\
+ Error marshalling callback request
+ MSO-RA-4203E|\
+ Error parsing request:{0}|\
+ Please check other logs for more detailed info|\
+ Error parsing request
+ MSO-RA-4204E|\
+ Error parsing VLAN parameter in network stack {0}:{1}|\
+ Please check other logs for more detailed info|\
+ Error parsing VLAN parameter in network stack
+ MSO-RA-5201W|\
+ WARNING: {0}|\
+ Please check other logs for more detailed info|\
+ General warning
+ MSO-RA-5202I|\
+ Executing method: {0}. {1}|\
+ No resolution needed|\
+ Executing method
+ MSO-RA-5205I|\
+ Executed method: {0}. {1}|\
+ No resolution needed|\
+ Generate information for Metric events
+ MSO-RA-5206E|\
+ Properties file: {0} not found|\
+ Please verify whether properties file exist or readable|\
+ Properties file not found
+ MSO-RA-5207I|\
+ Properties file loaded successfully from file {0}|\
+ No resolution needed|\
+ Properties file loaded successfully
+ MSO-RA-5208E|\
+ Attribute {0} not found in DB. For {1}={2}|\
+ No resolution needed|\
+ Attribute not found in DB
+ MSO-RA-5209E|\
+ Unknown {0}:{1}|\
+ Please check other logs for more detailed info|\
+ Unknown attribute
+ MSO-RA-5210E|\
+ Configuration error:{0}|\
+ Please check other logs for more detailed info|\
+ Configuration Error
+ MSO-RA-5211E|\
+ Could not found configuration file:{0}|\
+ Please verify whether configuration file exist or readable|\
+ Configuration file not found
+ MSO-RA-5212I|\
+ Sending request to SDNC:{0}|\
+ No resolution needed|\
+ Sending request to SDNC
+ MSO-RA-5213I|\
+ Response received from SDNC:{0}|\
+ No resolution needed|\
+ Response received from SDNC
+ MSO-RA-5218E|\
+ Callback to BPEL:{0} |\
+ Please check other logs for more detailed info|\
+ Callback to BPEL
+ MSO-RA-5240W|\
+ Network already exists: {0} in {1}/{2}|\
+ Please check other logs for more detailed info|\
+ Network already exists
+ MSO-RA-5241E|\
+ Network doesn't exist: {0} in {1}/{2}|\
+ Please check other logs for more detailed info|\
+ Network doesn't exist
+ MSO-RA-5243E|\
+ Network Type Orchestrated mode:{0} is not supported|\
+ Please check other logs for more detailed info|\
+ Network Type Orchestrated mode
+ MSO-RA-5249W|\
+ Rollback: No action to perform|\
+ No resolution needed|\
+ Rollback: No action to perform
+ MSO-RA-5251I|\
+ Async Rollback Network {0}|\
+ No resolution needed|\
+ Async Rollback Network
+ MSO-RA-5252E|\
+ Unable to find wsdl file {0} in classpath|\
+ No resolution needed|\
+ Unable to find wsdl file in classpath
+ MSO-RA-5258I|\
+ Completed processing BPEL request|\
+ No resolution needed|\
+ Completed processing BPEL request
+ MSO-RA-5259E|\
+ Missing configuration for:{0}|\
+ Please check other logs for more detailed info|\
+ Missing configuration for
+ MSO-RA-5260W|\
+ Invalid configuration(most requests require atleast 3 params:method,timeout,action) for Key:{0} Value:{1}|\
+ Please check other logs for more detailed info|\
+ Invalid configuration
+ MSO-RA-5263E|\
+ Tenant not found: tenant={0}, cloudSiteId={1}|\
+ Please check other logs for more detailed info|\
+ Tenant not found
+ MSO-RA-5264I|\
+ {0} URL:{1}|\
+ No resolution needed|\
+ Log the URL
+ MSO-RA-5268I|\
+ Received SDNC Notification. XML:{0}|\
+ No resolution needed|\
+ Received SDNC Notification
+ MSO-RA-5269I|\
+ Initializing mso-sdnc-adapter|\
+ No resolution needed|\
+ Initializing mso-sdnc-adapter
+ MSO-RA-5270I|\
+ BPEL request received [{0}] with callback URL [{1}]|\
+ No resolution needed|\
+ BPEL request received
+ MSO-RA-5271E|\
+ Error sending request to SDNC. Failed to start SDNC Client thread|\
+ Please check other logs for more detailed info|\
+ Error sending request to SDNC
+ MSO-RA-5272E|\
+ Tenant {0} already exists in {1}|\
+ No resolution needed|\
+ Tenant alaredy exists
+ MSO-RA-5273E|\
+ Error sending request to APPC|\
+ Please check other logs for more detailed info|\
+ Error sending request to APPC
+ MSO-RA-5275E|\
+ Stack {0} already exists in {1}/{2}|\
+ No resolution needed|\
+ VNF already exists
+ MSO-RA-5276E|\
+ Unknown {0}:{1}|\
+ No resolution needed|\
+ Uknown parameter
+ MSO-RA-5277E|\
+ Create Stack ({0}) extra input params received:{1}|\
+ Please check other logs for more detailed info|\
+ Extra input params received
+ MSO-RA-5278E|\
+ Stack {0} does not exist in {1}/{2}|\
+ No resolution needed|\
+ Stack does not exist
+ MSO-RA-5282I|\
+ Async Create VNF :{0} of type {1} in {2}/{3}|\
+ No resolution needed|\
+ Async Create VNF
+ MSO-RA-5283E|\
+ Error sending createVnf notification|\
+ Please check other logs for more detailed info|\
+ Error sending createVnf notification
+ MSO-RA-5284I|\
+ Completed createVnfA|\
+ No resolution needed|\
+ Completed createVnfA
+ MSO-RA-5285I|\
+ Async Update VNF :{0} of type {1} in {2}/{3}|\
+ No resolution needed|\
+ Async Update VNF
+ MSO-RA-5286I|\
+ Completed updateVnfA|\
+ No resolution needed|\
+ Completed updateVnfA
+ MSO-RA-5287I|\
+ Async Query VNF :{0} of type {1} in {2}/{3}|\
+ No resolution needed|\
+ Async Query VNF
+ MSO-RA-5288I|\
+ Completed queryVnfA|\
+ No resolution needed|\
+ Completed queryVnfA
+ MSO-RA-5289I|\
+ Async Delete VNF :{0} of type {1} in {2}/{3}|\
+ No resolution needed|\
+ Async Delete VNF
+ MSO-RA-5290I|\
+ Completed deleteVnfA|\
+ No resolution needed|\
+ Completed deleteVnfA
+ MSO-RA-5291I|\
+ Async Rollback VNF|\
+ No resolution needed|\
+ Async Rollback VNF
+ MSO-RA-5292I|\
+ Completed rollbackVnfA|\
+ No resolution needed|\
+ Completed rollbackVnfA
+ MSO-RA-5293E|\
+ Invalid status value|\
+ Please check other logs for more detailed info|\
+ Invalid status value
+ MSO-RA-5294E|\
+ Request ID={0} does not exist in DB|\
+ Please check other logs for more detailed info|\
+ Record does not exist in DB
+ MSO-RA-5295E|\
+ Enable to update {0} in DB for Request ID={1}|\
+ Please check other logs for more detailed info|\
+ Enable to update DB
+ MSO-RA-5296I|\
+ Configuration loaded from {0}|\
+ Please check other logs for more detailed info|\
+ Configuration loaded
+ MSO-RA-9200E|\
+ Exception: {0}|\
+ Please check other logs for more detailed info|\
+ General exception with reason
+ MSO-RA-9201E|\
+ Exception encountered|\
+ Please check other logs for more detailed info|\
+ Exception encountered
+ MSO-RA-9202E|\
+ Exception communicating with {0}: {1}|\
+ Please check other logs for more detailed info|\
+ Communication Exception
+ MSO-RA-9203E|\
+ Exception while processing request to SDNC|\
+ Please check other logs for more detailed info|\
+ Exception while processing request to SDNC
+ MSO-RA-9204E|\
+ Error while evaluating xpath {0} - {1}|\
+ Please check other logs for more detailed info|\
+ Error while evaluating xpath
+ MSO-RA-9205E|\
+ Problem analyzing error returned by SDN-C|\
+ Please check other logs for more detailed info|\
+ Problem analyzing error returned by SDN-C
+ MSO-RA-9206E|\
+ Error getting response code from errored SDNC request|\
+ Please check other logs for more detailed info|\
+ Error getting response code from errored SDNC request
+ MSO-RA-9207E|\
+ Caught exception initializing Callback wsdl:{0} |\
+ Please check other logs for more detailed info|\
+ Caught exception initializing Callback wsdl
+ MSO-RA-9208E|\
+ Create Stack Error: {0}|\
+ Please check other logs for more detailed info|\
+ Create Stack Error
+ MSO-RA-9209E|\
+ Update Stack Error - Polling complete with non-success status: {0}, {1}|\
+ Please check other logs for more detailed info|\
+ Update Stack Error
+ MSO-RA-9210E|\
+ Exception while update network, {0} in {1}/{2}|\
+ Please check other logs for more detailed info |\
+ Update Network Error
+ MSO-RA-9211E|\
+ Exception while query network: {0} in {1}/{2}|\
+ Please check other logs for more detailed info|\
+ Exception while query network:
+ MSO-RA-9212E|\
+ Exception while create network: {0} in {1}/{2}|\
+ Please check other logs for more detailed info|\
+ Create Network Error
+ MSO-RA-9213E|\
+ Exception while delete network: {0} in {1}/{2}|\
+ Please check other logs for more detailed info|\
+ delete Network Error
+ MSO-RA-9214E|\
+ Error sending createNetwork notification|\
+ Please check other logs for more detailed info|\
+ Error sending createNetwork notification
+ MSO-RA-9215E|\
+ {0} URL converion failed|\
+ Please check other logs for more detailed info|\
+ WSDL URL converion failed
+ MSO-RA-9216E|\
+ Caught exception initializing Notification Url|\
+ Please check other logs for more detailed info|\
+ Caught exception initializing Notification Url
+ MSO-RA-9217E|\
+ Unable to set authorization in callback request|\
+ Please check other logs for more detailed info|\
+ Unable to set authorization in callback request
+ MSO-RA-9218E|\
+ Exception caught while getting fault info|\
+ Please check other logs for more detailed info|\
+ Exception caught while getting fault info
+ MSO-RA-9219E|\
+ Error sending BPEL Callback request|\
+ Please check other logs for more detailed info|\
+ Error sending BPEL Callback request
+ MSO-RA-9220E|\
+ Create Tenant Error: {0}|\
+ Please check other logs for more detailed info|\
+ Create Tenant Error
+ MSO-RA-9221E|\
+ Delete Tenant Error: {0}|\
+ Please check other logs for more detailed info|\
+ Delete Tenant Error
+ MSO-RA-9222E|\
+ Error creating SDNC request|\
+ Please check other logs for more detailed info|\
+ Error creating SDNC request
+ MSO-RA-9223E|\
+ Error creating SDNC response|\
+ Please check other logs for more detailed info|\
+ Error creating SDNC response
+ MSO-RA-9224E|\
+ Error converting xml Document to String|\
+ Please check other logs for more detailed info |\
+ Error converting xml Document to String
+ MSO-RA-9225E|\
+ Update Tenant Error: {0}|\
+ Please check other logs for more detailed info|\
+ Update Tenant Error
+ MSO-RA-9226E|\
+ Rollback Tenant Error: {0}|\
+ Please check other logs for more detailed info|\
+ Rollback Tenant Error
+ MSO-RA-9227E|\
+ Exception while query VNF:{0} in {1}/{2}|\
+ Please check other logs for more detailed info|\
+ Exception while query VNF
+ MSO-RA-9228E|\
+ Exception while update VNF:{0} in {1}/{2}|\
+ Please check other logs for more detailed info|\
+ Exception while update VNF
+ MSO-RA-9229E|\
+ Exception while delete VNF:{0} in {1}/{2}|\
+ Please check other logs for more detailed info|\
+ Exception while delete VNF
+ MSO-RA-9230E|\
+ Exception while create VNF:{0} in {1}/{2}|\
+ Please check other logs for more detailed info|\
+ Exception while create VNF
+ MSO-RA-9231E|\
+ Exception while rollback VNF|\
+ Please check other logs for more detailed info|\
+ Exception while rollback VNF