path: root/openresty-ext/src/assembly/resources/openresty/nginx/luaext/vendor/pl/stringx.lua
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diff --git a/openresty-ext/src/assembly/resources/openresty/nginx/luaext/vendor/pl/stringx.lua b/openresty-ext/src/assembly/resources/openresty/nginx/luaext/vendor/pl/stringx.lua
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/openresty-ext/src/assembly/resources/openresty/nginx/luaext/vendor/pl/stringx.lua
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+--- Python-style extended string library.
+-- see 3.6.1 of the Python reference.
+-- If you want to make these available as string methods, then say
+-- `stringx.import()` to bring them into the standard `string` table.
+-- See @{03-strings.md|the Guide}
+-- Dependencies: `pl.utils`
+-- @module pl.stringx
+local utils = require 'pl.utils'
+local string = string
+local find = string.find
+local type,setmetatable,ipairs = type,setmetatable,ipairs
+local error = error
+local gsub = string.gsub
+local rep = string.rep
+local sub = string.sub
+local concat = table.concat
+local append = table.insert
+local escape = utils.escape
+local ceil, max = math.ceil, math.max
+local assert_arg,usplit = utils.assert_arg,utils.split
+local lstrip
+local function assert_string (n,s)
+ assert_arg(n,s,'string')
+local function non_empty(s)
+ return #s > 0
+local function assert_nonempty_string(n,s)
+ assert_arg(n,s,'string',non_empty,'must be a non-empty string')
+local function makelist(l)
+ return setmetatable(l, require('pl.List'))
+local stringx = {}
+-- String Predicates
+-- @section predicates
+--- does s only contain alphabetic characters?
+-- @string s a string
+function stringx.isalpha(s)
+ assert_string(1,s)
+ return find(s,'^%a+$') == 1
+--- does s only contain digits?
+-- @string s a string
+function stringx.isdigit(s)
+ assert_string(1,s)
+ return find(s,'^%d+$') == 1
+--- does s only contain alphanumeric characters?
+-- @string s a string
+function stringx.isalnum(s)
+ assert_string(1,s)
+ return find(s,'^%w+$') == 1
+--- does s only contain spaces?
+-- @string s a string
+function stringx.isspace(s)
+ assert_string(1,s)
+ return find(s,'^%s+$') == 1
+--- does s only contain lower case characters?
+-- @string s a string
+function stringx.islower(s)
+ assert_string(1,s)
+ return find(s,'^[%l%s]+$') == 1
+--- does s only contain upper case characters?
+-- @string s a string
+function stringx.isupper(s)
+ assert_string(1,s)
+ return find(s,'^[%u%s]+$') == 1
+local function raw_startswith(s, prefix)
+ return find(s,prefix,1,true) == 1
+local function raw_endswith(s, suffix)
+ return #s >= #suffix and find(s, suffix, #s-#suffix+1, true) and true or false
+local function test_affixes(s, affixes, fn)
+ if type(affixes) == 'string' then
+ return fn(s,affixes)
+ elseif type(affixes) == 'table' then
+ for _,affix in ipairs(affixes) do
+ if fn(s,affix) then return true end
+ end
+ return false
+ else
+ error(("argument #2 expected a 'string' or a 'table', got a '%s'"):format(type(affixes)))
+ end
+--- does s start with prefix or one of prefixes?
+-- @string s a string
+-- @param prefix a string or an array of strings
+function stringx.startswith(s,prefix)
+ assert_string(1,s)
+ return test_affixes(s,prefix,raw_startswith)
+--- does s end with suffix or one of suffixes?
+-- @string s a string
+-- @param suffix a string or an array of strings
+function stringx.endswith(s,suffix)
+ assert_string(1,s)
+ return test_affixes(s,suffix,raw_endswith)
+--- Strings and Lists
+-- @section lists
+--- concatenate the strings using this string as a delimiter.
+-- @string s the string
+-- @param seq a table of strings or numbers
+-- @usage (' '):join {1,2,3} == '1 2 3'
+function stringx.join(s,seq)
+ assert_string(1,s)
+ return concat(seq,s)
+--- Split a string into a list of lines.
+-- `"\r"`, `"\n"`, and `"\r\n"` are considered line ends.
+-- They are not included in the lines unless `keepends` is passed.
+-- Terminal line end does not produce an extra line.
+-- Splitting an empty string results in an empty list.
+-- @string s the string.
+-- @bool[opt] keep_ends include line ends.
+function stringx.splitlines(s, keep_ends)
+ assert_string(1, s)
+ local res = {}
+ local pos = 1
+ while true do
+ local line_end_pos = find(s, '[\r\n]', pos)
+ if not line_end_pos then
+ break
+ end
+ local line_end = sub(s, line_end_pos, line_end_pos)
+ if line_end == '\r' and sub(s, line_end_pos + 1, line_end_pos + 1) == '\n' then
+ line_end = '\r\n'
+ end
+ local line = sub(s, pos, line_end_pos - 1)
+ if keep_ends then
+ line = line .. line_end
+ end
+ append(res, line)
+ pos = line_end_pos + #line_end
+ end
+ if pos <= #s then
+ append(res, sub(s, pos))
+ end
+ return makelist(res)
+--- split a string into a list of strings using a delimiter.
+-- @function split
+-- @string s the string
+-- @string[opt] re a delimiter (defaults to whitespace)
+-- @int[opt] n maximum number of results
+-- @usage #(('one two'):split()) == 2
+-- @usage ('one,two,three'):split(',') == List{'one','two','three'}
+-- @usage ('one,two,three'):split(',',2) == List{'one','two,three'}
+function stringx.split(s,re,n)
+ assert_string(1,s)
+ local plain = true
+ if not re then -- default spaces
+ s = lstrip(s)
+ plain = false
+ end
+ local res = usplit(s,re,plain,n)
+ if re and re ~= '' and find(s,re,-#re,true) then
+ res[#res+1] = ""
+ end
+ return makelist(res)
+--- replace all tabs in s with tabsize spaces. If not specified, tabsize defaults to 8.
+-- with 0.9.5 this now correctly expands to the next tab stop (if you really
+-- want to just replace tabs, use :gsub('\t',' ') etc)
+-- @string s the string
+-- @int tabsize[opt=8] number of spaces to expand each tab
+function stringx.expandtabs(s,tabsize)
+ assert_string(1,s)
+ tabsize = tabsize or 8
+ return (s:gsub("([^\t\r\n]*)\t", function(before_tab)
+ return before_tab .. (" "):rep(tabsize - #before_tab % tabsize)
+ end))
+--- Finding and Replacing
+-- @section find
+local function _find_all(s,sub,first,last)
+ first = first or 1
+ last = last or #s
+ if sub == '' then return last+1,last-first+1 end
+ local i1,i2 = find(s,sub,first,true)
+ local res
+ local k = 0
+ while i1 do
+ if last and i2 > last then break end
+ res = i1
+ k = k + 1
+ i1,i2 = find(s,sub,i2+1,true)
+ end
+ return res,k
+--- find index of first instance of sub in s from the left.
+-- @string s the string
+-- @string sub substring
+-- @int[opt] first first index
+-- @int[opt] last last index
+function stringx.lfind(s,sub,first,last)
+ assert_string(1,s)
+ assert_string(2,sub)
+ local i1, i2 = find(s,sub,first,true)
+ if i1 and (not last or i2 <= last) then
+ return i1
+ else
+ return nil
+ end
+--- find index of first instance of sub in s from the right.
+-- @string s the string
+-- @string sub substring
+-- @int[opt] first first index
+-- @int[opt] last last index
+function stringx.rfind(s,sub,first,last)
+ assert_string(1,s)
+ assert_string(2,sub)
+ return (_find_all(s,sub,first,last))
+--- replace up to n instances of old by new in the string s.
+-- if n is not present, replace all instances.
+-- @string s the string
+-- @string old the target substring
+-- @string new the substitution
+-- @int[opt] n optional maximum number of substitutions
+-- @return result string
+function stringx.replace(s,old,new,n)
+ assert_string(1,s)
+ assert_string(2,old)
+ assert_string(3,new)
+ return (gsub(s,escape(old),new:gsub('%%','%%%%'),n))
+--- count all instances of substring in string.
+-- @string s the string
+-- @string sub substring
+function stringx.count(s,sub)
+ assert_string(1,s)
+ local i,k = _find_all(s,sub,1)
+ return k
+--- Stripping and Justifying
+-- @section strip
+local function _just(s,w,ch,left,right)
+ local n = #s
+ if w > n then
+ if not ch then ch = ' ' end
+ local f1,f2
+ if left and right then
+ local rn = ceil((w-n)/2)
+ local ln = w - n - rn
+ f1 = rep(ch,ln)
+ f2 = rep(ch,rn)
+ elseif right then
+ f1 = rep(ch,w-n)
+ f2 = ''
+ else
+ f2 = rep(ch,w-n)
+ f1 = ''
+ end
+ return f1..s..f2
+ else
+ return s
+ end
+--- left-justify s with width w.
+-- @string s the string
+-- @int w width of justification
+-- @string[opt=' '] ch padding character
+function stringx.ljust(s,w,ch)
+ assert_string(1,s)
+ assert_arg(2,w,'number')
+ return _just(s,w,ch,true,false)
+--- right-justify s with width w.
+-- @string s the string
+-- @int w width of justification
+-- @string[opt=' '] ch padding character
+function stringx.rjust(s,w,ch)
+ assert_string(1,s)
+ assert_arg(2,w,'number')
+ return _just(s,w,ch,false,true)
+--- center-justify s with width w.
+-- @string s the string
+-- @int w width of justification
+-- @string[opt=' '] ch padding character
+function stringx.center(s,w,ch)
+ assert_string(1,s)
+ assert_arg(2,w,'number')
+ return _just(s,w,ch,true,true)
+local function _strip(s,left,right,chrs)
+ if not chrs then
+ chrs = '%s'
+ else
+ chrs = '['..escape(chrs)..']'
+ end
+ if left then
+ local i1,i2 = find(s,'^'..chrs..'*')
+ if i2 >= i1 then
+ s = sub(s,i2+1)
+ end
+ end
+ if right then
+ local i1,i2 = find(s,chrs..'*$')
+ if i2 >= i1 then
+ s = sub(s,1,i1-1)
+ end
+ end
+ return s
+--- trim any whitespace on the left of s.
+-- @string s the string
+-- @string[opt='%s'] chrs default any whitespace character,
+-- but can be a string of characters to be trimmed
+function stringx.lstrip(s,chrs)
+ assert_string(1,s)
+ return _strip(s,true,false,chrs)
+lstrip = stringx.lstrip
+--- trim any whitespace on the right of s.
+-- @string s the string
+-- @string[opt='%s'] chrs default any whitespace character,
+-- but can be a string of characters to be trimmed
+function stringx.rstrip(s,chrs)
+ assert_string(1,s)
+ return _strip(s,false,true,chrs)
+--- trim any whitespace on both left and right of s.
+-- @string s the string
+-- @string[opt='%s'] chrs default any whitespace character,
+-- but can be a string of characters to be trimmed
+function stringx.strip(s,chrs)
+ assert_string(1,s)
+ return _strip(s,true,true,chrs)
+--- Partioning Strings
+-- @section partioning
+--- split a string using a pattern. Note that at least one value will be returned!
+-- @string s the string
+-- @string[opt='%s'] re a Lua string pattern (defaults to whitespace)
+-- @return the parts of the string
+-- @usage a,b = line:splitv('=')
+function stringx.splitv(s,re)
+ assert_string(1,s)
+ return utils.splitv(s,re)
+-- The partition functions split a string using a delimiter into three parts:
+-- the part before, the delimiter itself, and the part afterwards
+local function _partition(p,delim,fn)
+ local i1,i2 = fn(p,delim)
+ if not i1 or i1 == -1 then
+ return p,'',''
+ else
+ if not i2 then i2 = i1 end
+ return sub(p,1,i1-1),sub(p,i1,i2),sub(p,i2+1)
+ end
+--- partition the string using first occurance of a delimiter
+-- @string s the string
+-- @string ch delimiter
+-- @return part before ch
+-- @return ch
+-- @return part after ch
+function stringx.partition(s,ch)
+ assert_string(1,s)
+ assert_nonempty_string(2,ch)
+ return _partition(s,ch,stringx.lfind)
+--- partition the string p using last occurance of a delimiter
+-- @string s the string
+-- @string ch delimiter
+-- @return part before ch
+-- @return ch
+-- @return part after ch
+function stringx.rpartition(s,ch)
+ assert_string(1,s)
+ assert_nonempty_string(2,ch)
+ return _partition(s,ch,stringx.rfind)
+--- return the 'character' at the index.
+-- @string s the string
+-- @int idx an index (can be negative)
+-- @return a substring of length 1 if successful, empty string otherwise.
+function stringx.at(s,idx)
+ assert_string(1,s)
+ assert_arg(2,idx,'number')
+ return sub(s,idx,idx)
+--- Miscelaneous
+-- @section misc
+--- return an iterator over all lines in a string
+-- @string s the string
+-- @return an iterator
+function stringx.lines(s)
+ assert_string(1,s)
+ if not s:find '\n$' then s = s..'\n' end
+ return s:gmatch('([^\n]*)\n')
+--- iniital word letters uppercase ('title case').
+-- Here 'words' mean chunks of non-space characters.
+-- @string s the string
+-- @return a string with each word's first letter uppercase
+function stringx.title(s)
+ assert_string(1,s)
+ return (s:gsub('(%S)(%S*)',function(f,r)
+ return f:upper()..r:lower()
+ end))
+stringx.capitalize = stringx.title
+local ellipsis = '...'
+local n_ellipsis = #ellipsis
+--- Return a shortened version of a string.
+-- Fits string within w characters. Removed characters are marked with ellipsis.
+-- @string s the string
+-- @int w the maxinum size allowed
+-- @bool tail true if we want to show the end of the string (head otherwise)
+-- @usage ('1234567890'):shorten(8) == '12345...'
+-- @usage ('1234567890'):shorten(8, true) == '...67890'
+-- @usage ('1234567890'):shorten(20) == '1234567890'
+function stringx.shorten(s,w,tail)
+ assert_string(1,s)
+ if #s > w then
+ if w < n_ellipsis then return ellipsis:sub(1,w) end
+ if tail then
+ local i = #s - w + 1 + n_ellipsis
+ return ellipsis .. s:sub(i)
+ else
+ return s:sub(1,w-n_ellipsis) .. ellipsis
+ end
+ end
+ return s
+--- Utility function that finds any patterns that match a long string's an open or close.
+-- Note that having this function use the least number of equal signs that is possible is a harder algorithm to come up with.
+-- Right now, it simply returns the greatest number of them found.
+-- @param s The string
+-- @return 'nil' if not found. If found, the maximum number of equal signs found within all matches.
+local function has_lquote(s)
+ local lstring_pat = '([%[%]])(=*)%1'
+ local equals
+ local start, finish, bracket, new_equals = nil, 1, nil, nil
+ repeat
+ start, finish, bracket, new_equals = s:find(lstring_pat, finish)
+ if new_equals then
+ equals = max(equals or 0, #new_equals)
+ end
+ until not new_equals
+ return equals
+--- Quote the given string and preserve any control or escape characters, such that reloading the string in Lua returns the same result.
+-- @param s The string to be quoted.
+-- @return The quoted string.
+function stringx.quote_string(s)
+ assert_string(1,s)
+ -- Find out if there are any embedded long-quote sequences that may cause issues.
+ -- This is important when strings are embedded within strings, like when serializing.
+ -- Append a closing bracket to catch unfinished long-quote sequences at the end of the string.
+ local equal_signs = has_lquote(s .. "]")
+ -- Note that strings containing "\r" can't be quoted using long brackets
+ -- as Lua lexer converts all newlines to "\n" within long strings.
+ if (s:find("\n") or equal_signs) and not s:find("\r") then
+ -- If there is an embedded sequence that matches a long quote, then
+ -- find the one with the maximum number of = signs and add one to that number.
+ equal_signs = ("="):rep((equal_signs or -1) + 1)
+ -- Long strings strip out leading newline. We want to retain that, when quoting.
+ if s:find("^\n") then s = "\n" .. s end
+ local lbracket, rbracket =
+ "[" .. equal_signs .. "[",
+ "]" .. equal_signs .. "]"
+ s = lbracket .. s .. rbracket
+ else
+ -- Escape funny stuff. Lua 5.1 does not handle "\r" correctly.
+ s = ("%q"):format(s):gsub("\r", "\\r")
+ end
+ return s
+function stringx.import()
+ utils.import(stringx,string)
+return stringx