path: root/javatoscachecker/checker/src/main/java/org/onap/tosca/checker/
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Diffstat (limited to 'javatoscachecker/checker/src/main/java/org/onap/tosca/checker/')
1 files changed, 3661 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/javatoscachecker/checker/src/main/java/org/onap/tosca/checker/ b/javatoscachecker/checker/src/main/java/org/onap/tosca/checker/
new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/javatoscachecker/checker/src/main/java/org/onap/tosca/checker/
@@ -0,0 +1,3661 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2017 <AT&T>. All rights reserved.
+ * ===================================================================
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed
+ * on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for
+ * the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
+ */
+package org.onap.tosca.checker;
+import java.lang.reflect.Method;
+import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
+import java.util.HashMap;
+import java.util.TreeMap;
+import java.util.HashSet;
+import java.util.Iterator;
+import java.util.ListIterator;
+import java.util.Map;
+import java.util.EnumMap;
+import java.util.List;
+import java.util.LinkedList;
+import java.util.ArrayList;
+import java.util.Set;
+import java.util.Properties;
+import java.util.Collection;
+import java.util.Collections;
+import java.util.Arrays;
+import java.util.MissingResourceException;
+import java.util.logging.Level;
+import java.util.logging.Logger;
+import java.util.regex.Pattern;
+import java.util.regex.Matcher;
+import javax.naming.CompositeName;
+import javax.naming.InvalidNameException;
+import org.yaml.snakeyaml.Yaml;
+import kwalify.YamlParser;
+import kwalify.Validator;
+import kwalify.Rule;
+import kwalify.Types;
+import kwalify.SchemaException;
+import kwalify.SyntaxException;
+import kwalify.ValidationException;
+import org.apache.commons.jxpath.JXPathContext;
+import org.apache.commons.jxpath.JXPathException;
+import org.apache.commons.lang.reflect.ConstructorUtils;
+import org.reflections.Reflections;
+import org.reflections.util.FilterBuilder;
+import org.reflections.util.ConfigurationBuilder;
+import org.reflections.scanners.TypeAnnotationsScanner;
+import org.reflections.scanners.SubTypesScanner;
+import org.reflections.scanners.MethodAnnotationsScanner;
+import org.reflections.adapters.JavaReflectionAdapter;
+import org.onap.tosca.checker.annotations.Checks;
+import org.onap.tosca.checker.annotations.Catalogs;
+import org.onap.tosca.checker.annotations.Validates;
+import static org.onap.tosca.checker.Messages.Message;
+ * To consider: model consistency checking happens now along with validation
+ * (is implemented as part of the validation hooks). It might be better to
+ * separate the 2 stages and perform all the consistency checking once
+ * validation is completed.
+ */
+public class Checker {
+ public static void main(String[] theArgs) {
+ if (theArgs.length == 0) {
+ System.err.println("checker resource_to_validate [processor]*");
+ return;
+ }
+ try {
+ Catalog cat = Checker.check(new File(theArgs[0]));
+ for (Target t: cat.targets()) {
+ System.err.println(t.getLocation() + "\n" + cat.importString(t) + "\n" + t.getReport());
+ }
+ for (Target t: cat.sortedTargets()) {
+ System.out.println(t);
+ }
+ }
+ catch (Exception x) {
+ x.printStackTrace();
+ }
+ }
+ private Target target = null; //what we're validating at the moment
+ private Map<String, Target> grammars = new HashMap<String, Target>(); //grammars for the different tosca versions
+ private CheckerConfiguration config = new CheckerConfiguration();
+ private Catalog catalog;
+ private TargetLocator locator = new CommonLocator();
+ private Table<String, Method, Object> handlers = HashBasedTable.create();
+ private Messages messages;
+ private Logger log = Logger.getLogger(Checker.class.getName());
+ private static String[] EMPTY_STRING_ARRAY = new String[0];
+ public Checker() throws CheckerException {
+ loadGrammars();
+ loadAnnotations();
+ messages = new Messages();
+ }
+ /* Need a proper way to indicate where the grammars are and how they should be identified
+ */
+ private final String[] grammarFiles = new String[] {"tosca/tosca_simple_yaml_1_0.grammar",
+ "tosca/tosca_simple_yaml_1_1.grammar"};
+ private void loadGrammars() throws CheckerException {
+ for (String grammarFile: grammarFiles) {
+ Target grammarTarget = this.locator.resolve(grammarFile);
+ if (grammarTarget == null) {
+ log.warning("Failed to locate grammar " + grammarFile);
+ continue;
+ }
+ parseTarget(grammarTarget);
+ if (grammarTarget.getReport().hasErrors()) {
+ log.warning("Invalid grammar " + grammarFile + ": " + grammarTarget.getReport().toString());
+ continue;
+ }
+ List versions = null;
+ try {
+ versions = (List)
+ ((Map)
+ ((Map)
+ ((Map)grammarTarget.getTarget())
+ .get("mapping"))
+ .get("tosca_definitions_version"))
+ .get("enum");
+ }
+ catch (Exception x) {
+ log.warning("Invalid grammar " + grammarFile + ": cannot locate tosca_definitions_versions");
+ }
+ if (versions == null || versions.isEmpty()) {
+ log.warning("Invalid grammar " + grammarFile + ": no tosca_definitions_versions specified");
+ continue;
+ }
+ for (Object version: versions) {
+ this.grammars.put(version.toString(), grammarTarget);
+ }
+ }
+ log.finer("Loaded grammars: " + this.grammars);
+ }
+ private void loadAnnotations() throws CheckerException {
+ Reflections reflections = new Reflections(
+ new ConfigurationBuilder()
+ .forPackages("org.onap.tosca")
+ .filterInputsBy(new FilterBuilder()
+ .include(".*\\.class")
+ )
+ .setScanners(new TypeAnnotationsScanner(),
+ new SubTypesScanner(),
+ new MethodAnnotationsScanner())
+ .setExpandSuperTypes(false)
+ //.setMetadataAdapter(new JavaReflectionAdapter())
+ );
+ Map<Class, Object> refs = new HashMap<Class, Object>();
+ Set<Method> methods = null;
+ //very similar but annotatons cannot be handled in a more 'generic' manner
+ methods = reflections.getMethodsAnnotatedWith(Checks.class);
+ for (Method method: methods) {
+ handlers.put("checks:" + method.getAnnotation(Checks.class).path(),
+ method,
+ refs.computeIfAbsent(method.getDeclaringClass(), type -> newInstance(type)));
+ }
+ methods = reflections.getMethodsAnnotatedWith(Catalogs.class);
+ for (Method method: methods) {
+ handlers.put("catalogs:" + method.getAnnotation(Catalogs.class).path(),
+ method,
+ refs.computeIfAbsent(method.getDeclaringClass(), type -> newInstance(type)));
+ }
+ methods = reflections.getMethodsAnnotatedWith(Validates.class);
+ for (Method method: methods) {
+ Validates annotation = method.getAnnotation(Validates.class);
+ handlers.put(annotation.timing() + "-validates:" + annotation.rule(),
+ method,
+ refs.computeIfAbsent(method.getDeclaringClass(), type -> newInstance(type)));
+ }
+ }
+ private Object newInstance(Class theType) {
+ try {
+ return (getClass() == theType) ? this
+ : theType.newInstance();
+ }
+ catch(Exception x) {
+ throw new RuntimeException(x);
+ }
+ }
+ /*
+ * Lookup one of the handlers, by handler type
+ */
+ public <T> T getHandler(Class<T> theType) {
+ return (T)handlers.values()
+ .stream()
+ .filter(h -> theType.isInstance(h))
+ .findFirst()
+ .orElse(null);
+ }
+ public CheckerConfiguration configuration() {
+ return this.config;
+ }
+ public void setTargetLocator(TargetLocator theLocator) {
+ this.locator = theLocator;
+ }
+ public TargetLocator getTargetLocator() {
+ return this.locator;
+ }
+ public Collection<Target> targets() {
+ if (this.catalog == null)
+ throw new IllegalStateException("targets are only available after check");
+ return this.catalog.targets();
+ }
+ public Catalog catalog() {
+ return this.catalog;
+ }
+ /* a facility for handling all files in a target directory ..
+ */
+ public static Catalog check(File theSource)
+ throws CheckerException {
+ Catalog catalog = new Catalog(commonsCatalog());
+ Checker checker = new Checker();
+ try {
+ if (theSource.isDirectory()) {
+ for (File f: theSource.listFiles()) {
+ if (f.isFile()) {
+ checker.check(new Target(theSource.getCanonicalPath(), f.toURI().normalize()), catalog);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ checker.check(new Target(theSource.getCanonicalPath(), theSource.toURI().normalize()), catalog);
+ }
+ }
+ catch (IOException iox) {
+ throw new CheckerException("Failed to initialize target", iox);
+ }
+ return catalog;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Main checking process entry point. In this case the source is passed to the locator in order to
+ * obtain a {@link org.onap.tosca.checker.Target target}, and then all other processing stages are performed.
+ * @param String the string representation of the uri pointing to the document/template to be processed
+ * @throws CheckerException for any checker encountered error
+ */
+ public void check(String theSource)
+ throws CheckerException {
+ check(theSource, buildCatalog());
+ }
+ /**
+ * Main checking entry point using a pre-computed Catalog. Same as {@link org.onap.tosca.checker.Chacker#check(String) check} except that the given catalog information is available. i.e. all types available in the given catalog types are
+available and the available targets won't be re-processed.
+ */
+ public void check(String theSource, Catalog theCatalog)
+ throws CheckerException {
+ Target tgt =
+ this.locator.resolve(theSource);
+ if (null == tgt) {
+ throw new CheckerException("Unable to locate the target " + theSource);
+ }
+ check(tgt, theCatalog);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Starts the processing after the localization phase, i.e. the Target is obtained/constructed outside the checker.
+ * @param Target the Target representation of the document/template to be processed. The actual target content (yaml
+ * character string) is obtained by calling {@link org.onap.tosca.checker.Target#open() open} on the target
+ * @throws CheckerException for any checker encountered error
+ */
+ public void check(Target theTarget) throws CheckerException {
+ check(theTarget, buildCatalog());
+ }
+ /**
+ *
+ * @param Target the Target representation of the document/template to be processed. The actual target content (yaml
+ * character string) is obtained by calling {@link org.onap.tosca.checker.Target#open() open} on the target
+ * @param theCatalog a default catalog providing common construct definitions
+ * @throws CheckerException for any checker encountered error
+ */
+ public void check(Target theTarget, Catalog theCatalog) throws CheckerException {
+ this.catalog = theCatalog;
+ this.locator.addSearchPath(theTarget.getLocation());
+ if (this.catalog.addTarget(theTarget, null)) {
+ List<Target> targets = parseTarget(theTarget);
+ if (theTarget.getReport().hasErrors())
+ return;
+ for (Target target: targets) {
+ this.catalog.addTarget(target, null);
+ //what about this -> this.catalog.addTarget(target, theTarget);
+ if (!validateTarget(target).getReport().hasErrors()) {
+ checkTarget(target);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Starts the processing after the {@link org.onap.tosca.checker.Staget#parsed parsed} stage. As such the Target must
+ * have been located (content is available) and {@link org.onap.tosca.checker.Staget#parsed parsed} (the parsed form
+ * is stored within the Target, {@see org.onap.tosca.checker.Target#getTarget getTarget}).
+ * The target will be validated (grammar) and chcked (consistency). While the checker uses snakeyaml to parse
+ * a yaml document using this entry point allows one to use any other yaml parser for a long as it produces a
+ * compatible representation (java primitive types object representations, Strings, Maps and Lists).
+ *
+ * @param theTarget the processing subject, located and parsed.
+ * @throws CheckerException for any checker encountered error
+ */
+ public void validate(Target theTarget) throws CheckerException {
+ validate(theTarget, buildCatalog());
+ }
+ /**
+ *
+ * @param theTarget the processing subject, located and parsed.
+ * @param theCatalog a default catalog providing common construct definitions
+ * @throws CheckerException
+ */
+ public void validate(Target theTarget, Catalog theCatalog) throws CheckerException {
+ this.catalog = theCatalog;
+ this.locator.addSearchPath(theTarget.getLocation());
+ if (this.catalog.addTarget(theTarget, null)) {
+ if (!validateTarget(theTarget).getReport().hasErrors()) {
+ checkTarget(theTarget);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* */
+ protected List<Target> parseTarget(final Target theTarget)
+ throws CheckerException {
+ log.entering(getClass().getName(), "parseTarget", theTarget);
+ Reader source = null;
+ try {
+ source =;
+ }
+ catch (IOException iox) {
+ throw new CheckerException("Failed to open target " + theTarget, iox);
+ }
+ List<Object> yamlRoots = new ArrayList<Object>();
+ try {
+ Yaml yaml = new Yaml();
+ for (Object yamlRoot: yaml.loadAll(source)) {
+ yamlRoots.add(yamlRoot);
+ }
+ //yamlRoots.add(
+ // new YamlParser(CharStreams.toString(source)).parse());
+ }
+ catch(SyntaxException sx) {
+ System.out.println(sx.getLineNumber() + ": " + sx.getMessage());
+ }
+ catch(Exception x) {
+ return Collections.EMPTY_LIST;
+ //return Collections.singletonSet(theTarget);
+ }
+ finally {
+ try {
+ source.close();
+ }
+ catch (IOException iox) {
+ //just log it
+ }
+ }
+ List<Target> targets = new ArrayList<Target>(yamlRoots.size());
+ if (yamlRoots.size() == 1) {
+ //he target turned out to be a bare document
+ theTarget.setTarget(yamlRoots.get(0));
+ theTarget.setStage(Stage.parsed);
+ targets.add(theTarget);
+ }
+ else {
+ //the target turned out to be a stream containing multiple documents
+ for (int i = 0; i < yamlRoots.size(); i++) {
+!!We're changing the target below, i.e. we're changing the target implementation hence caching implementation will suffer!!
+ Target target = new Target(theTarget.getName(),
+ fragmentTargetURI(theTarget.getLocation(), String.valueOf(i)));
+ target.setTarget(yamlRoots.get(i));
+ target.setStage(Stage.parsed);
+ targets.add(target);
+ }
+ }
+ log.exiting(getClass().getName(), "parseTarget", theTarget);
+ return targets;
+ }
+ protected URI fragmentTargetURI(URI theRoot, String theFragment) {
+ try {
+ return new URI(theRoot.getScheme(),
+ theRoot.getSchemeSpecificPart(),
+ theFragment);
+ }
+ catch(URISyntaxException urisx) {
+ throw new RuntimeException();
+ }
+ }
+ protected Target validateTarget(Target theTarget)
+ throws CheckerException {
+ log.entering(getClass().getName(), "validateTarget", theTarget);
+ String version = (String)
+ ((Map)theTarget.getTarget())
+ .get("tosca_definitions_version");
+ if (version == null)
+ throw new CheckerException("Target " + theTarget + " does not specify a tosca_definitions_version");
+ Target grammar = this.grammars.get(version);
+ if (grammar == null)
+ throw new CheckerException("Target " + theTarget + " specifies unknown tosca_definitions_version " + version);
+ TOSCAValidator validator = null;
+ try {
+ validator = new TOSCAValidator(theTarget, grammar.getTarget());
+ }
+ catch (SchemaException sx) {
+ throw new CheckerException("Grammar error at: " + sx.getPath(), sx);
+ }
+ theTarget.getReport().addAll(
+ validator.validate(theTarget.getTarget()));
+ theTarget.setStage(Stage.validated);
+ if (!theTarget.getReport().hasErrors()) {
+ //applyCanonicals(theTarget.getTarget(), validator.canonicals);
+ }
+ log.exiting(getClass().getName(), "validateTarget", theTarget);
+ return theTarget;
+ }
+ /** */
+ protected Target checkTarget(Target theTarget) throws CheckerException {
+ log.entering(getClass().getName(), "checkTarget", theTarget);
+ CheckContext ctx = new CheckContext(theTarget);
+ //start at the top
+ check_service_template_definition(
+ (Map<String,Object>)theTarget.getTarget(), ctx);
+ theTarget.setStage(Stage.checked);
+ log.exiting(getClass().getName(), "checkTarget", theTarget);
+ return theTarget;
+ }
+ private String errorReport(List<Throwable> theErrors) {
+ StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(theErrors.size() + " errors");
+ for (Throwable x: theErrors) {
+ sb.append("\n");
+ if (x instanceof ValidationException) {
+ ValidationException vx = (ValidationException)x;
+ //.apend("at ")
+ //.append(error.getLineNumber())
+ //.append(" : ")
+ sb.append("[")
+ .append(vx.getPath())
+ .append("] ");
+ }
+ else if (x instanceof TargetError) {
+ TargetError tx = (TargetError)x;
+ sb.append("[")
+ .append(tx.getLocation())
+ .append("] ");
+ }
+ sb.append(x.getMessage());
+ if (x.getCause() != null) {
+ sb.append("\n\tCaused by:\n")
+ .append(x.getCause());
+ }
+ }
+ sb.append("\n");
+ return sb.toString();
+ }
+ protected void range_definition_post_validation_handler(Object theValue, Rule theRule, Validator.ValidationContext theContext) {
+ log.entering("", "range_definition", theContext.getPath());
+ assert theRule.getType().equals("seq");
+ List bounds = (List)theValue;
+ if (bounds.size() != 2) {
+ theContext.addError("Too many values in bounds specification", theRule, theValue, null);
+ return;
+ }
+ try {
+ Double.parseDouble(bounds.get(0).toString());
+ }
+ catch(NumberFormatException nfe) {
+ theContext.addError("Lower bound not a number", theRule, theValue, null);
+ }
+ try {
+ Double.parseDouble(bounds.get(1).toString());
+ }
+ catch(NumberFormatException nfe) {
+ if (!"UNBOUNDED".equals(bounds.get(1).toString())) {
+ theContext.addError("Upper bound not a number or 'UNBOUNDED'", theRule, theValue, null);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ public void check_properties(
+ Map<String,Map> theDefinitions, CheckContext theContext) {
+ theContext.enter("properties");
+ try {
+ if(!checkDefinition("properties", theDefinitions, theContext))
+ return;
+ for (Iterator<Map.Entry<String,Map>> i = theDefinitions.entrySet().iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) {
+ Map.Entry<String,Map> e =;
+ check_property_definition(e.getKey(), e.getValue(), theContext);
+ }
+ }
+ finally {
+ theContext.exit();
+ }
+ }
+ protected void check_property_definition(
+ String theName, Map theDefinition, CheckContext theContext) {
+ theContext.enter(theName);
+ if (!checkName(theName, theContext) ||
+ !checkDefinition(theName, theDefinition, theContext)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ //check the type
+ if (!checkDataType (theName, theDefinition, theContext)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ //check default value is compatible with type
+ Object defaultValue = theDefinition.get("default");
+ if (defaultValue != null) {
+ checkDataValuation(defaultValue, theDefinition, theContext);
+ }
+ theContext.exit();
+ }
+ public void check_attributes(
+ Map<String,Map> theDefinitions, CheckContext theContext) {
+ theContext.enter("attributes");
+ try {
+ if(!checkDefinition("attributes", theDefinitions, theContext))
+ return;
+ for (Iterator<Map.Entry<String,Map>> i = theDefinitions.entrySet().iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) {
+ Map.Entry<String,Map> e =;
+ check_attribute_definition(e.getKey(), e.getValue(), theContext);
+ }
+ }
+ finally {
+ theContext.exit();
+ }
+ }
+ protected void check_attribute_definition(
+ String theName, Map theDefinition, CheckContext theContext) {
+ theContext.enter(theName);
+ try {
+ if (!checkName(theName, theContext) ||
+ !checkDefinition(theName, theDefinition, theContext)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (!checkDataType(theName, theDefinition, theContext)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ finally {
+ theContext.exit();
+ }
+ }
+ /* top level rule, we collected the whole information set.
+ * this is where checking starts
+ */
+ protected void check_service_template_definition(
+ Map<String, Object> theDef, CheckContext theContext) {
+ theContext.enter("");
+ if (theDef == null) {
+ theContext.addError("Empty template", null);
+ return;
+ }
+ catalogs("", theDef, theContext); //root
+//!!! imports need to be processed first now that catalogging takes place at check time!!
+ //first catalog whatever it is there to be cataloged so that the checks can perform cross-checking
+ for (Iterator<Map.Entry<String,Object>> ri = theDef.entrySet().iterator();
+ ri.hasNext(); ) {
+ Map.Entry<String,Object> e =;
+ catalogs(e.getKey(), e.getValue(), theContext);
+ }
+ checks("", theDef, theContext); //root
+ for (Iterator<Map.Entry<String,Object>> ri = theDef.entrySet().iterator();
+ ri.hasNext(); ) {
+ Map.Entry<String,Object> e =;
+ checks(e.getKey(), e.getValue(), theContext);
+ }
+ theContext.exit();
+ }
+ @Catalogs(path="/data_types")
+ protected void catalog_data_types(
+ Map<String, Map> theDefinitions, CheckContext theContext) {
+ theContext.enter("data_types");
+ try {
+ catalogTypes(Construct.Data, theDefinitions, theContext);
+ }
+ finally {
+ theContext.exit();
+ }
+ }
+ @Checks(path="/data_types")
+ protected void check_data_types(
+ Map<String, Map> theDefinitions, CheckContext theContext) {
+ theContext.enter("data_types");
+ try {
+ if(!checkDefinition("data_types", theDefinitions, theContext))
+ return;
+ for (Iterator<Map.Entry<String,Map>> i = theDefinitions.entrySet().iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) {
+ Map.Entry<String,Map> e =;
+ check_data_type_definition(e.getKey(), e.getValue(), theContext);
+ }
+ }
+ finally {
+ theContext.exit();
+ }
+ }
+ /* */
+ protected void check_data_type_definition(String theName,
+ Map theDefinition,
+ CheckContext theContext) {
+ theContext.enter(theName, Construct.Data);
+ try {
+ if (!checkName(theName, theContext) ||
+ !checkDefinition(theName, theDefinition, theContext)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ checkTypeConstruct(
+ Construct.Data, theName, theDefinition, theContext);
+ if (theDefinition.containsKey("properties")) {
+ check_properties(
+ (Map<String,Map>)theDefinition.get("properties"), theContext);
+ checkTypeConstructFacet(Construct.Data, theName, theDefinition,
+, theContext);
+ }
+ }
+ finally {
+ theContext.exit();
+ }
+ }
+ @Catalogs(path="/capability_types")
+ protected void catalog_capability_types(
+ Map<String, Map> theDefinitions, CheckContext theContext) {
+ theContext.enter("capability_types");
+ try {
+ catalogTypes(Construct.Capability, theDefinitions, theContext);
+ }
+ finally {
+ theContext.exit();
+ }
+ }
+ /* */
+ @Checks(path="/capability_types")
+ protected void check_capability_types(
+ Map<String, Map> theTypes, CheckContext theContext) {
+ theContext.enter("capability_types");
+ try {
+ if(!checkDefinition("capability_types", theTypes, theContext))
+ return;
+ for (Iterator<Map.Entry<String,Map>> i = theTypes.entrySet().iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) {
+ Map.Entry<String,Map> e =;
+ check_capability_type_definition(e.getKey(), e.getValue(), theContext);
+ }
+ }
+ finally {
+ theContext.exit();
+ }
+ }
+ /* */
+ protected void check_capability_type_definition(String theName,
+ Map theDefinition,
+ CheckContext theContext) {
+ theContext.enter(theName, Construct.Capability);
+ try {
+ if (!checkName(theName, theContext) ||
+ !checkDefinition(theName, theDefinition, theContext)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ checkTypeConstruct(
+ Construct.Capability, theName, theDefinition, theContext);
+ if (theDefinition.containsKey("properties")) {
+ check_properties(
+ (Map<String,Map>)theDefinition.get("properties"), theContext);
+ checkTypeConstructFacet(Construct.Capability, theName, theDefinition,
+, theContext);
+ }
+ if (theDefinition.containsKey("attributes")) {
+ check_attributes(
+ (Map<String,Map>)theDefinition.get("attributes"), theContext);
+ checkTypeConstructFacet(Construct.Capability, theName, theDefinition,
+ Facet.attributes, theContext);
+ }
+ //valid_source_types: see capability_type_definition
+ //unclear: how is the valid_source_types list definition eveolving across
+ //the type hierarchy: additive, overwriting, ??
+ if (theDefinition.containsKey("valid_source_types")) {
+ checkTypeReference(Construct.Node, theContext,
+ ((List<String>)theDefinition.get("valid_source_types")).toArray(EMPTY_STRING_ARRAY));
+ }
+ }
+ finally {
+ theContext.exit();
+ }
+ }
+ @Catalogs(path="/relationship_types")
+ protected void catalog_relationship_types(
+ Map<String, Map> theDefinitions, CheckContext theContext) {
+ theContext.enter("relationship_types");
+ try {
+ catalogTypes(Construct.Relationship, theDefinitions, theContext);
+ }
+ finally {
+ theContext.exit();
+ }
+ }
+ /* */
+ @Checks(path="/relationship_types")
+ protected void check_relationship_types(
+ Map<String, Map> theDefinition, CheckContext theContext) {
+ theContext.enter("relationship_types");
+ try {
+ if(!checkDefinition("relationship_types", theDefinition, theContext))
+ return;
+ for (Iterator<Map.Entry<String,Map>> i = theDefinition.entrySet().iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) {
+ Map.Entry<String,Map> e =;
+ check_relationship_type_definition(e.getKey(), e.getValue(), theContext);
+ }
+ }
+ finally {
+ theContext.exit();
+ }
+ }
+ /* */
+ protected void check_relationship_type_definition(String theName,
+ Map theDefinition,
+ CheckContext theContext) {
+ theContext.enter(theName, Construct.Relationship);
+ try {
+ if (!checkName(theName, theContext) ||
+ !checkDefinition(theName, theDefinition, theContext)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ checkTypeConstruct(
+ Construct.Relationship, theName, theDefinition, theContext);
+ if (theDefinition.containsKey("properties")) {
+ check_properties(
+ (Map<String,Map>)theDefinition.get("properties"), theContext);
+ checkTypeConstructFacet(Construct.Relationship, theName, theDefinition,
+, theContext);
+ }
+ if (theDefinition.containsKey("attributes")) {
+ check_properties(
+ (Map<String,Map>)theDefinition.get("attributes"), theContext);
+ checkTypeConstructFacet(Construct.Relationship, theName, theDefinition,
+ Facet.attributes, theContext);
+ }
+ Map<String,Map> interfaces = (Map<String,Map>)theDefinition.get("interfaces");
+ if (interfaces != null) {
+ theContext.enter("interfaces");
+ for (Iterator<Map.Entry<String,Map>> i =
+ interfaces.entrySet().iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) {
+ Map.Entry<String,Map> e =;
+ check_type_interface_definition(
+ e.getKey(), e.getValue(), theContext);
+ }
+ theContext.exit();
+ }
+ if (theDefinition.containsKey("valid_target_types")) {
+ checkTypeReference(Construct.Capability, theContext,
+ ((List<String>)theDefinition.get("valid_target_types")).toArray(EMPTY_STRING_ARRAY));
+ }
+ }
+ finally {
+ theContext.exit();
+ }
+ }
+ @Catalogs(path="/artifact_types")
+ protected void catalog_artifact_types(
+ Map<String, Map> theDefinitions, CheckContext theContext) {
+ theContext.enter("artifact_types");
+ try {
+ catalogTypes(Construct.Artifact, theDefinitions, theContext);
+ }
+ finally {
+ theContext.exit();
+ }
+ }
+ /* */
+ @Checks(path="/artifact_types")
+ protected void check_artifact_types(
+ Map<String, Map> theDefinition, CheckContext theContext) {
+ theContext.enter("artifact_types");
+ try {
+ if(!checkDefinition("artifact_types", theDefinition, theContext))
+ return;
+ for (Iterator<Map.Entry<String,Map>> i = theDefinition.entrySet().iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) {
+ Map.Entry<String,Map> e =;
+ check_artifact_type_definition(e.getKey(), e.getValue(), theContext);
+ }
+ }
+ finally {
+ theContext.exit();
+ }
+ }
+ /* */
+ protected void check_artifact_type_definition(String theName,
+ Map theDefinition,
+ CheckContext theContext) {
+ theContext.enter(theName, Construct.Artifact);
+ try {
+ if (!checkName(theName, theContext) ||
+ !checkDefinition(theName, theDefinition, theContext)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ checkTypeConstruct(
+ Construct.Artifact, theName, theDefinition, theContext);
+ }
+ finally {
+ theContext.exit();
+ }
+ }
+ @Catalogs(path="/interface_types")
+ protected void catalog_interface_types(
+ Map<String, Map> theDefinitions, CheckContext theContext) {
+ theContext.enter("interface_types");
+ try {
+ catalogTypes(Construct.Interface, theDefinitions, theContext);
+ }
+ finally {
+ theContext.exit();
+ }
+ }
+ /* */
+ @Checks(path="/interface_types")
+ protected void check_interface_types(
+ Map<String, Map> theDefinition, CheckContext theContext) {
+ theContext.enter("interface_types");
+ try {
+ if(!checkDefinition("interface_types", theDefinition, theContext))
+ return;
+ for (Iterator<Map.Entry<String,Map>> i = theDefinition.entrySet().iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) {
+ Map.Entry<String,Map> e =;
+ check_interface_type_definition(e.getKey(), e.getValue(), theContext);
+ }
+ }
+ finally {
+ theContext.exit();
+ }
+ }
+ /* */
+ protected void check_interface_type_definition(String theName,
+ Map theDefinition,
+ CheckContext theContext) {
+ theContext.enter(theName, Construct.Interface);
+ try {
+ if (!checkName(theName, theContext) ||
+ !checkDefinition(theName, theDefinition, theContext)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ checkTypeConstruct(
+ Construct.Interface, theName, theDefinition, theContext);
+ //not much else here: a list of operation_definitions, each with its
+ //implementation and inputs
+ //check that common inputs are re-defined in a compatible manner
+ //check that the interface operations are overwritten in a compatible manner
+ //for (Iterator<Map.Entry<String,Map>> i = theDefinition.entrySet()
+ }
+ finally {
+ theContext.exit();
+ }
+ }
+ @Catalogs(path="/node_types")
+ protected void catalog_node_types(
+ Map<String, Map> theDefinitions, CheckContext theContext) {
+ theContext.enter("node_types");
+ try {
+ catalogTypes(Construct.Node, theDefinitions, theContext);
+ }
+ finally {
+ theContext.exit();
+ }
+ }
+ /* */
+ @Checks(path="/node_types")
+ protected void check_node_types(
+ Map<String, Map> theDefinition, CheckContext theContext) {
+ theContext.enter("node_types");
+ try {
+ if(!checkDefinition("node_types", theDefinition, theContext))
+ return;
+ for (Iterator<Map.Entry<String,Map>> i = theDefinition.entrySet().iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) {
+ Map.Entry<String,Map> e =;
+ check_node_type_definition(e.getKey(), e.getValue(), theContext);
+ }
+ }
+ finally {
+ theContext.exit();
+ }
+ }
+ /* */
+ protected void check_node_type_definition(String theName,
+ Map theDefinition,
+ CheckContext theContext) {
+ theContext.enter(theName, Construct.Node);
+ try {
+ if (!checkName(theName, theContext) ||
+ !checkDefinition(theName, theDefinition, theContext)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ checkTypeConstruct(
+ Construct.Node, theName, theDefinition, theContext);
+ if (theDefinition.containsKey("properties")) {
+ check_properties(
+ (Map<String,Map>)theDefinition.get("properties"), theContext);
+ checkTypeConstructFacet(Construct.Node, theName, theDefinition,
+, theContext);
+ }
+ if (theDefinition.containsKey("attributes")) {
+ check_properties(
+ (Map<String,Map>)theDefinition.get("attributes"), theContext);
+ checkTypeConstructFacet(Construct.Node, theName, theDefinition,
+ Facet.attributes, theContext);
+ }
+ //requirements
+ if (theDefinition.containsKey("requirements")) {
+ check_requirements(
+ (List<Map>)theDefinition.get("requirements"), theContext);
+ }
+ //capabilities
+ if (theDefinition.containsKey("capabilities")) {
+ check_capabilities(
+ (Map<String,Map>)theDefinition.get("capabilities"), theContext);
+ }
+ //interfaces:
+ Map<String,Map> interfaces =
+ (Map<String,Map>)theDefinition.get("interfaces");
+ if (interfaces != null) {
+ try {
+ theContext.enter("interfaces");
+ for (Iterator<Map.Entry<String,Map>> i =
+ interfaces.entrySet().iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) {
+ Map.Entry<String,Map> e =;
+ check_type_interface_definition(
+ e.getKey(), e.getValue(), theContext);
+ }
+ }
+ finally {
+ theContext.exit();
+ }
+ }
+ //artifacts
+ }
+ finally {
+ theContext.exit();
+ }
+ }
+ @Catalogs(path="/group_types")
+ protected void catalog_group_types(
+ Map<String, Map> theDefinitions, CheckContext theContext) {
+ theContext.enter("group_types");
+ try {
+ catalogTypes(Construct.Group, theDefinitions, theContext);
+ }
+ finally {
+ theContext.exit();
+ }
+ }
+ /* */
+ @Checks(path="/group_types")
+ protected void check_group_types(
+ Map<String, Map> theDefinition, CheckContext theContext) {
+ theContext.enter("group_types");
+ try {
+ if(!checkDefinition("group_types", theDefinition, theContext))
+ return;
+ for (Iterator<Map.Entry<String,Map>> i = theDefinition.entrySet().iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) {
+ Map.Entry<String,Map> e =;
+ check_group_type_definition(e.getKey(), e.getValue(), theContext);
+ }
+ }
+ finally {
+ theContext.exit();
+ }
+ }
+ /* */
+ protected void check_group_type_definition(String theName,
+ Map theDefinition,
+ CheckContext theContext) {
+ theContext.enter(theName, Construct.Group);
+ try {
+ if (!checkName(theName, theContext) ||
+ !checkDefinition(theName, theDefinition, theContext)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ checkTypeConstruct(
+ Construct.Group, theName, theDefinition, theContext);
+ if (theDefinition.containsKey("properties")) {
+ check_properties(
+ (Map<String,Map>)theDefinition.get("properties"), theContext);
+ checkTypeConstructFacet(Construct.Group, theName, theDefinition,
+, theContext);
+ }
+ if (theDefinition.containsKey("targets")) {
+ checkTypeReference(Construct.Node, theContext,
+ ((List<String>)theDefinition.get("targets")).toArray(EMPTY_STRING_ARRAY));
+ }
+ //interfaces
+ Map<String,Map> interfaces =
+ (Map<String,Map>)theDefinition.get("interfaces");
+ if (interfaces != null) {
+ try {
+ theContext.enter("interfaces");
+ for (Iterator<Map.Entry<String,Map>> i =
+ interfaces.entrySet().iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) {
+ Map.Entry<String,Map> e =;
+ check_type_interface_definition(
+ e.getKey(), e.getValue(), theContext);
+ }
+ }
+ finally {
+ theContext.exit();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ finally {
+ theContext.exit();
+ }
+ }
+ @Catalogs(path="/policy_types")
+ protected void catalog_policy_types(
+ Map<String, Map> theDefinitions, CheckContext theContext) {
+ theContext.enter("policy_types");
+ try {
+ catalogTypes(Construct.Policy, theDefinitions, theContext);
+ }
+ finally {
+ theContext.exit();
+ }
+ }
+ /* */
+ @Checks(path="/policy_types")
+ protected void check_policy_types(
+ Map<String, Map> theDefinition, CheckContext theContext) {
+ theContext.enter("policy_types");
+ try {
+ if(!checkDefinition("policy_types", theDefinition, theContext))
+ return;
+ for (Iterator<Map.Entry<String,Map>> i = theDefinition.entrySet().iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) {
+ Map.Entry<String,Map> e =;
+ check_policy_type_definition(e.getKey(), e.getValue(), theContext);
+ }
+ }
+ finally {
+ theContext.exit();
+ }
+ }
+ /* */
+ protected void check_policy_type_definition(String theName,
+ Map theDefinition,
+ CheckContext theContext) {
+ theContext.enter(theName, Construct.Policy);
+ try {
+ if (!checkName(theName, theContext) ||
+ !checkDefinition(theName, theDefinition, theContext)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ checkTypeConstruct(
+ Construct.Policy, theName, theDefinition, theContext);
+ if (theDefinition.containsKey("properties")) {
+ check_properties(
+ (Map<String,Map>)theDefinition.get("properties"), theContext);
+ checkTypeConstructFacet(Construct.Policy, theName, theDefinition,
+, theContext);
+ }
+ //the targets can be known node types or group types
+ List<String> targets = (List<String>)theDefinition.get("targets");
+ if (targets != null) {
+ if (checkDefinition("targets", targets, theContext)) {
+ for (String target: targets) {
+ if (!(this.catalog.hasType(Construct.Node, target) ||
+ this.catalog.hasType(Construct.Group, target))) {
+ theContext.addError(
+ Message.INVALID_TYPE_REFERENCE, "targets", target, Arrays.asList(Construct.Node, Construct.Group));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ finally {
+ theContext.exit();
+ }
+ }
+ //checking of actual constructs (capability, ..)
+ /* First, interface types do not have a hierarchical organization (no
+ * 'derived_from' in a interface type definition).
+ * So, when interfaces (with a certain type) are defined in a node
+ * or relationship type (and they can define new? operations), what
+ * is there to check:
+ * Can operations here re-define their declaration from the interface
+ * type spec?? From A.5.11.3 we are to understand indicates override to be
+ * the default interpretation .. but they talk about sub-classing so it
+ * probably intended as a reference to the node or relationship type
+ * hierarchy and not the interface type (no hierarchy there).
+ * Or is this a a case of augmentation where new operations can be added??
+ */
+ protected void check_type_interface_definition(
+ String theName, Map theDef, CheckContext theContext) {
+ theContext.enter(theName);
+ try {
+ if (!checkName(theName, theContext) ||
+ !checkDefinition(theName, theDef, theContext)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (!checkTypeReference(Construct.Interface, theContext, (String)theDef.get("type")))
+ return;
+ if (theDef.containsKey("inputs")) {
+ check_inputs((Map<String, Map>)theDef.get("inputs"), theContext);
+ }
+ //operations: all entries except for 'type' and 'inputs'
+ /*
+ for (Iterator<Map.Entry<String,Map>> i =
+ theDef.entrySet().iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) {
+ Map.Entry<String,Map> e =;
+ String ename = e.getKey();
+ if ("type".equals(ename) || "inputs".equals(ename)) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ ?? check_operation_definition(ename, e.getValue(), theContext);
+ }
+ */
+ }
+ finally {
+ theContext.exit();
+ }
+ }
+ /* */
+ protected void check_capabilities(Map<String,Map> theDefinition,
+ CheckContext theContext) {
+ theContext.enter("capabilities");
+ try {
+ if(!checkDefinition("capabilities", theDefinition, theContext))
+ return;
+ for (Iterator<Map.Entry<String,Map>> i = theDefinition.entrySet().iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) {
+ Map.Entry<String,Map> e =;
+ check_capability_definition(e.getKey(), e.getValue(), theContext);
+ }
+ }
+ finally {
+ theContext.exit();
+ }
+ }
+ /* A capability definition appears within the context ot a node type
+ */
+ protected void check_capability_definition(String theName,
+ Map theDef,
+ CheckContext theContext) {
+ theContext.enter(theName, Construct.Capability);
+ try {
+ if (!checkName(theName, theContext) ||
+ !checkDefinition(theName, theDef, theContext)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ //check capability type
+ if(!checkTypeReference(Construct.Capability, theContext, (String)theDef.get("type")))
+ return;
+ //check properties
+ if (!checkFacetAugmentation(
+ Construct.Capability, theDef,, theContext))
+ return;
+ //check attributes
+ if (!checkFacetAugmentation(
+ Construct.Capability, theDef, Facet.attributes, theContext))
+ return;
+ //valid_source_types: should point to valid template nodes
+ if (theDef.containsKey("valid_source_types")) {
+ checkTypeReference(Construct.Node, theContext,
+ ((List<String>)theDef.get("valid_source_types")).toArray(EMPTY_STRING_ARRAY));
+ //per A.6.1.4 there is an additinal check to be performed here:
+ //"Any Node Type (names) provides as values for the valid_source_types keyname SHALL be type-compatible (i.e., derived from the same parent Node Type) with any Node Types defined using the same keyname in the parent Capability Type."
+ }
+ //occurences: were verified in range_definition
+ }
+ finally {
+ theContext.exit();
+ }
+ }
+ protected void check_artifact_definition(String theName,
+ Map theDef,
+ CheckContext theContext) {
+ theContext.enter(theName, Construct.Artifact);
+ try {
+ if (!checkName(theName, theContext) ||
+ !checkDefinition(theName, theDef, theContext)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ //check artifact type
+ if(!checkTypeReference(Construct.Artifact, theContext, (String)theDef.get("type")))
+ return;
+ }
+ finally {
+ theContext.exit();
+ }
+ }
+ protected void check_requirements(List<Map> theDefinition,
+ CheckContext theContext) {
+ theContext.enter("requirements");
+ try {
+ if(!checkDefinition("requirements", theDefinition, theContext))
+ return;
+ for (Iterator<Map> i = theDefinition.iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) {
+ Map e =;
+ Iterator<Map.Entry<String, Map>> ei =
+ (Iterator<Map.Entry<String, Map>>)e.entrySet().iterator();
+ Map.Entry<String, Map> eie =;
+ check_requirement_definition(eie.getKey(), eie.getValue(), theContext);
+ assert ei.hasNext() == false;
+ }
+ }
+ finally {
+ theContext.exit();
+ }
+ }
+ protected void check_requirement_definition(String theName,
+ Map theDef,
+ CheckContext theContext) {
+ theContext.enter(theName, Construct.Requirement);
+ try {
+ if (!checkName(theName, theContext) ||
+ !checkDefinition(theName, theDef, theContext)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ //check capability type
+ String capabilityType = (String)theDef.get("capability");
+ if (null != capabilityType) {
+ checkTypeReference(Construct.Capability, theContext, capabilityType);
+ }
+ //check node type
+ String nodeType = (String)theDef.get("node");
+ if (null != nodeType) {
+ checkTypeReference(Construct.Node, theContext, nodeType);
+ }
+ //check relationship type
+ Map relationshipSpec = (Map)theDef.get("relationship");
+ String relationshipType = null;
+ if (null != relationshipSpec) {
+ relationshipType = (String)relationshipSpec.get("type");
+ if (relationshipType != null) { //should always be the case
+ checkTypeReference(Construct.Relationship,theContext,relationshipType);
+ }
+ Map<String,Map> interfaces = (Map<String,Map>)
+ relationshipSpec.get("interfaces");
+ if (interfaces != null) {
+ //augmentation (additional properties or operations) of the interfaces
+ //defined by the above relationship types
+ //check that the interface types are known
+ for (Map interfaceDef : interfaces.values()) {
+ checkTypeReference(Construct.Interface, theContext, (String)interfaceDef.get("type"));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ //cross checks
+ //the capability definition might come from the capability type or from the capability definition
+ //within the node type. We might have more than one as a node might specify multiple capabilities of the
+ //same type.
+ //the goal here is to cross check the compatibility of the valid_source_types specification in the
+ //target capability definition (if that definition contains a valid_source_types entry).
+ List<Map> capabilityDefs = new LinkedList<Map>();
+ //nodeType exposes capabilityType
+ if (nodeType != null) {
+ Map<String,Map> capabilities =
+ findTypeFacetByType(Construct.Node, nodeType,
+ Facet.capabilities, capabilityType);
+ if (capabilities.isEmpty()) {
+ theContext.addError("The node type " + nodeType + " does not appear to expose a capability of a type compatible with " + capabilityType, null);
+ }
+ else {
+ for (Map.Entry<String,Map> capability: capabilities.entrySet()) {
+ //this is the capability as it was defined in the node type
+ Map capabilityDef = capability.getValue();
+ //if it defines a valid_source_types then we're working with it,
+ //otherwise we're working with the capability type it points to.
+ //The spec does not make it clear if the valid_source_types in a capability definition augments or
+ //overwrites the one from the capabilityType (it just says they must be compatible).
+ if (capabilityDef.containsKey("valid_source_types")) {
+ capabilityDefs.add(capabilityDef);
+ }
+ else {
+ capabilityDef =
+ catalog.getTypeDefinition(Construct.Capability, (String)capabilityDef.get("type"));
+ if (capabilityDef.containsKey("valid_source_types")) {
+ capabilityDefs.add(capabilityDef);
+ }
+ else {
+ //!!if there is a capability that does not have a valid_source_type than there is no reason to
+ //make any further verification (as there is a valid node_type/capability target for this requirement)
+ capabilityDefs.clear();
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ Map capabilityDef = catalog.getTypeDefinition(Construct.Capability, capabilityType);
+ if (capabilityDef.containsKey("valid_source_types")) {
+ capabilityDefs.add(capabilityDef);
+ }
+ }
+ //check that the node type enclosing this requirement definition
+ //is in the list of valid_source_types
+ if (!capabilityDefs.isEmpty()) {
+ String enclosingNodeType =
+ theContext.enclosingConstruct(Construct.Node).name();
+ assert enclosingNodeType != null;
+ if (!
+ (Map capabilityDef)->{
+ List<String> valid_source_types =
+ (List<String>)capabilityDef.get("valid_source_types");
+ return
+ (String source_type)-> catalog.isDerivedFrom(
+ Construct.Node, enclosingNodeType, source_type));
+ })) {
+ theContext.addError("Node type: " + enclosingNodeType + " not compatible with any of the valid_source_types provided in the definition of compatible capabilities", null);
+ }
+ /*
+ boolean found = false;
+ for (Map capabilityDef: capabilityDefs) {
+ List<String> valid_source_types =
+ (List<String>)capabilityDef.get("valid_source_types");
+ String enclosingNodeType =
+ theContext.enclosingConstruct(Construct.Node);
+ assert enclosingNodeType != null;
+ //make sure enclosingNodeType is compatible (same or derived from)
+ //one valid source type
+ for (String source_type: valid_source_types) {
+ if (catalog.isDerivedFrom(
+ Construct.Node, enclosingNodeType, source_type)) {
+ found = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (!found) {
+ //the message is not great as it points to the declared
+ //capabilityType which is not necessarly where the information
+ //is coming from
+ theContext.addError("Node type: " + enclosingNodeType + " not compatible with any of the valid_source_types " + valid_source_types + " provided in the definition of capability " + capabilityType, null);
+ }
+ */
+ }
+ //if we have a relationship type, check if it has a valid_target_types
+ //if it does, make sure that the capability type is compatible with one
+ //of them
+ if (relationshipType != null) { //should always be the case
+ Map relationshipTypeDef = catalog.getTypeDefinition(
+ Construct.Relationship, relationshipType);
+ if (relationshipTypeDef != null) {
+ List<String> valid_target_types =
+ (List<String>)relationshipTypeDef.get("valid_target_types");
+ if (valid_target_types != null) {
+ boolean found = false;
+ for (String target_type: valid_target_types) {
+ if (catalog.isDerivedFrom(
+ Construct.Capability, capabilityType, target_type)) {
+ found = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!found) {
+ theContext.addError("Capability type: " + capabilityType + " not compatible with any of the valid_target_types " + valid_target_types + " provided in the definition of relationship type " + relationshipType, null);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ //relationship declares the capabilityType in its valid_target_type set
+ //in A.6.9 'Relationship Type' the spec does not indicate how inheritance
+ //is to be applied to the valid_target_type spec: cumulative, overwrites,
+ //so we treat it as an overwrite.
+ }
+ finally {
+ theContext.exit();
+ }
+ }
+ //topology_template_definition and sub-rules
+ /* */
+ @Checks(path="/topology_template")
+ protected void check_topology_template(
+ Map<String,Map> theDef, final CheckContext theContext) {
+ theContext.enter("topology_template");
+ try {
+ theDef.entrySet().stream()
+ .forEach(e -> catalogs(e.getKey(), e.getValue(), theContext));
+ theDef.entrySet().stream()
+ .forEach(e -> checks(e.getKey(), e.getValue(), theContext));
+ for (Iterator<Map.Entry<String,Object>> ri = theDef.entrySet().iterator();
+ ri.hasNext(); ) {
+ Map.Entry<String,Object> e =;
+ checks(e.getKey(), e.getValue(), theContext);
+ }
+ }
+ finally {
+ theContext.exit();
+ }
+ }
+ /*
+ * Once the syntax of the imports section is validated parse/validate/catalog * all the imported template information
+ */
+ @Checks(path="/imports")
+ protected void check_imports(List theImports, CheckContext theContext) {
+ theContext.enter("imports");
+ for (ListIterator li = theImports.listIterator(); li.hasNext(); ) {
+ Object importEntry =,
+ importFile = ((Map)mapEntry(importEntry).getValue()).get("file");
+ Target tgt = null;
+ try {
+ tgt = catalog.getTarget( (URI)importFile );
+ }
+ catch (ClassCastException ccx) {
+ System.out.println("Import is " + importFile);
+ }
+ if (tgt == null) {
+ //malfunction
+ theContext.addError("Checking import '" + importFile + "': failed at a previous stage", null);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (tgt.getReport().hasErrors()) {
+ //import failed parsing or validation, we skip it
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (tgt.getStage() == Stage.checked) {
+ //been here before, this target had already been processed
+ continue;
+ }
+ //import should have been fully processed by now ???
+ log.log(Level.FINE, "Processing import " + tgt + ".");
+ try {
+ checkTarget(tgt);
+ }
+ catch (CheckerException cx) {
+ theContext.addError("Failure checking import '" + tgt + "'", cx);
+ }
+ }
+ theContext.exit();
+ }
+ /* */
+ @Checks(path="/topology_template/substitution_mappings")
+ protected void check_substitution_mappings(Map<String, Object> theSub,
+ CheckContext theContext) {
+ theContext.enter("substitution_mappings");
+ try {
+ //type is mandatory
+ String type = (String)theSub.get("node_type");
+ if (!checkTypeReference(Construct.Node, theContext, type)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ Map<String,List> capabilities = (Map<String,List>)theSub.get("capabilities");
+ if (null != capabilities) {
+ for (Map.Entry<String,List> ce: capabilities.entrySet()) {
+ //the key must be a capability of the type
+ if (null == findTypeFacetByName(Construct.Node, type,
+ Facet.capabilities, ce.getKey())) {
+ theContext.addError("Unknown node type capability: " + ce.getKey() + ", type " + type, null);
+ }
+ //the value is a 2 element list: first is a local node,
+ //second is the name of one of its capabilities
+ List target = ce.getValue();
+ if (target.size() != 2) {
+ theContext.addError("Invalid capability mapping: " + target + ", expecting 2 elements", null);
+ continue;
+ }
+ String targetNode = (String)target.get(0),
+ targetCapability = (String)target.get(1);
+ Map<String,Object> targetNodeDef = (Map<String,Object>)
+ this.catalog.getTemplate(, Construct.Node, targetNode);
+ if (null == targetNodeDef) {
+ theContext.addError("Invalid capability mapping node template: " + targetNode, null);
+ continue;
+ }
+ String targetNodeType = (String)targetNodeDef.get("type");
+ if (null == findTypeFacetByName(Construct.Node, targetNodeType,
+ Facet.capabilities, targetCapability)) {
+ theContext.addError("Invalid capability mapping capability: " + targetCapability + ". No such capability found for node template " + targetNode + ", of type " + targetNodeType, null);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Map<String,List> requirements = (Map<String,List>)theSub.get("requirements");
+ if (null != requirements) {
+ for (Map.Entry<String,List> re: requirements.entrySet()) {
+ //the key must be a requirement of the type
+ if (null == findNodeTypeRequirementByName(type, re.getKey())) {
+ theContext.addError("Unknown node type requirement: " + re.getKey() + ", type " + type, null);
+ }
+ List target = re.getValue();
+ if (target.size() != 2) {
+ theContext.addError("Invalid requirement mapping: " + target + ", expecting 2 elements", null);
+ continue;
+ }
+ String targetNode = (String)target.get(0),
+ targetRequirement = (String)target.get(1);
+ Map<String,Object> targetNodeDef = (Map<String,Object>)
+ this.catalog.getTemplate(, Construct.Node, targetNode);
+ if (null == targetNodeDef) {
+ theContext.addError("Invalid requirement mapping node template: " + targetNode, null);
+ continue;
+ }
+ String targetNodeType = (String)targetNodeDef.get("type");
+ if (null == findNodeTypeRequirementByName(targetNodeType,targetRequirement)) {
+ theContext.addError("Invalid requirement mapping requirement: " + targetRequirement + ". No such requirement found for node template " + targetNode + ", of type " + targetNodeType, null);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ finally {
+ theContext.exit();
+ }
+ }
+ /* */
+ @Catalogs(path="/topology_template/inputs")
+ protected void catalog_inputs(Map<String, Map> theInputs,
+ CheckContext theContext) {
+ theContext.enter("inputs");
+ try {
+ catalogTemplates(Construct.Data, theInputs, theContext);
+ }
+ finally {
+ theContext.exit();
+ }
+ }
+ /* */
+ @Checks(path="/topology_template/inputs")
+ protected void check_inputs(Map<String, Map> theInputs,
+ CheckContext theContext) {
+ theContext.enter("inputs");
+ try {
+ if(!checkDefinition("inputs", theInputs, theContext))
+ return;
+ for (Iterator<Map.Entry<String,Map>> i = theInputs.entrySet().iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) {
+ Map.Entry<String,Map> e =;
+ check_input_definition(e.getKey(), e.getValue(), theContext);
+ }
+ }
+ finally {
+ theContext.exit();
+ }
+ }
+ /* */
+ protected void check_input_definition(String theName,
+ Map theDef,
+ CheckContext theContext) {
+ theContext.enter(theName);
+ try {
+ if (!checkName(theName, theContext) ||
+ !checkDefinition(theName, theDef, theContext)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ //
+ if (!checkDataType(theName, theDef, theContext)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ //check default value
+ Object defaultValue = theDef.get("default");
+ if (defaultValue != null) {
+ checkDataValuation(defaultValue, theDef, theContext);
+ }
+ }
+ finally {
+ theContext.exit();
+ }
+ }
+ @Checks(path="topology_template/outputs")
+ protected void check_outputs(Map<String, Map> theOutputs,
+ CheckContext theContext) {
+ theContext.enter("outputs");
+ try {
+ if(!checkDefinition("outputs", theOutputs, theContext))
+ return;
+ for (Iterator<Map.Entry<String,Map>> i = theOutputs.entrySet().iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) {
+ Map.Entry<String,Map> e =;
+ check_output_definition(e.getKey(), e.getValue(), theContext);
+ }
+ }
+ finally {
+ theContext.exit();
+ }
+ }
+ protected void check_output_definition(String theName,
+ Map theDef,
+ CheckContext theContext) {
+ theContext.enter(theName);
+ try {
+ if (!checkName(theName, theContext) ||
+ !checkDefinition(theName, theDef, theContext)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ //check the expression
+ }
+ finally {
+ theContext.exit();
+ }
+ }
+ @Checks(path="/topology_template/groups")
+ protected void check_groups(Map<String, Map> theGroups,
+ CheckContext theContext) {
+ theContext.enter("groups");
+ try {
+ if(!checkDefinition("groups", theGroups, theContext))
+ return;
+ for (Iterator<Map.Entry<String,Map>> i = theGroups.entrySet().iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) {
+ Map.Entry<String,Map> e =;
+ check_group_definition(e.getKey(), e.getValue(), theContext);
+ }
+ }
+ finally {
+ theContext.exit();
+ }
+ }
+ protected void check_group_definition(String theName,
+ Map theDef,
+ CheckContext theContext) {
+ theContext.enter(theName);
+ try {
+ if (!checkName(theName, theContext) ||
+ !checkDefinition(theName, theDef, theContext)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (!checkTypeReference(Construct.Group, theContext, (String)theDef.get("type")))
+ return;
+ if (!checkFacet(
+ Construct.Group, theDef,, theContext))
+ return;
+ if (theDef.containsKey("targets")) {
+ //checkTemplateReference(Construct.Node, theContext,
+ // ((List<String>)theDef.get("targets")).toArray(EMPTY_STRING_ARRAY));
+ List<String> targetsTypes = (List<String>)
+ this.catalog.getTypeDefinition(Construct.Group,
+ (String)theDef.get("type"))
+ .get("targets");
+ List<String> targets = (List<String>)theDef.get("targets");
+ for (String target: targets) {
+ if (!this.catalog.hasTemplate(,Construct.Node, target)) {
+ theContext.addError("The 'targets' entry must contain a reference to a node template, '" + target + "' is not one", null);
+ }
+ else {
+ if (targetsTypes != null) {
+ String targetType = (String)
+ this.catalog.getTemplate(, Construct.Node, target).get("type");
+ boolean found = false;
+ for (String type: targetsTypes) {
+ found = this.catalog
+ .isDerivedFrom(Construct.Node, targetType, type);
+ if (found)
+ break;
+ }
+ if (!found) {
+ theContext.addError("The 'targets' entry '" + target + "' is not type compatible with any of types specified in policy type targets", null);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (theDef.containsKey("interfaces")) {
+ }
+ }
+ finally {
+ theContext.exit();
+ }
+ }
+ @Checks(path="/topology_template/policies")
+ protected void check_policies(List<Map<String,Map>> thePolicies,
+ CheckContext theContext) {
+ theContext.enter("policies");
+ try {
+ if(!checkDefinition("policies", thePolicies, theContext))
+ return;
+ for (Map<String,Map> policy: thePolicies) {
+ assert policy.size() == 1;
+ Map.Entry<String,Map> e = policy.entrySet().iterator().next();
+ check_policy_definition(e.getKey(), e.getValue(), theContext);
+ }
+ }
+ finally {
+ theContext.exit();
+ }
+ }
+ protected void check_policy_definition(String theName,
+ Map theDef,
+ CheckContext theContext) {
+ theContext.enter(theName);
+ try {
+ if (!checkName(theName, theContext) ||
+ !checkDefinition(theName, theDef, theContext)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (!checkTypeReference(Construct.Policy, theContext, (String)theDef.get("type")))
+ return;
+ if (!checkFacet(
+ Construct.Policy, theDef,, theContext))
+ return;
+ //targets: must point to node or group templates (that are of a type
+ //specified in the policy type definition, if targets were specified
+ //there).
+ if (theDef.containsKey("targets")) {
+ List<String> targetsTypes = (List<String>)
+ this.catalog.getTypeDefinition(Construct.Policy,
+ (String)theDef.get("type"))
+ .get("targets");
+ List<String> targets = (List<String>)theDef.get("targets");
+ for (String target: targets) {
+ Construct targetConstruct = null;
+ if (this.catalog.hasTemplate(,Construct.Group, target)) {
+ targetConstruct = Construct.Group;
+ }
+ else if (this.catalog.hasTemplate(,Construct.Node, target)) {
+ targetConstruct = Construct.Node;
+ }
+ else {
+ theContext.addError(Message.INVALID_TEMPLATE_REFERENCE, "targets", target, new Object[] {"node", "group"});
+ }
+ if (targetConstruct != null &&
+ targetsTypes != null) {
+ //get the target type and make sure is compatible with the types
+ //indicated in the type spec
+ String targetType = (String)
+ this.catalog.getTemplate(, targetConstruct, target).get("type");
+ boolean found = false;
+ for (String type: targetsTypes) {
+ found = this.catalog
+ .isDerivedFrom(targetConstruct, targetType, type);
+ if (found)
+ break;
+ }
+ if (!found) {
+ theContext.addError("The 'targets' " + targetConstruct + " entry '" + target + "' is not type compatible with any of types specified in policy type targets", null);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (theDef.containsKey("triggers")) {
+ List<Map> triggers = (List<Map>)theDef.get("triggers");
+ //TODO
+ }
+ }
+ finally {
+ theContext.exit();
+ }
+ }
+ /* */
+ @Catalogs(path="/topology_template/node_templates")
+ protected void catalog_node_templates(Map<String, Map> theTemplates,
+ CheckContext theContext) {
+ theContext.enter("node_templates");
+ try {
+ catalogTemplates(Construct.Node, theTemplates, theContext);
+ }
+ finally {
+ theContext.exit();
+ }
+ }
+ /* */
+ @Checks(path="/topology_template/node_templates")
+ protected void check_node_templates(Map<String, Map> theTemplates,
+ CheckContext theContext) {
+ theContext.enter("node_templates");
+ try {
+ if(!checkDefinition("node_templates", theTemplates, theContext))
+ return;
+ for (Iterator<Map.Entry<String,Map>> i = theTemplates.entrySet().iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) {
+ Map.Entry<String,Map> e =;
+ check_node_template_definition(e.getKey(), e.getValue(), theContext);
+ }
+ }
+ finally {
+ theContext.exit();
+ }
+ }
+ /* */
+ protected void check_node_template_definition(String theName,
+ Map theNode,
+ CheckContext theContext) {
+ theContext.enter(theName, Construct.Node);
+ try {
+ if (!checkName(theName, theContext) ||
+ !checkDefinition(theName, theNode, theContext)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (!checkTypeReference(Construct.Node, theContext, (String)theNode.get("type")))
+ return;
+ //copy
+ String copy = (String)theNode.get("copy");
+ if (copy != null) {
+ if (!checkTemplateReference(Construct.Node, theContext, copy)) {
+ theContext.addError(Message.INVALID_TEMPLATE_REFERENCE, "copy", copy, Construct.Node);
+ }
+ else {
+ //the 'copy' node specification should be used to provide 'defaults'
+ //for this specification, we should check them
+ }
+ }
+ /* check that we operate on properties and attributes within the scope of
+ the specified node type */
+ if (!checkFacet(
+ Construct.Node, /*theName,*/theNode,, theContext))
+ return;
+ if (!checkFacet(
+ Construct.Node, /*theName,*/theNode, Facet.attributes, theContext))
+ return;
+ //requirement assignment seq
+ if (theNode.containsKey("requirements")) {
+ check_requirements_assignment_definition(
+ (List<Map>)theNode.get("requirements"), theContext);
+ }
+ //capability assignment map: subject to augmentation
+ if (theNode.containsKey("capabilities")) {
+ check_capabilities_assignment_definition(
+ (Map<String,Map>)theNode.get("capabilities"), theContext);
+ }
+ //interfaces
+ if (theNode.containsKey("interfaces")) {
+ check_template_interfaces_definition(
+ (Map<String,Map>)theNode.get("interfaces"), theContext);
+ }
+ //artifacts: artifacts do not have different definition forms/syntax
+ //depending on the context (type or template) but they are still subject
+ //to 'augmentation'
+ if (theNode.containsKey("artifacts")) {
+ check_template_artifacts_definition(
+ (Map<String,Object>)theNode.get("artifacts"), theContext);
+ }
+ /* node_filter: the context to which the node filter is applied is very
+ * wide here as opposed to the node filter specification in a requirement
+ * assignment which has a more strict context (target node/capability are
+ * specified).
+ * We could check that there are nodes in this template having the
+ * properties/capabilities specified in this filter, i.e. the filter has
+ * a chance to succeed.
+ */
+ }
+ finally {
+ theContext.exit();
+ }
+ }
+ @Checks(path="/topology_template/relationship_templates")
+ protected void check_relationship_templates(Map theTemplates,
+ CheckContext theContext) {
+ theContext.enter("relationship_templates");
+ for (Iterator<Map.Entry<String,Map>> i = theTemplates.entrySet().iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) {
+ Map.Entry<String,Map> e =;
+ check_relationship_template_definition(e.getKey(), e.getValue(), theContext);
+ }
+ theContext.exit();
+ }
+ /* */
+ protected void check_relationship_template_definition(
+ String theName,
+ Map theRelationship,
+ CheckContext theContext) {
+ theContext.enter(theName, Construct.Relationship);
+ try {
+ if (!checkName(theName, theContext) ||
+ !checkDefinition(theName, theRelationship, theContext)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (!checkTypeReference(Construct.Relationship, theContext, (String)theRelationship.get("type")))
+ return;
+ String copy = (String)theRelationship.get("copy");
+ if (copy != null) {
+ if (!checkTemplateReference(Construct.Relationship, theContext, copy)) {
+ theContext.addError(Message.INVALID_TEMPLATE_REFERENCE, "copy", copy, Construct.Relationship);
+ }
+ }
+ /* check that we operate on properties and attributes within the scope of
+ the specified relationship type */
+ if (!checkFacet(Construct.Relationship, theRelationship,
+, theContext))
+ return;
+ if (!checkFacet(Construct.Relationship, theRelationship,
+ Facet.attributes, theContext))
+ return;
+ /* interface definitions
+ note: augmentation is allowed here so not clear what to check ..
+ maybe report augmentations if so configured .. */
+ }
+ finally {
+ theContext.exit();
+ }
+ }
+ //requirements and capabilities assignment appear in a node templates
+ protected void check_requirements_assignment_definition(
+ List<Map> theRequirements, CheckContext theContext) {
+ theContext.enter("requirements");
+ try {
+ if(!checkDefinition("requirements", theRequirements, theContext))
+ return;
+ //the node type for the node template enclosing these requirements
+ String nodeType = (String)catalog.getTemplate(
+ Construct.Node,
+ theContext.enclosingConstruct(Construct.Node).name())
+ .get("type");
+ for(Iterator<Map> ri = theRequirements.iterator(); ri.hasNext(); ) {
+ Map<String,Map> requirement = (Map<String,Map>);
+ Iterator<Map.Entry<String,Map>> rai =
+ (Iterator<Map.Entry<String,Map>>)requirement.entrySet().iterator();
+ Map.Entry<String,Map> requirementEntry =;
+ assert !rai.hasNext();
+ String requirementName = requirementEntry.getKey();
+ Map requirementDef = findNodeTypeRequirementByName(
+ nodeType, requirementName);
+ if (requirementDef == null /*&&
+ !config.allowAugmentation()*/) {
+ theContext.addError("No requirement " + requirementName + " was defined for the node type " + nodeType, null);
+ continue;
+ }
+ check_requirement_assignment_definition(
+ requirementName, requirementEntry.getValue(), requirementDef, theContext);
+ }
+ }
+ finally {
+ theContext.exit();
+ }
+ }
+ protected void check_requirement_assignment_definition(
+ String theRequirementName,
+ Map theAssignment,
+ Map theDefinition,
+ CheckContext theContext) {
+ theContext//.enter("requirement_assignment")
+ .enter(theRequirementName, Construct.Requirement);
+ //grab the node type definition to verify compatibility
+ try {
+ //node assignment
+ boolean targetNodeIsTemplate = false;
+ String targetNode = (String)theAssignment.get("node");
+ if (targetNode == null) {
+ targetNode = (String)theDefinition.get("node");
+ //targetNodeIsTemplate stays false, targetNode must be a type
+ }
+ else {
+ //the value must be a node template or a node type
+ targetNodeIsTemplate = isTemplateReference(
+ Construct.Node, theContext, targetNode);
+ if (!targetNodeIsTemplate) {
+ if (!isTypeReference(Construct.Node/*, theContext*/, targetNode)) {
+ theContext.addError(Message.INVALID_CONSTRUCT_REFERENCE, "node", targetNode, Construct.Node);
+ return;
+ }
+ //targetNode is a type reference
+ }
+ //additional checks
+ String targetNodeDef = (String)theDefinition.get("node");
+ if (targetNodeDef != null && targetNode != null) {
+ if (targetNodeIsTemplate) {
+ //if the target is node template, it must be compatible with the
+ //node type specification in the requirement defintion
+ String targetNodeType = (String)
+ catalog.getTemplate(,Construct.Node,targetNode).get("type");
+ if (!catalog.isDerivedFrom(
+ Construct.Node, targetNodeType,targetNodeDef)) {
+ theContext.addError(Message.INCOMPATIBLE_REQUIREMENT_TARGET, Construct.Node, targetNodeType + " of target node " + targetNode, targetNodeDef);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ //if the target is a node type it must be compatible (= or derived
+ //from) with the node type specification in the requirement definition
+ if (!catalog.isDerivedFrom(
+ Construct.Node, targetNode, targetNodeDef)) {
+ theContext.addError(Message.INCOMPATIBLE_REQUIREMENT_TARGET, Construct.Node, targetNode, targetNodeDef);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ String targetNodeType = targetNodeIsTemplate ?
+ (String)catalog.getTemplate(,Construct.Node,targetNode).get("type"):
+ targetNode;
+ //capability assignment
+ boolean targetCapabilityIsType = false;
+ String targetCapability = (String)theAssignment.get("capability");
+ if (targetCapability == null) {
+ targetCapability = (String)theDefinition.get("capability");
+ //in a requirement definition the target capability can only be a
+ //capability type (and not a capability name within some target node
+ //type)
+ targetCapabilityIsType = true;
+ }
+ else {
+ targetCapabilityIsType = isTypeReference(Construct.Capability, targetCapability);
+ //check compatibility with the target compatibility type specified
+ //in the requirement definition, if any
+ String targetCapabilityDef = (String)theDefinition.get("capability");
+ if (targetCapabilityDef != null && targetCapability != null) {
+ if (targetCapabilityIsType) {
+ if (!catalog.isDerivedFrom(
+ Construct.Capability, targetCapability, targetCapabilityDef)) {
+ theContext.addError(Message.INCOMPATIBLE_REQUIREMENT_TARGET, Construct.Capability, targetCapability, targetCapabilityDef);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ //the capability is from a target node. Find its definition and
+ //check that its type is compatible with the capability type
+ //from the requirement definition
+ //check target capability compatibility with target node
+ if (targetNode == null) {
+ theContext.addError("The capability '" + targetCapability + "' is not a capability type, hence it has to be a capability of the node template indicated in 'node', which was not specified", null);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (!targetNodeIsTemplate) {
+ theContext.addError("The capability '" + targetCapability + "' is not a capability type, hence it has to be a capability of the node template indicated in 'node', but there you specified a node type", null);
+ return;
+ }
+ //check that the targetNode (its type) indeed has the
+ //targetCapability
+ Map<String,Object> targetNodeCapabilityDef =
+ findTypeFacetByName(
+ Construct.Node, targetNodeType,
+ Facet.capabilities, targetCapability);
+ if (targetNodeCapabilityDef == null) {
+ theContext.addError("No capability '" + targetCapability + "' was specified in the node " + targetNode + " of type " + targetNodeType, null);
+ return;
+ }
+ String targetNodeCapabilityType = (String)targetNodeCapabilityDef.get("type");
+ if (!catalog.isDerivedFrom(Construct.Capability,
+ targetNodeCapabilityType,
+ targetCapabilityDef)) {
+ theContext.addError("The required target capability type '" + targetCapabilityDef + "' is not compatible with the target capability type found in the target node type capability definition : " + targetNodeCapabilityType + ", targetNode " + targetNode + ", capability name " + targetCapability, null);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ //relationship assignment
+ Map targetRelationship = (Map)theAssignment.get("relationship");
+ if (targetRelationship != null) {
+ //this has to be compatible with the relationship with the same name
+ //from the node type
+ //check the type
+ }
+ //node_filter; used jxpath to simplify the navigation somewhat
+ //this is too cryptic
+ JXPathContext jxPath = JXPathContext.newContext(theAssignment);
+ jxPath.setLenient(true);
+ List<Map> propertiesFilter =
+ (List<Map>)jxPath.getValue("/node_filter/properties");
+ if (propertiesFilter != null) {
+ for (Map propertyFilter: propertiesFilter) {
+//System.out.println("propertiesFilter " + propertyFilter);
+ if (targetNode != null) {
+ //if we have a target node or node template then it must have
+ //have these properties
+ for (Object propertyName: propertyFilter.keySet()) {
+ if (null == findTypeFacetByName(Construct.Node,
+ targetNodeType,
+ propertyName.toString())) {
+ theContext.addError("The node_filter property " + propertyName + " is invalid: requirement target node " + targetNode + " does not have such a property", null);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else if (targetCapability != null) {
+ /*
+ //if we have a target capability type (but not have a target node)
+ //than it must have these properties
+ Not true, the filter always refer to node properties: it is the processor's/orchestrator job to match the
+ this requirement with a node that satisfies the filter. We cannot anticipate the values of all properties
+ (some might come from inputs) so we cannot scan for candidates at this point.
+ if (targetCapabilityIsType) {
+ for (Object propertyName: propertyFilter.keySet()) {
+ if (null == findTypeFacetByName(Construct.Capability,
+ targetCapability,
+ propertyName.toString())) {
+ theContext.addError("The node_filter property " + propertyName + " is invalid: requirement target capability " + targetCapability + " does not have such a property", null);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ //cannot be: if you point to an explicit capability then you must
+ //have specified a targetNode
+ }
+ */
+ }
+ else {
+ //what are the properties suppose to filter on ??
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ List<Map> capabilitiesFilter =
+ (List<Map>)jxPath.getValue("node_filter/capabilities");
+ if (capabilitiesFilter != null) {
+ for (Map capabilityFilterDef: capabilitiesFilter) {
+ assert capabilityFilterDef.size() == 1;
+ Map.Entry<String, Map> capabilityFilterEntry =
+ (Map.Entry<String, Map>)capabilityFilterDef.entrySet().iterator().next();
+ String targetFilterCapability = capabilityFilterEntry.getKey();
+ Map<String,Object> targetFilterCapabilityDef = null;
+ //if we have a targetNode capabilityName must be a capability of
+ //that node (type); or it can be simply capability type (but the node
+ //must have a capability of that type)
+ String targetFilterCapabilityType = null;
+ if (targetNode != null) {
+ targetFilterCapabilityDef =
+ findTypeFacetByName(Construct.Node, targetNodeType,
+ Facet.capabilities, targetFilterCapability);
+ if (targetFilterCapabilityDef != null) {
+ targetFilterCapabilityType =
+ (String)targetFilterCapabilityDef/*.values().iterator().next()*/.get("type");
+ }
+ else {
+ Map<String,Map> targetFilterCapabilities =
+ findTypeFacetByType(Construct.Node, targetNodeType,
+ Facet.capabilities, targetFilterCapability);
+ if (!targetFilterCapabilities.isEmpty()) {
+ if (targetFilterCapabilities.size() > 1) {
+ log.warning("check_requirement_assignment_definition: filter check, target node type '" + targetNodeType + "' has more than one capability of type '" + targetFilterCapability + "', not supported");
+ }
+ //pick the first entry, it represents a capability of the required type
+ Map.Entry<String,Map> capabilityEntry = targetFilterCapabilities.entrySet().iterator().next();
+ targetFilterCapabilityDef = Collections.singletonMap(capabilityEntry.getKey(),
+ capabilityEntry.getValue());
+ targetFilterCapabilityType = targetFilterCapability;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ //no node (type) specified, it can be a straight capability type
+ targetFilterCapabilityDef = catalog.getTypeDefinition(
+ Construct.Capability, targetFilterCapability);
+ //here comes the odd part: it can still be a just a name in which
+ //case we should look at the requirement definition, see which
+ //capability (type) it indicates
+ assert targetCapabilityIsType; //cannot be otherwise, we'd need a node
+ targetFilterCapabilityDef = catalog.getTypeDefinition(
+ Construct.Capability, targetCapability);
+ targetFilterCapabilityType = targetCapability;
+ }
+ if (targetFilterCapabilityDef == null) {
+ theContext.addError("Capability (name or type) " + targetFilterCapability + " is invalid: not a known capability (type) " +
+ ((targetNodeType != null) ? (" of node type" + targetNodeType) : ""), null);
+ continue;
+ }
+ for (Map propertyFilter:
+ (List<Map>)jxPath.getValue("/node_filter/capabilities/" + targetFilterCapability + "/properties")) {
+ //check that the properties are in the scope of the
+ //capability definition
+ for (Object propertyName: propertyFilter.keySet()) {
+ if (null == findTypeFacetByName(Construct.Capability,
+ targetCapability,
+ propertyName.toString())) {
+ theContext.addError("The capability filter " + targetFilterCapability + " property " + propertyName + " is invalid: target capability " + targetFilterCapabilityType + " does not have such a property", null);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ finally {
+ theContext//.exit()
+ .exit();
+ }
+ }
+ protected void check_capabilities_assignment_definition(
+ Map<String,Map> theCapabilities, CheckContext theContext) {
+ theContext.enter("capabilities");
+ try {
+ if(!checkDefinition("capabilities", theCapabilities, theContext))
+ return;
+ //the node type for the node template enclosing these requirements
+ String nodeType = (String)catalog.getTemplate(
+ Construct.Node,
+ theContext.enclosingConstruct(Construct.Node).name())
+ .get("type");
+ for (Iterator<Map.Entry<String,Map>> ci =
+ theCapabilities.entrySet().iterator();
+ ci.hasNext(); ) {
+ Map.Entry<String,Map> ce =;
+ String capabilityName = ce.getKey();
+ Map capabilityDef = findTypeFacetByName(Construct.Node, nodeType,
+ Facet.capabilities, capabilityName);
+ if (capabilityDef == null) {
+ theContext.addError("No capability " + capabilityName + " was defined for the node type " + nodeType, null);
+ continue;
+ }
+ check_capability_assignment_definition(
+ capabilityName, ce.getValue(), capabilityDef,theContext);
+ }
+ }
+ finally {
+ theContext.exit();
+ }
+ }
+ protected void check_capability_assignment_definition(
+ String theCapabilityName,
+ Map theAssignment,
+ Map theDefinition,
+ CheckContext theContext) {
+ theContext.enter(theCapabilityName, Construct.Capability);
+ try {
+ String capabilityType = (String)theDefinition.get("type");
+ //list of property and attributes assignments
+ checkFacet(Construct.Capability, theAssignment, capabilityType,
+, theContext);
+ checkFacet(Construct.Capability, theAssignment, capabilityType,
+ Facet.attributes, theContext);
+ }
+ finally {
+ theContext.exit();
+ }
+ }
+ /** */
+ protected void check_template_interfaces_definition(
+ Map<String,Map> theInterfaces,
+ CheckContext theContext) {
+ theContext.enter("interfaces");
+ try {
+ if(!checkDefinition("interfaces", theInterfaces, theContext))
+ return;
+ //the node type for the node template enclosing these requirements
+ String nodeType = (String)catalog.getTemplate(
+ Construct.Node,
+ theContext.enclosingConstruct(Construct.Node).name())
+ .get("type");
+ for (Iterator<Map.Entry<String,Map>> ii =
+ theInterfaces.entrySet().iterator();
+ ii.hasNext(); ) {
+ Map.Entry<String,Map> ie =;
+ String interfaceName = ie.getKey();
+ Map interfaceDef = findTypeFacetByName(Construct.Node, nodeType,
+ Facet.interfaces, interfaceName);
+ if (interfaceDef == null) {
+ /* this is subject to augmentation: this could be a warning but not an error */
+ theContext.addError(Message.INVALID_INTERFACE_REFERENCE, nodeType, interfaceName, Construct.Node);
+ continue;
+ }
+ check_template_interface_definition(
+ interfaceName, ie.getValue(), interfaceDef, theContext);
+ }
+ }
+ finally {
+ theContext.exit();
+ }
+ }
+ protected void check_template_interface_definition(
+ String theInterfaceName,
+ Map theAssignment,
+ Map theDefinition,
+ CheckContext theContext) {
+ theContext.enter(theInterfaceName, Construct.Interface);
+ try {
+ //check the assignment of the common inputs
+//System.out.println("Checking interface inputs for " + theInterfaceName);
+ checkFacet(Construct.Interface,
+ theAssignment,
+ (String)theDefinition.get("type"),
+ Facet.inputs,
+ theContext);
+ //check the assignment of inputs in each operation
+ //unfortunately operations are not defined as a facet (grouped under a
+ //facet name) i.e. operations..
+ Map<String, Map> inputsDefs = theDefinition.get("inputs");
+ Map<String,?> inputs = theAssignment.get("inputs");
+ if (inputs != null && !inputs.isEmpty()) {
+ for (Map.Entry inputEntry: input.entrySet()) {
+ //check the input name part of the definition
+ if (inputDefs != null && inputDefs.containsKey(inputEntry.getKey())) {
+ checkDataValuation(inputEntry.getValue(),
+ inputsDefs.get(inputEntry.getKey()),
+ theContext);
+ }
+ else {
+ theContext.addError("No input " + inputEntry.getKey() + " was defined for the interface " + theInterfaceName, null);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ String interfaceType = (String)theDefinition.get("type");
+ //list of property and attributes assignments
+ checkFacet(Construct.Interface, theAssignment, interfaceType,
+ "inputs", theContext);
+ //the interface operations: can new operations be defined here??
+ }
+ finally {
+ theContext.exit();
+ }
+ }
+ @Checks(path="/topology_template/artifacts")
+ protected void check_template_artifacts_definition(
+ Map<String,Object> theDefinition,
+ CheckContext theContext) {
+ theContext.enter("artifacts");
+ try {
+ }
+ finally {
+ theContext.exit();
+ }
+ }
+ protected void check_template_artifact_definition(
+ String theArtifactName,
+ Map theAssignment,
+ Map theDefinition,
+ CheckContext theContext) {
+ theContext.enter(theArtifactName, Construct.Artifact);
+ try {
+ }
+ finally {
+ theContext.exit();
+ }
+ }
+ //generic checking actions, not related to validation rules
+ /* the type can be:
+ * a known type: predefined or user-defined
+ * a collection (list or map) and then check that the entry_schema points to one of the first two cases (is that it?)
+ */
+ protected boolean checkDataType(
+ String theName, Map theSpec, CheckContext theContext) {
+ if (!checkTypeReference(Construct.Data, theContext, (String)theSpec.get("type")))
+ return false;
+ String type = (String)theSpec.get("type");
+ if (/*isCollectionType(type)*/
+ "list".equals(type) || "map".equals(type)) {
+ Map entry_schema = (Map)theSpec.get("entry_schema");
+ if (entry_schema == null) {
+ //maybe issue a warning ?? or is 'string' the default??
+ return true;
+ }
+ if (!catalog.hasType(Construct.Data,(String)entry_schema.get("type"))) {
+ theContext.addError("Unknown entry_schema type: " + entry_schema, null);
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ /*
+ * generic checks for a type specification
+ */
+ protected boolean checkTypeConstruct(Construct theConstruct,
+ String theTypeName,
+ Map theDef,
+ CheckContext theContext) {
+ /* There is a 'weakness' in the super-type check before: the search for the supertype is done globally and
+ * not strictly on the 'import' path, i.e. one should explore for the super-type definition the target sub-tree
+ * starting at the current target and not ALL the targets
+ */
+ String parentType = (String)theDef.get("derived_from");
+ if (parentType != null && !catalog.hasType(theConstruct, parentType)) {
+ theContext.addError(
+ Message.INVALID_TYPE_REFERENCE, "derived_from", parentType, theConstruct);
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ /* Check that a particular facet (properties, attributes) of a construct type
+ * (node type, capability type, etc) is correctly (consistenly) defined
+ * across a type hierarchy
+ */
+ protected boolean checkTypeConstructFacet(Construct theConstruct,
+ String theTypeName,
+ Map theTypeSpec,
+ Facet theFacet,
+ CheckContext theContext) {
+ Map<String, Map> defs =
+ (Map<String,Map>)theTypeSpec.get(;
+ if (null == defs) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ boolean res = true;
+ //given that the type was cataloged there will be at least one entry
+ Iterator<Map.Entry<String,Map>> i =
+ catalog.hierarchy(theConstruct, theTypeName);
+ if (!i.hasNext()) {
+ theContext.addError(
+ "The type " + theTypeName + " needs to be cataloged before attempting 'checkTypeConstruct'", null);
+ return false;
+ }
+; //skip self
+ while(i.hasNext()) {
+ Map.Entry<String,Map> e =;
+ Map<String, Map> superDefs = (Map<String,Map>)e.getValue()
+ .get(;
+ if (null == superDefs) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ //this computes entries that appear on both collections but with different values, i.e. the re-defined properties
+ Map<String, MapDifference.ValueDifference<Map>> diff = Maps.difference(defs, superDefs).entriesDiffering();
+ for (Iterator<Map.Entry<String, MapDifference.ValueDifference<Map>>> di = diff.entrySet().iterator(); di.hasNext(); ) {
+ Map.Entry<String, MapDifference.ValueDifference<Map>> de =;
+ MapDifference.ValueDifference<Map> dediff = de.getValue();
+ log.finest(
+ theConstruct + " type " + theFacet + ": " + de.getKey() + " has been re-defined between the " + theConstruct + " types " + e.getKey() + " and " + theTypeName);
+ //for now we just check that the type is consistenly re-declared
+ //if (!dediff.leftValue().get("type").equals(dediff.rightValue().get("type"))) {
+ if (!this.catalog.isDerivedFrom(theFacet.construct(),
+ (String)dediff.leftValue().get("type"),
+ (String)dediff.rightValue().get("type"))) {
+ theContext.addError(
+ theConstruct + " type " + theFacet + ", redefiniton changed its type: "+ de.getKey() + " has been re-defined between the " + theConstruct + " types " + e.getKey() + " and " + theTypeName + " in an incompatible manner", null);
+ res = false;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return res;
+ }
+ /*
+ * Checks the validity of a certain facet of a construct
+ * (properties of a node) across a type hierarchy.
+ * For now the check is limited to a verifying that a a facet was declared
+ * somewhere in the construct type hierarchy (a node template property has
+ * been declared in the node type hierarchy).
+ *
+ * 2 versions with the more generic allowing the specification of the type
+ * to be done explicitly.
+ */
+ protected boolean checkFacet(Construct theConstruct,
+ Map theSpec,
+ Facet theFacet,
+ CheckContext theContext) {
+ return checkFacet(theConstruct, theSpec, null, theFacet, theContext);
+ }
+ /**
+ * We walk the hierarchy and verify the assignment of a property with respect to its definition.
+ * We also collect the names of those properties defined as required but for which no assignment was provided.
+ */
+ protected boolean checkFacet(Construct theConstruct,
+ Map theSpec,
+ String theSpecType,
+ Facet theFacet,
+ CheckContext theContext) {
+ Map<String,Map> defs = (Map<String,Map>)theSpec.get(;
+ if (null == defs) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ defs = Maps.newHashMap(defs); //
+ boolean res = true;
+ if (theSpecType == null) {
+ theSpecType = (String)theSpec.get("type");
+ }
+ if (theSpecType == null) {
+ theContext.addError("No specification type available", null);
+ return false;
+ }
+ Map<String,Byte> missed = new HashMap<String, Byte>(); //keeps track of the missing required properties, the value is
+ //false if a default was found along the hierarchy
+ Iterator<Map.Entry<String,Map>> i =
+ catalog.hierarchy(theConstruct, theSpecType);
+ while (i.hasNext() && !defs.isEmpty()) {
+ Map.Entry<String,Map> type =;
+//System.out.println(" **** type : " + type.getKey() );
+ Map<String, Map> typeDefs = (Map<String,Map>)type.getValue()
+ .get(;
+ if (null == typeDefs) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ MapDifference<String, Map> diff = Maps.difference(defs, typeDefs);
+ //this are the ones this type and the spec have in common (same key,
+ //different values)
+ Map<String, MapDifference.ValueDifference<Map>> facetDefs =
+ diff.entriesDiffering();
+ //TODO: this assumes the definition of the facet is not cumulative, i.e.
+ //subtypes 'add' something to the definition provided by the super-types
+ //it considers the most specialized definition stands on its own
+ for (MapDifference.ValueDifference<Map> valdef: facetDefs.values()) {
+ checkDataValuation(valdef.leftValue(), valdef.rightValue(), theContext);
+ }
+ //the ones that appear in the type but not in spec; ensure the type does not requires them.
+ Map<String, Map> unassigned = diff.entriesOnlyOnRight();
+ for (Map.Entry<String, Map> unassignedEntry: unassigned.entrySet()) {
+System.out.println(" **** unassigned -> " + unassignedEntry.getKey() + " : " + unassignedEntry.getValue());
+ if (unassignedEntry.getValue().containsKey("required")) {
+ Boolean required = (Boolean)unassignedEntry.getValue().get("required");
+ System.out.println(" **** before " + unassignedEntry.getKey() + ", required " + required + " = " + missed.get(unassignedEntry.getKey()));
+ missed.compute(unassignedEntry.getKey(),
+ (k, v) -> v == null ? (required.booleanValue() ? (byte)1
+ : (byte)0)
+ : (required.booleanValue() ? (byte)(v.byteValue() | 0x01)
+ : (byte)(v.byteValue() & 0x02)));
+ System.out.println(" **** after " + unassignedEntry.getKey() + ", required " + required + " = " + missed.get(unassignedEntry.getKey()));
+ }
+ if (unassignedEntry.getValue().containsKey("default")) {
+ System.out.println(" **** before " + unassignedEntry.getKey() + ", default = " + missed.get(unassignedEntry.getKey()));
+ missed.compute(unassignedEntry.getKey(),
+ (k, v) -> v == null ? (byte)2
+ : (byte)(v.byteValue() | 0x02));
+ System.out.println(" **** after " + unassignedEntry.getKey() + ", default = " + missed.get(unassignedEntry.getKey()));
+ }
+ }
+ //remove from properties all those that appear in this type: unfortunately this returns an unmodifiable map ..
+ defs = Maps.newHashMap(diff.entriesOnlyOnLeft());
+ }
+ if (!defs.isEmpty()) {
+ theContext.addError(Message.INVALID_FACET_REFERENCE, theConstruct, theFacet, theSpecType, defs);
+ res = false;
+ }
+ if (!missed.isEmpty()) {
+ List missedNames =
+ missed.entrySet()
+ .stream()
+ .filter(e -> e.getValue().byteValue() == (byte)1)
+ .map(e -> e.getKey())
+ .collect(Collectors.toList());
+ if (!missedNames.isEmpty()) {
+ theContext.addError(theConstruct + " " + theFacet + " missing required values for: " + missedNames, null);
+ res = false;
+ }
+ }
+ return res;
+ }
+ /* Augmentation occurs in cases such as the declaration of capabilities within a node type.
+ * In such cases the construct facets (the capabilitity's properties) can redefine (augment) the
+ * specification found in the construct type.
+ */
+ protected boolean checkFacetAugmentation(Construct theConstruct,
+ Map theSpec,
+ Facet theFacet,
+ CheckContext theContext) {
+ return checkFacetAugmentation(theConstruct, theSpec, null, theFacet, theContext);
+ }
+ protected boolean checkFacetAugmentation(Construct theConstruct,
+ Map theSpec,
+ String theSpecType,
+ Facet theFacet,
+ CheckContext theContext) {
+ Map<String,Map> augs = (Map<String,Map>)theSpec.get(;
+ if (null == augs) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ boolean res = true;
+ if (theSpecType == null) {
+ theSpecType = (String)theSpec.get("type");
+ }
+ if (theSpecType == null) {
+ theContext.addError("No specification type available", null);
+ return false;
+ }
+ for (Iterator<Map.Entry<String,Map>> ai = augs.entrySet().iterator(); ai.hasNext(); ) {
+ Map.Entry<String,Map> ae =;
+ //make sure it was declared by the type
+ Map facetDef = catalog.getFacetDefinition(theConstruct, theSpecType, theFacet, ae.getKey());
+ if (facetDef == null) {
+ theContext.addError("Unknown " + theConstruct + " " + theFacet + " (not declared by the type " + theSpecType + ") were used: " + ae.getKey(), null);
+ res = false;
+ continue;
+ }
+ //check the compatibility of the augmentation: only the type cannot be changed
+ //can the type be changed in a compatible manner ??
+ if (!facetDef.get("type").equals(ae.getValue().get("type"))) {
+ theContext.addError(theConstruct + " " + theFacet + " " + ae.getKey() + " has a different type than its definition: " + ae.getValue().get("type") + " instead of " + facetDef.get("type"), null);
+ res = false;
+ continue;
+ }
+ //check any valuation (here just defaults)
+ Object defaultValue = ae.getValue().get("default");
+ if (defaultValue != null) {
+ checkDataValuation(defaultValue, ae.getValue(), theContext);
+ }
+ }
+ return res;
+ }
+ protected boolean catalogTypes(Construct theConstruct, Map<String,Map> theTypes, CheckContext theContext) {
+ boolean res = true;
+ for (Map.Entry<String,Map> typeEntry: theTypes.entrySet()) {
+ res &= catalogType(theConstruct, typeEntry.getKey(), typeEntry.getValue(), theContext);
+ }
+ return res;
+ }
+ /* */
+ protected boolean catalogType(Construct theConstruct,
+ String theName,
+ Map theDef,
+ CheckContext theContext) {
+ if (!catalog.addType(theConstruct, theName, theDef)) {
+ theContext.addError(theConstruct + " type " + theName + " re-declaration", null);
+ return false;
+ }
+ log.finer(theConstruct + " type " + theName + " has been cataloged");
+ return true;
+ }
+ /* */
+ protected boolean checkTypeReference(Construct theConstruct,
+ CheckContext theContext,
+ String... theTypeNames) {
+ boolean res = true;
+ for (String typeName: theTypeNames) {
+ if (!isTypeReference(theConstruct, typeName)) {
+ theContext.addError(Message.INVALID_TYPE_REFERENCE, "", typeName, theConstruct);
+ res = false;
+ }
+ }
+ return res;
+ }
+ protected boolean isTypeReference(Construct theConstruct,
+ String theTypeName) {
+ return this.catalog.hasType(theConstruct, theTypeName);
+ }
+ /* node or relationship templates */
+ protected boolean checkTemplateReference(Construct theConstruct,
+ CheckContext theContext,
+ String... theTemplateNames) {
+ boolean res = true;
+ for (String templateName: theTemplateNames) {
+ if (!isTemplateReference(theConstruct, theContext, templateName)) {
+ theContext.addError(Message.INVALID_TEMPLATE_REFERENCE, "", templateName, theConstruct);
+ res = false;
+ }
+ }
+ return res;
+ }
+ protected boolean catalogTemplates(Construct theConstruct,
+ Map<String,Map> theTemplates,
+ CheckContext theContext) {
+ boolean res = true;
+ for (Map.Entry<String,Map> typeEntry: theTemplates.entrySet()) {
+ res &= catalogTemplate(theConstruct, typeEntry.getKey(), typeEntry.getValue(), theContext);
+ }
+ return res;
+ }
+ protected boolean catalogTemplate(Construct theConstruct,
+ String theName,
+ Map theDef,
+ CheckContext theContext) {
+ try {
+ catalog.addTemplate(, theConstruct, theName, theDef);
+ log.finer(theConstruct + " " + theName + " has been cataloged");
+ }
+ catch(CatalogException cx) {
+ theContext.addError("Failed to catalog " + theConstruct + " " + theName, cx);
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ protected boolean isTemplateReference(Construct theConstruct,
+ CheckContext theContext,
+ String theTemplateName) {
+ return this.catalog.hasTemplate(,theConstruct, theTemplateName);
+ }
+ /*
+ * For inputs/properties/attributes/(parameters). It is the caller's
+ * responsability to provide the value (from a 'default', inlined, ..)
+ *
+ * @param theDef the definition of the given construct/facet as it appears in
+ * its enclosing type definition.
+ * @param
+ */
+ protected boolean checkDataValuation(Object theExpr,
+ Map<String,?> theDef,
+ CheckContext theContext) {
+ //first check if the expression is a function, if not handle it as a value assignment
+ Data.Function f = Data.function(theExpr);
+ if (f != null) {
+ return f.evaluator()
+ .eval(theExpr, theDef, theContext);
+ }
+ else {
+ Data.Type type = Data.typeByName((String)theDef.get("type"));
+ if (type != null) {
+//System.out.println("Evaluating " + theExpr + " as " + theExpr.getClass().getName() + " against " + theDef);
+ Data.Evaluator evaluator = null;
+ evaluator = type.evaluator();
+ if (evaluator == null) {
+"No value evaluator available for type " + type);
+ }
+ else {
+ if (theExpr != null) {
+ if (!evaluator.eval(theExpr, theDef, theContext)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ evaluator = type.constraintsEvaluator();
+ if (evaluator == null) {
+"No constraints evaluator available for type " + type);
+ }
+ else {
+ if (theExpr != null) {
+ if (!evaluator.eval(theExpr, theDef, theContext)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ //should have a null value validator
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ else {
+ theContext.addError("Expression " + theExpr + " of " + theDef + " could not be evaluated", null);
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /** Given the type of a certain construct (node type for example), look up
+ * in one of its facets (properties, capabilities, ..) for one of the given
+ * facet type (if looking in property, one of the given data type).
+ * @return a map of all facets of the given type, will be empty to signal
+ * none found
+ *
+ * Should we look for a facet construct of a compatible type: any type derived
+ * from the given facet's construct type??
+ */
+ protected Map<String,Map>
+ findTypeFacetByType(Construct theTypeConstruct,
+ String theTypeName,
+ Facet theFacet,
+ String theFacetType) {
+ log.logp(Level.FINER, "", "findTypeFacetByType", theTypeName + " " + theTypeConstruct + ": " + theFacetType + " " + theFacet);
+ Map<String,Map> res= new HashMap<String,Map>();
+ Iterator<Map.Entry<String,Map>> i =
+ catalog.hierarchy(theTypeConstruct, theTypeName);
+ while (i.hasNext()) {
+ Map.Entry<String,Map> typeSpec =;
+ log.logp(Level.FINER, "", "findTypeFacetByType", "Checking " + theTypeConstruct + " type " + typeSpec.getKey() );
+ Map<String,Map> typeFacet =
+ (Map<String,Map>)typeSpec.getValue().get(;
+ if (typeFacet == null) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ Iterator<Map.Entry<String,Map>> fi = typeFacet.entrySet().iterator();
+ while(fi.hasNext()) {
+ Map.Entry<String,Map> facet =;
+ String facetType = (String)facet.getValue().get("type");
+ log.logp(Level.FINER, "", "findTypeFacetByType", "Checking " + facet.getKey() + " type " + facetType);
+ //here is the question: do we look for an exact match or ..
+ //now we check that the type has a capability of a type compatible
+ //(equal or derived from) the given capability type.
+ if (catalog.isDerivedFrom(
+ theFacet.construct(), /*theFacetType, facetType*/facetType, theFacetType)) {
+ //res.merge(facet.getKey(), facet.getValue(), (currDef, newDef)->(merge the base class definition in the existing definition but provide the result in a new map as to avoid changing the stored defintitions));
+ res.putIfAbsent(facet.getKey(), facet.getValue());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ log.logp(Level.FINER, "", "findTypeFacetByType", "found " + res);
+ return res;
+ }
+ /* */
+ protected Map<String,Object>
+ findTypeFacetByName(Construct theTypeConstruct,
+ String theTypeName,
+ Facet theFacet,
+ String theFacetName) {
+ log.logp(Level.FINER, "", "findTypeFacetByName", theTypeConstruct + " " + theTypeName);
+ Iterator<Map.Entry<String,Map>> i =
+ catalog.hierarchy(theTypeConstruct, theTypeName);
+ while (i.hasNext()) {
+ Map.Entry<String,Map> typeSpec =;
+ log.logp(Level.FINER, "", "findTypeFacetByName", "Checking " + theTypeConstruct + " type " + typeSpec.getKey() );
+ Map<String,Map> typeFacet =
+ (Map<String,Map>)typeSpec.getValue().get(;
+ if (typeFacet == null) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ Map<String,Object> facet = typeFacet.get(theFacetName);
+ if (facet != null) {
+ return facet;
+ }
+ }
+ return null;
+ }
+ /* Requirements are the odd ball as they are structured as a sequence ..
+ */
+ protected Map<String,Map> findNodeTypeRequirementByName(
+ String theNodeType, String theRequirementName) {
+ log.logp(Level.FINER, "", "findNodeTypeRequirementByName", theNodeType + "/" + theRequirementName);
+ Iterator<Map.Entry<String,Map>> i =
+ catalog.hierarchy(Construct.Node, theNodeType);
+ while (i.hasNext()) {
+ Map.Entry<String,Map> nodeType =;
+ log.logp(Level.FINER, "", "findNodeTypeRequirementByName", "Checking node type " + nodeType.getKey() );
+ List<Map<String,Map>> nodeTypeRequirements =
+ (List<Map<String,Map>>)nodeType.getValue().get("requirements");
+ if (nodeTypeRequirements == null) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ for (Map<String,Map> requirement: nodeTypeRequirements) {
+ Map requirementDef = requirement.get(theRequirementName);
+ if (requirementDef != null) {
+ return requirementDef;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return null;
+ }
+ /*
+ *
+ */
+ public Map findNodeTemplateInterfaceOperation(
+ Target theTarget, String theNodeName, String theInterfaceName, String theOperationName) {
+ Map nodeDefinition = (Map)catalog.getTemplate(theTarget, Construct.Node, theNodeName);
+ if (nodeDefinition == null)
+ return null;
+ Map interfaces = (Map)nodeDefinition.get("interfaces");
+ if (interfaces == null)
+ return null;
+ Map interfaceDef = (Map)interfaces.get(theInterfaceName);
+ if (interfaceDef == null)
+ return null;
+ return (Map)interfaceDef.get(theOperationName);
+ }
+ public Map findNodeTypeInterfaceOperation(
+ String theNodeType, String theInterfaceName, String theOperationName) {
+ return null;
+ }
+ /*
+ * Assumes that at this time the constrints (syntax) for all names (construct
+ * types, constructs, facets: ) are the same.
+ */
+ public boolean checkName(String theName,
+ CheckContext theContext) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ /*
+ * Additional generics checks to be performed on any definition: construct,
+ * construct types, etc ..
+ */
+ public boolean checkDefinition(String theName,
+ Map theDefinition,
+ CheckContext theContext) {
+ if (theDefinition == null) {
+ theContext.addError("Missing definition for " + theName, null);
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (theDefinition.isEmpty()) {
+ theContext.addError("Empty definition for " + theName, null);
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ public boolean checkDefinition(String theName,
+ List theDefinition,
+ CheckContext theContext) {
+ if (theDefinition == null) {
+ theContext.addError("Missing definition for " + theName, null);
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (theDefinition.isEmpty()) {
+ theContext.addError("Empty definition for " + theName, null);
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ /* I'd rather validate each import once at it's own rule time (see next method) but unfortunately the canonicals
+ * are not visible 'right away' (they are applied at the end of the pre-validation but not visible in the
+ * post-validation of the same rule because of kwalify validator implementation).
+ */
+ @Validates(rule="service_template_definition",
+ protected void validate_imports(
+ Object theValue, Rule theRule, Validator.ValidationContext theContext) {
+ Map template = (Map)theValue;
+ List<Map> imports = (List)template.get("imports");
+ if (imports != null) {
+ for (Map importEntry: imports) {
+ validate_import(mapEntry(importEntry).getValue(), theRule, theContext);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ //@Validates(rule="import_definition",
+ protected void validate_import(
+ Object theValue, Rule theRule, Validator.ValidationContext theContext) {
+ log.entering("", "import", theContext.getPath());
+ TOSCAValidator validator = (TOSCAValidator)theContext.getValidator();
+ Target tgt = validator.getTarget();
+ Map def = (Map)theValue; //importEntry.getValue();
+ log.fine("Processing import " + def);
+ String tfile = (String)def.get("file");
+ Target tgti = this.locator.resolve(tfile);
+ if (tgti == null) {
+ theContext.addError("Failure to resolve import '" + def + "', imported from " + tgt, theRule, null, null);
+ return;
+ }
+ log.finer("Import " + def + " located at " + tgti.getLocation());
+ if (this.catalog.addTarget(tgti, tgt)) {
+ //we've never seen this import (location) before
+ try {
+ List<Target> tgtis = parseTarget(tgti);
+ if (tgtis.isEmpty())
+ return; //continue;
+ if (tgtis.size() > 1) {
+ theContext.addError("Import '" + tgti + "', imported from " + tgt + ", contains multiple yaml documents" , theRule, null, null);
+ return; //continue;
+ }
+ tgti = tgtis.get(0);
+ if (tgt.getReport().hasErrors()) {
+ theContext.addError("Failure parsing import '" + tgti + "',imported from " + tgt, theRule, null, null);
+ return; //continue;
+ }
+ validateTarget(tgti);
+ if (tgt.getReport().hasErrors()) {
+ theContext.addError("Failure validating import '" + tgti + "',imported from " + tgt, theRule, null, null);
+ return; //continue;
+ }
+ }
+ catch (CheckerException cx) {
+ theContext.addError("Failure validating import '" + tgti + "',imported from " + tgt, theRule, cx, null);
+ }
+ }
+ //replace with the actual location (also because this is what they get
+ //index by .. bad, this exposed catalog inner workings)
+ def.put("file", tgti.getLocation());
+ }
+ /* plenty of one entry maps around */
+ private Map.Entry mapEntry(Object theMap) {
+ return (Map.Entry)((Map)theMap).entrySet().iterator().next();
+ }
+ /* */
+ protected static Catalog commonsCatalog = null;
+ /*
+ * commons are built-in and supposed to be bulletproof so any error in here
+ * goes out loud.
+ */
+ protected static Catalog commonsCatalog() {
+ synchronized (Catalog.class) {
+ if (commonsCatalog != null) {
+ return commonsCatalog;
+ }
+ //if other templates are going to be part of the common type system
+ //add them to this list. order is relevant.
+ final String[] commons = new String[] {
+ "tosca/tosca-common-types.yaml" };
+ Checker commonsChecker = null;
+ try {
+ commonsChecker = new Checker();
+ for (String common: commons) {
+ commonsChecker.check(common, buildCatalog(false));
+ Report commonsReport = commonsChecker.targets().iterator().next().getReport();
+ if (commonsReport.hasErrors()) {
+ throw new RuntimeException("Failed to process commons:\n" +
+ commonsReport);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ catch(CheckerException cx) {
+ throw new RuntimeException("Failed to process commons", cx);
+ }
+ return commonsCatalog = commonsChecker.catalog;
+ }
+ }
+ public static Catalog buildCatalog() {
+ return buildCatalog(true);
+ }
+ /*
+ */
+ public static Catalog buildCatalog(boolean doCommons) {
+ Catalog catalog = new Catalog(doCommons ? commonsCatalog() : null);
+ if (!doCommons) {
+ //add core TOSCA types
+ for (Data.CoreType type: Data.CoreType.class.getEnumConstants()) {
+ catalog.addType(Construct.Data, type.toString(), Collections.emptyMap());
+ }
+ }
+ return catalog;
+ }
+ protected void checks(String theName,
+ Object theTarget,
+ CheckContext theContext) {
+ handles("checks:" + theContext.getPath(theName), theTarget, theContext);
+ }
+ protected void catalogs(String theName,
+ Object theTarget,
+ CheckContext theContext) {
+ handles("catalogs:" + theContext.getPath(theName), theTarget, theContext);
+ }
+ protected boolean validates(Validates.Timing theTiming,
+ Object theTarget,
+ Rule theRule,
+ Validator.ValidationContext theContext) {
+ //might look odd but we need both 'handles' call to be executed
+ boolean validated =
+ handles(theTiming + "-validates:" + theRule.getName(), theTarget, theRule, theContext);
+ return handles(theTiming + "-validates:", theTarget, theRule, theContext) || validated;
+ }
+ /*
+ * allow the handlers to return a boolean .. only do this in order to accomodate the Canonical's way of avoiding
+ * validation when a short form is encoutered.
+ * @return true if any handler returned true (if they returned something at all), false otherwise (even when no
+ * handlers were found)
+ */
+ protected boolean handles(String theHandlerKey, Object... theArgs) {
+ boolean handled = false;
+ Map<Method, Object> entries = handlers.row(theHandlerKey);
+ if (entries != null) {
+ for (Map.Entry<Method, Object> entry: entries.entrySet()) {
+ Object res = null;
+ try {
+ res = entry.getKey().invoke(entry.getValue(), theArgs);
+ }
+ catch (Exception x) {
+ log.log(Level.WARNING, theHandlerKey + " by " + entry.getKey() + " failed", x);
+ }
+ handled |= res == null ? false : (res instanceof Boolean && ((Boolean)res).booleanValue());
+ }
+ }
+ return handled;
+ }
+ /**
+ */
+ public class TOSCAValidator extends Validator {
+ //what were validating
+ private Target target;
+ public TOSCAValidator(Target theTarget, Object theSchema)
+ throws SchemaException {
+ super(theSchema);
+ = theTarget;
+ }
+ public Target getTarget() {
+ return;
+ }
+ /* hook method called by Validator#validate()
+ */
+ protected boolean preValidationHook(Object value, Rule rule, ValidationContext context) {
+ return validates(Validates.Timing.pre, value, rule, context);
+ }
+ /*
+ * Only gets invoked once the value was succesfully verified against the syntax indicated by the given rule.
+ */
+ protected void postValidationHook(Object value,
+ Rule rule,
+ ValidationContext context) {
+ validates(, value, rule, context);
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Maintains state across the checking process.
+ */
+ public class CheckContext {
+ public class Step {
+ private final Construct construct;
+ private final String name;
+ private final Object info;
+ public Step(String theName, Construct theConstruct, Object theInfo) {
+ this.construct = theConstruct;
+ = theName;
+ = theInfo;
+ }
+ public Construct construct() { return this.construct; }
+ public String name() { return; }
+ public Object info() { return; }
+ }
+ private Target target;
+ private ArrayList<Step> steps = new ArrayList<Step>(20); //artificial max nesting ..
+ public CheckContext(Target theTarget) {
+ = theTarget;
+ }
+ public CheckContext enter(String theName) {
+ return enter(theName, null, null);
+ }
+ public CheckContext enter(String theName, Construct theConstruct) {
+ return enter(theName, theConstruct, null);
+ }
+ public CheckContext enter(String theName, Construct theConstruct, Object theInfo) {
+ this.steps.add(new Step(theName, theConstruct, theInfo));
+ Checker.this.log.entering("check", theName, getPath());
+ return this;
+ }
+ public CheckContext exit() {
+ Step step = this.steps.get(this.steps.size()-1);
+ Checker.this.log.exiting("check",, getPath());
+ this.steps.remove(this.steps.size()-1);
+ return this;
+ }
+ public String getPath() {
+ return buildPath(null);
+ }
+ public String getPath(String theNextElem) {
+ return buildPath(theNextElem);
+ }
+ protected String buildPath(String theElem) {
+ StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer("");
+ for (Step s: this.steps)
+ sb.append(
+ .append("/");
+ if (theElem != null)
+ sb.append(theElem)
+ .append("/");
+ return sb.substring(0,sb.length()-1);
+ }
+ public Step enclosingConstruct(Construct theConstruct) {
+ for (int i = this.steps.size()-1; i > 0; i--) {
+ Construct c = this.steps.get(i).construct();
+ if (c != null && c.equals(theConstruct)) {
+ return this.steps.get(i);
+ }
+ }
+ return null;
+ }
+ public Step enclosingElement(String theName) {
+ for (int i = this.steps.size()-1; i > 0; i--) {
+ String n = this.steps.get(i).name();
+ if (n != null && n.equals(theName)) {
+ return this.steps.get(i);
+ }
+ }
+ return null;
+ }
+ public Step enclosing() {
+ if (this.steps.size() > 0) {
+ return this.steps.get(this.steps.size()-1);
+ }
+ return null;
+ }
+ public CheckContext addError(String theMessage, Throwable theCause) {
+ TargetError("", getPath(), theMessage, theCause));
+ return this;
+ }
+ public CheckContext addError(Message theMsg, Object... theArgs) {
+ TargetError("", getPath(), messages.format(theMsg, theArgs), null));
+ return this;
+ }
+ public boolean hasErrors() {
+ return;
+ }
+ public Checker checker() {
+ return Checker.this;
+ }
+ public Catalog catalog() {
+ return Checker.this.catalog;
+ }
+ public Target target() {
+ return;
+ }
+ public String toString() {
+ return "CheckContext(" + + "," + getPath() + ")";
+ }
+ }
+ public static class CheckerConfiguration {
+ private boolean allowAugmentation = true;
+ private String defaultImportsPath = null;
+ private String defaultCheckerRoots = null;
+ protected CheckerConfiguration() {
+ }
+ public CheckerConfiguration allowAugmentation(boolean doAllow) {
+ this.allowAugmentation = doAllow;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public boolean allowAugmentation() {
+ return this.allowAugmentation;
+ }
+ public CheckerConfiguration defaultImportsPath(String thePath) {
+ this.defaultImportsPath = thePath;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public String defaultImportsPath() {
+ return this.defaultImportsPath;
+ }
+ }