path: root/javatoscachecker/checker/src/main/java/org/onap/tosca/checker/
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1 files changed, 459 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/javatoscachecker/checker/src/main/java/org/onap/tosca/checker/ b/javatoscachecker/checker/src/main/java/org/onap/tosca/checker/
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+++ b/javatoscachecker/checker/src/main/java/org/onap/tosca/checker/
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+ * Copyright (c) 2017 <AT&T>. All rights reserved.
+ * ===================================================================
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed
+ * on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for
+ * the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
+ */
+package org.onap.tosca.checker;
+import java.util.Iterator;
+import java.util.Collection;
+import java.util.Comparator;
+import java.util.Set;
+import java.util.Map;
+import java.util.List;
+import java.util.EnumMap;
+import java.util.HashMap;
+import java.util.HashSet;
+import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
+import java.util.ArrayList;
+import java.util.Collections;
+ * Oddball: tracking inputs as data templates could be seen as rather
+ * odd but we see them as instances of data types, in the same way node
+ * templates are instances of node types.
+ */
+public class Catalog {
+ /* Type hierarchies are stored as maps from a type name to its definition
+ * Not the best but easy to follow hierarchies towards their root ..
+ */
+ private EnumMap<Construct, Map<String,Map>> types =
+ new EnumMap<Construct, Map<String,Map>>(Construct.class);
+ /* track templates: we track templates (tye instances) first per target then per contruct.
+ * This allows us to share the catalog among multiple templates sharign the same type set
+ */
+ private Map<Target, EnumMap<Construct, Map<String,Map>>> templates =
+ new HashMap<Target, EnumMap<Construct, Map<String,Map>>>();
+ private Catalog parent;
+ public Catalog(Catalog theParent) {
+ this.parent = theParent;
+ /* there are no requirement types, they are the same as capability types */
+ types.put(Construct.Data, new LinkedHashMap<String, Map>());
+ types.put(Construct.Capability, new LinkedHashMap<String, Map>());
+ types.put(Construct.Relationship, new LinkedHashMap<String, Map>());
+ types.put(Construct.Artifact, new LinkedHashMap<String, Map>());
+ types.put(Construct.Interface, new LinkedHashMap<String, Map>());
+ types.put(Construct.Node, new LinkedHashMap<String, Map>());
+ types.put(Construct.Group, new LinkedHashMap<String, Map>());
+ types.put(Construct.Policy, new LinkedHashMap<String, Map>());
+ }
+ public Catalog() {
+ this(null);
+ }
+ public boolean addType(Construct theConstruct, String theName, Map theDef) {
+ if (hasType(theConstruct, theName)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ getConstructTypes(theConstruct).put(theName, theDef);
+ return true;
+ }
+ public Map getTypeDefinition(Construct theConstruct, String theName) {
+ Map<String, Map> constructTypes = getConstructTypes(theConstruct);
+ Map typeDef = constructTypes.get(theName);
+ if (typeDef == null && this.parent != null) {
+ return this.parent.getTypeDefinition(theConstruct, theName);
+ }
+ return typeDef;
+ }
+ public boolean hasType(Construct theConstruct, String theName) {
+ Map<String, Map> constructTypes = getConstructTypes(theConstruct);
+ boolean res = constructTypes.containsKey(theName);
+ if (!res && this.parent != null) {
+ res = this.parent.hasType(theConstruct, theName);
+ }
+ return res;
+ }
+ public Map<String, Map> getConstructTypes(Construct theConstruct) {
+ Map<String, Map> constructTypes = this.types.get(theConstruct);
+ if (null == constructTypes) {
+ throw new RuntimeException("Something worse is cooking here!",
+ new CatalogException("No types for construct " + theConstruct));
+ }
+ return constructTypes;
+ }
+ protected Iterator<Map.Entry<String,Map>>
+ typesIterator(Construct theConstruct) {
+ List<Map.Entry<String,Map>> constructTypes =
+ new ArrayList<Map.Entry<String,Map>>(
+ this.types.get(theConstruct).entrySet());
+ Collections.reverse(constructTypes);
+ return (this.parent == null)
+ ? constructTypes.iterator()
+ : Iterators.concat(constructTypes.iterator(),
+ this.parent.typesIterator(theConstruct));
+ }
+ /* this will iterate through the type hierarchy for the given type, included.
+ */
+ public Iterator<Map.Entry<String,Map>>
+ hierarchy(Construct theConstruct, final String theName) {
+ return Iterators.filter(typesIterator(theConstruct),
+ new Predicate<Map.Entry<String,Map>>() {
+ Object next = theName;
+ public boolean apply(Map.Entry<String,Map> theEntry) {
+ if (next != null && next.equals(theEntry.getKey())) {
+ next = theEntry.getValue().get("derived_from");
+ return true;
+ }
+ else
+ return false;
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ public boolean isDerivedFrom(Construct theConstruct, String theType, String theBaseType) {
+ Iterator<Map.Entry<String,Map>> hierachyIterator =
+ hierarchy(theConstruct, theType);
+ while (hierachyIterator.hasNext()) {
+ Map.Entry<String,Map> typeDef =;
+ if (typeDef.getKey().equals(theBaseType)) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ /* We go over the type hierarchy and retain only an iterator over the
+ * elements of the given facet for each type in the hierarchy.
+ * We concatenate these iterators and filter out duplicates.
+ * TODO: cannot just filter out duplicates - a redefinition can refine the one in the base construct so we
+ * should merge them!
+ */
+ public Iterator<Map.Entry> facets(Construct theConstruct,
+ final Facet theFacet,
+ final String theName) {
+ return
+ Iterators.filter(
+ Iterators.concat(
+ Iterators.transform(
+ hierarchy(theConstruct, theName),
+ new Function<Map.Entry<String,Map>, Iterator<Map.Entry>>() {
+ public Iterator<Map.Entry> apply(Map.Entry<String,Map> theEntry) {
+ Map m = (Map)theEntry.getValue().get(;
+ return m == null
+ ? Collections.emptyIterator()
+ : m.entrySet().iterator();
+ }
+ }
+ )
+ ),
+ new Predicate<Map.Entry>() {
+ Set insts = new HashSet();
+ public boolean apply(Map.Entry theEntry) {
+ return !insts.contains(theEntry.getKey());
+ }
+ }
+ );
+ }
+ //no need to specify a construct, only nodes can have requirements
+ public Iterator<Map.Entry> requirements(final String theName) {
+ return
+ Iterators.concat(
+ Iterators.transform(
+ hierarchy(Construct.Node, theName),
+ new Function<Map.Entry<String,Map>, Iterator<Map.Entry>>() {
+ public Iterator<Map.Entry> apply(Map.Entry<String,Map> theEntry) {
+ List<Map> l = (List<Map>)theEntry.getValue().get("requirements");
+ return l == null
+ ? Collections.emptyIterator()
+ : Iterators.concat(
+ Iterators.transform(
+ l.iterator(),
+ new Function<Map, Iterator<Map.Entry>> () {
+ public Iterator<Map.Entry> apply(Map theEntry) {
+ return theEntry.entrySet().iterator();
+ }
+ }
+ )
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ )
+ );
+ }
+ /* Example: find the definition of property 'port' of the node type
+ * tosca.nodes.Database (properties being a facet of the node construct)
+ *
+ * Note: the definition of a facet is cumulative, i.e. more specialized
+ * definitions contribute (by overwriting) to the
+ */
+ public Map getFacetDefinition(Construct theConstruct,
+ String theConstructTypeName,
+ Facet theFacet,
+ String theName) {
+ Map def = null;
+ Iterator<Map.Entry<String,Map>> ti = hierarchy(theConstruct, theConstructTypeName);
+ while (ti.hasNext()) {
+ //this is where requirements would yield a List ..
+ Map<String,Map> fset = (Map<String,Map>)
+ //theFacet.iterator(
+ if (fset != null) {
+ def = def == null ? fset.get(theName)
+ : mergeDefinitions(def, fset.get(theName));
+ }
+ }
+ return def;
+ }
+ public Map getRequirementDefinition(Construct theConstruct,
+ String theConstructTypeName,
+ String theName) {
+ Iterator<Map.Entry<String,Map>> ti = hierarchy(theConstruct, theConstructTypeName);
+ while (ti.hasNext()) {
+ //this is where requirements yield a List ..
+ List<Map> reqs = (List<Map>)
+ for (Map req: reqs) {
+ Map.Entry reqe = (Map.Entry)req.entrySet().iterator().next();
+ if (theName.equals(reqe.getKey())) {
+ return (Map)reqe.getValue();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return null;
+ }
+ /* */
+ private EnumMap<Construct,Map<String,Map>> getTemplates(Target theTarget) {
+ EnumMap<Construct, Map<String,Map>> targetTemplates = templates.get(theTarget);
+ if (targetTemplates == null) {
+ targetTemplates = new EnumMap<Construct,Map<String,Map>>(Construct.class);
+ targetTemplates.put(Construct.Data, new LinkedHashMap<String, Map>());
+ targetTemplates.put(Construct.Relationship, new LinkedHashMap<String, Map>());
+ targetTemplates.put(Construct.Node, new LinkedHashMap<String, Map>());
+ targetTemplates.put(Construct.Group, new LinkedHashMap<String, Map>());
+ targetTemplates.put(Construct.Policy, new LinkedHashMap<String, Map>());
+ templates.put(theTarget, targetTemplates);
+ }
+ return targetTemplates;
+ }
+ public Map<String,Map> getTargetTemplates(Target theTarget, Construct theConstruct) {
+ return getTemplates(theTarget).get(theConstruct);
+ }
+ public void addTemplate(Target theTarget, Construct theConstruct, String theName, Map theDef)
+ throws CatalogException {
+ Map<String, Map> constructTemplates = getTargetTemplates(theTarget, theConstruct);
+ if (null == constructTemplates) {
+ throw new CatalogException("No such thing as " + theConstruct + " templates");
+ }
+ if (constructTemplates.containsKey(theName)) {
+ throw new CatalogException(theConstruct + " template '" + theName + "' re-declaration");
+ }
+ constructTemplates.put(theName, theDef);
+ }
+ public boolean hasTemplate(Target theTarget, Construct theConstruct, String theName) {
+ Map<String, Map> constructTemplates = getTargetTemplates(theTarget, theConstruct);
+ return constructTemplates != null &&
+ constructTemplates.containsKey(theName);
+ }
+ public Map getTemplate(Target theTarget, Construct theConstruct, String theName) {
+ Map<String, Map> constructTemplates = getTargetTemplates(theTarget, theConstruct);
+ if (constructTemplates != null)
+ return constructTemplates.get(theName);
+ else
+ return null;
+ }
+ public static Map mergeDefinitions(Map theAggregate, Map theIncrement) {
+ if (theIncrement == null)
+ return theAggregate;
+ for(Map.Entry e: (Set<Map.Entry>)theIncrement.entrySet()) {
+ theAggregate.putIfAbsent(e.getKey(), e.getValue());
+ }
+ return theAggregate;
+ }
+ /* tracks imports, i.e.targets */
+ private LinkedHashMap<URI, Target> targets =
+ new LinkedHashMap<URI, Target>();
+ /* tracks dependencies between targets, i.e. the 'adjency' matrix defined by
+ * the 'import' relationship */
+ private Table<Target,Target,Boolean> imports = HashBasedTable.create();
+ /*
+ * theParent contains an 'include/import' statement pointing to the Target
+ */
+ public boolean addTarget(Target theTarget, Target theParent) {
+ boolean cataloged = hasTarget(theTarget.getLocation());
+ if(!cataloged) {
+ targets.put(theTarget.getLocation(), theTarget);
+ }
+ if (theParent != null) {
+ imports.put(theParent, theTarget, Boolean.TRUE);
+ }
+ return !cataloged;
+ }
+ public boolean hasTarget(URI theLocation) {
+ return this.targets.containsKey(theLocation) ? true
+ : this.parent != null ? this.parent.hasTarget(theLocation)
+ : false;
+ }
+ public Target getTarget(URI theLocation) {
+ Target t = this.targets.get(theLocation);
+ if (t == null && this.parent != null) {
+ t = this.parent.getTarget(theLocation);
+ }
+ return t;
+ }
+ public Collection<Target> targets() {
+ return targets.values();
+ }
+ /* Targets that no other targets depend on */
+ public Collection<Target> topTargets() {
+ return targets.values()
+ .stream()
+ .filter(t -> !imports.containsColumn(t))
+ .collect(Collectors.toList());
+ }
+ public String importString(Target theTarget) {
+ return importString(theTarget, " ");
+ }
+ private String importString(Target theTarget, String thePrefix) {
+ StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("");
+ Map<Target,Boolean> parents = imports.column(theTarget);
+ if (parents != null) {
+ for (Target p: parents.keySet()) {
+ sb.append(thePrefix)
+ .append("from ")
+ .append(p.getLocation())
+ .append("\n")
+ .append(importString(p, thePrefix + " "));
+ }
+ //we only keep the positive relationships
+ }
+ return sb.toString();
+ }
+ /* */
+ private class TargetComparator implements Comparator<Target> {
+ /* @return 1 if there is a dependency path from TargetOne to TargetTwo, -1 otherwise */
+ public int compare(Target theTargetOne, Target theTargetTwo) {
+ if (hasPath(theTargetTwo, theTargetOne))
+ return -1;
+ if (hasPath(theTargetOne, theTargetTwo))
+ return 1;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ public boolean hasPath(Target theStart, Target theEnd) {
+ Map<Target,Boolean> deps = imports.row(theStart);
+ if (deps.containsKey(theEnd))
+ return true;
+ for (Target dep: deps.keySet()) {
+ if (hasPath(dep, theEnd))
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ public Collection<Target> sortedTargets() {
+ List keys = new ArrayList(this.targets.values());
+ Collections.sort(keys, new TargetComparator());
+ return keys;
+ }
+ public static void main(String[] theArgs) throws Exception {
+ Catalog cat = new Catalog();
+ Target a = new Target("a", new URI("a")),
+ b = new Target("b", new URI("b")),
+ c = new Target("c", new URI("c")),
+ d = new Target("d", new URI("d"));
+ cat.addTarget(a, null);
+ cat.addTarget(b, null);
+ cat.addTarget(c, null);
+ cat.addTarget(d, null);
+ cat.addTarget(b, c);
+ cat.addTarget(a, c);
+ cat.addTarget(c, d);
+ cat.addTarget(a, b);
+ //System.out.println(cat.importString(c));
+ for (Target t: cat.sortedTargets())
+ System.out.println(t);
+ Catalog root = new Catalog();
+ root.addType(Construct.Node, "_a", Collections.emptyMap());
+ root.addType(Construct.Node, "__a", Collections.singletonMap("derived_from", "_a"));
+ root.addType(Construct.Node, "___a", Collections.singletonMap("derived_from", "_a"));
+ Catalog base = new Catalog(root);
+ base.addType(Construct.Node, "_b", Collections.singletonMap("derived_from", "__a"));
+ base.addType(Construct.Node, "__b", Collections.singletonMap("derived_from", "_b"));
+ base.addType(Construct.Node, "__b_", Collections.singletonMap("derived_from", "_a"));
+ if (theArgs.length > 0) {
+ Iterator<Map.Entry<String, Map>> ti =
+ base.hierarchy(Construct.Node, theArgs[0]);
+ while (ti.hasNext()) {
+ System.out.println("> " +;
+ }
+ }
+ }