path: root/docs/ONAP release 2 spec/dm
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-rw-r--r--docs/ONAP release 2 spec/dm/DataTypes.rst466
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diff --git a/docs/ONAP release 2 spec/dm/DataTypes.rst b/docs/ONAP release 2 spec/dm/DataTypes.rst
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+++ b/docs/ONAP release 2 spec/dm/DataTypes.rst
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+.. Copyright 2018 (ONAP)
+.. Full license text at
+Data Types
+| **tosca.datatypes.nfv.L2AddressData:**
+| derived_from: tosca.datatypes.Root
+| properties:
+| mac_address_assignment:
+| type: Boolean
+| required: true
+| **tosca.datatypes.nfv.injectFile: #used for vCPE usecase**
+| derived_from: tosca.datatypes.Root
+| properties:
+| source_path:
+| type: string
+| required: true
+| dest_path:
+| type:string
+| required: true
+| **tosca.datatypes.nfv.L3AddressData:**
+| derived_from: tosca.datatypes.Root
+| properties:
+| ip_address_assignment:
+| type: Boolean
+| required: true
+| floating_ip_activated:
+| type: Boolean
+| required: true
+| ip_address_type:
+| type: string
+| required: false
+| constraints:
+| - valid_values: [ipv4, ipv6]
+| number_of_ip_address:
+| type: integer
+| required: false
+| fixed_ip_address: #used for vCPE usecase
+| type:list
+| entry_schema:
+| type:string
+| required: false
+| **tosca.datatypes.nfv.AddressData:**
+| derived_from: tosca.datatypes.Root
+| properties:
+| address_type:
+| type: string
+| required: true
+| constraints:
+| - valid_values: [mac_address, ip_address]
+| l2_address_data:
+| type: tosca.datatypes.nfv.L2AddressData # empty in "GS NFV IFA011 V0.7.3"
+| required: false
+| l3_address_data:
+| type: tosca.datatypes.nfv.L3AddressData
+| required: false
+| **tosca.datatypes.nfv.VirtualNetworkInterfaceRequirements:**
+| derived_from: tosca.datatypes.Root
+| properties:
+| name:
+| type: string
+| required: false
+| description:
+| type: string
+| required: false
+| support_mandatory:
+| type: boolean
+| required: true
+| network_interface_requirements:
+| type: Map
+| required: true
+| nic_io_requirements:
+| type: tosca.datatypes.nfv.LogicalNodeData
+| required: false
+| **tosca.datatypes.nfv.ConnectivityType:**
+| derived_from: tosca.datatypes.Root
+| properties:
+| layer_protocol:
+| type: string
+| required: true
+| constraints:
+| - valid_values: [ethernet, mpls, odu2, ipv4, ipv6, pseudo_wire ]
+| flow_pattern:
+| type: string
+| required: false
+| constraints: # not defined in IFA011 v2.4.1 and SOL001 v.6.0
+| - valid_values: [Line, Tree, Mesh]
+| **tosca.datatypes.nfv.RequestedAdditionalCapability:**
+| derived_from: tosca.datatypes.Root
+| properties:
+| #name:
+| # key of containing map
+| support_mandatory:
+| type: boolean
+| required: true
+| min_requested_additional_capability_version:
+| type: string
+| required: false
+| preferred_requested_additional_capability_version:
+| type: string
+| required: false
+| requested_additional_capability_name:
+| type: string
+| required: true
+| target_performance_parameters:
+| type: map
+| entry_schema:
+| type: string
+| required: true
+| **tosca.datatypes.nfv.VirtualMemory:**
+| derived_from: tosca.datatypes.Root
+| properties:
+| virtual_mem_size:
+| type: scalar-unit.size # Number
+| required: true
+| virtual_mem_oversubscription_policy:
+| type: string
+| required: false
+| vdu_memory_requirements:
+| type: map
+| required: false
+| numa_enabled:
+| type: boolean
+| required: false
+| **tosca.datatypes.nfv.VirtualCpu:**
+| derived_from: tosca.datatypes.Root
+| properties:
+| cpu_architecture:
+| type: string
+| required: false
+| num_virtual_cpu:
+| type: integer
+| required: true
+| virtual_cpu_clock:
+| type: scalar-unit.frequency
+| required: false
+| virtual_cpu_oversubscription_policy:
+| type: string
+| required: false
+| vdu_cpu_requirements:
+| type: map
+| required: false
+| virtual_cpu_pinning:
+| type: tosca.datatypes.nfv.VirtualCpuPinning
+| required: false
+| **tosca.datatypes.nfv.VirtualCpuPinning:**
+| derived_from: tosca.datatypes.Root
+| properties:
+| cpu_pinning_policy:
+| type: string # CpuPinningPolicy
+| constraints:
+| - valid_values: [ static, dynamic ]
+| required: false
+| cpu_pinning_map:
+| type: map
+| entry_schema:
+| type: string
+| required: false
+| **tosca.datatypes.nfv.VnfcConfigurableProperties:**
+| derived_from: tosca.datatypes.Root
+| properties:
+| additional_vnfc_configurable_properties:
+| type: map
+| entry_schema:
+| type: string
+| required: false
+| **tosca.datatypes.nfv.VduProfile:**
+| derived_from: tosca.datatypes.Root
+| properties:
+| min_number_of_instances:
+| type: integer
+| required: true
+| max_number_of_instances:
+| type: integer
+| required: true
+| #localAffinityOrAntiAffinityRule: # not defined in SOL001 v.6.0
+| # type: tosca.datatypes.nfv.LocalAffinityOrAntiAffinityRule
+| # required: true
+| #affinityOrAntiAffinityGroupId: # not defined in SOL001 v.6.0
+| # type: string
+| # required: true
+| watchdog: #Align with ONAP R2 IM. not defined in IFA011 v2.4.1 and SOL001 v.6.0
+| type: string
+| required: true
+| vmBootUpTimeOut: #Align with ONAP R2 IM. not defined in IFA011 v2.4.1 and SOL001 v.6.0
+| type: integer
+| required: optional
+| **tosca.datatypes.nfv.VlProfile:**
+| derived_from: tosca.datatypes.Root
+| properties:
+| max_bit_rate_requirements:
+| type: tosca.datatypes.nfv.LinkBitRateRequirements
+| required: true
+| min_bit_rate_requirements:
+| type: tosca.datatypes.nfv.LinkBitRateRequirements
+| required: true
+| qos:
+| type: tosca.datatypes.nfv.Qos
+| required: false
+| initiationParameters: #Align with ONAP R2 IM. not defined in IFA011 v2.4.1 and SOL001 v.6.0
+| type: map
+| entry_schema:
+| type: string
+| required: false
+| cidr: #Align with ONAP R2 IM. not defined in IFA011 v2.4.1 and SOL001 v.6.0
+| type: String
+| required: false
+| networkName: #Align with ONAP R2 IM. not defined in IFA011 v2.4.1 and SOL001 v.6.0
+| type: String
+| required: false
+| startIp: #Align with ONAP R2 IM. not defined in IFA011 v2.4.1 and SOL001 v.6.0
+| type: String
+| required: false
+| endIp: #Align with ONAP R2 IM. not defined in IFA011 v2.4.1 and SOL001 v.6.0
+| type: String
+| required: false
+| gatewayIp: #Align with ONAP R2 IM. not defined in IFA011 v2.4.1 and SOL001 v.6.0
+| type: String
+| required: false
+| segmentationId: #Align with ONAP R2 IM. not defined in IFA011 v2.4.1 and SOL001 v.6.0
+| type: Integer
+| required: false
+| physicalNetwork: #Align with ONAP R2 IM. not defined in IFA011 v2.4.1 and SOL001 v.6.0
+| type: String
+| required: false
+| networkType: #Align with ONAP R2 IM. not defined in IFA011 v2.4.1 and SOL001 v.6.0
+| type: String
+| required: false
+| constraints:
+| - valid_values: [VLAN, VXLAN]
+| dhcpEnabled: # not defined in IFA011 v2.4.1 and SOL001 v.6.0
+| type: Boolean
+| required: false
+| vlanTransparent: #Align with ONAP R2 IM. not defined in IFA011 v2.4.1 and SOL001 v.6.0
+| type: Boolean
+| required: false
+| **tosca.datatypes.nfv.InstantiationLevel:**
+| derived_from: tosca.datatypes.Root
+| properties:
+| description:
+| type: string
+| required: true
+| vdu_levels:
+| type: map # key: vduId
+| required: true
+| entry_schema:
+| type: tosca.datatypes.nfv.VduLevel
+| scale_info:
+| type: map # key: aspectId
+| required: false
+| entry_schema:
+| type: tosca.datatypes.nfv.ScaleInfo
+| **tosca.datatypes.nfv.VduLevel:**
+| derived_from: tosca.datatypes.Root
+| properties:
+| number_of_instances:
+| type: integer
+| required: true
+| **tosca.datatypes.nfv.VnfLcmOperationsConfiguration:**
+| derived_from: tosca.datatypes.Root
+| properties:
+| instantiate:
+| type: tosca.datatypes.nfv.VnfInstantiateOperationConfiguration
+| scale:
+| type: tosca.datatypes.nfv.VnfScaleOperationConfiguration
+| scale_to_level:
+| type: tosca.datatypes.nfv.VnfScaleToLevelOperationConfiguration
+| heal:
+| type: tosca.datatypes.nfv.VnfHealOperationConfiguratin
+| terminate:
+| type: tosca.datatypes.nfv.VnfTerminateOperationConfiguration
+| operate:
+| type: tosca.datatypes.nfv.VnfOperateOperationConfiguration
+| **tosca.datatypes.nfv.VnfInstantiateOperationConfiguration:**
+| derived_from: tosca.datatypes.Root
+| properties:
+| #parameters:
+| #modeled as part of operation parameter list
+| **tosca.datatypes.nfv.VnfScaleOperationConfiguration:**
+| derived_from: tosca.datatypes.Root
+| properties:
+| #parameters:
+| #modeled as part of the operation parameter list
+| scaling_by_more_than_one_step_supported:
+| type: boolean
+| **tosca.datatypes.nfv.VnfScaleToLevelOperationConfiguration:**
+| derived_from: tosca.datatypes.Root
+| properties:
+| #parameters:
+| #modeled as part of the operation parameter list
+| arbitrary_target_levels_supported:
+| type: boolean
+| **tosca.datatypes.nfv.VnfHealOperationConfiguration**
+| derived_from: tosca.datatypes.Root
+| properties:
+| #parameters:
+| #modeled as part of the operation parameter list
+| causes:
+| type: list
+| entry_schema:
+| type: string
+| **tosca.datatypes.nfv.VnfTerminateOperationConfiguration**
+| derived_from: tosca.datatypes.Root
+| properties:
+| min_graceful_termination_timeout:
+| type: integer
+| max_recommended_graceful_termination_timeout:
+| type: integer
+| **tosca.datatypes.nfv.VnfOperateOperationConfiguration**
+| derived_from: tosca.datatypes.Root
+| properties:
+| min_graceful_termination_timeout:
+| type: integer
+| max_recommended_graceful_termination_timeout:
+| type: integer
+| **tosca.datatypes.nfv.ScaleInfo**
+| derived_from: tosca.datatypes.Root
+| properties:
+| scaleLevel:
+| type: integer
+| required: true
+| **tosca.datatypes.nfv.ScaleAspect:**
+| derived_from: tosca.datatypes.Root
+| properties:
+| name:
+| type: string
+| required: true
+| description:
+| type: string
+| required: true
+| associated_group:
+| type: string #Identifier
+| required: false
+| max_scale_level:
+| type: integer #PositiveInteger
+| required: true
+| **tosca.datatypes.nfv.LinkBitRateRequirements:**
+| derived_from: tosca.datatypes.Root
+| properties:
+| root:
+| type: integer
+| required: true
+| leaf:
+| type: integer
+| required: true
+| **tosca.datatypes.nfv.Qos:**
+| derived_from: tosca.datatypes.Root
+| properties:
+| latency:
+| type: integer #Number [ms]
+| required: true
+| packet_delay_variation:
+| type: integer #Number [ms]
+| required: true
+| packet_loss_ratio:
+| type: Scalar #Number [0 ..1]
+| required: false
+| **tosca.datatypes.nfv.CpProtocolData:**
+| derived_from: tosca.datatypes.Root
+| properties:
+| asscociated_layer_protocol:
+| type: string
+| constraints:
+| - valid_values: [ethernet, mpls, odu2, ipv4, ipv6, pseudo-wire ]
+| required: true
+| address_data:
+| type: tosca.datatypes.nfv.AddressData
+| required: false
+| **tosca.datatypes.nfv.VnfConfigurableProperties:**
+| derived_from: tosca.datatypes.Root
+| properties:
+| is_autoscale_enabled:
+| type: boolean
+| required: false
+| is_autoheal_enabled:
+| type: boolean
+| required: false
+| additional_configurable_properties:
+| type: tosca.datatypes.nfv.VnfAdditionalConfigurableProperties
+| required: false
+| **tosca.datatypes.nfv.VnfAdditionalConfigurableProperties:**
+| derived_from: tosca.datatypes.Root
+| **tosca.datatypes.nfv.VnfInfoModifiableAttributes:**
+| derived_from: tosca.datatypes.Root
+| properties:
+| extensions:
+| type: tosca.datatypes.nfv.VnfInfoModifiableAttributesExtensions
+| required: false
+| metadata:
+| type: tosca.datatypes.nfv.VnfInfoModifiableAttributesMetadata
+| required: false
+| **tosca.datatypes.nfv.VnfInfoModifiableAttributesExtensions:**
+| derived_from: tosca.datatypes.Root
+| **tosca.datatypes.nfv.VnfInfoModifiableAttributesMetadata:**
+| derived_from: tosca.datatypes.Root
+| **tosca.datatypes.nfv.LogicalNodeData:**
+| derived_from: tosca.datatypes.Root
+| properties:
+| logical_node_requirements:
+| type: map # not defined in SOL001 v.6.0
+| required: false \ No newline at end of file