path: root/infra-healthcheck/scripts
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'infra-healthcheck/scripts')
2 files changed, 144 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/infra-healthcheck/scripts/check_onap_helm.sh b/infra-healthcheck/scripts/check_onap_helm.sh
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..27f8094
--- /dev/null
+++ b/infra-healthcheck/scripts/check_onap_helm.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+echo "------------------------------------------------------------------------"
+echo "------------------- ONAP Check helm charts ----------------------------"
+echo "------------------------------------------------------------------------"
+nb_charts=$(helm ls |awk {'print $1'}|grep -v NAME |wc -l)
+list_failed_charts="[$(helm ls |grep -v DEPLOYED |grep -v NAME |awk '{print $1}')]"
+nice_list=$(echo $list_failed_charts |sed -e "s/ /,/g")
+# List Helm chart and get their status
+for i in $(helm ls |awk {'print $1'}|grep -v NAME);do
+ echo "Chart $i"
+ status=$(helm status $i |grep STATUS:)
+ echo ${status}
+ if [ "${status}" != "STATUS: DEPLOYED" ]; then
+ echo "Chart problem"
+ helm status $i -o yaml
+ code=1
+ let "nb_failed_charts++"
+ fi
+ echo "--------------------------------------------------------------------"
+echo "------------------------------------------------"
+echo "------- ONAP Helm tests ------------------------"
+echo "------------------------------------------------"
+echo ">>> Nb Helm Charts: ${nb_charts}"
+echo ">>> Nb Failed Helm Charts: ${nb_failed_charts}"
+echo ">>> List of Failed Helm Charts: ${nice_list}"
+echo "------------------------------------------------"
+echo "------------------------------------------------"
+echo "------------------------------------------------"
+exit $code
diff --git a/infra-healthcheck/scripts/check_onap_k8s.sh b/infra-healthcheck/scripts/check_onap_k8s.sh
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2dffd7e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/infra-healthcheck/scripts/check_onap_k8s.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
+echo "------------------------------------------------------------------------"
+echo "-------------------- ONAP Check kubernetes ----------------------------"
+echo "------------------------------------------------------------------------"
+# get the pod list
+echo "List of ONAP pods"
+echo "*****************"
+kubectl get pods -n onap
+# show deployments
+echo "Show ONAP kubernetes deployments"
+echo "********************************"
+kubectl get deployments -n onap
+echo "------------------------------------------------------------------------"
+# show SVC
+echo "Show ONAP kubernetes SVC"
+echo "************************"
+kubectl get svc -n onap
+echo "------------------------------------------------------------------------"
+# show ONAP events
+echo "Show ONAP kubernetes events"
+echo "***************************"
+kubectl get events -n onap
+echo "------------------------------------------------------------------------"
+# show ONAP config maps
+echo "Show ONAP kubernetes config maps"
+echo "***************************"
+kubectl get cm -n onap
+echo "------------------------------------------------------------------------"
+# show ONAP jobs
+echo "Show ONAP kubernetes jobs"
+echo "***************************"
+kubectl get jobs -n onap
+echo "------------------------------------------------------------------------"
+# show ONAP statefulsets
+echo "Show ONAP kubernetes statefulset"
+echo "***************************"
+kubectl get sts -n onap
+echo "------------------------------------------------------------------------"
+# if all pods in RUNNING state exit 0, else exit 1
+nb_pods=$((`kubectl get pods -n onap | grep Running | grep -v functest | wc -l` -1))
+list_failed_pods=$(kubectl get pods -n onap |grep -v Running |grep -v functest |grep -v NAME | grep -v Completed | awk '{print $1}')
+for i in $list_failed_pods;do
+ status=$(kubectl get pods -n onap $i | grep -v NAME | awk '{print $3'})
+ # in case of Error or Init:Error
+ # we check that another instance is not already Completed or Running
+ if [ $status = "Error" ] || [ $status = "Init:Error" ];then
+ echo "$i in Status Error or Init Error found for the pods, is is really true...."
+ # By default pod naming is similar, keep only the root to check
+ root_name=${i::-6}
+ kubectl get pods -n onap | grep $root_name | grep Completed
+ if [ $? ];then
+ echo "Instance Completed found."
+ else
+ echo "No Completed instance found."
+ list_filtered_failed_pods+=$i,
+ fi
+ else
+ # Other status are not running/not completed pods
+ list_filtered_failed_pods+=$i,
+ fi
+nb_pods_not_running=$(echo "$list_filtered_failed_pods" | tr -cd , | wc -c)
+if [ $nb_pods_not_running -ne 0 ]; then
+echo "$nb_pods_not_running pods (on $nb_pods) are not in Running state"
+echo "---------------------------------------------------------------------"
+ kubectl get pods -n onap | grep -v Running | grep -v functest | grep -v Completed
+ echo "--------------------------------------------------------------------"
+ echo "Describe non running pods"
+ echo "*************************"
+ for i in $nice_list;do
+ echo "****************************************************************"
+ kubectl describe pod $i -n onap
+ kubectl logs --all-containers=true -n onap $i
+ done
+ code=1
+ echo "all pods ($nb_pods) are running well"
+echo "------------------------------------------------"
+echo "------- ONAP kubernetes tests ------------------"
+echo "------------------------------------------------"
+echo ">>> Nb Pods: $nb_pods"
+echo ">>> Nb Failed Pods: $nb_pods_not_running"
+echo ">>> List of Failed Pods: [$nice_list]"
+echo "------------------------------------------------"
+echo "------------------------------------------------"
+echo "------------------------------------------------"
+exit $code