path: root/src/onapsdk/aai/business/pnf.py
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1 files changed, 267 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/onapsdk/aai/business/pnf.py b/src/onapsdk/aai/business/pnf.py
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+++ b/src/onapsdk/aai/business/pnf.py
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+"""Pnf instance module."""
+# Copyright 2022 Orange, Deutsche Telekom AG
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+from typing import Iterator, Optional, TYPE_CHECKING
+from onapsdk.exceptions import ResourceNotFound
+from .instance import Instance
+ from .service import ServiceInstance # pylint: disable=cyclic-import
+class PnfInstance(Instance): # pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes
+ """Pnf instance class."""
+ def __init__(self, # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments, too-many-locals
+ service_instance: "ServiceInstance",
+ pnf_name: str,
+ in_maint: bool,
+ selflink: str = None,
+ pnf_id: str = None,
+ equip_type: str = None,
+ equip_vendor: str = None,
+ equip_model: str = None,
+ management_option: str = None,
+ orchestration_status: str = None,
+ ipaddress_v4_oam: str = None,
+ sw_version: str = None,
+ frame_id: str = None,
+ serial_number: str = None,
+ ipaddress_v4_loopback_0: str = None,
+ ipaddress_v6_loopback_0: str = None,
+ ipaddress_v4_aim: str = None,
+ ipaddress_v6_aim: str = None,
+ ipaddress_v6_oam: str = None,
+ inv_status: str = None,
+ resource_version: str = None,
+ prov_status: str = None,
+ nf_role: str = None,
+ admin_status: str = None,
+ operational_status: str = None,
+ model_customization_id: str = None,
+ model_invariant_id: str = None,
+ model_version_id: str = None,
+ pnf_ipv4_address: str = None,
+ pnf_ipv6_address: str = None) -> None:
+ """Pnf instance object initialization.
+ Args:
+ service_instance (ServiceInstance): Service instance object
+ pnf_name (str): unique name of Physical Network Function
+ in_maint (bool): Used to indicate whether or not this object is in maintenance mode
+ (maintenance mode = True). This field (in conjunction with prov_status)
+ is used to suppress alarms and vSCL on VNFs/VMs.
+ selflink (str, optional): URL to endpoint where AAI can get more details.
+ Defaults to None.
+ pnf_id (str, optional): id of pnf. Defaults to None.
+ equip_type (str, optional): Equipment type. Source of truth should define valid values.
+ Defaults to None.
+ equip_vendor (str, optional): Equipment vendor. Source of truth should define
+ valid values. Defaults to None.
+ equip_model (str, optional): Equipment model. Source of truth should define
+ valid values. Defaults to None.
+ management_option (str, optional): identifier of managed customer. Defaults to None.
+ orchestration_status (str, optional): Orchestration status of this pnf.
+ Defaults to None.
+ ipaddress_v4_oam (str, optional): ipv4-oam-address with new naming
+ convention for IP addresses. Defaults to None.
+ sw_version (str, optional): sw-version is the version of SW for the hosted
+ application on the PNF. Defaults to None.
+ frame_id (str, optional): ID of the physical frame (relay rack) where pnf is installed.
+ Defaults to None.
+ serial_number (str, optional): Serial number of the device. Defaults to None.
+ ipaddress_v4_loopback_0 (str, optional): IPV4 Loopback 0 address. Defaults to None.
+ ipaddress_v6_loopback_0 (str, optional): IPV6 Loopback 0 address. Defaults to None.
+ ipaddress_v4_aim (str, optional): IPV4 AIM address. Defaults to None.
+ ipaddress_v6_aim (str, optional): IPV6 AIM address. Defaults to None.
+ ipaddress_v6_oam (str, optional): IPV6 OAM address. Defaults to None.
+ inv_status (str, optional): CANOPI's inventory status. Only set with values exactly
+ as defined by CANOPI. Defaults to None.
+ resource_version (str, optional): Used for optimistic concurrency.
+ Must be empty on create, valid on update and delete. Defaults to None.
+ prov_status (str, optional): Prov Status of this device (not under canopi control)
+ Valid values [PREPROV/NVTPROV/PROV]. Defaults to None.
+ nf_role (str, optional): Nf Role is the role performed by this instance in the network.
+ Defaults to None.
+ admin_status (str, optional): admin Status of this PNF. Defaults to None.
+ operational_status (str, optional): Store the operational-status for this object.
+ Defaults to None.
+ model_customization_id (str, optional): Store the model-customization-id
+ for this object. Defaults to None.
+ model_invariant_id (str, optional): The ASDC model id for this resource model.
+ Defaults to None.
+ model_version_id (str, optional): The ASDC model version for this resource model.
+ Defaults to None.
+ pnf_ipv4_address (str, optional): This is the IP address (IPv4) for the PNF itself.
+ This is the IPv4 address that the PNF iself can be accessed at. Defaults to None.
+ pnf_ipv6_address (str, optional): This is the IP address (IPv6) for the PNF itself.
+ This is the IPv6 address that the PNF iself can be accessed at. Defaults to None.
+ """
+ super().__init__(resource_version=resource_version,
+ model_invariant_id=model_invariant_id,
+ model_version_id=model_version_id)
+ self.service_instance: "ServiceInstance" = service_instance
+ self.pnf_name: str = pnf_name
+ self.in_maint: bool = in_maint
+ self.selflink: Optional[str] = selflink
+ self.pnf_id: Optional[str] = pnf_id
+ self.equip_type: Optional[str] = equip_type
+ self.equip_vendor: Optional[str] = equip_vendor
+ self.equip_model: Optional[str] = equip_model
+ self.management_option: Optional[str] = management_option
+ self.orchestration_status: Optional[str] = orchestration_status
+ self.ipaddress_v4_oam: Optional[str] = ipaddress_v4_oam
+ self.sw_version: Optional[str] = sw_version
+ self.frame_id: Optional[str] = frame_id
+ self.serial_number: Optional[str] = serial_number
+ self.ipaddress_v4_loopback_0: Optional[str] = ipaddress_v4_loopback_0
+ self.ipaddress_v6_loopback_0: Optional[str] = ipaddress_v6_loopback_0
+ self.ipaddress_v4_aim: Optional[str] = ipaddress_v4_aim
+ self.ipaddress_v6_aim: Optional[str] = ipaddress_v6_aim
+ self.ipaddress_v6_oam: Optional[str] = ipaddress_v6_oam
+ self.inv_status: Optional[str] = inv_status
+ self.prov_status: Optional[str] = prov_status
+ self.nf_role: Optional[str] = nf_role
+ self.admin_status: Optional[str] = admin_status
+ self.operational_status: Optional[str] = operational_status
+ self.model_customization_id: Optional[str] = model_customization_id
+ self.pnf_ipv4_address: Optional[str] = pnf_ipv4_address
+ self.pnf_ipv6_address: Optional[str] = pnf_ipv6_address
+ self._pnf: "Pnf" = None
+ def __repr__(self) -> str:
+ """Pnf instance object representation.
+ Returns:
+ str: Human readable pnf instance representation
+ """
+ return f"PnfInstance(pnf_name={self.pnf_name})"
+ @classmethod
+ def get_all_url(cls) -> str: # pylint: disable=arguments-differ
+ """Return an url to get all pnfs.
+ Returns:
+ str: Url to get all pnfs
+ """
+ return f"{cls.base_url}{cls.api_version}/network/pnfs/"
+ @classmethod
+ def get_all(cls) -> Iterator["PnfInstance"]:
+ """Get all PNF instances.
+ Yields:
+ PnfInstance: Pnf instance
+ """
+ for pnf_data in cls.send_message_json( \
+ "GET", \
+ "Get all pnf instances", \
+ cls.get_all_url() \
+ ).get("pnf", []):
+ yield cls.create_from_api_response(pnf_data, None)
+ @property
+ def url(self) -> str:
+ """Network instance url.
+ Returns:
+ str: NetworkInstance url
+ """
+ return f"{self.base_url}{self.api_version}/network/pnfs/pnf/{self.pnf_name}"
+ @property
+ def pnf(self) -> "Pnf":
+ """Pnf associated with that pnf instance.
+ Raises:
+ ResourceNotFound: Could not find PNF for that PNF instance
+ Returns:
+ Pnf: Pnf object associated with Pnf instance
+ """
+ if not self._pnf:
+ for pnf in self.service_instance.sdc_service.pnfs:
+ if pnf.model_version_id == self.model_version_id:
+ self._pnf = pnf
+ return self._pnf
+ msg = (
+ f'Could not find PNF for the PNF instance'
+ f' with model version ID "{self.model_version_id}"'
+ )
+ raise ResourceNotFound(msg)
+ return self._pnf
+ @classmethod
+ def create_from_api_response(cls, api_response: dict,
+ service_instance: "ServiceInstance") -> "PnfInstance":
+ """Create pnf instance object using HTTP API response dictionary.
+ Args:
+ api_response (dict): A&AI API response dictionary
+ service_instance (ServiceInstance): Service instance with which network is related
+ Returns:
+ PnfInstance: PnfInstance object
+ """
+ return cls(service_instance=service_instance,
+ pnf_name=api_response["pnf-name"],
+ in_maint=api_response["in-maint"],
+ selflink=api_response.get("selflink"),
+ pnf_id=api_response.get("pnf-id"),
+ equip_type=api_response.get("equip-type"),
+ equip_vendor=api_response.get("equip-vendor"),
+ equip_model=api_response.get("equip-model"),
+ management_option=api_response.get("management-option"),
+ orchestration_status=api_response.get("orchestration-status"),
+ ipaddress_v4_oam=api_response.get("ipaddress-v4-oam"),
+ sw_version=api_response.get("sw-version"),
+ frame_id=api_response.get("frame-id"),
+ serial_number=api_response.get("serial-number"),
+ ipaddress_v4_loopback_0=api_response.get("ipaddress-v4-loopback-0"),
+ ipaddress_v6_loopback_0=api_response.get("ipaddress-v6-loopback-0"),
+ ipaddress_v4_aim=api_response.get("ipaddress-v4-aim"),
+ ipaddress_v6_aim=api_response.get("ipaddress-v6-aim"),
+ ipaddress_v6_oam=api_response.get("ipaddress-v6-oam"),
+ inv_status=api_response.get("inv-status"),
+ resource_version=api_response.get("resource-version"),
+ prov_status=api_response.get("prov-status"),
+ nf_role=api_response.get("nf-role"),
+ admin_status=api_response.get("admin-status"),
+ operational_status=api_response.get("operational-status"),
+ model_customization_id=api_response.get("model-customization-id"),
+ model_invariant_id=api_response.get("model-invariant-id"),
+ model_version_id=api_response.get("model-version-id"),
+ pnf_ipv4_address=api_response.get("pnf-ipv4-address"),
+ pnf_ipv6_address=api_response.get("pnf-ipv6-address"))
+ def delete(self, a_la_carte: bool = True) -> None:
+ """Delete Pnf instance.
+ PNF deletion it's just A&AI resource deletion. That's difference between another instances.
+ You don't have to wait for that task finish, because it's not async task.
+ """
+ self._logger.debug("Delete %s pnf", self.pnf_name)
+ self.send_message("DELETE",
+ f"Delete {self.pnf_name} PNF",
+ f"{self.url}?resource-version={self.resource_version}")