
Create your chain

You must clone the chained-ci project.

   git clone https://gitlab.forge.orange-labs.fr/osons/chained-ci
   cd chained-ci
   git submodule init
   git submodule update

The chained-ci repository can be shown as follows:

├── pod_inventory
   ├── group_vars
      └── all.yml
   ├── host_vars
      ├── existing_chained.yml
      ├── ...
      └── vpod1.yml
   └── inventory
└── roles
    ├── artifact_init
       ├── defaults
       └── tasks
    ├── get_artifacts
       ├── defaults
       └── tasks
    ├── gitlab-ci-generator
       ├── tasks
       └── templates
    ├── run-ci
       └── tasks
    └── trigger_myself
        └── tasks

The ansible roles are retrieved through the git submodules.

Note: It is recommended to create your branch to create your new chain.

To create you chained-ci chain

  • Edit the pod_inventory/inventory file to declare your chain
  • Create a file in pod_inventory/host_vars to configure your chain
  • Edit pod_inventory/group_vars/all.yaml to reference some variables if needed

Declare your chain

You must first declare your chain name in the pod_inventory/inventory file. Edit the file and add your chain name at the end of the file. The chain name shall be self-explicit.

Even if the naming is free, it is recommended to follow the syntax:



  • pod2: deployment of the pod2 infrastructure (GNU/Linux OS)
  • acumos_pod4: deployment of acumos on POD4
  • functest_pod4: run functest tests on POD4
  • k8s_pod1: deployment of kubernetes on bare metal on pod1
  • ...
  • onap_k8s_daily_pod4: daily deployment of onap on k8s infra installed on pod4

Define your chain

The second step consists in creating the ansible role for the new chain.

Create a file in pod_inventory/host_vars.

The file name shall correspond to the chain name you declared in the inventory file e.g. acumos_pod4.yaml.

This file describes the chain. It reference the different projects you want to chain, indicating the expected artifacts to be re-used from one project to another.

  server: <target POD jumphost IP>
  user: <ansible user>
[option section]
  step 1:
  step 2:
  step N:

The chain will be run sequentially (e.g. config then step 1 until step N). Each pipeline can however parallelize some stages.

The option section is not mandatory.

jumphost Definition

A jumphost is associated to a chained-ci even if the different steps can be performed through projects hosted in different environements (public gitlab.com and internal gitlab). The creator of the chain shall ensure that the projects can be invoked from the referenced jumphost.

Chained-ci options

The possible option fields are:

  • environment: this parameter is used and propagated as an environment variable to all the projects involved in the chained-ci
  • longlife_artifact: true (not present by default)
  • inpod: <other_chained_ci_reference>
  • healthchecks_id: <uid>


The longlife_artifact option is needed to store the artifacts over a long period. As other chains may consume the artifacts, if the chained-ci is not run frequently, the artifacts could be deleted after a while and become unavailable for other chained-ci.

Typically if you install an infrastructure once and run several chains requesting the artifacts of the infrastructure installation, it makes sense to set this option.


Chained-ci can be seen as matriochka, in fact you may trigger deployments once a previous deployment has been completed.

The inpod parameter allows to define a sort of heritage in the chained-ci declaration.



The healthcheck option is used to reference your chained-ci to healthcheck.

Chained-ci steps

Each step can be defined as follow:

[step name]:
  project: [gitlab project reference]
    - name: [project name for the artifact]
      [static_src: true]
  [extra parameters]

gitlab project reference (mandatory)

It shall correspond to a name of a gitlab project.

get_artifacts (optional)

The get_artifacts is to retrieved data (env variables, configuration files) from a previous gitlab pipeline from a chained-ci.

These artifacts can be retrieved:

  • dynamically (by Default): gitlab API will be called to retrieved the last artifacts corresponding to the project referenced
  • statically: if static_src parameter is set to True, you then must indicate the path to the artifact

By default Chained-ci will call gitlab APIs to retrieved the artifact.


Please note that it is possible to retrieve only a subset of the files from an artifact by using limit_to.

      - name: infra_deploy
          - vars/user_cloud.yml: vars/user_cloud.yml

It is also possible to indicate that the artifact cannot be retrieved from the pipeline by setting in_pipeline=false in the get_artifact section. You then have to add the name of the pipeline to fetch and the step in the pipeline.

In the example, we retrieve artifacts from config step of last onap_k8s_ic_pod4 pipeline.

      - name: config:onap_k8s_ic_pod4
        in_pipeline: false
          - vars/pdf.yml: vars/pdf.yml
          - vars/idf.yml: vars/idf.yml

extra parameters (optional)

You may indicate here additional variables to configure your Chained-ci. These variables will be given as environment variables for the run of the project. It shall be configured as follows:

      key 1: value 1
      key 2: value 2
      key N: value N

infra (optional)

This option can be specified if you want to use a specific resources of an existing infra. This infra shall be declared in the Infrastructure Description file.

Create your static artifacts

It is possible to create a static artifact file. It consists in a zip file containing all the files.

For instance if you need to precise an inventory my_jumhost and a set of vaiables declared in a foo.yml file, you will need to prepare your file.

├── inventory
   └── my_jumphost
└── vars
    └── foo.yml

Zip the different files in my_foo.zip and reference zoo in the chained-ci.

  - name: my_foo
    static_src: true

Note that my_foo must not be in the path once the archive unzipped.

Gitlab-ci generator

The .gitlab-ci.yml of your Chaine-ci project may be a little be tricky to generate. That is why a gitlab-ci generator has been introduced.

You can run the gitlab-ci-generator ansible role locally on your machine. Based on the chained-ci you created, it will re-generate the file properly.

ansible-playbook -i ./pod_inventory/inventory ./gitlab-ci-generator.yml

<chain_id> is the name of the chain you defined in Declare your chain step

once you have generated .gitlab-ci.yml, you'll need to push your change to the gitlab server (via a merge request or not, depending on you push policy) before using it.

chained-ci tools

It provides a set of tools to deal with Chained-ci:

  • Get artifacts from a projects
  • set the configuration (ssh key and ssh config)
  • Generate Vault key file

See README for details.