The "onap-java11" dockerfile does not build on non X64 architectures
such as the aarm64 architectures used by the Apple M1 processor.
The base image "adoptopenjdk/openjdk11:jre-11.0.15_10-alpine" used by
the onap-java11 Dockerfile does not exist for aarm64 architectures.
This commit adds a Dockerfile that will create an ONAP base image for
local use that uses Alpine as its base image and adds Java11.
This new dockerfile builds fine on Apple M1, and can be invoked with the
docker build -t onap/integration-java11:9.0.0 -f onap-java11/BareAlpine.Dockerfile onap-java11
Issue-ID: POLICY-4287
Change-Id: I88b735ae5b61681c86a0ded2b6b992d39c9c4a83
Signed-off-by: liamfallon <liam.fallon@est.tech>