*** Settings ***
Documentation Testing PM Mapper functionality
Library Collections
Library OperatingSystem
Library RequestsLibrary
Library Process
Library String
Test Setup Create Session mapper_session ${PMMAPPER_BASE_URL}
Test Teardown Delete All Sessions
*** Variables ***
${CLI_EXEC_CLI_CONFIG} { head -n 10 | tail -5;} < /tmp/pmmapper.log
${CLI_EXEC_CLI_SUBS} curl -k https://${DR_PROV_IP}:8443/internal/prov
${NO_MANAGED_ELEMENT_PATH} %{WORKSPACE}/tests/dcaegen2-pmmapper/pmmapper/assets/A_no_managed_element.xml
${NO_MEASDATA_PATH} %{WORKSPACE}/tests/dcaegen2-pmmapper/pmmapper/assets/A_no_measdata.xml
${VALID_METADATA_PATH} %{WORKSPACE}/tests/dcaegen2-pmmapper/pmmapper/assets/valid_metadata.json
${DIFF_VENDOR_METADATA} %{WORKSPACE}/tests/dcaegen2-pmmapper/pmmapper/assets/diff_vendor_metadata.json
${NON_XML_FILE} %{WORKSPACE}/tests/dcaegen2-pmmapper/pmmapper/assets/diff_vendor_metadata.json
${CLI_EXEC_CLI_PM_LOG} docker exec pmmapper /bin/sh -c "tail -15 /var/log/ONAP/dcaegen2/services/pm-mapper/pm-mapper_output.log"
${PUBLISH_NODE_URL} https://${DR_NODE_IP}:8443/publish/1
${TYPE-A_PM_DATA_FILE_PATH} %{WORKSPACE}/tests/dcaegen2-pmmapper/pmmapper/assets/A20181002.0000-1000-0015-1000_5G.xml
${TYPE-C_PM_DATA_FILE_PATH} %{WORKSPACE}/tests/dcaegen2-pmmapper/pmmapper/assets/C20190328.0000-0015.xml
${CLI_EXEC_VENDOR_FILTER} curl 'http://${CONSUL_IP}:8500/v1/kv/pmmapper?dc=dc1' -X PUT -H 'Accept: application/^Con' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'X-Requested-With: XMLHttpRequest' --data @$WORKSPACE/tests/dcaegen2-pmmapper/pmmapper/assets/vendor_filter_config.json
${CLI_EXEC_PM_FILTER} curl 'http://${CONSUL_IP}:8500/v1/kv/pmmapper?dc=dc1' -X PUT -H 'Accept: application/^Con' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'X-Requested-With: XMLHttpRequest' --data @$WORKSPACE/tests/dcaegen2-pmmapper/pmmapper/assets/pm_filter_config.json
${CLI_MESSAGE_ROUTER_TOPIC} curl http://${DMAAP_MR_IP}:3904/events/PM_MAPPER/CG1/C1?timeout=1000 > /tmp/mr.log
${CLI_MR_LOG} cat /tmp/mr.log
*** Test Cases ***
Verify PM Mapper Receive Configuraton From Config Binding Service
[Tags] PM_MAPPER_01
[Documentation] Verify 3gpp pm mapper successfully receive config data from CBS
CheckLog ${CLI_EXEC_CLI_CONFIG} Received pm-mapper configuration
Verify Health Check returns 200 when a REST GET request to healthcheck url
[Tags] PM_MAPPER_02
[Documentation] Verify Health Check returns 200 when a REST GET request to healthcheck url
[Timeout] 1 minute
${resp}= Get Request mapper_session ${HEALTHCHECK_ENDPOINT}
VerifyResponse ${resp.status_code} 200
Verify 3GPP PM Mapper responds appropriately when no metadata is provided
[Tags] PM_MAPPER_03
[Documentation] Verify 3GPP PM Mapper responds 400 with the message "Missing Metadata." when no metadata is provided
[Timeout] 1 minute
${headers}= Create Dictionary X-ONAP-RequestID=1 Content-Type=application/xml
${resp}= Put Request mapper_session ${DELIVERY_ENDPOINT}/filename data='${EMPTY}' headers=${headers}
VerifyResponse ${resp.status_code} 400
VerifyResponse ${resp.content} Missing Metadata.
CheckLog ${CLI_EXEC_CLI_PM_LOG} RequestID=1
Verify 3GPP PM Mapper responds appropriately when invalid metadata is provided
[Tags] PM_MAPPER_04
[Documentation] Verify 3GPP PM Mapper responds 400 with the message "Malformed Metadata." when invalid metadata is provided
[Timeout] 1 minute
${headers}= Create Dictionary X-ONAP-RequestID=2 X-DMAAP-DR-META='not metadata' Content-Type=application/xml
${resp}= Put Request mapper_session ${DELIVERY_ENDPOINT}/filename data='${EMPTY}' headers=${headers}
VerifyResponse ${resp.status_code} 400
VerifyResponse ${resp.content} Malformed Metadata.
CheckLog ${CLI_EXEC_CLI_PM_LOG} RequestID=2
Verify that PM Mapper logs successful when a file that contains no measdata is provided
[Tags] PM_MAPPER_05
[Documentation] Verify that PM Mapper logs successful when a file that contains no measdata is provided
[Timeout] 1 minute
CheckLog ${CLI_EXEC_CLI_PM_LOG} MeasData is empty
CheckLog ${CLI_EXEC_CLI_PM_LOG} RequestID=3
Verify that PM Mapper throws Event failed validation against schema error when no managed element content is provided
[Tags] PM_MAPPER_06
[Documentation] Verify 3gpp pm mapper responds with an error when no managed element content is provided
[Timeout] 1 minute
CheckLog ${CLI_EXEC_CLI_PM_LOG} XML validation failed
CheckLog ${CLI_EXEC_CLI_PM_LOG} RequestID=4
Verify that PM Mapper maps Type-C xml file and publish 3gpp perf VES evnets to message router
[Tags] PM_MAPPER_07
[Documentation] Verify that PM Mapper maps Type-C xml file and publish 3gpp perf VES evnets to message router.
[Timeout] 1 minute
CheckLog ${CLI_EXEC_CLI_PM_LOG} Successfully published VES events to messagerouter
Verify 3GPP PM Mapper maps Type-A file based on counter filtering and publish 3gpp perf VES evnets to message router
[Tags] PM_MAPPER_08
[Documentation] Verify 3GPP PM Mapper maps Type-A file and publish 3gpp perf VES evnets to message router.
[Timeout] 1 minute
${cli_cmd_output}= Run Process ${CLI_EXEC_PM_FILTER} shell=yes
${resp}= Get Request mapper_session ${RECONFIGURE_ENDPOINT}
Sleep 5s
CheckLog ${CLI_EXEC_CLI_PM_LOG} Successfully published VES events to messagerouter
Verify that PM Mapper correctly identifies a file that should not be mapped based on metadata filtering.
[Tags] PM_MAPPER_09
[Documentation] Verify that PM Mapper correctly identifies a file that should not be mapped based on metadata filtering.
[Timeout] 1 minute
${cli_cmd_output}= Run Process ${CLI_EXEC_VENDOR_FILTER} shell=yes
Should Be Equal As Strings ${cli_cmd_output.rc} 0
${resp}= Get Request mapper_session ${RECONFIGURE_ENDPOINT}
Sleep 5s
CheckLog ${CLI_EXEC_CLI_PM_LOG} Metadata does not match any filters
CheckLog ${CLI_EXEC_CLI_PM_LOG} RequestID=7
Verify that PM Mapper correctly identifies a non-xml file.
[Tags] PM_MAPPER_10
[Documentation] Verify that PM Mapper correctly identifies a non-xml file.
[Timeout] 1 minute
CheckLog ${CLI_EXEC_CLI_PM_LOG} PM measurement file must have an extension of .xml
CheckLog ${CLI_EXEC_CLI_PM_LOG} RequestID=8
*** Keywords ***
[Arguments] ${filepath} ${metadatapath} ${request_id}
${pmdata}= Get File ${filepath}
${metatdata} Get File ${metadatapath}
${filename} Fetch From Right ${filepath} /
${resp}= PutCall ${PUBLISH_NODE_URL}/${filename} ${request_id} ${pmdata} ${metatdata.replace("\n","")} pmmapper
VerifyResponse ${resp.status_code} 204
Sleep 10s
[Arguments] ${url} ${request_id} ${data} ${meta} ${user}
${headers}= Create Dictionary X-ONAP-RequestID=${request_id} X-DMAAP-DR-META=${meta} Content-Type=application/octet-stream X-DMAAP-DR-ON-BEHALF-OF=${user} Authorization=Basic cG1tYXBwZXI6cG1tYXBwZXI=
${resp}= Evaluate requests.put('${url}', data="""${data}""", headers=${headers}, verify=False, allow_redirects=False) requests
[Return] ${resp}
[Arguments] ${cli_exec_log_Path} ${string_to_check_in_log}
${cli_cmd_output}= Run Process ${cli_exec_log_Path} shell=yes
Log ${cli_cmd_output.stdout}
Should Be Equal As Strings ${cli_cmd_output.rc} 0
Should Contain ${cli_cmd_output.stdout} ${string_to_check_in_log}
[Arguments] ${actual_response_value} ${expected_response_value}
Should Be Equal As Strings ${actual_response_value} ${expected_response_value}