path: root/tests/sdnc/sdnc_netconf_tls_post_deploy/libraries
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'tests/sdnc/sdnc_netconf_tls_post_deploy/libraries')
2 files changed, 308 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tests/sdnc/sdnc_netconf_tls_post_deploy/libraries/ClientManager.py b/tests/sdnc/sdnc_netconf_tls_post_deploy/libraries/ClientManager.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ceff9742
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/sdnc/sdnc_netconf_tls_post_deploy/libraries/ClientManager.py
@@ -0,0 +1,179 @@
+# ============LICENSE_START=======================================================
+# Copyright (C) 2020 Nordix Foundation.
+# ================================================================================
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+# ============LICENSE_END=========================================================
+__author__ = "Ajay Deep Singh (ajay.deep.singh@est.tech)"
+__copyright__ = "Copyright (C) 2020 Nordix Foundation"
+__license__ = "Apache 2.0"
+import os
+import shutil
+import subprocess
+import docker
+from OpenSSL import crypto
+from docker.types import Mount
+DEV_NULL = open(os.devnull, 'wb')
+NETCONF_PNP_SIM_CONTAINER_NAME = 'netconf-simulator'
+ARCHIVES_PATH = os.getenv("WORKSPACE") + "/archives/"
+class ClientManager:
+ def __init__(self, mount_path, truststore_path):
+ self.mount_path = mount_path
+ self.truststore_path = truststore_path
+ self.caCertPem = mount_path + '/ca.pem'
+ self.serverKeyPem = mount_path + '/server_key.pem'
+ self.serverCertPem = mount_path + '/server_cert.pem'
+ self.keystoreJksPath = mount_path + '/keystore.jks'
+ self.keystorePassPath = mount_path + '/keystore.pass'
+ self.truststoreJksPath = mount_path + '/truststore.jks'
+ self.truststorePassPath = mount_path + '/truststore.pass'
+ # Function Create docker container.
+ def run_client_container(self, client_image, container_name, path_to_env, request_url, network):
+ self.create_mount_dir()
+ client = docker.from_env()
+ environment = self.read_env_list_from_file(path_to_env)
+ environment.append("REQUEST_URL=" + request_url)
+ container = client.containers.run(
+ image=client_image,
+ name=container_name,
+ environment=environment,
+ network=network,
+ user='root',
+ mounts=[Mount(target='/var/certs', source=self.mount_path, type='bind'),
+ Mount(target='/etc/onap/aaf/certservice/certs/', source=self.truststore_path, type='bind')],
+ detach=True
+ )
+ exitcode = container.wait()
+ return exitcode
+ # Function to validate keystore.jks/truststore.jks can be opened with generated pass-phrase.
+ def can_open_keystore_and_truststore_with_pass(self):
+ can_open_keystore = self.can_open_jks_file_with_pass_file(self.keystorePassPath, self.keystoreJksPath)
+ can_open_truststore = self.can_open_jks_file_with_pass_file(self.truststorePassPath, self.truststoreJksPath)
+ return can_open_keystore & can_open_truststore
+ # Method for Uploading Certificate in SDNC-Container.
+ # Creating/Uploading Server-key, Server-cert, Ca-cert PEM files in Netconf-Pnp-Simulator.
+ def can_install_keystore_and_truststore_certs(self, cmd, container_name):
+ continue_exec = True
+ if container_name == NETCONF_PNP_SIM_CONTAINER_NAME:
+ print("Generating PEM files for {0} from JKS files".format(container_name))
+ continue_exec = self.create_pem(self.keystorePassPath, self.keystoreJksPath, self.truststorePassPath,
+ self.truststoreJksPath)
+ if continue_exec:
+ print("Initiate Configuration Push for : {0}".format(container_name))
+ resp_code = self.execute_bash_config(cmd, container_name)
+ if resp_code == 0:
+ print("Execution Successful for: {0}".format(container_name))
+ return True
+ else:
+ print("Execution Failed for: {0}".format(container_name))
+ return False
+ def create_pem(self, keystore_pass_file_path, keystore_jks_file_path, truststore_pass_file_path,
+ truststore_jks_file_path):
+ # Create [server_key.pem, server_cert.pem, ca.pem] files for Netconf-Pnp-Simulation/TLS Configuration.
+ try:
+ keystore_p12 = self.get_pkcs12(keystore_pass_file_path, keystore_jks_file_path)
+ truststore_p12 = self.get_pkcs12(truststore_pass_file_path, truststore_jks_file_path)
+ with open(self.serverKeyPem, "wb+") as key_file:
+ key_file.write(crypto.dump_privatekey(crypto.FILETYPE_PEM, keystore_p12.get_privatekey()))
+ with open(self.serverCertPem, "wb+") as server_cert_file:
+ server_cert_file.write(crypto.dump_certificate(crypto.FILETYPE_PEM, keystore_p12.get_certificate()))
+ with open(self.caCertPem, "wb+") as ca_cert_file:
+ ca_cert_file.write(
+ crypto.dump_certificate(crypto.FILETYPE_PEM, truststore_p12.get_ca_certificates()[0]))
+ return True
+ except IOError as err:
+ print("I/O Error: {0}".format(err))
+ return False
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("UnExpected Error: {0}".format(e))
+ return False
+ def can_open_jks_file_with_pass_file(self, pass_file_path, jks_file_path):
+ try:
+ if jks_file_path.split('/')[-1] == 'truststore.jks':
+ pkcs12 = self.get_pkcs12(pass_file_path, jks_file_path).get_ca_certificates()[0]
+ else:
+ pkcs12 = self.get_pkcs12(pass_file_path, jks_file_path).get_certificate()
+ if pkcs12 is None:
+ return False
+ return True
+ except IOError as err:
+ print("I/O Error PKCS12 Creation failed: {0}".format(err))
+ return False
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("UnExpected Error PKCS12 Creation failed: {0}".format(e))
+ return False
+ def remove_client_container_and_save_logs(self, container_name, log_file_name):
+ client = docker.from_env()
+ container = client.containers.get(container_name)
+ text_file = open(ARCHIVES_PATH + container_name + '_' + log_file_name + ".log", "w")
+ text_file.write(container.logs())
+ text_file.close()
+ container.remove()
+ self.remove_mount_dir()
+ def create_mount_dir(self):
+ if not os.path.exists(self.mount_path):
+ os.makedirs(self.mount_path)
+ def remove_mount_dir(self):
+ shutil.rmtree(self.mount_path)
+ @staticmethod
+ def get_pkcs12(pass_file_path, jks_file_path):
+ # Load PKCS12 Object
+ password = open(pass_file_path, 'rb').read()
+ p12 = crypto.load_pkcs12(open(jks_file_path, 'rb').read(), password)
+ return p12
+ @staticmethod
+ def execute_bash_config(cmd, container_name):
+ # Run command with arguments. Wait for command to complete or timeout, return code attribute.
+ try:
+ resp_code = subprocess.call(["%s %s" % (cmd, container_name)], shell=True, stdout=DEV_NULL,
+ stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
+ print("Response Code from Config.sh execution: {0}".format(resp_code))
+ return resp_code
+ except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
+ print("CalledProcessError Certificate installation failed in SDNC-ODL Container: {0}".format(e))
+ return 1 # Return Error Code
+ @staticmethod
+ def get_container_logs(container_name):
+ client = docker.from_env()
+ container = client.containers.get(container_name)
+ logs = container.logs()
+ return logs
+ @staticmethod
+ def read_env_list_from_file(path):
+ f = open(path, "r")
+ r_list = []
+ for line in f:
+ line = line.strip()
+ if line[0] != "#":
+ r_list.append(line)
+ return r_list
diff --git a/tests/sdnc/sdnc_netconf_tls_post_deploy/libraries/config.sh b/tests/sdnc/sdnc_netconf_tls_post_deploy/libraries/config.sh
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..cc6bf188
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/sdnc/sdnc_netconf_tls_post_deploy/libraries/config.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
+# ============LICENSE_START=======================================================
+# Copyright (C) 2020 Nordix Foundation.
+# ================================================================================
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+# ============LICENSE_END=========================================================
+# @author Ajay Deep Singh (ajay.deep.singh@est.tech)
+CONTAINER_ID=$(docker inspect --format="{{.Id}}" "$CONTAINER_NAME")
+function now_ms() {
+ date +"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%3N"
+function log() {
+ local level=$1
+ shift
+ local message="$*"
+ printf "%s %-5s %s\n" "$(now_ms)" "$level" "$message" >>"$LOGFILE"
+# Copy [keystore.jks, truststore.jks, truststore.pass, keystore.pass] files into SDNC container.
+function docker_cp() {
+ local file=$1
+ docker cp "$file" "$CONTAINER_ID":"$DEST_DIR"
+ docker exec -u 0 "$CONTAINER_ID" chown "$OWNER":"$OWNER" "$DEST_DIR"/"${file##*/}"
+# Run installCerts.py script to push X509 Certificates to SDNC-ODL Keystore/Truststore.
+function sdnc_conf() {
+ log INFO "Configuring SDNC-ODL Keystore..."
+ count=0
+ exit_code=false
+ for i in {1..4}; do
+ for file in $CERT_DIR; do
+ if [[ -f $file ]]; then
+ log INFO "Uploading file :" "$file"
+ docker_cp "$file"
+ count=$((count + 1))
+ fi
+ done
+ if [[ $count -eq 4 ]]; then
+ log INFO "SDNC JKS files upload successful"
+ exit_code=true
+ break
+ fi
+ log DEBUG "Waiting for JKS files to be uploaded to SDNC container.."
+ sleep 2m
+ done
+ if [[ "$exit_code" != "true" ]]; then
+ log DEBUG "JKS files Not found in $CERT_DIR"
+ exit 1 # Return error code
+ fi
+ sleep 2m
+ docker exec "$CONTAINER_ID" rm -rf /tmp/certs.properties
+ docker exec "$CONTAINER_ID" rm -rf /tmp/keys0.zip
+ if ! docker exec "$CONTAINER_ID" /usr/bin/python /opt/onap/sdnc/bin/installCerts.py; then
+ log DEBUG "Issue executing installCerts.py script"
+ docker cp "$CONTAINER_ID":/opt/opendaylight/data/log/installCerts.log "${WORKSPACE}"/archives
+ exit 1 # Return error code
+ fi
+ log INFO "Configuring SDNC-ODL Keystore successful"
+# Copy [Server_key.pem, Server_cert.pem, Ca.pem] files into Netconf-Simulator container.
+# Reconfigure TLS config by invoking reconfigure-tls.sh script.
+function netconf-simulator_conf() {
+ log INFO "Configuring Netconf-Pnp-Simulator..."
+ count=0
+ exit_code=false
+ for i in {1..4}; do
+ for file in $CERT_DIR; do
+ if [[ -f $file && ${file: -4} == ".pem" ]]; then
+ log INFO "Uploading file :" "$file"
+ docker cp "$file" "$CONTAINER_ID":/config/tls
+ count=$((count + 1))
+ fi
+ done
+ if [[ $count -eq 3 ]]; then
+ log INFO "PEM files upload successful"
+ exit_code=true
+ break
+ fi
+ log DEBUG "Waiting for PEM files to be uploaded to Netconf-Pnp-Simulator.."
+ sleep 2m
+ done
+ if [[ "$exit_code" != "true" ]]; then
+ log DEBUG "PEM files Not found in $CERT_DIR"
+ exit 1 # Return error code
+ fi
+ sleep 2m
+ if ! docker exec "$CONTAINER_ID" /opt/bin/reconfigure-tls.sh; then
+ log DEBUG "Issue executing reconfigure-tls.sh script"
+ docker logs "$CONTAINER_ID" > "${WORKSPACE}"/archives/simulator.log
+ exit 1 # Return error code
+ fi
+ log INFO "Configuring Netconf-Pnp-Simulator successful"
+# Push Config on SDNC, Netconf-Simulator.
+if [[ -n $CONTAINER_ID ]]; then
+ log INFO "Container Name: $CONTAINER_NAME, Container Id: $CONTAINER_ID"
+ if [[ "$CONTAINER_NAME" == "sdnc" ]]; then
+ sdnc_conf
+ elif [[ "$CONTAINER_NAME" == "netconf-simulator" ]]; then
+ netconf-simulator_conf
+ fi