path: root/tests/dcaegen2-services-pmsh
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'tests/dcaegen2-services-pmsh')
1 files changed, 24 insertions, 61 deletions
diff --git a/tests/dcaegen2-services-pmsh/testcases/pmsh.robot b/tests/dcaegen2-services-pmsh/testcases/pmsh.robot
index ebdae844..08ab197c 100644
--- a/tests/dcaegen2-services-pmsh/testcases/pmsh.robot
+++ b/tests/dcaegen2-services-pmsh/testcases/pmsh.robot
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ Test Teardown Delete All Sessions
${PMSH_BASE_URL} https://${PMSH_IP}:8443
${MR_BASE_URL} https://${MR_SIM_IP_ADDRESS}:3095
${CBS_BASE_URL} https://${CBS_SIM_IP_ADDRESS}:10443
${MR_EXPECTATION_AAI_PNF_CREATED} %{WORKSPACE}/tests/dcaegen2-services-pmsh/testcases/assets/mr-expectation-aai-pnf-created.json
${MR_EXPECTATION_AAI_PNF_REMOVED} %{WORKSPACE}/tests/dcaegen2-services-pmsh/testcases/assets/mr-expectation-aai-pnf-deleted.json
@@ -26,31 +26,12 @@ ${MR_EXPECTATION_POLICY_RESPONSE_PNF_EXISTING} %{WORKSPACE}/tests/dcaegen2-serv
${CBS_EXPECTATION_ADMIN_STATE_UNLOCKED} %{WORKSPACE}/tests/dcaegen2-services-pmsh/testcases/assets/cbs-expectation-unlocked-config.json
${ADMIN_STATE_LOCKED_PATTERN} 'administrativeState': 'LOCKED'
-${CLI_EXEC_GET_CBS_CONFIG_FIRST} docker exec pmsh /bin/sh -c "grep -m 1 'PMSH config from CBS' /var/log/ONAP/dcaegen2/services/pmsh/debug.log"
-${CLI_EXEC_GET_CBS_CONFIG_LAST} docker exec pmsh /bin/sh -c "grep 'PMSH config from CBS' /var/log/ONAP/dcaegen2/services/pmsh/debug.log | tail -1"
-${DB_CMD_NETWORK_FUNCTIONS_COUNT} docker exec db bash -c "psql -U pmsh -d pmsh -A -t -c 'select count(*) from network_functions;'"
-${DB_CMD_NF_TO_SUB_REL_COUNT} docker exec db bash -c "psql -U pmsh -d pmsh -A -t -c 'select count(*) from nf_to_sub_rel;'"
-${DB_CMD_SUBSCRIPTIONS_COUNT} docker exec db bash -c "psql -U pmsh -d pmsh -A -t -c 'select count(*) from subscriptions;'"
-${CLI_GET_NETWORK_FUNCTIONS_DB_TABLE} docker exec db bash -c "psql -U pmsh -d pmsh -A -t -c 'select nf_name, orchestration_status from network_functions;'"
-${CLI_GET_NF_TO_SUB_REL_DB_TABLE} docker exec db bash -c "psql -U pmsh -d pmsh -A -t -c 'select subscription_name, nf_name, nf_sub_status from nf_to_sub_rel;'"
-${CLI_GET_SUBSCRIPTIONS_DB_TABLE} docker exec db bash -c "psql -U pmsh -d pmsh -A -t -c 'select subscription_name, status from subscriptions;'"
+${CLI_EXEC_GET_CBS_CONFIG_FIRST} docker exec pmsh /bin/sh -c "grep -m 1 'PMSH config from CBS' /var/log/ONAP/dcaegen2/services/pmsh/application.log"
*** Test Cases ***
-Verify PMSH health check returns 200 and has a status of healthy
- [Tags] PMSH_01
- [Documentation] Verify the PMSH health check api call functions correctly
- [Timeout] 10 seconds
- ${resp}= Get Request pmsh_session ${HEALTHCHECK_ENDPOINT}
- Should Be True ${resp.status_code} == 200
- Should Match Regexp ${resp.text} healthy
Verify Administrative State in PMSH log file is LOCKED
- [Tags] PMSH_02
+ [Tags] PMSH_01
[Documentation] Verify Administrative State as logged in PMSH log file is LOCKED
[Timeout] 10 seconds
Sleep 3 Allow time for PMSH to flush to logs
@@ -59,48 +40,53 @@ Verify Administrative State in PMSH log file is LOCKED
Should Contain ${cli_cmd_output.stdout} ${ADMIN_STATE_LOCKED_PATTERN}
Verify database tables exist and are empty
- [Tags] PMSH_03
+ [Tags] PMSH_02
[Documentation] Verify database has been created and is empty
[Timeout] 10 seconds
- VerifyDatabaseEmpty
+ ${resp}= Get Request pmsh_session ${SUBSCRIPTIONS_ENDPOINT}
+ Should Be True ${resp.status_code} == 200
+ Should Contain ${resp.text} []
Verify PNF detected in AAI when administrative state unlocked
- [Tags] PMSH_04
+ [Tags] PMSH_03
[Documentation] Verify PNF detected when administrative state unlocked
[Timeout] 40 seconds
Sleep 31 Allow PMSH time to pick up changes in CBS config
- VerifyCommandOutputIs ${cli_get_subscriptions_db_table} ExtraPM-All-gNB-R2B|UNLOCKED
- VerifyCommandOutputIs ${cli_get_network_functions_db_table} pnf-existing|Active
- VerifyCommandOutputIs ${cli_get_nf_to_sub_rel_db_table} ExtraPM-All-gNB-R2B|pnf-existing|PENDING_CREATE
+ ${resp}= Get Request pmsh_session ${SUBSCRIPTIONS_ENDPOINT}
+ Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.json()[0]['subscription_status']} UNLOCKED
+ Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.json()[0]['network_functions'][0]['nf_name']} pnf-existing
+ Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.json()[0]['network_functions'][0]['orchestration_status']} Active
+ Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.json()[0]['network_functions'][0]['nf_sub_status']} PENDING_CREATE
Verify Policy response on MR is handled
- [Tags] PMSH_05
+ [Tags] PMSH_04
[Documentation] Verify policy response on MR is handled
[Timeout] 40 seconds
Sleep 7 seconds Ensure Policy response on MR is picked up
- VerifyCommandOutputIs ${cli_get_nf_to_sub_rel_db_table} ExtraPM-All-gNB-R2B|pnf-existing|CREATED
+ ${resp}= Get Request pmsh_session ${SUBSCRIPTIONS_ENDPOINT}
+ Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.json()[0]['network_functions'][0]['nf_sub_status']} CREATED
Verify AAI event on MR detailing new PNF being detected is handled
- [Tags] PMSH_06
+ [Tags] PMSH_05
[Documentation] Verify PNF created AAI event on MR is handled
[Timeout] 30 seconds
Sleep 12 seconds Ensure AAI event on MR is picked up
- VerifyCommandOutputIs ${CLI_GET_NETWORK_FUNCTIONS_DB_TABLE} pnf-existing|Active\npnf_newly_discovered|Active
- VerifyCommandOutputIs ${CLI_GET_NF_TO_SUB_REL_DB_TABLE} ExtraPM-All-gNB-R2B|pnf-existing|CREATED\nExtraPM-All-gNB-R2B|pnf_newly_discovered|PENDING_CREATE
+ ${resp}= Get Request pmsh_session ${SUBSCRIPTIONS_ENDPOINT}
+ Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.json()[0]['network_functions'][1]['nf_name']} pnf_newly_discovered
+ Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.json()[0]['network_functions'][1]['orchestration_status']} Active
+ Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.json()[0]['network_functions'][1]['nf_sub_status']} PENDING_CREATE
Verify AAI event on MR detailing PNF being deleted is handled
- [Tags] PMSH_07
+ [Tags] PMSH_06
[Documentation] Verify PNF deleted AAI event on MR is handled
[Timeout] 30 seconds
Sleep 12 seconds Ensure AAI event on MR is picked up
- VerifyNumberOfRecordsInDbTable ${DB_CMD_NETWORK_FUNCTIONS_COUNT} 1
- VerifyNumberOfRecordsInDbTable ${DB_CMD_NF_TO_SUB_REL_COUNT} 1
+ ${resp}= Get Request pmsh_session ${SUBSCRIPTIONS_ENDPOINT}
+ Should Not Contain ${resp.text} pnf_newly_discovered
*** Keywords ***
@@ -117,19 +103,6 @@ SetAdministrativeStateToUnlocked
${resp} = Put Request cbs_sim_session /expectation data=${data}
Should Be True ${resp.status_code} == 201
- [Arguments] ${cli_command} ${string_to_check_for}
- ${cli_cmd_output}= Run Process ${cli_command} shell=yes
- Should Be True ${cli_cmd_output.rc} == 0
- Should Contain ${cli_cmd_output.stdout} ${string_to_check_for}
- [Arguments] ${cli_cmd} ${expected_contents}
- ${cli_cmd_output}= Run Process ${cli_cmd} shell=yes
- Log ${cli_cmd_output.stdout}
- Should Be True ${cli_cmd_output.rc} == 0
- Should Be Equal As Strings ${cli_cmd_output.stdout} ${expected_contents}
${data}= Get Data From File ${MR_EXPECTATION_AAI_PNF_CREATED}
${resp} = Put Request mr_sim_session /clear data={"path": "/events/AAI_EVENT/dcae_pmsh_cg/AAI-EVENT"}
@@ -151,13 +124,3 @@ SimulateDeletedPNF
Should Be True ${resp.status_code} == 200
${resp} = Put Request mr_sim_session /expectation data=${data}
Should Be True ${resp.status_code} == 201
- [Arguments] ${db_query} ${expected_count}
- ${db_count} Run Process ${db_query} shell=yes
- Should Be True ${db_count.stdout} == ${expected_count}
- VerifyNumberOfRecordsInDbTable ${DB_CMD_NETWORK_FUNCTIONS_COUNT} 0
- VerifyNumberOfRecordsInDbTable ${DB_CMD_NF_TO_SUB_REL_COUNT} 0
- VerifyNumberOfRecordsInDbTable ${DB_CMD_SUBSCRIPTIONS_COUNT} 0