path: root/tests/clamp/UIs
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'tests/clamp/UIs')
5 files changed, 95 insertions, 351 deletions
diff --git a/tests/clamp/UIs/01__Open_And_Edit_TCA.robot b/tests/clamp/UIs/01__Open_And_Edit_TCA.robot
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c0070c77
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/clamp/UIs/01__Open_And_Edit_TCA.robot
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+*** Settings ***
+Library Collections
+Library RequestsLibrary
+Library OperatingSystem
+Library json
+Library ../../../scripts/clamp/python-lib/CustomSeleniumLibrary.py
+Library XvfbRobot
+*** Variables ***
+${login} admin
+${passw} password
+${SELENIUM_SPEED_FAST} .2 seconds
+${SELENIUM_SPEED_SLOW} .5 seconds
+${BASE_URL} https://localhost:8443
+*** Keywords ***
+Create the sessions
+ ${auth}= Create List ${login} ${passw}
+ Create Session clamp ${BASE_URL} auth=${auth} disable_warnings=1
+ Set Global Variable ${clamp_session} clamp
+*** Test Cases ***
+Get Requests health check ok
+ Create the sessions
+ ${resp}= Get Request ${clamp_session} /restservices/clds/v1/healthcheck
+ Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.status_code} 200
+Open Browser
+# Next line is to be enabled for Headless tests only (jenkins?). To see the tests disable the line.
+ Start Virtual Display 1920 1080
+ Set Selenium Speed ${SELENIUM_SPEED_SLOW}
+ Open Browser ${BASE_URL}/designer/index.html browser=firefox
+Reply to authentication popup
+ Run Keyword And Ignore Error Insert into prompt ${login} ${passw}
+ Confirm action
+Good Login to Clamp UI and Verify logged in
+ Set Window Size 1920 1080
+ ${title}= Get Title
+ Should Be Equal CLDS ${title}
+ Wait Until Element Is Visible xpath=//*[@class="navbar-brand logo_name ng-binding"] timeout=60
+ Element Text Should Be xpath=//*[@class="navbar-brand logo_name ng-binding"] expected=Hello:admin
+Open TCA1 from Menu
+ Wait Until Element Is Visible xpath=//*[@id="navbar"]/ul/li[1]/a timeout=60
+ Click Element xpath=//*[@id="navbar"]/ul/li[1]/a
+ Wait Until Element Is Visible locator=Open CL timeout=60
+ Click Element locator=Open CL
+ Select From List By Label id=modelName LOOP_iYTIP_v1_0_ResourceInstanceName1_tca
+ Click Button locator=OK
+Set Properties for HolmesModel1
+ Wait Until Element Is Visible xpath=//*[@data-element-id="TCA_iYTIP_v1_0_ResourceInstanceName1_tca"] timeout=60
+ Click Element xpath=//*[@data-element-id="TCA_iYTIP_v1_0_ResourceInstanceName1_tca"]
+ Wait Until Element Is Visible xpath=//*[@id="editor"]/div/h3/div[2]/button[1] timeout=60
+ Click Element xpath=//*[@id="editor"]/div/h3/div[2]/button[1]
+ Wait Until Element Is Visible xpath=//*[@id="root.0"]/div[2]/div/div/div[2]/div/h3/div[2]/button[1]/span timeout=60
+ Click Element xpath=//*[@id="root.0"]/div[2]/div/div/div[2]/div/h3/div[2]/button[1]/span
+ Input Text xpath=//*[@name="root[0][metricsPerEventName][0][eventName]"] text=Event1
+ Input Text xpath=//*[@name="root[0][metricsPerEventName][0][policyName]"] text=PolicyScope1
+ Input Text xpath=//*[@name="root[0][metricsPerEventName][0][policyScope]"] text=TCAPolicyScope1
+ Input Text xpath=//*[@name="root[0][metricsPerEventName][0][policyVersion]"] text=1.2.3
+ Click Button locator=Done
+Close Browser
+ Close Browser
diff --git a/tests/clamp/UIs/02__Verify_Modification_In_UI.robot b/tests/clamp/UIs/02__Verify_Modification_In_UI.robot
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..979547c6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/clamp/UIs/02__Verify_Modification_In_UI.robot
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+*** Settings ***
+Library Collections
+Library RequestsLibrary
+Library OperatingSystem
+Library json
+*** Variables ***
+${login} admin
+${passw} password
+*** Keywords ***
+Create the sessions
+ ${auth}= Create List ${login} ${passw}
+ Create Session clamp https://localhost:8443 auth=${auth} disable_warnings=1
+ Set Global Variable ${clamp_session} clamp
+*** Test Cases ***
+Get Requests health check ok
+ Create the sessions
+ ${resp}= Get Request ${clamp_session} /restservices/clds/v1/healthcheck
+ Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.status_code} 200
+Open TCA1
+ ${resp}= Get Request ${clamp_session} /restservices/clds/v2/loop/LOOP_iYTIP_v1_0_ResourceInstanceName1_tca
+ Should Contain Match ${resp} *LOOP_iYTIP_v1_0_ResourceInstanceName1_tca*
+ Should Contain Match ${resp} *Event1*
+ Should Contain Match ${resp} *1.2.3*
+ Should Contain Match ${resp} *PolicyScope1*
diff --git a/tests/clamp/UIs/04__Submit_deploy_chain_Holmes.robot b/tests/clamp/UIs/04__Submit_deploy_chain_Holmes.robot
deleted file mode 100644
index b582fad9..00000000
--- a/tests/clamp/UIs/04__Submit_deploy_chain_Holmes.robot
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,138 +0,0 @@
-*** Settings ***
-Library Collections
-Library RequestsLibrary
-Library OperatingSystem
-Library json
-Library ../../../scripts/clamp/python-lib/CustomSeleniumLibrary.py
-Library XvfbRobot
-*** Variables ***
-${login} admin
-${passw} password
-${SELENIUM_SPEED_FAST} .2 seconds
-${SELENIUM_SPEED_SLOW} .5 seconds
-${BASE_URL} https://localhost:8443
-*** Keywords ***
-Create the sessions
- ${auth}= Create List ${login} ${passw}
- Create Session clamp ${BASE_URL} auth=${auth} disable_warnings=1
- Set Global Variable ${clamp_session} clamp
-*** Test Cases ***
-Get Requests health check ok
- Create the sessions
- ${resp}= Get Request ${clamp_session} /restservices/clds/v1/healthcheck
- Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.status_code} 200
-Open Browser
-# Next line is to be enabled for Headless tests only (jenkins?). To see the tests disable the line.
- Start Virtual Display 1920 1080
- Set Selenium Speed ${SELENIUM_SPEED_SLOW}
- Open Browser ${BASE_URL}/designer/index.html browser=firefox
-Reply to authentication popup
- Run Keyword And Ignore Error Insert into prompt ${login} ${passw}
- Confirm action
-Good Login to Clamp UI and Verify logged in
- Set Window Size 1920 1080
- ${title}= Get Title
- Should Be Equal CLDS ${title}
- Wait Until Element Is Visible xpath=//*[@class="navbar-brand logo_name ng-binding"] timeout=60
- Element Text Should Be xpath=//*[@class="navbar-brand logo_name ng-binding"] expected=Hello:admin
-#Open Holmes CL
-# Wait Until Element Is Visible xpath=//*[@id="navbar"]/ul/li[1]/a timeout=60
-# Click Element xpath=//*[@id="navbar"]/ul/li[1]/a
-# Wait Until Element Is Visible locator=Open CL timeout=60
-# Click Element locator=Open CL
-# Select From List By Label id=modelName HolmesModel1
-# Click Button locator=OK
-# Element Should Contain xpath=//*[@id="modeler_name"] Closed Loop Modeler - HolmesModel1
-# Element Should Contain xpath=//*[@id="status_clds"] DESIGN
-#Validate-Test Holmes CL
-# Wait Until Element Is Visible xpath=//*[@id="navbar"]/ul/li[2]/a timeout=60
-# Click Element xpath=//*[@id="navbar"]/ul/li[2]/a
-# Wait Until Element Is Visible locator=Validation Test timeout=60
-# Click Element locator=Validation Test
-# Wait Until Element Is Visible xpath=//*[@id="alert_message_"] timeout=60
-# Element Text Should Be xpath=//*[@id="alert_message_"] expected=Action Successful: test
-# Element Should Contain xpath=//*[@id="status_clds"] DESIGN
-#Submit Holmes CL
-# Wait Until Element Is Visible xpath=//*[@id="navbar"]/ul/li[2]/a timeout=60
-# Click Element xpath=//*[@id="navbar"]/ul/li[2]/a
-# Wait Until Element Is Visible locator=Submit timeout=60
-# Click Element locator=Submit
-# Click Button locator=Yes
-# Wait Until Element Is Visible xpath=//*[@id="alert_message_"] timeout=60
-# Element Text Should Be xpath=//*[@id="alert_message_"] expected=Action Successful: submit
-# Element Should Contain xpath=//*[@id="status_clds"] DISTRIBUTED
-#Resubmit Holmes CL
-# Wait Until Element Is Visible xpath=//*[@id="navbar"]/ul/li[2]/a timeout=60
-# Click Element xpath=//*[@id="navbar"]/ul/li[2]/a
-# Wait Until Element Is Visible locator=Resubmit timeout=60
-# Click Element locator=Resubmit
-# Click Button locator=Yes
-# Wait Until Element Is Visible xpath=//*[@id="alert_message_"] timeout=60
-# Element Text Should Be xpath=//*[@id="alert_message_"] expected=Action Successful: resubmit
-# Element Should Contain xpath=//*[@id="status_clds"] DISTRIBUTED
-#Deploy Holmes CL
-# Wait Until Element Is Visible xpath=//*[@id="navbar"]/ul/li[2]/a timeout=60
-# Click Element xpath=//*[@id="navbar"]/ul/li[2]/a
-# Wait Until Element Is Visible locator=Deploy timeout=60
-# Click Element locator=Deploy
-## Wait Until Element Is Visible xpath=//*[@id="deployProperties"] timeout=60
-## Input Text xpath=//*[@id="deployProperties"] text={}
-# Click Button locator=Deploy
-# Click Button locator=Yes
-# Wait Until Element Is Visible xpath=//*[@id="alert_message_"] timeout=60
-# Element Text Should Be xpath=//*[@id="alert_message_"] expected=Action Successful: deploy
-# Element Should Contain xpath=//*[@id="status_clds"] ACTIVE
-#Update Holmes CL
-# Wait Until Element Is Visible xpath=//*[@id="navbar"]/ul/li[2]/a timeout=60
-# Click Element xpath=//*[@id="navbar"]/ul/li[2]/a
-# Wait Until Element Is Visible locator=Update timeout=60
-# Click Element locator=Update
-# Click Button locator=Yes
-# Wait Until Element Is Visible xpath=//*[@id="alert_message_"] timeout=60
-# Element Text Should Be xpath=//*[@id="alert_message_"] expected=Action Successful: update
-# Element Should Contain xpath=//*[@id="status_clds"] ACTIVE
-#Stop Holmes CL
-# Wait Until Element Is Visible xpath=//*[@id="navbar"]/ul/li[2]/a timeout=60
-# Click Element xpath=//*[@id="navbar"]/ul/li[2]/a
-# Wait Until Element Is Visible locator=Stop timeout=60
-# Click Element locator=Stop
-# Click Button locator=Yes
-# Wait Until Element Is Visible xpath=//*[@id="alert_message_"] timeout=60
-# Element Text Should Be xpath=//*[@id="alert_message_"] expected=Action Successful: stop
-# Element Should Contain xpath=//*[@id="status_clds"] STOPPED
-#Restart Holmes CL
-# Wait Until Element Is Visible xpath=//*[@id="navbar"]/ul/li[2]/a timeout=60
-# Click Element xpath=//*[@id="navbar"]/ul/li[2]/a
-# Wait Until Element Is Visible locator=Restart timeout=60
-# Click Element locator=Restart
-# Click Button locator=Yes
-# Wait Until Element Is Visible xpath=//*[@id="alert_message_"] timeout=60
-# Element Text Should Be xpath=//*[@id="alert_message_"] expected=Action Successful: restart
-# Element Should Contain xpath=//*[@id="status_clds"] ACTIVE
-#UnDeploy Holmes CL
-# Wait Until Element Is Visible xpath=//*[@id="navbar"]/ul/li[2]/a timeout=60
-# Click Element xpath=//*[@id="navbar"]/ul/li[2]/a
-# Wait Until Element Is Visible locator=UnDeploy timeout=60
-# Click Element locator=UnDeploy
-# Click Button locator=Yes
-# Wait Until Element Is Visible xpath=//*[@id="alert_message_"] timeout=60
-# Element Text Should Be xpath=//*[@id="alert_message_"] expected=Action Successful: undeploy
-# Element Should Contain xpath=//*[@id="status_clds"] DISTRIBUTED
-Close Browser
- Close Browser
diff --git a/tests/clamp/UIs/05__Submit_deploy_chain_TCA.robot b/tests/clamp/UIs/05__Submit_deploy_chain_TCA.robot
deleted file mode 100644
index 7bcada12..00000000
--- a/tests/clamp/UIs/05__Submit_deploy_chain_TCA.robot
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,131 +0,0 @@
-*** Settings ***
-Library Collections
-Library RequestsLibrary
-Library OperatingSystem
-Library json
-Library ../../../scripts/clamp/python-lib/CustomSeleniumLibrary.py
-Library XvfbRobot
-*** Variables ***
-${login} admin
-${passw} password
-${SELENIUM_SPEED_FAST} .2 seconds
-${SELENIUM_SPEED_SLOW} .5 seconds
-${BASE_URL} https://localhost:8443
-*** Test Cases ***
-Get Requests health check ok
- ${resp}= Get Request ${clamp_session} /restservices/clds/v1/healthcheck
- Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.status_code} 200
-Open Browser
-# Next line is to be enabled for Headless tests only (jenkins?). To see the tests disable the line.
- Start Virtual Display 1920 1080
- Set Selenium Speed ${SELENIUM_SPEED_SLOW}
- Open Browser ${BASE_URL}/designer/index.html browser=firefox
-Reply to authentication popup
- Run Keyword And Ignore Error Insert into prompt ${login} ${passw}
- Confirm action
-Good Login to Clamp UI and Verify logged in
- Set Window Size 1920 1080
- ${title}= Get Title
- Should Be Equal CLDS ${title}
- Wait Until Element Is Visible xpath=//*[@class="navbar-brand logo_name ng-binding"] timeout=60
- Element Text Should Be xpath=//*[@class="navbar-brand logo_name ng-binding"] expected=Hello:admin
-#Open TCA CL
-# Wait Until Element Is Visible xpath=//*[@id="navbar"]/ul/li[1]/a timeout=60
-# Click Element xpath=//*[@id="navbar"]/ul/li[1]/a
-# Wait Until Element Is Visible locator=Open CL timeout=60
-# Click Element locator=Open CL
-# Select From List By Label id=modelName TCAModel1
-# Click Button locator=OK
-# Element Should Contain xpath=//*[@id="modeler_name"] Closed Loop Modeler - TCAModel1
-# Element Should Contain xpath=//*[@id="status_clds"] DESIGN
-#Validate-Test TCA CL
-# Wait Until Element Is Visible xpath=//*[@id="navbar"]/ul/li[2]/a timeout=60
-# Click Element xpath=//*[@id="navbar"]/ul/li[2]/a
-# Wait Until Element Is Visible locator=Validation Test timeout=60
-# Click Element locator=Validation Test
-# Wait Until Element Is Visible xpath=//*[@id="alert_message_"] timeout=60
-# Element Text Should Be xpath=//*[@id="alert_message_"] expected=Action Successful: test
-# Element Should Contain xpath=//*[@id="status_clds"] DESIGN
-#Submit TCA CL
-# Wait Until Element Is Visible xpath=//*[@id="navbar"]/ul/li[2]/a timeout=60
-# Click Element xpath=//*[@id="navbar"]/ul/li[2]/a
-# Wait Until Element Is Visible locator=Submit timeout=60
-# Click Element locator=Submit
-# Click Button locator=Yes
-# Wait Until Element Is Visible xpath=//*[@id="alert_message_"] timeout=60
-# Element Text Should Be xpath=//*[@id="alert_message_"] expected=Action Successful: submit
-# Element Should Contain xpath=//*[@id="status_clds"] DISTRIBUTED
-#Resubmit TCA CL
-# Wait Until Element Is Visible xpath=//*[@id="navbar"]/ul/li[2]/a timeout=60
-# Click Element xpath=//*[@id="navbar"]/ul/li[2]/a
-# Wait Until Element Is Visible locator=Resubmit timeout=60
-# Click Element locator=Resubmit
-# Click Button locator=Yes
-# Wait Until Element Is Visible xpath=//*[@id="alert_message_"] timeout=60
-# Element Text Should Be xpath=//*[@id="alert_message_"] expected=Action Successful: resubmit
-# Element Should Contain xpath=//*[@id="status_clds"] DISTRIBUTED
-#Deploy TCA CL
-# Wait Until Element Is Visible xpath=//*[@id="navbar"]/ul/li[2]/a timeout=60
-# Click Element xpath=//*[@id="navbar"]/ul/li[2]/a
-# Wait Until Element Is Visible locator=Deploy timeout=60
-# Click Element locator=Deploy
-## Wait Until Element Is Visible xpath=//*[@id="deployProperties"] timeout=60
-## Input Text xpath=//*[@id="deployProperties"] text={}
-# Click Button locator=Deploy
-# Click Button locator=Yes
-# Wait Until Element Is Visible xpath=//*[@id="alert_message_"] timeout=60
-# Element Text Should Be xpath=//*[@id="alert_message_"] expected=Action Successful: deploy
-# Element Should Contain xpath=//*[@id="status_clds"] ACTIVE
-#Update TCA CL
-# Wait Until Element Is Visible xpath=//*[@id="navbar"]/ul/li[2]/a timeout=60
-# Click Element xpath=//*[@id="navbar"]/ul/li[2]/a
-# Wait Until Element Is Visible locator=Update timeout=60
-# Click Element locator=Update
-# Click Button locator=Yes
-# Wait Until Element Is Visible xpath=//*[@id="alert_message_"] timeout=60
-# Element Text Should Be xpath=//*[@id="alert_message_"] expected=Action Successful: update
-# Element Should Contain xpath=//*[@id="status_clds"] ACTIVE
-#Stop TCA CL
-# Wait Until Element Is Visible xpath=//*[@id="navbar"]/ul/li[2]/a timeout=60
-# Click Element xpath=//*[@id="navbar"]/ul/li[2]/a
-# Wait Until Element Is Visible locator=Stop timeout=60
-# Click Element locator=Stop
-# Click Button locator=Yes
-# Wait Until Element Is Visible xpath=//*[@id="alert_message_"] timeout=60
-# Element Text Should Be xpath=//*[@id="alert_message_"] expected=Action Successful: stop
-# Element Should Contain xpath=//*[@id="status_clds"] STOPPED
-#Restart TCA CL
-# Wait Until Element Is Visible xpath=//*[@id="navbar"]/ul/li[2]/a timeout=60
-# Click Element xpath=//*[@id="navbar"]/ul/li[2]/a
-# Wait Until Element Is Visible locator=Restart timeout=60
-# Click Element locator=Restart
-# Click Button locator=Yes
-# Wait Until Element Is Visible xpath=//*[@id="alert_message_"] timeout=60
-# Element Text Should Be xpath=//*[@id="alert_message_"] expected=Action Successful: restart
-# Element Should Contain xpath=//*[@id="status_clds"] ACTIVE
-#UnDeploy TCA CL
-# Wait Until Element Is Visible xpath=//*[@id="navbar"]/ul/li[2]/a timeout=60
-# Click Element xpath=//*[@id="navbar"]/ul/li[2]/a
-# Wait Until Element Is Visible locator=UnDeploy timeout=60
-# Click Element locator=UnDeploy
-# Click Button locator=Yes
-# Wait Until Element Is Visible xpath=//*[@id="alert_message_"] timeout=60
-# Element Text Should Be xpath=//*[@id="alert_message_"] expected=Action Successful: undeploy
-# Element Should Contain xpath=//*[@id="status_clds"] DISTRIBUTED
-Close Browser
- Close Browser
diff --git a/tests/clamp/UIs/data/TCA_template_properties.yml b/tests/clamp/UIs/data/TCA_template_properties.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 101dc2c0..00000000
--- a/tests/clamp/UIs/data/TCA_template_properties.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,82 +0,0 @@
-tosca_definitions_version: cloudify_dsl_1_3
-- http://www.getcloudify.org/spec/cloudify/3.4/types.yaml
-- https://onap.org:8443/repository/solutioning01-mte2-raw/type_files/docker/2.2.0/node-type.yaml
-- https://onap.org:8443/repository/solutioning01-mte2-raw/type_files/relationship/1.0.0/node-type.yaml
-- http://onap.org:8081/repository/solutioning01-mte2-raw/type_files/dmaap/dmaap_mr.yaml
- location_id:
- type: string
- service_id:
- type: string
- cdap_host_host:
- type: dcae.nodes.StreamingAnalytics.SelectedCDAPInfrastructure
- properties:
- location_id:
- get_input: location_id
- scn_override: cdap_broker.solutioning-central.dcae.onap.org
- interfaces:
- cloudify.interfaces.lifecycle: {
- }
- tca_tca:
- type: dcae.nodes.MicroService.cdap
- properties:
- app_config:
- appDescription: DCAE Analytics Threshold Crossing Alert Application
- appName: dcae-tca
- tcaSubscriberOutputStreamName: TCASubscriberOutputStream
- tcaVESAlertsTableName: TCAVESAlertsTable
- tcaVESAlertsTableTTLSeconds: '1728000'
- tcaVESMessageStatusTableName: TCAVESMessageStatusTable
- tcaVESMessageStatusTableTTLSeconds: '86400'
- thresholdCalculatorFlowletInstances: '2'
- app_preferences:
- publisherContentType: application/json
- publisherHostName: mrlocal-mtnjftle01.onap.org
- publisherHostPort: '3905'
- publisherMaxBatchSize: '10'
- publisherMaxRecoveryQueueSize: '100000'
- publisherPollingInterval: '20000'
- publisherProtocol: https
- publisherTopicName: org.onap.dcae.dmaap.mtnje2.DcaeTestVESPub
- publisherUserName: m00502@tca.af.dcae.onap.org
- publisherUserPassword: Te5021abc
- subscriberConsumerGroup: OpenDCAE-c12
- subscriberConsumerId: c12
- subscriberContentType: application/json
- subscriberHostName: mrlocal-mtnjftle01.onap.org
- subscriberHostPort: '3905'
- subscriberMessageLimit: '-1'
- subscriberPollingInterval: '20000'
- subscriberProtocol: https
- subscriberTimeoutMS: '-1'
- subscriberTopicName: org.onap.dcae.dmaap.mtnje2.DcaeTestVESSub
- subscriberUserName: m00502@tca.af.dcae.onap.org
- subscriberUserPassword: Te5021abc
- tca_policy: null
- artifact_name: dcae-analytics-tca
- artifact_version: 1.0.0
- connections:
- streams_publishes: [
- ]
- streams_subscribes: [
- ]
- jar_url: http://somejar
- location_id:
- get_input: location_id
- namespace: cdap_tca_hi_lo
- programs:
- - program_id: TCAVESCollectorFlow
- program_type: flows
- - program_id: TCADMaaPMRSubscriberWorker
- program_type: workers
- - program_id: TCADMaaPMRPublisherWorker
- program_type: workers
- service_component_type: cdap_app_tca
- service_id:
- get_input: service_id
- streamname: TCASubscriberOutputStream
- relationships:
- - target: cdap_host_host
- type: dcae.relationships.component_contained_in \ No newline at end of file