path: root/plans/ccsdk-oran/polmansuite
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'plans/ccsdk-oran/polmansuite')
6 files changed, 578 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/plans/ccsdk-oran/polmansuite/FTC1.sh b/plans/ccsdk-oran/polmansuite/FTC1.sh
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..26398d55
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plans/ccsdk-oran/polmansuite/FTC1.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,235 @@
+# ============LICENSE_START===============================================
+# Copyright (C) 2020 Nordix Foundation. All rights reserved.
+# ========================================================================
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# ============LICENSE_END=================================================
+TC_ONELINE_DESCR="Sanity test, create service and then create,update and delete a policy using http/https and Agent REST/DMAAP with/without SDNC controller"
+#App names to exclude checking pulling images for, space separated list
+. ../common/testcase_common.sh $@
+. ../common/agent_api_functions.sh
+. ../common/ricsimulator_api_functions.sh
+#### TEST BEGIN ####
+######## LIMITED TEST SCOPE ########
+######## THIS FILE SHALL ########
+######## BE REMOVED WHEN ########
+######## THE SDNC IMAGE ########
+######## IS OK ########
+# Tested variants of REST/DMAAP/SDNC config
+#Test agent and simulator protocol versions (others are http only)
+for __httpx in $TESTED_PROTOCOLS ; do
+ for interface in $TESTED_VARIANTS ; do
+ echo "#####################################################################"
+ echo "#####################################################################"
+ echo "### Testing agent: $interface using $__httpx"
+ echo "#####################################################################"
+ echo "#####################################################################"
+ #Local vars in test script
+ ##########################
+ if [ $__httpx == "HTTPS" ]; then
+ # Path to callback receiver
+ use_cr_https
+ else
+ # Path to callback receiver
+ CR_PATH="http://$CR_APP_NAME:$CR_EXTERNAL_PORT/callbacks"
+ use_cr_http
+ fi
+ # Clean container and start all needed containers #
+ clean_containers
+ if [ $__httpx == "HTTPS" ]; then
+ #"Using secure ports towards simulators"
+ use_simulator_https
+ else
+ #"Using non-secure ports towards simulators"
+ use_simulator_http
+ fi
+ start_ric_simulators ricsim_g1 1 OSC_2.1.0
+ start_ric_simulators ricsim_g2 1 STD_1.1.3
+ start_mr
+ if [ $__httpx == "HTTPS" ]; then
+ #echo "Using secure ports between agent and MR"
+ use_mr_https
+ else
+ #"Using non-secure ports between agent and MR"
+ use_mr_http
+ fi
+ start_cr
+ if [ $interface == "REST+SDNC" ] || [ $interface == "DMAAP+SDNC" ]; then
+ start_sdnc
+ if [ $__httpx == "HTTPS" ]; then
+ # "Using secure ports towards SDNC"
+ use_sdnc_https
+ else
+ #"Using non-secure ports towards SDNC"
+ use_sdnc_http
+ fi
+ fi
+ start_consul_cbs
+ if [ $interface == "REST+SDNC" ] || [ $interface == "DMAAP+SDNC" ]; then
+ prepare_consul_config SDNC ".consul_config.json"
+ else
+ prepare_consul_config NOSDNC ".consul_config.json"
+ fi
+ consul_config_app ".consul_config.json"
+ start_control_panel
+ start_policy_agent
+ set_agent_debug
+ if [ $interface == "DMAAP" ] || [ $interface == "DMAAP+SDNC" ]; then
+ if [ $__httpx == "HTTPS" ]; then
+ echo "Using secure ports towards dmaap"
+ use_agent_dmaap_https
+ else
+ echo "Using non-secure ports towards dmaap"
+ use_agent_dmaap_http
+ fi
+ else
+ if [ $__httpx == "HTTPS" ]; then
+ echo "Using secure ports towards the agent"
+ use_agent_rest_https
+ else
+ echo "Using non-secure ports towards the agent"
+ use_agent_rest_http
+ fi
+ fi
+ cr_equal received_callbacks 0
+ mr_equal requests_submitted 0
+ sim_put_policy_type 201 ricsim_g1_1 1 testdata/OSC/sim_1.json
+ api_equal json:rics 2 60
+ api_equal json:policy_schemas 2 120
+ api_equal json:policy_types 2
+ api_equal json:policies 0
+ api_equal json:policy_ids 0
+ echo "############################################"
+ echo "############## Health check ################"
+ echo "############################################"
+ api_get_status 200
+ echo "############################################"
+ echo "##### Service registry and supervision #####"
+ echo "############################################"
+ api_put_service 201 "serv1" 1000 "$CR_PATH/1"
+ api_get_service_ids 200 "serv1"
+ api_put_services_keepalive 200 "serv1"
+ echo "############################################"
+ echo "############## RIC Repository ##############"
+ echo "############################################"
+ api_get_rics 200 NOTYPE "ricsim_g1_1:me1_ricsim_g1_1,me2_ricsim_g1_1:1:AVAILABLE ricsim_g2_1:me1_ricsim_g2_1,me2_ricsim_g2_1:EMPTYTYPE:AVAILABLE"
+ echo "############################################"
+ echo "########### A1 Policy Management ###########"
+ echo "############################################"
+ api_put_policy 201 "serv1" ricsim_g1_1 1 5000 NOTRANSIENT testdata/OSC/pi1_template.json
+ api_put_policy 200 "serv1" ricsim_g1_1 1 5000 NOTRANSIENT testdata/OSC/pi1_template.json
+ api_put_policy 201 "serv1" ricsim_g2_1 NOTYPE 5100 NOTRANSIENT testdata/STD/pi1_template.json
+ api_put_policy 200 "serv1" ricsim_g2_1 NOTYPE 5100 NOTRANSIENT testdata/STD/pi1_template.json
+ api_delete_policy 204 5000
+ api_delete_policy 204 5100
+ api_equal json:policies 0
+ api_equal json:policy_ids 0
+ cr_equal received_callbacks 0
+ if [ $interface == "DMAAP" ] || [ $interface == "DMAAP+SDNC" ]; then
+ VAL=11 # Number of Agent API calls over DMAAP
+ mr_equal requests_fetched $VAL
+ mr_equal responses_submitted $VAL
+ mr_equal responses_fetched $VAL
+ mr_equal current_requests 0
+ mr_equal current_responses 0
+ else
+ mr_equal requests_submitted 0
+ fi
+ if [ $interface == "REST+SDNC" ] || [ $interface == "DMAAP+SDNC" ]; then
+ sim_contains_str ricsim_g1_1 remote_hosts "a1-controller"
+ sim_contains_str ricsim_g2_1 remote_hosts "a1-controller"
+ else
+ sim_contains_str ricsim_g1_1 remote_hosts "policy-agent"
+ sim_contains_str ricsim_g2_1 remote_hosts "policy-agent"
+ fi
+ check_policy_agent_logs
+ check_control_panel_logs
+ store_logs "${__httpx}__${interface}"
+ done
+#### TEST COMPLETE ####
diff --git a/plans/ccsdk-oran/polmansuite/FTC150.sh b/plans/ccsdk-oran/polmansuite/FTC150.sh
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..b65b3a5f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plans/ccsdk-oran/polmansuite/FTC150.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
+# ============LICENSE_START===============================================
+# Copyright (C) 2020 Nordix Foundation. All rights reserved.
+# ========================================================================
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# ============LICENSE_END=================================================
+TC_ONELINE_DESCR="Sample tests of the SDNC A1 controller restconf API using http/https (no agent)"
+#App names to exclude checking pulling images for, space separated list
+. ../common/testcase_common.sh $@
+. ../common/controller_api_functions.sh
+. ../common/ricsimulator_api_functions.sh
+#### TEST BEGIN ####
+#Test agent and simulator protocol versions (others are http only)
+for __nb_httpx in $NB_TESTED_PROTOCOLS ; do
+ for __sb_httpx in $SB_TESTED_PROTOCOLS ; do
+ echo "#####################################################################"
+ echo "#####################################################################"
+ echo "### Testing SDNC using Northbound: $__nb_httpx and Southbound: $__sb_httpx"
+ echo "#####################################################################"
+ echo "#####################################################################"
+ # Clean container and start all needed containers #
+ clean_containers
+ start_ric_simulators ricsim_g1 1 OSC_2.1.0
+ start_ric_simulators ricsim_g2 1 STD_1.1.3
+ start_sdnc
+ if [ $__nb_httpx == "HTTPS" ]; then
+ # "Using secure ports towards SDNC"
+ use_sdnc_https
+ else
+ #"Using non-secure ports towards SDNC"
+ use_sdnc_http
+ fi
+ if [ $__sb_httpx == "HTTPS" ]; then
+ # "Using secure ports towards SDNC"
+ use_simulator_https
+ else
+ #"Using non-secure ports towards SDNC"
+ use_simulator_http
+ fi
+ # API tests
+ controller_api_get_A1_policy_type 404 OSC ricsim_g1_1 1
+ sim_put_policy_type 201 ricsim_g1_1 1 testdata/OSC/sim_1.json
+ controller_api_get_A1_policy_ids 200 OSC ricsim_g1_1 1
+ controller_api_get_A1_policy_ids 200 STD ricsim_g2_1
+ controller_api_get_A1_policy_type 200 OSC ricsim_g1_1 1
+ controller_api_get_A1_policy_type 200 OSC ricsim_g1_1 1 testdata/OSC/sim_1.json
+ controller_api_get_A1_policy_type 404 OSC ricsim_g1_1 99
+ controller_api_put_A1_policy 200 OSC ricsim_g1_1 1 4000 testdata/OSC/pi1_template.json
+ controller_api_put_A1_policy 404 OSC ricsim_g1_1 5 1001 testdata/OSC/pi1_template.json
+ controller_api_put_A1_policy 200 STD ricsim_g2_1 5000 testdata/STD/pi1_template.json
+ controller_api_get_A1_policy_ids 200 OSC ricsim_g1_1 1 4000
+ controller_api_get_A1_policy_ids 200 STD ricsim_g2_1 5000
+ controller_api_get_A1_policy_status 200 OSC ricsim_g1_1 1 4000
+ controller_api_get_A1_policy_status 200 STD ricsim_g2_1 5000
+ controller_api_get_A1_policy_status 200 OSC ricsim_g1_1 1 4000 "$VAL" "false"
+ controller_api_get_A1_policy_status 200 STD ricsim_g2_1 5000 "UNDEFINED"
+ controller_api_delete_A1_policy 200 OSC ricsim_g1_1 1 4000
+ controller_api_delete_A1_policy 200 STD ricsim_g2_1 5000
+ store_logs "NB_"$__nb_httpx"_SB_"$__sb_httpx
+ done
+#### TEST COMPLETE ####
+auto_clean_containers \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/plans/ccsdk-oran/polmansuite/setup.sh b/plans/ccsdk-oran/polmansuite/setup.sh
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..10fed96f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plans/ccsdk-oran/polmansuite/setup.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+# ============LICENSE_START===============================================
+# Copyright (C) 2020 Nordix Foundation. All rights reserved.
+# ========================================================================
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# ============LICENSE_END=================================================
+cd $WORKSPACE/archives
+git clone "https://gerrit.o-ran-sc.org/r/nonrtric"
+#Copy test script, adapted to ONAP images
+cp $POLMAN_PLANS/FTC1.sh $WORKSPACE/archives/nonrtric/test/auto-test/FTC1.sh
+cp $POLMAN_PLANS/FTC150.sh $WORKSPACE/archives/nonrtric/test/auto-test/FTC150.sh
+#Make the env vars availble to the robot scripts
diff --git a/plans/ccsdk-oran/polmansuite/teardown.sh b/plans/ccsdk-oran/polmansuite/teardown.sh
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..6b0c5f6b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plans/ccsdk-oran/polmansuite/teardown.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+# ============LICENSE_START===============================================
+# Copyright (C) 2020 Nordix Foundation. All rights reserved.
+# ========================================================================
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# ============LICENSE_END=================================================
+# All started containers stopped and removed by the test case
+# Fix ownership. Mounted resources to consul changes ownership which prevents csit test cleanup
+cd $WORKSPACE/archives/nonrtric/test/simulator-group/
+sudo chown $(id -u):$(id -g) consul_cbs
+sudo chown $(id -u):$(id -g) consul_cbs/consul
diff --git a/plans/ccsdk-oran/polmansuite/test_env.sh b/plans/ccsdk-oran/polmansuite/test_env.sh
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..874c8bd7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plans/ccsdk-oran/polmansuite/test_env.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,147 @@
+# ============LICENSE_START===============================================
+# Copyright (C) 2020 Nordix Foundation. All rights reserved.
+# ========================================================================
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# ============LICENSE_END=================================================
+# Set up the image and tags for the test. Do not add the image tag to the image names.
+# NOTE: A env var for each container is created by the test script.
+# This var will point to the local or remote var depending on how
+# the test script is started. The name format is <container-name>_IMAGE, ie with 'LOCAL' or 'REMOTE'.
+# Remote Policy Agent image and tag
+# Control Panel remote image and tag
+# SDNC A1 Controller remote image and tag
+#SDNC DB remote image and tag
+#No local image for DB, remote image always used
+# Near RT RIC Simulator remote image and tag
+#Consul remote image and tag
+#No local image for Consul, remote image always used
+#CBS remote image and tag
+#No local image for CBS, remote image always used
+#MR stub image and tag
+#No remote image for MR stub, local image always used
+#Callback receiver image and tag
+#No remote image for CR, local image always used
+# Common env var for auto-test. Vars used by docker-compose need to be exported
+export DOCKER_SIM_NWNAME="nonrtric-docker-net" # Name of docker private network
+export POLICY_AGENT_EXTERNAL_PORT=8081 # Policy Agent container external port (host -> container)
+export POLICY_AGENT_INTERNAL_PORT=8081 # Policy Agent container internal port (container -> container)
+export POLICY_AGENT_EXTERNAL_SECURE_PORT=8433 # Policy Agent container external secure port (host -> container)
+export POLICY_AGENT_INTERNAL_SECURE_PORT=8433 # Policy Agent container internal secure port (container -> container)
+export POLICY_AGENT_APP_NAME="policy-agent" # Name for Policy Agent container
+POLICY_AGENT_LOGPATH="/var/log/policy-agent/application.log" # Path the application log in the Policy Agent container
+export POLICY_AGENT_APP_NAME_ALIAS="policy-agent-container" # Alias name, name used by the control panel
+export MR_EXTERNAL_PORT=3905 # MR stub container external port (host -> container)
+export MR_INTERNAL_PORT=3905 # MR stub container internal port (container -> container)
+export MR_EXTERNAL_SECURE_PORT=3906 # MR stub container external secure port (host -> container)
+export MR_INTERNAL_SECURE_PORT=3906 # MR stub container internal secure port (container -> container)
+export MR_APP_NAME="message-router" # Name for the MR
+export MR_READ_URL="/events/A1-POLICY-AGENT-READ/users/policy-agent?timeout=15000&limit=100" # Path to read messages from MR
+export MR_WRITE_URL="/events/A1-POLICY-AGENT-WRITE" # Path write messages to MR
+export CR_EXTERNAL_PORT=8090 # Callback receiver container external port (host -> container)
+export CR_INTERNAL_PORT=8090 # Callback receiver container internal port (container -> container)
+export CR_EXTERNAL_SECURE_PORT=8091 # Callback receiver container external secure port (host -> container)
+export CR_INTERNAL_SECURE_PORT=8091 # Callback receiver container internal secure port (container -> container)
+export CR_APP_NAME="callback-receiver" # Name for the Callback receiver
+export CONSUL_HOST="consul-server" # Host name of consul
+export CONSUL_EXTERNAL_PORT=8500 # Consul container external port (host -> container)
+export CONSUL_INTERNAL_PORT=8500 # Consul container internal port (container -> container)
+export CONSUL_APP_NAME="polman-consul" # Name for consul container
+export CBS_APP_NAME="polman-cbs" # Name for CBS container
+export CBS_EXTERNAL_PORT=10000 # CBS container external port (host -> container)
+export CBS_INTERNAL_PORT=10000 # CBS container internal port (container -> container)
+export CONFIG_BINDING_SERVICE="config-binding-service" # Host name of CBS
+export RIC_SIM_BASE="g" # Base name of the RIC Simulator container, shall be the group code
+ # Note, a prefix is added to each container name by the .env file in the 'ric' dir
+RIC_SIM_PREFIX="ricsim" # Prefix added to ric container name, added in the .env file in the 'ric' dir
+ # This prefix can be changed from the command line
+export RIC_SIM_INTERNAL_PORT=8085 # RIC Simulator container internal port (container -> container).
+ # (external ports allocated by docker)
+export RIC_SIM_INTERNAL_SECURE_PORT=8185 # RIC Simulator container internal secure port (container -> container).
+ # (external ports allocated by docker)
+export SDNC_APP_NAME="a1-controller" # Name of the SNDC A1 Controller container
+export SDNC_EXTERNAL_PORT=8282 # SNDC A1 Controller container external port (host -> container)
+export SDNC_INTERNAL_PORT=8181 # SNDC A1 Controller container internal port (container -> container)
+export SDNC_EXTERNAL_SECURE_PORT=8443 # SNDC A1 Controller container external securee port (host -> container)
+export SDNC_INTERNAL_SECURE_PORT=8443 # SNDC A1 Controller container internal secure port (container -> container)
+export SDNC_DB_APP_NAME="sdnc-db" # Name of the SDNC DB container
+export SDNC_A1_TRUSTSTORE_PASSWORD="a1adapter" # SDNC truststore password
+SDNC_USER="admin" # SDNC username
+SDNC_PWD="Kp8bJ4SXszM0WXlhak3eHlcse2gAw84vaoGGmJvUy2U" # SNDC PWD
+SDNC_API_URL="/restconf/operations/A1-ADAPTER-API:" # Base url path for SNDC API
+SDNC_ALIVE_URL="/apidoc/explorer/" # Base url path for SNDC API docs (for alive check)
+SDNC_KARAF_LOG="/opt/opendaylight/data/log/karaf.log" # Path to karaf log
+export CONTROL_PANEL_APP_NAME="control-panel" # Name of the Control Panel container
+export CONTROL_PANEL_EXTERNAL_PORT=8080 # Control Panel container external port (host -> container)
+export CONTROL_PANEL_INTERNAL_PORT=8080 # Control Panel container external port (host -> container)
+CONTROL_PANEL_LOGPATH="/logs/nonrtric-controlpanel.log" # Path the application log in the Control Panel container
+UUID="" # UUID used as prefix to the policy id to simulate a real UUID
+ # Testscript need to set the UUID to use other this empty prefix is used
+RESTBASE="http://localhost:"$POLICY_AGENT_EXTERNAL_PORT # Base url to the Agent NB REST interface
+RESTBASE_SECURE="https://localhost:"$POLICY_AGENT_EXTERNAL_SECURE_PORT # Base url to the secure Agent NB REST interface
+DMAAPBASE="http://localhost:"$MR_EXTERNAL_PORT # Base url to the Dmaap adapter, http
+DMAAPBASE_SECURE="https://localhost:"$MR_EXTERNAL_SECURE_PORT # Base url to the Dmaap adapter, https
+ADAPTER=$RESTBASE # Adapter holds the address the agent R-APP interface (REST OR DMAAP)
+ # The values of this var is swiched between the two base url when needed
diff --git a/plans/ccsdk-oran/polmansuite/testplan.txt b/plans/ccsdk-oran/polmansuite/testplan.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..29191bd8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plans/ccsdk-oran/polmansuite/testplan.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+# ============LICENSE_START===============================================
+# Copyright (C) 2020 Nordix Foundation. All rights reserved.
+# ========================================================================
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# ============LICENSE_END=================================================
+# Test suites are relative paths under [integration/csit.git]/tests/.
+# Place the suites in run order.
+# Temporary change to trigger verify job.