path: root/tests/vfc/nfvo-wfengine/workflow.robot
diff options
authorMarcin Przybysz <marcin.przybysz@nokia.com>2020-07-23 09:08:26 +0000
committerGerrit Code Review <gerrit@onap.org>2020-07-23 09:08:26 +0000
commit6c7424d7d8328771fd9b39c87d70931ec9e999c0 (patch)
treef15238656153f09263fa9ce78deb3d90b3113d6f /tests/vfc/nfvo-wfengine/workflow.robot
parent8ad7a89298cbe0297a7bc97640c27692702ad1da (diff)
parent4f2dde707f9baed3641b7aec48b7d08f13b025e4 (diff)
Merge "Remove csit related to components which are not in Guilin Release"
Diffstat (limited to 'tests/vfc/nfvo-wfengine/workflow.robot')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 113 deletions
diff --git a/tests/vfc/nfvo-wfengine/workflow.robot b/tests/vfc/nfvo-wfengine/workflow.robot
deleted file mode 100644
index 8039ae17..00000000
--- a/tests/vfc/nfvo-wfengine/workflow.robot
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,113 +0,0 @@
-*** Settings ***
-Resource ../../common.robot
-Library Collections
-Library json
-Library OperatingSystem
-Library RequestsLibrary
-Library HttpLibrary.HTTP
-*** Variables ***
-${MSB_PORT} 10550
-${processId} demo
-${deployid} 0
-${bmpfilepath} ${SCRIPTS}/nfvo-wfengine/demo.bpmn20.xml
-*** Test Cases ***
-Deploy BPMN File Test On Activiti
- [Documentation] Check if the test bpmn file can be deployed in activiti engine
- ${auth}= Create List kermit kermit
- ${headers}= Create Dictionary Accept=application/json
- Create Session web_session http://${ACTIVITI_IP}:${ACTIVITI_PORT} headers=${headers} auth=${auth}
- ${files}= evaluate {"file":open('${bmpfilepath}','rb')}
- ${resp}= Post Request web_session /activiti-rest/service/repository/deployments files=${files}
- Should Be Equal ${resp.status_code} ${201}
- Log ${resp.json()}
- ${deployedId}= Set Variable ${resp.json()["id"]}
- Set Global Variable ${deployedId}
-Exectue BPMN File Testt On Activiti
- [Documentation] Check if the test bpmn file can be exectued in activiti engine
- ${headers} Create Dictionary Content-Type=application/json Accept=application/json Authorization=Basic a2VybWl0Omtlcm1pdA==
- Create Session web_session http://${ACTIVITI_IP}:${ACTIVITI_PORT} headers=${headers}
- ${body} Create Dictionary processDefinitionKey=${processId}
- ${body} dumps ${body}
- ${resp}= Post Request web_session /activiti-rest/service/runtime/process-instances ${body}
- Should Be Equal ${resp.status_code} ${201}
-UnDeploy BPMN File Testt On Activiti
- [Documentation] Check if the test bpmn file can be undeployed in activiti engine
- log ${deployedId}
- ${auth}= Create List kermit kermit
- ${headers} Create Dictionary Content-Type=application/json Accept=application/json
- Create Session web_session http://${ACTIVITI_IP}:${ACTIVITI_PORT} headers=${headers} auth=${auth}
- ${resp}= Delete Request web_session /activiti-rest/service/repository/deployments/${deployedId}?cascade=true
- Should Be Equal ${resp.status_code} ${204}
-Deploy BPMN File Test On MgrService
- [Documentation] Check if the test bpmn file can be deployed in Management Service
- ${auth}= Create List kermit kermit
- ${headers}= Create Dictionary Accept=application/json
- Create Session web_session http://${MGRSERVICE_IP}:${MGRSERVICE_PORT} headers=${headers} auth=${auth}
- ${files}= evaluate {"file":open('${bmpfilepath}','rb')}
- ${resp}= Post Request web_session api/workflow/v1/package files=${files}
- Should Be Equal ${resp.status_code} ${200}
- Log ${resp.json()}
- ${deployedId}= Set Variable ${resp.json()["deployedId"]}
- Set Global Variable ${deployedId}
-Exectue BPMN File Testt On MgrService
- [Documentation] Check if the test bpmn file can be exectued in Management Service
- ${headers} Create Dictionary Content-Type=application/json Accept=application/json Authorization=Basic a2VybWl0Omtlcm1pdA==
- Create Session web_session http://${MGRSERVICE_IP}:${MGRSERVICE_PORT} headers=${headers}
- ${body} Create Dictionary processDefinitionKey=${processId}
- ${body} dumps ${body}
- ${resp}= Post Request web_session api/workflow/v1/process/instance ${body}
- Should Be Equal ${resp.status_code} ${200}
- Log ${resp.json()}
- Should Be Equal ${resp.json()["processDefinitionKey"]} ${processId}
-UnDeploy BPMN File Testt On MgrService
- [Documentation] Check if the test bpmn file can be undeployed in Management Service
- log ${deployedId}
- ${auth}= Create List kermit kermit
- ${headers} Create Dictionary Content-Type=application/json Accept=application/json
- Create Session web_session http://${MGRSERVICE_IP}:${MGRSERVICE_PORT} headers=${headers} auth=${auth}
- ${resp}= Delete Request web_session /api/workflow/v1/package/${deployedId}
- Should Be Equal ${resp.status_code} ${200}
-# Deploy BPMN File Test On MSB
-# [Documentation] Check if the test bpmn file can be deployed in activiti engine
-# ${auth}= Create List kermit kermit
-# ${headers}= Create Dictionary Accept=application/json
-# Create Session web_session http://${MSB_IP}:${MSB_PORT} headers=${headers} auth=${auth}
-# ${files}= evaluate {"file":open('${bmpfilepath}','rb')}
-# ${resp}= Post Request web_session api/workflow/v1/package files=${files}
-# Should Be Equal ${resp.status_code} ${200}
-# Log ${resp.json()}
-# ${deployedId}= Set Variable ${resp.json()["deployedId"]}
-# Set Global Variable ${deployedId}
-# Exectue BPMN File Testt On MSB
-# [Documentation] Check if the test bpmn file can be exectued in MSB
-# ${headers} Create Dictionary Content-Type=application/json Accept=application/json Authorization=Basic a2VybWl0Omtlcm1pdA==
-# Create Session web_session http://${MSB_IP}:${MSB_PORT} headers=${headers}
-# ${body} Create Dictionary processDefinitionKey=${processId}
-# ${body} dumps ${body}
-# ${resp}= Post Request web_session api/workflow/v1/process/instance ${body}
-# Should Be Equal ${resp.status_code} ${200}
-# Log ${resp.json()}
-# Should Be Equal ${resp.json()["processDefinitionKey"]} ${processId}
-# UnDeploy BPMN File Testt On MSB
-# [Documentation] Check if the test bpmn file can be undeployed in MSB
-# log ${deployedId}
-# ${auth}= Create List kermit kermit
-# ${headers} Create Dictionary Content-Type=application/json Accept=application/json
-# Create Session web_session http://${MSB_IP}:${MSB_PORT} headers=${headers} auth=${auth}
-# ${resp}= Delete Request web_session /api/workflow/v1/package/${deployedId}
-# Should Be Equal ${resp.status_code} ${200}