path: root/vcpe_beijing/vcpe/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'vcpe_beijing/vcpe/')
1 files changed, 511 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/vcpe_beijing/vcpe/ b/vcpe_beijing/vcpe/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1da7485
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vcpe_beijing/vcpe/
@@ -0,0 +1,511 @@
+import json
+import logging
+import os
+import pickle
+import re
+import sys
+import ipaddress
+import mysql.connector
+import requests
+import commands
+import time
+#import fcntl
+class VcpeCommon:
+ #############################################################################################
+ # Start: configurations that you must change for a new ONAP installation
+ external_net_addr = ''
+ external_net_prefix_len = 24
+ #############################################################################################
+ # set the openstack cloud access credentials here
+ oom_mode = False
+ cloud = {
+ '--os-auth-url': '',
+ '--os-username': 'onapr2',
+ '--os-user-domain-id': 'default',
+ '--os-project-domain-id': 'default',
+ '--os-tenant-id': '41d6d38489bd40b09ea8a6b6b852dcbd' if oom_mode else 'b45461e4b03547db8f2869d2c9f9e29e',
+ '--os-region-name': 'RegionOne',
+ '--os-password': 'onapr2',
+ '--os-project-domain-name': 'Integration-SB-00' if oom_mode else 'onap-r2',
+ '--os-identity-api-version': '3'
+ }
+ common_preload_config = {
+ 'oam_onap_net': 'oam_network_0qV7' if oom_mode else 'oam_onap_FKKn',
+ 'oam_onap_subnet': 'oam_network_0qV7' if oom_mode else 'oam_onap_FKKn',
+ 'public_net': 'public',
+ 'public_net_id': '234f8767-7013-4256-9471-ca34294c4c5c'
+ }
+# for sb07
+# 'oam_onap_lAky',
+# for sb00
+ #'oam_onap_net': 'oam_network_0qV7',
+ #'oam_onap_subnet': 'oam_network_0qV7',
+ # End: configurations that you must change for a new ONAP installation
+ #############################################################################################
+ template_variable_symbol = '${'
+ cpe_vm_prefix = 'zdcpe'
+ #############################################################################################
+ # preloading network config
+ # key=network role
+ # value = [subnet_start_ip, subnet_gateway_ip]
+ preload_network_config = {
+ 'cpe_public': ['', ''],
+ 'cpe_signal': ['', ''],
+ 'brg_bng': ['', ''],
+ 'bng_mux': ['', ''],
+ 'mux_gw': ['', '']
+ }
+ dcae_ves_collector_name = 'onap-dcae'
+ global_subscriber_id = 'SDN-ETHERNET-INTERNET'
+ project_name = 'Project-Demonstration'
+ owning_entity_id = '520cc603-a3c4-4ec2-9ef4-ca70facd79c0'
+ owning_entity_name = 'OE-Demonstration'
+ def __init__(self, extra_host_names=None):
+ self.logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+'Initializing configuration')
+ self.oom_so_sdnc_aai_ip = ''
+ self.oom_dcae_ves_collector = ''
+ self.so_nbi_port = '30223' if self.oom_mode else '8080'
+ self.sdnc_preloading_port = '30202' if self.oom_mode else '8282'
+ self.aai_query_port = '30233' if self.oom_mode else '8443'
+ self.sniro_port = '30288' if self.oom_mode else '8080'
+ self.host_names = ['so', 'sdnc', 'robot', 'aai-inst1', self.dcae_ves_collector_name]
+ if extra_host_names:
+ self.host_names.extend(extra_host_names)
+ # get IP addresses
+ self.hosts = self.get_vm_ip(self.host_names, self.external_net_addr, self.external_net_prefix_len)
+ # this is the keyword used to name vgw stack, must not be used in other stacks
+ self.vgw_name_keyword = 'base_vcpe_vgw'
+ self.svc_instance_uuid_file = '__var/svc_instance_uuid'
+ self.preload_dict_file = '__var/preload_dict'
+ self.vgmux_vnf_name_file = '__var/vgmux_vnf_name'
+ self.product_family_id = 'f9457e8c-4afd-45da-9389-46acd9bf5116'
+ self.custom_product_family_id = 'a9a77d5a-123e-4ca2-9eb9-0b015d2ee0fb'
+ self.instance_name_prefix = {
+ 'service': 'vcpe_svc',
+ 'network': 'vcpe_net',
+ 'vnf': 'vcpe_vnf',
+ 'vfmodule': 'vcpe_vfmodule'
+ }
+ self.aai_userpass = 'AAI', 'AAI'
+ self.pub_key = 'ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQDKXDgoo3+WOqcUG8/5uUbk81+yczgwC4Y8ywTmuQqbNxlY1oQ0YxdMUqUnhitSXs5S/yRuAVOYHwGg2mCs20oAINrP+mxBI544AMIb9itPjCtgqtE2EWo6MmnFGbHB4Sx3XioE7F4VPsh7japsIwzOjbrQe+Mua1TGQ5d4nfEOQaaglXLLPFfuc7WbhbJbK6Q7rHqZfRcOwAMXgDoBqlyqKeiKwnumddo2RyNT8ljYmvB6buz7KnMinzo7qB0uktVT05FH9Rg0CTWH5norlG5qXgP2aukL0gk1ph8iAt7uYLf1ktp+LJI2gaF6L0/qli9EmVCSLr1uJ38Q8CBflhkh'
+ self.os_tenant_id =['--os-tenant-id']
+ self.os_region_name =['--os-region-name']
+ self.common_preload_config['pub_key'] = self.pub_key
+ self.sniro_url = 'http://' + self.hosts['robot'] + ':' + self.sniro_port + '/__admin/mappings'
+ self.sniro_headers = {'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'Accept': 'application/json'}
+ self.homing_solution = 'sniro' # value is either 'sniro' or 'oof'
+# self.homing_solution = 'oof'
+ self.customer_location_used_by_oof = {
+ "customerLatitude": "32.897480",
+ "customerLongitude": "-97.040443",
+ "customerName": "some_company"
+ }
+ #############################################################################################
+ # SDNC urls
+ self.sdnc_userpass = 'admin', 'Kp8bJ4SXszM0WXlhak3eHlcse2gAw84vaoGGmJvUy2U'
+ self.sdnc_db_name = 'sdnctl'
+ self.sdnc_db_user = 'sdnctl'
+ self.sdnc_db_pass = 'gamma'
+ self.sdnc_db_port = '32768'
+ self.sdnc_headers = {'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'Accept': 'application/json'}
+ self.sdnc_preload_network_url = 'http://' + self.hosts['sdnc'] + \
+ ':' + self.sdnc_preloading_port + '/restconf/operations/VNF-API:preload-network-topology-operation'
+ self.sdnc_preload_vnf_url = 'http://' + self.hosts['sdnc'] + \
+ ':' + self.sdnc_preloading_port + '/restconf/operations/VNF-API:preload-vnf-topology-operation'
+ self.sdnc_ar_cleanup_url = 'http://' + self.hosts['sdnc'] + ':' + self.sdnc_preloading_port + \
+ '/restconf/config/GENERIC-RESOURCE-API:'
+ #############################################################################################
+ # SO urls, note: do NOT add a '/' at the end of the url
+ self.so_req_api_url = {'v4': 'http://' + self.hosts['so'] + ':' + self.so_nbi_port + '/ecomp/mso/infra/serviceInstances/v4',
+ 'v5': 'http://' + self.hosts['so'] + ':' + self.so_nbi_port + '/ecomp/mso/infra/serviceInstances/v5'}
+ self.so_check_progress_api_url = 'http://' + self.hosts['so'] + ':' + self.so_nbi_port + '/ecomp/mso/infra/orchestrationRequests/v5'
+ self.so_userpass = 'InfraPortalClient', 'password1$'
+ self.so_headers = {'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'Accept': 'application/json'}
+ self.so_db_name = 'mso_catalog'
+ self.so_db_user = 'root'
+ self.so_db_pass = 'password'
+ self.so_db_port = '30252' if self.oom_mode else '32768'
+ self.vpp_inf_url = 'http://{0}:8183/restconf/config/ietf-interfaces:interfaces'
+ self.vpp_api_headers = {'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'Accept': 'application/json'}
+ self.vpp_api_userpass = ('admin', 'admin')
+ self.vpp_ves_url= 'http://{0}:8183/restconf/config/vesagent:vesagent'
+ def headbridge(self, openstack_stack_name, svc_instance_uuid):
+ """
+ Add vserver information to AAI
+ """
+'Adding vServer information to AAI for {0}'.format(openstack_stack_name))
+ if not self.oom_mode:
+ cmd = '/opt/ heatbridge {0} {1} vCPE'.format(openstack_stack_name, svc_instance_uuid)
+ ret = commands.getstatusoutput("ssh -i onap_dev root@{0} '{1}'".format(self.hosts['robot'], cmd))
+ self.logger.debug('%s', ret)
+ else:
+ print('To add vGMUX vserver info to AAI, do the following:')
+ print('- ssh to rancher')
+ print('- sudo su -')
+ print('- cd /root/oom/kubernetes/robot')
+ print('- ./ onap heatbridge {0} {1} vCPE'.format(openstack_stack_name, svc_instance_uuid))
+ def get_brg_mac_from_sdnc(self):
+ """
+ Check table DHCP_MAP in the SDNC DB. Find the newly instantiated BRG MAC address.
+ Note that there might be multiple BRGs, the most recently instantiated BRG always has the largest IP address.
+ """
+ cnx = mysql.connector.connect(user=self.sdnc_db_user, password=self.sdnc_db_pass, database=self.sdnc_db_name,
+ host=self.hosts['sdnc'], port=self.sdnc_db_port)
+ cursor = cnx.cursor()
+ query = "SELECT * from DHCP_MAP"
+ cursor.execute(query)
+ self.logger.debug('DHCP_MAP table in SDNC')
+ mac_recent = None
+ host = -1
+ for mac, ip in cursor:
+ self.logger.debug(mac + ':' + ip)
+ this_host = int(ip.split('.')[-1])
+ if host < this_host:
+ host = this_host
+ mac_recent = mac
+ cnx.close()
+ assert mac_recent
+ return mac_recent
+ def execute_cmds_sdnc_db(self, cmds):
+ self.execute_cmds_db(cmds, self.sdnc_db_user, self.sdnc_db_pass, self.sdnc_db_name,
+ self.hosts['sdnc'], self.sdnc_db_port)
+ def execute_cmds_so_db(self, cmds):
+ self.execute_cmds_db(cmds, self.so_db_user, self.so_db_pass, self.so_db_name,
+ self.hosts['so'], self.so_db_port)
+ def execute_cmds_db(self, cmds, dbuser, dbpass, dbname, host, port):
+ cnx = mysql.connector.connect(user=dbuser, password=dbpass, database=dbname, host=host, port=port)
+ cursor = cnx.cursor()
+ for cmd in cmds:
+ self.logger.debug(cmd)
+ cursor.execute(cmd)
+ self.logger.debug('%s', cursor)
+ cnx.commit()
+ cursor.close()
+ cnx.close()
+ def find_file(self, file_name_keyword, file_ext, search_dir):
+ """
+ :param file_name_keyword: keyword used to look for the csar file, case insensitive matching, e.g, infra
+ :param file_ext: e.g., csar, json
+ :param search_dir path to search
+ :return: path name of the file
+ """
+ file_name_keyword = file_name_keyword.lower()
+ file_ext = file_ext.lower()
+ if not file_ext.startswith('.'):
+ file_ext = '.' + file_ext
+ filenamepath = None
+ for file_name in os.listdir(search_dir):
+ file_name_lower = file_name.lower()
+ if file_name_keyword in file_name_lower and file_name_lower.endswith(file_ext):
+ if filenamepath:
+ self.logger.error('Multiple files found for *{0}*.{1} in '
+ 'directory {2}'.format(file_name_keyword, file_ext, search_dir))
+ sys.exit()
+ filenamepath = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(search_dir, file_name))
+ if filenamepath:
+ return filenamepath
+ else:
+ self.logger.error("Cannot find *{0}*{1} in directory {2}".format(file_name_keyword, file_ext, search_dir))
+ sys.exit()
+ @staticmethod
+ def network_name_to_subnet_name(network_name):
+ """
+ :param network_name: example: vcpe_net_cpe_signal_201711281221
+ :return: vcpe_net_cpe_signal_subnet_201711281221
+ """
+ fields = network_name.split('_')
+ fields.insert(-1, 'subnet')
+ return '_'.join(fields)
+ def set_network_name(self, network_name):
+ param = ' '.join([k + ' ' + v for k, v in])
+ openstackcmd = 'openstack ' + param
+ cmd = ' '.join([openstackcmd, 'network set --name', network_name, 'ONAP-NW1'])
+ os.popen(cmd)
+ def set_subnet_name(self, network_name):
+ """
+ Example: network_name = vcpe_net_cpe_signal_201711281221
+ set subnet name to vcpe_net_cpe_signal_subnet_201711281221
+ :return:
+ """
+ param = ' '.join([k + ' ' + v for k, v in])
+ openstackcmd = 'openstack ' + param
+ # expected results: | subnets | subnet_id |
+ subnet_info = os.popen(openstackcmd + ' network show ' + network_name + ' |grep subnets').read().split('|')
+ if len(subnet_info) > 2 and subnet_info[1].strip() == 'subnets':
+ subnet_id = subnet_info[2].strip()
+ subnet_name = self.network_name_to_subnet_name(network_name)
+ cmd = ' '.join([openstackcmd, 'subnet set --name', subnet_name, subnet_id])
+ os.popen(cmd)
+"Subnet name set to: " + subnet_name)
+ return True
+ else:
+ self.logger.error("Can't get subnet info from network name: " + network_name)
+ return False
+ def is_node_in_aai(self, node_type, node_uuid):
+ key = None
+ search_node_type = None
+ if node_type == 'service':
+ search_node_type = 'service-instance'
+ key = 'service-instance-id'
+ elif node_type == 'vnf':
+ search_node_type = 'generic-vnf'
+ key = 'vnf-id'
+ else:
+ logging.error('Invalid node_type: ' + node_type)
+ sys.exit()
+ url = 'https://{0}:{1}/aai/v11/search/nodes-query?search-node-type={2}&filter={3}:EQUALS:{4}'.format(
+ self.hosts['aai-inst1'], self.aai_query_port, search_node_type, key, node_uuid)
+ headers = {'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'Accept': 'application/json', 'X-FromAppID': 'vCPE-Robot', 'X-TransactionId': 'get_aai_subscr'}
+ requests.packages.urllib3.disable_warnings()
+ r = requests.get(url, headers=headers, auth=self.aai_userpass, verify=False)
+ response = r.json()
+ self.logger.debug('aai query: ' + url)
+ self.logger.debug('aai response:\n' + json.dumps(response, indent=4, sort_keys=True))
+ return 'result-data' in response
+ @staticmethod
+ def extract_ip_from_str(net_addr, net_addr_len, sz):
+ """
+ :param net_addr: e.g.
+ :param net_addr_len: e.g. 24
+ :param sz: a string
+ :return: the first IP address matching the network, e.g.
+ """
+ network = ipaddress.ip_network(unicode('{0}/{1}'.format(net_addr, net_addr_len)), strict=False)
+ ip_list = re.findall(r'[0-9]+(?:\.[0-9]+){3}', sz)
+ for ip in ip_list:
+ this_net = ipaddress.ip_network(unicode('{0}/{1}'.format(ip, net_addr_len)), strict=False)
+ if this_net == network:
+ return str(ip)
+ return None
+ def get_vm_ip(self, keywords, net_addr=None, net_addr_len=None):
+ """
+ :param keywords: list of keywords to search for vm, e.g. ['bng', 'gmux', 'brg']
+ :param net_addr: e.g.
+ :param net_addr_len: e.g. 24
+ :return: dictionary {keyword: ip}
+ """
+ if not net_addr:
+ net_addr = self.external_net_addr
+ if not net_addr_len:
+ net_addr_len = self.external_net_prefix_len
+ param = ' '.join([k + ' ' + v for k, v in if 'identity' not in k])
+ openstackcmd = 'nova ' + param + ' list'
+ self.logger.debug(openstackcmd)
+ results = os.popen(openstackcmd).read()
+ all_vm_ip_dict = self.extract_vm_ip_as_dict(results, net_addr, net_addr_len)
+ latest_vm_list = self.remove_old_vms(all_vm_ip_dict.keys(), self.cpe_vm_prefix)
+ latest_vm_ip_dict = {vm: all_vm_ip_dict[vm] for vm in latest_vm_list}
+ ip_dict = self.select_subset_vm_ip(latest_vm_ip_dict, keywords)
+ if self.oom_mode:
+ ip_dict.update(self.get_oom_onap_vm_ip(keywords))
+ if len(ip_dict) != len(keywords):
+ self.logger.error('Cannot find all desired IP addresses for %s.', keywords)
+ self.logger.error(json.dumps(ip_dict, indent=4, sort_keys=True))
+ self.logger.error('Temporarily continue.. remember to check back line: 316')
+# sys.exit()
+ return ip_dict
+ def get_oom_onap_vm_ip(self, keywords):
+ vm_ip = {}
+ onap_vm_list = set(['so', 'sdnc', 'aai-inst1', 'robot', self.dcae_ves_collector_name])
+ for vm in keywords:
+ if vm in onap_vm_list:
+ vm_ip[vm] = self.oom_so_sdnc_aai_ip
+ return vm_ip
+ def extract_vm_ip_as_dict(self, novalist_results, net_addr, net_addr_len):
+ vm_ip_dict = {}
+ for line in novalist_results.split('\n'):
+ fields = line.split('|')
+ if len(fields) == 8:
+ vm_name = fields[2]
+ ip_info = fields[-2]
+ ip = self.extract_ip_from_str(net_addr, net_addr_len, ip_info)
+ vm_ip_dict[vm_name] = ip
+ return vm_ip_dict
+ def remove_old_vms(self, vm_list, prefix):
+ """
+ For vms with format name_timestamp, only keep the one with the latest timestamp.
+ E.g.,
+ zdcpe1cpe01brgemu01_201805222148 (drop this)
+ zdcpe1cpe01brgemu01_201805222229 (keep this)
+ zdcpe1cpe01gw01_201805162201
+ """
+ new_vm_list = []
+ same_type_vm_dict = {}
+ for vm in vm_list:
+ fields = vm.split('_')
+ if vm.startswith(prefix) and len(fields) == 2 and len(fields[-1]) == len('201805222148') and fields[-1].isdigit():
+ if vm > same_type_vm_dict.get(fields[0], '0'):
+ same_type_vm_dict[fields[0]] = vm
+ else:
+ new_vm_list.append(vm)
+ new_vm_list.extend(same_type_vm_dict.values())
+ return new_vm_list
+ def select_subset_vm_ip(self, all_vm_ip_dict, vm_name_keyword_list):
+ vm_ip_dict = {}
+ for keyword in vm_name_keyword_list:
+ for vm, ip in all_vm_ip_dict.items():
+ if keyword in vm:
+ vm_ip_dict[keyword] = ip
+ break
+ return vm_ip_dict
+ def del_vgmux_ves_mode(self):
+ url = self.vpp_ves_url.format(self.hosts['mux']) + '/mode'
+ r = requests.delete(url, headers=self.vpp_api_headers, auth=self.vpp_api_userpass)
+ self.logger.debug('%s', r)
+ def del_vgmux_ves_collector(self):
+ url = self.vpp_ves_url.format(self.hosts['mux']) + '/config'
+ r = requests.delete(url, headers=self.vpp_api_headers, auth=self.vpp_api_userpass)
+ self.logger.debug('%s', r)
+ def set_vgmux_ves_collector(self ):
+ url = self.vpp_ves_url.format(self.hosts['mux'])
+ data = {'config':
+ {'server-addr': self.hosts[self.dcae_ves_collector_name],
+ 'server-port': '30235' if self.oom_mode else '8081',
+ 'read-interval': '10',
+ 'is-add':'1'
+ }
+ }
+ r =, headers=self.vpp_api_headers, auth=self.vpp_api_userpass, json=data)
+ self.logger.debug('%s', r)
+ def set_vgmux_packet_loss_rate(self, lossrate, vg_vnf_instance_name):
+ url = self.vpp_ves_url.format(self.hosts['mux'])
+ data = {"mode":
+ {"working-mode": "demo",
+ "base-packet-loss": str(lossrate),
+ "source-name": vg_vnf_instance_name
+ }
+ }
+ r =, headers=self.vpp_api_headers, auth=self.vpp_api_userpass, json=data)
+ self.logger.debug('%s', r)
+ # return all the VxLAN interface names of BRG or vGMUX based on the IP address
+ def get_vxlan_interfaces(self, ip, print_info=False):
+ url = self.vpp_inf_url.format(ip)
+ self.logger.debug('url is this: %s', url)
+ r = requests.get(url, headers=self.vpp_api_headers, auth=self.vpp_api_userpass)
+ data = r.json()['interfaces']['interface']
+ if print_info:
+ for inf in data:
+ if 'name' in inf and 'type' in inf and inf['type'] == 'v3po:vxlan-tunnel':
+ print(json.dumps(inf, indent=4, sort_keys=True))
+ return [inf['name'] for inf in data if 'name' in inf and 'type' in inf and inf['type'] == 'v3po:vxlan-tunnel']
+ # delete all VxLAN interfaces of each hosts
+ def delete_vxlan_interfaces(self, host_dic):
+ for host, ip in host_dic.items():
+ deleted = False
+'{0}: Getting VxLAN interfaces'.format(host))
+ inf_list = self.get_vxlan_interfaces(ip)
+ for inf in inf_list:
+ deleted = True
+ time.sleep(2)
+"{0}: Deleting VxLAN crossconnect {1}".format(host, inf))
+ url = self.vpp_inf_url.format(ip) + '/interface/' + inf + '/v3po:l2'
+ requests.delete(url, headers=self.vpp_api_headers, auth=self.vpp_api_userpass)
+ for inf in inf_list:
+ deleted = True
+ time.sleep(2)
+"{0}: Deleting VxLAN interface {1}".format(host, inf))
+ url = self.vpp_inf_url.format(ip) + '/interface/' + inf
+ requests.delete(url, headers=self.vpp_api_headers, auth=self.vpp_api_userpass)
+ if len(self.get_vxlan_interfaces(ip)) > 0:
+ self.logger.error("Error deleting VxLAN from {0}, try to restart the VM, IP is {1}.".format(host, ip))
+ return False
+ if not deleted:
+"{0}: no VxLAN interface found, nothing to delete".format(host))
+ return True
+ @staticmethod
+ def save_object(obj, filepathname):
+ with open(filepathname, 'wb') as fout:
+ pickle.dump(obj, fout)
+ @staticmethod
+ def load_object(filepathname):
+ with open(filepathname, 'rb') as fin:
+ return pickle.load(fin)
+ @staticmethod
+ def increase_ip_address_or_vni_in_template(vnf_template_file, vnf_parameter_name_list):
+ with open(vnf_template_file) as json_input:
+ #fcntl.flock(json_input.fileno(),fcntl.LOCK_EX)
+ json_data = json.load(json_input)
+ param_list = json_data['VNF-API:input']['VNF-API:vnf-topology-information']['VNF-API:vnf-parameters']
+ for param in param_list:
+ if param['vnf-parameter-name'] in vnf_parameter_name_list:
+ ipaddr_or_vni = param['vnf-parameter-value'].split('.')
+ number = int(ipaddr_or_vni[-1])
+ if 254 == number:
+ number = 10
+ else:
+ number = number + 1
+ ipaddr_or_vni[-1] = str(number)
+ param['vnf-parameter-value'] = '.'.join(ipaddr_or_vni)
+ assert json_data is not None
+ with open(vnf_template_file, 'w') as json_output:
+ json.dump(json_data, json_output, indent=4, sort_keys=True)
+ def save_preload_data(self, preload_data):
+ self.save_object(preload_data, self.preload_dict_file)
+ def load_preload_data(self):
+ return self.load_object(self.preload_dict_file)
+ def save_vgmux_vnf_name(self, vgmux_vnf_name):
+ self.save_object(vgmux_vnf_name, self.vgmux_vnf_name_file)
+ def load_vgmux_vnf_name(self):
+ return self.load_object(self.vgmux_vnf_name_file)