path: root/docs/offeredapis/listener/asciiDoc.adoc
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-= API Listener
-== Overview
-=== Api URL
-https://api-designer.sso.infra.ftgroup/swagger-ui/?url=https://api-designer.sso.infra.ftgroup/api/1.0/apis/aoG0EJ01Pv/swagger.json[Swagger UI]
-[plant UML UI]
-Listener API has to be implemented on the client side in order to receive notification.
-Notification are received if HUB has been posted on server side.
-=== Version information
-__Version__ : 0.1.0_inProgress
-=== URI scheme
-__Host__ : serverRoot
-__BasePath__ : /externalapi/listener/v1
-__Schemes__ : HTTPS
-=== Tags
-* Listener
-=== Produces
-* `application/json;charset=utf-8`
-== Resources
-=== Listener
-==== createEvent
-POST /listener
-===== Description
-The create event is used by the seller to trigger (POST) a notification to the buyer. The buyer has previously subscribed to receive notification
-Specific business errors for current operation will be encapsulated in
-HTTP Response 422 Unprocessable entity
-===== Parameters
-[options="header", cols=".^2,.^3,.^4"]
-|**Body**|**event** +
-===== Responses
-[options="header", cols=".^2,.^14,.^4"]
-|HTTP Code|Description|Schema
-|**400**|Bad Request
-List of supported error codes:
-- 20: Invalid URL parameter value
-- 21: Missing body
-- 22: Invalid body
-- 23: Missing body field
-- 24: Invalid body field
-- 25: Missing header
-- 26: Invalid header value
-- 27: Missing query-string parameter
-- 28: Invalid query-string parameter value|<<_errorrepresentation,ErrorRepresentation>>
-List of supported error codes:
-- 40: Missing credentials
-- 41: Invalid credentials
-- 42: Expired credentials|<<_errorrepresentation,ErrorRepresentation>>
-List of supported error codes:
-- 50: Access denied
-- 51: Forbidden requester
-- 52: Forbidden user
-- 53: Too many requests|<<_errorrepresentation,ErrorRepresentation>>
-|**422**|Unprocessable entity
-Functional error|<<_errorrepresentation,ErrorRepresentation>>
-|**500**|Internal Server Error
-List of supported error codes:
-- 1: Internal error|<<_errorrepresentation,ErrorRepresentation>>
-|**503**|Service Unavailable
-List of supported error codes:
-- 5: The service is temporarily unavailable
-- 6: Orange API is over capacity, retry later !|<<_errorrepresentation,ErrorRepresentation>>
-===== Consumes
-* `application/json;charset=utf-8`
-===== Produces
-* `application/json;charset=utf-8`
-== Definitions
-=== ErrorRepresentation
-[options="header", cols=".^3,.^4"]
-|**@schemaLocation** +
-|**@type** +
-|**code** +
-__required__|integer (int32)
-|**message** +
-|**reason** +
-|**referenceError** +
-|**status** +
-__optional__|integer (int32)
-=== EventType
-__Type__ : enum (ServiceOrderCreationNotification, ServiceOrderStateChangeNotification, ServiceOrderItemStateChangeNotification)
-=== Listener
-An event will be triggered for each time a notification is send to a listener.
-[options="header", cols=".^3,.^11,.^4"]
-|**event** +
-__required__|An event representation is the payload of information send with the notification; it will feature event attributes + summary view of the resource.|object
-|**eventDate** +
-__required__||string (date-time)
-|**eventId** +
-__required__|id of the event|string
-|**eventType** +