path: root/common
AgeCommit message (Expand)AuthorFilesLines
2020-10-12Merge "Exclude problematic dependency from cxf"Steve Smokowski1-1/+0
2020-10-08Exclude problematic dependency from cxf<
minversion = 1.6
envlist = docs,
#         docs-linkcheck,

skipsdist = true

basepython = python3
deps = -r{toxinidir}/../etc/requirements.txt
commands =
    sphinx-build -b html -n -d {envtmpdir}/doctrees ./ {toxinidir}/_build/html
    echo "Generated docs available in {toxinidir}/docs/_build/html"
whitelist_externals =

basepython = python3
deps = -r{toxinidir}/../etc/requirements.txt
commands =
    git submodule update --depth 100 --init
    sphinx-build -b html -n -d {envtmpdir}/doctrees ./ {toxinidir}/_build/html
    echo "Generated docs available in {toxinidir}/_build/html"
whitelist_externals =

basepython = python3
deps = -r{toxinidir}/../etc/requirements.txt
commands = echo "Link Checking not enforced"
#commands = sphinx-build -b linkcheck -d {envtmpdir}/doctrees ./docs/ {toxinidir}/docs/_build/linkcheck
whitelist_externals =

basepython = python3
deps =
commands = 
    sphinx-build -b spelling -Dextensions=sphinxcontrib.spelling -Dspelling_word_list_filename=validwords.txt -d {envtmpdir}/doctrees ./ {toxinidir}/_build/spellcheck
bravatar.org/avatar/03089d20a272da1c1fee94121d263731?s=128&d=retro' />Steve Smokowski1-1/+16 2020-08-31Added logging and try/catch to external task.Boslet, Cory1-1/+16 2020-08-30Update NSSMF adapter to support External RAN NSSMFEnbo Wang6-14/+70 2020-08-27update nssmf adapter beanszm33012-4/+191 2020-08-26update nssmf adapter beanszm33021-116/+305 2020-08-18If statement and logger correctionmharazin1-1/+1 2020-08-07Merge "changes for java 11 upgradation Issue-ID: SO-3082"Seshu Kumar M1-4/+4 2020-08-06changes for java 11 upgradationarun chapagain1-4/+4 2020-08-06bump the master to 1.7.1seshukm1-1/+1 2020-08-04Merge "CDS client gRPC SSL/TLS support"Steve Smokowski7-35/+103 2020-07-29Fix SO Security vulnerabilitiesdeepikasatheesh1-0/+4 2020-07-16Implement mapping of requestorId toKuleshov, Elena1-0/+9 2020-07-13CDS client gRPC SSL/TLS supportMichal Jagiello7-35/+103 2020-07-10Changed certain external task to use the longBoslet, Cory1-1/+21 2020-07-07move sdn clients to own packageBoslet, Cory1-0/+31 2020-07-06Moved sniro and oof clients into their own projectBoslet, Cory1-0/+42 2020-06-18Prepare for java 11Benjamin, Max3-4/+24 2020-06-04Add retry dependencyBenjamin, Max1-0/+4 2020-05-14Merge "requestid values have commas audit log"Steve Smokowski1-1/+2 2020-05-13update DoCreateSliceServiceOption script because the oof inteface modifyhetengjiao1-0/+7 2020-05-11requestid values have commas audit logPlummer, Brittany1-1/+2 2020-04-29Merge "move aai-client into its own project"Steve Smokowski183-12980/+0 2020-04-28Changed the text xml client to always set theBoslet, Cory3-9/+23 2020-04-28move aai-client into its own projectBenjamin, Max183-12980/+0 2020-04-17openstack inventory captureSmokowski, Steven5-1/+171 2020-04-16Merge "lowered code smells"Steve Smokowski3-5/+1 2020-04-16Merge "reduced code smells"Steve Smokowski3-6/+0 2020-04-15Fixing SO buildwaqas.ikram1-1/+0 2020-04-13lowered code smellsRupinder3-5/+1 2020-04-13reduced code smellsRupinder3-6/+0 2020-04-07Add workflowName and operationName to v8 ofKuleshov, Elena1-4/+22 2020-03-30Merge "convert openstack to external tasks"Steve Smokowski5-19/+29 2020-03-26convert openstack to external tasksBoslet, Cory5-19/+29 2020-03-25mso vnf configuration update composite flowBonkur, Venkat1-0/+11 2020-03-19Merge "Correct object provider for jersey"Steve Smokowski3-4/+21