path: root/docs/release
#n98'>98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158
*** Settings ***
Documentation   This test can be used for an arbitrary VNF.
Resource        ../vid/vid_interface.robot
Resource        ../vid/create_vid_vnf.robot
Resource        ../sdnc_interface.robot

Library         ONAPLibrary.Openstack
Library         SeleniumLibrary
Library         Collections
Library         ONAPLibrary.Utilities
Library         ONAPLibrary.JSON
Library         ONAPLibrary.ServiceMapping    WITH NAME    ServiceMapping

*** Keywords ***
Instantiate VNF
    [Documentation]   Log into VID, create service instance, vnf instance, and module. This handles an arbitrary, single VNF service w/ volume modules.
    [Arguments]    ${customer_name}    ${service}    ${service_type}    ${service_name}    ${service_model_type}    ${vnf_type}    ${vf_modules}   ${catalog_resources}    ${product_family}    ${tenant_name}    ${lcp_region}    ${cloud_owner}    ${project_name}   ${owning_entity}    ${api_type}    ${line_of_business}=LOB-Demonstration    ${platform}=Platform-Demonstration
    ${uuid}=    Generate UUID4
    ${list}=    Create List
    ${report_data}=    Create List
    Setup Browser
    Login To VID GUI    api_type=${api_type}

    Log    Creating ${service_name} in VID    console=yes
    ${service_instance_id}=   Wait Until Keyword Succeeds    900s   5s    Create VID Service Instance    ${customer_name}   ${service_model_type}    ${service_type}     ${service_name}   ${project_name}   ${owning_entity}

    Validate Service Instance    ${service_instance_id}    ${service_type}     ${customer_name}
    ServiceMapping.Set Directory    default    ${GLOBAL_SERVICE_MAPPING_DIRECTORY}
    ${vnflist}=    ServiceMapping.Get Service Vnf Mapping    default    ${service}
    ${vnf_name_index}=   Set Variable  0
    ${vf_module_name_list}=    Create List
    ${uuid}=    Evaluate    str("${uuid}")[:8]

    :FOR   ${vnf}   IN   @{vnflist}
    # APPC max is 50 characters
    \   ${vnf_name}=    Catenate    Ete_${vnf}_${uuid}_${vnf_name_index}
    \   ${generic_vnf_type}=    Set Variable    ${service_name}/${vnf_type} ${vnf_name_index}
    \   ${vnf_name_index}=   Evaluate   ${vnf_name_index} + 1
    \   Log    Creating VNF ${vnf_name} in VID    console=yes
    \   Wait Until Keyword Succeeds    900s   5s    Create VID VNF    ${service_instance_id}    ${vnf_name}    ${product_family}    ${lcp_region}    ${tenant_name}    ${vnf_type}   ${CUSTOMER_NAME}    line_of_business=${line_of_business}    platform=${platform}    cloud_owner_uc=${cloud_owner}

    #### Calling Keyword To Create Each Module ####
    \   ${report_data}=    Loop and Create Modules in VID    ${vf_modules}    ${vnf_name}    ${generic_vnf_type}    ${service_instance_id}    ${lcp_region}    ${tenant_name}    ${cloud_owner}    ${customer_name}    ${vnf}    ${catalog_resources}

    [Return]     ${report_data}

Loop and Create Modules in VID
    [Documentation]    Loops through the VF modules in a VNF and instantiates in VID
    [Arguments]    ${vf_modules}    ${vnf_name}    ${generic_vnf_type}    ${service_instance_id}    ${lcp_region}    ${tenant_name}    ${cloud_owner}    ${customer_name}    ${vnf}    ${resources}
    ${temp_list_for_report}    Create List

    ### Base Module
    :FOR    ${module}    IN      @{vf_modules}
    \       ${vf_module_type}=    Get From Dictionary    ${module}    name
    \       ${template_name}=    Get Heat Template Name From Catalog Resource    ${resources}    ${vnf}    ${vf_module_type}
    \       ${preload_file}    ${isBase}=    Retrieve Module Preload and isBase    ${template_name}
    \       ${temp_dict_for_report} =    Run Keyword If    "${isBase}"=="true"    Create Module in VID    ${vnf_name}    ${template_name}    ${vf_module_type}    ${generic_vnf_type}    ${preload_file}    ${service_instance_id}    ${lcp_region}    ${tenant_name}    ${customer_name}    ${cloud_owner}
    \       Run Keyword If    "${isBase}"=="true"    Append To List    ${temp_list_for_report}    ${temp_dict_for_report}

    ### Incremental Modules
    :FOR    ${module}    IN      @{vf_modules}
    \       ${vf_module_type}=    Get From Dictionary    ${module}    name
    \       ${template_name}=    Get Heat Template Name From Catalog Resource    ${resources}    ${vnf}    ${vf_module_type}
    \       ${preload_file}    ${isBase}=    Retrieve Module Preload and isBase    ${template_name}
    \       ${temp_dict_for_report} =    Run Keyword If    "${isBase}"=="false"    Create Module in VID    ${vnf_name}    ${template_name}    ${vf_module_type}    ${generic_vnf_type}    ${preload_file}    ${service_instance_id}    ${lcp_region}    ${tenant_name}    ${customer_name}    ${cloud_owner}
    \       Run Keyword If    "${isBase}"=="false"    Append To List    ${temp_list_for_report}    ${temp_dict_for_report}

    [Return]     ${temp_list_for_report}

Create Module in VID
    [Arguments]    ${vnf_name}    ${template_name}    ${vf_module_type}    ${generic_vnf_type}    ${preload_file}    ${service_instance_id}    ${lcp_region}    ${tenant_name}    ${customer_name}    ${cloud_owner}

    ${vf_module_name}=    Catenate    Vfmodule_${vnf_name}_${template_name}
    ${vf_module_name}=    Remove String        ${vf_module_name}    .yaml    .yml
    ${Module_name}=    Set Variable
    ${api_type}=          Retrieve Manifest Data      api_type

    Create Preload From JSON    ${BUILD_DIR}/preloads/${preload_file}     ${api_type}    ${vf_module_name}     ${vf_module_type}    ${vnf_name}    ${generic_vnf_type}

    ${temp_dict_for_report}    Create Dictionary    stack_name=${vf_module_name}    template_name=${BUILD_DIR}/templates/${template_name}    preload_name=${BUILD_DIR}/preloads/${preload_file}

    Log    Creating ${vf_module_name} in VID    console=yes
    ${vf_module_id}=   Create VID VNF module    ${service_instance_id}    ${vf_module_name}    ${lcp_region}    ${tenant_name}     ${vf_module_type}   ${customer_name}   ${vnf_name}    cloud_owner_uc=${cloud_owner}
    [Return]    ${temp_dict_for_report}

Retrieve Module Preload and isBase
    [Arguments]    ${file_name}
    ${json}=        OperatingSystem.Get File    ${BUILD_DIR}/vnf-details.json
    ${object}=      Evaluate    json.loads('''${json}''')    json
    :FOR   ${vnf}   IN   @{object["modules"]}
    \    ${module_present}=     set variable    True
    \    ${file_name_m}=        set variable    ${vnf["filename"]}
    \    ${preload_name}=       set variable if    '${file_name_m}' == '${file_name}'    ${vnf["preload"]}
    \    ${isBase}=             set variable if    '${file_name_m}' == '${file_name}'    ${vnf["isBase"]}
    \    Exit For Loop If       '${file_name_m}' == '${file_name}'
    \    ${module_present}=     set variable    False
    Return From Keyword If      ${module_present}==True    ${preload_name}    ${isBase}
    Fail    msg=ERROR: A module with the file name: ${file_name} is not present.

##### Getting The Heat Template Name From the Module ID, using the catalog data #####
Get Heat Template Name From Catalog Resource
    [Documentation]    Searching through the catalog resources looking for the heat template name
    [Arguments]   ${resources}   ${vnf}    ${module_id}

    ${keys}=    Get Dictionary Keys    ${resources}
    ${artifact_ids}=    Get Artifact IDs From CSAR    ${resources}   ${vnf}    ${module_id}

    :FOR   ${key}   IN    @{keys}
    \    ${cr}=   Get From Dictionary    ${resources}    ${key}
    \    ${artifacts}=    Set Variable    ${cr['allArtifacts']}
    \    ${artifactName}=    Get Artifact Name From Artifacts    ${artifacts}    ${artifact_ids}
    \    Return From Keyword If    "${artifactName}" != "NOTFOUND"    ${artifactName}

Get Artifact Name From Artifacts
    [Arguments]   ${artifacts}    ${artifact_ids}

    ${keys}=    Get Dictionary Keys    ${artifacts}

    :FOR    ${key}     IN     @{keys}
    \       ${artifact}=    Get From Dictionary    ${artifacts}    ${key}
    \       ${artifactType}=    Get From Dictionary    ${artifact}    artifactType
    \       ${csar_id}=    Set Variable    ''
    \       ${csar_id}=    Run Keyword If    "${artifactType}"=="HEAT"   Get From Dictionary    ${artifact}    artifactUUID
    \       ${artifactName}=    Run Keyword If    $csar_id in $artifact_ids    Get From Dictionary    ${artifact}    artifactName
    \       Return From Keyword If    $csar_id in $artifact_ids    ${artifactName}

    [Return]    NOTFOUND

Get Artifact IDs From CSAR
    [Documentation]    Looking for the artifact ID for a given module
    [Arguments]   ${resources}   ${vnf}    ${module_id}

    ${keys}=    Get Dictionary Keys    ${resources}

    :FOR   ${key}   IN    @{keys}
    \    ${cr}=   Get From Dictionary    ${resources}    ${key}
    \    ${groups}=    Set Variable    ${cr['groups']}
    \    ${artifact_ids}=    Get Artifact IDs From Module    ${groups}    ${module_id}
    \    Return From Keyword If    ${artifact_ids} is not None    ${artifact_ids}

    ${empty_list}=    Create List

    [Return]    ${empty_list}

Get Artifact IDs From Module
    [Arguments]    ${groups}    ${module_id}

    :FOR    ${group}     IN     @{groups}
    \       ${invariant_name}=    Get From Dictionary    ${group}    invariantName
    \       ${artifact_ids}=    Create List
    \       ${artifact_ids}=    Run Keyword If    "${invariant_name}"== "${module_id}"    Get From Dictionary    ${group}    artifactsUuid
    \       Return From Keyword If    ${artifact_ids} is not None    ${artifact_ids}

    ${empty_list}=    Create List

    [Return]    ${empty_list}
##### End of catalog manipulation #####