BranchCommit messageAuthorAge
osloupdate oslo branches with docsthmsdt5 weeks
masterupdate release notethmsdt5 weeks
newdelhifixed conf.pythmsdt7 months
montrealadd montreal release datethmsdt13 months
londonupdate for composite release notesthmsdt19 months
kohnFix create VF/PNF instructionsMichaelMorris2 years
jakartacorrect Jakarta release datethmsdt3 years
istanbulupdate requirements filesthmsdt3 years
guilinRemove indirect depsCédric Ollivier3 years
honoluluMerge "Remove indirect deps" into honoluluEric Debeau3 years
frankfurtRemove indirect depsCédric Ollivier3 years
elaltoUpdate git submoduleswreehil4 years
casablancaUpdate git submodulesMike Elliott5 years
dublinUpdate git submodulessebdet5 years
beijingMark Beijing as security not supportedKrzysztof Opasiak6 years
2.0.0-ONAPUpdated git submodulesMichal Ptacek6 years
amsterdamUpdated git submodulesVictor Gao7 years
5.0.0-ONAPcommit 4512bd3b49...Jessica Wagantall5 years
6.0.1-ONAPcommit 77e0cf89b6...Jessica Wagantall5 years
6.0.0-ONAPcommit 77e0cf89b6...Jessica Wagantall5 years
elalto.1.5.2commit 7a62775812...Sofia Wallin5 years
2.0.0-ONAPcommit dc8b2cb92c...Jessica Wagantall7 years
1.0.0-ONAPcommit 50ea282ecf...Jessica Wagantall7 years
v1.0.0commit 50ea282ecf...Rich Bennett7 years
1.0.0-Amsterdamcommit 50ea282ecf...Rich Bennett7 years
==================================================== #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## ## Script to run APEX Applications, call with '-h' for help ## - requires BASH with associative arrays, bash of at least version 4 ## - for BASH examples with arrays see for instance: ## - adding a new app means to add a command to APEX_APP_MAP and a description to APEX_APP_DESCR_MAP using same/unique key ## ## @package org.onap.policy.apex ## @author Sven van der Meer <> ## @version v2.0.0 ## ## DO NOT CHANGE CODE BELOW, unless you know what you are doing ## if [ -z $APEX_HOME ] then APEX_HOME="/opt/app/policy/apex-pdp" fi if [ ! -d $APEX_HOME ] then echo echo 'Apex directory "'$APEX_HOME'" not set or not a directory' echo "Please set environment for 'APEX_HOME'" exit fi ## script name for output MOD_SCRIPT_NAME=`basename $0` ## check BASH version, we need >=4 for associative arrays if [ "${BASH_VERSION:0:1}" -lt 4 ] ; then echo echo "$MOD_SCRIPT_NAME: requires bash 4 or higher for associative arrays" echo exit fi ## config for CP apps _config="-Dlogback.configurationFile=$APEX_HOME/etc/logback.xml -Dhazelcast.config=$APEX_HOME/etc/hazelcast.xml -Dhazelcast.mancenter.enabled=false" ## Maven/APEX version _version=`cat $APEX_HOME/etc/app-version.txt` ## system to get CygWin paths system=`uname -s | cut -c1-6` cpsep=":" if [ "$system" == "CYGWIN" ] ; then APEX_HOME=`cygpath -m ${APEX_HOME}` cpsep=";" fi ## CP for CP apps CLASSPATH="$APEX_HOME/etc${cpsep}$APEX_HOME/etc/hazelcast${cpsep}$APEX_HOME/etc/infinispan${cpsep}$APEX_HOME/lib/*" ## array of applications with name=command declare -A APEX_APP_MAP APEX_APP_MAP["ws-console"]="java -jar $APEX_HOME/lib/applications/simple-wsclient-$_version-jar-with-dependencies.jar -c" APEX_APP_MAP["ws-echo"]="java -jar $APEX_HOME/lib/applications/simple-wsclient-$_version-jar-with-dependencies.jar" APEX_APP_MAP["tpl-event-json"]="java -Dlogback.configurationFile=$APEX_HOME/etc/logback.xml -cp ${CLASSPATH} $_config" APEX_APP_MAP["model-2-cli"]="java -Dlogback.configurationFile=$APEX_HOME/etc/logback.xml -cp ${CLASSPATH} $_config" APEX_APP_MAP["rest-editor"]="java -Dlogback.configurationFile=$APEX_HOME/etc/logback.xml -jar $APEX_HOME/lib/applications/client-editor-$_version-editor.jar" APEX_APP_MAP["cli-editor"]="java -Dlogback.configurationFile=$APEX_HOME/etc/logback.xml -cp ${CLASSPATH} $_config org.onap.policy.apex.auth.clieditor.ApexCommandLineEditorMain" APEX_APP_MAP["engine"]="java -Dlogback.configurationFile=$APEX_HOME/etc/logback.xml -cp ${CLASSPATH} $_config org.onap.policy.apex.service.engine.main.ApexMain" APEX_APP_MAP["eng-deployment"]="java -Dlogback.configurationFile=$APEX_HOME/etc/logback.xml -jar $APEX_HOME/lib/applications/client-deployment-$_version-deployment.jar" APEX_APP_MAP["eng-monitoring"]="java -Dlogback.configurationFile=$APEX_HOME/etc/logback.xml -jar $APEX_HOME/lib/applications/client-monitoring-$_version-monitoring.jar" APEX_APP_MAP["full-client"]="java -Dlogback.configurationFile=$APEX_HOME/etc/logback.xml -jar $APEX_HOME/lib/applications/client-full-$_version-full.jar" ## array of applications with name=description declare -A APEX_APP_DESCR_MAP APEX_APP_DESCR_MAP["ws-console"]="a simple console sending events to APEX, connect to APEX consumer port" APEX_APP_DESCR_MAP["ws-echo"]="a simple echo client printing events received from APEX, connect to APEX producer port" APEX_APP_DESCR_MAP["tpl-event-json"]="provides JSON templates for events generated from a policy model" APEX_APP_DESCR_MAP["model-2-cli"]="generates CLI Editor Commands from a policy model" APEX_APP_DESCR_MAP["rest-editor"]="starts the APEX REST Editor inside a simple webserver" APEX_APP_DESCR_MAP["cli-editor"]="runs the APEX CLI Editor" APEX_APP_DESCR_MAP["engine"]="starts the APEX engine" APEX_APP_DESCR_MAP["eng-deployment"]="starts the APEX deployment client in a simple webserver" APEX_APP_DESCR_MAP["eng-monitoring"]="starts the APEX engine monitoring client in a simple webserver" APEX_APP_DESCR_MAP["full-client"]="starts the full APEX client (rest editor, deployment, monitoring) in a simple webserver" ## ## Help screen and exit condition (i.e. too few arguments) ## Help() { echo "" echo "$MOD_SCRIPT_NAME - runs APEX applications" echo "" echo " Usage: $MOD_SCRIPT_NAME [options] | [<application> [<application options>]]" echo "" echo " Options" echo " -d <app> - describes an application" echo " -l - lists all applications supported by this script" echo " -h - this help screen" echo "" echo "" exit 255; } if [ $# -eq 0 ]; then Help fi ## ## read command line, cannot do as while here due to 2-view CLI ## if [ "$1" == "-l" ]; then echo "$MOD_SCRIPT_NAME: supported applications:" echo " --> ${!APEX_APP_MAP[@]}" echo "" exit 0 fi if [ "$1" == "-d" ]; then if [ -z "$2" ]; then echo "$MOD_SCRIPT_NAME: no application given to describe, supported applications:" echo " --> ${!APEX_APP_MAP[@]}" echo "" exit 0; else _cmd=${APEX_APP_DESCR_MAP[$2]} if [ -z "$_cmd" ]; then echo "$MOD_SCRIPT_NAME: unknown application '$2'" echo "" exit 0; fi echo "$MOD_SCRIPT_NAME: application '$2'" echo " --> $_cmd" echo "" exit 0; fi fi if [ "$1" == "-h" ]; then Help exit 0 fi _app=$1 shift _cmd=${APEX_APP_MAP[$_app]} if [ -z "$_cmd" ]; then echo "$MOD_SCRIPT_NAME: application '$_app' not supported" exit 1 fi _cmd="$_cmd $*" ## echo "$MOD_SCRIPT_NAME: running application '$_app' with command '$_cmd'" exec $_cmd