path: root/tools
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'tools')
2 files changed, 769 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tools/ b/tools/
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..7a9b6735b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/
@@ -0,0 +1,709 @@
+#set -x # uncomment for bash script debugging
+### ============================================================================
+### Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+### you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+### You may obtain a copy of the License at
+### Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+### distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+### WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+### See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+### limitations under the License.
+### ============LICENSE_END=====================================================
+### AUTHOR(S):
+### Thomas Kulik, Deutsche Telekom AG, 2020
+### Retrieves a full list of ONAP repos from gerrit inluding their state.
+### Clones all active repos of the ONAP master branch plus other requested ONAP
+### branches. Then the script does some docs related analyses depending on the
+### clone results. It creates logfiles containing filtered results. In addition
+### a table.csv is created which can be used to import it in a spreadsheed.
+### Also a zip-file is created which contains all the results.
+### - in the output, repo names are shown in square brackets for readability
+### e.g [aai/aai-common]/docs/release-notes.rst
+### - in the table.csv file you see data for the requested branch if available.
+### if not available, data is retrieved from the master branch. it will be
+### denoted in round brackets, e.g. (3) (tox.ini)
+### curl
+### jq
+### create repo list
+### curl -s | grep "^<tr><td class='toplevel-repo'><a title='" | sed -r "s:^<tr><td class='toplevel-repo'><a title='::" | sed -r "s:'.*::"
+### remove branchname from the line
+### cat frankfurt_gerritclone.log | sed 's:frankfurt|::'
+### list only image names
+### cat master_dockerimagesfull.log | grep image | sed -r 's:image\:::' | sed -r 's:^ +::' | sed '/^[[:space:]]*$/d'
+### more interesting stuff ...
+### curl
+### LONG: curl -s '' | awk '{if(NR>1)print}' | jq -c '.[] | {id, state}' | sed -r 's:%2F:/:g' | sed -r 's:["{}]::g' | sed -r 's:id\:::' | sed -r 's:,state\::|:' | sed '/All-Projects/d' | sed '/All-Users/d'
+### SHORT: curl -s '' | awk '{if(NR>1)print}' | jq -c '.[] | {id, state}' | sed -r 's:%2F:/:g; s:["{}]::g; s:id\:::; s:,state\::|:; /All-Projects/d; /All-Users/d'
+script_version="1.0 (2020-11-16)"
+# save command for the restart with logging enabled
+fullcommand="${command} ${arguments}"
+### functions
+# print usage
+function usage() {
+ echo " "
+ echo " USAGE: "
+ echo " ./ "
+ echo " "
+ echo " ARGUMENTS: "
+ echo " -u|--user username "
+ echo " linux foundation username used to clone ONAP Gerrit repos"
+ echo " "
+ echo " -b|--branches branch1,branch2,branch3 "
+ echo " list of branches to be cloned. master is automatically "
+ echo " added to the list. do not add manually! "
+ echo " "
+ echo " -d|--dev "
+ echo " development-mode - limits number of repos to be cloned "
+ echo " "
+# draw a simple line
+function drawline {
+ echo "*******************************************************************************"
+# remove lockfile in case script is interrupted
+function InterruptedScript {
+ echo " "
+ echo "Script was interrupted."
+ if [ -f $lockfile ] ; then
+ rm $lockfile
+ fi
+ exit 0
+### arguments handling
+while (( "$#" )); do
+ case "$1" in
+ -d|--dev)
+ devmode="TRUE"
+ shift
+ ;;
+ -b|--branches)
+ if [ -n "$2" ] && [ ${2:0:1} != "-" ]; then
+ branches_csv=$2
+ shift 2
+ else
+ echo "Error: Argument for $1 is missing" >&2
+ usage
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ ;;
+ -u|--user)
+ if [ -n "$2" ] && [ ${2:0:1} != "-" ]; then
+ lfusername=$2
+ shift 2
+ else
+ echo "Error: Argument for $1 is missing" >&2
+ usage
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ ;;
+ -*|--*=) # unsupported flags
+ echo "Error: Unsupported argument $1" >&2
+ usage
+ exit 1
+ ;;
+ *) # preserve positional arguments
+ shift
+ ;;
+ esac
+# set positional arguments in their proper place
+eval set -- "$PARAMS"
+# old: declare -a branches=("master" "frankfurt" "guilin")
+if [[ $branches_csv == "" || $lfusername == "" ]]; then
+ usage
+ exit -1
+# master branch is automatically added and must not part of the user arguments
+if [[ $branches_csv == *"master"* ]]; then
+ usage
+ exit -1
+# clone master first, the the other branches
+# create the branches array by readinging in the values from the variable
+IFS=',' read -r -a branches <<< "${branches_csv}"
+#echo "DBUG: devmode = \"${devmode}\""
+#echo "DBUG: branches_csv = \"${branches_csv}\""
+#echo "DBUG: lfusername = \"${lfusername}\""
+#echo "DBUG: branches = \"${branches[@]}\""
+# restart script with logging enabled
+if [ ! -f $lockfile ] ; then
+ touch $lockfile
+ echo "Restarting script with logging enabled."
+ ${fullcommand} 2>&1 | tee checkdocs.log
+ rm $lockfile
+ exit
+echo " "
+echo " Version ${script_version}"
+echo " "
+# curl must be installed
+if ! command -v curl &> /dev/null
+ echo "ERROR: curl command could not be found"
+ exit -1
+today=$(date '+%Y-%m-%d');
+echo "Retrieving a full list of ONAP repositories (master) from"
+# retrieve the full repolist from gerrit
+# workaround because of the (wrong?) response of which makes jq command fail
+# "| awk '{if(NR>1)print}'" filters the first line of the response so that jq will work again (thx marek)
+curl -s '' | awk '{if(NR>1)print}' | jq -c '.[] | {id, state}' | sed -r 's:%2F:/:g; s:["{}]::g; s:id\:::; s:,state\::|:; /All-Projects/d; /All-Users/d' >./$repolist
+# process the created repolist
+# only active projects will be cloned in case the requested branch of the project exists
+echo "Accessing with username \"${lfusername}\"."
+echo "Start cloning of repositories."
+for branch in "${branches[@]}"
+ echo " "
+ echo "###"
+ echo "### ${branch}"
+ echo "###"
+ echo " "
+ branch_upper=$(echo "${branch}" | tr '[:lower:]' '[:upper:]')
+ mkdir $branch
+ cp $repolist $branch
+ cd $branch
+ devcounter=0
+ # process repolist
+ while read line
+ do
+ if [[ $devmode == "TRUE" ]]; then
+ devcounter=$((devcounter+1))
+ fi
+ if [[ $devcounter -lt "11" ]]; then
+ if [[ $devmode == "TRUE" ]]; then
+ echo "INFO: devmode! counter=${devcounter}"
+ fi
+ drawline
+ reponame=$(echo $line | awk -F "|" '{print $1}');
+ repostate=$(echo $line | awk -F "|" '{print $2}');
+ echo $reponame
+ echo $repostate
+ if [[ $repostate == "ACTIVE" ]]; then
+ echo "Cloning \"${branch}\" branch of ACTIVE project ${reponame}..."
+ git clone --branch ${branch} --recurse-submodules ssh://${lfusername}$reponame ./$reponame
+ gitexitcode=$?
+ if [[ ! ${gitexitcode} == "0" ]]; then
+ errormsg=$(tail -1 ../checkdocs.log)
+ else
+ errormsg="cloned"
+ fi
+ # gerritclone.log format: $1=gitexitcode|$2=reponame|$3=repostate|$4=errormsg
+ echo "${gitexitcode}|${reponame}|${repostate}|${errormsg}" | tee -a ${branch}_gerritclone.log
+ elif [[ $repostate == "READ_ONLY" ]]; then
+ echo "-|${reponame}|${repostate}|ignored" | tee -a ${branch}_gerritclone.log
+ else
+ echo "-|${reponame}|unknown repo state \"${repostate}\"|-" | tee -a ${branch}_gerritclone.log
+ fi
+ # examine repo
+ if [[ ${gitexitcode} == "0" ]]; then
+ printf "\ndocs directories:\n"
+ find ./$reponame -type d -name docs | sed -r 's:./::' | sed -r s:${reponame}:[${reponame}]: | tee -a ${branch}_docs.log
+ printf "\nrst files:\n"
+ find ./$reponame -type f -name *.rst | sed -r 's:./::' | sed -r s:${reponame}:[${reponame}]: | tee -a ${branch}_rstfiles.log
+ printf "\nrelease notes rst:\n"
+ find ./$reponame -type f | grep 'release.*note.*.rst' | sed -r 's:./::' | sed -r s:${reponame}:[${reponame}]: | tee -a ${branch}_releasenotes.log
+ printf "\ntox.ini files:\n"
+ find ./$reponame -type f -name tox.ini | sed -r 's:./::' | sed -r s:${reponame}:[${reponame}]: | tee -a ${branch}_toxini.log
+ printf "\ files:\n"
+ find ./$reponame -type f -name | sed -r 's:./::' | sed -r s:${reponame}:[${reponame}]: | tee -a ${branch}_confpy.log
+ printf "\nindex.rst files:\n"
+ find ./$reponame -type f -name index.rst | sed -r 's:./::' | sed -r s:${reponame}:[${reponame}]: | tee -a ${branch}_indexrst.log
+ fi
+ # end defcounter loop
+ fi
+ gitexitcode=""
+ done <${repolist}
+ # examine repos
+ drawline
+ find . -type f -name values.yaml -print -exec grep "image:" {} \; | sed -r 's:^ +::' | tee ${branch}_dockerimagesfull.log
+ drawline
+ ls --format single-column -d */ | sed 's:/$::' | tee ${branch}_directories.log
+ drawline
+ cat ${branch}_dockerimagesfull.log | grep image | sed -r 's:image\:::' | sed -r 's:^ +::' | sed '/^[[:space:]]*$/d' >${branch}_dockerimages.log
+ drawline
+ ls --format single-column -d oom/kubernetes/*/ | tee ${branch}_oomkubernetes.log
+ drawline
+ # examine docs
+ readarray -t docs_array < ./${branch}_docs.log;
+ for line in "${docs_array[@]}"
+ do
+ echo $line | tee -a ${branch}_docsconfig.log
+ # remove [ and ] which are distinguish the project name in the output
+ line=$(echo $line | sed -r 's:\[:: ; s:\]::')
+ if [ -f ./${line}/ ] ; then
+ echo " ..... found" | tee -a ${branch}_docsconfig.log
+ else
+ echo " ..... NOT FOUND" | tee -a ${branch}_docsconfig.log
+ fi
+ if [ -f ./${line}/index.rst ] ; then
+ echo " index.rst ... found" | tee -a ${branch}_docsconfig.log
+ else
+ echo " index.rst ... NOT FOUND" | tee -a ${branch}_docsconfig.log
+ fi
+ if [ -f ./${line}/tox.ini ] ; then
+ echo " tox.ini ..... found" | tee -a ${branch}_docsconfig.log
+ else
+ echo " tox.ini ..... NOT FOUND" | tee -a ${branch}_docsconfig.log
+ fi
+ echo " " | tee -a ${branch}_docsconfig.log
+ done
+ unset docs_array
+ drawline
+ ###
+ ### build a csv table that combines results
+ ###
+ #
+ # csv column #1: project name
+ #
+ readarray -t array < ./${repolist};
+ i=0
+ csv[i]="project"
+ ((i++))
+ for line in "${array[@]}"
+ do
+ reponame=$(echo $line | awk -F "|" '{print $1}');
+ project=$(echo $reponame | sed 's:/.*$::')
+ #echo "DBUG: reponame=${reponame}"
+ #echo "DBUG: project=${project}"
+ #echo "DBUG: i=${i}"
+ csv[i]=${project}
+ ((i++))
+ done
+ unset array
+ unset i
+ unset reponame
+ unset project
+ #
+ # csv column #2: repo name
+ #
+ readarray -t array < ./${repolist};
+ i=0
+ csv[i]="${csv[i]},MASTER repo name"
+ ((i++))
+ for line in "${array[@]}"
+ do
+ reponame=$(echo $line | awk -F "|" '{print $1}');
+ csv[i]="${csv[i]},${reponame}"
+ ((i++))
+ done
+ unset array
+ unset i
+ unset reponame
+ #
+ # csv column #3: repo state
+ #
+ readarray -t array < ./${repolist};
+ i=0
+ csv[i]="${csv[i]},MASTER repo state"
+ ((i++))
+ for line in "${array[@]}"
+ do
+ repostate=$(echo $line | awk -F "|" '{print $2}');
+ csv[i]="${csv[i]},${repostate}"
+ ((i++))
+ done
+ unset array
+ unset i
+ unset repostate
+ #
+ # csv column #4: clone message
+ #
+ readarray -t array < ./${branch}_gerritclone.log;
+ i=0
+ csv[i]="${csv[i]},${branch_upper} clone message"
+ ((i++))
+ for line in "${array[@]}"
+ do
+ # gerritclone.log format: $1=gitexitcode|$2=reponame|$3=repostate|$4=errormsg
+ errormsg=$(echo $line | awk -F "|" '{print $4}');
+ csv[i]="${csv[i]},${errormsg}"
+ ((i++))
+ done
+ unset array
+ unset i
+ unset errormsg
+ #
+ # csv column #5: RELEASE component (yes|no|maybe)
+ # to be filled with values of the planned release config file maintained by
+ # the onap release manager
+ #
+ # gerritclone.log format: $1=gitexitcode|$2=reponame|$3=repostate|$4=errormsg
+ readarray -t array < ./${branch}_gerritclone.log;
+ i=0
+ csv[i]="${csv[i]},${branch_upper} component"
+ ((i++))
+ for line in "${array[@]}"
+ do
+ # gerritclone.log format: $1=gitexitcode|$2=reponame|$3=repostate|$4=errormsg
+ gitexitcode=$(echo $line | awk -F "|" '{print $1}');
+ reponame=$(echo $line | awk -F "|" '{print $2}');
+ repostate=$(echo $line | awk -F "|" '{print $3}');
+ errormsg=$(echo $line | awk -F "|" '{print $4}');
+ if [[ ${repostate} == "ACTIVE" && ${gitexitcode} == "0" ]]; then
+ releasecomponent="yes"
+ elif [[ ${repostate} == "ACTIVE" && ${gitexitcode} == "128" ]]; then
+ releasecomponent="maybe"
+ elif [ ${repostate} == "READ_ONLY" ]; then
+ releasecomponent="no"
+ else
+ releasecomponent="unknown"
+ fi
+ csv[i]="${csv[i]},${releasecomponent}"
+ ((i++))
+ done
+ unset array
+ unset i
+ unset gitexitcode
+ unset reponame
+ unset repostate
+ unset errormsg
+ unset releasecomponent
+ #
+ # csv column #6: docs (at repo root directory only; no recursive search!)
+ # csv column #7:
+ # csv column #8: tox.ini
+ # csv column #9: index.rst
+ #
+ # columns are filled with values from requested branch.
+ # if data is not available values from master branch are used.
+ # to identify master branch values, data is put into brackets "(...)"
+ #
+ readarray -t array < ./${repolist};
+ i=0
+ csv[$i]="${csv[i]},docs,,tox.ini,index.rst"
+ ((i++))
+ for line in "${array[@]}"
+ do
+ line=$(echo $line | sed 's:|.*$::')
+ #echo "DBUG: line=${line}"
+ #echo "DBUG: i=${i}"
+ # docs
+ if [ -d ./${line}/docs ] ; then
+ docs="docs"
+ elif [ -d ../master/${line}/docs ] ; then
+ docs="(docs)"
+ else
+ docs="-"
+ fi
+ #
+ if [ -f ./${line}/docs/ ] ; then
+ docs="${docs},"
+ elif [ -f ../master/${line}/docs/ ] ; then
+ docs="${docs},("
+ else
+ docs="${docs},-"
+ fi
+ # tox.ini
+ if [ -f ./${line}/docs/tox.ini ] ; then
+ docs="${docs},tox.ini"
+ elif [ -f ../master/${line}/docs/tox.ini ] ; then
+ docs="${docs},(tox.ini)"
+ else
+ docs="${docs},-"
+ fi
+ # index.rst
+ if [ -f ./${line}/docs/index.rst ] ; then
+ docs="${docs},index.rst"
+ elif [ -f ../master/${line}/docs/index.rst ] ; then
+ docs="${docs},(index.rst)"
+ else
+ docs="${docs},-"
+ fi
+ #echo "DBUG: docs=${docs}"
+ line="${csv[i]},${docs}"
+ csv[$i]=${line}
+ ((i++))
+ done
+ unset array
+ unset i
+ unset docs
+ #
+ # csv column #10: index.html@RTD accessibility check
+ # csv column #11: index.html url
+ #
+ readarray -t array < ./${branch}_gerritclone.log;
+ i=0
+ csv[i]="${csv[i]},index.html@RTD,index.html url"
+ ((i++))
+ for line in "${array[@]}"
+ do
+ # gerritclone.log format: $1=gitexitcode|$2=reponame|$3=repostate|$4=errormsg
+ gitexitcode=$(echo $line | awk -F "|" '{print $1}');
+ reponame=$(echo $line | awk -F "|" '{print $2}');
+ repostate=$(echo $line | awk -F "|" '{print $3}');
+ errormsg=$(echo $line | awk -F "|" '{print $4}');
+ url=""
+ curl_result=""
+ # this routine works only with release "frankfurt" and later because
+ # earlier releases are using submodule structure for documentation files
+ if echo "$branch" | grep -q '^[abcde]'; then
+ curl_result="unsupported release"
+ url="-"
+ else
+ # we are working on "frankfurt" branch or later ...
+ # only if repostate IS ACTIVE a curl test is required
+ if [[ ${repostate} == "ACTIVE" ]]; then
+ # url base
+ url_start=""
+ url_lang="en"
+ url_branch=${branch}
+ # "master" branch documentation is available as "latest" in RTD
+ if [[ ${url_branch} == "master" ]]; then
+ url_branch="latest"
+ fi
+ # replace all / characters in repo name with - charachter
+ url_repo=$(echo ${reponame} | sed -r 's/\//-/g')
+ url_file="index.html"
+ # build the full url
+ url="${url_start}-${url_repo}/${url_lang}/${url_branch}/${url_file}"
+ #echo "DBUG: url=$url"
+ # test accessibility of url
+ curl --head --silent --fail "${url}" >/dev/null
+ curl_result=$?
+ # convert numeric results to text
+ if [ "${curl_result}" = "0" ]; then
+ curl_result="accessible"
+ elif [ "${curl_result}" = "22" ]; then
+ curl_result="does not exist"
+ else
+ curl_result="ERROR:${curl_result}"
+ fi
+ # url does not exist for this branch.
+ # in case the requested url is not already for "master" branch,
+ # we try to access the url of the master branch and denote the
+ # result by using round brackets (result)
+ if [[ ${curl_result} == "does not exist" && ! $branch == "master" ]]; then
+ # build the full (master/latest) url
+ url="${url_start}-${url_repo}/${url_lang}/latest/${url_file}"
+ #echo "DBUG: url=$url"
+ # test accessibility of url in "master branch" (latest)
+ curl --head --silent --fail "${url}" >/dev/null
+ curl_result=$?
+ # denote result as a value from "master" branch (latest)
+ url="(${url})"
+ # convert numeric results to text
+ if [ "${curl_result}" = "0" ]; then
+ curl_result="(accessible)"
+ elif [ "${curl_result}" = "22" ]; then
+ curl_result="(does not exist)"
+ else
+ curl_result="(ERROR:${curl_result})"
+ fi
+ fi
+ else
+ # repostate IS NOT ACTIVE - no curl test required
+ curl_result="-"
+ url="-"
+ fi
+ fi
+ echo "$url ... $curl_result"
+ csv[i]="${csv[i]},${curl_result},${url}"
+ #echo "DBUG: csv line=${csv[i]}"
+ ((i++))
+ done
+ #
+ # csv column #12: release notes
+ #
+ readarray -t array < ../${repolist};
+ i=0
+ csv[i]="${csv[i]},release notes"
+ ((i++))
+ for line in "${array[@]}"
+ do
+ line=$(echo $line | sed 's:|.*$::')
+ #echo "DBUG: line=\"${line}\""
+ #echo "DBUG: i=${i}"
+ relnote=""
+ # put repo name in square brackets for increased grep hit rate
+ # escape minus and bracket characters to avoid problems with the grep command
+ #repo_grepable=$(echo ${line} | sed -r s:${line}:[${line}]: | sed -r 's/-/\\-/g' | sed -r 's/\[/\\[/g' | sed -r 's/\]/\\]/g')
+ #echo "DBUG: repo_grepable=\"${repo_grepable}\""
+ # check if repo dir exists in this branch
+ if [ -d ./${line} ] ; then
+ # if yes, check if repo name appears in the branch releasenotes.log
+ relnote=$(find "./${line}" -type f | grep 'release.*note.*.rst' | wc -l);
+ # repo dir DOES NOT exist in this branch - so check if repo dir exists in MASTER branch
+ elif [ -d ../master/${line} ] ; then
+ # if yes, check if repo name appears in the MASTER releasenotes.log
+ # count release notes files in MASTER branch (in repo root and its subdirectories)
+ relnote=$(find "../master/${line}" -type f | grep 'release.*note.*.rst' | wc -l);
+ # put results in round brackets to show that this is MASTER data
+ relnote=$(echo ${relnote} | sed -r s:${relnote}:\(${relnote}\):)
+ else
+ relnote="-"
+ fi
+ line="${csv[i]},${relnote}"
+ csv[i]=${line}
+ ((i++))
+ done
+ unset array
+ unset i
+ unset relnote
+ unset repo_grepable
+ #
+ # build the table.csv file
+ #
+ for i in "${csv[@]}"
+ do
+ echo "$i" | tee -a ./${branch}_table.csv
+ done
+ #
+ # create data package for this branch and zip it
+ #
+ datadir=${branch}_data
+ mkdir $datadir
+ cp $repolist $datadir
+ cp ${branch}_table.csv $datadir
+ cp ${branch}_*.log $datadir
+ zip -r ${datadir}.zip $datadir
+ # return from the branch directory
+ cd ..
+# return and work on the next requested branch ... or exit
diff --git a/tools/ b/tools/
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..1b60a7684
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+#set -x # uncomment for bash script debugging
+# NOTE: works NOT with elalto release and below because of the submodule structure used for documentation
+ url_start=""
+ url_lang="en"
+# "master" docs are available as "latest" in read-the-docs
+if [ "${url_branch}" = "master" ]; then
+ url_branch="latest"
+#readarray -t array < ./${branch}_releasenotes.log;
+readarray -t array < ${file_to_process};
+for line in "${array[@]}"
+ # example line: [dmaap/messagerouter/messageservice]/docs/release-notes/release-notes.rst
+ # example url:
+ # extract repo name which comes in square bracktes ([...]) and convert slash (/) to minus (-)
+ # line: [dmaap/messagerouter/messageservice]/docs/release-notes/release-notes.rst
+ # output: dmaap-messagerouter-messageservice
+ url_repo=$(echo ${line} | sed -r 's/].+$//' | sed -r 's/\[//' | sed -r 's/\//-/g')
+ # extract rst filename and its path; replace .rst ending with .html
+ # warning: path does not always contain "docs"!
+ # line: [dmaap/messagerouter/messageservice]/docs/release-notes/release-notes.rst
+ # output: release-notes/release-notes.html
+ url_file=$(echo ${line} | sed -r 's/^.+\]//' | sed -r 's/^.*docs\///' | sed -r 's/\.rst$/\.html/' )
+ # build the full url
+ url="${url_start}-${url_repo}/${url_lang}/${url_branch}/${url_file}"
+ # check with curl if html page is accessible (no content check!)
+ curl --head --silent --fail "${url}" >/dev/null
+ curl_result=$?
+ # "0" and "22" are expected as a curl result
+ if [ "${curl_result}" = "0" ]; then
+ curl_result="ok "
+ elif [ "${curl_result}" = "22" ]; then
+ curl_result="ERROR"
+ fi
+ echo -e "DBUG: ${line}"
+ echo -e "DBUG: ${curl_result} ${url}"
+ echo " "
+ ((i++))
+unset array
+unset i