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Read the vFW/vDNS with ONAP blueprint to learn more. -Conclusion -========== +BBS (Broadband Service) Blueprint +--------------------------------- -The ONAP platform provides a comprehensive platform for real-time, -policy-driven orchestration and automation of physical and virtual network -functions that will enable software, network, IT and cloud providers and -developers to rapidly automate new services and support complete lifecycle -management. +The Broadband Service blueprint uses ONAP for the design, provisioning, life-cycle management and +assurance of fixed broadband access services. In a first step, BBS blueprint works with multi-Gigabit +Internet Connectivity services based on PON (Passive Optical Network access technology, and relies +on the orchestration and automation capabilities provided by the ONAP platform to support new +scenarios, such as the Nomadic ONT (see Figure 8). -By unifying member resources, ONAP will accelerate the development of a vibrant -ecosystem around a globally shared architecture and implementation for network -automation—with an open standards focus—faster than any one product could on -its own. +|image8| -Resources -========= -Watch videos about the major platform components on YouTube and Youku -Read about how ONAP can be deployed using containers +**Figure 8. ONAP BBS Nomadic ONT Architecture** + +This blueprint shows the extensibility of the ONAP platform in supporting the orchestration of +services across different location (e.g., Central Office, Core) and technology domains (e.g., +Access, Edge). + +In a joint collaboration with BBF (Broadband Forum) members, BBS implements and tests some of the +specifications defined in the architectural framework of CloudCO (Cloud Central Office), Technical +Report TR-384, among others. CloudCO aims at re-architecting the broadband network using SDN and NFV +technologies and a cloud-like infrastructure deployed at Central Offices. + +The definition of External API capabilities supporting this use case also relies on TM Forum +OpenAPIs and MEF LSO. + +BBS uses the following ONAP key components: ExternalAPI, SDC, SO, SDN-C, APEX policy engine and +DCAE. .. |image1| image:: media/ONAP-toplevel.png :width: 6.5in @@ -674,3 +683,5 @@ Read about how ONAP can be deployed using containers .. |image7| image:: media/ONAP-ccvpn.png :width: 6.5in :height: 3.02431in +.. |image8| image:: media/ONAP-bbs.png + :width: 6.5in diff --git a/docs/guides/onap-developer/how-to-use-docs/api-swagger-guide.rst b/docs/guides/onap-developer/how-to-use-docs/api-swagger-guide.rst new file mode 100644 index 000000000..9d3a7f6fc --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/guides/onap-developer/how-to-use-docs/api-swagger-guide.rst @@ -0,0 +1,84 @@ +.. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 +.. International License. http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 +.. Copyright 2019 Orange. All rights reserved. + +.. _api-swagger-guide: + +API documentation +================= + +Swagger +------- + +The API should be described using OpenAPI specifications and available as a +`JSON file <https://github.com/OAI/OpenAPI-Specification/blob/master/versions/3.0.0.md>`_ + +A Swagger editor is available here `<http://editor.swagger.io/>`_ to generate +such JSON files. + +As a result, you should get one JSON file per API. For example the project +**my** has 2 API: **myAPI1** and **myAPI2**. + +- myAPI1.json +- myAPI2.json + +Global API table +---------------- +It is recommended to list the following API available with an access to the +Swagger JSON files to help the developers/users to play with JSON. + +We propose the following table: + +.. csv-table:: + :header: "API name", "Swagger JSON" + :widths: 10,5 + + "myAPI1", ":download:`link <myAPI1.json>`" + "myAPI12", ":download:`link <myAPI2.json>`" + +.. note:: + During documentation merge/publish at RTD, any file referenced in an RST file with + ':download:' and relative path to a contributing project repository is copied, uniquely + named, and published with the generated HTML pages. + +The code is available here: + +.. code:: rst + + .. csv-table:: + :header: "API name", "Swagger JSON" + :widths: 10,5 + + "myAPI1", ":download:`link <myAPI1.json>`" + "myAPI2", ":download:`link <myAPI2.json>`" + +.. note:: + The syntax of <myAPI1.json> is to be taken literally. Keep '<' and '>'. + +.. note:: + Note the “v” in swaggerv2doc! + If your JSON file has multiple endpoints, this directive does not preserve the order. + +API Swagger +----------- +For each API, the ``swaggerv2doc`` directive must be used as follows: + +.. code:: rst + + myAPI1 + ...... + .. swaggerv2doc:: myAPI1.json + + myAPI2 + ...... + .. swaggerv2doc:: myAPI2.json + +It will produce the following output: + +myAPI1 +...... +.. swaggerv2doc:: myAPI1.json + +myAPI2 +...... +.. swaggerv2doc:: myAPI2.json diff --git a/docs/guides/onap-developer/how-to-use-docs/include-documentation.rst b/docs/guides/onap-developer/how-to-use-docs/include-documentation.rst index 35c833cf9..896c23170 100644 --- a/docs/guides/onap-developer/how-to-use-docs/include-documentation.rst +++ b/docs/guides/onap-developer/how-to-use-docs/include-documentation.rst @@ -492,11 +492,13 @@ Build documentation using tox local environment & then open using any browser. firefox docs/_build/html/index.html .. note:: Make sure to run `tox -elocal` and not just `tox`. + This updates all submodule repositories that are integrated + by the doc project. There are additional tox environment options for checking External URLs and Spelling. Use the tox environment options below and then -look at the output with the Linux `more` or similar command for -scanning for output that applies to the files you are validating. +look at the output with the Linux `more` or similar command +scan for output that applies to the files you are validating. .. code-block:: bash diff --git a/docs/guides/onap-developer/how-to-use-docs/index.rst b/docs/guides/onap-developer/how-to-use-docs/index.rst index a2cdd6e6b..90c657501 100644 --- a/docs/guides/onap-developer/how-to-use-docs/index.rst +++ b/docs/guides/onap-developer/how-to-use-docs/index.rst @@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ Creating Documentation documentation-guide style-guide include-documentation + api-swagger-guide converting-formats addendum diff --git a/docs/guides/onap-developer/how-to-use-docs/myAPI1.json b/docs/guides/onap-developer/how-to-use-docs/myAPI1.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..b611ad81c --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/guides/onap-developer/how-to-use-docs/myAPI1.json @@ -0,0 +1,37 @@ +{ + "swagger" : "2.0", + "info" : { + "description" : "my API 1", + "version" : "1.0.0", + "title" : "API example", + "contact" : { + "email" : "onap@orange.com" + }, + "license" : { + "name" : "Apache 2.0", + "url" : "http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.html" + } + }, + "host" : "serverRoot", + "basePath" : "/healthCheck", + "schemes" : [ "https" ], + "produces": [ + "application/json;charset=utf-8" + ], + "paths" : { + "/healthCheck" : { + "get" : { + "summary" : "Displays healhcheck for my favorite component", + "description" : "Displays healthcheck for my favorite component", + "responses": { + "200": { + "description": "Service OK" + }, + "503" : { + "description" : "Service Unavailable" + } + } + } + } + } +} diff --git a/docs/guides/onap-developer/how-to-use-docs/myAPI2.json b/docs/guides/onap-developer/how-to-use-docs/myAPI2.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..473d351b2 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/guides/onap-developer/how-to-use-docs/myAPI2.json @@ -0,0 +1,37 @@ +{ + "swagger" : "2.0", + "info" : { + "description" : "my API 2", + "version" : "1.0.0", + "title" : "API example", + "contact" : { + "email" : "onap@orange.com" + }, + "license" : { + "name" : "Apache 2.0", + "url" : "http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.html" + } + }, + "host" : "serverRoot", + "basePath" : "/status", + "schemes" : [ "https" ], + "produces": [ + "application/json;charset=utf-8" + ], + "paths" : { + "/status" : { + "get" : { + "summary" : "Displays status for my favorite component", + "description" : "Displays status for my favorite component", + "responses": { + "200": { + "description": "Service OK" + }, + "503" : { + "description" : "Service Unavailable" + } + } + } + } + } +} diff --git a/docs/guides/onap-developer/settingup/index.rst b/docs/guides/onap-developer/settingup/index.rst index d7d378773..2b9f8b133 100644 --- a/docs/guides/onap-developer/settingup/index.rst +++ b/docs/guides/onap-developer/settingup/index.rst @@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ .. Modifications Copyright 2018 Orange .. Modifications Copyright 2018 Amdocs .. Modifications Copyright 2018 Huawei +.. Modifications Copyright 2019 Orange Setting Up ONAP =============== @@ -55,6 +56,14 @@ ONAP installation is described here: ../../../../submodules/oom.git/docs/oom_quickstart_guide.rst +Alternative way of offline ONAP installation is described here: + +.. toctree:: + :maxdepth: 1 + :titlesonly: + + ../../../../submodules/oom/offline-installer.git/docs/index.rst + NodePorts --------- @@ -65,8 +74,23 @@ microservice. It should be noted that the use of NodePorts is temporary. An alternative solution is currently being scoped for the Dublin Release. -* The list of node ports used by ONAP is documented - in `ONAP Node Port List <https://wiki.onap.org/display/DW/OOM+NodePort+List>`_. +More information from official Kubernetes documentation about +`NodePort <https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/services-networking/service/#nodeport>`_. + +The following table lists all the NodePorts used by ONAP. + +.. csv-table:: NodePorts table + :file: nodeports.csv + :widths: 20,20,20,20,20 + :header-rows: 1 + +This table retrieves information from the ONAP deployment using the following +Kubernetes command: + +.. code-block:: bash + + kubectl get svc -n onap -o go-template='{{range .items}}{{range.spec.ports}}{{if .nodePort}}{{.nodePort}}{{.}}{{"\n"}}{{end}}{{end}}{{end}}' + .. note:: Prior to deployment of ONAP, there is no need to download manually any Docker container. diff --git a/docs/guides/onap-developer/settingup/nodeports.csv b/docs/guides/onap-developer/settingup/nodeports.csv new file mode 100644 index 000000000..2e294d2be --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/guides/onap-developer/settingup/nodeports.csv @@ -0,0 +1,100 @@ +NodePort,Component,Service name,targetPort,Port +30200,VID,vid,8443,8443 +30201,SDNC,sdnc-portal,8843,8843 +30202,SDNC,sdnc-8282,8181,8282 +30203,SDNC,dgbuilder3,3100,3000 +30204,SDC,sdc-be,8443,8443 +30205,SDC,sdc-be2,8080,8080 +30206,SDC,sdc-fe,8181,8181 +30207,SDC,sdc-fe2,9443,9443 +30208,SDNC,sdnc-8202,8181,8202 +30209,ROBOT,httpd,88,88 +30210,AAI,aai-modelloader,8080,8080 +30211,APPC,appc-9090,9191,9090 +30212,PORTAL,portal-sdk,8080,8080 +30213,PORTAL,portal-app2,8005,8006 +30214,PORTAL,portal-app3,8009,8010 +30215,PORTAL,portal-app,8080,8989 +30216,POLICY,brmsgw,9989,9989 +30217,POLICY,drools-6969,6969,6969 +30218,POLICY,pap-9091,9091,9091 +30219,POLICY,pap-8443,8443,8443 +30220,AAI,aai-sparky-be,9517,9517 +30221,POLICY,drools-9696,9696,9696 +30222,DCAE,xdcae-hv-ves-collector,6061,6061 +30223,DCAE,xdcae-datafile-collector,8100,8100 +30224,SO,so-monitor-port,9091,9091 +30225,PORTAL,portal-app4,8443,8443 +30226,DMAAP,message-router-3905,3905,3905 +30227,DMAAP,message-router-3904,3904,3904 +30228,APPC,dgbuilder,3100,3000 +30229,AAI,aai-modelloader-ssl,8443,8443 +30230,APPC,appc-8282,8181,8282 +30231,APPC,appc-1830,1830,1830 +30232,AAI,aai,8080,8080 +30233,AAI,aai-ssl,8443,8443 +30234,POMBA,pomba-kibana,5601,5601 +30235,DCAE,xdcae-ves-collector,8080,8080 +30236,POLICY,nexus,8081,8081 +30237,POLICY,policy-apex-pdp,12345,12345 +30238,VID,vid-http,8080,8080 +30239,AAI,spike,9518,9518 +30241,DMAAP,dmaap-bc,8080,8080 +30242,DMAAP,dmaap-bc2,8443,8443 +30243,AAF,aaf-sms,10443,10443 +30244,AAF,aaf-sms-db,8200,8200 +30246,SDNC,sdnc-8280,8080,8280 +30247,AAF,aaf-service,8100,8100 +30248,OOF,oof-osdf,8699,8698 +30249,POMBA,pomba-data-router,9502,9502 +30251,AAF,aaf-gui,8200,8200 +30252,SO,mariadb,3306,3306 +30253,LOG,log-kibana,5601,5601 +30254,LOG,log-es,9200,9200 +30255,LOG,log-ls,5044,5044 +30256,SDC,sdc-wfd-fe,8080,8080 +30257,SDC,sdc-wfd-be,8080,8080 +30258,CLAMP,clamp2,8443,8443 +30259,DMAAP,dmaap-dr-prov,8080,8080 +30260,CLI,cli8080,80,80 +30261,MULTICLOUD,multicloud-azure,9008,9008 +30262,DCAE,xdcae-datafile-collector,8433,8443 +30263,DCAE,dcae-fe,8183,8183 +30264,DCAE,dcae-fe2,9444,9444 +30265,DCAE,dcae-dt,8186,8186 +30266,DCAE,dcae-dt2,9446,9446 +30267,SDNC,sdnc-8443,2550,8443 +30268,AAI,aai-crud-service,9520,9520 +30269,DMAAP,dmaap-dr-prov2,8443,8443 +30270,CONSUL,consul-ui,8500,8500 +30271,CLI,cli9090,8080,9090 +30274,EXTAPI,api-8080,8080,8080 +30275,OOF,oof-has-api,8091,8091 +30277,SO,so-apih-port,8080,8080 +30278,AAI,aai-champ,9522,9522 +30279,AAI,babel,9516,9516 +30280,MSB,http-msb-iag,80,80 +30281,MSB,http-msb-discovery,10081,10081 +30282,MSB,http-msb-eag,80,80 +30283,MSB,https-msb-iag,443,443 +30284,MSB,https-msb-eag,443,443 +30285,MSB,http-msb-consul,8500,8500 +30286,DCAE,client,6379,6379 +30287,DCAE,gossip,16379,16379 +30288,SNRIRO,httpd,80,80 +30289,APPC,appc-cdt,80,80 +30290,CLAMP,cdash-kibana,5601,5601 +30291,MULTICLOUD,multicloud-framework,9001,9001 +30292,MULTICLOUD,multicloud-vio,9004,9004 +30293,MULTICLOUD,multicloud-ocata,9006,9006 +30294,MULTICLOUD,multicloud-titaniumcloud,9005,9005 +30295,CLAMP,clamp,8080,8080 +30296,MULTICLOUD,multicloud-pike,9007,9007 +30297,VNFSDK,refrepo,8702,8702 +30398,UUI,uui,8080,8080 +30399,UUI,uui-server,8082,8082 +30420,CONTRIB,netbox-nginx,8080,8080 +30476,DCAE,tomcat,8080,8080 +32010,DCAE,xdcae-tca-analytics,11011,11011 + + diff --git a/docs/guides/onap-provider/index.rst b/docs/guides/onap-provider/index.rst index 5820c5ebe..187d9ddbe 100644 --- a/docs/guides/onap-provider/index.rst +++ b/docs/guides/onap-provider/index.rst @@ -8,8 +8,8 @@ VNF Requirements and Guidelines =============================== The following includes guides and requirements are provided to -describe tasks that an xNF provider of ONAP may need to properly -set up an xNF for ONAP usage. +describe tasks that an VNF or PNF provider of ONAP may need to properly +set up an VNF or PNF for ONAP usage. .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 @@ -18,4 +18,5 @@ set up an xNF for ONAP usage. ../../../submodules/vnfrqts/requirements.git/docs/index.rst ../../../submodules/vnfrqts/testcases.git/docs/index.rst ../../../submodules/vnfrqts/usecases.git/docs/index.rst - vnfvalidator.rst + ../../../submodules/vnfrqts/requirements.git/docs/release-notes.rst + vnfvalidator.rst
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/guides/onap-provider/vnfvalidator.rst b/docs/guides/onap-provider/vnfvalidator.rst index 193edc7bb..7cf322205 100644 --- a/docs/guides/onap-provider/vnfvalidator.rst +++ b/docs/guides/onap-provider/vnfvalidator.rst @@ -7,3 +7,4 @@ VNF Validation Documentation :maxdepth: 2 ../../../submodules/vvp/documentation.git/docs/index.rst + ../../../submodules/vvp/documentation.git/docs/release-notes.rst diff --git a/docs/guides/onap-user/control-loop/index.rst b/docs/guides/onap-user/control-loop/index.rst new file mode 100644 index 000000000..a8e77007c --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/guides/onap-user/control-loop/index.rst @@ -0,0 +1,271 @@ +.. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 +.. International License. http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 +.. Copyright 2019 ONAP Contributors. All rights reserved. + +Control Loop Design +=================== +**Goal:** Create and distribute closed-loop models for automating: + * recovery of faults reported by traps or alarms + * capacity management as performance thresholds are crossed + +**Tool:** SDC/DCAE-DS/CLAMP + +**SDC user role:** Designer + +Closed loops use feedback to control and optimize their behavior. +A closed loop can proactively respond to network and service conditions +without human intervention. + +There are different phases to the Closed Loop (CL) design: + + #. Design a closed loop template and associate it to a Service, + the template represents the theoretical flow of the CL. (DCAE-DS/SDC) + + #. generate a deployment artifact that can be ingested by the DCAE, + today it is a "cloudify" blueprint. + + #. Distribute the control loop to CLAMP and DCAE, the csar is distributed + to CLAMP, the blueprint is distributed to both CLAMP and DCAE. (SDC) + #. Submit the closed loop, meaning provision Policy/DCAE with + closed loop data. (CLAMP) + #. Deploy the closed loop, it initiates the deployment of the micro + service on DCAE side (CLAMP) + +*Release 1 (Amsterdam)* includes control loop template designer in Clamp UI. + +*Release 2 (Bejing)* does not include the control loop template designer +in Clamp UI, this is implemented in DCAE-DS. + +**Steps** + + * `Design a Model`_ + * `Configure Collector`_ + * `Configure Alarm Detector`_ + * `Configure Data Analytics Function`_ + * `Configure Policy`_ + * `Distribute the Model`_ + * `Open Loop Design`_ + +Design a Model +-------------- + +.. note:: + When required, contact the DCAE Group (see `Mailing Lists <https://wiki.onap.org/display/DW/Mailing+Lists>`_) to + confirm that a blueprint for the Service has been generated and + is available on DCAE. + +**Prerequisites:** Create and test a VF +(see :ref:`VF Creation and Testing <user-guides-service-design>`). + + #. Create and name a new model + #. Associate a Service with the model + #. Based on the service, provide values for its attributes + #. Select the Resource-VF and Resource-VFC to associate with the model + #. Select one or more locations in the cloud where the + closed loop will be deployed + #. Here is a view of a hypothetical visual design tool + showing loop modeling components: + + |image0| + + #. Use the tool to select and connect components, + thus defining the structure of the model + #. Configure each of the components of the model + + #. `Configure Collector`_ + #. `Configure Alarm Detector`_ + #. `Configure Data Analytics Function`_ + #. `Configure Policy`_ + +Configure Collector +------------------- + +**Prerequisites:** `Design a Model`_. + +Using the modeling tool, assign a message topic to which this +component will subscribe. + +Configure Alarm Detector +------------------------ + +**Prerequisites:** `Design a Model`_. + +Using the modeling tool, configure the fields described in this table: + ++------------+----------------------------+-------------------------------+ +| Field | Values | Description | ++============+============================+===============================+ +| Topic | * DCAE-CL-EVENT | DMAAP message topic to | +| Publishes | * OPEN-DCAE-HIGHLANDPARK- | which the component | +| | EVENT-OUTPUT | subscribes. | ++------------+----------------------------+-------------------------------+ +| Alarm | (Multiple values) | Populated from vendor-provided| +| Condition | | list of alarm names. Stored in| +| | | SDC and retrieved by the | +| | | modeling tool. Alarms differ | +| | | per VNF. | ++------------+----------------------------+-------------------------------+ +| Event | (Multiple values) | Categories of alarms for a VNF| +| Source Type| | .Differs per VNF. | ++------------+----------------------------+-------------------------------+ +| Event | * NORMAL | Severity level of the alarm | +| Severity | * not-NORMAL | that caused the rule to match.| +| | * WARNING | All conditions are exact | +| | * MINOR | matches, except for not-Normal| +| | * MAYOR | , which matches anything | +| | * CRITICAL | except NORMAL. | ++------------+----------------------------+-------------------------------+ + + +Configure Data Analytics Function +--------------------------------- + +**Prerequisites:** `Design a Model`_. + + #. In the model, click the *StringMatch*. + #. Click the *Properties* icon. + #. Configure fields as required (see table). + #. Click *Close*. + ++------------+----------------------------+-------------------------------+ +| Field | Values | Description | ++============+============================+===============================+ +| Topic | * DCAE-CL-EVENT | DMAAP message topic to | +| Publishes | | which the component subscribes| ++------------+----------------------------+-------------------------------+ +| AAI Fields | (Multiple values) | Additional VM-related fields | +| Matching | | that downstream elements such | ++------------+ | as Policy and APPC can use to | +| AAI Field | | take action on the signature. | +| Send | | | +| (Select | | | +| Multiple) | | | ++------------+----------------------------+-------------------------------+ +| Resource- | Integer | Group of string matching rules| +| Group | | that are to be treated | +| | | together. For example, a | +| | | resource group could contain | +| | | two different traps that must | +| | | be received to produce a | +| | | signature, as well as the | +| | | abatement match. | ++------------+----------------------------+-------------------------------+ +| Alarm | (Multiple values) | Populated from vendor-provided| +| Condition | | list of alarm names. Stored in| +| | | SDC and retrieved by the | +| | | modeling tool. Alarms differ | +| | | per VNF. | ++------------+----------------------------+-------------------------------+ +| Event | * NORMAL | Severity level of the alarm | +| Severity | * not-NORMAL | that caused the rule to match.| +| | * WARNING | All conditions are exact | +| | * MINOR | matches, except for not-Normal| +| | * MAYOR | , which matches anything | +| | * CRITICAL | except NORMAL. | ++------------+----------------------------+-------------------------------+ +| Event | (Multiple values) | Categories of alarms for a | +| Source Type| | VNF. Differs per VNF. | ++------------+----------------------------+-------------------------------+ +| Time | Integer | Interval during which multiple| +| Window | | traps must be received in | +| | | order to produce a single | +| | | signature. This value has no | +| | | meaning if only one onset rule| +| | | exists. A value of 0 means an | +| | | unlimited time window. | ++------------+----------------------------+-------------------------------+ +| Age | Integer | Traps older than this limit | +| Limit | | are deemed too stale to be | +| | | meaningful and are not | +| | | processed. | ++------------+----------------------------+-------------------------------+ +| Create CL | * Initial | *Initial:* start a closed | +| Event ID | * Close | loop with a new request ID | +| | | | +| | | *Close:* end an existing | +| | | closed loop (Close) | ++------------+----------------------------+-------------------------------+ +| Create CL | * OnSet | *OnSet:* start a closed loop | +| Event ID | * Abatement | when a condition starts. | +| Output | | Triggered with a new | +| Event Name | | request_id and signature flag | +| | | of *Initial* | +| | | | +| | | *Abatement:* end a closed loop| +| | | when a condition is corrected.| +| | | Triggered with signature flag | +| | | of *Close*. | ++------------+----------------------------+-------------------------------+ + + +Configure Policy +---------------- + +Use this task to configure the operational policy of the closed loop. + +**Prerequisites:** `Design a Model`_. + +Model configuration involves setting the values in this table, +for each of the Rebuild and Migrate recipies in the model. + ++------------+----------------------------+-------------------------------+ +| Field | Values | Description | ++============+============================+===============================+ +| Overall | Integer | Maximum overall time that can | +| Time Limit | | be spent on attempting all | +| | | actions. | ++------------+----------------------------+-------------------------------+ +| Receipe | * Restart | The automated action to be | +| | * Rebuild | triggered on the VM by the | +| | * Migrate | closed loop. | ++------------+----------------------------+-------------------------------+ +| Max Retries| Positive Integer | Number of times this action | +| | | should be attempted before | +| | | failing on MaxRetriesExceeded.| ++------------+----------------------------+-------------------------------+ +| Retry Time | Positive Integer | Maximum amount of time to take| +| Limit | | performing retries before | +| | | failing on TimeLimitExceeded. | ++------------+----------------------------+-------------------------------+ +| Parent | (Selection | Recipe that precedes this one | +| Policy | | in the chain of operations. | +| | | If this is the first action in| +| | | the chain, this field is not | +| | | set. | ++------------+----------------------------+-------------------------------+ +| Parent | * Failure: | Types of results from the | +| Policy | MaxRetriesExceeded | previous action on the chain | +| Conditions | * Failure: | that would cause a transition | +| | TimeLimitExceeded | to this action. | +| | * Failure: Exception | | +| | * Failure: Other | | +| | * Success | | ++------------+----------------------------+-------------------------------+ + + +Distribute the Model +-------------------- + +**Prerequisites:** `Design a Model`_. + +In this step, the user distributes the models to the DCAE and +Policy subsystems of ONAP. + +After a model is uploaded to a VNF, the status icon of the VNF changes +to from "Design" to "Activated" in the ONAP Portal GUI. + +Open Loop Design +---------------- + +Create and distribute open control loops for managing VF faults and +performance after instantiation. + +With open loop control systems, the action(s) taken by the Policy do +not affect the output of the system. + +For information about creating policy using the Policy Designer, +see :ref:`Policy Design <user-guides-service-design>`. + + +.. |image0| image:: media/DesignModel.png + diff --git a/docs/guides/onap-user/control-loop/media/DesignModel.png b/docs/guides/onap-user/control-loop/media/DesignModel.png Binary files differnew file mode 100644 index 000000000..a7cac4f88 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/guides/onap-user/control-loop/media/DesignModel.png diff --git a/docs/guides/onap-user/pre-onboarding/index.rst b/docs/guides/onap-user/pre-onboarding/index.rst new file mode 100644 index 000000000..155ec56fb --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/guides/onap-user/pre-onboarding/index.rst @@ -0,0 +1,126 @@ +.. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 +.. International License. http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 +.. Copyright 2019 ONAP Contributors. All rights reserved. + +Pre-Onboarding +============== + + * `Create a Tenant`_ + * `Validate VFs (Virtual Functions)`_ + * `Generate Manifest and Package Artifacts`_ + +Create a Tenant +--------------- + +Each service requires a tenant_ (a group of users who share a common access) +in which resources are stored in the cloud. This process is performed using +facilities of the network cloud, outside of ONAP. Confirm that the tenant is +created and note the tenant ID. + +ONAP admin users can configure a cloud-owner to add new cloud resources. +These are the computing and networking resources, that will support +running VNFs. A cloud-owner holds a keystone URL, login, region and +password, in the case of an Openstack cluster. A cloud-owner also +belongs to a region. The region name should be the same as the Openstack +region. Prior to creation of a cloud-owner, its region must be created +first. Multiple tenants can share the same cloud-owner. Note that these +tenants are ONAP tenants, not Openstack tenants. Tenant register +services that customers are allowed to deploy. Finally, the customer is +like an instance of the tenant. + +Note: there is no GUI (yet) to configure these objects. REST requests +are sent to AAI to achieve the configuration. For a detailed list of +required REST commands see: + +https://wiki.onap.org/display/DW/running+vFW+Demo+on+ONAP+Amsterdam+Release + +The overall process is as follows: + + #. Create a region and a cloud-owner. This steps registers Openstack + credentials. This is the only step requiring entering Openstack specific + parameters. + + #. Create a complex. The complex describes the coverage of the region with + a street address etc. + + #. Create a service. The service name should match the name of the service + onboarded in SDC. + + #. Create a tenant. Tenant in ONAP stores a design for a generic customer. + + #. Associate tenants with their allowed services. + + #. Create an instance of the tenant or customer. The customer is visible in + VID. A VID user can deploy allowed services on this new customer. + + |image1| + + +Validate VFs (Virtual Functions) +-------------------------------- + +Prior to resource onboarding, the Certification Group does the following: + + - onboards the Heat template(s) and metadata to the SDC catalog + - creates a test VF + - runs the Heat scanning tools + - shares the results with any group that approves Virtual Functions + +In parallel, the Certification Group onboards the VF Image and OS to a +standalone ONAP instance (the "sandbox") and performs the following: + + - security scan + - compatibility test for the OS and vendor binary + - malware scan + +The Certification group then instantiates the VF image using the vendor +Heat (if provided) in order to validate that the VM can run on the Network +Cloud. + +No VF functionality testing is performed at this stage. + + +Generate Manifest and Package Artifacts +--------------------------------------- + +Before onboarding resources, run generate-manifest.py to generate a +MANIFEST file. These steps are performed outside SDC. + +OBSOLETE: **Prerequisites:** Obtain Heat/ENV files and other files required for +onboarding. See the reference document `VNF Heat Template Requirements +for OpenECOMP <https://wiki.onap.org/download/attachments/1015849/VNF%20Heat%20Template%20Requirements%20for%20OpenECOMP.pdf?version=2&modificationDate=1487262292000&api=v2>`__ for details. + +UPDATE: see VNF Modeling Requirements / HEAT: https://onap.readthedocs.io/en/casablanca/submodules/vnfrqts/requirements.git/docs/Chapter5/Heat/index.html + +#. Put the Heat, ENV, nested Heat, and other files used by get-file in templates + in a directory. + + Naming guidelines: + + - The base Heat should include "base" in the name. + - The ENV file name should match the name of the Heat file with which it + is associated. + - All get-file file names need to be unique. + +#. Put the python script in a directory one level above the directory that + contains the Heat/ENV and other files. + + For example, [dir x]/[dir y] + + - [dir y] contains the Heat/ENV files and other files + - [dir x] contains the python script + +#. Run the script on the Windows command line: + + .. code-block:: + + python generate-manifest.py -f "dir y" + +#. Examine the manifest file and confirm that is correct. + +#. Package all Heat/ENV files, all other files, and the MANIFEST.json + into one .zip file. + + +.. |image1| image:: media/tenant.png +.. _tenant: https://wiki.onap.org/display/DW/Glossary#Glossary-tenant diff --git a/docs/guides/onap-user/pre-onboarding/media/tenant.png b/docs/guides/onap-user/pre-onboarding/media/tenant.png Binary files differnew file mode 100644 index 000000000..b5ae8c678 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/guides/onap-user/pre-onboarding/media/tenant.png diff --git a/docs/guides/onap-user/resource-onboarding/index.rst b/docs/guides/onap-user/resource-onboarding/index.rst new file mode 100644 index 000000000..4a3cbc1e3 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/guides/onap-user/resource-onboarding/index.rst @@ -0,0 +1,250 @@ +.. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 +.. International License. http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 +.. Copyright 2019 ONAP Contributors. All rights reserved. + +Resource Onboarding +=================== +**Goal:** Add models and other artifacts required to create, configure, instantiate, and manage a VF and, optionally, a VFC. + +**Tool:** SDC + +**SDC user role:** Designer + +|image0| + +**Steps** + * `Create a License Model`_ + * `Create a License Key Group [Optional]`_ + * `Create an Entitlement Pool`_ + * `Create a Feature Group`_ + * `Create a License Agreement`_ + * `Create a Vendor Software Product`_ + * `Update VFCs in a VSP [optional]`_ + * `Update a VSP [optional]`_ + +After updating the artifacts in a VSP, also update: + * the VF created from the VSP + * any services that include the VF + +|image1| + +Create a License Model +---------------------- + +VSPs optionally require a license and entitlements to enable the service provider to track the usage. + +Note: For interim saving while creating the license model and its components, click |image2| + +**Prerequisites:** To obtain license information, contact the service provider's Supply Chain Management (SCM) group. + +|image3| + +#. From the SDC HOME page, click *ONBOARD*. +#. Hover over Add and select New License Model. +#. Complete all fields. +#. Click *Save*. +#. In the ONBOARD header, hover over the arrow after License Agreements to reveal a menu. + Select the following options in order: + + #. Create 0 or more license key groups (see `Create a License Key Group [Optional]`_). + #. Create 1 or more entitlement pools (see `Create an Entitlement Pool`_). + #. Create 1 or more feature groups (see `Create a Feature Group`_). + #. Create 1 or more license agreements (see `Create a License Agreement`_). + + Note: Perform all steps above before submitting the license model to the SDC catalog. + +#. In the header, click the license model created in steps 1 to 4. +#. Click *Check In* to save changes. +#. Click *Submit* to add the license model to the catalog. A success message displays. +#. After creating a license, complete `Create a Vendor Software Product`_ to add the VSP required for the associated VF. + +Create a License Key Group [Optional] +------------------------------------- + +If required by the resource model, create one or more license key groups; otherwise the license key group is optional. + +**Prerequisites:** `Create a License Model`_ + +|image4| + +1. From the drop-down menu, select License Key Groups. +2. Click *Add License Key Group*. + The Create New License Key Group box displays. +3. Complete all fields. + Note: Enter the manufacturer reference number in the Name field. +4. Click *Save*. + +Create an Entitlement Pool +-------------------------- + +**Prerequisites:** If required by the resource model, create one or more license key groups (see `Create a License Key Group [Optional]`_). + +|image5| + +1. From the drop-down menu, select Entitlement Pools. +2. Click *Add Entitlement Pool*. + The Create New Entitlement Pool box displays. +3. Complete required fields (mandatory fields are marked by a red asterisk). +4. Click *Save*. + +Create a Feature Group +---------------------- + +**Prerequisites:** Create one or more: + +* license key groups if required by the resource model (see `Create a License Key Group [optional]`_) +* entitlement pools (see `Create an Entitlement Pool`_) + +|image6| + +1. From the drop-down menu, select Feature Groups. +2. Click *Add Feature Group*. + The Create New Feature Group box displays. +3. On the General tab, complete all fields. +4. Click *Entitlement Pools*. +5. Click *Available Entitlement Pools*. +6. Select one or more entitlement pools and click the right arrow. +7. Click *License Key Groups*. +8. Click *Available License Key Groups*. +9. Select one or more license key groups and click the right arrow. +10. Click *Save*. + +Create a License Agreement +-------------------------- + +**Prerequisites:** Create one or more feature groups (see `Create a Feature Group`_). + +|image7| + +1. From the drop-down menu, select License Agreements. +2. Click *Add License Agreement*. + The Create New License Agreement box displays. +3. On the General tab, complete required fields (mandatory fields are marked by a red asterisk). +4. Click *Feature Groups*. +5. If not selected, click *Available Feature Groups*. +6. Select one or more groups and click the right arrow. +7. Click *Save*. +8. Return to step 5 of `Create a License Model`_ to complete the license model. + +Create a Vendor Software Product +-------------------------------- + +Create one or more Vendor Software Products (VSPs) as the building blocks for VFs. + +.. note:: + For interim saving while creating a VSP, click |image2| + +**Prerequisites:** + +* `Create a License Model`_ +* Generate manifest and package artifacts. + +#. From the SDC HOME page, click *ONBOARD*. +#. Hover over Add and select New Vendor Software Product. +#. The New Software Product box is displayed. + Complete all fields. +#. Click *Save*. + The Overview section is displayed. + + .. note:: + A warning is displayed under License Agreement if the VSP does not have an associated license. + +#. Click *Software Product Details* (left pane). + + |image8| + +#. In order, select a licensing version, a license agreement, and one or more feature groups. +#. [Optional] Complete other fields, such as Availability (high-availability zones) and Storage + Data Replication (requirement for storage replication), as required. +#. In Software Product Attachments (right pane), click *Select file*. +#. Locate a Heat .zip package and click *Open*. + SDC validates the files in the package. After successful validation, SDC displays the files + and a success message. If validation fails, SDC displays the errors in the files. + + Example Heat errors: + + |image9| + +#. Click *Check In* to save the changes. +#. Click *Submit* to add the VSP to the catalog. +#. A success message is displayed. If the VSP attachments contain errors, an error message is displayed instead. Fix the issue(s) and re-submit. +#. To configure VFCs associated with the VSP, see `Update VFCs in a VSP [optional]`_, below. + + +Update VFCs in a VSP [optional] +------------------------------- + +If required, configure Virtual Function Components (VFCs) associated with a VSP, such as the Hypervisor, VM recovery details, and cloning. VFCs are listed on the Components tab. + +.. note:: + All fields are optional. Answers to questionnaires are stored as metadata only on the SDC platform. + +**Prerequisites:** Add one or more VSPs (see `Create a Vendor Software Product`_). + +#. From the SDC HOME page, click *ONBOARD* and search for a VSP. +#. In the Overview section, click *Check Out*. +#. In Components (bottom pane), click a VFC (VSP component). + The component links display in the left pane. +#. Click *General* to view and edit general parameters such as hypervisor, image format, VM recovery details, and DNS configuration. +#. Click *Compute* to view and edit VM parameters such as the number of VMs required for a VFC instance and persistent storage/volume size. +#. Click *High Availability & Load Balancing* to answer questions related to VM availability and load balancing. +#. Click *Networks* to view or edit parameters related to network capacity and interfaces. + + .. note:: + Click an interface to view or edit it. A dialog box displays similar to the figure below. + + |image10| + +#. Click *Storage* to configure storage information, such as backup type, storage size, and logging. +#. Click *Process Details*, click *Add Component Process Details*, and complete the Create New Process Details dialog box. Use Process Details to identify the processes and configuration associated with VFCs. +#. Click *Monitoring* to upload MIB or JSON files for SNMP traps and polling. +#. Click *Overview* and click *Check In* to save changes. +#. If updating a VSP, click *Submit*. If this procedure is performed during the workflow to create a VSP, there is no need to click *Submit* now. + +Update a VSP [optional] +----------------------- + +Upload a new Heat package to a VSP. Afterward, update the VF and service. + +**Prerequisites:** Add one or more VSPs (see `Create a Vendor Software Product`_). + +#. From the SDC HOME page, click *ONBOARD* and search for a VSP. +#. In the Overview section, click *Check Out*. +#. In Software Product Attachments (right pane), click *Select file*. +#. Locate a Heat .zip package and click *Open*. + SDC warns that uploading a new package erases existing data. +#. Click *Continue* to upload the new Heat package. + SDC validates the files in the package. After successful validation, SDC displays the files and a success message. If validation fails, SDC displays the errors in the files. + + .. note:: + If the Heat template contains errors, contact the Certification Group for guidance on how to proceed. + +#. Click *Check In* to save changes. +#. Click *Submit* to add the VSP to the catalog. + A success message is displayed. If the VSP attachments contain errors, an error message is displayed instead. Fix the issue(s) and re-submit. +#. After updating the VSP: + #. Upload the VSP to the VF (see steps 3 to 5 in (TBD)Update a VF [optional]). + #. Update the VF version in services that include the VF (see step 4 in (TBD) Update a service [optional]). + + +.. |image0| image:: media/sdro-resource-onboarding-workflow.png + +.. |image1| image:: media/sdro-vsp-service-workflow.png + +.. |image2| image:: media/sdro-sdc_vsp_save.png + +.. |image3| image:: media/sdro-license-creation.png + +.. |image4| image:: media/sdro-license-keygroup.png + +.. |image5| image:: media/sdro-entitlement-pool.png + +.. |image6| image:: media/sdro-feature-group.png + +.. |image7| image:: media/sdro-license-agreement.png + +.. |image8| image:: media/sdro-software-product.png + +.. |image9| image:: media/sdro-design_onboardvsp_heaterrors.png + +.. |image10| image:: media/sdro-edit-nic.png diff --git a/docs/guides/onap-user/resource-onboarding/media/sdro-design_asdccanvas_connect_elements.png b/docs/guides/onap-user/resource-onboarding/media/sdro-design_asdccanvas_connect_elements.png Binary files differnew file mode 100644 index 000000000..27c8986e5 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/guides/onap-user/resource-onboarding/media/sdro-design_asdccanvas_connect_elements.png diff --git a/docs/guides/onap-user/resource-onboarding/media/sdro-design_onboardvsp_heaterrors.png b/docs/guides/onap-user/resource-onboarding/media/sdro-design_onboardvsp_heaterrors.png Binary files differnew file mode 100644 index 000000000..94a6743ed --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/guides/onap-user/resource-onboarding/media/sdro-design_onboardvsp_heaterrors.png diff --git a/docs/guides/onap-user/resource-onboarding/media/sdro-edit-nic.png b/docs/guides/onap-user/resource-onboarding/media/sdro-edit-nic.png Binary files differnew file mode 100644 index 000000000..2db64c40b --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/guides/onap-user/resource-onboarding/media/sdro-edit-nic.png diff --git a/docs/guides/onap-user/resource-onboarding/media/sdro-entitlement-pool.png b/docs/guides/onap-user/resource-onboarding/media/sdro-entitlement-pool.png Binary files differnew file mode 100644 index 000000000..20fee24c0 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/guides/onap-user/resource-onboarding/media/sdro-entitlement-pool.png diff --git a/docs/guides/onap-user/resource-onboarding/media/sdro-feature-group.png b/docs/guides/onap-user/resource-onboarding/media/sdro-feature-group.png Binary files differnew file mode 100644 index 000000000..9f4f1b408 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/guides/onap-user/resource-onboarding/media/sdro-feature-group.png diff --git a/docs/guides/onap-user/resource-onboarding/media/sdro-license-agreement.png b/docs/guides/onap-user/resource-onboarding/media/sdro-license-agreement.png Binary files differnew file mode 100644 index 000000000..ef99406d9 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/guides/onap-user/resource-onboarding/media/sdro-license-agreement.png diff --git a/docs/guides/onap-user/resource-onboarding/media/sdro-license-creation.png b/docs/guides/onap-user/resource-onboarding/media/sdro-license-creation.png Binary files differnew file mode 100644 index 000000000..a358d03a4 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/guides/onap-user/resource-onboarding/media/sdro-license-creation.png diff --git a/docs/guides/onap-user/resource-onboarding/media/sdro-license-keygroup.png b/docs/guides/onap-user/resource-onboarding/media/sdro-license-keygroup.png Binary files differnew file mode 100644 index 000000000..c8f293401 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/guides/onap-user/resource-onboarding/media/sdro-license-keygroup.png diff --git a/docs/guides/onap-user/resource-onboarding/media/sdro-resource-onboarding-workflow.png b/docs/guides/onap-user/resource-onboarding/media/sdro-resource-onboarding-workflow.png Binary files differnew file mode 100644 index 000000000..dcc3104e4 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/guides/onap-user/resource-onboarding/media/sdro-resource-onboarding-workflow.png diff --git a/docs/guides/onap-user/resource-onboarding/media/sdro-sdc_vsp_save.png b/docs/guides/onap-user/resource-onboarding/media/sdro-sdc_vsp_save.png Binary files differnew file mode 100644 index 000000000..81f1df634 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/guides/onap-user/resource-onboarding/media/sdro-sdc_vsp_save.png diff --git a/docs/guides/onap-user/resource-onboarding/media/sdro-software-product.png b/docs/guides/onap-user/resource-onboarding/media/sdro-software-product.png Binary files differnew file mode 100644 index 000000000..457baa8cf --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/guides/onap-user/resource-onboarding/media/sdro-software-product.png diff --git a/docs/guides/onap-user/resource-onboarding/media/sdro-vsp-service-workflow.png b/docs/guides/onap-user/resource-onboarding/media/sdro-vsp-service-workflow.png Binary files differnew file mode 100644 index 000000000..5a5ad9496 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/guides/onap-user/resource-onboarding/media/sdro-vsp-service-workflow.png diff --git a/docs/guides/onap-user/service-distribution/index.rst b/docs/guides/onap-user/service-distribution/index.rst new file mode 100644 index 000000000..4ed231047 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/guides/onap-user/service-distribution/index.rst @@ -0,0 +1,135 @@ +.. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 +.. International License. http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 +.. Copyright 2019 ONAP Contributors. All rights reserved. + +Governance Approval and Service Distribution +============================================ + +Each ONAP platform operator will have a specific set of policies +and procedures for approving Services and deploying them in the +operator's ONAP environment. This outline describes the general +flow of such procedures. + +**Goal:** Add all information required to create, instantiate, and +manage a service. + +**Tools:** SDC + +**SDC user roles:** Governor, Ops + +Steps +----- + +- `Review a Service for Governance Approval`_ +- `Request Service Distribution`_ +- `Distribute a Service`_ +- `Verify that the DCAE Blueprint is Deployed`_ + +|image1| + +**Figure 1. Workflow** + +Review a Service for Governance Approval +---------------------------------------- + +A member of the Governance Board performs a governance review of a +certified service and its associated VFs, and then approves (or rejects) +the artifacts for distribution. + +**Prerequisites:** Service is tested. + +**Steps** + +#. Sign in to SDC as a Governor. +#. From the HOME page, click CATALOG and select a service that is ready + for governance review. +#. Review the service and its associated resources. +#. To view deployment artifacts: + + #. Click *Composition* tab (left pane) and then click the Deployment + Artifact icon (right pane) to see the list of artifacts. + #. Click the download icon adjacent to an artifact to download and + view it. + +#. When the review is complete, click: + + - *Accept* if the service passes the governance review. The service is + marked Approved for Distribution. + - *Reject* if the service fails the governance review. The service is + marked Rejected for Distribution. + +After a service receives governance approval, it moves into the Waiting +to be Distributed section of the Operations Workspace (Ops role) + +Request Service Distribution +---------------------------- + +Request service distribution to populate all appropriate ONAP +components with the resources and artifacts ssociated with the service and its +VFs. + +**Prerequisites:** + +A service has received governance approval and is +available in the Waiting to be Distributed section of the SDC Operations +Workspace (under the Ops Role). For more information, see +`Review a Service for Governance Approval`_. + +The steps shown here are generic; each service provider has a different, +specific set of instructions. Contact your site IT support for the +particulars. + +**Steps** + +#. Open at ticket request at your site +#. Make a "DISTRIBUTION REQUEST" +#. Provide the following information in your request: + + - Environment + - Name of service to be distributed + - Version number + - [Optional] Additional information or instructions (provide special + instructions for the request) + - Your user ID + - [Optional] Alternate Contact user ID (provide an alternate contact + if the primary contact is unavailable) + +Distribute a Service +-------------------- + +**Prerequisites:** The service is approved. + +**Steps** + + +#. Sign in to SDC as Ops. +#. In the Active Projects pane (left pane) of the HOME page, select the + W*aiting For Distribution* check box. +#. Select a service that is ready for distribution. +#. Review the version history to verify that the correct version is + selected. +#. In the header, click *Distribute*. + + The service moves from the Ready For Distribution folder to the + Distributed Services folder. + +#. From the Workspace pane, click *Distributed Services*. + All distributed services display. +#. Select the service distributed in step 5 and click *Monitor*. + The Distribution Report displays. +#. In the Distribution Report, navigate to the Component ID for the + service and click the adjacent down arrow. + The report shows all components associated with the service and their + distribution statuses, such as DOWNLOAD_OK. +#. Review the status of each component. + +Verify that the DCAE Blueprint is Deployed +------------------------------------------ + +The DCAE controller requires a blueprint (or guideline) to be available +at the site on which the first VNF is deployed. This blueprint is a +management workflow and configuration description for a given VNF, and +it must be available after completing the service distribution process +and before beginning the instantiation process. + +.. |image1| image:: media/design_governance_workflow.png diff --git a/docs/guides/onap-user/service-distribution/media/design_governance_workflow.png b/docs/guides/onap-user/service-distribution/media/design_governance_workflow.png Binary files differnew file mode 100644 index 000000000..44d6b702f --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/guides/onap-user/service-distribution/media/design_governance_workflow.png diff --git a/docs/guides/onap-user/servicedesigner.rst b/docs/guides/onap-user/servicedesigner.rst index 823fccdc1..560cbf490 100644 --- a/docs/guides/onap-user/servicedesigner.rst +++ b/docs/guides/onap-user/servicedesigner.rst @@ -2,6 +2,8 @@ .. International License. http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 .. Copyright 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved. +.. _user-guides-service-design: + Service Design ============== The goal of the service design process is to create all artifacts @@ -22,7 +24,11 @@ Design includes the following topics: * `Pre-Onboarding <https://wiki.onap.org/x/Y4AP>`_ -* `Resource Onboarding <https://wiki.onap.org/x/YIAP>`_ +.. toctree:: + :maxdepth: 1 + :titlesonly: + + Resourse-Onboarding <./resource-onboarding/index.rst> * `VF Creation and Testing <https://wiki.onap.org/x/PoAP>`_ diff --git a/docs/guides/onap-user/vfcreation/index.rst b/docs/guides/onap-user/vfcreation/index.rst new file mode 100644 index 000000000..f4c8c15ae --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/guides/onap-user/vfcreation/index.rst @@ -0,0 +1,177 @@ +.. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 +.. International License. http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 +.. Copyright 2019 ONAP Doc Team. All rights reserved. + +VF Creation and Testing +======================= +**Goal**: Using VSPs, create one or more VFs as the building blocks for a +service. Validate and certify the VFs. + +**ONAP Component**: SDC + +**SDC user roles**: Designer, Tester + +|image1| + +Steps +----- + +- `Create a VF`_ +- `Update a VF [optional]`_ +- `Submit a VF for testing`_ +- `Test a VF`_ + +Create a VF +----------- + +**Prerequisites:** + +- Create a license for each VF (see Create a license model) (see also the + tutorial Creating a Licensing Model) +- Create a Vendor Software Product. + +**Steps** + +#. From the SDC HOME page, click the *Vendor Software Component* icon in the + header (upper right). + + |image2| + +#. From the Import VF box, expand a VSP name and click the *Import VSP* icon. + + |image3| + +#. In the General section, complete all fields. + + .. note:: Use the letters "VF" in the name to indicate that the component is a VF. + +#. Click *Create*. + + - A message displays while VF creation is in progress. (This can take up to + 10 minutes.) + - A message displays when VF creation is complete. + +#. Click *Check In* to save changes. + + - A box displays for confirming the changes. + +#. Enter a comment and click *OK*. + + - A message displays when the VF is checked in. + +#. [Optional] At any time before submitting the VF for testing, click these + options to update VF information: + + .. note:: These tasks can be done only before submitting the VF for testing. + + - Icon — change the icon associated with the VF (vendor-supplied icons are + preferred) + - Deployment Artifacts — download, view, modify, or change VF deployment + artifacts (for example, the contents of the Heat .zip file, which contains + the Heat volume template, the VF license, etc.) + - Information Artifacts — view or upload artifacts, such as test scripts, test + results, or the AIC questionnaire + - TOSCA Artifacts — view or upload the TOSCA model or the TOSCA template + - Properties — define or update VF properties (not used in Release 1) + - Composition — view or edit the graphical representation of the resource-level + TOSCA model (generated from the Heat template) + - Activity Log — view activity related to assets associated with the VF + (displays the action, date, user, status, and any comments related to each + action) + - Deployment — view VF modules defined in the Heat template + - Inputs — view inputs defined for the resource-level TOSCA model + +#. After creating a VF, submit it for testing (see `Submit a VF for testing`_). + +Update a VF [optional] +---------------------- + +- Update the VSP and other artifacts in a VF. +- Upload a new version the VSP to the VF whenever the VSP is updated (see steps + 3 to 5). Other reasons for updating a VF include: + + - artifact changes at the VF level that need be uploaded, for example, + changes to ENV values (see step 6) + +**Prerequisites:** + +- `Create a VF`_. +- If the VSP was updated: Update a VSP [optional] + +**Steps** + +#. From the SDC HOME page, click *CATALOG* and search for a VF. + +#. In the General section, click *Check Out*. + The Select VSP field is displays. + +#. In the Select VSP field, click *Browse*. + The Import VF box displays and shows the VSP that was used to create the VF. + +#. Expand the VSP field and click. + + |image4| + +#. Click |image5| + A progress bar displays. |image6| + +#. Click *Deployment Artifact* to edit, upload, or delete associated [Optional] + deployment artifacts. + +#. Click *Information Artifact* and edit, upload, or delete associated + [Optional] information artifacts. + +#. Click *Check In* to save changes. + +#. After updating the VF: + + - Submit the VF for testing (see Submit a VF for testing). + - Update the VF version in any service that contains the VF + (see step 4 in Update a service [optional]). + +Submit a VF for testing +----------------------- + +**Prerequisites:** `Create a VF`_ + +**Steps** + +#. When a VF is ready for testing, click *CATALOG* and service for the VF. +#. Click the VF and click *Submit for Testing*. + + |image7| + + |image8| + +#. Enter a message for the testers asking that they begin service certification + and click *OK*. + + The default mail client launches with a draft email containing the message. + +#. Add the email addresses of the people on the Certification Group for this + site with the *Tester* role and send the email. + +Test a VF +--------- + +Test the design and artifacts of a VF. + +**Prerequisites:** `Submit a VF for testing`_. + +**Steps** + +#. Sign in to SDC as a *Tester*. +#. From the HOME page, select *Ready For Testing* under Active Projects. +#. In the right pane, click the VF. +#. Click *Start Testing*. +#. Test the VF. +#. When testing is complete, click *Accept*. + +.. |image1| image:: media/design_vf_workflow.png +.. |image2| image:: media/image2017-1-27_11-13-30.png +.. |image3| image:: media/image2017-1-27_11-14-3.png +.. |image4| image:: media/image2017-1-27_11-17-18.png +.. |image5| image:: media/sdc_artifact_update.png +.. |image6| image:: media/design_vf_updatevspmessage.png +.. |image7| image:: media/image2017-1-27_11-20-13.png +.. |image8| image:: media/image2017-1-27_11-21-4.png diff --git a/docs/guides/onap-user/vfcreation/media/design_vf_updatevspmessage.png b/docs/guides/onap-user/vfcreation/media/design_vf_updatevspmessage.png Binary files differnew file mode 100644 index 000000000..bf401daac --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/guides/onap-user/vfcreation/media/design_vf_updatevspmessage.png diff --git a/docs/guides/onap-user/vfcreation/media/design_vf_workflow.png b/docs/guides/onap-user/vfcreation/media/design_vf_workflow.png Binary files differnew file mode 100644 index 000000000..d3e831229 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/guides/onap-user/vfcreation/media/design_vf_workflow.png diff --git a/docs/guides/onap-user/vfcreation/media/image2017-1-27_11-13-30.png b/docs/guides/onap-user/vfcreation/media/image2017-1-27_11-13-30.png Binary files differnew file mode 100644 index 000000000..7bf32d4fc --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/guides/onap-user/vfcreation/media/image2017-1-27_11-13-30.png diff --git a/docs/guides/onap-user/vfcreation/media/image2017-1-27_11-14-3.png b/docs/guides/onap-user/vfcreation/media/image2017-1-27_11-14-3.png Binary files differnew file mode 100644 index 000000000..5a8d190a8 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/guides/onap-user/vfcreation/media/image2017-1-27_11-14-3.png diff --git a/docs/guides/onap-user/vfcreation/media/image2017-1-27_11-17-18.png b/docs/guides/onap-user/vfcreation/media/image2017-1-27_11-17-18.png Binary files differnew file mode 100644 index 000000000..d12ca8fec --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/guides/onap-user/vfcreation/media/image2017-1-27_11-17-18.png diff --git a/docs/guides/onap-user/vfcreation/media/image2017-1-27_11-20-13.png b/docs/guides/onap-user/vfcreation/media/image2017-1-27_11-20-13.png Binary files differnew file mode 100644 index 000000000..82392a742 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/guides/onap-user/vfcreation/media/image2017-1-27_11-20-13.png diff --git a/docs/guides/onap-user/vfcreation/media/image2017-1-27_11-21-4.png b/docs/guides/onap-user/vfcreation/media/image2017-1-27_11-21-4.png Binary files differnew file mode 100644 index 000000000..594664344 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/guides/onap-user/vfcreation/media/image2017-1-27_11-21-4.png diff --git a/docs/guides/onap-user/vfcreation/media/sdc_artifact_update.png b/docs/guides/onap-user/vfcreation/media/sdc_artifact_update.png Binary files differnew file mode 100644 index 000000000..266d965f8 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/guides/onap-user/vfcreation/media/sdc_artifact_update.png diff --git a/docs/release/index.rst b/docs/release/index.rst index c27ed9178..a54a0a46c 100644 --- a/docs/release/index.rst +++ b/docs/release/index.rst @@ -19,9 +19,28 @@ Casablanca Releases =================== The following releases are available for Casablanca: + - `Casablanca Maintenance Release 3.0.2`_ - `Casablanca Maintenance Release 3.0.1`_ - `Casablanca Major Release 3.0.0`_ +Casablanca Maintenance Release 3.0.2 +==================================== + +* Release Name: Casablanca +* Release Version: 3.0.2 +* Release Date: Apr 15, 2019 + +Casablanca Maintenance Release 3.0.2 addresses issue of certificate expiry across the following projects: + - AAI + - CLAMP + - DMAAP Data Router + - Policy + - VID + - Portal + +Details on the specific Jira tickets addressed by each project can be found in the component specific Release Notes. Link can be found below in section `Project Specific Release Notes`_. + + Casablanca Maintenance Release 3.0.1 ==================================== @@ -29,7 +48,7 @@ Casablanca Maintenance Release 3.0.1 * Release Version: 3.0.1 * Release Date: Jan 31, 2019 -The Casablanca Maintenance Release delivered a number of fixes and updates across the following projects: +Casablanca Maintenance Release 3.0.1 delivered a number of fixes and updates across the following projects: - AAI - APPC - CCSDK @@ -241,4 +260,3 @@ To properly report a bug in Jira, you may want to consider these `recommendation releaserepos.rst repolist.rst - diff --git a/docs/release/releaserepos.rst b/docs/release/releaserepos.rst index 74170900b..4beabfea7 100644 --- a/docs/release/releaserepos.rst +++ b/docs/release/releaserepos.rst @@ -84,14 +84,16 @@ Documentation doc <../release-notes.rst> -Data Management as a Platform Message Router --------------------------------------------- +Data Management as a Platform +----------------------------- .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 :titlesonly: - dmaap<../submodules/dmaap/messagerouter/messageservice.git/docs/release-notes/release-notes.rst> + dmaap message router (MR) <../submodules/dmaap/messagerouter/messageservice.git/docs/release-notes/release-notes.rst> + dmaap data router (DR) <../submodules/dmaap/datarouter.git/docs/data-router/release-notes.rst> + dmaap bus controller (BC) <../submodules/dmaap/buscontroller.git/docs/release-notes/release-notes.rst> External API / NBI ------------------ diff --git a/docs/release/repolist.rst b/docs/release/repolist.rst index 809238216..c7e4cd892 100644 --- a/docs/release/repolist.rst +++ b/docs/release/repolist.rst @@ -90,3 +90,5 @@ Project/Components ccsdk/apps <../submodules/ccsdk/apps.git/docs/index> cds <../submodules/ccsdk/cds.git/docs/index> oom/offline-installer <../submodules/oom/offline-installer.git/docs/index> + ccsdk/features <../submodules/ccsdk/features.git/docs/index> + parent 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