path: root/docs/guides/onap-user/resource-onboarding
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-.. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
-.. International License.
-.. Copyright 2019 ONAP Contributors. All rights reserved.
-Resource Onboarding
-**Goal:** Add models and other artifacts required to create, configure, instantiate, and manage a VF and, optionally, a VFC.
-**Tool:** SDC
-**SDC user role:** Designer
- * `Create a License Model`_
- * `Create a License Key Group [Optional]`_
- * `Create an Entitlement Pool`_
- * `Create a Feature Group`_
- * `Create a License Agreement`_
- * `Create a Vendor Software Product`_
- * `Update VFCs in a VSP [optional]`_
- * `Update a VSP [optional]`_
-After updating the artifacts in a VSP, also update:
- * the VF created from the VSP
- * any services that include the VF
-Create a License Model
-VSPs optionally require a license and entitlements to enable the service provider to track the usage.
-Note: For interim saving while creating the license model and its components, click |image2|
-**Prerequisites:** To obtain license information, contact the service provider's Supply Chain Management (SCM) group.
-#. From the SDC HOME page, click *ONBOARD*.
-#. Hover over Add and select New License Model.
-#. Complete all fields.
-#. Click *Save*.
-#. In the ONBOARD header, hover over the arrow after License Agreements to reveal a menu.
- Select the following options in order:
- #. Create 0 or more license key groups (see `Create a License Key Group [Optional]`_).
- #. Create 1 or more entitlement pools (see `Create an Entitlement Pool`_).
- #. Create 1 or more feature groups (see `Create a Feature Group`_).
- #. Create 1 or more license agreements (see `Create a License Agreement`_).
- Note: Perform all steps above before submitting the license model to the SDC catalog.
-#. In the header, click the license model created in steps 1 to 4.
-#. Click *Check In* to save changes.
-#. Click *Submit* to add the license model to the catalog. A success message displays.
-#. After creating a license, complete `Create a Vendor Software Product`_ to add the VSP required for the associated VF.
-Create a License Key Group [Optional]
-If required by the resource model, create one or more license key groups; otherwise the license key group is optional.
-**Prerequisites:** `Create a License Model`_
-1. From the drop-down menu, select License Key Groups.
-2. Click *Add License Key Group*.
- The Create New License Key Group box displays.
-3. Complete all fields.
- Note: Enter the manufacturer reference number in the Name field.
-4. Click *Save*.
-Create an Entitlement Pool
-**Prerequisites:** If required by the resource model, create one or more license key groups (see `Create a License Key Group [Optional]`_).
-1. From the drop-down menu, select Entitlement Pools.
-2. Click *Add Entitlement Pool*.
- The Create New Entitlement Pool box displays.
-3. Complete required fields (mandatory fields are marked by a red asterisk).
-4. Click *Save*.
-Create a Feature Group
-**Prerequisites:** Create one or more:
-* license key groups if required by the resource model (see `Create a License Key Group [optional]`_)
-* entitlement pools (see `Create an Entitlement Pool`_)
-1. From the drop-down menu, select Feature Groups.
-2. Click *Add Feature Group*.
- The Create New Feature Group box displays.
-3. On the General tab, complete all fields.
-4. Click *Entitlement Pools*.
-5. Click *Available Entitlement Pools*.
-6. Select one or more entitlement pools and click the right arrow.
-7. Click *License Key Groups*.
-8. Click *Available License Key Groups*.
-9. Select one or more license key groups and click the right arrow.
-10. Click *Save*.
-Create a License Agreement
-**Prerequisites:** Create one or more feature groups (see `Create a Feature Group`_).
-1. From the drop-down menu, select License Agreements.
-2. Click *Add License Agreement*.
- The Create New License Agreement box displays.
-3. On the General tab, complete required fields (mandatory fields are marked by a red asterisk).
-4. Click *Feature Groups*.
-5. If not selected, click *Available Feature Groups*.
-6. Select one or more groups and click the right arrow.
-7. Click *Save*.
-8. Return to step 5 of `Create a License Model`_ to complete the license model.
-Create a Vendor Software Product
-Create one or more Vendor Software Products (VSPs) as the building blocks for VFs.
-.. note::
- For interim saving while creating a VSP, click |image2|
-* `Create a License Model`_
-* Generate manifest and package artifacts.
-#. From the SDC HOME page, click *ONBOARD*.
-#. Hover over Add and select New Vendor Software Product.
-#. The New Software Product box is displayed.
- Complete all fields.
-#. Click *Save*.
- The Overview section is displayed.
- .. note::
- A warning is displayed under License Agreement if the VSP does not have an associated license.
-#. Click *Software Product Details* (left pane).
- |image8|
-#. In order, select a licensing version, a license agreement, and one or more feature groups.
-#. [Optional] Complete other fields, such as Availability (high-availability zones) and Storage
- Data Replication (requirement for storage replication), as required.
-#. In Software Product Attachments (right pane), click *Select file*.
-#. Locate a Heat .zip package and click *Open*.
- SDC validates the files in the package. After successful validation, SDC displays the files
- and a success message. If validation fails, SDC displays the errors in the files.
- Example Heat errors:
- |image9|
-#. Click *Check In* to save the changes.
-#. Click *Submit* to add the VSP to the catalog.
-#. A success message is displayed. If the VSP attachments contain errors, an error message is displayed instead. Fix the issue(s) and re-submit.
-#. To configure VFCs associated with the VSP, see `Update VFCs in a VSP [optional]`_, below.
-Update VFCs in a VSP [optional]
-If required, configure Virtual Function Components (VFCs) associated with a VSP, such as the Hypervisor, VM recovery details, and cloning. VFCs are listed on the Components tab.
-.. note::
- All fields are optional. Answers to questionnaires are stored as metadata only on the SDC platform.
-**Prerequisites:** Add one or more VSPs (see `Create a Vendor Software Product`_).
-#. From the SDC HOME page, click *ONBOARD* and search for a VSP.
-#. In the Overview section, click *Check Out*.
-#. In Components (bottom pane), click a VFC (VSP component).
- The component links display in the left pane.
-#. Click *General* to view and edit general parameters such as hypervisor, image format, VM recovery details, and DNS configuration.
-#. Click *Compute* to view and edit VM parameters such as the number of VMs required for a VFC instance and persistent storage/volume size.
-#. Click *High Availability & Load Balancing* to answer questions related to VM availability and load balancing.
-#. Click *Networks* to view or edit parameters related to network capacity and interfaces.
- .. note::
- Click an interface to view or edit it. A dialog box displays similar to the figure below.
- |image10|
-#. Click *Storage* to configure storage information, such as backup type, storage size, and logging.
-#. Click *Process Details*, click *Add Component Process Details*, and complete the Create New Process Details dialog box. Use Process Details to identify the processes and configuration associated with VFCs.
-#. Click *Monitoring* to upload MIB or JSON files for SNMP traps and polling.
-#. Click *Overview* and click *Check In* to save changes.
-#. If updating a VSP, click *Submit*. If this procedure is performed during the workflow to create a VSP, there is no need to click *Submit* now.
-Update a VSP [optional]
-Upload a new Heat package to a VSP. Afterward, update the VF and service.
-**Prerequisites:** Add one or more VSPs (see `Create a Vendor Software Product`_).
-#. From the SDC HOME page, click *ONBOARD* and search for a VSP.
-#. In the Overview section, click *Check Out*.
-#. In Software Product Attachments (right pane), click *Select file*.
-#. Locate a Heat .zip package and click *Open*.
- SDC warns that uploading a new package erases existing data.
-#. Click *Continue* to upload the new Heat package.
- SDC validates the files in the package. After successful validation, SDC displays the files and a success message. If validation fails, SDC displays the errors in the files.
- .. note::
- If the Heat template contains errors, contact the Certification Group for guidance on how to proceed.
-#. Click *Check In* to save changes.
-#. Click *Submit* to add the VSP to the catalog.
- A success message is displayed. If the VSP attachments contain errors, an error message is displayed instead. Fix the issue(s) and re-submit.
-#. After updating the VSP:
- #. Upload the VSP to the VF (see steps 3 to 5 in (TBD)Update a VF [optional]).
- #. Update the VF version in services that include the VF (see step 4 in (TBD) Update a service [optional]).
-.. |image0| image:: media/sdro-resource-onboarding-workflow.png
-.. |image1| image:: media/sdro-vsp-service-workflow.png
-.. |image2| image:: media/sdro-sdc_vsp_save.png
-.. |image3| image:: media/sdro-license-creation.png
-.. |image4| image:: media/sdro-license-keygroup.png
-.. |image5| image:: media/sdro-entitlement-pool.png
-.. |image6| image:: media/sdro-feature-group.png
-.. |image7| image:: media/sdro-license-agreement.png
-.. |image8| image:: media/sdro-software-product.png
-.. |image9| image:: media/sdro-design_onboardvsp_heaterrors.png
-.. |image10| image:: media/sdro-edit-nic.png
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