path: root/docs
diff options
authorYuli Shlosberg <>2018-02-15 12:04:46 +0200
committerGerrit Code Review <>2018-02-21 16:11:01 +0000
commit9c97435cc9cad35a83796e000e495c9af1ee8a2a (patch)
treeaa58dfae4b55598df075b075891bd91771497b0e /docs
parent525e237786cfd2823a4597bd21b5c960d7d3477a (diff)
Updated git submodules
Project: sdc master 958c32d2d7a3e5cbd9bc672645cdeb95a49b719a OOM Alignment BE,FE,KBN Change-Id: I8ff609a6be919d5709ce95af5a6a903aeb7afc43 Issue-ID: SDC-918 Signed-off-by: Yuli Shlosberg <>
Diffstat (limited to 'docs')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/docs/submodules/sdc.git b/docs/submodules/sdc.git
-Subproject 4cc47ac3abe00eda7c04b9955e56dafc819e265
+Subproject 958c32d2d7a3e5cbd9bc672645cdeb95a49b719
>135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322
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import pymysql, sys
from os import listdir
from os.path import isfile, join

class mySql():
    def __init__(self, myhost, myuser, mypasswd, mydb):
        self.con = True
        self.error = ''
        self.db = None
            self.db = pymysql.connect(host=myhost,
            self.cur = self.db.cursor()
        except Exception as e:
            self.error = e[1]
            self.con = False

    def Query (self, myquery, val = None):
        results = None
            if val:
                self.cur.execute(myquery, val)
            results = self.cur.fetchall()
        except Exception, e:
            results = repr(e)
        return results
    def Close (self):
        if self.db:

def loadPlaybook (sqlintf, value, version, ext = '.yml'):

    errorCode = 0
    diag = ''
    # Test if primary key already defined
    query = "SELECT name FROM playbook WHERE name='" + value +"'"
    results = sqlintf.Query (query)
    if len(results) > 0:
        query = "INSERT INTO playbook (name) VALUES ('" + value + "')"
        results = sqlintf.Query (query)
        if len(results) > 0:
            errorCode = 1
            diag = results

    # Load playbook
    file = open(playbook_path + value + ext, 'r')
    load_file =
    if not errorCode:
        sql = "UPDATE playbook SET value=%s, version=%s, type=%s WHERE name=%s"

        results = sqlintf.Query(sql, (load_file, version, ext, value))

        if len (results) > 0:
            # Error loading playbook
            errorCode = 1
            diag = results

    return errorCode, diag

def loadCredentials (sqlintf, hostgroup, hostname, cred):
    errorCode = 0
    diag = ''
    # Load credentials

    query = "SELECT hostname,hostgroup FROM inventory WHERE hostname='" + hostname +"'"
    results = sqlintf.Query (query)

    if hostname in str (results):

        results_hostgroups = results[0][1]
        if hostgroup in results_hostgroups.split(','):
            query = "UPDATE inventory SET hostname='" + hostname + "',credentials='" +\
                    cred +\
                    "' WHERE hostname='" + hostname + "'"

            results_hostgroups = results_hostgroups + ',' + hostgroup
            query = "UPDATE inventory SET hostname='" + hostname + "',credentials='" +\
                    cred + "',hostgroup='" + results_hostgroups + \
                    "' WHERE hostname='" + hostname + "'"
        results = sqlintf.Query (query)
        query = "INSERT INTO inventory (hostgroup, hostname, credentials) VALUES ('" + \
                hostgroup + "','" + hostname + "','" + cred + "')"
        results = sqlintf.Query (query)

    if len (results) > 0:
        # Error loading playbook
        errorCode = 1
        diag = results

    return errorCode, diag

def readPlaybook (sqlintf, value, version=None):

    errorCode = 0
    diag = ''

    print "***> in AnsibleSql.readPlaybook"
    if not version:
        query = "SELECT MAX(version) FROM playbook WHERE name like'" + value + "%'"
        print "   Query:", query
        results = sqlintf.Query (query)
        version = results[0][0]

    print "   Provided playbook name:", value 
    print "   Used version:", version

    results = []
    if version:
        query = "SELECT value,type FROM playbook WHERE name='" + value + "@" + version + "'"
        results = sqlintf.Query (query)

        print "Query:", query
        print "Results:", results
    if len(results) == 0:
        errorCode = 1
        if len(results[0]) == 0:
            errorCode = 1
            diag = results[0]
            diag = results[0]

    return value, version, errorCode, diag

def readCredentials (sqlintf, tag):
    errorCode = []
    diag = []

    print "***> in AnsibleSql.readCredential"
    # Load credentials

    for rec in tag:

        # Try hostgroup
        query = "SELECT hostgroup, hostname, credentials FROM inventory WHERE hostgroup LIKE '%" + \
                rec +"%'"
        query_results = sqlintf.Query (query)

        results = ()
        for q in query_results:
            if rec in q[0].split(','):
                l = list(q)
                l[0] = rec
                q = tuple(l)
                results = (q,) + results

        if len(results) == 0:
            # Try hostname
            query = "SELECT hostgroup, hostname, credentials FROM inventory WHERE hostname='" + \
                    rec +"'"
            results = sqlintf.Query (query)

        print "   Query:", query
        print "   Results:", len(results), results

        if len(results) == 0:
            errorCode = 1
            hostgroup = rec
            hostname = rec
            credentials = 'ansible_connection=ssh ansible_ssh_user=na ansible_ssh_private_key_file=na\n'
            diag.append([hostgroup, hostname, credentials])
            errorCode = 0
            for i in range(len (results)):
                for h in results[i][0].split(','):
                    hostgroup = h
                    hostname = results[i][1]
                    credentials = results[i][2]
                    diag.append([hostgroup, hostname, credentials])

    return errorCode, diag

if __name__ == '__main__':

    # Change below
    host="localhost"                    # your host, usually localhost
    user="mysql_user_id"                # your username
    passwd="password_4_mysql_user_id"   # your password
    db="ansible"                        # name of the data base

    playbook_path = "/home/ubuntu/RestServerOpenSource/"
    inventory = "/home/ubuntu/RestServerOpenSource/Ansible_inventory"

    onlyfiles = [f for f in listdir(playbook_path)
                 if isfile(join(playbook_path, f))]

    sqlintf = mySql (host, user, passwd, db)

    # Load playbooks

    print "Loading playbooks"
    for file in onlyfiles:
        if "yml" in file:

            name = file.split (".yml")[0]
            print "  Loading:", name
            version = name.split("@")[1]
            errorCode, diag = loadPlaybook (sqlintf, name, version, '.yml')
            if errorCode:
                print "  Results: Failed - ", diag
                print "  Results: Success"

    print "\nLoading inventory"
    # Load inventory

    hostgroup = None
    inv = {}
    file = open(inventory, 'r')

    for line in file:

        if '[' in line and ']' in line:
            hostgroup = line.strip().replace('[','').replace(']','')
            inv[hostgroup] = {}
        elif hostgroup and len(line.strip())>0:
            host = line.strip().split(" ")[0]
            credentials = line.replace(host,"")
            inv[hostgroup][host] = credentials

    for hostgroup in inv:
        print "  Loading:", hostgroup
        hostfqdn = ''
        cred = ''
        for hostname in inv[hostgroup]:
            cred = inv[hostgroup][hostname]
            errorCode, diag = loadCredentials (sqlintf, hostgroup, hostname, cred)
            if errorCode:
                print "  Results: Failed - ", diag
                print "  Results: Success"
    print "\nReading playbook"
    # Read playbook

    if not sqlintf.con:
        print "Cannot connect to MySql:", sqlintf.error
    name = "ansible_sleep"
    print "Reading playbook:", name
    value, version, errorCode, diag = readPlaybook (sqlintf, name)
    if errorCode:
        print "Results: Failed - ", diag
        print "Results: Success"
        print value
        print version
        print diag

    print "\nReading inventory"

    # Read inventory

    tag = ["your_inventory_test_group_name"]
    print "Reading inventory tag:", tag
    errorCode, diag = readCredentials (sqlintf, tag)
    if errorCode:
        print "Results: Failed - ", diag
        print "Results: Success"
        print diag